HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-09-01, Page 8rlumy 8 r.Thoo. M. White, ofTorolito, lately of the a more time and day.---IMrs. I. V. Fear and family, returned ber, are busily engaged perfecting arrange- M , is family, moved o, Jiving can spare a litti has, w-, h h dispute, the klailitiff olaiming $9.70 and f r. which promisee to be.one Wi6door Review, all 8eason, 1893-1
Elliott vs.: means from the selfish pursuit of this world, home ast week after a pleasant three weeks ments for the fair, -H otion.— to ibis place and W EDWARD OAS which* he waF1 given judgment. ou of the be9t ever held in this se I) , reside here in the and devote them to respect for he dad, Outing in Goderloh.—A number of fut % .—Miss Millie Cu tore, who has been Hannah; thij was an action by Mr. Ral w towns cople have7had their gardens Tl%ide Messrs. MoEwen & Geiger have still a large gre L Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Elliott, bu.t4h.er of Seaforth against T! hose 1068 they appeared to mourn so sin- eir flax, visiting at Crosswell, .*%tichigan, the past fl cerely for a time. One of the finest monu- by boys, anti I fruit stolen and de8tro ed., forder of hands at work drawing in th Ieturned li,ime the begi ea Hann h of McKillop. The plainti I I nning -'Dairy - Butter mos ments -in the cemetery has lately. been Not o ly has the fruit been carried away! and we b.lieve that the largeA load drawn three weeks, r Bobier, E. SSW Fi ne. 'dressing the steer that died,iin bul is week.—Messrs. A. Q. Y Ready for BUsine- I ciams $5 for in Seaforth,a erected in memory Of th6ir parents by the. quantities of it plucked green and in waA that on Friday last. when Mr. 'T. -J. of th eturned STREET,SEAFORTH1 the cattle yard at the Itation late Mr. and Mrs. Jobn thrown on the ground and the trees iujuredi, Berry's team, driven by Mr. Thomas Peart, Spackman,and-Chas. H. Sa,nders, r Monday GODERICH few weeks ago and which was purchased by children of the n from the world'a fair, Chic&go, on anite, by h g the branches broken and torn off.1 dTew: in a load from Mr. Deffil's farm, 0 Mr. Winter from Mr. Hannah. The de-' Gemmell. It is of Canadian red ar n the 14th concession of Ray, which tipped evening, and Messrs, Paul Mladge and Sam- On enterin cr upon an ou s Steai i ig plume is as much a theft as'stealing. uel Martin returned -on Sat rday evening fendant resists the claim on the grounds tli%t and frem the works f Mr. J. C. Neville, of —Mr. and Mrs. knowledge with . A
business has to ac iilleged arrangbment for the dressing of Seaforth.—Mr. Fred. Westp all, who has horse , nd constable Dunlop is now on thw the beam at 9,700 pounds.
good! J. Hobkirk and children, and Mrs. Wm. last.—Messrs. at the I Wm. Dearing, M. Kelland, Are You Ready to Look
d Win. Hos in, left yes- raok lot the guilty parties and he is a thanks the larcre patronage received the animal if made at all, was made with hisl been in Cleveland for some time, haE return- t College, i Bell :left here on Thursday for Chicago, Thoe. Cornish an
dull in traoe .—Dr. Gunn, of Magill onthe in Eng- the e World's terday to spend a couple of rn during the ast forty-two years, and son and also that ihe animal in question did.' ed. He represents times as very 6.
0 P w r.,, that city, many out of work, and a"general Monti eal, is at present in town, the guest ther to visit relatives and th and riot belong to him ben it f died- but to M * ' ' r birth. Mr. H. F. hopes -to retain it for another year, I merchant. F&ir,-and several more of our villagerein- land, the land of thei
neecurity in business c roles. To of his brother, Mr. B. B. Gunn, Winter. Judgment will be given on thO feeling of I of so many yan- —Mr, R. S. Hays im ng the Sea— tendleaving on Friday to take in the great Kinsman, dentist of this plce, had Prof. A.
of fine butter wereit all- appearance, on account I representi Now Fall Goods MV
will. buy any quantity 2nd September. Several other cases .—St. Paul's church will be elosed on M. Shrieves, the pride of the valley medi- TVVF
Ikee-Ganadians returning, this winter wou Court sit the Grand Lodge, I.ndepend-, show costs ou Saturday
froin now forward. called and adjourned until next court, and Canadian ent Order of Foresters, in session this week Sabbath, September 3rd, owing* to improve- cine man, fined $20 and Crediton without be &-.good time. to take another
last, for pulling teeth at
number of judgment summons victims wer d not need so much stuf- at Sarnia. —Mr. W. W. Bowie, of Hullett,- mente being made in the interior, but on The way of the disposed of, two orders being made for coin being a' licensed dentist. mt us a sample of fall wheat, which he the following - Sabbath the pulpit will be The stock is now about cOlnPletef n fing as the last, to foot up well.—Of the ex- hag si r is hard. —Mr. Thom. Hearnan CLOTHING rpitm6nt the defendants havi', 9 failed to a left here some time says as grown on his land which was the supplied by the 4ev. Mr. Kerrin, of Bay- transgresso cursion party whic and we will De pleased to have pear. ien him- field.—' Mr. J. Chapman, of London, is home and family, of Brantford, are visiting rela HATS JES ago, Mr. Henry Jackson and wife and the sub i b of litigation, recently, betwe Chap- tiveshere.—The merchant tailors of this YOU SPECIAL VALT It nnhip of Hullett. It, will spending a week's holidays.—Mr. G call BARLY and take a look through. ek, -all delight- self d the tow FOR MA,-TITOBA.—Mr. William Rynn -an Misses Hills returned last we a also visitin r friends place have combined an4 , they now charge
es be reTembered several witnesses at the trial man, of Caledonia, I 9
8 neighb, we want' i,ow en and Bos to drop into our iing*suits. The new we Mr. John Clarke, of Hullett, left Sbafort ed and benefitted by visitingeo in y Pac orbood.—Mr. the same,price for me
Nra,nEl ave it as their opinion that Mr. Bowie's and relatives in thi Particulars about some of the new.
nent and each select one of of interest. Mrs. Rose'and Mrs, 9- 9 Made up Clothing Departa station oD Tuesday evening 'for Killarne,, ' Richa:d TMarshall. and Mr. F. Marshall, of combine takes effect jo-day--Mr. Thos. our secialvxlue suit& A large proportion of them Manitoba, where they have opts of frieu mond concluded to go as far cast as Mon- land Would not grow fall wheat without be old the hodso now Occupied by things to wear will be found In this Ing dliained, and Mr. Bowie sends us this oare here visiting their f ' ather, Mr. Fitton has a treet, recently oSo
ttire and —It Is the part of Nvereboughtatiess than cost to, manufac They took with them a car load of ve y treal. before returning. raPall.—Our merchants are im. aking Ed. Treble, on Waterloo 8 J . column next'week.
will be sold accordingly. Don't forget to ask to see draugb hgyo!s, t f wisdom to provide for the future wants of samp e to show that these witnesses we superior. heavi and owned by the late Isaac Ilandford, for $700, plaY,
t lid beast, but it is hardly the squt ro wrou in their opinioDs.—Mrs. Brooks and great preparations for a rushing fall at the Bargain Clothing which were raised by air. nn himse our $1.75 line of tweed pants man a famil who have resided in Seaforth for #inter trade.—Miss M. Morrison, of Lou to Mr. Harrison, of Rodgerville, who takes ry off what belongs to oDe's -orne Mir.; bl thing to car a Psion on Sept. lob. We wele and Dry Goods House, Seaforth. Among these was his handsom intend removing from town don, formerly of this village, ia, here on Posse Edward McF 11 Carlisle ;" also a neighbors and not even say, " by your some years —B. V. Elliott & ence in Asit.—Miss Brodgen and- Mis; a
riage stallion, bred from Riley, of Elarrison to our village, that, WM. PICKARD breedi g leav e. " 'This was done lately to a gentle- shorty, and will take up their resid pair of registered , Clydesdale He* Mon real, as that -will be a more convenient 1 ondosboro, spent part 7of last wenk-. and Soule law office on Main street is nearing SEAFORTIET. hex
-ery nice four yetxr man whose farm lies near the village. Seaforth. mares, and a pair of 0 for Mr. Brooks, who is traveling most this as the guests of the Misses Wilion.— completion.—Mr. James Beer, carpenter, of w
tee found, on going to gather in his oats that poin, geldings. These ' horses will make n secured the contract for the him and of tie time.—Metsrs. Ed. Hinoliley and Mr. D. Brintuell is att e ng the High this place, ha fin- some one had been there before tel f'or Mr. Joseph hearts of some, proap6rous farmer horse -morrow School at Clinton.—Consi(u ilble grain- is erection of a new ho load of horses to Manitoba, rrived home on off a wagoin o ra. Bend. The building will Wednesday, We have not heard what sue
Manitoba, happy, They -intend x- taken load.—Mr. John Elliott Sam, tol Bennett intend leaving t
cier I show already being brought into market and meets Brenner, at Grand much improved for ( hicago They will do the big be a two-storey frarn but we hope he has done wall. (940-040v# cri ie 4Ox5O feet, with an cess lie bad, Fan
oht).P. ng them for steers for winter feedi g, returned on Saturday last, toge,lher. They say they will also bunk with good demand. cating among relatives and oboervato 1i they will take h 9r. in health by rusti I ust be com- —Mr. John Bray is pulling dow. whic. ome with them. ry on the top, and m n his old fri de about Galt and Blenhei for a togebher, but we have oui doubts as to the Robert McMillan, son of Mr. John *c.- en e. However, if Varna. pleted by ;he first of February. stable, and in its place intends.to build a
'Iso in Manitoba just more commo -riving shed dious one with a d
DISTRIOT MATTERS. Con Is of months. f6asibility of the schem,
Millan, M. P., is a ther' of ebairs at hand and they CHANG E OF BusiNESS. —J. T. Cairns, sue -
now, looking out steers for shipmen to are plenty rry attached. He is already getting the timber I
the Post office Store, has Tuckeramith. ti
a ally let C of this county -for feeding purposes, and I THEY'REAHEAD.—We do riot u ihange sides every night they may ces8or to J. Morrow, of
GOOD SjjFEp. Mr 81, L re u I in harness and is settled down to earn- on the ground for the new structure,
head of the Clin Mr. Abe Davidson, of St. Paul, is in Ot fully
Robert Chartere, Gilbert McMichael, al 0 of d forth people get a - 8100 0 "ork In the Interest of his custo WEST END NOTES.—A large number of Our -1 Road, Tuckersmith, who is noted a Hullett, int the Sea ee1w; mers. He is Bayfield last Sat- the Mil in town.—The Confirmation Services in St. getting in now goods of all kinds almost daily and young people picniced at starting on Tuesday to look out for, tonians if we can help it, and it is not very HuRett. cessful breeder of Leiceter sheep, is JU
as a sue I James Catholic Church In this town,,, Sab- urday and spent a very enjoyable time. --
that they do, but we are willing to now hag as nice a stock of General Dry Goods, Gro -
has recently sold five head to Mr. James his own use. Messrs. MoMillan and ,Me- often bathl, were very largely attended, - the ceries, &c. is can be found in any ountry store. COUNCIL MEETR-TG—The Hullett Council admit that in one particular they have got Mr. David Crawford is learning the ba&iug Snell, of Hulett, These sheep were- pur- Michael and others brought a lot of steers in at Londeabora on Fridayt the 25th Prices also will be found right. Juitsall, a their ex0eri- the start of us, and we hope - they will boast church being packed both forenoon and even- fox ),ourselves. All kinds of country produce taken business with Mr. J. E. Clark, of Seaforth. met chased by Mr. Snel to complete his herd of from Manitoba last year,,and d 1342 send fell ult., members all present, except. Jame of it just as muoh as we would if we got the ink. The services were both interestin n' —One day last week Mr. W. Tow 9 twenty, which he is getting up for compe- fg Snell. F. U, Farneornib, the townshi
ence mu't hive proven, satisfactoryJand Ven. shak- en-
fitable eadi
when they are going to repe4t it start of them in some other respect. Clin- edif ing.—Mr. James Bonthron, jr.,o was VARIETIES.—Dr. Joh of Zil. from a wagon, giving himself a severe titiou at the Chicago Exposition, and those pro sall,lassessor of the township of Hay, a R. Foote, Ing up, but received no serious injuries.— gineer, who was present at the meeting, was in this 'year. We wish them M4 the ton's rate of taxation for next year has been waukie, Michigan, came home on Tuesday off Who have seen them tay they are a remark. aga at tthe Mr. Everett Crich, who fell nstructed by the Council, an egg opens in fixed at 19 mills o'n the dollar ;.th Sea- in town on Thursday and shed t to the
of good luck. coun- to spend the month before coll ably fine herd, and are likely -to &core high. b - oat no e time ago, is recover. petition of John Coates, St. John
forth at 25 mills on the dollar.—Clinton light of his genial and L friendly w rs, broke his arm a short
recuperating his bodily and mental and others, to proceed with surv6 Ing the
tenance on nds. —
whe h New Era, several of his frie ing.—Igiss Fanny Townsend arrived home y
Lang, of best plow go Dr. Foote has been assisting Dr. River Maitland and the lands in JAC]
OLDFR Mr. and Mrs. 1. Nicol, IF you W)ant the e t ero Ing its neigh.
r Miss Mary Mulcahy, who has been livi
t,),ho f -facts in -connec- on Saturday, after visiting relati'
of Boissevain Manitoba, and fornic are fourteen different kinds and styleg N_ 08 ro There are a few Zilwaukie, in his large practice. — Mr. borhood, from Lot@ 6 to 17
rly of in , Concession IncludinF the Wilkinson and Fleury. ol in Victoria, British Columbia, for the past itoba.—The Misses Nott spent Sunday
0. C. WMLSON,Sesf 0 Ward, jr., celebrated last Wedues- Man
Wingham, in this county, or combine here. Ort . % p y tion with this matter of which the New Era,
spent Sunday It 1 422 She Thomas to Lots 6 to 20, Concession 6, in the town- TRE is evidentl not aware. In the pastClintoh 8 y4ars, has returned home on a visit. with relatives in Colborne.—Mr. a d Mrs.
day by taking unto himself a partner for in ship of Hullett, with a view to the drain-- last in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WIiEN you want a good two furrow spent quite a pleasant time on her way on were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
gan 9 has not raised any sinking fund for the ex- person of Miss Blair, of Bayfield. F. Layt the Cook. I life in the Ing of "id lands and the deepening and
Nicol plow go wlier6 they keep the Wilkinson,' is viaiti6g friends in inueapolis and of Hullett."On Saturday Mr. James Elder. Mr. and Mrs , tInCtiOn of its debentuie -debt as it became hon Eli Cricb, been in the Province of - Ontaiio for shutt and th8 Fleury the three best plows made in rs ago, it had a Chi I ca,go, She intends remaining here all They commenced housekeeping in the old Frank Plowes was engaged in drawing sand, straightening of the river.in that locality, have Canada, and take your choice. I am not tied down due. ' But, a couple of yea homestead on the front road, where we as provided by Section 569 of the Municipe, are on a mission a the dter. —Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Dann left here about six weeks, and
to one kind and obliged to tteil that one I special act paseed by the Legielwture en- wi Ion happy and and as he drove into the pit a. large piece. of Act. The engineer will make an assessment
trust they may enjoy a THE GRI
of pleasure and recreation. They have spent best whether I think it Is or not. 0. C. WILLSON, sue on Wednesday last for their home in Smith's led aown,' searin
abling It to. co solidate its debt and to is Maughton earth broke Ioo3e and rol 9 most of their time in this county visiting eaforth. 13422 prosperous life. —The Misses of the-zost per acre of all the lands to be
new debentures covering the same, and thus Fa,11s, having just returned from their wed- he the team and causing them to turn around
relatives and friends, and have rn- de their DIN ,iFR, Tea and Toilet, nets at educed rry to learn from and M D. H. MoNaughton attended t suddenly, throwing the b ox off I the wago benefitted, and make his report thereon at
making future generations pay the debts in - ding trip West.—We are so headmquaorters with James Bonthr-in, Escj , Nifees at the popular grocery. Estate -of I. Romi, On the other hand, Mr. James Landeborough, of Tuckeramith, English church garden party at Mr. John i1s. the next meeting of I.Counoil.—The county
1342 2 ourred by the prosenC 'rich Township.—On and the driver against one of the who I
of Rodgerville,- f ather of Mrs. N i6ol. Th i eaforth. Middleton's, In Gode assesementfor the year being higher th in my I no give Seaforth has, yeiar by year,. raised Its sink. that his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Townsend, He escaped with a few bruises and a severe an WHEN YOII Wa t Brando Tuesday evening last Varna Council, No. usual will require a rate of one mill leave on Saturday for Chicagoil 'and Ianything Ing fund to meet its- debenture debt as it be- who resides near n, Manitoba, and shaking up, from which he recovered in a and i me a c&II. The goods and prices speak or them- im. 308, Royal Templars of Temperance, tender- nine-tentlis on the doll r, and for township
spend some days doing the big fhw, a selves. Headquarters .'for repairs. R-1 MBROER, oame due. For - the past four years the who hAs been ill for some time, is not few days. The horses, however, did not Nowr, ther
will return by Detroit and Toronto, p - ed to Mr. J. D. Morrow, prior to his depar purposes the rate eetim.ted n Ud five. Watohnfaker and Jewoller, opposite ommerelal proving as rapidly as her friends would like. ;vell, for when the driver was t
1842-1 whole of the amount required. for sinking Her mother, Mrs. Imentary fare so i fix your eyel
ceeding to their own home bX,.. W Of til 'Hotel, Scaforth. Landaborough, is still ture from among them, a compl. tenths of a mill, and the requirements Of i fund purposes was not raised, the council an b as but they ran off, but abortly came in contact sut and
lake' route of the Canadian Paci d IsHwa) Master Willie Campbell, son of supper in their hall. This. gentlern with a barb wire fence, in which one - of the several school boards being consider- plets
HORSES FOP. SALE.—A few good horses e9peotiog to get 'moneys advanced to cer- With her.— en himself a W_ orthy and consistent ably over $4,000, are o The, speak
Mr. N col and his Fiona have a large met - for sale cheap. Must be sold at once A to has taken a situation as prov hem became entangled and received some n the aggregate high.
oantil , lumber and grain busine s n Bolsee- scorr BROS., XtISiCill Instrument ealers, Campbell, member, and will be much missed in the t
1342-3 so as to make up the deficiency in the sink- stant at Fear's drug store. We coingr tu- severe cuts, which has rendered it ui
Wn manufacturing establishments refunded D' as o collar sn
ilit-for er than usual. Several accounts were pass.
Seaforth. Wor
vaia,'& smart littlu town about thezeize of n ad and ordered to be paid. C6, a relied 1
ZV, -, ing.fund. These moneys, however, have laie Mr. Fear on securing such an ho est Council. work since.—Mr. David Landeborough has uncil -ad- I
Brussels, in this county. They 'nave been GIRL WANTED.—A 7:thorough)[y compet. journed funtil called by the It in place by
earn of a ood place at not yet become available, and raIther than arid reliable assistant. gone to Godprioh to put in his term at the oeve. witi
I — - Kippen, THE UNION CH60L Dispu spo ed
,there about twelve years, and having pros. ent and experien ed girl will I alow the liukln$ fund to run further in ar- TH.—Hosers. J. -tt red are we -lit pleased with the country. Be- the highest ages by applying at T ir, EXPOSITOR —More plows, The Model School there. Britton, Finlay Anderson and John Bowers, mud be .carrii
OFFicit, Seaforth. 1340 The Stratford Hedge Fence. STILL TuFy ComE, rears the council decided, whether wisely or I
-was a id gang plows -that has ever -the arbitrat6re appointe:1 by the County 1Dg odor w
re going to Wingham, Mr. Nicol STO11 and C for yourself if yo need'any- to raise the I SEAFORTII, August 24th, 189'3. argest stock of plows ar Bluevale. Farmers come farmer in Tuckeramith, having owned the thing in our line. In order -to ibake/ room for fall not we are,not prepared to say, C6iIincil to determine the merits of thepe-
I struck Kippen has 4qme to hand.
-1d, now owned and goods we have decided to reduce the prices of Crock- Whole amount, arrenro and all, this year. and inspect, iniany kinds to choose from. Can give BRiEFLETs.—Mr. Williana Stewartj jr.j tition of P. Kelly and others, asking for
fine farm nea.r Brucefie o whom it may concern Fair. Jle h
btiyers' would do This is high the plow line. Well stocked
wara, All intending the . Cause of the abnormally went to Pembroke on Friday, where he in of which are
ery and'Glass We the andekeigned beg to state that You good bargains in
occupied by Mr. Bell. -he opular Giacery I -els, skimmers, the formAtion of a new union school section
well to call and see our goods at t - rate. Under ordinary circumstances and with mould boards, pTw handles, wh( engaged as a teacher in the public school, Artistic saml
-F .2 we have examined some of the hedg6 fences bolts and repairs i descriptions. Plow repairing in the vicinity of Auburn, have been at
E8TA1 , OF 11. 11=5. i 1342 bout the sinking fund, the rate would be la42-2 U11C
A HuRoNm ABROAD.—Mr.' Andrew Wiin and around Stratford and find them to be done on short notice. T. MHUIS. an his brother Robert went to Williams- work. An objection was made at the first ner a -an
'St Thomas, On ALmA LAD'Iks' COLLEGE, same as Clinton. men and fully town to teach in the high school.—Miss
aboutthe fust as represented by sales meeting iu Auburn only colum
iing in Clifford
orrison,% former resident of MaKilop, but NOTES.—Mr. John MoNevin is away to
tario.—This College has one f th most suedess I to any action being
ial publisl ed in the the price i's
who is now located near Brandon, Man itoba, 0onservatories of usic ol 0 "4 nt -in which entitled to the teatimon: taken at all on the grounds of irregularity
11 the C_ tirt.,11 Sarnia, this week attending a convention of Maggie Casemore was visi
thorough instruction is given III PJI . o, violin Organ EXPOSITou on 18th inst. We want to Foresters, which is in. session there, as& last week. —Mr. and Mrs. F. B.- Scott were in petitioningthe township councils. At the tent co -V
writes to us under date of August 25W, as LoUAL BiiIEF.13.—WO are sorry to learn other instruments, Harmony,. tight Sihgfng, &c.
and with an at- tharik-the Stratford Hedge Fence Company, in Seaforth on Saturday attending the
an follows: " TTv1r.L R. H. Knox, who resides The chief teachers have been trai* in the Euro c that Mr. John Crich is laid up delegate. Miab Jennie McNeil, of Torpnto, the same time it was urged that any.award with a weali
Conservatories and follow a strlctl clasoicol me eir hospitality, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Butt. funeral of Mr. Scott's neice, Miss Maggie -pol
near Harlock, in the township of Hallett, is Zod. tack of illneaB.—The Public Schools and whose guests we were, for th —Mr. R. Ilogg.—Mrs. James Crawford is visitin wuld be invalid. Letters from the Educa- the telat
at p4esent paying a visit to his many friends AlmWs graduates in many caseshave- gone direct to- Collegiate Institute opened on Mondayi but land we wish their energetic agent, Mr. Mellis is putting a new roof on his store. '.g tion Department were filed, sustaining these comb and
in is
bors, wh cated high Collegiate arpointments. I Weekly recitals epdo in Ottawa.—Mr. Fulton Timm' a largir than
and former neigh o are now lo choral classes., pub ic concerts and all similar advant' it will be a week before they will et right- Alexander Kennedy, much success in his With a little touching up with.& paint brush fri objections. The arbitrators adjourned to
A few days ato, a3 e illustrated Catalogue ly-Aettled down to work.—Mrs. 6ampbell, anvas. ANGus McLtoD, JosEril HFNDER4 attending Liatowel high school. bebind holi
aroan'd Brandon, ages to music students. M60 it will be so good as new, and will add meet at call 'of the chairman, who wao to
was on his way from Brandon to ose land free. B. F. AUSTIN, A. ED Principal. one of the Public School teachers, has been SON, DR, SCOTT, WM. SCOTT, WALT greatly to the appearance of our main submit thes;points to Hoo. G. W. adjustable
Rose to
1342-1 M OFFATT, Seaforth ; ALEX. MUVA Tbess latte,
to'visit the Bestii, M-orrisuns, Mr. and I very ill,and although she is . recovering, it street,=Mr. Walker, pastor of the Meth- decide. The deputy replied deciding both week a large 4nd elegant will be sever TO,x, B. SWITZER, odipt church, prea6hed a very touching and BREvITIES.—The . three departments of points against the petitioners, Hon. G. W.
John Alen and others, he showed the RFCEIVED this al days before she will be able -'Brucefield JOIRK MIDDLF —olle *e1do
adies' Girls'and C11114ren's Fall and Win- agility which is charaoteristic of the Huron stock of L t n on the parable o resume her duties, Bar position is be- Clinton., of the the public school ere re -opened on Alon- Ross on August 3 -rd, wrote Mr. Britton of theme 146C
ter Coats imported direct frdin the best German ------------ interes Ing sermo og down Prodigal Son last Sabbath. —Mrs. R. Mellis that the arbitrators must proceed and the call them
boys who come out here, by..runri manufacturers. Nearly 400 co4ts in stock to solect Ing filled by Miss' Bella Barr.—Mr. day. —The N f ethodist church will be lighted d steir
tzd capturing a wild duck, and although a 13 Walton.- has returned home from a visit to her by electric light on the coming Sunday force of any alleged irregularitiea were to
frorn. Te earliest buye;s get1the best choice. wi t Murdo Campbell -h 6 'been doi g the ran
1312-1 't ten days. t f a forest.
one o the Manitoba boys started with him PICKARD. World's Fair for the pas Mr veni ng. —.vir. S. Herringtow was in London be decided by the courts. Hence the mee - A PLEASANT'TimE. —The regular monthly daughter, looking as if a little holidaying e
al the British troops Aminiatirs
in the chase, R. 11. came out a,head. lie AT Listowel on Tuesday, and Wednesday Campbell has three sons n Chicago, meeting of the Ladies' Aid of this place was agreed better with her hsalth than doctors' on Wednesday, seeing Ing in Blyth. D. E. Nunro, who had re. dnesday,
e,t ,,k 6th and 6th of Sbpteniber, --.,i,150 will be holding goo Scott, held at Mr. Wm. Dennison's on We pills an potious.—Mr. Cudmore is finding perform.—Mrs. Clark, of S Most of thi
was well pleased with this pat of the d positions.—Mr. James eaforth, who is '-ceived,from the chairman a oopyof this correspon for tilitypel
country, and is now on his way to Prince divided among the trotting iorses. Their excellent of the firm of Scott Brothers, returnod.on An ust 23rd. In the evening a large crowd the hay market Pretty fully stocked just visiting her sister, Mrs. N. H. Youngjl is in-- dence with the Department, also
half mile track- isvery po u ar with horsemen and 9
Albert.—The wheat in this part is about all a weeks' business trip d a pleasant time was' spent. A tIGD Bildii
Saturday from a te gathered an now.—Mr. T. Mellis has been greatly an. disposed at present.—Mr. Shaw, of Brussels, wrote ading some further information, and
the attendanec
of all t 9 fast ones in Westeri
Ontario and a.few from outside is alread assured. through Manitoba. He says times 4r dull good programme wat rendered, in which the noyed by boys from the neighboring villages was in town this week. At present Mr. Now, at.
cut, and some oats also. The wheat may sked for the minister's decision on the dim.
a nterest, -the first day's ce, but the crqps,- following took part, with their pastor Mr. on Sabbath, taking possession Shaw is agent for tho Confederation Life average from 16 to 20 bushels to the acre, Both days ill be of equ I there and mdney scar coming over puted poinits above mentioned, an'd -also man m"t I
and a. good sample. Oats are going to be programme being the 2 4 , the 2.35 and the 2.22 promise wall in most places. He spent a[ Cousins as chairman : Mr. J. C. Morrison, of his garden and destroying his fruit trees. Insurance Company.—Mr. Ozer Eby, an urged that the Minister advise the arbi. ortuve- b of
;race, the 2.20 olas and classes staid old Blyth boy, spent Sunday in town. re- light, as the dry weather came too soon. ; the second, nam(, few days at the Chicago Show on his way Mrs, Neal, Mr. Horney, MigReg, E mime, and He thinks they would be wiser if they 8 tratore to report no change now necessary coin ftgur
the 2.10 clasa. Fare anq ?rie-tbird for parties of i Your correspondent was a witneso to the - 1342xl home.—Mr. and Mr:i John' Beattie leave, Sebula Forbes, Mrs. T. Jackson, Miss at home and improved their minds and fitte'd newing old acquaintances. —The Masonic acoursewhich would give all. concerned but little ti
eight or over front any p
capturing of the duck above alluded to." -day for hicago, to see the World's Hattie Sibbens, Miss Addie Horney and Miss themselves for useful lives by reading good friends held their, regular meeting on Tuis- more time for consideration and allow the it- is one pe
pstiel here to ana the
LOST. —'B a track I
r. take advice a day evening irr tfieir o sn ball.—Mr. . S. bar to the 4
ce on Wednesda 23rd ult., a pair of Gold Fair and visit re, Beattie's- sister, Mrs. Annie Gardiner. M Sp%rling also gave a books. If they refuse to ned on Tueed petitioners to begin again. The Minister's or her hesi
—In The Echo, Os' Offi b and daughter, couple of fine selections on the violin, with McKinnon retur ay ovening 'reply was received and filed. It reaffirmed
ORDAINED AT CAMSDALE. p Spectacles in Be. Finder will oblige by Thynne.—Mr - little time spent in the cooler may lead
Framed 18. Hugh - Rob' leaving at this office or Avith the owner, Mit. C. A. from taking in the World's Fair. He can :the irregularity of the petitioners, hold that tions to tbi
published at Fort Qu'Appelle, N. W. T., by are visiting friends in Detroit this week. Miss Annie McCulla, accompanying him. them to refleot. 1342xl STRONO.' Mr. James McMichael and Mr. John Weir,! The proceeds amounted to 813.- picture it to you pretty well.—Miss Wateol, arbitrators must act, and advised that:&
Rev. Alex. Robson, we find the following io-N. —We wish to again half -winub
notice in regard to the ordination of Mr. FARXEF,. , AT FNTI two of Seaforth's respected gentlemen of Zurich. is visiting her friends 'at Cranbrook this report be made that no change i for the dar
is r-ecesBary.
draw your attention toi the fact that Scott't Main- week.—Mr. Will Taman is auain settled taken., one
John McKeohnie, a late student at Kno..< leisure, have been devoting most of their Hills -Green. S. FAUST Would Call the attention of This course was adopted. A curious point
-our D. down to usiuees after spending hree was raised, wo Id not this shut out the
of moth Se(A and Food Stbre is the place to by N son time for -the paet two weeks toqe 11 stands beh
College, Toronto: Mr. I velling and' fac
seeds. We are prepart d to aii rply you this sea . A DEsERVED TRIBUTE.—A pleasing event his -customers and of the public at large to the t Carsdale was ordained, July 25th, in one of with a splendid s of most y all the leading var- improving the ground for the new bowling that he ha tore. The millin- weeks of holidaya.—Mr. Fred Denstedt got
occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 9 made a change in his a petitioners for five years ? The Miniater is fully ailad a
i6ties of wheat W It on hand a nice sainp 0 of
the churches of that field. Mr. Mathe&on green, and making it ready 1 for seeding this in ery'department will be in the place formerly u8ed his foot severely injured, the other day, by certainly not of that opinion, be 'des the shouler 61
of J&rrott on Tuesday evening last. Early at- - Jones' Winter'Fifee, ;ro%0vn by. Mr. Routledge a tailor shop, next to the Post Office. Special jumping off a ladder.—Mr. Morley House,
presided ; Mr. Robson preached and ad- Ily .'also fall. They are both enthusiastic admirers arbitrators' action d d not form a n bw see- the bride -a
Tucker8mith, who recommends it very higi the evening they were surprised by a large tention will be given to this department and the Id.res3ed the peo le, 5nd, Mr. Carmichael the gamej and are giving their valuable tion, nor alter the boundaries nor dissolve COUVIsrltiOV
P the Red Clawson, Democrat, Surprise arid other lead- of i crowd of neighbors and friends, who asuem- opening will take placo shortly, Ladies will do well of Lyden, is visiting here at present.—Mr.
1342-2 Frank Buggin left on Monday mornin
the minister. Mr. Carmichaelalso offered ingvarieties. Also Irchiember tbat our stock of to call and examine, D. S. FAUST.
labors gratuitously. —There were over one in the fran
ber grown b bled to pay a token of respecti, as the aged 9 last any of the sections concerned. The five
p e Tfinothy Seed is good home grown seed, for Wingham, where he intends stuidying years limitation applies only to cases where to be "too'
y hundred carriages in the funeral proces i
the ordina-tian rayer. Th large num Sion
d, reliable farmers. I Our Flour and Feed Depart- couple were leaving the neighborhood for BiaFs.—Alr. Edward Fee received a
f people present ahowed at once their apre- goo f the late Miss Hogg, of MoKillop, on on dentistry with Mr. W. McDonald. new section in formed. and insist
ment stands second to none. Bran and shorts sold 0 Renaall, where they intend to live retired. telegram last week- stating that his a
ciacion of Mr. McKeohnie's se It was one of the' She stova rvicei and in ton lots at mill -p ices VVeask you to examine Saturday afternoon last. ted with a handsome Edward had died in Reno, Nevada, of ty- Mr. Jarrott was presen Stanley. their interest in his ordination. M r. Me- our stock and be convinced that we are here using this Bec ion and
largest funerals ever seen in hymubook, and Mrs.Jarrott with a bedroom phoid fever. Mr. George Fbe, brother of Clinton. looked at i
fly you with a good article in -all every effort to supo u I keohnie io a yo ng man of much promi manifested -very accurately the esteem in Jarrott made the deceased, brought the body home, and TEA MEETI.NG,—A very pleasant and pro. TnE M INITER OF MILI14. HOU. J, C. ipport th
lines at d small living profit, R61MPT SCOTT, main set, after which Mr. and Mrs.
We, wish for him along and fruitful minie, street,, Scaforth. I 1342-2 which the deceased was held and the SYM7 ddreas was read by the funeral took place on Wednesday after- fitable occasion was the tea -meeting given 'Patterson, 1kccompanied by his wife -and each ,end.
- suitable replies. The a
try"' Mr. M c Kechnie is from near Paisley, pathy felt for the bereaved family.—Mn e k to the Bayfield cemetery- by the Christian Endeavor Society of the Jamily, also Private Secretary Jarvis, -who, holding he
Mr. Foster, and the pr sents were given by noon of last wee
-Bruce, county, and he Jig not unknown to Sea. DEATH OF PELOI)Tlsi-, G You -No CAN- Robert Carmichael is adding an additioDai right han
Mrs. Stelck. Though Mr. and Mrs. Jarrott He was a doctor by profession, and 5 most Bayfield Road Church on Thursday evening b 'd _- been - iojourning for some weeks it
forth people, having been one of the caudi. ADIAN,—Our readers in Ray and Stanley storey to the roar of Ilia building adjoining are leaving the vicinity their names will promising young man. The parents have of last week. The'tea which, of course,was Point Farmp rrived here from Gode.rich by true, like"
dates who preached on trial for the position townshi s wilt regret to he5r of the deth the Royal Hotel.—Mr. George and Miss was 'private vehicle on Thursday a face. W.1
ever be green in the memories of, the Hills the sympathy of all in their sad bereave- a bountiful and most enjoyable one, fternoon of assistant to the Rev. Dr. McDonald. He of Dr. Ed. gee, of Reno, Nevada', which Sadie Kidd, formerly of this town, but now week. In the evening a numbs them thel.
Green people) and all are glad that they are ment.—Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McNevin, of served in the oommodious residence of Mr. r of
-ipson, Sparling occurred on Wednesday 23rd ult. Dr. Fee' of Toronto, were in town for a fej days appointed.
is a nephew of Mrd. M. Thon ot going further away, Exeter, were here on Sunday visiting Mr., Reid, just across the road from the church, citizens called on the honorable gentleman- rge num street, and has many friends and well-wishers was the son (4 Mr. 9dward Fee, of the this wee . The family are nearly All in' M. Zellar and other friends.—Rev. Mr. and was appreciated fully by the' Is the Rattenbury House. Friday morn very -well,
here, who will be pleased to learn. that he Goshen Lin4 Hay, and after receiving a Toronto tiow and are doing well.—Dr. J. :.11 i 1 - . . Ethel. Veit, of Tavistookl last Sunday conducted a ber present. After all had fully satisfied Ing Mr. Patterson and a number of promin- for him, h
has settled in a fiold where his talents and good education -at the Clinton High School Henderson McFaul, of Toronto, spent a few ce in the Luther- the wants of the body an adjournmeut was ent citizens, among whom were Mr. A. Z sloted ul
7.eal are appreciated. ch 11 tvateve quently t
and the Tdrdnto Normal, he taught school days during the eek witih his parents ITEs.—Mr. Anderson, of Belgrave, Miss successful missionary servi 113
The collections were good. made to the church, which was completely Todd, President of the lo I Cc so ive
iv.e r three or four years near, his home. A here, —Mrsi Dr. Atkinson, of Detroiti wit Henderson, of Wingbam,, and Mrs. McEwen an church here. a Ot t
fo —Mr. Gabriel Holtzman's hearse has re filled. Here the audience were regaled with Association ;- Deputy -Reeve D. B. Ken b hi
HuRwN's FRUIT AT Ciaowo,—It will b e Ithe time of 'the Northwest boom he. wen her little son, is visiting ait the home of and family, of Bluevale spent Sunday with Henderson.—A car- ceived a new coat of paint, which greatly music by the members of the choir- of the nedy, M-essrs. JZhnson-, Cantelon -and Do- remembered that At the June meeting of the out to that country M . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chesney, John streot.—Rev. fact that I
and took up land nortl Mrs. be held load of flour, bran, shorts, &c., was shipped improves it.—The Zurich fair will Seaforth Presbyterian church, who had been herty, made a trip through the souther -Oty d Thursday, the that he
COU Council a'8,mall grant was given to of Qu'Appelle, but not fiuding that to his Gallows, pastor of the Methodist church Igo
y from Reeve Milne's mill to Muskoka last this year on Wednesday an invited for the occasion, and with humorous portion of Goderich township, calling among
g&9 as re
aid the Goderich Lfortioultutrat Society to taste hereturned to Debroit;wheie he be h turned to' his hor4e after having week inall
collect and'iorward to 'Chicago for exhibi- week.—Mr. Jas. Lindsay has sold the. '13bh and 14th of September. —Last and. prActical addresses by Rev. Mr. Kerria, other places at a threshing bee at John
After giaduatin spent his vacation in the Clanadian Nortl 'Sheppard's, Ba ; here about 25
the study, of medicine. -9 f - 't the Evangelical church were of Bayfield, Rev. Mr. Stewart, who is at yfield line, Bayliss farm on the 4th concession of Grey , he repairs to amplel ion, ram- leg of the fruit of the County of he decided to practise his profession in anied him. d it is now the finest church, present supplying the Apulpi assist. 8 couldnt t,
p West. Mrs. Giffloway adcomp Bayfield farmers were gathered to
to Wm. Duke, of Ethel. The price re completed, an tr of Huron, from time to time as the various Reno, Nevada. , In three years he built up They greatly enjoyed thei -trip.—Mr. D.
Isufficiently advauc' ceived was $2,500.—Repairis are being made inside, for miles around. A new Railey re- Presbyterian church, and Rev. Mr. Ballan- of the grain were inspected and pronounced 'plied . Bi
kinds, became ed. The 'a successful practice, and amassed considera-- D. Wilson has a pair of grade steer calyeg
a 9 y tyne, of Orangeville, who has been enjoying magnificent. Mrs. Sheppard arid assistantl on the Presbyterian, church this week. J - flector lamp has been put in, which nice) not the I
president Of the Golerich Society, Mr. J. T. ble money. Last winter he returned home, six months old, which weigh over 1,300 lbs. W. Fogal is doing the work.—The Ethel lights up the whole church. The total cost B%yfield's breezes during his vacation, and entertained the Minister and arty at din- thepictut
Dick -son, whowe beieve, was the"originator and took a course at New York, and had He intends taking them,, to. the Toronto eran visited 'Mr. JOku
Wag r eat to the Post of last week was of th repairs was about $600, and over half kindly consented, though a at er. to give nor, The party next
of the id ea, an&the other officers have' been just returned to.bis work, when he Exhibition. —M -r. and Mrs. D. Kuechtel, of oor espond i young -Reeve of the townshiP-' the right
ror, when he'said that a of this was secured -on the opening day.— an address. 'Rev. J. A. Mcto"ld the Beacom, Deputy
indefatigable i7a' their efforts ai 7 c to so- slightly in er. C ,,and after more Chicago., were this week the guests of Mrs. asked- azz
seized wfth typhoid - tever Mr, F. W. Hess' wife presented him with a Rasf;or, acted as chairman. At the conclu-
cure & creditable display and although the than a month's illness he 4ccumbed to its Hargan,.of Jarvis street. They had been gentleman had accompanied six youngladies Here they were greeted and kindly re eiv to Two br
y. It is really a wonder that bouncing boy the other day.—Henry Magel wen of the evelling's entertainment enthusi- :by the Deputy -Reeve and his mother—*
apple crop is so k defiaient this year, al will effects. His br6ther, Dr.:George Fee, w spending a couple of weeks with friends at from a part ho
I urned from the World's Fair a few days astievotes of thanks were tendered to the 'is 94 years old—and her daughters. Bar !a fuseed was located at Carson City, 30 miles farther Brussels, and left here Thursday for Ingei- the correspondent 11 survives after, such a ret 1mg
be pleased to learn, that they hav I chrieves, who conducted Seaforth choir, the speakers and the ladies field harbor was next viewed, and the Hod- ramarka-bly wett so far. The. -following we9t, was cAlstantly at his bedside, and tioll, Their many friends hereabouti were lack of ball practice, -lately. ago.—Professor S open air concerts and lectures here for four who had so kindly provided refreshments. 'Mr. Patterson promised to bring the mat- her band].
acknowledgment of the receipt of the last with the aid of the best physicians of the ple'as.ed to see thern looking so vVell.—Mrs. or five nights, left last Tuesday for Bay- The proce'edii amounted to $37, and will be !,ter of harbor repairs and improvements be- ensall.
consignment of fruit hag been received frorn town, did all he could to check the dis Kirkman bad the pleasure recently of enter. field.—The membership list o fore bit- colleagues. In P&PSing tb f our Agricul- used in the purchase of an Organ for the xough -66 ler+ox
—For the
A. H. Pettit, superintendent of the Ontario ease, but it was of no avail. Dr. Foe, taining an old friend -I the person of Mies DREss GOODS AND MANTLES. e old rub, Tb
n tural Society is larger this year than ever Sunday School and C(bristian Endeavor So- township a flying visit was paid to th
fraft section at Chicago, by the President : though only 31 year's of age, was one of the Dunsmore, of Sarnia. Miss Dunsmore also greatest variety and the newest things in Dress before and still they come. ciety meetings. vetera cDonald, thence to Reeve beirign doi
de and Mantles ever shown in Hensall call at D, Captain 111, Your cases of fru it received this a. m. in Goo. 4.
best specialists on the eye, ear and throat, isited 'Other friends and relatives in Sea- Weismiller'o. All the -popular makes and leading John Cox, whose wife and daughters pre- Coraei
goud condition, and I can assure you they in the West. The body was brought- home, forth land Tackeramith. —Mrs, W. R. Coun' shades are now opened out. Ladies who wish for fot'YOU ti
Exeter. Wroxeter. pared tea for the party. Returning to
made a fi ne addition to Ontario's exhibit. when the funeral took place from his fath- ter returned to town Wednesday,, af ter sev- the latest and boot are cordially invited to examine
the new town head thri
Two gentlemen from your.. section (whose er'g' residence on Wednesday last, a' large eral months' abaence Her many friends our stock. D. WinsmLLBR. CHuRcii NOTES. —The Right Rev-. Al. S. JoTTiNcm.—Our new,principal arrived on ton about 9 o'clock p. in
will 'band turned risdell1r. in t e mi
Baldwin, D. D,, 'Bishop of Huron, Friday night last arid commenced his duties outin f ull, force to $ere _h
names I have forgotten W, the hurry of my concourse of pe le gathering to sbow -the will be pleased to learn thathe is now quite JusT opened at A. Weseloh's, 25 c tri- Into +,;he V.) preach morning and e euing I ' the on M nday. Mr. Neilson comes highly Patterson, and he responded with a cot'
work) I am Sure were proud to s' Boots and Shoes for the fall trade. These goods (D. 0
ee their see- eateem in which he was held. The funeral restored to health. he was accompanied Trivitt M position bution to the funds of the era, turer8 for services were conducted by Rev, Mr. by Mr. Counter's aunt and sister.—His cash and we will sell them cheap for hours in wing, the piet
tion so well repregeuted. I had Juit got the were bought direct from the beat manufac emorial church, next Sunday, recommended, and sinc6 taking the band, Saturd0i ca -in
cash, along with Sept. 3rd. The order of services will' be as here has got a first-class certificate. We Mr. Patterson spent some
des for the- jdges 'Mr. Kerriu, Lordship, the Bishop of Huron, has appoint- our entire,stock of foot wear. When Ir
fruit placed on the tab
Hodgins, of Seaforth, and Rev. in Hensall it Iblue took
follows: -10:30 a. m., morning p a7er; hopelorhis Fiuccess. —Mrs. and Miss Ha. ham, and on Saturdayevening the M when they came to sea our court. The f ruit of B-Ayfield. Hod 'ins, Rectorof enforth, will Pay You to call and buy your fall boots and ed Rev. J. W. 9 -nation ; Sermon : Holy Comm ion the them sbO
41. _ L___ shoes from us as we are this fall in a better position Con-firit tin zlewood arrived home on Saturday after a was drivdn around Clinton, escorted i by it.: I! was in fine coudition, carefully selected and as Rural Dean of the County of Huron, in . A&
I In prices, quality, fit and Btyle. wouldn't
.0 pleal36 vot we 7 p. m., Evening Prayer; Sermo ock- President of the, Clinton Conservative in.
long visit in the neighborhood of Br emoved ito a IV
packed, and it %,as 6 pleasure to receive it Ec Nloz; D VILLE NOTE, A. -Cam- place'of Rev. Mr. Orai , who r isited was type mat
9 guarantee satisfaction and won't be under sold by —Mrs. Sanders and Will arrived home sociation. Among place
and pltice it on exhibition." d BRiEFS.—On Friday afternoo last, as ville.
ming came up, from Gorunna to attend the Petrolea. e congratulate the reverend any dealer in thelcounty. When at our fair call an n work d
1342 s au is bottli
see us. Sign of the Big Boot, on Tuesday last. They haV6 been visiting Messrs. Ransford's famous salt
funeral of the late Mr. Carnochan, She gentleman on thiswell deserved recognition Mr. George Floyd and Mr. Erecott Walters, visited , the hair brus
Divt,iio.,; COUWr: —Division Court 'was will rem -sin in this neiahborhood for a week of his ability and zeal as a worker in the BRIEFS —Our country and village friends of this place, were chopping down trees on in Detroit.—Mr. J. W. Sanderson and 'beautiful farm. Monday he
t of Goderich township, udn gold neci
northern par
held in Seaforth ou Saturday lasti Judge or two visiting relatives and friends. The Mheter's vineyard.—Mr. and Mrs. Holm. are buily engaged in preparing and select- Mr. Floyd's.farm, on the 5th conceRsion of bride are expected home this week.—They
Mrs. Patter#On tue, 141
Toms Dresiding, The audience was about as funeral services were very largely attended sted returned home on Tuesday, after spend- Ing exhibits for our coming fair.—Mr. T. Stephenj a tree which they out fell on Mr. have been at the World's Fair.—Mr. An- Tuesday left for Windsor. -01 I
w d daughter left for their home at Ot"" sets it
large Oka usual, 'while several by friends and acquaintances from far and Ing a couple of we, s still shipping away a large num- Floyd, breaking his leg below the -knee. drews, our new Canadian Pacific Rail ay an eks very pleasantly with Keown I new du. 'Saturday afternoon, accompanied by them, all
heard,but there was none ofigreatimportance. near, thus attesting the high esteem in agent, has got settled down to hie Sunday- the tin -t -
friends at Niagar -on-the Lake. Seaforth ber of car loads of hay from this station. — Dre, Rollins and Amos, of this place, were
The following caseo were disposed of : John ties. Though we were all sorry to part Patterson's privite secretary. her look which the deceased was held. His tall and arid vicinity seem to be furnishing their due Master Leslie Colwell is'attending the High hastily summoned and met tha fractured -Y&Y'Or S. 1"orter vs. Jas. Constable,—a suit for rent, stately form will be much missed 6n our quota of visitors t' School at -Clinton. limb. Mr. Floyd is about 75 years old and with Mr. Elliott, who has been so long with morning the Minister accompanied ex A fam o the Chicago Exposition. —Mr. T. J. Berry, horse
'Doherty to the Rattenbury Street MethO, j udgmeitit for plaintiff. Michael Heffernan streeta,—There has been some tall tak for This week, besides others noted above, we bnyer, left this week for Boston to sell it will be some time before he will be able us, we welcome ,Mr, Andrews to our midst, :ig he attended
'diet church, and in the evenil plaiu Pe(
vs. Ptitrick Keating, —adjourned with costs several weekA on'Friay mornings among learn that Mesars. Robert Chartere, W. J. horses he had shipped there.—I'vIr. A. Arn- to work.—Messrs. Richard and Frank Md —The brick for
%r. andhope for his prosperity. ion plaintiff. Frtmk Murray vs. Seaforth the gentlemen of leisure of this village, be- Chesney and T. Ireland, of Tuckersmith, old, barrister, of Toronto, is in the village shall, of Pueblo, Colorado, formerly of this the Gofton Hotel has commenced to arrive. St, Panl'a Episcopal church in the comPArty were att
Recreation Grounds Association, A claim c%use the EN.PO .ITOR has failed to reach this week visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, place, are visiting friends in Exeter and The stone work is about finished, The of Mr. Todd. Cal open
and Jacob Webe , of Egmoudville, leae
the back
of $40 for use of roller, & dgment for hare soon after aeakfast. Some even sug- here to -day for Chioago.—The regular meet- G. D. Arnold, and relatives. —The man Rodgerville, after an absence of two years'. bricklayers will be on hand very shortly, C. In leg Corniobo
y eta the defendant,4, Joseph Fisher vs, William gest that the Sun be saint for, as it reaches ing. of Britannia Masonic Lodge will be held friends of Mrs. J, O'Brien, rece is Thorne and wife, of Los The stonework is a very good job, and re- —A few days since Mr. Jan ntly of Lou. —Mr. Lew hip, n2st coul
Kinsman. ThAefendautbad the plaintiff's line, Go erich Towns id, h
r here soon after supper on Thursday, but it 6 Monday evening next.—Miss Lizzib desboro, but formerly of this village, and Angeles, California, are the guests of M . Win. fleets credit on Mr. Nash and his helpers.— of the base easily have Village,
farm rented for some years and the amount would scarcely aid the Grit digestion or Devereaux, daughter of Mr. John Dever- well known before marriage as Miss Minnie Drew, of this place,—Mr. Frank Wright, of Mr. Alex. Leonard, of Stonewall, Manitoba, with an accident, which might
Theybad been thresh, pretty F
$102.43 is a claim by the plaintiff for bIck promote sound repose. Have pity, Mr. ea isitin his mother here the be- is visit his aunt, Mrs. R. Gibson.—We been more serious.
x,11adjoining the town, leaves to -day for McPherson, will regret to learn of her very Berlin, was vi I food face, an)
s at one side.
reat said to be due. pied Editor, and hurry up your newsboy, as Chidfi6go. She has several brothers and serious illness, and will hope for a speedy ginning of this weel.—Mr. James Delgatty, are soriullo learn that Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Ing, and the barn door
The case coca ry t tell
nearly all afternoon. The judge reserved your patrons are one hundred and twenty other friends in the Windy City.—Miso recovery.—MiseMoMurchie, of Clinton, and teacher of the Fairfield school, in Stephen W. Douglas' father, at the time of writing, open, below which there was a drop Of her, T
decision up*til the 2nd of September. Mrs. strong here, and not surely to be neglected. Mabel Lavin, of Toronto, visited friends in Miss Mellis, of Kippen, were in the village township, held hia annual picnic at Grand is not expected, to live. He is an aged man feet. He stepped on some straw, Harriet Robson vs. J6mes Mitchell ; judg-' —Improvement is visible in the keeping of —Miss B, Bend on Friday last, when a large number and had been 4illag lately, but formerl thought was lying on the floor, and toOk with on
town last week.—Mies Eva Croll, of the on Monday last visiting friends. y
Mra. D, S. Sutheriand our little cemetery ; plotg have been level- Galt Reformer, was in town visiting this' Hodgins was in Boston this werik on a visit. of scholars, v-ith their parents, attended and had b eeu au apparently healthy old gentle- tumbl
meat for (I e, alighting heavily on his left held a c
vs- Robt, McNiijitko, ; adjourned until next ed. no SPIN' them.
edand weededcu by _ome,but a vast amount week,—Miss Minnie Cantelon of Clinton, —The directors of our fall fair, which is to report having spent a very pleasant day under man.—Our sympathies are extended to the --shoulder; fortun tely he sustain
latter O
Sibbous vi. Riley a hay and wood of work still needs to be done. - the careful management of Mr. Delgatty.— family.—Mr, Howard Snell, who took a ialinjury.
heAd Surely the was the guest of friends in town on Wednes- be hold here on the 7th and 8th of' Septein br - th
ea 01
he vv