HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-10-06, Page 4.
4. - - I
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%&The figure between the parenthesis after es,
of the paper on which t
advertisement will be found.' �
Convevancer—J. A. McIntosh. (8)
Do Yo4 Wear Rubbers—Robert Willis. (5)
Auction Sale--Jobn Dunkin. (6)
Just What You Wan"ackson Bros. (1) -
Dog Lost—Frank S. Beattie, V S. (8)
Arm for Sale�D. Donovan. (6)
Boar for Service—Peter DeCoursey. (5) .
Boar for Sorrice—JohnRapson. (5)
Points ofInterest—E. MeF aul. (8)
Girl Wanted—Mrs. W. M. Gray, (8)
Voice Culture—Miss McWhinney. (8) .
The Black Knight [41—Royal Templars. (8)
Rooms Wauted—Box 32L (8)
Estray'Pig—Robert Campbell. (6)
Wan Pal; or—C. W. Papst.A
gotice I —J. M. Best (6) i . loon. (8)
Knittin Miss GrIL eve. (8)
Annualeeting—John C. Morrison. (6)', L
Ready-to-wear Overcoats—Jackson Bros. (5)
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IV � SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 6th, 1893
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Agricultural Depression in Greal
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. Britain. -
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� A great deal has been heard within th(
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I past year about the agricult epressioi:
in.Great Britain, and Conservative speakers
and writers lia,ve pointed to it agsin and
again and predicted even a worse fate foi
Canadian farmers if they refused to stand
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by the National Policy. Novy,- hard times
is a comparative term and British farmers
during what they consider very hard times
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indeed, may be enjoying. incomes which
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Canadian farmers would consider princely,
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. or things may. be just the other way. It
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ould be impossible to go fully into th e
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question, therefore, from this distance, but
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. still there are certain aspects of t he - case
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which we ciiii stady quitelell on this side,
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and certain facts in coune ion with it that
. 11
are as well known here as t ' here.
In the first place, the farming land is all,
or nearly all, in the hands of large lauded
P roprieters, and the farmers, though- a cer-
tain' farm may be in one family for genera-
- .�
tiona, never Qwn the land they till, but are
E �
. . always merely tenants. , Another well
known fact is that British farmers have a
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much grea,ter home market than they can
. �
possibly su. , and that the question of
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transportation cuts little or no figure in
Grea,i Britain,compared with the importance
it assumes in America. What has tended
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to bring down the prices of farm products'in
- I
- 1 Great Britain is the rapid opening up aud
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development of nf,w farm lands in North
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and South America, and India, together
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with the greatly improved and facilitated
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ethG of
m � do, transport from. those portions of
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the globe. The British farmer Ims, how-
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ever, met with no unfair competition, for
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his c . ompetitora have to come thousands of
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fles to P -
int . strange- market, taking all the
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risks incident to �'suc,h an undertaking, -in
ord .er to meet him on his own ground.
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At the nresent day the British f - -
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gets about $1. 36 for his wheat, $1, OQ for his
; Corn, $1.30 for his peas, as high -as 12 cents
� and 13 cents per pound for - his beef. For
his horses, his sheep, his pigs and other pro.-
ducts he receives as high a price proportion.
ately, compared with that received by the
Canadian farmer. Against this there are
living and clothes for himself and family,
labor, cost Of cultivation and rent of land.
Clothes, we know, are much 'cheaper in
.1 Great Britain than in Canada ; it is said
� that living is cheaper ; labor is ,certainly
aheaper, and there is left the cost of culti-
vation and the rent to make up the diffqr � -,
ence. Of theme two items, the latter causes
. the greater trouble, for the landowners be-
long Nrgely to what is known as the
11 leisure class," who receive their property
. by inheritance and expect to get enough out
of the rent of their land to keep up a pretty
.. expensive establighment, and we know by
__ . .
I.- experience that it is such a class who are
� �
� least. willing to suffer when times change, -
I .
or in fact, to bear their fair portion - of any
inevitable burden. I
If, therefore, what we have shown is
correct, and the evidence is with us,the ques.
tion resolves itself into this : Is it right that
there should be a privileged class., or should
we be subject to the same genera I I laws,
which regulate trade whether in farm prod-
note or in thelrented values of farm lands 't
With -that question settled to their satis.'
-faution in Great Britain,we think the Ca,nadi-
an farmer would be not . only willing but eager,
. to Jcha,nge hia lot under the Natioual
Policy for that of the Britieh farmer under
free trade, arid this question will be settled
- before mr.ny years. It io all nonsenae then,
to iristitate a coniparis . on between the con-
dition of the Canadian and British farmer.
If the Canadian farmer
t I had one quarter of
the income from his land which the land in
Great Britain actually produces, he would
consider himself mighty well paid - for his
- services and would soon cease crying out
I about hard times,
_� The Differenc-e. 0
- The Toronto Empire, seenis inclined to
manufacture enthusiasm for the Dominion
Ministers whether it exists or not. It gets
off the following beautiful passage concern.
ing the success of their pre.sent campaign.
0 It sa,ys : .
, I The success attending Sir John Thomp.
. son?a triumphal tour of western Ontario in-
creases so the journey lengthens. Cariada's -
great Conservative leader needs no side at- .
tractions to draw immense audiences wher-_
� ever he speaks. The farmers of the country
are travelling scores of miles to attend his I
meetings, and when they reaeli within ear -
ab at of his voice and the eloquent -words of ' I
his capable colleagues they cheer the senti-
ments ob,loyalty, enterprise and progressive '
nationality that they hear to the echo. '
The Dornklion Ministers are making fast
- i time. They visited Tara and Southampton
to -day and received the most flatted g and
cordial receptions at both pl 11 Pre-
mier also paid a flying visit to ,Port Elgin i
early, in the evening and departed amid
- roaring cheers. The banquet tendered to
Sir John and his colleagues in Collingwood, I
. was a splendid affair, and at this hour of 1
writing, evan if it is near midnight, the peo- I
ple of North Bruce are still. talking about I
the manner in which Sir John Thom I peon I
� has carried the riding by storm to -day." t
- -For the sake of ,Sir John's feelings we (
should hope the success did increase as the I
I . ourney lengthens. The riooeptiongiven the I
I .
Premier and his -colleagues at Clinton must J
have sent a cold Chill to their hearts. Con- I
. I
aervatives who used to overflow with en. t
-thusiasm for the Old Chieftian, were dulland
. dead in the presence 'of Sir John, and scarce. a
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I . I � � THE HURON' FX'POSITOR. - . � —_ I OCTOBER 61, 1893.
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ly a cheer could be raised. It was not, has enabled the Dominion Government to illeffect upon him. Enthuoiaatio�crowdi G H Howson. Crab apple#, John Johnston, loyal members who had unatioceomfully Wlngbam boys won in defeating them by a
however, out of disrespect for Sir John that squander among its own supporters over a lined the streets from the hotel to the Tail- Thoo Ward. Plume, J VVild, J H Hewson. striven to oust him. score of two goals to one. It if expected
a thig coolness was due, but entirely on ac- million dollars @!nos' 1885, or over,so quarter way station and his departure was marked VEGETAELBS. -Bushel earli potatoes in THE RESULT OF A PRACTICAL JOKE. that the Harlborox will visit Wjughum in
by scones similar to those that accompanied box or basket, Wni Sterling, W G Johnston. A story in going the rounds about a prom-, the course of a few weeks to try and wrest
count of the --- policy ,he propounded. The I of a million for each revision of the lists,and his arrival there, . -1 Bushel late potatoes In box or basket, A ,luent busineen man who laughed at his wife's their lost laurels from the Winglian te
people hereabouts, irrespective of p.%rty, are O win unfairly more than one closely con- SHIP CANAL. -The opening of the Man- I &m.
. C � Johnston, Win G Johnston. Long red fears of being continually left alone In the -The other day, a lad about twelve years
sick of 11 the old policy," and until Sir John ested election. The fact is, no matter choster ship canal has been fixed for an early mangolde, . W H Woods, John . So'llreld. house-, and refubed to get her a revolver. of age was brought before the Mayor slid
I has something,better to offer them they can , hat evasiono Sir John may attempt, the .date in the year 1894. Yellow globe mangolds, A Johnston, W H She got the pistol herself-, however, and Wi F. Brockenehire, J. ,P,., in Wingham
. . - .A: WOMAN TRAIN ROBBER. -At Auburn, Woods. Beets for table use, W H Woods, had to submit to alle his jokes concerning charged with stealing fruit from an orcha;i - -
not enthuse much In his behalf. We should aeasure was designed to give a partizan'. Indiana, last Friday, John Connors and Eva John Salkeld. Cabbage, J Wild, William its uselessness, in her hands, st least. One in that town. The charge was provenand
be lorry to think that the Cduservativeo of a vantage, and for no other reason. If this- Flint- were bound over to the grand jury as ' Bates, night recently the husband went out, saying a fine of $1 and coots was imposed, on ac. . �
othe counties are any less intelligent than ore not the case, the Government would a part of the gang who held up and robbed" LADIES' WoRK.-Knotted pillow sham, he would return late. He had left the house count of the age of the boy, Both the meg. �
To r the Lake Shore and Michigan express train, Mrs J Herd. Braided pillow sham, Mrs b,ut a few minutes, wh n she hear�, steps up- istrates, in unmistakable language, pointed
those of this county, but if we ar6 to h ve amended it long ore this. As we have , A
�elieve the remarks of the Empire they on the night of September llth at Kessler. George Nott, Sarah Sterling. Embroidered stain. The husband had climbed in a win- out the serious nature of the offence and in-
. . re�,oatediy pointed out'in these columns, the Eva Flint has been keeping company with illo* sham, Mrs C Campbell. Crazy work, dow to give a practical -illustration of his timated that it was only the tender'yeareof
not be. I N tional Parliament eould have a national Connors for the past three years. I giss Brownett, Mrs George Nott. Crochet argument. Not to be outdone, the plucky the youth that prevented their sending him
In this connection we may state that a Ir richise with much simpler, lees expensive . THE FLOOR GAVE WAY.—While funeral table mate, Mrs G H Howson. Toilet mate, woman crept up stairs, and, before she knew to Goderich goal for three months. -
� services were proceeding in a private hou4e Mrs C Campbell, Mr's George Nott. Crochet at whom she fired, landed a nice, plump -The announcement of the.ideath of mrs,
-oneer resident �f this county, a farmer, an more honest machinery than that now in Ripou, Wisconeip, on Saturday, the floor drape,, A Johnston, Mrs C Campbell. Table bullet in the leg of her help -meet. The Hog'gart, wife -of Mr. David Hoggart, of the
alter listening to Sir John Thompson and in ogue. All that is required is an addi- suddenly gave way'and 100 persons were drape, Mrs C -Campbell, Mile A S,terling. wounded man kept to his bed three weeks 7th concession of Hul�lett, on Saturday 23rd
11r. Foster, at Clinton, speaking of the tic al '001 umn to the present voters' lists, precipitated into thb cellar. About. 20 were Sofa pillow, Mrs George Nott, Mrs C Camp and will walk lame the rest of his life as a ult., was altogether unexpected. She had
.. pt�osperity of the country, remarked to a an, t all the rest could be done by the local seriously and one f4f tally injured. . bell. Crochet in twine, 'Mrs C Campbell. result of his practical joke. It is said that been confined about two weeks previous '
. SALOON KEEPERsj BARRED OUT. -The fight t1boked mate, Mrs George Nott, Sarah just now he is having a particularly busy and wa-8 supposed to be nicely reco7e '
friend as follows : 11 I don't see how it is ; offl ials without any additional expenea -of the galoo ring,
� - n -keepers of Minnesota to secure Sterling, Oth concession.. Embroidery on time explaining to his friends his Tecent when she took a relapse and died before
I 6 ame to Canada without a penny ; I clear- -wo th speaking of. All that Sir John recognition by the Knights of Pythias- has silk, satin or velvet, Mrs George Nott, Mro illness and the caase of hia very decided medical assistance could be secured. She '
ed and paid for my own farm, and bought clai a for the present burdensome act would ended in defeat. The matter was brought C Campbell. Bouquet of flowers, G H How- limp. , was a daughter of Mr. John Brown, a for-
and paid for a farm for each of my three to a test during the three days' Supreme son, Sarah Sterling. Bouquet of flowers THE CITY ASSESSMENT. mer resident of Clinton, and & member of
I - . I be a complished in* this way. Why d"'t Council, and the liquor men were forbidden small, T Brownett, G H Howson. Crochet A great army of clerks and their bosses Londesboro, Methodist church.
sons. Now, my. sons are mill industrious, the do it? .� ' . She leaves a
. I . I . to enter the Order by a vote of tbirty-one work in wool, Mrs George Nott, Mrs C. have been'runnigg over the city for the last
I . � I � � - young family to mourn her death. Mr.,
frugal and temperate ,men, and, although - to ten. Campbell. � Crochet work in cotton, Mrs C 'month. They fie the aseessor's force and Hoggart has the sympathy of his friends in
they got their farms free, they can not 'now Sir John Thompson at'Mitchell. - IRELAND'S_ DAY. -Ireland's- IZay at the Campbell, Mrs W Bates. Embroidery in their work in near completion. It in undert this bereavement. .
in . ake ends meet after paying for their hired T e Conservative demonstration at Mit. World's Fair was celebrated on Saturday in silk, ilre C Campbell, Mrs George Nott. stood that there will be a falling off in the -Mr. E. Bower, owner of the saw.mill at
. grand style, A monster parade of military, Fancy whisk holder, Mrs George Nott, Mrs total of something over $1,000,000, notwith- the 12th concession of Ashfieldo met with a
help. What makes this difference ?" We chel 'on Tuesday was eminently successful civic and church organizations was a feature C Campbell, 'Knitting -in worsted, Mrs W standing that central property has-- been very painful accident the other evening, and
� can tell our friend what it is makes the dif - in every respect. Judging from reporte,the of the day. Speeches were delivered by' Bates, Mrs C Campbell. Knitting in worst- raised 10 per cent. and that the assessment one that will lay him upfor some time. He
ference. He pt higher prices for his� pro- crowd was the largest and most enthusiastic Hon. Edward Blake, Lord Mayor Shanks, ed, fancy, Mrs W Bates, Mrs C Campbell. of the gas mains and telephone wires adds a was unloading logo from a wagon in the mill
' ' of Dublin, and others. Mr. Blake read an Arasene work, Mrs A Sterling, Mrs George round $1,000,000, not before assessed. The yard and had just rolled a large one ofr. - I
du � cate years ago than his soils get now,while that has et greeted the Government party. - interesting letter which he received' from Nott. Chenile work, Mrs A Sterling, Mrs cause of the expected decrease is put down The log in its fall struck the end'of.1 cant- �
on the virgin soil his yield was much larger The -jownT, also, was nicely decorated for -the Mr. Gladstone just before he sailed for ,Can- George Nott. Bead work, any design, Mrs to the heavy reductions in the outlying see- hook tb �
. � . �) i , at was 1yiug u-pon the grotnd the � -
and his taxes, for Dominion purposes, were occai ion and the Premier and his party were ad&. George Nott, Point lace, Mrs George Nott, tione-the I I goose pastures so of ten alluded other end of wilich fle� up and skiticko Mr.
- ' , POTATOES FROM JAPAN. —Consignments of A Johnston. Crewel embroider , M"o C to. The work of the Court of Revision when Bower a terrible blow on the cheek, kuoc -.
not one quarter what they are now. _, That elegantly entertained. The party consisted y r . , k
. potatoes have been - delivered in Seattle, in Campbell, Mrs George Notts Silk tch it sits will be harder than -ever, for, as * rule out a couple of his back teeth. Va I r a time
makes nearly� the whole difference. The of Sir John Thompson and Messrs. Hag. this State of Washington, despite the duty work, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs Geor e Mltt. the owners of central property, which has it was thought the jaw bone was br. ken but
- 9 0
remedy is free trade and direct 'taxation. gart ... Wallace, Daly and Dr. Montague, also of,$5perton. They are described so simile r- Quilt inpatch work, Mrs George Nott, Mrs been raised, are wealthy men and prone to an examination showed that the end of the
to the ordinary.Irish potato of the peach C Ca ;
The former will secure enhanceq Thompson ,bella. Fancy quilt, Ctiesie Johnston, sturdy kicking. cant -hook had struck about. half an inch .
, prices for Sir Adolphe CaroD. Sir John blow or early rose variety, and a e but' fair mC mpbell. Log, cabin quilt, A MORE LIGHT. above the bone, which fact Q . L
what his long have to sell and lower prices always delivers a good address and on this r Mrs. one saved the
� . in quality. The potatoes come- packed In Johnston, Mrs George Nott. Knotted or John Laidlaw, Sr., in a circular addressed jaw from being badly shattered. . _:
for what they have to buy, while the latter occasion he did not disappoint his audience, wicker or reed sacks, manufactured by the crochet quilt, Mies 'Bates, A Johnston. to parties interested asks for contributions -Mr. John McCool hav bought the house ".
I _.
- -
will secure a more economical administration alth4ug4 he gave utterance to nothing now. Japanese. - - Gent's linen shirt, Ge � orge Nott, A John. towards the new dials for the clock in St. and lot on Albert street, Clinton, owned by
of public affairs. Or, in other words, the The �.cP.lss to be strictly adhered to both' __ - ston. Ladies underclothing, machiDe made, James' tall tower. The present dials are Mi8o M * Trewartha, for the sum of .SM-.
I - in Sarah Sterling, Mrs C Campbell. Etching about halt the size they should be for cor- This is considerably below what it cost her
t p � P
money that now goes to fatten the monopo- r and-pra6tice the Franchise Act �
I , The Bayfield Show. I in cotton or silk, Mrs C Campbell, MrN rect architeettiral effect, and the.proposition some years since. Mr. Josiah Butt, of the
list and the professional politician and Gov- is to be maintained, tE6 old flag is to be The Bayfield show, held on Tueed y and Geor e Nott. Gent's fancy flannel shirt, is to erect new ones 15 feet in diameter. base line, Goderich township, has bought
ernment barnacle, will then go 'into the wav d as of yore and,in fact,the only change Wedneedayilast, was, as usual,fairly :uocess- Mrs. Korge Nott, A Johnston. Plain hand Lighted by electricity, Sb. James's clock the property of Mrs. Towafei, on the corner
pockets of the farmers and other producers. fro the last election is to be the leader. Jul. The -weather, although threatening, sewing, A Johnston, Mrs C Campbell. Wax would be- visible far into the hike and in of Albert -and John streets, in the same
. was favorable, but the attendance did not fruit, Mrs C Campbell. Wax flow- summer time of great use to sailor@. A town, paying therefor the sum of ,040-, It
At I ast that is the story, now, although it seem quite so large as last year. The show ,ere. Mrs C Campbell. Feather flowers, call is made to all Canadians to send in is a desirable lot, but th,q buildingil are not
. 10 X in every department was fully up to the a
Long Drawn Out. , rna be chauged-two ' r three times before . Mrs George Nott. Darned socks or stock- their subscriptions, however am 11, to Mr of much account. MT. Butt purposes build.
The senate of the United States is still &no her election. Mr. ! Foster and. Mr. ritandard,.the grain, roots and fruit being inge, Sarah Sterling, A Johnston. Berlin A. M. Cosby, No. 105 King street west: ing a brick house there next season., for his .
, :
debating the rebeal of the 'Sherman -law. An eis have gone to the � Northwest*, where ahead -of anything we have seen at a local . 0 rie, C sine Mr. Joeling has I
. I wool work, flat, Wrn Sterling, 4th cOnce6- The,new dials are to be named th Memo I Own 0 CUP Y bought
� 810n, Cassie Johnston. Berlin wool work, Pionjer Diode in commemoration of Collum. ten acres Oil the London
There is a large majority in favor of repeal- the will hold meetings. how this year. The following is the . - road, near Cliritcj),
I It is hardly prob, a I raised
. ' I , Mrs C Campbell., Drawn work, bu a' voyage, from Mr. Arthur Couch, paying therefor I
-ing this act unconditionally, but the minor- ab that all this comniotion is for fuu. PRIZE LIST : .
. . ' � Mrs C Campbell, Mrs G H Howson. Fancy - the sum of $1,250 ; it is a splendid location
I I - --- . .
ity simply won't stop talking, and as there I . HORSES.—Heavy Dritight.-Brood mare pin cushion, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs George . and is not a dear property. Z I 0
. - with foal, foal not judged with mare, Levi Nott. Pencil drawing, Mrs C Campbell. Huron Notes. -, -When returning from Brucefield the
. .
-is no'closure in Congress the'stronger pairty . West Huron Liberals. Trick. Foal, Levi Trick. 2 -year-old geld- Crayon drawing, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs A The new pipe organ has been put in other evening, aftor spending a couple of
simply have to grin and bear it. The House -W - HE OLD STANDARD BEARERS TO THE, ing or filly, John Stephenson, Salkisid Water color painting, Mrs c place in the English church in Wingham. : - days at London Fair, Messrs. George Erwin
of Representatives, which is elected directly . FRONT AGAIN. I Son. Span working horses, John Sparrow, Campbell. Oil painting, Mrs C Campbell, -At Goderich show Miss Clara Mount- and Charles Dreeser,of Stanley, just escaped
� ; �
by the people, hai declared its intention to - meeting of the Liberals of West Huron G -Bates. - Mrs A Duncan. Kensington painting, Mrs eastle, of Clinton, took fourteen prizes for a very serious accident. They had pro.
", � I General Purpose. -Brood mare�wlith foal, C Campbell, Miss A Sterlin paintings.
repeal the Sherman act; bnt the house for both the Local and Dominion Houseo,. g. Lustre paint- I ceeded safely until hearing Varna, where
on no lu go with mare, T. Nicholson. iog, Miss L Snowden, Painting on silk, -Asix-year-oldsonof Mr. Thomas J. they metsomeofthat villa's sports, w..ho
a heldin the Town' hall, Clinton, foal t * d d
whore Nevada'has as many votes as New w � - Foal, T Nicholson. 2 -year-old gelding or satin or velvet, Mrs C Campbell, Miss L Monaghan, of Clinton, died on Sunday, of were racing. A collision followed, and.Mr,
'Th�rsday last, Presidentr Manning in the � ,
York, or Illinois or Pennsylvania, keeps the I filly,� W Sterling 4th concession, Henry Snowden. Best collection of house plants, inflammatory rheumatism.
I ch ir There' was a s'plendid attendance Erwin's horse was thrown into the dif3h,
-1 I po"rt Durand Span working horses, Salkeld & G H Howson. -A large raft .was driven ashore at Sand Though able to make
bus-ineog of the country at a standstill and fr all h en- ,
� a of the riding, and. mucl 8 a 1w I another start the
the.people of the country in suspense at its tl�jda was manifested. The following on, Jo�n C mpbell. BeaO alking team, MANUFACTURES. — 10 yards home-made Beach,near Goderich, last week. It is said harness was so broken that the buggy ran
0 __r:ln
were unanimously elected,:- general purpose or draught, P McDougall, flannel, white, Mrs Goo Nott, A Johnston. that it contains 1,000,000 feet of .timber. on the horse'sheels and started him off.
Pleasure. Murmurs loud and deep are be- 2e,std;* A. H. IN-lanning, Clinton. W Sterling, 6th concession. 10 yards colored flannel, home-made, Mrs -.Mr. Harry Sanders, of Exeter, received Mr. Erwin's horse is a flyer, so that when
. I
,, , -Bro .
ginning to be beard and the silver men, by ice Ro;kdster Horses. oa mare with foal- Geo Nott, A Johnston. 10 yards full cloth a painful accident recently by stepping on a they reached Varna they were going at ex. �
-President, D. A. Forrester, I rusty nail, which went through the sole of prese speed, and to steer for :Coo�'a shed ,
abusing thei� privileges may bring ppon C1 nton. foal not judged with mare,, 1st and 2nd P home-made, A Johnston, Mrs Goo Nott. .
eco . n McDougall. Foal, A Granger, P McDoug- 10 yards home-made satinette, A J'ohnston. his shoe and into his foot about half an inch. seemed the only way to stop their mad
themselves a more swift and certain' de- d Vice -President, J. A. Mortpn, all. 2 year -old gelding or filly,. S Hugheon . Pair woolen blankets, *Sarah Sterling, Tom ;
struction. ' � � W " Dgham. -Ephraim. Brown has bought the farm.* 'career. This was done, but the place was ..
I � I 1 -year-old gelding or filly, 8 HuWhoon. near Londesboro, at present occupied by full of rigs, rind i6 machida wagon received .
- '
c — —1 -C hird Vice -President, Jos. -Griffin, Ash. Span of roadsters, C Grob, J Wilds. ingle Brownett. Skein of woolen yarn, ten knots Jonathan Crawford, from Mr. Richardson, the full benefit of the runaway's f cible sr- I
fled I . or over, A Johnston, Miss S Sterling' Skein or I
. Birds of a Feather. I 'rleagurer. W. Coats, Clintob, � roadster in buggy, P McDougall. stocking yarn, A Johnston, Mrs " eston. of Goderich township. - rival. The wagon was considerably dawage I
, Carriage Horeen.-Foal, P McDouR&II, W -'Mr. Hanley Ca,utelon,of Goderich town- 'and the horse omewh t brui d d
The Ways a*nd Means. Committee of the ir. Cbats also acted 'as Secretary pro- j Pair woolen stockings, Mrs Goo 8 a se
. - Nott, Miss , but neither
United'States Congress is at present busily tel, and, wishing to, retire, the matter of ohn Campbell. 2 -year old gelding or filly, S Sterling. Pair woolen socks, Mrs George ship, while using a hay knife last week, ac- of the occupants was injured,
,e ecting a successor was left with the John Salkeld, Thomas Ward. 1 -year-old Nott, Mrs G R He waon. Pair cotton stock- cidentally cut his leg, but is now able to be .�
' . . I �
engaged framing a tariff bill for presenta- ' gelding or filly, Salkeld & Son, John Salkeld. ings, home-made, Miss Talboit, Mrs around again. __ - - I
E ecutive, Mr. Coate to act in the mean' Lady driver, that 'never competed 'before, George -Win. Roos & Son, of Brusseley have Staffa. . :1
tion to the House of Representatives. The ti e. Nott. Pair cotton socks, home-made, Mfa I
. e just an � eta already elected, Mime Elliott, Miss Beattie. Sadd orse, Goo Nott. Pair woolen gloves, home-made, been running their flour mill nearly every TiaE FAIR. The Hibbert Fall Show was I
manufacturers and their allies ar n addition to the offic ite "'in, an night for weeks to"koep up v��th the rush of - &I's
- th followingpereone were added to the no horse which has been exhib d y A Johnston. Pair woolen mite, Mrs Wes- held here this week, and was., as, usu i
busy laying plans to defeat tariff reform and E ecutive Committee :-H. Girvin, Nile ; otbe o* lass to compete, John Beattie, A tout Mrs Geo Nott. Set single harness, T gristing, obopping, etc. success. The weather was delightful, and �
- I Irwin. I � -The English church bell in Wingbarn the crowd large. For a local show the PIX-
. P
retain the present high - tariff. � It is said - J .1] . Brown and Thomas Brown, Auburn ; CATTLE.—Grade Cattle, -Milch cow, G Cameron. was remove - hibits would be hard to beat, and every
that ihe latter, as a- last resource, have J hn Neilando, Wingbam, ; N. H. Young, . -1 d from the tower at the old
' 'y H Houston, J McNaughton. Two year old . -person Eeemed to go home pleased and
come to an agreement with the advocates of B I yth ; James Snell, Hullett ; Robert I church, the other day, and placed in posi.
� I heifer, Wrn Elliott, James Reid. One year NOTES FROM THE QUEEN tion in the tower of the new church. ' It happy. The ' rize list will appear next -
H Imes, Clinton ; W. -Young, Carlow ; W. P
free silver. * The rumor rests an fairly good P oudfoot, Goderich ; S Ferris, Goderich old heifer, let and 2od Wrn Elliott. Fat . � CITY. . 1, sound@ well in its new home. � week. .
authority and is not improbable, for the toj�uoh�ip;nn ,-- ' cow, heifer or steer, James Reid, A Elliott. - . - -The boom -logo of some raft drifted to . . -
free silver doctrine is nothing more nor less r. iog, after the organization of Heifer calf, W,m Elliott, W G Johnston. . ToRONTO, October 2, 1,893. the beach at Goderich last week. A few Professor ShaVe Valedictory. . .
than another form of protection proposed t e riling had been completed, stated that �Three year old steer, lot and 2nd W H When the Government moves in a daye before a tug was in looking for tiiem. DEAR E'X'POSITOR. —With your kind per-
. . t e principal object.of thl' convention was Woods. TOO year old ,st6er, let and 2nd matter it inakes the dust fly. This It is reported that a large numbe�r . of log8 mission I would like to have & parting word
for the benefit of .'silver mine owners. t select - candidates forl both Houses of John Reid. One year old steer, Wm Elliott, is instanced by the vigorous onslaught are ashore near Bayfield, with the farmers of this country before I
When we consider that many of the factor- P rliament, and, as he had the honor of John 'McNaughton. Thoroughbred heifer _At the last meeting of Morris Town- leave it for the land which gave me kindly
. .0 calf, Wrn Elliott, El coati Brothers. being made throughout the Dominion ahip Council John Mooney was re -appointed welcome in a -most critical and supremely .1
ies have been closed down by stress of hard n mi ating Mr. Garrow on a previous oc. I
� � C . -SHEEP. -Loicesters, -Ram, two shears against the use of her Majesty's mail tax collector for 1893,- at the salary of $85. important moment, and if this letter should � .
times caused by general distrust of silver C 8�on, he had great pleas,ure in doing so and over, Elcoat Brothers, W H Woods, by companies whose business, method Mr. Mooney is an Old'hand at the business 'savor much of the personality of the writer.,
Ain ar- , . '
money, it seems rather a' desperate shift, a , and paid a just tribute to Mr. G Shearling ram, Salkeld & Son, Elcoat Bros. ed desirable. Inspector Arch a now, I hose who may think it, worth I
Rati, lamb, Salkeld & Son. Pair of ewes abold has recently girded up his loins to a -The seventeenth quarterly meeting. of while to read it will pardon me. From the- I
r � w's fidelity to the Liberail cause and the are not deem Ilope that t
but not more e than the &vowed i teresto of his constituents. The nomiria; I two � -
determination shears and over, Elcoat Brothers, J li the Stanley, Tuckersmith and Hay Sabbath nature of the subj eta of wbich it treats, it
I of the mine own -ere to force tion was made unanimout, and was ratified I Sa I ke eind and the co Imbined attack is having
fr�e silver upon the country, at the risk of b astandin vote, there not beinga diseen- lkeld. Shearling ewes'Salkeld &Son, 9. salutory effect upon many local concerns School Association will be held on Wednes- would not be eas7to frame it otherwise.,-
. t ent. Mr. 8arrow was unable to be pres- Elcoat Brothern. Ewe lambs, Salkeld & W. G. Oagoodby, William H. Stacey ana day, October 25th, in the Presbyterian It h" been my privilege, in some sense,to
its total and complete ruin finanoiall�. No e t, being unavoidably �beent at Stratford Son, Elcoat Brothers. Fat sheep any breed, Alfred H. Cobbett, who were arrested on church, Egmondville. An ex3ellent pro. labor fc,r the advancement of the agriculture
, ; I ' gram of subjects has been arranged. of Canada for many yeakra patit, and in a .
doubt both the manufacturers and the esizes, � � . * John Salkeld. - - Friday on a charge of fraud In connection -
miners think it impossible to ruin the coun- Mr. W..Proudfoot, of Goderich then nom- Shropalliredowns,-Sbearling ram,lst and with three alleged fake schemes known as the As Mr. R. Scott, and Mrs Brigham., of somewhat. public way, at first through .the -�,
tr thus,and cherish the idea that no matter I ated Mr. M. C. Cameron'se the standard- 2nd John Dunkin. Ram- lamb, John Sal- Exquisite Toilet Company, the Scott' Seed Hullett, were driving along the other day, medium of the earliest live stock paper that .
y � . earer of the Liberal -party for the West' keld, John* Dunkin. Fair of ewes two Company and the Chemical Supply Com. , ", the horse shied and pitched them out of the Canada ever possessed, tknd which I ha -d the
what result their courare may seem to por- iding of Huron for the Dominion ParliR, shears and over, John Dunkin,Jo'hn Salkeld. p,Any, were arraigned in the Police Court, buRgy. Mr. Scott "got two ribs fractured honor to assist in establishing ; later through I
tend, the oohntry will come out all right in exit seconded by Mr. Hugh Girvin of Ash. Shearling ewes, John Dunkin, A. Dunkin. and all pleaded not guilty and elected to be and his shoulder and back burt but he is not that of the farmera' institutes, 'Malay of
the end. In fact this opinion is frequently . eld.' This nomination was received With Ewe lambs, Ist and 2nd John Dunkin. .. tried summarily. On request of the Crown laid up. Mr.'Brigharn escaped unh�urt. which I was privileged to organize, and atill
expressed by them and loud cheerg'and theg-reatest of enthusiasm, PIGS. -Berk shires, -Aged ram,R Penbale, the case was adjourned fov a week. The -H. L. Jackson, of Brussels, has awooden Ister through relations with the Ontario Ag -
by their followers. . . . i .
' d ise the Presiddnt tendered Mr. Cameron W Townsend. Brood sow, S Beattie, W G attention of the Toronto Pont offine officials clock, said to be a fac simile of timepieces in 1 ricultural College at Guelph. -
" ,
-00 great i I
he nomination the applause was use in 1492 and consequently called a Colum. � My relations with the farmers of this
At the same time they are quite willing to n Johnston, Boar, six - months and under, was first drawn to these schemes run by bus clock. The wheels, dial, &c., are wood country duridg all these years bave been of ' -
let other people run the risk if they, may hat it was several minutes before he coul James Johnston, Wrn McAllister.. Sow, six
t d months old and under, let and "2ud Win the receipt of a circular sent to a person in and there is only one hand to design& �
but fill their pockets �with money which eta hearing. -Mr. 'Cameron stated\ that McAllister. ' NewYork. Itpurported toetrianate from time. It i te the I the d most pleasant character.. We have
I hen coming to the meeting he had iioAu, I the Exquisite Toilet Company, of Toronto, a quite a novelty and worth while i trie to do each other good and not evil, It
they have no right to. . I . Suffolk Pigs, -Sow, having littered �411. seeing. . �
tention whatever of again being a candidate, and was headed, " A. H. Corbett, in liquid- . would be ungrateful therefore were I not to
� 0010 __ ! Whig to infirmity of -years, and for other 1893, A Elliott. Sow, six months or under, ation." -The person to whom the circular -On Stinday afternoon,24th ult., as Hugh return most cordial thanks to my fellow- I
easons, but the reception of his name had .James Johnston. - � McDougall was driving away from Eadie's farmers for all the kindnesses received at
Enlightenment for the'West. 13NIPLEMENTS,.—Single buggy, Fred Hess. was -Rent was notified that in looking over church, Turnberry, the breast strap broke on their hands. This I now desire to do in
I � I been so warm and cordial and generous, and the books of the company it was discovered
An Ottawa correspondent informs. us that th Chilled plow with skimmer, James Swan. one of the horses and the team ran away. I the only way in which I can, viz.. through
e enthusiasm of the gathering such that Iron beam plow without skimmer, G Ir- that a prize was due, which would be for - The occupants of the c rriage were thrown i the medium' of the Press. Until TCcentlyj
Hon. Wilfrid Laurier will carry out his he felt constrained to say that, if his health warded on receipt of 75 cents to pay for I � �
an private win. Gang plow, L Beattie. One horso out, Miss McDougall beinj badly, if 'not; cherished the hope that the residue of my
. -
promise to visit Br�i.tish Columbia within the d i affairs allowed, he would accept drill or cultivator scuffler, L Beatty. Set packing and postage. The other concerns fatally injured. Mr. McDougall was slight -1 services would be given to the land which
next six weeks. It is understood that Hon. the nomination when election time came of horse shoes, G Irwin. Pump, James were on the same lines, ly injured. . ji- gave me birth, but it seems it i -s not so to
' .
around. ' This announcement was vocif,r' Ferguson. Fanning mill, Mr. McMurchie —R. G. Wilson, Brussels, has �bee I be. , Bed,ause of- this I refused more than
L. H. Davies, the Liberal leader in the ously applauded, and 'indicated that the Unknown persons on Monday night tore 4
' .
Maritime Provinces, will accompany Mr. Liberals of West Huron are determined to POULTRY.—Dncks, R Penhale, W Cook* up the cedar -block roadway in Queen Street,, awarded the contract of the wood work of one solicitation to enter service thar would -
i Geese, W Elliott, James Donaldson. Dor the now brick cheese factory at Britton, to militate against the interests of Ontario.
Laurier. When 1 this is done the Liberal redeem the riding for de Dominion-- at the � kings, let and 2nd John -Dunkin. Black between Parliament and River streets, and, take the place of the one destroyed by fire. The thought of laboring in future in a way
' rl -
� next election. i �
' �� � greater marvel still, contrived to c,,t away There are two building@, each 32x6O feet, that may prove antagonistic to the farming
party will have placed the pol,icy adopted at 'I A olution of c ' Spanish, W Clarke, A Dun -can, Plymouth. the whole assortment without discovery' al -
f � res onfidence in the able r6�ksj John Johnbton, A Duncan. Brown with iron roof. The work is all to be pushed interests of this country is not altogether
the Ottawot convention before the people o , leidership of, the Hon )Wilfrid Laurier, and though the thoroughfare is a njain one. '
, endorsing , leghoros, W Clarke. White loghorns, A - through this fall. Mr. Wilson'� tender was pleasant. The idea of helping the farmers
all the Provinces of the Dominion. Mr. � the platf.orm of the Liberal party MU,NICIPAL MATTERS.
; . of tariff reform, was unan Duncan. Turkeys, R Penhale, W Elliott, The usual spasmodic effort is being made $1,200. of another land to grow cattle that come in
Laurier 'and some of his colleaguea. have , imously carried, as DAIRY PRODUCE, &c..—Tub salt butter, J. —The other day Mr. Peter Cook, of competition with those of Ontario in foreign
was also one supporting the policy of Si ' Burdge. Twenty-five pounds salt butter J. to induce men of recognized business talents Clinton, who has been in the mother land, markets, and to'produce sheep that some
already visited Quebec and Ontaria, while Oliver Mowat in general and the -course o 'to offer themselves for caudOatur�e as alder -
Messrs. 'Davies, Blair, Fielding and- others Mr. Garrow in p t cular. , f Burdge, Win. Sterlin ' men at the next elections. 'The city has
_g, 6th concession. returned, and brought with him, as presents do'y may CIO816 OnCario's best markets for
Three cheers and a tiger for the candi. Five pounds butter, John Johnston, J, passed the town etag6 and in common with from a friend in Scotland, a beautiful gold- this product, brings along with it its
h . ave finished a iour through all tho Mari- Burdge. Home maide cheese, A. John8ton, ' handled umbrella for Mrs. James Fair, or,, sting ; but it Will b i embered that duty
ueen:closed the convention, r other places of like size, the successful busi-_ e rem
time Prov'inces. Manitoba, the Northwest I , t4 -
dates and the Q J. Burdge. Home made wine, Joseph ' and an ivory -handled one for Mr. Fair. fie always calls for the befit sorvices that one
� . . . . . . . � � . neas men have no time to waste in - munici-
- W d, Mrs Goo Nott., . Honey in jar, A
and British Columbia are the only Provinces . i I I ii pal matters. Those who have -axes to grind also brought several genuine Irish black. can give to his employers. ' .
that have not been ,visited. ..TKr. -Laurier i News of the W -eek. Duncan, A Johnston. Home made bread, will be seen next January topping forward thorns with him, one of which he presented I never had a desire to leave Ontario, the
,. � I Sarah Sterling, Mrs Joseph � Hudson. is yor to Mayor MeTaggart, and another to Mr. land of sunny skies and. fruitful seasons. .
and Mr. D%viee intend doing this before, NEW CAISES.—Tm,�elve new cases of yellow Baker$ 8 bread, Thomas King. for election in the same old fashion. Ma - A. Al. Todd. . I Noland on all this continent has been so
� fever are reported in BrunovVft, Georgia. " GRAIN AND SEEDS.—White winter wheat, 1xity candidates are also being brought for- . . I
they meet Parliament, ' k at � .— ] —On Monday morning of last week' a highly favored by a kind Providence. I a�gi
Winnipeg, and perha,,pe other points in DIED -Rev. Benjamin Jewett, one of the S Furze, John Salkeld. Red winter wheat, ward. The following are some of those most aluable brood mare belonging to Willous safe in saying that no province or state in
foremost classical scholars in Great Brit favorably mentioned 1 E. F. Clarke, W. B. v 11 ari* -
Manitoba. In the Northwest I ain, John Salkeld, S Fu'rze. Spring wheat, S McHurrich, ex -Alderman Macdougall and Farrow, 3rd line of Morris, was found lying al this continent can grow so great a v I .
they will, in is dead in London, at the age of 77. Furze, John Salkeld. Large peas, S Furze, dead in the stable. She had been turned ety of cereals, fruits, grasses, forest trees
AN 12 Alderman Saunders. �
ill probability, address meetings at Calgary NCREASED T-A'KE.—Briti8h Columbian John Salkeld; Small peas, W Townsend, out the evening before, along withthelrest and field products generally. No country I
. ! 1i
ind Regina. Already they have' b' vessels will take 10,000 more seals;kins this S Furze. Six rowed barley, A JobnRton. CARE FOR THE LITTLE ONES. of his horses, to pasture in a ro -gh jand in America has so many breeds of live stock,
. son as- year than last, � � I u
iured of a warm welco-me from the oppon. ' I Two- rowed barley, John Salkeld, Joseph Agreeable to the provisions of the new stumpy field and it'is supposed that shelhad or so excellent. No land in all tliiig rn �
- - STOPPED -HIS OAREER.—James McGrath, Hudson. White oats, 8 Furze, -A Duncan. Gibson Act, the Toronto Children's Aid So. fallen on a hemlock knot while jumping World has so advanced in agriculture, and
3n.ta of trade restriction in the Western a notorious Chicago character, after shooting Black oats, J Hudsob, Joseph Wild. Timi- ciety has appointed as paid agent the Rev. over a log, thereby inflicting such injuries no country has farmers more successful or ;
L'rovinces. There is much room for mis. and wou#ding three men, was' shot and - othy seed, John Salkeld,* Isaac Salkedd. J. E. Starr, pastor of the Berean Methodist as caused her death. She managed, how. more intelligent. Why should not �%uy I
donary work in these Western Provinces. . killed by' the Chicago police Saturday, Corn, John Salkeld, S Beatty, Church. For the balance of the year Mr. ever, to get to the fit -able man be loth to leave such a country ? Long I
LONDON'S NEw LORD MAYOR, -oGeorge FRUIT.—Grapes, G H ]!swoon, Joseph Starr will give half his time and after that —Mr. F. 8 Sao y
k1though the people th'ere would profit Ro . tt, of �russels, took his ma' Ontario continue to hold a foremost
. bert Tyler has been elected Lord 'M4yor Wild. Fall apples, Mrs Weston, Joseph devote his. whole work -to looking after the gun in the buigy the other day ond went place among the nations of the world for an
nore than any others by freedom of trade, of London, to succeed Sir Stewart Knill. Wild. Winter apples, Isaac Salkeld, Mrs waifs and strays of the city, No better ap. south to attend to oome legal duties. When advanced agriculture . I
I - .
ret they seDa an almost solid phalanx to JLHE rAMOUS CTRESS,�Sars Bernhardt, Weston. Collection of apples, R 8 Snow- pointment could have been made. The so- near Walton he aimed at a bird and pulled Nor can I leave Ontario without a parting
3arliamient in support of restriction. ' .who has been matting a .,theatrical tour of den, Joseph Wild. Cauliflower, R Me- ciety now enter$ of! a career more ext6n8i e the trigger, There was an explosion, the , word to the graduates and students of the
ic will v
- - - South Amer' a, has returned to Paris. She Ilveen, A Johngton. ' Tablebarrots, G. H. than ever. All neglected 'Children be' breach of the gun opened and the shell was Ontario AgriCUIL ureCqllege. Ineednotre-
. t
. .1 � was in Rio .Janeiro during the bombard- HewsoD, Wrn Toyvnsend. Parruips, R *& looked -after and good homes provided. hurled with violence into Mr.'s Scott's face, mind them of the very pleasant associations
The Nd -minion Voters' Lists. Mont. . T Snowden. P#npkino, W, 17owneend, S. DEPARTURE OF PROMSSOR SMITH. strikiDg him below the right eye. The of those yeare we spent togeiher, of how we
MANY WRECKS. -The nou'th-east gale of Beatty. Squashes, Wrn Sterling, 4th con- The 11 Grange " is to lose its distinguished wound bled profusely. Mr. Scott thinks pulled together to make our experiment eta -
The Premier, while defending -the' D . omin- Friday night and Saturday resulted in a cession, and 2ad.; Potato onions, English, occupant in November for a while, as OVIiD there must .have been .some mud in the tion farm the pride of all Canada. I need
- .
on Franchise Act, recently said : . � . long list of wreokg being added to the re- R & T Snowdon, A Granger. Potato to Mrs. Goldwln,Smith's ill health, the Pr � muzzle of the gun to cause it to act the way ' not remind them of how Fe succeededt for
" The basis of that act embodied i � markably heavy bfil of lake marine looses of onions 0
n the ,, Canadian! A Granger, R & T Snow- fessor has decided to winter in England, it did. many of them know that the experiment
itatute of 1885 was that the parties the present season. I .
should den. Dther ,oniope, Wrn Sterling, 6th. con- where his wife can take advantage of the ,-Some few weeks ago Win. Bright, man- station farm: at Guelph is now without 6
ia able to appeal .to the people on equal SNOW IN. MASSACHUSETTS. -Snow fell very cession, John Salkeld. Field turnips, R & South of England springsi. The Professor ager of the Brussels flax mill, was unfortun. peer arno g the station farms of this contin-
erms. The provisions of that act as re. riskly in parts of Massachusetts, Friday T Snowden, L Beattie. Field carrots, Isaac Is to spend much of his time at Oxford and ate enough to have his watch stolen from ent. None know so well as they the good
,ards the cl,a ' . orning last. . I -
1. as ,to whom the suffrage is . . Salkeld, W H Wbods. White Celery, G H no doubt when he returns in May, Canadian the pocket of his vent as that garment was that the said'experiment station is capable
�t,ven were not very different from the pro- SILVER MINING RESUMED. - Between Howson, Isaac Salkeld. Red Celery, G H readers will have the pleasure of perusing hanging on the .fence. The other evening of� bringing to the farmers of this; country
,isioDs of the Provincial statutes regulating �welve and fifteen hundred silver miners re- Woods. Winter radishes, R Penhale, Jos another, V-'01�me of his delightful letters. At the, employees of the mill waited upon Mr. with the right men at the helm. None
he franchises of the Provinces.' umed work last week in the .Colorado Wild. Citron@, James Park, A Johnston. the last meeting . Bright and presented him with 9; fine 14 know so well as they the benefit@ which the
.The prin- ines. . of the Mathematical and � �
i,ple upon which it All stood was this . That � Musk melons, G El Hewson,. W H Woods. Astron AW y of Toronto, University carat gold filled, case, with a high grade Agricultural College can bring to the sons
on . Societ
ve should have for the purpose of the. FATAL ACCIDMT.-M.. Cossenard, cham. � Watermelons, Jas Park, Wrn Sterling, 6th College the _ talented writer was elected an Waltham movement', also a - gold chain and of the farmers when properly managed.
. I
�ational Parliament in Canada, a national ion bicyclist, was thrown from a horse the con6ession. . Large beans, Mrs Nott, A honorar � member. It may be remembered, locket, This beautiful and timely gift was i Long may they be loyal to the best interesta
er* y
ranchisia ; that the people who are sent to oth day in Paris, France, fracturing his -Johnston. Small beans, Wrn Sterling, 6th I in this connection, what a great hullabaloo accompanied by a kindly worded addresa, of the whole institution. May they 165VO
O&rliam'ent should be elected in view of the 4 all' He died an hour after. . concession, Joseph Wild. Large tomatoes, there was over the Professor in St. George'$' -On Saturday 23rd ult., the Wingliam. no stone unturned to extend its usefulness
�ieasures which the constitution allowed GLADSTONE LEAVES EDINBURGH. -Mr. and G R Woods, R & T Snowden. ,Small to. Society of which .he was a life member, at foot -ball team added another to their list of I and to bring the knowleJgs of the help that
hem to ,make enactments upon.- re. Gladstone left Edinburgh on the 28th matoe's, G H Woods, R & T Snowden, the time when he was most vigorously agi- victories this year, defeating the Marlboroo, it can render to the notice of those who
This aounds rather plausible, but it is u t., for Hawarden Castle. Mr. Gladstone Pears, W -Sterling, Joseph Wild. Collec. tating for annexation. The most recent ac. of LWowel, on their own grounda. The ikeed'it most, viz., the� young men , of the
very a weuk M s owed no signe whatever that the delivery tion pears,! J Wild, T Brownell. Peaches, tion of Goldwin Smith was to resign the Mar&oroo are the champions of the Malt. farm. And long may they be spared, each
hich o his speech the previous night had had any I W Sterlin�,, J Wild. Grapes, lot and 2nd membership to the astonishman't of those land district, and it is no small honor the in bin own sphere, to be liviDg witnesses of
. . : -
. %
� I
. I
. . . .
the goodtl
P11ri in'trit , I
tile dieting,
their lo6bori
. Farewell
but Mort u
be My . Ai
jand � which
portune to,
,doot Of use
.land was -b
.itq by some
and prospe,
among the
Western w
O!CrArtlo Ai
I MT� 'Joh
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. __-4b .
I marv,lff, to v
:Lbne b
. *rs, In atte
- Mr. W,
a $30 pr--17.le
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_Xr. Fj
� � .
chell't; of Co
-Mr. J,,
Week - :for Q
� .he is ukkitip
,The A
v,rton cbee
- I
�0. W. Rile
: _RAv. N.
. by the BAP
6eir pastc
dutiell . mhorl
- . -The fie
erected, At I
is assumiul
� Inasont- �:
_X -r. Ti
- of Wallace�
, gar-eg,of th(
. -WT. T.
bought a i
n tIr
prize at hi�
]at 1A)Qa0n
-The do
Mr. Gear .94 L
part in the
He leaves e
. -mr. W
I engaged In
� Georgiwn B
I has returav
I .
i -The uni
i held on the
. � -successful."
i B114, of Ful
Li -The 1
, i A-damet" be
Mitchell, I
F*ir in a ch
-Mr. W
load of 01
I which wt�4-
This it wb&,
�, -The ol
Dublin, Mr�
I turedby sto
. of the well.
-A two
Mary -s., own
/-I i
,xUeSt) Was �
love on the I
. contents, $2
V -The AA�
� mouth Rretl
I hour on Al-ai
which he dii
'his h
-1W-o lo'l
I &n in the�
Robert Pori
the other da
go , through
concealed tl
�: -Mr. J
I teacher at �
� rion, and M
either the ,,
His family N
present. -
, -Amos 11
con-nolly, c
. ..
-1 gaining priz,�
Thorridale., -
St. Marya. f
I lern Fair, L,o
I -Tbe wil
I chant, of Kii
1'. performed, 4
sucoesof-ully �
three doctoi
covery., I
-Mr. Mt.
. Piukerton aAL
parents, Mr,
n l
I health, H-4,
[ old frionds i
f -The ret
�D Canadian Or.
I turned ou�t ti
and drove t
preached to I
- Rev. A. F. I
as delighted ,
, -Mr
, a. A
� f6riiierly of ,1
those,Wbo w,
of the Geord
L -
tobacco mar
presented by,
. I Ing lot oath. .
-About '
Shipped- frol
last week ; I
for the 'bul
the fa, -to, - �
C ries
the dayl's shi
hood of $15
_Mr� M
while W9- k.:
. r i
took Lon- a bel
. 'Water inelo.�
raelon -wag gil
,the end of et
rinde remain
L� bring on ano I
--:The Met
&buiversoxy A
. day, 23rd "
luetial sOree I
UrY coutribi
tPonded haw
ofteiinge on ,,,
-in '* platfort
4 .
-The othe
'son, jr., whil
CeRSion-, bear�
cidenf-- L 1.1- I
1109the harne
the 4a*hboA-
'Was gpiet a6n
-The diew
Dr. D ,S. Rt
after a I X
3)eceased Was .
Years since w
ter of South
"deep interest
'Ways b
There s,re S1
the face� and
IPOuge are all
Concerned. 'I
.]D,r. Wilgonxg�
. basin about u
dip your facre I
liands, Soap
*O%Pi�d -hands �
whole face. I
the �Oporation
. I