HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-09-22, Page 22 e. Agricultural implement EMPORIUM. O. O. WILLSON SEAFORTEE,, Tias a full assortment of the following goods: IN PLOWS -I have the Fleury, Wilkinson, Gowdy and Cockshutt ; in Gang Plows -the Cockshutt, Wil- kinson and Fleury; single and double Furrow Sulky Plows, Spade Harrows, Disc Harrows and Diamond Harrows, Spring Tooth CnItivatore, Hoosier single and combined Drills. In Horse Powers -I have one}, twe and three horse American Tread Powers and American. Ensilage Cutters ; two, four, six and eight horse Sweep Powers and Canadian Ensilage Cutters all kinds of Grain Crushers, and a new and improved ORAIN GRINDER, guaranteed to do good work and .give satisfaction. Gananoque and Brantford Bug- gies, Phaetons and Fancy -Carriages of all:patterns. Five different styles of- Road Carts, also the:Wood stock -Bain wagon. In washing machines, the Improved Ideal,the Knoll, the Dowswell and Standard; Clothes Wringers - in Rix different styles, ranging from $2.50 to $7.00. -each. In Wind Mills the I X L, a fine solid wheel ; the Challengeis first.class open Wheel,and the Woodstock Steel Wheel and Steel Tower, the best of its kind in Canada. Mills put up for puttying water on short - Make. A Nieto* of plow castings and repairs for Mi kinds of plows including the Hendry and Hogan -plows. The Davis and Williams Sewing Machines, all kinds of sewing machine needles and oils : - O. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. Cluff d Bennett's Planing Mill. The undersigned would beg leave to thank their many customers for their very liberal' support for the " past and would say that they are in a much better position to serve them than ever before, as they are adding anew Engine and Boiler, also' a dry kiln and enlarging their building, which will enable them to turn out, work on short notice. ,umber, Sash, Doors, Mould- ings, Shingles and Lath always on hand. Contracts taken and Estimates furnished. Oluff & Bennett.. .e%. S. -Ail in arrears, please pay up. neat f •GROCERIES. If you want a pod article in Groceries, Canned Goods Or Fruits You can be supplied at the POST OFFIqE STORM_ Choice HMS, Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon • and Spiced Roll Kept constantly on hand. Tele- phone. connection. A call solicited. A. CROZIER & CO SUCCESSORS TO J. FAIRLEY. SEAFORTH. ONT. - 1327 THE FARMERS' Banking - House, sm.A.B.,c5BaimE. (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) PUREST, STRONGEST,. BEST. Contains no_Alum, Ammonia, Lime, . Phosphates, or any InjUtiallte REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, north half Lot 81, Concession 2, East Wawanosh, 100 acres ; good fences, good, orchard and never -failing oreek. Apply to H.S . D.\000KE, Barrister, Blyth, or PHILIP HOLT, Goderich. 1278 $2oi lagood t I IT& Hi op. prfhtterrme in a rteh e 5Township, ,300 w under good cultivation, it is vvell watered and no waste land. It is within hall a mile of a prosperous village. There is a good frame house and barn and a good, orchard. This is a splendid chance- to get a good farm cheap. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 13434 f gRrotsFff ande-oThe es200 sionactrde, Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared and 200 '617132 the balance -is well timbered. Buildings first-class. Orchard, well, &a School house within 40 rods. Possession given at once if desired. For further particulars as to price, terms, etc., apply to MRS. WALKER, Roseville P.0., or to NELSON IIR1.209K9EtfR, on the farm-, flOUSE FOR SALE. -On North Street, Egmond. vine, about five minutes walk from the church a frame house, one story and a half, with seven rooms, very comfortable and beautifully finished. There is a euarterof an acre of land, well fenced, with a few good fruit trees and a large number of currant hoehes, good cistern and well, woodshed and coal house. This is an exceptionally pretty and coin- "fortable place. Apply to MRS. C. HOWARD1,3o2tntlise '-pretniees, or write to Seaforth P. O. 3 LOGAN 8c GO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT, • REMOVED' To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street A General Be.nking Busmen done, draftissue and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. • MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgagee. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGEP 1068 To Exhibitors of STOCK at the FALL FAIRS. TARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For sale J. cheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 acres are cl red and in a good gate of cultivation. The bal. ane is well timbered with hardwood. There are goakt buildings, a bearing orchard and plenty of wailer. It is within half a mile ad the Village of Varna and three miles from Brucefield station. Pol3session at any time. This is a rare chance to buy a first class farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 1144tf If you would secure _first prize you must have your animal in the finest condition, his coat' must be smooth and glossy and he levet be in good spirits so as to "show off" well. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER le the best Conciltipn l'owders known for horses and cattle. It tones up the whole SysteM, rtgulates the bowels and kidney's, strengthens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth arid glossy one. It gives horses "'good life " making them appear to the best possible advantage. Gat DICK'S from your druggist or grocer or address DICK & CO., P. 0. Box 482, Montreal. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. RAVINGS BANK BRA.NCH, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square, and Vorth Street, Croderloh. HORACE HORTON, MANAGSR, Godisloh, August 60,18E15. THE HURON- EXPOSITOR. TALMAGE ON TWE BIBLE, STILL THE MOST POPULAR BOOK ON THE CONTINENT. Infid ty Not Near so Bold Now as It • W sIn the Pays of Our Forefathers- ; 7. No War 'Betwaen Science and 1tv('lii- TJA1U IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. -For sale the r south half of lots 1 and Id 2, concession 4, Mc- Killop, being 160 acres of very choice land mostly in a good state of cultivation. There is a good house and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard and plenty of never failing water. A. -considerable portion seeded to grass. Convenient to markets and schools and good gravel roads in all directions. Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell, or at TIM ROHM EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. JOHN O'BRIEN, Proprietor. 1 1298-tf 95 IXOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 11, Can - cession 9, H. B. S., Tuckersmitaaeontaining 88 acres of excellent land, all seeded to grass. The buildings are fairly good. It is close to a good school and within five miles of Seaforth and in one of the best neighborhoods in Canada. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or address Kippen P. O. ROBERT McGOWAN. 1837x12 PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 26, Corms. eion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stock, situated two and a half miles twin the thriving. village of Brussels, a good gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared and free from stamps, 6 -ares cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 61160 with straw and hay shed 40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The house Is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath both building..• All are new. There is a large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tint Ex- Positoa 01+7[0E, or on the premises. WM. BARRIE, Brussels. 1835-tf tiote-.Not. a /Ilia In Science That i Does 1 . Not Harmonize With Biblical .State - mews, 11 It( Sept. 10. -This forenoon: R v. 'T. De.Witt Talitiage preached to a t ironged .•audience in the Brooklyn Tebernache - The keynote .of • service was one of gladness. Many of the audience • had been absent during- the seinmer and had returned for this stir, %dee. The pastor commented ou• pas- sages of scripturs depicting the mori.ing et the world's deliverances The subject -orthe sermon- was: ..`Tlie Battle Ours," the text - being L King:I 20, 27: "Aad, the children of Israel pitched before them like two little floakis of kids." 'With thiry-three kings drunk in ope tent, 'WS chapter opens. ,They were allies plotting for the overthrow of the Lord's Israel. You know that if a lit ti rouse flock of kids will -shiver and - huddle together. One •lion could eon - Tier a thousand kids. The -battle ,opens, Thereare a great. multitude of Syrians 'under Gen. Ben haded, strong aalions. . The Israelites' are few and weak, like', two little flocks of kids. Who beat? 1 The lions, of course. Oh, no; the ,kids. For it all depends whether God is on the side Of the lions or the kids. After the battle one hundred thousand Syrians I lay dead on the field, and tWen ty-seven 1 thousand- attempting to fly. \came along bya great wall which . toppled and. crushed them to death. ' . - • - , Which was the stronger weapon - great . Goliath's sword or little David's sting? David had five smooth stones from the brook. He only used one in striking down Goliath. He had a sur- plus of ammunition; he. haed enough to take doWn four more giants if they had appeared in the Wa.y. It all depends upon whether God is on the Ide of the ti shepherd boy or on the side o the giant. Tinge have been .many :in- o ir day who have ventured the opinion that Chris - amity is falling back, and that in fifty years it will be extiirct, They found their opinion on the assumed fact. that the Bible is not as MUCill 9f -a book as it used to be, and that Portions of it are repulsive to the people.. • 1 reply by asking Which one of the publishing liousee Of New York, Philadelphia, Bos- . ton or Chicago is publishirigIthe Bibleto- day with the omission of al shish.: verse . . c. or chapter? Are not our publishers ie- ielligent Men? And . %vont(' they, con- trary to their --financial- interests, con-. dime to publish the Bible without the einissicm of a single chapter or a, siegle verse if it AN ere hecomin,,,r an . umpopular book, and tile people did not want it? lf Harpers, or. Appleton, or Scribner, or Lippine.ott shOuld puto.ish a Bible \vitli the omission of one clu•tpter theY would not sell ten c, pies in ten years. ,The fact: - that thrOugho•ut, Christendom there are leitalreds of printing presses minting the 'Word of God. without theomission of -a chapter or a verse, proves that the Bible. ts popular; and the fact that there are more being printed in this: decade then any, othsr decade, proves that the Bilele is increasing in popularity. 's I go through the court ,rooms of the Country. Wherever 1 find a judge's bench or .a clerk's desk I find the Bible. By what other book would they take solemn oath ? What is': very apt to be atnong the bride's presents? TheBible. Whrt is very apt to be put in the truuk of the young mate when he shirts for city life? The Bible, . Voltaire predict- ed that the Bible • during the nineteenth. centuryswould become' an Obsolete:book. 'Weill we are pretty nearly through the nineteenth Century; the "Bible is not ob- solete yetethere is net -much prospect of its beconang-.iohsolete, But I have to tell von that that room -the very room in widen Voltaire wrote that predictiou -some time ago was crowded from floor to ceiling with Biblesior Switzer- land. The fact that there aro now more Bibles beiug printkl •than ever before, that publishers Mit': it a finacial interest for 'them to .centinue the .publication of the Bible, proves that this hook is still the • most popular book. on the pla net. . - 'Tut," say those who are antagonistic, hristianity is failiug hack, from the feet -that 1.110 church is not such as -re- spected as it used:tube, and is not IIS iu- !Wendel," I reply to that with the statistics that .one - denontinatianthe -\\--- ,Methodist CituSch according to a statis- tic gi yen Inc by One of the bisheps, dedicates on an average a new ch.ureli every clay of the year. Three hundred and sixteefivee new . churches in one denomination in, a year, and over a thou -s seed new clairelies built every year in this country. Dees that look as though the churches were failittg inits power, end Were beeomings a .worn-out institu- tion? !rho Church of God stands neereste he syMpathies of • the _A tnerican people,- .11am any other institution.. Mei' may caricalere the Church: and call it a col- lection of , hypecrat i ; but %%-lien their with diphtheria, . elnhii*un are :-. wept off tor whom do they send ? The chtirclue.S, Altair they want music on the satl oeca- sion, do they select the Marseillaise Hy um., or God Save the Queen. .oi: our oe 11 grand 110 tional air ? .1So t. they Want tit(' old hymn 'Vi h which weesi lig t hei r old Christiae mother to sleept they \I -ilia 11K, SllIlday school hytim that their little e.irl sang the last Sabbath afternoon she wts out before she was seized ' a-1E1.1.111e tie ful sickle a- thet broke father's Least Itiii! mothet's heart. But 0111' a atagonists go on and say that Ceti:elm/ay is falling back. in th..,. fact that infidelity is 6,1der 110w 1111t1 was. I deny is 110t :ear so 11014.1 pow as it. was in tht daVs ( f our I: .. hers and. grandfathers. Titere w ere teees he this country when men who were opeely and: above-biiard infidel and am iteettistic to t filrist ia ni ty cehk1 be elected to high oflice. Now, iet teene tent: wishieg high position in the Stilts i rsclaim himself the foe ef Christianity end an infidel, how many States of the Uhion would lie carry ? ' how insny etienties? Bow tuauy NN'ArliS ill Brook- -dyp ? Not one.,. .. '- ..13.ut." say our antagollists, ' e'hris- aneny is failing back because sceence, its chief enemy, ie triumphing oVer ' it.' Nov, I deny fhat there is any war tween science and revelation fliere is riot a fact in science that •may not be made to harmonize with the statements of the Bible. So todd 1 ing1'. Miller. so said 'Joseph Henry, so saidIirolfc-Is:sso HitChcOck, so said Professor siln'aa 'said Professor Mitehed Joseph Henry,. the leading scientist of America, better known and honored in -. ro ot 14 .Ci(` 1 's 1'1 1 ':11:11).1,.7' 1:t::11 ;1:1" r i • ;i:e roligion ti' .f.atia Co i -t. ..i ..... ab 1 lea a'y knew :di 1:::e f..c:: or it. el s...y. 1 :et A i t believed the 1 ,i--,Ic 01 I.; ,i1.•,i; .:1 . .kne:.• all the facls or ;-;tio.!onw. -and i et believed the Book of moon standing still. all the anatomy of it , believed the Book of MIAMI FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 5, concession I, JP EL R. S., township of Tuokersinith, containing one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres cleared, 56 of whinh are seeded to gran, well underdrained, three never failing wells. On one fifty of said lot there is a log house, frame barn and very good orchard, and on the other a good frame house and harp, stables, and good orchard. The whole will be sold together or eaoh fifty eeparately to suit pur- chasers. located l miles frorn Seaforth, will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, as the proprietor is re- tiring frora farming. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises, and if by letter to Seaforth P. 0. MICHAEL DORSEY, 13284 f MURK IN TUOKERSMITH FOR SALE. -For sale J' Lot 8, Concession 7, Tuckeremith, containtng 100 acres, nearly all cleared, free from stumps, well ur.derdrained, and in a high state of cultivation.k The land is high and dry, and no waste land. There Is a good brick residence, two good , barne, one with stone etabling underneath, and all 'other necessary outbuildings; two never -failing wells, and a good bearing orchard. It is within our miles of Seaforth. It is one of the beet farms. n on easy terms, as the propri Possession on the lst October. ises, or address Seaforth P. 0. ' -- VARY( FOR SALE. -For Sal -2: County, Michigan 76 acres state of cultivation, flt to raise It is well reflood and has a good never failing well. The buildin house, stabling for 12 horses wi head of crittle and 100 sheep. tered last year,sold $630 in wool mer. There are also pig and he dersigned also hes 80 acres, wit SO well Unproved, which he will lots or as a whole. These pro localities, convenient to mar churches. The proprietor is fore count 01 111 health. It will be a man as it will be sold on easy tetus. GEORGE A. TEMPLETON, Doronington, Sanil ac County, Michi. gan. • 1298x44-1 uron, and will be sold tor desires to retire. Apply' on the prem- WM. ALLAN. 1276 - • , 80 acres in Sanilao leared•and in a good ny kind of a crop. orchard on it, and a s consist:of- a frame h fonr box stalls, 86 Indy ewes were win - and lambs this Bunt - houses. The un - buildings, but not ell either in 40 acre erties are in good eta, schools and d to sell on tic. argain for the riaht- VIRST CLASS FARM FOR SAL ,-For sale Lot 12 Concession 6, H. It. 3 'Tucktlrsmibh, containing 100 acres of choice land, nearly 411 cleared and in.a high wide of cultivation, with 90 acres seeded to grass-. It is thoroughly underdraioed and well fenced with straight rail, board and wire fences and does not contain a foot of waste land.There is also an orchard of two acres of choice 1rt4t-trees ; two good wells, ono at the house, the othe with a wind -mill on it at the out buildings, on the cellent frame house, containing cellar under whole house, and sof convenient. There are two good b remises is an ex- leven rooms and and hard water nk barns, the one 32 feet by 72 feet and the other 6 feet by 66 feet with stabling for 60 h. ad of cattle and eight horses. Besides these there are sheep, hen and pig houses and an Implement shed. The farm is Well adapted for grain or stock raising and is one of the finest farms in the country. It is situated st miles from Seaforth Station, 6 from Brucefield and Kippen with ' good. gravel re a leading to each. It is also convenient to churches, port office end school and will be sold cheap and on easy tenths. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or by letter to THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Egmondville P. 0. ' 1286 tf When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rh4u' matism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by theltestimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on .receipt of price, so cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronap. the scientists of the day were all agreed, and they came up with- solid front to attack our Christianity, perhaps they might make some impreasioa upon it • but they are not agreed. Tt is often said that we religionists are failing in our advoCacy of Christianity because we differ in our theology.. I tell you we do not differ inside the church of theology half as flinch as they differ outside the church in science. If they reject our re- ligion because we differ on some minor points, we might just as well reject sci- ence because the scientists differ; but as far as I can tell,the war of infidel science against Christianity is not so severe se it used to be, because these men aro an- tagonistic to each other ; and as far as I can tell it is going to be .a war between - telescope .and telescopes -Leyden jas and L yden jar, chemical apparatus and chemical upattrata:e They do not deree 011 any t tine'. Do you suppose that this Bible theory about the origin of life is going to be overthrown by inell who have different theories -fifty different theitries-about the origheof life ? And when Agassiz comes otit and Juts both feet on the doc- trine of evolution, and says in regard to many scientists, "I notieo that these young naturalists are adoptiug as ti te- ories. in science things which have not passed- under observation." Agassiz saw what we all Ke -that there are men who talk very wisely who know but very little, and that just as soon as a young scientist finds out the- difference between the t( eters of a .witeD and the horns of a beetle. he begins to patronize • the Almighty, and go about talking' about culture as .1 hough it, were spelled c-u-l-c-h-asr-culdher 1 It makes. me sick to see these literary fads going down the street with a copy of Darwin under one arm and a case of transfixed grasshoppers and butterflies under the other arm, talkies- about the Survival Of the Fittest and 1.11X1etorsiPro- t01)lasm, and the Nebular Hypothesis, and taint; to us Com mon men as though we were fools! ' If they agreed in their theories and came up with solid front against Christianity, I say perhaps they might make 50010 impression t but they do not agree.' Darwiu charges 'mein Lamarck, 'Wallace upon Cope, Hersehel even charged upon Ferguson. They do not agree'-ifbout the grada- tion of the species; they, do not agree abotit embryology. What do they agree about ? Herschel wrote a Whole - c'hapter on what he calls the Errors of Astronomy, Le Place says that the moon was not putin the right plage; that if it had been put four tunes the distance from our world, there would have been More harmony in the Universe. But Lionville conies up just. In time to prove that the Lord was wise, and put the moon in the right place. How many colors -woven into the light? Seven, says Newton. Three. Says David Brewster. How. high is the Aurora Borealis ? TWo afid a half miles high, says Lies. One hundred -and sixty- five miles, says Tw in iga 1 -low far is tile sun from the earth ? lieventy-six million miles, says IJ1COiIlC ; eighty-two million miles, says 'Humboldt ; ninety million miles, says Henderson ; one hundred and four million miles, says Mayer. Only a little differenclie of twentv-eight niillioit miles. These mon 'gay' we do not agree • in religion. Do they agree in science? Have they come up with solid front to assault our ialoriOnS Christianity ? Even enathematicians do not agree. Taylor's Logarithms are found to have faults in them. Tito French metric sys- tem has wrong calculations. Talk about exact sciences! They are inexact. As far as with my little- knowledge I lia,ve been able to explore, the only exact science is Christianity. There is nothing under which you can so appropriately write, "Quod erat demonstrandum." But my subject ,shall no longer be Ale- fensive; it :must be agicresive. I must show you that instead of Christianity failing beck, it is on the march, and that the comingigeligion of the world is to be the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ ten thousand times intensified. It is to take possession of everyt hing-of ati laws, all 'manners. all customs, all cities, all na- tions. It is going to be so mighty as compared with what it has been, no inuelt more mighty that it will seeiu almost like a new nligion. I adopt this theory, because Christian- ity has gone on straight ahead notwith. stowing all the bombardment; and ie - fidelity has not destroyed a church, ne crippled a Minister, or rooted ont one verse of the B.ble, and now their tun - munition seems to be pretty much ex- hausted. They cannot get anytilifig new against Christianity; and if Christianity has gone on under the bond ardnient of - centuries and still continues to advame, lilay we nut conclude that, as the rm.:- der and- shot of the other seem to he exhausted, Christianity is going on t.vith more rapid stride. I find an encouraging- fact in 1110 thought that the secular press in this day and the pulpit -see111 hareetsed itt the stone team for the prod:an:Mon of the GoSpel. '1.10 -morrow- there will not be a banker on Wall street; or State. street, or Tnird street, who will not have in his- pocket or on his table treatises on Christianity, calls on repentance and Scripture passage. twenty or thirty of them, in the reports of the Christian churches in this city and other 'cities. Why, that thing 'would have been impossible a few years :tea New, on Monday morningetuid timidity evening the secular press spreads abroad more religious truth than all the tract societies of the country seread in the -other six days. Blessed be the tract societies! 'We hail them, and: we hail these °them I say it would have been impossible a fewyears ago. Hundreds of letters would have come to the secular newspaper offices saying: "Stop my paper; we have religion on Sunday; don't give us any through the week. Stop my paper.' But I have been told that many of the secular papers have their largest circulation on Monday morning, a nclthe whole popula- tion of this. country are becosning ser- mon readers. Besides that. have you noticed that- papers proclaiming them- selves secular almost every week have religious discussion in them. Go back. a few years, when there was nota decent paper in the United States that had not a discussion on the,doctrine of eternal punishment. Small wits made merry, I know; but there was not an in- telligent man in the United States that as a reault of that controversy in regard to eternal punishment did not ask self the question, "Whet , is to be tmy eternal destiny r and stesOme years ago, more blatant that it. ever tle statement. lnhitlelitv toe:stm aO lenry 1; te.. w an an 1 yet •-• near it 1 Besides that you. tpust have noticed if you have talked on these great themes, that they eke finding outthat while heiolice is grand in secular directions, worldly philosophy grand in secular 11t C soul)10118. they . Ihetyrocuabe. utnot give any comfort 1 Talking with men on steamboats and in railcars, I find they are corning back to the comfort Of the Gospel 1 They say : "Somehow human science don't comfort me, when I am in trouble, and I west try something else;" and they are trying file Gospel. Take your scientific consolation to that mother who has just lost her child. Apply the (leonine of the "Survival of the Fittest;" tell her that het child died because its life was not worth as Much as the life of one that lived. Try that, if you dare. Go tothat dying man with your transcendental phraseology, and tell him he ought to have • confidence in the great "to be," and the everlasting "now," and the. eternal "what; is it ?" and go on' with your _consolation and see if he is comfort- ed. Oh, young man! do not be ashamed to be found on the side of the Bible.- Do not join those young mon who in this dee put their thumbs in their vest, • and swagger abont the street s }eel the stores talking - about the glorious nineteenth century, about its light being sufficieht without any Bible,• and without any Christ, and with- out: any God. The time is eoiningwe mite not live to see it, but 1 should not be surprised if we did see it -when this whole country is to be one great church. the foresti the aish s, thr Alleghany and the leky Mountains, the pillars, the chitin of inland lakes, the baptisriessand the worship. the. Hallelujah Chorus unto HMI wno-was, and is, and shall be evermore.. Olt ! come .over to the majority -come nudes „the balm& of Vernon wits the son of an English 'squire. Re was brought up tn great elegance. There was a. man working on the place by the name of Ralph. Vernon used to often talk with Ralph.. After aweile Vernon went off to col- lege, and Ca1110 hack with his mind full tcepticism. He talked lthe scepti- cism to Ralph, the workmen. Atter a while Vernon i cut front home tiepin, was g one for years, came back, and among his first questions when •getting home was "Where is Ralph?" "Oh," Sala the father, "Ralph is in 1)1 12:011 Waiting for the_diiy or eaveti t ion. Vernon hastened to see Ralph. Ralph, looking :through the ‘viceet or the prison, said, `lrernoli, how et sid you at - to ceine andSeel:lei:1,1e, net ginti to see -you. 1 hardly expeael yon c won el come and :es. me. I dein: eott ; 1 don't blame anybody ; 1 only tia. iny:edf ; but, Vernon, 1 want yen te premise me one thing. Will You?" Vernon replied, "I will." "I want you to.: promi,e me never 1()talk sceptic:18MM the T lirti,elleo of anybody. You see it might fie them herta. When younsed to say there was) nothine in the Bible, and ied didn't Make aay . difference liow wei hVed. stvomt-Lecome cut ilaPPY t Ilto, last, somehow it had' a' bad ndltlence uiSIn me; and 1 went' .1 rola had to worse until I am here, and I must die for crimes." By alnioat superhowan effort the sentence was elainged. and he was to be transported to au ither country- for life. The ship going there was wrecked on Van Diemen's Land. Among those who _perislied was Ralph, •the victim of Ver-' eon's witticism. Vernon tells the story Xo?day with WON' and a broken heart; kit it is too late! Oa! do not talk seep- ieisiii-do rot talk sceptieism. Let God be true, thou:4-h every man be culled liar! \when Tyndall offered his O•ay et- eat:get there was not a secular paper in , the United States that did not discuss the question : "Does God ever i.lise.s/ lisayer ? 3Iay the creature impress the Creator?" Are not 'all these . Lees en. eouraging, to every Christian and every andlanthropist ? Besides that, the,rising 'oueration are being saturated --' with t'epel truth as no otlier genera. time by this International Series- of . titelay Sehool lessons. Formerly . the children were expected only to nibble at the little infantile Scripture stories, but now they are taken trom Genesis 19 Revelation,, the strongest minds of the coutitry explaining thc lessons to tlie teaOliers, and - the teachers explaining them to the classes; au& we are going to have in this country five Millions youths forestalled for Christianity. Hear it ! SEPTEMBER 22 1898. pURP:e COFFEE. THIS IS THE COFFEE THAT WON THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR CONTRA -CT. GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE. BEWARE OF IMITATION& CHASE & SANBORN, BOSTON. MONTREAL. . Seotland's Rankine System. .• Probably in no other country in the world are bite kite!: facilities 140 extensive as they are itt Scotland. In every town, - large. or small, theiei is a .branCil of one of the great city hanks, and even every 'Village with the least pretension to tizet 0.111 boast of one. Willie iu England there is a bank,or branch bank, to about every ten thousand lof population, in Scotlatal there is one -to about every four thousand. It is obvious that this exten- sive system of branches is well calculat- ed to gather to one center the saving of the comintinitv. The batiks- are not proud, and they accept ite interest de- posits of stuns :Ls bmall as:: five pounds and allow current itecounts to be Open- ed sometimes with tr:fling bid:Mee:4 which in England, as a rule, would be looked at. askance and probably- tamed over to the savings batiks. The deposi- tors in Scotch banks who have not mote than one hundred pounds to their credit, on deposit receipt or 00 current accotint,' comprise About three-fourths of the whole number. The result is that the aggregate banking deposits of a com-. peratively- poor country, with few. sourees of natural wealth. and with a• population at' little more. than -four- exceed a3,000,0n. And it may be observed that a stun equal to perhaps one-third or one-half as inuch again has been placed on fixed deposit by Seotch depositors with the banks doing busbies-, in the colonies of the emph'e.-A. 5. Micide in Forum.. Bits of NS' ist!lom, People find fault without looking for it. A man Is only as rich as he is, con- tented. An obtuse angle -fishing for com- plaints. . If there is honor amoni thieves.. they stole it. Only lmman Leettty is spoiled by ad- mirattoie "s's' Fiat is one tnan's cloud is another men's- sueshine. Den't give the devil 1,is due if you clue prevent it. Some hvaits are like flint -it takes a blow to- bring the tire out. Judge a man hy the clothes he pays for rather the.n thote he wears.' - In spite of all news items to_ the con- trary, the _oitheit inhabitant is never deaa. The glazier is not necessarily a - tire- some man because he - "gives you a pane." CHICAGO' • .1 °MINION MAIN STREET (NEAR ROYAL HOTEL), 01M1 • BANK, .1 GENERAL BANKIG BUSINESS TRANSACTED. It Cures Colds,Coughs,Sore Tlvoat,Croup,Intlnen- zs,Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in Arst stages, and a sure relief In advanced stages. Vie at once. Toewill gee the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Large bottles 0 cents and 81.00. Interest allowed on deplesits of $1.00 and upwards at highest current rates. No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUIRED. Drafts bought and sold.1 Collections made on all pm' ts at lowest rates, Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same,-favoralle terms. rair BUSINESS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. " t CANADIAN IANK OF COMMERCE THE ESTABLISHED 1867. HEAD OFFICE,TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) pIX MILLION DOLLARS - 116,000,O00 REST - - - - - - - - $11100,000 B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking Busineiss Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts issued, payable at a4 points in Canada and the principal cities in the United Stats, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. SAVINS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and npwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. inrInterest added to the principal at the end of May -and Novem- ber in each year. Special attention giverl-to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far mers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS. Manager. SCHOOL- BOOKS AND CHOOL SUPPLiES. .AT TAU MSDEN WIL SON'S, SM.A.H1OIVTI-1_ The Difference Between the old time sun -dial and the modern marvelous Watch, is the wonder of the century. An- othqr wonder is the cheapness with whi.ch a good reliable Watch is sold. Good reliable Watches of all the best makers kept constantly in, stock, and I keep no others. have also on hand. a large and well -selected stock of everything pertaining to the jewelry trade, For repairs can't be beat. R. MERCER, SEAFORTEE, HOPPOSITU T E COMMERCIAL HOTEL. GET A_ MOVE We have got a move 6a, and wait upon you to show you one of ;Ontario. We make a specialty of are in our new Warerooms,Iwe are friends, and show them gods that • . , 01\ are now in . our new Warerooms, readi the finest stocks of Furniture in Weeten pleasing all our customers. Now that vs in a better position than ever to meet ont are worth buying. Come right along andi satisfy yourselves that our Furniture is claim for it—the latest des gns best of workmanship, and finest finish. sell cheap all the year rouni. Popular Goods, Popul r Prices at the Popular Erna of The M. Robeiltson Furniture Emporium STRONG'S RED 4OCK MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII. ale s The Contract 11 to -21 Inc fl to 10 to 5 " 1 to 2 If the ads once Per guiden th Bate:lifer zation at t BusiOess, -quarters of Joiaerf exceeding month 00e. adv.ertis not exceed - *orient rn Advertia -each tuser parties Avb - Local headiog, 5 'Tramiel teat Insert josertiOn, Adverti•I inserted ti Births; Tnu *blob Inel 20,800 rea medium in 'TIOUSE emu UOLSIXST tILES Afni Apply to ST- ORE th carried on ticuls,rs, TIATIT,( ZOO *she 5Pr braids out idarket Sti BUI'L F 9 months Will be s mondville lv-r°4:1C:je11 Cour eyii i = invested LivenVisti the t4spl!bcalwtAnlime-hitr,itfomrSj forth WAN 1, Morris. AppIy, a ta Blyth P. < TIMIS rei liouseke work, an to *Matta to T. efE A.° - Lt to In Hardy -Os s.riesoW PREE. this week Toronto 1 MEACII j_ No. holding comrnen salary d until Sat P.O. W T°B. to POsSesal lance* U -A W kl OD shawl, di around. Royal 11 Ms. W. TEACII Noe second, January testimon til °eta LIMES Felt S Tit acre, h fenced, It, it sted% r sold f or situated Apply t to JOH A SP s bis ;pro quarter general which i house a, of the r and thi mess ni *Alen Green. $ 30 $ 50 $ 70 $1,00 $10,50 $2,50 Offe Thom numbe Street, there shed, pope house. goral vemen Street Furni for mu lays ap 132e• @ion Pto, Terms privil 13° at his IlL00 return brood These Const A Fa In Dr 8 cone