HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-09-22, Page 8I I I I - . . . I � . I I I � ��o � - . , � I . I . . I � I I : I �' - i Z others being under 15. In this county there in �n instant, smashing the hind'wheels of she fears may arise from a statement In our all the levelling that is neceseary for $10. Hay, paid our Sabb&th Schools in Lhe vil I I � . � � � � . � � EDWARD -:- OASH 3 - I MILLINERY - I � � I were males and 42 females married undbr hi " �agon to.pieoes. Mr. Halliday, how- Winthrop correspondence. She says she The work In to be completed by the Wth of lage a visit last Sabbath, A4 delega!tes, tak- ; 1, . . 20,yeare of age ; 89 males mod 185 females ev%rw, escaped unhurt, sud while his wagon 19 has no,interest In Mr. Hannah's oropo, and October. -A good many are taking in Lon- ing note of the way the f: -ools are I taught, � I � � I Wholesale and, Retail De'aler in . - � � -to .put their don show this week. -Mr. David' Fleming, and also giving Eome gi­ I instrudtions to � � . . between,'20 and 25 ; 159 males and 94 fe- belu repaire&,he Is e6joying welfearned hot- thafher husband has no need ' J , OPEN -111010 � 1 2 - , �f - hq line of 11 : ales between 25 ).and 30 V62 males and 19 fo id at thd World$ Fair. -Miss Cox, 0 opertytin her'name.-Mr. find Mrs. John of Sunshine, attended the ladu6trial at To- the children and teac f ­s in t 1 � . . I � " Dai '- Butter, m ! . pr � .. �, Fine .- ry , " - : � ;__ - had Veen oDending some y Modeland, of Tuckersmith, near Egnlo�d- . n T � . i males between 30 and 35 ; 27 males and " Wro ito, who' da 0 ronto lasb week, -Mr. Ammeo, thresher and Sabbath School work. -3. Aellis Ind Mr. I . - I i i � � , : � GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH, females-botween 35 and 40,'t,nd 3 inales and w It, h her cousins, the Mi;aes lftll,, left on ville, are in Chicago this week attending hie men are busy at work on the 5th Jine. A. M�nteith,',vr., were aii� Yng the I number . . � I i I � 1 4 females between 40 and 45. Denomiva- Situ,day last. I the World's Fair.. Mr. W.C. Uandaborou It They aro huetters and can7triake it iutorobt- who went to Mitchell to hear the big 'Llb- FRIDAY and ;;; I . I - - , I �� I � � b - I I . � - - g �2 Ing for the mow meu, T' It well repaid- f�r their t.t — I ; � On entering upon another season's tionally, there were in this county 46 male �, I Mr. John Rutledge, Mr, Mavedie, jr., an hey run a, Wat- eiat guns. They fe I . "I I - 0 . . . I re erous engine and a Peerless separator, of trouble. -One of the oldest, French mibtion- ' "I . I and 52 female Episcopalians married ; 126 1A OT1.rLR PioNLmuR DEPARTS,—We have Mri Halliday, of the same township, a . . ) I ... I I �. business has to acknowledge with . 4 1 - ; - i�i male and 126 female treabSterians; 137 t4 c ironiole another blank in the noble also at the White City. -The correspondent Hamil(ou and do splendid work. -Some aries in the Lower Province,. connected with � �_ I f i ]� Istq I . � I . 11 A , thanks the large pattonage received the Tuokernmith notes i at farmers ' SEPTEMBER.22nd and '23rd. - � 1. �. I � C I mate. and 134 female etho and 13 aim of Huron -e pioneers. Mrs. Robert who sent us a tire taking up potatoes, The crop the Methodist church, will conduct eervice � $ . . , ..**.] , , week should bear in mind that it is neither is on the light aide, a good many being In the MethodiA, church ,next Sabbath at � � i ­ d.uring the past forty�`two years, and male and 15 fetriale P . . oLRau, Of the Mill Road, Tuokeremith,, "I i- 11 . 0 . toman Catholic@ ,_ 4 � I ��� I - . I - gassed peacefully away on Thursday of last. smart nor the act of a gentleman to take small, the usual hour, 9M_ also give a lecture on . I - � � T_ hopes to retain it for -'another year,and � I I I . . _.. I - , sion work 1; the following Tuesday I . I ! � , Sro,aTs.-Tbe Beavers went down to *eel�. Mrs. MeLean's maided name was advantage of newspaper column to 0, It - 11lt@ - - i ��� 11 � .1i ; a- ity of fine butter . I I ��_ � 7 1 will buy any qu nt as- - night in the same place. -Crowds, as usual, A great feature . in the Dry , - - I i 4. froin now forward. ' . Toronto to play in the finals for the chain, Sarah Shaw. She was o, native of Dumfri slurs upon neighbors whom be is Zoo Zw- Grey.' ' have been leaving this neigliborhood for the Goods trade of Seaforth each ' - _" � . � ", � 4 � .1 _. . piouship of the Canadian Lacrosse Assocl- � FAR31 SOLD. —The Campbell farm 'on the . ; t . ihire, Scotland, and came . to , this Country ardly to attack openly. If this sort of thing I � — e _. Her f � I . Spring and Fall season 7 . ill It . ation, on Wednesday, and - met _a team that Ivitb h r parents in 1832 ather , took is repeated with us we shall take more forci- l8th Concession of this, township has beeii London fair. - i is the . ; � - �_ ble means to stop it. -Mr. E. . Jaffre ,: � .. I . n y of . i - - � , "I , I was a tittle too strong for them. - Bramp. p I d and settled down in Dumfries near - I . I � 44 1 � 1� �,, CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! Mr, McLe' n in Minneapolis, is the guest of his sister, Mrs ureba, ed by Mr. Dunc,%n McKeuzia, who Hills Green. � days of showing the new,est 11 I . alt! She was married to a . i ; ­ . ton beatii?g them in four straight games' t, Fi the road. The farm cont%ine , � - ::: . I - -11.843i The was performed in vem neroDs '-H,tPPE-m._NG,-,.-Rev. A. Parent, of Water- things in fine Dry Goods zand .- .. i 'f The first two goals were taken so, quickly ceremony Win. Pioliard.-Mr.,and Mrs. Alex, Broad. 128 acrem,, has fairly good buildings and is - ... .. I - . ,air this Millinery, Fall is here akaln, � � Stock now complete in Oveirco�tt Oaltl by the Rev Dr. Bayne. Full of hope foot are attendilog the World's r too, Quebeo, a superannuated minister in ,I y I T , that the boys hardly knew what had hat) � _ an excellent place. it was purcha3ed for "I : � I and Suits. i pened, but they woke up in the third &;d 'for the future, the young couple came to week, with friends front Mitchell. -We are connection with the Montreal Conference of and we are to the front as usug,l , �� � i I � � _� $4,500. Mr. McKenzie has got a cheap . . I � z . ...- - - � � I: _. I — made their opponents play lacrosse to beat �Hur'�?u and settled, on their bush farm on glad to leat.n that the yo.1bg rhan, John the�Methodist church, is expected to occupy with a magnificent assortinent - � - farm. � I . . quality, style and. workmanship the very bost to them. The fourth game lasted �. forty -seven the ill Road, Tuckersmith, near Somforth. Knight, who was so severely injur�,d by the pulpit, of tile Aletbodist church here � b � � . - . I - � iner � - I . - He will alro give a I ,, . � q "I 1. - be found air-ongst our Canadian manulacture,n�_ � Of Mill' Y, Mantles Dress ...... I : 1, I I minutes. Everybody is sorry, . but it IF Her they lived during the remainder of lightning a couple of weeks ago is now im- : Constance. I next Sabbath evening. __ 22 : - � idly, and -no evil results are lecture next Wednesday evening, the 27th . I I . :. - PRICES, -ROCK BOTTOM. 11 . rapi Goods Fur Goods, &' 11 � couldn't be helped. j tbei lives, qheerf ully endu,ring the priva- proving . 11 I � 0, The I I I GOOD Pias. -Mr. F. H. Selloaleg, f this j � ., 4 S ly to sion ;;; Z . We claim second place to no other house, wliather -An -intereatiug game of cricket. was �'tion and hardships incidentol to pioneer like follow from his -close call. -Mr. inst., giving an account of his conversion changes ia the seasons � � ; I place, who has worked up quite �, , and the ;;; . 7 ,,,, "I I in this county or any other in Canada, for good solid played on the Recreation Grounds on Fri- life, and enjoying the pleasures and coin- Alex. Stewart returned last week from his it * ePuta' from Catholicism, and his work in the Pro- - ,, I,- ushering in Of the. many . � .f values. Ins oil as a breeder of swine, has juot r new � . notion invited, satisfaction guaranteed. ' eturued � � is season will be found larger than day afternoon last, between sides captained forts which affluence, won by industry, %I- trip to the old country. He had a most an. ti vince of Qu bec, where he has labored for and comfortable article � I- 0 Our range . I from tho E,xst. When away he purchuiod e _s � � ; . I I '_ place 11 . - usual. . � . by Mr. F. Holmeated and Mr. G. ColdwIP11. ways ensures.. There are thrape sonsand joyable visit, but prefers Canada as a . 1 47 years, for eight of which he was mission- I for cold - � - I i! - 1. . - from , , � Memars, Snell, of Edmonton, a ,,ry ary to the Oka Indiana. -Mr. and Mrs. weather wear7 makes the con- . � - . -Mr. C. M. Whitney, of ' Wood. ., � WM. PICKARD, The game was well contested, and ended in four daughters still living. Her youngest, to live in. - . � � . . . I . I ` . I . I � __ sup, rior six months' old Berksbiro R r. � . 14 " on, John, is tile only one in Ontario, and 1 stock, but formerly of this town, was in James Jarrott returnecT on Monday from a tinuation of our (4 al.w � _... I - a draw in,"One inningfiP each *lde .8coring � a , ayg look, "I �- ii . . - Seafo�th. , Mrs.' Seaforth this week. We- re plessed'to Snell bus taken 'this animal to ChKtgojor' '-week's visit to Toronto. -A large number W : �1! ; . I sixty-three;,tuns. This affernoon, another,� he Dow Occupies the old honiestead. ed for " Opening D � I 4; . � a exhibition with his herd at -the Woild's . ays a pleas- , 1 �� � match will �a played. All interested- in the� McLean had been ill since last May. She learn that Mr. Whitney and his brothers hoi I kles on from this vicinity attended the Western are . to us I " � � I . Fair; and will ship him to Mr. So f J fOrs two reasons - I ... 1. I It . 11 - game should make -it a point to be present. i' then had a paialytio stroke, and from the are 'prospering in Woodstock.' -Mrs, Pier- Fair, London, this week. -Mrs, Jarrott, o � ­.; ... �_ I ___­�. - -Mr. Mug- his return, .Mr. Soboales expects t( have n we kh'ow that you will enjoy ., r- �. I I : effects of which she never recovered. She son) of Wiart6u, daughter of Rev. Toro to, and Mrs, Watson, of -pear Toronto, � I 'All - 19hr NX grou (5Xpooftiot - him at the fall fair8 in this neighborhood, - 11 , , fg. 1. . .�_` was a most worthy woman who was most grave, with heir family, is atpresent visiting . - I �: , �, AS.SIN11301A. -The Herald, pub I are at present visiting friends in this viciu the sight, and it afford's us an '11111 :�. � 9� I _ . DiEb iN - . 11 1-k .. I , 'R I -Mr. Win. McAllister, the pork king opportunity of showi * wha+, - �i - ,,�t � � - - , I -Mr. . J. Dung- . . . . . � i lushed at Whitewood, Assiniboia, and ot esteemed by those who knew her beet,and at the McKillop mause. Cromarty. ity. � .%, �'�j ,ng - � ". � date September 14th, makes the followi.n,J holidays of Huron county, was in Toronto last week, I ;1 r, M_ � - DISTRICT MATTERS, V 'I', she isd 'an open heart and ready hand for more, who has been spending his NOTES..—Rev. Mr. Munro of k1anro, we have been for months select- � -. X� I 1 reference to the death of a gentleman every deserving person and 'worthy cause. in town, left on Tuesday last. Mr. Dung- # where, we understand, he purchased several . �� ,, P-- 11 � I -- . � , �, r - he cam4 Her husband died about four years ago, and more left for the Cherokee strip, but will Fullarton, occupied the pu,lpit in the �hureh . . . ing and patting in I known in this vicinity, although , prize winners at the Industrial Fair, to add store, for I ,�-�. 11 , . � . � ­ . 'r T- unda'y,-The Patrons of Industry to his already large and excellent stock. - � 1, I TF,mrF,P.A.N-c,E WoRic.-Rev. D. V. Luc&@, from Galt, Oat rio. Mrs. Cowan formerly' her: -emains were interred in the same plot, probably bring up somewhere in California, here 1"t S . you. Remember, the opening , , � I ,,:::: �f . i M ' I C ' - ... I ... . 1; �i - had a very pleasant meeting in r � 11 ­ I -f of the Methodist church, and lately from ,resided'in Hulille"tt and afterwards in GFe� in t a* Egm6ndville cemetery on Saturday. where hehopeato locate permanently. I Ill I" An apple buyer was through this 'neighbor days are get apart not so much 11 , "' ' �� � ��_� L'I ' Australia., where he has -been engaged in near Brussels. She is a sister' of Mrs. V�' Des ito the extremely wet and- unpleasant Mrs. Little has sold her residence, which is ston'SL hall on Tuesday evening of 1, week, hood this week, but he didn't require a � I : I 68t I'll, � � � � :jL� '. I I for you to buy, as ,for yqu to, � r ToMperance work, Will L preach in the Metho. Knechtel of this town. , The Herald INs ',I- was, her the funeral was largely attended, situated near Mr. Alex. Stewart's, to Mr. Mr. W. W. Thompson gave a very In -rest' heavy, purse to buy -all that were for male, . - I-7 � if . 11 � � , L i . � : ir dist church on Sunday next, ruing and nt of big trip to Manitoba, Mr. � look aTound and get an idea of � L I .... T �� ' w "It was with deep regret that we annou co . James Lee, for $800. Mr. Lee has Act a Ing accoll 0 � � � I'll-, i he mo Lumley. - what is being shown, which . � �,,� ... L . evening, and address t Sabbath School the death of Mr. James N, Cowan. Aftey' T iE TORONTO SHow.-There was a gener- cheap place. Mrs. Little intends going to Thompson is a deep thinker and an ex ellent, � i K i � � 1, I i � t ,�. � in pression abroad that the great show at Sarnia to live. -Miss Dorrance has removed platform speaker and it is the wish of his - 7 ��i atheringe in the afternoon. He will also abdut-a week's illness he passed a . will help you when are pre- , 111.1 ... %il . WAY ye4- - NOTES. -On Sunda mornirig last Mr. � LLL � , ", 7 y 1. ! - . feature on temperance in Cardno's hall on with *the It many friends around 'Cromarty th t he YOU � % ;; _1�1 terda afternoon, leaving a loving wife an� I ago would interfere'materially er fancy goods store from the Bank of George Steacy, of this place, was seized � I � y . I I'., -i. I . . leaser pretensions at Commerce building further north, to the should become an M. P, for -the He so of pared to buy. You are, there- , I'll, Monday and Tueffday evenings, and it is two children -to mourn their lose. Mr. vuco tie of the one of . ith a stroke of paralysis, which has totally w 1�_ w � I., .1 � . - . - � .- e! hoped there may be a large attefidance as V rf MS CommonF.-Moat of the fitriners o this 7 fore, invited to make our .store ; Cowan had been troubled rith I flem tir. 1] Toro to. This does not appear to have - b Iding recently ocuupied by Mr. M. Rob- disabled the left arm and leg. At present , . _ , � I n ui . ­ ­ - -1 4 . It is possible thlit a number artson.-At the Windsor races last week, vicinity availed themselves of the oppo tuni- . I �w :, . he is one of the ablest lecturers in the of the bowels, and though two doctors wete been the case. 13 yours on -, the . I I � I he lies in a very critical conditio .-Last - opening days. � �_,� �` Dominion. . in attendance, they were unable to 9aya of select horses and cattle were at,- Chicago 'Florence G., Messrs. Coleman brothera'pse. ty prevented on Thursday last and ha tened . � I I � I 1 �. I � Sunday morning Rev, E. J. Snell, of Exe- to -da and to-mbrrow, SePte ' ; , -_ � I I f him. Mr. Cowan settled at Lansdowne neir that would otherwise have been at Toronto. Ing mari, won the open race, her fastest to Mitchell to hear the far famed an elo- ' y M_ � I ; . 1-1. 2� . ter, preached an excellent sermon in the I 11 I � I 2. I L ! ,.� --- ; I CHRISTUN ENDEAVOR CONV"ENTION.—Th, ' t Liberal leader, Wilfred L%urier.- ber 22n2d and 23rd. .. 7 � , � . Sunnymeade in 1882, and was cousequent�y This, hbwever, seems to be the only way in - heat being 2:18. There were 7 haste, but 9�ea Bethany Methodist church.; Subject, : � �.4 1 1 .11 second.annual Convention- of this Huron Turs. A. McDougald is slowly .recovering is . . I - . ;;; _t one of the first pioneers. He was anhonest which thoone affected the other. The only 'Florence is a laster. She was driven by � Christian Progress," front Second Peter, ' . I � � 11 ! -, County Union of Christian Endeavor will be and upright m6n, who by his own hard work falli ig off visible at the Toronto show this Mr. R. Roche. -Mr. Charles Dodds, of Me- , ­! � - after a very severe illness. let chapter, 5th to 11th verses inclusive.- - � I ,e -1 held iu Carmel Church,,, Heneall, on Friday, ' � � Edward McFaul t ... 7 ; and. ritraightforward dealing had made , big yeat was in heavy draught horses, but this Killop, has gone to Dakota to visit his four I - 0 e.. I I .#.. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. ,�Robert Cann, who have been I . . September 29th. The In - j , �- ''� I , _� local co mfit�e have way it! this country, and was considered; a was more than made up by the larger num-, sons, who are located in 'the Devil's Lake Leadbury. . , : � . �. . - i,: visiting friende in Darlington, have return- . .. I . ; 11 I 1H .. �.* matters well in hand, and extend a cordial successful farmer, a good friend and a 14v- bar 4n,d more :uperior quality of the light distriot,-Mr. R, Cash is having the front LOCAL NOTiLETS.—The late heavy rains ad, having spent a very enjoyable time SEAFORTH. 7 il , � - . , -who are interested in yotta. iog husband &ad father. His loss will I �e &nil a a — . welcome to all 9 So Th attendance, judged by the of tile store and residence embellished by a - - � �, 4' 1 1.4 - have brought the land into better condition among old acquaintances in that locality.- _� . . — - . * � J� - � . unity in which ho , a. I , f V people's work. The rogramme embraces greatl fpIt in the comm gatel receipts, was the largest, in the history fresh cost of paint from Mr. Henderson's for ploughing. -Quite a number from this Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cann also spent a ' t I I -i � 5 y o $400. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Pierce, of I I : I p � � I ��. A 1� many. subjects of vital interest to the &- � I ll �4 .1 7 . sided so many'years,"� of 1 he show, The gate receipts in 1800 artistic brush. -Rev. Dr. McDonald was In section attended the reform damonstration week seeing the great fair at Toronto and Forest, are visiting friends here, -Mrs. Dr. . ­ - . I I \ I 'Pi I _. .� clety and the church. The following nam, - � ' I _. ._�, 7 1 1, , amointed to $69,311 i, in, 1891, $67,558; in Toronto thisweek attending a meeting of in Mitchell last week. -A large numbs visiting friends in -and around Hampton.- McLeod, of Detroit, is visiting her patents, I 1 't �', : �e .4 r of fj; 'I, '. -programme should Lw - STORE �To RE_NT in th B e "I I., e. which appear on the JJnk 189', to $71,720, and this year to $72,661. the Foreign Mission Committee of which Reformers and Conservatives. from this Mr, Win. and Miss Maggie Miller are visit- Mr. and Mrs. James White, of this village. � t, (.. - 4 , a , �, 14 9 I i 1 1 i _.., 3 5 I . �!i fail to Ardiw workers from all parts of t, of Commerce Block. Apoly at itF BANK. I The -a was only's very small part of the he is a member. -Mrs. B. Eden, an old and neighborhood who went to hear Mr. Laurier I . P � - — ' . I u -Mr. -The friends of Mine Maggi McLean, 6 I �,J J friends in and near Woodstock, a � � i i I r, county: Rev@. Ross and' Cobbledick, ( [ iss � I I I I 1 N 4 . I SOMETHING FOR Tim LADIES. — priX i list published in the Toronto pbipgrm much respected resident of Harpurhey,pass. at Mitchell, Intend going to hear Sir John J(ofin Beattie, of Varna, who has been an- daughter of Mr. W. B. McLeZ, will regret � t I � � 11 11 li-j 'A , Brussels, Sillery and Dr. McDonald., -M. 1'. Thompson wishes to inform the ladies f 8 f rth this year, so that we cannot give a record of ad away on Tuesday last after a long illness, .Thompson and his colleagues at Clinton. ad an teacher 1,2 Lumley public school to lbarn"that she In, and has been for the . I � T, IRA , 1 I -13 .4 . o ol I I . I A ri 11, of Wingbam, Smythe, of Ulinton, Larkiii, and vicinity that she has opened a first clas:a'rloss all t ao prizes that came to this county,. but full of years and leaving fragrant memoirlOs This will give them an opportunity,to com- I � I . . U 41 I foarga number of years past, has resigned the past week or so confined to her room thro It �. of Chatham, and Bishop Baldwin, of Lou- and mantle establishment over Mr. Good's gro, ,r , the � ollowing have been brought to our at- behind. She leaves her Aged partner in pare notes and form, conclusions. -The position. The trustees have not decided on ill -ss, but will be pleased to h Ahttsf. ­ I .- � � 1.v r� � . , I I I I . - , � . - - no 4 � : �A, A don. In addition to these many earnest store. Ladies are respectful IyAdvited to call r . ear, I I I Ir I , �t ' guaranteed. . � - 1345 tent On: Inbeavy. horses Mr. Got& Tay- life and three daughters, two of whom . are grasshoppere continue their depredations him successor, although a number of applica- is !*mprovtug somewbat.-Mr. T. Palmer I 1 1 - ferent parts of ; 1, ,� I ' " i�. � Endeavorero from dif the - marriqd and the third is still at home. The. ;nd are now nibbtWg off the 7 fall wheat. - - L I " 1* . , YL Will giV a lot, of Kippen, did well, receiving a let and . claims that on Friday last he draw in the i oV, t . . � SCOTT'S CONCERT COMPAN . tions have been 'received. - .�, I L- county will take part. � . I in cattle, Mr. Thomas Russell, remains we're interred In H It - _ ; , . � �� 'r � I !_i I I � . � grand entertainment in Cardno's Hall, Fall Pal ev- a 2 prize ; a!pur ey came We apprehend that v, few cold rains and - largest load of flax ever delivered at Me. ,. � . . I - !� ff, �� _ �, li - t � ,.' P ening. The -following will take, Oar,t: Miss A nee of &borne, carried off lot for 3 -year-old tery on Wednesday. -Mr. W m. Campbell frosty nights will sicken them. -The bar- I - - '41 I - ­ 13 CHR -1, JATTON� Bayfleld. Ewen & Geiger's mills. The load was built 11 ,11i " YOUNG MEN'. STIAN Asso(, , Forbes, Soprano, Toronto; Mfis Nello McH rdy, cow Istfor yearling bull, and 3rd for herd, returned home on Tuesday evening from vest home festival in connection with Wed. . 7 � - _. -L . i - I I The opening meeting of the Young Man's Pianist; Mr. Thomas A. Baker, Irish Comedian, To- * . H, r". EDWARDs has just received a new by Mr. James Bevgough and wel.giled -, I qi,.�! I � � all Durhame ; in the same class Mr. "D. D. Chicago where he bad spent a month Most ton Methodist circuit was a pleasant and in- I Marty 7 tone, . . _ 1i Christian Association was hold in tlibir ronto ; Thomas Scott, Baritone, Wingbam. The. To- I I took of Rubber Boots. They are the celebrated W0011- , f ' t'i;i % 1, roams in Strong's Block on Wednesday as Baker has no . . :ocket brand a d no better kind are m4de. A large '.I - 11 Wilson, Sea,forth, carried.off 2ad for 2 -year- enjoyalily.-Mr. J. A. Wils6a leaves to day i r # ronto Globe says, "Thom equal s an � teresting meeting, The attendance was fair n (Byan occasional Correspondent.) I - ,; _�v, i,�-. 1. Irish Comedian in Canada." This Is a treat in tore -3-year-old cow, and 2nd for Great Britain, where he will I It i �� `� old pull, 3rd for remainl un- and the refreshments were excellent, while stock of Tweeds and Pantings to choose from. The last load of flax was brought Into . I � 1"; ,.,�, � P, , 1-1 evenling. Quite a number of the townspeo- for the people of Seaforth and neighborhood. 1 46 and' 3rd for fat steer oalf ; in Leicester til'about the lat of November, -Ingersoll those present appeared ha py, The music � 1345-1 McEwen & Geiger's mill bu Thursday,'the p i I - . . , � 1 ,�i�,1�1 - ,� I I . ple were present, and a vefy pleasing pro, - le, 1A MILLINERY 0!1,61nNa'. The new styl a of shee p F th' , � I Messrs, E.- Gaunt & Sonie,of West Wih- and Seaforth Collegiate Institute football was nice and the address o Rev. Mr__ Mug. WEDDING. -0118 Of ose events which 14th inst., And the largest load brought in � � ;11�1� C L . gramme was rendered,, consisting of instra- Millinery for the Fall Season are now In and r ad3,.,, wan ah, took 2ad and 3rd for shearlin ram chibe play here to -morrow for th i Hough grave was a masterly, effort. Although - always . cause a ripple of eiroltement iw no- by two men and one team was brought in , � - I _­ I- I I i 11 Vp �� 4 1 _. 11 . I ': , ,I,; I m h . . , . I The appointed days for the Opening Aie To -day, and ' I �,! __: LA ental music by the Association- orc; estr�, I -over, cup, w y- circles came off on Thursday morning, rintnell, with T, J.' . .. � W, , i�; I ' let or pair of owes' two shears anT hich is held. by,the home boyBe--Mibs this gentleman is of English birth he would ciet by T. Peart, &nd T. B - 1 , '.,-, -! - ; I a quartette by Mrs. Bright, bliss Galloway, To-niorr6w, 22nJ and 23rd September. All are cor- :Jl� - Idially invited. EDWARD MCFAUL. 13 6-1 3rd lor shearling owes, 2nd for ewe lambs, Gertrude Smith, of Toronto, is the pass as an Irishman, botli as regards fine a - September 14th, when Dr. C. Sheppard was Berr 'ir team. It tipped the scales at iu 4 �� it ,,, Messrs. W. D. Bright and C. Willie, a duet p y . , i and 2nd for pan, consisting of Yram, 4 ewes preeent of Miss Lulu Duncan. -Mis guest a ­ - , _,�, � �, . I ' a Patter� arried to Miss Mamie Routledge, one lof 11,870 pounds grosv� The heaviest load, I � -i . � . 'i , _: I by Mrs. Somerville and Mr. Scott, readings ; FOR SALE. -The large frame house i the nce and oratorical powers, P in I . " I_ 4,i I" irear of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Bu I . � � i ding, and 2 ewe lambs. Other prizes may have son, of Brand0l), and Miss Moore, of Hat- the most prominent and highly esteemed however, was brought in by a bee of nine . ..; , � � , #� � by Mr. Crawford and Mrs. kirkman, a reci- *d fronting on Victoria Street, at pr o t pied com, 3 to this county, and, if so, we will be riaton, are visiting atMr. J. McNabb'o.- Bluevale. young ladies of the village, Rev.E. Olivant, . �_ 4"i . men and two teams, to Patterson's corner, I � *' * I , tation by Mr. A. S. McLean, solos by Mr. Jby Mr. bf. Morris.. For further particeus'n's a;pc y at . ,, ., � , - 1, � I 113 i& I � W. G. Wil�lis and.Nfr, R. Herbert, and ad. TnN BANK. . 11 346 only too,glad to notice them if thoso_ who -Mr. Alex.. Johnston, of McKillop, near ' BwEFS.-Mr. Robert George Ca8emore, of pastor of the Methodist church, performed , and then one load was put or. the other. It I . � .. � . ,Z � �: Tf., I Z I i , ' kno would only inform us. , ,Winthrop, who intends having 'an auction the'ceremony at the residence of the briia's tippbd the scale@ at 12,360 pounds.grose, . � �:, A dresses by the President, (Mr. T. 0. Kemp) � ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, St. Thomas On- I Morris, died on Sunday, aged 34 years. He ­ - , , 11 I I I` , . - I male on the llth of October, having hold his mother, after which the happy couple -left I _ _. 1i :­ and -Rev. Mr. Hunt. Miss Florence John. 1 tario,-Onc of the most popular.schools,'� of the, kind I - " . was buried on Tuesday in the Bluevale — , - � i � I I., .-I- .11, i -4, McKillov. 11 � . ! I . . .. in Canada is the Alma School of Elocution prksid6d D ATki ojo MR. ROBERT 'JAMIESO, - farmsome time ago, intends removing to 0 � I - 4 _1 ,� . stoo acted Nery efficiently as organist. i Next . cemetery. The remains -were followed to - by 1 arriage for Brucefleld, where they took . kl I . . over by Mrs. Lucia Julian Martin, for six ye ra Prin- Many of our citizens were deeply grieved to Exeter, where he will engage in the agency the train for Chicago. - -CIAL.-The amount of taxes levied � �' , . � W6xlnesday e�enin an address will be,given . V., the grave by a large number of Orangemen., FINAN i�. �4 .1 - 9 cipal of the Indianapolis Schocil' of El'pr A n. 'A gbrothei�in-law Mr. LaDg. ­�', , 4 I I . k1ear on Saturday last of the death of Mr. business with hi i4ints.-Our fishermen- owre thinking of . v':I , ­ by 1�1r. E'Idrioge T. Kel am, - I thorough course von in Ph�,611cal Tr' In Res- I .the deceased being a member of the Orange in McKillop this year Is 110,74' X 01, an fol- , - I-- I . . - -, � , � ... � - a Lodge.-Mesers. George McDonald, Alex. I � I ______,___ iration,, Vocal ure, Articulation, Jthe ws of Rob Ja ieson, one of the,, leading busi- -The fall &@sizes for this. co nty will- b pulling up stakes and- g to the Islands Iowa : County purposes, :including munioi- � � I "I . I cillulti � ml u _� � � -1 . I ;, F, , heldat Goderichnext week. goiu " il li.A . I GoiN�7G A11HAD.-Mr. M. Jordan, grocer flection and Emphasis, Dramatic Rea Ing an �an- nese an in Somforth and proprietor of the -The South Craig and Peter King went to London on next week. -There is a lot of sickness in our pal school gran�, $4,019 81 - township pur- � . , i, i "I 4 , tomime. 60 pp. Announcement free. ;B. F, K STIN, . Ilage at pre8ent.-Judgibg by the prepar- y I , �ul ! 4 _� , has purchased fro m Mr. R. Carmichael, 21 A. M., B. D., Principal. ' . � Got an Lion. Store. Mr. Jamieson has been Huron fall abow will be held at Exeter: on Wednesday to see the� Western ,Fair. -Mr. vi poses, $2,729 87 ; engineer's expenses, V; 1. . 1� �' - 13' &_1 , Monday and Tuesday next, and the Sea I . 'k � ­ I in d lioate health for twoi or three years, - Andrew Patterson, son of Mr..� and' Mrs. Itious that are being made for the Bayfield . . , .. s �, - ; ulit "_ , ,�. � I feet of land on. the. west side of Main street, TuE WlDg, AWAKE, -With the A 9! i 6 , 7. statute labor, $76 -50- Of this $51 is .for , ,; ! - I - beiii a victim -of that terribly fatal disease, forth show w 11 be h Id on Thursday and fair it will excel all former yearsi'-Mr. A. . 11 . I - Monday mo i I Z �ff Canada Company's lands. For schools, in. ja -I X next to Mallett & Jac!kson's hardware store, number the Wide Awake ceases to exist und r ,the John Patterson, died on riling I j��� .'I - i to: mptioll. About a year ago he gave up Friday. -Another of Huron's honored pio- Stirling, ar., is at present indisposed. -Dr. i - � � s ft. COD .�,_ � .� forthesum of $400, Mr. Jordan in -tends old fat�iliar name. It has been merged i argon of Mr. W. W. Cooper, of typhoid fever, aged 30 years. Mr. and cludiaggeneral rate, $3,909 83 Is rained. 11 "'! neers, in the p ['�,�;: f, I Nicholar after 19),ears,pf delightful, succeash I an� his sidenceia town and went to reside Shepherd and bride are expected home this __ �_i',,� ; to erect a handsome brick store, with press- - uni ,_ - I � � Mrs. Patterson have the sympathy of the -Besides this the schoolareceive from m - ; .-I - beloved existence. St.Niicholao has always en a with his mother, Mrs. John McMillan, �on has departed thie life. Mr. Cooper was one week.-I:he new bridge is steadily going up I . I -1 -, I .e . ., �,4',� .. community in their .4 bereavement, -Miss cipal interest $824 09, and Governmentand . ,­ I �� ed brick front, on the property this fall, a�ud very popular young people's magaMne, and y, dur- of the'earliest settlers of these parts. and will soon be completed. -Messrs. Ed. ' I � - ,.- 71 �, ,I .,i,1ti-_; -, expecta,to be in hignewpremises before friend of Wide Awake will find that in its ne'w home, the f rm in Hullett, and consequentl He Grace McKenzie, of'Sarnia, spent Tuesday municip I ants $684, making the total for ,ill - A, � - on was 82 years of age. We shall make ,fur- r $ � � 4,4 and:under it9'new name, St. Nicholas,'it will b 3 more ing Uie past year he devoted only a porti Twitchell and J. Hanley, of Clinton, were . ,1!. , -n eligible site, and the 0 -Mrs. T T. He9t, school p sea 5,417 92. - . I Christmas. Ib is * a at Mr. Roberts' a's. i7i , � 0 I - - I ! i� � 4. .,� delightful than ever, iThe Auguot number, In which of his time to business, and although kind ther reference to him next week. -Mr. and , the guests of Miss Katie Harrison' one day f- , ,_ mother of Mr. Robert McPher on, dh I 9- � � � �� 7 1�,�, 1, ­ - new -store will be an orna7ment to that part WideAwake maices its farewell bow, 1� a em in Mirs. John -Copp returned home on Saturday ' a Dd on last week,-.M,r. James Fowlie'a now resi- FPO . : ; i,i� 't .., I jl.! .� and careful nursing combined with. outdoor � ; 4- " of our business street. We understand that every respect. Buy it. Read it. Only 20' cents. . Wednesday of paralysis. Mrs. Hewitt had - . . r�,�, I �� .. doubt served to prolong his evening and are now receiving the c1bligrat dence will be quite an improvement to our J Zurich. ­_ � q ,� . D. LOTUR011 C0511-Axy, Boston, Mass. � exercise, no . u_ � I I'vIr. Carmichael intends to erecit two brick 1 4 been helpless for several years before her �_.. I . ­_ I � P 6:1 � friends. - Mr TliE Snow. -The Hay Branch Agrieul. . C';4 , I -, I . iL F , I . -Our Millinery 0ening . � ��:- a I . FALL OPENiNG. . life, they could not effect a cure. A few lations of their numerous Main street. . � �, I - ­ I stores next spri�ng adjoining Mr. Jordan a. 0 - death. 1!�,��J.i . ­ weeks ago be went to Manitoba to visit his Copp intends occupying the ho h . . 1�,,! i 14 . takes place to -da), and to morrow, .f se soon: to BREEzy LOCAL-,. -Mrs. Howell and family, tural Society hold its annual fall a ow here " I � R go tba,t the gap will be filled up at last. We The public der. . . . . � . I . � . ,I ! visit sistei, Mrs. Campbell, and Mrsi McMillan be vacated by Mr. Joseph Atkioson.-Mrs, � of Hamilton, who have been visiting the on Thursday of last web4. The. weather, '3 il- . diallyinvitbd. -ladies out of towir who cannot - . Drysdale. -�A a I �,N.i.,, -1 � are glad to see this evidence of prosperity although kind of doubtful looking- in' the � �, - '.4 the opening thi4 week. and may be visiting the F ir accompanied him. Here it was where he (3eorge E Henderson nd family returned her, -,%Ira. Routledge, have re- I ; � _-, -4 a I former's mot �! i.; � � I �d,_ilz ; r breathed his laet, Few who know him ex- home from Chicagolon Weedneadak evening. - I I IN on the part of Ressrs. Jordan and Car- ne.--.t week are invited to visit our store and show . . Dot�.qGs. -Miss S. Howard, who has been turned home. -Miss Bertie Morgan return- morning, turned out delightfai Sad was - , I ­­ - .4 michael, and we would like to see a aim- rooms on Fair da�,8, to inspect our splendid display . ­ -, - , . - Torom to ­ 1 . I ! � . , �i �i via - 11 ! pected that he would ever recover, but all -Mrs. J. W. Elder, who was in iting friends in Stephen, has returned ad from Dakota on Tuesday. -George and warm and agreeable. As a remult, there - �4 . — Var spirit of enterprise exhibited by of Millinery, Mantles, -Dress Goods, Trimminp Fura, ' home. -Mr. and M?a. Joseph Boucher , I : i1�1 I I � �1 &o. DuNGAN&DUNGAN,-Seaforth. i�454 haped he 'might be longer spared. .Mr, last week attendin0he Industrial Fair,i re- I Harry Erwin, Murdoch Ross, John Whid- was a great crowd of rople prepent. The . 1, ,4 ;i n I � - ­ IN Z � t�ie property owne'r's on the east side of former residents of this place, but now re- -while very goo , was not up to f - �11,. , r� I mr a turned home on Monday. -Mrs. A. go, don, Mabel, Ruby, Mado W. and Annie Show, . or � il Main street, from Mr. Daly's to Mr. Good's Mis.R Dorrance wis-lies to inform the ladies Jamieson was a native of this vicinity, H . �, r. � �'i 1. I I , .4 I Lean, of Harpurhey, returned to town 0 siding in Port Austin, Michigan, are renow, Miller, James Pollock and Charles Dresser mer years in many departmintiv. Perhaps , I � store, when we would ha,ve one of the finot of 8-9aforth and viclnit�, that she has removed to the was a -step -son of Mr. John McMillaa, 10. n . . -, �i,, � - � IN, �-, I Monday, afterseveral weeks absence �ith 1119 . - i. -11 ` W -hen quite a young man and about I old acquaintances, in and a4out the, were at London this week. -Miss Rennie . , I , ,,, � store formerly occupied by Al. Robertson, Under. P. w the most notable falling off was in horses * , �! __ �. 3treets of any town in II-restern Ontario, taker, where she may be found with- a larger and village, Mr. Boucher sayg.'hie likes M'cl"- has returned from a visit to Seaforth.-A There was quite a nice show of . `_ . I - � f'�� 1: ­ ; -Mrs. S. . � . I I , , , i . I twen;y years ago, he in company I i and Wingham. and cattle. � r, wkth Mr. friends in Brusselt , i_ . better assorted stock of- fancy goods than OVer :� , . r�l i, �. �, � ow of Carberry, Manitoba, "DorrAnce has sold her residence on Gode- gan much better in a few ways than On- large number of our citizens took in London pigs and sheep ; poultry were also well I I , ' . - . ,"-.A ­ , ; � -n � :: .4 1 - I . . - i- BAR.Ns BURNED. -On Saturday mornin and Alantle making carried on as formerly. 1346.2 purchased the dry goods stock and b fair this week. -Mrs. CDwie 'lime returned � - - -`,A, . Ladies' and Children's udderwear a specialty. Dress Wm. Logan, tario. His wheat crop averaged 30, bushels ' " I .: �:,.Sl; , 9 uainess rich street west, to Mrs. R. Graham,: of represented. There was, as In ustml at I .. I I I "j. I ,,, t � ' � 1-1 ��i Imat, between -Ova and six o'clock, the barns . to the acre, and the price now paid -for it is �i �i '. f�F- � i - I :,. �!!g, � i il I I - � of Mr. John Logan, They afterwards pur- . McKillop, and intends remo ing to Chicago from a letigthy stay at �Chicago, -Mrs. T. ; . � v Zurich, a very nice show of buggieri and . " .1 ?� . - . i�!,!� ­ of Mrs, F. Case, situated on one of her i . 68 cents per bushel. Oats and .corn, he .. 41 i, ., - � � . , 1'i' 1, DiED i_-�; MANITOBA.—A few, weeks ago reside with her youngest son. Mrs, vis carriages. In the- haR the show w . ��, . chase I the stock and business of Mr. W. to Jowett hat returned ftom, a it to the - as fully . T41,;,"i . farais, about one mile east of Sea,forth, were we referred to the illness of Mrs. J -0 Graham has rented her farm and will occupy says, will be a high price in that country, up to former years except in fruit. T�ais , . %,io, I � I -'i", 4,� I . 1 eph, Scott Robertson a -1-d smalgamate3 the two. World's Fair, -M iss Lottie Martin has gotie i, . I . I ; -1 � - struck by lightnin" and burned to the Townsend of Nesbitt, Manitoba, 0 9 -fid In due course Mr. Logan retired from the . as the great prairie fires have destroyed the to Toronto. Before leaving she purchased, -1 ii, 7� -, her new property as soon as it is' vacatiled. - department will be light at all the shows o �4 ul..A. -.1 � . I 1.,-i.,1T . - ground. When firsob noticed they were a crops of the neighboring States, and the in- through Mr. H. Kemp, a handsome Brant- this year. -Roots also �.­ i . daughter of Mr. James 1andaborough of busin 3as And since thou Mr. Jamieson has - The price paid was $900. -We, are sorry � to were light, the show . ,1. �!� , I -_ . . . � � I " I - mass of flames, and, of course, nothing . the 2nd concession of Tuckeramith. On condt cted it himself. His close attention: learn of the death of Mrs. Clarke, of J hn habitants are mostly all moving to Michigan ford bicycle. -There was a very large at. being held rather early in the season to Be - Z 14 � .1 0 ,. I ,� r� . , - � . . , � !I ki could be saved. There were two barns ad Friday last Mr. Landaborough received the to �icd �horough knowledge of business,' Oyp Canada. -Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe, who tondance at Trinity church last S cure a good turn out of roots. In. grain , . I ,­ �', �� � * . . . - street, sister of Mrs. Will. w I unday � h � � - 11 I . ; K4 it � � Joinir C a it I 1 ig each other, and one had stone atab-, sad intelli ell e P for the past few years have been living in , � 11 I � -of hi d ,ughti�r's death, occurred in Blyth, on Wedaesday, at the morning, the occ%sion of the Harve t Home- there was a splendid show, while the ladies - . _-F. i" , 9 comb ned'with a kindly, obliging and affable' a � I f * - _ � 114 . . . . . . . . tinig underneath,, The barns were filled with I Uncle Sam's dominions, have returned . j �; ;�­ She was just 32 years of age -E,nd leaves a it., residence of Mr. N. H. Young. Mrs. Clarke ice. The church was beautifully decor- did their part well, an usual, and their die- - " �� , I k dispo dtion, brought him a large and profi I M,, sery I 4 �4� .1 hay and contained about five hundred bush- husband itud two little boys. She was 'a able i rKde and before hie illness he was one, had been in failing health for several was the guest of ge . ailed with g,yain,- fruit and vegetables, and a play was large, handsome and varied. The � :- home. -Mies Talbert . �. ,'.,t� � � �:� I 1; . I .� �,;�f I - I ­ . � � I I - � I ,.: els of threshed peas, There was an insur- victim of con . � i , I �� � - sumption. She spont most 6f of thi most successful merchants in this� months. -The Black -Knight is expected, to M. Stephens. on Sunday last. . -very appropriate service given. -Erwin gate receipts smounted to about $200, . This :-,� -,11 1i I ,� I :i � � I Z'�, � i ance of $2,800, but there will, stil; , be con- 0, I , Is n I , ; � :` � last winter t ier father i Tuck6romith, part of the country. He imported most .of I visit Seaforth the second week- in October. Brothers have opened �n undertaking busi- year the grounds have been considerably �', , 4 �i I , I � I ,, � I I � � 1. ! � � 8iderable losq.-About the same time the She'wag then in very delicate -health, but his goiods direct from the old country. He Watch for partioulars later.- ' Hay. ness here in Alfred Erwin's store, on Main enlarged and a good driving track erected, �- '­� � I , 'i I I K,r. John �� � � barns of Mmr. John Wingle, in A-IcKillop, a beidg7 desirous to return home, her mother was one of -the first retail dealers in this part - Shaw, of Brussels, in in. town t1fese d�ys WEDDixG BELLS, -On the evening I of "Street. They purpose adding a stock of Of course., there had to be speed and style , � ,V�l � . T ' ­ t , ii, , 11 -i .1 - ­ ! � �, . few miles from this one, were also struck by accompanied her, and remained with her' mence-direct importing. pushing the life insurance business.- contests, and these elicited a great deal of I � . I I 1141 - �', to to coin He alwayal. �i r. Thursday, 14th inet., one of those pleasing household furniture as well. The firm is �� I � 1'�, . " , ­ lightning and destroyed.. These buildiDge, the last. She was a most exemplary, chria- selected his s t 0'ek'persoD ally and for 'ma�uk Wm.- Hargan has rented and will occupy eventfj which all enjoy, took place at the co ho interest. In these the honors were die- ,; I ,;. � I : � I.,,- R -I I " mposed of Alfred and Henry Erwin, w , t, - �; , I "".., � � - t 1 . I 9, , � , I I . contained the moot of Air, Witigle's crop, tian lady and although it is especially hard years made semi -annual visits to the - Old the house on John street formerly owned 1,by residence of John McMahon, Esq., 'retired are both well known and have the has V1.'X:P, t I t tributed as follows: Double team of road- � J _ t, -,`-`­ v and, although he had $1,000 insurance, he for the young to leave the friends and pleas- Coun �,ry markets. He was a good business the late Mrs. McCosh.-Mrs. John Ni � - f this place. wishes of many friends. -Misa Wyn. Moore- aters, l9t, Ed. Boasenberry, Zurich ; 2ad., � I � mf � �! ;,,� I 1 I .1 0 11 farmer o it was the occasion - .1 . i - , - 1-1 i p . Ian and her daughter, Mrp. Campbell' re- Dr. GunD, Clinton. Sin le driver, 11tt � - � - � will be as much more out of pocket. We ures of this life, a few days before her man, possessed a high sense of moral recti- house is spending a couple of weeks with � - ii�� ,11 .. ., - ) of the marriage of hie youngest daugbter, , i . J .1� uaderstand that bath parties intend to re- death she remarked to a friend that, while tude and honor and most cordially despised turned from Manitoba with? the remains of Jessie, and William Aldworth, a promi � nent London friends, Ed. Boseenberry ; 2n;d, 21elary Dtlmlaert, , , i - �r� ��- . , I � build- as soon as possible. . . 1, � 11: . . - They w i I V I- F ,--. for the sake of her liu�bauld Rind little bo a &nytifing mean, small or dishonest. He the late Mr. Robert Jamieson. , ,!hr a I young business -man of Minneapolis, United . I Sin I let, C. E. n . , ,!'� � .. - � y . 9 0 carriage - .. I .� I i -, 1. ---4--., -#� - --a- she would liko to live, yet- she felt she was . "_ 11 - . . . n field : 2ad, Charles Eilber, Zurich. Beat I - - � . , . 0 States, and son, of C. Aldwortb, Esq., of this Hensall. 6 C. ­ i '� V .a genial companion, 6, warm-hearted accoTpanied by Mr. Robert MoMilla . I _- I ., �, VITAL STATX$T101i. -A report of ',,the. births, could truly say 11 Thy will, Oh, Lord, not and true friend and was ever willing to lead was in Manitoba at the time of Mr Jamie- township. The ceremony was performed by' BOOTS AND SHOF..4.—I have just got in . � , I I . . lady rider, Miss Hodgins, Helleall. The I � �, � ' . . � � . . � . . mine, be done." This is the third death ath. i � .., I I , � deaths and marriages 'registered in the a helping hand to those in need, but he was son's de � �_ - Rev. F. SwanD, of HeDsall, in the - presence some lines of Ladies'. Mines', Childron's alld Boys' regular prize list Will b8- found on the 76- I i .. � ,�� " that has taken place in -Mr L . " , �, � � Province of Ontario during the' year 1891 - Landoborough's of an unassuming, retiring disposition and - � of a large company of friends. ,The bride suitable for fall that cannot be beaten for, low prices. pa a of this issue. I . 1_4 i - � . � - .1 1� - family within a few years, two daughters in . : � I buy from the beat flrmo In Canada, for cash, I VEIGHMORHOOD NOTF13.-Rev. A Brattid I ,% t,; � u . - has just been issued from the office of the acts of generosity he preferred that his, Brucefleld. , was. tastefully arrayed in a fawn colored . , � have no rent to pay and I am prepared to sell- cheap- . . I ,�',,'� I :It 1. e fistra'r General. Although some and one son baving -been removed, The left hand should not know what his right dress, She was made the recipient of many -to make a boot and Fred Kibler have been down to X*w � I � �, , 4i I'. It 't what . � - . BREVITIES. -Mr. John Roee, station mas. ar than a botch that don't know hov� , . I � _�� - '. fit I sincerest sympathy of many friends will go did. His deatb:is a genuine lose to the 0 8 Hamburg circuit, an delegates to a, Sunday . . I .4 K � a, the information it contains is not un- t r, old ten tick6to last week for the rich and varied presents, prothineat among or the man that tore the ticket off my boots at Hen- - ..'; 4, �, . , forth to the bereaved husband, parents and community.� Mr. Jamieson was 44 years of World's Fair. Among those who went from I - I � interesting. By this report we find that which were a silver sugar -bowl, silve 7sall show because I got flist prize. The best of School Couvention.-Mr. M. Zeller was- at 1. i I I , 1� r cake- , ; - 11� 11 11 f riends. 'Men'r, French Kip long boots that have always been -Messrs - , � :, , . -cruets and butter -cool- five dollars, now at $4,75, blen's long Stoga boots David Gottschalk and Louis Roadding were . I during the year named there were in this . . . ..age. He was never married, He leavos a Exeter on business the other day. � � 4� 1 1 � this vicinity � were Messrs. James Swan, basket, silver pickle i � � i I � . , '! Province 44,754 births, 14,189 marriages _. . I 'motberi ,two sisters and one brother to William and John Murdock, Hugh Me era, and silver knives, forks and spoons, frojn$1.40up. lwon'tberunen. J.'CA D. 34 .3 . '. _t � !­ . _ R I 6 I I . . � . � I � � 11 � � % and 21,55� deaths, This shows a decrease mourn the-losm of a kind and' devoted son Among friends from a distance were Mr. at Toronto laot -week.-Our village was well, 11 � ­ -�, EaNIONDVILLE NOTES. -Mrs, A. C. Vall . Gregor and Robert Ross. We trust they BWIEFS.-Grain and hay are being brou lit I a ,_ Z , over the pievione year' and a a affectionate brother. The remaine and Mrs. McMahon, of Lucan,Miss Hot E - represented at the London Fair this week. � , � 0 I of 3,019 births, 278 Egmond and family left last week for a visit den, . . " .1 . ., '2 will all enjoy the trip. -Mr. David Moln. � in daily to market in large quantities. -Th I . �-, - marriages and 2,455 deaths. In Huron there reached here� on Thursday by train, and of Staff%, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Aldworth, 6f a -Mr. Samuel Rannie is back from. Vho � I . - to the parental home in Toronto. -Mr. S. tooll attended the Toronto fair last week, attendance from this section at the London World's Fair, well pleased with the sights. . .. I � I , . t � � � �):�."j i 1, were, 1,324 births, 359 marriages and 553 Ferguson, of this village, and Mr - John � 7ere i nterred in Harpurhey cemetery. Be- Bayfield, aDd Mr. Kerr, of Mitchell. Thle , , , I � ! - I ' � , . I .acting as a judge of horses. -Miss Mamie Exhibition has not thus far been equal to ­� I 11 . des,th�, being a decrease from the forn,ier Beattie, of Seaforth: were holidayi ing E) nember of Britannia Masonic Lodge, young people'spent an enjoyable time tri -Mr. Renry Demuth, from, Port Artli�r, is � ; . 41 �, tl"- ng last I McIntosh left on Saturday for % visit � to �' that of former years. -Mr. F - G. Meyers , . ., 't'-- 11 year of 163 births, 49 marriages and 75 week in the"membors hereof attended the funeral in the light fantastic too until the " wep here visiting relatives and friends, It h ' ; C". � . � � j.v ' Toronto, Niagara and oth London. -Mrs. George Baird visited friends , has this weelc opened up a buicher shop in . i � " . I a bi I pin a years since . I � �: , '' , deaths. The rate to 1,000 of interest in' that -direction.-Mr. C. R. I hours." The young couple left for Buchanan's block adjoining Dr. Macdermid'a c � 4 � ,of the population � . smai nin he left, and he has not been I I I-" I in Toronto last week, taking in the fair.- � stood as follows : Births,. 19.8,, marriages, I here until now. His family have been here I I y Van Egmond and Mr. and Mrs. David . their new home on Tuesday morning, the I - � , '. I Mr. Peter McGregor left on Mond drug store. -We -believe several more citi- about two months. -Miss Edith Ste4ubach 11 :, � ay for the ,_ - . 'a, �. 5.4 -, deaths, 8.2.1 The rate in the whole Moore, paid a pleasant visit to friend in Lo(AL BwEvs. -The first anow of the sea- London fair. He took his handso bay 19th inst., followed by the best wishes of a . I . t_�, � , - ' zens have caught the World's Fair fever and has been to Toronto on a visit. -Miss Laura I - . - , 11 Province was : 113irtha, '21.1 P marriages, the Queen City last week and took in 806 son fall on Saturday last, the 16th inst. carriage mare for exhibition. -Mrm, a host of friends. " . i I � I ! _ , '. , - James - intend soon leaving to visit it. -Mr. ,ad 7 � . I I � '1- I � 6.7 and deaths, iO 4. the avJrage rate per tario s greatest exhibition. -Mr. J. S. Mul* . Williams ,has gone to St. Thomas Ladies' t !� . . i ' - Dr. McDonaR M P and Thomas Gibson Baird, sr., has returned from his visit to Mrs. A. Dent, of Mitchell, are in the village College. -Mies Lydia Williams ,and her � ; - �i � � I , , 7 '� one thousand of the population in the drew arrived home on Thursday from ' P. for Vlast'Hur'on, werein - town o'n' - Scotland, He was pleased 'with the old . . �. :, "� ". I 1` i . Kippen. this week visiting relatives. -Mr. and Mrs. sister Martha havd gone to Philadelphia to � cities was : Births, 23.4 ; marriages, 9.8 ; wood, his field of labor during the summer, . �` � I t . : � ' ' -� -land, bu� found that many old friends had I -_ "" � I., , '­_�I� eeaths, 16.0. In the whole Pr I I ' n i'ridl'a. morninO last on their way home from FARmE&s wanting all kinds of plow re. Rannie, of this village, mourn the lose of attend the Ladies' Collewe.-Mr. HearY . � .. � . i-.,. � ovince there We understand that his work h%s been so the itchell demonstration. -Mr. a' d Mis. gone to the land whence no traveller re'. pairs for the Verity. plows and gang plows, one of their twin children at the age of . � F% n r I Massey or i 11 -,. were 9-3,043 males and 21,711 females born. Sc!oucbter and wife, fromBerne, Michigaut . 1� � -ff, ­ 1 much appreciated by the people to who� -George Fitz' turn@. -Mr. Sbpphenson, of Egmondvillo, ny other line of I ards, . . - . I - Z . I 4,i,l� The most prolific mouth ill the year was , -ere visiting 1 I � - � - se Artht r Forbe�,i,Mr. and Mrs. 0, 4ws, plow handles, mould bo nearly two years. She had always been in who"have been h riends, left for I I spititual wants Ila has been adiministeriDg, gerald, Mrs. 'John Weir, and othe Mr. Jamieson changed places on 8 skimmers, wbeels, Oares of all kinds ; everything in , . ; � I k : . . I rs from and very delicate- health and it was only through . ­ � . � §eptember, the number for that month be- tW th I Ua' the plow line, plow epainting, wagon and buggy ro. thei� home n last Tuesday. -MT. -H , - t �,.,­. i ey have petitioned the presbytery town, are doin�Ithe big fair at Chicago this day, Mr. Stephenson singing in Union paint a8oned thnber and good work. the loving watchfulness and tender c%re of ., I i � 4., tug 4,021. The least number of births was 11 �� Well was in Nillniton on business this week, . for another six months of his servillces.-If week, ;,, 6'f Church and Mr Jamieson.in the Presby- ManShip, Should go �o T. MELLIS, Kippen. 13A44 fond parents that life was sustained at all, . � I �� - ��­, ��'j,j -Mr. R 'd McIntosh, V. 1,; I t in November, viz,: 3,296, There were 374 the parson who - -Miss Maggie Well left last week for Ber I . 1 4! 1 - lost the grain bag contain' Brucefield, wa judge of light horses- at 'tarian church, Egmondville.-Mr. James 'SCRIB9.—The many friends of Mr. Wm'. ' until that dread children's disease, who i ingvilla, - I i v,� pairs of twins and 7 cases of triplets. n street, Egmoudville, last the Industrial r at Toronto. This is the Cooper, or., will be sorry to learn that he in cou Ili attacked her, when the slender chor recently, attending the funeral of one of bis I � -.1 � . IT ing , OP109 lin.-M-r. J. Merner was at Sebr I - - . ... . 414 �: 11 Of a bottle, on Mai f .; I Mustard) returned -to Chicago on Friday d I . I . �.o 4 1 . � � �.. ,I 1-1 the 14,189 marriages celebrated, the great-- week, will dal -t on the writer of , theme � eighth year in succession that Mr. Meln. last. ery low condition, having of life ,was onapped.-We inadvertently friends. -Miss Turner was home over Son- I- , 4 � I I .- . .1 � S-1- eat number was in December, 1,70-3, and f ol. " Notes, " prove property and- 'treat the tosh has ocoupie i d a similarly honorable po. I in a vi , last Thurs- i , .ql.� li­ I I a in r � �, I I lowing on in this order : October, Septa � day night, muff red a paralytic stroke which o itted io'mention in last week's issue ths't day. -Mr. Gab Holtzman has -rented Mr-� - 7 � ".�, ;: _. . . .111- Editor with the contents of the, flask for 'eition. which speaks volumes for his capa- I. Morris. - has rendered him unconscious ever since Mr. John Scott had returned from. hiii trip Hermon Rummel's 510 acre farm for five � . . , . !, -- il, 11, : . f I . ; _ - I y i I -,� , i, th 9 left.- bilitie a i � I ber, June, November, Januar , April, this notice, he can have all i ' , n that �Iine.-Mr. James Ireland MOVEMENTS. -The township fathers met nor has he been able to partake of any to the Old Country looking very much im- o Mr. z � J., - , March, February, July, May and August, a a' years. -Mr. E. Heneffer has moved hit � ,�%"', ild Mr. Jamieson of BrUCefiAld ndi'part of his drove out here from his home in Morris, on in their hall last Monday; -Councillor Cald. nourishment. His death in expected at any proved in health. He reports having spent - I - - �, In the last named month there were only , D. Steinbach's building, formerly- used as a , - he ot er side of � .1 -the ot I , � t' �' a - -`t, 830. There were 48 men and 2 women mar- choir conducted the psalmody ill our chur�h �Brusaels, on Saturday last, bick has returned from '�is recent visit 'to moment. -Mr. Gregory, of Wingham, has 'a most a yable time. -11dears. W. Thomp. tin shop. -Mr. H. Weber has moved 111t0' I � . ;, :-,,[!',,,.ii on Sabbath last, but our hearty oongrega. -to attend the fun'eral of'the, late 'Mrs. Me. Manitoba and the Went. 7W. J. Souch, 3rd purchased the two grain houses at the. sta- son and troit -and i .. , - %_ : ip , , 4 i . ried at 740 years and over. There were 2 T ' one I P_ :.i, .,!, . . Lean. Mr. Irela�d is now -about 86 years line, met with a painful accident the other tion from Mr. Welemiller, Mr. Gregor formerly of this village, are at present visit, operty called Fans6n's farm. . I %; tional singing was rather poWerf ul for them. y pr of Mr. H. HappWm dwellinge, on the I - I ��_ I n bridegroomaat85and 2 at84., Theseare -Thenewe�fthe deathof the late Mr. of age, an Is ing their relatives and friends in this neigh,. . , , - ; I , I - d I . � - the f sibt that he can" stand the day. He was watering his team besid; an- comes well recommended as a grain do& r. - � � -,; I- ,, a 0 - .� ;.' It the most ancient recorded. One blooming Robert Jamieson was receiv d in this Vill' " fatiguD of au -ch a long journey shows b m to other team at a creek, when the bor e � � , , M age . ­ I i a a Ele has also secured the services of Mr. borho 0-d. -Mr. Walter Evans, of St. Marys, I 't I . I �_�:,_ '. I blade in the County of York at 85 married with profound regret. 'The world can 11 be itill bale and hearty. -Rev. Mr. 'Hunt started kicking at one another, and he got John Moffatt to handle the grain, so that formerly of this place, is In the village this � -A son of Postmaster Blair of Strat- . . I �, �, . � � . � $ . . � t , - - e � I � . I I � . �- I � phypician of 78 married a lady of 28. In qua g will p. -each the a�nual sermon in connection a severe blow just below the knee, which the farmers of this section may look for- week visiting his sister Miss Rose Evans.- � ford, pleaded guilty, in June last, to 6 �, �,�f; � il . a damsel of 30, and a Middlesex county afford to los'businessi,ingn of' his storI4 � - . I -Mrs. VanAo,6 ro t' � a from the I � ;1�1�): - lities. , , of Stratford, has with I he Roxbo Sabbath School on Su . will lay him off work for two or three ward to Kippen's being one of the best Among those who left here last Friday to charge of abstracting money le W - i � , - I 'i the County of flu,ron a retired farmer of 78 ' ime her daughter, dayalternoon neiO at half-pa,st three, The weeke.-On Friday afternoon of last week markets in the district. -Mr. George Tay- attend the World's Fair at Chica,ge, we mails. . Restitution was made, and u � : 1�1 a , - 11 ��� tl � I begn visiting for some 1 mi P012 a I � ;� � took unto himself a bride of 60 years, ,.rho Mrs. L. , G.- Nan tgn�b'nd. -What g�t friends of the school desire to see a" large Councillors Kirkby and Proctor let the con. lor has been making a good showing at To- learned of the following : Messrs. A. petition signed by the mayor and prominent � , _ �, 1_ . I I . � t . . ' ' " V ' ' -, , ' , � - - - �'i , I - - - I ,� I e n, I C' a 'a D 'I d oeO' 6 2 v i a I . . . � I . - I -oldest bride was 7-1. Of the 1,324 children have been a very serious a�ccident happen9d atten( ance -Mr '�Jamee Pringle,of Chicago, tract for opening the side road between lots ronto in the horse rin , having taken first Wemeloh, J. E. MoDonell, J. Macarthur, J.- citizens the boy was allowed to go on sus- - ,Z � � ;� � It ,, W, . I I I I , , , born, 657 were males and 667 females. to Mr. JohnHalliday, of the mill Road, was it town' this *�eek. We are �pleased to 20 and 21, in the 3rd concession. Frank r -bred. stal- 0. Stoneman, W. Bell, and Mr. Shillinglaw,. - I p �� . A� - ,:. i, . I I � There Nvere 10 -pairs of twin I p ize for his 3-year-oll Canadian pended sentence. The �county crown At I . , � ��. a and 11 illegit- just west of this village, one day last-week� t 0 go d � ­ .. �� . I I � , ,� 4i M, � learn ;hat Mrs. Pringle as so far recovered Bell and H. Sellars got 50 rods of willow lion, also first and second and the di�loma -Mrs. Robertson, of Exeter, spent Sabbath torney objected, but on Friday, a a 0 0 1 i. . . - He was hauling gravel -from Bgoadlfootlo pit -that be hopes to ts�ke her 6 - Hall, Chief Justice Galt refused a manda, V� -_ . � i W,te- InthislattPrrespeatfluron stands h � : I �. I I � 'I , . Ack with him.- swamp at $1 per rod ;.. W. Bray, 20 rods at for the beat group of horses in the ring. He last with friends here. -Mr. Alexander I I . 1 , - ;- ain,th on the list, York c0ming first with and had just started to load :uPp when Ja Mrs. VValden, of Winthrop, c Iled on us I , , � I I- . _` ... 4, - ` 'e a mus to compel the police magistrate to son- . � . , � - 198, and 0 .rleton second 70 cents per rod ; George Turvey moves a is this week showing at London. -Mr. Moir, the efficient teacher of School Section - I .i - � with 145, all !the batik, about twenty feet h'ikb,. tumble I . . I - � 144-f � . � t .- V .. � Id last w ek t3 correct an impression which small br dge for $6, and D. Errington does Wyers, of Hensall, and Mr. Redmond, of , No. 3 Hay, has recently had his salary raised tence the boy. � V, , - , . . .. " : I . . . i . - -1-1 _.."idelikk, � I - . � . ,4. -, ,_1 - � � � - - i t: - � -, � ,­_--f—� L - ,_ _ TWEN" WROL � IN�� 10.9 We 11 , And y1our wh,%t abou- , 1002tJ -Thf. able f abl iC . I i S 1-11 � p'A. -01 I We claii clothing b! tile goo(I V I there. W nections ft I r_ fr4"buyli - . I I - I . JAO FASHI I � FROM I ( wogl'D,�� . I I - W -ow that of the chief - as it is 'chaz Many of th4 ritles:01 fro! I play is in tb the - -Hortic June� sinal- � ping in ft , during Ju considerble ,a . tarj , buv� ever. iu& � ver 6oti I . maignitu , el - 1 such a htgl� seen in il�e � I - curtain one ones nottri that, it in- semi4ropto . in exquisitu or.chard8 at been robbei I the long tw less astisti Pears, peac truits less �p less delicioi � - , Cbattilag� � . iby, superju 1partmentl t . due the big . 1111 the 1)10m, me that thf I been much I - out of the c aud. were u a most s% -ti ties th., ZwccrtUc, . Was an off 1 - . and I:ik.eJy, � same high achieved,. I - . surauces, f( selves, atid. utes in the� feel fla-ttore , , , remarks on prise if Mal : i way. It is � compete wi the irrigau Washingto on flavor el. im the worl bett6r , be t4 I � - best it had F I express tra� E 1. -ri( I the OntA figs, grown � on a tree so � , 7 I doors. Th I i resource.13 A) - i -Mr. Alls. � � F asone of tj � within a fe :1 ted a QUINDI seasou�a qern and suffers � - 'product -of . The Ontari gether.l. is i tug of its A, . Pringle, w� of bee pi The stoc weeks _f)ee, ground -s, a and enthuf and silent, the _2,5th,i� bleating of tb,6 porkeri feathered . ,entries, *vy from Ontal ti horse 113 4 � will be PU � I end of Oe horses -20 honle on 8 I Went irlitill Owners—ti Sarnia, I would bu,v to be ret � Dominiou .i exception I � have to ter . the G,ovrer � Owners. . I a . Under tt . I , live 6tock i i : -subject of � , Money p.ri� I . four anima : � Were ploLee but spartl - their comp benefit. 1 Hereford 10, the Exposi a,tiona for t whetherth dar or the; t4*hire A loyny to Arn 0 . t101a possib it the C11 . ... special pr 71- � . , 'A