HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-11-17, Page 5pleased to s around re natio- lows the The fine lae,y were Pg leaves, the 3rd ;airy and- fe was in m. Adieu Temple. Iday Mr. daMillan tiring en Pf feeling' but slept lez mom. yili that he rani. pell IIter ut three n Wee & came- to P. After Pt to the ed at his sans ago IL on the Ir. And- re abont eried to ie. From gein re - and was war. worked id Trunk ticker - farm in ioaupy jI tir1/1111Z 941,141 t added $110 Ogg and IsW $f of two ha, thi Ilan and her very Thursday of Mrs. L Mrs. previ- and de Is most the dis- P the sec- , disease. Ian, be- an name marriage town- stimable faithful h heves ,Tne and ereaVed apathy rapathy czreum- in the ay. It nee that e mem- Id they, as pass- vithia a roadfoot . young, ieath of a Huron hay last oorly for acessary lay, the t found udition, he how- sudden - en and e Mrs. Tasker, married ausband ay of all ayancer, eh Court 'property iess. eon& loan at desiring avenience aicAed. A 1a53-1 vangei- Metho- a. He kughter, The excel - result - Peter Manil for the daugh- Jennie ago, to ieson. , paid .-Mr. lAnday he has • resby- y last. is 0011- egation asap : Reth- ome on is with roniele n, the field, Thtin- n WaS , 1845, gest of ell hie rovid- ied of ed hie N dam • Port certifi- f easier), incipad ed the after - 8 -then g this onto, in the s arid but a e front ccepte death upon thusi- y and •rts to dom. r, and al ab - resit in Bible health te the wraith, h has rest in He into d or- ongre- thus istians a ear- n:lona OVEMBER 17 1893, F HURON EXPOSITOR. ere plan, Enke ed and full of thei goipreel. last diecourse to his people may he ea as characteristic of the whola of his Meg. Hie text wee% "And 1, if I he up from the earth, will draw all men put life. -John 12 32. During his last sag be was courageous, and hopeful till early the end that he would be spared a wee longer to preach the gospel to his ipso- *, Morever, when he saw that such was sot to be his lot, he could say from his " Not•my will, but Thine heednue." periiig his afflictione great sympathy Was antnifested towards him and his family by j. congregation, and other friends. ,All that loving hearts and willing hands could dowasdone to comfort them in their , mor- ose The funeral was largely attended, sot only by hie own congregation, but many from the neighboring congregations came to show their sympathy with the family and eesgregation, and their respect for the de, domed. It b also well to notice here that j. brethren of the Oddfellows, Home Circle and Royal Templars were present at the fisueral to perform the last offices of respect si faithful member. The ceremony was bold in the church on Saturday afternoon. -The interior of the °Minh was dripped in mourning, and was crowded with eorrowing end sympathising friends. Most of the mem- biro of the Huron Presbytery were present. Bo, Mr. Acheson, of Klippen, presided.' The opening prayer was made by Rev. Mr. *Lean, of Blyth, clerk of the Presbytery, sad addresTes were made by Rev. Messrs Stewart, of Olinton, and Henderson, of Noma, intimate personal friends of the boos d During the services several ap- propriate rhusicei selection' Were given by she church choir. The proceedings closed with prayer by Rev. Mr, Fear, of the mithonist church, The remains were in - hood in Deird'e cemetery, and the funeral melon WASa very long oak Leavos a widow and two sons, Whop W0 100#wffl opting@ tO reside in BMW tii# Ol486i F001 tisorge, is in Wei= ssat Wei Notio,--The incases of School. &Mon 14 Tocketemith, MVO woogaged Mf t lasyth for a year, at an increased salary, Odf trots"e ktio* when they have.e good testherf-Mr. Thompson, of 'Wingham, leather merchant, and Mrs, Thompson, timing of Robert and gamed Thompson, are visiting friends. Mr. Thompson is also - Combining business with pleasure. -Many at oar dtizens have to thank ex -reeve McLean - for his kindness in presenting them with some of the fruits of his labor, with which te replenish their larders and satisfy their appetite for good things. -Mr. J. P. Ross, of Exeter, paid our burg a flying visit on Saturday.-Alr. T. Meths is pulling down his old stable and turning it into a pig - house and honnery,-Why do not the &rin- ds of this -neighborhood have a debating club or something of that nature, so that we could have an opportunity of getting to- gether and disaussing or hearing about the best modes of farming, and other aubjeots, • thus edifying and expanding our minds and intellects, instead of doing nothing through the long winter nights but toasting our toes. We have a good hall for this purpose and the talent as well. Stanley. NMELETS.-Mrs. Duncan McEwen re- turned home on Monday last from Missouri, where she had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Lant.-Mr. Donald Dallas has resigned his position- as teacher in the school at Mr. Grassiok's. Hie place ,will be filled by Mr. Beattie, of Varna. Mr. Dallas hai proved himself an excellent teacher, and his departure is regretted by many.. -Messrs. John McEwen and Arthur Kitchen have returned from the Northwest, where they spent the aututhn months. -The ineny friends of Mrs. Donald Smith will re- gret to learn that she is at present confined to her home through Hines,. Moi E GOOD STOOK, -Mr. Wm. McAllis- ter, our ,charrpion hog breeder, has made another addition to his large herd of im- proved Berkshires. by purchasing from the well known breeders, J. G. Snell & Bro., of Edmonton4 a fowi months old boar. He is one of the low set, lengthy sort, that are in so much demand at the present time, his weight being 175 pounds. This is the kind of stock that is sure to take. Births. WATT. --In Mullett, on November 3rd, the wife of Mr. James Watt, of a son. DRAKE. -In Staffa, on November 10th, the -wife of Mr. Mark Drake, of a son. SERVICE. -In Tuckersmito, on November 7th, the wife:of Mr. J. Service, tot Dakota, of a son. DARK. -In Grey, on November 7th, the wife of Mr. George Dark, of a son. MOWBRAY. -In Whitechureh, onOctober 22nd, the wife of Mr. John W. Mow bray, of twin sons. 3NElifee-In Usborne, on Nove mber 7th, the wife of Mr. Richard Snell, of a daughter.. MONTEITEL-In Ueborne, on Nol4mber 5th, the wife of Mr. George Monteith, of a son. KELLERMAN.-IreDashwood, on October 28th, the wife of Mr. Jecob Kellerman, of a son. McDONALD.-In Usborne,Tharnes Road, on Novem- ber 7th, the wife of Mr. Alexander McDonaldeof • a danghter. LAWSON.-In Crediton, on November 5th, the wife of Mr. Thomas Lawson, of a son. LUXTON.-In Usborne, or November 2nd, the wife of Mr. Fred Luxton, of a daughter. Local Notiosii. . , FOR SALL -e-The large frame house In the rear ot the Canadian Bank of Commerce iBuilding, and frontin_g on Victoria Street, at present, occupied by Kr. If. MorritelFor further pardoularsi apply at Teta &M. . 1 1845 , 0 GOOD HOUSE To RENT. --Apply 711W. N. "Watson, who has a comfortable dwelling wi tdtting room, three `bedrooms, kitchen, pantry end wood- shed, to rent cheap. Geod well on premisee. Pos- session given November 1st. 184841 TWENTY per cent. discount for oish still goes at aa . R. coureraa's jewelry Store., Sesfor,- 1362.. Juss received another large shipment lof Silverware direct from the noted rasnufacturers, ,J. W. Taft, of Boston, Mass. Call and examine these g, °ode it will pay you. It will pay yon. W. R. COMITna, Jeweller, Seaforth. - 1862 • TILE, Time, TILE. -We desire to call the attention of farmers and others wanting tile, that we have opened up a yard in Seaforth and that we intend keeping a large stook of mottly all sizes constantly on hand. Orders left at Robert Scott's Seed Store, or at Sclater's Wood Yard, Seaforth, will be promptly attended to. Soon & SOLATIR, Sesforfh. 18514 f . , I AM offering my -entire stock of Fancy and Bisque Goods at half price during this month. Call early and get Isom° of the bargains. W. it. COUNTXR, Jeweller, Seatorth, 1852 WANTED, 5,000 pounds of Choice Tub or Roll Butter • 10,000 pounds of Tallow: two or three car loads of 'Meg and Sheep Skins; six to eight oar loade of Droned Hogs, for which the highest oath price will be paid. BY,Arill BiOtnenti, Seaforth. , e , 1852.2 OUSTOMERO minting solid silver goods for Christmas protents should leave their order now. W. R. CIOUNTOR, Jeweller, Seaforth, 185Il Go to the Popular • Grocery for Extra Dello in Crockery and Glanware. Tho Cheapest Rinner, Tea and Tollet Sets in town, ,Earan 01 11. 18624 BUTTE[.. -The highest price paid for good butter fa rolls from one to throe pounds at DUNCAN & DUNOAreti, Seatorth. 1862 WANTED at the Popular Gro ery, MO bushels of Potatoes and any quarittty of No, 1 Froth Butter, In Tube, Rolls or Crocks, ,end any -quant ity of good Young Chiokens, Pucka end nome, for whink We Will glee extaa vogs" ht Oreelory and GiassWare, fella Ilnit ace' J 6,00P1101, PAI 0b061) AN sny hlitiflu in the trade, Mabee) mork.ot pried lo Pooh forrionfl Diittar AM POW) Egg, 1hT4TIc of ii, Ii014/4, 16664 Marriages. RINGSTON-LLOYD.--At the residence of, the bride's father, on November 16th, by Rev. J. Galloway, Mr. John A. Hingston, to Miss Annie Lloyd, both of Seaforth. LITTLE--BROWNLEE.-At the reeiclence of Mr. • George Brownlee, the bride's father, on Novem- ber 15th, by Rev. J. Galloway, Mr. Henry -Lit- tie, of Hullett, to Miss Annie Brownlee, of Tuekcasniith. WILLIAMS-JOHNSON.-At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. David Johnson, Seaforth, on November 15th, by Rev. J. W. Hudgins, Mr. Harry F. Williams, of Hartford, Connecticut, to Miss Emilie. Jahneon, oCeleafcrth. ROVATT-O'BRIEN.-At" tbe residence of the brides parents, on November 16th,• by - Rev. George Jackson, Mr. David Atottatt, of Tuckersmith, to Miss Isabella O'Brien, only daughter of Mr. P. O'Brien, of Kirkton. WHITEEIEAD-LITTLE.-In Clinton, at the resi- dence of the groom, on November 8th, by Rev. Mr. Smyth, Mr. Joseph Whitehead, th Mise Kate Little. THOMVSON-CARLYSLE.-At the residence of the bride' e father, Hay, on November 9th, by Rev. J. S. Henderson, Mr. Will H. Thompson, of Inger- soll, to Miss Sadie E. Carlysle, third daughter of Robert Carlysle, Deaths. DUNCAN.-In Seaforth, on Noveralier 15th; John Dunean, aged 42 y•cars and 11 'months. ALLAN. -In Tuckersmith, on, November 9th, John Allan, aged 70 years, 7 months and 10 day. Seaforth, on November 10th, John. Crieh, aged 53 years, $ months and 18 days. BROADFOOTae-On the Mill Road, Tuckersinith, on November 9th, Ellen Shine, wife of Mr. Samuel Broadfoot, aged 44 years and 2 months. SIMPSON.-In Brucefield, on November 9th, Rev. J. II. Simpson, aged 48 years. THORINGTON.--At Denver, Colordclo, on October _ 19th, Enema Thorington, relict of the late John Thorington, formerly of Winghani, aged 58 years. - WARD. -In Morris, on Xorember 4th, John Ward, aged 61 years. McMATIL-In Goderieh Township,on November 7th, • William G., eon at William McMath, aged 18 years and 7 months. Qr.:Am.-At Dunlop, on November 7th, Frances Ann Whiteley, beloved wife of It. Quaid, aged. 49 years. WILRKE.-In Brussels, on November 4th, Henry Hall Wilbee, aged 69 years and 7 months- •CALDWELL-In Turnberry, on November 8th, • Mary Caldwell, aged 27 years, 7 months and 16 days. DICKSON.-At Wroxeter, on October 8th, Robert . Dickson, postmaster, a native of Greenlaw, Ber- wickshire, Scotland; aged 76 years. SALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, November21et, at 1 o'clock m., on Lot la, concession 2, H.R.S., lupkersmith, 25 dairy cows. John Hannah, Proprietor, Wm. M °Cloy, Auctioneer. On Monday, Noyember 20, at 1 p. m., on Lot 4, Concession 12 McKillop, farm stock and implements. Mrs. Theresa, Ziegl aro Preprietor, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 1 On Saturday, Nev. 18, at 1 p. m. at Thos. Brown's Auction Mart, Main St. Seaforth, Household Effects, Album, Silver Greets, and other articles. Thos: Brown Auctioneer tee we TEE MARICEJTS, sliroavs,Novereber ieth, MS, Nei Wheetperlis heljoew„,,, i„,,, 0 bff Se -0 00 sg Wittilillef btiiittIoniw, , ,,,,i, 0 60 .0. 0 0t4 4t# per buelad,,,,,m,„,,,,,,„7-, 0 §0 to 000 Pillifi Of iniglitillittitwo Jzilts2lit 051 40 0 02 Batley pet htistielitt‘t. it', tt t,,,,, 004 to 009 Butter, NO. 1flOoset,e, JJ $4 iiifi 0 18 10 020 „o 18 le OW 4g3 Peril) . , ,.. 0 10 10 010 Mtn, per leo The , . 1 90 to I 00 Hayper ton new 6 60 to 7 00 Hides per 100 Ss 2 50 tio 800 Lamb Skins 0 40 to 45 Wool 0 17 to 020 Potatoes per bag, - 0 60 to 0 60 eats (retail) per barrel.. • • • . 1 00 to 1 00 Wood per cord (long) 8 60 to 4 00" Wood per cord (short) 2 00 to 2 60 Apples per bag 0 60 to 0 76 Clover Seed 8 00 to 8 00 Timothy Seed 2 00 to 2 60 Pork, per 100 lbs.- ....... . ..... 6 00 to 6 50 Tallow, per lb. 0 06 to 0 05 ,. ;Cenreon, November 16th, 1898. Fall Wheat per bushel ...... 0 57 to 10 59 Spring Wheat per bushel. 0 56 to 0 58 Oats per bushel 10 29 to 0 80 Barley per bushel ...... .........L0 30 to 0 36 Peas pet bushel. .............0 51 I o 52 Butter lo 16 to 018 Eggs per dz • 10 to 0 10 Hay per ton, new • 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes per bag, •0 60 to 0 60 Hides per 100 lte. 4 00 to 4 06 Cordwood It 00 to 4 00• • LIvEnpooL, Nov. 16. Spring wheat, 58 7d; red winter, 58 4J,d ; California No. 1, 59 $d; peas, 56 4d ; pork, 88-s 9d; cheese, 54s 00d. ‘, TOP.Orno, Nov. 16. --Fall wheat, $0.69 to 00.60; spring, wheat, $0.60• to Q.60;1oats, 340. to 35c.; peas, per bush, 55e to 66e ;-* barley, 38e to 45c ; hay, per ton, 18.00 to 09.00; putter, 190 to 25o; pota- toes, per bag, SO 65 to 00.60; eggs, per doz., 20c o 20O ; dreseed hogs, per cwt., 17.00 to 17.25. LToronto Poultry Market. The receipts are al1er, and the market is firmer at 6e to 7e for geese, 35e to 45e chickens, and 7c for turkeys. •• Potatoes in Toronto. The market's quiet. A car sold on the track here at 48e; potatoes out of store sell at 60e. Baled Hay and Straw. TORONTO, November 13. -Baled Hay -The demand is fair and the 'market is steady at 89 to 19.60 for cars on the track here. „Baled Straw -The market is unchanged at $5•50 to(36 for cars on the track here. • Dairy Markets. Ieesespee, Novembee14.-Offerings to -day, 6,000 boxes September and balance ruake ; no sales. Mar- ket milet ; 11c refused. • ToaOscro, November 18. -Butter -The receipts f:o- day were only fair, there was a good demand and the market was steady. The best dairy tub sad; at 20c to 21c, and 22c for an occasional package ofegilt- edge quality ; large rolls at 190 to 20e,/and medium at 160 to 17c. Eggs -The supply is lair, and the market is steady at 170 to 17c; limed, 150 to 16ic. Morass -ad', November 13. -The butter market is pretty firm,but no change in Prices. Creamery, finest late makes, 22,e, to 280; finest earlier makes, 21o; townships, 1910 to 201e; western, 190 to 200. Cheese -The cheese market does notshow much change; 2,300 boxes French cheese soldat the boat this morning for I01 cents to lOre cents. Ontario, finest fall, line to 11c ; Quebec, finest fall, 101c to 1010 ; townships, findet fall, 1610; undergrades, fall, 100 ; summer makes, 10e eo 10)3c. Eggs, --The egg market continues firm at 161c for single cases of choice, and 16e for large quantities. British Grain Trade. LosiooN, November 13. -The Mark Lane Exprest in its weekly review of the British grain trade says: English wheats have fallen 6d. In foreign wheats, red Americare hard Manitoba and fine Duluth are -firmly held. California has dropped 6d. Spot flour is down 6d. December delivery is off 3d. Corn 18 firm pending the arrival of new crops. Barley.is weak. Oats are steady. To -day the inarkets were dull. English wheats were neglected. Foreign white Nvhents were steady; reds were rather lower. Flours were weak, American was down 64. Barley waii 3d lower:, 'Oats were firm. IMPORTANT NOTIO TITOOD CUTTING WANTED. -Fa es desiring VV wood out will Audit tri their advantage to cor- respond with the undersigned, who is open for Jobs of wood cutting. Address, EDWARD MAKIN& Zurich. ••1853x1 MEACHER WANTED. -For Scheel Section No.10, J.. Hay, (or the Junior room. Salary not -le ex- ceed 0200. Applications received until December 1s#, 1898. Address JAMES BONTHRON, Secretary, Hansa& •1858-2 OAT LOST.-Loid, on Friday. November 101h, on the 'gravel road, between Seaforth and'Win- throp, a dark-eolored waterproOf everooat. Th' find- er will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at Tut Ex- rearrea office, Seaforth. 858 MISTRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of the .0 undersigned Lot 16, Concession 9, Hay, about two weeks ago, a on.° year old steer. • The men r can have the same on proving property and eying charges. WM. TRIJMNER. 1358-4 ESTRAY HEIFER. -Strayed into the premises of the undersigned Lot 28, 8rd Concession of Mc- Kirlop, about October 24th, a grey yearling heifer. Owner can have the same op proving ;property and paying otisrges. THOS. W. ADAMS. 1 1858-4 'LTORSES AND CATTLE FOR SALE. -One span xi of extra heavy hones,'sultable for lumbering or other heavy work ; One span of heavy, black, matched colts, ready for breaking ; eight prime feed- ing steere, four heifers and two cows in calf. The above stook are all in fins condition, and will be sold cheap, either for wish or on approved notes, with time to suit purohasere,-W, 11. WOODS, Lot 1, Like Road, Wed, Stanley, Hayfield P. O. 1852x4 at •••••••••= mons, TMPROVED YORKSHIRE PIG. -The un • .1, will keep for the improvement of ttock 88, Conoession-8, L. It, 8„ Tuckersmith, proved Yorkshire Boar with lirst,olael pod which a limited number 'el sows will b Terms, ---81 paveble at the time- of service Live Stock Markets. LIVRRPOOL, Nov. 13, -Receipts of Canadian and United Stated cattle are light, itith general supplies continuing heavy. Prices, are a shade lower than those quoted last Monday. Quotations in cents, computed at 84.80 to the 1„ are as follows: Finest steers, 10 cents ; good to choice medium, 91 cents; poor to medium,;81 cents ; bulls, 61 cents; inferiors, 5e. Beerear.o, November 13. -Cattle -Market steady for good grades ; mediums and common slow and lower ; _sales, beet export tithe re, 35 to 85.25 ; choice heavy sfillppers, 84.75 to 84.90 ; good, 84.50 to 84.65 ; fair to mediums, 84.10 to $4.40 • light and others, 950 lbs and up, $3.40 to $4 ; fat heifers,83.40 to 83.85; good mixed cows and heifers, $2.75 to $3•25 ; fat bulls, $2.65 fo 63; thin and fair, 82 to $2.69 ; stock - ere, $2.25 to 88; feeders, $3.15 to 33.50 •, milch cows lower, selling at $30 to $50,extra 355 to 869 per head; calves, $5 to 37.60. Hogs -Market dull and lower for all kinds ; sales, Yorkers, early, $6 ; later, $5.85 to $5.90 ; good mediums and heayy, $5.95 to ; mixed packers, 85.85 to 36 ; pigs, 85.90 to 86 ; closed weak! Sheepand Labs-Markot very slow. tend- ing lower • sales, best native Iambs, $4.15 to 84.40 ; fair to good, 83-25 to 33-50 ; extra export sheep, 32 $3 •, choice, $3.25 to 83.50; extra export wethers, 34 to 34.50 ; Canada lambs in light supply, 9 leads sell- ing at $4.25 to 64.40 ; choice, $4.60 •, Canada sheep, 33.25 to 33•50 up to 83.65 for choice heavy lots. MONTREAL, November 13.-Durine the week end- ing November 11 there were 1,185 head of cattle shipped from Montreal. The best cattle to -day, and these were not very good, sold at about 4c per lb, with eoremori stock at from 21e to 310, and the leaner beastelfrom 2c to 210 per lb. Calves were in brisk demand at firm rates, common veals selling at from 33 50 to 36 each and good calves at from 87 to $12 each. The shippers are buying all the suitsble sheep they can get, at about 3c per lb, and this has helped to raise Prices more or lees of all other kinds. Good lambs sell at from 31c to 4c per lb, and common lots sell at 31c per lb. TORONTO, November IA. -Butchers' Cattle -The range of prices was from Ilieto 310 per lb, for good to choice ; 2c -to 3c per lb for inferior to medium. Some sales were: One steer, 1,150 lbs, $34 ; one car load, 1,100 lbe average, 21e per lb ; one car load, 1,100 lbs average, 30 per lb ; one car lead, 950 lbs av- erage, 21e per lb ; 22 cattle, 1,100 lbe average, 31° per lb '• 2 steers, 1,100 lbe average, 40 per lb ; 22 • cattle, 1,000 lbs leverage, 31c per lb. Milch Cows and Springers -One bold to -day for $54,and another $42. Common cows sell down to $30 per head, Stockers and Feeders -Several lots of stockers sold for 21c per lb. One car load of feeders, averaging nearly 1,170Ibe each, sold for 33.45 per cwt. These were already half fat. Some chdice lots touched 810 per lb. The rupee was from 3c to 31c. Common stock- ers brought from 21c to 2ic, according to quality. Sheep and Lambs -Nothing was quoted much above $3 per head. Common sold at from 81.75 to -$2, ac- cording to quality. Sheep are steady for good ones. A bunch of 63 sheep for breeding purposes was sold for 34.70 per head. Butchers' and shippers ranged at from $3.25 to $4.60, as to quality. Hsgs--This market was off about 10 bents per cwt: Most of the sales Of choice hogs were made to -day at $5.20 'per cwt., fed and , watered. The chief buyer put the range for good straight hogs at from 35.20 th $25, according to qfiality, or about 35.40 to 35.45 weighed off the cars. itis only an ex- ceptional lot that will bring 35.50 per cwt weighed off care. 1 °reigned on Lot an Ine, gree, to taken. Eh the privilege of returning if neeesney, This I one of thi best bred pip in the County, THOMA LANE. 86841 01 01 111 08 11 a 1 ti 11 ti .--..,...„..,-, 7 rao TsemEns,-wented, ior flohool L 1, litillett, 4 mei° or itoret,lo teenkOrt 'mind Plass prefossionel oortilloste., Rotolo onotroo lirkS Amigry, pplinroos Sten otIrtel sod 1141149Mplif0Pd )fr tett moolcis Ilveti V tits_ oadoessos sotll elmoolcy, ir 00, P, steottN0.011,,heeretttry, V011gten 1 No w aft Is ret pi will the Blac PI in Um: nemeses T C !or) li 010108 to col s We / 40 i i Nom . 'e 0004 1141 1 /life & tot liN 'lit liti et t ming S fit 1 ook, 8014 1 keep improt Pols e, Chi Amerit ire P of is °rout DMOR 1353x4 f)All,@ Fait tittiNfOge--elliS I 40, 08i4180 & tilentileiltifed knilloh I4fjh IfOeffilielinfed Tmovirorts a 1011promo., 9f168NOitiN 0ii11iiIt4fi file Beek ISO Pig ( 011141, 61 tzdatostos, TorttIN: i/00 for dro mud iiittie fet thalatoW0ft , 1l8yhl We of serviote with the priviiece et ieetigliey, Allie a rilltfild0i 6I !good yostig ,tefee for stile, these ere ail registered , E10110aLge, Coughing°. . )IGS AND BULL -The undersigned ., Lot 80, Concession 6, Elsborne, for ,ent of stock this season, a registered hina Pig, recently purchased from J. J. tm,,and sired from one of the best Pigs e will also keep a Thoroughbred Berke MOS for each Pig. -81. payable at the cc with the privilege of returning if A! has also for Bale, cheap,' an excellent -ed , Durham Yearling Bull. THOS. lirnville P. 0.. "TNRESERVED :AUCTION SALE -CO J BROOD SOWS. -The undersigned • ir sale' on Lot 16, Concession 2, Tuck° uesday, November 21st, 1893, at 1 o'cl.ck wenty-five dairy cows, ' from .three to se A, supposed to be with ealf ; a number of Dung brood sows. As at my sale last We limal offered will be sold. No puffers, n• e Terme of Sale. Eleven months' eredi Leen on furnishing •approved joint note 3unt of 7 per cent. on the dollar will be all, soh. JOHN HANNAH, Proprietor; Wm. tiCtioneer. , SA ill off mith, I p. r en yet ell br k, love biddi will A d wed 1 '1,1c01( 1358-] \ r— TOW off. Ain( ession emaini n a 'go se wat .d oth beari ste It orth a s lone on es • ppiy erschwc 1858.t , j-IIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE IN TH 2 SHIP OF blialCILLOP.-The undersig ted is very fine farm of 160 acres situated in sing, Lot 8 and east half s of Lot 9, Con here are about 20 acres of bush and the 30 acres are cleared, free from stumps and ate of cultivation. The land is well und•rdrain od contains 8 neverfailing wells et first cli ood bank barn 58x60. Hewn leg barn, a ood outbuildings. There are two splendi rchards and a good hewn log dwelling ho aly t; miles from the thriving town of Sea , convenient to [Retools, churches, etc. , It le best farms in Maintop, and will be sol. Irmo as the proprietor desires to retire. ,r3 Pre•mises or address WM. EVANS, . 0. - Notice to Debtors. G. ey A Ault v e the • root uring t LT, 1363-: All parties having accounts with A. lease call and settle the same, on or bete ay. of December, 1898. I will be in irectly over the store, at almost any hour ay. • , . ' '• A. G. Seaforth, November 17th, 1893. 1 ,n the Surrogate Co , , I the County of Hu , 1- • d ar itulare • die te e notice. b tv , id. ' rt c on. . '67 THE ESTATE OF CLARIN1DA ! CLARKE, DECEASED. • All persona having -any claim against the lie late Mrs. Clarinda Kitty Clarke, ,Wh. eptember 201h, 1893, are required on or 'IRST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1893, to ir ndersigned Executor of her will, full heirclaitne, and of the security, if any hem, duly verified by affidavit. After the said 1st December, 18931 igned will proceed to distribute the Est he parties entitled -thereto having.referen he claims of which he shall have receind Afterthe said distribution he will no ny part of the Estate to any person of, as shall not have received notice as afores This notice is given pursuant to the etat ,ehalfe W. M. GRAY, Seaforth, November 6th, 1898. ' -KIT. Estate died efore 1 to 1 held und amc only liable ose cla te in 11 xecutor • 135-2- 500 Pigeons Want , -d. -.iindly cc ed to 1 THON 1352x — - Parties having Pigeons for sale will'- nunicate with me at ottes. I am prepa; rash for any quantitvkl of live" pigeons iTEPHENS, Queen's Rotel, Seaforth. A Splei-rdid Business C ance er busir i rne, 13e r, ete, , mit °pea fi 3 -class c anyone i . Apply • , Ontarii or° Cream desboro, meeting at 1 o'cl All par nvite'd to METTE, Secy -Tr 1351 The undersigned wishes to dispose of ind stock of -Fancy Goods, Fingering &cols, Ladies' arid Children's Underwe rhe stand is one of the hest in Seaforth, Fohn Street on Main and the stock is a Chia is an unequalled opportunity for fiishes to engage in this line of busines , 13514 f Seafort NOTICE. --- . The annual meeting of the Londesb Dompany will be held in Bell's Hall, Lo Wednesday, November 16th. ' Director 10 o'clock a. ne Shareholders meeting p. m. General meeting 2 o'clock p. ni ,nterested in dairying are cordially present. . GEO. WATT, • W. L. 0 President. _ • SHORTHAN . . Elementary and advanced cleans in rypewriting, conducted by Mrs. Colern Dpened in the Perrin Block, Clinton. who is an experienced teacher, and a Dgrapher, will devote her whole time atruetions in therm useful branches, and to qualify her pupile to creditably fill which are bonstantly opening VD country, upon leaving her school. Seaforth and vicinity can be aecon lessons enabling them to come daily ti return by train, For further part MRS. E. E. CO • P.-,tiox 1353-1 il orthand n, have 1 re. Colen actical s to giving is preps od positi, ughout pupils f roodated i !Clinton, culard add EMAN, 184, inton, On Executor& S —OF— FARM LA ie 1 ! DS. 1 , ion Mom clbek, noor yfield, in • tictioneer, ely : Lot 1 p Of Stanlel cries. This nd it is If story b There le st desir . time of 1 the &metal to I OLMES, . Godoi 1398. 1351 There will be sold by Public Audio the 4th day of December, 1893, at 12 • Swartz Hotel, in the Village ef B County of Huron, by John Knox, following valuable farm •Property, na the 12th Conceesion of the townsh the County of Huron, containing 100 i first-class farm ; the soil is good watered. There is on the plaoe a one and a h i house •, good barn stable and shed. about 2 acres of ;coed orohard. This property is well situated and a in farm. , Terms. -Ten per cent. down at the and the balance in 80 days, without interest. :For •further particulars apply to ROBERT DALGETTY or JOHN ESSON,or CAMERON., HOLT & . Solicitors for Exec 'tors, JOHN KNOX, Auctioneer. --Dated this 15th day of November - Of 11 ri• rY Jiz ID er 08 rs ed ry ng be or 815 Y, N- rs p, 6. ng od ed r, er ng Is nd Of 08 od Let 38, he of on he •he of by er- ng to for im at 4 rn- AS 2 I .,,, 9. 1, ,o. ,._ TERRE S FOR SUPPLIES, 1893- • The underelgjnod will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on *MONDA , NOV. 27th, 1893. • -For the supply of- ' s Butchers eat, B utter,: Flour, Oatmeal, Pot toes, Cordwood, Etc, For the folio ng intstitutione during the year 1894, viz :-At the 4syiums for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kin ton, Hamilton, Mimic,o, and theVentral PrIaon and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Reforms for Boys, Penetanguishene, the Institutione for the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind at Brantford.• Two sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfiltnent tot each contract, Specification° and forms of tinder can only be had on making appliea- tion to the Bunars of the respective institutions, N. B. -Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the asylums in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton and' Mimic°, nor to the Central Prison and Reformatory for Females, Toronto, _ The lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. It, CHRISTIE, T, F. CHAMBERLAIN, 1• JAMES NOXON, Impeder of Prisons and Public Charitlem. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, November 18, 118, , '1368 2 088 lin to, Ito ne. ho to ery On • at ock ies be eas. -2 and een RD, ben- 10 - red DOS, the om ith and rase t. itt 'the the 1 in In is a ell rick also able le, ich. 43 Just Opened SPECIAL DRIVES IN Meedinderohirto &Drawer's '..rwpnty Tor on Wow rogtilitr prim, 4Johpolal 11ITS11 0 -APS At half price, suitable for boys and girls—a snap. Our stock of Dry Goods in every line now very complete. Call and see them: it Will pay you at J. L. SMITH'S, Whitney's - Block, - Seaforth, An Old Saying —BUT A - Very True One. What everybody says must be 80, that this is the right place to buy your goods. If you wish to buy them right, and where you will find every- thing fresh and new. New Propri- etor, new goods, new prices, and as cheap as the cheapest. Give me a trial and be convinced that this is the place to do your trading, both in Dry Goods and Groceries, A, full assort- ment of all kinds of' Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Ladies' and Chil- dren's Furs in Storm ,Collars, Muffs and Caps, Men's and Ladies' Under- wear in great variety- A good assort- ment of Men's Overcoats and Ready- made Suits, also a new and well as- sorted stock of all kinds of fresh Groceries, and at right prices. A call solicited to all, and inspect my stock and compare prices, before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that we are doing everything right. Wanted; and for which the highest marklt price will 1:)e paid Potatoes, Apples, Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of Poultry. Ceorge [Smithers • Successor to A. G. Ault, • MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. WILLIS' SHOE STORE -ESTABLISHED 1881 SLIPPERS, / SLOPPY, •SLIPPERY. Gi)1J1) .•a. • • CLOTI!ING • Reputation is dear to the -human heart. We all wish o live in the grate- ful remembrance of our kind—the artist by his immortal danvas, the poet by his lines of fire, the statesman by, the pages of history. Trade has not been exempt. We taw, have our ambition or weakness—we desire to be known as • giving the best work in Ordered Clothing in the Co unty. With graceful modesty we acknowledge that we are 'inning that reputation, and it's due be- cause we merit it, as shown by the artistic garments that continually go from our hands. I Let us give you the 'reputation of being among the best dressed, by trying us for your Winter Suit and Overcoat. • Our Scotch and Canadian Suitings at $15 to $20, or our Melton Overcoats at $15 ; our )3eavers at $20 to $24, will certainly do it. See our special Black Worsted Suits at $22 and $24. A comprehensive stock is what you want to select from—we have it. The season of all these is upon us or more correctly speaking, under us. For the latter we can fit you out with Galoshes Galore, Overshoes, Arctics, Overgaiters, Cardigans. In the former we can fit you with ladies' slippers or men's slippers. These can be adjusted to fit the little boy when he is naughty, but we can fit him with other kinds more to his liking when he is good. Slip in any time and have a fit at the PEDAL STUDIO —OF— SEA FORTH. Send Your Butter by Express. •The rate per express on single tubs of butter to any point in Ontario and Quebec is the same and in same cases less than by freight. Shippers will please note. 1852-2 W. SO3IERVIL1E, • Agent Canadian Express Co. seafortie JACKSON BROTHERS THE LEADING • CLOTHIERS, SE 0 /11_117_,„, A, BIG CHANCE AT THE In order to wind up the affairs of the Estate of the late Robert Jamieson, it is necessary that the entire stook should be disposed of at once. For this purpose, A Discount of 15 Per Cent. will be Allowed to Cash, Customers. 1 This is a great chance to get bargains. The stock is all new and good, and those who come firstcowill have the best choice. DON'T WAIT. Estateof11, JAMIESON, •Seaforth. ga The. Busiest You know where it is, la Corner You have been there, TOWN tr. You buy lots of things there, AND YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. But you never found the clerks too busy to be pleasant. But you never found the goods to be other than represented. Come in and see the many bargains we have in store for you. Amongst others we might mention special drives in Dreis Goods, store? Flannelettes Tweeds and Clothing. , •• A big stock of Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Cap? to be sold at close prices. WM. PICKARD, 0 ).1 CD 0 sn 07 0 v-moaiO 613 `13]:115 NIVW 11 0 0 2 NOTICE. Mr. Charles Dodds, Tax Collector for the township of McKillop, will be at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, every Saturday until December 14th, -for the con veinence of Ratepayers. All taxes must be in by the above mentioned date. ' 1353411 TAkE TIME:-: BY THE FORELOCK. In tbe Surrogate Court of the County of' Huron. IN THE i ESTATE OF SAMUEL CARNOCEEAN, DECEASED. All 'persons having any claim against the Estate of Samuel Carnochan, late of the Village of Egtnond- affidavit. vine, deceased, who died on the 21st day et Augeast, 1893, are required on or before the FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1893, to send to the undereignect Exec- utor of his will, full particulars of their claims and of the security, if any, held by thew, duly veriged by After the said lst December, 1:83, the undersigned will proceed to distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having referents° onlv to the olaimS of which be shall have received notiPe. and after such 'distribution he will not be liable for any part of the assets of the Estate to any person of whose claim he shall not have received 'notice as atoreseid This no. • Tht ice is given pursuant to the statute in that F. HOLMESTED, Executor. 13524 behalf. Seaforth, November 5th, 1593. • "Now" is worth a dozen " to- morrows " or a million "yesterdays." Now, we offer you a splendid stock Of Dress Goods and Trimmings to match, also Mantle and Ulster Cloths at prices away down. Take time by the forelock. The cold days will soon be here. Prepare for them now by getting one of our new and Stylish warm Jackets—a splendid assortment to choose from. While you can, take time by the forelock, and while the opportunity lasts, take advantage of it and get your supply of our justly celebrated French Kid Gloves, ere your sizes are all exhausted. Take time by the forelock, or any way you like, and see our Millinery, Shawls, Furs, Ladies', Misses', Girls', Children's, Infants', Gents', Youths' and Boys' Underwear, and find out if it would not be to your profit to secure your supply ere it is too late. Take time by the forelock if you have any garment whatever to make, and be sure and get a Butterick's pat- tern, thereby taking no chances what- ever of making a misfit, as well as saving time, which is money. Hoffman & Company, The Cheap Cash Store, Card n o's Bloctc,Seaforth A. For a Tired Man Or Woman Either, There io Jui otiltikkb like a pait warm Slippers tliese cold eveninp, We can fix you cut for a trifle, Ladies', Misses' and Children's,Oyer- shoesr 'Rubbers, Overgaiters, Over: - stockings. Ladies' Warm -lined Felt Boots— , - laced and gaiters. Men's Long Felt Bots 9 / The best stock we ever had. Men's and Boys' Overshoes, Pure Gum Rub.- bers and Knitted Sox. In fact, Boots and Shoes of every description sold, and moderate in price, Winter Caps, Trunks and Valises. Good Brothers, The Great Boot and Shoe House, SEAFORTH - AND - BRUSSELS NEW BOOKS Annie S. Swan. " f HE GUINEA STAMP," cloth— • • Price, $1.00. , _ - " A BACHELOR IN SEARCH OF A. WIFE," cloth—Price, 50c.. By General Lew Wallace. "THE PRINCE OF INDIA," two vols., cloth, in a neat case= Price, $2.50. , "ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN," Special World's Fair Number, • containing 80 pages of illustra- tions of World's Fair Buildings and Exhibits—Price, 2501 • PEAR'S XMAS ANNUAL, with three large colored plates— Price, 50c. At C. W. PAPST'S Book - Store, Seaforth. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. —IN THE ESTATE OF - ROBERT JAMIESON- DECEASED. All persons having any claim against the estate of Robert Jamieson, late of the Town of Seaforth, Mer- chant, deceased, who died on or about the 2) et day - of September, 1893, are required on or before the 1st day of December, 1893, to send to the undersigned Administrator of his Estate, full particulars of their said claims, and of the security Of any) held by them duly verified by affidavit. After the said lst day of December, 1893, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto having reference only to the claims of which he then shall have received notice, and after such distribution the undersigned Administrator will not be liable for any part of the Estate to any Claimant, of whose claim he shall not have received notice by the time afore- said. This notice is given pureuant to the Statute in that behalf. JOHN MeMILLAN, .Admistrator, Seaforth, October 31st, 1893. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LIQUIDATION OF ESTATE OF ROBERT JAMIE - SON, DECEASED. All persons indebted to the Estate of Robert Jam- ieson, deceased, by note or book account are required to settle the amount of their indebtedness with the undersigned Administrator on or before the Int day of December, 1893, after which date all unpaid claims wilt he placed in.:.Court for collection. _ JOHN MeltILLAN, Administrator. Seafortla, October 81st, 1898. SALE OF Dry Goods Stock! The undersigned Administrator of the Mate of Robert Jamieson, deceased, will receive tenders up to the 80th day of November, 1898, for the purchase of the whole of the stock in trade consisting of Gen- eral Dry Goods, Shop Furniture, tee• belonging to the Estate of the said Robert J141111e8013, deceased, and now contained in the store lately occupied by him in the Town of Se.aforth. The tenders to state a rate in the dollar which the party tendering iswiLling Wray. Values of goods to lee aseertainedloy production e inveicee, where they can be found, and ae to goods, of which invoices cannot be produted, values thereof to be fixed by competent outside party in case of dis- agreement SS to value. TERMS, -One third down on conclusion of stock- taking, and balance in equal monthly payments to be secured ter the satisfaction of the undersigned. Stock sht et and invoices may be exan3ined and the stock inspected on application to the undersigned. An arrangement will be made with the purchaser for the transfer of the lease cf the stare. JOHN MadILLAN, Administrator. Seaforth, Oetober .31st, 1093. • • IS61-t