The Huron Expositor, 1893-10-20, Page 1I
I . .
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WHOLE NUMBER, 1,349. �
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.& S 1:Lq
. ffas a good,deal, to do with a goo(
5 '
Glove. When you buy a glove yot
1� want to be sure . , a .
, 1 dle make, is right,.' ATTake and ma
ttrial is what we boast oil. Fowne'i
I .
. I
English Gloves are carefully selected
I and we take great pains to get on13
I the best. We see that the skins ar(
are made, right
It is, tills strict supervision that makek
the trade. When we sell you _
. Fowne's Bedford Tan, $1.50.
1 (I Cape Lined, $2.
. 49 Kang,u.00, $1.50.
. 4� ,N-tocha, $1.,;-a .
. T
if Antelope, $1 to $2. , .
� C6 Kid, $1 to $1.25.
. t
� We -five you tli,e fullest value you can
n ,
I ' '
� get, There is absolately no risk it
the purchase of Fowne's En,lisb
� I
- - __ n!m
I . So much has been written about the great
I. , . White City, at Jackson Park, and the gigau-
, tic Exhibition which it contains ; about the
( : granaeu�r !md beanty of the 'buildings rind
I - i
F the variety and end eas profusion of the
A exhibits'L drawn as they are not only from
t - '
I continen " bu t from, every country in
11 every o"ti..., , and so macli about the
�, �
I , "Bry ade b the ,various States, ooun-
:11 P
:� displays m
%. 1 tries and rol Inces exhibiting, that itis
, ,
- now almost a work of supererogation to com-
I �
� '
� of �hese
I inent upon the great Fair fromhDy
.1 p into of view. The visitor to the Colum-
I'L ? '
I _:
;1 "; blin Exposition may Congratulate himself
"I �
; .
'. I Upon seeing ther greatest exhibition the
. . world has ever yet known, and may woll
�4 - believe that he has seen the greatest exhibi-
E ' tion, the world will ever know iii his day$
L 4
- I for the financial failure of this colossal an -
4 -
� 4 -
� 1 terprise; will loom up �6%a warning to van
_- � faresome projectors in other ]ands for nI
. I �
. � long years to come. The fact is, the World's
I I Fair is; on tco tremendous a scale. The
- .
. grounds themselves have an area of 533
1 ;
j acres, with a frontage on Lake lMi�higa,n of
if two, miles. The Manufactures and Liaberal
. i Arts building covers 33 acres, and with the
gallery colitains a floor space of 44 acres.
.- I The length of this building is a quarter of a
11 � Me, and the iron arches which support the
` roof have a span of 375 feet clear. Other
I . -
i I buildings there are, saah 'as those for Ma -
. I chinery, Transportation, Agriculture and
Ill: � 1�, Electricity, which, though not so large as
- this great hall , are only smaller in com pari-
,,�� , 'I
I -
� I sotII anywhere otitside of Jackson Park
. �
I -
� 1, 'w�tv d be regarded as of surpassing size,
1 I I
_ .he �mildings are crowded with exhibits,
! L
1. r
I mild it is a matte' of real difficu-Ity to so 9, ,
- I
i . port -ion, the time at one's disposal as to rriaTe
1� the best use of it. The ordinary visitor
i with a week or ten days' to spare cannot
I f
I �
I -ing, and, indeed, the
. I hope to see a.veryth
� I
I- I man who would undertake to. see the whole
,li -
� of the Fair Must be made of tougher ma
! ;
� I terial than the average of mankind. Tb a
� ,
�, � first day i9L generally spent in loeStiLlog the
i I
- � buildings, seeing some of the outside ex-
: hibits, and getting one'e bearings ; the sec-
I -
J� oftin
rt:ightseeing in, say, the Manufactures
or biAld-ing ; the third day brings it
painfully home that either a great deal must
? beleft unseen or only a hurried run can be
'l, taken through the Fair ; the fourth evening
J 8ends the visitor to bed with aching limbs
i; � and wearied brain, a programme which finds
; a repetition on the m orrow,an-d the Merrow,
. __ and the morrow, un:til the nibutal and phy-
sleml strain becomes so great its to ensure - a
- lively welcome to the day for saying good -
a bye to the Fair. There is so much to see,
. and, with most peaple; so little time to see
it. Indeed, only a limited number of days
can be ipent in aightseeing before interest
j begins to flag, the W11ole thing pa�ll� on ,the
� taste, and excited curiosity pauses b,y!de
:1� .9rees into satiety and even diagust. -This is
I uot the fault of the Fair, but of the indivi-
i dual, hence it ia wisdom in visitors, first of
� All, to decide upon what they most desire to
.; see-, to see this thoroughly, and then give
� what titne they haveL t� spare to other de-
�L .
I .
I P%rtmeati, It something like this is not
� ,done, a visit to the Fwir is apt to leave in
; thernind onLly,a confused recollection of
7 buildings and: objects, out ofwhich Lnoone
; I
- I -
. thin
gjta,ndi Ilear and.distinct.
I �
- U if' size ii the first great feature of the
i , Exhibition, beauty is the next. Beauty is
�, ,
i I
t t evetywheve ; in the noble and varied archi-
. ��
� ;
� � - teotUre of the buildings ; in the figares and
� I
I , !
�'. �
. . groups of stw,tua,ry which ornament them ;
� I
; � ' in. the grounds themselves, laid ouC iii' flow-
� ,
" - and
I I . er-edged wa,lks. and crossed by lagoons
� �
r , basins ; in the colossal gilded figure of the
5 I'- Yvepublic; and in the celebrated MeMofinlie's
� I
. I . fOlkatain—whereve"r indeed. the eye of the
, j Observer may fall, Nor is all this loveliness
. I
� il
�7 lost Bight of when night closes in. Hun-
� - dreda Of
1 "". are lights- illuminate the grou,nds,
� �il Sad thousands of incandescent ones, strung
� -
. � along the eaves and up around the domes
*_ L the
,' allty to
Of the bujildings, give fresh be
k I
S, I scene, while the great search -lights. on t�he
� :
... tOPmoat roofs turn their floods of light on
I StStup or pinnacle, making the - objectR on
Which they throw their beams s�%nd out in
strong relief against the darkness. Theh
the many -colored lights wh*cb play on the
I Iting of the foun-
I I electric fountains, tile eptas I
I taiO3 them8elves, the booming and bursting
� Of the fireworks in Mid-air, the darting
about of the ti ny launches on the lagoons,
- all Unite to form a charming scene, . as near
to fairyland as we may expect on this busy
earth, , . I
I The pe*e who throng the Fair are uni-
� fornily courteous and orderly. A crowd is
I ; .
� 1 proverbially selfish, and yet there seems to
0 be -
� , in the American nature whicli
r likes
� . fair play. At the ticket offi6es outside
the entrance gates, everybody falls into
.. i
i line and moves up to buy his tidket in turn,
- L and SO also at the entrance gates themselves,
i� There is no jostling, and anyune attempting
1� to get into line elsewhere than at the end is
at Once checked. The Columbian guards,so
far 'is my experience went, wer6 invariably
Polite, and even assiduous in putting people
Ott the right track ` even the waiters in the
!Ootatirants,ruahed to death as they were dur-
.� Mg certain houre,werecivil and attentive. By
... I t4 way, I observed a feat performed by a
� waiter which quite deserved an honorable
� 11104tion, in the Transportation building.
� I
__ .
� I
-SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1893. L - I McLEAN BROS.., Publishers.
- . — . I I . L 1 $1.50 a Year in Advance.
ef � I I
He carried 12 'full glasaea of beer and 6 iting axhibits ; of , the Aubhropological too large to be governed under the usual added he, " when you visit their houses you
plates of bread and butter at One time, building, crowded with the relies of savage -1 municipal institutions. Numerois might be expused for some doubt as to the
which has been found to have such excellent
results. It consists of ten corn to
groom. Both the contracting parties are
with ut the aid of a tray .and in his two
handos only. How much he
and 8,e�'ijcivilized man ; of the Women's
have been made in past years to place the
assertion that they abstain from the practice
parts one
each of beaus and sunflower heads. This
well known throughout Ontario, as Mrs.
� Morrison 4as for many years active in re-
inore- might
have skeu, had lie really 'tried, I do not
buildin " 11 of tho products of women?s
-affairs of the'city under a board of �ast
. .
I but the oobservative
of polygamy, for you meet so many aunts
ensilage was made a year ago for the grat 1 ligious and charitable work,while Dr. Janor
know, but he seembd to think nothing of it.
hands and brains ; of the Children's build-
I ing, whore mother's may leave their babies
commissioners spirit
has been strong enough to prevent a success-
and cousin's in the' one household." They
will not listen to the minionaries upon- re-
time, and fed to cattle from November last
until August, with unequalled good results
was for some years missionary in Formosa
under the Canadian church, and is
. This leads me to remark that though beer
and wine were sold and consumed freely on
and have them checked like so many parcels,
and many other equally interesting things.
ful agitation. It is'once more on the carpet
and an effort is being made to influence such
ligious subjects.
—Mayor Fleming, of Toro�to, who has
both in the quantity and the quality of yield
of milk. ,
now a
succesof ul pastor in New York- City. He is
the grouads, little br no, drunkenness was to
be seen, and very little bad language to be
Besides, 'others have described them better
men an Messrs. George A. Cox, Robert Jaf-
fray E. B. Osler, W. H. Beattie, K.
had a very extended and responsible muni-
—Last Saturday in Toronto,. during the
a son of Mr. Kenneth Junor, late of St.
Marys, who was one of the Stone Town's
heard. In fact, the great American public
than I cin, and have also unfolded the
beauties6f the Midway Plaisance. The Ist.
I J. � Fis -
ken and J. 11. Mason, into entering the al-
cipal experience, favors the civic govern-
ment of Toronto by a board of four corn-
storm, a Mrs. - Bennett was passing up Jor-
dan street in the gale, when a sudden gust
most widely -known citizens for many years.
— By the death -'at Port Elgin of John
seemed to be on their good behavior', as if -
they too were '
on exhibition for the benefit
. I
ter is sorrething of a fraud, and visitors will
dermanic arenw upon the understanding
that Welected they will advocate the
missioners. -
of' wind caught a roll of bills she was car-
Smith, in his 84th year, an old pioneer of
I of the other nations of the earth, for no
got very much more far their money in tile
show proper than in this somewhat', unes-
P ointment of much commissioners.
—The congregation at St. George's
church, Montreal, is greatly agitated ova r
rying and scattered it in all directions.
When gathered together it was $26 short,
13ruce county passes away. Mr. Smith was
a native of Inverness-abire., Scotland, and
c rowd of 200,000 people could possibly have
been more orderly or more obliging. Eng-
vory'adjouct, .The World's Fair of 1893 is.
the innovation of a surpliced choir, and
but a portion of this was found subsequent-
came to Canada about 55 years ago. Af ter
lish was, of course, the language of the
a great irlistit t'on,' and it may be we ne'er
' , I'll I
Before thp recent Prohibition convention
many old members threaten to leave the
ly on the roof of a five�storey building in
living in Glerigarry about three years be
great majority, but German was not infre-
.4 hall loo on its like again. G.
UP '
CUICAGO eteber' 18th, 1893. .
adjourned the women thereof aired their
ideas on the stand taken .by the Govern.
church. .�
—The other night in Toronto, a big stone
the next block. ,
--Th6 Rev. A. J. Reid, formerly curate
moved to Grey county and settled near Dor-
noch. About 40 years ago lie removed, to
quently heard. - Sometimes a group, especi-
ally of young people, drifted from English
I . . - � .
men ,
t in regard to the vote. Sir Oliver
weighing three and ju half pounds was
of St. Luke'e church, Toronto who has
9 I
Saugeen, and settled on cone �ision 6, where
' 'up
to German in their talk, and from German
- !
Mowat was given, with a deal of prai a for
thrown through the window of Mr. D.
lately returned to the city, after engaging in
he lived till he took his r� sidence in Parb
back to Englialt again. Very little of any
his action in gubmitting the question t the
p eople, something that resembled censure.
Adair's residence, on Bellevue avenue. De-
tectivem are investigating. .
twelve months' missionary work in the
Kootenay mining codntry, British Colum-
Elgin a few years ago, Ho was a Presby -
terian and delighted to pre, uh in Gaelic. In'
other language was heard in the thronging
crowds of sightseers, but among the exhibits
— . .
TORONTO, October 16, 1893.
The women object to belu provided with a
—C. P. Devlin, M. P., and bride, were
biai, has been appointed rector of Bathurst,
politics he was a 8'taunch Reformer.
and in the departments of foreign nations,
, Mmy�r
Fleming 4&9 ordered the police to
separate kind of baillot, I iming that the
Government is more concerned in knowing
accorded &'hearty welcome on reaching their
home at Aylmer the other evening. They
Now lBrunewick, by the Bishop of Fredor -
ictoo. Mr. Reid will enter upon bin now
—Tavietc-k and immediate neighborhood
may boaet o'.f bai'ving several span of the
a,ll European tongues and the ,speech of
nearly every country in the world
taike a ce
3sue of the city on November let.
the real strength of the fair voters than any-
were also presented with a beautiful silver
duties the first Sunday in November.
best horses in the Province, it not in the
heard. The ubiquity of the little, active
over 2,00)
% popular belief that the lose of
of population, as given out by the
thing else. 1he women want similar b I-
a a a
lots served to all. Next J nuaq' prohibi-
— A gambling house in Montreal was
—Andrew McDonald,, son of George Me-
Donald, near Chatham, was drowned near
A fine opawof drafts owned by
Mr. J. Wagester of East Zorra, & couple of
black -haired Ja.,pv carried their chatter into
every building at the Fair. The
t CoiLmissioner, is a, bit astray
tion vote will cost the city $2,500 in ex-
raided on Saturday and a number of arrests
Chicago, last week. The deceased 'young
SP8,11 Of light bays, 4eneral purpose� horoes,
- -crowd
was unmistakably an American one, not-
sure to be
The November returns are
higher, as the student population
pauses. . .
made., The parap�ernalia, valued at$500,
and several thousand dollars in the safe
man was about 25 years of age and well
known in the vicinity of Chatham. He
owned by Mr. 'eorge Wettlatifer and Mr.
Patterson respectively, another fine span of
wi. .
ithstanding the presence of represents-
tives of so many foreign peoples -
a good
isnow pr3sent
in full force, as theater-goars
wn residents realize. I
� ,Last Friday was a great day for the school
were confiscated.
—Mr. John King, Q, C., late of Berlin,
was employed on the excursion steamer
Christopher Columbfis, and it is believed he
sorrels al'
so general purpose horses, owned
opportunity was presented of ud the
characteristics of the American It
children. of Toronto, thatbeingthle anniver '
sary of the battle ,of Queeriston Heights.
haeforniedanewlaw firm inToronto, sim-
accidentally fell .overboard while attending
by Messrs, Kalbfleisch and Schaefer. and
two span of fine roadsters owned by Mr. J.
must be said that the speech of England is
. ' I
University held its 40th convoca.
At 9 o'clock2 the school children assembled
sociatlog with himself M. 8, Mercer, S. H.
Bradford and F. E. Titus, under the firm
to his duty. I
—A little child of Mr. Arthur Houlton,
Lingelbach and Mnl�. McKenzie respective-
ly, all took first in
not improving in the handoI rather the
mouths—of the men and women of the
tion on Tuesday
last. The auditorium was
hadies and students occupied the
the school yards, where they were ad.
dressed by their rinclp�ls. Then the Union
name of King, Mercer, Titus and'Bradford,
of West Nissouri, while creeping ov4,the
priAs meat places
where shown this year and nowhere less
Repu blic, There is a universal draw],
#oor, while the students in aft,
Jack was hoistes amid deafening che arm.
—Dr. W. Haber Aikins, of Toronto, died
at the residence of his father in Toronto, on
floor,plaked up a -caterpillar, and baby -like,
put It into its:mouth and ohewed It up,
then se,cond. 11 � '
—John,Henderson-. the beat known
quite out of keeping"
. with the smart, busi-
ness-like ways of the'average American, a nd
and law held the fort, boisterous-
Of enthusiasm there was almost a
From every school in the city, � the British
flag is floating to -day. From 1.30 to 3
the 10th inst., aged 40 years. Dr. Aikins
was a of Toronto University, and
with the result that the child's mouth be-
came very inflamed
one of
and most well-to-do farmers in Nissouri,was
an equally universal intonation by way of
surfeit, and
the speakers frequently had to
O'clock, �xeroises took place in the
Ian old Upper Canada College'boy, He was
much mud swelled
from the hairs sticking Into the throat.
killed on the morning of of the 10th inst.,,
the nose in -stead of the mouth,, The down-
stop unt,l
order was secured. President
different schools. They consisted of songs,
a bachelor.
Under the care of the doctor the little one
on the Trunk Railway track near
Thortidale, by a light engine. He
master Neeme Ao have spread all over -the
United States, from Maine to I—o—wy or
address teemed with of the
of. the University. The united'
recitations and essays. some of the
schools, prominent citizens addressed the
—Stewart Lailey, a young son of Mr.
Mrs, ,
- Is recovering. I -
struck In the tide and knocked 60 feet.
Idy—ho, and has taken his nasal owang
staff, for
notance, in treble what it was 15
in 1881 total
pupils. At 3 o'clock the senior drill corn-
27 in'
and Thomas Lailay, of Chatham,
got a; small tin whistle stuck in his throat
—Several audacious tramps visited H.
Boehmer's farm house in.Waterloo on Sat-
When picked up he was dead. He was
driving up the cows froin the -and
along with him. There is a general disre-
gard of the rules of and little or
rs �ago
ye" .
for unive
. the expenditure
sity purposes was $69,200, and In
i _f
panies, numbering all, and composed
of 1,347 school boys, marched from their re-
the other day, It could not be extracted,
urday, and demanded something to eat from
had got safety Acroft the track, but a favdr- ,-
no attemp t made at -catch i�ng the vanishing
1893, $11.,800.
u the former year the roll
Opeotive mohools to Green's Park, where a
so the shoved it down him throat.
—Memorm, McRae & Co. have commenced
the women folk. They were 6ffered a hand-
out, but insisted on having meat and other.
ite dog which had accomipaiiied the old man I
was still on the other side the engine
it 9 " in .words ending in 11 ing." Such ex.
" " ",they "
showed. 3,
1 students, and in the latter 1,100,
fees from consideration, the
review took place in the presence of - thous-
ands of citizens.
the construction of a substantial stone and
t1lngo added to the bill of fare. On being
was seen coming along. Fearful last the
pressions as we was and is (for
" there is " or 11 there are,") .',I seen," " I
-total cost
to the,county of Toronto's under-
briok building In Ottawa, for the working of
the process recently acquired by them for
refused, they drew revolvtre to enforce their
demands, but the farm hands heard them
dog should be killed, deceased startEd bsok -
for him, but was bimeelf by the loco-
done," ate., are constantl hear(], though
in Canada 7
against $1
head is now under $75, as
40 in 1881. T -day -the Univer-
,In the police court to -day N. H. Fox,
illiam A. Stacy, Alfred H. Cobbett,
the conversion of beech and birch into an
and drove them away.
motive. I
we can,t , am afraid, pelt
at .
ones very vigorously. at out neighbors for
sity has
a fund forischolarships, etc.,
W. H. Platt were arraigued onthe charge
imitation of walnut and mahogany.
—It is understood that Mr. 6amuel,Grigg,
—Miss Emile MacDonnell, daughter of
the late Dr. MacDonnell, Montreal,
—On Wednesday eveniD Ilthinst,Verna
#lips like these. There was an air of lutelli-
that a ver'
to $60,000, a spite of the f act
r small share of 'private money
Of using the mails for transmission . and de.
manager of the Hotel Manitoba, has been
of and a
member of a family noted for medical tal-
Young, a bright little daughter of Mr,
T. G. Young, of Armow, met her death,
gence and apprehension visible on all sides,
and every tenth seemed armed with
falls to th
5 University by bequest, in com-
liveryof circulars .concerning schemes de-
y1med and Intend9d to defraud the. public,
offered the management of a leading Chi-
lent, has been appoffited Superintendent of
Mr. and Mrs. Young and child� and James
,note -book and pencil, intent on making a
p�4risou- v
ith McGill University of Mont-
the information being laid by George A.
ca at a salary of $500 a month,
TAOS is a tribute to the success with which
Nurses in the General Hospital, Kingston.
She was a graduate from Johns Hopkins
Young were in a single rig driving home
from Kincardine. When the 5th
voluminous record of what wifeto be seen,
The exhibits,'as a rule, were examined with
real. W
dent London
ien these facts were given Presi,
was cheered, but 'a mightier
Burnham, assistant postoffice inspector..!
Bissell and Platt are partners in a business
he has conducted the Manitoba,
Hospital, Baltimore, and McLean Amyllim
near con -
cession the horse shied, and stopping sua-
interest, if not with care, an entry made—
ohout by
'ar was raised when the Hon Ed
'a most important part of which, according
—A disastrous' fire, said to have had its
origin in spontaneous combustion, accom-
Infirmar, , Boston, and comes highly recom-
mended. y I �
denly threw the occupants of the vehicle
out., The horse little
mostly a copy of the legend attached to the
ward BI
t � raus-A th
ke, recently returned fro;� hi'
ntic battle-fieldo, rose to Ppeak.
o the charge preferred against them s
amage to the extent of something
—A sample of the Red Fyfe wheat 'that
stepped up
, on the
girl's body, inflicting injuries which caused -
article itself—and a move at once --made , to
the next thing in order. It was plain' that
The inev
table querist was present in -the
o be the sending out of circulare, and the
eceiving of letters containing strall sums Of
like $5,000 at the Hobbs glass works, Lon-
don, adjoining the Grand Trunk tracks, on
took the first prize of $25 sI the recent fall
show held at Souris,-Mauitoba,
her death a few hours afterwards. 1he me -
is "and
the great majority of people had come to .sea
Upper gallery.
the lause
He got in him work when
died away, with "How about
money. Stacey is liquidator for the Scott
Company, -
was shewIn
to the Editor of the Brandon Sun, who says
cident most lamentable, the heart
broken parents bave the Is pathy of every
the Fair, had only a limited time to -itay,
and were bent on making the best possible
Eddie ?" and other interrogations
Seed and Cobbett, it is said,
superintended the Exquisite Toilet Com-
—In the c%se of Sargent vs. Moore, at the
Waterloo Assizes last week the jury failed
it is as perfect a sample as it in possible to
t, and was by Mr. Laughland, of
person in their being bereft of their only child
. use of their time. They made a business of'
of the saire
nature. Mr. Blake felt that t a
must be the coun�ry's
� any. Fox publishes a monthly paper, and
�Iiosell-and Platt look
to agree. The defendant is the warden of
qartney, who is doing his best to maintain
—The recent assizes contain a.
coupl6 of lessons, which ought to prove of
it, and went th6 rounds with a certain seri-
ousness, and .'-even solemnity, A hearty
hope in the
future,.. for they are Tecognizing
after the interests of
the Union Chemical Company. CrowrII
the county, and is accused of alienating,the
affections of the plaintiff's wife.
reputation of that district as the banner
wheat growing district of Manitoba.
much value to ot �
her township councils, who -'
are in the matter to
laugh was rarely heard ; there wasuo lei- I
Oai it is their
province to grapple with all
Attorney Curry stated that all'of them used
—J. W. Carson, a journalist from Swe.
—E. 1. Brown.' merchant, Galt, who a.
of roads, rather rone
be "penuywise and foorisb." A
sure or surplus energy for mirth, and' about � great
questions in th . a path 6f the
the future. i
t,he mails in offering prizes which cost the
den, is on a trip to the Pacific coast, He
few Sundays ago was injured by being
hole in the Blackfriare gravel road cost Lou
the only open note of joyousness I remem- I
of . -
winners much more than they were really
intends writing a serier-of letters when he
thrown down an embankment on concession
don township $3,500, while in the neighbor- �
bar to have heard on the grounds camel
worth, and by so doing they violated Section
gets back to Sweden on the greitt North-
10, Blenheim,has asked the Blenheim Town-
ing township of Euphemia, a little rut comb
from two negro hands who, seated one even- I
After November
15th the horse car will,
' 180 of the Act in such oases made and pro-
west as a field for intending emigrants.
I ship Council for compensation for injuries
the handsome sum of $5,200. It is a serious
-ing at the stern of a ' launch, saing with gusto i
.be a thing
of the past in this favored muni.- ,
Aded. Cases were adjourned for a week,
—The great racing gelding belonging to
receiyed by Mrs, Brown and himself, owing
matter for the fa:rm-ers' themselves, from a
a p6pular comic song, and kept time to I
By�this date every car in town
the Crown not being ready to proceed.
Mr. J. E. Seagram, of Waterloo, ran a mile
to alleged neglect to provide proper safe-
pure - ly business point of view, that the pub -
.their. strains, one. with a violin, the other I �
will be of
the standard 18 -foot length, and
in 1. 39J at Morris Park,New York,on Satur-
guard at the point where the accident oc-
lic r ads are well nigh impassable sit certain
with' a banjo. ' I
Living' is by d6ex in
to satisfy
he needs of the travelling citizens
David Kennedy, Guelph
day, with 114 lbs. u This is the fastest
curred. Mrs. Brown's injuries are very
seaso f the year, but it is doubly so when
not any means so 1
120 motor3
and 100 trailers will be employ-
a contractor,
mile ever run by a horse.
serious. �
the of a district are runnitig the
.Chicago as we.were led to expect. Good �
ad. The
extra -cars and motors are being
was killed by a falling Wall, on Friday last
—About ten days ago Mr. Adam -Beck, of
—Says the Glencoe Transcript: State.-
risk of being muleted in heavy, damages
lodging can be had in the n ejghborhood of
turned out
by the company's shops in Tor.
London, sh!pped 30 horees to the New York
ments regarding the attendance st;,Ve park
—Du raug the height of the gale last'sat.
the Fair grounds for ceuts or $1 a day,
onto at th
3 rate of five a day, The com.
I —The big Canadian cheebe was tested at
markets. They were all sold at an average
on Saturday to hear Sir John �ipson ap.
urday, the yacht Enterprise, of Thornbury,
while for me%18 one may suit the capacity of
pmny'a statistician
states that every man,
.the World's Fair on Friday and scored 95
? $327 per -head, one animal, a beautiful
pear to vary according to the enthusiasm of
was washed asbore near the Lion's- Head.
his purse, whether it be heavy or light. A
woman ani
child in Toronto uses the sbreet
out of a possible 100 points. : I J
iron gray, bringing $900,
the narrator. The Free Press makes it 8,000 or
It is thought that her occupants were
fair meal of steak, potatoes, bread amd cof- .
cars 160 times
yearly. It this be so, in com. f
—James D. McDonald, of near Glencoe,
—Tho Prohibitionists intend to make a
10,000, the Empire 5,000,sud Liberal papers
drowned They were L. &IcAllister, owner
fee c�n be had for 25 cents ;, a much better
parlson with other cities, Toronto mu�at car-
has #iold 40 acres of north half � of lot 9, con-
big fight in Essex county. Miss Phelps,
concede abou-t 800. The. Transcript cannot
of,the boat, and W. McLean, his assistant.
ne, in a cleaner and better kept restaurant,
tAinly be a lazy place, and it is no gre,
cession 4, Moss, for $34 per acre I
under the9management of the W. C. T. U.,
tell a lie. Our lynx -eyed 11 sporting edl-'
Mr. McAllister had been on a crulse around
50 cent@. On the gr unds prices are ex-
wonder thit the
ompany affords a private .-
—About 100 tons of hay per week have
will commence a campaign at Leamington I
ter I) says that, by actual count, the number
Georgian Bay, and put into French River# �
orbitant. Two turk_ey� sandwiches and a
car costing $5,00�.
A feature of next sea-
shipped from Kingston to the United
on the 21st, I
of auditors at the park was 1,101.
Thursday. After stopping there over night
cup of tea cost me 50 cents, a cut of roast
son s serviDe will be a special excursion line
Statea for some time past, .
—The, King's Daughters and Sons are I
—Andrew Benner, who purchased the old
they started for their homes in Thorubury.
beef costs 45 cents,, a picae of pie 10 cents, 'via
Dundao stree bridges to High Park.
—Sir John Abbot's health shown little im- .
holding their Provincial Convention In To-
homestead of the late Arthur Johnston,near
They were probably struck by the storm
and other things in,proportion.' It must be
however, that for I
I . . .
�. i
provement and fears are now entertainedf6r
hie,, i
ronto this week. Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickin-
Bertie, county of Welland, lately discover-
when somddistanee in the la;�ke, and were -
remembered, an order
brings large for two,
I . � !
, The annual meTting of the Central Lodg- ;
recovery. .
son, Mrs. Isabella Charles Davis, of New
ad a rich gold deposit. In tearing down the
not able to handle their"boat in the benvy
meat a portion enough
ing House Association was.held this "eek..
—The Ball Electric Light Company of
York, and many other worthies were pres-
old house that had done service for scores
sea, which ,increased hourly. They were
a thing which is usually borne in mind when
two or more are dining together. �
The secrel ary's report showed that since it
Canada have sold out to the Canadian Gen-
eral Electric Company. :
—Dr. Carl Peters, the celebrated African
.of years, he found a nest of gold which, it is
said� amounted to $7,000. The discovery is
finallyover rned, and the boat thrown high
-on the beaclll�
In going through the various buildiDgl it
is best for than two to togeth,
started, tl ree years ago, 70,000 beds have t
been occu" Aed. During_ the past year Ithe
- —14'.. Pickering, a Toronto contractor, has
Estimated liabilities' $16,000 -
explorer, arrived in Montreal a few days
He is
a valuable one, for which, no doubt, Mr.
. .
' —A terrific gal6 I struck Oatario last Fri-
not more go
number reached 23,000, and 658 ms",
assigned. ;
ago, on leave of absence, having ob-
is heartily grateful to Dame For- .
day night and, accompanied by rain., con-
er, If there are more, tast a are apt
through I he ein ployment bureau, have ob-
assets, $23,000. 1
tained a four months' holiday from the Ger-
tune. � -,
tinned all day SstuTday, In Hamilton,
differ -one wishes to- examine closely what
I i
tained work. 1he new building, bei '9
—Ofgauized labor in Toronto, has 4peided
man Government, and he decided to take in
—Professor Wallace, of Edinburgh Uni-
Toronto, Belleville., and other L%ke Ontario .
others do not care for at all,' and Ho time Is
arected at the corner of Queen and Jarvis
to place. candidates in the field the up-
Canada In his travels. .
varsity, was in Ottawa a 6w days ago, on
towns great damage was done, trees. fences,
lost, The members of such a party milat be
streets, will b perfect, This institution ,
proaohing municipal contest.
—The Ridgetown (fanning factory is being
his way home from a visit to the crofters of
telegraph, telephone and electric light poles
forever keeping Pheir eyes on one an Ot r
is danger being
� . ,
was atttrtei by 0 veral ministers and philan'.'
_Mass will be celebrated in, the new St.
peter's first
carried on this season with great energy.
Killarney and SaItcoats, in the North-west.
being blown down, and telegraph communi-
as there great i3f separated,
-lost I
thropic citizens, dmeeks to depopulate the
Cathedral, in Montreal, for the
The output to date is in excess of all last
He says there is no truth in the report that
cation on many lines stopped. Great daim-
and once in a crowd there is littlg or Do
alums by pod accommodation for a ,
time on Christmas eve.
season's output. Some days as high as
the crofters are in a starving condition, and
age was also done to small lake craft. The
chance of meeting again during the rest of
- I
In the reach of everyone. The Can'
—There are now five warships at Halifax,
12,000 cans have been put up. The manage-
he will recommend the Imperial Govern.
storm wan one of the fiercest that has *been , -
the day. ,
Canada cuts no small figure in the i
tral provides to ihe poor a clean bedi hot
namely, the Blake, Mohawk, Tartar, Magi-
Pelican. I
ment are now putting up S�ples.
rwo boys, �ertie Coates Wade
ment to continue the crofter emi ration
experienced on Lake Ontario for man
. , y
great I
Show, Her displays in thr, Agricultural, i
and cold
)aths 'clean night shirf, sitting-
I I �
oienne and I
—The Toronto World*has c me out adi-
— and
Reill , who ran away from their homes in
y -
system, with some slight changes, which
time hau shown would be desirs - ble,
year8. Had it occurred a month earlier, -_
when shipping -,was in full swing, the dam- .
Mining, Horticultural and Art buildings are
rooms all for
ten, cents a ni � ght,
torially as the champion of th liquor inter-
WiuDipeg a week ago, have been located in
—An attractive wed � ding wao celebrated
age to vessels and loss of life would no doubt
much as to do her credit, while in many
est in the plebiscite contest. -
St. Paul. Coates,who is the son of a bank
Friday afternoob, at the residence of the
have been great. At tinI Saturday the
classes' her live atock have carried every- ,
A feclin
of. uuIrest pervades the ranks of,
—Three young men were adly burnt by
employe, had stolen $175 of his father'm
Hom George W. ,Rosa, 101 Gioucente'r
wind is said to have blown at a raI of from
thing before. them, Of the Canadiam ex- I
I .
tile streetIcar
o 6618, and some people say
�he explosion of a soda water fountain tank
street, Toronto, when his daughter, Miss
60 to 70 miles an hour.
hibits, Ontario, of course, furnishes the
a strike is
boundito come yet, When the,
in a Hamilton confectionery a ore the other
—The Crosshill correspondence of the
A'argar at,, was married to Mr. Cameron
—For some time people living near Saud.
greatest number and the best quality..., I n
department, however, that of Forestry,
Sunday car
I .1
I vote TVA8, coming on the company
day. I
Henry Christie,� fartner,
Waterloo Chronicle has the following item :
Brown, night editor of the Toronto Globe,
wich, Essex county, have been Miami all
agreed to
he forniation l'of a union among
—While I near
—At the ripe old age of 43, tile famous
in the presence of about one hundred
kind's of produce from their barns.
in which Ontario might have excelled, she
the men, I
ut since the vote failed to carry,!
Essex Centre,,was threshing buckwheat,his
trotting marie, 11 Jipsy Jack " owned by J.
guests, The ceremony was performed by
Hunt found that the contents of his . barn
has made only a moderate showing as corn-
the directors
have� snubbed th4 union right .horse
kicked him in the abdomen. He only
Mauser, Her remains were interred In the -
Rev. G. M. Milligan, assisted by Rev. Dr.
were going in a mysterious manner and the'
. I
pared with other countries, whose forest, re,
. I
und left, I
Presid'' McKenzie, says he is I
lived fifteen hours. :I :
" Forest " burying ground on Tueodwy.
Bofoth, of Erie, Pennsylvania, . brother -i n-
other night hid behind a tree near barn.
sourcea are small compared with hers. Can-
boss, and
refuses. to entertain grievances
—The school children ofiToronto, cole-
As the tree falls so shall it stand'
law of the groom. ,Mr. and Mrs. Brown
He almost fell over with surprise when he
ad& shows the largest apples in. the Fair, in I
by the �union's officers. The latter
brated the anniversary of the battle of
—A barn'and granary on the second con.
left the same afternoon for an extended tour
saw two'rdspectable citizens enter the place.
the 11 monster " apple weighing 24J ounces,
say that tile
number of union car-ineu who!
Queenston Heights on Friday, with recita-
cession of Delaware township, owned by
in the Eastern States.
He went for constable Masters, and when
and measuring 151 inches in circumferenOe-
have been
discharged and refused any rea-
tions, essays and a parade. I
Mr. Henry Jones, were burned one night
—Rev. J. C. Farthing,- of ,,Woodstock,
the two returned they mat James Benson
It was grown in British Columbia,, ,and -put
sons for dismissal:
are so numerous as to lead'
—Mr. Nicholas Garland, of North Toron.
last week, together with 100 tons of -hay,
preached an intereating * sermon on - the
and James Letbridge comi6g away with two
the big Kansa's apples, which had previous-
to the beli
of that the President hais it in for
to, was awarded first premium for ground
190 bushels of oats, and 62 bushels of bar-
" Sphere of Woman " on Sunday night to a
bags of oats. After taking them to 'Wind-
ly held the place of honor, quite in the
them. T
iin looked altogethe '
.go have not r
I t r, and first for rock laster at the
p2.a 9 a
ley, a wagon and a seed drill. Mr. Jones
large, congregation in St Paul's church, Lon-
sor lock-up constable Masters made a 4arah
shade. . It seemed to me, however, Chat our
right for i iany weeks, and where all sides
World's Fair.
thinks an incendiary is responsible. I
don. I Mr. Farthiug i; of the opinion that
of their promises and found theirshede and
Ontario fruit, though smaller than the over-
are so stiff.'riecked over it a strike seeing to
—J. W. Jackson, treasurer of Portage Is
—While John Webb, of Caledonia, and -
when woman enters the world as man's equal
barns filled with produce which is supposed
grown pears and apples of the west, would
be immin, nt. Toronto had a street -railway
Prairie, has pleaded guilty J to embezzling
his son were killing a beef on Saturday, at
she will hereelf destroy and abolish th6t feel.
to have been secured by them after dark.
compare favorably with any of them in point
strike un ier the regime of the Hon. Frank
town moneys, and been sentenced to �23
Hamilton, an axe, which was being wielded
iDg of reverence and chivalry with which she
They were remanded for trial.
of flavor.
Smith, w ore th�lprineipal events went off
months' imprisonment,
1. .
by the son, slipped from him hand and came
isnowtreated. When she enters the political
The Art building contains a display wor-
with a virn 8 d a arkle only -excelled in the
—The Sabbath School As�ociation
of On-
down on the elder Webb with terrible
arena her character will be assailed as
—About three weeks ago---. au accident oc-
thy of the occasion, France, Ger.
11 )D'
1837 Reba lie nd another would be one
tario will holdits 38th ann"I
force, Mr. Webb lies In a very precarious
man's is now, and her fair' name will become
curred to Mr. George Robinson, son of Mr.
many, Great Britain, the United States,
strike too much. The Mayor has been re.
in Toronto on the 24tho 25th
� ,
and 26th of
condition, .
besmirched and tainted.
Win, Robinson, of Xsryboro, from a runs.
Austria, Russia and many other nations
quested to interc de for the men with the
October,in Elm Street Math dist Church.
—Win. O'Donnell, a young man from
—One day lately while Mr. William
way in Listowel, resulting in a cut and dig-
have sent the choicest works of their great- 'President.
. .
—Mr. Charles Barron, of Malden, Essex
Brooklyn, New York, employed by the
Henry, of the lake range, Huron town( -hip, locaftd
thumb. Soon aifterivards the young
eat painters. The naiional characteristics
. _ MORE, 1
county, raised eleven tons f grapes on two
American Watch Case Company, Toronto,
was operating a power straw cutter, he had
mm Nt 6ha muscles of his throat stiffening,
of every country appear plainly in its art,
in its
r Keating's water supply'scheme
and a half acres of land, which he sold at
I i
,cut his throat with a razor on Sunday and
a portion of the thumb,' bhe three large
and fomftg look jaw had a younger brother
and are particularly recognizable I
painting. Even the hard, blue -white torles
deals wit
thtei long vexed problem in a fresh
$30 a ton., I
—The Grand Trunk Railway is going to
died. He had been drinking hard for
some daya, until he was -on the verge of
fingers and a portion of the small finger cut
off hie right hand. Shortly before the ac-
dwring tie night got an iron bolt which he
heoween him teeth, but did not dis-
of the northern winter were plainly to be
w%Y- 11 10
source of supply
a okp' to the idea that the best
is Lake Ontario, but brings
increase carrying rates on �lanitoba grain,
cident happened he had warned his assistant
tarlo the rest of the house till morning. The
seen in the pictures of the Norwegian,
forware. the
id�a of a tunnel, six feet in
from Fort William an -, -
d. Duluth to Toronto
—Mr. an4 Mrs. It. N. Peck, of River �
to be careful in cleaning away the cut straw
progress of thiij terrible malady, however, A
nish and Swedish artists, just as the fiery �1
and Montreal,
Road, Raleigh, Kent county, celebrated
in front of the knives, In performing the could
not be arreited, and thejaws and the
tints of the Southern summers are evident
running under,the harbor fro m
—The 'Big Marsh dra . age system on
their golden wedding anniversary the other
same work himself he miscalculated the
muscles of his face and neck soon became I
in the paintings of Italy and Spain. France
the pumping
well to Houlan's Point. From �
to the iake Mr. Keatiu suggests
Pelee Island has been co ipleted, and the
day at the old homestead, "Sweet Retreat.."
position of the 1wives, with the above terri- rigW,
reliefonly coming by death on Thurs-
excels in the painting of the human ure,
a, supplementarylqteel
I -
_ If he tunnel '
conduit. I
citizens of the island will celebrate the
. .
where they were married 50 years aje. Mr.
ble result.
day, a week after the accident.' The young ,
though her pre-eminence is ch all6uged by
would be
immeointely beneath the rock
event by a banquet on the 6th inst,
Peck is 78 years of aggo , and his wife some-
—On Wednesday, 11th inst., at the resi-
man was 16 years of age, was an unusually
Italy, while in the art of England there is a
which forms
a floor all overthe bay. From
—Mr. Dougall Liviagat who formerly
whatyounger, Bot�'are'halo and hearty,
donee of the bride's father, Mr. A. Y. An., Industrious
and good worker, -and a great
domesticity and homelikeness, wanting in
boringg it
is est that a depth of �18
ran the Dominion hotel, at i 11sbu rg, county
—Three youn people—Miss Campbell,
derson, one of the re4idents of Wy-
help to his aged pareuto,! who -are overcome
the pictures of any of the Southern nations.
of Wellington, has falle heir to over
Miss Tuck and Robert Graham—died
oming, Miss Eliza Anderson was married10
k,y their heavy and Budden lose.
The art exhibit of Germany is strongly fla-
feet is am
Ae, ano at the Point a depth,of
$50,000 by the death of an
uncle In Scot-
on,Wednesday last week, at Strathroy, be-
Dr. A, W. Bell, of Toledo, Ohlo, Rev. Dr.
—There d'ed at Hancock, lows- on Oc-
vored by the personality of Emperor Wil.
60 feet, bi
t this grade in a mile would not.
land, �
tween 2 p. in. and 12. The first and second
Thompson, of Sarnia, officiating. The iober
2r;d, Xobert BiDgham� aged 86' years,
liam, who re -appears constantl in, his favor-
be of any
consIderation This suggestion
—George Wilson, or Nvoodstock, was
died of consumption, the third, who leaves
bridesmaid@ were Misses Alice and Ella An- 2
months and 27 days. He was born on
ite character of 11 war -lord "; an4 royalty.
has in it sumethiiig
to the citi
that is bound to be dea'r
;en't, h1eart, for the sewage taint-
held up in broad day'light� in Chicago the
a wife and two small children, was a victim
derson, and the groom was assisted by Dr. July
7th, 1807, near Londonder,rv, Ireland,
is not at all flidden in the display of Aus-
other day andwas assault�d. 1he robbers
of fever. They were all buried on Friday -
Mackay, of Seafdrth. The bride be- I emigrated
to Lanark county', in
tria, many of whose beS4 pictures a -re -loaned
ad bay water
has too long found ingress: to
were captured before ,t,h�y could get his
afternoon, ,
comingly dressed in white silk, trimmed 11837,
was anited in marriage to Marg�ret
by His Majesty the Emperor,'and even our
the conduits.
tnnnel �op(n
With a supply pipe laid in a
to linspection on all sides no
booty. . . 11 1) - 14 �'? i - � ;. . 11 U "!?
��_11 v�vj , ,., . , 4-M4 .
—A Bad accident befel the little daughter
with pearle. After the ceremony all enjoyed IStevenson
in 1842.- Removed to Elms
own Queen Victoria sends pictures from her
—Rev. Dr. Carman, ,General Superin-
of Arch. Campbell, of East Aldborough, a
a rich repast. Guests were present from ,!township,
Perth eounty, with George Sam -
own collection. Democratic America likes
c�n-be feared, The estimated
tend6ut of the Methodist �Church, has been
few days ago. She was being' taken to
Sarnia, Petrolea, Brigden, .Markham, Lou. Iuel
Code, in 11847. He was one of the pion -
any thing that savors of kings and royalty,
cost i:lem
,". 1he proposal has in it
asked to draw up a pmtor,al on -the plebis-
school on the milk wagon, driven by her
don, Toronto and other places, 1 ears
of the township, and piloted Mr, D. D.
Time fails me to tell of the wonders of the -
nts ?f worth. For instance,, the
I ,,
cite'to be read in - all the churches of the
father, when the h6rsee ran %way, throwing
.—A distinguished company assembled the I
Ray and others to where the town of Lin- '
Electricity building, where the most recent
applications of the electric fluid are on exhi-
. 1713�
Pumping fit
U in I money already sunk at the
. tic and the system of main
)_�� .
Province. I �
—The Rev. Dr. Robertson, superintend-
her out and breaking her skull. Grave
doubts are entertained of her recovery.
, 1
other evening at the residence of Mr. Henry � towel
Barber, 5XBorden street, Toronto, to 'found
now stands. Many a weary tmveller
in his home. He
shelter remained
bitioD, and which contains, as many think,
the beginning of the marvels this
station cim
in�to the street mains from the
bill be utilized. That they
ant of Northwest missions, is paying a brief
to Ontario.' Referring to the Mormon
—On the invitation of Professor Saunders,
director the Farms,
ness tha marriage of Rev. Dr. K. F. Junor, there
New York Mrs.'
till 1873, when he moved to Hancock, -
tie yet only
of Experimental a party
of city, to Christina Mor- Iowa.
He bad been a member of the Meth- I
subtle and mighty force is to work.; of the
could not I
a,, w e one of the chimf arguments
settlement in the Cauad�im Northwest, Dr.
of newswaper correspondents visited, the
risen, daughter of the late Jas, Campbell, odist
church for -almost sixty yearm. Mr.
United States Offovernmeut building, with
lake at Scarboro.
Robertson says he find a , am to be thrifty,
Central xperimental Farm a few dayA ago.
publisher, of Toronto, and iiiiiter of Rev. I
Bingham is well remembered in Elms, and
its interesting and varied displays, illustrat,
Mr. eatir
g's are going to be submit-
hard-working people w I o m%ke ideal set-
In the large main barn they found a force of
Professor Campbell of Montreal. The
L istowel, and was held in much esteem
ing every one of the many fields of activity
in that Government engages the
te'd to the
OU oil at 6noe. . I
tlers', in so far an I d I t frugality and
"in cmry�o
They to the
men engaged in filling siloi, with ensilage
for fodder, the ingredients being,
ceremony was performed at 9 p, m., b I
y Rev. among
Dr. Reid,
all his friends He was one of that
which ;'of
I soberness
go. c al conform
the venerable clerk of the C anada
hardy band whose w�rk In early days has
numerous State and National buildings,
It is beciming
, ex- liberal
apparent to everyone'
irg, Toronto is
laws of the land in the of
�Qrvances, but,"
according to a mixture devised by Professor
Robert@OD, Dominion Dairy Commissioner,
Preall teri&n Church, assisted by Rev. Dr.
made Elm& what it is to -day, one of the fin-
many of which contain extensive and
cept the
that becoming religion
and other civil ." -
Moore, of Ottawat brother-in-law of the est
townships in Qntario. .