HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-12, Page 5F -
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$be* amq� be "19P OLD" FRIE
1 4 i- Tftu Ic 1*0lift
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tu_ - !". �
_16 Ito "ar1o'
101 Palit, '46W
Ok p
bat tabyterian, Charab as tuooft- �6":.AN U00
Wilms. _W
Mr., Pirria, ft ^Ai' wbold- -14' �iJfO61k
"itat �, .6- �11 , 1 11 1 1 ]iO".,
1UT. Butwe doiA w1at
Oki to 'k0ep old sto&
and- I*
so arisdit la-tbe t0vm'
d= ftping
p%,4 peop W of Is Is t f rienideb
W"4 IMO 4"a alft
��ft a new
- aftims
tonderp will be W
ringuin Vol liive aim eamoittt X0610" pas- ineilay- old
sull �'b)611f# -0 stock, and ille must go;
1"kofxtJot: Of property almdy %a 00"RA
Itsis $7, a,
iadan. Abl 50*00 w Al ad unill T=SdAY, J='
r ured. IBUOU of the The NEW YEAR MEANS NE W1
ea0but ANA Oliver Smith havo - purabood of thoin sty's "06111 jor of -0 glick r0mid
and olainout *tftabo, oral, I colvoil b� Mi
the -Tho. vowW !#a We keep old
sup. the
agoment to Ina T 26 one#.
V: he coop
thotol0bred Duthwat biill, regill ft"ratoho art, taken
toreit r6oisivid for t -n )erly take
o ban, &V.on$ In -for 1 .0 ta'"Vis Separately. The oider:to prol
wt* results that ato 6 sy i� -
*Ult 10, Audi not nootow GOGDS� snd i
Notices- loweeb of Silty
�f63 jtimes Brosdfoot, ust, mi6 room for
t 12 once care of tilese, we m
township. yow,0612 Ago pl"s �n&speolfio$tt can be iecA At the le
6f, last week. AT the Popular Grootry wsaw- undiisigned. MeCyLLA. LwAbu7j, them We donI expOet you t* UOY
ay of uOney forti. of the N2
houtis oi� ThuM 0 olkWood ,
deed. pounds of p Local 1z:oo0o of Stock to
oilsnAth Thev, brought
tho, I Butter,, for which Ve
Th�'AA Of pw oods
:til kinds of tryor as a matteT Of ACCO'Inm
11. RON, U67 ......... these g
ties 'donve - cash orim 6. 1 TRO get ZGN W14-0.
4 ciiedi-toil.1, If W�mon som'still y th ir foolin, [ONDVILLE.—TO 14 US. We ku
k ; at not, be THE Popular Grocery �is, us, place to LET, OR SELL frorse SUN,* And- driving tion to OW
-There am 0 a gly ju tho�ir letteri- It' in yo�r.GrocBrIsm, Crocker ��d% Am any Tot. brick house, W
FouGERy jit Cugmoit. Fe too stron ry. 40 As 011B, 00, Also for to be ReCommodated and
tat mto are, guilty o the "Me Bob house avid one acre oflaud iR ftmondi somethin
forgotten A 'Too I is house, with stable And one,
64, world Who enjoy faii, dau"Cad at I 'ast AN Ing
than e . Vol par- to pay.
k on parts offeage. Thore:lk no, man living'. ho would hOug* 'a tbe tm iiefore-in SwortIL Our Mae oboal, one ftlu fruit tM& F are wffl�
i they enjoy fun at inmeb y ch Offered holoo s6nd bg? screv land, p%Dt8d with
aftange to adly call bsoic some letter w hiabs 1101DO Ats will be found , Ngmond-
W .11 11: li37 t,culm apply to SAJWUZL WALLACE'
re are, gome ouch -par- not 91 Chrietlo"I.T. XWA�M OP X
a aXp4DsiP6 Th0i an obup as can be go
-was made
in last ti a hat written, wild regret- Te%4 or Two P.. 0.
me In his life,; h che THM
204% in croiton. A 01 ward. 7MOR are as often swayed by JY you Want Inle drostery or Glen- One hundred
for Q*nkt1111UtI0D& to the; Missionary ,tea after onA letters as women are Toilet Seb, of suit yon, We bov AIM 8 on RENT.- to sl�out $30,000, ind alaout Fel%ruArY let we
Dual In their 9 goods and AIN I'
Fund of The art of, ottor-writ. choice rtment In Ali lines. see on F am, Ole" and In good Our presentitOck amounts XftiS, the
Sunday tbe:kstbodiai thurdho, �ud for this angry was lint" we %rk we cab thirly acres being Lot 101 Lake Shore RARO
.,"to distributed i4 the by their emotions, And West StADIGY I d al St00k_t9&ing. of cheap goo& to
ted a more � by IM Thopop;iJiQrOoory. ESTATZ Or ff. Rolm, power
purpoft euvelo.1 us ebard, enee our aDUu it worth
�;toh. - X011 maker Ing has not *sn con 107 to )d buildings e
pows of the 4, us""$ ___ I&OBERT D rAK ontho premi D,
=41r. A e Jet of Febm=?yi WQ
xr� Pon- of men than by women - I& fao a sDoe olver n d out fences. Apply to Comm stock down to one-half iU piesent aimensiOns bY th are going to rmk
VA head io write the name U fA0 The - good e we
took it into h tagature of the world a 0 that t A.-YoUlq% Seaforth. hag just ope 0 or payfield P. 0. 136IX4 bring our your while'to buy.
Hill, the Il he orate of very fine fancy OWDs, And to selling It V60 in line.
g)icted sitizen, Mr. James writing Pfind our gooas,,rif*t of 92e, goods thit
nod to 3 packed and
mr moot real k ag, of courle) to truest and best mostere of Ut r cheap. t on the train at Dublin, on the YOU wil went to get rid
44r, tho sum a n.- And I spa, incli Gp&A.T variety of 'Dinner.,Ssts At A- evening Of *9 Ath illot- a Sman sky Terrier Stored
fi* When the Dailies. werd read have.beenw�T* 214 A 1 109 D - ' '( &tne 013 fore
little, I - C aver h Youx9% assforth. angwerfug to the name of �Icendber 30, would kave to IN This, will bA our
a this is As true to lay it t on Wednaid from Dub -
10111 in -0hurcki%ut Mr. Hill, by! some mOX118 believe FzATHirs Los i . —Los &yl -He Is supposed to have gone north Xt De for another se"on'
ral 1M. I
a*,.,Iuto� possession Of the doon I ween the residence ormaijon leading to the recovery of this 0 maiu fmturll�
been. A.w4m&u writAll A fat m)rs Data n Sa'turday- But to makt vsrietYi
Aor Other* G" She may require December 27. on Main Strestj bat, a black. un. Any int owltriled, find Any perlou,
now, as A proof positive of letter than Ave a man. ial will be IItrAU.J,,r this date will be' prose"*
t.. and hai to Ao it, W, ars. & Man of NZ. Robert Ii6gaw and McpaulIg Stores I, be re. aDin
=90 ;,-a � for the inter- more space wherein Ladyss bat. The &der wif found harboring I startling reductions we shall idd from every line we as;rrys
ad it.a9t been plunie, for a I
this. forgery. Asiort- -
I ving friend Mr. Hill woukid employ. terseness. i But what- man warded on leaving It at Tua &POSHOR OMC 91359 cute&* WN. dAMPBZLL, Seaforth.. 1361-4 We open our big Clearing Sale, one t�i�a off. For and. thus give YOU 6, ZOMPlete
vention of a teAce- 0 an- extra, 1forth.
in legal action yet begriadged "a *omas &OpEltTy yoR hALE.—For sale, a goods�—Ladies�yco
$t, have -tak4 -17'ILLAGE PI in the sprices Of ment.
wo Do dou I pt which so I
ok Re 91
l rr,
[kovi that he is 0__ tbat Inevitable Ostor e on Victoria
Ar. Hill ki at, 0 V one Storey awelfluff ROM
t1ho know I rd iti-, instance
r ivhole letter ? A euths. ondviUe. The�houie 0ontains 6 rooms,
says more thatt her S inducements to
t- kri6t�ting to All often wife of Egm n con. ale Men�s Fur 0oats3 �egulsr "Price' $got Weoffer extra,
n the for4ftoa in con' Regular
4bether for man Always writes & letter by a or STEWART.—In Grey, cn December 314, thO very, small
and o*ar enterprises rmul" T And— P
,amo a tain for- comfortable and convenient. The
Mr. Hugh StOwAlt, of a daughter severe, good plum trees And a Icilt sale price $24. trade P;t this itore. Come.
ljh4 Germ6 "d it is tOO MUI& 661DA6 iguOres All fo BaAeld, on �Januiry7th,t There.in A,." cellar under the housq. The
be �wlfe of talus Price. rice,
tho English or True, woman's wiv BATES" . Batts, of a daughter. fruit. DI - cheap &ad On reasonable terms. White Bea Blankets, 20 per cent. PIT.
place win be so 2 67
bad that he abdidd. be the -target for Mr. writes as she! fools. he Mr.Wm ats $ 4 00 Goode, 15 per cent. off
mav not always be the safest,,but it is. t to E. MARTFN,. seeforth P. 0. 1861-t f Ladies! Co All other Fur
7 eO 4 67,
it - fni-mar resident of Z.+. Aelightful all the solne. It's. justthe Mari 00416. A me on lot 13, &?7 11lar Drim,
of -BULL._*Xne UUM113R.".. 1. -
nitaboi, is visiting differepoe betw' k spontaniety and atadY- . jOHNS-_M1NERS,-At Elimville On JanuarT 8rd, TERSEY Tuokeremith, West of lu VV 1-bovercosts, 16 per cent.1 off A
concession 2, H. R. S..
this P�Xcs, :n�ir�, of M Mr. �iornas Johns t0' Men's
%K -o A U-A Ins and Tad o'Home Journal- by Rev. Mr. Con 'ar- WMI.- M4"Arn .4.4n. . r0i�oroujr hbred Jirsey Bull, to which M,,Iff and,
friends in this VOILD147-- a Roam Janes daughter OIL ton I Terms,
Mr. 1�mon- I .; 2 915
sliZited number of cows will be taken. ilege of regular prices. X
domicil6d. fjt of iUsborne. � with the prly Collar 3 00.
Wife hkvi got 14061y Dece the time of , service, ff regu-
mber per� cent. 0
Of Tolfr, KENNEDy—joliEs.—In OtepheD, on CH. DENNIE. 136116 Boys' Overcoatef
if necessary. III
oi Tuesday for� Listowel to e Be Ten i Ladies' Muff and
urd Stanley I M 27th, at the residence of the, bride's parents, by retnZoa9t, Goommox !
soi ijabort,of that place.-; -Mr. SEArap-ri -ff, I
editOn, Mr. Geoge 6 Q"5 Jar prices.
live with his always !beat not , 10 t6l:,nsny Baker. of Of 7 00
it in othmg Rev. George. E.,
-George Haltznj�n,inteudl purchaising mov- of bar _in king.- Kennedy, otGeorgetOWq; to xls� Martha Collar, 1 , Men�s and Aoys, Suitf;2 15 per cent.
for graut�d in cases - NJ -
%TO4 to move all i anyone in's youngest daughter of Mi. Samuel Jones. I Ladies! Muff 'and.
tackle and 10iA be prop, in county 0 Off r, �r prices.
ing 1 1 - When You make, a bsrga' W't council of the Corporation of the 00 7 0 Bgu
kinds- of baildiu$sj. and anythiog else neces trade, or with ar-yono'else, 30 matter with The use in the Town of Collar 10 0 Many lines Dress GOOds reduced� 25
oo - Friday for Depiths. Huron Will meet in the Court Ho
1tritz left 2 1 greement in of January, at
sary.—Mr. Witt. I i � 1 00
whom, -it !is well to have Mokillop,'on January 6th, Michael Goderich, onTuesdaYi the 23rd day Ladiele Hats 36 per cent. 8TOC TA KING),.
jli� most inti- MURDIE.—In per cent, and some,
made t Ing in doubt 5
J&ord2t0Wn tojisit frit writing, and Dot to leave Any Murd*, si.., aged OD years. 8 o'clock P. 11�-- W. LANE Clerk. Ladies' Hats 1* so
mate: friends ay,, he will r�ot come back or fpr future arrangement., W often does AUSTIN -j -,-At -the Grace Hospital, Detroit, Michigan,' ks6l-t d 2 for 910. t
R�a ifnd Miss Either are or- . you� will do ary 8th, 1894. %, Fur Capes 30 00 22 60 All 121a ]Mnts
;rson say, 11 Well I mappoal on December Soth, Mary Austin, eldest daughter Dated Janu Ladic
alone.—MiNG .83 years,
ganizing Lady Aa4cabee hives4hrough the a of Mr, Thom" Ladies' Fui'Capes 14.00 10 00 Joe PjirltS for 11-C.
thViob for go-4nd-so mentio ming the sum. Austin, Of HuUebt, aied-
v 3 months And 11 days,' Cotton 8hirtings and Gin
st with much suo- Irr"n aid- _C,,FFORD��At the residence of ber son -4 -law, J. LPROMPT PAYME14T. ghsms� 15
Thal �Iav�e in am tbo 0 C
i0w shfp oh, as for that repli U
Cted too a *zkilmg lurge 44 nuot exactly t6 it t a of W. Qlarke, 148,Kent street, London,Ann Gifford$ shaw,the, Ladies' Fur Costs 20 per ent. Off
mUls ar As stated in the b Per cent. off.
dressed,. JQ letter below, g Mrs.
0 cbnoe5nen ; never mind a poce We 11 late of Centralia, in her 71st year. er'of $7 Sealette
Mr. H. §weitzer, the Pat to the moth
shipments of —In Rodgerville, on December 81 6nadian Order of Foresters I
a and has of age DOAN. lob, Phoebe 0 Is gum of 01,000, just fourteen days
to busin updn th wm. J. Shaw tl Men's Fur Coats, 22 iii stock, Ofd $3.50 Seslette.fOr $2.50-;
proprietor, 4 lucrative not disagree a out it. " An Doan wife - of Hadley - Doan, aged " years, 7 w paid into the endowment $4.90; $9.50 Sealette for
after death.' Mr.'Sh& rice, less 20 pey� cent. OfE
lAtaguccaededi� ilorking UP a Lrm ambiguous terms the bargain co oluded monj6 and 21 days. out. -P. or
—Mr. Si4e0t has gone 4ut of the f d ARY.—On December 21st, Mrs. Daniel 014ary, fund $73.45, and $I,000 was drawn ce $6.75
trade. The day of I settlement 00, 11. 10- OILE a town, in ats, reglxlq,� pri. an& jaciet Clothe 25
a of Mrs. Thomas Kidd, of thi Men�H Fur Co
AS ex
moth r Ing
ort and Mr. 4ohn what -11 Mantl
Siell$ A
-of Br6wn & th� charge is -nearly double the 75th year . . I -
11as succeeded hl� ate is but It is of of her age. CAP -0 OFTHANKS. sale�prjce $16.
n.�-Mr. Sieb�rt will likely Rer�ouatraui)8 an 'MoDONALD.—In: Arkono Michigan n January I ot, r cent. off.
te in lKausas 10 1994. pe
h . We peoved. "I The price is Of ary I'D.
return to his fer#10 Om no use the �nawer only is - Archibald MoDonald,L formerly Grey, aged 68 Seaforth, Jahu
wish the DOW firi . � 4-, f ull me"ure of -proa. it 1wab possible to make it; the officers a d Members of Court Flower of the Forest
ty. —Wood ii sbarce ;.0 tjwD, Owing to as low as and re- kElleto—in Brus�eele,on January 4th, Elizabeth, C.07 erOUS lines of g"004s regardless Of Cost or wholesale prices.
the,likte'James Kerr, aged .76 years. n -um
work has be0n very troublesome, Of th%nics for the We oter
r.lict my sincere
"Par, �ad. —Mi* Holtzman is imailned it GUNTmuim.—Accept"
the roads beinj quired far rn�re time than I SOUCH. —In Morris, on January, let, Martha, wife Of annerinwlblchyou have handed m e tire esta0plishment 121 per cent. Off dur
nd 14. days. th� en
still very ill 95 4 40 Rev f !�r.HSebwartz. r could have d Be it: cheaper, Mr. Robert S'ouch, aged 68 years a very prompt m my la4 0 ughout
wouldi; nob�d3 I -due- at the death of All other go thro
Sly Town- notion." LAYTON,—In,Tv January 10th,Francis the cheque for U OK ii1o:
Dun make By red qckerswith,on not for-
-At the a SIAOitiug 0 orry. I can't 6 days. SOD, also for the sN ;1d luneral benefits,
e Monday, and I am a - Layton, aged 44 years, 6D)Outhf, regular market prices.
COTELPSM17 On stances t a account must
ship Fir6-Insur&Aim Under these �circum FANSoN.;--lu Thornhury, on January 4th.'Iucbard getting the kind Sympathy Shown by pemberp of found a golden, oppor-
the followi.ng,offloser, were ;looted for the Settled I liti ation 9follows. Fanson, formerly of Exeter, aged 94 years. aitlng� courts, by turmng,ou� in a the �times, this will be arly
be once, or a the' the gmve, wishing your order in view of the pressure 4
*es�dent JAn Torranoe; I and DAYMAN.—In TuckeroMith on Januarr 7th, at a w prioe. Thee
current year . .9 poreonA disa raemsDt§ 1 remain YoursTruly, e their suppliee at 10
The number of -in.-6w, Mr. E14m Butt, Sr., ',jj,&TMD,& $HAW. tunity for the buying public to see r
e8ident, i-,Hdary Li�,phardt; Direc- manner is be- residence of i her son
vice -Pr law aiiits which occur Ili thi Ann Dryrnan, aged 95 years. 1361xi
torb, Jacoti RarAer`# Samueli Brockenshire, We say, therefore, take AOBB.—In Chisolhurst, on December Blobs the wife buyer gets the best choic
yondvalcule tion.
rg" ber this is no hunib
4�jnaj Yearly� Daniel Barn- no to leave of Ifi formerly of Stanley, aged lbut a genuine Clearing Sale -
John Bakerijh ,r. Charles Robb, Remem
rtipular care in m6kingi
raw, Peter bouolai� Amdts, $99,502; At Val in ubt. Let this t ring be in writ- 72 years.
nothing i TRELEAVEN.—In Ashileld, on January 2nd, Thos.,
-iisk, $2,484,095 On 0 tt &Ilo yourself to be le Fair.
Ing, and o scodu Treleaven, Aged 77 years.
a by such 4 Bill dolusion as, CAMERON.—In West Wawanogh,on December 28tb Horse and" Oatt
imposed up�t
Markied We- about it." Margaret Cameron, aged 70 -years, 1 month Ana
I Never mi�d, we'llnoi die ce out arrived. This 28'
e held in Walton, on Time hm- ab
16 days. The Second Monthly pair will b
mated pair or It apt to weary
A truly i a Imp GOOD. -12 Ashfield, an December. 28th,. Rachel y 25th, '94, 1C 1+--r- ARD9
but they are 'UnwiSe To,B od,*,He of Mr. William Good, aged 46 years. THURSDAY, JANUAR WJAR tremeiiaous tank in a store suck AS
at each other's sooiety, 1 ow BSTER.—In Ashfield, on January 6th, -Sume
Da4pt to live alon'O' for each other. 'I've �.!Irl GO
if they attl posts Women ho have sonis to a a�d dread WE Webster, aged 83 years. For the sale Of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs.
read , other ciates, :F 0 I:zr-r To make it as light us Posar'blef
One likes sometimes to f bad asoo
ild prefer the demor zingindaences oun
eSpeare,,though one wo, 'Great Auction iale;� of cows, heifers steers, sheep
than Shak #,h oual�t derstand' the LD ture of YOUD9
T4Ell MARKET commence at 1 O'ClOckv. sa, Nine
of him Lesser bileturvD, ILI &no Pop
him to au3 It is A manhood. It is exc0@5ivsl restlsal- It 'a montc credit will be given on furnisbing aPPrOved we W�l malre ak-114
in comphnion Olt years of activity- eon on credit
uman disturbed by vam ambition by thirst for ac- SSAMILT11, January 11, 1834. joint not". Six � pe* cent off for I�
Fall Wheat per buabel.nmi. 900
hotter and bealthlir thing ifor two h ,pfings for exoi mOnts, by irre-' 1 .0 57 to 0 6D amounts. 09ORGE KIRKBY, Auctioneer. innts all classes of - ds. NOW
at I�yiug -And most tion, by lo 057 to 0 511 tie to the fair IF ilk
old Spring Wheat per bumbel,new ...... parties wishing to bring cat
Mr. way Sell
orestures, even tb# mo pressiblp d#a1res to touch IN in manif 0 30 to 031 imber of,
0 i Oato - pat, bushel ., ....... There will be a nv, 'ke stock. Take
his - belo,�ed, to live t .. some degree Among ways. If mothers* r 'ar your Gone I'D :. .... 0 52 to 0 61- Erivabely or by suction. FOR comunp your chance td, ta
on, per bushel .......... ... 0 88
other pool xest themselves in 0 84 orse buyers In attendance to purchase boms.
as ociated with the CONNffr"._Wm. Kea, Charles McDonald, Robert
I ot that� youl- homes -apsi Barley per bus el
jameoRyan James McDonald.Win- Will- y0i
last atherlivelt, and thus bring s6me variety f natural Intit as you will be Butter, No. 1, 1%ose..,.. 0 Is to 0 20 doDole. DIXOL our SbDck at ViAU47
or said repTossions 0 o is to o 26 0, J%ornas Ryan� Joseph Fisher.
intotliair owim., 4widowod moth iot that ii Butt OL18 to 0 IS ters, Gecirge er
sure Vi,throw them in the -8 n Any Eggs per doz.
ir hearts. 1 go to 1 90 JAM figures.' See What Vi chshce we.
Ao me the other d L speaking of a grown &4 supily the a d 4 the ES'HUMpHRIES, Secretary.
in mile mel%sure 0 Flour, -per 100 e
U a Hayper n new ...........
nnuniD1arried dslihtter, from Whom-' 0 at fir'@t for the to .......... 6 60 to 7 00 isel-2 �rWX. WATSON, Treasur r_ or
Her, separated in a dozen They go to[the pubiia h pauloiship they Hid" per 100 be .................... 2 5660' Boo- u� Llama Wool. you 96 starter for thO New yaw.
ba'd scarcely baeO.. I animated and hilarious co 40 to 46 Try o
Years. 11 Wef are 0 aflent together that Tu h to LW.b Skins.. 0
Jose theipower otapOech. find- there, which they AD'" 'does no, 0 Wool_ ..... 0 17 to 020, -A U`0 T 1 0 N -S A L E
tato-es b n
I —OF—
but our life 'hme
l -in re tiennoss in their ...... 000so 0,76
half think repress the�jdisturblng PO re Hose three Everythi g must 90 if orl�ly get,
1 00 1to 1 00-
WOL are in perfect �P'YmPat Black las
E' talked the Joalt or barrel .. .... ...
events, and we7have m�ete Wood Per 004 it 50 to t- 00
an, See to it -then, that the! homes co 1-10-USM3 &
boa no Dew 2 00 to 250 0 L You to Call and look at the goods Aud'
ainy iiines.' We know Wood per cord: (short) .4 ...........
A old ones over so nif witli publi� places in the r attractiveness. LD FURNITURE, IMpLEXENTS, G d value,
each ovher 3 a faith, �opias, c:kperiences, as we right, Afples per bag ............... 0 00 to I N HOUSENO pairs 0
to talk Open Your � )Ainds by da and �'light b c over Seed ... ....... 6 50 to a 60 price& Reme�lber
2 66 the Rd -
know our own, so -whit, i.�� there i6t. Illumine our rooms. Hang Timothy ....... 2 00 to The Toronto General Trusts Company,
Ion, fires by a 6 46 to 6 45 1 the late Joseph G. binnin, has
I that thii same put book and Pork, per 100 The .......... ceiver of the estate o auctioneer, to sell Sizes
............. .
led about?" I,,� n 06ne6iv pass in a pictures uVolk the wa 11 0 06 to 005 instructed Mr. Thomas Cameron, seamle s, durabte,,
stat�of thiAge mijht come to BwOpaper� upon your lee. Have music Tallow, per lb." iletion I on Lot 'No. 6, abuttl On the CoiApany,
V CLurif6s, January 11, 1894- by public a, 1"sUrne, At
Igo., Ho"m &
happy and united, if the married d, Jn the Towashit of uman
,marriage, Ig ganies. Banish demons of
iuiu in 0 67 to so 59 North Thames -Rom
a4e ; and it would and ehter�� Fail wheat per I)ushol ........... .... the hour &L 12 Oclock, noon, on -W DNESDAY, the ban
ort, pair lived, chieft W. 801it' b� more dullness and apathy, ths have so long ruled r bushel ............ 0 67 to 0 59 he following property, 9.1
. I spring wheat I 24th day of January, 1894, t 26
consequently be a Itealthipi life to ring in mirth and 0 so to 0 30 21 10.y 1 12 11 11 1 YOU C The Cheap CaSh
in yrJ)U case oats per bushe . -66st -
h hold, �nd square acre of land on the south
asswisted with their fell6we.� To be - too. r -your Barley per bushel .... .. .... 0 34 to 0 88 viz. - On( cribed farm lot': one ware
rho, easy 9004, abeer'. -Invent 00 upations � for 0 52,to 0 52 corner otthe above -den
apt to�L induce that too Peas per bumhoi . ..... .... .. I cutter, 1, light wagon,
OR isolated-io na'�. - Stia1lulate their a bitions in'worthy 0 16 to 019 (pony), 1 set harness, I buggy, I dog not bea t�ese. oardno's Blobk.)
famili%rity which hieeds, if not contempt, 20 ake home their Butter ... ; .......................... to 0 10 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 buffalo robe, 1 wolf, robe,
1 lounge,
dti directions.' While 10u m ses than Upper .. .... 0 10 1 plow, 1 horse blanket, bil cup
6 90 to 7 00 skin robe,
disdincbsiltment. A a vet1here is another ;hem with igber purpc q per ton, new ......... ..... box stovei, and various ar clue of
id in too intimate delight, fill t *as per bag,... 0 65 0 0 70 bosid, 1 small The whole MLCK11140P Mutuild Pre.
Itor danger not to'be ighor page rZol itaree"d wearing apparel.
which more pleapurs. Whet r they shat AI 40040 4 06 houiebold fural 9 sold without reserve. Terms, cash. The
ton, with ;kb4s- Jealous] r - boy#ood and enter upon manhood Hides per 100 ft�s ...... : ........... will - Shively b Cwmpany.
Cordwood.. .. 1� ... . ........... 8.00.to 4 00 TheCdtobosold is very conveniently altuatedon onn Insurance
somebody has called,," I the fond injustice Of h&P!)' 8 de.
cis! ith.reflUed tastes And i oble Ambition iles from � Exeter, and
Read, a few m X I-LIL
an nosatinfled hearVifl," Is a very real thing; w -Americ m Farmer. 59 ad red , the Thimes It larro frame d*elling house. JA C" K S 0 BR f the membew ot the 1101lull,
t 1.41ka M, sufficient pen4W-r.-GD $On. L1i1ZRro0L,J4n. la.-Sprirg wheato there is erected thtireon. The Annual meeting 0
r. KA eas 4a " A tions of -sale can be bad MU T_ ,Wnfuk Mmunny* be Ali
-ely any ga A cOu California 0.. 1.
and scare winter, 6s 4d:; F s ILlurtbor PRrOCUM -- n application tp lop UTIUSIL UnwXY "K
c(luaintance withi its ease, 56s 06d. from the suctioneerl or o Kidd0s Halt, goatorth, on FrIdet,
reward for makilOg lid ; pork, 78s�.Ijd ; ch ).62 to 00.63 S. HAYS, SY
to bol�_ 'exalted above f ascinating. Jan. 3.1.-F&II Wheat, THE LEA ING, CLOTHEOR
tortures. Love.ouAt 1*8 $00ret, o TOWXW, Ate, 380. to 390. Report.
0 as thb human. conati- made young poople,,and spring wheat,i So.60 to $0.60; 0 46c to 49c ; hay; Solicitor for the Toronto General Trusts COmPRDY
these pains-Ycs luft, ubtles1l thOUsAudB pe", per bush, 670 to 60c; barley, Dated at Seaforth, this 9th day it J %h�iary 1894. - . I
tution ought to be &-tong e�.ough to secure §mall�, number of - c ones, wish every ton, $8.00 to 19.60 ; butter, 22c to 26o ; pota-
ce indigestion. not *D.66 ;. eggs, per doz., 26c --------- secretary.
or chan could learn the ro OL. per bag, 1 $0 6b to 0
it, from a sudden col� I day "Of their lives that ey
t ),60 to $6.75. 'ROSS, President.
otb ere by memnivf their to 2.7o dressed hop, pew owt., $f D.'
Secret Of f0cinatiD
ceful, p*q�isite man, 2ors. The secret is FARMEM INTItUff.
Brotb�pr Joe. gral �It is so &my to learn that it Toroato� Poultry Market.
lie is a memberA ��ur ledge, but per- an open e0ted by th mayside, while they T6P.ONTO, January 8. -The receilits to -day were armers A GREAT
him FI joe ;1, we gave lies �11 nag i steady at loic for turkeys, The'Annual Meeting of the East Huron F
a do not Iftlt to small and.the u4arket wae iRuptured and
baP3 yo h uld give their sales, - treasure 7ic to 8c for geese. institute will be held in tSe
wy plain. k 30c to 450for qbickensand HALL - BRUS M . usi E
our heart with good -
name becaliO 'It Is a V( SELS, Shelpt
him WE r name, and-loe is a plain, ordinary find 'D TOWN, -c AL_
tZ9 "Fill
arly, -1t 6 ODlil B Ied Hay and Straw Defor mod People, �&IRING
brother. He sttelidi his lodge regul a TUE�DAV AND WEDNE6AY,
viqi�s all members will o ever�body, kud then practise at all januaiy 8. -Baled Hay -The market is
kiDOW, P e. —AND— There are Ruptured people everywhere, they want —OF—=
but has little to SAI times the bat manners vou I and.ateady� at 89 for cars on -
;1 articu- TORONTO,' the track her
-to. samel "better talker" dul .50 JANUARY16 and 17,
Sick, bylb li ot�e If you begin at home, this -Is quiet and unchanged at 65 to 0 the best Truss for the least won( , and to make It
who are t' eir`condition., never larly at h Baled Straw ZeIr neighborhood.
M the lodg`o &6-m' 6 h so, to speak, get set- for cars on track here. ceRvenient for them, I will be in t
infor 0'. M,
though he uner will, a . .. ide(130
committee, al charming nl�& TUESDAYS PROGRAMME, I I There is no doubt 014,Tour cue will be atter
shirks big duty on ii , �Bragg -� read the report. tle,d on You and never leave you. Be i ust . - -.: -- - [elph; 001(8 pro �rly, am I am known from Ocean to Ocean on this DRY :GOODS,
crops, W. Rennie, Clu
prefers that 'Brothav %0 star as you would to Dairy Markets. �-Rotatlon of 1 kic, wi�xham; t MUSIC Connent as a Man Of ]rare ability and SkM in the
your si of Drainage, R. Cur:
be con'ferred he is on to gain the goodwill. utter good to choice Necessity' mechanical Line of OVeroomingRupture and Defotm-
Whin degrees are,tP' January 8 -B
in, o der. and some7 yo�r best girl. StFive ToRoNTO, kd Grass managemeiA, A. tlliott, clalt ame-SpinalDisease, Club Feet.
robig r -Mixed Husbandry, J
of moth "20ic to 22c ; store packed 4 White Swelling.
liand to gat the er,,father, And b'Tothera "d sisters, Selected dairy tubs, Wd : choice to extra choice in Grasses at r. J. Fraser, Burford. —AT— itles of the human fr
tslZe 'a min6r Oart in th6 work ; he ii trive to gain tubs and small �packages, large Evening session, commencing,st 7.8(G -4n addition Knocked Kneeal
16c to i6c ; a very hard, cven in ]Europe, New York, etc., to 10104:
it I
unassuming, third da- And childrpp, exactly 168YOu 8 tubs choice, 17c:tO 190 ; medium to addreeses froni three of the abovie mentioned In
pl%i� ordiDary,, 1: good to choice. 19C to 19ic ; medium, 150 to improve on goods made under MY Superintendence
honored him goodwill aftoad. rolli there will be an intereitiDj., programme nte in the Go H, SNffHEXK1a
2A,b to 25c rolls, gentlem
gree Joe 'His 1�dLfbhas never 0 -practisirig m creamery In tubs and crocks, ST M m P"okppliances
aDnere In "Ustrumental Music. Illy Factory. I am the inventor of 27-
'ecurred There is no place f and Iferent lines of Trusses and Orthop6d][Cfil J
I office ; in rant, it hat; never 0 26jo to, 27 C ; Cheese jobbing at 111.6 to ilia. of Vocal MME, 10 a. M.
with all iring, and like fhe b�ome-cirele; o place, permi'D me to MONTRBiL,.Joinuary8.-Butter.-The butter war. WEDNESDAY'S PROGRA and, if, you wish to have your"Ic"e attended foi, would SENFORTH.'
i that'he ha� been Aeser will be appreciated. It will Thomas. mcbfillan, Hul'
say, where it leet cont nues firm although there is not much do I -condition of the So% Ask OU to.be on time, s� I will be found as follows
to then ;do good in his Own body, to 24c -Cleaning the Land, W. Rennier Guelph, wlt� samples And Goods, " Truem in all their
07oo has beeu'cOnteP4 to ;I mind and Ing.. Creswery, Anest late makes, 23c - AJusic our
rrky wid hAS' aiked uo reward. At be & cultivation cf h ut b earlier makes, 21je ; townships, 21c lett; 2 01016041�' Ir in(Y'S regular 5C v ty, to taxe measurements,'etc,
clutet showered -this endeav' r ihing but affectiod- creamery, fineal V 0
ihed visitor has 0 to feel Ot d treat them as to 22c ; western 20c to 20ic ; rolls, 20c,to .21c. Afternoon Sepsion, commencing at I Pr, arie
I and Ensi)age, qr. WILL VISIT AS FOLLOWF
times when some g the splendid for the pe6ple at ho 9 an se market continyes On the, upward I -The election of officera ; 2-8110 Ice UC. I intend clearing out my entilre
T Cheese -The chee, 'Fee r Profit, J. C. Commercial Hotel, Mon- As
Fralsps upon tl�e -offiders f6 ioh con- 1,000 boxes were sold to -day at llic. Eggs- A. Elliot Galt; 3-- ding the Cow fO SEAFORTHI
Joe's . eyes have 'though they were 11rorthy of an ml� turn ; I e best. Morrisob,'McKill9p; 4-Farmingand its Profits, J. J. ntal hthek of Dry Goods, IL will COMMOAM
of tble JAIZe, the the eg P y on the, Farm, R. A large assortment of InstrUMe
and4 as if they were g warket kee s firm at 25c for th 6-Econom
-*igtful .-expr Fraser, �Uurford ;
So they are wor- arm, Stock Raiging altzes 'his week AN COST,
condition siaeration'st yotirh day, January 22, 1894.
lighted Up and a ession has resident And his tsmPY- DeaohmaV,,Ho I k- 6 General.F Music) including W I Polkas, CLINTON, Rattenbury's Hotel, Tues-- , to sell t
t over his wrin��,kd face, half hoping P Uve Stock Markeits. e-,Wiugham. ee &c., stock - nsists of almost eVerythilig 14
crep or tby. Thenfl`0111 the home- will flOat Out and Feeoinr, P.71�rii allyinvited to tb�qe meeting(3 Gallopsi Sehottisch6si Quadrilli , Co
d 4ome word of 'praise day, January 23, 1894
that there might b �Biagnotic influences aary B.-Recelpts of'Canadian and The Publp are cordi he dry goods line, Such :as HMA i0i
�Jm but dompliments around you those owe AIJ, LivEFLFOOL, Jaw e been Ught ; general sup- and asked -to take patt in the discussions. es- t
encour its o to- United states cattle hav st,half of the regular prices. Albion HOteli Wedu
%gement for f mankind reside Childrell!8 Fu*
"as 1361-1. Cape, Ladies' and
ommoii.4nen 1019 Joe, and he wh 6ces are stronger. p nt. GODERICIE[i
ioh w plies light and, demand brisk. P. U. McFADDEN9
'a LOP, Secretary. -anuary 24t 1894;
are not for 0 all, he is War Y. :1 filler Monthly. quotations in cents. comput,)d at $4.80 to the Z, are A IIIS once and make your selec- dayt- T oelen Shs�w* - Ladies! "a
_i�g th&t,, after tee,
linipS Off home feel, I d Ag follows: Finest steers,12c to 12je; good to cho comeat at 'Hotel Thurs-
uence, and that the 0 ge )oor to medium, 10je tO'llct- bulls, only a limited EXETER, Commerei n!s Readp
of little conseq 111c to 120 1 tions, as we have Ohildren!s Mantle Cloth -S, Me
P 0
ting him to member- X gic to loc inferiors, So to 8ic. cattle sold � at day, janusfy 26, 1894.
was Very kind in eled Ily doing X-ON1,RuAL, January8.-The best quantity at above 'Prices- Frid SY4 made Overcoa$sf. Men 0 Top Shirts in
1�e wjlt.f�o on faithfu [0t2i h heart trouble keeps h and half -fatted beasts at from WIN- en s Rotel
ship. ThUB s very A lady AM about 4c per lb, roug greit variety, all -wool 1UUder-W431`r;
what. seems his dut,#, until: one day r quick
the village Simple apparatus! b -,.her bedside fo' So to 3je, and the leiner beef critters at from 2c to —FOR—
'I Jalluary,261 1894.,
ask`t Will be carried to of paper and 21c per lb. A lot of eight lban cows and a hard 7 wool Grey Flaunelt -Uui*u Flanuelap
a ci , role p m'bers wearing the cupping. : A tumbler a piece looking small bull were sold at ft per lb. They BRUSSELS, Queen s Hotel, 806tUr- tesi Shirtings, Cottons, DO -
=ry, have bee she says,, more than PAPST"S Flanneletl
weighed 7,300 lbs. Good calves are In dernand b t
A Sprig Of 0- match, I J�,JRS W 27, 1894.
will drop of gsviug her life. care for the 11 �ob day, January
regalia of the ordef D the simple mean the butc'hers don't seem tO CAS13- BUY Dress Goods, Tweeds W.9re".
Ben into an open graves ud then all oncl he paper n a glass and lights it, veals. Prices ranged from $2 to $10. Good lambe Z.
evorgr 'Sh others at from 3o to 40 per, CHAS. CLUTHE- I will Sill% these goods AT
o the io4ge room-sll ex- e 6rope-p mouth of he glass directly over sell at 4c pel,lb, and the BOOKSTORE�_ SEAFORTH. vsrie�y.
will miarch back t ing th"�, are not plentiful, and sell at from Surgical Machinist, Theme
At the iett meeting a chair,, pllkC paper burns, the ai� lb. Fat bogs Toronto, 00L COST FOR CASH ONLY-"
cept 3 the heart. As' the to 6je per lb. , treat West, all new stock
�ei filUd, will be empty, irly active and 16c In order to redUC6 our stock bef pre 134 KiD9 S
t are
which has aiways b within gisgg �is a hanoted, the flesh risen BuFFAL0 january'&-Market I& goods
X ade. Sales AU HOUR.
o9joh. Mem ck arrives, In the Surrogate Oourt of
i and under - good of the order th? h - 't he glame-bbe conges- to ,?5c htg�or ; most aqvance on fair gr to our magnifibent Spring Sto' DON'T WAII! TILL'THE L Also a fine f assortment Of
nstailce .10 relate of nearly an Ano 14 0 Beat steers, $5.40 to $5.65 ; good to choice, $4.90
light and other,
ber will ha,`V8 some 1 n over the hear is released, and'i.b.49- $6 05 ; good �hippers,".60 to 44.85 L11 line4 0 follows at -wonderfully- low,
patients tio, the ()ounty of Huron. Groceries
u ar and omf ortable $3:90 to $4.50 ; ewes and heifers, $2.76 to SS;60 ; ex- we Will' cle out E
-kindness recei,�ed by him from the supies its �ieg beatiDg. jeUin
ul brother who has been Called a�way Uar an' hristian at Woik. tra beif ers, $3.75to 84 ; fair to good fat cows, $2.60 rs, 26c ESTATE OF JOHN k, -s -1L - _f �
�& .. ea.e. , i C Tone
faithf ourning nd - ClaroliU61 Cheney, i 0 8S,6o ; stockers dull at $2.26 to $2.60; choice, Chtldreni�"..�.§hoas, 25c; Children's Slippe JN THE MATTER OF TRI surrogate. Court of I would say here tbUt I
in In t 20 pounds of Grimulate
the charter will be 3ows steady at $20 to Women 4 S110ers, 26c; Men's RubWrs, 25c ;Men's McwAUGHTON, (THE RLDER), LATE OF THE a Sugar for $1
-Jc higher ; light to Long Felt Bootpp $1.26 ; Men's Boots, 15C ; Women's TOWNSHIP OF' TUICKERSMIT11, IN THE'
$6 committee Appointed to draft resolutions, mdke.-UR Wouucl' $2.75 ; feeders, 0 15 th 83 65 y-lof,Hurou. 'tY
picture will be enlarged $50 -'old kine, 412 to $16 ;'bulis, $8 to $7.75. Hogs Boots, 60r, ; �.Hoys' Boots, 50C ; Girls' Boots, 600 ; COUNTY OF HURO,, the Count -best qus -:-sud also a Tea which
of' some one f&ney, SE26 to $4 ; veals lower at is FARMER, DECEASED.
and perhaps Joe's 'while yve'hear good Women's overshoes,. 60P ; rsuant to the 81batute in beat at 25c per pounds
What a pity that Every little xed, $6.35 to $5.4( Men's Overi&oes, 76o -,Notice im hereby ven pu Against the IN TIRE ESTATE OF ADAM HISLOPo DFXEASED, Cannot be
C Rubber Boots, no having claims
aced in the hall. U;ty nail into his foot, Yorkers, $5.85 to $5.40 ; mL
and pl stuok a heavy, $5.35 to $5.40; fair, -$6 26 to $5.35: P1906-35 Girls' overshoes, 50c; Men's LOnI that behalf, that al
whose Isait would w,�o hasi do of 200 NeSaughton, deceased, who I�XvWg Any eWm against,the Estate Of All kinds of Produce taken. Butta
the dear old brothers I 0ortion - of his person �--Market fairly active and $2 ; four packefa Cornstarch, 25c ; two� poun iiiate of the said Jo=1 11 persons I
1 should not knee, or Vome "Other I to 15.45. sheep and Lambi Howick
at the slightest attentions therefrom, f firm for good ; others easier ; best native lambs,-, Japan Tea for 26c, six pounds of our, wonderful 264 died on or about the 10th day of November, A. D. AAdam Hisfop, late of the Township of and FgV wautA for which the h4h-
throb ation sna loo�jsw has reoulted 0 light and d!s Tqbaceo for 25c, riner, Deceased, who di;i
all token of � this Yet all such $4.76 to $6 ; fair to good, $4.26 to'$4.66 Tea'for $1, four plugs MeDoval 1877, are re4aired on or before the 20th day Of Janu in the County of Huron, Psi
receIVS IL sm "Pre life. w4ioh the patient died. . mixed, $2.60 to 2o jounds White Sugar for 11 * 25 �pounds Brown - IM4, to send by post prepaid or deliver- on or about the l8th day of June, IM, we required eat market will be paiid. A
in th con -.won $3.25 to $4; DstivP sheep, D., , Tic
while livi said ban b l0c, three A M. Beg, Sexfort,4 OntSTIO, Solicitor for Nell IM to send to tioll is extended to;all'to
Ing. But thus,, it is a healed without 4K.25 Canada lambs, Sugar for $1 ; three scrubbing Brughbb ior, 7io j. OIL: or before the lot day of Februs
ommo� 'Man wounds, it is $3.25 ; all wethers, $3,60 to 0 four vounds Wine :d wrldoore, Indergigned Administrator of We� Asia Esiate"at cordial jnvita�
We seldom Bee the use of the,c noes as Often follow 14 95 to $5.15 extra, $5.20 to $5.26 Canada sheep, cans best red Salmon for 26 at for 26c,three NeGill, of the Township of Stanley, and Pe the'l stoCk before
fir Biscuits for 2E of the Township of Tue-kermith, -the Executors At nartieulare of thele- claims, and #Ad inspect mY pur-
until he has gone from among us ; but there such fatal cousequ� nds or - any' wound $s.25 to $3.76 market closed In. ic, ten pounds Oatme roe 1 wroxeter P. 0,, f, 4a
0000000 rooms for 25c, ten said John A 0- rity, (it a y,) held by them, dUl verified
;tjig life 4n its true ' light, them. SMoke such �Vou pounds Pot Barley for 10c, three B the jut Will and testament Of the ewes, the Of tho Becu n y Chasing elseWheM
is One who seen n his deeds shall oi bruise that nflained, with burning cent Baking Powder for Be, fivej bars Toilet Soap for . N hton deal6sold their name&and addr of the. by affidsvirk.
h 10c, '=i;,Of their aj��, and the nxtuM After the aid lot day of February, 189#, the 114id wishing
and the time willcome W�e -N. W. .0. P. Twenty minutes In Administrator will proceed to digbribute the said You all the complilnelats
od or woolle PS -01.
be recognized &n(J rewarded. 11, take the pain out Of NOTICE Trunks at half price. Ome in your securities, (if any) held by the of January 189t, the
W iong the parties entitled thereto. Uyinf the seasom
woo laid 2oth day
t, a smoke of And after the I tS Estate AD
I reference 0
Review. I infl mmation &rising from o distribute e which -he tfien shall
worot came 0 thousands. said Executors will proceed t to the claims of
t a I on e Voottee, And after such distribution the 19 h
eby ven that the &Dnual weeting of e said estate among the i
crties have rectij
12 t ese wounds. Notice is her of th f which ce beliablefor any part of.
Flir outs -Marriage, -the Usb6rne an hayiDg rep, uIred-j- amn an up 1W
ting PV8V 11 been yelaimant,ok whose claim he Shall
Company WU -Farquhar, M i d nobles by the thn smit -
d vibbert Mutual Fire Insurance We will pay 19c for Batter, 17c for rd OnIY' to the 0 'mS 0 said saidAdminiftrStOr will not
shall have the Estate to
irtatiob, has ad- the World's Fait I I be held'In Gardtpor's Hall, irectorie, I Eggs 139 for Lard, 11 1 re=nsib e for the - rwe ve e aforsifild.- George
It is through which, a., for the.raceiVing of the D tors will not not have
n is given pum=t to the Statute in that
yanced to somoth',Ing like a fine art that Th6 great iorist 10 at t 1 o'clock p. E Execu. 6Wwo notice
s burned -on Monday a' ixW reports, raeet*,.on, to any person of whose such distribution. This notice
olke lose their groundi, Chipago'.w Secretar sundTroasureessnE other busluell. ForL of beltalf, - Successor to A. G. Ault.,
_�Ier young f snufactures building, ot Directre find Auditor, and ELROY, been received At The time seaforth,' Ontario. ALEX. HISLOP, Administrator-
Imany marriageat Compeny all membere BEST
Q2 000 ,Wwq�', MAIN STREETj :8
ice in life. � Flirtetion destroys confi- night. The great worth of exhibit@ the good and�welfare of the JESSOP & MC jj�cliWr for'said Executors -
char OutsiuIng $2,000, - .: THO Dated &tWre-xeta this Isti day of January IM, EAFORTIL
med with we requested tu attend �BLYTH, ONT. Dated this 27th day Of Decembers 1893
dence between tkie persons who ifadulge in eked �ready for .9hi went, was BE , DAVID MITCHELL S. CAMERON,
&I growth -Of A fireman named' PreeODt� Secretary
it proventfl� �the natur cul Y. -
it f good he greatest di l3qx� i 1361-13
inutual esteem ;Jt is not a, thing 0 fire start-
ifixt love illium M0 my was killed. The
ror to'suppo
faith. It, is Bin Or
:,ilt. A—i