HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-08-25, Page 3'ALTsT 25, 1893. If you need runnier Wear, don't fall Suit, you hid c' be a big rush, and aos.,, EAFORTEL ZANSAOTED. highest current ..ts at lowest rates. ki same; favorable _ ATIVIERCE„ - $6,000,000 - $11100,000 discounted, Drafts Lcipal cities in luda, &c. Lit rates of interest of May and Novem- !jai Paper and Far )ERI. Manager. ith End, E21 I. 1'1 S is sufficient to tell wed to accumulate. 'ling." visions at extremely TORTH. Bu siness AND COURSE College 1;a11t.ge for thorough Lalogue free. T1 Principal. or Wareroonis, ready to .urniture in Western alleys. Now that we .0 ever to meet our rniture is all We id fin eat finish. We. EmporiumEAFOR,TH. ILS MACHINE . OIL . • DOMINJOIN, WILL • UFACTURED ) Toronto,e THE COUNTRY. I 32.7-26 It is wonderful what a business is being done in both ORDERED AND READYMADE CLOTHING At the South End Clothing Emporium. The reason is that we keep the best, sell the cheapest and fit perfectly. I am xeceiving weekly arrivals of Boys', Youths' and Children's Cloth- ing. Just call and be convinced that you have fotind the right place to buy Gents' Furnishings .4?)f all kinds. I keep an assortment 6f everything generally found in a first class Clothing House. Every- thing is warranted first class quality and prices reasonable. Remember the South End Cloth- ing Emporium in Beattie Bros.' Block, near the Station, Seaforth. NOBLE T. CLUFF. NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are a new diis covery that cure the worst cases of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of bad/ or mind caused by over -work, or the erroni or ex- cesses of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other TEITATMENTS have foiled even to relieve. Sold by drug. esse per package, or six fort r sent by man on receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE 00.. TOTOEGO. 02E. Write for pamphlet. Sold in— Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS. GROCERIES. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. The Huron Expositor, ROCK OIL IN MANY LANDS DEVELOPMENT OF PETROLEUM BEDS IN RECENT YEARS. If you want a good article in Groceries, Canned Goods or Fruits You can be supplied at the POST OFFICE STOE ii:. Choice Hams, Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon and Spiced Roll Kept constantly on hand. Tele- phone connection. A call solicited. A. CROZIER & CO SUCCESSORS TO J. FAIRLEY. 1 SEAFORTHI, ONT. McLEAN BROS., - Publishers ADVERTISING RATES, Contract 'advertisements, wetter changeable ut will. TEE MU 1,Year 6 mos. 8 MOE. 11 to 21 inches; incluelve $4 50 $2 60 $1 50 6 to 10 " .4 6 00 2 76 1 65 3 to 6 " 4. 6 60 3 00 1 76 1 to 2 " 6 00 ' 3 26 1 85 If the advertiser elects to change not oftener than once per month, a reduction of 20 per cent. will be made on the above quoted prices. Rates for special position can be obtained on appli- cation at this office. Business or professional cards, not exceeding three quarters of an inch, $4 to $5 per year. Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, etc., not exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent month 50c. -1 Advertisenierits of Farms and Real Estate for sale, not exceeding if inches, one month $1.50, each sub- sequent month 76c. Advertisements on local page, ten cents per line each insertion, with a discount of 25 per cent. to parties who also have regular contract space. Local advertisements under township or village heading, Sc per line each insertion. Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Advertisent ants without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted gratis. THE Exroerena goes into 4,300 homes every week. which means, on a coneervative estimate, that It has 20,000 readers every week. It is the best advertieing medium in Western Ontario. SEAFORTHI ONT. M. ROBERTSON, LeadingUndertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. My facilities are unsurpaesed. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most satire factory,nienner. All modern undertaking appliances. Competent management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. -zke effr Charges raost reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 1223 IMPORTANT NOTICES. it/EULES FOR SALE.—For sale a good span of Mules, warranted quiet and good to work. Apply to D. NICOL, Herman P. 0. 13244 °TORE AND DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE.— In the village of Ethel, formally known and carried on by W. Simpson & Son. For further par- ticulars, address, WM. SIMPSON, Ethel P. 0. 1336x12 TEACHER WANTED.—Wanted, -for the 3rd di- vision in School Section No. 10, Hay, (Hensall,) for balance of year. Salary at the rate of $700 per annum. JAMES BONTHRON, Secretary. 1340-2 HAIR GOODS.—Mrs. George Taylor wishes to In - 1 orrn the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity that she ie prepared to make up switches, curls and braids out of hair combings. A -call solicited. 115 Market Street, Samuel Stark's residence. 133841 DULL FOR SALE.—For sale on Lot IR, -Concession JD 4, Tuckorsmith, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 9 months old and of red color. A splendid animal. . Will be sold reasonable. WM. CARNOCHAN, Eg- mondville P. 0. 13304 GODERICH Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. S. CHRYSTAL, Succeesor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division J Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Oen- veyancer, Land, Loki and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp dc livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works, etc., etc. 11OUSEKEEPER WANTED.—Wanted, by the 'riddle of September, a good, reliable, steady Housekeeper, and capable of doing all kinds of house work, and the care of children. Steady employment to guitable person. For further information apply to T. MELLIS, Kippen. . 133841 GOOD FARM FOR SALE,—For sale, Lot 11, Con- ces,-ion 9, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing 88 acres of excellent land, all seeded to grass. The buildings are fairly good. It is close to a good school and within five miles of Seaforth and in one of the best neighborhoods in Canada. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or address Kippen P. 0. ROBERT McGOWAN. 1337x12 NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—All parties indebted to the estate of the late John Dorsey, of the town of Seaforth, by book account are hereby notified that the books must be closed by the first of September next, and all accounts mug be settled either by cash or note before that date. AccoUnts not then settled will be placed in court. MRS. JOHN DORSEY, Sea - forth. 1336-7 161ARM TO RENT.—To rent Lot' 11, South Boun- dary, Stanley, containing 100 acres, nearly all cleared and in first-class cultivation. Good build - Inge, good orchard, aud plenty of water. Is within four miles of Kippen. Will be rented on favorable terms for a number of years. Posseeeion immediate- ly. Apply t� JAMES JARROTT, Hills Green. 1339x3. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY.—A grand chance 1-1 to make from $16 to (125 per week is selling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Sal - arias or Commission paid weekly. Complete OUTFIT FREE. Special 'instructions to beginners. Write this week for terms to E. 0.,GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto Ont. - 1339-8 Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Ragines. Automatic Cut -1A Ergines a specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand. Estanates furnished on short notice. Works—Opposite G. T. Be Station, Goderich. No Danger of Short Supply—A itelee view of the Sources of the Light -Giv- ing Product, Showing That Other Con- tinents Are Also Well ,Supplied. The United States has so long been the chief source of supply of petroleum, and its products are retailed at so low a price, that few users of the oil in this country take the trouble to consider the extent or development of petroleum beds in other parts of the world. Yet in re- cent year this oil industry has beconie a more or less important one in Russia, Canada, the Dutch East Indies, Austria, Roumania, Peru, Argentine Republic, Ecuador, France and Italy. In the last two countries the oil is produced by the distillation of bituminous schist ; in all the other regions it is obtained from nat- ural sources within their borders. THE RI:161;4N SUPPLY. The Russian oil W41s are next in im- portance to *lose of Pennsylvania and Ohio. • These wells are,eituated on the western side of the . Caspian Sea, in the Aspheron peninsula, in the neighborhood of the city of Behr: The production of raw petroleum in this district in the first nine months of I 1892, according to statis- ticapublished -by the "Moniteur des In- terets Materiels,' was 3,08,320 tons, as compared with 3,430,202 tons in the cor- responding period of 1891. The British Consul at Batoum states that very recently a tremendous gusher bas been tapped near Baku, whose pro- duction exceeds that of all the other wells which have been bored there. This well is estimated to be delivering 17,742 tons of crude oil a day, but owing to the almost insurmountable difficulties experienced in getting a fiow of this magnitude under control, most of the oil is running to waste. The wells of this region are now controlled by a eyndicate of the producers. FOR SALE.—A nice hone and lot in Harpurhey. The lot contains more than a quarter of an acre, has a nice stable, a well of good water, is well fenced, and has plenty of fruit trees and bushes on it. It is situated nearly opposite Lawyer Heinle- sted's residence, to the south. The whole will be sold for $200, about half what it is worth. It is well situated for aretired farmer, or a small family„ Apply to II. A. STRONG & BROTHER, Seaforth, or to JOHN McNAMARA, on the promisee, 1340 ASPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE.—The under signed offers for sale cheap, and on easy terms his property in Hills Green. It. consists of one quarter acre of land, on which is situated a good general store with dwelling . attached, and . under i which is a splendid cellar. Th re is also a large ware- house and stable. Hills Greeiis the centre of ores of the richest and best farmin districts in Ontario, and this is a splendid opening for a gook live busi- ness man with some weans to make money. For particulars, address CHARLES TROYER, Hills Green. 126511 QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, --Lot 25, Comes- sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stock, situated two and a half miles from the thriving village of Brussels, a good gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared and free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 51x60 with straw and hay shed 40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The, house is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath bah buildings,. All are new. There is a large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Triz Ex - row= 0110E, or on the premises. 'WM. BARRIE, Brussels. e 133541 HAND -MADE Boots and Shoe's D. McINTYRE Ho on hand a large number of Boots; and Shoee of his own make, best material and Warranted to give Satisfaction. you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair o. our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Bode and Shoes made to order. All parties who have not paid their account, for last year will pleaee call and settle U. 1162 D. McINTYRE, Seaforth. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARINA AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. cneereasee. D. Rosie, President, Clinton P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas.'Seaforth P, O.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner) Lead bury; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlook ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; M. Hurdle, Seaforth Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS, Thos. Neilane, Harlook ; Robt. McWllan, Seaforth S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John Olitillivan and Geo aturdie, Auditors. Parties, desirous to effect Insurances or Iran other business will be promptly attended to on pplication to any of the above officers, addressed to heir respective post offices. 1 :Mout. being 3.1.!a feet long, 34' feet broad. of 2400 tonnage, and driven by twin screws with engines developing 4500 horse pce.ver. She isnlao full brig - rigged, MAGNIFICENT INTERIOR DEMISATIoNS. There are in all about 20 statensens, For the gelleral accommodation th-re is a magnificent salcon and a library, but having been fitted up by Messrs. Cum.', of Paris, who have had carte blanche in carrying out the work. The saloon is 18 feet in length and 34 in width, tho anana breadth of the ship. The general design of the saloon is Loriis Qiur( rze, but, this is not too lavishly adhered to. The wood is fine-grained French pint., re, CH 111)11 ug English poplarabut, of courser the original grain and color of the wood is hidden beneath the fine white enamel with its golden embellishments. The carving, which is out of the solid wood, is something to be wondered at. It is simyly exquisite, every foot of the wall paneling beieg rich in high relief carv- ing, beautifully done, and shining out in its added layer of enamel. A SUPERB LIBRARY. Leaving the saloon, a 100 foot passage, arched and beautifully decorated, and carpeted with a texture costing $15 a yard—as are both the saloon and the library—leads to this latter apartment, where again the hand of the carver has had free play. This apartment is of rich dark walnut, unpolished; the panels and pilasters rich with the Most beautiful carving, Which, indeed, embellishes the whole apartment. The settees, side- board, and general fittings are all of dark walnut, and overhead beautiful panels of the same wood; chastened with soft -tinted paintings, look down on the room. The fireplace and mantelpiece are one of the finest bits of work in the ship,being massive and exquisitely carved, The fireplace isof glazed brick, and in the grate is aet a black iron cal- dron to receive the fire. , CANADA THIRD IN RANK. Next to the United States and Russia come the Canadian wells in quantity of oil produced. Much of it is exported. At present the county of Lambton, -Ont., is the chief source of supply; Petroleum, however, !sae been found in Quebec, Nova Scotia, New I3runswick and•in the northwest territorie&,In the latter there are said to be iinmense oil - bear ing tracts, but little investigated. PLENTIFUL IN SOUTH AMERICA. In Peru the petroleum beds are of vast extent and are beginning to attain con- siderable importance. The London and Pacific Petroleum Company have works extending over a distance of two miles along the Coast, and owns 26 "pits," which are being worked, producing 900 barrels a day. The New York Engineering and Min- ing Journal states that since April 1890, when the first boring was made, a oon- siderable petroleum industry has sprung up at Cachenta, in the province of Men- doza, in the Argentine. The oil is conducted through pipes to storage tanks at San Vincente. It is consumed at the gasworks and on the railroad for loco- motive fuel. Numerous petroleum beds exist in Ecuador, whose produce is said to be of good quality. A syndicate has recently been formed to obtain, a concession of the beds. THE EAST INDIAN SOURCES. In British Burmah petroleum has been obtained for generations. According to a report in the Geological Survey of India, there are 602 wells in Burmah, an increase of 92 since 1888, but there are distant signs of exhaustion. In 1890 the output was about 5500 tons, but in the last two years it has been considerably smaller. The petroleum supplies of the Island of Sumatra have only recently been ex- ploited. The oil is said to be of excellent quality, and is "derived from lands, the extent -of which is 40 times greater than those in Russia." A Pennsylvania man Is doing the drilling on the island for the Royal Dutch Oil Company. The Italian Engineer reports that c,on- siderable success has been met with in the borings for oil in Assam, One real— spouting well has been taiiplede: The other wells have made good yied oil is said to be of excellent quality when refin ed. , - EUROPE'S PRODUCrION SMALL. $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest $ 500 rates of interest at sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days.- Apply to R. $2,500 S. HAYS, BarristeroSze., Seaforth. 126 Town Property for Sale. Offers are hereby solicited for the purch9.- DZ Thomas Sharp's property in See' • ,:;eg kt.t numbers 196, 197 and 200 on the: Street, Block "N " in Seaforth. Ot 8i an .1`4:1 there is a good large house 26x30 wit : ...Z 3, ',WIC& shed, ocial-bin, cellar, hard and so *,;)e, This property is suitable' for a residen 'Icssedives house. Lot 200 is a good buildinglot . ' her s le 6 good stable thereon. All this proper try .on. veniently situated, being only two blear reel afain Street andonly a few rods south of Broa . e, is Bon' Furniture factory, The above property r' 1...e eat much less than its value. For further t ',.4su!stite., apply to Robert Logan, Esq., Banker, ortt J. M. BEST, •-' '-ert BOARS FOR SERVICE. An Austrian official report showed that in 1891 there were 199 establish- ments in Galicia engaged in the produC- tion of petroleum, and that there were also 79 ozokerito mines worked, the ag- gregate product being valued at $2,400,- 000. Roumania is credited with vast num- ber of beds from which good oil can be . obtained, but the quantity produced is unimportant. The reason is given that the government, in the case of crown lands, requires the payrnent of royalty on signing of the contract, and before any petroleum is foiled. Italy obtained 1155 tons of petroleum by the distillation of bituminous schist, in 1891, • and France, in 1889. obtained 194,000 tons in the same manner. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned service a thoroughbred English Berkshin at his premises, Lot 5,Concession 6, Hullett. el , $1.00 payable at the time of service, with privilelo 1 returning if necessary. Also a number of good young brood sows, and a hog fit for service for sale. These are all registered stock. F. H. SCHOA 1E, Constance 1323x4 f WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITIO The Goderich Horticultural Society have comple d `arrangements to make an exhibition from the Co n- ty of Huron of Plums, Pears and Apples at the World's Columbian Exposition. All exhibits peeked and expressed direct to Chicago from here. Parties, will receive full credit for any exhibit they may make. All express or other charges for sending from any part of the County here will be paid at this end. Correspondence regsading number of specimens, time for sending, &c., cheerfully answer- ed by the undersigned. W. LANE, Secretary •, J. T. DICKSON, President. 1338-4 J. C. SMITH & -GO., 33A-1•TICMRIB.. A General Banking business transaotedl Farmers' notes discounted. Drafte bought and sold. Intereet allowed on deposits. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for colleotion OFFICE—First door north of Reid & Nilson's Hardware Store. SE AFORTH. chat whole shop into positively real :but un- - ones:dons fellowshir with him. The work men made curious little jars and cups, and painted diminutive pictures down their sides before they stuck them in the corners of the kiln at binning tine-. Ono brought seine fruit in 1 the bulge of his apron, and ae• ether engravings Le a ruciet uorap book. N one of them whispered word, but they pil I them' in the old man's bat, where la rowel them; he understood all about it. And be- lieve it or not, cynics as you will, but it is a fact, that the mare pottary full of men, of rather coarse fibre by nature, grew quiet as the mouths drifted, becoming eentle and kind ; and f• 011ie dropped swearing as the weary look on the patieut fellow•worker'sface toldthem beyond mistake thet the inevitable shadow a as drawing nearer. Every day some one did a piece of work for him and put it on a sanded bank to dry, so that he should come later and go earlier. So, when the bell tolled, and the little coffin came out of the lonely door, right round the corner out of sight; there stood a hundred stalwart workingmen from the pottery, with their clean clothes, on, most of whom gave half a dey's time fdy the privilege of taking part in the simple procession, and following to the grave that small burden of a child' which probably not one had ever teen." MRS. VANDERBILT'S APARTMENTS. Mrs. Vanderbilt's stateroom is rich, but chaste in style, which is Sheraton, enameled white and picked out with gold, the ceiling being of rich -fibrous plaster, also enameled ivory white. Al) the furniture and equipments are thus tinted, and as the wall paneling and draperies are of an old rose color, rich flowered silk, the effect is warm and sootliing to a degree. A fine wooden bedstead is similarly enameled and draped, and the carpet is a beautiful gray Saxony. as aro all the after cabins and passages. Out of the bedroom is a neat bathroom, but with several wooden panels in place of draperies. The bath fittings are of the silver white metal, and the bath itself enameled copper. Going up from the main to the upper deck, one finds Mrs. Vanderbilt's sitting room, a beautiful apartment in the old Adams' style, the furniture, framkgs and casings being of dark mahogany, and the upholsterings and hangings of a peculiar, green—flowered silk, between apple and gage green in tint. • MR. VANDERBILT'S STATEROOM. Mr. Vanderbilt's Stateroom is fitted Up in a particularly luxurious style, the 'furniture being of richly figured Pollard oak, and consists of a spacious wardrobe fitted up with every conceivable aCcom- modation. In one corm)! the seats are upholstered in rich cream ground: and floral design French Silk, and above hav- ing cupboard and bookeases inclosed by doors paneled and fitted with beveled glass. Under and between the ports are seen a specially designed, very effec- tive Po11ard oak cabinet or .sideboard, The bestead is an important feature here, made of Pollard oak with conveni- ent cupboards below, the footboard pan- eled and carved and having a canouy headboard, presenting the acme of ele- gance and coinfort. The wall spaces, which are very limited owing to the fitments covering almost all, are panel- ed with the same silk as is used in the upholstery, and the ceiling frieze and beams are covered with Tynecastle tapestry decorated in tone of ivory wnite. Adjoining this room and ap- proached through a pair of handsomely paneled and carved doors is the bath- room and lavatory, fitted up and decor- ated in the most approved an elegant manner. He Lives on Sixoence a Day. The advice to "live on sixpence a day earn it" has been taken by a gentle- -i, who contributes an amount of his T•ience to Cassell's Saturday Journal. .esult was so encouraging that had , • declares, only himself to censider, •Ild live on sixpence a day regular. `ith such a mode of. life, it ems not experience ..that "dr4way in the afternoiin that is the • .,ult of too much food and too • eise, and one escapes many and other petty ailments. A entary occupation, moreover, ired, would sae much time li,g on. sixpence a _day, inas- much as he would not have to walk long distances for the sole pur- pose Of exercise. It is rather discourag- ing, however, to be told that, if woo obtain immunity from drowsiness in the afternoon, it is purchased by an attack of nerve disease, for the writer admits that his nerves were out of order during the term of his experiment, owing either too change of diet or an insufficiency of nu- trioui food, and that on his wife enter- ing the room unexpectedy he felt "those peculiar sensations that are produced by a severe fright or shock." It is hardly necessary to say that the experiment was conducted 011 vegetarian principles, for meat is expensive. The diet chosen consist -ed of butter, haricot beans, oat- meal, rhubarb, sugar, bread, peas, eggs, milk. potatoes, tea, strawberries, tea , °aim, Oheiries, and pears, VANDERBILT'S NEW YACHT. Ma and Me. 13Y MARY A. DENISON. I may be partial; perhaps I be; But there ain't no wife in this town I see That is anything near to my Hepsy Ann. She never changes, and never can. She le heatire the old brick oven now, r While I'm goin' on at the tall of the plow. r There's gingernuts, apples and pies to bake, And a loaf of brown bread, and a pan o' cake, And beans, that for thirty long years and nine, We've had every Saturday, rain or shine. VARTERS 05' THE OFFIcisrtee. The captain's room is another very finely appointed room, -fitted up in ma- hogany and containing wardrobes Liao 1 into two corners. All the crew's quar- ters and servant's apartments are most comfortably and even elegaetly gotten up; in fast, the whole ship, from stein to stem, and from keelson to truck, is com- fortable, pretty and strong. I may be partial, perhaps I be, But never a daughter like mine, I see,. With the rose in hr cheek and the laugh lin her eye Both jolly and modest, but merry and shy, With lips full of kisses—but stop right thee Them kisses is only for me and ma 1 She'll wash an' iron an laugh an' sing, An' milk our Dishy, and—everything 1 I tell you, our Kitty is good to see, And a real treasure to ma and me 1 I nay be partial •; perhiTe Succeeded on Five Acres. , T iis man succeeded by farnPing with fertilizers. , His name is J. H. George. and tai began in 1873 on five acres of spr( ut land in Eastern Massachusetts toa folks said wouldn't even grow bir(„lies. He keeps five head of stock on the feed grown on las five acres, beside.i selling two tons of hay a year, in addi- tion to the Dwiwy crops raised for mar- ket, principally onions and;, pota:o i-:',. He has grown two - onion crops of 1100 , buper acre, anti 500 Int. per acre of pota- toes is his average in good years. He - broils, Essex and Queen are his favor- ite potatoes : lie us -s 1000 to 2000 lbs. . of spe- ci: 1 potato fertilizer per acre (co,tt- in $35 - to 840), two-thirds broad - ca ted, the rest in the drills, which are 3 fer t apart with seed cut to ()Le eye dr pped every 15 inches covered with a h rse hoe cultivates once and earths up, cost of production being under 25 cents pr bushel. Mr. George went in debt . fo • his place 20 years ago, has paid for it got a nice set of buildings, a snug -bit o money in bank, has raised and edu- et ted six , children, and doesn't owe ,a _ difflar to-day—all from that five acres, - b iildings included. He has doae it by ' g iod farming, sound business judgment a d unflagging industry, yet hasn's it ade a mere machine of himself, hay- _ it g been a prize winner at fairs. eleCted- t town offices by both parties, and in a t'p0 of the citizen -farmer. He is a .nughty instructive example for farmers e erywhere.—Farm and Home. The Largest Pleasure Craft Afloat—Beau. Will Internal Pittings. Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt's yacht, the Valiant, which has just been completed by Messrs. Laird Bros., Birkenhead Iron Works, will sail for the United States in a few days, says the New York Sun. She is the larcrnst vanhir But here ain't no hoy t at Is jue't like Sam. Sam's goin' to Congress some futer day i; A risin' man, as the -papers lay; A. lawyer, an' lucky as he can,he— Sends money often to ma and. me, He ain'i ashamed of his origin, Like some of those menksylsh city men; Ile stands right up for the crowds that toil; An' he calls himself a son 'o the soil. r PURE COFFEE. T11:14 IS THE COFFEE T IIAT 'WON THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR CON T .1{ACT. imThrza-, GUARANTEED ABSOLETRILY PURE. BEWARE OF IMITATION& CHASE & SANBORN, BOSTON. PIONTREAL. CHICAGf GRAND CLEARING SALE. This week we inaugurate a Grand Clearing Sale throughout our entire large and comprehensive stock. Although our Spring season has been a good one, .we find that we have too many Spring and Summer goods left on hand. Tn order to clear them, And make room for Fall and Winter Goods, we have determined upon giving bargains in every department containing Spring and and Summer Goods. Amongst the special drives we might mention some of the lines offered : I may be partial as most things go, I But there ain't no fruit like the fruit I grow, The branches groan with them yeller pears, And the red-obeeked apples they put On airs, 'Cause they're of a kind that is scarce an' high, An' my trees net sr gin out an' die, , ( Perhaps I'm old-fashioned; there he athew Who think that trees, and that 134014 too, Needs jest as much Unclip' as human, do. I guess Vert partial, I know 1 bs, f But a happier household you wouldn't see Than Sam ani•Kitty an ma and me. 1 —Neal York Ledger. , Bits of Fun./ —Liberty, Mena, is just that condition • of things that doesn't permit ins to take lib- erties with others.—Puok. , —It would probably be bar to convince a bantam rooster that his or wing doesn't have a good deal to do with eking the sun rise.—Rim's B.orn. 1 —The man who lets hie siife split all the wood may mean well, but lid shouldn't be allowed to do all the talking I at a prayer. meeting,—Ram's Horn. —" Do you enjoy football ?" be asked • of the nian who eat next to hiM at the game. "Some." "Are you a player ?" "No, I'm a surgeon."—Weshington Star. —An advertisement—" Any one proving to my satisfaction that my cocoa essence is injurious to health will receive ten (Annie - tors free of obarge."—Deutsehe Lesehalle. —Mrs. Carper (fretfully),I—"Anot her but- ton to sew on? It is sew on buttons and sew on buttons and sew On buttons from morning till night." Mr. Carper (calmly)— "My dear, you oughi to have married a rat- tlesnake. "—Life. —The Rev. R. M. Thornton tells the fol- lowing story :—" In my former charge in Glasgow I had an aged beadle, now gone to his rest, who was somewhat of 6 character. Among the children he was familiarly known as 'Robbie Roy i the Beadle Boy.. That this good man magnified his office be- came very evident when, within six weeks of my settlement, a friend, meeting him one morning, said : • Weli, Robsrt, how is the new minister going to do I"Oh,' wee the cheery reply, ' we're getting him into shape by degrees.'" , —Undeoiable.—"Ah, my son, when are you going to settle down? Remember that a rolling stone gathers no moss." No; but it gets a tremendous polish."—Harper's f Bazar. ABUT. GEORGE. Dress Goods, Prints, Gingham, Dess Trim- mings, Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, _Flan- nelettes, Shirtings,, Millinery, Men's Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Don't fail to secure some of the bargains offered. lE"Butter, Eggs and Woei taken in exchange for goods at the Bargain Dry Goods and Millinery House of Seaforth. WM. PIC KARD. a III•1„w4RoisFTywRINLuGAszoiliEN01.8-4 fol -* 0 Costiven'ess Inchgestrono'yspecCl. si- sour Staftvdt C - • , HEADACHE AND OINkcK.— FOR SALE BY I. V. FEAR, DRUGGIST, SEAFORTH. R A PreparationernerinsRoots - the Medical Properties ofwhich are universali known, FOR WEDDING PRESENTS. A NEW AND VERY CHOICE STOCK OF CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE, Which for quality and prices can't be beat. WATCHES of all Makes, Prices to Suit All. I am in a better position than ever to turn out repairs in a wont as well as in a satisfactory manner. Is EcononY Wealth? "1 tell you, young man, economy is the thing. Can't get rich without yer practise economy. Learn ter, hang on ter yer money. The speaker was a main who rents desk - room in a down -town office, where he trans- acts a little peneion and other business. He addressed his remarks to the office boy, whom he had seen with a whole package of cigarettes. If ye'll jest hang tJer what ye git ye'll be rich some day. Nowai raised a garden this summer from which we got over $3 worth of stuff," he continued. ' "Yee, and you've lest business by not be- ing here when you was at home working in that garden," said the boy. • "Business isn't nothing. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The garden was a sure thing. rFolks as wants to see me'll find me. Jest yesterday my wife had a ohromo which she got with a paper or whioh she raised a club last winter, and she wanted it framed. It would have cost a dollar anyway to get it framed at a store. Well, I went over to the lumber yard,about eight blocks away, and got a strip of pine for 30 cents, and before noon I had dressed out as nice a frame as ye'd care to see. Pve got a set of carpenter's tools that emit about $100. Now, when my wife gets some burnt umber and stains that frame it will be all right, and at a casii outlay of only about 40 cents. Cut my thumb doing the work, but I don't mind that." "Oh, that's where you were yesterday when a man called three times to see you. What shall I say if be calIs again to -day?" Tell him if he wants to see me to come down to the house. I'm going to stay home today and whittle out some clothes -pins for .my wife. Last ones I made are all eplit but I ain't going to pay monopoly prices for machine -made clothes -pins when I can jest as well make them myself and save that much. Yes, young man, economy's the thing." And the speaker started home to take one more step toward flame. —Waverly Ma- gazine. The Power of Love. The following story is from a recent Eng- lish work, entitled : "Blessed be Drud- gery," by Wm, C. Gannett: "In a pottery factory here, there is a iWorkman who had one small invalid child at home. He wrought at hie trade with ex- emplary fidelity, being always in the shop with the opening of the day. He managed, however, to bear each evening to the bed- side of his "wee lad," as he called him, a flower, a bit of ribbon, or a fragment of crimson glass—indeed, anything that would lie out on the white counterpane and give color to the roam. He was a quiet, unsenti mental man, but never went home a night without something that would make the wan face light up with joy at his return. He never said to a living soul that he loved that boy so much. Still he went on pati- ently loving him, and by and by he moved R. MERCER, Main-st., Seaforth. 11;* A few real good second-hand Watches will be sold at a sacrifice. —Mrs. Sara Hutzler-Kainz, whose charm- ing collection of stories for children gained for her in Germany the title of "the female Bret Harte," died suddenly in Berlin, on June 24th. Mrii. Kahn was born in Trier, in Rhenish Prutisia, on March 26th, 1852. She was married three times, the second to Lewis Hutzler, a St. Louis journalist. Sixteen,years ago she separated from Mr. Hutzler and went to Berlin, where in 1882 she married the famous actor, liainz. AFTER SICKNESS to tone Up the system, and bring back a healthy appetite, physicians recommend the use of CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. PLEASANT TO THE TASTE, Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL & CO., Beware of froltatIone. MoNTEZAL. okkee A9117 zue/4*01 0a/let- ithseVeky: Neu compoUN°1° F" Stomach and Bowel 4"47Pookeelif, i. e 47a/eta. 441 6.k * A sure eure 's Headache, for all Head Pains, Complaints, Biliousness. ratio and Liver Powders, (zzic°,*,' • THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. BY R. STARK' M.0 0.P., °HEMET teingfje/y Arke . 90,•61' No. & 4AD- , 10(s S C i'CLV°t/ 06974. rcRom ALCOHOL ,••• ° OBAC•Ci & ee 4%Z %1/1 6.‘ oth 4411 from Glasgow Thiver/U7, ficogandu. manager Aimee of too/lee/yr 'Pot colly 64et pePiwawalt cwre. ice the awl - 04449, lictrmiese, 0o4taliy opitim or t/if/4r a' 2.4ke *Zee to take. 441082' bletetilterlieot4s, g ilptIgg4te iffecyoby Ci) SPIZITVG-, 1893_ Our stock for this season is very complete. In Colored Dress Goods we are showing all the new shades. In Black Goods we have a full stock, in. ducting Bengalines, Silk Warps, Henriettas, etc. We are showing a large stock of Trimmings, Black and Colored Gimps, lSurah Silks, Shot Surahs and Check Silks, New Opera Flannels, New Delaines, New Prints, New Embroid eries, New Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, Men's Melissa Waterproof Coats, Ladies' Waterproof Coats, SEAFORTH. R. JAMIESON