HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-11-17, Page 8ITHE HURON EXPO OR. 8 Si ^A a Li stateo'men an Sir Stafford Northooto, Sir vote In the Territories in fm�vor of the city bticks through town dn several days fr' m: ville, will conduct the Monday evening's exhibition In Mr. Hodgi�,o -late Sir A. V. Gal of Calgarx charter on the 16th nib. My Sproat's brick yard, for a now reside ce mokvie,—A young daughter of Mr. Win. sho* good work siad -,skil. There is no DWARD %J^1 W1- t" Le Inard Tilley and the t, block, which h vith a sober people, s revenue would residence is beautifully situated on the Bow which he intends prooting next summer. Du"ford, L;ke Road, Hay,' whilst- return- question but what a goo ph ographer can Z. - - t GODERICH STREET SEAFORTH,4,,' t at I The Stratford, Beao of Wednesday no a Ing -home from Sodom school, on Friday do well here. --Wr. J. R. flabkirk has re- take oars of itself. M sge�y,who river, one f the finest rivers of clear water on Ir. It. A- Ma Wholesale and Retail Dealer In cc oUriant at the rate 11 It hen been ascertained that Edna a, tly added t the cot. _)rt f his dwelling pays out $50,00.0 a year wages, A lared he in the Toriitories, -with a Edus' last, was badly hurt. Mr. Win, Down, jr, cen liquor traffic a serious injury to legitimate of 7 miles per hour, and we have an excel- the*glrl arrested in Brantford f sgr y, was coming out the Lake Road with a luAd by putting in a fine'fur,,ace. Mr. James Dairy BtAlitter, industries, and that all class 11 would be lent view of the onow-oapped Rookies 75 is in reality Maggie Kenned 0 v V.0 n of wood, and the young girl, in trying to get McDonald, of Riplej, wa-j4he guee . t, during Finee ly welld tion. -Equally -pointed miles away." in Seaforth, Woodstock, Londo an he load, fell and the hind wheel of the lost week, of Mrs. R. Art benefi.tted by probibi 4, t er -on t kc ur, '�ver her leg, breaking it bad- —ALSO— was thevidenoe of Police Inspector Stark, places. She has.& record of blackmaili g wagon pi License In O' Dextfir, Dr., T. W. At- WEDDING BzLLs.—How many times this and other escapades, and. although ybu g ly. Dr. Amoi, of Exeter, happened to be Wroxeter. Rides and Tallow, geLairen, Q. C., an4,1many oth. year Tim, ExPosITOR has had to may 11 Once has evidently Out in a livel' life." 8 13 the time and took the girl home kins, J. J. y r. ps a! g at ERs.—Th Foresters of $heep.Skins and 1��, arm, equally truatworthy. Suchi evidence Is more -it is our pleasant duty to announce$" Alexander Sproat, who socaped from a- and tet the fractured limb. The ; patient is this place spout a most enjoy& Is evening on 'I, truly of nsore value than if prompted by etc., yet, once again the pleasant summons don asylum and came home wait taken ba k doing nioely.—Mr. George Hoskin, who has the occasion of their last reg lar. meeting, Raw Fu rs. selfishness or appetite. Again,� what does comes, and still our pleasure', grown. On to London thin week by the ksylum #in 4- been working for Mr. S. Hu6kingham,'black- NP - - I which was held on Friday eve ing last. The he mean by saying that the chances are in Wednesday morhiDg, at the residence of Mr. orities. He walked'from London, but w a smith, the past few years, left for Ohic:igo occasion was the installatio of officers, avor of the plebiscite passing the Leglols- D. Johnson, on James streeE,' Miss Emma none the worse for his outIng, Poor fello , on Monday last, where he will work at his 'which dqty was- ably -performed by Brother Is r a —A contest is. going on in the Robert Elliot, P. H. 0. R., f Wingham, JACK FROST Royal it I not likely he will ever be frea &jal' , trade. turd, as it will only be an expression of the Johnson, one of Seaforth most popu r a i I 19 DO respector of persoqs,,therefore, prepare to meet �pdpular *i6b, for or, against prohibition? dent@, was united n mairriage to Mr. Harry for although he Is quite robust pbyeio&Ill. , Templ&ra' Lodge. Sides -have been choaen After the business of the eveni had been bis coming by securing 666 of our It infavor of prohibition, parliament ma F. Williams, of Haitford, Connecticut. Mr. his intellect does not improve, and his me, - by two of our dressmakers, who belong to disposed of,. a few rac gL y peec� a by Viititl Winter Overcoats or Suits. brethren from Blueva Glenanuan or may nbt-,,,qarry out the wish of the peo Williams was at one time a teacher in the ioal attendants have little ho a of impro the order, and a very keen contest is ex �le an have Just sedared a big tange.from a leading oing a rush We ple, but ve� probably the Oatatio L-1gisla. Institute for the Blind at Brantiford, and be- ment in thi respect.—Hiso ZI& Edwar apectrd. "Oar foundry has been d courts were indulg6d in. Brob r Neelandis, manufacturer at less than, the cost of production, will do so -If 0 L9 which we will sell at correspondingly low prices. ture tht Supreme Court decide came. acquainted with Miss Johnson while publiccho I teacheri Toronto. was visit! Ing business of late under the minagement of Wingham, High Treasurer f the Order, a w 'a y was also present, and in a few well chosen Call an - d inspect and we will 001)VIDce you of th� that it has thepower to pass a prohibitory she, also, was a member of the staff of that in, town this week. of Mr. J. Murray & Compan .—Our mer- bargaingme -have in store for you. No trouble to. law.—Mr- Hard chantR did a -lively trade on Saturday list istant institution. The ceremony wait performed formerly a teacher in Put sch liquor our mo Y) ool'hers. remarks presented a most glow ng 'report of show out goods. teacher, was off duty saveral days last by Rev. Mr. Hodgins,,and at itm conclusion M. Jordan's new building on Main street, 9 M r. John M itchell, j r., lef t here oil Mond ay -th I a sound financial standing of he order and WM. PICKARD eek on account of sickness.. School kept the wedding,party enjoyed a most sumptu-! now b Ing plaztered, and will soon be res y last for Manitoba. as took wit�h him o car its rapidly increasing members i hich is ip, W -Mr. ase of S6aforth. - all the same, as Principal Baker is never at a repast. The newly married couple left for ccoupancy.—The Endeavor Society I load of horses and farm implements. clearly shown in -the 0 ourt Wrox- a loss for a sub8tituie. -the afternoon train for the East. They the Presbyterian Church will hold a sooi I John Hicks, who resides one and a quarter star, which has nearly its member - .4 �nuill visit New York and Boston before.set- in the basement of the church on Thank - mi a west of this place, gave 1he young ship during the past twelvo mo nths. The ANN IVFRSART - SERvIcEs.—The anniver- eling down in their home in Hartford. We giving 'evening. Refreshments will a people a dance on Friday evening last, prior brethren then repaired to the -refreshment sary services of the Young Men's Christian join with the hosts of friends the; bride has servedi and there will be a good literai - uro VV IF to his removal to Eden, where he has rented room, where a most sumptuous spread was Assooi�tiou were hold on Sunday lent. Mr. —Mr. Al'xander Box -won for herself in Saaforth and elsewhere, had musical programme.—We are indebtel Mr. S. Bosery's farm. duly partaken of, and thus brought the John I A. Clark, of Toronto.. Uuiveridty, inmishing both herself &ad her estimable to our old friend, Mr. James G ff a �Ir' inteuds having an auction sale on Wi�dijes- evening's enjoyment to A close. DISTRIOT MATTEhS. -the usual anni" ta an d a p,,,, a preached' versary sermons. In husband, in their united lives, all happinelle frequent copies of the Cleve day next, on the 4th concession of Stephen. the morning -'the service was held in the and "rosperitk. Of which place he is now a resident. he He intends going to Seaforth to learn a Bayfleld. p Presbyterian church, and in the evening in are always welcome. Judged by its now - traie With Messrs. Browffoot & Box, of -to coltRESPONDENTS.--As Thanks- the Methodist church. On both oocasions, DEATH OF MR. JOHN CRicH.—We have &Pero, Cleveland is a smart town.—M that place.—Mr. Alfred Boway, bricklayer IF, You Want a Now Cap, see what H, choic F Edwai-ds has. A a assortment of Winter ving day falls on Mursday next, it very larg 3ohn McMillan M. P., hali 95 steers d intends to take contracts for buildings next bioves. Special values in overcoats z nd felt boots. a congregations listened to most noticed from time to time the illness of Mr. P Clark, although John Crioh, of this town, so that the on- horned this week. Mr. McMillan is a stro summer, being a 'skilful workmau, ' no 13534 Will be necessary to go to press - one e1equent discourses. Mr. day e�rlier than usual that"' our ein- young man, already has a good reputation mouncement of is 'death, �on Friday last, believer in this practice.—Mr. Fred. H I doubt he will get plenty of work;—Mr. BREEzy LOCALS.—The Rev. Mr. Atchi- -one Roach , book agent., of Listow�l an a preacher, and bids fair to become Mi. Crich had not been lett, an old Seaforth boy, who has -been Chft�ls a f was not a surprise. f d son, of Toronto will preach onSabbath, 0 -4 �Toyees may tpnjoy - the holid aY wltn of the most eloquent of our Canadian in robust health for over a year. but it was Dodge Cityj Kansas, for three years a all I wn in a faint in Mr. Geo. Manson's their fellows. Correspondentp would, clergy. The day's proceedings were closed more, has returned home to spend the win mhoe� shop on Monday last. Under medical 19th inst., in St. Andrews church.—Chas. not Until May last that he had any serious Dresser and Israel Jeffrey arrived home last therefore. greatly oblige us, save them- by a very pleasant meating in the Associa- misapprehensions for his condition. From tar with his mother and brother h-ore.—Th treatment he ham fully recovered, week from the fishing islands.—Miss Annie tion rooms, the-mervice consisti Junior Huron football club of this tow solves from probable disappointment e,,!v5er9eed1Yb0f that out he failed very rapidly, andiper. y Erwin has returned home from London, music. Short addresses were hope the knowledge that he was MR oted cleaned out the Collegiate Institute club o�_ She Cromarty. where she has been the past mummer. and facilitate mattersl� generhtly, by thel�resident, Mr. T. 0. Kemp, Rev. Mr. with an Incurable disease, deprived, him of Goderich at a match here on Saturday last sending their contributions one day Galloway and Mr. John Robb. On Wed- that hope which frequently stimulates. Ar, intends remaining for the winter.—Fred. by a score of two goals to one. The match' JOTTING.S.—.Mr. John Cameron, of North Bak has arrived home front the Duck ag Esethope, was the guest of Mr. Allan Me- e internal cancer was the cause of death, and r arlier than they are in the habit �of nesday eienisig a special meeting for you was for the Crawford cup.—The weathe Dqug%1d one day last week.—Mr. James y for the past ew Iotgds.—Jarnes Walmoley has been visit - held, this b the Associ although he suffered most severeli he was. inj friends here the past two months, He. In 0 men was ein ation's hen been decidedly wintr do' g. Please'd n't forget. odgius days, and fur cape; and:costs are once more p, merchant, of Cromarty, intends week of prayer, whiijg Rev. Mr. H always patient and unoomolaining. Mr. y ault. Mr. Jacob left Tuesday for the S lent address on. The Eilet'loing a new brick house next mummer. THz PLEI;ismis. —Every person in Seftw gave an exoel Ef1i0acY CrIch was born in the county of. Chests becoming fashionable. If the' weather be Swarts and Mrs. Swart@, of Wingham, were of Prayer." favorable it is expected -a Toronto foot. Miss Isabella, Mcl)ougald is seriously ill En I forth who may feel an Interest in the cause, gland, In the year 1840.t He came to in town Sunday -visiting IM r. E, Swarft, of V; ball club will �lay a match with the Col- with malarialf ever. —Mr. Alfred Miller has .,of temperance and prohibition in very cor- Canada in.1852, settling in 1PQXt'E1gIn witi the River Hotel.—Ro'bert Beattie, of Brus- WAIT and see what Duncan & Duncan one to Exeter to learn the harboring busi- dially invited to attend the meeting of the his father, Mr. Win. Crich, who was o logisto Institute' club here, on, Thurdayl g - eels, is visitiog his'paients. H in, here for willhaVe,to state to . Expositor r6aders In their- name. Mr. Miller is a sociable young man shoemaker. On October 27t &@ -next, Thanksgiving day.—The regular meet - Prohibition Association In Kidd'8 hall, this b, 1869, he * - adyertising space next week; Something of much Anges Giant, of Grey and,- no doubt, will soon be a very effiienf, the benefit of his health. T. Prid DVICAN MAr Ing of the Women's Christian- Temperance Friday evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Es a is interest is being prepared for every reader. ried . to Mi ham, J. Smith and D(ylMe,'eo Godericb, once sool. t Dumm,, seaforth. 1853 township, barber. spent hoped that the churches, temper near Ithel, so that twenty -fire Union will be hold in the Association rooms Sunday in Bayfield.— ion Esther on Wednesday afternoon next at 3 o'clock. eties and young pen, a�s associations will- be FouND.—In Seaforth, @.'small mnount of years of !,married life had just passed before Pi il money in a purse. The owner can have the same by the and cam rich The delegates to Chatham will give their Hay. Blair has gone to the Sault, where she in- verylargely re v. -No a. For several years Mr. C tends to remain for the futur .—Captains proving proplarty-and-payin for this notice by ap. reports, and all Interested in the work are OOUN(JIL MIKETING. —Council met pursui. Storey and Ogilvie have arriv d to take ar Shaw of Egmondville and others are ex 0 has resided in thin town, where he followed plying to Lswis Wirri;.ge rth, 1363-1 invited to be present.—The enlarged and ant to ad meat, in the town ball, on pected to deliver addresses, The report of the occupation of shoemaking. He was a charge of the'Salvation Army.—We are WAN�ED,—At, once, an apprentice t Saturday, irvns the nominating committee will be pre- 0 hard-working, honorable man and a 'good improved Sabbath Schoolroom in connso mIr 4th. All the members learn dress and p2antle making. Apily to Miss pleased to, say that Mrs. T,_Ho: A to reco- sentod.—Com., lzenAn every way. He was a consistent tion -with St. ' Thomas' church will be re- prevent. It was ecided,. to. instruct the TuompsoN, over Mg. Good's Grocery tore. Good aringfrom a severe illness. Sunday opened by a musical and literary entertain- Reeve to file an appeal against' -award No. 1,. sewer required. 1353 and active member of the Methodist g lost, Rev. J. T. Korr'IE pr ached a is evening. —Rev. Mr, Turnbull, of 1893. A number of accounts 'were passed morni to a STILL PROSPEU]ING.—Our old friend, M Buy the Pins�Cone Cross Cut Saw, the yChurch, and, a Liberal in politics. His meat * very ninstructiv6 sermon ta� Sabbath Frank Grieve, , wxiting from St. Thome, fastest cutting saw in the market, for Sale at widow and nine children, I ' of whom are, Goderiob, *ill preagh the annual missionary whioh will appear in the financial ats, - tement ng I he singing. Our School children, they do! MULb8Tr & JACK80b;'s. 1353-1 sermon in,$b. Thomas church on Sun Worth DAkota, on Noveffilier 7bb, say. grown up, survive him, and they will mourn ni on December 15th, 1893, at 10 a. in. Coun- The singing of little Ads Kerrin and Maud b my 'ALL kinds of Saw Logo purchased -at the the lose of a tender husband and a loving I 0 g We are having beautiful next.—Mr. Win. C. McLeod ha ht 911 then adjourned to meet again on Doc weather hei Om' Pollock was well done. "W: ixt rJunday now, but the first of the! month was veq- highest prices. EwiiTg or T. T. COLMAN. 1353.5 father. The remains were interred in the Mr. John Peiroy's property on Ord bar I 5th, at 10 a. in. morning Mr.Kerrin's subjeot wi,Ll be, 11 -Jus- - 5tormy; but the snow has now all disappear. EloitsE-rowEm, Grain -crushers, Straw- Maitiandbank 6 .,Ilkor�day. for $475, through the- real estate agency of - tification by Faith,"—Remem er the tea ceme� ry on ad, and farmers who had not their plowing cutters and Root-�alpers for isle by Tito& BRowx, H. A. Strange & Bro. Greenway.. meeting on Weduesday'eveni Seaforth. 1353-1 a next,in the done are still hard at work." Mr. Grieve' - A BRILLIANT WliDDING.—The residence town,ball. An excellent ou or will.; be A-FiNElotof new Christmas Goods and many old friendm� -in this vicinity will- be BUTTER AND APPLES.—Wanted, at A. of Freeland Jariline,Esq., was the scene last Pn9sjayTx-aY OF HuRoN. —This Presbytery presents have Just been opened at the Boston Store. served, and a fine entertaintri t given.— Young's Store, Soxforth, Butt6i and Apple& - Will -pleased to learn that he is still prospering pay the highest price in cash or trad'e. 1338 -evening of rilliant wed. hold a regular meeting In Bruoefield on, the 1353.1 The Methodist choirs of Bayfie and Bethel 'in his Western home. a —John IMPORTANT To LAD-111S.—H ng . been dings th t has occurred here for some time. 14th lust. The treasurer's,book was audited HAPPEINGS.—Mr. D. McKenzie, teacher- take part. Admission,, 25 cents. and attested in the usual � way. Rerds. ffered the use of the new Y. M. C. A. a The contracting parties were Miss' Annie R. of Shipka public schoolspent last Satur- Erw n has arrived home, h t the hathe for one i avin g spen, ASSOCIATION NOTES. �The Young Man's 0 M &in, niece of Mr. Jardine, and Mr. William Acheson,'Martin and J. S. Henderson were day and Sa afternoon and evening of -each week. The W. C. T. bbath with r. George Foster, mummer sailing.—Mr. Thomas Ilerd re,, inj Iteacher of School No. Christian Association intend having -some U. will be glad to hear from any ladies who are de- B, Coffee, of Tacoma, 'Washington. T appointed to draft a deliverance respect, 10.—The young turned this week from Dakota. thing unusual in the way of meeting next irou8 of takit�g advantage of this offer at a small fee ceremony took place at 6:30 o'clock, and was Mr. Simpson'e decease.. Revs. Stewart An people of the Epworth League will 'give a a per year. Several have signified a desire for this Wednesday evening. Mr. Cheawright,. of performed by Rev. George Hubbard Payson. Shaw weire also appointed to - address ,the 'free entertainment , -in Boston Methodist the C61legiate Institute staff, will per privilege, but nothing can be done until a cert -tin reign Miss I Ion Staffa. -form number of names be, secured. Will all desiring The bridesmaid was Miss May Baker, and meeting of the Women's Fo �Church next Friday evening. They extend LocAL DoiNGS.—It is 'with madness we further imformation kindly addiess, at once, either the best man, Mr. James Calhoun, Page, Society in January next. a sumber 'of interesting Scientific experi- The treasur9r, A cordial invitation to the public. —Master the Secretaryi Mrs. M.Y. McLean, or Mrs. T. 0. K have to record the death of N rs. Batson, Mento during the evening and these will be Master Freeland Qibbono. The ushers were Mr. Musgrave, gave the annual report call. 'Willie A. Wilson and his sister Alice visits I1353 d widow of the late James Batson which took interspersed with readings by Mr_ Craw- Seymour Gibbous'and Willarn Baker Jr. ad for at this meeting. A committee con- riend8 out near Sylvan last Saturday.—The place at her residence, near this illage, last --expec- When -the nuptial knot was tied, toe newly sisting of Messrs. Martin, Musgrave, Fletcb- rand Bend Circuit have arranged for a Thursday morning. Deceased. had- been ford.—The violin class has exceeded RIGHT TiME.—The right time is time. Wron tin-,e.is worse than none at all. With tations� as to members, and Mies,.Bennoch is' one of our VatcheB you could always have exact mairried c6uple received the congratulations or and Dr. cDonald, Ministers, and Me. hanksgiving Supper, on the evening of the suffering from cancer in the bowels for the kept busy. The book-keeping class is also time. Beautiful Ladies' Gold Watches for' $10. -of the many guests, after which an elaborate Laren, Aikenhead and Mellis, elders, was rd inst., in the Parsonage at Cobert.—A past seven montho,oand her deal � wait look- loiDg'well, --and is proving itself very useful First claw time -keeper. it not satisfactory, money . adding supper was served by Russ of Eliza. appointed to consider the Action of the As- umber of our citizens attended the, temper - refunded. We also have them as high as $60. Fine -W ed for. The funeral took place ast S&tur- to the yoa�7g �allown about town.—The tment of Christmas Goods, R. MERCAP. 1353 beth. The house was elaborately decorated sembly's home mission committee in rle- ting in the School house, on the 7th day, �nd a large crowd followed dhe remains nce mee Wedne'sday evening- meeting next week will "sor h flowers. palms, etc., tinder the direction fusing to give the grants asked by the Pres- Qoncession, known an Manning school. The EVERYBODYwho -has heard Grenville P Wit to the cemetery. She leaves a grown up be open to both ladies and ' entlemen, and 9 Kleiser ie enthusiastic of Florist E. H. Dal . The music was bytery for Bayfield and Bethany and for Oddresses by Rev. Mr Kno;.x, J. H. Chant in his praise. Such ex,pres-' y family. We extend our sympat iy to them a silver collection'wil be taken in aid of the sions as these have been heard in Seaforth duting the furnished by Prof. Beek. The bride a dress Leeburn and Union church, 6oderich town- 4nd John Wattere we're highly interesting in their sal afflictiou.—Mr. Ireland, of International committee. last couple of weeks from those who have b%d that was of white satin, a perfect gem, while the ship, A,call was sustained from the con- 4,nd instrubtive,—Mr.,George.Footer shot pleasure: -The beat I- ever heard;" I 'He's I I Wingham, isauning the blaxl�smith shop groom wore the regulation full dress. There gregations of Bayfield and Bethany- address - ne large wild duck last week.—Mr. W.'J. mense;" "Undoubtedly he best 0, I nye Mi n, for Mrs. Chubb. � The Ste a bo�o made Mr. in his ff CANADIAN FoREsTyiRs.—Tbe officers elect America." Mr. Kleiser *1111 g�ye ji iecitid in Cardno's ere about sixty guests present,many coming ad to Rev. George McLennan, late of Cam- S,tenson, of Bayfield, visited friends here for Courk Flowe� of the Forest, No. 3, Sea- Hail, Seaforth, on Wednesday evening, November from New York, Brooklyn, Jersey Ci I �y, Ireland feel at home the first do* be-, start- lachie, and provisional arrangements made last -week. — essrs. and IF." English re- ed.—Mr. Thomas Smale and AtiO Jessie Al - forth, Canadian; Order of Foresters, were 29th, assisted by the best local musical - talent. Plan Binghamton, Philadelphia and other cities. for his induction in the event of his accept- tirded from Manitoba last. week. They lan.attended the Salvation feaot at Mit- 6thallatPapst's. Get your seats marked earl.v or duly installed on the 7th inat., as folows Ing the call. Said arrangements are as fol- g1ve a very unfavorable report o you may be disappointed. Those present from this city were relatives f the chell last week. They report haWag had a 1363-1 Mr. Harry Spear, J. P. C. R.; Mr. Wm. LI t and intimate friends. calved lows: Induction to take place in Bayfield Y. Sutherland, C. R.; Mr. John Warwick, V. Jo RK —James McGinnis, The bride re c un rl grand time. Se is many useful and costly presents. The bridal on the 12th of December,, at I p.m., Mr. C. R.; Mr. Wm. aftry, R. S,; Mr. Hugh Pa Is left for New York and p ]EIensall. Donnybrook. i�.- i�e highest price in cash for dressed Pork, up oints E st. J. A. McDonald to preside, Mr. McKay to de4ered at his store. 1853-2 Robb, F. S.; Mr. George Duucsti "'Treasur, to t r the -expiration of their wedding Mr., Acheson to address the Minis - C MLLLETT & JACkSoN.—We lead in Cook OR 79AL&—For sale, a =YtittY Bpi&Fs.—Mr. John Marwoo and his- ing Stoves, HeatingvStoves, Library Lamps; they will settle down in Tacoma, where Mr. tore, and Mr. Shaw the people. Dr. Me- of�good table onions (Danvers). Writ o er; Mr. L. Melviae, Chaplain; Ar. J. Ha i�O,NIQNS F e 0 Thomson., S. W.; Mr. Win. Ed d J sons shot three foxes, five coons ad several Mon 8, [Iimps, Stand Lamps, Lantarns, Saws,' Axes, -Coffee is engaged in business. —Rahwq, New Donald on behalf of the committee on Chris- D.ISTRWART, Hensall, Ont. 1363-2 W. ; Al r. John F&Ilin, S. 13,; Mri Daniel lHandles, and all kinds of Hardware, and all kinds of ,'Advocatc. tian Endeavor submitted questions which WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW.—Our trad partridges during the recent sno storm.— i Stephenson, J. B.; Dr. C. McKay, Phyei-" Ammunition, at priceg that will surprise you. Yerse) Mr. T. A. Mills and Mr. Smith, f the firm MUL- aint the bride above were adopted by the Presbytery, to be sub- is increasing right along. Do not fail to 1,Err & JACKSON. —Miss Annie R-ae M call at our cian. The Canadian Foresters are spread S cial Bargain Sale this and next week. We will Of Smith & Pethick, of'Wiughs were the mentioned, is the elde3t daughter of the late mitted to,our Christian Endeavor S6cieties. -ing rapidl CHRISTAs FRuiTs,—A. Young, a e I Men's Long Boots for $1.30 and up;'Boys' Long guests of Mr. Marwood, on Wednesday last. y tiirough the Domiaioi�, being Seafortb, Mr. Andrew Main, who taught the Egmb*d- Committees w Ire appointed to consider the B ts for $1.00 and up; Women's High Laced Bals., carefully managed by shrewd finan6iero -_ has received a fall line of Christmas fruits. choicest ville school somewhere about twenty,-flvo Remits of Assembly and report L.t next- —While Mr. and Mrs. McL% ghlin, of n d business men, and ha:ve a surplus of Voctizzoi Currants, Crescent Currants, Layer Valencia pekged for $1.00 ; Girls', 76c. and children, 60c. and a, Whitechurch, were driving past the resi- m0sb- Raisinb, selected Valencia Raisins. Black Basket, years ago, and who will, doubtless, be well meeting. On behalf of the committee to up1l; Men's Felt Boots for $1.76 and up; Men's U I One third of a million dollars to meet death Sultana, &c.-, &c., alaq. the celebrated Cross & prepare a deliverance in re the la T%%Heed Slippers for 20c ; Leather Slippers for 46-6; dance of W. '9. Cam bell the oth r day, remembered by many of the older residents. te Mr. _p Blaek�vell Peels, Rubbers and Socks for $1.75 and up ; Men's dog ran, out and bit the horsW h els, sear - claims with. Seaforth Court has 'over $300 _ lemon,:6range and citron, all of Mr 'Main' also taught school in Ayr, County Simpson's death, Mr. Acheson!' submitted a Sbow Excluder Overshoes, lined, for $1.60. A call the choicest variety. 0 1363 a hand to meet mick claims. 0 y n ing them, and upsetting the bu gy'which W "CH FOR IT.—Loo-k at our a ch �ape8t Tornio. cash. Sign of big boot. A. WAS 8 of �Vathrloo, for som ears, and a number deliverance which was adopted a, d- a copy wiP; convince vou that we sell cheaper than the AT dvertising of the readers of THE EXPOSITOR were among thereof ordered to be sent to Mrs. Simpson. omewhatsm-aohed. Mrs. McLaughlin space next week, It will contain something a W RLOH, Proprietor. 1353-1 WORT RECOGNISED. From the Globe of of v ry his pupils, although now most of the are The pulpit of Union 'church is to be declared was thrown out and badly hurt. She was special. intere%t to Dry goods buyers. UNCAN & ovembe 2ad, published at Boiasevalu, Dmxcmi, Sealorth. 1353 fathers and grandfathers. mr, vacant on SabbLth 19th inat by Mr. Shaw, FARMERS we must have. wheat to keep taken to Mr. Campbell's where h was well Manitoba, We Glip the f6llowing item: A and Mr. Stewart to be Moderator of session. running day -and night. Market your wheat now cared for.—Mr. William Anderson,of South wh n we are able to pay'a good price. We have been AL BRIEFS.—Dr. Gray; of St. Marys, few of the members of St, Matthew's church MR. HANNAH'S Cows.—rhe auction sale Loc Africa, gave a lecture on 'that country in assembled at the residence of Rev. G. C. On the recommendation of the Sabbath �ng three cents higher than some of our neiyhbor, of milch cows held by Mr. John Hannah on an old Huron boy, was in town on Friday school committee, as submitted by Mr. R. markets. One cent extra for every poun over J ng he Methodist church, on Mon lay. �Mr. Hill on Tuesday evening, -or the purpose of his farm, near Seaiorth, on T sta idard. Our shipping capacity the last few weeks Anderson spoke in his usual aff ible style' -uesday last, last. He had been visiting his mother, Henderson, it wal * I agreed that a conference 9 bidding farewel to Miss Waugh. A pleas- was fairly well attended, and most of those ol has been one car per day and we want to keep up told of the customs of the country, of the Mrs. Gray, of the Mill Road.—Mr. James on Sabbath schot work be held at the thh record. Yours Truly, COOK BROS. 1351 ant time was passed, enli�ened as ib was by present neren businell" bent and wanted Love, who has been residing. in Toronto for January meeting Messrs. Anderson and ri 41amond mines, and'of the mode of living the excellent music, which was enjoyed by ..W s Ba ae at Wei to buy cows i� they could get them to suit.. the past few years, has returned to Sea- Hamilton to introhce the subjects of con. out there. Although Mr. Anders n said be all present.' The proceedings concluded The suctionedr's hammer was wielded by. fort , &ad taken his old,place in L. McDon. ference. Mr. miler's,Hensall. We have put the knife In good h Henderson, of Hensall, gave andlideep. Read the prices, Ladies' Mantles, worth had never don - a - any lecturing, we think with the presentation by Rev. 39r. Hill, on Mr. William McCloy, and as usual, he did -intends remov. notice that he would move at next meeting he might compete wih some who are con - aid's blacksmith shop. He 63 f r $2. Ladies' in ontlea worth $4 for 83, Ladies' If of the congregation, of a han;dsogle his part admirably ; He is it go mai ties worth $6 for $5, with corresponding cuts lu sidered'fir-at clas'a lecturers.- Th amount beha )d judge of ing his family here as soon as 'he can get a that the system of billeting be discontinued. h, workbox to Miss Waugh as a; slight recogni- 'human nature, an(:� I er priced mantles. Ladies' black hose worth 26e raise i stock, as well is oi h*e house. . Mr.. and Mrs. Love have many A 'resolution strongly condemnatory of the for .7c. Ladies' cashmere hose worth 35c for 25c d was $9, 'Which, considering that the tion of her services in churA 'matters while knows just when to fee was only tea cents, was not A ad. The strike and when to(:Whl.d friends here who will be greatly pleased to liquor traffic, re -affirming the deliverance of Spo)Is at 10c per dozen. Two pair of braces wort in. Boissevain. Miss Waugh left for Lon- on. This is one of the secrete of success- welcome them back to Seaforth,—Mr. Char. 'the general asoduibly on the subject and 0c 'or i26c- Mon's ties worth 20c to 25c for 10c, Ex-, funds go to aid, the Sunday Schoo.. On ac - don, Oatario on Wednesday morning, lea -v- fil a tra eavy flannelette worth 20o for 15c. V latenees of the -season, the uAioneering. Twenty-twocows were les Wilsorihas rented one of- the stores in urging ministeis and people to oppose this One Piece Of count of th ing behind her a host of friends, gre flannel at 5e er yard. Double -width dress made dur- disposed of in short order. They were all the Bank of Commerce building, and will evil and show their disapproval of it by vot- goo�swor%26c for 6c. Great slaughter In dress. trustees of the church are not going to erect ing her stay in our midst,". Miss Waugh is grades of one kind or another, and were o an up in the grocery bnainess about the' ing in'favor of Prohibition In Jan ?,ry next. gooi is all through.. Eight bars of good soap for 26co. the new sheds till spring. p a sister, of the late Mrs. Geor e E, Jackson, purchased exclusively with a view to tbei'r hoe Japan to% fur 36c, quality guaranteed. ' Five .9 first of next month.—The auction s le, by' was adopted. Next meeting in Ninton on of Egmondville, and resided here for a num. a caki 9 of toilet soap for 10c. Dress trimmingo worth milking qualities. They were purchased by the Coleman Estate on Saturday of b gg as, January 16th 16c. Boys suits worth $5, 50 for Boys u 35c ot �3 60. Brussels. ber of yeas. She has still many friends Mr. Hantlah in the townships east of To. carts and implement@, was not very sue- *orth $3 �O for $2. You can save from $2 to $3. suit here who will be pl.eased, at and interested ronto.. They ranged in price from, $26 to cessful. A few buggies and two or three' Plyth. ona Man's suit or overcoat here. Must be sold.. GUN CLUB SHOOT.—On Tuesda of this in the above item. k the Brusse $46, the average being $35. Eieryl)4yforTwo Weeks. Terjma�Cashwr Pro- *as 19 gun club went to Lead - Most of them. carts were sold at fair prices.—The slaters duct. D. WHISMILL1911. 1353-2 BREVITIES. —'Mr. Frank Buggin spent bury, to Mr. Thomas Jones' hotel to shoot were purchased by farmers in this V-1ciaity. have commenced to slate the roof of the AIATRIMONIAL,—A happy couple left this for. a cup presented by.Thomas Jo as to be EGMO�NDVILLE ITESIS. _-Th e Endeavor Mr. Hannah will have another lot, brought- '.new tdwn building. It is a pity they had Sunday in town.�-7-Rev. Mr, Woods, of! meeting on Friday evenitig last wa�s welt., at- from the same district to dispose of on. got at,,it two weeks sooner.—The regu. Wingham, wai in town this week.—Mr. and stallion on Thunsday evening of Isob week, shot for by Brussels and Seafor b. 13rus!. H.- at _P OrlartlZa, ion ng able to be on hand. . Seafor b -had ten rove a usefal a tended, and t4e, beginning of what should Tuesday next. As is already well known, lar monthy meeting of the, town coun il Mrs. R. Miller, of Wroxeter, were the for Ingersoll, the groom being a Mr. W. sels only had nine mbn, A. C D mes- n t' made;!- The of- Mr. Handah is deeply interested in the was' held on Monday evening last. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johii'Moffatt. for a Thompson, merchant, of Ingersoll, snd the beii ficers elect are ev. N. Shaw, Hono creamery business in this vicinity, and hi's only business of importance transacted was p rary few days this week.—Mr. John Philli" a has brk a be ell and favorably known here men, and it wa arranged that Br asels was President ; D. Stevenson, Prekident - R ' ge of the nine me to their 0, object in bringing in these cows is not to the passing of Accounts to- the amount of med a couple of lots for the Blyth es. as I dies VCW 18 parch S arlisle, daughter of Mr. Robert to add the avera Ruldrew, Vice President ; Miss G. Elh tate.—Mr. Charles Shobbrook spent Sunday Car Isle, of the township . of Hay, and we score for the tenth man, but th match re - I Ott, make money- out of them, but simply to a -bout $1,400, and adopting -a resolution in. aRecording Secretary ;-Miss Mary Muld.rew, supply a felt want among the farmers, with at his home near Clititon. —The Methodist uni ith their many friends in wishing sulted. in Brussels winning the c p by nine structing the clerk to notify the 'contract- a Corresponding Secretary ; Miss C. A. Por. Sunday School intends giving a concert e long and continued happiness through shots without adding the aver ge for the ter, Treasure�r. The society is to meet ev- the country. This being -the case, if he alty called for in the contract will be exact. 800n.—Mr. Wm' Taman was in Stratford 00 absent man. the following being t a score the view of increasing the milk supply o1 ors of the new"town building that the pen. lif ery Tuesday evening at 7�30. All Will be geta enough for 'thim to clear himself, he ed, if the building is not, completed by the last week. —Mr.'Palton,'editor of the At- R rE-F.—Mebar's. Wm. and Edward Dig- Brussels,—James Ross, 11 ; Ja ea Irwin, e heartily welcomed, and few better ways of n will be satisfied. Parties ' desiring wood'Bee, spent a. few days in town this an" sons of Mr. Warren Dignan, who have 14; Joseph Ballantyne, 14 J A� Me to in,- appointed time, December Ist.—Dr. Camp.' week, visiting' old' friends. —Anniversary bee � in Dakota since last spring, returned Naughton, 11 ; D. Ross, 10 ; Ja as Jones, spending 6n evening hour could be devised., crease their stock of milc'h cows, and there bell a�nd Mr. William Moore, President and —Rearl es�4�te, in ttie line of dwellinge of servioes'will be conducted in the Methodist homle last week, looking hale and hearty.— 15 ; R. � Watt, 10 W. M. Sine! ir, I I ; J. is nothing about the farm that will' ive a Secretary of the Mechanics' Institute, Made snedium. viue has been in demand for the better return for the money and, labor in. a canvass of the, to*n this week, and - as t Sunday. A number of clergy. Qui a a number of the Oddfellows of Hensaill Hewitt,$; total, 101. Seafor h,—A�, J. church nex )a.at few 4�ek_a in our village, and several vefited, should make it a point men are to be present. —Mr. and Mrs. Me- lod a, No. 223, attended the funeral of the Bright, 5; J. Dodds, 16; J. Tur er, 9 ; A. deals. are"' under way.—Mr. Rhumor has to attend usual succeeded well.—Mr. 'D, D. Wit 1ev Mr. Hannah's next -'ale. Bride opent� Sunday in Wingham.—The late L Mr. Simpson, of Brucefield, on Stark, 9; H. Grieve, 10; F. B attie 10 has a large force of'men renioving his stoc n been in Toronto for, some da s, and it is f Juvenile Templars gave a splendid enter, Sat rday 'last, and who was a member- of the E. Hinchley, 10; 'J. Stephe 9, 12 A. Wil- y robable he will m&ke the Queen City his HowTowNsGRowllf THE WEST.—Mr. eggs from the pickle, and packing and P 'P- tainment in the hall on Friday evening last. Bruliefield Lod Miss Annie McEwen son, 9 ; J. Anderson, 8 ; total, 9 There ping them to the old country. He says he future homa. We ahall regret to lose Mr. H. W. C. Meyer, formerly of Wingham, egg markqt is a good deal more satisfa —Mi. George Powell has purchased � the and IMiss C. Mc&enare in Glencoe visiting were also a number of geese a d turkeys and Rhunior,'m he has proved himself a good tory VanEgmond the" aunt, Mrs. McAlpine.—Mr.* A. Deich- shot for—one weighing 21 pound8—in which e property. We understand Mr. west. Territor Powell intends putting up a new bricklhouse, a -who has recently located in Calgary,'North- tban latit -year.—We are sorry to hiar hat citizt.n v�bile among tig.—The Rev, Mr..- A has recently purchased a couple.of lots 20 shot from' unknown traps, irs and drop Sha took the funeral service of the late y, in a letter to a friend' in this Mr. Thomas Kidd has been laid up for some rom Where the old one stands, in the near fu- I county, gives the following hifitorical de- days by an attack of illness, but hope soon Mr. W. Moir, and intends ere --ting a out, and F, Beattie was the wi ner with 9 Mr. Allan on Sabba'th last, and preached'in He Bays: �'Not .—Rumor has it that Mr. Alonzo Hod- —Mr. James etty is straight bird scription of his new home. ture nea�,dwelling thercon. 8, J. Dodds being seuyd with Union Church, Brucefield, in the evenino, only is Calgary the ceiAre of trade to, the to see him around again as usual.—Miss gins has joined the large army of benediots. very[much impt-oving the exterior of his S. T. F. Coleman was referee and Wm. iving up -his oyvn service here ra, Jessie Thompson returned a few days ago Both clubs� We wish him success and happines.—Mr. frame block west of the railway track.-,_ Ament and F. S. Scott scorers, 9 ther than great ranching country extending,for - 150 from Nanaimo, -British Columbia, where leave th6 Brucefield people withoat any miles to the south and east, but it is the Frank Metcalf is in Toronto this week.— Thei,tea-meetitig held under the auspices of sat down to a fine spread in the a ening,and daritig the day, - Sev' she spent three months- very pleasantly with the oyal Templars of Temperance of this everything passed off pteasantly. Thomas eral Bf our people went -market for the already large and rapidly in- her sister, Mrs. M. R.;,Counter. Mr. and Will Emigh was in Buffalo this week. to hear thNt ei*raest, clever young man, Mr. creasin mixed farm products of the coun- Mrs. Counter are.well,. �Vill 'ge, on Thursday evening of last week, Jones is going to offer another cu in Jauu- 9- J. A. Clark, in � the Methodist church, e%_ nd prospering in try extending 200 miles to Edmonton to the was largely attended, and a good literary ary, and Joseph Fisher, of Walt)n, also is their home on the P Exeter. forth. Mr. Clark is a cle,- forcible nor0a. So rapid and, substantial has been Acific Coast. Miss and 1 musical programmo was carried out. going to offer -one in December, fc r the k ine Thompson albo visited friends a 8pemk,er, aad no oue could list6n to him at Port Ar-� BRiEF.S.—The Rev. Rurat Dean Hodgins The resident ministers were all present and, two clubs to shoot -for. rf, ti the growth of this capital'city of the great thur and- Orillia on her way hotne.—Mr,, Will Conduct service in the Trivitt Memori. i gave short and excellent ddresses. —Mr. BRiEFS.—Thonias Newsome, t a redoubt- wi�thodt' be6fit. It was truly a grand western plikia, that there are to -day no evi. Robert Laidlaw -and Mrs. Laidlaw, of al Church, on Sunday next, morning and sight ta se�'8uch a gatheriDg Of young and dences of its rezent birth to be found other M' taken the John Berry, of the -township of Hay, has able framer a�nd contrgetor, has anchester., Kansas, who have been visit- eVeDiDg.—Our Public'School 'is underg old and all eagerly attentive.—Mr, David than that the handsome' stone, buildings ing friends hereabou oing tly purchated four nice lots off Mrs, contract from W. J. Dickson, of McKillop, rece� to for some weeks Past, repairs.—There is considerable municipal 6 at urnmer, t Landaboirough has been ei)gaged to teach which render it impo in'ot had the left on Friday for their Western home. sing have Gilefirist's survey.—Mr. S. Hunter riturn- 'who had his barn burnt Is 0 6proat's &cho j 61 during the COMiDg year. He whit6neis of their walls di election talk just now and a number of our ed b tobs, build one of the largest barus i he; county mined to a suffi Mr. Dick and his daitghteri Miss Dick, ome a few days ago from Mani will make a v r yoyth. A unicipal honors. look ng much improved in health. —Mrs. L. of Huron, It is to be 126x6 eat, with t orthy Buccegeor to the present cient extent to,disguiee tb;i' genial Scottish friends who were her this ratepayers are looking for m eacher, ?V1r-1R- Muldrew. �f a' 19,4t —A prohibition meeting was held in the Hari ld has been visiting friends in and 26 -foot posts, and to have all the latest iija- of, this vil-lage.— city of 5,000 population, only 7- years old, summer, re at -present the guests of Mrs. Town Hall, on Wednesday evening last, a Miss Cash, of (4oderich township, is spend- and boasting of as complet ab U, o t Shakespeare. —Miss Eacrett of Exe- provements, and when finished will be a ie an electric light J. H'. Broadf6Qt, they having recently re_- large number of ratepayers being present.— ter, is spending a few days in the illage.— model. Cooper- & McDonald have the ing a few" weeks with her grand parents, W. systern'As thor IV ough and efficient water- turned from hicagb, where they spent and 'Mrs. McGeq. —Temperance men here' works and sewer systems as are to be found -a Mr. J. T. Westoott, fruit -tree &Rent, in at The Hartley, of Bluevale, and contract for the stone work.—Philip Ament couple of n Aev. A. Y. would like yo-ar talqnted Queen City scribe t2s 'viewing the wonder Of present taking orders for the.spriog trade.— formb, y of this place, was in the village for has sold his dwelling on Queet3 street to in any of the older or larger cities in either the White City.—The remains of the astO Thin place was visited by another snow a fei hours on Saturday last, after attend- William Hahkirk for $650. It to explain� a thing o two in his items of Canada or the Unitcd Stateg. Its buildings, Thomas Shairp Whose death we mentoned storm on Tue ooks asif r xtent last w last week. Who are the temperance men private, are to a great a sday last.—Revival services ing he funeral of the late Rev. Mr Simp- there was going to be a wedding soon, and eamined before th ROYal Commission in supplied with steam or hot w eek, were brought here for interment are being held in the Main and James street son, of Brucefield. Rio many frien�d we're rumor says it in likely. to be an estimable TorouW that have been non-conimunicativg? mer heating in the Maitiandbink cemetery on Friday.— Churebes.—The members of the Main street ple4ed to see him. —Miss Gibson, of Bruce- youing lady from 'Ethel. NelsonCurric,of systems, which are fully adequate to cope Thured,y next being Thnksgiving day Methodist Church -intend having their an- held� is the of re. T. Ballentyne,— M orrip n who has lately been purchasing L L 9 y I h W 0 SU'relY not -Ahe Rev. Dr. Potts, who was ith the comparatively. mild weather, which and a public holiday, all ahe stores and nivereary on Sunday and Monday next, Mr. 11 Georgeguasotynt Mhas returned to St. hogs for Scott & Jones, is engage� as wore - even willing to accept compensation if nec- marks the winter season in the region of business houses will be olo&ed.—Christmao R3v. Dr. Briggs, of the Temperance Book Helens for the present.—A Mr. Phippen' is houseman for Stewart & Grabs and has t easary to obtaia prohibition. The iioo. G. central Alberta. Calgary is now a city, aud New ear's days fall this y 11co-ma, Toronto, will conduct the rvicen opening out a photograph gallery here, in W- R0-88 waa equally ear on emphatic, when he having been recently incorporated as such, Monday.1--Mr. Frark mcculla, of MpKil- declared, in the I&ngu gone to work, and will shortly move into age of such eminent and I had the plea on Sunday, and the Rev. Messrs. me W. H. the ioome lately occupied by Mr. Harburn, Brussels. He ought to be a good man. sure of giving my first lop, near Leadbury, has been, drawing Butt, of Centralia, and Coupl nd, of Elim- and as had a number of photographs on Alexander McLachlan formerly hold the po- NOVEMBER 17, 1893- F R I RAI.'- YL NOVEMBER 17th, 1893. Any person visiting Our store- Will see at once that it is filled with choice Dry Goods,of every description. 'We aim to keep a splendidly assorted stock of reliable goods at 'noderate prices. We are, always seeking to u*nprove the values, always 1#HOLF, bringing out the �newe.st stylest and always working-Jor the interests of our cu8tomers. We have some excellent tbin-gs to:, offer you this month, and -we . Onlyoccupy are certain that it will be to. the fut ths iough elega your interiest to call and:sft ti - t) -these offerings. for ityle RIO Just at this time of the, year sellers, they the wants are usually numer- They are ous, and embrace something or other out of the 11 great c -ata. in every logue" of things to wear. Now., Wid, awa e. we have a large stoc—in fact of this fact, a very heavystock of MILLINERY $15M, MANTLES Bei 820'to $28., DRESSES FURS lined, AND WINTER 'CLOTHING. Fancy V� The season is fast advancing, We shov and we want i to qucken the good-$ -in eA sale of these godds, so yon have our reason in a few words satisfy your, WRY we are making exCia offerings. pneed good Oome and see how good aaeal gradea..- W, you can make. ourgpods� s parison- Edward McFaul, JAC] SEAFORTH. t ----------- TaE L sition for eleven years. —Alexander Ste*- art -has sold the old Alexander Forsyth farm In Morris, for $4,350 6 a friend of James Daucan's. It is &--fair price for the NOTES farm. Farms are looking up in this localit7 and a number have b6en changing hen I this fall, and a number more are offering..— Catherine Rodffick,an old lady and an Fold resident, passed to her long home on Mon. In fot-ball day last. On Friday, she had a paralytic prilsion. A' stroke, from which she never recoverecl. mighty Total She was mother of W.Roddick, of Brussels. hampfi ball, el � She leaves a non and three daughters to Kingaton�s 4 mourn her lov.—J. D, Ronald ban sold the A larger -or engine he'exhibited at the World's Fair, match in Tor Chicago, to Regin-a.—George Crooks, vvbo out to see the lately sold his farm,, will sell his farm stock tvv eenth 1ea by auction on November 28, This sale -,ties routo tuTUed large one.—It is said the now paper for tory, -the pl Brussels will start about the first of next make heard I month. —On Friday, November 24tth, a ab. low -a . udebts lie d6bate will be held in the' town bairbe' tween the YounF. Men's Liberal Clubm;nd the Young Men a: Conservative club, on plained �but I "Protection VA. Free,Trade," the Couserva. off -day. Evel tivem affirming that Protection is better for. of tb a gaml Canada than Free Trade. The speakers, ffeore of 28 tia- will be, for the. Liberals, G. F. Blair, J.- H. -do*ned the : Cameron and A:. Hislop, and for the -Conser- The Tbrout� vatives. R. L. Taylor, J. Moore and Jsthev Kingston en Bowman, a lawyer, _a teacher � and a thau ber-e. 0 farmer' on each side, and the audience is being ;27 to to decide. All should attend, as the� debate promises to be a good one. "The Conmerva� 135 'points tives of, East Huron held a convention here and they go on Tuesday last, for the purpose of putting Day,wih ,ev, a man in the field to contest Ejst Huron for latifels. the the Local Legislitture at the next general th match, election.. 'E. L:- Dickenson was the choice. crowd n=,umb thusiaern for an& a good map he is, as good as could be. - in town Iwas. got, ev�en if hl is au outsider. In fact some think he is too good to be, a sacrifico, and ors, andthei that such he whil be when: -t he election comes. was-. *981a would be 0 off, is the opinion of nearly every one. - G. the cha-mpi F. Mrter, from Muskoka, was present and q addressed the meeting.' It has tak zurich. b who D. R. Schrag, irom. North- hocke Ill t emothope, and May Klipper, of Hay, were" joined together in holy matrimony this to tothilagi week._- We wish them success and a happy last seasob life together,—Mrs, Daniel Suraram -and swill b: Mrs. Nancy Surarus left last Wednesday clubs bt 0 for Mildmay, t . o see one of their sick friends, izatiou.. TA —Mr, Y. Kibler and wife went to Dash- tion with tb J. Trumner an Review wood last Sunday evening to see Mrs. Kib. ler'& sick sister.—Mr. d daughter have returned from a visit to Bar- London,. we lin.— - Mr. William Hose one " day last week cor w ,01s, was out hunting and came home with a th a 8 H tro�, whole load of rabbits and wild duckb. - He W broke the game record for this fall.—Mr-p, 3.na gt] great li F. W. Hoes was with her parents at Blake tonished, 6r a week. Fred thinks bachirig in hard grewt journ work, and had a broad smile on his fees, bel un ief in when 'she returned. of Mr- I -Stea Port Albert. the gentian ducing Xr. OBITUARY.—On Tuesday, November 27-th, ho -are all Frances Ann Whiteley, wife of Mr. Robert bition. ring,� Quaid, died after a long and p%inful illness. She leaves a large family of young children and a husband to mourn her The Mayor funeral, which took place from their ram!, ola Upper dance at Dunlop, was one of ' the largeab poses bus, m that has ever been seen in _U3-olborne. position, b NoTx,3. —The grist mill formerly owned, All the .by Mr. J. Mahaffy has been' rented by scheme� 'A Platt & Runciman, of Toronto.—A fishing an isys th boat on its way from the Fishing Islande to wbic:h is p,, Boyfield called and remained -at the Port _jarkplau , over night last Wednesday evening.—JamON people in t Young, from Bariy Island, Mnitoulin, is WOM . visiting friends and relatives in Ashfield.— Here ar( One day last week while Mr. Francis Can- the City F ningbam was taking a load'of- -pigs to God- year th0 t( orich, his homes. became frightened and ran was away. Fortunately no -11 one as hurt, and 10cwl imp the teAin was stopped after running a few miles.—There has been so IMW-raih thin fall that a great many of the wells. h6vs �bweepin -6 gone dry, and farmers have been compelled veIr 27'� to draw water from the river. 3,3& pound's of McKilloi)- and repair, COUNCIL MEETING. —Council met in ths how large Royal hotel, Seafortb, on Monday, the 131h- inst. Members all present. Accounts for Accordi L gravelling; culverts, drains aud other bills were passed and ordered to be paid by 94. The cheques on the treasurer, amounting-IJO yearsgo $267. W. The Medical Health Officer's sue , 'Its ni port was read relative to the sanitary con- the popul dition of the township, and he received St regarded j for the same. - All parties are requested to send in their claims before next council two,. meeting. Council adjourned to eet at Jones'hotel,'Lead bury, on Friday, the 15th day of December, at 10 o'clock a. m., when Albert all treasurers Of schools are requested t6 at, Stakep, w tend for their money, %nd all taxes must be York brol paid. f�'W days NoTwi.—Robert Holmes, who old his xanity� J farm on the 12th concession of McKillopt a the office few years ago, and removed to Luthers has him to cai purchased Mr. John Wfight's', farm of 42 X20,00b. acres on the 14th concession, for.$1,800, and 449 1. am Z6 going to return, as Mollillop is the best prem �Co place yet, and as he has lived in Hibberts eonfin�_d i Morris and Lather he ought to know.— the slight Houses in Winthrop are all occupied for the I think I L first time in years, and every one owns One Crown cA! or more horses, worth from $100 to $M danger U each. - A good judge of horseflesh says he As AnyoB could get 50 horses 'within two miles worth w&s rett. 0 any auction sale $50. A good sign of ths be -A legi times. he had b whn he