HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-08-04, Page 7iers, , . 1.., , at 1 J. TARIOF. I I . . ?V York; W. Piano Coli. - I " J'O Guelph *.- ov� Inan- He P I , 4 U� Bank, iere, as he isey-Harris, I Mason and `rqplementF4 !. . %he Bain � . � . ,inn-er and 4 ie Coleman Plows con- Seaforth. I to co = M" 11 �_ M" 01 cz I ca 9s- = I M lm� UNTAR10- � I 4ATIGJN- urtest.notice large sort- 1h,oud97 &o., - ,y. The best � charge and bet.or.. llesi- directly Op, . a the house 61its.hed. - rs - ' � - r Fact cto,Y, 'T_ � , - -_ in still ��hEoeul setter' Itfacilities, t '.. ,4r ,,,, , a Din � patterns,, aI- kmber dressed on �. AR ktndd Of I Silnglas k0t` the furnishing *• &1on- - on appliIca . and workws' . �d . 'OoTi Seaforib., I r - A D" ap1hiviove . - Doth �. the method and results When Syrup of Fids is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and act@ gently yet PrOmPtly On thOkidneys, 'Liver and'Bowe-Ist cleanses the sys. � ,,tera effectu�lyq dispels colds, head- . - . aches and fivers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the wily remed.y of its kind everroe ,duced, pleasing to the taste and ceptable to the stomach; ropa .pt in its Tc action and truly bene tial in its effects, prepared only from the most -healthyan agreeable substances, its .inanyrexcellentqualities commend it -to all and have made it the most _.Po u I lar remedy known. gyrup of Figs is for sale in 75a 1 1offles b all leading druggists. Any reliledruggist who no leave it on hand will procure it ---promptly for any one who wishes * :to try- it Manufactured only by the I . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CL I I A" FRANCISCO, CAL .-LoTrrisMLE, AV. NEW YORK, 1'f ,i - �. P -C (6 N 1 $_4 �_ , = ca � I z - et �: 0 rld bio ;�. 4 ct 1:8 i ;-I 0 P.4 M .(V I r A-4 0 * 0 �.. 0: C04 =4 b�0 Cd rl Cc ric - 9 a) .". 00 U. (11) -4 .-4 0 bc -4 P-4 4c C6 5 4-4 -41 !�D C) (1) 0 4.,;p 0 . U rn 0 0 rd id P:� 11 C3 W Cal (1) 0 Cd 09 ., -4 9 ,.= '-w 0 coo �- 0 4_� 4� ,�4 (a -4 ED ca P-4 (1)F14 bia -4-i : = 0 rc� -4rnj �$ � . P-4 0 a) (1) ��• ;-4 cc rz 2 ". �z rM Le Q i P. W (1) ;4 t (1) , 0 - - 4 r -L4 ,= W -k�. $.-4 1 4_� - 0 Lt .4!� bJ0 P4 10 M _ �t = -4-'-) -0 �: (a P - - .0 � a F-4 (t1%.— ­q e, ro PM -0 0 .4-D k 0% 0 ".4 (3) go r,c -4--i 0 , 4g 03. - ;:� (z) �: 0 � . 'm ,= 5 . . I W : ,J:J m , 9 .,.4 (L-) M �, -4--a - r-4 0 lz-. . PT4 blo (1) ,C4 � r �: 0 3: z 4� 9,0 0 < F-4 -4--a - r,,- 4-D rn g 0 0 0 7r% - =0 0 0 (1) 5 g4 k 4 J t-^ 3 -4 �_" 1) Cd I= 41 1H -4--1 ,0 0 d 0 - ci 114 -4-;, cc i 0 D,"_" 9 (Z.) CS -4 (1) r__4 a ; -� 00 cd S I rt ,, Q ;-q ? W � . 0 W D!2 0 � M X 0 0 0: -4.'.D M M �- oq t:� F-, 0 bD LI, 0 E_� t4 ;- ca .4 Q �ftm Q _, 0 -4-Z? .� z �J ;a4 00 a � cc 0 ra . - 01RO-Aw-n 5 "" L E _R 7 r� _,K 0 AW I,D / JSTRAWBO ew'...w i� "I,/-, �, /,f`41 � C) L Lo, C; f .% C 140L&114�, CHOLEW\_. Mo' OR3US .1 7 /,A I ?'. DIA Rlrll � . ; ii. TERY D Y 5 Eo"No`�-J IAL ANDALL AII�tITS UMIVIF,14 cr , T -5 �/_% n- U ,I. CHILDREN , Ld - r- 3 _ Fr-icO ,.�) . .,-417' ' 1clil 5 � r ; f�EtIARE: aF I IPI� J §.. I . ­ - NVIMIw-111"! , � The OWEN I . . I ELECTRIC I .1 I- . . BELT. LT. i . . # I I I . 1 2 , I M�JTR.jwr MARK.1 . 11 all *7 k7, DR 4-.'(JWEk' The 0my Scientific and Practical Electric Belt f( General use, producing a Genuine Current of Ele tricity for the Cure of Diseases. 1.-N..� ,Contains fullest Information; list of diseases, a of Belts and Appliances, prices sworn testimonis and portraits of people who have been cured, et Published in EnglishGerman, 'Swedish and Nc .1 Weglan languages. This valuable catalogue or, . treaties on rupture cured with Eleotric Truss will sent to any address on receipt of six Cents Postage. .THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE COMPAN 49 KING STREET, WEST, TORONTO, ONI 201 TO 211 STATE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. The largest Electric Belt Establishment in the worl When visiting the World's Fair do not fail to V Dr. A. Owen's Exhibit In Electricity Building Seoti, U, Space 1, I 10 -MON THISTAPER, 1337-6' , THE HURON.EXPOSITP, R I � - I � i --,�---..--.---' �-------�� -�-------- � I I . I . � � . . � " � - 7 ' An Unfortunate and Mistuided check their headlong coarse. As surely as is V, , like rushes, but then would sink to the, ,� I . . . Woman. an &1!1* will tall -.to the' earth, a woman so A sUNLIONT 11 PIL. bottom, I - - . - I . (From the Galt Reporter.) . far. last must harry on her wretched career. I It r" an hour's struggle to et the fish ­ I But what other stop Is left for her? The ashore; he finally wat landed, and proved - -I I . A most painful family cirburnstanoe has f come to light within the past few days, two packages of postal cards have been re- .0 go' mm � 0 Y-41 - to be still a third fish, which had made a .. - I fj" which whilia overwhelmingly -painful y to duced to one postage stamp. She cannot, t11*0 to W143jagiv rod meal of the captor c f the captive. Mr. , $ however` poor she be, buy less than that. _ 0 those immediately connected with It, has 40,%, Hardy found that he had hooked a three a 0_,.,1 % , Irlb . quarter pound brook trout, which was awn - caused much sorrow to their many friends. She ,must buy nothing next. And, similiar. 11�* ­ 'I pounds, . 1, I Some years i ago Mr. Anthony Orr, apron- ly following the regular ratio of progr*es- 1, Jowod by a trout that weighed 4., 1 . -- --- peroua farmer near Galt, married a young cion in the audacity of her demands as 1%. and this fellow was ir turn taken in by a - . widow from near - Innerkip, and they have to the wrapping up, a two -cent envelope I I lake trout which weighed 16J pounds. And - lived happily together since, two ohi,jdzeu is the meanest thing she'� oan demand for a ,� he landed all three, and if anybody doubts ' . being born to them. One morning Ja6ly vehicle. . � t the story Mr. Hardy ill show them the' " Mrs. Orr dressed herself and her two child-' So are women's reputstione ruined ; and - I line he did it with. -I - SUNNER IS . rem and drove into Galt,' ostensibly to��`Ai_ such Is the growth of truth. —Minneapolis � '-- ' ' . liver some raspberries picked the day -,.,.j `. Tribune. The Bee's Use For His Sting. �a : . fore, stating as she drove off that she would . 0 - D 11 It "I be surprise to many to learn A Patient Eagle. , a - be home in time to got dinner. The dinner 41$ 0 , that, after all the most important function hour arriving Mrs. Orr did not `return, and The following account of the patience - I . of the bee's sting is not stinging. I have IGOING BY9 Mr. Orr, supposing, that something unex- with which a golden eagle submitted to long been convinced the t bees put the finis h- pected had detained her, got his own dinner surgical treatment, and ,the care which it LABumn Sur Us I N G " Ing touches on their artistic o611 work by and went back to work. Tom time came showed In the gradual use of the healing the dexterous use of their stings, and dur- And the balance of our Summe'r round and still she did not return, and after limb, must suggest the Idol that something NWWMWWENW=0"Nft� . , 4 nig this final finishing itage of the process ' I waiting anxiously until about bad -time, Mr, very near to prudence and reason existed in of honeymakiag the b es iDjeot a minute � � stock must go to. We, therefore, . Orr concluded that his wife had joined some the bird, This eagle was caught in a fox- portion of formic acid I ito the honey. This 1�11 friends as she had spoken of doing, and gone trap set in the forest of Fontainebleau, and PURI EYI NG ss in reality the poison of their sting. This off for a day's berry -picking to Beverly. its claw had been terribly torn. An opera- formic acid gives to tb honey its peculiar offer Summer goods at. reduced Before retiring, however, he thought he tion was perforniand on . the limb by the ;,_ flavor and also impart to it its keeping . - would take a look through the house to see consei vatoro of the zoological gardens- at qualities, The sting is really an exquisitely � that all was right, when he was astonished Pfris, which the noble bird bore with a CLEANS I NG I contrived little trowel with which the bee . prices. �® matter in what depart - to find that almost every article, bulky or rational patience. Though his head was wvwm� i finishes off and cape the cello when they are m e n t o r"art of the store Summer not, of any value, had been, tsken away, left loose, be made no attempts to interfere I - � brimful with honey, While :dolvg this the r- P, The next morning early the following ex . with thb aganizing extraction of the splint- formic acid asset fro the poison bap te,,X, planation made clear the painful truths, er@,, or to disturb the arrangements of the EXELLENCE udes drop by drop, f rn the point 0 he . goods may be placed, they are put I beau - During the last year Mr. Orr had in •hl annoying bandages. He seemed really to I sting, and the tif work -is finished.— - . � employ a young wan by the name of Harvie understand thenatureofthe services rend- . Horticultural Times. under the heading of " Reduced . I Mulholland, whose mother resides on Chal- ered, and that they were for his good, mare street. He left. during the winter but Either from pain or auger, the eagle refused PU R' TY gr I Prices," and that, of course, means returned to'his employment with Mr. Orr a to touch any of the offered food for thir- . short time This oung man was die- teen days. A rabbit being then presented, . — It in very important in this age of vast charged by Mr. Orr a low days ago; and on he killed it, taking cire not ,to use his in- GUARANTEED Material progress that remedy be pleasing every line of surnmer stock will be driving into town on Tuesday morning and jured claw. On the twenty-fir4t day after SUNI IGHT to the taste and to the eye, easily taten, Be- � snaking enquiry, it was only too plainly � the napture he began to experiment . on the PUREMD70 ceptable to the stomac i and healthy in its . SOAP TAlKK0NJUFU' - sold at prices less than Regular. I us C mic mature and effects. Possepsing these quali- I learned that the misguided wife had joined soundness of the injured claw'; trying It .. ties, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxa- Mulholland here, that he had purchased first a little, now resting gently;,. it, . ties, .0 , Step in and be convinced that this two tickets fo- the other side, via Suspension and then throwing more weight upon the . AoAROEST LARCEST tive and most gentle diuretic ko wn. . /_11\ — - ( LE I" Bridge, and that they had left by the Grand foot. The limb at length recovered from op. MERIT SALE � - Bridge, morning train on Tuesday for the the injury, but this result was chiefly owing 141% LD IN7NEWORD ' The Sam'�rb Lighthouse. is a fact. I other side, The goods abstracted from the to the wonderful patience and intelligence of i .. 8 st.Sambro, N, 8- whe ce Mr. R. E.Hartt writes . � house had been boxed up, a team had been the wounded bird. He seemed oleo to feel 0 i I as follows; " Without a doubt Burdock Blood . - Bitters has done me a lot of good. I was sick . secured from one of the livery stables which grateful to man who had i tended him folh#404rp ON "MERIT and %,eak and had no appetite, but B. B. B. made me was driven to the farm house while Mr. Orr during the progress of the cure ; and such -_ I I feel smart and strong. Were its virtues more widely I was in some distant part of his farm, or was the perfect confidence established be- . � known many lives would be. saved." C A N &-1 . asleep in bad, everything prepared loaded tween the two that the eagle slept on a perch the great Source. Let it go, back to Him, ­-.10*4M. — up and taken into town, thence to be ship- close to the bed of the attendant, humbly and gratefully. -Itch, Mange and Scrat(hee of every kind, on hu DUN DUNCAN9 ped by express to a friend on the other side Another fact may be mentioned illuetra- Several years ago a young girl took a clams man or animals, cured in 8( minutes by Woolford's � I Lotion. This ne-er fails. Warranted by �. . I unitary It" Vilson. . of the Bridge, that friamd.-being Mr. John tive of the eagle's ability to select, on the of boys in a certain Sunday school. She - Frier, it Is said, formerly 5 carpenter here, spur of the moment, the best Means for ac- was very young, had never' taught, and -0- , Some of the goods have been gradually ab- complishing a result. � therefore shrank from the work, but, with I stracted by the sinful pair, for the report is Two boys had robbod- an eagle's . e's nest, and that instinctive sagacity which boys often What S They? I I In popularity increasln�, In rellabibility the that they are known to be secreted in town, 'were going off with the young, when the show, they chose her, and persisted in their sandard. Inmerittbefirab, In fact, the best rem- in teat since, some have.been'recovered, they mother suddenly returned, and made odes- choice, and so, very doubtfully, rhe began e y for all summer complaints,diarrhoes, dysentery, 0-A-T�IDMT07S :BILOC) 3K -7 having been stored in &-,barn belonging to perste attack upon the -spoilers. The boys her work. There were ten boys in the class c 'amps, colic, cholera infar tum, etc., is Dr Fowler's . - Mr. Mr. Skoyles, on Lo well street. defended themselves with sticks, but had and they lived in a viltage of four or five E tract of Wild Strawberr . All medicine dealers While painful in every particular, the the narrowest possible escape from the fury thousand inhabitants—& village which boasts He I It. . _160-*__ I . �_ saddest feature of the affair is that the two of the exasperated bird. A small stream of forty drinking saloons ! They were not I . I Engl6h Spavin Lfnimer� t removes all hard, soft L , ." I __ -, young children have been , carried away ran near, and, in order to give. greater pow- the good sort of boys—not at all I but they orl calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, — - ___� I � __ __.,_;� by the sinful woman, and what their fate er to b . the eagle, at each swoop, had a cordial liking for their teacher, and a B16od Spavin, Curbs, Splin,s, Ring Bone, Sweeney, bee Wla2g. 0 will be, what trials are in store for them dipped the feathers in the water, and then' strong class.bpirit was soon developed, of $ e, ains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, Li "'r M " t ' . which our slander girl did not fail to 860 by use of on a bottle. Warranted the V_ causes their father additional, poignant' trailed the wet wing agaidst the sand ' '!'o1v,(d'erfaI Blemish Cu ,-o ever known. Warrant- - i � � take et t ��� ]w u To , - grief. Thus prepared, the stroke of the wing told advantage. She encouraged them to stand ed , y Lu" sdeu & Wilson, . IA The partner in the misery so certain' to upon the boys with double force. Here we together, and she stood among them. They iIThe Best Remedy. T E. Ifollow, has nothing to reco4nmend him. have a bird availing herself of perfectly learned to tell her everything, and she was i BEATT-V While not exactly useless, he was, by gen- novel means to meet an unexpected emer- the hearty,sympathetic adviser . and personal D ,Ait fts,�-,l was greatly troubled with weakness, - - I eral report, more inclined to allow some one gency. Mare instinct would not have friend of each. ; I loss , appetite, ppet, e I ' lo 8� restleaflnesf and sleeplessness, and - to sup rt him than to work for his own liv- taught the eagle thus to use the water and Wise little woman ! She was the foud 13. B, B. the moot strf ngthening and beneficial I I 0 foundation deep and strong, or well she med cine I have taken. ' t ng. W10 has been around here some sand. . � Migg Hy_iswl" . 'ty has greatly increased their vast 7 time, working at intervals, but spending knew that by and.by the floods would rise, •Prosperity . i much idle time. It is supposed he is The Sight and Hearing of Birdrs, and the winds would blow and beat upon 1 34 Huntly St., Toronto, Ont. . i. � ' J - - variety of . younger than the woman who has fled with Birds, surveying with a single glance a those precious human houses intrusted to You would not have had that throbbing headache I . . i her care. And so she dug deep into the bad Ifou taken a Burdock Pill last night, him. considerable extent of country, are often f Mrs. Ore's maiden name was Berland, and solid confidence and affection of, her boys. ! - obliTed, to adapt their powers of sight me- I .�* -_ . her first husband's name was Arnott. They cording The. trial days did not delay to come. GROCERIES and PROVISI014s, . lug to the positron in which they find ,From India's oral Strand. . had only been married a short time, some themselves, eitherou the earth or in the The boys were growing tall and manly. EAR SIRS, -.I have in ch pleasure in certifying . . ' few months, when Arnott died ; it is said sit. Their eyes are naturally long-sighted, They were learning to smoke and to tante EAR after suffering severely for 15 months TIteir large and commodious new premises enabling them to give their eus- a from Oiarrhoes, which cam on after childbirth, pre. I . - except those of thetaquatic birds, and the vious to wbich I had suffe red from dysentery for .i under circunistaneas which gave rise to Bus beer, and what more natural than that they h, picion. However, that may have been, crystalline lens. is more flattened than in should find themselves too large to go to some months, T was cured I y Dr. Fowler's Extract of tomers more marked attention. They have also lowered prices mi accordance nothing resulted, and it was Mr. Orr's fate the mammalia. To enable thern to see from Sunday school ? Wild $trawberry. . I I I had a dreadful time with. those boys � ANsin 31, Gmgwq, with their prosperity here, and for those reasons it pays the public generally I to meet and marry the wretched woman with .a great distance - they possess & pirtioular for four years," said the teacher, "' but I � Brilipatan), India. , the result above outlined, organ,enabling them to give a high tele- could not and would not let them go $1 1 *­ - to do business with ' . The home and husband which the unfort- scopic power. The bird's eye is, in fact, a Fretful crying children of oulA be given Dr, Low's •I . urate woman so foolishly left are thus de- self-adjunting telescopb, which can also be- 11 But how could you retain them ? Boys Worm �yrup. It regulates hc eystem and removes 'scribed by this Galt Reformer:Mr. Anthony come,& microscrope. The bird hat a third at th%t age are pretty strong." IV - *1:� . ' "n's 40 i •- BROS., SEAFORnmH Orr, the deserted husuind, is probably 45. eyelid, which, when acting between the 11 Well, I followed them. As soon as a : BEATTIE . ' years of age,and lives on the Roseville ruad, other two, covers the ball of the eye and boy absented himself from Sunday school, I ��[ The Wore Form. 2 miles west of Galt, and with his wife and moves over It inceiisantly, to keep it clean went after him. I had their confidence, and DRAR SiRs,-About'three years ago I was troubled two young ohildran, Maggie, a bright little and brilliant like an �eye-glass ; this lid they would tell me even wheel they did with dyopepsla In its worst form, neither food nor How to get a " Sunlight " Picture. a - pretty bad things, which, of course, was a medicine would stay on my stomach, and It seemed ' WE DYE ' girl of 6, and Norman, a year younger,lived serves also for a curtain against the dazzling impossible to get relief. kinally I took one bottle of Send 25 "Sunlight" So wrappers (wrap Ternearing in the greatest happiness until last fall, rays of light. It is probable that an eye so rest help, They were wide -*wake, active B. B. B4 and one box of Burdock Pills, and they the words "Why Does atman Look Old 00 erthan � They were in prosperous eircumstances,oWn- well organized is admirably adapted to the toys, and wanted to try about every new -Cured n ,e completely. a Man 11) to LEVER BRos., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, ' 11 kinds of fabrics on our own- prem- ' thing, and they did •; but I tried to keep : MRS. S. B� SMIT11, t a pretty pictur4S, fre. A ins a fine farm of 100 acres with a comfo'it- wants of birds in their periodical je,o . i Urnsdale, Ontario, and you will receive by Poo framing. This ises, We don't have to send them out voyages 8 ! from advertising, and well worth a is able brick residenoe and fine bank barns. to -ar-off countries. This third eyell along with them. At one time they formed i __ an easy way to slecorate your home, The soap is the . themselves into a club, rented a room, and i ----moo 7 . ge of town. Mr. Orr is re6pected by all-wbo know him, called the nicating membrane, is semi -trans- A aur4 and pleasant, Tonic and Invigorating appe- best In the market, and it will only cost 1C..Posta and for 25 years has been a member of parent, and, when not in use, is neatly fold. grow old very fact. I used to tremble in titer-41burn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. to mend in the wrappers, If you leave the ends open. thqse days, and I'llad reason to; But I did 11 Write your address carefully. Knox church choir,but resigned a few weeks ed up in the inner corner of the eye, It is 13 . i 40 * 40- WE C L EE A N ago on account of his doniestic unhappiness, rapidly withdrawn across the eye by two not give up. :k - �, Indiana, Faded and Soiled clothing to look like 11 It must have taken a good deal of time ,t Mothers atLd Nurses• Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalle, ' ide is very anxious to secure his innocent muscles, and returns to the re9ting place, All wh� have the care of c illdren. should know that says - 11 I had been in a distressed condition for three d children and ie determined if possible to - by its own elastic action. The telesuopic to follow them up." Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild S�rawberry may be yeara from NAvousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Ile -W- Bring along your resses and . . power of the vulture's eye 11 Well, yen, it did. There have been tj� depended on to cure All summer Com- Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. suits before the rush sets in. We ,9 have Mulholland Buffer. the penalties of the weeks in succeision when I was out every plaints, 4 arrhoca dysente , cramps, colic, cholera I had been doctoring constantly with no relief, I . ago. Some I always do a good job, and we do it law, I actual experiment a few years morbus, Danker, etc., n chi 1ren or adults. bought one bottle of South American Nervino,whloh L naturalists stuffed the dry skin of a deer evaning, looking after my boys. But I � t did me more good than any E(60 worth of doctoring I - thought it would, pay." i A I I ever did in mty with hay and left it on a prairie ; in a short ' Coughlbg leads to coffin un 9 stopped by I r., e hlife.- I would advjse every weakly CHEAP. A Woman's Reputation. 11 And has it" asked the curious limten. Wood"' Pine $.V��P. The best cure for person to us is valuable and lovely remedy." A time a number of black specks were seen far a lorwa trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by to do to get to our place " Coq olds a�t'W Lung Troubles, All you have I X, �4 es-. , A Palmer woman recently went to the up in the'sky ; these became larger and "I I think so, Six of the ten remain, and i - ---I Lumoden & Wilson, Druggists, you. is to post office, bought nothing and then asked larger, and at. length were found to be & . I -_ - - I ____ - � � the'elark to wrap it up in a two -cent en- troop of vultures rapidly descending to the I have no more difficulty in keeping them in My.s8n& �ICK & Co.: . school. The others .have moved Your book and medicine ivere received some time Follow the ,Pointqrs velope for her. spot where the stuffed deer lay. The birds S u a d a y A ago but I idid not use them on. the horse I wrote you a away, but I hear from them. "All but two . . b; 0 about, haking bought snot es- which was in much I I On YLarke This is obviously a lie. The 11 Tribune " at length alighted, approached the Akin, and '_' t Street from the comer of confesses that it is'% ]is. But the lie had struck their beaks -into the leathery sub- are Christians, and these tw. "are steady worse coiidltlon, He was A four-year-old with a I � . to be told, and it was only a question of stance. After hovering about for some con- and seem to be well established in - prin- 11 horse all " of the worst k' rid and was thought In; , Main Street, who should hays the enter cine to get in siderable time, apparently in great astonish- ciPSL" � curable ; oo I thought I wot 14 try It on him. His � "But they are men now. Do you still RPPatite i�aB poor, . hair rough, his appearance stu- 10, . J. W. SNELL, with it first, und have the charity.to lift the ment, the vultures flow off slowly and sad- PIG in short he was all kn )�.kcd out. I like him Hi. -h Street, Seaforth, next door to T. KIM' re*Idenee. burden of min from others' shoulders. The/ ly. Novv, it seems clear that, in this case, teach them V Die'kls Blood Purifier which worked like magic. . * I — . justification for the above statement is in the birds must have seen the stuffed deer- 11 Yea ; I. cannot induce them to go into a Appetite 1.0 now geod, hair V 16ssy and whole appear. I Bible class; though I have often tried to do ante much improved. it al 3o proved the best worm the following facts : skin from a height in the,air at which they Irradicato I ever used and I tank you very much. They seem to dislike the thought of a L.O.GALLAGHER, and Sour Stomaeh -- re Post Office Store. Some three weeks ago a, paragraph in a were invigible to the human eye. A smell so- 1� � Indizestion, Dyspepsia R , Connecticut paper asserted that- could have nothing to do with the result. change. " I � Tracy Station, N. B. caused by the food fermenting.- The result of for- And little wonder I , 10 mentation on all orgaritic matter must be acid. - "A Palmer woman recently went into the Next to the sight, hearing appears to be I ! This decomposes the food (which should -7.NT A _ post office and bought two, packages the second sense of birda-that is to say, So it comes to pass that in E6 certain Sun- A ostmaste in Trouble, be digested) and from decomposition _A_T�--1_ J * - of postal cards, While waiting -for the second I'm perfection. Hearing is not only day school there may be seen a class of . ; . evolvas gases that produce pussure I ��k young men, respectful, attentive, absorbed, ORANT.4-, Ontario, July 1: -Probably there is no on the nerves, disorganizing the system,and produe- ; 44 . . clerk to wrap them up for •-her, she said," more perfect than the smell, taste and touch I -tali more Mdely known m the County of Dundag Te "Curative z i listening to the low -voiced teachings of a '. J. C. ing various symptoms of disease. - etc. ' of birds, but even more perfect than the, slend6r young woman, as if they thought and vicinity than M unro, of this place, He Fluid" punfles the stomach, promotes digestion and As I am -going to give up Athe sttore � Then followed an aocount of the conver, hearing of quadrupeds. - We see this proved has carried, on business as a general store -keeper for assimilation of food, thereby creating a healthy Z!) . -1 I her words carried weight. twenty yeti's, and has also, or many years been the and cation between the Palmer woman and the by the readiness with which some birds re- . current of blood. For sale by all.Druggists, 50c, to Air. Cairns on August lot, all due on been a',prominent si. � : 'I clerk. 11 even And so they do -the weight of 9. life local POstibaster, He has - e peat a long succession of sounds, and church metuber, and a leadirig man In so circles. The exchange editor of % Boston paper of words, It happened that we took away which means earnest purpose and faith in the He has alw4ys been looked ap to with respect and bills i ' n the hands of customers must work which is given us to do, esteem, and his word,to use aghraec currentI be presented before that date, other - read this, and the idea of a post office clerk a nest of sparrows from beneath the roof of - But she had time to give to her class," those Nyljp know him, if � 8 r good as his bond. I wise they will not be 4eknowledged. .11 wrapping up two packages of postal cards a cottage, and placed it on a balcony, before It was a ',natter of gene -al egret when it be- W struck him as rather funny, so he wrote an the young were old enough to call for their some one eays. came known about four years ago, that he was suf- itein which appeared under the-- " In 'Gen- p%rents, The father and mother did not in Listen -. during all those years., she was a feringfron�drops�,,which 2a� afflicted him ever CURES ' . . oral " head as follows : thi case recognize their nest by sight ; but hard-working school -teacher, with but a since. Th�' pleasure of Air. Atunro's many friends All those desiring goods for Fall ,9 . may be moke easily imagIne I than described, when & ' "A Palmer woman recently bought liiLlf a in another experiment, when the little ones slender stock of health and strength to draw It was learfied he had beg in using Dodd's kidney I . or Winter use, should purchase at � - I Yes, she had time to give L 0 a cure by means of dozen postal cards, and then made the clerk were able to call out, the parents distin UPOEI i pills, and las found in a e 2:11 .1 am selling off at very low ' :, boys, but where do you think aha found it 9 Once, as n � - , wrap them in piper for her." ' I guished their voices, and brought them Pobeibly some of the adornments and I "enjoy - which he is, re I gainin ., 9,9und health. 1. -_ I - . I That was the Palmer woman] first step food, Here the sense of hearing exceeded ments of girlhood had to be given up, Did A ONDH I RFUL now comwi at I ion is R. Stork's Head" THIS PR`9PARATION rates. on the downward road. Once started her that of sight. it pay ?-[Exchange. ache,lNeurilgia and Liver owders, nice to take; Acts directly on the stomach I A large Stock of absolutely pure descent was speedy. The 'Boston paper per ctly ,'armless , Mrs. bf4ry Keats, 88 Main And promotes the healthy action of the want to New York, where by a clip of the street, Ha lilton, 8 :1 '�F r I e4rs-in fact all m3, ------------ *_ T liver, WITHOUT PURGING. Alanilla Binding Twin,E�- on hand. . . A Girl's Work. A Yarn on Hardy. life-fhav�beent be itil severe headaches. I Z3 shears and &btrokeof the pen the Palmer . I have tried Oil the remedies I Could hear of, and have - woman's adventure was quickly transform- TRUE AND �4UGGESTIVE. E. King Dodds tell@, th following fish I little For Sale by All Druggists. Accounts must be settled up by ; but with very ed into a scrap of "Current Gossip," The beloved German teacher t story : F. F �$ been treats by, many docto s, -our Headache, i Parties buying goods - and her Tholuck -The Hon. C. F ,,�scr, Minister of good J�o o d r,esu I t - A friend recon �u�nded I And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG COMPanY October I St. �' "ur, g , 'r M appeared thus: I who won such numbers of students to Christ, Public Works, is an ardent Sherman, but L Liver Powder home time ago, and I .r , e i the g will have till that time if n�ces- ling fish stories have found them to be the extent blessing to mo- London, Ontario. "A Palmer Woman yesterday went to when askeil the 8e,rqtlof his success, said he is backward about tel . are now � in fact, I cafi� truly p6rfec0y wonderful. I - en the post - office, bought two postal cards, simply, 11 By seeking and following." His colleague, the Hon, A. S. Hardy, is the would not be wlthotsa3�h ,�, r niore than I can tell." and then asked the clerk to wrap them up In this unvarnished story our readers will yarner for the whole Government, and when Mr. Flook station master, 'mind Trunk Railway, fro see that success means work, in our day as he unwinds a fish story they say the oldest Hamilton, , says : "They- cur d iris most severe head- I THE RUPTUREDIS "au. JOSEPH MORROW. for her." aches, wh,6+-1 had for at le. st, three years. Price, 1318 See how quickly she slid towards her in his. . veterans crawl into the tent and go to bed, 26 cents a box. Sold by all iodicine dealers. Those of our readers who suffer with Hernia should destruction ! ThIs honest Palmer woman Our modest friend may look. troubled Hr. H%rdy's latest record is as follows. it �; ! � keeP in mind the visit of the Rupture Specialist to - who, a while ago, in all the pride of wealth, when .her eye falls upon this outline of a must be remembered he has just returned i Sea orth, queen'a Hotel, Tuesdq, July C 25th. and i . balance of the week, where he will give careful at remember that . i , was launched into the extravagance of two noble work, but rhe must r from a few days sport on Wisconsin waters. t I . tention to all those who call upon him. Physicians : I whole packages of postal cards at once and the candle has no right to object to giving He was fishing one day off the mouth of ! 1 : When Ba � by was sick, we grwe her Castoria. specially invited to call, in the interest of their chatting familiarly with the clerk, is now light. The light of life can come only from Cranberry River in Wisconsin. The stream ,' Patients. Examination and advice free. The follow- , - Superior, and is renowned WheT1 811 �i wa. 1 1 toria. 1oletter is stronz testimony and speaks for itself : � reduced to the extremity of buying her - __ runs into Lake Supe 4 9 a Child, she �ried for Cas I � m J. Y. Egan, 1'HernIa7SpccialiBt," 266 West . f I . cards two at a time, and, in her abandon — for its big trout. His second cast wag sue- - When sho became Miss, sire; clung to castoria, queen street, Toronto, Ontario - � clerk , cessful, so he saye-and'he is a truthful ! I i My Dy.kR SIR, -I have been ruptured about thirty- ment, insolently demands of the same # . J! trout had When B1.14 had Children, sYieigave them Castoria- five years. Niy sufferings during that time have been J ust Arrived erstwhile her friend, that he shauld wrap I man -by Afairsized tro i I intense and can only be appreciated by those similar - them up. But mark the next step T.be - taken the fly, and was making an unusually ; I : ly conditioned. My business as carpenter and joiner i I I I - I i - considerable muscular axes- I wretched woman struck out West. She gamey struggle. More for amusement than reached Chicago, and was thrust into the ; anything else the angler let the spe3klea i i tion. Frequently have I been compelled to quit _Xr— 1�le I f - . before thA public work, although at the same time wearing trusses I i - Odds and Enda column : fellow have about a hundred feet of line, al Vint Beot'Spring Medicide Ow made by the m prominent makers. I could not , - _% N, - I Me - stand erect and often had to lie down to relieve my I 11 A Palmer woman has been buying two though .be could have -drawn him in if her -so is, withont'iciception,3 -mbia�,'sKidne-y and Liver . b&4 a mind The trout began to tiee, but Cure. it tel put up in a conctritrated foriv, and con, sufferings. All the trusses I have worn have been postage stamps at the post of and then doses a W. PAPSIr"s IS I I LET IT RUN, sequently the unpleaoantnest Of taking large d utter failures. It has been one long round of misery X asking to have them wrapped up. )) d in something seri- made a last struggle for liberty by dashing I,, therebyORO i,eing one teaspoonful in - mental anxiety, lose of time and physical torture. . - and your cough ma , f your blood is poor. upward I a wine glee voided, the d Themedicine Co. is repro - and : Here the Palmer woman would seem to pus. It's pretty sure to, and springing out of the water. ful of water. kr -druggist, Mr. I About six months ago, thank God, I beard of your � - , depths of, poverty That is just the time and condition that in- just as it fell back there was a big break sented in aria town by our pull - I t have reached the nadir obtained. geatsuccess in the treatment of Rupture Cases tsumption. The seeds are sown and underneath it, a splash, and the real began V. Fear, fr6m whom full par oulars can be he appliance you adjusted gave me, I can well re- . - . and humiliation and "insolerice. But not vites Con .i ------- -------------- 064�t --- member afeelingof support never before experi- a :� f ) on you, before you to sing as the newcomer dashed into the i no. There was worse in store for'her yet. it has fastened its hold up I i I ptiori. anted by me, and has so continued to the present . I . By all the leading authors, at . She had not yet visited St. Louis.' When know that it is near. depths, a captor yet a captive. The fisher- Coughihg Leads tq;Consum day. I am now comparatively a new man. Previous . : : I . � she did get there this is the way she figured It, won't do to trifle and delay, when the man then livened up at this. He had need Kemp's Aalsam stops the c��gh at once. to this I could not stoop to tie my shoe, no matter - 1 3 remedy is at hand, Every disorder that can of all his wits, for the now fish, which had � -1 ­__-10�*-04 - what truss I had on, if I got all of Toronto, withdilt in the 11 Jottings: " be reached through 'the blood yields to Dr. 1----- difficulty, I i — my rupture coming out. To add to the diff JPOPULAR PRIOES. 11 A Palmer woman went and bought a Pierce's Golden Medioal Discovery. For swallowed the first catch, was a lusty fin RIIHUIMA�Ilsm CURED IN A DAY.- South American have suffered with a violent Cough for years; but in F rostag Severe Coughs, Bronchial Throat and Lung Rheumatid Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia re,di- ,e stamp, and then asked for an enve, and the odds were, for a minute, in favor of the face of all this your grand appliance has held me i ( I be. Cally cures�,, In 1 to 3 d s, Itj�actiOo upon the syn secure all the time whilo doing the hardest work. ; . ope to carry it in." Diseases, Asthma, Scrofuj� in every form, his getting off the hook. ' But � be, too, m is remlarkable ano',g ,mysterious. Iroremoves at only two days ago I carried a bundle of green I Her next; step must obviously be the one and even the Scrofulous affection of the g:m to weaken at last,. and the angler was tem I . d' tely disap shingles up on a two storey building -and nota THEM AT � oneethec4useand the dlee4se Imme ia 0ALL AND SEE 11 v lungs that's called Consumption, hi all its g t,ng the met ready to: welcome him --or 76 cents' 11 budge." I never could or dare attempt such a . indicated above. Few people, whether' I , I ( TEED rs, The first dose benefits. I. " T� 11 10 HE AL L I I , I r 51`� 1 1) �- a, t, lei he system and 0 n. ;o ,� rs a n neither eith �II - R, earlier ��ges, it is a positive and complete Lumsden A Wilson, .druggists, thing before without danger of my life. To crown Palmer women or otherwise, after having rather throw thelfish very unexpect- Crranted, by Lum I. all I have worn and continue to wear your ap,pli- ' I @sad so for upon the downward "". -_ edly came to life and drew out nearly four Seaforth. 1 .., ij - , . once progre It is the only blood -cleanser, strength re- i lag once with comfort. For all of which I feel deeply in, W. PAPSTYS, � road can either retrace their foot steps or storer, and flesh -builder so effective that it hundred feet of line. After this he went.to !�_, . debt6d to your skilful treatment. 0. e refined to budge. The Lane's'Wedicine M�Ves the Bowels I am, Sir, very truly yours, ; I '• can be yum-anteed, If it doesn't benefit or the bottom and � I i E"h Day. DONALD McKINNA. , .5pavins., Ringbones etc. . - angler pricked him, :but still e ! SEAFORT'K ONT- . cure, in every case, Tou have your mons as 136 Terauley street, Toronto. 1335 � 1 . back. Al, medicine dealers bc-Ve it, . Occasionally afterward he would make bull in orae I to be healthy this is necessary. Cured by Dick"s B16tere � I I . . I— I . �?_ P_ ;o.-,� _�11 a I tf'.-�,- - ,I