HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-11-03, Page 5,
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. NEW ADVERTIS'EMENTS. or heavy, is fooWb to part with her if . be which he habitually ware was as famous as months old, which turned th � 9 scales 'at together they p1soad the body on a bed in but will not.move-to the place until spring, day: evening by - Rev. Mr. 8416n, of the
. . . I ' 700 pounds. They were bred ,from - Berk- the room and 'notified the coroner and DIED.—011 Saturday, 21et ult.� Win. Central Methodist church, Stratford, ..
can at all afford to keep her. Hor,,eo are the wearer. He will be ra�membered as a � � . ' I I
I I . � m f the " Mistilon of Laughter 11 Was a 'Very in I
IMTha figure between. the parenthesis after each � . 4hire stock. I 1� %yor. The latter Issued &n order for the Martin, second son of Mr. Peter McNeil, o
I dvII of HsAl" now, but they have been dull of picture1que.charaoter rather than an &great ' Eenterprime interment, and before night the body was the 14th concession, die -
. -The, Scottsville, ( .0 at the early age of structive one, and thoroughly enjoyed ,
otes the page of the paper on wbich the - I Michigan), - � .. - -
. advertisement will be found. , 11 . ale many times before, and the traidu � I as map, but be.6ortainly achieved the suoCtox of recent date, contains l,, an address urioeremoniously tumbled into a hastily -dug 13 yearp, 5 months and 12 days. The cause the large audience. �y 1�*
J, . . Ith which ; -M4146 Jennie Kirkland and her @Ili,
Don't --Jackson Bros. (I :fterwards revived, 'and even . boom ad,'. at) Ll at which he aimed. He wag * to have bien iven at the State Fair by Mr. Humphrey grave, with no garments save a shirt ;ad a of -death wise Bright's disease, w . .,
Bargaim In Harness &VFurs-3ohn *ard. (6) - some time. The -,Mrs. Stevenson, of Toledo, Ohio . I
&tate-of R. 3amleson-Jolin McMillan. (6) . I it will do so a .1 . -0 r farmers want tit. be married', in'& couple of .weeks, fQr the ihird A. Gray, and refers in eulogistic terms to pair of tookin a. The county'., crown at- he had been troubled for . Ing- the mennes of their child1l' are Visit.
� $ N the hasty burial, and, fear- funeral took place on ood .
Remnant Sale-Lilmaden a Wilson. (6) � " the speaker, who is a son of Mr. Stephen torney heard 0 the following Monday, Milverton. I Aroulid
, I ready to take adva ,tage of thin boom wi;en time, -to Miss Aunie Howar r Gray, of Hullett, I Ing foul play, ordered the body to be disin-, the interment being made at Cranbrook,Rev. I
What ive Advertise-Jackson'l3ros, (6 . 1� * L I .� -
We Don't Talk Mueb-Bright Bros. (6�_ , - it eDmem. If 'they � sell off all I their 'gool leave, a, daughter of the chief magnate of -Last week Ight care of hay were terred and a post mortem, examination to be D. V. MeRsa conducting the service. Mr. Me- -While Fred S*itzer of Atwood
Mriving w. 11
. . . I , , the other d- '
A Ereat ChaRce--John Cash. (5) 1 . ily entitled to Dad of tow 0 *0 -
..in � . e �ayt the
Shropshire Ranis—Thonias Anderson. (5) ! area and allow the stock �of first-clafis sires the Louisiana Lottevl) an immeiisel" shipped from. Br�csels for export. Eight held. The �examlnstion elloit
I , . y , ed no new' Neil and family ire especia�
- I , the sympathy 4 ly friends, owing to I horses shied and upset the' load on hitn,:dk.
. Conveyancing, &c,—J. A. McIntosh. ($,� i I to run'dowt), t ey ill not be in a Position wealthy: man; but a ou'Len and terrible 'care of oats and peas werealso lo4ded and features, and the body was again Interredi )f -the the locating his shoulder. I
I A Good. Opening—Wni. Kyle. (5) ly 0. � ( IC47 - . 'ill 11 or' . . ride �forwarded to E,istern poititu. On Thursday Henry Sheppard was a pensionef qf the the fact that this is the third death fn -Frank Baker, son of the
Splendid Business Chance—Miss Car . I ) to do this an they w loss ace dingly. death ptit an. end to the hopes of the b ,Scott & Jones shipped a double decked car British Army, having been in the service home in the past ten months, Alexander,an- proprietor, if
Card of Thanks—A. G. Ault. (6) I �i � ' . I � b
Now Is the Thne�A. Wesloh.- (8) ; I Even now, 'ad as the market is, a first- elect, and ohs is progtrated-with grief, 'of and J. Roddick a car of shingles. for nearly thirty years. Of late hp had been other son, -and Mrs. McNeil paying nature's the Grand Centrali Hotel, Listowel 41,
Fine Dairy Butter—Edward Cash. (8)1 . ill ho I Illness William very suddenly on Pride, I
I . class animal will bring a fair /price. We .Carter Harrison's was a life that could not ree prominent Blythites who ate not addicted to Indulging in strong drink, and debt. Through his painfu ur Frank insured his life la Y night, �Ot.h ult,
I . I a a a , an vio
.Ixarn Wisdow—Hoffman & Co. (6) a
, : much given to field sports, as 1 rule, deter- hie death occurred after one of his periodical was a very patient uff r r d the Sav It winter for. $5 Q
Yarmem Market Your Wheat—Cdok 1�ros, 0) know of several that have been ioLd in this 'have been lived anywhere but in the United mined to go on a shooting excursion one day sprees, , was precious to him in his last m0meDt8- -The anniversary of Knox chure '
� . -
Cash System Working Fine at Greenway. (8) vicinity within the pj',ot two months at,f ram States, But ehough he had numberless lately, - It is sold 'that one shot a chipmonk -Masterlbeoff. Holt, -'of Goderich, has He bade his loved, ones good-bye and hoped Marys,will be hold on San *day and 11 - f. 8t. .
.Notice—W. L. Ouitne to. (6) - November 26th and 27th, when ,-. 4
Tlle�,Tlle—Sc( fater. (6) $175 to $225. 'This is not bad, But scrubs enemies 4ad was not accounted a good man, that a small boy had killed with a stick, the initial numbek for a -library in I I Rhymes the Maoter would. be with him. Ir.
71 , ' Clark, of London, will occu
Horses Wanted—E. C,' Coleman. (6) -points, and there was another hit a stump, and the third fired at a of Childhood," by Jaiiies Whitcomb Riley, . � - � - �py th UIPI , ,
Remember-13auslaugh. (6) . , and even medium bred horses are lea& valu h6 had many stiong . -Very interesting special
. I partridge and wounded a sheep, " the Hoosier poet, and he oam: b it in this . 1. evan 6 a
An Open Letter—R. MM& 0) able than they have been for many yearo, much in'him, chiracter worthy of imitatione � * I" � services are .being held in tbo, , �
.G. P. Kletser—Entorti1nment, (8) � . � � � I Messrs. Revs. R:Fairburp and Moss, way. Last fall Geoff., who I ereven years WARBLINGS.—WRItOn Royal Templarn of - ' '
Housekeeper Desires, 8(tUation—EXP081TOP, MCC, (8) are fact almost un8aleahlei at Boy price. ,, __ - , of West Wawanosh, preached from the same old, was a otar reciter at St. George'& church Temperance will need to got a hustla'013 now church, St. Marys, conducted by 11ev. lit,
Notary Public, &e.—G. J. Sutherland, (8) 1 ' . ' 1- "' . � __ Pugsley, of Toronto.. .
- wever, are not the, kind we want N;ws of the Week. text Sunday of last wetk, 'it being Job, entertainment and convulsed the audience that the vote is shortly to take place on Pro- , '
Coloman's Atiotion Salo—E. C. ColemAll, '(8) ... � t . . I � . ' taking as the with. his rendition of "The Goblins '11 Git hibition, —Richard Pollard lost a good horse � —An assistant teacher Is badly needed .
Bargain Day—D. weismiller. (8) o bree .' ROOMS To LET ON TH F, PACIFIC COAST. —A 22nd chapter and 21st verse, the Kirk -ton. school. in lit
Boots for Everyone—if. F. Edwards. (S) I But, 0 Out." A week or last week from indigestion. . this
Wanted—Charlesworth & Bro%� nell. (8) B nut, -is not the mares alone that h 've gentleman just returned from San Francisco subject of .their discourses the words, 11 Ac- ye, of Ye Don't Wat h It waft dead inUter * - I
a people :of . that section are practiliu, th,
C1102va Co.w8—John flannah� (6) to 010 � . says there are 13,006 empty houses in that quaint thyself with God," aii4 so on to the two since Gooff's father was in Chicago, and before the viteripary surgeon arrived.—A ,, penny wise but pound f oolish ji syltem, :
Auction. saie—jawes 0, Campbell. (5) to be -lo ked after. Good mares are very- city. ! . . end of the verse. A rather peculiar coiucl- in Conversation mentioned the fact that his, number from this locality attended the Kerr ' -
I - I - important, but 'they will not do wiii,huuD . —Three vanes, deuce. i I son had a decided partiality for Riley's - .Hillen wedding recently. The bride was —Two young horses belonging to, Idt, T -
. THEFT AT THE W I [ITE, CITY. � Rigney, Prospect - Hill, wer
I equally good sires. There was � time, not valued at $1,500, were stolen from the, Jap- —Mr. E. Gidley, son of Mr.,; Samdal Gld- weirdpoeme. A lady who was present said,' e killed by ;
(Nkv * 1 1 : - it former teacher in our school here and was , locomotive while running looms, on the
107 h r- - 1tv-04 &P001tot " very lung ago, when this part of Ontario anese seption of the art gallery of the ley, of Exeter, who has a lucra1ive situation 11 I know Mr. Riley well, and an I will be a very popular young lady.—The annual way recently. , ra. I
I I World's Fair, Thursday night last week. in Winnipeg, sent home rece'ritly it large " in Indianapolis next week, I will tell him meeting of the Walton Branch of thQ Upper
4!�Vl� . was noted for the superiority of its heavy —Professor Black,of Hs,rvard Uni * -
I � . ...... DitouoilT IN ENGLANP,—T.he drought in photo of the Winnipeg National base ball that be has a young admirer over in Cana- Canada Bible Society will be held on Tues- t1versity
- — ' team in which Mr. Gidley � played centre da," and the inatter ended there for the day evening, Nbvember the 7th. Rev. G. and his accomplished wife, were visivi I
r draught, stallions. Ve are afraid the stock England is causing a water famine in several 1 4114
ISEAFORTH. FRIDAY, Nov. 3rd, 1893 do for field. . Thin team is the champion one of. time being. The other day a parcel came by H. 0obbledick 'of Brussels, is the agent this St. Marys last week. Mrs. Black -11 4ttor I . .
� is being allowed to'eun-down, This, algo,ia places, &�Id factories are shutting wn . known to the public as Miss Agnel,lKnox � I
want of water.. I Manitoba and the Northwest, and ig com- book post addressed to "Mr. Jefferson yea.r.—On Suri'day afternoon, November the I
' bad policy. The fault, however, does not 'QUICK PASS , AGE.—The steamship Empress Polled of a fine looking lot of � fellows. Holt, Goderich, Call." Of Course, It bad 5th, the' Oraugemen of this locality will —When in Chicago,'recently, Hr W. P, -
Death.of Sir John Abbott. lie with the enterprising importers and of Ja_ an made the trip from Yokohama to —There was a strike on hal nd at the Brus- to be Jefferson, not Geoffrey—the former attend serv'lce at St. George's chu.rch,.when Davit, of the .Mitchell Advocatet iiad 1;
. A few weeks ago we intimated the serious owners of stalliona,but, with the -people. As p I honor of being introduced to the Governor.
I . Vancouver in 11 days 18 hours, She had 2, Helm flax mill last week. Th ' e occasion of it being a more common name across the line, I'lev. W. G. R,Ally will preach a a ecial oar General of Canada and the Countetl of
I ;� Dposed change from soutching by but Geoff, didn.'t refuse to take in the book, montothem. TheL&dyTrue Bfueaaba�'
illness of Sir John Abbott, Ute Premier of the horse market commenced to go back- 000 tons Of cargo. . was a pri . 0 �
. 0. - -
I . L Six MEN BuR,NL?D,—Au explosion occurred the L day to working by the hundred pounds, post parcel on that account. Insidd was a'- been invited to'be prevent.—The other n L Igbt Aberdeen. � .
Canada, and the cause of the same, The ward, breeders commenced to clamor for . uld a Vil_ i —Mr. David Walks, of Fullartout return.
I Thursday morning last week at the pulp whereby the employees state that they co in tion to the young Canadian with the a g:ng of hood JuMs Went through th ed on Tuesday, last , Lf
. scrip
end, although longe'r delayed than 'we ex- cheaper horse service', and more attention mill in Ashland, Wisconsin in whiok mix not make wages at the rate offered. The following quotation in the writing of the ),ag , after vidting one of the hotels, and, Week r�orft a .tWo :
�Peoted, has come at last. Sir )ohn Abbott has been paid to price than quality. As a meuwere horribly burned, two of L them it � is matter was agreeably settled and work:re- - poet: I - 'Pelted the residences slong the street with months.,tour of Dakota and the NorthW* I
� � ' I I The goodest men they is ain't good, He states that 100 �Lcres in his township h . .
passed away at - hiaL residence, in.1%lontreal, . result, the service price has been run down thoujilt fatally. surned. ; � � I stones, breaking windows in some -cases.— . .
. ... . �Mro. Tuffts, bf Belgrave, ell-koown as As baddest little Childs! Last week a gentleman who lives not far worth a wholetection out west,
� COALs DULL,—The bituminous. coal trade � w JAMES WHITCOMB RmEv, I
on Monday night last. Sir John was a na. to such a figure that it does not pay to keep it, former proprietress of the Grand Union I —Kirkton had an old time charivan 0.
in Pennsylvania) is Paid to be du!ler than ever Indianapolis, Ind , Oct. 17,1893," from this village sold a number of cattle to ,
tive Canadian, having been born in St. a real good stallion and many of those who before known. - � I hotel, Clinton, has been conducting a board- and. accompanying the book was a,,Cabinet a buyer at Seaf orth, receiving $1501 for them. night last week, -when the noise of tin pall,,
. I -
Andrews, co . anty of Argenteuil, Quebec, un had them were forced to get rid of them. BATTLESHIP ' LA'UNCJIBD,—The United ing house in Englewood—& suburb of Chi- photo of the poet with the legend, When An it was too late to deposit the money in old kettles, old fi.orns and :40UtIng of bojg L L
nf,ti .
X-Tairch l2th, -1821. His father was an Eo. Supply will always foil If . - States battleship Oregon, 10,000 tons and cago—during the World's Fair. Her rates , the frost Is on the punkin, an' the fodder's the bank he put it in the breast pocket of - would have satisfied �th � Vas Of . an I .
L I . .
I ow demand. costing $4,000,000, was launched at San wepe very reasonable, she kept a splendid in the shook," over the signature of the him coat and went home, The garment was Africarf village. - �
glish church clergyman,. and came to this' people demand the services of a first class . —On Monday, laft� week, there .1
. Francieco Saturday. house,and it was only natural that. ohe donor. And Geoff, is correspondingly hung up in his rbom at home with the bills � PNW
country as a missionary from England, in animal and are willirg to pa� what they are FOR LiFE.—Louvis F. Arno has been sent. should. do a good business, In fact the proud. I still in the pocket but to 'the owner 0 a sad away one of the first settlers of BIgnsharA, .
. ' � I the person of Air, Thomas Irving & d .
18:18. He was a meLmber of the legal pro- worth, -.they will get what they want; but enced at Detriot to-iniprisonment for life for house was full nearly the .whole season. __ I surprise when he Went to reiriove the Wealth 112 -
years., Deceased was well-kno �u ;,ale, 86
, �The following real est%te transfeishave - � Publy dis. h .
fession and a graduate of McGill University if they demand it cheap and poor they will the betrayal of a child named Pearl Butler. � Greenway. the following day it had myeteric J ly respected. The,-remsins Were ta Ith.,
He was' highly reepacted as a man and W18 find no difficulty in, being accommodated. DEAD.—The Rev. Samuel D. Haddaway, recently taken place in Clinton: Mr. Jamell I appeared and at the time of writing it has Kirktou foe burial. i kei to
chaplain of the House of Representatives, Stevens, of'the Base line, Ooderich town- NOTES.—A very pleasant wedding took not turned up. .
, place on the afternoon of Wednesday Octo. —Mri Daniel Collins, near Trowbridge,
extremely shrewd in busincss, bu-t was never This latter, we are sorry to say, * has been died Sunday in Wsshiug� OBITUARY. —On Thursday,
,2n, ship, has bought the house and lot on Albert l9tk ult;1 his sold his farm
Street, -owned by ,Mrs, Mowbray.- .Mr, her 25th, at the residence of Mr. David . to Mr. John B, 11amil —
a very prominent figure in politics until he the case of late years and the result is a]- THE Two HUNDRED AN;WELEVFNT11.—.rhe Thomas Ryan, an old resident of this locali- . 0014
James MoMath has bought a house and lot Brophey, when Miss Rose, hisi eldest daugh. for nearly $5,006. Mr. Collins ba4boon a -
wits, made Premier on the death of Sir John ready being painfully manifest on our horse celebration o,f the two hundred and eleventh ter, was united in marriage to Mr. William ty, died at the residence of his son, west of resident of that neighborhood for n" �
Macdona;10. He was an intimatej lifeal .. . anniversary of the landing of- William Penn in Wingham. A lot belonging to the Bees- Walton, at the ivdve6ticed age of 92 years, 10 ,forty years, and will be greatly migged 4 ----
Ong stock. What we advise is, for breeders not - ley estate, adjoining the residence of Mr. T. Ulens, in the presenca of only the inti.
I I wa celebrated'in Philadelphia on Saturday . months nd 15 days. The funeral took pecially by the Methodist church. 1 tit- - .
__. friend' of th-At gentlemao,'aud 'was ever 8 Joyner, has been purchaved'by Mr. Joyner, mate friends and relative& Rev. J. N. place on athe following Saturday, the inter- - .
_ I to entirely abandon the business, but to con- on the ground where the landing took place. . —The Kirkton veterinary surgeon ,per.
, ready to come to his aid in every e - Y- tinueN on', but only ,with the very best ani- DIED SAVING HER DAUGHTFR.—Mrs. —Mr. Willism Wallace,.of Spain, South Chant officiated.' The home was beautifully
7 . x'remit D'alcota,'(tion of the late W. Wallace, of decorated for the occasion. ' The bride was ment being made at Bushfield cemetery in for- ed a surgical operation last wme*
, I P <`1 I ' Morris township, The deceased was highly m k t4k.
It was ill this way be gained his -James Whitehead ikud her daughter, while �t
i Olitical male, both sire and dam. We are conv'itic, - on a (� ' Hullett), has been visiting his old frie'rids assisted by her sister, Miss Lillie May., and Ing from the breast of a horse from 'Runei.
I . - -laim in the Cherokee. strip on Tuesday 0-t let Miss Amelia B respected. By economy and hard work he dalei a fibrous t-Umor weighin
notoriety or prominence rnpre than by his ed that those who do this will come out "'the were . overtaken by a prairie fire. The about here for a few days, but he did n r;wv. Messrs. George Fos- haA not only improved Hs farm but had 9 uPwar4o of
rformances. He w� a a'good partY' best in the end.' This is an important mat- mother 4 ter and Charles M. Wilson acted as groomff. -., of - three poundt;. It was skilfully done mud �
pub,lic pe I . a -placed her daughter on a pony and many of them into the real secret of hi. been able to lay past him considerable the horse is doing well, . I
man mad a skilful party en cer, and was a ter for- the country and our farmers -should she escaped, but before Mrs, Whitehead visit, which transpired at the Mause, 'Clin. men. A collection of valuable and useful this world's goods. He was born in Tipper- —The sum� of ,$2,700 was distributed
1911, . I I ton, on Monday morning, when Rev. Mr., presetits attested the esteem in which the ary, Ireland, and -came t('Canada in 1826
moat invaluable a,p'pendage to the party ma- ive it could mount her horfe she was surr.ounded , a 0 me e se
F 9 , due -consideration. . I uniting him in contracting parties are hold. The kindest no among the Patrons of Doneg I b s �f -
chiu.e. He was immensely wealthy,' and -----------,— I by flames and burned to death * Stewart had the pleasure of wishes of their many friends for a long and residing near Montreal until 1845, whe tory for their August cheese the,other even, ..
acquired moat of 'his wealth through his - TuE POPE DULI-SINO.—T�e Pope has marriage with Mies Evans, of Blyth. They happy life go with them.—Miss Jane Aitken with his family he removed to Mornirigton The cheese was purchased by 11r, j, -
. I - I Those Questions. changeki 'noticeably in . appeurance lately. have left for Dakota. � township, Perth county. ' After a sojourn of in � - - I
profe3sion, being very" skilful, and look- He is much bowed and has excited, nervous . —Mr. J. L. Patterson, of Luckilow, has was visiting friends in this vicinity last 9 years there they purchased 400 acres from T Brill at a light advance on 1-0 5.16 cents I -1
- I -
ed upon as tin authorilt3'� oa I%w in h i s o,.v n In accordance with the request -from the movementa. � on exhibition twelve mOuster potatoes. week.—Mrs. A. M� Wilson arrived here the Can ads Company on the Northern per pound. I .
V- 8 f —Last week's. Mitchell 3scorder
Premier 6f Ontario, the Domini6n , Govern- Electiona in The dozen potatoes together weigh 21 last Tuesday and attended I h wedding of . - �
- -TS EFEATED. — . A Ir Ir .says . _:
. SOCIALIS boundary o McKiilop township where the ,, v
the animals
iane tried ti
Ved on a Ph
and perellpil
both pissini
she wasnot
weight of
seven 0r i
,G,00dhaud i
—Mr. 41C
his 1W aer-4
FlIms, to M
9" Elms, I
I about $900
my. Thom,
But Mr. b"i
straw shed �
� bouse'and 4
� pAiting the
vl,entil Xre c
- . '
'Age of 86 y4 .
r, . 14.
�;*TF_ —1
taught our,
. years, inur
and study i
will z000 Ill
isan excell,
amount of �
greatly brij
. his better I
without lie
foot it both
Samarftsn I
then walke
lord arnd- mi
. the vontrib
ment h,erel
. series of *v,
in this vich
fArnillies wl
fe'verlia-ve �
are complil
not nearly I
- X17OV112cer, .1-hus is removed from thm hie ment has decided to submit the following
. anothtr of Canada's once men, There J
Sw'itzBrland for 147 members of the Nation-
pounds, and the largest one , weighs 2.1
They the Carnie -
her nephew, r. W. T. Ulens.-Die quar,
terly meeting and sacramental service of
family have continuously resided. The de.'
Cv. r. ouge, OL Wilvertion, preach r � I
two very able and 'Instructive- sermons in ' . I
are no,w very few of the old guard, who cluestiona for an opinion by the Supreme
al Council resulted in a crushing defeat for
the Socialist@, only one of their:6ndidates
pounds. are of' variety
and were grown by Mr. Wilson Eagleson,
Grand Bond circuit, will be held in Boston
ceased was united in marriage to Catharine
Mulligan in the year 1831. She proved a .
Main street church on Sunday last, This On W-edj
were prominent at Confederation, left, - Court. The decision of the. conrt on these
'6e'ing elected.. . .. - .
of the 12th concession of Ashfield. Mr.
Methodist church next Sabbalh at 10,30 a..
m. -A large number tire talking of to
real helpthate .and lived to the royal old
was Mr. Tonge's first vi itchell-
congregation would gl lit to M , The 12 o'clock,
adly listen so him &
Al � question$ will authoritatively settle the- jur-
. ' I
Goo.r) Fr.ND.-An authentib report come3
Eagleson has three acres of� these potatoes
and expects to have about'five bull-
hear Professor Ayers lecture Monday even-
age of 90 years, passing away about 12 :
second 1 time. " smith, two:
isliction of the respective goverments oa the
Obiect Lessons. - 1, I
from Cripple Creek, Colorado, tha't d ore
worth $7,000 to $10,000 ton �Iss just
dred bushels. I
Ing, November the 6th. -Mr. Jomeph T,
years ago. 1here are sons and one
daughter remainin-' James, Richard and
mobdville, I
Mr. John Crawford, of Muskoka, son.
- - Alex. Sproi
� I liquor prohibition question. The question
The Woodstock Selritinel-Review of last T . � � a
been opened in the Victoria miue.
. .
-The Wellington corres f the
Wilson has rahed up bis house and built a
foundation the building
Patrick, of McKillolp ; ChristQpher, of St.
i I n I , aw of Mr. John Aldir, of Avoubank, was . On Thuri
fatally inj ured while engaged in
. arp the same as those prepared the On -
week says : . . �
. taiio Premier They
PASSED AT LAST. -Ili the United States
Picton Times says - Miss Shaw is giving up
hoilse keeping. She and her sister, Mrs.
stone and painted
a beautiful yellow, with dark trimming.-
Paul , Wieconsin ; and .Mrs. James Me-
-1 -
running a - I
horse power threshing i&;chine on Tuciday, M", on lot I
Twenty Mi
and are very p�ain. are
" There was an object leeeon in horse I I
a 'a! folloi6 :
Senate Monday the thiTd reading of the bill.
repealing the Silver Purcha4e bill, as amend -
Cameron where
I g� this week to Goderich,
Mr. Robert English has painted his new
Caughey, of Morris township.
. i
October 17th-. Ile lived till the following - Win. Alecl
I I . I
breeding sit the sale which Messrs, Irving & Ill, "Has a Provincial legislature- juriadi6-
Hunt had for Mr. Win. Chambers, of East
ed, was c36rriea, by a vote of forty-three yeas
the latter will -keep house 'for her son, Mr.
stable and driviug shed a bright red. These
improvements add much to the appearance
. — —_
and the remains were brought 0 1 On Frida
hom'e and interred it, the Avonbsuk - -
come- I'M
Oxford, on Friday. Four colts -from the ti n to -prohibit the sale, within the pro
9 -
to thirty-two ni,,,Lys,
J. S. Cameron, Miss Sha wl was" the re-
cipient of a very hands ie' dressing case
of the village. -Mr. C. H. Wilson, Hr., is
TE-.NiPERAWE.-At the last meeting of the
e . . I
$ ot
tery. OW I
, 1mj
well-known sire Aspinwall were aRld, A vioce, of,spirituous, fermented or other in-
lumbian Fair was officially closed Monday.
from the members of St. Andrew's choir.
talking of painting- his -house and building a
Independent Order of Good Templars, the
i -Mr. Charles Mason, �
,� of Donegal, l6a a ' ture. ,Tar;
yearling brought $145, a three-year-old W_�XiCatillg liquors? -
Owing to the murder of Mayor Carter Har-
She was organist in the church for the last
new fence. -Mr. N. Corbett Is building a
following officer@ were elected for the Com-
valuable cow last week. The animal by
. I - Veorge-Kit
.. $140, two four -year-olds $220 and $250, or 2. Or has the legislature such jurisdiction
� . I .
. I
rison all festive proceedings were omitted
ten years. � I .
large addition to his house. -Messrs. J allies
arter-; Chief Templ,Ar, A, McDovell -
ing qu y
, some meaus -turned 6ver on her back in the
- on WfA
an avirage of $1 good !regarding on
. ch portions of the province as to
88.15. Theme are ve ty
from the programme, and the ceremony 'Was
=The collector of taxes forHullett town-
1. McPherson and George Foster, spent last
Past -Chief Tem liars, C. Cummings ; Chap-
lane, boing unable to rise from this pe- . oiclock p. I
prices, considering that- the trade in horses which the Canada Temperance Act is not in
fit once a funeral aervice over -a
ship, Mi. Thomas Neilans, has start ed on
Saturday on the.44ts shooting ducks. They
lain, Dr. ; Vicei M. Sturdy ;
culiar position she died in about tell minuto . let, adjoinil
is unusually depressed just now owing to oneration ? .. 7
Mayor and the end of the great Exposition.
his rounds. Mr. Neflans in thus entering
!ucceedadin cap�uring one, which on close
Secretary, E. Rowed ; Guard, A. HeIwiCJJ ;
after being first discovered mud put In a 11.
7 - Cowt and t
.many cmufles. At such prices horse breed- a. Has a provincial legislature jurisdic-
on his 23rd year of service in this capacity,
inspection proved to be wliat sporting men
Marshall, W. Mitchell ; Treasurer, J. Et-
more natural position. - prietor ; C]
I ing will pay. But, as Mr.. Irving says, tion to prohibit the manufacture of such
�R. '
fire has been raging in the south-
and he is so jovial and good natured th t
calla mud hen. (
ling; Lodge Deputy, John Male. A Gospel
' ,
-A respectable young Fullarton I �
armor. - I On Wedi
liquors into the'pro' Vince ?
� ,
. colts of the same age bred from ordinary or . . '
western part of Holt county, Nebeaska,
people almost regard it as a pleasure to pay
� .
Temperance meeting will be held in the
was found in the rear of the Royal Rotelt I A-
I one cMoe ,
mongrel sires would not have sold for more 4. a.provincial legislature juriediQ.
. I � -1z
. .
since Saturday add. has- burned a strip of
him money. The first year he went around
- Go' derich.
Presbyterian church next Sunday. Mr.
Stratford, on Satuiday., in a helpleas itate, . iii Ra 8.1 'TUC
than $50 apiece.,. Scores of colts are being tion , a prohibit the importation of sudh
sold througholltl$be distrrict for little more liquors �in the province ?
country possibly 40 miles in length and 9ev. -
he collected about $6,000, and one year,
INTF,RE1,TI-,G ITE31S. - Qur town looks
Kerr, of Brussels, will condc ervice
and will in the Methodist churdh at
of intoxication, and suffering from - a cat on Ments, &e
the bridge'of his nose. He was card d to
ed to NVIII.
than this price, sometimes, even less. * * 5. If �. provincial legislature has no suc�
eral miles - consuming thousand,; of
'tons of hay and in some cremating
when there was a special assessment� for zail-
way purposes, he collected - over $17,000.
qu ite wintry since the snow came. Wood
preach I
. �
the police court where Dr. - I �, _VVCl
9 Robertson oper- � 'On �Tueo
* � *
I Fine horses will always hell at good Powers ai, above, has it the power to
. . Pr'
. places
horses, cattle and hogs.
The average has been about $12,000, how-
. . .
is coming in rapidly, but is very dear, $4
NOTES. -The we%ther still continues Poe
. - . I
ated on the injured proboscis, . O'clock p.
pricen. At the present time other horses hibit sale by retail ?
QUEER'MISTAKE. -The mystery surround.
ever. �
a load being naked. -Rev. J. E. Howell
and the farmers have commenced.- housing
. .
-Reeve Dougherty and wife, Councillor I I I plements, :
are not wanted by outfilde buyers at -ally The sixth and seventh questions ask fo
ing the unidentifiEd remains of an infant
�Thrae young Hensall men recently had
came home from Chicago Fair last Wed-
� their turnips. -Among those who.. have re-
W. Ryan, Mr. J. Broderick and Tolin � Township -1.
. price. The value of thoroughbreds is shown certain definitions of the jurisdiction of th
&if every auction sale in the district where Provinces and also if Ontario had power t J
found in the ruins of the railway' wreck at-
played a practical joke. A couple of, weeks
nesday, after spending an enjoyable time
there.- Qparterly meeting services were
- ceatly returned fro�l the Nortliviest are
James Rose, Will. Mills, and Joseph Fagon.
Magistrate Flagg, of Mitchell, left for the � I
. . prietoria; I
'World's Fair on Friday evening, 20th ult. � .
On 94Dnd
�t heir colts are offered. Still our farmers pass the'Local Option Act. I-
Battle Creek, Michigan, was cleared up by
the Coroner. He held a post mortem exam-
ago a farmer residing a few miles from there
went into a hotel, leaving his horse and rig
hold by - Rev. H_. Irvine in Vic4oriast�reet
-Wm. Doby and family ,have returned
They reached Battle Creek, Michi
I )put M" Oil lot 4
continue the folly of selling off their best . Clause'5, itwill noticed, covers the
, : �
inatioa on tho supposed body of the baby
' r
outside., -Upon returning he found that i ' is
Methodist church last Sunday. At the
home and have'moved on his farm and in.
about an hout after the- great accident 'Stock, Imp.
maresand breeding their refuse to mongrel question: raised by Mr. Marter's bill last
. . .
and found that it was a huge bologna
horse bad been unhitched and had ted
Board meeting Monday evening, provision
tend to commence farming. -Mrs. Cowan
occurred and- were detained there se#erxl ,Proprietor,
sires. The evidence of facts should convinqp "esalon. ,
� -
sausage. .
for home, breaking the harness on the way.
was made to pay the pastor his half year'H
and her two children are the guests of her
hours, I . I � . -
them that they have been on the wrong ! � I
The matter was expected to dome before the
salary in full. z .
mother, Mrs. Arthur. -Miss Webster is the
, -The handsome new Methodist church, � I V
track.. The reference to these Aspinwall Carter Harrison Shot.
of World's Fair hotel people who failed to
magistrate, but a settlemcnt has been made 0
RvicEs.-Vi a toris street
_ guest of Mrs. W. Mevem.-Mr. James Medd
which has been built st Carlingford during - . -
colts is merely made by way- of illustration. .
The ,game might be said of any of the other On Saturday night last Carter H. Harri-
n ake the expected fortunes will sue the rail-
the boys paying at least a -NT for their joke,
thp farmer has the � laugh his
Methodiatchurch has ito reopening services
on Sunday next. Miss S. J. Williams
spent Sunday under the parental roof.-
Ziss T. Blair, our popular music teacher,
the summer, is expected to be ready for . I
opening on the 19th of Nb�ember, and &L Fall Wheat p<
0 ,
thorouoh-bred sires in th section'." - mon,Mayor of Chicago,was shot and killed at
, �
ways for damages. They say the high rail.
road. fares kept away people and prevented
and now on
side of the fence.
preaches morning and evening and addresses
left for her home in Goderich township last
. � Spring Wheat
friends of the congregation are preparingfor .. -1 -Clate pax bw
And herp0a another.- . his residence by a crank n�med E. P. Pren-
them v 'making a profit. i .
—Mr. L. Treacy was talchig a steer with
the Sabbath School in the afternoon. At
week. -Quite a number from our village at-
� big thanksgiving dinner on the Thursday
0 PeaA per Uuxi
" TwentY-aeven C;�,naffian bred horacis sold derga8t. Prendergast walked up to the
.. . I
.its head tied down to one foot, from Ilia
in Turnberry to Mr. W. Isbister's in
the tea meeting held the following evening,
8P ecchWa and singing from Miss Williams,
tended the concert at Londesboro on Tues-
day evening and report having had a good
fellowing in connection with the openirig, - Barley per bu
-Mr. R. Beer, of Fullarton, as, had A - Butter, NO, 1,
in New York- a few days kgo for $8,785, an door, rang, and asked for Mayor Harrison.
average of over $315 a head, and -the New ' '
� Professor J. D. Dana, of Yale College, fell
.. "
coclisclous- in front of the New Haven
Morris, the other day,and bad quite a time.
Rev. J. P. Howell, J. W. Holmes, Dr. Ure
time.. Mr. A. Lautensla,-y'er and M.r. j.
Butter, tub..
new steel frame wind inilLI and pump, Ws - , I .
I EFgxperlb_i
The servant let him in and he was standing
York p*pers reported the sale as being one .
ost-office Saturday, and lies in a critical
The animal was very wild, and bolted for
a nd the choir, will make a very interesting
Murdoch ha�vo traded farms. - Pickin
. 9
cost of $Iffi, erected. The wind mill is one � 1. Flour, per lot]
of the very jbest of the se�son." in the hall about ten. feet from the door
onditiou. He is one of the leading scientistH
home after having gone a short distance. It
programme. This is vow one of the prettiest
beechnuts is the o rd,er ofthe day. -Air, J.
f the,prorriineut objects in the vicinity, It Rayper Un r
0 .
Hides per 100
THE Expo.,uTou hag always advocated the when Mayor Harrison came out of the din-
f the country. I I
was headed, however, and started on the
way again. ' It charged into.a, -buggy o n a
churches in the county. Plastering, paint-
ing, calsomining, carpets, pulpit drapes and
Nagle has bought out Mr. G" Doustedt aud
intends doing a rushing,businiess in the hard-
stands fifty fetzt high, and, with the excep, I
- Lamb Skina..�
tion of the platform. at the top, is ,made W -00L ...... .
�reeding of only good horses, and especially ingroom.. Without saying a .word Prendbro
. , .
0 Friday destroyed a large barn near
bridge- and made an onslaught on the owner
a new Bible, with four new Rochester
ware line. -Mr. James Tewsley has rented
wholly of galvanized iron, steel, It if the I � Potatoes -per
the irriproving of our light horses by the use gast drew a r6olver and opened fire, three
A emphis, Tennessee, the breeding establi ell-
Of it- It smashed ino-a vechicle standing
lamps, the gift of a member of the Board,
Mr. D. E. Munroe's store and intends turn-
first of the kind in the district. A Salt (retall) 1
Wood per aft
of really good- . thorouglibred sires. How -shots lodging in his victim's body, two of
n 0 . R. E wing, and twenty thorough-
in front of- C. 14. Griffin's gr � eery in Wing.
all aid in showing the to, �
and enterprise
of the Board and congregation of this
ing it into a butcher shop. -Mr. T. Wetlau-
fer, of Londeaboro, has bought' Mr. James
-While attending the Sabbath School -
Convention in Toronto, last week, Revi G. � , Wood Per cov
Apples bA
often we see'firmers breed their mares to a which would have fatal. Mayor
'�,e es
ho2s died in the flames. Loss o'Ver
q 0 000. I .
O' 0 ( I
ham. At the water -tank, at. the lower end
of the town it made rush at a boy, fell and
Young'a workshop -and is going to have it
. por
F. Salton received a cablegram' alluounob , Clover SqeeC
9 J - `
certain horse bec:iuse he i3 cheap Harrison turned and . walked rapidly to-
' I I .
rolled into the ditch, .from which it , was,
for a hardware and butcher -shop, so we
the sad .intelligence of the death of his � I Timothy Soe�
11 Pork, per 100
he is owned by a friend. Of c�urae the sue- wards- the dining room and on through' that
with difficulty pulled out. T I he beast was
will have no leas than three butchers in the
mother at West Elartlepool, England, he .
'Tallow, Par 1".
zessful breeders do not, but we veirture to room into the butler's
. . - pantry, where he fell
Huron Notes.
Ir. '
Aloseg, Burling
winded com�letely, It was powerless to
lay for hours dead,
I .
village. -There is to be a concert held here
on Saturday evenieg in the Temperance
shook to Mr. Salton was very gi - -I I 11
was the first intimation he had of his mother .
say that at least hAlf of the farmers in On. to the floor. Prenderga8t put his revolvbr
. '
r and family, have
I f *
3f 13
e lyth for Sault Ste Marie.
84 almost
help itielf, and.
but finally recovered its'breath.
. PENCILLINGS.-Mr. Joseph Shaw has
gone to Trout Creek, where he will spend
Hall. -Mr. John Higginbottom. had the
I . � � -
being seriously ill, F231 whe.'t P
tario allow equa,lly foolish. reasons to govern in his pocket and leisurely left the house, -
Mr, John' Murdoch and Mr. Adain
-A very interesting ev.ent-took place at
.the winter. -Mr. Robert Shiele -has rented
misfortune to lose a valuable horse- last
-John Manaxy, a poor innocent fellow, �t Whe*t
oats per bush
them when they co M�e to breeding horses. proceeding to a police'station, wherehe
,a - te
La-tenslayer, of West Wawanosh, have
St. George's church, Gode-rich, on Wednee-
his father's farm, and is -having a new house
week. -Mr. James Mutch inte'nds finishing
subject to 11te, who lived in Listowel, slid I - Barley Per b")
' I
It is amazing to find how little sound,-`com. gave himself up, saying he had shot Mayor
tr4ed,farms. I -
day, October the 18th, heing the wadding -of
erected. -Mr. D, McLaren, of St. Maryu,
hing this week. -Mr. John Mitchell
who bad himself put in the lockup at n ' bts Pe" per bus'll
I ButtCr...
mon sense and shrewd judgment enter into Harrison. Preston Harrison, son of the
I I :�
- rs, Straiton, of Godericb, found a
in her
R. C. Hays, solicitor, ot-Ooderich, to Miss
Hattie Al. Price, daughfier - Rees Price;
paid a short visit to his sister, Mrs, Angus
Shaw, be in the
has left for Gait t? Attend business college.
-Mr, John Arthui has left for bis old
li, - _ �
for safe keeping, wafj found,dead tbere. Eggs per dz..'
is euppoped he died during the night of ' Hay
- .
. �ho cAlcula,tions of a ood many 'farmers in murdered mail, the
pa:t�m purp,, garden which
, e and gold,
-There will changes teach-
tion London. htning ill the,
. par ton,:
'he his-fiti potatoem
. 9 ,And private coachman
" �
mea�urcd 2)
,I inches in diameter either way,
merchant of the same t 4 wn. A large num-
era of several schools in this townshio at
near -Li 9 fitruck
1. , in one of Per:
Saturday, 21st ult, -
* this matter, and how little study in the both gave chase to'the murderer, but were
The young people of Ontario Street
her witnessed the ceremony, which was per-
the opening of 1894. -Mr. James MckZir
village the other day ; it is very late for
He was buried ontho following 431onday, it' Ilides per IWD
majority of oases, is given to it. 'Farmers, unable to catch him-.' Mayor Harrison died,
Chu ell, Clintoa, purpose holding a World's
formed by Rev, M. Tur:nbulf, The bride
. �
of the Stratford Business f3ollege, spenj
lightning. -Miss Youngblut, of Hullett,was
, the corporation's expense. I - . . I
who, in other matters pertain -in to their 'before be could'be remove:d, attended b
9 by a
Fair social on the evening of November 7th.
wore white milk, wreath,i voil' and orange
Saturdayland Sunday- under -the parental
the guest of Miss Bertha Youngblut this
Bart Tisdale is h from
'-The other day in Stratford 31-ts, Freet, . LIVERN)OL;J
' - , I I 9 -
- r. D, Dickinson, of Clin6ai'llas had a
" ' .
blossoms, and her , bridel6aid, Miss May
. I I
roof, -Ventriloquist Pearce haa� been enter-
week. -Mr. 0 me the
man left her baby carriagg atthe.pottoffiO winter, bs bd
business are shrewd and eensible, as well'as -neighbor and his wife. The thing happen.
! I .� �
0 of years that he valued
P�t( og for a number
Ville, was;:attired in yellow
Price, of Belle I
to.tining audiences in several of t 46hool
West. looking woh.-Mr. J. Mole haFj trad-
door while she went in after her mail, Par- 5d ; pork, ��tj
, -
c,inservative, are�often governed by most ed so quickly that ever
I ything was in confus-
, 11
big il ; the other night Home one cruekjy
-milk. The two little sisters of the bride,
sections in Grey during the Past week.-
e d off his handsome driver for a French
, .
ing her absence a piece. of galvani7ed Wil ToRo ro I �
amusing. heresies, and entertain most pre - ion' and had Pranderga8t , not given himself
t ..
brok its back with a club, .
Misses Mar and Dora Price, acted as
y , ;
Municipal matters are very quiet �o far, and
horse. -We noticed Mr. John Davidson in
fell from the roof, striking her mix M0,11tho - I
� :, vpring - x
. '
,posterbus theories on the subject of horse up he have escaped.. When the
., "
- n Saturday, 21st inst,, a foot -ball team'
maids of -honor, were , Prett ily dressed in
no indications are given of a met -to for the
the on Monday with a sleigh, the
old 'baby in the face, inflictirig a palpful pr_1401 PC) ,�
. i
f r 0 mr. Goderich journeyed to Clinton ,and
cream silk, with hate to matchi and carfi-ed
' abats at the Council Board for next year. -
first of. the season. . �
wound extending from the eye down along per ton, . ba;
breeding. However, we believe that Can- news of the --niirder got wbout the city an -
defea ed the oombination from that place by
boquets. The groom w as supported by C.
Mr. Samuel McGeor e will lbok after the
� -
the nose, to 20C : dre-50
adiane are learning how to breed horses, and immense crowd gathered and",there was con-
a Be r of two to 008, .
S. Shane. The ushers - George Price
' '
tax collecting in the half of Grey
Perth Items. I .
-Mr, Thomas Bban, living near 11SPIS' � I I
- .
we expact that before a Very great n.0 in b er siderable talk about lynching.the murderer,
- t the recent Blyth w, - Miss
and H. Hays, After a� wedding breakfast
this year, inbtead of Mr. D. McDonald, who
-The Fullarton cheese factory closed
wood, father of Emerson Beav, of Dowulet P-(.
of years Canada will be. a-,-% noted for her However, the police kept him well guarded.
I I �
Lane., daughter of Mr. James Lane, of Ash-
�eld, arried off six first prizes in paintings,
at the residence of the bride's father, Mon-
treat street, the happy couple ,left on their
has done the work very successfully for seva
eral years past. -Mr. G. Parris has left for
down on Saturday, 2lot ult. .
-Mr. Thom asAllen, late of Russeldale,
near Stratford, sustained a very serious Me, There Is nol
cident a fe,yv diye ago,by accidentally fallink, - bere are,quot�
light horses as she is now for heavy horses, and finally removed him f6r"',8afety to the
in oil, water coloire, and crayon drawings,
bridal trip, accompanteo by the beat wishes
a tour through the Western States, taking
is very ill at hl$ 6`10n's residence in Toronto.
from an upper bcam in the barn, upon � �4eifat we, t ,
shorthorn cattle and cheese, qire and co'untylaol, until the excikpient quieted
-Miss,Mary Bell, of.Belgrave, met with
of their hosts of friend '
� 8�
in Chicago on the way, There is a proba-
- -The hum �6f the thresher is still the
threshing was standing be- I
machine which '
, . . .
I � .
study will accomplish this, and iiot,�ing "else down. . .1
a vast accident on Sunday, of last week,
-The Amberstburg Echo of a recent date
bility that a match will be arranged for a
popular mu sic &)�ound Munro.
. , 11
low. Four ribs were' broken, by the fag, ' Ba
� I �
. .
, ' .
will, In horse breeding, as in ivery oth'e'er
While attending to household duties, she
contains a thre6-column account of the open-
heavy weight competition between Mr.
-Several Mit6hell and Stratford sport@
- -Toitfnx ,0
two of th one of. his TO
em being -driven into dull
. I ison was one of',the best known
Carter Harr'
' ,
form of animal breeding, to bfr ' '
alippe and fell down stairs.
T English Belgrave
Ing of th e* new Methodist church at Harrow,
It -one
Perris and. Mr. Johnston,the Scottish cham-
9�re off to Muskoka deer -hunting
and L
lungs;, The accident is a severe One for 6' L"Itied Straw
p"Ry wise men in the United States, . .He was -five
- a
( church at has a
and ape ake of as -of the finest
pion, the championsbip of the world,
-Mr. Albert Moore is selling in Ful-
man past middle age, but Mr." Been's remy' (%-rs on the tr
and p:)und foolish is ruinous. It vviA nQt
� times Mayor of Chicagn, was I proprietor of
air o n
pair f ew chimneys as well as a new roof,
Methodist churches in- the Province." The
The match may take place in Scotland, if
larton, and intends to remove to IMitchell
t . . _� .
ery is looked for provided serious coinvilw -
pay to breed to any but the best sires' No ,
I . the Chicago Times ilewspap-er,
and in rchant McLelland of the same place,
church in under the pastorate of Rev. E.
Johnston won't come,to America. A well-
to reside. t
tions do not 'engue. - I -
. wag very
faraier, nowadays, who is at all enterprising
has ale put a new roof on his store and
Medd, a former Hullett boy, of whom the
Echo ",Rev.
known resident of th� 10th concession mis-
-Twenty commercial travell era ,register-
-Mr. Charles Robinson, Of 131sughiard, 11 Livyni,00b,
Ridiag . ��tb.,�
, , wealthy and a sucdessfnl:po,liticidn-.-"-H"e-"w-a-s
- - .
says : Emanuel Medd, the ell-
sed the. larger portion of a set,&,f singlA bar-
ed at the Hicks' House, Mitchell, I
the Patron cafididate for the Son t11 United St%Lte,�.
. thinks of breeding his,cows to anything but in every House of the word a remarkable
- ' Holloway, - Neil Yellowlees,
ergetic pastoO, under whose charge .this"
ne6a from his stable last Spring-, and,after
. .
last week. I
- pliesjalr� D,
of Perth for the Ontario Legislature, b" fe�_ - �
a thoroughbred bull. or his sows to any but '
� . man, and one of exceedingly forceful char-
ani R0"eir`t'nDown, of Clinton, walked to
church has been completed, w -is ordained in-
diligent search and enquiry decided that
- We are sor ry to learn that Mr. John E.
cently retarn-ed from the World'a Fair, ad . cent4, compu
I Finest stecra,
0 r, yet many of them will acter. He was a candidate atlone time for
Exeter,1 a distance of nearly 20 miles, in four
1889, after attending the Wesleyan Theo-
somebody had stolen it. Imagine the
Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate,! died of
says that a trip to Chicago and the fair 9 . -
- . fe to 10c ;
11r' '
breed. their mares, �e&r after year, to horses ' .
hours4e other day, They did it for a
logical College it) Montreal, and taking a
towner'8 surprise the other day, in finding a
typhoid fever yeaternay mornin �
9- *
makes better Canadians of all wh,D,g,O- 8c ; interiors,
� . .the office of Governor of tb'e ,State, on the
lark, aqd were not walking against time. �
special Arts course in McGill University.
portion of the remains in thi bush at the
--Mr. Themas Magwood, M.. P. P., ad-
Robinson was so plo.6fied with the big CAD, -
0ctober 2�8,
which might better.be sh(ot than allowe
. I d to I Democratic ticket, but was defeated by
-A hild of Mr. L. Platzer, of Auburn,
, .1
He has pursued regular. collegai work since
rear of his farm. It is supposed that a cow
dressed an Orange soiree at Molesworth, the
who L
adian cheese that be and his friends froni'Montrea
I .
fill the district with a worthless progeny.� I Governor Oglesby, although'I he succeeded
met with a very painful accident one diy
"' ,
leaving Montreal, and is now a bon -resident
carried the harness off on her horns, and in
other evening. I .�
' .
were with him stood on the top Of the - . -sold to-doy At
, 0
If you were to go into the light horse dis. I in considerabl� reducing the Republican
lately. �While playing with an iron hook
he had he
in Otterbein University, Ohio, "where he at-
this way conveyed it to its resting place.-
-The St. Marys band is in need of, $300
cheese. and gave three lusty cheers for .- at from 31c to
- at about .�
tricts of England and offer a farmer any - I . ,
misfortune to catch it in his e e,
tended examinations. last Christmas, and has
to some Impro�ements to Roe's
for uniform@, and will try to raise that
Canada. '21. from g,e
. i majority. He was also member of Congress
which ight have proved fat4kl.
two years' more work before ending a
churct, Sunday services have been with.
amountdu the coming winter,
-R. S. Box, private banker, St. MUY" . lead of steem
thing less than from two hundred to -two � in 1874. He was born in Kentucky in 1825,
. -Mr. and Mrs. W. King, formerly of
post graduate course in philosophy. -His
drawn for the past four weeks. It is to be
---�Tbe Eringehoese factory makes from 18
� aged a litt1a
was lately the victim of' a cleVer forger-, to er
. hundred and fifty* dollars for almost any I althou h the fam � ily was a Vi
9 rgj*nim one,
Auburn have returned from Cleveland
ivilere t ey had been living 4or time,
whole alm, is to be a minister of the gospel
fully He
hoped, however, that a few more weeks
the Ali in being
to 20 cheese per day, which in pretty good
the extent of $100. Mr. Bar discounteds . .pound. Ther
by two WON' � Und prices,of :
two-year-old.on his place,he would laugh at 1 was -
� educated Yale and studied law,
, I 0
a. me
equipped'for'his work. wa's mar-
will complete work, effort
for so late in the cheese season.
note purporting to be signed - ; while commo
� I
yog,. and there is no reason Why Canadians I though he nei?er' practised that profession.
mind hay bought a small farm near Clin.
ton an the Base line, where they intend
ried in 1889 to Miss Belle Hiles, and Har-
row, is his second charge since or-
made to manure Rev. C., E. Stafford, a for-
- mer, well-known astor, now residing at
-Mr. John Cameron, the aged father of
Mr. Thom&@ Cameron Farquhaft
to-do farmers of the neighborhood. It each. Five R
that the! ere forged. Idt, - The prices of
should not raise just as good -horses, I He had a penchant, for travel and was two
to reside in the future. ,
dination." . � . I
Drayton, to preacK the re -opening sermons,
of was
stricken down with plaralysis on Monday,
ed out names W selling at tro,
Box was somewhat' thrown off his gurd by' from 24c W n
There is'another thing our'people need to ! years in Europe and Asia beifore - he was
- .
-On Sunday of last week, as' Dr. Turn-
bull '
his brother driving down
-Henry Sheppard, a -sell-known Goder-
ich found dead
-Mr. George Crook has disposed of his ex-
, ,
last week. I
having seen the swindler in the .001nwy of. over ne per 1
forged# W declinfug Inp
. be cautioned against. Now'that horses axe ! thirty. He settled in Chicago in 1855 and
and were the
ill Clinton, fellow
Character, was at his house
cellent &ere farm, on the 8th concession
, Mr. Goodband, of the Milverton ch;ese
the parties whose. names- were -
to 1he BUFF,upo 0(
so cheap, at any. rate a certain kind of hor. i was largely concerned in real estate specu-
street a young of God-
erich, nalmed Curran, on his bicycle -collided
on the morning of Tuesday, October 17th.
About 6 o'clock on that morning Mrs.
to Mr, J. Cunningham, of Colbon
ship. The price received was $7,500, whi,�-h
factory, left on Monday, last week,�with �
a load of heavy hogs for the Montrgal
on that account did not inquire " good a � �, is)
as closel an be othmrwise v
fellow's mles, 1 t�
Bel, a, great many are selling off their best c lations. In 18�5 he made a. tour- of
, the
with th4 buggy, getting thrown off and
Sheppard called tip, her neighbor, John
in considered low. Mr. Crook refuse -i
stand -Ing . -
would have d one, Mr. WoX is now seeking . go s i ,pers
! .
mares with the intention of going out of the I world. Although for so many years a-r-eei-.-
breaking his arm.
Sproule,'with the exclamation, 11 Henry is
$10,000 for thb farm at one time when not
-The anniversary services in the Metho-
, . Jight an ot'he
the -whereabouts of the slipperyp&!V, � - '; 'Md
kilrer- 1 't "
business, This is unwis* '
e. Any man who derib of Chicag6 Ile wa's in many Ways a
- �
The other day Mr. James Stevens, of
the Bas line, Gods -ich township, delivered
dying," Mr. Sproule at once went over and
as well improved as it is to -day. The par-
dist church, Milverton, on Sabbath, 22nd of
-As Mr. George Goodhand, of 0
to( V, ,
�_i 7_
has a first-class breeding mare, either light typical Southernor, and the soft felt bat
to Jame Steep, of Cl nton, two 6J
found that Sheppard has been dead for some,
time. He in
Chaser takes ponession at once, am far as
October, brought o'ut a larf,e crowd both
ton, was unloading bogs at his yards,900 -
' frjgbt ,,, � 26 �
. � . .
� . .
I .
� 1. .
� � . pigs
. �
I , �
! I I
I � I
called another neighbor and
I .
getting plougbing,,&c., done is concerned,
. .
morning and evening, The _ cture on Mon.
! -
his bar -sea took I . I
evening recentlys � - .
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