HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-11-03, Page 9I I ... I . ! I - . . I I . . I I . . . . i . . . - , . I _. I . . . . I I . I . il . 15 4 . I - -1 I 1 . .- . . , .jl I I .1 1. , - . . I ; , I I I . - I . I I . . I : I . . . ,_ NOVEMBER 3, 1893, , . I THE HURON .EXPOSITORN 3 ' - 1 I I _____ .- ___ - I 1. . - - ------------___; I I I I - I . I I . I ., . I . Buchaa&D'. Hay; McCallum, Exeter; R. Johnstone, B1. Kelly, M. Latimer, A. 0. few of the turnips have yet been harvested, glory - of the Master. -Winter "made Its, home, where he revided up -to tb-e time of ; 0- CASH Alessrs. 0 - It. A. Me. and farmers are hoping - for a Ove dren living, li . _. I 1. ' ' - EDWARD.' : and McLean, Seaforth. It was resolved Law;ence, C. McIntosh, . few days of first appearance on Saturday night, c' r. his decease, There are `onr chil FRIDAY he fund@ rrqu;ired to o;trry on Kee, A. R. McKinley, 4. - McRae, J. One weather before 'Winter finally sets in.— Ing tho earth with anow, reminding the three daughters and 6p. lon,the latter Rev. - I - . GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH, campaign be raind by colled- _ Miller, J. R. Norr5on, J. W. Morrison, Among -the cheese makers of this county farmorto about their turnipp. —Sleighs were W. G. I-lanus, B. A Y L -, located as Pfes" I . . the the Chicago on our stroets on Monday, Mr. Robert byterian minister in i'. bridge. TIVe' de. .3. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in tions at the publi6 meetings to be ,hold W. Mulcahv ,rgast, . P A. Pren& A. M. whose cheese scored- wall in --Mr. 6eased was a member - , the Prepbyterian I 1 - iliroughout the riding. The Secrettry was Punchard, H, Robinson, M, A. Smillie. competition, we notice the names of Mr, Kettol being 0e first to venture out. ­ — I _' ' iiForent Tot%I 29. J. A Clennan also pagaed in George McTaggart, of the Rodgerville- fac- and Mrs. Henry, of St, Thomos, havo re- church for yearn, havi..j fornierly been a Fine - Dairy Butter, instructed to correspond with the d . It advanced The beat we can -do is to state' the . . pu . bli8h,iijg hougen to procure .-amples of ]it- Latin authors at thie examination and H. tory ; Mr. Samuel Howard -,'of Gorrie, and turned hoine after spending a few oDjoyable Methodist, Mrs. H&nnA ii we I - . Id belore the Executive com- Youag assed the entradco examination of Mr. George McDonald, of Bluevale.— days under the roof of Mr. John MoMurttie, in life, being 60 years of age, The funcral simple facts as they,stindL A sple,u- - I I —ALSO— i orature to bt, 1,4A Figeof 11harmacy Talrouto, Jusion Thanksgiving Day will thin year be held on fathbr of Mrs. - Henry. —Beeclinut pi , Ilia t ok place on Friday last to Brus,jels at close cash prices is . mittee at Ku early date with a view to sc- 'the C_ r (I I . Kides and Tallow, ouring ,a supply of the best for' d ietribution. LEAVING ExAMENATION, fOt Arly called the Thursday, November 23rd. It is considerably. han been the order of the day and was well cometery. I . at I , - ' I . It was also decided"to hold % large Riding Second Class Examination : . 1, B,sllantyn,e I , later this year Ah . an us I ival-7A now plank 'enjoyed by both old &Dd young. There was 0 .- . your command, Come and make your I , Sheep Skins and Convention or.ineeiting at an carly.dlate,,and J. Ballanty I J Be; t M. B s being laid d6wn just now on the 'an abundant crop thin year, -R. Mellip, in Hensall. selections f rom our lai' `e and varied - . s. Bethune, F.ae' ne, , on, Y, , - 1, M. West Side of Main street. -Mr. James Arohi- ord,er to haye water near by, has just Oom WANTED.—Eight thousand busbels of ass ng goods : otber arrangemenbs wer6 made for the vigor- I- . Campbel . M 011ie ' rtment of the follbw,i 4 Davio,-A. S r3a, D. Lands- bald shipp*d a car load of very good horses ph ted a well. in his new barn. T-. god heavy whoat. Wanted at once, at If-Onsall . ous prosecution of the work an,i a deter- : Gr eve, A. Killr ills. — ------ . - I * thin week. -Mr. Harry J. did the Earno a short time ago in bN now Higheot prices, will be paid, and one cent Trimmed Millinery - I ____ - - - inimition oeetned to exist with all, . to do borough, H. Lawrence, M. Morri4oti. 'R. to Winnipeg I extra for every pound over standard. COOK BP -6s. . - or' CLOTHING,! UOT HING ! everything possible to get out as largo a vote Morrison,4. Murdie, H. J. "bull, IVA. Strong arrived in town onWednesday.-Mr. barn, an the - citizens of this burg liIce to I I . 1340 Oloakings . ' ' ' I ' U1 I . possible in. f&.vor of Prohib.ition on the Turnbull. Total, 17, SF 10R LEAVING Robert Scott,-, of Paisley, brother of the have things comfortable even if timOd are -the public for their - I - noi4n an ard, - WisHiNG to thank Mantles - -1 Stock now complete in 1 Overcoats fi""rgu of January. I 0 . EXAMINATiON, previously k aq the Messrs. Scott Brothers, of this town, w I liberal support since coming to Hensall,and hoping to '. Shawls _. __0__ first C exaffiina 'on :—%A,,, t. G'animell, H, here visiting relatives and friend@, this . . - have a continuance of the Same in the future. Have- . ' and Suits. I I AT IICULATWN LEX- W ' a .'h` -been -in Hills Green. Fall Stock completed in Worsteds, all s'hqdcs and - WEDDING BELLA.—Oa Tueiday evening Fowler. UNIV R81TY M . I eek. --Mr. J. W. Snell, wh as quality." Overcontsin Naps, Ile ' "', uitin 8 Fur Collars I I a Hallowe'en party of much moro than or AMINAM.N.-Pass,-J. A.. -'I Jackson, A. the dyeing 'and cleaning business' here for Smtviup?.—As Mr.'Acheeon is expected to tn" *c d - X Fur Mujh Quolity, st to and workmanship the -.,cry best to . of the Mod pattorm. Pantings, Just ;rrii% choice , he rAnd aniongst our Canadian manUfAC&urCrS. dinary interest was hold at the residence of Thompson. Honors, -J. M.1 McKinley. At some time has dcoided to locate in St. proach at Brucefield next Sabbath aftornoon, Selection. they are plums, both In Style all price, this examinatic a, W. Rae', 4n ex-stiudent, Marys, aaW left hereon ThursdaY,_mOrDing there will be prayer -meeting in the JitAll in,' All goods made up In the latest style,' -with r(oocl Fur Capes . PRICES, ROCK BOTTOM. Mr. 8, Bmrtuin, .in this town. The Specially fit. Don't fail to see the, Oil 00 Overcoats. They are . . : We claim second place to no othov',house, I whether interesting feature of the occasi n was the I completed his niatriculatioa by passing in f6r that place. He has .secured Mr. IV. stead of the usual service. something good, Remember the fashionable Tailor- Dress Goods . ch and L tin. On th whole there Somerville as agent here, and wIA attend as ----*--- - 11 10, this courity or any other in Canada, for good solid ruarriage of his daughter Mary to Mr.Frank Fron _ . . ing House just opposite the Barber 8hop. E,. NA131,0, Dress Trimmings Vo il gon I 1360-2 - Values. Ins ection invited, satisfaction guaranteed, I Case, Anderson, %. well-known and popular were 97 certificates ripooiv d in the six usual t Somforth work. -Several wa, Tuckersmith, Proprietor. Silks Our range Me season will be found lar,gor tha ' cburses of stud3 pursued in, the Collegiate wheels were discovered on top of Cluff & GRY,AT CLEARING SALE. -In order to re - Usual, I young man of our town, The ceremony was sins 72 received amt year. 0oa- Bennett'a mill on Wednesday morning. -A 8A%V-Ml1,L--Bouc-liT,-Mr. Jolia Doig, of duce my largo Stock and raise nioney I have decided Velvets I I I performad by Rev. Dr. McDonald, in the Institutd ag Dublin came up on thi) township, has purchased from .Mr. WK, PICKARD sideriag the previous high record of the ,foot ball team from to Sell away down below anything that has yet been Velvetdens E L prosence of a large number of the relutives school, . Wednesday afternoon to play a match with Samuel I-rorton a new portable saw mill, offered. nemember'this is a genuine sale as I am Hosier . . .. Seaforth. and friends of -the young couple, at five t,inj an advance of 25 in one year is car. MaUllfaoturod by'Messrs,Stevana and Buraeo bound to reduce my stock and raise 1roney, therefore y . I . -, - , . . o'clock in the evening, after which the tie- y very remarkable ; & d considering - the Collegiate Institute team. They found of London, As thin will prove a great con. no reasonable offer will be refused. Give we a call Gloves- . I -. ulspit%l. the well known severity &4 ab6oluto -im- themselves1n too .fast company, however, ver&,nce, and Mr. Doig is the Ligh and be convinced that I mean what I say. Satisfao- I . . seniblage partook of the bountiful hi p r iality of the examinations the result is and were beaten by two goals to. d8ne in t Inall to tion wuaranteod or no sale. Remember the stand Corsets I Jbh "'a . handle it, he will ,no doubt receive a liberal mel 'wenls Block, _r. Ut,joll (5X110$jt0r i ty of Mr. and Mrs'. Barton. An exceed- a t onfidence in about three quarters of an hour. -Mrs, and JunN Poi,r,, Proprietor. 1360-2 s 19 , X , ,a ; w1pol cap, , ' Now Is the time to buy your boots and _ * ingly enjoyable time was spent, and the one that must inspire greatl patronage. . . - (!O - young people have the best .wishes of a the general management of the school, and Miss. Graham. have removed in from the FARM RENTMO.-The ,farni of Mr. Alex. Shoes and you call save money by buying them at A. Scarfs -1 whole host of friends, for a prosperous and in the ability and skill of the,teaching staff. - country, and are now comfortably located -9010b'S, AS I have a large stock to iolect from. and Hoods , , ander Sproat on the Iiippen Road has been We - in their residence on Goderloh strict west. a call will convince you that I sell cheap for cash. DISTRIOT MATTERS The students have evidently made good use , I . happy uuited life. of their opportloities, and have done great Miss Smith, of Toronto is here loust now rented to Mr Sellary, of if ibbert, for five Our motto is small profits and quick returns, No . Ladiets' Underwear --On Wednesday afternoon years. It is a good farm and Mr. Sellery * 0 - - credit ta their u pbringing in the county of visiting her brother, Mr. Ii. C. Smith, ban. I I's trouble to show go do whether you buy or not. Sign - Linens PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. event of the name character took place Mr. a good tenant, Mr. Sproat a stock and of big boot. 1361-11 1 Cottons . at the residence of the bride's father, when Huron, -and havO given good security that ker, Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Hodgins, ohattles will be sold by auction on the 15th FARMERS we must have wheat to keep .. ' Rev. P. Musgravd* had the pleasure- of they will maintifn its honor wherever they- H. Bullard and Miss Case.'are in attendance i0st, . '. . Slarket our wheat now Flannels ` . For the encouragement of NEW SUB-, running day and night. y . ' itin-g- for life -two very popular and worthy . may chance to a pend their liveip on this con at the, Lay Helper's Convention at Wood- ____..1____.0___ I when we are able to pay a good price. We have been - Blankets . ,ScItIBEus we have decided to give T a i.; an k this week. -Miss A. Cowan returned , - paying three cents higher than soine-of our neighbor- . , young people, in the persons of Mr. James tinent. We gi a them and their teachers stoo . Chiselhurst. Ing markets. One cent extra for ever), pound over Quilts . ]EXPOSITOR, from xow until the Ist R. Scott, and Miss- Harriet Campbell, both our hearty cong atulations on the splendid home on Tuesday eyening from a couple of PIMS'ENTATION, - The friends of' Miss Standard. Our Shipping capacity the IAst.few weeks ,faiwary, 1895 for the price of one of MoKillor. The bride has been a very record they ha e made this year, and we mouthe'stay at Boissevaia, Manitoba,where has been one car per day and we want to keep up Carpets populair an successful school teacher, mud also coDgratulat 3 the Board of, Trustees on she met numerous friends, She also taught Lizzie L%tta met at her home on Thursday, this record. Yo Truly, Cooic BRos. 1851 1 s. subscription, viz. $1.50. Con- at th t place un- the 26th ult,, and presented her with a urs - Oil Cloths . ear' is & former pupil of the Seaforth Collegiate the flourishing state of the school undertheir a department in the school a G. J. SUTHERLAND, Notary Public, Com- Curtains : ing the size of the paper and the Institute, while the groom is. a prosperous ment. t4s no small advantage to til the arrival of her neioe, Miss K. Colder, arse of $20, as a token of their gratitude to - ;: sider manage missloner In High Court of Justice, Convoyanceri, In of of Gray township, who in engaged there at r. Ker for the efficient way in which ohe has ourance Agent and Imuor of ,narriago Licenses. All Men's Overcoats , amount of reading matter given, TuF, young former, a son of Mr. James Scott, of the town to has a guch an efficient seat , tormed her duties as organist in the egal Documents carofully drawn up according to Exllol j 6 I higher eduvaldo i at our doors, whero all our islary of $500 a year, Miss Cowan also paid othodist church. The large number that aw, at very reasonablo rates, Nlonoy'to loan of Boys' Overcoats [TOR is the CHKAPE-ST local paper Roxboro. The bridal. party embarked on the afternoon train at Seaforth .for ,Toronto boyeandgirls vho have. 'the. car solty may a visit to friends at Peotons, Illinois, on her arm security at lowe4t rates of Interest, Office at Suits - publishord in Ontario. . be thoroughly I repared for business life or way home ifad spent a few days visiting the gathered mhows the high esteem in which he post Oifloo, 1351.2 . New Subsc . rib6ro should begin AT and other polate- Hint. Ontheir rpturb . the youi)g lady is hold In the community. , Fur Caps . they will settle down in their own comfort., for any profession within their reach. We wonder# at the White City, Chloago.-We BAIWAIN DAY.—rO give everyone an -op. I t NoT.us.-Mrs. If. N. MoT&ggsrt, who oscz and thus get full benefit of our able house at Roxboro, We 'join In the are 'pleased to know that the classes are deeply re rot to learn of the death of - Mr. ' tortunity of buying In their winter stock of Dry Xen's Underwear, &c. . Liberal ofier, a About the middle of general congratulations and wi4h Mr. and wall filled aga a, notwithstanding the an. John E, tavis, the senior proprie'tor of tile has been sick for some time with bronchitis oods, Clothin t Mantles cheap, we will hold another Mrs. Scott all happlates oad good fortune. usual numbers #hat have graduated and lef t Mitchell Advocate, which took place con and Is grippe, is slowly recoveriag.-The of our rousing argain Days, on Saturday, November -November we will commence the pub- i I ral takes ( uarterly religious service will be hold In llth. Call early to avoid tho rush, Torme--cash, or - - , -Coll"Ni. Thursday morning, The funs - anxim,vot, 1851.2 lication of a new, original story, of ____* the school. . place this afternoon at half -past three, - He. t' e Methodist church next Sunday morning produAo at cash prIede. D, WY Lowest Cash Prices. , . HoussKy,upER. -A competent person desires i 55 years of I age, -Miss Ria Brine left at 10.30. NoTzs,-The organist of St. Paul's church I .1 I thrilling int;6rest. Send w in your a situation as housekeeper, either in town or country. PROPICRTY UFMIASE.-Mr.wrn. Bow. was 1) Was recently pr I esented with a handsome li . Apply at ExposiTon orytem. Mlw2 11 Saturday on a vWt to friends at Shaftsburg - orders at once, ­ den, of Exeter,lhas purchased from Mr. F. 0 dreonlog came and a teachers' bible by the - _.— TiLE, TILE, TILE. -We desire to call the Holmested, mating for Mr. ,H. W. C. Mayer, 34iohl an. -The Automatic-Telephone,Com. . Usborne. - 0013greg tion, as a mark of appreciation A attention of farmers and others wanting tile, that we . pany gave put in phont.-i at the Royal Hotel. GRowwo YouNo,-Oar old friend, D the Meyer p ' rty in Harphurhey. This ANI) STmv Tusy Go, --A very pleasant her services as organist, -A very handsome Edward - McFaul, . William Plunkett, 1, formerly of Seafor, i ,. keeping a large stock ol moitly all size# constantly on prop, of twenty-eight acres, and thus connecting all thl- -,otels in town with place at the -raiiidence of John net of offertory plates has been donated to I I I - I have opened up a yard in Seaforth and that wo Intend was purohase"Aa, and Dick'v Hotel da. ag the past week, event took irty consi I i and for many years clerk of the township ., , hand. Orders left at Itobort Sooti'm Seed Store, or ad for $1,425, It is beautifully ' Allison, Esq,, Thomas Road, on Wednesday St. Paul's church by a gentleman, a. real- SEAFORTH. . ,or's Wood Yard, Soxforth, will be promptly situated for pa k lots or building purposes this system. -Mr, I .)ert Livingston, of " evening last, The occasion was the marriage . I . Stauley., writing from Farley, Iowa, wh, , , at Selst , . . dent of Hensall. - I I . attunded to, &OTT & Sci,Aixit, SeAforth. 18514 f and it seems t us that Mr. Dawdeall with Chicago, Illinois, for. I I I I . he enjoys a large. and lucrative medi -.1 WANTED. -Any boy wishing to ob. . A ,. 11 of the Seaforth giie & Very populsr of Mr. Allison's d:ughter Maggie, to Mr. BRIEFff.-The recent cold snap and fall of part of the Ullor sbop, of H. Dramen.' ractice, writes aft follows on the .25th ( Boy life usual .go luck, hae`struok a bargain, PUP a Institute, Robert Kydd, side b son of Mr. William snow has give-) place to warm weather and p tain board while attending school can do so In return s past his property has been held'st and a brother of Mr. 0`1 , W.'Llitlageton, or. Kydd, Deputy Reeve, The Important care. -Erwin Brothers, wito recently commenced October: 11 I see that many of my old v - for lokking after three or four horses, Apply to baro ro,%do.-Our merchants are Making, , In Year 0 a --the undertaking business here, have added quaintances have crossed the 11 BourLU citAmowomTif & BaoWxsw,, Sestorth. 1361-1,- 9, much higher figure than this and we fancy rived here yeiterday on a visit to fri nd mony was performed by I'Lev, G. Flegoher,in great preparationslor doing a rushiag all - I I that had It be n known It could be .pur- and relativex.1-Mr,' Patrick Malady, h:av- the presence of a goodly number of the rela- f ii finely assorted stock of furniture. -Mrs, whence no traveller returns," No man WF, wish to draw' the attention of our . . and winter trade and they have the stocks Wm, McGeoch and daughter Bolls, of ' ought to stiA at one monotonous busintse readers to the advertisement of Mr. E, C, Coleman -in chased for an such flguro It, would not have trig sold to. Mr Joseph Melody his fifty tives and friends of the contracting parties. and spirit of enterprise to do it. -Air, D. -'Ugmoudville, who have been visiting here, I more than 21 years, as.certain nerve centres anothareolumn. AnAuction Sale which promises remained Ion In the market, We do not acre farm, on & 4th concession of Hibbeirt, It Is needless to say that every one present Millar, V. S,, of Exeter, formerlK of this t to be a large Ono, would be an excefi-3ni opportunity know what M . Bowden iniends to do with for $1,900, 1has purchased the residence In was happ , and fliat soll enjoyed themselves, he guests of Mrs. -andMiss Katie flarrison are worn out and others are lett uadevclol?' for those who wish to sell their surplus stock of it. but we pro ume he has bought It on spec. Seaforth belonging to and recently occupied Mr. and Zro, Ky4d are among the most es- lace, wee In the,villsge this wee on bus.- returned home this week wellplessed with ed in that time, A change alloWs the form- horses, . 1. 136111 Iness and reno.wiDg old acquaintances, He Bhyfield and its balmy breezes, . . . . Or a rest and brings Into action the latter. Zuz Portland (Oregon) Bulletin says of u1stion, So a years ago there won a talk by Mr, Poor 13aley. Both these sales were timable of our young people, and they have has a warm feeling for IfeassIL-Mr. and . I . ­_­ - ­ -_ - -1 I am- about 20 years younger than when I Grenville 1). Klolser, who will appear here on Novinn. of the Tu i rsmith Agricultural Society made through Mr. C, Strong'aagency.-The hosts of If riendx who will wish them a smooth Mrs, Wm, -McGregor have recently -moved " left Varna and BaVfie-Id. Mrs, Dietrich is ber 296h. "Mr. Weloor's oolections were now, and selling their resent grouudo, *Which would regular meeting of --the Woman's Cbristlan and prosperous,voyage down life's stream, into the now and comfortable dwelling late. -_ Exeter. I ' with us and d-oi4g well te,whing music, I were rendered it) a w that tended to increase his make beauti , I bu(l(fing lots, If they could Temperance Union will be held In the.-umusl - ly built by Miss Janet Kerr, on the north ITE31S.-Mr. Wm, Harris and wife, of . I-- tame as an elocittl'o'nist of high merit. Ile has a urchase the , eyer progirty at a reasonable P10108 Csxt Wednesday afternoon, athhres . . Londesboro. I 'Ilia following Southampton, Ontario., are visiting Mr. have a strong fe4ling for Canada, was g ad voice that Is full aiDd rlch,,a salt-poss6solon and S ure. At that time t ey could not got I& o'clock. -Mr. J. C. Steele was in Chicaga , I bide of Richmond street,- Henry Harris, -Hurou street, tids week,_ . to meet her enterprises at the World's - race, coupled with his natural talent, that inake 9 on businees last week,-MIss Edith Young, Bniy,Fs. , The annual meeting of the mentioned left hero on Wednesday morning . Fair." We are iture that many of Dr. Plan-' girn a reader one always dallghto to hear. ills ren- at the pri e which they considered it I - Special services are being held ia the Main kett's oH friends wiII rejoico to bear of his dering of 'The man who had his leg shot off,, was a A r his prop- of Blyth, is a guest at the residence of Mr. orearqery i oolation will be held *in Rell"s as del! wo h and tb a matter d 6pped, T I I 'gates from St. Paul's church, to the and James street Methbdist churches, by decided hit, cre tlng roars of , laughter. Ilia master. ertly is admir. bly adopted for their purpose W. M. 6'ray. hill bore on Wednesday, November 15thl- Lay W orker's Convention of the Episcopal Evaugelist Browning,. of Toronto,- and well doing, physically, mentally and pecun- piece was "Virginius," which was given with groat and would rn k v nient and commodi- , Mr. James Manning and Mies Young arriv-. church held at Woodstock, viz. - Messirs, B, much good has been done, Many are turn. , iarily. His prescription, for longevity is, no power and received a hearty., recall. Bear In mind I p e aeon e - I .. t ad home from New York .on Friday, -Miss Patty, F. ReyLolds, U. Hodguo, bl. Small. the date. . 1351-1 ous agrieu t, ral and - driving . park. The - I Blueve le, Ing from their einful ways. -A numberfrom do-u-bt, an excellent one,. but, unfortuna-tPly, Mary Hill passed peacefully to the better combe,Rov,E,Softley and Mr, J, C.Clawson. " - I present grou)ads are too otnall for the pur- BREVITIES, -Rev, Mr. Moffatt, of the here attended the Prohibition convention every person is not blessed with the versa- i . landon Sunday lost. She had reached the -Mrs. Humeston was in Clinton this week . EGAIONDVILLE, NOTE8. - The Sabbath PDOeS of the ooiety and perhaps the society Bible and Tract Society, preached in the - 'which was held at Hensall on Wednesday * 7 ti;t4 genius of our friend nor with his in. School Convbntion held here on Wednesday Presbyterian church both morning and even. unusual age of 88 y ars and- was quite am art visiting friends.-Mrs,.MeNnald, of Mill- - I This place I -Yvas, visited by a heavy domitable will power. A great many peo- could now n akc a dicker with Mr. Bawdon untirwithin about two weeks of her death, bank, was the guest lact week and part of last. . ple, aftei following a certain business for Of.laot week Was a Usefu and pleasant gath- which wou be advantageous to both, Be- Ing last Sunday, The Methodist and Pres. _The Good Ternplar@ are talking of having this, of the Rev. U. S. flenderson.-The 'snow storm on Monday last, about four L 't u tring to tvVenty one years are no use for any other - -ering of eArnat workersI. everal well pre- ( tl I society larger and more roomy byterian choirs furnished muele.-Mr, Al- Mr. Pearce, ventriloquist, to five an enter. Royal Templa-re of Temperance, of this vil- I inches fell on the level, which leaves the and they have to stick tol that one or starve' ' .pared papers and addreoses were presented grgunds an to Mr. Bowden better building bert Bailey and his brother, Willie, have re, tainment in the hall hei e 9th inst,- lage, intend holding a toei-meeting on Thurs. roads in a very sloppy cojaditlon, Hal- ' ' . - - . . and the programme- wast well carried - out, lots. We ave no authority. from either turned from . Conn.- -Mrs. Ira Barclay re. Tea, will lowe'en passed off very quietly here, only a . I ' ­_ ' The following officers have been elected for day evening, November the 9ih, few minor pranks ',,,being indulged in by CLERWAL MFETING, . A meetiag, of the though some of the expected speakers were :,.party to ju tify the assurance that such an turned to her home in Michigan last Friday. ,a . I . chaptWof Hur- ,uoL able to be present, yet their places were exchange uld be made ; we only advocate -Mrs, MaNevin, of St. Marys, the current term in connection with Londei- be served In what is known' s the old print some I small boys. -R.' Pickard k Son's new I I clergy of the Rural Decaual . ably filled. by substitutee, Short song,oer- it in th C . is visiting boro Lodge Canadian Order Foresters : C. Ing office and afterwards a grand literary store ba . a received the first coat of plrafiterby on was beld in St. Thomas church on Tues, - a erests of the society. We are her mother, Mrs. Messer. -At the last It'., H. M. Snell ; Y.C.R., 1. W. Collison ; and t#u ioal,entertMninent will be held in vices Onliveiied each session, and added no! inilt of " speeding contests "and that meeting of the Foresters a committee was , the contractor, Mr. Goo Hcaman.-T e . day last. The following members were . ' to, . R,S,, J, C, Adams ; F.S., J. Brunadon; the1odge room in McEwen's block. AIIA the ' - , t much to the interest of the 'meeting. A nor o , i g in connection with agricultural appointed to make arrangements for holding brickwork of the new addition to the- Times present . * Rev.. J.- W. flodging, Rural singular feature of the convention was t6e allows, b,!'ut it mu8i now be evident to every. & concert some time in December. At the Chap., W. Stevens; Treasurer, A. Wood- reikffent- ministers are expected to be -present office -is complAed,-Mr. - M Y. McLean, of ... DeUn; Revs. J. H. Fedrlie, Clinton ; T. G. entire absence of remark or suggestion from one thatiwi hout some such attractioufl --a same *-.rneeting the following officers were man ; S. W., J. N. Pringle ;' J. W., W, N.. mud an excellent programme is being pre- the AXPOSITOR, Seaforth, spend Monds wood, Mv'iag .%g ; F. R, Fatt, Exeter ; . . y * _' Cunningham ; 8,13,, C. Manning ; J.B., pared for the occasion, ho that all attending - John T. Kerrin, B&yfield. Lewis W. Diehl, the -large number of fady teachers present. crowd c n not begot out to the showfl. We elected: AobertSbaw, Chief Ranger;A, Luxton Hill ; Correspondent to the Yorest. will be sure to enjoy a rich treat and an in- . last here. -Mr. Robjert Sanders, of this lJolmesville; & Softley, Hensall,. Letters 6f This is not from lack of ability we are sure, 11 : may lame t the fact if we will, but a fact Moffat, Viet -Chief Ringer ; AlbertHughps, - place, is reported to be fil at Chicago. -Mr. , I I It -may -be that the executive committee it is, "e e theless. And without the crowd Chaolaifi ; John Burkese, Recoiding-Seore- er, J, H. Stevens ; Trustees, J. Brunsdol), vitation in extended to one and all. -Mr. C. Malcolm Vincent, Insurance agent, is v,isit- &,palogy for non-attendance werd read from . G, Snell, W. Lee. Beerford, section foreman on the Grand . I failed to 8DIi6lt their asaistance in carrying on show my the money to maintain a soci- tary ; G o. I Aitcheigon, Treasurer ; Peter ing relatives here this week. -Mr. James Revs. M. Turabull, Goderiah ; T. Higley,,. ., . Trunk Railway, recently found embedded Blyth, and W, F. Brownlee, Gorrie. Holy out'the programme. -The Rev. M.r. Shaw ety cap, ' ot be got. This is a problem Moffat, Senior Warden ; R. Leathorn, . Donnybrook. I under one of the ties wbat is rather uncom- IV,'. Creech, merchant tailor, hao moved to Coni-munion was administered at 11 a.m., conducted the preparat ry communion ser- whichl th directors of the Tuckeremith no- -Junior Warden ; John Spence, Senior Be&- I Treble's block this week. -Mr. B,Aubrey,df . . . 0 1 DOINGISIT-The trustees of the Methodist to flnd, a large onake's nebt, containing . *' vices for the Rev. C. Fletcher, of Thames cie'ty'ond the people of this town now have' dle; Thomu's Cornell, Junior Beadle. Montreal, will be at the Commercial housel the Rifral Dean being the celebrant. ' After I On or eight cells. -Mr. 11'.. B. Rose, of : - %, 1wr-rd Martin to face. If they decide to comply i i - — church held a meeting on Monday to con- 8ev luncheon at the Rectory -the chapter met for Road, on Friday lad -M'r. E, with the , S . . Gowsnside farm, near Rodgerville, who on Saturday next for the purpose of buying ' busines' at 2 o'clock, when it was arranged has been very sick for some days but we. popul%r emand their present ground is not I McKillov, sider the building of a new shed. .rhey horses. -Thos, Gundry, Deputy Sheriff,, of . . decided to remove the old one, and, also to deals quite extensively in. horses, recently to holds the annual, Missionary meetings in are glad to learn thatt he is now improviag, large on, ugh, -'and it might be well for .the CRr,,Amj, Mj,F,T-jNu.—A meeting of the n Golerich, spent Fiiday last here. * . - Ving -Mr. Alex. McDonald, formerly of this director to see if; without too great an out- erect a new one, job to be let by tender. - sold his Iff e. heavy span of geldings to the . -40-- - Na,vembar, bo hold next f meeting at N - ; patrons and' shareholdere wa3 held in the Grand Trunk Railway at London for a fancy - -1.1a.m. an4 several other matters of P. private village, but who for some yea,rs has been do- lay of m, ney, they could not arrange with Winthrop factory on the 25th ult., ,when The qiiarterly meeti.ng nerticea will be held . I B13rth. I ' . I ing a prosperous business at the " Soo " on Mr. Ba den so that thip required land could ­ y morning. -Among the 'num- price. -Miss N. Shirray and Miss A. Nlur- . . nature wer6 mtroduced and disaussed. The I . the auditorst report wars read, which showed ber o have been to Chicago are, Mrs, dock - ret rned this week from London, BRIEFLET.S.—Mr. George Cooks has re - 'a Meeting was a most enjoya,ble bne a renewiag o , e got. 25 .. o ads of milk delivered in 120 der Bruce, Sr,, Mr. John McGregor where thqy had -Hal- . I e " Ow z been visiting friends, , erican bide, I Id friend- b e suggestioii and 588,9 ,,ex7 turnedfroma short visit with friends ia 1* , agure well. for the church iier'e in the fut. ships in the village. Sandy's genial pres- those iniZthoritry in%0yuac't`on it if they think .a . will be -welcome and he iivil I I have a well of it, . . days, for ich $3,044 54 was paid for the and Messrs. James, William and Charlie lowe'en p4esel over very quietly here, the Peterborough. -Mr. John A. Brownlee, of tAre, A complimentary addr .qa was pfe. 0110c oream, a -16198 fo-k what skim milk was Ander on. -Mr. Herbert Tisdale arrived boys contenting themselves by_ misplacing a London, was in town on Tuesday. -Rev. I .1 I th es Mr. Riley, of Brussels, preached in the Sentedt to the Rural Dean 9'ongratutating -pleasint visit. -Mr. Gporge Jackson had a I left at th factory, All parties were well home roni Dakota on Ssiturday.-Mr.James few Aat '-Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser and him on his b,ppointment and eXpressing the quantity of apples sent down by train --from LOCIA BRIEFS.—Mr. C. L. Papst, former- satisfied -with the returns the received, and hall Y9 7 once more become residents Of English church on Sunday evening. -The Clinton last w e ­o scarce around . I y Hickirbottoni had,the misfortune to love ,a f 'I I N . -L a ' most hearty satisfaction with -ft and hoping eek. Fruit is .. ly a w - I known resident of Seaforth, was with ilk'that.was returned ; it valuable mare last week. He refused an offer Our vilhil O.e We like to see people coming citizens are having their stock of .,coal stored ,., . ' that Mr. Hodgins may be long sp%red to fill here that very little Rnds its way to the in tow this week. -Mr. James A. Cline, kept sweet as long as required, All, were in of $135 for her, just a 6w days previous.- back to Ou village, as they very often do, away, at present. -Mr. T. W. Scott was _ia ; cider mill this semon.-Mrs. H. P.Kennedy O Mra favor of continuing the creamery, as it w. London on Monday. -Mr. Will Powell, - of the important position. f ine and Misses Nellie and Ada, Cline, as ' it ape& a well for the pla.-e. I V i ' - Mr. John Dorrance and 'sister, of McKil. as - i was badly shaken up One day last week by , `1 - _'. of Wi gharn, spent Monday and Tuesday more profit%ble than cheese when the milk lop, vi ited friends in this vicinity on Sat- Clinton, was in, town on Monduy.-Mr. - , Pp.011MITION IN EAST Huito_-, .-The Pro. falling down the steps at the back door of Visitin' friends iu;6eaforth. Mr. Cline is a was returned. Another meeting will be urday ind Sunday last. I 11 Bayheld. . Walker. of Seafortb, was in town on Sun- ' She sustained abme severe hibition Convention forEast Huron, held her residence. well -k own and p)opular former resident of field during the winter, when prices will be ' I .... LAST Spring H. F. Edwarls announced a day. -The following officers were elected at ikrgel, nded bra-isee but we are pleased to note is ' inent citizen and pros, g to pay I Zurich. As ag C Ad' of last week in Brussels, was I y atte . Im- Seafoi h, now a proin arraDged, Mr. Hannah being willin clearing sale of his stock . of Boots and Shoes. the last meeti of the anadiaa Or, er of and ff the enthuaiasm manifested at the Proving as fast as could be ekpacted.-Miss -perou' hardware merchaut of NVIngham.- the s%me prices as oheese factories if tile di- I . ' the prices asked were exceedingly low the stock was Foresters here :'Chief Ranger, A. McNally ; ' e xt Collie was off duty . last week for several M, NoW s.-Mr, C. Eilber, oar enterprising Boon Freatly reduced until now but a small portion meeting be kept up until after January n I 183c Anniie.Gray and Nellie Galloway,who rectors could arrange the terms. The patrons Vice Chief Ra6ger, M. McLarty ; Recording ' --days on account of a sharp attack of illness, .1 baker, has now got a matched team of rematns and if any of those left suit you the price is there should be a large majority polled in iver i eloo,ates from the Methodist Sundlay pmBent were in favor of not allowing an Secretary, J. W. Bell; Financial Secretary, ' 0 1 y blacks. His Fulton colt, which was no auc- Sure to. This fall he was made a most tempting . East 11uron in favor of Prohibition. It was She is, however, progressing'nicely, sind we Sch4l. to the Provincial Sunday School patrons to give milk during the warm offer on a lot of Men's Felt Lined Leather Boots an R. Slater ; Treasurer, M. Hanin . trust will soon be all right again. -The C V - . cessful as a prize winner in the three-year Mon'8 Felt Lined Buckled Shoes. These are A I _ qnd`; Chap - decided to call the organization The East , Toronto, returned from that weather and"Then stopping, as it is net fair WD.Rev. T. E. Higley; S n oming plebiscite on prohibition does not an Ont bI2 In . ass and as a single driver at the show - Hu-ron Prohibition Association. The fol- city I Ion -Saturday. Misses Dickson and to the man facturers drawers and ld cl 8 goods and are being- offered at special ,prices Be '- - seem to arouse muoh public attention here, I this year, his now got a mate and the two sure and see them. I 13 1-1 C. Frazer; Junior Warden, J. Carter; lowing office bearers e, were elected - Presi- McNlib, the Presbyterian delegatei,, return- patrons. -C .M. 11 Stanbury, and Senior Beadle, John' Metcalf ; Court Physi- I dent,'W. H. Kerr ; Secret;iry. James Moore; but, doubtless,- inuch thought is being given ed qq_Mou ay evening. -Mr. D,An1el Clark,' - make a 8 panking and handsome team, and BREF,zy LOCALS.-JO111) iwnt Dr. W. J. Milne. -Mr. George Jeu- I 0 — c I . . Treaaurer, A. 11A. McKay ; Vice -Presidents to it. If go, a good vote will be polled in a I N#elllnown and much respected young Cromarty. . Mr. Eilber just knows how to make them George Stanbury have returned to Toronto kins is I n To . ronto, at present attending . the -HowiGk, J. Arm Z3 - its favor, and the popular -will thus expres- inaA bf our town, a member of the band and ' show off to the beat advantage. -Dr. Doan, to resume their studies at Trinity Medical I . on there.-Ro,;: MT. , I 1, - . atrourt, V. S., and Rev. ' ied will be good ground for prompt JOTTINGS, --The eighth annual entertain- our worthy V. S., did a most humane -act'- College and Toront University. -James pbotographere' conventi T. Orreene, Gorrie; Wroxeter, James Fox-- . an E ploye of Messrs. Jackson trot,h, " Buggin will preach a. sermon to tbe,Orange- , I actio d;ie n Tue _ 8d'ay morning, of inflam m I r ' ment of the pupils of Cromarty school is to He got possession of the Ferguson left for Cleveland last week.- men in the Methodist church next Sanday on the part of those having tile power osn one day.last week. iur'nbetrry, Rev.' J. W. Pring, B luevale. o had been ill only since be belid -on Friday, November 24th.-" Ja- well-known and once popular stallion, "Old William Jowett has been seriously i1al for . ` . Morris, W. J. Johnston and Thomas ,Maun. legislate in the. matter. The vote is mere y of bbe bowel@. He I . maic.A ". .Street is still a bone of contention, some time past, but we are pleased -to say,fis evening. -Mr. John Bal,lantyne has returned ' r d .I­, last.. The trouble is imid . to have from Detroit. -Miss Barbara Campbellf of dera ; BrusseI3, B, -Gerry; (',rey, Thomas to test the popular wish for a continuance . It. threatene'to be a case of an irresistible Fulton," and took him out to the woods and 'now recovering. -Misses Parker and Whid- Stra,aban and J%mes Smillie - McKillop, of 'the present system of legaliAng a -traffic 6ee brought oa by swallowing grape seeds, in I in contact with an immovable shot him, thus endiuk his troubles. The Seaforth, was the g?uest of . Miss Mary E. . "I . Jahm R, Govenlocir; Hullett,' A`rth roductive. of little else but pauperism, w ife eating that fruit. His sudden death . 9 poor old fellow had got so old and toothless don, of Louis& Street, entertained a -number iur Wood- P . . .0 Crittenden, on Sunday -T4e d news of crime ' . bject. W wait the result. -There is soon that he could not eat and was down almost of friends last Thursday, when they gave a * no n QA - M -e minister. and moral degradation;_or do our peo- is A [terrible shock to his relatives and many . h d tow - an, Th R of Bru4ele were add- ple desire a law to prohibit the manufauture . to be anoth residence i1a the 'village. It to a skeleton. Rather tbab that he should dancing party., -Several residents of Bay. the death of Kate Colo ed to the Central Executive.: The various frip ds. -Miss Allie McDonald left;on Wed. Wednesday morning. The departed was oil --- and sale of all intoxicating liquors, except will not hav long to wait for occupants ; in be longer abused Dr. Doan got possession of field and vicinity took in the World's Fair. : Vice Presidents were urged to call organiza- . fieb ay morning for TOronto, to at -tend fact, we t Ink the -occupants are waiting him a few days ago and sent him to the.. Among others were Mr. and Mrs. T.7 J. a Visit to friends in Stratford, where she f Ir mE:chanical and medicinal purposes. I . . tion meetings in their reapbeblve munici- 0 -061 ego. -The manager-i-iof the Star Coqrse! . . was taken itland died. She wai anestims- ­ I for it. Long life to them ! ounds. He was a oplen- Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jowett and . palities. at as early a. d ate as , possible, and r , 'completing arrangenlenta to have Miss, happy hunting gr I f LITTLE LOCAL ITEMS. -One evening, did horbe in his day and left more good son John, Captain Jackson. Miss Jackson, blo young lady, much thought of by all who , the officeri elected are to be reported to the TnECOLLEGIATF INSTITUTE.—About the IP 41ine Johnston, Ahe Mohawk Indian . Ila . ew her. The corpse arrived, on the 10.30 " while loading the carriers on his threshing colts than any other stallion of his class Dr. Sheppard and wife, Dr. Stanbury, Mrs. Ridiag Secretary, For the purpose of. meet. middle of August we published the names !po itess and reciter, app4r here about J%nu- machine Mr. Wm. Dunlop accidentally that has been o : wned in this county for Staubury, John and George Stanbury, Miss. a. m. train on Thursday, and was taken to ing expenses for hall rent, literature po3t. 'of the students reported successful at the lar 117th, and the famo"Ps Toronto' Ladies' .walked 01 ver! the end of the separat ir, strik- m - the Catholic church, where sery , ice was - age, printing and other necessary expens annual examinations held in the Collegiate 'Q I rtette early in'Febru ry, The- formor ' 0 any years. M. Wilson, Mliss H. Aldswortb, John Me- . ic cemetery,' - I es, I , . ing his head on a pulley and breaking the . . _. I Naughton, R. McIlveen and F. A. Edwards. held, then to the Roman Cathol it was movod that the sum"of $1.5 be astum- Ihstitut;6. It was an excellent report. high- !en#ertaiument will be under the ampices-of in Morris, for -interment. Her parents and I I - pulley. -We are sorry to learn of the eeri- ed by each municipal ity . and that 20 per ly creditable to all concerned, both students I thtWomen's Christian Temperance Union. ous illness of our genial music teacher, Miss . Morris . -During 'the past year there have been friends liave the sympathy of all. I -- y : I O -Mr. Alexander 11 — 's. - . cent of tWa arnount be forwarded to the and teachers, and was r-eceived with livel z he small boy elem nt was out in full - ids Hotharn, of Staffa. NOT ES.—Mr. D. Marsh, 8th 1ine, had a more buildings erected, additions Bud im- Central E .Xecutive at Toronto. . interest' But since th-ai time the results of I fo ce on Tue9day night, All Hsllowe'en, horse killed at Blyth station on Monday. provenicuts made, and more sales and ex. I I I - airie ___________ 1_ - the Cc ' Morrison 'has returned from the Pr changes of property than have been known I allmercial I xamination have been is- I sq. did considerable damage. Very few The animal broke its tie, r n on the track, I Brussels. . . Province.' Manitoba is all right in summer, ORGANUATION FoR TF,ml-ERANCE.-The sue1 by the Education Department, ; gq' es were in sight on Wednesday morr,ing, butODtariols better for winter. -The lit- and was struck by the train and instantly here for many years. -A short time ago, , of Brussels, has first gum in behalf of the Plebiscite vote in and 181'o the ' results of - the ap- ao a prominent object on North Main street killeA.-Mrs. A.Sm'ith,Sth line, died on Sat. Mr. John Newcombe sold hia property on BwFws. -George Crooks, , '! fle-onow bir5s are with us again, bri i , concession 81 SoathHluron was fired atHensallon Wednea- peals in several cases have been sent w, a a - set of wheels from some person's I ng'ag day last, and was buried on Monday at the Lake shore to Mrs. McGee, and moved .sold his farm, being lot 4 day last. The meeting called for organization to the Principal.' Four more certi6cates Zon, perched on top of a telegraph pole with them t at spotless white snow we all Blyth ce . nietery, The funeral was a large his family. to Goderich.-Mr. John Eason. Grey-, containing 155 acres, to, J. Cunning- ' . I - dread so uch to see when we have not, got .. 0. r. Ounning- was not very large, but those present were have been granted, and the names of Miss I y citizens took the precaution of takin one. -The snow Storm ,on Saturday put at, has sold t Mr. Robert Ronatt that place on ham-, o W-olborne, for $7,500. M 9 our turnips up.- ­Two mischievous young P enthusiastic and Beamed to mean business. Bella Bethune, Mis,s Mary Ford, J. W. M or- Itutheir ii,own gates and vuttiniz flie.kn in safe end to turnip pulling ; a few fine days more the square so long known as the woolen ham has secured a fine farm one of the best i I . - fellows p ac d a Jeuce across Boyle street, I I 6, -Ur- * I i I . - The meeting was held in Carmel church and rison and C. McIntosh must be counted in places, and were thereby' saved considerable ' is what every one would like to , see. -At mil .-Mrs, Hunter, of London, has sold the in Grey. He takes possession at one wits convened by Mr. D. A Wilson, of among the successful students. The whole' tr6u'ble a n -d annoyance. -Tl4briek work on Cromarty, one'night last week. They will James Hall's sale on Tuesday, stock sold property on the Lake shore, kndiwn as The Robert Laidlaw, an old Bruseelsite, now re ­ I M. !Jordan's get into tra ble if the offence is repeated. . t I . . Seaforth, who explained the object to be to record of the year was completed a few! 6e town building and Mr. well cows,$20 to $37 ; two-year-old steers, Rectory, to a physician of D4 roit.-Mr. sidiag,in Kansas, was here last week visiVID9 I . I - ; d by his wife - I . have the.ridin;g thoroughly .organized so an days ago ; the following lists give it in fall now store,, res pec tively, is rapidly nearing I - - - I . ohn Biggart has bought fioth Mr. T. J. old frie -ds.* He is accompanie 0 1 - $20 to $25 ; tbiee-year-old steers, $30 to J "I c mp - . street. M-r, and both look abou t the same -as they did ten )Ietio -eather this past Kippen . . Marks a dwelling on Chini4uy r - to get out as large a vote in favor of Pro- and must be very gratifyiDg to the patrons'.1 , although the w, - 1 $38. The sale of cwttb alone amounted to . . aeer, and Richard Elliott has bought from Mr. T. J.' ,years ago, when they left here. -M.81 -Hon hibition, 49 possible, next. January. After of the school, as well as to the Board of % eek ha,s been rath.er unpleasant for mason . ScPaBs.-Kippen - Council of Royal Te.mp-- 1 $886. G. Kirkby was the suctioi Marks that place on Hill Street, formerly nah . Walton, one of the oldest residents Of some discussion the following .permanent Trustees, and the citizens of the town gen-1 *rk.-We had the first real* snow of the tare will hold- their anniversary services 1 he drew the last cent every time. -Brussels died o -nesday of last Week, . - officers were appointed, viz. : D. D. Wil- orally. C0151MERCIAL EKAMINATION, fn- fj ason on Sunday, and by Monday morn- next Sabbath, November 5th., in St. An- OBITUARY. -The. death knell has rung occupied by John Biggart.-Miss S. Reid n Wed 3 with typhoid . . - in son, Seaturth, President; Rev. W, M c - ;cluding Reading, Drawing, Book-keeping'. i6g there was quite a Wick carpet of it cov- drew's. church, at half past two, when -the again and another plonee'r has departed this has sold her place on Main Street to Mrs. She had been sick for so e timi -'I,- . - I life in the person of George Hanna, who has Walmsley.-Mr. John T ppet, of VarDa, fever, but she was considered over that.oad 0 .1 Rev, Mr. Axithmetic, Composition, etc,: 91 a Rev. J, S. I Donaghl, Exeter, Vice President -1. Aitch e ring the ground. By Tuesday noon it wa Hende-son will deliver a temper- has bought that desirable property on Main in a fair way to recovery when she was and- ' Martin, Exeter, Secretary ; Mr, Muir,- Ex- e8OD, -M. Boyd', W. J. Brownell. INI, E.! a5l gone however. We believe Mr. R.Com- ance adar'eso. Brethren from neighboring been a resident of this township for over le, and of this ster, Assistant- rd,! . - lovers of temperance are forty years, and who died on Wednesday street next to H. F, Edwards', from Urg, denly attacked by heart troub, Secretary ; S. H.ogarth, Crews,'F. D. Clo,rkson,J.Hiller, M. E. Fo T#,on was the first person this season! to take councils.' and all . d . I advantage of the sleighing in this neighbor- cordially iny itei to attend. A silver col- morning, ed 75 years and 9 months, Mr. Heyrock.-Mr. James Sturgeon has bought she died. She . was 69 years of age, an Stephen., .rreasurrer. It was decided to call J. Forrest, E. J. Gernmell, A. D. Hayes, C. I I , - 11 leaves three sons and one daughter. -V701, I the Grganiz,4tion "The Soutih.Huron Prohibi, McIntosh, A. R..McKinley, R. McNair, M.1 'lloodi, He was out with a cutter early lection will i' be taken up. -On account of Hanna felt last' Saturday, while working bf Mrs. Heyrock four lots ou-Dow street.- ed James Walker'slst* , : I ' tion A49ociation." The following gentlemen Moore, J. W. Morrison, 'V,. Kulcahy, AJ *onday morning. -There were 'several the quarterly eirvices of the Methodist" around home, and Win thought that internal The new bridge across Bayfield river has Blashill has purcliss for SOO. it were selected an chairmen of their respective - Prendergast, J. Sclater, M. A. SM. illic, C' *allowe'en ,parties in town on Tuesday church, which will be held at Chiselhurst injury was done, perhaps the bursting of a' recently been completed. -Mr. 1. J. Marko residence on Elizabeth Street . , municipalrities,' viz. : Exeter, ,'I. - M.-Souch, L, Brooks, M. Coleman, J. Li., i * has erected a very neat brick dwelling on is for his son, who lately returned from the H. Me 4 veniog, when the various sports and charms in the morning, there will'be no service blood vessel. He went into a heavy steep ' . I ' Callum -,,, Stephen, Rev, George Baker ; Us. Dorsey, N. Evans, .M. Gillespie) E. 1aw! at powticular in this place next Sabbath afternoon. -Tho on Tuesday, out of which he ne ver awoke, Main street. -Mr. James Fowlie ban built Land of the Free with a wife.-Ament Bros, I ; acred to 'the memory of th t Lof his raised their now saw mill on Wednesday - I - . borne, John Cann ; Hay, 'Wm. Buahanan; rence, M, Lamb, K. Lynch, M. Jordan, N, . noWereir afforded considerable amuse- regular quarterly buGiness meeting of the The deceased was born in County Down, a. fine addition to the fron They are hustijog things along these fine I " .. Tuvicermlith, Samuel LSmillie ; Seaforth, J. Keating, M. Kemp, L. McIntosh, M Mcl I 13ent1to th ge who indulged in them. -Miss Methodist Board will be held in the Metho- Ireland, and came to Canada in 1849, and house, which greatly improve,3 appearanoes. 'build- . H. Pyp(-r ; Stanley, John Torrance ; Bay- Mic aal, N. McMiflan, A. M-tirray, T: Me, County, where six years -Mr. John Biggart has rebuilt his dwelling days ; they are, also, having all their I 11 lcWhinne , of Toronto, was in town on , diet. church of this place on Monday next. located in Leeds . i inge covered with iron. -Last week George' field, J Whiddon ; 0,oderich Town -hip, S. Quade,'J. McLean, B. R. Stephenson," E' eet. Mr..Robert Rouatt, is. . 1, Tuesday, aking arrangements to start a A good a4enda"e is requested b the , were spent, About 45 years ago he was on Chiniquy str I ! I I y ris died very Rothwell. It i's expected thaLt these gentle-, Simpson', H. J. VanEgmond, H. Watson T! )lass in vocal music, She alreadyL'has a Board.-M ster William Cooper led the united in marriage to Mies Ann Girwood, of- converting the old - woolen mill into a d well- Hannah of the 0. line,Mor , . : . men will hava meetings called in their re. Wilion' A. Wallace, F. We ' Kitley township. In 1853, he removed to and tin and hardware establishment. ' suddenly. He was one of the earliest set- _ ir. Total, 44 good class in W102haln.-The last batch of Christian Endeavor this week, giving many of age. .,H6 oPective, manicipalities as soon as possible PRIMAIK'Y EXAMINATION, formerly known a 1 risitors to the World's Fair from here re- good point . o on the lesson. OurSociety, Morris, where he purchased the mouth half Di'or! Sheppard is having an office arranged in tlers of Morris and was 75 yearn . C 83 a -, concession 6, then. a bush lot, very the front part of the residence of Mrs. A. . was out w1orkla -n and it is . and that a local, working organization will. the thir'd la . exami,n tion: -M. Boyd, W. I mehed home-, on Saturday, and, like all hough not so large in number. as some og lot 16 _g about the bat . ecaiyed be effected. , hu 't, himself, us he had r Aia Executive committee was J. Bro nell, W. J. Camer6n, J. Campbell, )reiaecessoris, were, evidently, much delight- others, , bids fair to hold its c and Rutledge. -Mr. John Tippet intends erect- supposed he r I w I wn in the few settlers excepting Edward Nichol . , appointed to be composed of the offievis &I. A, A, C%rnochan, M. E.'. Crows, E. Dev- d wMh what they saw. -Division court was searching and explanation of the Scriptures, I James Purvis 6eing in that locality, The ing next spring a fine dwelling And harness a fall on the Previous Saturday,, and --did not - ready named and Rev. Mk, Fletcher, Us. pr&ux, J. E81er, M. E, Ford, J. 'Vorreat, I I ield here on Saturday afternoon last, but We would like to see more of the boys and clearing,, on siny of the farms were very shop, on his recently purnhased property; feel well afterwards. 'On Tuesday he went ne ; Rev. Kr. Henderson, Hensall, and F,. Fortune, B' .1. Gemmell, A. D. Hayl, I here was not much business done, -Very .girl@ who have talent#, use them for the am all. Mr, Hanna prospered in hia now at present he is carrying on his business ir. '%sleep and never woke,hii life.Pa,8511119 away, , I I . I ; I . - I I I I I I . : - , ? . x . I I . . . . . 4 . - . I I . I .1 I . . I I . . I . . . . - . i I , . . . I ? r . f I , R 7 u ev I., , 1i V 1 i L I f t I e t I I 'J'A ' e - I V i I . i a E, o i h J h . , I , , el , 4 i "' '0 all 4 1 , I I i 519 1 _L_____ - I I I : . ­­ I ___ __ ", i . . I ; . . I I . . - . ­ I . - I , I I -1 . . 'd"_ I , j i . I . J - I I I : - 4 1 i I . . . r, I I . , I ­ I . I r . I I . .1 I . . . - I - , . I -1 ; I .1 I - I - . . . ., I L . . I . i - I 1 . . . . - : I " I I I . - I I - I I . I - - .- - ___ I __ . - I- . .1 . I . - I - - - - , I I - , . - - . . I 11 ;_ J I I I , j . I I I A . 1 4 4 - , I ) I . d - 1 I I . * . , 1 I I I - I I - 1 - , I .1 - - I - - , . - . , / I - I . - . - I . . . . - I - - . - I *, __ — - . . . * _ TWEN! ,­ . . - . - . 4 - I - I - . I I - I _. . ­ . I I I M, ­­_ -,., I .- - : . . . . - imazinw, . 1 _ - I . a lively. i n _ 1. . - I - ... - . wondexfitl' - ;,_1 . speech, a, , ;W_ .1 . . . fiarful no .- , I _ .­ - r1fe would .- 1-1 . . . "I ­ 0, 1"11 or VV . :_ . . , . aIr L, '110'rl-( 1. i , - .1 . - I - L ve them. . I lea .. I L ion plays I . . . d ­ L LL . . - I 1 ._ igo along th I -111 "-.. comfortabl* I . . . q_ thermometi 11 -1 I a4ade, land ­ I I - . ., , - 1, "Storxa. if: . . __ . - I 1-1 - . -1 good goods I I ,­ . . , , 11- ff low PrIces, I I - L I - . I - I lz l You, if Y, L . , I - t_ to order at I - - - your iwag-il , I - I - . , . . . L - , i . Imagme tba - 1 1. L . $20, Ma4e . -It - i __ , . L .three Tead, - I . _1 fools you Al . I . w I L ti 9 . t WIS Ara ME - L I . , , Fashiousblt - I . - x I I imaguAltiox) . I - L . . i - I - I , . Those Irish - I I -.1 . make for $1 1 1 1 wear well;, - stylish , ' - . ,, ,*" .. , H&,66 you ei - - I : V to kud Out ill I cwt, .. t I - . . - I to show y-om , I L ? I - - I I _.., JAC) I i I L - L I THE F01 I - INIM .. I i 4 X , L I . : AE - I . * - I - I - - - i , . I i TR I I -, GIR . I M i . 11 I 0,2. - : I I . , L t - I In the ev, I - - - . i 010" Of the , I . .- i I : not 601mfine , I - - - . hibits, 1HR I I ripped$ as It I ; - '_ i floauy—senti . L - , . 1 Daark-e- , ,ari I I ' dL . , bave loungire I q bo,othe -thr6ag 11 ' 0 '* I '' I ' 2 e 0 0 t ' ' " t' 0 'in i- ri -1 d ug I I In some Ins I w L f . vows which W . , la _ . -are a thoushn . 0_0 .1 - There is on . . L , Jn L 1perate C460J11 a Ikeit the hear , ; li I 1 be yanktil rig - . 1-tila-affiloted L - . - - 1-MaIdeu isind a , - I ,isn't—sind the .1 J L- Ithe lagoatt in I I . - 'It - "M aground e , - _ of the -grinni ' . I * . I in the Anthro topee livex a 1_1 I her ps, old I - . happened that invue of tbe,w . - dians on flos . I I ey,entags. Tb I went down Ilk . nianaged to'be I Indfan maiden - witk eve!Y ate . 0 to the- Mift of L . W - -.- !_ ad.. They .. , : , 81 L inust, ,.bc hi -' I I _ was not worth ' - I i whileShchad I I 11couldnot oxi t . to - ,withouC the _0 - .iL I . ly the Veneti I , 7 - ondhic uadeTaL In his stesA. . . thore of evenin LL ::: , - while the *ad -p - tattles -in thl - . sneaked away 17 1 Inooringa after - . 'were closed I Simi L and took his it - ride on, the L . . under pictureaq I - I painted snowy, L sides Iby the sol . bf night in the. I I . I . - life in his ma,01 . _. _. And rig-hLt he I v - will probably k , -romance. The .. 4 - L . Indian girl bwc LLL::: : introduce her a * While she Insis . - I -_ . -his city . I . VA . business on thi 0 ' ' ' - ' her demands 'IDJ , I - I $a to I his pap.00j , I mve strange bn v, B. i I be it is inapossi L , , I . ing, despairing' . _. . over thats t* - ,00 , to L "not unlikely thl . -1 frayed heart's a I - L. ': L 11, the tragod I I I I - I - L -she to tbe & . I 1. Alark. ITS GTA I I I You havve Iiii . . . vielody" the rea: . I in technical ski . feeling and ex -pi - L I- full and krfect I day, you h , Composition Lexe I . cal, slipshod wa - ., (ift-pped out, a I , Preftion-well, .. - Value of the Fai I I ' ' I . ., Witb the Expo L2 a __ - being drolppadv ' : I 109 ft onli'the u ! I rem .. - , , I , 11 -All of the life "I J _ I sv - L I I si. - , the Adr. The I .. - s , 11 .4 13sitional en or - L It becalne at thL ' .- th ! abrPoration char . ' t 1411 financial r'esp I . the F*fr--.aa 2ad . director gensraii I 4111*rvi" lbe, re L 44 t I EXr ment of ( I ' a - " 1 H,4, ppalli ddeo . U114io'ge wa& 0,11, . 11 I'll . council of adni I - 1111, this 40- " I . , - AM18-the MW , I bxtildiuj ;J*L!h* ..... I . , , . - .1 I . - - I . ­ - I - . - I- L , . 11 . - . I ­ . , - .f, I., I I