The Huron Expositor, 1893-12-29, Page 8, •
• .-
' •
Wholesale amd Retail Dealer in
P`ine - Dairy ;'• Butter
\ Hides and Tallow,
Sheet) Skins and
Raw Furs.
Stdck Reducing Sale.
On Saturday, December 30th, we make a special
clearing sale of all goods throughout our entire store.
We do this in order to reduce our immense stook
before commencing- stock,taking. We refer you to
our large advertisentent on page five of this paper
This will be found an excellent opportunity for
buyers of Dry Goods clothing, Tweeds, Carpets,
Millinery, Hats and Caps, Furs, &c., to- secure sup-
plies at and below w holesale prices. Don't' neglect
to call and see what satiefaetion can be taken out of
a few dollars properly invested.
A Dollar Saved
is a Dollar Made.
You, can save money by bUying your Groceries for
cash 'at cash prices. I keep no books. Sell only
or eash,, or trade. Belong to no combination.
• Make all my own prices, and try how cheap I can
handle goods for cash. From the business donese
far, I am satisfied it will be a success, and if bueiness
increasee, as it prornises to do, I may be able, before
long, to cut prices even finer than now, as the more,.
business I do the cheaper it can be done. Parties
who require some credit before the crops are ready
for market will find the banks will accomodate them
for less than one quarter of what they can save by
buying for cash. It is worth looking into. Remem-
ber the stand, nearISP opposite the Post Office.
C. WILSON, Seaforth
Bank of Commerce Block.
- won ttxpoolior.
coming in close succession upon each
othi3,r, usually cause a rush in a print-
ing office. On. this account we are
unable to publish in this issue several
interesting letters and many articles
of local interest which we have ori
hand, and must ask the indulgence c
our correspondents, All not out
dated will receive due attention no.%
A SURPRISE. -A number of_ the more
intimate friends of • ouo genial townsman,
Mr. A. Bauolaughr surprised him at his
residence on Tuesday evening last. They
met in force to congratulate him on ,baving
reached hie forty-seventh birthday and then
made him the recipient of a neat and hand-
some silver smoking service. The recipient,
although surprised as well as gratified, made
a suitable response and tendered his guests
the freedom of his residence. A few hours
were most agreeably spent and it goes with-
out saying that Mr. and Mrs. Bauslaugh
were unceasing in their attentions to their
gueats and that all were sorry when going
home time came.
ereen-John Aitchison, 822; Walker Arde,
763- Wm. B. %phew, 805 ; Frank Butch -
art, '893 ; Albert Bice, 720 ; Oliver Cole-
man, 738 ; George A. Durnin, 835 • siehn
Estee, 775 ; Joeeph Forrest, 744 ;
Gemmill, 737 ; Gilbert Gillespie,804 ; John
Gilmourf 756 ; Wm. G. Geminell, 866 ;
John A. Gregory, 944 • John Hicks, 684 ;s
Michael Rogan, 701 ; 'Melvin Harlton, 837 ;
John Kinahan, 8531 David Lencisborough,
852 ; Alfred Edward Mark, 789 ;`, John Reid
Morrison, 742; W. L. lticQuarrie, 730 ;
William J. Quinn, 766 ; Alfred C. Russell,
761 ; Hugh•A, Ryan 818 ; Wm" J. Scott,
824 ; Robert Smillie;768 ; Sillers,
768 ; Charles A. Tebbutt, 860 ; James H.
Tigert, 779 ; John Walsh, 838,
Jubilee Singers gave their entertainment in
the Presbyterian church on Tuesdey even-
ing. Owing to various causes, principally
the plethora. of entertainments just now,the -
audience was small. The entertainment,
however, was one of the most pleasing we
have had in Seaforth for a long time. The
members of the company are all Canadians,
their homes being in Hamilton and they are
a fino looking lot of ladies and gentlemen,
and are natural musicians. They are fully
equal to if not better than the once cele-
brated Fiok Jubilee Singere, while theie en-
tertainment is more varied. We are sure
that should the company return td Seaforth
they would. meet a crowded house. They
have been training for live years, and,in
that time have vieited the principal cities in
Britain and the Continent.
DON'T forget Sheppard's Worid's- Fair
Entertainment od Friday evening next. , 1369-1
for Barr's Dye Works, Mitchell, can be left at Rich-
ardson & McInnes' Boot and Shoe Store, Seatorth,
and will be promptly attendad to, and satisfaction
given. R. H. BARR, Mitchell, Ont. 1359-1
CHRIS'TMAS Fruits and Fancy Goode great-
ly reduced for New Year's. Lots of goods at half
price. GOOD BROTHERS. 1359-1
M DICEY Loso.-00 Wednesday afternoon,
on Main Street, Seaforth, between McGinnis' Grocery
and the Post Office, two five dollar bills. The finder
will be rewarded on leaving the money at the Ex-
Ali COST. -Oar whole stock of winter
Boots land Shops and Caps at cost, Wand after Satur-
day o this week. GOOD BROTHERS, the great Boot
and S oe /louse. 1859-1
pleasing token of the, high esteem in which
Mies A. Cowan, late teacher in the public
school here, was held by her fellow -teachers
and of their affection for her, took the form
of a handsome Christmas gift of books, the
complete works of George Eliot. The pres-
entation consisted of nine volumes, band -
namely bound, and was accompanied by an
address, expressing regret at her retirement
from the teaching staff, and an acknowledgs
-mutt of her valuable services, her diligence
in duty and her wholesome moral influence
among the pupils ; and also testifying to
her uniform kindness, amiability and readi.
ness to oblige, under all circumstances,
among the teachers.
. AWAY WITH otie RENT. -We pay no rent,
and give our customers the benefit of it. auger away
down, Highest cash price for Hop, Butter, Hides,
SheeP Skins and Tallow. Fresh sugar cured meats
now rleady, got up by that Veteran Dorrance. Beaorrit
Boos. 1359-2
IT'S a, shame to slaughter such lovely
goodS at such eutlandieh prices as they are going to
do next week, jat the great Half Price Sale, at FRAR'S
Drug Store. 1358-1
CORLERS NOTICE. -The annual President
and Vice -President Curling match will be played on
the Rink, Seaforth, on New Year's morning, at 9
o'clock, ice permitting. All parties intending to
join the club, should do so before that Cede, by send -
in their names and money to the Secretary, Ma.
Jour( WEIR.
GOOD news for everybody -Holiday Goode
at half prices, at FigAit's DRUG 4TORE next week.
, ' 1359-1
A. YOUNG, Seaforth, has just opened . out
a orate of very fine fancy Chioa, and is selling it very
cheap. ' 1359
A GREAT variety of Dinner Sets at A.
Youroa's, Seaforth. 1369
largest congregations that ever assembled
in St. Thouiaa' church on a Christmas day:.
was seen there on Monday last, and all were.
delighted with the bright, hearty services
in which they•coald engage. The chuech
decorations were ahead of former years and
the musical part of the service was never
better. The choir has improved very much
lately, under the training of Mr. liertzel,
while the solo by Mrs. Maclennan was very
fine, A large number remained to partake
of linty Communion, and the very liberal
offertory was presented as a gift to the
rector. The musical portion of ,the Christ-
mas fiSrvice will be repeated on next Sun-
day evening.—OnYriday evening last the
unpaid Chriotmas tree entertainment was
held in the school room, when a Christmas
Cantata was given, under the ladership of
Mr. T. 0, Kemp. On account of ` the very
tinfevorable weather the audience was small,
but those present had g very enjoyable time,
A Deere ken CONCES,T. - T110 annual
concert of the Methodist choir, which was
held on Wedneoday evening, was a brilliant
success. The hall was filled with an appreci-
ative end even enthusiaatic audience, there
being rtpresentatives preeent from Goderich,
Clintoteltrussels and Miteliellesnd from the
neighboring townships. The chair was
teken by Rev, Mr, Galloway ond the enter-,
teinment began iss Noon as the audience` had
got Wily sealed in their mate, The star
of the venIng, of muse, wee Miss Niore
Cionoh,the Canadian Violinist, Min Clench
has Iola a graoeful stage preemie that it is
a delight to ifiniply watch her play,ler
teohnique perfeet and her intorpretittion
of the melody marks her as a true train,
gvery number wee encored, the third ntint,
her reeelving a triple encore, and on her
aprarauce shewas greeted with per-
fect tempeetef applause, Min Colvin, who
acoompanied her on tho piano, Om toy° an
exceedingly well -rendered piano mole, and
was enthusiastioelly oneored„ The ohoir, as
unlit!, did well, in fan they did exceedingly
well mei pliessantly iturprieed even their
frionde, Mr. W. Bright; their leader,
certainty deserves a great deal of credit, also
their clever acoompanist, Miss Willeon,who,
as alw &yo, did her pert perfeetly. The peo,
pie Seaforth owe debt of gratitude to
the Methodiet cheir for a real musicel feast
Under the Weyer menagentent of Mr, Walter
overything in connection with. the
uott-rt,tiranent went as smoothly ati could be
and al h yugh the audience was so lerge, not
a mill- occurred to mar the pleasure of the
Mr. Lyon declined to stand as a candidate
for the Deputy-Reeveship and consequently
the,battleroyal will be between Mr. Wat-
son; the present Deputy, and Mr. Neelin,
the antagonist of last year. In the North
Ward i Messrs. Willie and Barton declined
being candidates and the old men, Messrs.
Beattie, Gann and Tyerman wore re-eleoted
without opposition. -In the South and .East
Wavle all the candidates named were in the
field up to Tuesday night, except Mr: Cole-
man and Mr. McKay, who withdrew in the
East ward' and Mr. Stewart and Mr. Sille in
the 'South ward. In addition to the vote
for the candidates, votes will also be taken
on Prohibition and on the House of Refuge.
The electioe takes piece on Monday.
EGMoNDTILLE Nooes.--tThe many friends
of Mr. Andrew McGee in this' village and
vicinity are much pleased to see him able to
come a.monget us again. He came from To-
ronto on Friday to spend Christmas with his
brothers here, and- though still lame ia able
to move about with the aid of a cruteh and
staff. His generat health is excellept and
all are pleased to see him iopking so well. -
Teachers, scholars, parents and friends, in•
spite of rain and slush, spent a pleasant
hour at the Sabbath School social on Fri-
day evening. Some honored workers of tbe
past were absent, but while we deeply re-
gret their loss, we know that life's work
must be done and those who are left must
etep in and fill up the ranks. -Mise Maggie
Little arrived from Manitoba last week.
She will spend the whiter with her aunt,
Mrs. S. Carnochan. The annual Congrega-
tional meeting of our church will be held on
Wedneoday next, at 2 o'clock p. m., and it
is hoped the gathering will be large. -Mies
Mary Kyle came up froiii Toronto on Satur-
day and will likely spend the winter with
leer grandfather, Mr. James Foreeithe.-
The voting in this ward on Monday will
take place in the store of the late John Col-
lins, and it is hoped that every elector will
make it a point to poll a vote on the pleb--
iscite question, and on the right side, that
of doing the greetest good to the greatest
number 'A our fellow men. -At the annual
eeting, on Wednesday, there were
good men and true present, to
all the parents in this section.
e however, are not supposed to
clothe all the children. Mr.
cGeoch was re-elected trustee.
\SATURDAY, January 6th,' at Fear's Drug
Store, the Half Price Sale will positively be closed.
Everybody knows that they do exactly as they
promise. at FEAR'S DRUG STORE. 1359-1
FEATMER LoST . -Lost CM Wedneedav,
December 27, on Main Street, betNveen the residence
of Mr. Robert Logan and McFaul's store, a black
Plume, for a Lady's hat. The. finder will be re4
warded on leaving it at THE Eirosiroo Office, Seal
forth. 1359
slaughtered for New Year's.
SEE the Woeld's 'Fair
next. ;
LOVELY Alhams, Dolls and Chinawear
all go at this eiatighter Half Price sale, at Feaa's
DRUG STORIg next'week. ' 1359-1
-Ail goods to bd
on Friday evening
1359-1 ,
PA:44ED MODELITES, -The following can -
ti having passed the preacribeil exam-
inations, have been asvarded third class
teectier& certificetes by the County Board
of, I:Edam. Marks ebtainabIe, 1,100. Marks
riecessesy to pass, 660 : LADIES,-EttEt
C4rt% rt4ht, 688 ; Rosetta Capling, 839 ;
Minoie Campbell, 869 ; Hattie Dodd, 890 ;
Adiiie E. Davidson, 806 ; Madge Findlay,
844 ; Agneo S. Grieve, 802 ; Mary Halliday,
802 ; S.ra Irwin, 758 ; Ida Jacques, 792 ;
Mamie Kelly, 757 ; Lucy A. Kaine, 864 ;
Lizzie Magee, 821 ; Jennie Millione 773 ;
Caivis a McDonald, 833'; Tenetta McCon-
nell, 819; Ella M. Patterson, 746 ; Annie
Ra n, 786 ; Maggie G. Rose, 803 ; Lucy
Sties:sea, 851 ; Maey B. Salkeld, 829 ; Ella
Ste war t, 856 ; Rose J. Strang, 921 ; Helen
J. Turnbull. 842 ; Maggie Tichborne, 737 ;
Lizzie M. Trudgeon, 827 ; Susie Walser,
714 ; Ruth _Williams, 804 ; Maud,S. Willis,
819 ; Mand „Et. Z. Whyard, 747. OeGeoeee-
school m
just fiv
-These fi
board a
-Mr. Andrew Hendereon, ope of the pio-
losers of uron county, died at his residence
on the 5 h concession of McKillop, on Tues-
day morning, last. oteHe had been in very
poor health for a long time, and his death
was not unexpected. He was born in Rox-
boroughshire, Scotland, in 1820, and came
to Canada in 1841, • like many another
young Scotchman, to make a home for him-
self and hew out a path through life in a
country where he might be hie own master.
He settled in McKillop, where he has ever
sinceeresided, in 1846, andewhere he closed
a long and eminently useful eareer. He
wee' a consistent member of the Presbyterian
church, and a man respected by all who
iteew him for hie sterling integrity and
many other robust virtuee ; a good neighbor
and a worthy oitizen. He was one of that
oiturdy band who have imparted to Cana-
dians the manly and sterling characteristics
for which they are beginning to be known ,
the world over, and though his more than
three score yeare and ten have taped and
his work is done his loan will be keenly felt.*
Mr. Henderson leaves atividow and a family
of one son and three daughters, all grown ,
up and doing for themselves, to mourn hio
loss. The funeral took plaoe Wednesday,
and the interment was made in the!Harpur-
hey cemetery, which is the resting Place of
eo many of the old pioneers. !
, • -We have alsoqo record thes death of
Mr. James Houskapi of Egmondville. Mr.
Houston's call came suddenly but he was
not unprepared. He took seriouely ill on
Saturday and he passed peacefully awity on
Tnesday evening. Since the death of hie
wife about six months ego his strength has
steadily declined, and though able to be
about till within a few days of his death,
he was very feeble, having been troubled for
two years with asthma. The deceased was
a quiet, unassuming, honorable man, highly
esteemed by allaowho knew him. His loss
will be felt in* the community, but it will
indeed be a great grief to the family, and
more especially to the bereaved . daughters
at home, one of whom iii So sorely: afflicted,
He had reached the ripe oldlage of 77 years,
and has gone to occupy one of those " man-
sions." prepared for those who have fought a
good fight. He had been a resident of
Tuckersmith for about 42 years, and was
one of the noble pioneer band who have done
so much to make this country what it is.
lie was a nistiie of the parish of Borgue,
Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, and came to
this country and settled in Tuckeremith 42
years ago, on the farm now occupied by his
youngest son. He was a wheelright by
teethe but never worked at thet calling in
this country. He leaves a family of two
sons and three daughters to cherish the ,
memory of an ever ,kind and faithful parent. '
The remains were laid by the gide of those of
his departed wife in Egmondville cemetery
on Thursday, ,
entertainment given the children of St.
James', Sunday School on Wednesday even-
ing last, in Kidd's hall, ander the auspices
of the Christian Doctrine Society, was a
grand success, both in point of the number
in attendance and the excellence of the pro-
gramme presented. The Christmas tree
was inaded down with good things, and,
it is unnecessary to say, was the centre' ofl
attraction for the little folks, while the
question uppermostin the minds of all, both
old and young, was, " who Santa Claus
was?" and we might here say that the gen-
tleman who personated that ancient charac-
ter did hie part remarkably well. There
were several nicely rendered pieces by the
children, both in solos, choruses and recita-
tions, which reflected great credit on the
little ones, as also on thoee who had their
training in charge. After the musical part
of the progremme had been carried out; the
tree was stripped and the vaTious gifts were
distributed by Santa Claus, which ,caused
much merriment amonk all present, at the
close of which the National' Anthem was
sung, and \the large audienee went home
much pleased with their evening's enjoy -
ruent: . .
Ivy. THE .EXPOSITOR, in concert with the
many friends they heve made in this coun-
try, wishes them a safe and pleasent voyage
aoross the briny, Atlantic, and if at some
future time they repeat the visit, all will
give them a most hesrty welcome. --Miss
May Snider, daughter of the well known
Conductor Snider, is visitirig the family of
Rev. Mr. Galloway, at the Methodist pat-
sonage.-Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Pringle, of
Chicago, were this week the guests of Mr.
Charles Wilson. -Mr. James D. Dickson,
son of Mr. Charles Dickeon, McKillop, !with
hie bride, spent Christmas under the par-
ental roof, where a !large number of rela-
tives met to congratulate the young couple.
Mr. Dickson was for some years one of the
most popular teachers in the Seaforth Col-
legiate Institute, and now occupies a similar
position at Niagara. His numerous friends
in Seaforth and vicinity unite in wishing
nd Mrs. Dickson the brightest
all things available throtighout
life, They left here on Tues..
onto. -Mr. and Mrs. j. C, Hoff-
ily, of Stratford, spent Christ-
wn with friends. -Mr. Frank
he Farmer& Advocate, wae here
A PLEASANT EVENT. -A *iery ,, pleasant
event took place in TILE EXPOSITOR Office
on Saturday evening last. Just before leav-
ing for the night, the employees assembled
in the business office and the foreman, Mr,
John J. Darw n, in behalf of his fellow-
workmen and i a few well chosen words,
primates; the Aditor, Mr. M. Y. McLeen,
with a handsome, plush covered chair, as a
Christrrieri present and a mark of the good
will which exitits between the employer and
Ornployed. Mr, McLean, was taken com-
pletely by surprise, as he had no previous
knowledge that aeything of tho kind was
contemplated. However, he thanked " the
boys " for their very kind and thoughtful
present, and rotated he would ever regard
it ss ono of hie most valued treamures, He
belied the cordial relations which had always.
existed between Mimi' and them, -most
of them having been in the Am various
periods from five W twenty yeers,-would
long continue, and it would always be his
plessure' to enceurege thosecrelations, and to
do: all in hie power to advance their in.
termite in every way pessible, These are
spine of the bright spots in life whieh tend
to make life worth living, 1
, ,....._ pe. *katveumlett
Won mooting wits held on Friday evening
last, Despite the ; wet and diiiagreeable
weather, there was a good turn out of elec-
tors, the hall being well filled, there did
not seem to be much feult found with the
old council and the meet* wao a quiet and
orderly one, Mr, !DI D. Wiloon was of
'course reselected Mayor by acclamation,
Mr. NI'S Y,1 MeLeati, who, for' the petit four
years has filled the position di Reeve, hay.
mg previoaely made it known, that he would
not again be a candidate, thee° wire convict-
erable speeulation as to 'who ' the aspirants
for that position would be. Aside from this,
it was not expected theee would be much
change in elie council. ',The following can-
didates were nomioated, viz k For Mayor,
D. D. Wilson ; for Reeveelames Beattie,
Wm. M. Gray, B. B. Gunn and George
Good ; for Deputy Ree ,e, F. Ce. Neelin,Jas.
Watson and John Lyori. For Councillors,
—North Ward, Ja-nes Beattie,..6, B., Gunn,
J. Tyerman, Robert ,Willis and S. Barton.
Best Ward, ---J. J. Dar in, John Ward, P.
Keating, Robte Coleman, Wm. McKay and
Waieflawkshaw. SouthWard,---Robt.Scott,
Wm. Sclater, John Lyon, M. Keefe,Jas. Gil-
leepie, George SiUs and J. Stewart. The
thee for receiving nominations having elaps-
ed, M. Y. MeLeanewas'appointed chairman
and the several andidates and their moven
and seconders addreesed the e1ectors.
Messrs. Beattie, Godd e d Gunn having de-
clined to stand for the
M. Gray was electedlte
, and: an excellent offici
for himself
and best of
their unite
day for To
man and fa
•mas in t
Shore, of
last week looking over the cattle recently
imported by Mr. D. D. Wilson froin the
Old Country. He says they • are the best
lot be has seen. -Mr. Win. Smith, of North
Main Street, has purchased the property
adjoining his own, and now occupied by
Mr. Hale. -There was an immense crowd in
town on•Saturday, and the streets were as
crowded!, as on a fah; day. The peoOle
Seemed to come Uwe all parts of thecoun-
ty.-La0 Friday Mr. John McManu ship-
ped fronrghere for Detroit six horses which
weigheOfrom 1,600 bo -1,700 pound's. He
says theyntre se good a lot as ever left this
station, land he is open to buy any number
of» the name kind. -Christmas passed over
very qiietly. The weather was unfavdr-
able for
ple enj
Cash ie
fined t
town a
outdoor amusements, and most peo-
'eyed themselves inside. --Mr. E.
we are sorry to learn, again • con-
! hie house by illness. -Mr. j. T.
cif Toronto Saturday Night, was in
ew days last week, visiting riends.
egelar meeting of Britannia Masoilic
ill be held on Monday -New Year's
he sacrament of baptism will be
d in St. Thomas Church next Sun-
day m ening...Ls-Miss Florence Johnson is
sOending the holidays at her home in town.
She has been at Winghitre for some months.
-41r. toed Miss McAdam of Detroit, nephew
and niede of Mrs, S. Barton, are this week
visiting at Mr. Barton's. -Mr. Thomas
1Russell, the well known stock breeder of
'Riverside Farm, Ueborne, was in town
Wednenday, looking after more good stock.
•-o--We Were pleased to see our old friend,Mr.
George Anderson! of Stanley, in town this
week. Mr. AnderOon is just recovering from
a seve e illoesse-Mrs. McKearniin of Chi-
eeveship, Mr. Win.
ve by• acclamation
1 he I will make..
cago, is
Mr. an
this to
James' Church choir always prepare some-
thing s ecial for Christmas day a d this year
was no
ing of,
eral fin
ings,' nd Mies E. Neville Ades, e Fideles.'
he so oists were accompanied byl Mr. J. F.
Daley and Misb Killoran with violin oblige -
to. -Miss Pauline Johnson, the Canadian In-
dian pisetees and Miss Edith J. Miller, con-
tralto, who recently had the honor of singing
at Ridegiallall before' their Excellencietethe
Governor General and Lady Aberdeen, will
be in Cardno's hall on January 17th under
the atiepices of the Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union. -The regular meeting of the
Women's Chrietian Temperance Union will
be held in the usual place and at the usual ,
hour en Wednesday next.-sidr. John L.
'Hogg of Orangeville son of Mr. James Hogg
of McKillop, has retsurned home to spend
the holidays. -Mies Campbell, of the Golden
Lion Dressmaking department, is spending
the holidays. with friends in Toronto. -The
young stallion purehaeed by Mr. F. S.
Beattie is " Electioneer," and not 'Terre
Haute," as stated last' week. The one is it
half brother of the other, this one being by
" Concord " and he by " Electioneer." -
Farmers' Institutes will be held in this
county as follows : Brucefield, on January
12th ; Exeter, on January 13th • Brussels,
January 16th and 17th, and at kintail on
January 19th and 20th.
spending' Christmas holidays at the
home, with her father and mother,
Mrs. Thomas Downey. -Miss Me-
daughterlof Mrs. D, McGregor of
n, who teaches school in Berlin, is at
hare spending the holidaye.-St.
least interesting part of he evening's enter-
tainment -We are pleased to state that
Mr. John E. McDonnell has so far recovered
front his illness ae to pertn3 of his being re-
moved to his mother's h Tie, in Exeter, on
Christmas.—Mr. W. J. ' Charters, sou of
Mr. W. C. Charters, of Ashlend, Wie-
coesin, is here on a visit, and intends
remeiuing for a couple of . months. -s -
Mr, Albert Kaiser, of Semis, was in the
village this week, visiting his parents. -
We regret very much to have this week to
chronicle the death of Mr. James Traquair,
of Tuckerernith, of wh m we made mention
in a former issue rec
dangerous accident.
red on Monday night.
highly respected be; all
eldest son of Mr. Wm
ville, is in Detroit fo
visiting hie uncle and
McLead.-On Wednes
Elston, of the townshi
ly of Biddulph, was u
Miss Laura E. McNei
McNeil, of Biddulpb.
LOCAL BRIEFS, -Mies Alice Trott has re-
turned from a nine months' visit to White7
wood, North west Territory. -Mrs, M. Mac-
beth, of Detroit, sister of Mrs. Trott, is
vieiting at the residence of Mr. Wm. D,
Trott, photegrapher.-Among the former -
Seafortbiteo who spent Christmas with
friends here, we noticed the following : Miss
Maud Willeon, of Preston ; Miss Lizzie Mc-
Kay, of Toronto ; Miliff Minnie McKay, Miss
Jessie Bethune Miss Lizzie Smith, of Tor.
onto ; Mr, W.'0, McKay, barrister, of Tor-
onto ; Mr, and Mrs, James Pringle, of Chi-
cago ; Mr. W, D. McLean of Toronto . Ur,
John Niteroi), Mr, Ifiarry Beattie of
Toronto ; Mr, Fred. Clarkmon ; Mr, WON
Meredith, of Detroit, and Mr, Otto Groff -a
Miss Jennie Dickson and Miss Allie Mo.
Donsild, of the 1?resbyterian Ledies' College,
Toronto_, are 'pending the holiday" at home,
' Mr, George Dewar, of Toronto, was in
town last week, lie is spending the holl.
doe with his rioter, Mrs, James Pair, of
Onto:LI-Mr, Pratt, tho photographer who
has been taking sunbeamm here at two for
ten cents for moveral monthe, left town thie
week, He goes to Stratferd from here we
- believe, -Mr. Harry Willie, of Mitoholl,
IVO, iii town 'thiti week, -Dr, Ron, of
Decatur, Alebanuo son of Mr, Finlay Ross,
of John street, is visitirig his parents in
town at prement, He Is la partnership in
Decatur with another old, Huron boy,,well
. known in Seaferth, Dr, M. rdurray,-Mr,
jamas Leatherlandovho has been in Mani-
toba and Dakota for several yearsovorking
at his' trade, ix home agein,-Messrs, Her.
ton Brothers, butchers, have a nice displey
of beef for the holiday trade, which reflecte
credit on their ,skilful ,butcher, Mr, Dan
McDoneld,-Mr, arid Mil.' E, M, Caton, of
Detroit, and two children, are visiting
friends in town this week, -Mise Edger,
daughter of Thomas Edger, Esq., Ayr, was
in Seaforth last week. She was t!he Peet
of Mr. Robert Itichardsoa and failing, and
came up to. attend Miss Richards Ws mer-
riage.-eMr, and Mrs. Wm:Snell, e Hullett,
were in town last Saturday, and ere ca l-
ing on old friends. -The Misses Dewar, of
Owen Sound, who have been the guests of
Mrs. J. R. Lyon for several weeks past, 1 ft
on Tuesday for Caledonia. -Mr. and Mrs.
Charlee Hanley, who have been visitifig
friends in this vicinity for some time, left
for their home in Oregon on Wednesdey.
Mrs. Hanley is a daughter of Mrs. Frank
Fowler, of ; Harpurhey, and her visit here
with her heisband was a pleasing event to
their wide d,irele of relatives and friends. -
Mr. Dick and his daughter, Miss Dick, left
here on W neoday for their home in Scot-
land. They have been in Ontario since
May, and ail quite charmed with the ooun-
exception'. Under [the le
illorao they gave a splend
t; Clairls, Mses, and in a
solos. Mrs. McKearna
rs. Prendergast Oh H
rinnie Killoran Shout th
dership of
d render-
dition ley -
sang Pas-
ly Night,'
Glad Tid-
iving a painful and
he sad event occur -
The deceased was
-Mr. Frank White,
White, of Rodger -
a couple of weeks,
unt, Dr. and Mrs. D.
ay last Mr. Thomas
of Hay, and former-
ited in marriage to
, daughter of Richard
We join with their
many friends in wishing them much happi-
Bruc field.
Are Hard. It is, ther
money to advantage. H
have but a short time 'to
Prices Must Do It, an
deneed by the many I
RDICT is that Times
fore, important to spend
ring sold our premises we
clear out our Large Stock.
ces aro doing it, as is . evi-
g parcels leaving our store.
Our former low prices give you no idea of Preeent
Cut Rates. Everything Must Go. No old Goods.
Specialties for this week : Christmas Good.e, Tea and
Dinner Sets, and Chamber Sets. Produce taken as
runial. Come and reap he Benefit. J. MclaTT130,571.
cloSe of her 4th successf
ally thank her many ki
generally for their sy
poet, and will now for
wholesale cost, until ele
Gents' Top Shirts, Un
Hats, Caps and Prints.
merit of Crockery vil* eh we have marked away
doWn. Groceries are all ,out to the holiday prices.
rt list of prices : Gents'irop
derwear $1.00, for 85c, 75c,
c, for 100 ; Prints worth 10e,
China worth $10.00 for $8.50 ;
h $9.00, for $7.50. We have
at reruarkably low prices.
e. Butter, Lard and Fowl,
ORGE BAIRD, Brucefield,
erten, of MerritOn, is
e of Mos. Simpsor, of the
of Chicago, paid Bruce-
ast week. He was on
1 to visit relatives. -Not -
inclement weather on
last week, the Sunday
ree enterta nment was a
ngs and ree tations of the
, while the music by the
appreciate by all who
e tree wa loaded with
otherwise. During the
. Kaiser was presented
Ding the poems of Frances
Mr. Fotheeinghe,m read
request of the teachers
Sabbath School, express -
Kaiser's approaching de -
midst -Mr. Joseph Rob-
ceived the Bed intelligence
his brother Mr. Thomas
itoba. He died, after a
Mies Aggie
siting at the
-Mr. T. A.
cation at his
e undersigned, at the
I business year,would cordi-
d friends and the public
pathy and patronage in the
their benefit, sell exactly at
red out, the following lines :
erv.-ear and Flannels, Mitts,
We have also a lovely assort -
The following is a sla
Shirtsi $1:00, for 85c ; 1J
or Me ; Prints worth 1
or 8c f Bedroom sets in
Dinner and Tea sets wo
alSo a nice lot of Lanz
Plbase call and exam
taken as cash. Mits. 0
1A:siting at the ho
Manse.—Dr. Elliot
fiild a short visit
hts way to Montre
wsthstanding the
Thursday evening,
Sehool Christmas
samosa. The read
children were goo
choir was highl
were present. T
gifts useful and
evening Mrs. W
with a book conta
Ridley Havergal.
the address, by th
and .officere of the
bag oegret at Meer
perture from the'
inson last week r.
of the death of
Robitison, of Ma
brief illness, of typhoid fever.
Beattie, of West baster, is v
home of her slate , Mrs. Scott
McLanchlin is sp tiding his v
home in Bruseels.—Mrs. Laird has returned
from Detroit, wh re she has been visiting
for a time. -Mr. lbert Kaiser, of Sarnia,
paid Brucefield a hort visit this week. -Mr.
Wm.'Bell, of Toronto, is vititing at his
home. -Mr. Moses Colwell, who has been
absent from our village for the past seven
years, returned o Christmas Day to visit
his parents here. We are glad to welcome
him. -Mr. Dune n McDonald, of Chicago,
is now visiting at tbe home of his parents.
PAATIES still owing the undersigned for
Twine,Repairs,&c. and overdue accounts will confer a
favor by paying up at once. At home on Saturday's.
.-"Eho KO.
Our special bargain sale is still booming.
We havelust received another large assortment of
overshoes, rubbers and Books and a nice lot of Ger-
man slippers for the Chrietmas trade which we will
sell at rock bottom prices. Men's felt boots at $1.65
men's rubbers and socks at $1.65 • men's• rubbers at
50 emits ; women'e rubbers, 36 con'ts. A lot of felt
slippers at 20 cente, and all other goo4s just as cheap.
Call. and see. Terme cash. Sign of the Big Boot. A.
Goon news for every man • and woman.
Ifoving purchased the steel( of Mr. J. Pope, of Hen-
son at a reauonable figure, I am giving great bar-
gains in Tweede, Hats and Caps, Gent's Furnlehings
&c. Cape worth 50e for 25e ; nate worth 76c for 26c ;
hate worth $1 for 50o ; cottonade worth 30c for 20o ;:
all wool tweed worth 60c tor 30c, worth 760 for
4'0o, worth 81 for 60o ; gent's lies worth 25c for 6c,
oorth 60c for 25c. 'Groeerlee,-1 have also a new
fitock of groceries and oonfeltionery which I am
selling at rock bottom prices. A few sampiso. five
pound@ of good tea for $1. ; 26 pounds of sugar for $1;
1 box layer raisins for 41. Call and examine roy
stock, is a pleasure tor tis to show goods, .1, W,
OWfWVIE, ‘1, Pope'e pld stand, liensall,
CHANGE' Ol? iii.:SINESH, -WI health the
store, This is 00 OW, kV we will positively sell for
&Iced priemr, for Cash, any and everything carried
cause,, --The -UnderSiped having 'deoided . retire
until the Iltday olVehruary, 144, Soil at greatly re-
OeedS, Washing'Keehinee, Wringera;• Churns, and, In
from business, owing to ill•healtli, will, iron) now
()omits must bo settled as or befe'te She at day of
ousts will' be placed In other liar!da for. collection,
from 10 to 40 per cent below old.yricea, Call and be
convinced, .4, fl; Repose:A', N 8. -Alf book ac.
February, 004, after 01;0 date ail mottled co•
:a:0:0°de, invuatroilLija:PeNa'
e, if, hieDatisee,
Bulgeo,,.....Christinse day paned over very
quietlyin our villsge, In the evening the
annual Christmas tree entertainment of the
Methodist chureh WM the Noone of atttrac,
tion, and as ueuel the chureh was crowded
to Re very doors, The tree presented a
very fine appearanee, being heavily leden
With presente, not only for all the children
of the Sibbeth School, but siso for teachers,
members end friends orthe church and
Sabbath School. • The prdgramme, sehloh-
woe almomt entirely (serried out by the
children, was very good and reflected credit
alikenOop themselves and their teacheteose
Mr, °holies Boysenberry' has been suffeeing
from lagrippe during the past week, -Min
.A, Ran.eorn, who .has been a resident of our
villagefor a number of year*, returned to
her Iteme near Kinlough last week; She
will be mach miseed by her many friends,
and ;by the chinch and Societiee
of . which she wee a valued membet-
MisaKate Bonthron! spent the Christmas
holicleys in Exeter. w
H. Canino -Miss A
Toronto and iota
with her brother,
Miss Idio Dick
oTt ofhisce,
of a c
carried o t by the children; and the manner
in which they sang and -acted their Kinder-
garten selections wee most pleasing, and re•
fleeted great credit !upon their teacher, plies
Jennie Murray. The recitations given were
also bey good, and, the two handsome and
heavily laden trees' were by no means the
'F',4*-• • ic;f-
' '" -
dantly! manifested by the array of beauti-
ful, coldly and useful presents received. The
EXPOSITOR joins svith Oa hosts of friends in
congratulating Mr. McA •ster on his choicg
and inievishing himself cid his " bonnie
bride " a long, happy ate • prosperous life.
BREZY LOOALS.-E. A. Routledge, of
the Sal Thomes Journal, spent Christmae
his horbe here, -John and George Stanbury
are spending the holidays at home. -Mr.
Duncan and Miss Campbell, of Toronto are
visiting relatives here. -Miss Nellie kipg
arrived home last week from Winnipeg,
where, she has been for the past eight
montheees-Albert Osmond, of Saginaw, and
Mies Mary Osmond, of London, are home on
a visit. -John Geminhard arrived home
from Detroit last Saturday. -Wm. Struth-
ers, of Toronto, is spending the holidays
here.o-Walter Baker, Principal of Egmond-
ville sehnol, is here renewing old acquaint-
THE ELEOTION.-The Reeve and old
counciilors were all elected by acclamation.
There was very little interest shown in
municipal affairs this year, and very few at-
his ntannuoth stocig of ilordWar0 Paintfle (.)119,
th her sister, Mrs. Be
nold has returned from
s vOending the winter
Mr. G. D. Arnold, -
ho lives in Alviie
is home on a visit to friends.--
nnual Christmas Tree entertainment
mel Presbyterian church was held.on
evening lime; and despite 'the un-
ble weather the cleurch was well
The programme, with the exception
upl of selections from the choir, was
LOCALS. -On Friday evening last a num-
ber of the friends
Church, assemble
Thomas Cann,wh
givenoby Miss J
panied by a pure
was presented
Stuart, as a to
Mrs. Cann is hel
tion she has fait
years paste -On
Miller, of the so
bert, died very
Although he h
days, nothing s
Monday mornm
and while talking to the doctor he expired
s highly respected by bit
, having occupied the farm
for the last 40 yems. He
ader in the Bethany church
ltt- respected by the whole
v. Robert Miller, of Pe -
jolting friends in this neigh -
might have been a serious
ed on Tuesday last. As
Messrs. Wm. Somerville and Robert Morri-
along the road in a sleigh
rge work bench, the sleigh
one side of the road which
and upset.' Mr. Morrison
he bench received a severe
and some severe bruises,
soaped unhurt,
of the Bethany Methodist
d at the residence of Mr.
en a nicely worded address
flnie Armstrong, accom-
containing nine dollars,
o Mrs. Cann by Miss Ida
en of the esteem in which
as organist, which posi-
fullylfilled for a number of
onday last Mr. Michael
th west boundary of Hib-
uddenly of heart disease.
d not been well for some
rious was expected until
, when a doctor was called,
rout e.
the nomination meeting: .The whole
iplis more interested in the election of
trueteesin School Section No.9. If this
ce is not abated on Wednesday next,
ill carry the war into Africa and
he Mowat Government at the next
DEEMBER 2% 1893.
DECEMBER 29th, 1893.
For New Year's TraVe.
Our stock will be found Well as-
sorted in the following goods, viz.. 4
Aikenhead and Murray Gibson, of Businese
College, London, are spending their Christ-
mas vacation at their homes. -Mr. William
Graham, who has been confined to the house
for the past two Weeks with illnees is now
Able to be around again. -Mr. Thomas Hig-
ginaland Wife-, of Toronto, spent Christmas
in their old home.-sMr. John Reid, treaeur-
er of thetownshipehas been seriously ill for
a time. Holies are now entertained for hie
recoveryl-The bridge on the second conces-
sion, neer Mr. Ketchen's, has been render-
ed, impasseble by the late floods. We
trust the township fathers will soon have it
repaired, .
et Ethel.
, 1 .
Irdeis.,-The Canadian Order of Forestere'
concert, I eld last Wednesday evening, did
not prov as great a success as was expect-
ed. Ove ng to illness Miss Sutherland,
pianist e d Mr. J.Me Moore, comic vocalist,
were unable to be present, bat the others
did theit part well, particularly Mies Wil-
son, of Brussels. Misses Davies and New -
bombe, cif Ethel, acted as pianists and show-
ed themeelves well adapted for the work.
The Court will have a small surplus, after
all expenses ard. paid. -Me. M. S. B. Ma-
gian has' Sold hie' farne, east of thie village,
to Max. Raynard, Mr. Maginn will move
to the vicinity of Toronto, we believe. -It
is said that three new tailors are to come to'
theevillage about January lat. With the
two we have elready, Ethel should be well
clothed. -Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Mies
McKay spent Christmas in Wingham. -Mies
Stepheneon is spending her vacation at her
home in Clinton.
The deceased w
who knew hi
on which he die
was a class 1
and a man grea
community. -R
trolia, is home
accident happe
son were drivio
containing a I
suddenly slid to
was very icy,
falling under
blow on the fac
Mr, Somerville
T ckersmith.
hold laet Friths
though the we
The programm
etructive and
style, The p
$12, -Mr, Ja
s Chrietm
mese-The Christmaii tree
evening was successful, ei-
ther wee very disagreeable!,
wao both interesting and in
was rendered in excellen
oceeds amounted to abou
es VVatters, of Stratford,
s at home, -Mr,; Abesiore
Gonne, of Toronto Univereity; is s ending
of Chicago, is
interest take
this year, -Th
trumteee and ra
No, 4 on Wedn
trustee, Mr, Ja
of *dive eervic
ell for soother
hoine.-Mr, Peter aleley,
ere visiting friends, -Little
in the ;aunts:40 elections
annual ;nesting of the school
jivers was held at sohool
si.ley moral, The retiring
es °rich, a ter four years
in this polit on was reelect.
rm,-Another of those oft
recurring pleaeant events was the marriage
of Mr, David Crawford, of &Worth, and
blise Evelyn °rich, grand.daughter of Mr,
John Crich, s The bride 7; eupported
by Miss E, Cr wforci, while r, Newton
Crich acted as groomsman, t e liev, W.
Sm th officiating The young couple will
res de in Sado
partnership with
In baking,
toremting event to
at Rose Hall Cdttage, the residenoe of
James Sprost, Esc, Thie wasino less than
the marriage of Mr, Charles McAllister, a
prosperous young
Hay, and son of
Miss Hannah, y
Sprost, The imp
and firm by the pa
actin, ltev, Mr.
th where Mr, 'Crawford in
r, A, Crioh will engage
A vory pleasant and in.
k place on Christmae day
firmer of the township of
ohn McAllister, Esq,, to
ungest datighter of Mr,
rtant knot as tied good
tors of th contracting
o K.ippen, and
Li'. Mr. Hendon n, of Liens It Thicere-
mony was witueiiised by a I rge num er of
invited gueote, andir is needless to sa that
GLEAMINGs.-Mr. Henry Kading is home
on a visite-Mr. Weir and family, of
Brown's Corners, are visiting Mr. Henry
Shank, Mr. John Underwood and other
friends. -Albert C. Wilson arrived home
last Saturday from Guelph. Agricultural
College. -Mies Leila Foater and her brother
William are visiting their brother George
and other friends in this vicinity. -Mr.
Walter Paterson and his sister Aggie spent
Christmes in our village. -The Christmas
entertainment in Boston Methodiet church,
on Monday evening, was a decided success.
Although a stormy night the church was
nearly full. ' The recitations, dialogues and
music by the choir were well rendered,
showtng careful training. The preoents
were very numerous, and many hes,rts were
made glad with the thought that their
friends had not forgotten them. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $26. -Mr. Wm. Wishet
and wife aro visiting friends in this vicinity.
s -Mr. Thomas A. Stinson, of Bayfield, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
they were most kin ly and ,hoSpitably
tained by the genie host and his worthy
wife. The bride w e assistied' through the
trying ordeal by M es Cattie Wrigley, of
London, while Mr. ilohn FOrbee,of Seaforth,
stood by the groom. The bride and her
maid were beautifully attired
ored cashmere and i is neridl
he cerem
ained a dinner, which
urean ta te could desire,
f the ev Ding was agree-
nt. T
looked charming.
guests were enter
was all the most epi
and the remainder
ably end joyously
of the guests found
verse, while those o younge
in the merry dance. The beide was not for-
gotten by her numer friends as was aban-
in cream col-
as to say they
ony over, the
e older portion
in social con-
yeare indulged
Gloves and Mitts
Wool Caps
Dress Goods
Mantles -
Fur Capes
Fur Collars
Table Cloths
Tray Covers
Lace Curtains
&c., &c.
Gents' Ties
Fur Goods
Edward McFau ,
speakers and excellent music have been pro-
cured. --421n Saturday last Mr. W. A. Maa-
Brayne took a holiday and hastened to the
woods armed to the teeth to spend a few
hours at the noble sport of hunting. He re-
turned at night with a goodly supply of
squirrels elephants and other beasts of
prey.-Nomittations were held here for
Stanley Township, on Friday last. For
Reeve, Messrs. MaIlveen and Clark are
running, and for Deputy -Reeve, Meagre.
Erratt and Kitchen. The resignatiomovring
to his removing from the township, of Mr.
Torrance, who has held the Reeveship for
several years, WAS received with general
regret, as he has always performed the
duties of his office in an able and business.
like manner. Messrs. J. A. Moffatt,
Thirsk and Lamont were elected councillors
by acclamation. -Mr. and Mrs. James
Armstrong ate their Christmas turkey at
the residence of their son-in-law, Mr. R.
McCool, at Harrington. -0a Friday last
Mr. Harrison and Miss Thompson finished
their work as' teachers here. The school has
had a very successful year and both teaohers
have reason to feel proud of their work, aa
manifested in the results of the various ex-
aminations which their pupils have tried.
Miss Thompson has procured a. school for
next Year and Mr. Harrison is going to de-
vote himself to the study of medicine in De-
etroit. We wish them both continued and
°increased success.
SCRI13S.-Chriatmas has come and gone:
-Mr. James Butt, who has been residing in
Cypress, Manitoba, during the past four
years, is nows home on a visit. He looks
well, but sari times are tough up there. -
The attendance at Mr. McMillan's temper-
ance lecture was very light, owing to other
entertainmente around. Those who missed
it, however, missed some good points.—Mr.
Ellsworth and company showed to a very
small house on Friday. -On Saturday last
it was more like May than Christmas
weethen-Mr. George Hunt is recovering
frolin his recentillness, and is able to sit up
at times. -Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Petrolea,
are viiiiting Mre. Wm. Blair and other
frienche-Miss Nellie Mollie, of Seitforth,
spent Christmes with her ureic, Mr. Its
Mellis.-Mies MeMartrie is visiting
friends in St, Thomas and Dutton Mills. -
Mr. Shaffer is buying lots of fowl just now
to ship.—Mr. Stewart, of Stratford, agent
of the Ontario Mutual Life Insurance Com-
pany, was in the village this week, -Mr,
Forsyth's school examination was well at-
tended by parents and visitors.
CuRRENT RISTORL-0a Friday Isst a
telegram reached here bringing the sad naive
that Mr, Thomas Robinson, formerly of this
township, but lately oL Oxbow, North Wen
Territory, had died of typhoid " fever, De.
ceaeed was born and brought up in Stanley,
and will be mourned •by a Inge oirole of
friends and acquaintances. Ha 1 leaves a
widow and several yoring childron.-Last
week the funeral of Kra Scotemere took
piece, She had lived for a long time In the
village and was well known throughout the
neighborhood, as gm was one of the earlleet
settlers on the Babilon Lino where, in the
early days, her liberality anti generosity
Wile proverbial, Though of late years in
reduced eircumetinces her heart could still
deviee liberal things, She died at s good
old age, having long paned the Pealmist'"
"Three wore and ten years," Thus old and
,young alike are called *way to the unclim
covered country horn whose, bourne no
traveller returns, -We are pleased to see in
the village, Mr, John Robinson, who, for
many year", carried on a very sueofiesful
blacksinithing businese here, He looks hale
and hearty and is -just as jolly as ever,
Michigan air veetris to agree with him, -Mr.
Lochie, of Camlechie, brother of Mrs, Mac-
13rayne, and two other gentlemen, are visit.
ing Mr, MacBrayne, our barber and tailor,
-Mr. Edward Levi Elliott, pedagogue, of
Esoex county, is at home for his holidays,
visiting friends, renewing old acquaintances,
and having a general good time, He ex,
pacts to spend a few days in MoKillop town-
ship before his return to work. He reports
that the P. P. A. movement is gaining great
etrength in Essex. -Dr. John IL Foote, of
Detroit College of Medicine, is spending his
Christmas holidays at hie father I. -Messrs.
James, William and George Reid, with their
wives, are visiting their parents and other
friends in this vicinity. -The Anniversary
services in connection with the Methodist
Church, Verna, will be held next Sunday,
December 31st and the follosving Monday.
On Sundaysthree sermons will be preached,
at 10.30, 2.30 and 6.30 o'clock. The follow-
ing evening a tea meeting will be held.
Judging from their former efforts in this
line we can with safety promise a splendid
evening's enteFtainment, as a good staff of
CHIRPINOS.-Miss Emma `MeTaggart, of
London, spent Christmas with her parents.
-Miss Carrie Cave, of London, is the guest
of Mrs. M. MaTaggarte-Miss Annie Mc-
Taggart is recoverbig slowly from her ill-
ness,—Mrs. N. MeTaggart is very ill with
bronchitis. -Mr. Frank and Miss Frouen
Fitzgerald arrived home from Dakota last
week. -Frank is well pleased with the coun-
try, and !intends going back in the spring. -
The ' tea -meeting held he . the Methodist
church en Thursday evening, last week, was
a $1100888. ' Specehee were delivered by Rev.
Mr. Martin, of Exeter ; Rev. Mr. Swan, of
Hensel', and the pastor, Rev. Mr. Walker.
The music was furnished by the choir and
Miss Hotham, of Staffe.-It is with feelings
of deep regret that we this week record the
death of Mrs. John Drover, which sad event
took place on Thursday of last week, Mrs.
Drover had been In poor health for the past
year, and all that medical aid and kind
treatment could do was of no avail. She
was 43 years old and leaves behind her a
husband and family of eight children the
youngest of whom is only two years Old. -
Deceased bad lived for a number of years in
this, vicinity, and had won a very high
place in,the hearts of those who had med.
her ecquaintance, Her place can never be
filled, and the community has lost an excel-
lent citiz en, the hueband a kind and de
voted wife, and the children a loving
mother. .
Zurich. •
, Bniers.-Chrintnas of,' 1893 is past and
gone, -Lest Saturday tli;" village was ceowd-
ed with people buying their pr.esents for
friende,-The Christmas, festivals in the see'.
eriii churches last Moncliy evening were a
grand Humes', as both churohes were well
filled and the treesswell laden with present*
for the children,..4obert Steinbaoh, from
Detroit, is home. -Benjamin Holtzman WIN
called home by a telegrem to attend the
funiral of hie youngest brother, who was
burled last Wednesdity,-M,Iss Woken,
from New Hamburg, le visiting her eider,
Mrs, W. L. Peine, -14, Bites and wife, from
London, were the gueets of Mr, 1), Stein,
baoh, a few days, -Min Lora Willie,mt,who
has been at 8t, Thomas Ladies' College, is
horrie at preeent,-Mr. John Deichert and
his brother N'icholas are both under the
perent,*1 roof, -Mr, Cook and wife, front
neer Milverton, have been here visiting rela-
tive t and frienda-Mr. ,Tustue Demuth,who
ham peen in Ashland, Wisconein, for nearly
four] year., arrived borne with bin family
last Sunday, fie looks hale and hearty, -
Mr. David Habit and family ere here visit -
lug elatives and friends, They live in Port
Huron, Miehigan.-Mr. Dennis Diritein and
family are visiting his mother and other
friends, me. Diretein was the first practi-
cal barber here .801110 years ago but left for
Uncie Sam's country and now lives in Fair -
grove, Miohigan, and is doing a rattling
business, His smiling and familiar face was
welcomed by all. -Mr, George Buehatian,
from! Toronto, is home on his holidays. -
Mr. packer and his wife from Saginaw,
Michigan, ore here on a vesiting trip.-Mre.
Fried, from Dashwood, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. F. Kibler. -Miss E, Turner,
one Of our public sohool thachers, has gone
home to spend the holidays. -Henry Deich-
ert, from New Haven, is home visitin.g his
pareote.-Messre. J. A. Williams & Com-
panylha,ve placed a new engine in their grist
mill ikit is a dandy. -The nominations of
the ay council last week passed off quiet-
ly ; t ere are three new men in the field, -
Dr. ayeumber and wife from Yale,Miohi-
gan, were here f visiting his father-in-law,
Mr. Q. Schoch.
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