The Huron Expositor, 1894-01-05, Page 8. ...........
W, P17
-- 7
I r7 W717179w,
'M 111-1
JAXU"Y 511894,
PO 17
Ise -A it was m A -V
)toy to have to record,the lurpria4'4 ads' known that
Ailight�� Ali r"We are also e4 wyffeld: indlenotO, kv majorityf 68 votax in favor
urprised him friends by known to -U D day, Morris go
6kLe village, stort, J. H. Bratilfoot, 9,
trucking at 're.also death, and, burial also oq' the main,
- w at & coming ho otedly on M onday loot# `b their fine single Choice 11010 we
Rd instead of -, Toronto each vok, I y _g ahour and at the same cometer, 0, tt lid a maj ority. of 85
,me no" r, at Rodger- of a Am � of Rsfug
EDWAR' CASK ships directly to 16ifitid, aid Ulas Anni :irkby, of
b1i Xe* Year's dinner. anger the -par. given b Ube M. Pori. r. leorge-
and pooki y I infant daughter of for theV. f9oit0. M
GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH cost for express charges ng of" to oat a- here for some: B 6ir. Little Lks Dupes surprised all ville, of Millie Ronie, ANUARY 5thy 1894.
I root. He will remai ark je qth�, lin6, got there, ;r doeuty-reae by
scarcely one coat per pound, and thus- real- onfil Mr. and Mrs. E. Rannie, of this village., 61
mrij, James- and. Heotor Hsb- by her -rictlig, which wow 'exceedingly well
Wholesale and Retall'Dealer in izes i� good return for otion day *eeks.-�Men Reba Stan— The readers the EXPOTOR will rOmem- a limajojitylof 16.—The innolij'ne bridge ls
labor.—Elo of
irk -came up from Stratford to -'!mpand Now done for ono.,soyoun i pqssablo and up to this week no oue seems Butter a Roiakie, eats; im
passed very quietil here, Mr. Johi lie par
bury's recitation o
Fine Dairy r. and "'Charlie McCrea," ber'that only a few months ago t !timber ready to mend it at all.-
-ALSO- the peopWa favorite, hiading -the p.9114n' lrear% with. their grandpiwew, de&th of the twin sister, BIUY
Mrs. John Cowan, of MoKillop.-Mr. and showed that the4, well understands' how to had to mourn the
r.b MbLean fol thel to 911, AiIarmoro this ward with 82 votess M an&.now their grief is intensified y Not a n thin locality have lost
race Elder properli reolte.1 There were several inter last, "d it
Hides and Tallow), -Layton 40.- Urn. . W. Elder and Miss 0 who, although a number �f fowl mince Ootober 'he BALAN%J.UA.
lowing with 42,MoCloy. 41 and' a *,Aeath of - ppor little Millie,
edt0d, as drove out to Bracefield, on Monday to spend eating dialoguss,� and the! ' tableaux war a on the 6th line is
Sheep Skins am very efficiently always very delicate, had attained the age is said ant house
d The vote on prohibition, as eX0 Mr.. John Stanbury, and roasted. A
not favorable, being 33 for and W ainatt a the day at the.hespitable residence of Mrs. grand. ears, th rough the ever 'where they Were plucked
-pf nearly two y
9 performed �he duties 'of chairman. Much :
Raw Furs. w by the
very good showing all tbinge cone ored.- Xioipe, Mrs. FAder's mother, here there wa bqving 6een left in said house
am W. 'watchful -care of loving pareutti. The f un- stove
t Mr. James Hays, of Albortap-in 06 a visW-to , large family -gathering. -Mr. Y�hft Cowan. due Miss Porterdeld and Mi afforded the' pro- OF ALL KINDS OF
to Da ' Moorebouie, on whose careful training the oral was largely attended, showing the sym- owner and wood nearby
impson. He left'here barrister, of Sarnia, spent Now Year y sioisla�a good oh 'd t the
sister, Mrs. 8 -Mr. success of tile entertainme aRce, an -0 ca
and has been -in the at"the parental residence in McKillop. nt depended. The patby felt for Mr. and Mrs. Rannie.-Rev. feel x 01 the
Mr. and Mrs. 1, H.-' yke smashed the shelve
about fifteen years ago - and M r -Ingersoll, proceeds were $22,'
Can re. Anderson Coulte', of ,i,, of Belgrave, TWENTY
ale. West ever since, in the employ of the eek, Mr.� arid Mrs. Walla and,,' did other damage. They had
Reducing S. —A of the,holiday season with Mr. were here,this w or it will Uft
spenb� a part McArthur, Mrs. Dyke's sister, who is ery better. k tees at once ods! N1
tailway, an conductor. uit the prowl
adian Pacific P d other friends here.- it would' take W1 er Go WHOLE
e a - special v ma Winilialn. pool ly. J.
On Saturday, December 30th, we mak aluable citizen passed over to t jority Coulter's mother an r of Mr. John Her brother, Mr. tall', of be s4aarlroast to them, as
aghout our e4tire,6tom. son of the late Mine Eva Morrow, daughte to t�ke
clearing sole of all goods throi on Saturday last in the per ELICOTIONS.-The elections on Monday here visiting her. - M iss more than the feabbers and bones
r to reduce our- immense stock Dkota, -,is also
he fever yet
ing Christmas dAR
We do thts in orde Hugh Clark. He had'veached the great age Morrow, of IDgersolls spent ladt week at were very quiet, and, the iote� polled very Brownlee wakst her home in Clinton spend- them up' to Goderioh jail., Miss Anni k -taking. We refer you 1A
belore, commencing tool ;e Rye of this paper.. of 88 years, and for so -me y4ars . has been the residence of her grandmqther,, Mrs. .-J, Healy WILL 13E SOLD A -r
small. On - thi-? Prohibition plebiscite the and Now Year's. -Mr. J. Agen is ill wij, t GA
our large advertisement on Mizie gallett,
Zent opportunity for living with his son, Mr. D.,Clark,. of this Har#au, Jarvis streeC -blise
This will be found an el vote stoo&: Fog, 222,-against,.89. On the oUthis village, had a- and wifeigo to Saginaw on Friday of this
g, 'Tweeds, Carpets, he parental the vote stood. Fo Macarthdr, banker9
buyers of Dry Goods clothin House of Refug� r 290 -
&a, to secure sup. village. -Mr. Robert Dobie spent Christmas of 11amiltoo, is visiting at t large gathering of hig relative§ on Now week.
esjat and below wholesaJe prices. 'du
Millinery, Hata and Cape. Fails, -return- home.�Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson went 'is i as a majority for Pro- y.ra -day.
Dn't neglect week a� the paternal home heTe but sad the Ian- not, 26. Th 0-
d to business on Tuesday last. -Mai y Re' cod PrIces,
ay of to Milverton this weak to' att bib tion of 133, or t a or ones, eareatl
eAllandseewh&ts%tlgf&0%Jenc9&be taken out of (�y an occasional Correspondent.)
a few dollars properly invested., a Hendirson a -her.-The There was no yote for tqwn offi'oials� or
'Cirmoff NOTES.-- he revival services in
our people have spent a miserable Christmas oral of M f
season on account of I& grippe, but we are Misees Addison, o Godericb, were in town con illors. NOTH�. -The annual meeting of C%rinal
PICKARD no on Wed_ Zion church, Huron Road, closed on Thurs-
this week, the guests of their sister, Mrs. A. 'Ch urch $abbath School was held Minting -1
Dote that the peat is abating,
Seaforth. -pleafied to ro a . n day evening last. The revival wan the best D-URING TffIS XONTIEL When
Bluevale, uesday evening, 27th ult. All the reports for
though several are still suffering from its J. Bright.-Meaa . R. Lum de , W. D. in this church for years., At the Reception
effects. -School opened on Wednesday with Bright and M. Y. MoLean were re-elected Earnet work reriieml�er YOU V
BR& Tri s. -Mrs. L. Thlynne, of Chicago,' the year were encouraginj ad twenty
service six adults were baptized, a
Principal Baker &64 Miss MoLirty at the Public School Trustees for the 'North, East has been done by teachers and officers and -will likely
I Iss Nellie Beattie, of Seaforth into the church More
and MI spent
A Do. t1araved helm, the lAter having returned from 1h one- &Rd South Wards respootivelyo last week. a few t Mr. F. Scott's last week.- the substantial progress made must indeed !so Irvine,* the V"tor, and truie and lastin.
e Toronto Model. The Mr. Frank McLaughlin, of Detroit. In visit yo der join- Rev- H' McFaul
is 4 D611ar Mad' easeful term at the ing friends in town. -Mies Roos Crane - re-, vVillie "Pa . toterson, 804% of Mr. Archibald be gratifying to them. Mr. William greatlyr etcouraged. caward lag.
trubtees have very much improved the com Di. was elected superintendent, Mr.D. Stewart, h with
Patterson; fell from the caffold of Mr. r. Robert Young pr
Win. Craig, -M ancheil � in t 0 Vic -
y buying yo6r Groceries for fort and appearance of the rooms by a turned home to London, after 'spending Secretary-Tteasurer, and Mr. 'Sunday
rk save monei b urch on
YOU, Cal, ment's barn to the �floor, on Tuesday, and 1 0
cash prices. I keep no books. Sell only C a and Now Years with Min Maggie left% fine jar mitt assistant Secretary. These, together with oria, street, Math diet ch SEAYORTH.
cash at thorough overhauling of the desks and seats. hristma
combinsdion. broke his leg.---�Someone The balance 4
brade. 'Belong to no Murray. -Our old friend, -Mr. James Rit. teacheirs of last year, form the staff �f morning and Rev., Dr. Ure in 1he evening.
mae own piJees, and try how cheap I can at the station the other dayi. and Mr. Collie the -Missi is are to bo preached- in
oao�ry sermoz
handle goods for oiA� From the b"ness aone so FoRmF.R RumoN-rrgs.-The Kinoard'in chic, of Belmors, was iurthio vicinity spen4., wishes they would leave the other -one. workers for 1894. -Has anybody' hesid
the Methodist churches next Sands up this week for repairs. by aaevers x4tauck
1 be a success, business G. ing his New Years and visiting friend@. He Ary both Goo& we
W, I am it w:,14 Review of l"t week says "Mr. L lately from the follow who said this coun Me
and if . 1 0 of grippe. -Some cC-our business man com-
urn. - Scott Rev0s.i D. Jennings and Dr. G. H. Cornish
ia do, I may be able, befGre enjoys life. -Me
promWis - Luck- looks " if he is not ripe plain that buainesowx&
increase@, as it 1 Stewart, tailor, leaves this vieek for IrishtoNml for prohibitidg.?-A few days being the deputation. a not up to the %Ter..
long, to exit prices eveg finer than now, as the more where he has gone int6, -business wth Brothers musical inistramentde4lers, of this ago Rev. J. S. Henderson was surprised by claw,
G N ov s. - r th' holiday season. Hard
badness I do the olxe4ar it can be done. Parties now, A TEACREP.- - RliTMN .-A large crowd James D uglag Fraser. son of age- this year fo 9
who- reuire some crecft before the crops are ready his brother, Charles, who conducts a flour- town, have disposed of a fine now organ to the arrival in the anse yard of two well iod last times is'said t
e them age. Ihe Bayfield Road congregation,! Stanley, to assembled at our school with feelings of re-
ishing tailoriiig business in that vi�ll 'Widow Fraser, South- Street, d o beA-he reason. -Peter Thom
for inarket will find tUO banks will accomodat loadud wagons, which the managers of the n the
Ir of what they can save wit grab to say farewell to Miss Maggie Pierce, Thursday morning. He -was abrightt strong son, an old Brusselite, now overseer o
by Mr. Stewart was building up a good trade
for less thau one qUarU be used in c h th; service@ of congregation proceeded to unload in his olidaying in
uying for cash. it isAworth looking into. Rem m-
e Fit successful teachers that 0 ACKE
00 8 one of the n[lo stable. They left him richer by fiftyfbage little fellow f seven years. His death was Algonquin Park, Muskoka, is h
pposite the Pod Offter. here, and we regret his departure." The -the Young People's 8 iety of Chn tian En -our school. H and -y ich He looks and acts - the, same &a of
bar the shad, nearly d er kind po canoed b a complication of diseases, wh Brussels. J
gentlimon here referred to were some years deavor, of the church. -Mr. Job er taught in of choice oats and a winter'g. supply 6
Ce'. WILS-ON, Seaf I n "haw She The
orth. n brain fever. old.
n old Seaforthite,,is at pieseni. in ladylike manner endeared her to all. finally terminated i
Bank of Commerce Block. ago among Seaforth's most popular business Toronto, a tatoen. A note accompanying the gift con -
the resigned to attend the Normal. SAool. The young mother has the sincere, sympathy of THFf LEAI
In Mr. Shaw came here, to attend no, dialogues rayed the beat wishow of the congregation, r great bereavement, -Mr. S LwAburY.
an. They are sons of Mr. Stewart, of town all. ;in he ad-
rn of funeral of his nephew, Mr. Wm- Shaw.- afterq'oon passed in recitatio Benmiller, and we are pleased to lea and speaks well for t6a happy relations ex- i
wiok,�an aged man, visitin' at Mr. Ne I
a aerling
Miss Mulheron- head millinei in, Messrs. and singing, ending by Miss Maggie Wingle 9 A pleasant social t,
isting between pastor and people. -The
tabliihmont,' attended reading an address and Miss Bessie Parooll, Campboll's, was taken down with paralysim
ay, 25th ult., says th Tees- Duncan & Dunoan's as anti-probibitionist may now consider him- tQ0-k place at the residence of -Air. Janies
ad ing a handsome toilet set and a plush on Christmas day, and is .-Iytnl; very low,
gut water News, a large company numling 26 the golden wedding of h6r; isthei a elf as the Globe's moribe does over the de- Wiltme on Thursday night last *eelisboa
xp- Nalhordn, of prol", The teacher was taken by surprise a at of Flowing. 'lob,, Nom being:unable to tell where hi's relatives live. - family B01
of the descendants and relatives of Mr. and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' vb=i fe ewhari in this of the yodbg friends of Mr. Wilte's
7 -Mr., Pridham, or., and. daughter, h ' The music for the occasion
chall, on Christmas Day. -The ladies of but'thaeked th pupils for their handsome brightf being present.
Mrs. George Forsyth, of - Teeswater, one Mit a favored land, the man is s�ining
DISTRICT MATTERS. xiliary of the'Women's For- present, and after a distribution of manges d some- been spending, New Years with their friends was furnished by Mr. John Rae and Mr.
time a resident of Samforth, gathered the Seaforth 412 The, band is playing somewhere, an
w4hing tfieln� all the com- - at P411arton. A by the Millea it Is round their board to partake of Christmas eigh Missionary Society were disappointed and 6%Udy. and where heart* are light; And somewhere Win. Walsh o the violin am
d ht. They pliments of the season they repaired to their ELuTioN OF, OirintozRs.-At the regular cheer. Ek-isides those residing in Teeswater -at their me t' on We'd' men are laughing, And little children Wiltse andiso Gardiner on the organ,
expected ;rz'9103 a" " Big R homes, wellpleased with the afternoons Walton. Mr. Wiltse, who is one of our most popular, the public sery104
weeting of Court SKerwood Forest No.6065, the following were present : Megan. James letcher, of Tbamen oad, play; But we had,'no pionio Now :Year's Isut, both entertainment. -La ippe is shaking up a farmers, and a self-made man in th
Ancient Order of F6'reaters, hold on I.hurs- Darling and Alpxandar Forsyth, to deliver an address' WANTINGS. gri, 6 for the.
of-Exathr ; Usbome it went the other way."
Rev. Mr. Fletoher and Mrs. Fletcher are good! many people in this locality. -The sense of the term, together with his estiml Me dud" he boa
day evening, the. 281h of December, the fol Mr. Thomas Forsyth, Mrr. McLaan�; ind fairness towat&
asion laid up with.16 grippe. Grip b no respecter Kippen.- i able wife and amiable femily, were unapph
lowing officare werwalected for the ensuing Mrs. Constant, of Seaforth. The oo; Methodist church did not hold its usual talk
r6mem- of persons. -Mr. iind.Mrs. F. . Sparling, The undo ad ha i entered on his 17th year meeting ou. New Year's day but wlU an. lag in their exertions towards making those, This is tbe unfOl
term: --E. are, P.C. R,,Jossph.Abol, was a happy one, and will be Ion re'r I BRIMSTS. -Considerable exo'itement was
9 of,Wingham, and family spent! Now Year's of business in ippon, =s to return his sincere nounce a date later on In' the year. -The present feel comfortable and at home. -The,- Mr. G. W.IBAM,
A). PL, John Fipoh,§�F-, bored by those present. thanks to his man custome vublie for
C.R., Wm. Add, S. re and to the caused here' on Uonday by the election. FAuoati,�U. APPO
John McLennan, Ve Diy in town, the guestir of Mr .11 �-and Mrs. C. the laj� share -of patronage extend in the The folio the councillors eiecto&: discourses by Rev. Mi. Shaw on Sunday.. annual school meeting in section No. 9, Ma- of
George Stookili i.
W. Ps t.�Misv Brown, of Ddinfries, near: p trustbykee Ing in thelforeground good U re 24th�ult., in connection with the anniver- 10lop,, is over and past. The larga school, momeat.�- Am
Sen. - W.; John Chrie, Jun. W.; Geor--.-, ast, an
Sheppard's World!s � Fair Entertainment PS T Andrew Voloally, Thomas Scott, Thom" thi
gives the only colored views in Canada of thei Colum- Galt, I. was,Yisitibg at Mr . J � ha Beattie's work, small close attention. to business, ek-and-thia P
0 - ry,aervices in DaWs church, were full of house was filled'with ratepayers I and visitaral.
Smithers, Son. B.; Morden, Jun. B.; 1, to receive their confidence in the future, In order Ashbury and Frank Matoalf. The latter length
Scott, Lodge Phys0an. This Lodge is iii. allery and Dr. Scott's this week.-Mits. Bateman, do resent from
bian Fa7poeltion. This (Friday evenifig. G tomeet all obligatiolneto mybrothermanand to interest. The weatber was unpropitious from ail around who were -
reserved for Ladies, 13W1 of Michigan, danighter of -John MoMillan, two ran a tie. . Mr. James McGee, the yet a goodly number attended on Sunday curiosity. Mr. J. J. Irvine i unanimous- kealthy and prodp6tous condition and L�_ :Stay thi hand of the bailift, I would ask.. all having feated oandidate, headed the Poll last year, W"
Y. M. C. A. BOOIC-KBEPING CLASS. -The accounts of several years' standing to kindly make meet- ipt aj firm grasp Boa., M. P., came over to spend the holi,. d Monday evening. At the latter ly chosen chairman. and k4
inost harmony pravaUs. tu=
first quarter is now over, an wishi% to join or the an effori. to settle same, and relieVe one in need. -Prohibition received a majority of 53,and
dais with her father and oth6r friends. ing splendid addresses �were given by Rev. on the meeting from the start. � It Is need. alk
a6cond quarter will please hand eli nairw to R. Parties not having settled for binder twine will please the poor house also received a large major- 'a in less to enter into details, but we might 'W A PAwirgr. Ao= esday Mr. Archibald Gillett, of Por� HurGD, was not overlook this notfeej.', TnoxAs hirlwa, Kippen. Mr,
ENT. -Mr. Goo. White, Mercer, Seoretar T% if j�htaw he elements of succol
ity.-Word reached arday even- 0 T
y, or attend the el w on
of the West End, Tockeramith, and aon-in- Evening, at 7.'80 o'clock. 1440.1 the guest of his @later, Mrs. J. � Beam, a few 13W.2 here on Sat 0, & 1( �-zouslng temerance 'a each by that the candidate for trustee who was
ing of the death of Mary Austin, daughter Rev p
-There will: be an -sitr T. V Cosens he minutibe 'Ato Sol
law of Mr. Robert Willis, of this town, met Mr. W. E. Ramsay ives a humor6us and days this week. Nom. -Mr. George Moore and Mr. Wm. proceeds - of the oved to the teacher of last year was a
of Thomas Austin, 44o. lives Just In the 2d aloe SOMP01
a t music
with a most painful accident on Monday interesting lecture-, introducing m y of the eongp meeting of the Women's Christian Temper- McKay left for Algoma on Tuesday. Mr. rviess amounted to $36� Excellen Ey 4 large inajority.-A number of invited
outskirts of the iown� i The body �xrrived 40
these V&S
and sayi#p he heard on the, Midway Plai8ance in ov. D. Forrest to &as
connection with the World's Fair views this (Friday,) here from Detroit, on the 10.30 a. m. train the tas"na
afternoon last. He was working with- a Ance Union in the AssociatiOhl R6i ms this Moore goes with the purpose of taking up was� given by the choir, R ambled at this remi4enoe of Mr. (Friday) L,-fternodn, at 4 o'clock, All mom. laud. -Mrs. W. T.Aikens is',,vieiting her 'presided as chairman on blonday evening. age ago, and grain crusher, and in trying to pick Out A evening in Cardno's hall. 13wi Monday, and was iuterr'ad in Union cam-. - obt. Gray, a few event enjoy* hstraw his right hand got caught in the roll- ber& are particularly urged to be present.- son, in London.-Manter Johd� Mollie and Miss Emma Pollard, of Leadbury, is atten&' ad themselves for three or four hohro with
IbavETAm". NoTics.-Aocounts are now Miss Mollie, who holds arespoosible position Master gorman Bissett, atery. Mr. Pad Mrs, Austin and family innooe - at ga arm and, before he could extricate it, it was fedy and we respectfully ask our customers wlio of Exeter, 1 11 have the sinoere sympathy of bll in their the London Conservatory of , Music. men. They were treated hand --
i WoUAr bit. U
d -in a ter ibl and do so in the millinery dep 2r.: Will Neal, of Walton, is visiting Mrs.
r a. manner. The - two have not yet settled theirccounte to call artment of t Mr. R. Me Now Year's at the former's )iome.- he somely by- Mr. and Mrs. Gr&T,. , The arby
sad- bereavement, -The young folks are too labli supp
m fingers. had. to be entirely removed- at once, as we are closing our books for the year. Faul's store, left on Saturday last to speed A. -E, Miller, (nee Miss Pollard), of London.
boys of the village spent a good 'time on the was in honor, of Mrs. Gray's sister, Wit'
iddle i u a a a
Robert Willis, Boots and Shoes, �esforth. ondering if the new co nail will giv a ail is supl
her holidays at the parental home inr Olen several po do on Now Year's,skating. -Mr. ho by her amiable and IsAy
Emma Brown, w
and a bonaiderable portion of the other two, n It aboi
c 1360-1 skatiiRg rink. They had better if they
--and the thumb had Allan. -Mr.' Wm. White, hostler 4 'the C& 66 - alway for the like manner has endeared herself to &IL—
to be amptitatod. In nuing, merchant, who we
Miss Pauline Johratop a poems have want to be remembered a year from now. Of
fact his hand will, be of little use to him in Royal Hotel, was kicked on tie kn "b Christmas holidays, ' has returped.-Mr. A PLEASAIM EvExT.-On Friday even- The people of McKillop have shown-Sood,
aroused world wid e interest. The Only opportunity as A w. -Heiastill, suffering severely from Seaf horse a few days ago, and was! laid up 7o9ra
future. orth people will have of -hearing this talnted a William McKiy presented atj'the member counca
hxeter�. ing. December 29th, a party of invited sense by permitting the Reeve and
r. Rom
hod a
tout, 0
the shock and therin but as he is &s Canadian poetess will be on Wednesday, Jana ry time. -Mr. L. Hunter, of Usfiorne, Presi- of th -Chriatian Endeavor with beautifud, guests, numbering about one hundred,. as f last year,to be returned y scolamatio
gticultural S McKay Itwould be difficub
I ow he will the 17th, in Cardno's hall. 1860-1 ron A 0- cards last Sabbath eveningi Mr. vigorous young likely get dent of the South Hu ITEms.-The Plebiscite vote carried in membled at 'the residesibe of Mr. 'Wm. for the present year.
a wee -Mr. W m. n this place by a "majority of 160 votes. Staples, a *all known and popular resi to get a better council. Mr., 0'. W. I
through AU right, He will have the sin- WHO WANTS MONBTI-81,000 private oiety, was in town t will be much missed i 'that society, he be- dent
cerest sympathy of all who know him. unds to lend on cod mortgage security. Time to Armstrong, of Stratford, fa her of Mrs. ing one ipf 'its best working members. -1893: -The following goDtlemen were elected of this town-sbip, and spent an exceedingly Education, for I
as r
uit borrower ang interest Yery reasonable. ul6rs of the village for the year yea", &Ad allni
is a year o - the past Whilelit has brough
Ap ly George A. Sills, of tills townt Aed in that f t pleasant tim�, 11 ohasing the glowing houral Wroxeter.
to R. Hicks, Egmondvine, gr J.1 S. Porter, SeafoW 1894: Win. -Bawden, Reeve ; Wm, G. Bis. elatdeoside apf
Armstrong its joys and blessings to mokuy homes in
GOOD NEWS OF AN OLD, FRMIND.-WO city � on Wednesday last. M� with flying feet," to the enliv'ening music of
1360-1 PROH11BITIO-N MMETING.--�-A rare treat was -
Kip �en, it bas also brought clouds qmd sor- -Reeve; A,Q.Bobier, Thomas B. th
take the following from the Kingston Whig: has been in,f eeble health f6r some time, so mett, Deputy a. violin -and organ. 1he genial host and few
i I ! I&ORW lhool On Thuredwy evening Rev. D. M. Buchan- that the anid" was not unexpected by his row.! and many chairs have b1sen left vaount4 Carling ind -John. Taylor, councillors. The afforded those *he had- te, privilege of hear- ni
THE TowN ELzcTioNs.�-Tbe 'town else. hostess did their best to enable everyone to ing Dr. McDonald's address on Prohibitimo.,
defeatV candid'stes are:.. Dr. Rollins, for of the T08111to
an, the energetic pastor of St. Andrew', tionson Monday did not friends, but his taking off even now will be 6 -Monday was a busy day- in our midst 'have an enjoyable time, and tb&t theirod- in the Pavillion here on - Friday eves
-�aqae muoh excite Reeve; Hugh Spaokman Deputy -Reeve; ling of as -the A,
church, Lanark, was presented by his con. sad blow to his wife and family, to - who"! with voters going out to cast their ballots. forts met with brilliant success is, vouched
ment this year. The Ma last week. Mr. Alex. Munr occupied the
yor, Reevei and we offer out sympathy in their hour of Edward Christie, councillor. Mr. Thomas tak the forldf
gregs i n with a fias 'fur over coat as a
t o councillors for the NorthWard were elect -Mr. Alexander Monteith's horse, while for by all who were fortunate enough to be bair.
B. Carling is the only one of the old coun- Rev. Thomas Davidson opened the -the lady in qui
mark of the high est6om in which 'he is ad by acclamation, and th' bereavement.
ere ntest . I to meeting with prayer and also gave a short of becoming -*A
WaS a 00 tied at Mr. James Cooper's, by some means cil elected. The Canadian Jubilee Singers present: ' The party broke 'up in time
held. It is only'six months mince Mr. /Ba' for Deputy -Reeve and councillors for the hicks loose and made things lively for a allow the boys to get home and do the
roulAne. Abtl
held concerta in the James Street church on address on,the question at issue. The -chair.
I ohanan iattled in this 4harge, and fe 'That welli known and time by taking a promenade through Mr. morain hares. 4, then la-
w mla- East and So�th Wards only. The following JOURNALisma.-. Monday a�nd Tuesday evening last. -Rev.. F, man, A 'few wail chosen remark ipalof It
inters have won the fa Tior of the/people in so is the -result: once popular publication " Grip," suspended Cooper's orchard with the buggy, which 9� -The electibrit- in this
iH. Fatt leaves this week for Iiis new field THE LEMIONS. trduced the doctor, who was roceivqdvn abesat owaick
short a time. Theprosentation was made FOR DEPUTY -1 publication some months aio. Since it& soon came to grief by coming in pontact
�REVE. township, passed over very' quietly, and
by Mr. W. C. Caldwell, M. P. P., on behalf of labor, Merriton, Ontario. -A, number of d. great applause, and who,on coming for linea ior six a
WATsoN. NEICLTf founder, Mr. J. W. Bangough parted com- with , the trees. Having cleared itself of Bontfordites were here on Mo�day last to there was but - a small vote polls This ward, delivered one of the beat Addresm firlit 11110ittant,
of. the: congregation., 'Mr. Caldwell, in, a 54 105, pany with it, it degenerated until- it was the buggy, the horse lost �o time in getting may be accounted for that it has been the good fortune -of the poo-'
oait their votes for the old council. -Muni-
few pointed remak4, eulogized Mr. Bu- Henoe its sue- home. Fortunately nothing� suffored but Reeve ind councillors were all re-oleoted 'by p�: of Wraxeter to I
East Ward, 74 85 scarcely worth-lookiog at. I . isten to f or many a d
an a minister and cipal elections are a thing of the past, and. H my- tion is a C-011
fo acclamation. The following ih the vote on
iihaan for his faith South Ward, 52 94 pension. - We. are pleabed to notice, how- the -harness and buggy. -The large grain the people have again settled down to work.
presented thi question in all itil phaw Nagarq
that Mr. Bapgopgh intends viving house at the station has had a fresh coat of
the warm feelings wh�4ch exisited between -, I the -House of Refuge: Ward No. 1, for - 5, with his usual eloquence and ability. AD-
Mr. Ed. Hunt and wife, of S,6&forth, and. she was imall
him and the oonaregation." The gentleman 284 it once more And the first issue will appear paint. against 107 ; No. .2, for 33, against 58 ; No. propriate music WaS furnished by -tVe R�jsl
480 Mr. Harry Piper spent Sunday And Monday the work of F
mentioned in thW above pars his a na- 3, for 71,,against 44 ; No. 4, for 60, against Tmplaro'choir.'
grap Majority for Neelin,--�104. early in January. Grip, under Mr. Bon.
last here, visiting relatives.- very one. vim. ostilee a
tive of Huron, and is',well known, especial- COUNOILLO". gough was always interesting and instrac. Bracefl6ld. 42. Total for, 169 ; total against,' 251. AffmrvER&ARY SERvioEs.-Ths aunivsr-
oes he appo!ntm
ly in the south ottion ofthe county. sful "entertainmeE an in the Ward No. 1, for 14, ag
ern -p South Ward, -W. 8 tive and never vulgar or unfair. Wo.,2are Prohibiti'n,' siust
o�later, 122 J. R. ObR whole stock is now offere"d to the. 0
Church Mill of the Trivitt Me!Lrial Church ices of the Presbyterian church' AA
Lyon, 117 ; Rob, -.,rt Scott, 414; James Gil. gladit is to he resuscitated and we hope it public at prices which prevail NOWHFRE ELSE. No. 2, Ior 441, against 55 ; No. 3, for
Within 45busineesdays we must vacate the store. on Monday evening last, by the teachers were conducted by Professor R. Y. Thomp- faction to -all -
UNvoRTuNATE,-In the Stratford Beacon lespie,'80. East Ward,-�-' . J. Darwin,112; lines and scholars o son, of Knox College, Toronto, last Sunday. will meet with the success we are sure it will Bargains are being rapidly picked up, and many f the Sunday sohool.-Mr. 112, against 11 ; No. 4, -for 88, against 18, of the sehooh
Total fdr Prohibition, 258 ; against 179. Idlappe
of Friday last we finil-the followiniz item: a notice by a recent issue of the
John Ward, 107 W. Haiwkshaw, 104 P. deserve. -W cleared out. The stock is still comparatively very Wm. Daw, of Goderioh township, was here He occupied the pulpit both morning to U,
our- ou Want.
As Mr. Wm. Wilkinoon, of Brampton, was Keating, 67. Brantford Daily Expositor, that that j complete, and we have nearly everything y There were 246 men voted for Prohibition
on Monday last to cast hish vote. -Mr. George evenings and delivered a mopt powerful din OU
ihoes, Over- . , o, hayb
returning home from'8aaforth this morning House of Refuge,-Nprth W4rd-For, nal is also assuming new airs,lbaying donned and 12 wom"en, Bnd 179 men voted againotit
d, fresh lines of Boots and E
shoes, woolen Goods, &C., We are prepared to lose Bawden gave the young people a social course -on each occasion. A very -substavid- f rienci ti thal
he went into the waiti�g room at the stm- at Ward -For, 132 a neW dress and now boasts of a dikily cir- and no -women. There were 734 mon eligible
139'jp against,. 13 ; Ea money on. First-class Tweeds, Suitings, &c., for hop on Monday evening last. &I collection, on behalf of the building fund,
tion, to buy a ticket,sud in doing so drew against, 14 Sout s:rd -'Pn r culation of 2,500' - A few years ago when to vote and 37 women, making the total, -, , . %
118 men and boys, we will supply at prices formerly un was taken up at the morning service. On- MCI
of bills &mounting against, 21. Prohibition,, 'North Ward- only 800. known. Special figures on Tthe Monday evening following the now- thereupon up
oat of his pocket a r�l Mr. Preton tooi hold of it, it had Crockery, Table Cutlery, eligible vote 771,'while only 437 voted,
to $4�,wbichhe retuined to his &cket after 119 men and 11 'omen fo� ; -32 men and,no The increase is phenomenal. � Mr. Preston, &c. J. U01 H- Tuckersmith. first meeting of the council for this year will
1w tea -meeting was held, the proceeds of whichit- 411401 ind be
buying his ticket. Ageoon as he had board� women against; East Waid-63 men and. however, -is a thorough new4paper mani a BREvuas.-On'Thursday of last week A NOTABLE Goosi@.-Mr. William Butts, be hela at Jones' H9tel, Leadbury, on the
amounted to a -bout $75. Pleasing andinstruo- -thsWmi
hustler and a man of business, and his the people of Br
ed the train he discovored that be had lost 18 women for, and 69 U an and 4 wolnen ucefield enjoyed a rare treat of the 3rd conceoeioa, has a notable goose 15th inst., at 11 o'clock."
tiva addresses were delivered by Rev, A.� 0, doubt irlift&
roll. Re returneA to the waiting room agaipat;'So' h Ward -73; men and 4 r h ind newsy paper shows it. Go on in the lecture of Mr. Kerrin, of Bayfield. whicharAised this year IS goilings. In addi- 0
0 Stewart, of Balmore, Rev. E. A. Shaw,�af question Of 16
bat could find no tra4e, of his money., He, f a 7 men and women agai W ' �boighter, and pro'sper.-The Aitdhell Advo- Mr. Kerrin gave- a vivid description of life tion to this, the bird made an excellent meal East Wawanosh.
men 'or nst. Wroxeter, Rev. Gustavas Munro, of Harris- who,W"t6d
Ag' bearded the train and.proceed;d, ' to There �er 289 'Votes cast! for Prohibition, cits has also donned a new Oresa in Us old among the Sp4niarde, speaking of their for himself and family and numerous guelits- LocA-L Bimius. -Christmas, passed of very ton, and Thomas G�,bson, M. P. P. The ex- had not beezi
Shate8peare, searchiig all the while, but and 167 a inst, making 'the majority in age, and looks ag, 4 new - shilliog. mode of liing, enjoyments and their amu a- o ew' Year's day. quietly, no Aed by the choir added doubt owing to the bad con- cellent music furni
FkRX SOLD. -Mr. R..B. McLean has sold dition of the roads. Quite a number U the much to the evening's euj()yment
withoutsuccess. Hairtturnedto Stratford favor 121. We don't acVinire� the AdvoclaIte's politics but mente. The - lecture was pleasantly inter-'
consulted a
ry, t6 get any 'information -The c
-on a freight to t ouncil for the current year will be its editor and proprietor is a; decent fellow mingled with Spanish songs. Should Mr. his farm on the London Road, north of young folks attended the Christmas Tree at NbTES.-Mr. George Gibson,"of Detroit, jartment,
possible., Mi. Wilkinson remembers seeing composed'as follows : Mayor, D. D. wil. and he deserves the success he has ach6ved Kerrin speak again in our village we may Brucefield, to a gentleman in London for the Belgrave in the ev�ning.-Krr. J. Denholm her. 'But t1h
Michigan, is spending a few weeks with his
a so v-eral gan; a of men engage a" n'g
a stout man about 4541bave his seat on the son Reeve, W m. Al. Gray D�puty, F. G. in journalism. -We also neglected ociticing safety predict for him a crowded house.- sum of $4,500. The 'fairm contains 100 or as
has d pres-ii many friends here. -Mr. Frank Sanderson thi -orldal h
ioh MiesDandan, of Blyth, spent the Christmas
I 1 9
opposite, aide of the dhr, come over behind Neelin ; Councilors, -James Beattie, the -enlargement of the Exetir Timea,wh Y throughout the township. -A large spent New Ye*r's with his friends here, re -
and in a choice place although the buildings ha
a % vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ross., ar� not very good. -Mr. James McQueen a
him and pick up somtthing and return to Tverman, B. B. Gunn, J. J. Darwin,4ohn took place items 'Weeks ago. The Times i numb -r of youbg people gathered st,th turning to Toronto on Tuesday last. -The Ulping the I
his Freat ; bat the exq1timent made him for. ard, W. Hawkshaw, Wm. clater, J. R. good local paper, and is -a credit to' the the manse. -On Sunday bvening last Mr. has also sold his farm on the 4th concession.'
W residence of Mr. George laylor, on Thurs. vote on the plebiscite &nd the House of Ref- 41 her
get the factor a moment. Efforts will be e town in which is published, Bell, of Knox College, spoke In the Chris- He h" sold one fifty acres to Mr. Brownlee
Lyon and Robert Scott. Theonly new bright littl day evening, and enjoyed themselves in uge resulted as follows : For the plebiscite, Five or at:
made- to trace this MEM1. members are Wm. M. Gray, F. G. Neelin and although its politics are the same as the tian Endeavor Society on the work of the and.the other to Mr. Job cRay, realizing tripping -the light fantastic until the wee 78 ; against, 25 ; majority, 5�3. For �tbio Migg H
A number from Ifullett, Blyth, House of Refuge, 70 ; against, 21 ; maority,
-and Wm. Hwnkshaw. Advocate's, for the sake of Us 'worthy old Knox College students' mission. He de- $5,000': for the whole farm. am%' h9ure. . lier"If tb
Loiga LIFB To Tnum.-The Woodstock publisher, we can heartily '!rejoice at, -the scribed the workof 'the students in taking
Accymm,-On Monday afternoon while Belgrai-vie, Goderich and other places Ward 49. -Mr. George Allen spent New Yeses ottleg a rim
Sentinel Review of marked signs of prosperity which it mani- up mission work during the 'ummer in the Mr. Goorgp White was engaged in crushii -1
&at week, makes the LooAL BEiFs.-Mr. George Anderson, 6f ng also present. -Mr. Wai.Anderson,of Wood- under the parental roof. -Mr. Will Taman$
f�llaviing a young Hurronite- fe8ts. outlying fields of Muskoke, and Algoma, grain with a, horse power at his home, some stock,
Gonanoque, spent the holidays at his home who wp6s home spending his h6lidays o
f Blyth, spent New Year's with his friend
who is well known to:many of our readers, in Egmondville.-Mr. Will Govenlock, showing the great need of Gospel mission.
straw lodged above the rollers, and while he under the parental roof, left for thpt t
Own here. -Mrs, Robert Miller and ��.Mra, Wm -
Mathematical master in Ingersoll High In the winter months the attention
especially to those in the vioinity of Bruce. BaYfleld. &rise. ag it off his fingers were caught, on -Thursday. -Mr. James Nichol, who has LA` who have both beeni�ery ill for -Wd o
was scraph
field. It says - On -Wednesday, the 27th School, spent his holidays in this neighbor-_ In thanking hiW many' f riends and cus- of the students is turnedto work in the 'ering hie four fingers at the hand. beenattending Businesi College ftt�owen sometime past, wear pleased to say are lit
December, at. the reiidence of Mr. D. W. patron during the past year a. city, in the jails, penitentiary and hospitals.
hood.. -Mr. F. W. Twaddle was called home tomers for their 6 0 Medioil aid was at once procured and it was Sound for the past season, was fiome for a both recovering. - Miss Edna McKillop, ioula imok
McKay, of Hhkso�, '�tkamspired an event of F. Edwards extenda,to This be# wishes for theiv No one who listened to the earnest words of. found necessary to amputate all the fingers few days and returned on T y, -Mr ant New Year's at Mr. T. B. Unders ku on Friday lastby a telegram announcing the nag" is
future prosperity and will endeavor, as in the Pa"' the speaker could fail to reaflie the neces.' op
great interest:,�the! odoJiwion bein at the joint except the little finger joint, George Shipley, of Denfield, W" visiting
g the mar- deatb of Mir brother -in-law. Mr. Goorge to erit a continuance of their valued custo of giVing t ioo�
riage of Mr. Dewar attended to his dental. practice dur., There is yet a quantity of Winter Goods unsold, sity for this work , �d Gospel to
y's ascend daughter, which was not injured. Hits thumb, was Me g some of her old friends and relatives Mott ILOW48VI
llie U.,to Mr. William McQueen, B. A., ing his wbeence.-Mr. J. W. Livirigatone,of which, for cash, are offered at prices lower than ever those who are so eagerly cryi�g "Come over also bruised but the bons was uninjured.'- An last week. -A box social in e'anneotion with
before. Men's Overcoats, Cape and Kid Gloves 1" a6d help ua."--�Miss Storting, of Gc4erich, ILL. -We reg4 to have �ostate that
mithem&txcal master of Brockville C01- Trinity Medical College, Toronto, spent a I - It is his right hand,it will be a sad hindrance the Westfield church was hold at the rest-
1860.1 her
1ho ceremon was per. couple of days in town this week. -Mr isiting frieq�o in this 'neighborhood. Mtn. McCaig, reNt of the late'amem Me-
46noo by
legiate Institute. y H. sV m m many ways, deuce of Mr. John McDowell on New Year's 0jig, in unwe caught a severe
formed by Rev. J. 0,'Fergueon, in the pros- J. -Crawford staid. here a day or two on Bmzy LocALs.-Mrs. Plater and son, NOTrhg.-On Tuesday evening. a large night, when a pleasant time wari spent. 11 fr�m havi 9
of Chatham, are here oa a visit -to her to he%r.1
once W numerous friends and adquaintsuceN, his way from his home in Chicago to To'. Rensall. umber of young people assembled as the o�ld. -. We hope of herspeady re -
After the ceremony Ei numptuous repast was father, Mr. Parker,,who is�very ill.-Miq�a n covery. oat" Ibst;
rontd.�-Miss Emily'Downey, who is teach- ftizrs. -Now Year's day was observed residence of Mr. Frank Crick and spent a
eii-jo-ed Vy ail presebt. The bride was the Brierly, of St. Thomas, is the guest of Mrs.. Brussels. GONE Hoxz.-ReV. ER. Treleaven AUCT between
ing sphool hear Chathami spent the holidays Dr. Shoppard.�� The elections passed og am a general holiday and passed over very very enjoyable evening. Social games were he 114-010)
recipient of wany h4n-deo'me presdint8i in. at her home in town. -Dr. and Mrs. A. G.' -The weather has been unusually ULECTION S. -The elections passed Off very children, of Aylm6r, who have been spend-
clading a beautiful 4,kamond brooch, -a gift E of Lucknow, spent 'a few days in mild during the past week for the time of feast. of oysters and it is needless to state only the ing Christmas under the od, left
'i (fuietly. engaged in, after which all sat down to a
quietly on Monday, the old- council havi quietly in Brussels, there being �parentAl v
by 4 0 been elected t For the
from her parents. The happy couple left wist week, viaiting relatives - and colamatio� : Reeve,Georga year and farmers can oven plough -the land. that the oysters disappeared in a very short abiscite and poorhouse, votes. here on Thursday via Goderich, on route for not bo U�
f 6wn W ods ; Counoillors,'Dr. Stanbury, Ge4r F,
amid showers of ri - 00,�ha good wishes on rien a. -Mr. D. C. Dorrance, principal of 0( 90 -Mies Hunter is visiting her sister, Mrm. op'sce of time. -Miss Jane Grant and Miss atter there were omt 213 ballotme and only home. The reverend gentleman was much
their wedding tour W.hlcik includes Niagara th Erwin, James Fowlie, T.4., Marko. ---4126 3 against it, and one of them was by ' pleased with his visit. exp
a I 'arriston public school, spent the holi. Murdoch. -Mr. A. Laramie, druggist,of Do- B. Crich,�of Seaforth, visited relatives here & f
Falls, Toronto and 4her points of inter oting for' School Trust4s resulte(f, iii troit, and formerly of this village is here at this week I Mr. John Noissworthy, of Vir- count' ward. For Prohibition there was 79 BXCOXMG CONVALKWENT -WS *long
"It, days here. -Mr. George Ewing, of Toronto, y
for eir fu u a om6 n . roe vil e. The sers. John Pollock, John Whiddon '&0 majority, being 122 male and 18 female with the numerous frends of Mrs.D.8iroule,
t open, Christmas under the parental -roof:- present visiting his father, Mr. Wm. Lammis, des, Manftobai and Miss Eugene Walker, of
brid who WaSL &� Most estimable and Thom -ss Cameron -being elacted.-The vote votes for, and 60 male and 1 female against, who -has boon for some time Very poorly, are
Mr. Ad Mrs. 1jeorge Hammill, of Cdllibg- srq who in and'has been orly for the Clinton, �Uore the guests of Mr. George
for the Poor House was : For 20, Agalp'st
Pop ar young lady, -w.ill be greatly raissed 1 1 past'month.-The Mine Ty While there were 4 rejected ballots. There pleased to'. learn that although still -very sa %#A �t
WOO spent New Year's with Mr. Ham. 29- Prohibition', For, 52, Against, 36. a hpwoen, teachers Turner' on Sunday. -Miss Selina Nott is d
V were abot 100 votes unpolled, on the lisC' weaki shA getting-, Pe a a MOM
in the social, circles which enjoyed. her Min,; of To-- at Clinton.were home spending their Christ- isiti, , at Exeter this week. is 1:8 -better. Wee ho h
mother. -Mr. Robert Kidd
presencein thapast# rontb, paid a flying visit 'to Seaforth last EVANGELISTS.: -Mr. 'Whyte anAlaughter, mas holidays. -We regret to state that In Morris and Gray the fight was hot and will soon recovier,
eek.-Mias Annie Cardno, who has been who have, for some time, been le6nducting Mrs. McArthur, wife of Mr. J. McArthur, close, the old couilicil being. elected again in VisiToR.-Mro Watson, of Forest, a
temperance meetings at V�arna and vicinity, in seriously ill, but we Morris Grey, the second -deputy, A. C. - Dames, be- painter by trade, has been -in our village re-
EGMONDVI j -,z Nogs.-�-Mrs. McEv�en left for several month in Buffalo, has returned hardware merchants.
on Sti-Tia-rday last for--'Palinerston where she to town. -Mr. George McIntosh, of the where thbir services are doialitless much re. hope may soon experience a change for the MovzmzNTs.-Ls69t week's flood carried ing re elected over his old opponent, E. contly, visiting acquaintances; also pro -
n -ad, were atthe Presbyterian church on specting. It is also th6i remainder of the win- Blind Institute, Brantford,. spent the boli- quil better. -Mr. William Bell, son of Mr. Jae. away Clark's bridge, on the Maitland, near Bryans, by an increased majority, this time rumored that some of
ter with her C. L. Papst and days with his parents in McKillop, Mr. Thursday and Friday evenings of last week ipent being 42. In Mo sBell, of Tucker6mith, who in railway agent the township hall. -Walter Forest i rris it was still closer, the 'fair anemre attracting his attention.
AS family, who have bean spending Christaias Peter Dallas, a former Tuckerem"ith boy, The churob. *ai qrowded oi2 both occasions at Milvertgn, is home visitinghia father last week visiting friends at Woodstodk.- Kirkby being elected over Proctor by only He will therefore -require to bean the watch
here, left this Week few1heir home in Wood- and 4,n old piipit of the Collegiate Institute, by woof appreciative audiences, and every. rent confined to his room Mine Jima Ireland, who has been living in' 16 of a majority. -an he may. possibly, If not probably, be this#
who is at preL
as been in Manitoba for sever I years one was niuch- pleased with Mr. Whyte -'s, through illness. -Mr. J. Coulter has, his new Soxforth for the Past 5 or 6 years, has re, BRi"s. -John Shaw ii captured.
stock. -Mr. D, Stekenso,n 'Was viaitin'g who 1� i now inspector for Oaroevidep
fliends in Forest and Soxxiia last week.- is at present visiting friends and relatives addresses. Both Mi. and Miss"Whyte are house nearly finished and has rented the turned to the parental roof on the 3rd I the North American Life Insurance Comg A-NyuAL SCHOOL MAETMG.-In bompli-
-10 LU
Mr. Csey moved into'the house 1& 00- in this rieighborhood. -Miss Maud Jones excellent uskisuej and "company 'their same to Mr. Carmichael. Mr. Coulter hAs for good. -On Saturday eveningof last week pany for north Huron and west Brace.+ -A anee with the Ontario Pablio School act the to
did i
-cupied by Mr. 8tevs'"on, last singing by pli&ying a guitar and a harp 2o
week. We who has been in Toronto for some months, is, done his shareto extend the border& of our as Wmi. Cochrane was watering his horses greatnumber of our citizens are sojoutliling annual publiochool. meeting was hold in f
Undertitand he has, -purchased it from the, visitilng her -parents here just now. -Mr. A. Alth.ough he hid been inifa�rmed that 'Bay- village,. this being the fourth dwelling he one of thetim gave a jump sideways, causmg at Goderich this week, being witnesses on the school house on Wednesday 27th, BJj.
Crawford was chosen as Public School trina.
owner,Mr. John Ohosuey.-Mrs. Carnochan Baurlaugh has on exhibition in his studio an :field was place,for drunkenness, fiss built. -Mr. R, Patt the suit of Nightingale ys. Insurance Com- oy
arson, or., our old him to slip, whereby he sprained his left
and Miss Little returoed from Chesley oh excellent -crayon portrait of the late Mr. and that it- would hardly be safe foe him, -to 6, Loh is up on reference before his tes-for the ensuing terra, in lieu of the re.
established contractor, and proprietor of the ankle viBry seriously. He.has not been able panic wh
Tuesday, They walkt up to spend, New Robert Jamie8on.-Mr. J. W. Jones, of make, a temperance address here, he found Heneall planing mills, has moved 'into his to leave the house since. -The annual school Honor, Judge Tome, Qarrow and Taylor tiring -trustee, J. X Roberts. Amore
Year'8 with relativa� In that vicinity. -,-Mr. Stratford, formerly of f3eaforth, with his it quite the reverse, sad 'Was warmly wel- find large - dwelling on Richmond street, meeting in'school section- No. 6 was. very being counsel for the pla-intiff, and McCar- tent person could not have been selected.
J. S. Muldrew, of Kn;'ox.. College, and Mr, wife spent New Year's here. -One of Mr. comed by in overflowing Ongregition. about a block mouth of where he formerly p9orly attended. Quintin Anderson,the retir- thy and Sinclair for the co!nplaiis.-T a Re is the right man. in the right plaea.
George Anderson, B.A., of Gananoque Col. D. i;, Wilson's teuins started down Main Clunh ENTERTAINMICST.-St. An- resided. -We refret this week to have to ing truetee,was reinstalled for the next three Herald plant 1�as arrived and it. being got ANoTRZIL PIONzza: GoNs.-Still they go,
into I one after another, and in rapid anooession.
legiate lostitute, speft Christmas New street in a leisurely manner on Tuesday af - drews Church Christmas � Tree Entertain- ohronicle the a 011511 of Mrs. H. Doan, of years. Donald Curiii, who has been trustee ihak and the first issue will appear faet4
Year's here with friende and relatives. -Mr. ternoon, with two small boys on the wagon. ment R�dgerville, aft4 a long and painful illi shortl ' ' The office is in the Queen's hotel Georg* Burrow*, an old settler in As Idy -was hold in the Town HAII, on Wed. noes, and Swrotary-treasurer for the past twenty Y. hfie
Thomlie Daidson, a 'prosperous farmer of The music made by one of the younRoteril neaday evening, and was 0, grand success. and although the dece"ed had all the care healt . h. block, adjoining V I he hotel.Brusmele� has departed this life during Friday night* of though"
years, resigned onzaccount of poor
'in the village on Satur
a Grey tGwnahip. waa ond Veterinary Surgeon in the last week, h d to the direful
soon brought assistance, and the horses The programme was an excellent one and and best medieg- skill, that oould be , given, Wm. Cochrane was appointed trustee in his now a ad avmg succumbs may be,
dmy. last. He thinks -times very dull but were stopped just as they were starting' to wall pleaded- the large 'number present. yet through the serious nature of her ail- place for the balance (if his , term "d Mr. person, of Mr. Moore, from Trowbridge,who effects of I& rippe. His remains were in,
atift seems Abie to m&,ke farming pay. Like go faster, The Broadf oot - &Box f urniture The children sang very:well and showed wants and advanced years, it wam impossi- Anderson wa's Hio is located tarred in D4ngaunon cemetery on Monday.
jppotuted Seoretvy-Troas. has recently passed- his final
radet euccessf ul farmOrs, he, does mot devote factory, is closed down this. week. It careful training, solos *ere well given ble to prolong life io brittle thread. Mrs. urer.-Happy ew Year to all. -New. in the old Stratton residence on �Elizaeth ]Uv. R. Fairbairs conducted the obmqu all his: energies in ne direction. During will start again on Monday next.- by Miss M - urtch and Mr. J. Sterling, and a Doan was very muoh respected and the Year's' Day passed off quietly. Tha only street. -Our school'opened for 18k on Tues- The bereaved widow, who we learn is also
the sumznermaonths� one finds it profitable to Misp Kate Cowan returned on Monday frc m duet byMia-wo'Murtch and MoPhail,of Gode- funeral cortege on Tuesday afternoon was fun was the eleotion. It ia needless to, say day of this week, the old staff being again In a poor st*te of health, and family-, hav or Stu
patronizethe factoryn but aasoonascool a visit to Toronto. -Mr. Wm. Broadfoot, of rich township. Miss Lily: Morgan und Mine largely- attended, and Mr. Doan and his a good many peo in their places. -Mr. J.' N. Kend&14 our thoeyrapathy of the community In their
weatber comes on he makes butter at home, Nelson, BritishEColumbisi eldeat son of Mr. Hilda Moorshouse, both of wholmlare so.well family have much a pathy in their trouble. the poR was closed, and a Iwo Gravid Trunk AsilwaylogentWd bemyssnt.J& K=11ML-3 -,Am Mpt
_good:manym re popular on,