The Huron Expositor, 1893-11-03, Page 2Agricultural Implement EMPORIUM. 0.0. WILLSON • SEAFORTH, Has a full assortment of the following • goods: IN PLOWS—I have the Fleury, Wilkinson, Gowdy and Cockshutt ; in Gang Plows—the Cockshutt, Wil- kinson -and Fleury ; single and double Furrow Sulky Flame Spade Harrows, Disc Harrows and Diamond Hisrrows, Spring Tooth Cultivators, Hoosier single and combined Drills. In Horse Powers—I have one, twe and three horse American Tread Powers and American Ensilage Cutters; two, tour, six and eight horse Sweep Powers and Canadian Etisilage Cutters all kinds of Grain Crushers, and a new -and improved GRAIN GRINDER, guaranteed to do good work and give satisfaction. Gananoque and Brantford Bug- gies, Phaetons and Fancy Carriages of all patterns. Five different styles of Road Carts, also the:Wood stock -Bain wagon. In washing machines, the Improved Ideal, the Knoll, the Dowswell and Standard; Clothes Wringers in six different styles, ranging from $2.50 to $7.00 each. In Wind Mills the I X L, a fine eolid wheel; the Challenge,a first-class open wheeLand the Woodstock Steel Wheel and Steel Tower, the best of its kind in Canada. Mills put up for pumping water on short notice. A full stock of plow castings and repairs for all kinds of plows including the Hendry and Hogan plows. The Davis and Williams Sewing Machines, all - kinds of sewing machine needles and oils. 0. C. WILLSON, tr3eaforth. Cluff d Bennett's Planing Mill. The undersigned would beg leave to thank their many customers for their very liberal support for the past and would say that they are in a much better position to serve them than ever before, as they are adding a new Engine and Boiler, also a dry kiln and enlarging their building, which will enable them to turn out work on short notice. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mould- i•ngs, Shingles, and Lath a ways on hand. Contracts taken and Estimates furnished. Oluff & Bennett: e. S.—All in arrears pletiee pay up. . 13214 f ' GROCRIES. If you want a good article in \ Groceries, Canned Goods or Fruits You can be supplied at the POST OFFICE ST01::?=_ Choice Hams, Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon and Spiced Roll Kept constantly on hand. Tele- phone connection. , A gall solicited. A. CROZIER & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH, ON3327. T THE FARM Banking - House, (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) L 0 G AN 84, CO. BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT REMOVED To the Commercial Hotel Building, Mein Street A General Banking Business done, drafts isms and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MAN-AGEF 1058 NE Try owner of a -Wanted horse or cuw wants to know how to keep his animal in -vood nealth while in the stable on dry 'Odder. DICK'S BLOOD P URIFJ ER is now recognized As the best Condition. Powders, it gives a good appetite and strengthens the digestion so that all the 'ood is assimilated and forms- flesh, thus saving more .han it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys - !Ind turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. Sound Horses are al- ways in demand andat this season when they are so liable toslips and stra:ns DICK'S BLIS, TI!R will he found a stable necessity ; it will remove a curb, spavin, splint or thuroughpin or any swelling. Dick's Lini- ment cures a strain or lameness and removes inflam- snation from cu ts and bruises. For Sale by all Drug- gists. Dick's Blood Purifier 50c. Dick's Blister 50c. Dick's Liniment 25c. Dick's Oinpnent 25c. Send a Fat Cattlef°r full Par - postal card tionlars, & a book of valuable household and farm recipes will be sent free. DICK & CO., P.O. Box 482, MONTREAL, Sound Horses HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment OQMP This Company is Loaning Money OD Farm, Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Literest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and fime left. OFFICE.—Corner of MarketSquare and North Street, Goderich, HORACE HO-14TON, litaatatiza Goderich, august 5th,1883. e PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Contains no Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, or any Inkirlaat. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -LIAM FOR SLE.—For sale on improved, 100 _U acre farm, within two and a half miles of the town of Seaforth. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 12, Concession 4, if. R. S., Tucker - smith, or by mail to JOHN PRENDERGAST, Sea - forth P. O. 1290 $2,300 wolil rosiriiriopgo. odTfliaterrme inthe9e 5Tow nerhix under good cultivation, it is well ° watered and no waste land. It is within halt a -mile of a prosperous village. There is a good frame house and barn and a good orchard. This is a splendid chance to get. a °good farm cheap. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seafortie 1348-t 200 terilinEbriAngRrotsF1)1Ran8Cith4.—cTonhceess21‘76: Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared And the balance is well timbered. Buildings firee.clasa. Orchard, well, &e School house within 40 rods. Possession given at once if desired. For further particulars as to price ,termsetc, apply to MRS. WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER, on the farm, 1299-tf TIARtil FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 2, 3rd Corms- sion of Tuckersmith, containing f00 acres, all cleared and seeded down to grass. It is all well underdrained, haa good buildings and a young or- chard. It is well watered by a never tailing stream running through the back end. This is an extra good stock farm and is also Well adapted to grain raising. It is within two miles and a half of Seaforth. Will be sold cheap and on terms to suit the purchas- er. Apply to D. DONOVAN, Seaforth. 134741 11OUSE FOR SALE. --On North Street, Egmont!. ville, about five minutes walk from the church a frame house, one story and a half, with seven rooms,. very comfortable and beautifully finished. There is a vaster of an acre of land, well fenced, with a few good fruit trees and a large number of currant bushes, good cistern and well, woodshed and coal house. This is an exceptionally pretty and com- fortable place. Apply to MRS. C. HOWARD, on the premises, or write to Seaforth P. 0. ° 132341 EIARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale 11 cheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The bal- ance is well -timbered with hardwood. There are good buildings, a bearing orchard and plenty of water. It is within half a mile of the Village of Varna and three miles from Brucefield station. Possession at any time. This is .a rare chance to buy a firet class farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 1144tf FARM IN McKILLOP FOR SALE.—For sale the south half of lots 1 and lot 2, concession 4 Mos hallop, being 150 acres of very choice* land mostly in a good state of cultivation. Thee s a good house and bank barn, a good young beanag orchard and plenty of never failing water. A considerable' portion seeded to grass. Convenient to market& and schools add good gravel roads in all directional Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the! premises, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell, or at TUE HURON EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. JOHN! O'BRIEN, Proprietor. 12.984f 11ARMS FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers his _U two farms for sale, comprising lot B, 7th con- cession of Usborne, and lot No.1, 6th concession in the fore -mentioned Township, containing one hun- dred acres each. Both Janne are in a good state of cultivation, with good buildings and productive orchards, and never -failing wells, adjacent to churehes and school house. For further particulars apply to JOHN CORNISH, St. Thomas, Ontarin. 34 8.4 PLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 25, Conces. sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stock, situated. two and a half miles from the thrivine village of Brussels, a good gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared and free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 51x60 with straw and hay shed 40x70, stone stabling, underneath both. The house is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath both buildings. All are new. There is a large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition. Satisfactory -reasons for selling. Apply at THE Ex- POBITOR OFFICE, Or On the premises. WM. BARRIE, Brussels. 183541 FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 6, concession 1, H. R. S., township of Tuckeremith, containing one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres cleared, 65 of which are seeded to grass, well underdrained, three never failing wells. On one fifty of said lot there is a log houseframe barn and very good orchard, and on the other a good, frame house and barn, stables, and good orchard. The whole will be sold together or each fifty separately to suit put.. chasers. located le miles from Seaforth, will be soli reasonable and on easy terms, as the proprietor is re- tiring from fanning. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the prenilees, and if by letter to Seaforth P. O. MICHAEL DORSEY. 132341 WARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, 80 acres in Senile° County, Michigan 75 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, fit to raise any kind of a crop. It is well fenced and has a good orchard on it, and a never failing well. The buildings consist of a frame house, stabling for 12 horses with four box stalls, 86 head of cattle and 100 sheep. Ninety ewes were win- tered last year,sold $630 in wool and lambs this sum- mer. There are also pig and hen houses: The un- dersigned also has 80 acres, with buildings, but not so well improved, which he will sell either in 40 acre lots or as a whole. Those properties are in good localities, convenient- to Markets, schools and churches. The proprietor is forced to sell on nee count of ill health. It will be a bargain for the right man as it will be sold on easy terms. GEORGE A. TEMPLETON, Doronington, Sanilac County, Michi- gan. 1298x4 -t -f FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE.—For seta Lot 12 Concession- 6, H. et. S Tuckersinith, containing 100 acres of choice land, nearly all cleared and in a high state of cultivation, with 90 acres seeded to grass. It is thoroughly underd rained and well fenced with straight rail, board and wire fences and does not contain a foot of waste land. There is also an orchard of two [tares of choice fruit -trees'; two good wells, one at the house, the other with a windmill on it at the out buildings, on the premises is an ex- cellent framkhouse, containing eleven rooms and cellar under whole house, and soft and hard water convenient. There are two good bank barns, the one 32 feet by 72 feet ane the other 36 feet by 56 feet with stabling for 5b hsad of cattle and eight horses. )3esides these there are sheep, hen and pig houses and an Implement shed. The farm is well adapted for grain or stook raising and is one of the flnest farms in the country. It is situated 3e miles from Seaforth Station, 5 from Brucefield and Kippen with good gravel re a leading to each. It is ale° convenient to churches, poet office and school and will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or by letter to THOMAS 0. SHILLINGLAW, Egmonciville P. 0. _ 12854? When we assert that qvi Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO:STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on receipt of price, so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. Ti -IF HURON EXPORITrwi 1 UNSAFE LIFEBOATS," DR. TALMAGE'S UNIQUE SERMON LAST SUNDAY. Do We Feel the Iniportance of a Lifeboat , la the Matter of the Soul's Rescue?— Let us Unawing it From the,Darlts, Get ' Into it and Put tor Shore. BROOLLYN, Oct. 22—After preaching on nearly 4000 different subjects. and -peing closely. followed by the printing presses for ahouttwenty-five Tears, Ree. Dr. Talmage still seenis to find new sub- ects that have never been preached on. This forenoon he chose for his subject; "Unsafe _Lifeboats' The text being: Acts ; 02, "Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall Off." While your faces are yet- somewhat --bronzed by attendance on the Interna- tional Boat Conti. 4 between the. Vigilant and theValkyrier I address you. Geed things, when there is no betting or dissi- pation, those out -door sports. We want imore fresh air and breeziness in our temperments and ,our religion. A Stale and slow and lugubrious religion may ,lhaie done for other times'yet will not do for these. But my text calls ourat- .tention to a boat of a. different sort, and instead of the AthintiO, it is the Mediter- 'mean, and instead of not wind enough, 'as the crews of the Vigilant and Val- kyrie:the other day complained, the: e is :toe much wind and the swoop of a Eurce elydon. ° I am not calling your at- tention so much tothe famous *hip on which Paul was the distinguish - led passenger, but to the life boat of that :ship, which no one seems to notice. For a_ fortnight the main vessel htuabeen-tos- sed and driven. For that twb weeks, the account ..says, the passengers had "continued fasting." I suppose the salt water, dashing over, had spoiled the sea biscuit, and the passengers were seasick anyhow.- The sailors said "It is no use; this ship must go down," and they pro- posed among themselves to lower the life boat and get into it, and take the chances of reaching shore, although they pretended they were going to get Lover the sides of the big ship and down into the life boat only to do sailors' duty. That was liot sailor -like, for the sailors that I have known were all in- • trepid fellows, and would rather go down with the ship . than do such a I! mean tiling as those Jack Tars of my _text attempted. When on the Mediter- ranean last June the Victoria sank under the -ram of the Comperdown, the most majestic thing about that awful scene was that all the sailers staid at their posts doing their duty. As a class all over the world, sailors are - valorous, but these sailors Of the text were 'excep- tional and pretended to .do duty while they were really preparing for flight in bee lifeboat. But these "Marines" on board—sea-soldiers—had in especial charge a little eniesionary who was turn- ing the world upside down, and when these marines saw the trick the sailors were about to piaye they lifted the cut- laeass from the girdle and chop! ciao)! went those cutlaeses into the ropes •that held the lifeboat, and splash! it dropped " into the sea. Mytext describes it: "The 'soldiees cut off the ropes of the boat, and tether fall Oft" As that empty lifeboatld ' sea where tows had ieany on their last lope of ever reaOhing home had vanished: In that tempestaeus sea a small boat could not have lived flee minutes. My subject is "Unsafe Lifeboats." We cannot exaggerate the importance of the lifeboat.. All honor to the memory of Lionel Lukin, the coach -builder of Long Acre, London who invented the fi • t lif opped and was capsized on a for two weeks winds and hil- een in battle, I think that board the main vessel felt e - Loot, and -I 00 not blame ihim for order- ing put upon Inseombstone in Kent th6 inecription thatayou may still read there: "This Lionel Lukin was the first who ! boilt a lifeboat, and was the -original in- ventor of that principle of safety, by which many Jives and much property have. been preserved from shipwreck; and he obtained for it the king's :patent in the year 1785." All honor to the. memory of Sir Wain Hillary, who, living in the Isle Man, and after assisting with his n hand in the rescue of 305 lives of shipwrecked; Barred the English liament to quick action in the con- iction of lifeboats. Thanks to God the sublime and pathetic and ine mission of the lifeboat. No will doubt -its important mis- 1 who .bas read of the wreck the Amazon in the Bay -of Biscay; lie Tweed- running on the reefs of the f.of Mexice, or of the Ocean Monarch the coast of -Wales, or of the Birken- d on the Cape of Good Hope, or of Royal ,Charter on the coast of Angle: or of the °Exmouth on the Scotch dzerseor of the Cambria on the Irish st, or of the Atlantic on the rocks of a Scotia, 'Or of the Lexington on g island Sound. To add still further le importance of the lifeboat, remem- there are at -least three. million men wing the sea, to say nothing of the tainted millions this moment ocean engers. We " landlubbers," es 51111 - al? 118, may not know. the difference veen marline -spike and ring bol t; p_ything about heaving a leg, or rig out allying jib -boom, or furling a sail, hut we all realize to a greater or extent the importance of a lifeboat very marine equipenent. But do we the importunes: pf' a lifeboat in the er of the sours' rescue ?, There., are s when we feel that we a re at sea-, and as mane-- diseurhing anxious . questions strike -us as es struek that vessel against the sides hich the lifeboat ot my text flange- Questious about the church. about the world,. Questions about Questions about our eternal des - Every thinking man and woman these questions, and in proportion ley are thinking people do these, ions arise. Theft! is 110 wreng in ing,--- sIf God had not intendvd us ink and keep on thiuking, he would lave under this w_hed-honbe of kill this thinkieg machine, \N. -hien not in its re volutiOns from eredle - Even the midniala does not the thinking, machine, for 'when IA dreeipe, e are thinking, althoush ) dot think as well. Alt of us ‘N Iw ccustomed to think want to res,011 solid shore of safety- and so tistac- and if anyone line a good lifeboat ve, may norably take, I wish Le I wise. ma, it Isom thedevits and let t into it and put r shore. But -011 fair notice, I must first examine febo.it before I r.sk ifty soul in it or e you to risk your soul in it. All plendid Rah -legate 1 ife hoa Es, and ule lifeboats and South Shields life - and American lifeboats \vere test; fore being put into practical use as of Ow , the Par strtf or 'div ione iol os of t Col ji,i1 hea the sea, twee Oil Nov Lon to 11 )er uhlc SS bet king e.ss op - e feel 1(1:1111:1:11et 11(1 ( f w I. (1. du e. ante 1 live 1 1.4,i 11 tIll lis grL 11-:t!0)111 ‘ve di al e a ,1•01110 11(111, 1 ir:glIelhey1‘ 16 .1\1:argt lead)stiptse to their lmovaney and speed, and stow- :I:se alai capacity. led ‘1.iilsteitieysttitilt.OlIcr J. i y soul eleia I must If re 'fs a splendid new lifeboat d Thef\seiiIv 1 isis only a Mt wli le I eeei.e.nechisi, a:though. eine !ft* du, 1 zfre tq-veral 1hoo,:i11,1 1::(1 fie 11 a n orei-tetee ehii:, 'eat the are painted ever and lies.: sofe • sealer - NOVEMBER '3, 1893, lney are really ratanstn and l'anth of olden time. But we must forget and call them Theosolthy. Grace Darling of this lifeboat an oarswoman by the name Madanie Blavatsky, but the oarswo now is Annie Besant. So n. are getting aboard the boat it is wo of examination, both because of safety of those who have entered it because .we ourselves are intitled in. Its theory is that everything is House ood star and tree and man parts of God. We 'MVO three' eouls: animal soul, a human soul, a spiri soul, The animal soul becomes aft while a wandering thing, trying to press itself through mediums. It en beasts, or enters a human being, when you find an effeminate men, i because a woman's soul has get into man, and wheu you find a rnasu woman, it is because a man'e soul taken possesion of a woi tab's Lady. you find a woman has become a p form speaker and likes °titles, she possessed by a dead polit clan, who Lo years ago made the platform gut The soul keeps wandering on: and and may have fifty or innamerc different forms, and filially absor in God. It was God at thustart and -be God at the last. But who '.gives authority for th truth of such a ligion? Some beiegs living in a :city Central Asia. They are invisible to naked eye, but they cress continents seas in a flash, My Baptist brother, Haldeman, says that a Theosophist New York was visited by one of th mysterious beings froin Central A This gentleman knew it frora the 1 that the mysterieus being left his pop handketchief, embroidered with his na and Asiatic residence. The most w derful aehievement of the Theosophist that they keep out of the insane asylu They prove the truth of the st rneria that no religion ever announ was so" absurd but it gained discipl Societies in the United States a England and other lands have b established for the promulgatioa Theosophy-. _Instead of needing revelation of the Bible, you can h these spirits from a cave in Central A to tell you all you ought to know, a after you leave this lite you may beco a prima donna, or a robbin, or gazel or a sot, or a prize-fighter. oe a Her or a Jezebel, and so. be enabled to ha great variety of experience, rotati through the universe, now rising, ui falling, now shot out in a straight lii and now describing -a parabola, and and on, and up and. up, and down a down, and round and round. Don't y see? Now, that Theosophic lifeboat h been launched. It proposes to take y off the rough sea of doubt into everla ing quietude. How do you like th lifeboat? My opinion is you bad bett imitate the mariners of my text, and c off the ropes of that boat and let her fa off. Another lifeboat tempting as to ent is made up of many planks' of Go 'Works. It is reaily a beautiful boat alms giving, practical sympathies f human suffering, righteous words ni righteous deeds. 1 must admit ,I - the looks of the prow and of the ro locks and of the paddles and of ti steering gear, and of many' who a thinking to trust, themselves on h benches. But the trouble about ti lifeboat is, it leaks. I never knew a ma yet good enough to earn heaven by h virtues or generosities. If there be on person here present .011 this blesse Sabbath all of whose thoughts hay always been right, and all 1. of who words havealways been right, let hi stand up, or if already e standin let. him lift his hand, and I wi know that he lies. Paa had about- right when he said "B the deeds of the law shall no flesh livin be justified." David had it about rigl when be -said: "There is none that doet good, no not one." The old book had about right when it said: "All have sin ned and come short of the glory of God. Let 'a inc-in get off that little steamer call ed Maid of the Mist," which sail up to the foot of Niagara Falle, and thei climb to the top of the Falls on the de et:ending floods, for he can de it easie than any man ever will be able to clan eto Heaven by his good works. If you thoughts have always been exactl rig -lit, and your words exactly right, yo can go up to the Gate of Heaven, and you need not even lcnock for admittance but open it yourself, and push the angel out of your way, and go up and take one of the front seats. But you would be. so - unlike - anyone else tha has - gone up from this world that you vrould be. a curiosity in heaven, and more at for a heavenly museum than for u place where the in- lia,bitants could look at you free of charge. No, 'sir, I admit your good works, and that lifeboat you ,are thinks ing of trusting in is handsomer than any yawl or pinnace or yacht or (eater that ever sped out of a boat -house :or hoisted sail for a race. But she - leaks.- Trust your soul in that, and you will go to the bottom. She leaks? So I imitate the iariners of the text, and tvith a cutlass Lrike the ropes of the boat and let her 11 off. Another lifeboat is Christian Inconsis- tencies. The. planks of this boat are composed of the split planks of ship- wrecks. That prow is made out of hy- pocrisy from the life of a man who pro- fessed one thing and really was an- other. One oar of this lifeboat was the falshehood of a church member, and tho other oar was the wickedness of some minister of the Gospel. whose iniquities were not for a long -while found out. Not one plank from the oak of Gcd's eternal Truth in all that lifeboat. All the planks, by universal admission, are decayed and crumbling and failed apart and rotten and ready to sink. "Well, well," you say, "no one will want to get into that lifeboat." 011, my friend, you are mis- taken. That is the most popular lifeboat ever constructed. That is the most popular lifeboat ever launched. Millions ef people want to get into it. They joefie each other to get the best seat in the boat. You could not keep them back though you stood on the gunwales with a club, as on our ship Greece in a hurricane, and the steerage passengers were determined to come up on deck-, where they would have been washed off, and the officers stood" at the top of the stairs clubbing them back. Even by each violence as that you could not keep people from jumping into the most popular lifeboat, made of church -mem- ber inconsistencies. In tunes of revival when sinners flock into the inquiry inaoift lany rthy - the )117Liiti:iet1 C4etrti:111111: ex- taenit'i t is the line If loits- rty i,(1tne1., ible bed wilt tilO 0 111 tile apensi rlde.1 ca ket me on- s is m. ate- ced es. ncl eeoifi the are sia nd me le, od, ve ng ow le, On nd ou as ou st- er ut 11 er od or 1(1 w - ie re er le 11 is se g, 11 it tt 11 • room, .the -most of them are kept fro' LI deciding aright because thee know so many Christians who are hate The inquiry room becomes a World's 1'1u it for exhibition of nil the frailties of church members, so that if you helleve 'all is there told you,you %you'd be atesed to enter a church lest you eet your pockets picked or get hems ed e'efwn. This is the way they talk : "I was cheated out of li;300 by a leaticr of 'a Bible class." "A. Suudav school teacher gos- siped aboutme and did her beet to de- stroy my good name." "I had a partner in business who swamped eur business concern by his trickery, and then rolled UP his -eyes iu Friday night's prayer meeting; as though he were , odic ing for Elijah's chariot to make a :.-ecumt1 tri r) and take up another passenger." But what a cracked and water-losssed Mitt 1.4a pi tig*-St.11.;t11-41 ltlei0iL1 Lim CONSiSIVI/OlUS of 01.11Orri. nit me on a '.slineete m id -A la 11 tic and leave lite there, • rather thau in sneh a yawl of spiritual confidence. (Jed for- bid that I should gee aboard it, and lest seine of you make the mistake, of get- ting into it, I do :is the niarineie did ee that Mediterranean ship when the sailors were.. about to get into tee unsefe life- ' boat of the o xt, and lose their lives in that, way. •*Then the soldiers WIG oit the ropes of the boat, and iet her fall ciLe " site's soeone, "this eubjeet is very discotiraginge for we Inuet have a lifeboat if we are vver to gelashor etful you have already condemn -el ti,re.s°' Ali, it is because 1 waut toperifftulillne3;1(:)t it to lake the only se lifetio:it. i y011 to be deceived, null Let on to the 11 ilit vaves and then cap - -1. sink. Thank God, there is a lifeboat .eat will take you eehore iu safety, as ssr.. as G tt is God and heaven is heaven. The keel and ribs of this boat are.made out of a tree that was set up on a bluff tack- qf deruadem a good many years; :tee:. Both ot the oars are made out of the same tree. Tile rowlocks :ire made out of the opt of the same tree. planks of it seine tree. The. steering -gear is made were hammered together by the of excutioners, who- thought they were only killing a Christ, but vere really pounding together, an escape for all imperiled souls of all ages. It, is an old.boat, but good as new, though it has been carrying- passeng-ers from sinking ships to firm shore( for ;ores, and has never lost a passeniser. Toese old Chefs - tains begins to smile because it ie dawn- ing upon them what I meau. The fact is that th this way years ago they got off a wreck themselves, and do not %yonder they :oldie. It is not a senseless giggle that means frivolity, but it is a -smile like that on the face of Christians themes ment they leave earth for Heaven, yea, like the smile of God himself when he had completed the plan forsaving the world. Right after that bigtumble of the At - laths Ocean six or seven weeks ago, ou the beach at East Hampton, I met, the captain of the life-saving station. and said :—" Capt'ain, do you think a life boat could live in a sea like that?" Al though the worst of it was over, th captain replied :----•• No, I do not thiuki could," But this lifeboat of which speak -can live in any sea and defies al breakers, and all cyclones, and all equi- noxes, and all earth, and- all hell. In twenty years the life-saving, apparatus along our Attitude coast saved the lives of o'er 45,00t) of the shipwrecked, but' this lifeboat that I commend has' saved in twenty years hundreds of millions of the shipwrecked. Like those newly in- e-ented _English lifeboats, it is insub- mergeahle, self-righting and self -bailing. All along our rocky American coast things were left to chance for ceutnries, and the shipwrecked crawled up on the beach to die unless someone happened to walk alcmg. or some tisherinan's hut, might be near. But after the ship Arybnire was wrecked at Squall Beach, and the Powhatan left her three huedred dead strewn along our coast, and another went on the rocks, four hundred lives perish- ing, the United States Government Nvolie up and made au appropriation of $200,000 for life-saving stationsi and life lines from faking -box are shot I over the wild surf, and hawsers are stretched fecen wreck to shore, and what with Lyle's gun and six -oared surf -boat, with caoitt at the sides to make itnuignisaink n . patrii olmealt long wa lk ing the beach until they meet each 'other and exchange metal tickets, so as to show the entire beach has been travereed, and the Coston light flashes hope from shore to suf- ferer, and sortmen, encased in Merri- man life-saving drese, and life car roll- ing on the ropss, there are many Jere - ba bilities of rescue . for the unfortunate :of the sea. But the Government of the United Ileavees has made better pao- eision for the rescue of our souls, eSo close by that this moment we can put our band on itS top and swing into it, is this Gospel lifeboat. It will not take you more than a second to get into it. But while in my text we stand watch- ing the mariners with their cutlasses, preparing to sever the ropes of the life- boat and let her fall off, notice the poor equipage. Only one lifeboat. Two hundred and seventy-six passengers, as Paul counted them, and only one life- boat. My text uses the singularand not the plural. "Cut off the -ropes of the boat." I do not suppose it would have held more than thirty people, though loaded to' the water's edge. I think by marine law all our modern ,vessels have enough lifeboats to hold all the crew and all the passengers in case of emergency, but the mariners of my text were standing by the only boat, and that a small boat, and yet two hundred and seventy six passengers. But what thrills me through and through is the fact that theieen we are wrecked by sin and trouble; and there is only one life- boat, that boat is large enough to hold all who are' willing to get into it. The Gos- pel hymn expresses it : All may come, whosoever will, This Man, receives poor sinners 1 Ventilate the Cellar in Winter, Most farm cellars have no partitions. Thus in One room are stored apples, potatoes, other vegetables, the milk and butter, together with the canned fruits and meat. The cellar is usually located directly uuder the kitchen and sitting - room, and not unfrequently the bed. room. 11 is fact that unless the fruit and vegetables are carefully looked over every month , there will be a -great amount of obnoxious vapor constantly coming from them to -contaminate the atmosphere, and being lighter than cold air it ‘N ill rise to the rooms above. -- Hence it is best on pleasant days: to open the cellar doprs and windows for proper ventilation, not leaving them, as many _do, tightly closed from early' winter until April. Milk and butter quickly absorb the odors from decaying vegeta- tion, injuring the quality and healthful- ness 1111=1111.1111P It Cures Colds,Coughs, Sore Throat,Croup,Influen- sa,Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cute for Consumption in first stagei, and a surs relief in advanced stages. Ihe at once. You will see the excellent effect after taint the - first dose. Sold by dealers evarywharag Large bottles 0 cents and $1.00 - MINION BANK, MAIN STREET (NEAR ROYAL HOTEL), SMA_POIZTI-1, 01\1"11.A.RIO_ GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Interest allowed on deposits of $1:00 and upwards at highest current rates. No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUIRED, Drafts bought and sold. Collections made on all points at lowest rates, Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same ; favorable terms. gar BUSINESS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - se,000,000 REST - - - - - - - - - $1,100,000 B. E. WALKER, GENERAL. MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. garInterest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem- ber in each year. Special attention given to the collection Of Commercial Paper and Far 'Llers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager, S II E 1R, S !\ USE , LARDINE - MACHINE - OIL, THE CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL ,OIL WHICEE CANNOT BE EXCELLED. McCOLL'S CYLINDER- • OIL. HAS' NEOQu AL MANUFACTURED BY McCOLIA BROTHERS & CO., Toronto. Ask your dealer for " Lardine," and beware of imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. - 1327-26 ew Fall Goods. During the past four months we have been constantly on the watch look-, ing after the best values and nicest.lines of goods to be found in the markt- for Fall and Winter trade. We have been greatly assisted in our search by ample means and a large experience. Our stock is now very large and, thoroughly assorted. We have been especially successful in our search after Ladies' and Children's Coats, which were secured direct from the best manu- facturers of Germany; also in Dress Goods, Gloves and Hosiery, bought direct from French and English manufacturers. We have also opened up business this season with an iranaense concern in 'Manche'ster, England, who are the sole owners of a number of the best manufacturing establishments in Great Britain. From these people we have bought largely our Linen Underwear, Gents' Furnishings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Tweeds, Coatings, Ladies' and Gents' Waterproof Coats, Handkerchiefs, Silks, Satins, Smallwares and Notions. In Millinery, we purchased largely of a Glasgow house.f_; Our Millinery Department will be again this season under the able man- agement of Miss Sheppard, -who gave such universal satisfaction last season. Our Clothing Department,kboth ordered and readymade; will be found fully ahead of all former seasons. Our Fur Department will totally eclipse all former seasons, as we have nearly doubled our usual purchases. We cordially invite an inspection of our various departments. WM. PICKA RD. 1893. For the besevalue itt toves of every kind, including Steel Ranges; Coal and Wood Cooks, Parlor and Box Stoves, Furnaces, &c., GO fra ULLETT & JACKSON, Seaforth. N. B.—We also carry a complete stock of Cross -cut Saws, Axes, and G-eneral Hardware. G -ET A MOVE ON. We have got a move on, and are now in our new, Warerooras, ready to wait upon you to show you one of the finest stocks of Furniture in Western Ontario. We make a specialty of pleasing all our customers. Now that we are in our new Warerooms, we are in a better position than ever to meet onr friends, and show them goods that are worth buying. Come right along and satisfy yourselves that our _Furniture is all we claim for it—the latest designs, best of workmanship, and finest finish. We sell cheap all the year round. Popular Goods, Popular Prices at the Popular Firm of The M. Rbbertson Furniture Emporium, STRONG'S RED BLOCK MAIN STREET „SEAFORTH Contrao 11 to 21 ir " 6 to 10 3 to 5 1 to 2 I If the -al once per r made on t Rates fe cation at ausinee quarters el Advertil exceedieK -month ,50e Advertil not •escee4 ,e,equent AdVertn each Inge, parties wl Local .11 heading, e sTransiei fleet tesea insertion, Advertil inserted tl Births, j EXT which mei 2000 ree -medium b A LL '0 eele. Cate Detroit, 31 if tiLVS ,11.n1 Apply tO 4 Aticul ND I 0. BUMP Trialt AEL fern she is pr braids :out Market Sti 'DULL LP 4, TO 9 months Will be le mondviliel USTRA1 wide Thesnidi 8 months - tion will BELL, TORN B ee Courl veyaneer,. invested ; Livens' at* avsx wid work, uge, m and kiretae WL3 meOR SA - 'by °4 Gowinlock en Vittorio fortableco ent in the For partis HOLMEST 1tJrARBL <me' incnele ah inches, Et been used I good. Me Apply to G HEEP I ej under the middle bred Leices hitt:al/maw suitably 14 P. 0. ser1011 SAI X The acre, has a lencedrent it. It es sted's resid sold for VC situated fc Apia*, to II eJOHN al A SPLE: sign( his proper truavter aer generals stS which is a s house and of the riche and this is ness tnan v particulars Green. = - $ 300 $ 500 $ 700 $1,000 $1;500 $2,500 100AR Ft Cencer shire Beer, 1 Fairview. - with the pri RAPSON. ERKSII durine Mon 3, To PIG, to Whie Terms,—$1', privilege 4A ljps OAR Fe _LP savior at his premi 11.00 male returning if nrood sows These ate a ecinstarree. DIOAR II Boer e at the time 4 if necessary, sate, on lot Ilarlock P. ,e 1,4ERKSHI ..11 during 3, Stanley, a which a line thoroughbni —One della sexy. li. R •DERICSIII premie ideire pig, 6 I eds. Sed from This fine pig aware, Onto, tildes and ha limited num Terms —Ont the privilege TROYER,11 H. A. General 1 And Agents fo Phoenix cheste Tow SEAFORTH Thorot For sale 10 a hire' Boars, 1 vice, also _fen choicely 'bred room for vs Ethel, (hater MARC THE al SEA NO WI