The Huron Expositor, 1893-08-11, Page 3sT UI) 1893, IN y OT4;1 ANSAOTED. at highest cunt. ts at lowest rook n same ; favorable Milli;RCE, S6,000,000 8 discounted', Drafts :5ipal cities in Lida, , &c. rtt rates of inter, f May and Novem la Paper and Far ,RRIS, Manager. r: ITS are in order. [NGS in this; line. Call in and have a Gone. es for Gentlemen's thing in the line of nt it GOOD, yet Ton will be satisfisAl :get our main line, the very best style, rial, yet at PRICES. ROS., AFORTEl. NON, erchanta, Lge in Hardware, as Paints, Oi'ls, Tinware, and our before putting on Sea[ortb G EMPORIUM. Warerooms, ready to Furniture in Western InErs. Now that we 'r ri (.ver to meet our l� urzliture is all WO d finest finish. We t Emporium, EA FORTH. LS • MACHINE ..OIL.. IDOMINION WILL N UFACTURED BY Toronto, THE COIJNT , 1321-26 AUGUST 11, 1893. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 3 SOUTH END CLOTHING EMPORIUM It is wonderful what a business is being done in both ORDERED AND READYMADE CLOTHING At the South End Clothing Emporium. The reason is that we keep the best, sell the cheapest and fit perfectly. I am receiving weekly arrivals of Boys', Youths' and Children's Cloth- ing. Just call and be convinced that you have found the right place to buy Gents' Furnishings Of all kinds. I keep an assortment of everything generally found in a first class Clothing House. Every- thing is warranted first class quality and prices reasonable. Remember the South End Cloth- ing Emporium in Beattie Bros.' Block, near the Station, Seaforth. NOBLE T. CLUFF. NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS area new dia. oovery that cure the worst cases ot Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and Falling Manhood; restores the wes3mess of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex - CASKS of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other vasarminfra have ests $1 per D ekatiae,�or six for $5 oto relieve. sentob by on receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE co„ Toronto. Ont. Write for pamphlet. Bold in - Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS. The Huron Expositor, GROCERIES. SEAFORTH, ONT. MeLEAN BROS., - Publishers • ADVENTi$It4G RATES. Contract advertisements, matter changeable at will. PER INCH 1 Year 0 mos. 3 moa. 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 $2 60 $1 60 6 tar 10 " " 5 00 2 75 1 65 3 to 6 '' 6 50 3 00 1 76 1 to 2 " rr 600 326 1 85 If the advertiser elects to change not oftener than once por month, a reduction of 20 per cent. will be made on the above quoted prices. states for special position ren Oe ob.aihed on appli- cation at this office. Business or professional cards, not exceeding three quarters of an inch, $4 to $5 per year. Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, oto., not exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent month 50c, Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, Seq notuent exceedimonth 75cng lI inches, one month $1.50, each eub• . Advertisements on local page, ten cents por line each insertion, with a discount of 25 per cent. to parties who aleo have regular contract apace. Local advertisements under township or village heading, 5e per line each insertion. Tranetent advertisements, ten cents per line for first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Advertieencents without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted gratis. Tne EXPOSITOR goes into 4,300 homes every week. which means, 0n a conservative estimate, that it has 20,000 readers every week. It is the best advertising medium in Western Ontario. If you want a good article in Groceries, Canned Goods or Fruits You can be supplied: at the 1'l� POST OFFICE Choice Hams, Shoulders, - Breakfast Bacon and Spiced Roll Kept constantly on hand. Tele- phone connection. A call solicited. A. CROZIER & CO IMPORTANT NOTICES. ., SUCCESSORS TO J. FAIRLEY. MULES FOR SALE. --For sale 1 good span: of Mules, warranted quiet and good to work, Apply to D. NICOL, Hensel' P. 0. 1324•t f _LiALDUR, MANITOBA.—To Rent, a new brick store, with all modern improvements. A good opeping for a live man. For particulars address W. 0. FOWLER, Baldur, Manitoba. 1332x8 TORE AND DWELLING HOUSE FOR BALE.— In the village of Ethel, formally known and carried on by W. Simpson & • Son. For further par- ticulars, address, WM. SIMPSON, Ethel P. 0 80x12 ALE GOODS.=Mrs, George Taylor wishes to in- form the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity that she is prepared to make up switches 'curls and braids out of hair combings. A pall solicited. 115 Market Street, Samuel Stark's residence. 133841 If OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH. LI —Centrally located. House has nine roams. Outbuildings and water in connection. Enquire at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 1338 CAUTION. — The public is hereby cautioned against giving credit to any person in my name without my written order and consent,‘ as I will not hereafter be responsible for debts otherwise con- ltracted. JOHN FOLLAND. 1886x4 Seaforth, July 18, 1893. DULL FOR SALE.—For sale on Lot 13, Concession 1) 4, Tuckersmith, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 9 months old and of red color. A splendid animal. Will be sold reasonable, WM. CARNOCH3S :t fg mondville P, 0. SEAFORTH, ON1T. goinannimmemeggisoma M. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. My facilities are unsurpaseed. 1 am pre- pared to conduct burials in a moot satis- factory manner. All modern undertaking appliances. Competent management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. Charges most reasonable, RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 12 NAILED UP IN A BOX, IGNATZ LEFKOVITC'S MODE OF TRAY- ELING TO THE FAIR. Rough Journey of 48 Hours, and at Its lend Columbian Guards Arrested Ignatsl for Getting Into the Grounds Without Paying. Marquis Braun, press agent for Old Vienna, on the Midway Plaisance, stood over a large drygood case in the quaint street yesterday- with an axe in his hand and a look of pleased expectancy in his eye, The box was marked as,fol- lows JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division Court County Commissioner, of Huron Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan, Office—Over Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 ESTRAY HEIFER.—Strayed from the promises of the undersigned about the Iast week in April one red brindle heifer, 2 years old. Any person giv- ing such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. WM. CHAPMAN, Lot 14, Concession 3, Hay, Rodgervllle P. 0. 1336x4 Housthe daaER aiby of September, good, reliable, Housekeeper, and capable of doing all kinds of house work, and the care of children. Steady employment to a suitable person. • For further information apply to T. MELLIS, Kippen.v 133841 GOOD FARM FOR. SALE.—For sale, Lot 11, Con. cession 9, H. R. B., Tuckersmith, containing 88 acres of excellent land, all seeded to grass. Tho buildings are fairly good. It is close to a good school and within five miles of Seaforth and in one of the best neighborhoods in Canada. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or address Kippen P. 0. ROBERT McGOWAN_ v _ 1337x12 GODERIOH Steam Boiler - Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. S. VHRYS'JAL V Successor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS OLD VIENNA, Midway Plaisance, Jackson Park, This side up. Handle with great care. Glass. C. O. D $11. It had just arrived by American Ex- press from New York and the driver was waiting for his $11 while Press - Agent Braun wielded the axe. At the first blow a sound of rapping came from within the box. Some one suggest spirits. The driver said no, it was the glass rat- tlingg Mr. Braun continued his labor. The lid was loosened :and like a veritable Jack-in-the-box out popped a queer figure with an American flag in one hand and an Austrian flag in the other. "Here I am," he cried, an old Vienna boy ! Hurrah for old Vienna and Am- erica 1" Then he fainted. Press agent Braun had also fainted. According to old Vienna custom under such circumstances both were borne to a beer garden and the natural restorative applied, with usual success. The excitement somewhat subsiding, the bystanders had an opportunity to examine the strange freight. He was s good-looking young man, 24 years old, with a blonde mustache. He was cloth- ed lightly in trousers, undershirts and soc. Aftkser gaining consciousness he refused more beer, but asked for a cigarette. He complained of a headache and was taken to Mr. Braun's private office and placed on a lounge, Here he told his story. He had scarcely finished when a patrol wagon loaded with Columbian guards rolled up. The officer in charge de- manded the body of the stranger on a charge of disorderly conduct. How a man nailed up in a three by six box could mar the public peace is one of those things which the peculiar mental methods of a Columbian guard could rea- son out, Later it develoded that the disorderly conduct consistep in defrauding the Ex- position company out of 50 cents in not paying his way into the park. He was taken first to the service building and then to rhe emergency hospital, where he was examined as to his sanity. This appearing to be all right he was taken to the Woodlawn police station, where he was booked on the disorderly charge. To Mr. Braum he said his name was Ignatz Lefkovitc. He is a native of Vienna. While in New York he heard of "Old Vienna" at the World's Fair and conceived the plan of having himself shipped there in ;a box. He had heard of a similar case in which a man was shipped from Vienna to Paris, whereby he gained fame and fortune. Lefkovitc s packing -case was fixed up at his board- ing-house, No. 837 East 5th street, New York. It was taken to the express office last Friday morning by Jan Derbohlaw, LefkoTitc s landlord. He asked if it could be delivered on Sunday and was told it could not. He took the box back home and shipped it at 6.30 o'clock on Saturday evening. The box itself wag an ordinary pack- ing -case Six3ix6 feet. For his own comfort the traveler padded it with straw, which he covered with Austrian and American flags and pictures of President Cleveland and Emperor Francis Joseph. For sustenance on the journey he stocked the box with four bottles of lemonade, two bottles of ginger ale, a small bottle of rum, a bottle of vinegar, half a dozen lemons, a little sugar, nine hard-boiled eggs, and half a pound of smoked tongue. Thus equipped he started on his un- comfortable journey. It was 2.30 o'clock yesterday a ternoon when he reached Old Vienna, having been 44 hours on the road. W hat he suffered from •most, he said, was heat and thirst. His solid food was of no use to him as he could not eat, but bis liquids were exhausted long before the journey ended. NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—All parties indebted to the estate of the late John Dorsey, of the town of Seaforth, by book account are hereby notified that the books muet be closed by the first of September next, and all accounts must be settled either by cash or note before that date. Accounts not then settled will be placed in court. -MRS. JOHN DORSE .Sea - forth. Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irot Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines a specialty. AU sizes ofipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand. Est:,nates furnished on short notice. Works—Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderich, C PLENDID. FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 25, Conces- sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stook, situated two and a half miles from the thrivin,I village of Brussels, a good gravel road leading thereto ; 120 acres cleared and free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and bala6co hardwcod. Barn 51x60 with straw and hay ;ati'od 40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The ]louse is brick, 22x32 lar underneath both buildings �lAll th kare new.itchen 8 There reis a large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tno Ex. POSITOR OFFICE, or on the premises. WM. BARRIE, 183541 Brussels. $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest $ 500 rates of interest at sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. or origntening {lt : Wash the leather with a sponge that has been wrung out of hot soapsuds; then rub as dry as possible. Now place the furniture in the sun and wind that it may get thoroughly dry as quick as possible. Next rub hard with a cloth that has been wet with kerosiene. Let the furniture stand in the air until the odor of the oil has passed off.: Some Vass ot (food for ineect pinch of soda- with the wound. For pimple, fever blisters, bnrns, poi- son from ivy: Mix one teaspoonful of soda: to one-half glass of water and apply with a oft cloth. To remove - sun burn: Mix one tea- spoonful of :soda to one-half glass of vinegar and apply with a cloth to face and hands just before retiring. For sore throat: Hold a small quan- tity in the mouth, or mix a little with water and gargle frequently with it. For cuts and wounds: Mix one tea- spoonful of soda to one can of boiling water and apply with a soft rag as hot as it can be endured. Making. Soda. stings: Moisten a water, and apply to '$2,500 S. HAYS, Barrister,&c.,Seaf 125th. 11OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For sale, a con; 1 1 Portable frame .cottage, containing seven rooms, with ono acre of land, hard and ,soft water convenient, woodshed and stable, some fruit trees, bushes, etc. This would make a very fine residence for a retired farmer. It is situated in Harpurhey, being Lot No. 8 ir. Worsoley's survey, has a pleasant ce of Seaforth. Ain lyi°n ons d thele within easy premises or to MRS. ISAIA I HALL, Seaforth P. 0. P 1836x4 Town Property for Sale. Offers' aro hereby solicited for the purchase of Mr. Thomas Sharp's property in Seaforth, being lots numbers 196, 197 and 200 on the east side of Jarvis Street, Block " N " in Seaforth. On lots 196 and 197 there is a good large house 25x30 with 7 rooms, wood- shed, coal -bin, cellar, hard and soft water. This property is suitable for a residence or boarding house. Lot 200 is a good building lot and' there is a good stable thereon. All this property is very con- veniently situated, being only two blecks from Main Street and only a few rods south of Broadfoot & Box' Furniture factory, The above property will be sold much less than its value. For further particulars, apply to Robert Logan, Esq. Ba BE$r to J. M. T, Barrister. 1320-t t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS. Addressed to the Undersigned, on behalf of the Tuckersmith Council, will be received until ArWWST 1st, 1893, at 2 o'clock p m., for the cleaning- out of the ditch constructed under By -Law A. of 1884, and known as the "Big Ditch."- The work to be done according to the Engineer's specifications, which can be seen at the residence otD Deputyut y Reeve o McKay, : lot 9, concession 10. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted unless satisfactory. SAMUEL`5 SMILLIls, Clerk, Hensall P. 0. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. D. Ross, President, Clinton P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex. Gardiner, Lead - bury ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton ; Geo. Watt, Hariock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; M. Murdie, Seaforth Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. mums. Thos. Neilane, Hariock ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or bran other business will be promptly attended to on pplioation to any of the above officers, addressed to heir respective post offices. To Tighten Cane Seat Chairs. Turn up the chair bottom and wash the cane work thoroughly with soapy water and a soft cloth. Let it dry in the air, and it will be firm as when new, provided the cane has not been broken. To Cure a Felon. Make a thimble of leather and fill it with a composition made as follows: Stir air -slacked lime into common soft e' ap until it ie the consistency of glazier's p`titty ; insert the finger therein and change the contents of the thimble once in 20 minutes, and a cure is certain. BOARS FOR SERVICE. DOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has for �1 service a thoroughbred English Berkshire Boar at his premises, Lot 6, Concession 6, Mullett. 'Terms e of $1.00 0rning ifie at the tinie of necessary. Also a number of with good you g brood sows, and a hog fit for service for sale. These are all registered stock. F. II. SCHOALES, Constance. HANDMADE .Boots and Shoes D. McINTYRE Ilas on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of hie best material and make, own Warranted to give Satisfaction. you want your feet kept dry comp and get a pair o, our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Boobs and Shoes made to order. All parties who have not paid their accounte for last year will please call and settle up. 1162 D. McINTYRE, Seaforth. south of Russia, he sto in one of the chief town distinguished general remarkable for absence peror, having entered 'hi sat down to sign some' nor walked about the walked out of it, shn' t and left the house. 11, - ped for a short time , where resided e e Governor, who is f mind. The Em- cabinte with Hire sp rs. The G v. r• ruum, but at Less h o door, locked tr, was soon r••Itlruch- I of his mistake by one' of the sov,:rdige's aides -de camp, who foil action gave rise to no e 1 ter at the Governor's the monarch, who wa Cure for Warts. Dissolve a shiall pickle in the juice of one lemon, letting stand two days in a bottle large enough to allow for effer- vescence. Apply frequently for a week or ten days; Another cure for warts which has proven itself worthy a trial, though we do not say it will cure ever time, is the juice of the "milk weed." Break off the stalk and put a few drops of the juice or milk on and around the wart, and, after repeating a few.. times, the wart will, generally disappear. The directions on the box—"This side up; handle with great care"—proved of no service whatever. He says he was banged up in the naost disrespectful manner, being stood on his head, his feet or laid on his back or side, as the case slight be. Besides a hole in one corner for ventilation a door was provided in the top of the box to be opened for air, but this was unavailable, as boxes were generally piled over it. Lefkovitc arrived in Chicago at 5 o'clock yesterday morning and was stood on end in front of a warehouse, where a, few hours latter the sun warmed him up to 156 degrees as his thermometer showed him. Finaily he was carted out to Jack- son Park and released only to fall into the hands of the pestiferous Columbian guards. Last night he had apparently recovered from the effects of his journey. A col- lection for his benefit will be taken up in "Old Vienna" to-day.—Chicago Times. SAFETY WINDOW SASH. A Simple Arrangement to Prevent Aeoi. dents While Cleaning. The numerous accidents that are caused by the dangerous method pursued in cleaning ordinary sash windows has led to the introduction of numerous inven- tions in which the windows are capable of being cleaned from the inside. In the accompanying illustration is shown the latest arrangement of this character re- cently brought forward in England, and which the "Hardware Trade Journal" J. C. SMITH &• CO., 13A-NKMRS- A General Banking business traneaoted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for collection OFFICE -First door north of Reid & r'Vileon's Hardware Store. SE AFORTH. wed him. Such au ell emout of laugh - expense, in which no etraneer to the eccentricity of his conduct, heartily psrtiei- pcted. The tame gentleman, burg, was admitted to t net with other generale. ed hat on a chair upon hat. He spoke with nese, but while Alexand another officer he put hi head and placed the He again; addressed bis served his gravity, then parted. When out -of - to put on his hat, but hi pied. He discovered which he took for his udder his arm was the own was upon his head. hen at St. Peters - e Emperor's oabi- lie laid his cook- hich was another is Majesty on busi- ✓ conversed with own hat upon hie ther under his arm. ajesty, who pre- took leave end de- oore he attempted head was preoccu- is mistake : that wn hat and carried mperor's, while his [Exchange. Gems of T " Are you sure yon a ed Mr. Spurgeon of "'Deed, sir, I think I a the beds, and in dark, cc A light heart lives ion To live long it is neoe —[Cicero. It matters not how lo —[Baily. So long as we believe duties, we work like e wake to the truth that us, we come into the lib Lord makes his ohildr grows in stature and the doing of duty ; just health and strength and vise of its members.—[ ought. e converted ?" ask - devout housemaid. ,for I sweeps ander ners." --[Shakespeare. nary to live slowly. SAFETY WINDOW SASH. states to be .a sound and practical solu- tion of the question. The window can readily be adapted to existing sash frames with very little trouble and ex- pense, and,. as can be seen, the window can be hinged inwards to the room for the purpose of beingcleaned. The patent sash fittings can, it is said, be fitted by an aserage workman in a very short space of time, and without detriment to the woodwork, and once so fitted there is no longer any temptation to risk lite by leaning out in the act of cleaning. A NEW IDEA. g we live, but how. urselves made for eves ; but when we uties were mode for rty wherewith the n free. The soul, eauty and grace by the body grows in kill by the exer- re. Ware. - A Curious ueineee. An old-ooin man yisi elevated railroad every f the worn and plugged c stations, and refused at t the foreign coin. He mutilated silver, nickeis are dropped by absent - into the gate boxes. ` Th sons who, on getting t tioket et the window o will carefully put the tic and will drop their ohan lector's box. Some ladie, books in, while they hot+ great care. Inside of cylinder full of teeth, an coin gets into the redepta two holes in it or is clip Every day the mass of m overhauled in the main sent into the waste,and ed out, From five to fifty been picked out in this w so mutilated that it cant it is sold to the old -coin cents on the dollar. This curious speculator away six or seven hundr such ooin. He cells h dresser," a business whic es legitimate as that of a or a dry goods dreamer. twisted and bruised coin copper, brightens the for on his tour to dispose o foreign money is mold -to foreign vessels, and the p is worked off et the oat out West. Much of it the hands of the cowboys freely as though it was fr The " money dresser " chases very carefully, an;; an old coin that pays him per cent. profit when resol rare coins. " Do you make a living "Indeed I do, and a too." - s the offioe of the w days to purchase in taken in at the e banks, as well as also buys up the and coppers that inded passengers re are many per - sir change with a the ticket office, et in their pookete e in the toll col• drop their pocket their ticket with soh box there is a when a piece of le below, it has red at the edges.. tilated tickets is ffrce before being hese coins are sift - dollars a day have y. The money is ot be passed, and man for about 70 .A Novel Way of Putting Up the Family Clothes -Line. The housewife who has long been Mothered by the sagging of her clothes- line and who has gazed in dismay at the black marks made on the white gar- ments, will rejoice to hear that an in- ventive man in Illinois, with a wheel in his head, has invented the simple, non - patented arrangement, pictured below, whereby the line will be preserved clean and white and will never sag. - Turkish Myths About Children. When a child is under a year old its nails must not be out or it will never live to see another year, and if it cuts its under teeth first it will be a liar. If it cuts its stomach teeth first that is a cer- tain sign that it will live to see the fourth generation, which is a very com- mon thing in Turkey where both sexes marry so young. If an infant has think hair when born, that signifies that it will have hordes es of slaves and be powerful. f ul If it sleeps with its hands closed it will be avaricious, and will also attain a high position. If, on the contrary, a child sleeps. with the palms open, it will be generous, if not wasteful and extrava- gant. If there are "two crowns," two places on the head where the hair forms a center, it is because that child is born for a great purpose. If quite bald, it may be a laborer or a great philosopher, but in any case will be poor. If a child runs before it walks, it is a prophesy of a grand and exalted station.—New York ?rsw THINGS WORTH KNOWING. sometimes carries d dollars' worth of mself a " money he insists is just " coffee polisher," He beats out the cleans the soiled iign coin, and goes his goods. The the stewards of or American coin le yards and sent Inde its way into , who spend it as jeh from the mint. earches bis pur- occasionsIly finds several hundred to collectors of PURE COFFEE. -I'i::NI is 'TIE COFFEE THAT WO N THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR CONTRACT. -0 GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE. BEWARE OF IIIITATIOPtSs CHASE& SANBORN, MONTREAL. CHICAGO BOSTON. GRAND CLEARING SALE. This week we inaugurate a Grand Clearing Sale throughout our entire large and comprehensive stock. Although our Spring season has been a good one, we find that we have too many Spring and Summer goods left on hand. Tn order to clear them, and make room for Fall and Winter Goods, we have determined upon giving bargains in every department containing Spring and and Summer Goods. Amongst the special drives we might mention some of the lines offered : - Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Dess Trim- mings, Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Flan- nelettes, Shirtings, Millinery, Men's Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Don't fail to secure some cf the bargains offered. £'Butter, Eggs and Wool taken in exchange for goods at the Bargain Dry Goods and Millinery House of Seaforth, rs 'n this way ?" very nice living The Power of Money. Money is a curious fact we at and drink, satisfies wounded honor. Indeed resolves itself into money The child craves for penni dimes and th-man for doll ter shoves his plane, the b bis hammer, the miner rai farmer guides hie plow, his ease, the judge admini the minister prays—for m in all vocations works for man makes the money and man nowadays. We all see gold spectacles. The la seems the wiser and mo holders or owners beco cents buy anything to ado taste, they buy the well-fil tivated farm, the floating mansion, the elegant equip in the church, the most p the theatre, and even ase legislation. Money comm of gaping crowds who bow ing obsequiousness. It en to be generously charlta oppressive of the poor a lights up the dark life and smoothes it brings many cares, but ready to carry and inoreas session. It soothes the nese and often assuages th Money stands at the brink cannot pass beyond. I ments to mark the resting but it cannot accompany t into the great beyond.— r ; it buys what justice, and heals early everything ✓ its equivalent. e, the youth for re. The carpen- acksmith swinge es hie pick, the the lawyer pleads term the law, and ney. Everybody money. In fact, money makes the m to look through ger the amount e important its e. Dollars end n and gratify the ed shop, the cul- alece, the marble ge, the best pew ominent - box at t in the halls of nds the respect before it in fawn- bles its possessor le or wrongfully d deserving. It ned scenes of pathway. It 11 are seemingly them for its Fos - anguish of mk- t -error of death. of eternity, but buys the monu- place of- wealth, e immortal soul ational Grocer. The contrivance can be put in place very easily. It consists of a little shed 15 inches long, fastened stoutly to the outer wall of a building, or, perhaps, to a fence. The door to the shed is swung from hinges at the bottom and falls `out- wardly when unbuttoned, revealilig a small cylinder on which the clothes- line is wound. To one end of this cylin- der,passing through the end of the shed, a ratchet wheel and crank handle is at- tached. In putting up the line, one end of which is tied to the cylinder, first un- wind the line and then pass it around each pole until it is in the position wanted. Slip the loop in the end of the line over the last pole, then go back to the box turn the crank until the line is taut,then fasten by means of the ratchet so that it cannot unwind, This efteetu- ally prevents "sagging." When the clothes have been taken off the line, wind it up and shut up the door to pro- tect the rope from rain,dampness or mil- dew. flsafal Information on a Few Subject* d ,o. aesal Interest. Own.rs of leather furniture often find it desirable to restore the color after it has become rusty in appearance. Furni- ture dealers say that real leather should not fade as long as it holds together. However, it does fade: so tri this method True. Ia f 'Tis The man who says tlio world owes him a living always has an uphill time collecting the debt.—Rams Horn. WM. PICKARD. ID A Preparation of Herbs&Roots the MEdirat Properties ofwhich are universait, known. is p MOST VRLUABtf 'REMEOIy FOR `r`vr,D PURIFYING THE BLOOD coni#0. fnstiveness Indigestion flv;n nsia.5ouf am ch HEADACHE AND Q1ZZtN 45: FOR SALE BY I, V. FEAR, DRUGGIST, SEAFORTH. FOR WEDDING PRESENTS, Curious en. A NEW AND VERY CHOICE STOCK OF CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE, or quality and prices can't be beat. WATCHES of all Makes, Prices to Suit All. I am in a better position than ever to turn out repairs in. rompt as well as in a satisfactory manner. " In my room," relat.a Mr. Joly, the Canadian Liberal, who wa- the guest of the Duke of Westminieter, " • as a curious,old- fashioned Swiss clock. .elow it was a printed notice, ` Please do not touch.' The longer I looked at the clock the more I won- dered at the reason for th- :strange request. Next day I ventured to : ask my hostess the reason for the prohibition ' You are about the twentieth gentleman ' ho has put the same question, and I find .,hat you are just like the rest of your sex. Women are said to be proverbially curious That label was put there to that the xtent of the same weakness in men, and my experience is that men are just as curious a women. I keep a list of all the gentlemen who ask me the same question you have j st put, and I find e I it tion. there is only one e XCe ti. Inde dr I replied ; ' and may I be permitted to ask who he wan ?' ' He was Mr. Fawcett, the late Postmaster General, nd he, poor man, was blind." .Absent -Minded People. Few things should be guarded against with greater care than the habit of mental absence. It may, perhaps, be tolerated occassionaily in persons of extraordinary genius, in those who occupy situations of great responsibility, or in such as are placed in circumstances of affliction and suspense ; but a habit of being mentally absent in com- pany is often the result of affectation, and, while it betrays a want of proper respect for the persons with whom we associate, it sel- dom fails to render those who are under ite power exceedingly ridiculous. Instead of be- ing invariably a proof of great mental appli- cation and abstraction of thought, it is often a sign of criminal rudeness end want of good breeding.' A few years ago, when his Imperial Majesty Alexander wason a visit to the R. MERCER, Main-st., Seaforth. A few real .good second-hand Watches will be sold at a sacrifice. . —Clerk (in ready -mad The cashier refugee to to says it's no good. Gusto bought some clothes) -I would be willing to take ment for a counter -fit s clerk had already begun clothing store) — e this bill, sir ; he er (who has first should think he a bad bill in pay- it,—and—but the o shout " Police 1" FOR INV • LIDS whose system needs toning up and whose appetites are failing, a q . ick and pleasant remedy will be found in CAMPBELL'S QUI INE WINE. Preparedonlyby R. C- . Pnttl.r. & Co. Beware of Imitations. MorrraEAL. 'Pi/iota `ijS�ihoo t .%at/g18rAeGDea o K1VyC°�,+aSeL�et6a/ eoe .Pr/°eDrcee9t9a14aye*A/i)7cs� QI P° a ° iyE4t�`n , i r 414.2;/ 14 .2 fl:4,Z! C4917/- - ��eerr'2� CentPB/!e Ut`.Stack's Headache, //e. ,904, eAIX" Aer'' ?aA sure cure for all Head Pains, td _ 3 tort7Ja c h �p and 8 (Q0 4Pw et �G°pDAC6 31 t17t¢17OOCBAC Were y P" �O R�-& CsJRAf (FPIE+a and LVBP THE from Unfrerd t b , saauand; Sc vPowders , cf complaints, Biliousness. Neuralgi COMPOUNDED FOR 6v R. STARK, F.O:O.P., CHEMIST TR. STANK MEDICINE CDs �Yh/CQQ Cotlee o`ziP//°4e wan4%°go'7tcUr phItf e a eye o °toe : ' e H 0 t4 SPRING, 1893- Our stock for this season is very complete. In Colored Dress Goods we are showing all the new shades. In Black Goods we have a full stock,ty in- cluding Bengalines, Silk Warps; Henriettas, etc. We are showing a large stock of Trimmings, Black and !Colored Gimps, Surah Silks, Shot Surahs and Check Silks, New Opera Flannels, New Delaines, New Prints, New Embroid eries, New Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, Men's Melissa Waterproof Onats Ladies' Waterproof Coats. & C AL3L SQDICIT R. JAMIESpN, SEAFOTH. s.