HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-10-20, Page 8- _-:��7111M'11­ . —N -"E ; . 11 w , � " - " q_ � I ! , � , - , , , i, --. I I . I , . I , � I �- � : � � I ; I . I � 7, .__­ - -'J!,77V1_.__,__1­1' � , � . I ­ �� _i,jw, - V � : , . , - - � - - I - - , � , , - �_ - , , � � �- . � 1, , I - - �. 'i 7"'i - ­�,,�_�­_,,,� _ — , - --,�:_' 1, _ ",-"�,-�7-94,11111.W-� -71- -�--.- --'7!�17---,7�7:�.�,������7.-�l--=!Ejiqp I . _ T17 I . I � . � - , r� - - . I � . ... '' ,71� Will . -_ il I � _ I . I � --.-1 ---- — — ­­.­ " I I :_ I . ki . . . . . . . . . . . - I , - - . �: � � - - ­ - — , - "* - .. . - - --7 - — �_ - �­ - _, �,L.. _�_-Z-�_-*.-_-_4�_--__-__­ , ( . ­____�-L, - A � - . t - ­_____, � � � . i . . I I � . � I . F . I � ,_4V___-_ . , . -1 . � 6 . � � I - 1� � . . .� �_ � - 1 __-__-1__ I ­­ ­ 11- . - Z - _­­ �___ -, _ P I � I I . � . . I . 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' v _V , EDWARD -:- 01ASH * Thursday of last week ' ;,looking up a youug . by the astor, Rev. Dr. McDonald, while Anather'game wi!ii .be played in Phe '6ear Methodist church for upwards of 35 years, : wmmps and woods, and meeting with foir* FRIDA . i roadster, but he did not find one to suit. Rev. D Ure, of Goderioh, prepiched, Sun. fu6ure to decide the tie. -rhe lumb-,r is and a Liberal in politics. His remain@ were uccens,-'We are pleased to state that Mir. .LA. -1- I Wholesale and Retail Dealer�� in - There are so. Man7y, in the country and @6 day eve Ing, and the ThangegivIng sermon being drawn to ereot anew blacksmith's 'hop interred in the Varna , cemetery on Monday G. C. Petty is returning 0 out' village. f�e I ' , , 1. � � I . cheap that it is hard to make a selection.- on Mon my was preached by Rev. Mr. Mo- on Mr. Hothatn' ' a corner. Mr. Catnero will last, and thi large number that attended was doing a prosperous '- 4ness in Sarniia, � . Fine - Dai,7 6utter, Mr. James Dallas has gone to Brantford, Lean, o Blyth. There, were a large number rent the shop when finished. -We are pl lased the funeral sliewed the, respect in which he during the past season, ; t; his home te I OCTOBER 20th_, 1893, � ry - , I where he expects to locate in busineme.-We of new embers on this occasion- drd to see the smiling countenance of Mt. I red was,held by the conimunity. The boreaveid ests in the Yorkshim *,"acking House re- I- I A 7 1 - GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH, notiae that the road master Mr. McGee, has, was rec ived at this office, the' other day, Chubb!among us, after his extended vi'it in widow has the sincere 'sympatb of all in quires his undivided tim, . � � I y I � ,�_ . posted a detailed statement of i work done from so oss the line6 It was addreawd to the Ea8t.-Miss Pollman, of Mitchell' has the hour of her affliebida. -.6- __ d a I . . � � : I I f On entering upon another season's and money received in Ills division. This is " THE xposiTOR, �Seaforth, Or,e, I HWe Green ! ?�` Record of Low Pricas! , r4 gon." It started dressmaking In Mr. Sadler's store.- ANNUAL MBETING.---4The Aultual Moetiog - 1 . I . � , I ! �Far- of the Varna Branch Bilble Society was held CharleB E. � � business has to acknowledge with evidently a step in the right direction, and went to Oregon, but found no , ng place, Miss Lillie Heron is visiting friends I � NOTES.-Mosarm. John H. and � -1. 11 as there are four other path -masters in the being'sent front &re to Michigan, with quhar and vicinity. � : � in St, John's church on Tuesday ev i . . . I elling Troyet have returned from Dakota, Chsi - thanks the large patronage receivea -village it would, no doubt, be satisfactory . the legend, 11 try Michigan,". inscribed on - ' 1i laht. The Rev. J. T. Kerrin was appointed E. has been absent about two years, tile For Valuable'Goods. : ad heard either � I I I � � Ouringthepast forty-two years, and to thepeopto for them to do likewise. -Mr. it. Th Michigan people h I Wroxeter. i chairman of the meetiDk. Tile mebting was British 0 . I greater part of which he spen� in I hopes to retain it for another year and William Dobie, who has been in California of TRE. XPOSITOR or Seaforth, and sent it - SPECIAL ftnvicL,.-The evening' ser ce of - opprind With prayeri and the Rev. J. A. Me- Columbia.-Mesers. Thomas 1 Consit and — . � ,- � 0 l 1 1 : I 0 will buy any quantity of fine butter during the last four years, arrived home on here.- ev. , Dr. McKay, the: celebrated the Presbyterian Church, on Novembe 26 is . Donald was appointed President in the -place William Consit returned last 'Week front I a - I � lam , . -Saturday last. He intends spending the Chilies missionary, made a flying vibit to to be taken by the Young People's Sooiety Of Mr. J. B. Secord deceased. No other visit to the World's Fair. -Mr. Will ' ' It is seldom we advertise piices,,but - from now f6rward. - - his Scafort on Tuesday last. In company with of Christian Andeavor, who intend hol ing a change was made, -the other offictmi and I in lenheil� Just now we d te from Our regular wintar in Ontario, but will return to . � Love has been visitiog'friends � B I .. evia - � I . — , — business in the spring. I two of is brothers,he drove tip from Wood- Thankegivia Service in aid of the ome colltetors being re -appointed. It, whs Pro- and Ayr the past couple . of *eeks.-Mi'ma way to give you a few hints of the e -x- . - stock to ece his sister, Mrs. George McIn- Mission Ful The services will comi ience posed and carried unanimously, that the Sec- Annie Consit has again resumed her studies - I I CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING! . , MATRIMONIAL. -The following, which we toah, of MoKillop.-Mrs. Richard ThomP- at half past six. Addresses will be giv on by ret,r'y send a letter of s�mpathy -and con- at Clinton Collegiate Institute..�_We under- cellent value we are offe,fing. I . ' ' take from the Stratford Herald of this week, son has rented-hor farm, on the 4th conces- Mr. Davidson and others. , Special �ymnil dolence to the widow of Phe deccaotd, Presi- stand that Mr. Peter Shea has' ' I is People these times want t .- I , i given up Stibek now complete mi Overcoats will be of interest to a good many in this sion, of McKillop, to her neighbor, Mr.� will be rendered by the Society. Thio, So- dent. Tile Rev. Mr. PhOps, Agent of the intention of going to Algoma, and that lie o make " and Suits. vicinity : 11 At Kinkora at nine a. in. last Dorran e, who lives across the road. Mrs. ciety is to be �, congratulated on the Society, gave a very instructive and intcr- will shortly remove to Kippea,� where 'he their money go as far as possible. I I . Wednesday, Mr. John J. O'Brien, coafec- f�llromp,ogn,oiliotends either, coming to Sea- that they have attained. -Their nu"�Cio:r: eating lecture descriptiv f his travels in ,has secured employnient With Mr. A. The goods we offer and the prices we I I Quality, style and workmanship the very-bost to tioner, Ontario street, was married to Miss 0 th 0 )g to Blyth to livei.-1he pro- - the Ifoly L The ReV Mr. McDonald Shliffer.-Mr. John Cummings haii been r I name are genuine. Everything you . I � I are on the incre se and much. good is lbeing Mr. and. �. lie found aniongat our Canadian manufacturers. . Julia Kcanedy, daughter of Mrs, Kennedy, rietorlof. Dr. Williame'Royal Crown Medi. accomplished. . . and Leech gave a few very appropriate engaged for another year by Mr.! Johic - :, read in this cohimn will be found Jast - I -M. p ne w43 in town this week, pushing busi- TEA -MEETING. -The tesi uder remarks. , - - sit, who will in: future - work his fatbe0s PRICES, ROCK BOTTO . residing near Kilikora. The wedding was a 0, ting, � I as stated, . . ., , was I 0 1 I - in, this county -solid , . . I . . We claim second place to no other house, whether quiet one, only relatives sad immediate ness. IHe rig,%�]Ckd, furnishes the auspices - of the Methodist chur4 farm as well as his own. � - ,d��ives a nobby , or any other in Canada, for good friends of the coDtraotiug parties being pres- a good1me icine for the ills Which it pro- hold, as announ ed, on M Donnybrook. - � values. Inspection invited satisfaction uaranteed. . .. on day the, ening - 40 inch Heavy Storm Serge for Our range this season wift be found lar-er than ent. The bride was - given away by her fesoes t10 cure. The head,'quartere of the � na4 Wallace left on Chiselhurst, �, I - - 0 � last, and was a success, thoug] place DoiNas.-Nlr. Thor : usual. brother, Mr. Cornelius Ken6edy. Miss comp y at Londou.-Mi. and Mrs. . Dresses, a good 25c cloth ; our . . -and Mr. would have held more. A goodly all was Friday last to vi'sit the World's Fair,-Nligs OuR ENDEAVOR. -The Christian Eni price .......................... ,� . i -sister of the bride, a7Xri:ve I .� - I Lizzile Kennedy, James is, of the second Iiae of .Tucker ill go towards' liqui ating Mary Pentlandi who.w visiting friends deAvor Society of thisplaca is prospering. . WM. PICKARD - realized, which'� . .20 1 . James O'Connor, of Stratford, attended the smith,J returned home last 1�eek, having the debt on thp basement. Rev. I . E. here for : a week past, , turned horne on The att6ndance is good, and the addresses All wool double fold Seaforth. ' - ! alie I 1� French . bride and groom respectively through the spent Oeveral weeks vieitinR frliends in Da- Smith I thae Old stor of t'he church, each - Tuo"sday. She was the guest of Mbs Jef- each evening are high i g an in - P ly interestili d i ' Drees Goods; splendid colorings, trying ordeal. The imprefisive ceremony &ota �nd Manitoba. They enjoyed .their ed tw'-.'excellent -, --feature o I . . . o sermons on Sunda , and fersov. -Sunday last wasl to have been the strucitive. One good f 1 the ineet- was performed by Rev. John O'Neill, an- visit very much, but they return better - . i � fall weight, regular price 36c' ; . ga-ve a grand address on Monday evening on floral .wvice in the Met�odiat church, J)ut "ings is the large attendance of young men, i our price ...................... 11. . wt , sted by Rev. Joseph Kennedy, brother of pleased with old Huron than ever before.- Pfohibitioi). Rev, Mr. Sellery, of Wing- on account of the inclemency of the weather 1 .28 * M -IT 'Thr Ci1AUTOU &POsitato I; I who, by showing deep interest and keeping 1 . he bride, Rev. Dr. Kilroy and Rev. Father The death is announced this Week of Mrs. ham, also gave an excellent address on the it was postponed. -Miss Jane Ramige, who gool order, add not a little to the pleasure 1 New Fall Dress Tweeds,51 inches — Brennan, of St. Marys. The wedding tour Laidlaw, mother of Mr. J. C. baidlaw and I �� World's Fair. Both addresses were well was visiting here,. returneo ta her home in of tile meetingii. Well done, boys ! This I wide, in grey and fawn shades, a I . � I � few pieces left, 75c cloth; our DI�TRICT MATTERS. will include a visit to Niagara Falls, Clyde Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot, of this town, and received. The Teeswater choir was in At. Sar�ahk on S.iturday.-Wel regret to chron- is as it should be. ! � � . . i - . . and Auburn, New York, and Now York Mrs. J. P. Brine, of Harpurhey. She died tendalice and gave excellent music. 1-4,'Yery. Iolo the death of Mr. William Chanmey, I price . ............ . . :-1-11111 .50 . — City.' ' ' The bride is a sister of Rev. Father Thursday morning, at the residence of her thing�passedoff well andthe tableiwere who died isuddenlyat Ii father's residence Ashfield. I ) NOTED PRizE, Wmwzas.-The Messrs. Kennedy, p%stor of St. James'- church, Sea- d ter, Mrs. James A. Cline, in Wing- -well la�den with good 'things. Indeed, the on Friday morning, 'l, e decoased was a The new 11 Hop Sack'. Drees . - � . Auron Road, Hallett and - forth. - u'g T I NOTELETS, " Tile heavy rains of'last week Goods in the moist popular shades �- Date of tile . - h:m. e -interment takes pla6e in Wing- T re of age, a fine were very much needed. Watel . . A ,� ladies are to bi� congratulated on � t h a k man, of about forty 3'. , , , hat D r it' Born's I City price 75c ; our price ........ Tuckeramith, who are probably the _ most -A uiet but pretty wedding took place ham, o -day. -Mr. C. E. 'Mason, of Bruce- effort in t - direotio . � apteinien of strength an manhood until extensive farmers in this part of the coun. on Weanesdai last at the residence of Mr. field hag sold his handsome si�ogle varriage I . I . this past summer, when I e took cold which places was very scarce. -Mr. Bower is put- ' - .60 1 try, have done their share of prize taking Thomas Barnett, North Main Street., when hors , which carried off prizes at nearly all � � . ting a new engine in his. saw mill, on the Special brand of Black Cashmere, at the fall fairs, as usual. They exhibited his daughter, Miss Clara was led to -the the owa in the county this �ear, to Mr. � Tuckeramith. t settled in his lunge. * His remaius e ession. This will --be a'great im- � a really beautiful qqality, sold in - DEATH OF MR. FRANCIS WALTERSJ: An- terred in the Bethell oe netery on Sunday - pro . ,. at six fairs, Sionforth, Hensall, Godericb, altar by Mr. James A. Reid. The ceremony Ste art, of the 2ad, concession of Tucker- otbericif ill I e Tuokeremith pioneers, morning, when a large crowd assembled to vement on the old.---�Revival services are Isome stores at $1, our price ...... - Clinton, Brussels and Blyth, and took in all was performed by ,r-tev. Dr. McDonald,, in an!it , for $165. -MT. Stephen' Downey, of . the being h - eld gn the Hackett's appointment. Heavy Mantle and Ulster Tweeds -78 . i I person of Mr. Francis Walters, has assed show their last reapeot. O�The fi'amily have May much good be di I seventy-one prizes, nearly all of which- were the presence of a. few of the relatives and rielitown, Mr. L. Daverea�x, and *r. , Cln�.-Mr. David Hue- regular $1.25, $1.50 and $L�15 . . � to the bourne from which no travell, r re.- the idnoere sympathy tho entire com- ton, of the 12th ooncessi I It for heavy horaes, of which the M-easrs. Dale immediate friends of the contracting. parties. and Mrs, Lewis McDonald 1 are at the 7 '. Mr. I I I on, lost 'a' valuable cloths, assorted patterns a our , ��� F� turns, at the ripe age of 88 yveirs mupity. bone last week. This in the second I I are very successful breeders. The farming In the after -noon the young couple left by World's Fair at Chicago - t is - week. I .- he has price ...... � ..................... S I 0 1 1 - Walters .settled in this pmr�t of t�e opuntry, lost during this season. , : .0 I industry can hardly be said to be booming the three o'clock. train for , the east, And a Mr. A. G.jAult has disposed of his stock some 155 years ago, battled' i h the I hard. Stanle - & i I � . I e I i . — A magnificent Sealette for capes, E I- Ju8t, now, but men with as much enterprise large number of their friends assembled at and bu 'a I I to Mr. George 11; mithers, who ships and discoural pion er and John - I . ' " .mantles, &c. bought chea , regu,- . r and in . dustry as these gentlemen are sure. to the station to wish them a safe and pleasant v "' ;0118sinsion of the establishment as gemento it � �r life, - ITEMS.-Me8srp. Thom 8 Fras P i Fill tale r� f d Hullett. ' I lar $5.50 quality ; rice.. - _ $4.00 � madel farming a success, and altho h re-, Moffat, Mrs. Duncan McHwen, and augh- . our p I I . do well if it is possible to do no, and In this journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. Reid soon its stook -taking is over. r. Smithers t., FARM SOLD,—Mr. Walter Hannah, who : ' � - - ired,from active labor for a nurn er of ter, Mine Maggie Bell, Miss Ruth Higgins, ; 7 � . . : case these sterlinj qualities are winning their are among Seaforth's most i eatintable young , is wiell and favor bly known, and will, we Is visiting friends in this vioinity,�And who I � : - yea4 resided -on his farm until his death. and Miss Elliott, of.Bayflold, left on Friday ;L rge assortment of Ladies' 7 I ,L� � rew-ard. people and we hope their futuirs, will be as hope, do a good'tr:de. Mr. Ault does not His wife, and a family, of four da ghters . lost for the World's Fair, I We wish them now resides in Algoma, bag sold his farm on : liderwemr pecial line of ir I � � . . .� - 0 . bright and happy as present _. prospects indi- Intend to leave town, but only desires to be the 12th concession, near Harlock, i to 'Mr. iFine Ribbed, bought down low, - . THE TA.xEs.—Up to: the' present time oate. .1 relieved fforn,the responsibilities of active and one son survive him, all of whom are all a pleasant visit.-L-Miea Elderton, of ,.Angus,Reid, who lives on the Adjoining . . settled in life. He was a man of qu bt dis- Staffa, visited last week sit the home of Mr. 165c quality; our prioe.-...� ...... '50. - I I . � � farm, for $2,000. It is very conveniently � 7 . about S8,000 of. the town taxes have -0 buiiness.—Mr. Frank McCoonell, of the I � Z � , position, and took little interest in public John Ketchen anc �r. �( , of Varna. — , � c been paid to the town treasurer. This i�i WANTED. —Apprentices ak- 7t� concession of Hibbert, Will have his .Oattie situated to Messrs. Reid and is a splendid "Men's heavy all Wool Underwear L . to the drees-in � I - . affsirs other than to cast his vote on ti is Coa. Fall wheat in this vicinity is now looking fifty more farm, but the buildings are some- Ahe kind you have paid 75o for; l . k pr tt,y ing. M-188 M. BALLANTYNX. . 1,M9X1 annual Stock sale on Frida§ next. —Mine servViveeide. Uprightness and in',egrity well.—Mies Minnie Graham is visiting rela- . � el- . good considering the fact that St:.- - r forth employs no collector, but that en ,i W. R. CO�NTER, jeweler, Seaforth, in Maggle McIntyre, for erly �ele - . what out of repair. Me. Hannah' intends our price ...................... � I - ti qi�mph op APP ed to be his guide, an he was ge 2erally tives In Blyth. —Mrs. Ale?cander Crerar and I . I ' " I � Watches, Clock@, Jewelry, erator at Gorrie, was , � .60 . ratepayer h%s to go and plank down ') i , offering big bargains in In o n his week. reeptic led, had many friends and bit few Urs. John McMillan, of' Perth county, spent returning to Algoma this week. � 7 i r ', Silverware, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Pipes, &o., for She has obtained a good po ion in' Chat- �Heavy all wool Tweeds for Boys' ,� dust to the treasurer. The magnet t) si enemies. The disease which calls �d his last week visiting at the home of Mr. James . . draws is a discount. On all taxes paid I' the next 30 days, � � ham,and leaves for that town hortly.—Mr Greenway. I . wear, nsually 50c ; our price .... � WRITE Canada BusinAss. College for hand. - death was congestion of the lunge . from McFarlane. Like other visitors to this : . -38 . forethelatof September a discGuntof 3 some catalogue and specimen of penmanship Ad- J.,'B. Anderson, of San Dier, California, 18 which he sufferbd but three dayi . His hborhood, they we uoh pleased with LOCAL HAPPENINGS.—Messra. McPherson -Wide all wool Grey Flannel, no ; per cent. is allowed ; after that until t' 0 dress D. MoLA011LAN, Chatham. 84j) visiting his @fete 4, Lyon,,i r aiding counre 'Mr. John Me- & Son soli two churns last week, to be. sent ' lot of December a discount of 2 per cent., , . . was largely atteu� ed, his surrou y I shoddy, 30c quality ; our .price.. ' ;.25 . t funeral on Moni:14 n!ig tr , i r"iXfr2'who een a t9e ' SERVANTS WANTED. —Wanted, at the kenent.—Misix Ida I 11 to a party in New Zealand.—Rev. S./knox , . . family being all present except one augh- Farlane attended the Fair t Blyth last week. V . � and taxes not then paid have a percentage log a PC I 8. is of Park Hill, exchanged pulpits witb Rev. ' Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, one dining room audidne 081tion as Operai in�&Psar�i , . " ter, who rosides ill Michigan. —Mr. John Gibson has sold a quantity of � Two special patterns of - Table . , - � added. The aniount paid before the first chamber girl. Good wages. Apply at once. Titcs. town this week.—Mrs. Iloss, of Bruoefield, . — J. H. Chant last Sabbath. His aerm' . I � day of October was $7,576. The total roll STEPEINKS. 1349xX I --- hay to Mr. Wm. Cudmore; it will be abip. on wall 'Linen, 50c quality; our price .... � __� lit this week the guest of her �aughter, Mrs. I - m36 . I I ped from Brucefield statiob. I 6-1 J . Londesboro.. T_ very interesting and i4struotive.—Mr. A. � . , amounts to about $15,000, and there is NEw GOODS arriving daily for the fi I ames W. Elder.—Messes. M41lett & Jack- - Glendenning attended court at London last ,� I yet a,bout $7,000 to be paid in. This 'is a and Christmas trade at W. R. Colinter's mammoth NOTES.—Sim Fax, t i I Wide 75c qiiality Cream Damask have received .the contr let from Mr. he noted comid vocal. 1, - I — week, sea j uryman. —Messrs. C. H. Wilson -limited quantity left in stock; jewelry btore, Seaforth. �o ist, supp,ortei by a company, will give an Kippep. �'_ I yery good record for Seaforth, and that, too, _ Mussy for doing the tin and'iron work on and Andrew Pollock are attending the � -our price .. ........ .......... f - .50 in, a dutl season when money is hard to ,get. SHOW PRIZES.—The prizes awarded at the new town ;building. —The embers of the entertainment in Bell's hall on 'flueeday PLOWS THAT MUST BE SOLD.—The un- World's Fair at Chicago this week.—Mr , � . 1� 1, I the recent Seaforth ftow, will be paid by the Treae* A I ricient-Order of United Wo kmen, of this next.—Mr. Adam's new building is now dersigned offers good Bargainsi in Plow@ for the Bal - * I ' � urer of the Society, Mr. W. Somerville at his office, I nearly completed. It will be very opmfort-, anoo of the Season, In order toi make room for an: Robert English visited Loudon last Mon- i �Pecisl offering, Workingmen's . PRO,111RITIONCOINVENTIONs. —A convention Kidd's block, Main Street, Seaforth, on and after town, intend .having a poei I meeting in other line of Trade. Good se4nd-hand plow for sale day, on business. i �",Uweed Overcoats, Heavy Materi- ' Monday next, October 23, 1898. . 1349-1 their lodge -rooms on Tuesda evening next. able, being fitted up with furnaod, bath cheap, All plow repairing dode. The largest selec. —0 I I � � I of Temperance workers to organize the West I � I room and all modern conveniencoi.—Mr. t on f . .41 and Well Lined, worth $5.50; Riding of Huron for the coming Plebiscite OGILVIE'S FLOUR PRICES:— ) —There is a good ideal of w od coming' in. plow repairs, good mould boards, plow . ' Wave Crest, per 100 lba., $1.90 ; 200 . . to town just ! , I S. Woodman has again rented the 156rkwell handles, and plow castings, always on hand. T. him- MCKillov. �, �ur price ............. ....... $3,00' � lbol, $3.70; 600 now, land it se Is � at from $2 Z' ; i on the liquor tra-ffic, on January lot, . 1894 � ' Lis, Kippon. � 1348-2 � 1 . - . , to . ! , 1 � I lba" $9.00. i $2.25 per cord for stove- ood. There is farm, this time for five years.—The,11 enter- I ANOTHER FARM SOLD.—Mr. John -Mow- � The above quotation of Prices, is I will be held in the village of Manchester, on Star Patent, 100 lbs., $1.80; 200 lbs., $3.50;1600 tainment given in the Tem on OBITUARY,—The reape�, Death,still heeps bray has sold his farm on the 14th ponce ' . at lbs., $8.50. - so much coal burnod now, bo h for dome .per,ance hall a- � I for goods of 11 sterling" quality. Wedneada,y, Novegiber Ist, commencing ;'. Bt'o Friday night by the teachers and �oholmrs on with his work in our fraidar. VV*e have sion of MoKillop, to,Mr. Kuechtel of Brus- � 1 o�clocic p. � m. , Four delegates are re- Diamond A, 100 1W., $1.70 ; 200, lbs., $330; -60D and manufacturing purposes that the price this week to record the di�ath of Miss Han- ele. The -farm contains 84 acres I I i lbs,, ,Q8.00. of the school in Section No. 8, was aldeoided and was 'I We shall be pleased to have you - � . I qtiested.from every church congregation, Terms cash. Customers will probably find those of woodis considerably eas d off in conse- success in every way. The prograplme wall nail Cooper, whom we mentioned last week :oltr for $5.'000, It is a .good place, all � come and take a shFe of the good. temperance organization and all young peo- prices rook bottom for our goods, T. 0. KF,mp. quence.—Many here will reg pt to jearn of a good one and well rendered, andF reflects as being very ill, Ber de�ath occurred on things considered, it . was well 11 but, I . I? . old., Mr - things oi at less than usual es. - I . 1349 1 P - 1; 6 - pric ple's societies in West Huron as constituted the death of Mr� J, B. Se ord "A Varna, . .4 1� .1 credit on those who took part -in i�, more Wednesday of last week, and she passed Mowbray intends retiriDg from! active life, . I for Local Legislature elections. Every min- FA�RIRERS._The Mitchell Nursery W which took plaoef on I a lastt He was � $ 1 agon on ' 1, especially the scholars, who deserve great peacefully away with a full assurance of and taking the ease which a life of industr � I I will, be at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth on Saturday, st �usiu a � Monday . � one of thb . le and highly ly � - . and Tuesday with a Io�a of apple trees, I . most h ` � Edward ister who3e work is in the Riding is special- e of the olde ' 11, a well as ey ac.. faith and hope in a loving Saviour. The de- friiiality and good management so Just ly invited to be present. ra praise for the manner in Which i� i ! McFaul. . - - chiefly winter varieties, also a large quantity of Xor- L esteemed residents of thi6 county, An quitted themselves. The chair w�s ably ceased was well - and fi%�'v bly known in entitles him to, . I anize the South _ � 11 —A convention ta, org easonL Of obituary notice appeais i IT , . ora� TT E - waySpitice and ornamental trees. This is asplen fifled by Air Braithwaite and the ibest of this neighborhood, havinj resided with her HymE,NiAL.—A most pleasant event took I - - Riding of Huron for the coming election in did s the year to plant trees. Call and in- 4 the arna de- order prevaked all through. Alth4ugh the father and mother here all her life. She place at the resideoce of Mr. J. Hillen of , I 1-77 Bpect them. 1349xl partment. —M isa 1 1 9 1 connection with the Plebiscite, will be held , Amy Douglass, of Liver- was an obliging neighbor, a kind friend, and this town hip, on Wednp8da, I - � I 11 , � I N ORDER to make room for ray Christmas pool, England, and- bliss May Holmested, night was a wet one the hall was filled to y last. I This 1A""""""""""""` ' . I inthe Presbyterian church, Henea-1,11, on stock I will give 20 per cent. discount for of Toronto, are Ift the doors and the proceeds amoonted to a 'consistent member of� the Presbyterian was no Iless Shan the marriage of; Miss -, done well his share( to leave his adopted Wednesda�y, November let, commencing at cash for ent the -guests of Mr. ! �� than he found it. Mr. Hun - 70e F. about $21, which will be applied to(buying a church, though, of lata 1 years, her feeble Martha J., the eldest daughter of Mr. Hil- 'country better the next 30 days. Conle and secure one of the r, - and Mrs, . �oplrrnefejsted�—Tbe London � 10o'clocka. m. All residents in South brated Rocktord.Watchos. W. R. COU�THR, Jeweller � r bell for the b0hool house. F health prevented her re - : ter had been a severe sufferer for several, , , harpers were in town on � Wednesday and . - . 941ar attendance at len, to Mr. James Kerr. The all import � - Euron. as outlined for Local Legislature pur- Seaforth, .1. 1349 __ public worship. The sorrowing mother and ant �ceremon * was performed by Re ke He was born at West Banks Dent � poses, who are interested in prohibition, are Thursday. On � Wedneed�y evening they y v, Mr. � w8e . . invited to be present. It is expected that THE,Rev. M, P. Tailing. of' St. James discoursed sweet music f ti Brussels. I brothers have the sympat�ly of the whole Mucgrave, and the young, couple left on a ',Farm,. Yorkshire, England, and came to Presbyterian Church, London, will deliver a lecture . Irm, Ile balcony 6f BRims,—Amelit Brothers have urebased community in their hour lof trouble, which wedding trip to Niagara and East . ern Points. � Canada about 43 years ago. He has r�sided Mr..F. S. Speace, of Toronto, the wel.1 in the Egniondville� Church, on the evening of Mon. the Commercial hotel.,,-. ore will be $ is rendered the harder I i1the fact that it is Mir. Kerr is one of the most prosperous and � . known temperahce orator, will delivbr an day, October 23, -under the auspices of th6 Auxiliary meeting of th I Women,, , Christian Tem- the Smith, Malcolm & Gibson mill from the �y on, the 4th concession of Usborne. for 44 men' F I * ission Society. e t�e only three weeks since her father was laid . worthy young farme- and leaves a beautiful,well cultivated of the Wo a oreiy,n M* Silver col- perance Union in , Asso. iation rooms on , creditors, and intend moving thei saw -mill 1� rs of the town hip, years, ' , addreso. _Let us have a grand rally. iection taken at the oor. Lecture to begin at 8 Monday evening, at 7.30. � " in Grey to the premiseFe and runii ing both to rest. . . and his wife is a - young lady whio is Jarm. of 200 acres. By industry :and good o'clock, . . 1348-2 - � NOTES.—Miss Ella C�aw`ford, who has in every way worth � . I A COUNTY RaOW.—At %--meeting of the I 11 . . . � I _. , I I togetber.—John MoKiunon, of rey, last . y of him. Mrs. Kerr was ,management he made a competency for � I M MEETING. � week was coming to town .1 of been very ill with brono�itis and pleurisy, a most clever student ; ai� successfut and 'himself in old age, ana leaves his family directors of the South Huron Agricultural LOCAL BRIEFS.—The New York Bijou DISTRIC —Th quarterly meet. . with load is soul . ' � ing of District Lodge No, 24,1ndependent straw, and being fond of a owhat better, and- we hope soon to see popular school teacher and she will, we are 1comfortably provided for. His wife died Society,' hold on Monday at Exeter, the Company bad a ,fair house on Saturday smok , lit his her about again.—Our little village is put- sure, be as successful in the more important I about 22 years ago, and he leaves a falnRy a " __1 secretary %vaa instructed to correspond with night, in spite of the very disagreeable and, Order of Good Templarii was held in th pipe and was contentedly smo ,ing away tiog on a very businesei like appearance, as wQmanly duties which she -now assumes. -Of two sons and four daughters. In"poli-I �� the secretaries of the other Riding Societies, � temperance It 11 wi �� on Tuesday when hib little boy, who was ?vith him, _. . I unfavorable weather. On Mondsiy-' night last. At the 'a ng ng there were up. called his attention to- the I d b 'log on fire our merchants are laying in a large supply The many friends of the young couple unite ties he was a staunch Conservative, but had asking them 10 have the question of the Cardno's ball was filled to the door$'. The �,i;�e of open in' ot goods, in order to meet� the winter'n do! with THi ExPOSITOR in wishing them hosts of friends in both parties, lie had a I Om( an-lalgAmation of the three Riding Societies company. is really a first class one every wards of 106 delegates pr sent, representing and it was with -difficulty he got t e boy and mand. There is- still considerable enterprise all the happiness this life can afford. warm. beart, and was always genial and . �f team away- from- the burning 1Io%d; the . . . with the view of holding one grand County member being a good actor, -but thoir plays lodges in all parts of t e: Distridt, which wagon was a our burg.—rho Kippen'saw mill bas re- cheerful, and will t)e much missed in the luw,,,.b . destroyed. —Duncan Campbell 11 i - comprises the whole coun y of f Huron and ceived a thorough overhauling, which will Constance.. � ommunity where he had lived so long, and 84 rought before the members of their are not off a level with their histrionic abil- . I I - . ' reapective Societies at the next annual meet' ity.—Mr. Newton McTavish, forioerly in the town'ships,of Culrose and KFnlose and the of the 16bh concession of Grey, h4 6 sold . his ptit it in good shape for all kinds q'f sawing. =re he was so highly reipected. He was � iog, and if the proposition be favorably en- Mr. E, McFaul's establishment, bt' village of Lucknow. qom'mittees on ere' fifty acres to big neighbor, W1114rn Turn. . NO T E.%—The smokestack on Mr. S. Cole's . it now of Huroni Vrohibition- —.-4.— the Stephen and Us- AT"tiday in - , - ceffeld. . saw mill was blown down during the storm I ay and 0 , ists will meet in Brussels on Friday of this - - on S%turday night last, and the roof smash- tertaiced, to appoiat delegates to meet with Toronto, spent Sund, dentials and the state of the Order were ap bull, for $2,800. —East leading member 'of delegates from the other Riding. Societies at town, visiting friends.—Mrs. E. I�bbdrtson, pointed by the District Cihief Templar, Mr, . f I Bru . torne Agricultural Society since its incep- a conference to be subsequently held at the of Oakville, ' who was the guest of h . er con. W. F �Brocl�48'hire T � embers of An- vreek, to organize for the comiqg .Vote in Now is the season to oil undershirts and -ed in.—Mr. John Britton has returned from tion, and for many years was also connected I I F. Coleman, for some time, lef 1� 'had s'Becmured billets for January.— Last Thursday eVening the drawers, blankets flann Is, I his trip to the World's Fair at Chicago With the South Huron Society. He took a ,town of Clinton at a datte to be fixed. The* sin, Mrs. T. t chor 0 Hope1odge e Use blankets, &c. * . D Young Liberals turqe out in gqod force for am showing the best value ir� the county. J. Ate- . — deep interest in all such matters anti was , r idea is that instead of the Ridi ,g Societies for her home last week.—T6 family of Mr. the visiting dihegates am ng the friends of .L Y INT0811. 1349 Mr. John McMillan, M. R., has gone to, ; ee 11 � - � organizi ,g a ung Men's the White City and i6 wondets. - Win. Moxley leave here -this 'week to take the temperance cause I 1 town,- and before Liberal Club, which they did, a d when the BRBVITIES.—Misis RacQ Jamies I V&DCe the intere3ts of his fellows along these - amalgamating with a Branch Society, as the purpose of . on has I ever backward with purpe or person to ad - now, fGr the holding of a union show, that up their",residence in Winnipeg. Mr. .Mox- Mie Adjournm mi for din er took place, the HARVEST HoInE.—The Harvest Home ser- . B next election is over they will have done returned from visiting her brother, John lines, " e Meting Co vices and dinner, under -the auspices of the i - - the three Ridiug Societies' unite, and by ley and his family It . citizens uted and arra mittee hid the billets distrib- their d6ty by again assisting to return two Jamieson, of Dakota.—Mr'. Gilbert McDon , I - I am,13,1galtiating their funds, hold one large of Seaforth for many years, and we are gerrients - Ladies' Aid, were a grand success. On I Tado to conduct the aid left last week for Chicago.—Miss Oliver, . I vis very sorry to .see them leavifig our town, strangers to t eir respe I e homes - for the missionary to India, who is now home on d two seritions from the .Rev. . Coonity Show. It is expected that in th Liberals. The following are t e officers ; ,gunday we ha Ethel. - - larger pri7es-couilel be offered and a larger but hope they may find in their new home day. The lo ge met pr mptly at 2 o'clock Dr. Me -Donald, Honorary Presioent ; J. N. Mr..Galloway, of Seaforth. He is a- clear � ITEST.S.—W. Routiley has moved into the � wa . ro', and p, eeded o business at oncei, Kendall, President ; A. Dames�, Vice Pregi- furlough, visited Mrs. Ross, of the manse, and thoughtful speaker. On the Monday house vacated by Mr. Stubbs.—The Ethel tt�ndybetter show secured than has yet been nothing but the beat of fortune. awaiting P- last week. Owing to her many engagements . . . . I , .. �c � gat in orts rom deleg tes- was the first or -Cousle thris county.. The scheme -is a good them.—Miss Maud Wills,)n left on Monday Rep Ithe � dent ; G. F. Blair, Secretary ;'A. y, vioning following the ladies treated a large f6otball club intend playllig.'a match at One of the to take a position as telegraph operator at der of f usi egg - Treasurer ; Committee, F, S ,1, has been unable to speak i B cefield. e - 1. one if it can be carried out. b . . I at of the repor 1, cc�t,, �. J�t. in ru crowd to a bountiful supply of the good Cranbrook on Saturday evening of this I -culties will be to secure to Kerr, William Roddick, Ma , —Rev. Mr. Musgrave, Rer. Mr. Henderson Ci.p _ � le grounds Preston, Ontario.�Mr. Mark Patterson,who co raging nature, and . lack and Rev. Mr. Acheson', of Kippon, assisted tables being loaded week.—The trustees of our school have re- � diffl - sui,tab were of a most en ' and . I things of this life, the . . ii has been working all surhmer near Forest, showed that good res Its maybe looked rohie Hi8lop. THey meet nthly, in the Union church last week, it being the. ying engage and build aga for the holding of a large A b Mi -Mo with fowl of every kind. After satief ' d Miss Stephenson an assistant. sho-Ar, and aniather to get the various inter- has returned to -town. —Mr. and Mrs; 0. C. for from th efforts being put forth in -on tile lab and- 3rd Fridays i#ch month the inner man an adjourument, was made to There will likely be a change in the Princi- 9 to agree on a point at which to Willson and Mr. Thomas Downey were the different I odges. he Credential Com- rger ested paxtie, - f over Deadman's drug store until 13' Sacramental seasou.—Many friends of Mr. the church. Dr. Smith of Seaforth) was p lehip.—Harry Wanner has resumed work I � hold the show. These, Aowever, are diffi- among those who left for the World's Fair mittee reported, and t e report was rooms are obtained. —Robert '41 raham took Muldrew, of Egmondville,i were pleased to called to the chair, whiA position he filled ina Cober's shop. —Grain is coming in rapidly adopt- a cold baththis week 'by falling into the hear him speak to them from the pulpit.— � � cultiv&whicli-shouId, be overcome. We on last week's excursion. Mr. Downey took ed, on motion The *r port of the Commit- . ­ - to the satisfaction of all, Excellent ad- at the storehouse. —Max. Raynard has been hope the other Riding. Societies will co- a walk up town, while waiting for the train tee on thg stt ,to of the Order was a c river while removing a post. -�A large num- Mr. William Bell has returned to College, dresses were -delivered by- Revil. Messrs, visiting friends at Lucknow.—A literary eu- . are- ber of our citizens are away thlis week at St. He took charge during the college vacation Mus"grave, Galloway and Smythe. The tertainment under the mapagement of the . I operate, anti, that there will be a conference to come in at Stratford, and got back to the fully prepared and ex austive one, and was of three in - i -ny rate. Huron con Thomas, attending there as wit i8sion stations inj Muskoka.�Mr. choir rendered some choice selections, which Epworth League, was held on Wednesday - at a .ld get up one good station just in time to be too late. He had considered oliuse b clause. It showed � * John Snider attended the Christian En - the assi4 - , central allow. to waW atil four o'clock the next morning. that the membership lin .the District was nesses in the Nightingale suits�against the in- were duly appreciated by the-, audience. A eivening.—The Canadian Order of F , u; about surance companie � a. t� deavor Convention held last week in St. -*.--- —Mr. Alexander Johnston, of McKillop, - 1,000 rrete o al ended that prompt i social was held on Tuesday evening for, the intend having an anniversary service on - - F___ - � ; No I . - Catharines. —Mr. Alexander Mustard has re- RGXONIDVILLE�- NOTES. —A full house near Winthrop, removed to Exeter this and efficient e 13 bi made to resuscitate rn turned -from a visit to th� Northwest and children, at'which both old and young ,en- Sunday, October 29tli,—The condert in should greet the Rev. Mr, Tailing on Mon. week , where he vi�ill reside in future. The' all dormant I dges n the District; that .1 Vai - a. - � , Chicagbf!�Ur. John Cameron, Of Manitoba, ' ed themselves. The proceeds of the Cranbrook next Monday evening will per- SPLENDIDnew Japan Tea We. pound, 5 I . 'Oy day evening next, The lecture is in the in- good people of Exeter will find Mr. - John. weak lodges b given the necessary assist- s now visiting at the home of his mother dinner and social were $102. The Ladies' haps attract some of our young folks.— tereat of a noble purpose and on a takin bton a good and worthy citizen. His many noe to plac the on a good solid basis, . pounds for 1,41.00, would be good kalue. at 40c 20, - Aid desire to convey their -1hanks to! all; Robert McKay, Joseph Faulkner, Miss M. 9 1�' pounds brown Sugar for $1, Food Cotton 4 6 She has been ill for some i . I , subject, " The land of brown heath and friendo'here will unite in wishing him suc- :nd that the d1st * t 11 in its power to - ray . �ime, but is now who so generodsly contributed to the enter- Ling and.Mrs. A Eckmier were appoin 0 . I 'r1c 0 a � and Oc per yard, gentlemen sL un erwear at 50c. a slowly recovering. —Miss Shbbbrook has now I I t d �c shaggy wood," immortalized by ilurns and cess.—Mrs. J. Henderson returned from a the co Ing lebiacite on the liquor suit, fine Scotch finished underwea at $2.00 a suit, on hand'a full stook of fall and winter mil- . as representatives of Ethel Division Sons of �, 1� . - tainment. : . 'icott. Mr. Tatting has the re' atation of visit to friends in Chicago on Sat best value in Canada, Hemp ar good quality at I / 1� , P urday. traffic. The r port Iwas adopted. A dial -20 and 26 cents per yard, he v ly grain bag@ mt linery. , Temperance to the Prohibition Convention being a very entertaining speaker, witty and Her son accompanied her from De cussion on the cominlg'plebiacite � , I .. I . troit.— was opened $2.75 per dozen, men's heavy re i � � � . � Usborne. in Brussels on Friday of this week. socks at 26c a pair. � - . - aloquen-t. No admission fee, only a silver At the Blyth Show, held last week,Mr. John by Mr. F. Met alf, f Blyth, who, in a well Dress Goods, newest desigpe, froi� 12je. per yard up. t - I- __ ___ � collection. Some good music may be ex- Shortreed, of Morris, was awarded 'prizes considered ad ress poi . i3tei out the ne Those Ladies'vestsiat 36c. each are unequalled. J. Hensall. I NOTES. —Mr. Thompson, teacher in No. 3, New Telephone System. . I i ces- T . . CAIRNS. ! Usborne, does not intend remainin'g another' - pec,ted. —Mrs. J. S. Houston,, of Sacraimenito, for mare, mare foal and yearling filly, that Oty of the% Te pera ce people being united . � I WANTED.—Eight thous�nd bushels of ohn Scandrett�­Mr. in the maftter d 11' up an immense HARD To BE i AT. 9 year. Ifis ability will command iruccesq at (WILITTEN roR Tits EXP(MITOP-) California, who with her little son, -has were credited to Air, J , a ' 1846 ood heavy wheat. Wanted ati once, at Herisall a " —Mr, M. McAllister, Mills. Hig4esi pric whatever he attempts. The trustees of No. About 30 stores, hotels and residence* ' ajority f ,esj':will be Paid, and one cent spent the a4mmer with relatives in this Adam Hays returned on Saturday from. an .or - roll �iti'onng on the first of our local hog breeder, obtained *a record at extra for ev6ry pound over s andia. . vicinity, left for her home on Tuesday. She ineffectual search for his horse and rig,that J uuary next. 11elalso went into details I t rd. CooF BROS. 3 intend hiring an assistant teacher fvr are now connected by telephones of the I the fall shows this year if r his Berkshire 1349 .1894.—Mr. Fred. Hackney succeeds Mr. Automatic Telephone & Electric Cc " kin � alpally was accompanied by Miss Libbie Gumming, was stolen a couple of weeks ago. He a to tile ta I of le vote, etc. The difl- pigs that would be hard to equal, to say BR I E FS.—Mr. T. J. Berry,� of Hensall, has Beattie in Lumley school. —Mr. A. Robert- of Canada, The exchange and agency for - daugliter o - c, asion was ta en �iart i G.Mur- i unter, jewel- � -f Mr. James bummilig of this traoeid ft�by way of Kincardine, Port Elgin, I n by Mr. J. nothing of beating it. At he nine allows he recently had erected a neat �nd commodious son has removed to hia new farm near Far- Seaforth is with Mr. W. R. C�' � village, and Mr. David Gemmel]. Miss and other points to Owen Sound, w�Ere he d ch, of Luck ow, Rev. J. C. Madill, Grand attehded he took 35 iirst p izes and 21 -8ec- hennery, Mr. A. McBeath, of Stanley, hav- quhar.—'We are, glad to know -that Willie ler, 'and judging from experience of sub- 'Camnaing goes to visit 'her brother and lost track of both the man and the rig,� nica- Chief Templar anj_,,iolhers. A commu ' -has also purchased a Brown, of Farquhar, has recovered from the scribers, this telephone possesses many ad- rom. ..'r J, code, and he allowed only iive firsts in his ing the contract. He sister,. while Mr. Gernmell goes to see rela. Rev. J. W. Wilson, of Niagara, will occupy ti,n was read f - E. Tom, of God. class,in the whole number'bif shows he visit- first class incubator from an Americau firm. typhoid fever. 2 vantages over the old system, as every tiveg and try his fortune in the -west.—The -the put it of the Presbyterian church ne et ich, who had be n, a�pointed convener for . I - -P xt . . ed, to escape him'. i This in a new branch of indtiietry for Hen- 0131TUARY.—We have this week t.6 chron- user makes his owa connection with whom— . . Rev-. Mr. Shaw and. Mrs. Shaw arrived §ahbath. Mr. Wilson's many friends and tf e West Ridit g oi-Huton,at the great Tem� NOTES.—Mr. Edward V t Variless has gone sall and we hope Mr. Berry mai " lay " in icle the death of Miss Mary Jane, aaug4ter soever conversation is deAred, thereby , 4 - I . home on Friday evening last, Mr. Shaw's � dolirers here will be pleased to have an- p rance Convet bio� ih tTorouto on thd rd to Z'Iwaukie' Michigan, where he has se- the dollars from the undertaking, though he, of Mr. Robert McDonald, Thames Roadi saving time, as connections are made quick- I , I I � I are, ' f th 1 ' er cano up with them and wilt spend other opportu4nity of listening to him.—Miss art4th inst., skling the Good Tempi cured a good'i situation. We wish- him all should not 14 count hia chickens before they who passed peacefully away on Wednesday ly, a n d a sou * . son-te tirne at . the manse.—Miss - Maggie Jennie Govenlock, daughter of Mr. Andrew al eing the lai ge t temperance organization sumess and prosperity. . ffe will . be' much are hatched."—We r ad carried by metalic wires I'ag Govenlock, of Winthrop, left here I .- Ike the initiative in - missed i ._ a 0 now �njoying Indian evening of last week, after a' long illness, transmits the voice clear and distinct and - Sproat reached home on Saturday rrii the riding, .to ti 9 ast vgeek j .the n the village.—Migs Cassie John. Surnme'r.—Business is looking up in our 'which ultimately terthinated in consumption. free from induction, and as each telephone i_ ' r . � from Blyth, where she had been apending for Port Arthur, where she has procur6d a ill ,ter and call E61 convention. On motion, titon is visiting friends Iin Seaforth this thriving village, but the farmers are still for Efer funeral took place on Friday afternoon has a separate switch the conversation is somedayswith friends. —Those who went good position as teacher in the public ectiocil it Was decided that the District Lodge ws-. week.—Messrs. John S 'arrow, Alexander the reater part too busy to Oo much mar- and, although there wag another funeral a secret. The outside works are well and . I . from., this village to hear the " Black of that place.—LNIr. 'O. Reid Sumner, of the sume the responsi�bility, and that a conven- 9 . Knight" enjoyed a treat of no ordinary kind. Oakville Bicycle Club, passed'through here , ti n be called to meet at Manchester, on Mitchell,,A, McKenzie and D, H.. Me- ketin op - —Mr.. Thomas Murrak, B. A.,. son of shortdistance away, nearly 100z vehicles strongly put up, and the Superintendent of I I The lecture on Wednesday evening was on Friday last, on his way to Wing ednesday,- November1st next,at I o'clock Ta,m-es Murray, of Tuckeremith, left were in the procession, loaded with those Const.ruction.Mr.L.E.Simoneau,tel�ls u8that, , ,- . " Naughton, returned last riday front Chi- Mr. I J ham and , cago, after taking in he sights � of the last week for Georgetown, where he has who had come to pay their last tribute of during big last 15 years -of telephone and ei � ' ' especially interesting. Taking for granted,, G%oderich. He is taking a tour through P- In. Mr. J. Gr.: Murdoch, delegate to last World's Fair. They re rt good time.— secured. the position- of High School Teacher. respect to one they esteemed so highly. She trical work,, he has not seen a better working . . I , ' . , c I , ' m - ' '0 ' *_ h - 0 ' - q 9 _ - u ' I � � , - � I � . � � I . � I . � I I . I ; _� - I � I Ir ."Icil' IV , I V� V I , I , il 1101" - 'e ' I a 'A I !, , r - -, I " lit 51 a 411 t 1. � � �hloim-8 I I ( I 1, fli 9 P �; i I I I I Fr ess ge ono � pfnge1�4, ro wa h in, n g t n , pr 8 on t, f e D a I t I in n y , ol , , � I , I ml 1� It � �, -1 � I b ' n n tj . , ( . , 0 � let laf( , I I 2 I "i ` 16 � n I f I � I t � ( h 0 iz I k �� . I I I I I I - : I I - as every thin -king man mus,t, the great evil Western Ontario, on his wheel, and is well Meting Of Grand Lodge, gave a splendid re- We are mp6h pleased P'O a Mr. Murray is a clever yonni man and an was a member of the Thames Road Presby- or more lf�ubstantial telephone exchange. t,10 e: Miss Maud , . of the liquor tra-ffic, he did not weary his pleased with our roads and the kindness he p( rt of the procieeding6 of that body, and Moffatt oub�rafter her late illness. excelleut teacher, and we are sure will fill terian church, w6ere'she used the talents It is pleasing to subscribers and the proof audicuou. with proving a self evident fact ; has received from other clubs along the re -'eived a he)-rty vote of thanks for the ANOT11'ER PIONEER GoNE,—It is with his new position with credit to himself and which God bad given her by singing in the that the Company desires to give a reliable � encire probibition, being the r#jmedy.and only 'line. He is visiting with Mr. %)V . 0. Reid. am tie. A vote A tbanks'was unanimously deep regret that we chr 'nicle the death of satisfaction to all concerned.—'Misp Bertha choir and teaching in the Sabbath School, * service, as represented by their general I 9 I prevented by political trickery and christian —In our report of the Blyth Show Mr. Win.' pa ised to the Wiligbant friends who so hon- one of the oldest and Woet highly esteemed Dick recently returned from I Toronto and and also as an -active member of the Chri agent Mr. J. A. Culverwell. The Com- . i e e e,on, it Was ng - iudiffereuce. Re held nip to deserved con. McAllister, of Varna, should have been pi ably en'terte " d th - d legates duri citizens of the village, ifi the person of Mr. Niagara Falls, where she had been visiting.' Man Endeavor Society, where she encou - pany has also. placed its fire I rm y in ' . 0 , th)ir stay into, n. on Mot de- J. B. Secord, who passed peacefully —M .,John Gilchrist has returned from vis- aged all to nobler deei by her sweet sing- connection with every telephone to the tomipt and ridicule the conduct of partisan credited with Ist and 2ad prizes for aged r a a 8 stem politicians, who are willing to subordinate Berkshire sow anti ;.n Eh. TT;1�1- 4- U ]:.;& �.--i ed that thin lixt diatria 4, � away r -, . , I I OL Z WW I vu Air, e e on Friday last, at the' age of 68 years. iting the `World's Fair.-Mr.,and Mrs. R. ing. She will be much missed, not only in Water Works, 4nd an this telephone system . I ' ; I � .11 � : I every noble purroee to personal or party ag- with Ist for boar of 1893. -Mies Maggie in Manchester .b the 4th Monday in Jan- Deceased had always enjoyed good health Hannah, of London, have been,visiting rela- these spheres of labor but by her many per- is always ready for use, day or night, it � - I grandizement. Equally and deservedly Cavan, of Paris, is visiting at the marii nary next. A oat harmonious and enjoy- ]PLUS ( I � 0 'is till a little over a year ago. Dropsy was tives and friends here. ' Mr. William Bell sonal friends, . � make@ it not onIV_Of -felt value to sub- , � , severe was his denanciati; n of tfie man who, Misses Ida Dickson and Bella McNftb leave able meeting w I s then brought to a close. tile cause of his death. He was the first and 'daughter, Miss T.� 'Bell and Mr. f�- ANOTHER PioNrs,ign DEPARTS.—The illness scribers in particular, ut also a general pro- , clairning to be a christiain and a church for Toronto on Monday, as delegates from - - mernber, works and votes in the interest of the Presbyterian Sunday - I - - post master in the village and occupied that George Brown left here last week to of Mr. John Hunter, Sr., of this township, teotion for the town property, by the sav- -, At half price,, f School to the Staffa. . , . . � - position till he sold his store some 10 years attend the World's Fair at Chicago.- has been nOticed ia these columns befor0 iDg Of valuable time in case of fire. No. 1.0 9-;rls—a arLap. ` , the greateab curse of mankind. -Mr. Hector Provincial Sunday� School Convention.- LOCALITIES, rhe return game of football ago. Since that time he has lived retired. Mrs. Gilchrist - returned home this week His death octurred on Wednesday of last is the number to beealled, to give the alarm , ­ . our stock --of - I � - � I Elliott is at present in Galt spending some Communion earvicea were held in the Pres- w46 played b tween Dublin and Staffm He was President of the Varna Branch from Wingham, where she had been for the week, and the funeral took place on Friday in case of fire, and where it is. New ,sub- � time w �� I ' past week or soon a,visit.-Mr. and Mrs. and the universal respect inwhich the de- scribers are being connected, and before long ti4ev, ow very ic� ith relatives. -The Rev. Mi' Shaw byterian church Ia'stSabbatb. The pre. teame at Dublin' last Friday, and resulted 'Bible Society for eighteen years, and held line n will Supply Union church, Brucefield, next paratory services on Friday were conducted � Sabbath in16 draw, eac6 side scoring A goal. The that honorable position till his death. He Win. Moir, of Oil Springs, Lambton count , ceased wai held was well manifested by the it is expected tha list.will run up to- forty. *. it Will afternoun.-Mr. J. Cattermole,' by Rev. Mr. McDonald, of V arna, the com- gall � y . pal merchant of Ilderton, was in the village on munion serviLc� on Sabbath were �e was friendly throughout, and the was also a Justice of the ,Peace for many are visiting their relatives in' this neighbor- very large inumber who attended it to, show No doubt but this day and nig-bt service, . � , conducted Dublin boys behaved like gentlemen. - , , years. Mr. Secord w6s a member of the hood..' Our sportsmen are still scouring the a Isat tribute of respect to one who had even in case of sici is very valuable. I - i, . - . � .--- - � I ; . � I - . � � I . i I � . I . I J - LN Is ; � i Whituby"s - I I - , 4 . , I - - __ -* . - - � r- _0""`�' __ " I . W . �_ , I . , I � - . - . - � I � � � . . I . - ; -, . I . . . � I I � - I - . ­ I , 10 . ; I , � . . - 11 . - . A - I . � , I - �� I I M It . I 1 4 .. 100 . �� . I � - . - - A_.iii � � � - I I I �, . � . - a � . I . . . - � TWBNTY 5 I . I .W330LE N1 _______�____ __ - 0;_-__��� . !� I . . I T 0 , ;�? ; I I - . your wife work I I I � darning np,e $ n - ridiculously che OvL huw&niV� ] take twicP, as 1�c Tliese are the ! I �. for $ - � three Pairs : . . . � 1.,4 . ewery 817,e. LLAMA WOl f,!ora all dy-e. I . I I ­ 13LACK CA . wad Warranted fl, I - I -We are doiug I r, I I 1b th,em__�three yoursp,lf, See t I JACks-( , r, AA1O t - THE I � SEA -------- AUOTI VALUAIR 06W . FLA) - , . VILLAGE � I Pureumut to the 4utf. . � ,ol he '8tateo' HAW f')�sal !b y Pubjie -AxUal � tl6neer , at tbe5 rti in th4 . In the ,Cbuw TUZSDAY� N ,&I 12 6fin-loch-, Noon, tb IN THE TON 11t. -Parts of Lots I of the Township Of Ha, I this property is iierect Idtchen, with wood8be make the house a con, There Are also large ba � . cRttle sheds underweat I drivitig sheds. The lai spring, froin which thg mill. There is a 4-400d 1 wheat. A Isrke qUant - seeded ,down. The f itate of cultivation, I . mile frout the virlav thW, ill e of Henisall, � MOB nesi U . thing being in first,cla, 2nd. -Parts of Lots.' of the said township 0 , On thio property is erl barns, all lb a gDod sta ;god orchard covering The soil is a clay loarn, lifting spring, from w] a windinill. This pro) bas been used 1 -or as from Zurich, and 3fir lam- bie and well situatt . 8rd.-The northjpar-,,� Wres. On this pii � bouse and kitchen, .an, !bulldio,", are in fir84, � good orchard covering . hbaring condition. Tt 04 down, andbas been 'ated I nAle, from Ilene first-class property.. 4th.-Tbe north ball of Lot 23, in the 15th ( . Ship of Hay, contuinin Of this property is 6 barn, and on the uortl barn. The soil is ela-v down, and -has been us 8 miles front Zurich.ax in every respect %-desi � 5th. -The ventre pa 15ion of the said townsf I On this property is , er( 'y now and frame bar Cleared' and wc11 water Chard. This prdpQrtV � every respect a desiral . - . i� VILLA�GE I 1 -.3 Oth-Park-L6t.11.,ii I �� zc � of Zurich, containing 4 ,; erty Is known as Happ . i . fl&X mill, vdth all the i - ,' fil good running order� �; I Ike 16 itax mill. Besides - - Is a frainehouse, two 1 I . fitlibling for 8 horses. .. 10,Mllty, and is in ever - 7th �_ 4 -Lot 5o, in Xll� 1 06 small ; � brick- bousei i , frame stable. . : 8tb.-Lots8,3 84, & . '. On this pro , � - � . - perty is er �, --� two St"les The houi �, Arb eRCh rQdIly reotc( , i __;� Present tilne in the ha . � - I �� VILLAGI f I ; 9th. -Parts of Lot I street, Win, Giddley's� � I � ter. on thig propert� � , I -A InOdiOuu brick dwellin 5 -1 � erty, and anyone,desis ; And it in every respect - � ; . . - CHATTE . I Xth.�Also,'At thei ' ,Offprcd tor jaaI6 -the foll ;� - 'horses, 6 sets of dobbli - I � , . , 90138 and racks I bind - I I Uke', 2 sets iro� harro - Ii � 110eders, about -Loo.tonl . �, 418 of tate, Also a lot �_ : Miscellaneous artacies'l . Further particulArs- . I - known at the time of i - , 411ctionei or It. R. J I - undersigned. _. I � JAMES LIN - Xesgrs.G,ARRO­W -j . � & Dated thi&24th,.day Just SPEOIA" , Xelf-sUxid,4, . � � Twenty per ceni Also special line T- - a: C ) -10 i I : . � . I --,-- - . I � f ! � I I i ; . !. I : I . - - . - . q � I I . �1. . I � . I 0 9i = 11