HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-05, Page 7! Boole -
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ANUARY 5, 1894
PAPST'S Bookstore.
A few lines on exhibition in the
window, and suitable for
Xmas and New. Year
Ai imm.ense Assortment cheap.
C. W. PAPST, Seaforth.
a CuTS.
Harness & Furs
Ona IyOnth-Oply.
,1101IN WWI :C4th.:,
Has slag& stock of Harness of all
kinds, and Robes and Fur Coats,
which he will sell at greatly reduced
prices for the next 30 days
In Robes he has the Black Gallo-
way, Highland. Steer, Wambath,
Highland Sheep; also a large selec-
-tion of Goat Robes.
IN COATS, he has Buffalo, Canada
.and Australian Coon, Wambath.
Harness to suit purchasers.
Er Main Street, Seaforth, Strong'f3
Red Brick Block.
Both the method arid restate when:
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and CUM habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever ipro.
duced, pleasing to the taste and aci,
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances'its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the inost
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
Lave it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
News Notes.
—Somee214 cases of grip have hoen
ported in rowan.
—Nicholas Connolly, in jail at Ottawa, is
in poor health.
re -
—A young man named Lyons, who had
his limbs badly frozen, has had -both hands
and both feet amputated at Winnipeg Gen-
era Hospital. .
—DavidDowrie, of'Hamilton, received an
unexpected Christinas present on Friday
evening, the 22ad inst., in the shape of a
baby a week or so old, left in a basket at his
door step.
—A young man named Schuyler, who
represented himself as an agent for a Tor-
onto newspaper, has been travellingl in the
vicinity of Atylmer and swindling he peo-
ple. He was arrested, pleaded gui ty, and
was sentsto jail for six Months with hard
—The -Toronto Workl says the 7Ontario
Government contract for first quality
straight roller flour for the public institu-
tions of the Province,for the year has been
let at $2.98 a barrel. ' The World. says the
rate is a very low pne for a yearly contract.
It is probably the rowest point ever reached
in Ontario. .
—Bar. S. A. Armstrong,. of Mooretown,
has invented a new process for purifying
and refilling salt, which. is being used in
the salt works of that place. It is , yet a
Bonet. —
the photograieh of a youngliv man of Hall -
fax, whom he way engaged to marry. The
dead man's Mother and titer live in Hali-
fax. Fortune was 35 year's old.
etaTames Connors, ono :of the woret crimin-
als in Chicago, was shot and killed at mid-
night on the 21st ult., while committing a
—The club house and all the mtables of
the Pittsburg Driving ,Park Association at
Homewood, Pennsylvania were buried on
Tuesday morning, 26th nit.' •
—Christmas presents in .the shape of
pardons have- been given by President
Cleveland in the case of ten convicts, and
the sontence in another case has been com-
• ' —Mr. Jute, Spence managing director
of the American SteanAip Company, died
suddenly in Edinburgh, Scotland, on the
21st ult.
• —The ode albs New
England RAilroad Comps
New York, was broken
The Merbillop Mutual Pre
lusurance Company.
D. Roes, President, Clinton P. O.; W. J.
Shannon, Secy-Treas.'Seaforth P. O.; John Hannah,
Manager, Seaforth P. 0.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth Alex. Gardiner, Lead
bury, Gabriel Elliott. Clinton, Geo. Watt, Harlook ;
Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Murdie, Seaforth
a.hos. Garbutt,. Clinton.
Thos. Nellans, Ilene& ; Ro- bt. MeMIilan, Seaforth
r Camoehan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan. and Geo
urdie, Auditors.
York and New
ny at Hopewell,
pea before day-
light on Sanday monism .24th ult., and
robbed of $225 in money, and $4;000 worth
of certificates.
—A great vaccination ceremony has taken
place at tile Ministry of the Interior, at
Paris, France. A heifer was brought into
the courtyard and the clerks, from the high-
est to the lowest grade, all servants, child-
ren, porters, were ordered to be innoculated.
—Rev. Qs M. McGregor, of. Aberdeen,
Scot4and, one Of the best known clergymen
of the Scoteh Free Church, has accepted e
call to the pastorate of Dwight L. Moody's
church in Chicago..
—There has been a general election in
New Zealand, and the Government were
restored by a handsome majority. It was
the first election since Woman Suffrage be.
came a law; and the ladies were conspicu-
ous at all the polling places. Nearly 5,000
women voted in the north Wend alone.
—Mr. Henry Pettitt, the London dra-
matist, is dead. He had been 'suffering for
some time from typhoid fever. Mr.
Pettitt's works include, "The Black Flag,"
"Faust -Op To Date," ' "Hands .Across
The Sea," 'etc.
—Wbfle-exoavating for the foundation of
a house on Boyle street, Allegheny, Pennt
sylvania, Mr. dames Dixon, a contractor,
unearthed A crock containing nearly $500 in
gold. It is supposed to have been, buried
by James Graham, an eccentric old gentle-
man, who died fifty years ago.
—The -latest news from Honolulu shows
that the Provieional Government is erecting
barricadesiand digging rifle. _pits, with, the
intention Of forcibly resisting any attempt -
to restore the Queen to iower. • -
—Louis Kossuth, of Vienna, Austria,
was. compelled 'recently to sell his library,
the collation of a life time. Kossuth's
needs must have been great, as he was in-
duced to part with the whole for £130.
--A plap to -kidnap Ruth Cleveland, the
President'S eldest child, in expectation of a
large raiment), was discovered by the police
at Abilities, Kansas on Sunday, 24th
tiltnin letters from Washington to a crank.
Two women were implicated in the scheme.
The kidnapping was to be done in January.'
Steps have been taken to arrest the gang.
' Padua desirous to effect Insurances or tran
-tether busineas will be pronaptly attended to on
pplioation to any of the above officers, addressed to
bair respective post offices. 1
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suc-
cessful. CONSUMPTION CURE, is without
a parallel in the history of medicine. All
druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos-
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
successfully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sure Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will
cure you. If your child has the Croup, or
Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will
cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Drug-
gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price io cts.,
so as. and $1.60.
—The Elma flour mille at Tavistooks were
burned on the 20th ult., with, some 6,000 or
7,000 bushels of grain. The loss is eetimated
at $30,000, a little over one half of which
was covered by insurance. • The mill had a
grinding capacity of 250 barrels of flour per
---A Sarnia correspondent of the P,etrolea
Advertiser states that the expense of sum-
moning jurymen, their'Pay and mileage,aild
other incidental expenses of the last county
court was $700, and their services were on
y needed in one civilcase in which the
amount in stake was oily $125.
—The number of French Canadians is now
becoming so great in the New England
States that their influence in an important
factor in the result of municipal, and other
elections. Recently in Woonsocket, Rhode
Island, a French Canadian was elected
mayor and four others are in the town n -113 -
oil. In Holyoke, Massachusetts, seven
were elected to the council. In many other
places there have been dinner results.
—Miss Fowler, of Kingston, an old lady;
of considerable means, - died on Sunday,
24th ult. Five years age, when asked for a
• subscribtion for the Yining Men's Christian
Association buildings, she donated $500 -in
gold, the first subscription received in cash.
—An old lady residing- in'Toronto, named
Maggie Bennett, aged 75 years, came to a
sad end on Sunday evening, the 24th ult.
She was an inireterate -arnoker, and, having
taken tea, as, was her wont, she filled her
pipe and settled back for a quiet smoke.
PlAra. Bennett had, however, thrown a piece
of lighted paper to the floor, and in a short
time the carpet was in flames, the latter
communicating with the old woman's cloth-
ing. Being unable to save herself,the un-
fortunate woman was fatally hurried and'
died in the greatest agony.
—There died on December 12th1 at Tac-
oma, Washington Territory, a well known
Canadian Professor J. Tait. Mr. Tait was
a native Of the township of Paslincb, county
of Wellington, and -taught in the colleges
of 'Georgetown and Owen Sound, and was
English master in the Collingwood Collegiate
institute until eight years ago, when he
moved to Tacoma Washington Territory,
to take charge of a college in that city,
where he remained up to the time of his
death .
Brett, M. P. P., of Banff, North-
west Territory, is in Winnipeg on -his way
to Vienna, Austria, 'where be will take a
six months' course in the leading hospitals.
—It is propoied to erect a meiriorial hall
it Victoria Industrial School,- Mimico; in
memory of the late W. H. Hovland, who
was the, founder andfriend of that excellent
4 Great Invention.
"1 have here," began the energetic man
as he bundled into the young lairyer's of-
fice, "the! 'greatest inventioi of the age." °
It was Cases that the lawyer wanted, not
inventions, and he said something rather
rude; but the energetic man proved to be a
_philoaophera and merely smiled. &.
"1 cant it," pursued the ,visito‘r, "The
Eternal aisSer, because there is simply no
end to the kisses it bestows. It is this."
He hauled out a spray of mistletoe covered
with white sherries. Thin interested the
yimng lawyer, who raised his eyebrows in;
quiriney.1 ' .,
" Mistletoe' " proclaimed the agent, "is
a •
very manse this year, and ' a bunch contain-
ing a sake of berries Would bankrupt a
poor. want Now this grea invention brings
happinesa within reach o all. Tradition,,
:permits you a kiss for eachl and every berry,
you IEHOW. You hold this !spray above your
beloved's' head—so. Yoh bend—so—and
kiss her. : Then you grab e berry—so--and
pull it, -;--presto, it flies back again in plasm.
The leaves and berries see India.rubber,
sir, ancl—t• Two did you ay? Fifty cents.
Fifty cents. Thank youesin Good day."—
From the .Editor's Drawer," in Harper's
Magazine for 'December. e
If you
unIr "en to
be White
as Snow,
• * • • •
• AP is perfectly pure,
and contains no Inittrl.
out Chemicals to injure
either your elothee or
your hands. Greatest
eaxe la exercised in ito
manufacture, and its,
quality is so appreciated
by the public that it hal
the Totrgest Sale el any
Soap in the World.
Can yon test this? Lf
you have never tried
those who use it whet
they think of it, then try
it for yourself. The re-
melt will pleats° you, and
your clothes will be
washed in far lose time,
with Less Labour,
Greater Comfort, and
will be whiter than they
have ever been before,
when you need ordinary
That -
not the best way -to . de-
cide the matter ? First
by enquiring what the
experience 1B of those
who already 'Mt it.
Secondly, by a fair trial
yourself. You a.re not
committed in any way
touse the aoap ; all we
ask is Don't Delay, try
it the next washing day.
• • • 0 4. • •
"there are plenty of other men who have
grown up, and why aint they as smart as
my father ?"—Philadelpha-Prese.
—An accident which will probably result
fatally occurred near the Essex toll gate the
other awning. A young man named Hugh,
Steed, son of a farmer livingabout three
miles froEssex, vies. riding into town on
one horie and leading another, when in
eome way he was thrown off and trampled
upon, causing conouesion of the brain.His
recovery is doubtful.
a—The Lambton County Council has re-
vived the House of Industry question.- At
the December session a by -lav was read
twice, by a vote of 18 to 17, authorizing the
till the J
Anglican Church in Canada to k place on
Thuriday, hist week, at Kingston, being the
first ordination seer conducted by an arch-
bishop of the Church of England outside
the -British Isles. Ihe ceremony took plane
in St:Gptirge's cathedral.
-e-An arbitration is in programs at the
court bourse, Hamilton,' involving property
to the value of $300,000.. Theproperty
miste of the Gurney Company estate in Hain -
Molt and Toronto. The object is to separate
thieHamilton and Toronto business. Judge
Kingsmill, of Walkerton, is sole arbitrator.
Steam Boiler Works.
:A.. .8. OHRYST4,
Suooessorto Chryatal & Black,
anufacturers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular .
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works,
etc., .etc.
Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
. Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines a specialty. All
'• lees of pipe and pipe -fitting constant on hand.
" Estimates furnished on short notioe.
Works—Opposite G. T. It. ?Station, Gladerleb.
—During the performance of "The Cre-
ation in Knox Church, Winnipeg, the
gallery sank three inches with a oraah, and
the occupants rushed for the doors: Fortu-
nately nobody was badly injured.
—The only child of Dr. Norman Allen
and wife, of roronto, got too near an open
grate on Wednesday, 20th ult., while the
parents and nurse were outside'aid got so
badly burned that she died the next day.
The nurse was Also badly burned in attempt-
ing to save the child.
—Wane impersonating Santa Claus in
Mr. Jooeph Allister's house, in London, Mr.
Allister's sister-in-lsw was seriously burned.
.A wax candle fell from the Christmas tree
and ignited her head-dress.
—Christmas was joyfully celebrated in
Toronto on Monday, 25th ult. In the Ang-
lican, Methodist and Roman Catholic
churches there were appropriate services,
and in about forty of the charitable and be-
nevolent institutions the holiday was sped-
ally honored.
—Sir George Elliott, who ha4 been a
member Of the British Par1iment eighteen
years, died in London, England, Saurday,
of a site and the erection of a
. The third reiSling was laid over
nuary session:.
able event in the history of the
Hamilton, says: "For yeara-in fact all toy life -I
have been troubled with severe headache. I have
tried all the remedies I could hear of and have been
treated by many doctors, but with very little. good
result. A friend recommended your Headache,
Neuralgia and Lister Powders tome tinie ago, and
have found them to be the greatest blessing to me-
in fact, I can truly way they are wonderful. I would
not be without them for 'snore then I can tell." Mr.
Flock, station master, Grand Trunk Railway, Hamil-
ton, says: " They cured my most seeere headschea,
which I had at least three years." Price, 25 conte a
box. For sale by all medioine dealers
Scrofula Entirely Cured.
DEAR SIRS, -I had suffered very panda froni
scrofuleaand bad blood for aeven years peat
Six months ago I commenced using B. B. B. inter-
nally and externally and can now say that I am en,
tirely cured, and have been so for some time. To all
sufferere I recommend In B. B. as an excellent rem-
edy for scrofula.
Miss A. B. TANNIED.,
Menne Nova Scotia.
For Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, or Torpid
Lieer, Burdock Pills are the best cure.
- -
—A- adored philosopher is reported to
have said, "Life, my breddern, am mos'ly
made up Of praying for ram, and then wishs
in' it would ol'ari off."
—" George Washington," said Tommy, in
his "composition, "was a man who, if he
pointed a gun at a man and told the man it
wasn't loaded, the man would not get a bit
—Reporter—interviewing an aged negress
—"And they tell me, aunty, you are 110
years old. i„NoV4 how does it happen you
have lived so longr Aunt Sheba—" Don't
know, zaely, but 'apect its bekase 1 nebeh !
died, sah4"—Bro klyn Life.
W ,
—Medical Nent—" People don't want
young doors. ow on earth do they get
started? ProfesSor--" It's simple enough.
They just sit in their offices and,fret and
worry over the rent .until their hair turns
grey, and then the patients come with a
rush. --New York Weekly.
—A little Sooteh boy, on being rescued by
a bystander from the' dock into which he
had fallen, expressed heartfelt gratitude,'
saying: "I'm 6Q glad you got me out.
What a lickin' I wad have got free my
mither if ,I had been drooped !"—Yankee
Blade. .\
—Mother—You shouldn't play games on
Sunday.. 'Little Boy—This one is all right.
" Do you hnean that all that . running and
jumping is right?" "Yes'm. We are play-
ing steeple chase, and pretendin' they is
reglar chareh steeples."—Good News.
Scraped with a Raap.
had such a severe cough that •my throat
felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave re-
lief, and the Second bottle completely cured me.
Miss A. A. DOWNEY,
/fanatic, Ontario.
N'o cold or cough too severe to yield to the cura•
tive power of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Excels all Others.
DEAR SIES,-Your Burdock Blood Bitters exeels
all other medicines that I ever used. r took it for
biliousness, and it has cured me altogether. .
Wallaceburg, Ontario.
I ° , Confirmed.,
' The favoralale impression produced on the
first iippearance. Of the agreeable liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago
has been more than confirmed by the
pleasant iexperie ce of all who have used
it, and the atm as of the proprietors and
manufacturers, the California Fig Syrup
Company. ,
Variable appetite and itching at the nose are signs
of worms. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best cure.
.Hacking Cough Cured.
GENTLEMEN, -MY little boy had a severe hack-
ing cough, and could not sleep at night. I
tried }logy ara's Pectoral Balsam for him and he was
cured at once.
Mits. .L Hamm,
Linwored, Ontario.
er • et.
Wild Cherry and Hypophosphltes are combined
with Cod Liver Oil in Milburn's Emulsion, the best
Lung remedy.
A Home Testimonial.
GENTDEMEN,-Two years ago my 'husband suffered
from severe indigestion, but Was completely cured
by two bottles, of Burdock Blood Bitters. I can
truly recommend it to all sufferers trout fphis disease.
_13 Cross Ste Toronto
-Itch on human and horses and all animals, cured
in 30 minutes by Woolfoird's. Sanitary Lotion. This
near fails. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson.. '
i --• •
A Postmaster's Opinion.- c---1
.... ee.t '
- " I have great pleasure in -certifying tothil-iiCeful-
nest of Hagyard'a Yellow Oil," writes D. Kavanagh,
postmaster of Umfraville, Ontario, "having used it
for [soreness of the throat, burns, colds, etc., I find
Troth ng equal to it" . •
i a
--tEnglial Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft
or ica11ou0ed Lumps and Blemishes from horses,
Bleed Spin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc.i Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted tbe
mo!! wonderful Blemish Cure ever knewn. Sold
by =scion & Wilson.
,n- e•-•40.
rs. T.S.,Hawkine, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says:
it S notes Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I comdder
it t e beg iemedy for a debilitated system .I ever
used." Poe Dyspepsia, Liver .or Kidney trouble it
exe Is. Prtce, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists.
1 , I
HOW to get a " SunlIght " Fioture.
a M
•S.A.1•1-111_A. OT_LA:Cirs,
Headquarters for XmasGifts.
Xmas Clads
Card Cases
Snow Shoes
Children's Sleighs
Ink Stands
Party Fans
Parlor Games
Photo _Frames
Whisk Holders
Shopping Bags
Shavers' Sets
Lamp and Candle Shades
Ladies' Companions
Xmas Papers
Scrap Alburtis
Glove and Handkerchief Cases
Books in Sets
Writing Folios
Work Boxes
Mouth Organs
Boys' Books
Girls' Books
Babies' Books
Prayer and Hymn Books
Bible's with Hymns
Dressing Cases
Fancy Papeteries
Jewel Cases
d 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrap es (wrepper bearing
code "Why Doese a oman L�ok Old Sooner
" ) to LEYER BROS., Ltd:, 48 ScottaSt., Toronto,
you will receive by post a pretty picture,lree
advertising, and well worth framing. This is
ay way to decorate your home. The soap lathe
in the niarket, and it will only dost le. postage
end in the wrappers/ if you leave the ends open.
to your address carefully.
Mag,ie Lanterns
Many of the above lines at Special Bargain Prices for- the NRXT TWO
WEEKS. You can save money by coining here, as you can get right honest
value for every cent you want to spend.
SHILOH'S CURE la sold'on,a guarantee. It Cures
Incipient Consumption. It is the -best Cough Cure.
• Only one cent a lose;t25 eta., 50 ete. and 81:00 per
bottle,. Sold by. all druggists. .
RHEUMATISM Comm IN A DAY.- South American
Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi-
eally.oures in I to 8 days. Its action upon the sys-
tem is remarkable and mysterioue. It removes at
once the rause and the disease immediateltedisap-
pears. The first doise greatly- benefits. 75 cents.
Sold by Lumsden druggiste, Seaforth.
EPP!S' COCOA A, Keene Lady.
"By st thorough knowledge of the natural laws
whioh govern the operations of digestion and nntri-
tioo, and by a careful application of the fine prtiper-
. ties of well -selected Coana, Mr.Epps has provided for
, our breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which may save ue many heavy doctors' bills.
It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution maybe gradually built up until strong_
enough to resist every tendency te- disease. Hun-
dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nouriehed
frame."n-9ivil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or -milk. Sold
only in packets by Grocers, labelled thus: ,
There's Many a Slip.
Now that winter bas come, many horses and cattle
will be injured by slipping. A strain causes a lame-
ness Which lf properly attended to from the start
will soon be cured, but if left a hard substance often
forms lover a joint and a serinus blemish results.
Dick's Liniment should be applied as soon as any
lameness is shown, While.if a Spavin, Curb, or Ring-
bone has already formed, it can be cured with Dick's
• Blistet.' Get Dick's, it costs only 50 cents.
we • se
For your Benefit we tell Our
Story from Hamilton `and
Paris. -
rizoitAioiA CURED.
Ilianirox, January 7th, 1891.
Messrs. Isaac Willliams Co., London, Ont.:
Sirs, -After suffering for a long time with indiges-
tion and neuralgia, boueht two bottles of your Royal
Crown Remedy. It entirely cured me. I can recom-
mend it asehe best medicine I ever used.
30 Poulette St.
—General Shermsn's son Thomas, in 'the
Lcompany of a detachment of soldiers, was
"crossing the pontoon • bridge over the
Potomac, When the armies were on their
--First dear girl—"Charlie gave me such
a lovely string of pearls yesterday. It was
my birthday, you know. A pearl for every
year." Second dear girl—"Dear me? How.
awfully,expensive I" .
way. to Washington for their great reviews
in 1865. The\ bey `'was then about eight
years old. One of the men, to make talk,
asked him if he expectedto grow up as
smart a men as his father. "No, sir,' an-
swered the boy, with serpriging promptness.
"Why not ?" was the next question.
"Well," said Thomas without hesitation,
23rd ult., aged 79 years.
—One day lately an intoxicated man
stumbled into a tenement house i in New
York and went to sleep.' Mr. H. Herscher,
a shoemaker, living in the house, found him
there dead. ' Letters in the dead man'rs
pockets showed thathe was Win. 1 Fortune,
of Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was, formerly
a dry goods merchant in that city. For-
tune's trunk contained among ether artieles
— the ordinary, bulky
pilL Too big to take,
and too much disturb-
ance for your poor sys,
tem. The smallest,
easiest to take, and best
are Dr. Pierce's Pleas-
ant Pellets. They burrs
out all the disturbance,
but yet do you more
good. Their help las&
Von, Bilious Attacks,
Sick or Bilious Head-
aches, and all derange-
, meats of the livers
stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved,
and permanently cured. They're guaran-
teed to 'give satisfaction, or your money is
If you're suffering from
Catarrh, the proprietors
of Doctor Sage s Catarrh
Remedy ask you to try
their medicine. Then, if
you can't be cured, they'll
PoY You POO iu
1 • •
_ A 'lady named Mrs. T. 0.11. Humphries, living in
Keene, Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mena -
bray's Kidney and Liver Ouree has forwarded a,
statement to the effeot that it completely cured her
of [inflammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver
tro bles. Such a (implication of diseasea yielding
to is remedy should encdurage sister , sufferers to
giv it an honest trial.
awn* •
COUghil‘TneadS to Conauhiption.
Kemp's Balsa stops -the cougb at once.
RELIED IN Six HOIDIS.-DiStreSsing Kidney , and
Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great
South American Kidney (lure." This new remedy is
a rest surprise , and delight - on account of
its x ceeding promptness in relieving pain in the
blsder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary
passages in male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by liumsden & Wilson, Seaforth.
en • ee.
J.Jane'a MedicinisMoVes the Bowels
Each Day.
In order to be healthy this is necessary.
fifot 044' et rehkit hot rt perolcomot ettre. ee the eeriest
Neuralgia and iiivsa Powders'
Stomach and "wet
y ,o626.
A sure
cure for all Head Pains,
. Complaints, Biliousness.
Arioe to terke. ,f/oloot if:oetetota.oeoos. d'old by ay/ 7*
_41.495 Glenne. 604..
494,vg4119 awe Iteakhre 4eet/ePe.
sicv,c LiJ v00
•Z• s5%
eieDP'S' „•m N3R c'
2, °
08 p,C-
IVO g9' --`s'sr
compotiewED roe "
1.t 4:-.* I
THE R. 'ARK inDicimE
By R. syMIK' ki."*P" °HEIM
from (mom trnitersit
peotkw4 Aff".-
Aeatee tooilete;fol cores froili tilew...446,404 eatia. -.1144 044 evetl„
#4,49- 80.1•474445% 00114:01 oplio& or hrttejeoletroge Az.2",e catile."1
• ' PARIS, January 21, 1891.
Messrs. Isaac Williams Co.:
Dear Sirs, -I was troubled with rheumatism for
several years. A friend induced me to try your
"Royal Crown Remedy," which I did. After taking
two bottles I felt great relief. At the present eiy
health is better then it has been for a long time. I
can confidently assure you your medicine was the
means of prolonging my life. The above „testimony
you have my permission of using as you see fit.
i am, yours respectfully,
Hundreds of others could tell, and. will in future
tell how Dotal Crown Remedy has prolonged their
lif e.
e .
Captain:Sweeney, U. S. A.2 San Diegb, Cale soya :
" Shiloh's CatarrhR.medy is the first medicine I
have ever found that v ould do rne any good." Price
50 cents. Sold by 4 druggists.
-am • an.
' 1
For Seventeen Years Mrs. Reany was treat-
ed for lung, heart, liver, stomach and
female troubles, witheut benefit —
Dodd's Kidney Pills ured her in seven-
teen days.
OUlt CHRISTMAS Ilium's!,
Will be a great deal more savory if you have it served on one of our new
D ining Tables, and are seated comfortably on one of our new neatly designed
Chairs. To be complete as to the furniture party our splendid patterns in
Sid eboards will fill up that blank space in the side of your room, OM you and
your family will fall to with gusto to do justice to the tempting viands, and -
all be happy on this happy of htppy days. Try it.
Did it ever strike you that a piece of Furniture as a Christmas gift is a
gift that is useftil as 'Wen as ornamental The next time you are -down town
just drop in and see our line of holiday goods. We have a big line of articles
that as`gifts will brighten your friend's home, and cause her to remepler you
or many moons. 'Useful things express regird and minister to comfort. More
people than ever are spending holiday money for articles of utility, and ibis
Season will break the record. We offer a hearty welcome to lookers as well
as buyers.
The M. Robertson Furniture Emporium,
A Splendid Business Chance.
The undersigned wishes tollispose of her business
and stock of Fancy Goods, Fingering Yarns, Berlin
Wogia, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, etc, etc.
The stand is one of the best in Seaforth, just opp
John Street on Main and the stook is a first-class one.
This is an unequalled opportunity for anyone who
wishes to engage in this line of luridness. Apply to
1351-t f Seaforth, Ontario.
Notice ia. hereby given that the 194h annual meet-
ing ofthe members bf the Hay Township Farmers'
Mu ual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the
n Hall, Zurich, on Monday, January 8 ; ,
on o'clock p. Business :-Iteeeiving the Dlreet-
orsr and Secretary's anneal reports; Election of Di-
re re and other business for the good and welfare
of the Convene. All members are requested to at-
te d. THOMAS YEARLY, President, HENRY
E BER, Secretary. ' 1358x3
.811SLEDE.NE, January 1st; 1894.- Mrs. George
Reany, of 211.1 Emit Third Street, Ashland, Wiscon-
sin, writes an interesting story to the Free Press.
She says she haa been sick for seventeen years; that
the physicians she consulted in different places in
the United States and Canada ascribed her Illness to
the lungs, heart, liver, stomach or female diseases,
but none ever suggested the -kidneys. All the phy-
sicians' prescriptions and patent medicines she took
failed to help her, and he kept growing Worse.
-About two months ago she read of Dodd's Kidney
Pillsin the Free Press and sent to Toronto for some.
Now she is eured. Doubtless there are many others
suffering from kideey dieease, but like Mrs. Reany,
do not know what is the matter with them.
TICK BOYS. -Boys should always have some quick
and sure remedy for midden attacks of Cramps,
Diarrhoea, or Dysentery; for a physician is not al-
ways near, and an hour's delay in cams of this kind
often leads to serious results. Therefore parents
should have on hand a supply of Perry Devise Pain -
Killer, which is as efficacious as it is simple and
haendess: Direction!) are with each bottleeand one
dose rarely fails to bring relief to. a (sufferer from
any bowel ocirnplaint. New size n6c. Bottle, bull 2 oz.
A wonderful new combination is R. Stark's Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice, to take ;
ectl hermleee. Mrs. Mary lieste,813 thin street,
„. ,
Every owner of
ante horse or cow wants
to know how to
keep his animal in
good nealth while in the stable on dry ihdder.
DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is now recognized
as the best Condition Powders, it gives a good
lppetite and strengthens the digestion 'so theta the
food is assimilated and forms flesh, thus savingmore
than it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys
and tuns a rough coat into a smo4th and glossy one.
Sound Horses are al-
ways in demand andat
this season -when they
are so liable to slips and
strains DICK'S BLIS-
Tb_R will be "found a
stable necessity; it will
1:emove a curb, spavin,
splint or thoroughpin or any swelling.- Dick's Ikon
meat cures a strain or lameness old removes inflaen-
mation-fronicuts and bruises. For Sale by all Drug -
"gists. Dick's Blood Purifier 50c. Die.k's Blister 50c.
Dick's Liniment 25c. Dick's Ointment 25c.
Send. a
Fat Cattle =Iv:
a book of valuable household and farm recipes wall
be seat free,
DICK & CO., P0. Box 482, MONTREAL.
Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural
Trie'annual meeting of the members of the Tuoker-
smith Branch Agricultural Society will be held at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on
THURSDAY, January 11, 1894,
At 1 o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of electing
Officers and Directors, and the transaction of other
As the question of dispersing of the present Show
Grounds, and the procuring of other grounds will be
considered at this meeting, It is particularly ne-
ared Oat every 'person at all interested in the
society should be present.
Secretary, Proddent
Leading Undertaker
?Ay facilities are Unsurpassed. I am pre-
pared to conduct burials in ie most. satis-
factory mariner. 'All modern undertaking
appliances. Competantmanagementguar-
=teed. A. full line of burial goods on
hand.. I aim to be prompt, considerate
� Charges most ressonablee
anammerW 1228
`ci 0 Oa
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3Hi.,,, 010 NOUS
Musical Instrr.ment
Scott Brothers/
PI ANOIL—Dunham,.New York;
Bell & Co., Guelph, Dominion Piano Com -
any, Bownsanville.
OftGANS.::,w. Beil &Co., Guelph;
Dominion Organ Company, Boivnlanwil
D. W. Korn & CO., Woodstock.
The above butruments always on hand, also a few
'good second-hand 1)12406 and Organs for sale at
from $25 upwatds. Instruments sold on the Instal
meet plan, or on terzns to suit customers. Violins,
-3oncertinas and mat instruments on hand alsolsheet
music, books Ito.
NERVE BEANS sre a sew
wirer" thatitare the wont asses ot
Nervous Debility loot Virew and
Salim ; restores the
weakness of body or mind causer'
by overwork, or ern= er
ames ei youth. This Remedy ab-
solutely mires the most olailnate awes when all other
TRMAYMINIS lave falied event° relieve. Sold bydruga
gate at Oyer packale. tinier $5, or sett by mall eat
receipt of price by addzIvg TIIE JAMES JIDEDIOINE
00./ Toronto. Ont. Write for 'potable'. Soldfaa-
Sold irk Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS.
3 1
mix and he is also agent for the Bain
IN mower, chills, rakes, &e; the Coleman
m 1 wagon, Massey -Harris binder and
:I roller and a full stock of Plows con -
A1,1 parties requiring Farm Maohin.
ery, implements and Repairs. would,
do well to call at
Hugh Grieve!sWareroom
The Dominion Bank,
Before purchasing el were as he
keeps repairs for the Massey-Earrifs,
Patterson, Wisner, Geu.dy, Mason itini
Coleman machinery and imp1erdent5
stantly Ou hand..
c° UGH GRIEVE, Seaford/.
Ai ,
• Ts take charge of Local Ageney. Good inssobersor
'I right man, on salary or eOlnianedena. Whele_ DKjert
I time. We are the only growers of both Oint.
and American stock. Nurseries at Ridgeville, Ont;
said Rochester, N. Y. VIuitOrl webOOellAt vans*,
O(Sundays excepted.) Be quick and write Soriullilli-
w forrnanors. We want ou sow. BROWN EROS
2 00., Toronto, Ont. house iss rad& inrolre
71 posted Comproay. eau ospital, $1441$00)0o. 1