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OCTOBER 20, 1893
Agrkultural Implement
Has a full assortment of the following
IN PLOWS—I have the Fleury, Wilkinson, Gowdy
and Cockshutt ; in Gang Plows—the Cockehutt, Wil-
kinson and Floury; single and double Forrow Sulky
Plows, Spade Harrows, Disc Harrows and Diamond
Harrows, Spring Tooth Cultivators, Hoosier single
and combined Drills. In Horse Powers—I have one,
two and three horse American Tread Powers and
American Ensilage Cutters ; two, four, six and eight
horse Sweep Powers and Canadian Ensilage Cutters
all kinds of Grain, Crushers, and a new and improved
GRAIN .GRINDER, guaranteed to do good work and
give satisfaction.
Gananoque and Brantford Bug-
gies, Phaetons and Fancy
Carriages of all patterns.
Five different styles of Road Carts, also the:Wood
etook-Bain wagon.
In washing tnachinee, the Improved Ideal, the
Knoll, the Dowewell and Standard; Clothes Wringers
In six different styles, ranging from 82.50 to $7.00 -
In Wind Mills the I X L, a fine solid wheel; the
Challenge,a first.eleas open wheel,and the Woodstock
Steel Wheel and Steel Tower, the best of ite kind in
Canada. Mills put up for pumping water on short
notice. A full stook of plow castings and repairs for
all kinds of plows including the Hendry and Hogan
plows. The Davisand Williams Sewing Machines, all
kinds of sewing machine needles and oils.
0. WILLSON, Seaforth.
Cluff d Bennett's
Planing Mill.
The undersigned would beg leave to thank their
many customers for their very liberal support for the
past and Would say that they are in a much better
position to serve them than ever before, as they are
Adding a new Engine and Boiler, slso a dry kiln and -
enlarging their building, which will enable them to
turn out work on short notice.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mould-
ings, Shingles, and Lalh
always on hand.
Contracts taken and Estimates
Cluff & Bennett.'
p. S.—All in arrears please pay up.
1321.t f
If you want a .good article in
Canned Goods
or Fruits
You can be supplted at the
Choice Hams,
Breakfast Bacon
and Spiced Roll
Kept constantly on hand. Tele-
phone connection,
A call solicited.
. .1
- 1327
Banking - House,
(In connection with the Bank of Montreal.)
LOGAN 84 00, •
To the Commercial Hotel I3ui1ding, Main Street
A General Banking Businees done, drafts issue and
crashed. Interest allowed on deposite. -
On geed notes or mortgages.
- —
Every owner of a
wanted htoorskenoorwThvoNwvanttos
keep his animal in
good nealth while in the stable on dry /odder.
DICK'S BLOOD PCRIFI ER is now recognized
the best Condition • Powders, it gives a good
ippetite and strengthens the digestion so that all the
'clod is assimilated and forms flesh, thus savingmore
.han it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys
and turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one.
Sound Horses arc al-
ways in demand arid at
this season when they
are so liable to slips and
straIns DICK'S BLIS-
TER will be found a
stable necessity: it will
remove a curb, spavin,
splint or thoroughpin or any swelling. Dick's Lini-
ment cures a strain or larnenes and removes inflam-
ntation from cuts and bruises. For Sale by all Drug-
gists. Dick's Blood Purifier 60c. Dick's Blister 60c.
Dick's Liniment 25c. Dick's Ointment 25c.
Send a
Fat Cattle
ticulars, &
a book of valuable household and farm recipes will
be sent free.
DICK & CO., P.O. Box 482, MONTREAL,
Loan and Investment
This Company is Loaning Money on
Farm SeCtuity at lowest Rates
\ of Interest.
Mortgages Purahased.
t and 6 per Cent. Laterest Allowed en
Deposits, a000rding to amount and
time left.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and
North Street, Goderioh,
Geasliabs atigud 6111,1885.
••••,-• ,
Contains no Alum., Ammonia, Lime,
Phosphates, r any Injuring*.
L W. CILLETT, Toronto. Ont.
MIAMI FOR SALE—For sale en improved, 1
J. acre farm, within two and a ha f miles of th
town of Seaforth. For further particulars apply o
the premises, Lot 12, Concession 4, H. R. EL, Tucker
smith, or by mail to JOHN PRENDERGAST, Sea
forth P. 0. 1290
$2,300 will ld'uefilgp"dT11:: ill:el:71
under good cultivation, it is well watered and ni;
waste land. It is within half a mile of a prosperou
village. There is a good frame house and barn and
good orchard. This is a spleudid chance to get
good farm cheap. Apply at THE EXPOSIT°
f I
OFFICE, Seaforth. 13484
200 ALCrniREZAnaEgtsir
-- anS.. 12,—conco200 essionala,
Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared a 'd
the balance is well timbered. Buildings firet-cl
Orchard, well, ate School house within 40 rode..
Posseseion given at once if desired. For further
particulars as to priceterms, eto., apply to MRS
WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER
on the farm, 1299-tf
HOUSE FOR SALE.—On North Street, Egmonld
Ole, about five minutes walk from the chuh
a frame house, one story and a half, with eev n
rooms very oMmfortable and beautifully finish d.
There is a uter of an acre of land, well few d,
with a few good fruit trees and a large number of
currant bushes, good cistern and well, woodshed a d
coal house. This ie an exceptionally pretty and colln
fortable place. Apply to MRS. C. HOWARD, on he
premises, or write to Seaforth P. 0. 1823-y
..r cheap, the East half of Lot 2,0, Bayfield Rod,'
Stanley, containing 64 mires, of which 62 acres re
cleare and in a good state of cultivation. Thebal-
ance is well. timbered with hardwood. There litre
good buildings, a bearing orchard nd lentyr of
water. It le within half a mile of 3lie illag of
miles Varna and three from Brim field @tat on.
Possession at any time. This is a laro chano to
buy a first class farm pleaeantly situated. Atoile,
to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 114-
161ARM IN McKILLOP FOR. SALE.—For sale the
✓ south half of lots 1 and lot 2, doecession 4, Mc-
Killop, being 150 acres of very choice land most' in
a good state of cultivation. There is a good heuee
and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard I and
plenty of never failing water. A, considecable
portion seeded to grass. Convenient to rnsekets
and schools and good gravel roads in all direc4ons.
Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor oi the
premises, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell, Jor at
Tire Hullos Exrosrros Office, Seaforth. J HN
O'BRIEN, Proprietor. 129 -tf
FARMS FOR SALE.—The undereigned offe s his
two /arms for sale, comprising lot B, 7th con -
the fore -mentioned Townehip, containing one hun-
cession of Usborne, and lot No.1, (Rh oonoessirn in
dred acres each. Both farms are in a good state of
cultivation, with good buildings and prodpotive
orchards, and never -failing wells, adjacent to
churches and school house. For further part Milers
apply to JOHN CORNISH, St. Thomas, Ontari .
PLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 25, sonees.-
sion 6, Township of Morrie, containing 16 acres
suitable for grain or stook, situated two and a half
miles from the thriving village of Brussels, good
gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres clear d and
free froni stunape, 6 acres cedar and ash and alarm
hardwobd. Barn 51x60 with straw and h shed
40x70, stone stabling underneath both. Th: house
is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar und rneath
both buildings. All are new. There is a larg young
orchard. School on next lot. The land has ja good
natural drainage, and the farm is in good cofidltlon.
statistaotory reason e for selling. Apply at Hs Mc-
Namee, °mos, or bn the premises. 'WM. B RRIE,
Brussels. 38541
FARM FOR • SALE.—For ale, lot 5, cone salon 1,
H. R. S., township of Tuckeremith, co taining
one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres chlarod,55
of which are seeded to grads, well undo rained,
three never failing wells. On one fifty o said lot
there is a log house, frame barn and ve y. good
orchard, and on the other a good frame h use and
barn, stables, and good orchard. The whol will be
sold together or each fifty separately to suit pure
chasers. located 11 miles frorn Seaforth, wi I be sold
reasonable and on easy terms, as the proprietor is re-
tiring from farming. For further particul rs apply
to the undersigned on the premises, and if by letter
to Seaforth P. Q., MICHAEL DORSEY, 1182841
Lot 8, Concession 7, Tuckersmith, c ntaining
100 acres, nearly all cleared, free from stu ps, well
underdrained, and in a high state of cuitivation.
The land is high and dry, and no waste land. There
Is a good brick residence, two good barnee one with
stone etabling underneath, and all other !necessary
outbeildinge ; two never -failing wells, an1 a good
bearing orchard. It is within four miles of 1 Seaforth.
It is on of the best farms. n Huron, and still be sold
on casyl terms, as the proprietor desires jto retire.
Possession on the let October. Apply on he prem.
ises, or address Seaforth P. 0. WM. ALLAN.
I. 276
--- -
paint FOR SALE.—For Sale, 80 acres ln Sanilac
-1- County, Michigan 76 acres cleared and in 0; good
state of cultivation, fit to raise any kind f a crop.
It is well fenced and has a good orchard qn it, and a
never failing web. The buildings consist f a frame
house, stabling for 12 horses with tour bo steno, 36
head of cattle and 100 sheep. Ninety °wee were win-
tered last year,sold 8630 in wool and Iambs this sum-
mer. There are alto pig and hen houses.! The un-
dersigned also has 80 acres, with building, but not
so well improved, which he will sell eithe in 40 acre
lots or as a whole. These properties a e in good
localities, convenient te markets, schools and
churches. The proprietor is forced to ell on ac•
cohnt 01 111 health. It will be a bargain or the right
man as it will be sold on easy terms. EORGE A.
TEMPLETON, Doronington, Sanilac Co nty, Michi-
gan. 1298x44.1
Concession 6, IL It. El Tuckersmit , containing
100 acres of choice land, nearly all ole red and in a
high state of cultivation, with 90 acre seeded to
gram It is thoroughly underdrained ad well fenced
with straight rail, board and wire 10 17005 and does
not contain a foot of waste land. Th ro is also an
orchard of two acres of choice fruit -trees; two good
wellerone at the house, the other with a wind quill
on it at the out buildings, on the preenises is an ex-
cellent frame house, oontaining eleeen rooms and
cellar under whole house, and soft lend hard water
convenient. There are two good bank barns,the one
82 feet by 7e feet and the other 36 feet by 66 feet
with stabling for 50 head of cattle arid eight horses.
Besides these there are eheep, hen and, pig houses and
an Implement shed. The farm is well adapted for
Frain or stock raising and is one of the finest farms
in the country. It is situated Si miles from Seaforth
Station, 5 from. Brumfield and Kippen with good
gravel re a leading to each. It ie also convenient
to churches, poet office and school and will be sold
cheap and on easy terms. For further particulars
apply to the proprietor on the premises �r by letter
to THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Egmondyille P. 0.
1285. tf
When we assert that
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony .of all
who have used them.
By all drugg"ots or mail on receipt of price,
cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto.
Sad Cases of Christians Who Believe but
a Part of the Bible, of Men Who Doubt
Everything And of self Styled Christians
WhO Shrink From the Conflict.
BR0OKLYN, Oct. 8.—Among the vast
audiethces Whichcrowd- the Brooklyn
Taberhaele at every service- are . large
numbers of young men, many of is'hoin
are t ' eological students, Dr.' Tal4ingete
serm n to -night bad aspecial inter st for
them! At this time when so ma v are
giving up the Bible, or holding 'th truth
less 1firmly• than before, the eloquent
preadher put hint -self on record so clear-
ly aid forcibly that no one who heard
him could have any douot as .:to his
attitt de. His teXt was II. Samuel xx•iii.
10, 'And his band clave mite the
swor ,"
• A reat general of King David was
Elee ar the hero of the text. The Phil,'
his t oops retreated. The cowards fled.
hear opened battle against him, and
Eleazar and three of his comrades went
ioto the battle and swept the field, four
men! with God on their side are stronger
than a whole battalion with God against
then. "Fall back!". shouted the com-
mail er of the Phillistine army, The
cry ian along the host, "Fall back I"
Elea ar having swept thefield throws
hiirii1elt on the ground to rest, but the
mus les and sinews of his hand had been
sOio g bent around the hilt of the sword
that the hilt was -embedded in the flesh.,
and -he gold wire of the hilt had broken
Oro gh- the skin of the paint of the
Ian, and he could not drop his sword
which he had so gallantly weilded.
band .clave unto the milord." That
is. w at I call :magnificent fighting for
the Lord God of Israel. And we want
mor of it. I propose to show you this.
evening how Eleazar took hold of the
swo d and how the sword took bold Of
Elea 'ar: Ilook at Eleazar's •hand, and
1 col le to the conclusion thdt be took the
sword with a very tight grip. The cow-
ards who fled bad no trouble in dropping
thei swords.- AS they - fly oyer the rocks
I he r their swords clanging in every di-
rectibn. It is easy enough for them to
drop their sword. But Eleazar's hand
clay unto the sword.
Oh, my frieirds, in this Christian con-
flict ve want a tighter grip -of the gospel
Weal ons, a tighter grasp -of the two -
edge I mord of the truth. It makeS me
sad tp see these Christian people who,
hold ;only a part of the truth •and let the
test Of the truth go, so that the Philis-
tines e seeing the loosened gras.p, wrench
the ,ohole sword away from theirs. The
only Safe thing for us to do is to put our
thun b on the book _ of Genesis •ind
ewee t our hand around the book until
the New Testament comes into the
palm and keep on sweeping our hand
arourd the book until the tips of -the fin-
gers. lutch at the words,- "In the be-
ginm. g God created the heavens and
the e rth." I like an infidS1 a great
deal 'better than . I do one of these
oa m -pamby Christia-ns who. hold a
part f the truth and let the rest go. By
miraO' e God preserved this Bible just as
it is, and it is a Damascus blade. The
Eeverest test to which a sword can be
put in a sword factory . is to wind the
and t,1 en when the sword is let loose it
bladeirround a gun barrel like a ribbon-,
flies , back to its . own shape. So the
, 1
sa-ordi of God's truth has been fully
testectand it is bent this way and that
way, ,' and wound -. this way and
that say, but it always comes back to
Ls own shape. Think of it! A book
- s•ritt u 18 centuries ago, and some of it
t ions ouch of years- ago,•and yet in our
t toe be average sale of this book is
more than 20,000 copies every week, and
more than a million copies a year. I
SaY n w Unit a book which is • divinely
insole d and divinely kept and •divinely
scatte -ed is a weapon worth helding a
tight !rip of. Biehop Colenso will come
(long and try to wrench out of :your
'land the bye books of Moses, and
tra,uss will. •come along and try to
ren h out of Your hated the miracles,
4nd 1eiian ,wili come along and try to
I,Vren li out, of your hand, the entire -life
f the Lord Jesus •Christ, and your asso-
iates in the store, orthe shop,or he fac-
ory, - r the banking house N•ill try to
ren 11 out Of your hand the entire -
ible i but in the strength of the Lord
up pardon and peace and life and
od Of Israel, and with Eleazer's grip
hold en to it.. You give up th el Bible,
oou give up any part of it, and You give
Iehundreds, perhaps thousands, of
aLoun own in this audience. Do not be
aeloor ed, young man, to have the world
'nowi!that you are a friend of the Bible:
' 'his • ook is a friend of all that is good
nd i . is the sworn enemy of all that is
bad. i An eloquent writer recently gives
an ine dent of a very bad mau-who. stood
iitt WS cell of a svestern -prison. Tnis
c'timi al had gone through all, styles of
crime and he was there waiting for the
&Joe s. The convict standing there at
tlie window of the cell, the writer says,
-"look' 11 out and declared, 'I ani an in fi-
1 e said that to all the men and
wome 1 and children who happened to
be ga hered there, 'I am an infidel,' "
add 't ie eloquent writer saye, "Every
man :aid woman there believed him."
And thew riter goes on to say, "if he
had st od there saying, '1 . ion a Chris-
tian,' e very. num and woman would lutve
said, '• le is a liar!' " • This Bible is the
sworn enemy of all this wrong, and it is
the fri nd of all that is good. Oh, hold en
to it. 1 o not take part of it and throw the
resit avti aY. Hold oe to all of it, Tlieiki are
so ma . y people now who do not know.
a k them if the soul is immortaloind '
they ea V. " 1 guess it is, 1 • don't know •
perluirs it is, perhaps it isn't." Is. the
lliyle rue ? " Well, perhaps .it is, mid
perhai s it isn't ;• perhaps it mav. he tie -
ore tivt ly ; and perhaps it may be partly,
and perhaps it may not be at all. They
despik' , what theycall the AI °stole:
creed ; . but if their own creed • were
\)fittt'1 out it would read like this : " I
is helot in nothing, the maker ot last von
a:A. earth, and in nothing which it hath
s1:1t, which nothing was born of nothing,
and Which nothing was dead and hurled
end delseended into nothings and :us se
Irtell nothing, and ascended to noddle,.
antt now Sitteth at t he right hand re-
m:think, from which it will °eine te
judis-e nothing. I believe in the holy -
agnostilc church and in the communioe
of nothingarians, and in the forgiveness
of nothing, - and the .resurrection of
'nothings and in the life tha t never
shill! -be. Amen." That is the creed
of tel.* of thousands of people. in 11. is
day-. if you havea mind to :Rhet such
a theorLy 1 vill not. " I believe in God
the Father Almighty, ranal,er of hen Yen
atal estith, and in Jesus Christ, end :it
the hely catholic church, and in the
communion of saints. and in tse lite
everlasting. Amen." Oh, wheu I- see
Eleakai tdking such a. stout grip of the
eword in the teolse against sin and for
righttN .:611es4, 1 vollie lo the conclusion
1 hat Wil:! ought to take a stronger grip of
God'S Elernal truth, Inc sword of right-
eousheSs. _
:As li' look - at E:eazar's hand I also
notice Iiis spirit of self foreetfuloess. .,isle
did notinotice that the hilt of Ids sword
was eating throw:11 the palm' of his
nano. rte. -ain not Know it hOrt
As he wene out into the conflict he was -
• So anxious for the.victory he forgot
and that hilt might go ever so deep-
ly into the palm of his hand it could not
disturb lum. "His hand •clave unto tho
sword." Oh, my brothers and sisters,
let us go into Christian conflict with the
, ,
sprit of •self-abnegation. Who cares
whether the world praises us or de-
nounces us? What do we care for mis-
representation or abuse or persecution
in a conflict like this? Let us forget
ourselves: That man who is afraid
of getting bis hand hurt will never kill a
Philistine. Who cares whether you get
hurt or not if you get the victory? -- Oh,
how many Christians there are who are
all the time worrying about the way the
world treats them. They are so tired,
'and they are so abused, and they are so
tempted, when Eleazor did not think
whether he had a. hand, or an arm or 1.1
foot. All be wanted was victory.
We see how men forget thems.eIves
worldly achievements. We have often.
seen inen who in order to achieve world- -
ly success will forget all physical fatigue
..and all annoyance and all obstacles.
Just after the battle of Yorktown, in the
Anierican Revolution, a musician;
wounded, was told lie must have hie
limbs amputated, and they were about
to fastenhim to the surgeon's table—for
it was long before the merciful discovery
of anassthetics. He said, "No, don't fas.
ten -me to that table;.get me a
A violin was brought to him and he said.
"Now go to work as I begin :to play,"
and for forty minutes, during the awfu:
pangs of amputation, he moved not a
muscle nor dropped a note while he
- played -some sweet tune 011, is it not
strange that with the music of the Gos-
pel.of Jesus Christ and with this grand
;march of the church militant on the way
to become the church triumphant. we
cannot forget ourselves and forget .all
pang and all sorrow and all persecution
and all perturbation?
We know what men accomplish under
worldly opposition. . Men do not shrink
back for antagonism' or for hardship.
You have -admired Prescott's "Conquest
of Mexico,'" as brilliant and beautiful a
history as was ever ‘vritten ; but some of
you may not know under • what disad-
vantages it, was written—that "Conquest
of Mexico" -for Prescott was totally
blind, and he had two pieces of wood
parallel to 'each other fastened, and
totally blind, with his pen between those
'pieces of wood he wrote, the stroke
against one pieco of .wood telling how
,far the pen must go in the other way.
Oh, how much men will endure for
worldly knowledge and for ‘eorldly suc-
cess, and how little ‘ve venture . foi•
Jesus Christ. How many Christians
there are that go around saying : "Oh,
my hand, my hand; my hurt hand ;
don't you see there is blood on the hand,
and there is blood on the svilord ?" while
Eleazer, with the hilt i4ibedded in the
flesh of his right hand, does:not know it,
What have we suffered in comparison
NV WI those who expired with suffocation,
or Were burned, or were chopped to
pieces for the truth's sake? We talk of
the persecutiou of olden times. There is
justeas much persecution going Ori now in
various ways. In 1849; in Madagascar,
eighteen men - were put to • death for
Christ's sake. They were to be hurled
over the rocks, and before they were
hurled over the rocks, in Order to make
their death the ninfe painful in anticipa-
tion, -.they were put in baskets and
swung to and fro over the precipice that
they might see how many ouudred feet
they would have to be dashed down, and
while they were swinging in these bas-
kets over the rocks they sang,.
Jesus, lover of my soul,.
Let Inc to Thy bosom fly,
While the billows near me roll,
While the tempest still is high.
Then -they were dashed down to death!
Oh; how mush others have endured for
Christ, and how little we 'endure for
Christ ! •'We want to ride to heaven in a
Pullman sleeping car, our feet on soft
plush, the bed made upearlv so we can
sleep tillthe way, and :the Clack porter
of death to wake up up only intimeto
'enter the golden city. We want all the
surgeons to fix our hand up.. Let them.
bring on all the' lint, and all the band-
ages-, and all the salve, for our hand is
hurt,while Eleazar does riot know his
hand is hurt. "His hand chive unto the
As I look at Eleazar's hand I come to
tae conclusion that fie hag alone a great
deal of hard hitting. I am not surprised
when I see that these four men—Eleazer
and his three companions—drove back
the army -.of Philistines that Eleazar's
sword elate to his hand, for every time
he struck on the enemy with one end of
the sword the other end of the sword
wounded him. When he took hold of
•the sword the sword took hold of him.
10h,- we have found an enemy who can- .
not be conquered by rose water and soft
speeches. Imust- be sharp stroke and
straight thrust. There is intemperance.,
abd there is fraud, and there:, is gam-
bling, and there is luet,and there are ten
thousand battalions of iniquity, armed
Philistine! iniquity. How are -they to be
captured anti overthrown ? Softser-
mons in morocco cases lad down in front
of an exqisite audience will not do , it.
You have got to call things by their right.
We have got to expel:from our churches
Christians who eat the sacrament on
-Sunday and devour widows' houses all
the week. We have got to . stop our in-
dignation tigainet the ollittites and tile
Jebusites and the Gergiehites, and let
those poor -wretches Igo, and apply our
indignation to the modern transgressions
whirl need to be dragged out and slain.
Ahabs here. Herod; Here. jezebels
Here. The massacre of the infants here.
Strike for God so hard that while you
slay the sin the sword .adhere to your
own hand. I tell you, my friends, we
Want a few John Knoxes and John
'Wesleys in the Christian church to -day.
The whole tendency is to refine on
Christian work; We keep on refining
on it until send apologetic .word to
..iniquity we are about to capture it.
And we must go with sword silver
chased and presented by the ladies, and
we must ride on white palfrey under
embroidered housing, putting the spurs
in only just enough to make the charger
dance gracefully, and then we must
- send a missive, delicate as a wedding
card, to ask the old black giant of sin if
he will not surrender.
Women saved by the grace of God and
011 glorious mission sent, detained from
Sabbath claSses because their nelx hat is
not done. Churches that shook our cities
with great revivals sending around to
ask some demonstrative wOrshipper
he will not please to say "amen" anti
"hallelujah" a little softer. It seems as
in our churches we wanted a baptism of
cologne and balm of a thousand fislwers,
when we actually need a beptisna of fire
from the Lord God of Pentecost. But
we are so Afraid somebody will criticise
our prayers, or criticise our religious
work that our anxiety for the world's
'redemption is lost in the fear we will get
our hand hurt. while Eleazar went into
the conflict,"And his hand clave unto
the sword."
-But I see in the next place what a hard
thing it was for Eleazar to get his hand and
his sword parted. The iiiuseles and the
sinews had been so long grasped around
the sword he could, not drop it when he
proposed to drop it, and his three com-
rades, I suppose, came up and tried to
help him. and theybathed the back nart
or tree nand, !toping the sinews mid
nruselee would relax, _But nO. "His
hand clave unto the sword." Then they
tried to pub open the fingers and pull
back the thumb; but no sooner were they
pulled hack than they closed again, "and
his hand chive unto the sword." But
after a while they were suceessful, and
theu they noticed that the curve in the
lailin of the hand corresponded exactly
with the curve (if hilt, "His hand clavie
unto the sword."
Oh, i: thereever was any one who had
a right to retire from the conflict it was
old -Joshua. Soldiers cotne hack from
battle lalve the names of the battles on
their flags, showing where they dis-
tinguished themselves, and it is a very
appropriate inscription. Look et the
flag of old General josimit 1 011 it
Jerielm, Gibeon, Hans, City of Ai, and
iiitead of the stars sprinkled 00 the flag
tile mut Inni the meon which stood still.
There he is, one hundred and ten years
old. He is lying fiat on his- back but he
is prenching. His dyiog words are 11
battle charge against idolatry and a
rallying cry from the Lord it Hosts as
he says, "Behold, this day I go the way
of t e earthaand God bath not failed
tosf whit his promise concerning Isreal."
His dying hand chive. unto the sword.
- There is the headless body of Paul on
the road at Ostia. His great brain and
his great ri.eart have been severed. ?Tile
elmwood rods had stung him fearfully.
When the corn ship broke up he swain_
ashore, coming up drenched with, the
brine. Every day since that day when
the horse reared under him in the sub-
urbs of Damascus, as the snpernatural
light fell, doWn. To this day when he is
sixty-eight years of age and old and de-
crepit from the prison cell of the Mainer-
tine, he has been outrageously; treated.
and be is waiting to die.- How does
he spend los last hours?,--- Telling the
world how badly he feels, and describs
ing the rheumatism that hegoein prison,
the rheumatism afflicting his liinbs, Or
the neuralgia piercing his 'temples, Or
the thirst that fevers his tongue? Oh,
ny. His last words a.re the battle shout
or ChrIsteedom—"I am now ready to
lie offered, and the time of my departure
is at hand; I have fought the good fight."
And so his dying hand clave unto the
8W1..° 11
1)(111C11 this sermon as a tonic. - I
want you to held the truth with Mere-di-
e:161s grip, and I want you to strike SO
111)1 (1 or Upd that it s 111 react and while
nt lake the sword, the sword will take
Vint no! iced .that the-- officers of the
norIlicro araiy.a fe x years ago assemble
e 1 at 1)i:11 Vet', a.nd you noticed. that the
()dicers of the southern army assembled
at Lexington. Soldiers coining together
are very apt to reconnt their experiences
and to elio%v their scars. 7 Here is a
101' W110 I al 11S n his sleeve and says, ,
-There, I W1t:3 WOunded in that a1311 d hi 10W8 rm."
t 11 0l 1' And aiiot.liei'
say, "There, . I •,‘-as- wousided iti
the neck," And a ?Mt 11 er soldier says,"1
have had no use of that limit sines the
gunshot fracture." Ointny friends, when
the balt.e of. Hie is over, ;ind' • the resur-
reeth.n nas come mid our bodies rise
scars of bravery for God? Christ
Iran the desd, w e have on nal 61 any
1111,:-E'alt c()VerQd with scars. Scars on
tile hrowssearsioraa.the hand, sears on
the foot, iears all over the Itiiratit j‘i‘oe.atvielin
ho kntle of redemption. .t
will sob aloud ii ith emotion as they
look on those scars. Ignatius vi1I be
there, and he will point, put the places..
ert.-! Lhe tootn add the paW
of the lion first seized him in the Colis-
semo; and John _Huss vi1l be there and
lie w ill show where the coal first
seoreoeSt she foot on that day when his
spirit took' wing of 11 dna from Con-
siance. :11';11illan and Campbell and
Freeman, Anieriean iniSsionaries in
India, will be there—the men who with
their'wives and cnildren went down in
elle awful massacre at Go wnpore, and
they will show where "the daggers of the
S' e;112)eIIO
Y6st'ldrilceknsteTINI:ill be there, and they
will show where their bones were broken
on that day when 'the Piedinontese
soldiery pitched them over the rocks.
And there will bethose there who took
care of the sick and who looked after the
poor, and .they will have evidence of
earthly exhaustion. And Christ, with
his scarred handwaving over the scar-
red multitude,. will say, "Yon -suffered
Nvith me on earth; now be glorified with
me in heaven." And then the great
organs of eternity will take up the chant
and St. John will play, "These are they
who came out of great.tribulation and
had their robes washed and made white
in the blood of the
• But what %Yin your cIiogrii azud11)100
be if it shall be told that day on the
streets of heaven that on earl have shrank
back from ell- toil and sacrificesand hard-
ship. No scars to show the heavenly
soldiery. • Not so much as one ridge on
the pall» of the hand to show that jest
once in the hattle for God and the truth,
WO just mice grasped the sword so firm-
ly, and struck so iterd that, the sword
and the hand stuck together, and the
hand clave to the sword. - my Lord
Jesus, rouse us' tip to thy service,
et at utast° ltoy's Sueeers,
Forty years ago ti mulatto boy -.of
Chatham- County, N. C., wtis sold into
slavery and was talna
ten to (1 2orgia. A
few days ago he rett red. . ve»eralde
looking ma)) and worth morethen
.000. 1.1.s.name was Nathan, and he was
sold to a 10110 minted Toonler, 'who made
liiin Lody servant. lie proved " hint-
belf lionestand faithful and enjoyed his
master's full confidence. 1 -Ie served 3Ir.
J'oonier until his death shortly after the
war. ilis unusual intelligence, quick
perception. and good judgment, gained
Nathan- the respect and 091 ('('111 of all the
white people, and he acquired consider-
able property. Ile then married the
daughter of Dixon, the Lig cotton .plant-
er, and it is well •1(110well t1itt 1_)iX011 left
his large estate to li N datt2,11ter. Last
month latlittii's wife dif,d, and s h e left
all her property to lo r ll119l9ll0l. Nathan
recently converted -ell his Georgia pro-
perty hilt) 11101,4'y, 1+11d Will, 11. is said,
Make Ne•e• Yerls City his future home.—
New York Tribune.
It Cures Celds,Coughs,Sere Threat,Croup,IsMinen-
sa,Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma, A
certain cure for Conssuiptlen in Brat stages, and
a sure relief in, advanced stages. 'Ilse at once.
Yon will we the excellent effect after taking the
first dose. Sold by, dealers everywhere. Large
bottles N oents and el•on-
0—..- -
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards at highest current
Drafts bought and sold. Collections made on all points at lowest rates,
Farmers' Sale Notes collected, ana advances made on same; favorable
REST - - - - - - - - - S1,100,000
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts
issued, payable -at all points in Canada and the principal cities is
the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c.
Depositsof $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest
allowed. garInterest added to4he principal at the end of May and Novena-
ber in each year.
Special attentitin given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far
mers' Sales Notes.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.
M. MORRIS, Manager.
w Fall Goods.
During the past four months we have been constantly on the watch look-
ing after the best values and nicest lines of goods to be found in the market
for Fall and Winter trade. We have been greatly assisted in our search by
ample means and a large experience. Our stock is now very large and .
thoroughly assorted. We have been especially successful in our search after
Ladies' and Children's Coats, which were secured direct from the best manu-
facturers of Gerraany ; also in Dress Goods, Gloves and Hosiery, bought direct
from French and English manufacturers. We have also opened up business
this season with an immense concern in Manchester, England, who are the
sole owners of a number:of the best manufacturing establishments in great
Britain. From these people we have bought largely our Linen Underwear,
Gents' Furnishings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Tweeds, Coatings, Ladies' and Gents'
Waterproof Coats, Handkerchiefs, Silks, Satins, Smallwares and Notions. In
Millinery, we purchased largely of a Glasgow house.
Our Millinery Department will be again this season tinder the able man-
agement of Miss Sheppard, who gave such universal satisfaCtion last season.
Our Clothing Department, both ordered and readymade„will be found
fully ahead of all former seasons.
Our Fur Department will totally eclipse all 'former seasons, as we have
nearly doubled our usual purchases.
We cordially invite an inspection of our various departments.
11,f)i. the best value in Stoves of every kind, includitg
Steel Ranges,
Coal and Wood Cooks,
Parlor and Box Stoves,
Furnaces, Sce.,
N. B.—We also carry a complete stock of Cross -oat
Saws, Axes, and General Hardware.
We ave got a move on, and
wait upon you to show you one of
Ontario. We make a specialty of
are in our new Warerooms, we are
friends, and show them goods that
are now in our new Warerooms, ready ta
the' finest stocks of Furniture in Western
pleasing all our customers. New that -we
in a better position than ever to meet 'our
are worth buying.
Come right along and satisfy yourselves that our Furniture is all, we
claim for it—the latest designs, best of workmanship, and finest finish.
sell cheap all the year round.
Popular Goods, Popular Prices at the Popular Firm of
The M. Robertson Furniture Emporium
The Hi
controxt sdvi
11 to Z. !rites'
04010 4.
SW 6'
to 2 I
. soon Baaxahil5:jecurtesefeoisdrtreihims1:11
egoeedifig -One 411
vonontioesdsua00:70:pnoegrawanr, tioh.foeapriint,ett
- ines, rte: 4111 for
20 000 eaders e
Births, Mar
11[01.1SE TO
jyJ Idules,
Apply to D.
tioulate an
-form the
she is prepare
braids out of ha
Market Street,
9 months old
Will be sold r
mondville P. O.
signed has
MS and Ra
Tee UnderSign
on Thursday, Be
S months old, a
tion be this,
D"eta, wit
oa LOST.
seers*, the na
Kyle's Ilotel, Tn
& reward Qn retu
_Li- the uncle
about the middi
can have the as
chsrgea, ROBE
tj Court, Co
veyitnoer) Land,
invested and
Livens' store, M
middle of
oueekeeper, an
work, and the ca
t a suitable pi
„U by the la
Gowinlook's Sur
on Vittoria Squit
fortable cottage,.
ent In the own
For particulars -
-12 The lot c
acre, has* Mee
fenced, and has
it. It is &um
sted's residence.
sold for $200, *
situated for a
Apply to B. A. 8
„rj signed offe
his „property in
quarter acre of
genera.' store
which is a splend
house and stable
of the richest an
and this le a sple
teas man with
particulate, ad
$ 300._ Pri
$ 500 rate
$ 700 borr
$1,000 plet
$1,500 with
$,2,500 S.H
or third -el
s, 12, Stephen town
let of January, 1
s FM' further pa
rand Rend P. 0
a, otautom, Se
Male or Fomal
8tee' jec"iolnliatatIbNsir):::taW4t:;”‘
IS °cc' er°1e nr 1,317luje v
1111)0AR FOR 8
shire Boar, from
Fairview, Term
With the privileg
during the
ejon a, Tucks
Pio, to which 11
Terms, ---Sia pal`
„ privilege of retu
ilikkOAR FOR S
Ai service a t
at his premises,
SI.00 payable at
returning if Hee
orood sows,
These are all re
liple0AR$ FOR -
-kJ keep for Be
bort, during the
Berkshire Boars,
them received th
diploma for best
class at the W
One Chester
Terms -41s PaSra
lege of returnee
service fee to i
month will be eh
shove terms and