HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-08-04, Page 8n- TOrrr�'&
Auo-uST41 1893,
id treliablo� contractor IRID A V
She bat for the set eke been well-known ac op I)Ienty of w-ork.— aome hehB. The" of course were all hill.
ctory closed CePt a �io.uwr�jvillaga.__:. has no difficulty gettt
—Broadfoot Box's furniture f The driving. horse, buggy and a renewhig old icquaini a 06 1 ba d on the new law
burned. Brickwork has been al
down 'a Tuesday and Wednesday last. for
subject the Monetary Times, quoting the To 11 IOU AUGUT 4th, .1893
OASH, 44 Ws, have 6rtioles ware got out and saved. We are ag�in glad to nee our Z f i d Mr Messrs. Ell, 'A & Elliott, Main
EDWA marks of TuF ExposITO-R, says: — few other. a a fel returned office of t agent,
stock -taking purposes and the employeihad as n, wbo has
often read and heard of this niggardliness of as a very large one, with stone Charles Mao S. Lang, implemen
olesale and Retail Dealer in a two days holiday.—Rev,, Dr. McDonald The barn w from his peril one journ n he tlantic.— street.—Mr. R.
NVh as, and their a one of the PTO
school trustees in country plao and Mrs.' McDonald left this week for.Win- stabling underneath, and we n the Mi. T. A. , McLauchlin p id rucefield a has dislosed of more machinery this sea
he Prairie Pro- most-complate and !beat fitted up I son than any agent inthe county. is
y Butter, &version to taking steps for the a g visit ilast week.— w offering many Bargmijw,
Dair n1peg and other points in t rance flyin -iA 1 nu ber of our the genial We are no
Fine Mr. Dickson had an inou au George Smitht,
re so long as those ate a 'township. kle lic B yfield on a hustler.—Mr.
scholars or Waolle vince, where they go to spend -their holiday villagers atti noted a Pico' n has added another -
are. But Can- inj vd a like amount in Summer Goods, so as to have the -
cost a few cents or � few doll
RICH STREET, SEAFORTH, visiting their gone mod otner friends. Their of $1,200 on his build th to �igh hostler of the Central,
GODE Oct, it He inks the insurance Wednesday o last week. Owin branch to his already profitable business by
adieus are improving in this reap ish them a Pleasant on the contents. arable for boat- - Itock well cleared for early Fall Goods..
numerous friends will w inds, the da was not fav
will cove but his w
OuL entering upon another seasonys seems, for w learn from the Seaforth Ex time.—Mr. Win. eattie who has a good r his lost on, the contents, ing.—Thured y, Augu�t 10th has been do. dealing extensively in dog -i.- He has die
I ve the, i
as bt home spend- loss on the buildings,' several fine canines to the farmers
e xtra value in
1,OSITOR that the trustees of the Clinton over and &be n h busi- posed of
wledge with situation in Toledo is at - aided on as C vie Holiday -ably by
–Milk tri
business has to ackno Ing the best, T insurance, will amount to $1,500. Fortun S in this vicinity, realizing very profit
public school are consider his holidays.' A a McDonald has aess places w It be closed. that d TWEN
ceived f
the night waa�' calm, and what wind ou'� WHOL
thanks the large patronage re method to- be adopted for the heating of I her 'holidays with ately be on the follovvio the transactions.
the past forty-two ye�rs, an trustees of the gone to Detroit to s&ne in that city. was blowi k t the fire away from the be wet the h iday will PRINTS
during their building. while the filiande
her brothers and Lathe a brick Thursday.
e13IVr*pDIckson's handsom Chiselhurst.
Mr. Samuel 1101160, ell
d Seaforth school have been perplexed over teen 6f
hopes to retain it for another year,an or some time. Such eon. —Mr. John Hannah,' i roe. residence would also almost certainly %e in ,—Miss Lizzie Barrett, of Lon- CHALLIES,
quantity of fine butter the same matter f f Gri Old, Manitoba, is at BRiEF BIT
Hannah, o ow Lu eY. ;
will buy any Y, is a good Zak- ruin@ now. I $I L lists Lizzie Th
note' Mr. S. don, it
sideration, even such parplexiti I the guest of her cou o,
It L ant here visiting his U —0 1 Sundayl last I of
from now forward.- sign. A generation or two ago the average —Mrs. Kirkman and Miss Tyrtlldr have NOTES, s secured a
Latta,—Mr. Edwin Latta ha
eon. all from a Ifonca receivio LAWNS,
0 Kippen. Mr. Charles Canu f .9
rustee did not allow himself , to be tion at his trade in Blyth.—Misl S
school t returned from Chicago.—O M di &I aid was
ur d friend and ood situs, oured a situation in
to nsinore, of PEA HARATESTERS.—T. Mellis would call a bad out over the ey
Iz 14
rpleied 'about possible discomfort correspondent, Mr. R. J. Du Emma MeTaggart has se
And it appears that the subject summoned si: d the lit,
the attention of farmers wanting the boot harvesters Ave feII86( I IwIc I a doing as for that place last MUSLINS,
scholars. ding a hi optic ill London and left here
f Washington, in at present here open fit. well as can bp expecte though
Special. t he has on hand some of the best makes, of Scirlett, of
Something now being considered is the heating a few days with his sister, Mrs. Little --MW tha work cannot be our. e Monday.—Mve. Harry a S. J. Parkin.—
g been done in a teen kinds, which for doing their
h vO.' Ile is's Msggi iis 5,
schoolhouses, which has Ion Hickson. of Lynchburg, Virginia, who has passed by any. Farmers wanting any will get well still m 'c In visiting her sister, Mrs, DELAINES,
d 'that we have Any one who 1338-1 who has b:e vinitiD4 f rienle i� on, who passed her ex -
in going throu very bappy-90-1114 M
3ky style. i - W10
Ili our st6ek, we fin been visiting at Mr. Julius Dunvan'st has supplied by giving T. MBLIAS A Call- as M. J. Morris
I we are going to give our good furnace returned he a last wook.—The
too many Grona nos. an( 'Another load of those
has enjoyed the comfort that a lefttown. She will visit friends in Carleton GANG PLOWS.— t the Normal school, Toronto,
nefit. book at the prices :-20c� Copeland pr sohed a Very able a rmon in LACES,
customers the he �6ot ; 26c ditto for -creates in a dwelling would not long, be -eon- fin working2furrow ang plows have come to hand. bait been engaged to teach in the Dbehwood
Place, Toronto sn&Buffalo, before leaving
22c, 25c chocked and 1.4noy for I Why, then, should not r the Bothao
tent with stoves. for her home in the South. —Mr. John Gov- Fa more come and see how.. Full stock of all lines Methodist Church olu Sui346 lie school for the renaminder of the year,
Ise ;. We ditto for 22c 38o ditto f or 27c ; 65o ditto, of plows on hand.- Plow and gang plow repairing. evell:og last,ifrom Gattesis tile Is - chapter pub iends
ion The Daghwood fr SUMMER VESTS
for 46o ; 75c ditto, beautiful d Con
e- buildings in which the growing generat enlock, of MaKillop, informs us that equal lary.
beautiful designs, nsi silk A now stock of plowhandles, best mould bo Ird versi agood so
510; 90c ditto, beautiful des art-. pound I and I —Rev. A. Stuart, f North fl
choice, spends so much of its time be made a6mf d fish oil, -a all lines of plows, Plow and gang Plow caltin P J i rid-Mija Morriion an excellent teacher
fA� I gust 1 10, t East Hope, i a ne�hevv r. 3g isdy.—Hone
olInAfoarreoic, Thesegoods are now a parts of ingeot powder an
in large supply. All plow repairing done with orthy you'
McQueen, of, th tastes sweet in our village. &I
and will be sold out quickly at the above prices able and healthful of . the former to a gallon of the latter, in a, 1338.2 and a most w id the boys in- I LACE MITTS)
tootion for cattle from the horn fly., attention. T. NELLis.
WM. PICKARD ion sure pro s Dlnodale and sons nt.—The
A LumBzR FAMINE.—WO made ment NOTES.—Mr. Thoms, a great exte
ily on tile affected parts of dulge in the luxury to
&UtL Apply it liberal
n hori- ush. He has ore delivering aV the station here any tons Walton. Methodist church has
Seaforth. last week of the difficulty the tow the animal with a paint br congregation in the HOSIERY'
r in getting ow baled bay for Mr. Cudmore.—Mr. new
ties are experiencing this yes
trioait and says. it &ate like a charm.—All of n GARDEN ARTY.—The adies of St' been increasing siD08 the arrival of theL
Johnston, the guest 614 a ery sue -
of Mr. W--, Hurt, has a Rev. Mr.
lumber for sidewalks and other street pur the rural public schools re -open after the alton, h astor. This speaks well far th
been taking a few days at the Windy City , &C.
poses, Builderp are also complaining much summer holidays on'August 21st.—Mr. and consf ul gard It party �t Mr. 1 hu Hewitt's %alker and we believe he is the right man
ru -service
—Seven cattle dealers
of the scarcity and dearness of lumber, as ad been visiting seeing the big show. on Wedoe day last� Thai 103 a ele bAnd, in the right place.—There will be no
Mrs. G. F. Smith, who h r
ro, l6ft dined with our host, Mr. Shaffs', last Set
they say it has all been gobbled up by Am
Smith, ofthis tom under the Ilead ship of 1?rofeas r Jones, in the Methodist church next Sunday mon I
their brother, Dr.
arican dealers. The scales, however, are 0, K�nsss, on: MOn- urday. They seem to be trump at present' rendered ex,.elleneltrmOsic. i �`rofess r Hawk. Ing on account of quarterly meeting! t b
&a; I,, is an ill for their home in Horta ther,
DIBTRICT MATTBRB. now likely to be turned, and to —Mr. Sheffer is again looking .up ano The balance of our Millinery wiU
a not blow some person good., day. On their way they intend spending a ins proved to be a h,�st in 1 himse f. Mrs. held at Hillogreen. The Epworth Leag
wind that doe bouple of weeks doing the fair at Chicago.— car load of pigs.—Master Harry- Hunt, who Sage and do More dellghtA th a athering will be conducted in -the evening by Mius
a n in the Ost at Gxltl by music oi u' sees, bo�tl od bet If)' Alberta Oatio.—Masters H&rry J h be offered at reduced prices.
—At the grot Foresters' it I$ PO - is learning the millwright basin a g a J lli
asible that th fi ancial crash Mr. D. Me Donald has this season sold sever th �Id
ates will result in making lumber this
Wednes. United St at of the McCormack Bindloohine bluders to to home for st� few day vilitin4 friends,—
demonstration in Kineardin"n Several at arm alsoij took I part. Ref resh- Ridge, of London, are arno1mg
hi oceeds I am
than of all kinds cheaper and more plentiful in ments were served. 3 p� ays at Mr. John Latta s.—Two separator
the Forest, Cans, farmers in this vicinity and after a thoro Business of 9.11 kinds s good in our little M
Court Flower of
338. Rev� M besed throu
all -are
r, Somforth, w 1h our village this week
akers, t ilor eat ongough's a Hensall, an route for thresh
day turnout tary Times a so were prese4t and &It were happy� -McFaul
0 d this country for a time at least. The Mone. ad to, over r, e�nd Mr Ocine
'" ey
r 8 as. awarded a prize of f last week says Dealers in test they give good satisfaction. This is -the village. Merchants, blacksmiths, w on a m Edward
S10 for having the best and largest -awn lumber first season they have.been used to any ex- in a dressmakers :and t
are thirty Toronto tell us that trade in da.—Miss Mary Kyle who has bu y. Notwithstanding all the opposition w separator.
in the pro0essioutt-in which there wi ome practically- to a standstill, as a re- tent in Cans, 7illige of Its size has with them and Mr. Dunlop's ne
wis his new e t
courts has a moo Forsythe's iR in ts surroundings no i SEAFORTH.
r4resented. Seaforth never does been visiting at Mr. JA I h Mr. Dunlop success in
suit of the financial difficulties across the prisev
nd it ent a lot of very Egaloadville, returned to Toionto on Wed, the same amount of busitiefis as Kippen has. T Lck�rsmiolh-
auythlug.�by halves, a -push a a i
border. No attempt is being made to -having a 4tOII6 —T. Mellis is busy fitting:up pe h rvesters G'eor e Nott
fine look�ing follows to the Fo nesday. W El
Testers' demon. —Mr. John Smith Is ST ND NOTtS.—MJr.
y report business under the circumstances. "Valuess 1i to his barn
gtlation, at Kincardine, and the foundation placed under his residence and for the farmers. raised an aAditio last uesday, Morris, attract large congregatios.—On Sunday, 010tiliers
main unaltered at spring quota -
having an enjoyable time. The Band of the however, re some other improvements made to it which will and when it is completed hi� 'will he 8 A- fine BRIEF BiTs.—The township fathers will August 13th ReIv. J. W. Hodgins of Sea.
tions. There are rumors afloat iliat —Mrs. Varna.
33rd Battalion accompanied the Court, add to its comfort and appearance. 69 forth, is
building 50x105 feet� with found& ion on- meet next Monday.—Mile Joanna Irela expected to preach in Trl�ut
large manufacturers have been tempted to James Murray, of London, Is' at PrOBOut As I will be Tannin the business hers for derneath the �holo,—,;Threshi has of Seaforth, is spending a few days vacatiOn Church and conduct HoIj S&crament,—Pav-, &mom
break prices, but we believe that they have expected,all should come f this the 3rd line.—F411 Mr. McEwan, of London, preached In St,
CouNmL DoiNos.—At a special meeting of visitink her father, Mr. Alexander.Scott. several weeks longer than id among the Ifarmers
commence with her parents on
On the other hand, buyers I shall be selling and
below cost, so
the town council hold on Monday evening, no foundation. —Mrs. T. 0. Kemp went to Toronto Wed- and have a share in the bargains. orhood.—Mr.jand BIT@. Trim lyn wheat harvest Is. now about over and the Andrews, Sunday morning and evening. T19B
they obtalo everything at co'st and many things n ig1b
fa ily
ocount in the east refuse to buy unless' In
Mr. Arthur Forbes was voted $85 on a a out in prices, and thus the matter stands. nesday to spend & couple of weeks with come one'and all. Jos. Moppow, Varna. 1388-1 of Brandon� Manitoba, are isiting hum of the threshing machine may �e OuR GuEsTs.—The following are register.
has par. pf Ing ore )5 Hire ad at -our hatel-i : River Hotel—MT. Met.
of street watering, and Mr. J. W. Beattie friends there.—Mr.-W.H. Cline Stephenson, of at Mr. Frank Crioh�&—M s. J. T. Apple- heard a of yore.—The a
ACCIDENT. Mr. Robert
$15o on account of graveling. The commit. Stocks in the Eastern States cannot be large, resides Parkhill, is f
oming into the westlern mills are ohased the house in which he now the Par Line, met with a very painful seat- ton, of isiting at F. L yton's. muffaring or want of rain. During lKAYiP9 calf, Miss Do Nice, Mrs. Tiffany, Miss L.
but those a 'of Hallett, eat ad on ie coot
apso Th
tee to look after the new town. building were and intends renovating and improving it.— He was driving —Mr. Alex. R we were more than liberally supplied, but Tiffany, Miss L. Griswold, Detroit; hir.
onsiderable." dent on Wednesday last,
pector for the a Mr. Robert Logan has purchased the vacant when the team friends here last 811�ay. now there is neither rain nor dew to I 'in the Whi
given power to employ bn ins a noist6 mily, Mrs. 10hopmitott,
home from the Babylon Line,
Mr. 16t@ adjoining his handsome revidenue from —Our worthy Re�ve Miss Carrie ChapTan, Mrs. Cowan close to th4
if they deem it necessary, as —The underaigned -an away, going over a
work deep the arched ground.
To HoiRsE OwNFRs. took fright and �ett' , 8ouncillters are to oderick and Mr. Harding, London;. obore Of
Cop -p; Who formerly acted, is still in Ne m weeding mare and foal which he wants to ex- Mr. S. Smith for $500. Mr. Logan now has
has a I ditch and throwing him over the whiffietrees. and
was adopt- orth Ls- count s- Mrs. Broaidfoot son and daughter, Mr. ud� 16uth-
York; The following resolution chatilre for %horse snitable for work on thq express a -beautiful property.—The Seaf The wheal also struck him and ran over DEATH OF A PION�XR- —The announ ement upon %-heir success in the Huron Y easto
ith fe 1 Marys
hat this council learn w He also has a three-year-old Clear'Grit colt
ad, v wagbn. crowse club were unfortunate at S peared in the )Way# a gra
RvtLLF,, sestorth. 1338-3 him. We hope, however, that no serious &p obituary oJolumn Ise, week, Morrie Township arbitration case. Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Grieves and M
eat regret of the death. Apply to W. 80mz op, on of the DRowNBD IN
ings of the deep for We. on Wednesday. After a hard tussle the MANITOBA.—.The dally Stobie, Seaforth; S. Smith and Mill Olney ort]
-emoin, one of home I team result may occur. of the death of Mr W.. Ran! . . . . . . pioneer r(-.- WHEN YOU want good--vdlue for your chby four goalsto he
won the mat Hastings, Toronto; Messm C. R�th wad J. of tt
Dr. T. T. Col lin R id, of the pioneers of t' a cou0ty of uron, and an old papers of the 19th inst. mentioned
tral Grocery. J. C. LAIDLAW, ties and NoTBs.—Mr. and Mrs. jo e h
two clubs ate Abbey, an old C. P. JR- Golden, Brantford. Commerciel—Mn.'
dents of this town, and a gentleman W; money, go to the Cen three. This leaventhese a
laying off the tie be. Par Line, have returped home after an ex. and highly estee d restolout of this town- drowning of Lo billittill
Beaforth. MI jaw, N. W. T.,,ou (Rev.) Stewart, C116ton ; Mrs. Wanton ad
engineer, at goose style i0f ST4
hagAaken a deep interest in the public a; but one game after p lop
LADixs' AT -A special ;meeting — tended visit with relatives and friends at ship. Mr. Dun died at his roe denoe,
TENTION. aship. I . He Tuesday, July 18tb but gav no particulars. child, Toronto; Mrs. Chesney and Geoge tive exibi
fairs of Seaforth, having been the firbG tweeneitherclub for the champio a
of the women's Christian Temperance Union will be Bay City. —The Misses Eva Armstrong and near Kinburn, on the 20th of Ju
Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. Goven
Reeve, and having, for four years, ,occupied May Trudell, of London, is visiting at itland, known in this to�n look,
held in their room on Wbdiiesday next, Augu8t.9th, Miss Mabel Reid, of Bay City, are visiting rela- w a a native of A shirettiSco a d was Mr. Abbey was wet
to a of Mr. S. Barton, the guest of sher and sawmiller. Some
the Mayor!s chair, and we hereby wial t 3.30 p. in, A full attendance is requested, as the resideac tives and friends in Stanley and we are born in 1820. He came to Canada 1 1854 ship as a thre and Mrs. Gray. Misses Annie, Lily sa. 'the tnofte�,
the family of the deceased the nee must be settled. 1111-1 —Miss Mary Campbell, n a township of wick, pra,irie Gartie Gray, Misses Hattie Brooks and Per. over tareete
convey to business of importa Miss Dvina Barton. twelve years ago he. left for the I
the much pleased to bear their 'visit will be and settled . I the
sincerest sympathy of the council in -their a visiting at Daniel rm. - 18T he ro- vinVo -C He began as a firemen with The sides i
decept- 'a
GiRLS VV AN TEDf. —Will pay $10 per month of Nashville, Tennesse, I gas Campbell, Messrs. F. and H. Clarso ,
bereavement. it is also resolved that this for dining room girl,48 fotr chamber work and $7 for residence of Mr. R. Lumeden.—By prolonged another month.—Mirs. where he cleared �p a fa gro, after three i ' n 1 the C. Willis, j. McELinle ad % Groff all - of temoved.
itel, Seaforth. Tijos. Campbell, of 11arnatt., left on Monday for moved to Hullett, and settled on the farm ompanY, and Y a ay,
xitchen girls at the Queen a HC a a
cil attend the funeral in a body � awa ive t�pes.in our last issue, we were made to sid til his was promoted to the position i of engineer. Seafortb, Mr. Charles Gr olwidlittEag. alraring thi
mark of respect to the deceased, and that a ST311111INS, Propriet6r. 1338-2 give Miss Dickson greater WAItOD or three
—Miss Lettie Foster a JP
w I He was a faithful and eon istent He hold that position until two land - Mrs. Keenan, Miss which, sup
length of days where she�intends spending several on h*ch hi couti ued to re and Mastir
h. She is 76 go when he resigned an and Miss Bolas
UNDER the White Canvas in the South weeks with her friends. d ath.
copy of this resolution be sent to Mrs, Cole than she'llas been blessed wit m d accepted' tree trunki
End you will find Beattie Bros., who it Is well known ve hope has been seriously ill.—Mrs. Junior and ember of the resbyterian churc . He years a Keenan, Miss Hainley
mau by the clerk. an sition. with the Electric Light C Y Austin, Detroit w Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, a, 01
A glance is sufficient to tell d Uqt 96 as was stated, although
a po
d citi on, a kind and 0 ligin am of thre
was a good citi
are the Star Grocers. stock al- ;latter figures.—Mrs. C. drughter, of Clinton, spent several days vening oflan M186'Bri n
y last$ you they are doing a rushing biz.. No old she may attain. the visiting Mr. and miris. Jolin Torrance, of the neighbor, and en1joyed the confiden a an f Moose Jaw. On the a thO Stratford liches in d
r! one am
Tniz Crvic HOLIDAY.—Wedne a lowed to accumulate. Their motto is: 11 The nil, W. Papet returned home from a three witaks work from his
being-Seaforth's Civic Holiday, was a very. bie sixpence cha r a
Bes the lazy shilling." They whole. visit to friends in Georgetown on Tuesday. — Par line.—Mr. Andrew Reid started work esteem of all wl knew him. Full of years accident he was returning to
of provisions at new threshing machine on Tuesday he passed peacefu�lly avay, and his emery home, and took the railroad track brusselia. relgia and
Nearly all kinds of sale and retail a very superior line with his of the built
ByArriz BROS., Sea- Mr.'Jamee Hugill of the town line, Mof
quie day in town. extremely reasonable prior t, and as Andrew is a hustler, he is likely will be long cherished by those left ehind near out. While crossing the bridge on the
business were suspended and most every Rrst new wheat this sea- unaccountable ma 2ner BuIEF.s.—A. telegram was received here
forth. 1338-1 lop, delivered the I He track he in some are all sort
to do a big' business.—Mr. Henry Hudson, who loved and honored him in lf on Wednesday evening from Chicago, stat -
could, get away spent the day HiRE's ROOT BEER, the great temperance son at Ogilvie's mill in this tAwn. It weigh- Ing his
person who 11 of Marlette'tt. Michigan, a former resident of leaves a family 0 four sons and two (tough- tripped and fell off the bridge, strik Ing that John Cormack, eldest son of the
from home and there was left only the regu- drink, on draught at Fear's Drug Store at 6 cents a ad 62J pounds to thebushel, Mr. Hugi Varna, died last week, aged 60 Years. He torm. The eldest son is farming in Dakota, head on a post and thence into the wi iter. "A.
late John Cormack, of this place, was dood.
lation home guard. The Foresters, or at large glass, also Lemonade, Birch Beer, Sarsaparilla, had a similar honor last year. SWASIZIP SUC
fine, leaves a wife and nine ohildren.--Oae of the me on the Sth The accident was witnessed by name parties The message was & sad o least a good many of them, went to Kin- Giner Ale and Nectar, all of which are very and the other th a own far ne to his cold and refreshing. '1338-1 garden parties ever held in and 9th concessi no of Hallett. at a distance, bat before they could r�each who found -him in good health when -she the dispw
thecLacrosse Club well supported EATH OF'.DR'. COLEMAN. —Dr. T. T. Cole- most GuO0688ful The
cardine FAXOus Sugar -Cured Hoe and Break- D 0 e- last Tuesda7 the spot the vital spark had fled. came through there a short time ago. Thi Thateni
y friends we#t to St. Marys ; a, onsider- this distri it took place her Au urn. deceased was married in 1883 to the e dest 't pyral
8 area
b 0 fast Bacon at LAIMWS, Seafdrth. 183 man died athis residence Hillside," Sea cause of his death is not yet known. The
able number tdok advantage of the cheap forth, about= -'S o'clock Sunday morning. This evening, under the auspices of St. John a W daughter of Mr. Richard Armstrong, of this -frora Ali ov
CnEip ExCURSION. TO I BRANTFORD.—A —Mrs oa�d, an aged and 8 body was expeo
railway r tes'*�to get a sniff of the lake nexpeoted, as he had been church. In the early part of the evening ted Thursday, and is to be
A widow versal conj
number cheap excursion will be run over the G. T. - R. to event was not U� but for his refreshments wake servO, and after all hid BRIEFS. township. and five children, orie interred hers.—Civic holiday was helil here
breezes at Goole'rVill, ; while quite i r several days, and ed, eer regident oi West We
Brantford and reorn, on Tuesday next, 8th August. .-very low fo i pro�vided, and fourboys, remain to mourn a Iov-
In ad- ode. a would not partaken of the good thingi A608nt, week. T–A very successful i terary girl on Wednesday of this week. The town was tribution,
went to Tdrouto end other points. The cheap excursion rates will extend from G naturally rugged constitntio die
excellent ing husband and father. quiet. A number went to Kinofirdine red wood
ut two years
dition several private pic-nic parties went to rich and intermediate stations to Stratford, inclusive. programme of music was furnished end music I ent under the sue- lauded ul'IC7
survived so long. Abe
1�r ; Sesforth Brass Band, the members of ;n�weorrtthQrLeague, was bald re- oil the Forester's exoursion. Our bana ot,
Train leaves Seaorth at 7:64 a. in., arrivitig in Brant- Uave of the
Bayfield, -We hav no doubt all enjoyed ford at 10:18 a m. Returning the train will leave ago, While returning from a business trip to by the ed their former AC -
-in second prize at the demoustr
themselves in their various way and came d when on the train, he had a which more than ousto —The 4hurch a England SAbbath Zurich. w., the sama evening. -Fair for Toronto, an Y pyramid'.
goOd reputation, both an excellent musicians !d cardine.—The driving park as
Brantford at 7:60 p nks of
c. Brantford Is ell he School childre* pionicke on the be, sociatiou hay#
home tired, but strangthened for the duties, the round trip, only 96c, children 15 severe attack of paralysis, from whi Biair,,Fg.—Rov, D. Braund and the rhing-chav
They are always the river her �opnagl?riday last. and had
OR of life. There were one of the most beautiful cities in Western Ontar o land genial gentlen a Kibler have returned from theWorld's &I just completed ten fine stalls for
labors and porplexiti never fully recovered. His speech IlaViDg been I tesOwood
rite, he sure of a, very hearty -welcome, fine time6 coulmodation of parties tretuin horses on
and has a large number of interesting attra9tions for and an im- h t Office Inspector paid
�00 tickets sold at tho railway station hex -.parko, the dele'brated impaired and being also unable to w well pleased with what they heard and sa turio, -and oun eve
visitors, such as inagnifleent a crowd whenever they visit V arna their fine track. The
V active part MGM this place a vie t last week, and f d r are ta ng of hav-
neardine, 76 ; God- In Y
diyIded as follows; K "Brant�' monument, a work of -art not -excelled. In Ing an: Y —Miss Lizzie Hess, of'South Bond,
as prevented from tak' vening amounted to Oi ek of Sep- trim, Am
erich, 72; St. Marys, 82 and other points the IYOminlon, and is in itself well worth a isit to public affairs, and, although The proceeds of the e thing under ille careful is home on a visiting trip.—Alfred Ing fall race@ during the first we
Ili busivess'or
the city. Its water -works system and fire dbpart fre- $81. Postmaster At ore, In ship-shape order.-- E' ust' tember, and are going to offer a good urse In gl
70. he seemed physically robust, was
ment are also among the most complet in Cafi�da. thi -eshing who has been in Seattle, Washington larri will convey ied by illness. Dr. Coleman Mr. James Utah opened his for stallions, trotters only, in H-uron sud Ing 11n. the
The Trolley system of electric street ca quently prostra tory, and Cavalier. Dakota, returned lom
EWNIONDVILLE NOTES.—Mr. J.S.Hueston, e city, while it schools and a a native of IERW3 Green. campaign onday last.—Mr. J. F.Brown Perth, so that horsai4on who have ban
you to any Part of th was 65 years of age. He we 6 few days ago. He enj�yed his 6,000 mile Sixe, the -4
a o ins itute for the is g tt, rose for Mani- ot
of Sacramento, California, arrived here on other public buildings, the On HAPPENINC48, a Ing ar load of be r talking about their having the faste 1611- V,
ard ospital,!:rank among a
day of last week. Mr. Hueston has in connectio toba.- *IIRm Scott, son of Mr.Archi- the 'past season wilthave a in cutting,
Tralee, Ireland, and came to Canada when —The regular q�arterly 0 round trip very much, �nd looks hale and
Thum blind the John H. Stratford complete equi mento quite young. He was, in the fullest sense, meeting services n with the hearty.—Mr. Nelson Contine's wife prosent- lion durin
the Kest edifices and moo e right. —Mr�s. Alem whea in tr
nywhere. Gra er bald Scott, I here on fro the
prospere& in the golden State, and Comes Fi chance to stow who wai
to be found a low ark. s tuated a self-made man, and hewas wont to ref Kippen circuit will be,held in the Method a visit fro ad him with a bouncing baby a few'days
11� he ar long the politic
eaat on a well-ea�rned holiday to visit his just north of the G\T. R. station will be'thrown open to this fact with no little pride. Commeno- iot church of this place on Sabbath next, United State bitrators, wh were ago.—Miss Hunsperger, of near Berlin, is Stewart, of this place, passed to bar .1 he conventiei& bf visitors who may wish to use m.—Mr. George home after along illness ; a nsumption W&I e
es and friends. tor t t 10.30 a. appointed by the bounty council' to adjudi- S.Orn of
5 ed father and other relativ ic purposes duifug the day. All aboard Ing I$ his career as a public school teacher, commencing a the guest of Herman Well.—The repairs to 0
ifrs. Hueston, who ame east some time It for pic-n. himself for the medical profes- Troyer, � telegraph operator at Notion Car- cgte on the claims, of petitioners for t ie new 'va been co�plet- the cause of her demise. She was a AW, tract speci
for Brantford next Tuesday on the 7:64 a. in. train he prepared the Evangelical church he,
- ner, Haldimand a
County, has been visiting Union 0 have received the deal don of of the Rev. John Fergustattitt, forms-ily of tib moth red i
ago, w
ill have a, much more pleasant return for only 95c, children 50c, the cheapest trip that will boot
sion, in: which he was very popular and sue ad. It has bee newly papered and painted
r par- I . MoBattilut and PsW
journey.—Mr. J. S. Muldrew, who has be offered this sesuon. see posters for furthd re he enjoyed a large in this vicinity the past week, He will re- the EdUOatiOU;Ie k place, and also of Mrs I
ceseful. - For many Yes' h tpartment on theuestion and a gallery has been put in, which ma as 12 feet -9 1
tioulars. 1338XI to I ) proceedings so far fall from a C_ -1
—The wind storm on Tues- submit d. Ferguson, of Brussels. She leaves
char e of a mission station at Inwood, is We and lucrative practice in this vicinity, and turn this' week. it a first-class place of worship. It will be
- Gooij Table Butter wante i t ad SUPP6
speril dl at Laidla owl an informality in the pe. band and small family. —Ed' ard Varooe,
iDg a few days this week at the me r retiring from active practice he day evening of last week blew Mr. John through
11 even afte 'a reopened on the 12th and 13th of! this -after is
938 esident, also died this week., beautt
ternal home here. He leaves for his field of seatorth. d old pati- Oochrane's hay barn from its foundation tions of the w iship councils. old r o was frequently called on totten, re about ninefeet long. The month. —Mr. Will. Dutnert Is home at pres- long illness. He was well kilown, being for from riti
labor to -day (Friday) and will be accom L@CAL BRLEF.S,�Mrb. Gsrrow, a ginning to
near eats, and for consultation with other doctors poste,wbioh we ant. ---The steam threshers are bel
panied by his brother and sister, ho g - frame work was badly wrecked. It had Londesboro. move about in this vicinity. years the sexton of Brussels graveyard.' 0 very larg
in serius cases, but of late years his buoi
east to visit friends.—As we write the rattl6 Harpurhey, who has been laid up for some p6esible for him to just recently been erected mod contained a funeral was on W eduesday. --.-;Sao#- WA county, Oj
duties made it im NOT.Es.—Mrs. 'Jovier is havi 4 1
ting 'a noes nghe house
of the coal, as it falls into a neighbor's Coal time with a sore foot, caused y jet n to the medical 1rDfC88iOn . large quantity of hay. In its descent It orwisc repair. Joiniesw hipped three fine care of. tat oat* Thi
-'a in this villa a p ated and oth Bayfleld. th 8 for the English and eastern =9* of the Sul
not we give any attentio F
il run into it, is now recovering light . 8:kp
bin, seems to bring the blasts of winter na go, in company with Dr. a& wagon rack,and one of the wheels #_
ahope she will be all right in . short time.— About 22.years a ed. — Sever I of our temperance friends DR. T. C. BRucE, Dentist, of Cli ton, kets.—Farmers are busy finishing ha1* ties of forl
Ominously near, but. every change has i,tF Mr. Wm. M. Gray and family left r' Fri drove to burr on Sunday and lis! �ened to i whiotle� if
oi Gouinlock, now of Warsaw, New Yorko a' ashing them almost into kindling wood
s of friends Jarrott had the misfortatie re- will visit Bayfield, Profesgionally on the 2nd a d 4th end fall wheat harvest, and the tione and
use and value, and like the Ids of weeks rusticati t he sank the first salt well, here, and, —Mr. Isaac le t te riperance sermon I reached
for &while, we Iearq t to appreciate them all day to spend a couple Ing a ible bed of rock cently o lose a valuable animal by its failing an excel Thursday of each month, until further not e, at the steam thresher has commenced. It 'And foreig
I by Rev. Firgumon, of Grant clo's Hotel.
as Campbell and Miss striking an almost inehxauet .—Mr. Poiio 13 9-18
Bayfield. Miss Fergi
the more.—Lovers bf flowers here are he, I.—Mr. Diniel Hagan, of Grand rid Of 4f 0, Athrio
early, but f�rmers have to get 60
he continued actively engaged in that into a wet
hard time figlitibg the heat and parch- B riooks accompanied them. — Mr3. James salt I Robert Cc a bat& his summer's su ply of These days people have become., so used straw to make roo�i for the heavy "Op of "d, withi
Ing a one of the Bend,soent Sunday under the parental roof. nig 10 -ing in Pringle, formerly Miss Broadfoot, arrived business, and for many years was dried pork tolel (rain his barn a fe hte to seeing merchants making glaring advertiseLents of the
ing winds, but moat ar o far succeed most extensive salt manufacturers in the —Thrashing is now the order of the day. tte, one of our ant prising spring grain. T" dry weather The Oul
here from Chicago on Monday and will ago. —Mr. Ulm about cheap goods and have been so often disap- 6in too f0ht for
We -need as a man of � indomitable Mr. John Hart, of Bracefield, has been On. ell and past week has ripened the gr
preserving a good show of bloom i0ce. He w merchants, has had the front of his ore re- pointed by fluding those same goods to be tr& I .. . louth of tl
pend some time at the parental home. —The Piov ryp gaged as iold as was looked for, as )1willy floor ap*04
a good system, of water supply like our attle in will power, and great activity and indust feeder by Messrs. Jarrett & Hart, dear at any price, so that now a great many pay no at big a y
painted an the milding otherwise mprov-
horn fly in very troublesome on a attention to such announcements, but H. . Ert, postoffiae is n
neighbors. tiocess of almost everything he anoc. the pea crop.—The new, itaft ed, by a
by completion, and will be occupied in a
this vicinity this season. This is a new peat and made a a and Mr. Charles Stelck, of this place, ad In appe r —The t)rick-wor dn Mr. yvAP.,Ds has obtained such a reputable standing and undertook, and, being shrewrl in business, has been engaged as engineer I an which is t,'
tiulildin ug pro- has secured the confidence of the people to such
9' A -ad much difficulty in R. Adams new
THE MuKILLOP INSURACE CO-XPANY.—A and stock owner & Reid, of Varna. ' wil I,, now b offer is days. -era. I
getting anything to check itAra�ages. —Miss it is 'almost unnecassary to say that he Meseri, Sparrow ceaded h. This buifling, when amplet, extent thatthey know when nty igpecial lett
meeting of the full Board of Directors of the Besides his exten- —Mr., Peter She& returned on Saturday gres- made that they can depend on get Ing extra values. adieu flagj
ilson returned home from Winni amassed a large fortunei ed, will b quite an addition to our pro During August goods will be sold at prices such as
Maggie W
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company e business operations, he took an active last fiom, a business visit to Muskoka. He
r. John Hile �luevale. hibit tend
wao hold at Brucefield on Friday last. peg on Friday.' �She was accompanied by st v and speak very higbly of that - district. —Miss give villa e.—DI st, wh is well prove a big benefit to purchasers. Call and examine sources of
that city part n political, municipal, military ends embarking in the mer- goods and prices and you'll be sure to buy. 13a8-1 BRIEFLET c)rking In a field There was quite a grist of business before Mrs. P&Imer,of —Mr. C. E.Mason,. P 13 known -hete, int . —While w,
He was the first Reeve
agricultural affairs. Charters, of the Mill road, Tuck ramitb,ws onol arouse
on iness in. DuDga non hortly.— THAT DxcisiON.—DEAR EXPOSITOR,—NOt his farm last Saturday, Mr. Hugh Ron
In the first place of Brucefield, was in. town on Saturday oantile b a
William B -wishiog to occupy too much space in your When
the Board for attention, ona hs
has of the village of Sealorth, was several times the guest of the Misses McAllister on righam h&6 had his residence hie vest on he eturned the
some ninety new applications for insurance way home from the old country. Mr. Mr, t'
elected der shi glee from valu W. Whid- -back was b4XI ut of the gai
Mayor, and was for yeais & member Sunday last. u d lo rineut, aud andcabi
r on the Alcides, re-shinglod with red ce abl6 pmper in replying to J
were considered. and accepted. This shows mason was a passenge
that the company still retaiins its- popularity which ran on the rocks at Anticosti and he, of the Public School Board. He also occu- in uOteralld in the log
British Columbia. They make a ood roof.- don, I have taken the following method of pocket book, containing $1,200 i
Brucefteld. h all -the
a Sony to learn that r. Robert 'showing your readers: (1) That I decided 'he thief is
among the people. The lose sustained by with other passengers, had to be transferred, pied the distinguished position Of Colonel of --We A about $25 in'cas , was gone.
wy the 33rd Huron Battalion of Volunieters,
OPENING T11E CAMPAIGN. —Messrs. Tom, Cole is n9t mak iag much if any improve- that a govil was not scored by the Bayfield �suppood to bavo set fire to, the vat to VWd spruot,
Mr. Parsons, of Hullett, through. the burn- to another vesitel. He says btisiness is v(
is and retired from that position A few years -of Glen all nestly:
, recently, was satisfactorily dull in the old country,—Mr. Peter Daly linson' and McConnell have statted the ment. —Miss Id 4 Hill in recoverin from her team when they claimed one, conscientiously off guspicion.—Mins Lucy PughA
retaining his rfink. He was, also, for threshing campaign for this season� They re illness.— William, is spending her holidays at home, With sfi;�
ad in his comfortable now resi- &go recent "ve �e;..I. "I. Hamilton, believing that I was right ; (2) That I feel
adjusted. This company had a risk upon now locat 'to
ny years, a Director"in the "South HurO did their first day's work on Tuesday, and and, effiole �he Pres- just a�g confident now as at any previous —Miss Maggie Richardson f Teemmm"W-F Am Attra
the eon -tents alone and they awarded Mr. dence, which he erected this spring. Mr. the popular
mpies the house which Mr. Dal Agricultural Society. Withal, he was well are the first to start that we have heard of. wood
b te chure is taking a few ell earned time that my decision was correct; (3) That was visiting at Mr. John Burgess
Parsons the suni of $6567, whi3h was quite Israel'. oc( Y Y
and widely read, and was,in many respects, The' have a splendid outat this year, hav- 'r' to I S ields, suctolaghtdr
satisfactory. This is the first loss of any left. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pickard; Mr.and y hot
m n of exceptional ability. Socially, he eshing engine from a slight peouniary compenea- Dollie, of DO somo 30
iday His pulpit was oocupi d last Sab- I am willing t e the Bayfield team a week.—Mrs. Thomas Ili
a a ig purchased a new thr bath by Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Cli ton. —Mr. chance to win trait, were visiting t Mt,
account the, company I -as had this season, Mrs. D. Johnson; Mr. and Mr W pseni I and hospitable,- and h had an
Brij -all arrived homel was ge a a Hamilton firm, and as they are active, Win al, a- f)rmer esteemed resident of tion, for the wrong which they seem to think N. Duff's last week.—Miss Creight011p e
Mr. Hicks, of Egmondviile who has been N�
ght and Mr. Tweddle, 11; wide personal acquaintance. Al. careful and industrious young men, w t UaMenta
iicago Monday morning. They left unusua this vill1age,wai here last week ci Iling on old I done them. I . have placed $10 in the -Brussels, and Miss Parks, of tGorrie, SP011
acting as agent for Tuckeromith and the from C1 f.
-since Mr. Carnoichan was laid aside, Chicago at nine o'clock Sunday ni though he was an enthusiastic and active pact to hear of their doing a big and pr,fit, friends.� hands of Mir. John Morgan, magistrate, Friday here. —Mrs. Helfil, Of Wing1160111 a, scenes, fr,
South ght and .1 1 nt Tuadw litician, lie was not what could be called a able season's work. will remain until August 11th, and companied by Mrs. Carrie, ape
Monday 9? J where it
handed in his resig�nation which was accept- got to Seaforth at nine o'clock e are violent partizan, for - while tie mostly leahed ANOTHER PioNEER GwNE.—Another: of Ifteter. I challenge any person who has been trying at Mr. Walter Rutherfords. US* are part!
ed and Mr. James Cumming, of Egmond- morning. This is rapid traveling. —W to the Conservative ldde,'he has been known Hu'ron"s honored, pioneers, in the person of to injure me by attemptiog to show that Sanderson f Toronto, "a visiting Webb cherry a
sorry to learn that Mr. John Daly, who was
ville, collector for Taukersmith,was appoint BRiE��s.—Exeter'g Civic Holiday is on
r d vote for Reform candidates. Mrs. J01 my decision was unfair, to deposit thesiame here.—Rel ri. B. Wal�lwin, of StratfOAS-WO Of Saltfl
ed agen in his place. Mr. Cum -ming is an laid I up with an. attack of inflammation of to we k an aeph Higgins, departed this life on Tues4y next, August Sth, instead of the V.
intelligent man and will worthily fill the the bowels, is not yet sufficiently recovered His death removes frem.our midst a promi- Friday last. Mrs. Hig had enjoyed ex- ti- ned in last week )a amount. Mr. Morgan &ad some other Per- visiting here a few days last court Ou
aent figure in public and business circles. totellent health until the Vednesday morning, 6th, which was men o a JW
position so efficiently represented by his te be able to attend to business. —We under U 0. 1 a 4 excrsion to Sar 2i% will be son who understands the game will take the John Henning, of Bowenvilley r
His widow and three gone survive him. The 1136U ic f
preceding her death, when she was eize A I jr orn evidence of the Bayfield correspond frWo Ana int&.r
predecessors. The company is still growin stand that Mr. Moses Hannah, of McKillop, $ion 'r ow - resident of Turnberry, is visiting old remains were interred in the Harpurhey with appoplexy, and in a few hours becohne heIA b the aternity f Exeter on of
being carefully ani has brought action against Mr. Winter for ant for the Clinton New Ere., otle. player in the neighborhood. —Mrs. Flenker 1151
in public favor and te,andihefare is announced at 95
cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Among unconscious, and seemed just to sleep aw that d theOat&
economically conducted, is doing a splendid the a of all the cattle he delivered him. from each team, the umpire, who saw the turned home from Manitoba.
other marks of respect shown by our people ll�viog apparently suffered not one pang. cents or the return trip. Th� a train will
pric Then, if the evi- The at
work. Mr winter offered to pay him for all but the memory of the deceased me wa�s Alice Jane� 'leave xeter a 7.30 a. m —A lorge number. disaster, and the referee.
the toyvn the one that died in the yard, but Mr. Han. to MroXig dence shown that my decision was wrong,
rtril maiden Us
uncil attended the funeral in a body,the N iere went on the cheap excursion to
NEIGHBORLY TALX.—The Exeter Times of nah refused to take pay for any unless he, cot he * as 69 ye -.re of age, and from 1. Arthur my $10 will, be given to the Bayfield team, Blyth. Colambb
tores and other busiueis�'plaoes were closed was a native of Goderloh on uesday,
last week says Seaforth and Clinton Are. got pay for and Mrs. James Me.. County Antrim, Ireland, but if tboa,ev'd e fails to show that I gave BRimiTim.— -Quarterly meeting Str1im The Don
nd man old friends; from various parts of came to Canada about forty ye r
If f I a a ago, Hoak iln and 3ran OF'r. and M'r 101* tOgraphs
at present somewhat agitated over a proper Michael left on Tuesday to spend a couple a Y [at o A will be held next Sunday morningy
Hear Hooki and wife, of ndon, and an incofrect ecision the other $10 will be
took part in the procession. to Stanley, and, with her Geoilogici
Mr. tabard ookin 'it Photograt
system for heating the public school apart- of weeks at Bayfield as is their annual praa- the county Rev.
and wife, f Staffit, at. given'tb the Egmondvjlle school team. Pat Methodist church, at 10.30 p. in.
husband, settled on the farm nearthis vil. p or shut up. Yours Truly, Buggin will officiate.—The electric, lighl
men-ta. In both schools stoves are used. ti ce. — The contract for the erection of the MCKU16P. lege, on which she continued to reside until tend the fun rat of their In her, which u the WOO(
came to Exeter to got a design for new dry earth closets at the public school gain running, It commenced on TuiWbf
Seaforth. took lace her on Fr!iday of t week.— W. H. BAKER, Referee. Bac
gins died about sev VMS. hsna
hall, and in the present case it was awarded to Messrs. Tyreman & Spar- A, DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.—The barn and 1�tir death. Mr. Hig an evening and will not be shut
a town his I a captured a Miss Susy Burgess has returned to Point e down now
from the ling for S2'i 8. There were.two other tend. stables of Mr. W. J. DiAson, on the gravel years ago. The deceased was a devoted Mr. It Snel , of t row' 10 41 opinion t
would profit by taking a pattern So, p so —Mr. John B
nd her kind disposition large mud turt, e on turds, last, at -the Edward. —J. 1C. Rose of Brucefield was here til next spring.
y on Sunday enjoying the beoutifnl fresh
I ventilating , s -stem in our public achoolB. er8, one for $284 and the other for $286.— road north of Leadburyi together with their Christian woman, a London, was visiting friands- in town bar mad
is ow Ing,
completely destroyed by fire 'nd consistent, Christian character, endear. AuxJ Sauble, three miles w st of Exeter,
There are seven rooms in the school building Mr. John Copp of this town has shipped 211 contents, were 01 — hreshiug has breezes.—Mr. Broadbridge of Seaforth wait week.—Miss James, of Pricaville,
d her not alone to her own famil: fir woo
here and they are comfortably heated from ear -loads of bailed bay since the first of on Sunday n Irwin, *d1w
ight. Mr. Dickson and hi but to whi we hed 27 pounds.
It ;. encMei a, and the hum of the steam. here for a, few weeks taking the benefit of guest of her cou in, Mr. Will
two furnaces, and thoroughly ventilated, en- June and he has about 50 cars of old hay ,tie brother had been out at a neighbor's a few all who enjoyed her acquaintance. Although �com .—MI - other fin
'he Sons of ast of of the Stand !. Or c4n be heari . --�LThe Sons of England 'So- our invigorating air, He was the gu ard, at present
n she had live Poliselh, a
These 211 care —'Miss Lily Ferguson of Jenkins ape
Suring comfort and health to the scholars. ship yet. would represe' t miles distant, and when they come home, d the allotted time, her death Ual Pic G Mr. W. Clarke. nt Sunday, atbisparentlellv
the stable, will be re retted by many. She leaves A ciet� hold their ann a ic at rand 6wen The trustees speut a. good deal of time in about $14,000 distributed among the farmers and after putting the horse in 9 T job lib"14 qui
Ben�l Park on Monday last.and various Clinton is here visiting at Mr. John Frga- dence near Wingham.—M
working out a scheme for proper heating, of this vicinity for bay alone by this one Mr. Dickson went to the floor of the barn large mud respected family, all of whom are 'to be a particular attrac- Wrox-eter, was the guest of Mr. iss. d are occupying good positions.- sports were indulged in. —A plandd brans sons.—There seems ful
buyer during the past two mouths.—Mr: to get some hay. He set the lantern on the grown no an 2 party held t
tion here for Mr. Coultas of Seaforth as he this week. —The gardet
veatilation and Banitation, which, no doubt, ban4 has been angaged to company the to
aIng the Th
they would willingly give the trustees Of John Ward has his men busily Ong d floor, and while he was engaged pull e remains were interred in Baird's cam,
a on th 8th.—Several frequently spends a Sunday here the guest of Ashbury's on Wednesday evening Of U*
A forest *a
both Clinton and Seaforth schools." At- makingeveral sets of harness for Mani'�S)a. bay out of the mow, the lant xodrnionistg to Bar
ern exploded, etery on Monday. a 'Ithoigh *0
1 -at ftw tru
Dick-, NoTxo.—Rev. J. H. Simpson and wife of Our contractors have no rly completed Mr. Wm. Claake.—Chas. Roth of Brantford we' k was a grand success.
though we are not permitted to speak for -- Mr. Phil' Murrayl, the well-known Almost in an instant, and befora Mr. weather was very uz ore WA Thh* w
son could realize what had really happene6t, have returned from Buffalo, where they the r summer's contracts, an a number are in renewing old acquaintances here. He Is ipleasant th
the trustees of either Clinton or Seaforth thresher of Iluckeramith, 5got a fine new a A elia Cadmore, accompanied by Mr. Golden also Of Brant- large crowd and .6 plasmant time WAN
schools we would advise the Seaforth true- traction engine. from London this week the flames shot up to the roof of the build. spent their summer vacation. Mr. Simpson out jof employment. — Misid recei
an a 0 1 a week ford. --On Sunday mornin last Rev. J. T. We understand the
ts AmOunlW�0�
Ing. He tried to put' the fire out, but it will now take up his work again. Rev, Mr. of �his place, int d h Ii ng next sonator I
tees to inspect the a stem in Exeter, an they which he intends using this season in eon- Kerrin preached an excellent. sermon to a $36.—Mr. Robert Crittenden, of B
y at Crosswell, Michigan.— Ed. Hunt and
migh�t got many vluable hints, even if they neotion with his threshing operations.—A spread a rapidly over the inflama'ble me. "Black, of Hamilton, who has filled Mr. aking a visit to parents SUCL
the barn that his a v�if�, of Seaforth, spent Su day last here large congregation the subject being IcThe home m cutalmd A
Although few days ago as Mr. William Allan, of terial i: fforte were fruit Simpson's place during his absence has To
did not adopt the exact system, On Sunday next —Miss Jennie Miller, of Wroxater, Is
—Misses Alice and Bessie visiting relatives. --Workm n have been for immortality of the soul." notable A
Tuckersmith, was driving from Londesboro, less, sod all that was left for them to do turned home,
the Seaforth town building is not modelled Ing friends in town this
ve so much a thel past -few days puttin a roof over the he will commence a series, of isermons on
er one, the plans of their he counted 72 stacks of hay in a distance of was to 'Iemo a they could from Ross, of Petrolea, are visiting at the home ally got back
after the Exet , I .. r tanks on the to n hall proper subjects taken from obiervations made EL Gidley and Will K
The building co taine'd met of their &ant, Mrs. Ross, of, the manse. new wate ty. Ru hot
li he lakes on
building so kindly furnished by the Exeter five miles, between Londesboro and the Kin- the building.
hay, a Iot%f old whe:t Mrs-. Andrew Rose, of Kansas, formerly 6f —Mr. L. Hardy has recei ad the contract while driving through the country, the first burn -road.—Mr. and Mrs, Coates, of Lon- of this year's crop of illivray subject being The Broken Fence." These day. They seem an if they had
PeOpla, were of great service and gave many
k ile
the plans for the don, spent Sunday last in town the guests and other grains, also several farm imple- Tuckersinibli, is visiting in our neighbor- for�building several brIdg a in MaG
usefal hints in preparing . Hardy lie a serwo= will be very interesting and hould thernalves.
I Mr
of Mrs. John Ament, Mrs. Coates' mother. mints and vehicles, bat no live stock ex. hood.—Mrs. Graham has returned to Park and Hulliett tOwnsh PC
present Smforth builaing;—On the same