HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-12-22, Page 1-IN� - - I - _1 11 - I I . I . .. � 11 . - 11 . . .1 . . �::�� — [ - - : , , , I � . �_ � . - ; .. — I - � � - - , . I -r � 1. I — I..". � . I � I . . R I I , �, � - . i � - � - . . I � : � � I . , � . I . I . . � . ; I � I . . I . I � I - - — ) __ - . I . I . I � - - 1; 'r, . I I I . I I . I I � . _� � . . � s . ! . . I � . — ! . a - I I I , , I I . I . I . t I I � . I q . : . . . i - I , �1 � I I I � � I I � � I I � I I � I : . I � I I - . . . . � I . . 4 1 � � . � . I I I "I .. I 11 � I � I . . � - 2 . , - - . I . . . � � . I I � I . � ..�. I � - � � , . , . � I I ____ - �_ --- , . I : . - . . � - � .1 . . - � I � I . . I . I - - 19� I - __ . I I � .1 '. � ­ . I � I � . I � I ­ . . . I -1 . . I I .. - . � : . r \ I . i . . . I . , � I . . r � . � . . - 1�; - q . .. . I i F. - � I - I ., ., - -_ / I . - . 11 1, � I __ � f -J ­ , . I I . . 2 - � - . . I � I - , . ., i . � - . -1 I . . I r . - i I . t .1 . I - 1�. . I � � I ; � � � i ", I i . I - . . ��, . � I . ___ ___Z_Z I I .. . � � . - � j I : I ., I , - . _,:� �) � N%,.� - . . i WMM� ''__7 1 � . . . . I . . . � . I . ­ . . . I 1 -1 . . � � - . I—,--- I �� � . - -_ . I k � pLEAN BROS * I 4 . - . � . I � � I . 4 Publishers. i I �[. I , I I : TWENTY-SEVENTH YNARI � I . . � . . - . I . - . DECEMBER 22, 1893.. - I w 1$1.50 a Year in Advance. i . , . . . SEAFORTH FRIDAY, . - I . . - . I WHOLE NUMBER,1,358- � il . ; , I I �. I ; � . I., . . I � - I � I � :�:;�f___ � i I ' I foie it is too'late t6 rescue f roin the remain- - on the Liverpool market three cents lower is as acceptable now as ever it was. He he had t ken for the, past two years, he drew Sackrider, son -of deceaFj d, at once who drink simply in moderation? Af te; � . . : . ' - � � . * . � ' 11 e are� they not the more selfish classof tliii - . . ­ � . . ,dor what would otherwise be lost or forgot- ,, than Manitoba wheat. Of course, - Russian and his oolleaguqe stako' everything on the could not in honor conti ue to be a member took the train for the place and identified ally I � 1. I . , ' ' I What About ton. It is the purpose, when the promises I labor in ohe%per and the ,mode of living of issue ; and it cannot be denied that they of the rty convention. It did not; neces- the' body as that of his father, deceased two ? Veiy often the true distinction be. - �. I i , I Poll, ever, that he should aban. having come to his death through a second een � them is that the one can stop but I I . . made by both Provincial and Dominion Gov- the Russian peasant is decidedly econorropal, have put a weapon itito the hand a of their earily low, how tw ' .L . I . . I - erninento are fulfilled in the matter of mone- yet we fail to see any margin for-,�pioh,t- enemies which may be used against them don his Grit principles or cease to be a Grit, paralytic stroke. He was in his 63rd year, will not, .and the other cannot Stop but . I : r I � � . , i . rding to the constitution of the Pat- "Wm. Woods, a d . . Your Holiday Giftsl We want to tary aid, to publish a history of ,the early There Is a saying that every oloud has a sil. - with decisive. possibly ,Oith fatal -effect. but acco . _ Kincardine townsh q . � . � ht ip ' I I I � I � hug Or Andrew Young, of Princeton, had - . . I I % hat he farmer, left $150 in bills with his d I . I supply you with the latest -and beat settlement of the Province. , ver lining, but we would be inclined to die- -�___ trons of Industry it was necessary t wool "' . the 1 . M ' — I r � should withdraw his name from the party for�leafe keeping the ot his h rord man hired their grievances in . I . I .-- ' w ! I I . L ' 0 THE LATE W-11. HOWLAND. pute that -maxim to the and if it are not- -_ iler day. She went � , . . goods ever ilitroduced in this section , . Prohibition, , . out for a while an I puti the ,roll in the par. , -1 I I � ) . that we see trade emancipation �, booming up i convention. - magiatrate's court the other day. Mr.1young ­ I � I ' Toronto lost a valuable citizen by.the , DEAit Expogi'TOR, —Prohibition, Jocal or —Aid. J. Collins, of Vancouver, formerly lor stove for safe keeping. On hex, return .� & �be man of allowing the cattle to . I - I .Ahe newest styles, the latest ideas thp, like %,y.dung;gIant. � . I . . 11 . - . 1� - ) death on Tuesday las't of ex -Mayor William ­ last general, has never been a success, oonse- a resident of Kineardine, Ontario, is a can- ,she' found that some of the smaller children . 1-,s -stable and get into his I I . . We had some very cold weather the get loose in fill 41 � * ' - � : besp values, Our line in c,eneral : , H. Howland. His career was singularly quently in not the remedy for intemper- didate for the mayoralty of Vancouver for had started a fire, and the money was 'all root collar.' Words arose between them, . Z a week of November, but since December � . I . - If � I . -in . . i : active and useful and, in a business way, This is a Jornmon remark made by next year, burned. man _. - . I I I � I - � . I I came in it has not been so cold, and up to , anoe ) sod Mr, Young struck the young , . I . I - :1 men s and Boys' Ready-madEl'Clotb- successful, and it is not too much to say that last,night's snow the wheals were as much those engaged in ihe liquor traffic,as well as —Brantford market feee for 1894 were --�August Herbert oat in the- prisoner a the face! with a lighted lantern, inMetiog an .- - , � . I _. � - I . I . he was one of the best known and most ad- ' those in sympathy with it, They claim sold by auction to Mr. Thomas Elmes, of box at the Windsor court Wednesday, And ugly wound. The man entered an action ", , I � '41 � I Z I ., 114011. mired of iivingCanadiane. Ile was born at Used as sleighs, but last night'sIall of the that bo much is' sold under prohibition 86 Burford, for $1,790, This in $200 more than cried like a child. He' was charged with for assault. The case came up for hearing 11 0, - �, � � . - beautiful will dispense with wheels. I , � I : . 1. Me )s and Boys' Furnishings. Lambton Mille, York Couriti, Ontario, and 21tor, to . when it is licensed, 1f so, why do they use the fees for 1893.' stealing a po.-ket-book containing $35 from on Thursday last week. The decision waw . � � In conclusion, Allow me,,Mr. F . � - � � �� comes of good old Quaker stock, his father, - every means to prevent evqry form of pro- —The Young Men's Christian Association a fellow workman on a Grand TFpnk Rail- deferred for a week. Mr. McKF,y, of Wood- , I . � . I I � q � r . � 1 7 Sir ,William Pierce Howland, being a son ,of wish youirself and readers my very sinoere hibition as it on ck, disfended Young, and Mr. Smoke, % I Oh's and P )oys' Hats and Caps'. � rely would',be, to their ad- of New Westminster, British Columbia, is way train.' Him teare'and Lawyer Hannah's sto Of � ; . 1�1 , . compliments of the season, Yours truly, . I �� - ; , � - i I Johd Howland,% Q%aker,who for conscience , W. BARBER vantage to have no license fee.. The anxiety strug ling under a heavy burden of debt. A touching address were too much for the jury P&rio, tl�'e plainti . I � I I I . I !ako forsook his English home and, landed - P of- those engaged in the traf-fio, in,this di- big a ort is being made to lift it. -aLd he was allowed to go. —Johp Mitchell, of the 11ill Farm, near- . - , I I !� I *n'sf B#s' and Ladies'Fur Goods. Snowflake, Manitoba. 11 I 1 I . i i i I . in Now -England in 1620. .In 1872, Wl1sn December 11th, 1893. rection, is a sure indication of the efficiency -The city of St. Thomas was, on Satur- -"Rev. Robert Montgomery, son-in-law of Ayr, died in that village 1w t Aveek at the I � .. I M I � ; I . � � T, I . I � W., I the subject of this sketch. was 28 years old, - I .1 of prohibitory legislation. But -aside from day, visited with the biggest flood that has the late Charles Patton, and brother-in-law great ag of 83 years. He %vas a native of . __ I � I I NRen's Fine Ordered Clothing. . � o i . L i I . � . 1; he organized and became vice-president of An Independent Opinion. this view of the subject, let us see if o�her nately of David and John Patton, of Drumbo, died Ayr, Sco . tland, and settled on the farm,uear � . ; - . i taken place there In 20 years. Fortu . 1� . - � . � , - - a as '. � I I I I the Queen City Insurance Company. He proof cannot be adduced. The Scott Act no damage was done. very suddenly at his home in.Brooklyn,New Ayr, Ontario, in 1:834, nd which w on- - , . nt is f u-Ily assorted The following in from the Monetary Times, . � ;�. r Every departme , I � � , I - -in-Hand In- A . - York, a couple of weeks ago, Deceased was tirely bdah then. He had resided continu- . - - ; . was also resident of the Hand a journal which, although striotly indepen - was a defective measure in many. respects. -The Miller Canning Company, at ,Pic I , � . . � I we show exceptional novelties— surance J the Canadian Lloyds. I . " I - and - . ompany and ant in politics, has always bad a strong lean- At the time of its agitation in Ontatio, ton, ,3auned about six tons of chickens and well known on the 6th concession of Dum- ously on: this place until aboutayear ago, . Z k�, I .1 I , . . � I Mr. Howland was vice-president of the Mil- there was a contention between the Federal is year, besides an enormous fries many years ago, and was a brother of when he;removed to the village. His wife . I I � . . tho"t will eclipse all former efforts. ing towards Prohibition, It represents the , turkeys th ., . � � , C I .. lers & Manufacturers' Company ; -for two - snd Provincial ,authorities 0 to which- �quantity of fruit, corn and pess. Mr. A. Montgomerv,.of Ayr. died some years age, but his only daughter I .1 11-�, - - I - -'ewe of th ommiroial or 'nizations of the . . ) ,� . a o go - � .1 � I - to 110 " residedwith him. Mr. Mitchell had two � it will be a pleMure .Ve you years president of the Toronto Board of metropolis. In this respect its sayings &VA should control the trafflo. The McCarthy -One cold stormy day a couple of weeks -When will wo�ders cease, exclaimed a � 1, I te - � Underwriters and had been an executive of. Act was passed and for o time the Dominion ago the Rev. H. Carrie, of Thadford, wool, brawny Scoir,hman while gazing at Drake son@, one of whom died about ton years ago. � . � more or lose important: . . .. I in and see what we are doing to ' ' presented I I . I drop ficer of the Dominion Manufacturers' Asso- An out-and-out protectionist speech- is Sir Government took the helm, and in this , *H4 a beautiful and valuable' and Grovei� of Princeton, running a horse- He was :an industrious, genial, good -living ,., I . . � - . oiation and of the Toronto Board of 7Trade. oty we'kn6w the baneful result. B ' thy pio.- I i. � I � - r . assist you in John Thompson's response to the United con ut� fur coat by some of his friends in the vil- clipping machine by a power geared to such mab, and in his death one more wor . I - I ..� � . I . He was elected Mayor of Toronto in 1886, States substantial movement in favor of Oven during this period the good results of � lage. .. � high speed that the hair was flying around near has departed hence. I . � I � I - I I � I having an unprecedented majority in that I - outlawing the traffic were visible in the do-.-' � -The Oddfellovys' block At Tilsonburg like ohaff from & threshing machine, and the -While driving into Gilt on Wednesday 1. I 11 Se - . Free Trade, Banquetted in his native city, - h a lo . � I I - I . asonable Holiday Gifts city over his opponent, Mr. Alex. Manning, ' crease of crime sod drunkenness. As proof - was burned down last Sunday night. It animal cleaned of its surplus hair in a very of last week, wit ad of eggs, Mr. Ar- I , I I I Halifax, this is.the sum of his effort on the - I - � - I I . � of 1,655, and at'the close of his -term was re- occasion. He took the ground that $2,7,000,- we adduce -the following facts : In 24' 'Contained a book store,, a drug store, and a few minutes.' thur Davey, of Roseville, had a very z�ar- I . I * � . . - !, I I . . elected by an enormous majority- over Mr. 000 a year must be raised to pay itemin which- counties under the Scott -Act in 1886, there general store, besides tHq Oddfallows' rooms. -A farmer near Woodstock recently lost row ese e. Am be got on to the crossing I I . . I I . I , were - lose about 440,000. i , . - * � o i S David Blain. do not admit of reduction, before any ques- 281, commitments. In tOe mame 24 ' threeTcows from eating wisps of bay that of the lavadian facific Railway, on the . : i "N BRO *9 Mr. Howland's record -as M ayor of Toron- - . 1� - JACKOLVI tion can aiise about further appropriationg. con nties. in 1884, under. licensei there were -During the three weeks ended Novem- had been -used to put paris green on potatoes Roseville road, -Joakinground he saw that � �i to is marked by the inauguration of several 712 commitmento. Thesifigures are taken bar 25, there wero 24 deaths in Montreal last summer, and had been thrown down in an east -bound tisinj which he had not . : I , ;. � 4, T . - . I � -1 THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, reforms. He was elected -in spite. of the de. Of these items -$16,000,000 goes to pay in- from the report Prisons from scarlet fever. In the entire year of the field. Although exposed to ,all the heard whistle, was almost on him. His . � I r ' � . tereat and keep up the Sinking Fund, $10, 1. I I - . I SEAFORTH. � . termined opposition of the anti -prohibition - 000,000 for the m4atensuce of public works, In Ontario. As to the amourit of liquor 1892 there were only 14 deaths from the bleaching storms since that time, there horse appeared to see the train at the same .. r . - . I � ' .' . . I i I - - ists and of the solid liquor vote, and during for Indians and the Civil Service. We may consumed we have some guide during the same disease. . . I proved to be enough poison left in the hay moment,, and making a desperate jump 11 . . .. . I I - . his regime he largelireduced the number of expect to hear the 0 position reply that same period. From the Blue Book we find -The final payment of Toronto city taxes to eause the death of the cows. dragged everything clear of the track just � I : . � . NOTES FROM THE QUEEN licenses. 11 The strings hang loose " was memo of these are fixeTamounts And Inoap- thrbt in 1886 1,342,989 gallons of whisky this year was quite as satisfactory am last -The ' little Canadian Navy is shortly to as the locomotive passed by. The horse , I I � I I the battle -cry of hie campaign, and when less were taken out Of bond for consumption year. The total. outstanding was $1,300,- be reinforced by the addition of another got such a fright that it oould not be stop- ._� � , CITY. ! . able of reducti6n, and that others are not. - '! I I ., be was elected he tightened them in no uni, To the former belongs interest on the public than the average taken out for the five pro- 000, of which a trifle over 50 per cent. was ship, which will be used in the buoy and ped for some distance, but everything es- o I I � I � . — � � . . . . I I certain Way. . The �-water-worke investigs. ceding years, The consumption of beer paid. . lighthouse s6rvios on the Atlantic coast. caped injury. 14 . � I . I -ToRovw. December 18, 1893. ' - ,debt, though this item has in past years un. - 1 ; ' : I . . tion, which he carried on, was the first step -dergone great reductio ; the limit1has now and ale was twenty-one per cent, less for -'-Mrs. John Andrew came down recently Sir Charles Tupper has entered Into a con- -The London Advertiser says: The - , � � About a year ago the Rate -payers' Associ- in the direction of ci ,vic reform, and he was no a sl -1 - � - . o I tion.was orgauized. Its cause for existence -been reached, and no further declina can be' 1886 than the average for the ten preceding from Spanish River to spend a ,Couple of tract with Fleming & Fergapon, of P I ey, many friends of Ensign Archibald and wife 11 I I - � I d. When Scotland,for the conatruction of &steel will regret to learn that they are about to .�;� was the belief of some that aldermen gener- the originator of the present'morality de. looked for. The Sinking Fund in pkoperly a Years. Thus, with a defective law and bad months with friends in Owen Soon ?I partment of'the police force. He inau'gurat. I administration of it by the authorities, we - crossing the'street there last Friday -she fell steamer suitable for the service, available take their departure from this city to other 11. . , 11 I ally make too free with the general purse. ad the practice of opening the first meeti fixed amount. Maintenance of public works find a decrease in the consumption of for commission in protection service. fields of labor. They have both been diri- F,�, . ', ', I O' liquor and broke her leg. . . ; . in very aggressive, but only 1'9 can be reduced to a general averag , below . . . I I I C This Association * of each new Council with prayer., His in- . which reductions cannot be looked for. Pay- and a corresponding decrease in crime. In -Stephen Baines, of Sarnia, was washing -The little Indian girl.from Rams, Susan gent and most zealous workers in the Salvo- 4",., - - . . : �r I I In: speech. The members have talked, ti'll fluence on municipal politics was certainl our own province we have also examples of the windows of a Intel, and when at the Rocky ountain, who hiss been occupying tion Army, and the London corp's feel great- 1.41 1 1 . y ments to Indiana depends upon treaties or in ."".� I . I s,11 is blue, about the neoedsity of reducing. for good, his high standing and undoubted the benefits of prohibition. for a limited third- storey missed his footing and fell on the Orillis cot in theSick Children's Hos- ly indebted to them for their past success,st _f�. I i cohtraotB, and are not contractible during ! . period. What makes the Sabbath of On. the sidewalk below, striking on his back and Pital, Toronto, this fall, was sent home last wel! as their .prospects of future prosperity,. f I . - , 7 civic expenditure but have gone no further, personal- integrity lending dignity to the the life time of the tribes. - The coot of the ­ I - . ne, - 1P. : I I I so, that although they ma,y not so imaiv�i position which he occupied. I tario so much. I 'uded the world over? injuri week. Part of her diseased foot was ampu- The noble work that they have been thii , I r Civil Ser0oe is not necessarily a fixed "I ing his spine, He may recover� - I I tated. The operation has improved her con- means of accomplishing during their short I I the general public regard their enthusiasm As a philanthropist Mr. Howland was no Chiefly because we h#,ve prohibition Irom 7 ' of Winn' ��4_' �_ amount, though it in doubtful whether it be -The Historical Society ipeg re- - much in the na,tu:e of a jest. Dr. Barrick's idle theorist, but a practical, earnest work- ' o'clock p. ni. on Saturd-Ay till 6 o'clock a.m. dition.1 While in the hospital Susie was stay in London will be long remembered,not " I capable of much compression. Political cently formulated a scheme for the preser- . � I I . band of grumblers should wake up if only to er in the cause of'humanity. His attention on Monday. Ask Any police magistrate in the pat of all the little 1 patients and the only by the Salvation Army, but by their I I . . I . critics would probably any it is ; but wheth- vatiou - of that historical relic, the Fort - I . . I salv-e their reputations. They have,& &plan- __ was first turned to the temperance yeation - r'cities why M-onday is his idle day, lie nurses. -, many friends and "Well- wishere of the cause �i' - I - a Or the hope that this would happen would on Garry gateway, but met with so little an- - - - , did opportunity to bring forward, as alder when tb,e Dunkin Act was submitt to the will tell you wehad prohibition yesterday - - The owner of 1he old Denny mills near in this city. They farewelled lastSabbath. , i- I . a be realized in case of a change of government t that they have abandoned It. .1". � . . manic candidates, men whose purpose when' elector-s'of Toronto in 1877. He then, care. . � and no drunks are up this morning. - Our the mouth of the Saugeen river, was the de- -The Christmas 'Number of the Montreal � . � I I is doubtful. - . -A horse . . . elected would be to draw the purree-strings fully exkm�ined the whole question, came to ' was impounded at Til,o,b,rg fendant in a case recently. It has been a Star is mtrvellously beautiful and it is iio I -.1 � � tighter andenforce economy. At the A I But this $27,000,000 may beraised in' elections are also good examples of the ben- recently. The owner would not pay the .� co lining- � � , I 8- the conclusion that the arguments. against more ways than one. Between this amout ofite derived from the' same cause. We fees ; two attempts were made to sell it,and mplaint for years that as there was no exaggeration to may that It is overwhe 9 - �� Zociation's 14st meeting it. is gratifying to the liquor traffic were sound and wise, so- might also point to the railway construc. slide in the'darn to permit the fish to get up ly superior to the American and English I j! r � . I and the actual total, expenditure there --is a the animal was finally given Away after con- . i I . notice th&t� one man, Robert Jaffray, had cepted the situation, became both a total stream, fishiog in the Saugeen. had of late ictorials. The art supplements of the w! , � I considerable maigin which would- admit of tion in the Northwest when liquor was not Biderable difficulty. �� , the backbone to denounce the 'free -library abstainer and a Prohibitionist and at once petmitted.to be sold, In striking' contrast years become played out. The result of the ghristmag Star are perfectly bewitching and -- 1� . rediietion, if the necessaries of revenue -There was a revolt in1he Halifax city I I I scheme as an immense imposition. More threw his-. energies into the organized tem- - should demand it. Of this, Sir John says was the absence' of lawlessness, to that of " ale'. prisoner trial was that the defendant was fined $156 well worth fraining, while the Canadian power to Mr. Ja,ffray's elbow in keeping this ' - the American side. No sane man expects prison on Friday, 23 of the In . a and costs' wild flowers form a superb portfolio. As a -1. 1. . . L perande .and prohibition work in which he police. - - . i nothing ; he oonfines himself to the items * refusing to go to work. A force of . .� Christmas present to send to friends or to . L . in I any law to be perfect in its operations. We -Di. Anglin, one of Kingston's popular 11 � � � - � I iron hot- He wasn't far wrong, either, played so prominent a part. For several which are assumed to be incapable of redue- men,with the guards, placed 'the 'revolter@ in - 1 7 have murder, forgery, counterfeiting, and citizens and au ardent bicyclist, had a close decorate the fiorne at th6 Christmas season. 4 .� I I I the strictures passed upon the public school years deceased wis president of the Ontario tion, and says not a word of those to which elle, where they remained 6n one ineal a '! I i , . � . systern. . � - Branch of the Dominion Alliance, and was the whole list of civiJ and criminal offences, c - call on Monday evening last. He wa's rid- the Christmas Star is grand. and to find. . . - this limitation does not apply. He states . . day until Monday. '. I :1 I i I . I , � . A MUDDING POLITICIAN. - re-elected At .the annual meeting in Octob- his own tariff policy, which be,has a right to notwithstanding our good civil and criminal As yet no trace has been found of the Ing his bike very fast on one of 'the streets that such a high class art publication is sold . codes, with e�ficient machinery for enforce- I f' - . crossing the rail -way track in the city and at so small a figure as fift cents, :it a revel- I I. I . . - Dr. P.,yerson, the last' elected Opposition Or last. � do, and also that of the Opposition, the so- . oat Angus Matheson, fikherman, of Ripley, y -1 � . Mr.Howlan-d did not neglect social duties - . ment.- But who would think of abolishing �lthough the basin has been dragged and struck a @lowly moving locomotive with full ation that is really amazing. Those of our -:. , � . member for Toronto, ar�d the friends of the I curacy of his statements of which is likely . . I . I . . ! I . little premier are having a little sparring and was a prominent member of,the Nation- to be called in question. "The Government them on that account. - every effort put forth to 'find the - body. force. Fortunately his was a pneumatic readers who want to see the most beautiful - . i �,4 1 . I -, . I ch all on their own � hook. The doctor al Club, being at the time of his death i ' Yet we legalize and protect a tariff which tire and the rebound was such as to throw Christmas Souvenir of the present cefitury, : , I I I mat . � vice' policy,'! he says, 'Ile that goods which can . The belief t at he is still 'living is gaining � - I � h � . 7 � president of that iliaetitution. tends to the production of more crime and - him back out of harm's way. . should' see the Christmas Number:of the "', I I � � inaugurated the battle by publishing in the be Produced in Canada shall pay the duty ground. I I . � . ' 'Montreal Star. It will amaze tham� � I � � I . " papers a list of the varioua Hardys and as a man of affable demeanor [v�&n imported] and thus give the prefer- wretchedness'in our oonatry than all other � -An Aylmer young lady recently had the -Mr, C. 0. Lesin has exchangei 146 I I . o I 11 -Daisy, the 9 -year-old daughter- of Mr. � Mowate who wag their beards over the Gov- and attractive pergonality, He was. owe of offences combined. 'Defective enactments ar Port Bruce, Elgin 6ounty, the I -, . once to goods produced in Canada and the misfortune to lose her gold watch. A few acres no I 1-4 - � . . 11 :1 I and worse enforeements have been the chief Ic rail- * I . - ' I . . - ernment trough. q Of oourse he laid great those large-heartea men who have -a genial . Canadian, workman every time." That, he - nights later thq? mother dreamed 'that the property of John Hilborn, for 96 acres in W. Shipmhn, of the Canadian Pacif I �J - p � smile, a cheering word and a hearty hand. causes of the'partial ,ilfailure of prohibitory lost article cate , d at a certain point concession 9, Malahide, the property of way roundhouse, London, broke her leg the -1 I � � I . streas upon the farA that the Sheriff of Ter- ' . I I � 11. He was the most approabh- adds, "is protection and that is what we measures in this country. . A well-coniider- was"I" ing her L onto, a eQn of Sir Oliver Mowat, although shake for a nican by protection.` In referring to . the s erified'the dream, and the said, Levi Young, of Fort Bruce, He has sold a other day, while in the act of savi I q � . I ad law with proper e ecutive force is what house and twelve acres of land in Kinoar- little sister from harm, They were playing � � .0 . . . occupying a purely ornamental position re- able and kindly sympathetic of men,and for intentions of the Opposition, Sir John dealt urig lady is happy in the possessio'n of her I t�l � � I �, . � I � ceived last year over $8,000 in fees, which is this reason the poor and unfortunate .came in hyperbole, which prevents what he says is wanted. Look at 'the treatment of poor tyi0nuepiece once more. , dine to Mr. Stevene0l), Of that town ; also near a window in the house, and on the I . y . - I � � � to him for counsel and assistance, knowing' wretches who try to 6ru a 'penny by making I I of 60 acres on the Edgeware road, Yarmouth window mill sat a ful,l length heavy wooden I 1, i - . . - note -worthy when the highest judge. in the from being accepted as a saber and candid �'The death of Mt. John S. Hallman, 1 4 � . . � I . I , that they would *no� be turned away from crooked whisky in son"ie'swamp or cave. All to flower'box. The youngest child had in some I land or,for that matter,the. Dominion Prem- � statement of the case. "If," he aid, ! Berlin, took place on Sunday, 10th inst township, the property of Peter Couse, � t", � - x I pow. I 4 d � 8 the bloodh . James A. Learn, Mapleton. toppling, ! �, . � him door empty-handed. if it was in his ounds of the excise department Tpanuer drawn it over until it was ...� - ier himself does not get as much. And the People believed half what appeared in the - resulting from a stroke of paralysis. T�e' -'-� L 7 other aide delLivered some stinging blows, or to help them. Ia 1 73 Mr.Howland mar- press, there will be no tariff and taxation in are let loose to' bring them to jutitice, but decea8bd was for many years one of the -Miss Jane Young, of Glanford, is suing ready to fall with possible severe injury to I " � " � ' the little girl. Quick as thodght the elder . �� � A . - . � ried Laura Chipman, stei of Lady Tilley, prohibitinn laws are left to take care of � I I � I servin(, to remind Dr. Ryerson of the glass � . the future. Under their proposed tariff most prominent farmers in Wilmot town- Dr. Smack, of Hall's Corners, -Wentworth � � , v �J . IL ' , L " who, with a family of ix children, survive@ themselves or made the catopaw of some po- I was recently married in 1or- sister, Daisy, grasped the baby and turning il L L - : house prGv,erb.' Mr. Meredith, Mr. Marter him, _ . reform the Liberal leaders will have no tax- . ship, and latterly was largely engaged iu the county who '_ placed her hurriedly out of harm�s way. �; I - I � . litioal party or partizan who uses it to tie ve breeding of Holstein cattle. I Z :; . j - and, the, doctor himself were found to be I ation." A little later on he told a different I onto, and the statement of claim . has been I ! L ; . . .. some selfish end. The beat proof of he filed. Miss Young says that in the fall of But the box in falling -pinned Miss Daily's � �i L I I i - 1. I 411'te in. the same boat, Similar charges are tory.. The inconsistency may be only -Mrs. Annie 014.rk, mother of Dr. Daniel ' 1111 I . I I t the !�, J r A Rouser From Manitoba. L success of prohibition is' to be found where leg to the floor. The mother, hearing - . , . 1889 she and the doctor agreed to get mar. . �,,, I - k - Z . . made on the average once & year but the - . :eeming. Sir John first refers to alleged, it bag had a fair trial,in the St.4to of Mailne. Clark, superintendent of the Toronto Amy- crash, asked what was the matter, '*'Is, - - ,; � : public never weary of reading of these mod- DEAR EXPOSITOR,-MUCh has been said statements of his opponents ; he next puts Into for the Insane, died on Tuesday of last ried, and she was always ready and -willing - J �a . . . . In 1853 a state prohibir,ory law was enacted Ray hurt?" was all the answer received. � 14 � orn family co,m . and written since November 22nd, the date his 'Own interpretation on what would be week at the age of 90 years. She was 53 to take the fatal step untill the doctor mar- : . . I ­ ' I . - pacts, y did it prove that %fter I ried the other girl, and consequently broke W 1. - I and so satisfactor - Mrs. Shipman hurried in and found R y un- . T \ ANLAIT',Ij POINT. , of the Winnipeg election, when the electors the consequences -of their alleged policy. years in Canada, and leaves two brothers in 'I. ,:� I I . � ,, - 1-1 . -three years of it4 op-rntion it was in- a sues for $5,000. injured, and the sister who ha(f made the - ,I e � thirty 1 � - I of our metropolh drove home the first nail "Revision of the tariff," he now said, Ontario, one 94 and the other 82 years of t4d contract. Sh I " n ::Trouble over the leases has prevented the I corporated ii)to the 01111blitdtion by a ma- . I boye � . I -A man got himself packed away in a enquiry suffering from a severe break a I I - � *4 1 Ferry Company from pruceeding with the in the coffin of Protection, by electing Hon, "meant the re-impooition of the stamp tax, ifinative vote being age, , 0 the ankle. 1. . � , � Martin by a handsome maj, ' ,jority of 47,075, the uff car of hay recently sent from Bru a county. I � - ; Josep� , ority of , the taxes on tea, coffee, sugar, rice, and - -The Canadian exhibits of cattle at the 4 . extensive improvements planned to make ' 'three times larger than the negative. The -Our. readers who remember., Grip in its . �f . � I Hanlan's Point atill morepopular in the hot 4270v?)eo. other necessaries of life, increasing .im- I World'p Fair, which have been in quaran. The car was a sealed one,- consigned to Con- I . � . . A-66ticeable feature of this alection,which mensely the burthen of taxation with- law has now been in ot)eration 40 yearfs, a tine at Sarnis, during the past 90 da�m, have cord, New Hampshire, and was subjected to palmy days will, we are sure, be glad to � � �J I " � summer month's, and the limited space avail- ' fact which should be coucluiive of its gen, a considerable. delay on the road. While hear th1t with the first week of the new I I � I - - he revenue." For been shipped to the various points in On- ` I . 1 increasing t � " . "�., able for open-MiT performances in front of points. to' better things politically, is the out Oral go'o4 effedt. It will be remembered ear the famous comic paper is to be reviv- Iii? I _� . - I . admittance of the Libero' 'increasing the burthell " the political tario and Quebec to which they belong, The it lay On a siding at Brockville, six days y - I � � .1 Press, that ' P , � , � , I " I a aua t N I � - � the hotel will hardly be bettered in time or it is not 4 party trium, h, but an emphatic, economist would may, "shifting the burthen that some ten yoarsago, two commissioners 19 care used in the shipment. contained up- after leaving -Wiarton, the in n in god o ed under the editorship of its originator, I I � - next season. One bit Of island news that p , from the Torouto Globe, one of them an - I . . ated ;I . 4 record against protection and . in favor of I and lightening it." By the change indic d. ward a of 200 head. - - , make his presence known and was taken Mr. J. W. Bengough, with whom is associ , I I ' I will not be displeasing to many is that &I- . . a but* anti," vimited-thiii mt.%te and bot,1 united in - ngwood, Out, He was pretty well used up but the ated Mr. J. J. Bell, who will act as business � Jt I I . tariff reform. . I the burthen would be Dot, only shif be ' On Thursday,last week,at Colli I I ; � . 4 though retaining no interest in the old home- , I I . a report to the eff�ct thaton; the whole the 10 daysinjail. He manager. Gripwilloome forthIna, new q . � One of our Provincial papers sitated that lightened. Taxesonartioles not procluced, Dr, Watt, of Victoria, British Columbia,bon magistrate gave him . * I � typographical outfit, and the new proprie- I 1, . stead at Hanlan'Ei Point " operation of the P o �� . I � � - , 'Edward Hanlau, when the public of Manitoba was certain of iii this country are single burthens ; taxes law vras batisFactory. - Be- of Dr. Hugh Watt, M. P. P. for Cariboo, gave his name as Frank O'Flander. �! .once great oarsman, intends building a fore the law was pa -sed MADO was condd- -The Elmwood, Rruce county, school i� I the Martifi�s election that fully four-fifths of the on articles -manufactured here and of which, and- h nephew of Mr. James Watt, Guelph, I tors promise that it will be better than ever - � .., � 11 . laigq hotel at Centre Island, to coitt$10,000. . - I the artistic �nd literary deprart- . i � IN, . . electora gave, a chuckle of joy that there the price is raised in * consequence to the' ered- the poorest.�t,A-e in tho U u, Now, , 1.4 trustees have'got themselves into trouble. before in % - "I was married to Miss Madge Robertson, . ;;, - I lhe$lafis are prepared,and show a building cordiDg tu batik r, poris add the assertions ,808, Q. igned'a contract with Mr. ments, while it will strive to deal out even- pen'dent electors to teach height of th6 idvoioe value and the added, so ' � A., Aaughter of Mr. Henry Robert Last yeBrthey a - I P, I � that -will do -much to enhance the beauty of. were enough iude 3 -for a written notice handed justice in its comments on public , r ---, . � - - I McLunney which called I .., their servants at Ottawa an object lesson ; duty of such as are imported impose a of someof hor lemihig men; 8 * hi is one of � C., of that town. � � �; I r ' I 11 this portion of the island, The atte is in rear and I can say as an humble and indepen& doublo'burth en : one for the benefit of the' the moet protiperous. Among' o hers, Mr., . _W. Hepburn's saw mill, in Picton, of four months that either party was to give questions. : .1 I I � of Ialand Park, wtiich yearly grows prettier, - 131aine made the 1,uter otat-M lit t a great . the" other to terminate ' the, agreement. -Mr. Thomas 'Routledge, a wealthy " '. , . � I - k and is on the lake shore immediately east- ant supporter, that I feel sure there are revenue, another for the benefit of the man- , meeting in the city hall, Por.land. Prohi- caught fire early last Friday morning. At- � pro- Englishman, who has been running a big . . It � '. � I - enough independent Conservatives in Sel- ..-�facturer. It ithout giving the notice the truatel6a , � ; , __ r- I � kiug r,ny f I _ I , _ - �_ ward of St. Andrew -8 church. The ex-cham- might be possible to justify bition will not,�eutirely stop dri tached to the saw mill vras a blind and sash W . e anotHer teacher and the -ranch near Virden, in partnership with the �, �, , __ I kirk to teach Mr. Daly an obj�iot lesson such taxes, up to a certain p6int, under P actory and a mill for cracking grain, also a ceeded to eugag . - - � " . " � I ' . more �er wholly princt- I eal4by Eng- - , ion purposes to run the hotel on temperance ely as Mr. given l'bircum I than our laws againat murd, large blacksmith shop, all of which were consequence is that they have two ,Hon, Mr. Bouverie, another W - -1 * principles. I when the time arrives, just as sur stances ; under others,- and preveo men from takingthe livesof theirfel- I lishman, died in the hospital at Winnipeg, � Campbell was taught one in Winnipeg. Mr. especially when the figures were b�igh, it Iowa, but it will prove a great preventive. completely destroyed. Loss, about $15,000. pals for their school for the d beginning of . . � I SUX.DAY.FREE -BREAKFASTS. Daly was telling an Ottawa reporter the #ould not. But in case, it is better to toil N 1 1894. The trustees at Dunkel- are . said to on the' 12th in8t. Meson. Bouverie and - I . _ - . . With the cold weather I the Sunday free other day that Winnipeg electors were like the truth ; a policy, the affect of which In som ' e of the W eetern States, Iowa, for in- -One night recently the residence of Mr. be in the same fix - . Routledge recently decided toz give up busi- . I I stauce,.lax enforce.mapt has retarded its in- -At the time of the rebellion in Canada ness and return to their friends in England. � breakfasts ha,ve been revived, last Sunday's fleas, now you, have them mud now yo,.1 Ooee not admit of being avowed, is 1i4ely to � James Nichols,- neat Lieqry, was entered by ........ : . � � . flueuce for good in-.adme meaRure, but even ffer- Mr. Routledge stopped off at Winnipeg, and .. 14 I � be set d4wn as indefensible. That'l brolec, some unknown person, who took $114 from 56 yearn ago, a,reward of $1,000 was o . 'I : . I being. the firsit of the season. When the door haven't, and I'would advise Mr. Daly to -a , J then, good results have come from its enact- nvivial disposition, he went i ': cloa d rden of tax1.itiou, by good ad for William Lyon McKenzie, dead or being of a coi ; . ' - I � le ,, ah.ortly after 9-o'elGak, 128 poorpeo- take note of the distant rumble of the dis. tion inorbases the bu ment. In Kansall, pi*ohibition was carried an unlocked bureau drawer and made the &live. He was secreted by a loyalfollower further than he should have gone, The re, I I I � .- 4, . . his escape, leaving the front door of I 1. ple, most of them well on in years and only approbation thatl-is proceeding from some of its indirect effect, is avowed by some 'advd. in 1881 by a majority of 8 000 and in 1891 whi - ch Mr. NiohoIs had ne straw Atack for one week and helped to sult was he had to go to the hospital, and-- � I � ' I C four of them women, were fed. There was his strongholds in Selkirk, and -use his in- cates of the system. Protection can only the number of convicts, had been reduced house open, I flee the couistry, The man on whose farm one morning, when the thermometer w"-, � �) I ioom and food for more thaix came, but the fluence in the Cabinet to induce the Gov. be defended at all on the ground that,uDder , ed to lock before ildmiring. of awxy below zero, he stole from his bed and1 �. _� I managers. fear that as t,he winter advances, dinment t' a, it in worth all it oloHis . .sixty per ceDt., a pret,'ty good showing in - - John G ah f Sonthwold, drove on he was secreted and who helped him out � . . o construct another platform at thez circumstance t ' I - Z, . ten years. In -this btate, after 12 years ex- r Co a' ' 0 a -vis, who died on in his, nightshirt escaped from the hospital, r, 4' a both will be taxed to the utui�mt. When the once, or else his mineoura at Ottawa and seat if this defence cannot be made good, the . the Miahigan m ral 'Railway track West of the country was Anabel D . i � perience, there is no open agitation for the Shedden on Frid morning, and was struck the 14th inst., at Mount Pleasant, 'Michi- and wandered about in the snow for an hour k.. � breakfasts were inaugurated, six years ago, in Selkirk will be� like unto a flea, system must be condemned. repeat of the law. Much other evidence of I and a half. When he was found his feet ,� � .� . an. �� . - over 200 were fed each. morning. My individual opinion 'is that. the Gov-- A preference to CanAdian goods, irrespec- a like nature could . be adduced in proof of by No. 20, M. C. .I North Shore Limited. 9 -Mr. R. A. Shaw, leading tenor 'in the we6 badly frozen and in a terrible state, .1 � .. I . ernment will be powerless to check the cur- tive of their costj is Sir John Thompson's The horse w�k.i killed, the cutter smashed I . . .- . , NO 14GRE HIGH TONED PARTIES RN THE, our contention, but it h%s beau our aim to : I � . �. - � r,NIVERSITY* rent of public feeling for any .measure of aim. Would he, as a buyer, a(A on this . to splinters, Mat Mr. Graham escaped unin. Metropolitan Church, Toronto, has been se- and the result was his death. � - I . . I �1\ . Protection except on a Xe'venue basis, and I rule ? If he would, he is so far BID 'ular in be as brief as possible in placing a few jured. . - cured to sing at the opening services of the - I , . I . t ; No 9 facts before the Public on this all important I- new ParlC Avenue Presbyterian Church, -The examinations of the Stratford . . . j �:rn_the old days of Toronto University the kind -There died at his residence in Lucknow . I " . feel sure that the National Policy is as.sure. him individual action ; the ma of man I I _, , late president, Sir Daniel Wilson, demurred G ' subject. However, -fi)r wise action on the At noon - ly doomed as slavery was when Abraham if- offered the option of goods of v,trious as- . . on.Monday last week, Mr. Angus McDou- London, of which Rev. W. J. Clark is Pay- 1 Model school closed last Friday. " i - I yearly at the converoazione night which . ous , tional origin, would infallibly melect what , part of our people at. the polls, we look tor, on January 21st next, Mr. Shaw, al- - the students assembled in their room at the - . I � ,d Lincoln affixed his signature to that fam . gall, stone mason, after a long and painful I ce i Falstaff school, and Mas Annie Fraser read . !�. I lighted up the fine building from end to an . . . I d to be'the -cheapest and the 11 more to their good judgment and moral )ugh not y�t 21 y�ars of age, ho6a a voi emancipation proclamation. I illness with stomach trouble. Decease I th( � . � L q9 : I - . �, He feared what actually did happen, only So much for politics, but, before I leave best. And we are a little afraid that even I sense of duty to direct .them, than to any- who was in his 61at year, had been a real. of'unusual-excelleDco-clear, rich and mel- � an address to Principal Stuart, and MT.� . - � m � have been permitted - r pr sented a gold headed cane . too disastrously, a conflagration. When the thing we or others ay He has been studying under Profes James Fishe e , . - I them, I must not oTit to tell �you a story Sir John, under a like temptation, would be den,&of Lucknow fortwenty years and was low ' , renovation wFAs con. . sor F. IE[, Torrington during the YI ipleto he refused the that is going the rounds, on Hon. Joseph - sorely tried. We all prefer our own coun- * to suggest. Conscious, as'we are, that ,our a hardworkiog and Industrious man. , past th,ree which bore the inscription � " Present- - I . students' reapplication. Only two other Martinduring hie re'cent canvass in Winni- tryTen to stranger@, but most of us prefer presents9on of the subject has not been -Donald McKay, ever whose large estate years, and is undoubtedly a most prominent ad to Mr. R. Stuart by the Model Class of . I . . buildings in town' furnished like corridors, . t. perfect, yet we tr"u.st that all has., not been a lawsuit was inaugurated at the last sitting Y0uD9 vocalist. 1893." Mr. Stuart was taken wholly by . I I � . peg. Mr. Martin, as you are aware, is the the goods of the stranger when they are be � . n. Thanking yo' for ge�erous space, � I surprise ; he made a suitable reply anit 4 . halls and nooks for social functions. Trinity -father of the Manitoba School Act abolish- ter ' in Val , I u . of court at Woodstock before Justice Rob- -License Inspector Ferguson, of Whitby, - . 4 1 . � � . ; I - - I - Univereity and Osgoode Hall. But now it ing Catholic schools, but Mr. Martin, with Sir John quotes Mr. Blake and the late I remain, � ;' . artson, died at the residence of his flon.in. has been trying very hard of late to put a expressed the hope that he would hear p I � . ; � . seems the legal students are to be denied - Yours Sincerely, ' . stop to the,illicit sale of liquor in Pickering. good reports in the future of each member 11 ! � � . z I I . � his usual .'fearlessness, called upon Father Alexander Mackenzie as authorities to prove' . law, Mr. InDes, of Harrin ton, on ,'Saturday I � this use of their buildin , Sir Oliver Afowat ; .. � V1,-4D9X. 9 Whenever he started from Whitby the tole- of the class. . : � . . I 9 I one of Wi;nipeg's. prominent that the tariff cannot be materially changed - - evening, 9th inist, He was one of the best , -_ 1. � having putt bris foot, down from dread of fi�re. ' December 13th, 1891. - cold be worked, with the result that -The death occurred on Saturday, Do- , � . Catholic priests, sod asked him for,his vote this he does after having virtually admitted � � known men of his time in the county and- phone w . ,- � , 11 The students lose in bei g unable to return - . I . . , I 'In . � . - , . I was one o when he g6t to Pickering there was not a camber 9th, at the residence of her son -in- I 1. . � that the objects of taxation could be chaug- � 1. f the wealthiest residents, - � "I � -In a measure, the hospitality extended b and influence during the contest. This was ; I ,,, Canalda. , ,-op of 11 the craythur " to be found in the law, 'Mr. R. MoLagan, Downie street, ;1 - � � y too much for �,he Reverend Fathef's pati- ad, There is no doubt that a considerable -Mrs. William �Perry died at Paris on di their city,frionds, and ,,the latter are denied id in his indi nation he told Mr. change of burdens could be made, The de- Sixty lady students are enrolled at Saturday, 9th inat., the result of old age township. The inspector recently engaged Stratford, of Mrs. James Scott, ef Dandas, � I � � . what used to be two of the most brillian t en,e, _ I . . Martillthat hewould gas -soon vote for the claration of the Premier of the policy of . Queen's Colleg*e, Kingston, this year. I and bronchial pneumonia. It is only about a couple of men in Toronto, and they made aged 72 years. Mrs. Scott was born in the I ,social events of the year. . D --l. Mr. Martin, not the least per- the Government is to regretted, as Ionding -Captain Smith, of the St. Lawrence biX weeks since her husband, Win. Perryl a tour, with the result 'that every hotel- parish of 'Moulin, Perthshire, Scotland, in . . "TRF I a. eper in the township, except two, was 1821, and has lived in Canods some 39 . I . _ . , OLD SETTLERIj. turbed, said, '� '.Well, Father - —, if to �strengthen the cause of Protectiop in the steamer, Alexandria, has just completed his died of old age at Simco They were mir- ke . SiThe Canadian Institute has long felt that your reverend's,oandidate is not in the'field, �Ubited States. If his speech could prollucE, 36th year on the route, . ried at Brantford 60 years go, and lived in summoned to answer the chirge of selling years. She was twice married, her first � I . : . 1% . whisky in contravention of the law. I husband being Win. Creighton. She hat re- , � I � Something shcul4 be done in collecting the will you vote for me ?" The story. does not ,any effect there, it would be one of which -At a late meeting of the Board of Trade that place until a few years since. A large � - . f � , i scattered rays -of the light of other days, say if Mr. Mart0q manner of'departure we should all have occasion to regret. At of Woodstock, it was resolved to assist the fa 11 of sons and daughters survive bhem. -Mish Sthel Gait, the well known En- aided in Dunda-9 for the past twenty years, - - isiting with her sons and I - � I n Yt turns out that the unknown man in the Salvation Army, who is the except when v r I ;1 which Is fading -with the death of the old was becoming to one soakihg'such a high Pictou, where he made another speech on unemployed, and a relief committee was ap- f which she did a grest deal, I 11 r Ili : . i Settlerb ' and pioneers throughout Ontario. position in tb e gift of the people. the tariff, he described the Wilson Bill as pointed,fo'r th�t purpose, found dead last week near Thedford, was orcer in command of tha- Armyls detach- daughters, o of Jr8 �, I � t _ - - having spent the greater part - 93,' for . � . I I lVdividual familieo:here and there possess The 'ices of wheat, and, in fact, prices of strongly protective, and one which,, if pass- --The -West Oxf ord, cheese factory have James $aokrider, of Currie's Crossing, near ments in Ottawa and the surrounding die - example, At Mr. MoLagan's. Mrs..Scott : .. . � documental- or manuscript memoirs, old P2 I I : . � theprod otoof thefarm, with the oneex- ad, will leave the tariff higherthan thatof over $11,000 worth of cheese stored in the' Woodstock. Deceased, whof has beende- trictq, in reply to a request from the Even ­ . newspapers and pamphlets,and the historical caption of pork, are no very low that it -does Canada. There is a certain amount of truth dry room,and the Sweaborg ,factory has over prived of his reason for some years through Ing Journal for her opinion on t.�e question has been a severe sufferer from rheumatism 1,1 I L section of the Inatita-Ae has begun a quest' not create much enthusiasm ir 'r,he agricul- ifi the statement; but the Wilson bill must $4,000 worth in storage. . � an injury receiyed by being thrown from a of prohibition, has written for that newspa- .for the past eight years. Her husband sar- � I , . 2 ' n. vives her, as well as her daughters, Mrs. 7 . for just such information. An" application tural' __rt f Mann nature, and the only be regarded in contrast with the McKinley . -The annual meeting of the North Brant horse, occasionally 'took wandering spells per a strong appeal in favorof ' prohibitio I f'&'at I o no t Is m Association WS8 hold in Paris a few and It was'in one of these attack . th t he In the course of It she says : y UdLagan 14 z yfill be forwarded to every County Council Congo at . is In night- (if it is a con. tariff, and when so viewed, it Is a consider- Refor ` 11 Everybod , of Stratford, and Mrs. Robert .J I . - . ybody Roberts, of Go,lartch, they being by h,ir first .1 4? 4 in Ontario to have all much matter collected, mola,tion), is that the world at large, includ. .able step in the direction' of Free Trade. days ago. Before proceeding with the ele6- strayed from the home of his daugiter,rMIrm., who drinks beyond moderation, ever - - � I � . I Whether by granting rewards to willing Ing the reatent Republic on earth, is no 0aloadat all senoible people must admit, tion of officers for the year, the president, Tucker, near Curries, Not retuining I in a else must acknowledge, does what is *rong, husband ; also her sons James Scott, of 11 It I Now York, Win. Scott, of Hamilton bud 1, ,� workera or b other means. In many fam- better ol, and as a Jdanitobd,- farmer muses cannot suddenly and violently change her Mr. S. Kitchen, St. George, arose and made few ,days as usual, search and advertising and is therefore, according to Jesus, the 1� 1 4 y i Charles Scott, of Buffalo. Another Lugh- � i - . Illps much data ialkept, the value of which over the cost of producing'a Iiiishel of wheat tariff; but Sir John, we fear, misinterprets a few remarks. He said he was sorry to say was begun, but seemed- in vain until word Iservact of sin,' and will find, sooner or ; - , . � � � � . . ld totally unappreciated. Many of the pion. and the prevailing price, be/ wonders how public opinion to a large extenti when he I'that owing to his connection with the Pa- cams to Chief Will, Woodstock, that a man later, that the master he 8erves given bitter.1 ter was Mrs. Ben. Fowler, of Hamilton, now &�., , 11 - * - : I I � . . - � those-, deceased. JPM��r7711M= �.­ -w It' a are dying off and the Institute hopes be� his Russian competitor can land his wheat amournes that the game of high protection - trons 13 . An- . .--- � of IndustrX, an active' part in' .1which - Lad:been found dead nea- Thedford. wages, even Death. But what about' . ; t L, I 4� . J - =r. ­e%�m � — � I , I - � - � I if . \ . - i, I I I . , 7, , �i 11 � i -, I I - - I . 11 i��-�V­;�t.!�Z.;,._ . - , , - . . , ,:�;!"�f ,!_,_ - .. _ - - _- .. _ii _j � i �1 _� ? .. .— ­ I I I i� - ­� ., ..­­�-.14N,,hr.,w. "."'.-l-, - ". ­ , ­_ __.:."_­_ ;AkL1:41-1---�;'-A­ I I . ,4*,,�". �,�­%_i I $1; 11� .1 I . I . I . I I - I I .. . ; f 4� � �f � � . . � � , T - - , � I I I I I , - , , - I � , t , I I - 14 � - , ; I 11�1` I 11, I 1�1 , I I` & � I I 'I .� , , - - goI _�_ -_ , , , , - i - , , I r . � , i � , . . � I __� . . I I . . � . , � .... . - � � � I I � � � � . � / � . . I - ..- __ ­ - - I - I . � I . - � - � - � .1 ­ I -1 . - .. ­ - - - : ".. � .. - � . ". . . . � � I I I ; I � . I i � I I � . � I - . I . - . - . � 1! . I I . . � . I . I . I I . I � . � � . . . . � ­ . . . �� � - � ; � . P I 'A� . � 1�', I . I - ; - I I I . - � � I , � � - � __.. -1 ....... � -1- __ , I � �. __ � ­­­ �__-- - - _­� ---Ikiiiiiiisaiiii" . �_ ____ __ -.-- I . -, . � �. - I I - � _ - - __ ___ . __ - ----.,--- ______.____ _______,______.____.___ _ ----I- _ ____ -1