HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-12, Page 87
7 -7
-TA—N-U"y 12,1894
8. now
visit for
y The. bereaved ban. who hay been hire aps,
diad d. 0 PRIDAY,
pew. of 1106
&m Th by the bridwbelis
a -we iddenly oI Th M Jordan, met, with a 0altifil adoldent up ng 11B to .0 plate at and famil 1ave tho sympathy of o week or o, have return
wadilb Wednesday.' While "tural out of Mrs. Toronto.
45:2 **,be So, .how former Btpgsq�lto; large number of relatives I dx.—Mlis Bell
somewhat isni as in Goderich tb -
t �Writl I - ght wagon, the residence. of another Ig at the Dick 0 1; andon. for 86v
a Came's lane with a horse a ii oral JANUARY 12th, 1894. stock Reducing 8 46. a a4romen is, thebride be- M'�jy Dunbar, of Ashfiel "has boon -in and
=b. h a not been g000 Ome. month , NJ He loor-his balance and fell at, MIS head In Toroutoo Mir. Johq LI r i I lbome On a via! looki hole
r a Miss. Lizzie 'hon)e of h iister, Mrs. &�Biiird.�It
n%uniaeas on -
a ritij from an at iok of Is gti striking on, th6 hord'road. He receivd 1[iter of .� Mrs. Lookle.— 16in lias sold h r I He speaks Wei; of the
y a viork at in roported that Mr- John
Rp dangerous -
T on Sst�rdll'--, DecemUer Soth, we make a
tire storie. �Mr Oil Hill, who has an very sick,rol se ere scalp wound but was not Wilson liares this week to remain
cleari "It all good!& throughout our en m on the corner of the Bayfield road of Brandon.—M c. James E- Troyer
isnow much bnproved ant V1, ly injured. The horse being a reliable ani- Allistola-11"t Huron Farmers' Institute his far
'k Some l 4 � concessioI to Mr.james Mo� jrquatte, Michigan, where
We & thisJu order to reduce our: immense weeks tation, has returned t& Mo
We refer you re orry to an4 first ook after. 'We
before odmuposolair stook -taking. t 'be all right1again.—Ths,900i mal did not ran away.—We a a will be heldin the town hall here on JaI
adOertiftmeni on I this r. truis will soon A good atendance of Tuokersinith. The price is said to be hi has business' interOsts to I
our large W0011610 a not improv- ary 16th and 17th.
ne five of this t the i factory roii�ad late sleep�r4 learn that Mr. Edward Cash I wish hiia all nuecoms..;—Tho annual congregA-
TI& will bC-- founit an exae lent OPPID ch Ag- $6..,100- It is a splendid farm and, -Mr. Md- The BALAN
Goods clothin Tweed , Carpe On Tuesday- morning- foir the first time Id lot as rapidly as-1im frI would like,— Should be on liand. —The; Grey Bran 11 hoe in it co of Carmel ' -Presbyterian.
era ot fortable and tional mo,
come sound t The first meeting of the now toini council ricaltural Society hold their meeting on Q40on wi ursday eveningSanu-
several weeks. It was a al church was hold on Th
11 Monday foeonoon.—Mr; P. Januar ron on January plissaut home.
ea at 4 below % h 1 0 a. Don't '0'7 id I loIt will be held o 11th, the Most Hn good, show-
callaodsNowhatsat ao acan taken ,t of those- who have been so on ary 4thi The attendance was
tia pared with Lannon. son of Mr. Jimes of the 17th, and the driving park on igation take OF AJLL KINDS OF
a few dollars mire, happy in this respect �ennou, j4nuary lobb,
properly i - 11 to rd ()a __ MoI all fpI officers and hearing Bayfleld. Ing the interest- that the oongrm
Great -election of
ablic" to Huron Road left Stratfo and the reports road WaIs Of A
citizens of the ualuess C IegoI the 4tatements. iilis is the season of the ye�r wheii In its �*Ibirs
morning to attend theI 01 and marked steady
1 South oI souls one ma, ging nature
d seaforth that city. c' rhif New Yalwo Day Is past, but remember,
P&t ban exemplary young man pie make good resolutions, riot% pirogroo with the, natural growth of tile
Counoli XzrzWt;.'—Th�e last meeting -Of and willsucceed in whatever vacation of life neVer too late to mend. Now-, one of the best resolu- *oongrea�stion.—Memsrm. James Crawford and
onvoyancer,, Heavy tor Go'.
This store'
e day '3 t% connection wit= f to in High Court of Justice. become a customer of A. F. Xdwa;6.
the town council for 1893'w" hold on M he may see fit to se.—The meetings In J. A. -ALCINTO�H, C Commis- tions you can make for the year 18941 Is that you *111 ran are the two candidates. for the
witson's Oash Groc ke annuall gr oresbyterian
1yeviong ank of - $100. week of prayer hold dona for !#Idng a
.�Osvi of Carmel
this- week in the Methodist church, Young l3west nites on Pool propertY. h4l long been noted for good reliable goods and the precen aeobs io Ti
the 8, Institute !1as; in ade. It 4" Doy wautto buy starm-1 havea� number in my is to maintain the reputation. Thegrest church, I ly made vacant by the reI
ou belle also decided to pay M C rdoo, $50 for *4 Men's-Christion Aosool&I hall and Pres- MOW= 3r, who so ably
Don't lot "T interested par* hands at present, lor sale, ospooWly two are real z with many is hard times, but If you, bring your tion 0 WILL �E SOLD AT
y, make y 0, ard f r Charles- McAlliett
a iiot the beat byterian church have beelti fairly well'at- Isirs to H. F Edwards you will jet goods i�t h
th6, suors A am selling AT use of the town clook UP � December 3ht. fine forms and can now be bought at very close years. The
v filled thle position for over five
goods, oI AM I am not selling all kinds of ohoi The clerk was also instrucied to notify 4U. tended.—Mr. and Mrs. John Dodds and, prices. 0 , all and see me. 1861-1 timle prices, as he is determined to give extra alues
t by
Drooeries , fnaiar, Feed and Provisions ohes r th he cl� ANY large parcels of goods are bal to cash purchasers. Comespilsee, y6te wil be taken on So - bbath 'fi - Moe&
Cardno that unless t k. be kept 1 family left here yesterday for Flint, Michi- M Greatly fledwed
anyone ;6 can do, who does a credit bus' izy �8 to ballot'.
come to thio store, and judge for.yourself. I d proper repair, as per agn ment, the counoiJ gan, for a t.wo weeks' visit to Mr. Dodds' earried away'the 1�&A week, being our best 0= TRZE LOCALS,—H. Colloday expec
e. Dis- god I a oomm
like the, We of so much money going SMAT to Will not continue to pit at. - ccountJ t6 father, who reeld"i in that lively town.— ence eince the commencement of our sal once work at Goderich harbor.—
for Tea, aid I know a great i .rde Annie Beattie, of:01- _URING -THIS XONTIL
nany, it not &I wo d counts of from go to 50 per cent. are our rule and a linton" is visiting in 1317th. D
y Ord !I Miss O'Leary, of Brussels, spent- a few days 'doing the work. Our Crockery, Glassware
14 home than wit], the amount of $602 were p saad and a a
rather dew h, pedlars if th CO people
64 stop it, to be paid. The time for - turning the ol- in townthis week, the guest,, of thi Misses Boots )ome In for special mention this week. We to4n.—A large. number of youv� BRzv1Txn,—Mr. nso-
got as go ills in
value. The only way to he
situation in the woolleum
r lector's roll w" r
-give better- value berC, so 1, will re extended #util he Nth df Donovan. —Mr.and Mrs.JohiL.04adabordugh, have some genuine clearing btirgains, and now is t spent a veri - enjoyable time ab' Mr. Joseph curad 0
W. ; gj6_ tea for 406� and 40cs TO& r ce and time to secure them, as the stock Is becoming f a on Wednesday.
February. Cc imuDications from Mee nod home Is
IN Allibuying go x4ay even better satisfied
rn 0. 'of Tuoko*rnmith, ratur at week, 'wA Ariker's, 6odorich township, on Tuesday� Wroke H I It for ther
to e c n, closed out. 16 a who has been
to Our 6VOLLIng.—Rov. Mr.,Leitob, of Varns, is to a lirk. 0; ToroI lb Thomas Kidd and John 'Zoattio w8falrii- having spent the last ift months very pl Miss H.W% I
money- granu a cam- than they anticipate. time is shorteningand, prei�ch a missionary sermon in the Method- visiting 1 her relatives here for the larit few Edward- McFaul,
-for $1.40; a 96(WA on
ge ceived . and filed. The ncil then jail- antly irisiting friends in Kansas, Dikota and the goods must go. mulffroan. 1101-1
Mr. will
Journed. morning'aIt 11
per Manitoba.—Bell Telephones have recently NoI —R ist bhuroh,on Sunday 0101OOk- months, 1 lef t for home tbiw week. —
my. Mr. Leech, of the Metho-- the holidays
Q.. WLSON, Seafarth. been -placed in 'Boatti Brtithiirs' store, the —1�ishop Baldwin held (Pentirmation sev- -D&V is home fo SBAFORTH.
diet church, li'still unable to preach, on ac- in, of Cobouri
Back of Commerce Bloc4- —Mr� George Wh 4, skating rink and tha San offioe.—The mom- viob herb on Wednesday evening. On Thurs- at present. Will, looks fine.—Owiig to thw
Wxn END NoI count of illness. He is much missed in our - - 4 - ---
1361 .. bad *lei ist at pres-
who.- had his hand 'takoul off as mentio bars of Britatirib, Masonic Lodge intend hav- midst.—Mr. MoNab pre4chedthe . annlv�r- da� afternoon, a reception was held at the hing the Own is very. qu oupled the jul it an Sabbath and gaft
lost week, is doing as, well �s could be Ing their annual," at home" in, the Lodge parsonage. —The Salvation army are now ant. Ture are a good many of the business Oc ected.—Mrs. Thomas O'Brien is reco room on the evening of the 26th inst.—San- nary servioes in Union Church 9n Sabbath: holding their se'rvioeb in the Orange Hall. men tsk$ng stook.—Mr. S. H. Gidley wasin two very excelloaCdbeoursam. The a
day, Jo last, and the following Monday - be gave 0 tea -meeting was held on Now Year's nighti,
irom her illness.—Mr. A. Nott is improi og nuary 21st, will be missionary San- W ' understand they intend holding & ban- Toronto! lost week.—Lawyer Cook isin.
quet in, about two wqeke,-1!he bridge in- sent, visiting his friends, -11 !right in a short a lecture on the Subject, " Success," which i was largely attended. The people
*#Von and will be m; time. di. day in the Methodist, , church. Rev. Win. town at pro
was very III hl raciated by all who for a good time '&aid had It. Much praime 'A crank Layton was downI grip and got Williams, - D. D., of - Moan 19 y Ap at home
t Forest, I* to pebtd wat here last week. He found our' Frank %ggin,wha has been
were proI Eizzie Rome left on or Wed. due to the ladies and gentlemen of the oon.
DISTRICT MATTERS. up rather soon. A relapse tor Second sai 0 preach.—Mr. James Pringle, f Chicagoo idge had been considerably damaged by with Is grippe, left for Wizighain on tion -for the oburoh.being so handso
Tucaday last to attend London Business
illness was the resuft. e.Wat Freshet., It was a poor- job in the Mr. John Barr has bought Mr. Me.
oys Or has sold out his business in that city and � in College. She taken with bar the best wishes th nesday. gra bi d, and for the quality and sbanv
ly gee
per was held at the residence of - Mr. Fr thinking of loo&I in Canada.—Mr. Jampeo first place.—The annual meeting of the Win. Kell s butohering'busifiess here - We
�Tim TRAcT Swiny.—The R De. of many friends.—Mrs. Fred. Long, of Lou. y
on Tuesday evening Of last week. It Archibald shipped a ear load L of horses to iting at the home Cei4stery Company is t6lbe held on Monday wish him' ouccons.—Mr. A. M. Babb fell on dance of the good things provided, also - for
of her parents. his the order. mind dispatch e
y of the lUpper! don, in via with whi
_M -0I tkeL georstar 4hadi Crich -on, Tuesday nig] of -
wasi . i.otten up by "the young piople and the old country. oxx Friday last. 9 and afternoon, 15th inot., in the town hall, for. the i2o 2t and disfigared
i —A numbeF of ladies in our vills ' -were served. After a. couple of hours
Tract Sodtety,wll give missionary addresses tbapurpose of electing offioars, etc.—Mr. —Mine Ann Moffat left for
vicinity -attend
in Mitieboll, on the therewere about thirty present. the literary,
12th inat. - God-' ., guri(%. ad thoi polls on Now Vear's nose somewhat.
as and amusements weia indulged in James Donaldson. is busy putting up his Chatham. on Monday morning, whereelie social siad Wendly intercourse
erich, on" tke, 14th Clinton, ;n the -'Ing 9&M day. We are-. glad to say that they all vot- was taken up under
engine and machinery for the now mill ik4d intends to continue her college studies.— and musical programme
Bmiii%.—Mr. Dennis' DeI and Mr. Prohibition. We cannoV me how any
suid a4l enjoyed themselves immensely. *11
15th 1--glinondvills, on the 16th 10
ad for the direction- f! Rev. W. W
'o bu -.and Frank Bu. i I the pastor,
11 chopper. He is prepared 1. y any quu Illaman ggin were
per could not well be surpassed. Packard and 4ife left for- Saginaw, Mich- woman who' li�mob de War min.
the 19th, 8u:p has aeon *the iech. Tory appit�prbte-aud eloquent ad-
Eadies, q the 18th Atwood, on r. and Min. titI of logo.—Rev. Mr. Stephenson, of Li
were unanimous that- M ich Igan, a few days s�go. Theyenj d th in Sa*forth the beginningof the week.
pye, teramadesad by the drink traffic,, and in
Kindir olly E Miss dresses were delivi
and dine,, on the %lat. This old so- had been most hospitmbla�to the an usl Molesworth, preached last Sunday in St. ired by Revs. Swann and
'in AOW suco",§. selves well while here. —Miss G I Miss K. roy,who has been theguest ol Hannalli and McDonald Of Var.
'y havi the face of all vote agaiinat Prohibition. —
Clot g very singular has been visiting, friends in =ro V
visito W Andrew's church, and is to preach thers Annie HamiLton, - turned to Toronto this: Walker,
It has noJW eight, oolportaurs, and two sm ore Mrs. M. Whitt has, we understI limit- day.—An error has een made by ris
0 - Tramper, from Kil- ad num bar of vacancies in bar class just now. next Sun us. The Rev. T..T. White and dringhter
year' it oiwulated ounty.-Mr. John- week. -11r. Will Sloan left for Detroit on i
missionaI Last all th Nr porting th' Pr'hibition' W contributed the music, to the grant 4elight
THz 13IxomBrEtom VoTz.—In addition to a papers in a a 0 datto
last W L
*gk, Michigan, is her' visiting his'Po` Those desirous of taking up the study of
56,,000- BIblem and the best, religious books. man a adnesday. morning where he in
pUbliahed sok V have been: For, 54 ; that
the returns we on the 4th a now an ote. It should study medicine. "We v,;e glad to statten of the audience. The following evening a
rens. —Mine Kato Tramper, of the I � piano or or-gan. music lismous Zv ocial was giveit to the Sunday School
DISM.0T.L—The annual meeting -Prohibition vote in this county, We. have concession, after about three' months' sts, at Against, 36; Majority for, I from free a
Y opportunity seldoml offered. She will be - Mrs. N. K.Youag has nearly recoverec ra. After a pleasaut time, enjoyed
g since received official returns from Hp;4ok schola
)irange I;bd a Was in Michigan, returned home a few days ago J a severe 0tack of Is grippe.
of H-ullett District Loyal MoIntosh's, an usual, every Monday. in demolishing cakes plesan Impr
ast .0 01
and Bayfield, Which we did not have 4 to attend; her nick mother.—Mrs. Louis Exeter.
halti at (Minton an Tuesday last. The fol- gramme Lof apseasho
r Proh�bl- Thiel, from Borao,,Michigsin, has been here M& J. T. Westoott, general agent for Port Albert. pro and music was ran-
I'OlWillg A06711 were. elected � for the current
week. ' Howiok'gave'496 votes fo
tionand 248 against it. Bayfield gavel 54 Ashfieltd. the well known Galt Nurseries Is at present canvas- doied, when all retired, home feeling well
on a visiting tour. It is nearly eight years
year, Vii D. Cantellon,. W. X. J. S. PiTRY hims. —Mr and Mrs. Tatch, late Satisfied wtb the success 0
for prohibition and 36 against. There "re since she left for Michigan. Theis have A L&RoicR VoTc—In our last isue we st 'in this vicinity ith reat success. Agents ur anniversary.
the votes pol d by Mr. John Cowan,
Welsh, 0. M. ; George Hanley.. Chaplain in th whole county 7,029 votes le wolMing territory would do wall by consulting Mr. of Detroit, have taken up their residence in Proceeds, about $50. It Should not - be
in favor Of. been many changes since theu.o--Mrs. John gave Westoott'before engaging with any other Arm. This this village. —A large bell has been . placed
W. G. Vance, R. S. ; F�obert Scarlet one of the' candidates for the second dep. omitted to any that the congre#tion deserve
prohibition and 3,813 against, thus leaving. firm grows first -claw Canadian stock, warranted to
Kinzinger presented her husband with a -in the belfry of the English church. It was
Treasurer G. M. Kilty, F. S. ; John Bi. - -for the im en
the majority forg 3 216. The total Votes ab'b' Both grow and true to name. Parties wishlar trees of any rung for the a
I Harney and J. T. We) b mother uty Reaveship *a 246, whereas he should first time last Sunday and has credit provements they have b
lard, D� 0. havp been credited with $67. Ilia opponent description ekould drop him a card be core purchat. putting upon their 'church property
polled figure up to 11,442. At the last Pro- a d son are doing wall.—Sam, omb and %r, dbtinct tone. It was presented to
Mr. 0 Any stock that dieo, except through a clai
12,277 votes J cob Geiger l9ft last Monday for their On neglect, will be reI free of chasm iL361.3 .—Mrs.
lecturers. We are informed that this wt vincial election, there were ly had a majority of 36.. otran is ing e"wilfre. painting the shed and papering the lwallz
largely attended and most enthuslu - the oliuriih by Mr. Patterso M.P*
Plabis4its h4me near Pigeon, Michigan,also Mira. Ps%er good man and will likely get there next great.
polled in this county, so that tho and collingf the church, which very
Loa" Wokz.0. —The now villoge cou�cfl H. Otway, is at present very. III. —LI Wed-
moeI and vigorous - addresses were% t William ly im ' van their appearance,
vote was on'l &35 votes behind. It wolald Weideman. they were all here to atend time if he tries. pro
will be sworn in on Monday next, the 15th nesday evening the barn of - Mr
liered by the officers elect. A strong-fi, Ilia that there was's ver 0 —
seem from t Y full the funeral of 'their father, Daniel B. Moran, A &field, was burned to the ground.
ing *as manifested in favor of havi
nug th a, !not.--4The Stephen and _,Umborno Branch
Thok exact II waltou.
vote recorded in Karon. Geiger, who was buied last Friday. He Cromarty.
next Twelfth of July colebr.ationat Somforth. Airio4ltural 'Society hold their & meet-. A large %�uuut of grain, 2 sheep and other
throughout the Province in pot yet definite- of our pioneeks, and was a faithful' DoTs.—*On Friday afternoon of last week ink her'o on Thurs PRASONAL. —We are glad to loam the
yras one,
I d&I Inst.,whou the bffi- contents ere consunicid. The fire was.
will i Mrs. James Smillie, of Grey, near here, is
Ii known, and it is not likely it father 'a good husband. a true citizen and 'about seventy-five invited gentlemien, am- *ere electedfor the year 1894. eeve caused bylthe upsetting of &lantern, which
Szoourx Fmz BrjGADz.—At the first
until the' official returns are made to ihe cars suffidiontly recovered to be able -to.
a Ana neighbor. pembled in the bunk belon Ing to Mr. Alex- BAI has b' - sit
regular meeting of the Seaforth Fire Brigade 9 een absent from town. the past had been placed on the floor. The lose in
Government. The majority in fsvor�of after being confined to bad for three
ander MoKeliar's farm, where they quickly folir d4m. He was at 4idgetown closing a v surance. — Hattie upi
-8 , the following officers were
for the yesr 1, 94
Prohibition, however Will, net be mich Kippen. cutup a year's wood.. Then they marched large Iand deal.—Who will be vill Qou- daughter of Mr. G. Thurlow, is ill with in- months with m, broken logi
d: Brigade officersIR.Cline,
duty el" short of one hundred thousand. age rkwHoimi FAiR�—Tlie second moutht
Chief $ Robert Beattie Secretary ; Gedrge-- The undo ed havi entered on -his 17th year in double file to the house,, t6 enjoy the hos- st*blei, road commissioner or, assessor for fiammiatori rheumatism. —At the recent y
of business is since
NtpWen, A= to return h
re fair for the sal f horses, cattle, sheep and
A. Sifl*, Treasurer. The Home Company 7 pitality of the cooks. After the. wants of 18"? A night watch will he a- thing of the schoo me1eting the. now trustees appointed
GiBL WAYMID.—Giel wanted fdr general thanks to his many customers and to the public for
hold In thin place on Thurad
-Iowa : Win. Henderson, housework; ` highest wages paid u4A We large share of -patronage extended in the There are 'a number applying for the were Mr. James Stevenson and Mr. J. Ha
elected officers, an fol xxi. W the inner man were supplied, a few hours of p#t.. 3igs will be
past, and trust by keeping in the foreground good merriment were spent with the lad lee, when �-who the lucky one don,, in of Mr. G. Thurlow and Mr., ths 25th last. These fairsare always � sac-
C&I ; K % Beattle) First Lieutenant ; prcKmw, &&forth. .1361.�l as damorehip for 1894 ' 3.
w#k, small profits and close attention to busines' ? Gonful, avd� despite the dull times, & good
John Smith, Second Lieutenant Murray, T3m BooT A1*D SHOE TR&Di Dzm01tAL'1Z- all dispersed to their several homes feeling -w;l, be - in at present unknown.—Ithe old Quaid, =lag.
to xeoeive their confidenbe in the future.' In order' busineez is done at them. There should be
;X. Wright and. J. Warwick, First Branch- ED.—W-e-will make an announcement next.week!re- tomcat an obligationsto mybrothermanadd to wellpleased, with the day's sports.—Mr. council. met for the last time on Friday even-
jneu J. Robertson, T. Jordan and J.- Thom- garding to6timand Shoes thatwill datonish you. In stay the hand of the bailiffs I would ask all having John Stewart, of D&kots, is visiting his iu last. There was a slim attendance.—A Belmore. a lairge turn out of both people and stock.
the meantime we will not aliow Tnz daimm FAoToIty.—The an"nual
C,�e, under accounts of several years' standing to 11drJ(dlymake
mob, Second Branchmen. R. HaxbyJ1 Hy- parents in Hibbert. Is go number of our villagers are confined to NoTzs, ;Mr. Samuel Rantan, of Palmars-
clacumstances, to undersell us. fail to ee an eftort to settle. same, and relieve one Op need. maI �f the patrons of the Walton cheese
:&Ant. -man ; F. Dorsey, Shut -off -man-; Ueo. Ice tickets In windows. GooD BaLoI Gen &I Parties not having settled for binder twine will please th, ir homes with Is-grippe.—The funeral of to
n, our eX-cheese maker, was visiting h re, &
otory was held last week, and was well
A. S4#, Treasurer IL Hixby, Secretary.- Cot and Shoe House, Seaforth an&Brnmaswo"els. I -not overlook this notice. Titomm Untan, Rippen. Chiselhurst. the late Richard Fannon, who, died at his last week.77-Mr. William HAI left Uro
attended. The annual report was preempted,
1360-2 William's- residence at Tho:* bury,. on
THz LATz MRs. Roisit.—Oki the -evenivg moo ru where
for lKarristen high school last week,
A PLEASANT EyzN�nri;.—On Wednesday ENTRrAmmv=s.—Wewou1d again Fe- PUBLEC MERTING.—A public Meeting un- discussed and adopted,, t showed that
of Saturday, December 30th,a most worthy, Th ' areday laid week,took place here on Stin- he intens studying for a second class car' 719,U74 pounds of milk had beeit received,
6rtainment Ion d'r the &novices of the Kippen Auxiliary of Christian lady,in the person of Mrs. Charles day from the resideiiqe of him - Mary A. tificate.—U; r.David Weir brought his bride
ovinihi last those in the employ of Messrs. mind our readers of the out
Bright Broa., merchant tailors of this town, Wednesday evening'next, when Miss P�u. the Women a Foreign Missionary Society will and 64,332 pounds of cheese manufatured,
a Robb, passed to that li�ppy land where Pason'tifi "William street. He was aged
to the village last week. Success t
0 you The average price was 9 63 cents per pound.
a a Indian poo on be held in, the Methodist Church here on there is root for the weary and joy for all.' 941 years.—Mr. John. G P
together with few friends, numbering in Jine JohnstoI the eels r t d 6uld, who has beat Davia.LOdr school opened last weak with
a1r about th' t led, at the residence
received 7.22 cents for ach pound.
ir y, assemb jand assisted by Miss Mill r, Mondayevening, January 15. An excellent f d' ya here wi* his parentsi, a n- attendance of about forty. —Oar chop -
Her death *&a not unexpected, as she had spending a ow a
All the old Board,of Directors were re-eI
of Mr. W. R Brig4t, the senior member of ;contralto soloist of -the Ladies' Quarto to pro. The follow- been ailing for some time, Slig was a kind lef� for Chatham on Wednesday last. —Mr.
gramme is being prepared.
ping mill is doing a bi business these- days.
the firm, on the in�rjstatiou of Mr. and Mrs.' -Club, Toronto, will take P&I L Those 0 ing are expected to deliver addresses : Mrs. Her dough. James Butt, of Cypress River, Manitoba, in ad except Mr. Lewis McDonald, now in
nd benevolent Chriatiad lady —Mr.John. Mulvey Jh red the contract - L. -
wan ; Revs. J. S. Henderson, td J. Swan., ter, Miss Rebecca, arrived home from Lon. vWting friends and relsti*es in and around of by
Bright, and spent a moat enjoyable evening. entertainment Willi be sure o a B soon SeSI whose place was supplied
n cheese factory
Thomas MoMbilzean. The
The company w -are -'entertained. aI a sumptu- iterary and ' mUsiC&I preat, I and will, as Hansa)l, and the pastor, Rev. S. Acheson Exeter.—The South Huro prool 'o iiin. g Mt h e I ore oter Director&
don hospital, where she -intends graddaiting Farmers' Inati- with r. lbert Claridge, of
er which -the evening was 4ell, be the:mans of aidi Or- Music wtll,be furnished by the church choI ire -. Alex. Gardiner, David- KoLmuchlila
-the spring. She arrived just in time to
OUR repast, af Ing hei; less I tute meeting will be hald�,hore to -mo
in rrow, Palmerston, is the cliI maker for, 1894.
John' Grant and- Gorge Kell�, � Thoresent,
8 n in. glkmesf usloy Ocisl - converse, eto; itunate follow;-Oltizens, .62 any surplus over, A silver collection will be taken 'in. aid of -bid her mother a final good b Mrs. Robb
-ye. Saturday.
It is expected thi%t the make next Vear will
vthingwasleftundpneb the heat and paying the expeneei will be devoted to cheese maker, W. A.- Edgar, wu ra-angwl-
mi Qua; had reached the good age of 72 yeam 'She be largar than evbr before.
ad for 1894. He !a a modern man and very
hostess to make, the evening agreeable to- Ming the poor -of' the town'. The opt r- NQTE8,—Mra-. Ann Dayman, mothef. of hadresided on the I,10bh concession of Tuck-
-all and one to be! remembered, and they �taiument is an, 'admirable one� the objeo, a Mrs. Ela Hills GrOn. enthusiastic in his - work. As proof of
in Buit, or., died at the residentie Of eramith for about 20 years, and for 17 a
—Foi several years the ,
succieded. Occasions such as this do much imost worthy one, and there a ould be a.'11 her daughter, near . here, on'Sunday ast. A Ngw Cirumu thin it in said- he wiJ1 attend -the Dairy
to ateate. a unity of feeling between the am- house, previous to that she *am a resident of, Stan- roby rogation In this place hate WAPmGs. —Fire was *disco in
'She had reached the great age of.. 95 Moore. lay. Mr.'Robband family will #ave the vered School at Gaelph for two months this "i -
P on w terian cong Cornyu Brothers? Forniture store, about 9. 1
ploy -or and employed. —The Sons of Scotland of this town 'in- The' emains were interred in. Botgoe'da sincerest sympathy of all in their sad be- b tirshipping in the Temperance hall. 30 ter to catch on to all the latest improI
tend having their annual concert on t a cemetery in . Usborne on Tuesday afternoon. Hal.'ring prdbured & site for a church,. they Sunday qight, and 'a groot deal of damage wants. If the Directors and patrons would
Tax WoRLVs FAIR. —Sheppard's World!s evening. of.'Wednesday, January 24th. T a —Mr. Thom &a Dayman, of the 23rd. conces- determi�ed, sometime ago, to put forth an was dotie. The stock was insured for $1,700 ake equal interest in the factory *it Would
to see what could be done - towards in the Fort and -- Waterloo companies and he a hustler, and woidd yiefid- much larger
]Fait, entertainment ixt Cardno a hall, on Fri- promises -to be the beat of the many gopd sio'n of Tackeramith,bas beenappointed
s now
day -evening last was*ery 'good. The - an- entertainmen,to Ivan Under t4e auspices lof local agent for -Galt -.nursery, one of. the best* getting i church building. A sub. the building ia 3he0ora Mutual for $600. returns to all concerned.
tertsinment was giveA under the auspices -of 4his society. Tfe services of Mr. J. in Canada. He received the a I ointment THicPAT.mis' PLWIFORM.—Mr. Thomas scription istwaseet od foobandhambeen The'loss on � the stock will be about S1,500.
Gibson, M. P. P. for East Hi4ron, will be at so nobly respbuded to that the congregation The building, owned by Dr. r-amblyn, X0
to a MAI
theLacroase club, and the audience was Cameron, of Toronto, -the vpreatile co ie throu 'h their general agent, Mr.Pl T. Wes -
large, the hall being wall filled. The atere- 8inger and elocati No. 4 McKillop,Ta the even
. pist, who -lie a favorie oott, of Exeter.—Mr. William Bakeri 'of ho;*e decided to go 'on with the ject. total loss. Maggie Patittirmon of Glen- XOICalvin Cam and Thomas
Ing of Tuesday, the 23rd inst., at 7 o'clock They have also purchased 21 feet Pro morris is vititing friends in to*if this week.
optiooA viewi of the magnificent buildings w6h Seaforth andiences, also- !of Min. M Hills Green- is moving his family. into our. Vf land
Bone propose: raising th rue and having
wn So village.—Mr. Joseph Hudson ana Mr. Con, P -,m.1 to deliver an,address on the platform from Mrs. Mains, whiohliiiis alongside their -�--MiS "Millitkie Draw, who has sp`ent the laot
of the now famous .. White City, and othbr Arthur, of Hawilt6n, the wel� kpo a stone foundationIs place
VisitingL the eneatli. -them next
[!Cefies connected. wit6 the' of the Patrone-of Industry. Mr.Johu_Mci 6wa mite, thus enlarging it and Makin few months, in Blyth, has returned home.—
t a ow, were tish sinRer, andof Mide Bowe a, promial it, of Hills Green, have been ag.—A great-qualatity of allen Umber
g it a
very plain and life4kke Mr. eloouti6nist'of Tqronto, have an secure �miliee beloI to -St. Andrew's church, Milian, M. P. for South Huron, is also ex- corner lot. A meeting was held s, low days Mr. James H. Rose of Minnesota *in visiting
The veread sesrsibeen manufactured into spove wood dur-
had Charge of the an- pected to be present.
W. _�E. Rammy, who In addition to this array of talent there w 11 0 oigo, and it was unanimously agreed to pro- in IGwu.�Messrs Lott & Sturdy have bought
a6liciti.ag subscripti 'no with which. to build 19lig the past two weeks.—Mise Violet Bone,
tert�dzmeat and given the descriptive part, bethe.RieseeMoLaren,ofS�Itford. Tho -e deed with the new building, and the follow. the livery business and stook of Mr�.- Ward,
a now oburdb at Hills Green. The liberal
of Toronto, is home on a visit to , her par.
is &too good. Moat people seemed to be. well is sure to be a big honso. success, with. which they meet shown the Luniley. ing committee Was appointed to carry out who has returned to Harriston.—Mr. Alex
entk, She has been on the sickilist of latid
pleased,: although the entertainment is,!
o con. No —Mrs. A. 06 a, of this place, is ethe i pJroject, viz.: Win. McAllister, George sn-dbr Bennett and family were visiting in
good feeling.existiog between the tw TE$
and hopes that1he country wil be benefi-
something like the great show itself—there LOOAL BPJXF8.—'Thd "annual fmeeting f gregations.—Our Christian Endeavor Socie. away visiting her `daug4ter-ip-law, Mrs, Anderson, W. H. Johnston, Joseph Hudson Clifford � th6 past *eak.—Mrs. Alexander
cial to her health.—Miss M*ggie Sheridan
is 00: �much to see that oSe feels disappointed tlie HurGn Presbyterial Asso iafjon will a ty starts the new year with the � following Robt. Cole, of Exeter,who is very ill with I& and, Willism' Logan_ Nearly $1,1(* has Forgle is anffering from a paralytic stroke.
is very poorly at preaent,_Cfttrk'n bridge
therI6 �tpot time to nee more. held in Will -is Churgh, Oliui�lw 6n Tuesda tiffic'ere : President, James Moodie'; vice- grippe.—Mrs. W. J. Slaviii, who has been &I bLien subsozibed'and the balanoe —Mr. John Ritchie, Sr., is on the nick list.
was; not carried away by he late floods at
next, the -16bh inst., at 10 o'clock ih t a Preddent, Miss Agnes Thompson; record-. spending her Christmas holidays.with her will, no dou�bt, be forthcoming before the. al�l, but was damaged,, like a good many
FAMzue NSTATUT,F —The annual meet- completion of the edifice. The church is to' 1B ?
elaTave. more. - It takes & Ole of.'money to keep
forepoon.—The East Huron era, Inst - ing Secretary,'Miss Jane Mollie ; Treasurer, parents at Kinloss, has returned.—Mr.Wm.
Ing of the West flurou Farmers' Institute tuite will be held in Brussels ip'n ruesUyvian. *ion Sarah Monteith. * This society.'is do- Glenn, jr., Of the sciath boundary iberti be bHok- and will be �i capable of seating at LocAL HAPPENINGS.—The *nnual cOAffr8- Morris In bridizes,every yesr.)—Coiiancil meeft
p -will have a comfortable base- gat
wilt behold at Kintail, Ashfield . townshi , Weduesdi next instead --of on Monday an I g a good work in our midst. —Mr. Sohaffer has been very ill w1th a severe att%ckl Of I& least 2001 and ional meeting of Knox c"rch was IYeld at the hall
on the 15th inst.—Dea't forpt
on Ja 19th, and 20th,wheu the follow- Tuesday as we stated last- w' Ta $400 woith-.of fowl,on hand.—, grippe.—Mr. au& Win. Slavin have ment for Sabbath School and week night
on Tuesday, and wiks well attended. The
the Farmers' Institati meetings at -Brussels
gra will. be found in anol Farmers are complaining very muck about I V
b er
ing ipeakers will be present. to address the mine ther column �een laid �p with me' are colds; Mrs'. �Slavin. meeti6g. When completed it will be An diff r ,t reports presented showed consider. on the Mh and 17bb inaL verybody is
meoting on thavarious subjects assigned to Two son's of Mr. Samuel iLandaboroug the hard times, the difficulty of raising is still coqfia4 to her bed and � the ,Aoctore ornament to the place and &.credit and ben- able progress during the past year.—The welcome; come and take part in the al
theim . Mr. Wm. Rennie, Form Sixperin*- formerly of Tuckeramitb, arrived here fro Money AI the low prices, paid for their fear her Iwitigs are affected.—Mr. Robert efit to the congregatiou. This conkregmt!On Ladies' Aid Society recently organized in
sions. — Mr. Wm. Speir is . very ill at We
ten4ent of the0intario Agricultural College, ra..Wm re. Cole, of Grana is united with th; Kippen congregation, and connectionwith the above mentioned church OnL the 4ih lize.—Mears.
Park River D&kota,. last we M produce. What -about the poor business Miller, of Petroles, and M brother's home
Rev.: r. Acheson is the pastor of bth.
Mv Andrew Galt &Igo practical Lowrie, of kullett, is at pros t visiting an Rapids, Wichigan, have returned to their has already a membership of nearly thirty. ginith and Ramahaw, of Wrdzeter, h
cho,ese maker will be sent from homes, having been called to Hibbert to The: liberal aid given by members of the —Miss Grace Tayloir in at prompt in Paris. the contract for Mr. MichiO's house, They
the: town, thbL gQeat of Mrs. Chailes Lowfie,
is atIall ille this We
DaOry School, Guelph, to deliver, address V
as Mr. John Hannah a Tuckersmith. tend their father's funeral. ippen congregation testifies more strongly —Several weddings s;re talked of in the near do Me carpentar work, and Messrs. Co6miIii
anif- answer qneationa.,—The Ea�t Hu�ron than words can,to the pleasant relations and future. Wm. Speir, 4th line oi Morris, and MacDonald, of 1&mesto. �bm, the
attending the annual meeting of the Ont"' Nimw BARx.—Mr. Thomas Elder, of the
work.—What everjbZy
on Tuesday and, Wednesday next, and the concession, is going to ereot a fine barn 110011d, stone and brick
Fartners'Institate, will be held at Brussels Creameries', Association, of 'wlhioh he is Ith Greenway.
01 brotherly feeling thar, existi between the is seriously ill at present. A - box
Seoretary.—On Saturday 1413 Mr. John M two congregations. It in xpected the new under the auspices of the Lidice' Aid go. would, like to see is
t 8 coming summer, 42 x 78, with brick Piazx U.P. —Miss! Sarah Jane Brown, of now to make good
8eabnd day of the -South Huron; At Exeter Mann shipped to Miohii*n nineteen' very. church* will be completed and ready for oc- ci9t of the Presbyterian church, will be afeighing. In Many plating t
f andation. Mr. Cudmore, of Henaall, will Winthrop, is visiting friends here.—Mise y he roads are
to-knorraw, Saturda. cupaucy before next fall.
fine horses. He still has in his stables her held at the residence of Mr. George Taylor, bare, making
do the brick work and Mr. McGoDigal the Lydia Bush is home op- -'a visit.—Isaac Wil- hard work for horses with
about fifty head �Mr. Win: JFowler, jr., o one.�mile month of, the village, on Tues
c rpenter work. Weredict a good job for son. of Morningtotf-, Is visiting his brothers, day heavy loads. In most' plazas wagonsrun,
-Dakota. is here -a visit t �Iensall� -
GooD Tx.&cHigP..—We notice that Mr. A
at -now a eve Ing of next week, 18th Inst..
r. Elder. J. F. and 0. 11. Wilson. --,-Mr. Wm. - Rynn D good better than sleighs. - We may get enough of
J. 0. N icholson of Mr. Alexander Niob ol, of friends. Just 'before leaving he -reveiv Dofninion time may be relied upon, --Several families, the, b FAr& PL&Y.—We noticed in your itemi and wife visited friends in London- - I TRZ annual.- weetin of the f Is 0 t before ap g
-igenco that he had A%loultural societ Elensall,will be hold in Hedging Wthis Vioioity ae afRieted with 1% grippe. Baum onf 74yrneberry, is the guest of
Se6forth, and a gFaduate. of the Scooforth ad the gratifying intell I t week about a notable $come of Mr. week.—The friends of Prohibition 'were
-te Ino itute, who for some!time ban been appcinted post�msster Of the town 'I of 0 —The ne'w Presb�.terizn church in occupy- Mrs
Cc4legia t i Tuesday, Yanuary 16th, 1891, b th Directors
tt, bat your correspondent � was ketray, highly pleased with the result of the vote. ikbers are r this week.—Mr. George Smith
beibn teacher of the Eganville Pablip School,' which he lives. It is needle;5 to say ti and'Me equested to be present. L. Ing the minds of quite a few of ouritizesix M
word from HAzoLD, Secretary. 1361-1
a hatched, 21 goolings at two broods and —Mr. A. C. Wilson has rece�ived and wife, 8th Ii attended a weddiag at
waa -made the recipient of a handsome pres- Billy is a Democrat. --Mr. 111arry hile olie hatched t y 15 at present. The epmrhittes have no scarcity Walton on Weduesday.—A box
enti,in the shape � of a gentleman's traveHiBg son of Dr. rintendent of the he last the gander took the President of Guelph College that he SE4LUFG OUT.,BeginuiDg on Janusz sodii will
Russell, supe
the first, seeing to theii parental wants. has passed successfully on all th subjects, and continuing until March 10, wewillgiveadis. Of food for thought. behold at Mr. George Tiylor'aresldenee 91
C&I aco0rupanied-by a complimentary ad- Hamilton Insane 'Asylum, h sees of'
ao been spending count of 20 per cent. for cash on all put
So why not give this notable bird credit making 99 on arithmetic. W. J. Wilson ell Thursday -evening, Jonuary drbm, by the pupils- of the scliow, prior to a few days in town at the re $1.00 and upward. Nothing In the store is barred,
nce of Mr.
go. The goslings are still &live and hearty., and his son Albe rb 'attended the lecture in and you can buy as much as you like � the discount
his severing his connection with the school James Reid.—Mr. F. Bug son of Rev. Varna, James Potch in in to big se,w firen, on
�r customers the, Sth line.—M.
Mit. LAYTON 15EAD. —Many will be our- Parkhill lost Monday evening and were cowes:of just the same. L We thank o 01, 7th line, in busy
at the close of the year-.- In reference to the Mr. Bulgin,, of Blyth, and b her of Mrs.
their patronage in the pas A
for 9, and we are novf giv- ORAXQZ MENTING.— meeting of t
pleasant affair an. Eganville paper remarks James i eattie, was in town a week. He, pr�sed and pained to learn of the death of- highly pleased. Ing this chance to lay In utook at rock bottom prices, Stanley District, Loyal he hauling 4&ud this week.—Wm. -Johnston
Mr. Francis Laytiin, of the west end, Tuck/- r caah _.Orange Lodge, was Sth lineI build mI bar In fie, I
""Mr. N ichol was taken by "surprise, as he, was accompanied by Mr. T I 'an , of Blyth.
eramith, which took place, on Wpdoesday to Remember, 20 per cent, off meanit only E0 held �t Varna, on Tu�iidmylaot, when the with stone wall underneath.
had no hint of the. presentation, but made -a They' were the Y. cents for every one dollars's worth you buy. All
guests of Mr�.7,iames Beattie. IsIsp. Mr. Layton had been very ill for'some accounts must be settled by March lot. CoAD & lollowing offieere were electedelfor the en.� LAw AT RasT.—Tho Reaper of death lag
vory suitable reply, expreasing the kindy They dirove from glyth in aouter, as there LAT* ntleve RI 1361-2 suing term : Rob
ich folL OW I
I several , years', is good slaighing at that Plabe and until be- ty Master; Win. of to the
r4membrance w &I but few expected the end was so near. THII z MRs. SmiTx. —The role art Pollock I D. Master once more brought somw And girl
to was a candidate fqr the position of poun. reaper, Dcath, is not A respecter of age or B=imirs —The weather continues open, John P4rke Depu
Commit, home of Mr. chart Souch, by. taking auto
obntact with so pleasant a class of pupils, tween Londeshoro, and Glin,ton, but from in the spirit of his beloved
oillor at We lost elecdon land attended at per on. He attacks without remorme the and ithose having wood and n ry; Wm. Rathwell, Fi. Hitinself the
&I detlt at. length with th�e'relatioua. exist, X-rinton here it was tough a ratching. ----�We wife at he
polls an election day. He was a compara. inho,'bitait of the palace and -the hovel, the woodio arm longing for eleighlog.�Otolnsider- nanoial Secretary ; James Campbell, Trans- age of 63 years and 14 day.a. The mor".1
ibg between teacher and pupils, also the are sorry to learn of the serious ilhiesi of Jim
I Rev. Mr. Sb tively young man being only 44 yearb Of oldj tho young and the middle aged. We able grain is beingt brought to market,,not. urer; Tselpit. - Poster, Chaplain; James spirit- -was taken mI 11 ieclock
d -I kad reap o-noibilities of school,work, law, of Egmano Ville, but hop I vwwew
�ge. lie was a good citizen and was much are'this week called upon to record the' withstanding the very low prices.—Mill Nelson, Director of 'Ceremonies; J.
W. Year!might. Mrs. Souch was S, native -of
Durfug the. yesirff of bit residence here, Mr. he' Vill robu be around again. —The mmny
i I respected by all who knew him. death of one in the prime of life, Ann, wife Latimer, of Seaforth, has been engaged in Johnston, D. Lecturer. Armagh, Ireba
Nichol has made a host of friends, w1ho join! fribnds of M d. and, asmi to this 400natry
r. John McLeAn, of Tacker. of Donald Smith, who after a lingering III- our public school an second assistant - tosoh- VAWRTM.—Mr. qparrow, gas of in the year 1843 with her parents &I set.,
With us in wishing him success in his new! 'emith, who waso severely injured i short
nags of nearly,two years, expired o� the 2ad er, an: d entered upon her duties with the be- our noted horsemen, of Varub, sold last tied in Darlington township, Durham_c
i600l. He goes to Keiawatin on Thursd%y'l time ago by falling through Brussels. _Pan
0, trap door in Inst., in, the 41st year of her age. Deceased ginning of the now year. She comes highl week to Mr. Thomas Barry, of Heneall-i his tyl Six years later She
y WAS "far
uext, where he takes the position of prinei- his barn, were pleased. to see him in town united in
BRIrLis.—The old council held their last was the second daughter of the late Duncan recommended.—lb would smom that our vil. span of hemy drought Clydesdal" for a riage to her -now bereft artner and in 1-114Q
I)SI - of the public school there. Though this week, nearly recovered. —Mrs.' Thomas meeting on Monday of this week. Messrs.
Walker, of Stanley, and was married in I&I ministers are in luck those hard tim good figure. He also sold one of his driv-sm they moved to thb townialhip. She was. a
-leased to' Crozier, mother 'f the-,
horry to part with, him *a are pL 0 Messrs. CroI I Karr, Thompson apd McCracken were prss- March - 1883. The fruit of this marriage Rev. Mr. He to Mr. Berry, and another driver to Son. aniffers'
.. nderson being lately presented r from 4imbetim, and went very quick -
tear of his. advancement. The people of grocers of thin town, died abef -home In eat. A number of accounts were passed wars two daughter#, who are lift -to mourn with a good supply of oats and potatoes,and tlemas from Kippen ; also a four-year-old ly at the last. The deceased wals a most
Keewxtin are fortnuaI in securing the ser- Downie, Perth county, on Thursday, Do- and ordt�red to be paid. The now council 'the loss of a kind and indulgent mother. just shortly afterwards Rev. -Mr. Softley' working horge to Mr. Aleander'MaKensio. estimable woman, beloved by all w -no
ho k W
Vices of so competent a, teacher. camber 2.1st. She was in her 64th year &I meet on. Monday of next weik. —The fQllQW was a consistent member of the congre., was slow presented with a load of -oats. just This makes five horses Mr.Sparrow has sold her. She leaves -a husband and five children
was beloved and respected b all who h are the oI of Ben'Lomond, Sons : of wation worshipping in' the Old church, this -week again, the Ladies' Auxiliary took in two days. -Not bad work, considerin
y ad
EGMQND-nLLE NOTES.—The annual meet- tbe pleasure of her-acquaintance.—We are —twedoughters, away froin home; And tvis
ing I
Sootiand, for 1894 7: Adam Reid, Past Chief; racefield. During her long,. lingering ill. possession of the rectory &I puit down a the hard times.—Mr. Josepli Noble 'of To! ilaughters and a Son, Who remain lat home
tog of our church was well. attended, and sorr to learn that Mrs. John Kay, of De P , I
ihe reports; froI y John'Shaw Chief ; James McAlpine,Chief- name she was Oways patient, cheerful and beautiful carpet, as an expression of 'their ronto,is visiting friends in VmI this W*eek. to cheer the father in his declining
committees and sociation troit, sibter of Mrs. Dr. MdDouai , of a tain, H
iLng, d tili Ing hale and ahozrty�-m-There are Three daugiaters. hmve� pan before,
_Vrere very encoura showing progress town, and who will be rem6sabored as a Soeretary.-� J. L H. Ca mierou, Treasurer � D. Father, to whom she oommified, all her 'Another of -our young, enterprising business special Services being held at 'the Bayfiel
9 .; D.*vl ogg, Chaplain; A. Strachan, fully resigned to the will of, heV heavenly good-will.and appr6intion of his seI He is look sod on
1*11 along the line of church work. C. Rode, Fi 4 Mrs, Souch was an earnest active Mthodist;
A-11 6x- visitor at the a]I few years ago, met nancialSeorstary; Win. Edgar, cars. The remains were Interred in Baird's Men has. joined the benedict army. We. Road -brick church this week. . Mr. Whyte for many Year*, living her faith daily Ancl
een, readily met, though with a severe accident reoeiAtly. She was Marshal; A -amus -Lamonb,. Senior Beadle;, cemetery. With the two children she leaves bar r a I tM9 the =a- was 'Always a frind to I th . e needy, She will
-tenses have I a i efor,to the marriage of Mr. Robert and his daughter or condue i
eavier than usual, -and a balance on the about. to step on board a street car when she Woo. Robson, Guard;. Robert Nichol, In- a husband, who keenly feeli th lobs of a Potts jr., to Mine -Mary, Millar, of Exe. sloal part of the merviceIrm. 1. E. John. be missed by many, *specialty-
roon, In the home
right side carried to 1894. It was decided was knocked down anA run over by 'a horse ide Guard; Thomas,Ballantyus, Piper J. patient, prudent and faigliftilw!ife. ter, and foimerly of this village. The mar- iton" of Chatham, who has been spaiding olriilej but the kit
not to b�kve: a tea�sneeting, as- part of the and buggy, with the result that her I owledge we -have of the
eg was MoNaughton and Win. Graham, Phimi- XoTzs.—Mias Lizzie McTavish and Miss a ceremony was performed Rev. bar Christmas holidays with her parents,
usual anniversary services this year. The broken at loy he truth in Christ (which she wi
thathigh. Being somewhat ad- Thin AM Intend to again celebrate Mary J. McCully returned home last week Martin, of lftelier, the i bit. left for her home on Tuandqy last.—Mr. J. make ua`fmal tg rejoice Who
:',plan adopted last year was so successful vanced in years the socid nVis; ev r It jai V groomsman r tkoa weeps
a0 lanuary 26tb *by another from visiting friends ist Perth county. They ing Mr. )Bam
�:rnna night, on I ard Sbirray., of. Hay township, T. Cairns, our genial postmaster, Is looking for the parting is only brief. A large -eon.
that it was deemed wise to try it again.— bat Mrs. Kay is doing at weil- as could be grand concert, when. Miss Jessie Alexander attended the marriage of Mr. William Mo-. and the Oridesmidd being Miss Jessie Miller,, quite happy ;- cause a bouncing baby hirl at
Mr. W. T. Gemmill began his, labors as a expeoted.—Mrs. Fred. Long, of London, course of friends gathered to pay th4d last;
made ths rI nesday after -
pedagogue IsI week hav daughter of Mr. J. B. Jami Brucefield, �ud their names "should secure a bumper midst. —Mr. Arthur Kitchen left home" I tist ent of 4 number of very valuable and awful, Rold ` of Day City, who have been visiting nooA, to one Who had ondeared herself to
secured the �nd Mr. James Fax will'. hold. the boards, Queen' so well and favorably known In our of Exeter. The bride was his house. Wo wonder.—Mr.. &I�. Jas. earthly, tribute Of lovvjop�Vad
position -ot Principal 0
tha pais
47 -
Mr 10
oval w�
yea NJ
ltedya� �h
, t
b t
tall 750
Ir re
,a ;ad
8� 'up
f togrilce public was calling on friend in Se= on Wad- 4oume.--,-: Invitations have been
e received by a week to 7attend the busiassi college in Lo mt� presents, slid the happy young couple were #era and spending their Christmas holidays, all. With aahoioo selaWon of music and
aohooL Mr. Gemmill is onel of our most luesday. While here "he was i the guest of ii[umbor of Brueselites to attend the mar. don, where hii will study book keeping. 'We, warmly congratulated by all their 'relatives returned home last Tuesday
the Ray. J. W. Pridg, of W
promising young men and the good people Mrs. W. W. Hoffman .—Mr. W.McDonald isgs of two former residents Of this placei wish him ancoets.—The 'funeral Of tho late present at the pleasing eventi and e unite 'Airwrymme"y Sxaviosi�--,The am
Ofthat locality, hava been . fortunate in pro- 6f Detroit, youngest son of Rev. A. D. I ' r Iver- videp we oontigod t1w mortal remains to
do t;e groom bein Mr. P. D. M non, in. Mrs. Donald Smith which was hecld oa.1' also with: their very ends inishin sairy services of the Methodist church at -the dust in jolieI 6 9 th
ing his: services%—W many fA 9 'a In tery. U47
car onald, was visiting at the maose lost week, mpe�t I in
a regret to note- *the or of the Efederation Life insurance Thursday of last week$, was � largely attend- them long and continued ho, -Mr. Varna were held on Doosaiiar
18TVto illness of Biro. Collie. The attak �—A laid named Reid, in the ppibom . 314L Tile huffy foot That their loss is her ) g&A. and
employ . .,of Mr. C;6=pany In M&,nitobv,,,at Winnip4g, and *d, showing "team in which the do-. and, Mrs.. W.11R.=11tomplon, ofzlugermolkl,� Row. T. pot 4md -but gone Ott be -fore
Boath RWOU
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the Nurpices of the
Institute . "'i, heU
B61d) ou Friday
.cold and blustery
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Milk -withas
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every -council
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