HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-12, Page 1'7
O&M 2093HER La
POT "Ty-�� V`7
"RIM1411W T5,
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are &get asked hi
...... as the to the
"MBEA not looked upon favorS pork store t
L alliance is prove the charge. The
name begins -had not he had
thoughts of & native like, a brother riativt said: "The with A." gpoom is not by any means a young Maim of if he
gry manner, that
as a the tivialy refused to cariy into effect arrange- of Christ. exclaimed &� budding soholar, promptly been answer came In
tre -full a whole wealth. However, reconcilleopion has
sumed office in 1883hh4 head min not.. oil as poured on the troubled wat*"
for the order and who is missionary ri)ithodo amid the audible amusement Of'th effected, And it is the intentlo"11 Of the iren't yoil
it. a Model- School realiled ton account of ill son. ments deemed necessar, The effioleimc* of this a Miami
i the School, and bar words ion. bythesimplo words
Her resignation wpm received during the discipline a the native �c to take a
41INKUKT onvorts as workers, oongregat
i, e., havial Associat,
ubstantfated by action living About trip to England in the spring,
Christmas holidayO,
about a week after Mr. h ve been a a She a in Formons, —D. Armstrong, a farmer, bar of the Pork
a disous- is demonstrated before Our aye Wiartou, lost his barn where Coolpir will be placed in an- R91161a annual meet
-Ross' else br de. will receive no eugLgestiOu, allow n refully trained
tion, without any request olate wfiere over fty OIL bi ok Associaitan was held in T0rO4t0
IRA GAI sought tois ry fire on Thursday of last week. Most of'14 Live StO
I native mile and s, half frionk of University to'study medicine. —The ng of the Dominion
from ]Ar. Ross. Migo M t who aion of methods. 4e has pushing the work in7 ev eof Philip cand agarl I - oyed
any sober& are her his bay an, destr The —The cas ecutive was instruct -
her class erTision, resents � Pro of of the field. A so in Triuldad,w 0 a grain was also
to ap, OyIn * the unity of the core J No insurance. yeark, who was sentenced to be hanged on on the 5th jst- The ex hi
was next in seniorityl expected the live stock was saved. ad to t4Lke steps to have the prehent is IPP1119
buggestion, than 0 same method is being the 15th just., for poisoning his employer,
from all
cy de tr worked with
hoo Ing 1 9
pointed head mistress. The-vacat th 'Mr. Robert Waldron, of Maiden, Essex
d before Mr. Ross had any a pot- 'school. lit gratifying results. Gres -yes, sJ06ruNr usz_r Btandony came bill ankended,,ao as to give full compensation
Ott It
ocourre logo hogs which R- Z- of damage by accident in traull 4
huniing for bargains .1 A— It is Absolutely nOoeseary that Immediate mal udia, the -rd. issiOuRTY Col county, on Wednesday sold six abliket at &*a last week aid in case
Whou tunity of ascertaining, iss Hagarty"s "a second, --4n I before the a t wskit upon the 9-411WOYS
weighed, dressed, 2,000 pounds, an
Wress he was steps be taken to remedy what I must 0611 6 lot,-�-As already the mqutence was commuted to -imp-Hison- BRK committee
head in has a double' work to do. Ltesannot be so-
viiii find the for the position Of If the pouride ta,0. Price, $6.35 per
ig levik for this it has been. native Christiana ; of 366 1.3 out for life. Hill was said to be a B r. first, and if astisfactOrT 171
remember Pu -upon the re- grown ex I - ed to train the M before the
necessarily obliged to fall back lay the matter Privy
signation would be y a Christian English owt, �Over in a Bi%roarclo Insti. 'cured I Minister thinks:M rei g. gports of the officers of the school- sad I kftsr at remedy 14 all Immediately it )hns 2ad,—' heathen youths —The jury in the came of Roger Allino, do boy, but was Council. The following oJacere woft-,
and 101'stin tution in his life. Q. Robson; St. Marys
true, consultation with Dr. McLellan, Who Was the be education to the, hundreds of 4as foun -needed
ole, he c dd- in his hands. I his tbs. honor -to be, Sir. w ho are Seeking it. They are not as A rule who d 'deaA at St. Thomas some :videsitly'probibl*tion is badly ad : Presidents To
4 ormal- Schools, he c korass Crawford Tor
then Director of I -The first vice-prtoi
t arvant, firistian education, but the weeks ago, returned a verdict to the effect ast. ideni, Tt
11 game parti of Ontario at le
vitk u8i to -'give her the romo- your Chadian a P eat. 0.
e!edl it undeeirsobb SCOTT. 'seeking the C Ming too take the that the man Was murdered, tbut by whom There onto ; second vice- resd
blob she Claimed. In order that our (Signed) MARGIRET G. gligh Cho, And are ;Wi Otillia r ast xrer�. A. 1. Thmpson# TO
tlom� w AS Mr. they know not. d ea ciallf Young miontreal; Treasi
may see the evidOnce upon whic h� he On this Idtter M�. Kirkland reported to as were 80 many merit an ilchrist, U1011trad,
one in order to have' the othe
Winter r"Gers Mr. Rose, as follo*@:— 0 :"1$ it not ,-Siveral young men will be wav 0 sturAiv tbut roti,to; Secretary, T. Gi
ThA dav
ailyled —A
acted we submit Dr- M01,611sn"D report Filkie wiOts fbur years ag tat In
23rd, 1890'. V1. assistant Methodist min hrg in Musitobs- on, the worie of liquor u death took Place On $Atuf
To'outot June worth an 4ffort to got such -a daily congro' and Nor it6ries. in June next, eventhe most temperate if theylsta at Glencoe. Mr. Al
Goods wo are ound to Memorandum L. L. D., each thweat Tart mornin, 301b ult.,
b The Honor 6 )ung men to whom to i -not free from on Icion and tnuedoes
able George W.'ROSS re known *'a' "Dake
Data- ation Of,y4 pr iviendent kof we wil uf Mons
under., usompt
the Girls' Model go ool, of Eduq;ktiou Related Mist. IKAGY Of these hive lost 241 re ard Rev. J. Woodsworth, super riday Af tor -
Re Vacancy in Minister of being 11 Pretty fair, while 4slkilig On -
beg to submit the a -eligious by nature, missions, in now making for volunteers. of Argyle," came into town
Toronto: Dear Sir,—I' for their old path, are i Iona, who drove on, the the slippery isidewalks., bell was In the habit of drink -
lard noon. camp
(1) Mrs. Cullen, who has been 20 1010 litter from Mine head mistress of the d are anxiiaous for a --J. Graham, of Ho:yden, a young married Ja which she states
head Mistress of th
faith that will
have confidence in 114'611 but a Mlohigan'Oentral Railway track some tims Mr. Han very drank and
odel 'So 901, Girls' Model s 8&jIdy. Had we is life on Thi
a 44irls"' K lost hi xinday last week. ing, and he be became
the, try n ily ago and had his horse killed and his buggy Man, daring &�Out the streets, he threw hiin"If
having resigned her I position, it wil 136 that she ov�fi no louger efficiently 00, Iding large enough We could as rking in the oods.sione, cutting of the road n4
ag is on seedunt of ob- smasked by a passing train, has been, Sued' -He was wo down on the edge Bar Charma's
ppolut a �66W Principal. the -work of the a6k�ool classes as 150." cod The treng were lodged togetherthold
ave 400 or 500 ia these -he rolled intOA;
im Of JACKE"ON B11t0s., necessary to a been a me atructions throw6 in. b Miss Cannot $5 or fourteen days for trespass. He had w factory. , It issupposed that
her we* Y a but in limb and it, spring -
(2), Miss Hagarty. *he has about a is
The larger building is half Ps by a limb. He out tilli ditch near I Ot of
t 9 )Y, containing
been drinking at the time.
the.iscoid division in H ty teacher �f'ths fourth 4fivision. be completed without hat $10,000. Who d be Ing back, struck him on the neck, fireakin waingo,
LEADING CLOTHIERS) years in charge* of 0 &#or of ther strained rels- —Saturday morning, 31st ult., a 09 - star. -Herd he was found next in(
a promote r W
THE belisiors, to b ? -,tori6o; The trees unfo tunately
School, expectio, I I have been &war Hamilton, his collar asHo, was taken into Xr.
I ac, not think that hi Miss Hagerty And will help to jaise thAt sum
the high 14 tions existing between - longing to Rev. W. H. Wade, of� ts in the cheat breathing his
�er positio, - Now'the reason of the present difficulty ght it to the came together; crushing hi yerything WSW doll's
SEAFORTH. ad 'years, but have- not ads, raived $10,000 found a hum . a if )Aldredts hoi
.80' that can be follo an hand and brou tly. WIL a age, where e'
i will be the -bbst cour Miss Scott for several Mr. Wlkie,while in Can and villing him instau -to savehim shortly after -
For hie brought it under your notice, hoping that rectory, No. 45 Humber 'street went, H but e - �Wlva
create of : Jhe school. wo children.
in the Int for this building, with the understanding d �to part of a ing and t
time w , la ounce the past to be forgotten. i1ton. It is suppose Idical —Lard Aberdeen ham 9 private ch&POL'au� wards.
opinion I have 80100'rOM10118 on
dy OTH SIDES In' that the British Government would double he has appointed a Chaplain in tho person —Ay happycoincidence the fall r6*01ts
B I have seen someWhat of MINFII H 9- In this I have been istaken. The rat&- the sum if tho'building put up was such as student's luggage.
Fright, -long known its". Mir. of 'the plebiscite became known oil the
teaching, etc., and, while she is 'a ir tions existing between them are now per. irements. —Mr. Alonzo V
sh is King of the Gatin s--
--,(Trom the Toronto X11114 arty a ould meet the Government � requ
ehe -is looking in 40=6 Of the hi or iceding can who had been for of Rev. T. W. Winfield, Of Of. Mrs. YO
armoniouls fban at BZY. Pr� an plane drawn out by t Charge of thd
I is 0641trary, to the public interest that A teacher, a hags lose h The building, UP lost conspion. Winfield resigned Reformed nivernary of the birthday of
I is teaching peser, sad in igiuoer, has been more than halt a century thein the hnored Vresident -of the Dovainion Wo-
elemefits of trV iod. help of the Government 01 valley, died Sunda Episcopal congregation in Ottawa about a The
great department Of h could one figure in the Ottawa
a highly qualified tone or Peir quite a0se with Miss Scott t at 'tth&'S' put up as far as the Canaian funds kr ago from aopeoisotiOUR conviction@ that man's Ckriativa, Temperance bre found
Minister 0ontrollixog a I
rgaft. the. pubM, sir*ice, sliqId. give any ground certain that a mot at his residence. in Hull, Quebec. Death YGI 61 rejoldingof the mQUit"
welfare of the school led him to join. the Presbyterian Communion. generi
OU am be found. necessary for the esrry.it, But the British govOrDmOnt b" -0 Ula- nth in Urm any,, was due to Indsommatto f ths luugl- taw&, fill- pression in 001 or letter,
'tppoisitio at "' the discharge ork in ained In Ot +
for- the st- (b), I am of the idion that there is no all the teachers should w at Sim" then he has ram .0 their President),
OP11 . ying its abate. The fall it,
big dutieo fie ban acted with persistent � u and that -the means considered best for failed id supp] utries —John -Goddard, a 7 -arm, 'Isb6rert W jug the pulpits for other Pastore during -gram 8120, a deputation
fairness towards some of bin milaordinutsl- much austerity, shall I call it, about M me the valueof silier, affbotIal, a Con on has been confined to W oResin position in which H169SAY. it in possible to fkad a teacher of the promotion of" order cud discipline should more or lose, just DOW, a ;sots India with taken to the Hamilton 'City Hospital theli absence. Mr. Winfield was born in whO,tb6Q9 h she *U Active inter4sv
This is thi UnfOrt stario Minister of higher culture sad f better "etYle," I I be heartily co-ogeratedin by all." uliar moverity,so it uses almost no money Saturday, *30th ult., suffering from two tolmbridge, Yorkshire. over six yearsoo still taken number Qf
0 Ao of Pee ushed feet and lep, which had been I ram in the work of oral reform.
Mr. G. Wi,,Roas. that qu a- meth4 vern. badly or t Montreal f
d at the present may use the word. Fet the Position in I more frequently discuss but silver. This has thrown the Go le —The Sadden death a Keaud, a ikildresses were presented to Mrs. YOutassli
one g had to be
-earn to Stan
�Eaacatjo�`$. app ardent tion we want a good scholars teacher a d rig and matters of discipline with the alle
teachl Mont into such fin W difficulties that it oaughtt in i hay PrOBB - )nsumonju, of Mr. Moorshouse M ited, her
An offective Speaker, an no of the Model rt if 'ted. end a caustantstreara of cllern vw
bdisciplinarian, and a thorough lady. master and bead mistre I cannot, or at least will not, do its Mr postmaster at North well.kbown4ffiorer. of the Victoria R"'es, it her home on Matoalf street, frarouto,
'not consider t at Schools- end it in of the utmost ImPOrtAnOO Oanads does not now stop in auron, Ply , Z. at by the voluut"t
thi!A,-A'I�A.thin party man who is ready to Dickson, will be learned with rag 3rd just,
go SAY engthe in Support :of the - MOw%t (c) Moore espeowly, I do 'hich , has j not distin- a on@ of during Wednesdaysofternoon,
. I or. 8 a ths, ;a disouse, I vols Glaufotd, pullet W
poweii an a man -ph
a has, lain rather in ths hey should be able I laying an egg that is a forces throughout Canada. He WA -21th Dacembert
min t �t what is noded, not Only will the, W 10 a --On Weduead
Cu"CLVO&Ineuot, bit Yalu @hHrA'&g'h%r&tryga'o"f tbe..96hool for early fo r ki My maounero, these -Subjr�ts with the work be greatly hindered, but the $10,000 guished Jtself by ropurs WbCJL served in the Nile expe- py mornint
none- fact thjA he in a, good and determined has Ian d a e be- be vO3 - about half "s harass MoBblMs,
iho 51 ounces. Han eggs that ditiou'under Lard Wdiseley. On his return
months—during other tesohers. . This olkna int may be largely 7asted. A whopper. It It 81 inches *round, the longe t t
Sion of broad %Iready sIx Little's - Corneval near Galt, went Out to
11511ilinsin than In the PON" boo tween Miss Scott -and Mine Hagartys and I
common there can be no doabt,� that It h building that is half finished esnuot well be way, and wei to Canada he Volunteered for service in the at
Oi baff..- tal Capacity. There is A ffer in go tfi�ae to the pound are not seen Oftsu- billion wall his barn t 'throw down
departirlion 499 hool. She does fairly as the interest@ of the e6kool must Bit, I' good repair. Northwest rebellion, but the to
cc bin industry and grasp of headless" Be kept n ANNA ROSS. -4John poil.ar..has sold his farm in Moore, at time a his @or. lighted lantern with him, sad shortly 0W
It OID:- nvjctJoR7 -that of a division --she wovild not, consequence. well undar control y th ad
allied wl h articular teacher actfully, to ask that &pd- has purchased the property near Pe- he atsrted-to work it explod6d, filld "in
it of a largo I have no vices were not it minut4a Arq not
fecause. of think, be a success As a insonager w, moot reap roll
and it is derstion and BRuczPm1G' out" J&nu"7 sth' lam. the late W*C�Anderaon, contain-, the few:minutes hie fine now batik barn woon- a
It is With red by ighbors
and ni4b so] regret that I give ti is you take the matter into oonsi troles, of
vited core school. for the surso —A toward of IM0 is Offs %go of, flames. A number of Us
these tmogo that he! cannot afford to igu, on; it uld be far more pleasant dsuch measures So will terminate this 0ana, da. one hundred and fifty acres, ve authorities of Pieroy 06antyl WashilmStOno, Is Spot
the blaze soon gathered on he
ces that hay. a or 600, which place he intends to mo a of recommend the promotjouof M evil. 107 bushels of Wheat 11094 -to save
the elfturnAtIon, a bee brought 6pint wo [lee Hagar in Ok for the adprebous(61i of one Louis U KSUU
a th can There are other and with much difficulty mausgail
It n a ar&o *'Y to.41101inwhat in now f no other mthod than that you to in the spring I
-A dozen
'With am c th A the interests n art Arthur. ishman, alias Lorkin Doscher and half
at a luite sure re at Fort William and P tit Of ehorses and cattle, , All bin g
In ordinary cases wh 10 a and that one 8tO —MlkoWherrill, the young Engl
qvilli be beat served by purflui g ask One of them to iesig ry names, who is the absconding preside implements and 22' 1946re't-uriid.
to dismisa�s, the Soho( She appears to troo; aspected of.. haioring been the murder
subordinate pub 0 ear Aylmer, the other evening Han or of few
f I *Quid, chopping down a the State Bank of Buckley. Washington,
pairt3r, different course 6119968t t at should not be Miss -3 Oti. - was licp4jan supporto offiCialdofii because Offi- s Haydenj while has made a clean insured for SIA -0 iu-th*
jo jet on bar- the Williams couple, Kenn is so Gormanjew -apd- at one Mr- MBOAa if'
go Hagarty be paid -something AddIti0 &I b IATO done what she could I Abebbry
sketo Mi Miss instantly killed. resi �Of big connection with, the Port County. on
lady- cialdbiii is SuPPOBOd, for its ".Own a ker salary for the increased respon 1- 0 -Hagarty, and intendant, b resident of Galt, Ontarioll where Waterloo Matus&
mi niously with Min —Mr. T. B. Carscallau, super fenveii that he did time WAS A in in the North Durafrien on thecOlitelatic-'
a Ount to k Past In r 00 vslusble� to be Cre
keep itself labove reproach d Psat In Seattle services &is far t div murder. He Con he carried on an extensive shoe business.
an an tedge bility she has had during the he Orphans' Horse at ingston# Aled —Robert Harris, formerly of. Toronto
prii� to say'divinity, doth the honor to not do It. and left his crod-
of tige be Of t
ifib. I have
goO& got d penned W y on January 3p Aged 55 years. 1883 he failed, however,
L -9 not montk'B- suddetkl� KARR is Junction, sad a brother 6f Miss
Or.' W by di-inity doe OW of t is —Mrs. Elizabeth. McGee, aged.104 yearsoo
a nScott, n X90 In""-
luggest that Mi sir,'your obedient servant a Canadian exhibits at th ore in the lurch for IX town, asOne of the V'Ictiniff'of tk*,
uricil, -The last of th a it
g he hould %seat -
Ottawa Ladie� ppe
Rossi is a th ;D � denly at Detroit on Saturd y. 4ked tit.
hedgi--, College be- appointed he A (Signed) THOMAS KIRKLAI 4 from Chicag: supp to�Vs in Ontario at press id by careless Bragfilka A44
is moment., cGee was born in Sootland in 1799. 010610A cause
Ation World's Vair will bi shi Mrs. M G.' Buchanan, city editor -of the
: who accidentally fired a PO'
Rose be,
tain v4, the earliest possib �jrls, town, wder mag"itts
'been -Minister Of mistress Of Abe dirls, odel School, at t is principal Normal and Model Scho;111. g; and
i - at now paid 50 �h of � June Miss Hsgsrty was this week. �In 1820 she settled, in Amherstbur
Mri"G. W,L a i�scsived a carious
Salary of $950, the amot On phe 28 le, the distillery, Hamilton Time
ince for about ton t 0 lkery sh, few
EductItion -for this PrOV SoboOl in teacher in, —At We, 60,yeare ohe lived About Essex on an iiand off Rio do Janeiro
Cite Vote Blind, of
itial mot of big 0& head jah' trees of the Gitlo' Mo4ol informed thait hefr services as near Windsor. the pl.ebis stood 21 for over man present froin Mr. Robert
Year#., and almost the in School would no Raton, Now Mexico. The parcel contained Harris wai boatswain Of one tatioued there Analo
ial.Aicade appeara This Is the o
d" county ears old, ash iteaviers a
to have been to arranga'. Ottawa. I am r of the opinion that in mohol r the Provincial Model soon of the for prohibition - —Affre.4 Paquette, seventeen y BgroRi
C .1 ability to. teach a d be require —The. seminary of 'Mon on Friday a Umatilla, scorpion, horned toad, Z
sh p* in ex Friday th a partr'for Alklid' to
a in a semi.,private I perienest in W' L under- as iosted as Sainaw, Michigs'39 me"' "here wi
" I or a centipede and sh . oentips
forailady than employe is 11 lZiater of Education, Go far at A $5W.000 in stock. T de's nest. The fair- agaune wag on the Wavid
'hear Ome Principal' govern, in ladylike quuntitis8o, she inve e no Windsor, where, he in want- orn Wing the decks. Them
01 At Ottawa to bee . on adies from ula and scorpion - suffered Ir
r -in the ant
ladie*',scho school, a thingba sur- that can be wished for In a Principal for tv;d iil� invested in different Can the they vi
ition, over $3,000.000 id on a charge. of being goneerned -he rest of Sited, and the W'Orl
dismissing the maotter, however,we AMC of tho Toronto Model 0 efo -drushed-about in transit, but t oing cigarette$.
ing, of tbe call of Mr. Rose himself to GirW M dal School 'he -adian seaurities. burning of three barns belonging' to F. areached My. Buchanan' transpor ng atores and,
Respectfully submitted, t statements hat the death of interesting Article
prisi'o as ion, seeing that de:ir answer a few Of —it in now announced t siding nest Windsor- The balance of Two British offi6ars were killed as alK1- the 0 to' Martin, a farmer re
-the p '00 ta �Aud
taki, ortfolio of aducat portunity (Signed) J, A. MoLELLAN. sined in �the public ptese,notably in Mr. mansger of Bow Park Farm,. ig themselves infairly good condition. Und
J hu Hope, makit
Udy!u quenti —The dull times are
d the the on had bad no oy Ragarty's letter to the Empire. num taken the oonsignmentoincludiriLg boa constrictor, Harris, Their bodies were Rover fo
f b
pshlic school Toronto, 1883. In due to an overdose of laud& felt, at t in To- w " blown to-StOnissbut
0 ftomw� We k (1) It in alleged that Mr
short sopquainted with 8 . Rose dismissed he,Sunday morning b4akfast d Greaser hrlq'07-- it iff.supposed they ere
ullet was the With such a report Id his hands, for neuralgia. � i� building is taxed to its very As alligator an
6halr- a. At that time. Mrs. C ronto, as ti the body of Harris was, f Ound ,-next doT iroutb 'a Mrs. Cullen. 0, the well.kn6wn even- orae. pected along any day.-
ev. -A. Ranto Canadian Mr.
en, the Model School, but She was everybody will agree 'that Miss Hagar coommodate &.11 that c the bay.
Mrs. Cullen resigned of —P —$&Yx the' wiarton ras, recently !per.
Pfisibipsol, mpossibles Dr. MbLel 0 This in not true. i a series of revival u the workers have —A very 0
Appointment was -i I golist, -will COMMODOC cal. owindle'l
sick leave, her place having been -,and although her roe g 6thodist Among those who come obtne6, brakemaut was pleasant
with ey
aba4l�t on knowing. r her own accords, the Centre M1 ld not do work DOuild R petfated o Brendle of W-411, I
I h,
opportunity of services at spirl", in
for- ix months by Miss Ragarty, the had every t formally submitted lintil Mr. not Yeb found a man that won n a Mr.
fille4 for a motive in Pa ly surprited on Christmas day by receiving
0 tion was no in -to or
�duational standing, and could have rk� Rose' predecessor church, on the l4thinst. if work could be.found for him. A stranger a the
�&st a lady of big tment. Mr of ErnestowntLenno afrom *hisi follow workmen A tOwnsh* 'i
firsCusial 9 ROSS, akppoin red of Mr. Posters 000
in her over
6 pea- attalumentistnd wbownow a Pool arranged for ber retiring &I- Mrs. Wm. Pringle', —A Courtright mark because his wife in* al Containing L $57. Mr. Robinson ..ban where he etiqui call aboUt the
is not true; an The Mail alleges, t had partially ru
sold'three turkeys last week, the
ia a Co legiate- �aobool at Winnipeg county. n sending her little daughter to take purae Schaal t` stiies of that
i d d 91 silited 0 m
tiold lines as a PU i home and been ill for s;We tii a with �ii abscess which aseen -1and teacher, being artidals I h
held an Miss Scott bad no exper 0 ad. music lessons, got drunk, went and'Conducto i
I V certificate, and a iin-� dressed weight of which ag r Rich- tru
Mi"�H f eq al � (2) No c6mrolsointi Of Miss Hagsrty gJ709911tari Ilan laid- him off work, eqyent of.-
&;P&rily assured when she assumed School teacher. Her certificate w pot p this euqdi
:go H L as 0 ed before her' dia. inds. �They were shi�oped to up sh $3,Do. piano , end *reeked the ardson took the initiative in ratting u tie of Mr. Faster akuX 1subs
agarty she d t 'were allog vers, manager of the
she sh:q a compatibili Y —Mr. John C* [ly. Courtright gave a ticknapt to got ths correct "lit
yai Of roCipal that in. the event of raink with that of Min furniture general Ithe line Mr. An
the -work. ri b d wi ill present for him, contributed &long a f thi trustees and � beadher
blic Sohoolneven and a If missal. at Galt, has retired, an Mt. IkAins
have tough of, the perial Bank, of 46 against the plebiscite. Sig- the name 0
ling 0
t true. The Pria
Mt*. (.)Ullen ,,not regun he w uld PU of the Lad es' Thin is no AP&I o dairying and farm- majority between, Stratford and here. then forged a note for $287, to lit
For the time before years, and as lady Principal At he devotehis entire time t a of his
nificant I
thw appointment., ad 361 states in his letter th appreciates very much the kinduell 0 Crossh re -tie, College at Ottawa du
ng six -years Normal Sch, Ing. of the wiarton Bobo. aded the names Of th
she had given the greatest as d relations, and. —Mr. Sj W.i Cross, embering 'him XPPO
me -er- McK. fellow workmen, In thus ram,
aomp- itiorked Doomed by her management gains& valuable experience in managing wag aware of the strains —Mrs. AlWon, of Catharine striett, Ing the same to Mr. J. teen and personating Mr. MaKee, t 6
f.8;Ai6 to gill, CO r about has di posed,of at th�-holida ' DOGIT
eneral i 6d- wi are informed, endeavored to bring Ysesson.
a destined large clessonl girin and in the 9 5611, has's bouiqugeof marigolds, pansies and of the Globe, Toronto. er,,hO offere& it for mile -to ssalle shre also informed that r. Irwin, who
Of -the sohooi'� , B�t her hopes wer ored on Christmas Audsrson, forr�erly —A few days "Vei
0 am ministration Of A sch reconciliation- W
Minister, d Brandin,
ta-1e dissl 00i. a larkopur, which she gath n is an old newspaper mass has and8teis, of Heidelberg- butfalited
I th Mr. Anderso omu, P icked up a fag d
and opointe several times on near Hyde Park
eind him with hie Miss flegarty and her friends were, hc w-' be. advisec day in her garden. bility as a writert is geDik1 and Noific, Railway Ing it. He then 658rs it to MT,
A having lef t b this point. -n- I find signal on the Canadian for $W and go�t tbe
o. tion -
Mr. Rose was ques
the assursnce Of her 'PIP- disappointed. ied of her —The ninth annual convention of the 0 courteous and the Wiarton people wit Ving too investigate it used ani near 'HawksVilles
tud in that cit' ever, (3) Wei Hagarty was not inforn t io, Creameries Association is being hold track, and in -tr� ith thelusust cash al3d startiddi very likely, for POW"
for this he re- a to the cause of -her is -
f und,, Intment. To ;nake way
PO ed in the House a di I until she had left on a trip to the ar interesting him an excellent citizen. Axe. He struck the signal, w
resignation, who sual explanations in $miss& this week. at Belleville. An —Smith, a Winnipig tanner who was en- ment knock- now -
O i4osted tars. jag&], and gave the u age T uti*
m -iss old country. programrpe has been arrmiged. f furs by J. A. result - it exploded, and a frog be- Acton Free Pr
art, and 1,000 worth o
acth Cases, With a tender, regard for N 13&11&h trusted with S I —Says t
�Usual m appea-iso bave lost he a [Ise Hagiorty's dismissal He received no
The notice Of M purchased- the a d Mr. Irwin'ff eye Out -
o prepare Dr. hkeLellan's ovelock on —J. C.1 DAnce has f Itogere & Co. to repairs after cleanin. th 'a thrao gesr; ;go a letter Was written the
which t haebegan t Ragarty's feelings, however, ones before 3 Elgin, consisting 0 y, but, there 19 not ths VOMOtent JO ig Of
t the P b. was ent to her resid HOW other I ht to! E,msorouel 0hapaisla!,
and Wseems o iss, Hagarty, being no. rc could Mr. farms Aylmer, county Of o the Pacific co"t and rojur itjoh Columbia, *ith]%�
f�r the dismissal of Mi �Port '�n her case *as not givOrk 0 of the term . good buildings, 90048 shipped them t - ht of lots )Out thie ime by the 9, wad a mistake. the Just da: 100 acres of choice isna and I n Ahe naxt train. He was chance if his ever recovering the Sig Chilliwack Valley,
doubt irritated At &I lie. 'This, it seem Roils kno* that she was leaving f or a, trip then followed 0 back to that eye. The bit of iron landed on the in- k the Legsiol plo, therefor 84,760. and brought via* to the pur from him of bin plot In
ature, ying captured at Moosolaill he
ao ay 1E , - as ]Ersgartyl, was 4iseatiefied, Y: he was Ork ChrUttalf
of still, Mi now Methodist ahurch% ner corner of the OYe, And just scooped t
qUastion, Abroad ? —A beautiful
why MisB H%g%rtY Wag iniffectivev' nd Hag&rty's place on the 4th ingt. WiDlliDeg for trial. 'ball out Without leaving any mark except a the old cemetery AActon
*,howanted to know in the ]ffoQgei (4) Mr. Rose filled Miss ng twenty, ;ter, uddreesled o
In. r ly 'to this Attack - for redro Be- formally opened ah�t Arthur u6st of snakes numberi Do* lost a reply to the let the
ep at 6 found pmratively inexperienced caudi —A� slight out on the upper and lower 1fdo
he ex- had not been, &pgot other way mU osting over $10,60. Joh-Speigh As received
ister said that he had some with a Opm it is a stone building, 0 was recently found under a barn in r t, Acton, wo
At that time : h ;i4h —The -golden wadding of M - 'slid Mrs
Added ioterroga ioll the Min apposed wrongs date who held a lC certificate. had. It, is twelve years BiRZO the
t to de- ng her a,
cial of h %,- Dr. Potts, of Toronto, preac of ier.township, Prince Edward coL - Ousty postoffiee.
oOffi ctive I-- its hostility tow rd id Goudi who live near Bresl&A, a Mr., abordins n M' - Caulfield, who succeeded Miss Hi Dav 'Will
ougulted end Mail Was most a lee —Mr. George Hague, general manager hopmal
k, who had declined to reeprum udid p- of
troit, j�&rtmer the Go'vernment. Here Was a splendid StAff OfLthe Model School ohants',Barnk, has given $5 '000 to 'Some ..of them wets in & comstoge state idents as a )Uck-
Arty, was on the the Mer nough to bite at a of Waterloo, was celiBbrated-on Now YeAT'S lieLt are
th hia, tit tb�s was Susequently donied by of becoming Equare with the I. I was * appointed to while others were lively e Of eight 60111� be rimemb d by Old rev
her i portani't for five years before shf i4ernity Young Monte Christian clay. The family consisting business on Mainsre here
Y uyMeGill Un Lged in length about tvg 'remark- OTWIth who Id
name _Miss H> rty jog Hagarty her- ng on. stick. IhOY av6 I d, r ha.
Orion, fficial. h d. Minister. Accordi Miss Hakarty's place.
was Asoiation, for the erec five years ago. In'th
tion of a buildi O:f'the variety known as the and a daughtef were all present. A same t6ir,
useful in jl�ke time at feet, and weve the gathering was' that this &TO &goj� an, that
ement of her skeet rkF,
�e,� re- Meanwhile Miss H& artly ttain a know- wrote to 'The Mail a ]'tat self held'only a IC certificate at t ex6llege grounds. able feature of Savelbis wife diedlour ye
which all the child -
0& f lowing phra- tit in 1875. -She advanced her th missionary, pilot rattlesnAke. was the firWoccasion on him in, Brltish��Cdlutnbi%
he the rhe�* Principal sed with the a, h ant happened to a young
I - Or appointme X
work. which'was CIO ---;Dr. JohDSOB,, the farsong —A action accid 'time under his Wmft a -0 with'
Ancl unaccustomed
graph staff, and Miss Caulfield ently crossedthe Continent of Africa,
-I awho r4b hm:dOing well, the -oldest son
ledge of her �n ktus ;rhile on the Wyoming, to- ran vvera� togiother at the same
during which The youngest s6n in now, the Most Of a long
are went by, tored by a as working
or' six ye 4, Would it be Askig too much of yo I to will probably do the same. boy on the Lampman farm, roof.
eme nrating wilds never before en the parental
Aime Mis Hagarty fulfilled with groat credit t;ke the matter in hand and bring it b ore (5) miles Hagarty'a salary was 'nor 'isit Ontario ebqut -the lot centty. A steam stra�w cutter wi 28 yearsld. Two sons live in- Michigan. being a rich maim Mr,LCUSPakan w
V ng bay crawled time r the -man will nd the you aukiug up, his mind to reply to *110
white in the barn, io is nearly 79 years old and his
du.ties of first apaistant, even 11 the columns of our Mr, Goad him, but his lettet kind and
herself the itorially ro mo�tha before She retired. tSent
time so a the public ad t the under the cutter and
'during that ? I feel convi cod deer as wife is his ju ior by a few years. They
kry ease of salaries on the Model February. wa"hrowing the eat
ear's. getting A rig( ridely read- now I as in
of, Bail to her Ability and Ca- V blishi The �'iner in Council. If . ;--�There has been a great when his hand came in doutROt ettlorg of Waterloo friendly throughqut.
ublishi -a atraw outoo test a
inbstautied testimony be ettek than School 'taff is fixed by order ore among the earr rnietitig of the Woodstock school
womant that this wilt a. sceived by express or d was out in pieces Up to W
D'ildej at tho'Christ- withnhe knives,'an Istar,Woutworth board theOthef uight,Mayor HAY Re -
]But that she Was v, marked ie, and object ory bein re. number of Parcels r —At the i
f I worthy of
riends PSO a teach ils from the America
letter over my owl' no= of is considere�
me, ter. in gdo lie ma
the jisabil which is self in the
ind had incurred Much to appearing my -tained irk the service the increase is a'neason, this year, in comparison with t1ge elbow. —There in a farmer in Ch a from thoBible So -
ad a depFtation of ladIs
GOOD 4P ma Statqe Government have
Aid t4 belong to the irouxed, was A Coussivative—has beer all . —he United named Elijah Snyder Who is 611969
f course, and although not paid
for eMy father is matt r o county, _in the 'OrivilegaL of -addressing
former years. I family,of Montreal, a vicia- ciety, requesting I
paren iproved by t —Ad&m
�Urke, 1890 Mr. Rose, &I lweye given his vote and un i� ,e awarded to the Oushin; ntirely new
t wil his life—and has a he House. such increa Brown, ex -M P-oHamiltOro, has Portland ad in an industry e schools., And takin an 14
thout the consent influence on that side# an air in $103000 for Clighing's Island in Y D&Mely,r the growing of hib, far ilis the pupils in the
could.not dismiss h-OrL d ham always t kken oof his- colleagues, induced the Cabinet to So djotes onk the beginnilog of the ye been forbidden by his physicians to ecture &in* 33, 4 7 - the cilase roomi aolleettoill byor
a first Started whi6 Miss Hagarty was not Hariocor, Maine. The island cast
� �fr
your Pak or Over sinoeLit it was niade. a been obliged to can market. lie has a pond two Karen in fix
for some time, and ha
It was in that line. to 'in ConneetionL V
ing bar cong y1ta -a You F4 the res and will be fortified by the American nd about nine tee work. 'The desire, said
agree to her recei I feel I tave some CIA repo�rtad -against at the time the House Was cel his engagemen w'b
'Hagarty had star ;Y of notice you Tere are a an or of heirs t9lots a mber 6f German car and Heys was not actually 80 mueh to gslu'a' .
ever, until Mi9L9 J has placed & an P,
not, how -you deeni itt W World'eLFair exhibit. he
Europe that Should Session, and so she was treated the same glibing family in Montreal. -Utfd*
will oonfer a great %vor n me by taking wohere on the ASM ' Of tke C1 @gto to propaxate -the fish and grow tO.gOt an OPPOt`tUujtY to touch "ke
a that ed on a long expected trip to to her resi- as the .6ther -tai —Joh" Smith, an old and respected real- t1try Show At Now Hamburg prop )rmson Carp is ones* to appreciate And grdw familiar With
up 111 the I sy I have men-. e i-entlemen teachers ordered —The POT for the mar misgsl.'was forwarded W �hehlthf At A them the great and d -object of the
her dis d of a messenger. The the matter (6)o One of th for presuming to dent of Owen Bound, was � in feeble , a day. tart week, was largslY successful. d of fish for table fise, but 900
by the ban Scott out of 10 and dence so it indi- tioned. ]WIGS his ro�am but went out and voted on New Yost' Y, Ron. John Dr' pot the finest kin In Pf titig th b
evere ationed becau 't of a Publi ear- ;Ing hold on Tharads,
ourrostance in me': The ungenerous cohdad
come It and criticize his teaching. tsa useful fish and easy to broad in ponds. 1. to &&list
y re- r to attao di d Imost Immediately after returning moot an address and Chale rred 7-er; u%lig befor! any of,Mr.; send
t that time nothing had Coca ry gentleman den delivered it will be some me Ing it forth to do its -ap Cates tha.t a ant invoking a UOWAPAO We � are advised that evei wall elected e &'d and the Principal of V hat solken staff of 'the M;d7el School well- Ernest, of Few Hamburg, of carp will be ready for tit he ladian, h U01il I and 6tween Miss Rigarty 0 ma I kv . the chief needs no comment, !but that 'teacher on the Miss Kate C. Strong, sopranos tit of the oat Lrio Nultry Associa- Snyder'p crop would Ve Of a great deal of goolti
Kirkland, tile Principal of the at circles in usuada, was Preside
thetModel Sch6OI of a nature t such conduct most reprehensible W and Mr. known in !rousic Thomas A- &owne, of Londop. is arket. But the trilet0se6'refused to endorse tite tt-
firet &"jet- f?r o'be New' tion. 0 of the old -
a oat, declare this statembut t b, day 27th ult., in here resides at Prescott on that o0
former feel tfiat her position as the letter in questioti WN not intend d Normshl Bch married a. Wednee v —T holding d t the wifilIft Of
b left id ter to The sit in Ou4rio Secretary. r living in C
.,&us;-ds,or possibly quost
hat was at all precarious, Since shi Was PO f St. And- eat persons nov W00411106tholift
a long and Publications but; As blows mig t be untrue. -for York city,/io George Mclatyrey an R. johnatout -pastoro aOladies mig-ht*Ut-,.--
started on her, and tl
e for -sly to have in America.. Her Ram to schools
It is man. an declined the call .
not be lik No com- order if-possiblo, that 6 to regretted that the uncalled a is Mrs. M& pen tb6 Aoor for Sep
much basis.-'
journey on that more effective., the M-inisterof Xd%1c%tiODksvO Ali.founder of the reve-s church, Linda& and o
tpousive , ibility" be- I attacks up -on —Mr. David Caldwi treat joy her &go is 110 year@. She ban lived with' t The selonf the board has OrGSW
ex 9 . Not lis miss Hag publish this correg- - 28th ult., aged from KnWc'charch, 0 w, to the 9 Mr. Patrick Coyl;. Of that town], for some ere�
plaintiff of ;he allio red 4'1,ncomP&t art 'a ser- Galt nurseries, died on the 6 salary comment In ear
-job the withstanding JLI - made; it necessary to a wasRffered a a good deal of unfavorable
er principal wh r with a good man, active in -of his congregation tiine past and has been a reeldsut 'of Pree'
tween her And 3ontinueA.' The Miui6t0 t his ondence. 72 years He w This 6 th born in the tain sections.
ispologiats- of Mir. Rose have recently invent- vices were 4 ons, the least of I now carries on of $2,5W year a Ot Cott. for 40 years. She was th*--
She was a forbearance that evangelistic work.' His Son n hL,,,b,,en called by ty,Ireland,. `—On Sunday avening,2Ath Decemb v
third iiiine f Cloninel,Tipperary count oted ligbt-
( h'
r. '0
-edrhad at that time been made. gross viola much -rger stipet, Mr. W iii. Kay -amps
-requited, overl oked a ary Conege. the nursery business. ids, parish o
very been Ill r! g a t 0) 11 a 6, in wife of the r
lingly. thanderstruCk when she receiv a of her -position But, �jndoreo MilWiOn young People 91 Society of Chris- other cong e, passed *wAV to
accorl tion of tb6 proprietiO1 'VII IN —rhe New than he reoelves in doxy, where his Bti..? Decimber 24, 1783, and camiI to Canada
a She, go ALL razSBYTR=AX8 NMO DBLIL tian Endeavor of -three churches n her oters'l hon�e. Deoeased aswr
'to 'she h in $1,400. art and Able to colt -
ad, a& Ifinding in England, the cable mes , lown her ch ef, 1820 1 being at thi time 37 Years of age. house keeper, a Kineardia.
a Bed her of her not content to tio emban me pend i dy is quite am 4W -
Gage Whereby h r friends appri the TORUL 0" MIMONS. Westminster, Britiv Columbia, have com- 'Y' Says -that a h 01
endeavors(, W. W. Hogg, 0 Vaisle 'Y with those wbo call upon her, of Ayrishiriao SuatUnd. She came to C
disminer relotently in her 04 ministration of the Year 1M, an ding for
ilding 'needed
a re- u from Eng- Ee thin went )n t Only is this new bod bined for the purpo L se of doing work amongst rge number of far eft in the county of verse free] but her is 646 in the d after resi
Miss Hagerty, on her retu At No to stock. He Her eight is fairly good, it the township of DUM(riegg
o knowwhy hool. For six year -following let- the worst way is give ohurcli accommoda- the Chinese. ave been feed ag Wheat sops Bound- sixteen years I a remidn"
laud, w 8 the Hughes, Ancaster, has Bruce h
as eceedingly A11110118 t crisis cameop I so Auni# L. 0, 0 , to a Minister length the fto the converti and inquirers now Aock. —Mi and this year be poor. he eat* but little and $I
.Gme Of farms NO acres of I di -long h bit f mov d Kine rdiuO in 1 51- All
she bad been dismissed, and the tion as, but in its an action against F. C. Field, Water. marketed a bushel ly. She, in still fond of bar, life kit h day of her do*
I Or- his refusal to ter Shown Ing Around our missionari Own begun i6ye that he h a] a reside ere until the 'a
was Asked to Investigate. Girl's MOdo SobOOL sCollege building, it is of down, for breach of promise,clainking $3,OPO al an not Yet all,to cattle. and A gentl whiff thi pipe-� HOW Sigular -that on that �ery 4 ar watt brought before the Torou apecjai work siol amages the . r endant was of *beat, having fed it �-The Guelph Mercury tells the following.
do this, the Matter to, June IN 1890. nary, �01- d efor. The def He asys. tht it pays well to feed ago, Decembor� 24tb, 1-892, her 11"Is filmd
,,nd oil the strength of fi importance, The mis' hoge. story . A good joke, and a put UP CROP was.
Ontario Gov, —the "Ma
arn,men�t, r plandid. work at Indore, married- reaently. a the lighthouse
evidence aubadtted, Mr. Rose Was directed Thomas Kirkland* Eel,., M. A., rincIP&I ow doing a] ; at present Prides. ughtar eied I
age. He either Normal and Model 4 boo : , only terribly cramped for want.of room, in far.as learned the largest majorities —John Newton, missionary, Norway made an one. of the pork dealero of the' do . b, and the -Name hour of *h
ire further into the a wi cite were in Berlin and y, and Miss ity the other day. , A customer came into day of the mont
aetthe, ibmit the G 0 �mplishiug a doubleobject. Worth West Torritor jed
tOL inqu 11 , D quietly against the plebis 0 day—that is at 6- 30 P- m- Mrs' guy dja
did not' CIO this, -Or c erely super- Dear,Sir,—1 beg to a' SG V 0,00 former voting no by a major- Houses to of Belleville, were ro- -the pork dealer's store and romtrked : 6 6 1 61d in-. lid it in a m e a ffered more -or
He howevers filled the vs- in sonneotion with the Girls' god hoof First,—It is training MARY Of the. young Waterloo, the i lay - 301. Ont&rio,g Nattie Swayze, Is ut will,pay YOU that little bin I owe, and will -of heart droLpsyt Sad bhe J u
ficial manner. ity of 496, and the lattei
B. &, .1 luest that ]'On will lay he mat to its lager costly -married. Miss SWATZO want 0 mg�y.ith you.,,' Thepork less, for years'With thi's trouble ' but -durin
'Model -School, offering the-PoSi- with the rei norable he Mini- native Christians to be the'"561ves Mission 'ttlemento in loyal more dealb ee mouth$ bar Suffering* were
y in tU.e German se visit 'her sister who in markied to a have no
Who declined ty, ked astouided sond',aaked.Oe to&- thef last thr
tion firs'. to a iunor teaoher, ter officially before the Elo iDgtOU noun and, there to Language Would fail to Convey Ok
h Aries. native mission- —Rockwoodi Well d was caught in t6 man her. dealer loo 4-itemer, terrible.
ilt and then ij�er of Education ` 1 iiing hop poles.. missionary am son why. , Why," answered the c tiout,
becalue the work was too diffict the welfar of ths Tke economy of tre, vicinity are enjoying sh boom in J iffering th IPA
re com.- voly inexperienceil It in iscessar; for; ulton timber self. 4f bessuse you are a member of this PX.A." description of the oi-
-�gfvjug it to 16 comparati, ol that all the teachers shoul work in &rise instead �f depending solely Amps are being aleared of ane and with analk
I owing All, the ow a marriage ban just come to passed through in. thA-1
lactied. Id B, ill C" cartificate, Soho —A romanti not, air,'-' was the rijoluder. "I will is the Lard-,
id adisone in apparent from the f9II a and it is shipped to and- rust
date, �who hc 33 red beat Can suitable for the parpos k the daughter of, a am It
HIkg&rty had held a 11 1 A- harmony that the 1110ans vonst IPILJRO considerations light in Torontq inwhik bet you 45 that you are, wao. the answer. Christian of bar Ille, x1ge WOA
while Mi, married a �prlvuto at
0 order end disc On One-' te Southern States. e 4umberman, money was ibe matter was For the last two MORtbs
tLey 90., r . )f rker can be kept :W.j.Ciark,of Park AyeauePreeby- mil1IO116ir Helen The in her olisliseaw-
,p the salient
beliees, a for the prom tiod I A native woi put up a6d
ession. These, The Ise lEtagartys be heartily 00 -OPO I by all; —Rev the Now Fort. Last October, May' d
should third the money- hurch,bondes, delivered a sermOnc to referred to a reputable grocer, whose word oblige o rmain sitting
e fact& Tolating toi�the case of M am eyed by oak, of 633 times getting a little sleep, -.&,ad. som*
hfi Id ted thst.froo disonaosioll of 0646 an bear three terian c eke to her pain and agony, 19h0l,
igh there ar� other matters oonnec the childr rried in at. MAr- the pork dealer- was Willing to -take, as rei
th-01 , should be A native missionary c on the last Sabbath inarning Cook, daughter of Mr. 1011111" C
--ht of act in any s King street *Ost) WAS M& and further that be was irare he wo
at a future times allusion eaoh,'or Suggest muck fatigue and stand the - work e one- of big happiest per, the fares,, Old wheashe aw beautiful w0rds:l
it to which d a unit times an of 1893. Mr.Clark in in would repeat thess
with ton church to WAIt6T Hoary Cool --spicion Conn' toed with
porh&r three times as 10,19 as the average 1 00
roneible ; that the soh�oi should n clear him of all u sty. The
May be made. 1"Jinal And. feeli g among y Canadian mission- veins when -addressing the youthful element. gare a soldier cricketer, who has bee There'*.& rest for-liliewO
suadiAn. HOW, In" - han3som the P. P. A� The grocer stated that the
re, in- (From t1ke Toronto Globe.) to methods, C , *n Re asked a nuzaber of questions mud gon 'for a nuinber of years. His � An larrie In of Akrj-
011daY. and ith the beat Of cars, go do d Toronto k dealer was rb member of tits P. P. A- 06"*d W
which the Opponents of -the teachers MRS. Cir- 0"n, in an Analiefion minist�er., who for a POr pork Dumh -comber ,29th, LIA31P And *Ad
equies. The straits to t o awmn d a r ting Aries, Ov'en w ex age priate answers. At - jog, Do
Such is no A . hen all the 0 a lively Scoria- The Y
ft alga Government are has be der %he climate, and to Anted too seawheth.Or NV er in Then ther was longer She wPuli
driven tolind an occasion this an uncture he w time was rictor at Styner,. but who ;;Oro
In =w the name, of a berioln. th dealer 9r4 t17 119
-r attack areL quite APP&reRtL in a revival of OuaStauces, nor �,eve as *ell am the precious life, is loot. one ;Re Batly arbased the to t;t4; di daY.
have me to th� school- M agrtyl in a foreigner, in fi�ftch Mw Calgary. � Miss Cook Is only 2ixtOO11 I ts
age over the since I ch has from* (0) A Canadian me - at ObAlo—It was 'she lookajolder,anditbz wkom he had so muck* trust.
their a complaint made ove: 10 Yost the fe th alass, be anything slov, Wh9 live4ginoe the tt Y lagethough.
one of the teach- the teacher of of and habits and son never
efforts weetAthe that Of, &6',ARV*ta6' dismissal of Miss Hsg%rtY1 resisted all
the first �!Peroistently touch the heart or
owl *rS of the Provincial hoe -pod- 1(6noo
Model School harmonica@ sootion J4M*1y eke
r Mr. Ron as- --Iwo
It appews that shortly ftftO
ltl� in n T�,