HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-08-04, Page 6I___ ._._ 9 -
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VITRINAIi%, DA�AIi-HA.1gDED• Worst tela[ of all'oi►me in the Idpr�ng$eld
_ ,0. depot. The trai:i, icor tf le first and only oo-
OHN S1RI1 V9, V, S., honor graduate of Ontario "All hoard !" shouted the conductor, . At the casioa on recor , wa exactly on tune.
Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic .. Have oar of ever thin ?" asked a Sniffs and savors of u utterable fragrance
Animsis treated Calls prompt]y� attended to and g breathed from foie kite en of the neighbor-
chargesmoderate, vete rinsry Dentistry a specialty voice, and a gtrl'i face appeared at the car fag Isiamsasoit. quint S e felt herself dying
oifiae and residence over w. N: Watson �ewing wine6w–a faoe with laughing eyes and � n�e In hunger ; there were tweaty•flve rninntes
Machine Shop, Seaforth. ,1412U pretty,: wind-blown hair.
P-------"` '6 Take tare, Lotty," said the older lady to spare, and not a crumb to be had.
FRANK S, Be -ewe, v. S., gradate of Oita�� vet withili " don't put your head too close. I This is to notify Twenty-five minultoo ! Nothing we s left
erin:rryy College, Toronto, ember o � , ou that o ac- I but to sit in the ' sbr' and await the last of
arinary Medical society, ate., treats all die6ues of heard; once of a woman s chin bbiog oar• y y
the Domesticated Amm" All call. prom;.tly at- ried clean off,by just such a piece of ,careless count at thq bank _ the conductors end, II thougght she, " Mr.
tended to either by day or night. Chargee modev ,, of health is &br- Laaeing said his Fa to would be of no ase on
ate, special attention given to veterinary dentis. Haas• drawn • at this rate oar will soon be the branch road,; eb no doubt I shall have a
try. Office ons Main Street, Seaforth, one door `` Yedj" chimed in another voice, manly bankru t unless ou take dreadful time. Still it the worst comes to
south of Kidd s Hardware store. lil , and deep -chested, with a boyish squeak just p ' Y the worst; Y could .walk twenty-five miles."
INFIRMARY.—Cornerr.f Jar discernable in it, "clean.off, her chI and all. But when this august personage made his
E viaand HORSE And thb doctor he made another chin out of
vis sad.CioderlohStreete, neddoorto the. Pres• but the dimple was euoh a - appearance Aun ':Sue ave a deep sigh of
b ' rian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dire tee of gutta-pereha ; „ relief, Her lips a lmost relaxed into a whistle
fe=tes, Cattle, Sheep, or any of .the do n stioated dead failure that--
suinsis, successfully treated at Ih. inirmar9 or •' Oh mercy !" screamed his aunt, " the of sarpriae and joy,
elsewhere on the aborted notice. .,barges m)der- horneta� neat ! I knew something was miss- "Bless me," site: said aloud, " its Tommy
ate, JWEB W. ELDER, Veteiinary Surgeon. P Bliss I
s.–A:!arga stock of Valeria cry Medicines rept oca ing. bly.hornets' nest, Henry–it is in the Tommy had, iii the days of his youth,
steady on hand _ wagon. - ti,un—ran and fetch it ; that's a been a scholar int the Bunbrook Sunday -
dear b+ I can't go without it," Of Pyre Norwegian Cos! Liver Oil School, and Miss Y , his quandom
LEGAL Henry ran, while the group of girls on the and Hypophosphites to teacher, had no fears that her ex -scholar
platfortrt exchanged smiles and winks, and build you up. would prove less( amenable to Influence sow
Rs, HAils,,Barrister, solicitor, Conveyancer and •`a secret laughter tickliug all their souls," `
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Domini }n volunteered advice of various sorts to their It will STOP A COUGHS, CI?RE d than in the days of Westminster Catechism
Bank. OfHae—Cardno's blocky Main Street, Sea ort . COLD, and cheek CONSU.HPTION and and -the Second Qt'estion Book.
Haney to loan. 1286 departing relative, - all forma of WASTINGF DISEASES.AI- Her anticipations were confirmed. From
"Are you sure that s the only thing left,
( i�i'N$ & LE.N NlO1V, Aunt Sue ?" sugggested Dora. ," I don't see moat as flalalno, as leliille Prel7ared by this point ht she was treated like a pea bac ;
the bi eat boob anywhere." Scott da Bowne, Belleville. For sale by and by eight o'cloak,mtowed safely in a hook
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &e. offices– gg all druggists. – ' by the devoted Tommy, she was driving
120 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario and Seaforth " Here it is," replied Aunt Sue, heaving --- - --- homeward through the Bunbrook streets,
Ontario. Seaforth Office—Whitneyle Block, Male up a substantial quarto. " I think I have r mirky with November fog, Arrived and
Street. Money to loan, TuoyAs MlUrax ;Hris. every thing. Lot me see," counting on her a m nth which seemed like] to set in she
JAmEs Lwmox. figers ; `` Figuier,' ` Earthly Paradise,' um Y P Y Y ' welcomed, she plunged at once into an ex-
„ opened her book and began to road, planation of her difficulty.
ATTHEW MORRISON, Watton, Ineunnee bre�la, chew], lunch basket, moss– " It is very provoking !" said her inward +1 Some of yon mast lend me half -a dol -
MAgent, Commissioner for takingg affidavits, Big box, little box," cried Fanny. thou hts. " Haw those girls will laugh at lar " she said " to a this man with. I
Conveyances, d<o. Money to lona at the ]elven] rates. ++ Where ie that level ba ! Oh, :Aunt g ' ' P y
3t. nveyan os, Wilton Y g me ! I wish I could recollect how much haven't a penny, because I lost my purse this
Sue, whatever else you lose, don't lose there was in the urse " and she entered
_ P + morning, tiokete and all."
ISI. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &o that •" into a mental calculation which left her .1 How did you get on i" asked her sister-
• Ofiica—Rooms, five doors north ofCommercLl " I have it safe," said her aunt, grimly ; widely astray of the real sum, Figures were in-law,
Hotel, ground floor, next door to C. L. Papit s " but as for lovelinese–well, you know my not Annt Sne'a atron Dint. .+
jewelry store, Main street, Seaforth. Ooderich o Hina of it, girls, if you did give it to me. „ g P Very nicely–thanks to the politeness of
agents --Cam , Holt and Cameron. • 1216 Pi Ten–twelve–fifteen doUars it must the oonduoting fraternity. Half a dollar,
__ It is extremely pretty, but a most absurd „ „ ,
be, she thought. I m glad it m no more ; please, James."
ARROW PROUDFOOT, Barrleters, Sotfcibrt, gimcrack for a sensible woman to carry but, to be sure, a great many nice things +I Tick, instead of ticket," laughed James
be., Gloderich, Ontario. J. T. GiA"OW, 4• C-; about raising from her lap as sbe spoke a " .
Y PAOMI vo'r ► can be got for that. as he searched his pocket -book.
choice tittle article in crimson Mbit, gilt- She began to think them over, until, what ++ What was that yon said, Aunt Sae .
a*yAM CRON HOLT a HOLMES, Barridere C. to herd and fur trimmed, and exhibiting it with subscriptions to magazines, done- asked a youpger Susie–namesake and favor -
Ciicitors {n Chancery, &o..Goderich, Out >`. C. to her neices. tions to one thing and another,and the pur- its -who was turning over the bundle■ on
Cir, q. C., Pumur Hoar, DuD&zy HOLMIS " Oh, aunty !" clamored as indignant chase of carbon photographs, ohrornoe,wood- the talble.
ANN31�c1 a 1900'1'1', chorus, "how base, how horrid of ynu ! So ,
Bsrrlstsrr, SpHolson. Con cert ao etron ro convenient." carvings, and what not, the fifteen dollars " I ;said that my puree was lost, pet,"
ve ancers, &o. solicitors- for' the Baa► o P y• g+ had been made to do the work of fifty, and ++ Wh no it isn't " re oined Susie : and
Johnstony'Tisdale a Gfale. Money toiloos ``And with a muff, too !" cried uld hands was grown correspondingly important to its .from inside the blue -lined muff, in the de-
Elltott Btaok, Clinton, Ontario. A., H. Ml muff to keep your ungrateful owner. Exeter, reached the conductor re-
JAliim >3oorr. ! warm. I really wander at you, Aant Sae. ' spiced red bag, she drew forth the veritable
„ turned. • purse which had been the cause of so much
" Muff, indeed ! sniffed bar aunt, un „ ,
FHOLM1asTaI7, suooeeoor to the 'at° arm . daunted] '`a blue silk a rtnre. Aa if I No message, ma am. I leave the road' adventure.
. McCaughey h Hohnested, r, 8o y+ pe here, but I've telegraphed to have the purse Aunt Sue dropped into a chair. " It
lienor Conveyancer and Notary. soiioftor for the ever put my fingers in such a thing al, that 1 sent on if it is found ; and if yoafll give real! is !" ebe as d. " It was there all
( aoadLa Banc of Commerce. Honey tc# lend. Farms No, girls, depend upon it, at my age gim , y g �
me your addres�f I ll see that it reaches you the time ; and what lies I've told . Oh, that
foreale• Oflioe in. Scotts Stoat, ;Mala f9traet, craake–, Mercy, the oars are going- Where „ „
I3safor/h, i „ safely, fatal muff.
4 is Henry ? Why dont he come ! So the address was written and pretty t. Bat didn't ou look for the urse t"
VV CA M E R O 111 �M I T H In effect, the train began to move, though ° Y P
• r so slowly that it was easy for a walker to soon the oonduotor appeared once more, �� Of coarse–bat •ot in the muff. Hov<
B A R R t S T E R, ' . Here is a paper, ma am, for you to show could I' as oss it was there ? I never ase
keep pace with its motion. The nieces ran Pp
to the other conductors, I guess it will . it, and for of Its existenoe entirely. I sup-
Solicitor of Superior Court, Commimiover fol along, exchanging last words with their take you along as far as Springfield, but g
taking Affidavits in the High`Court aunt–saucy, merry words ; for Aunt Sud after that I have no influence, and you'll pose those girls will nevgr have done laugh-
ot Justice, Conveyauaer was laughed at and teased and beloved by ing at me : bat I shall always say it was
Money to Lend have to manage for yourself. You ander was their fault. If they had not inflicted
the gay bevy, quite sa if she too had been a stand i" '
C$n be conaulied sttecialffiHatel urs ac he Com❑, r• girl like themselves. „ „ that wretched alit which they call `a muff'
Yes, and thank you a thousand timee; a on me it is evident I couldn't have mil-
HE.NSAILL, – ONTARIO. At the last second a figure Dame leaping murmured Aunt Sue, expressively ; sad the 1? '
along the platform, and a large gray sphere „ laid my purse thus. But after all,' she
DENTISTRY. g g said •to herself If that mans hair had been spent oo turning over her long ■trip of un -
was thrust throw h a window–the wren ' +
dark he world never have exerted himself out tickets " I'm rather glad that it hap -
one, 118 it happened–and into the faoe of an ' , +
in this way, Its a per -fact confirmation of ned and I shall just enclose theme to that
W. 'sWEDDLE, Dentist, otHce o'er Hamilton old gentleman, who shrank back aghast. my theory,and I ■hall write to Dora about it � ]
. a McInnes Shoe Store, corner Mein and John +t Hornets ?" he ejaculated. " Ugh ! ugh! good Mr, Lansing, and thank him over
Streets Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous Oxide teas ad• the moment I get home. again, I don't believe there is any country
ministered• for the painless extraction of teeth. 1169 take it away '• What do you mean, young Now Aunt Sue's theor was that li ht-
man ?" y g in the world but this where a lady would be
haired men are always attracted and drawn so beautiful] taken care of b ever bod
R. FRANK BELDEN, Dentist. New lova "I beg your pardon," said Henry, split- Y Y Y y
1 anaeathetfe for inless extraction of teeth. out by dark haired women, and vice versa. as I have been or where n on the whole,
W ting with gear liter: "I made a mistake. + +
No unconsciousness. Ofiioe—Over Johnson Broa. She had clung to it under many discourage• so mash kindness ie shown to un roteoted
Here, aunty, ere s your precious commod• P
Hardware Store, Seaforth. , 1226 menta and on the present occasion found females who travel about and used omelet
ity." This time the object popped through '
AONEW, Dentist, Clinton, will the sight pane and landed in Aunt Sue's lap. a certain satisfaction in the opportunity af- ance."
visit Hensel] at Hbdgena' Hotel forded of testing its correctness. In this belief Aunt Sue rests to this da
The cars moved oat, of reach. p.
every Monday, and apt 'Lunch the ..Good -by, good -by," resounded from be- „ "Not that it needs proof," she thought. T1iE Ern, .
second Tuesday in eac)} month 1288 hind. - Haven t I tried it a hundred times .
The "paper" was a sort of circular, ad-
SINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. S., Aunt Sue waved her handkerchief, and dreaded to whom it might concern, or rather Since Nellie W6nt Away
. , Exeter, Ont. Will; be as Zurich then, quite regardless of the glare of offense to the conductors of the Y. ?iI. and Q, rail
i at the Huron Hotel,: en the LAST directed at her spine, Iroceeded to tie her The homestead ain't ez bright and cheerful ez it used
THUR8DAT AND FIRST' THURSDAY IN road, and setting forth that Mies Susan to be,
NAcH moxvii, and at Murdock's Hotel, Henaall, on treasure to the netting above, sad to make p , of Bunbrook, having been so un- The leaves ain't growin' half so green upon the maple
th0 Ilia! AND THISD FRIDAY in each month, herself generally comfortable, fortunate as to lose her purse and tickets, tree–
Tooth extracted with the least pain possible. All `• There's tha change at the river," she The brook don't seem ter ripple Iike it used ter
work first-class at liberal rates. 971 thought, "and then I can settle down for those ofcials *ould.please help her along down the hill-
-- the day.,, as they could, and oblige G. W. Lansing,' The bobolinks appear ter hev a somewhat sadder
TR, C. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H. L 2nd Division, It was a little like a free thrill ;
Billings), member of the Royal Callege of Den Aud she proceeded to look o+lt and mark pass, a little like a begging letter ; and The wavin' corn hez lost its gold, the sunshine ain't
tel Surgeons, Ontario Teeth inserted, with or with. certain pages in Figuier, to point a pan- sd bright,
oma e a ton A nt ne e a
with s tr id t u S r fed.
cut a plate in gold celluloid or rubber,' A safe anaeli• oil, and atherwisa prepare for a course of � P P P Tho day is growin ehortar jest to make a longer
thelia "given for the painless extraeton of teeth. to fire it o$ at oonduetor No, 3, who nowj night ;
Office -aver O'Neil's bank, Exeter, Ontario. 1204 entomological researt:h ae soon as circum entered. There is something gnswin' at my heart, I gueea her.
N. B. - Plates secured firmly in the mouth by stances permitted. 'By this time the old ./ Black heir !" she inly gasped. " Oh come to stay ;
Yemens Patent Valve. gentleman had recovered breath and power ,,, Tha world sin t been the same to me eine• Nellie
dear - y
of remonstrance, ' '� This ie ayl I haus to offer by way of a Fent awe .
MONEX TO LOAM '' I suppose you are aware, madam" he ticket," she aid, In dulcet tone@, feeling, The old piano over there I gave her when a
said, touching her shoulder sharply, that a bride—
ah afterw rds confe d 1'k
'�/f"ONEY TO LOAN.–Btrright loa>�hs at 6 pts i +ts e a see , I e a ]toad- It ai❑ t bean layad u ❑but once since the took
jI1 that neat is full of hornets a a dormant 1'0
sent., with the privilege to ,borrower of organ man or a blicd mendicant parsing slot an died ; .
r a n art of the rinoi mono t any time. state, who are very likely very likely, An' then a net hbor'e irl come in an' struck u ,
i P LM Y 4s round a hat, g g P
1pp y F. HO EST , Barristei, Seaforth. indeed–to come to life again id this heated "Old Black Joe,"
I1 air Vo Black hair proved propitious. Hie eye- An " When the swallows Homeward Fly," an'
MEDICAL. " Oh, dear, no, that is quitef a mistake," brows elevated themselves a very little, to somehow, don't you know,
i be sure; but that might have arisen from It almost made me crazy wild with anguish and
re lied Aunt Sae, facing round upon him, s m nth and hie uestions were elite despair—
x. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and SpWgeon, Bay- ;. gi iguier entirely contradicts that notion, y P y ' q P I saw her aittin' at the' keys, but • knew she wasn't
field, Ontario, successor to Dr. W., H.1 fright. He says—" , and to the point. Aunt Sue grew more there,
i0 Madam,�I do not know who Vigger may comfortsible, and .began to be intensely An' that is why I never want to hear the old thing '
grateful to G. W. Lansing, 2nd Division. Piap–
R. McTAVISH, Physician, surgeon, &a. OfHee be, nor do I Dare what he says," interrupted c. n „• The music don't sound natural since Nellie went
corner aoutbwest of Dixods Hotel` Brucefield. .. That dear, good man, ■he thoughtP 1f
� the old gentleman, All I $ay is that the away.
Night calls at the office, j 1323 he does jand my purse I declare I must send
hornets are there. If yon do not credit my him something. Such kindness ought to be- The parson tells me every man has got ter hev his
j �R. ARMSTRONG., M. B., Toronto,!M. D,_C. M., word, you have only to look into that hole.' encouraged. I owe it to other women to do woe–
Victoria, iii. C. P. S., Ontario, su4esaoi to Dr. And he pointed with his finger at the great His argument is good, perhaps, for he had orter
Elliott, office lately occupied by Dr, Elliott; Bruce• so. Let me see. It shall be a book, I think; know—
field Ontario, 1324x62 gray neat.
–' _ "Welt, that is lucky," cried Aunt Sne, something practical, and at the same time But then its hard for every one ter attars see the
„ entertaining. She composed` the note which right
the full I was just i h'
er w a in for an 'n -
t i II
Y� ] g
In turnin leaeure nto a 1 and sunshine lata
should o with it and as ed n
s i revier
TT MA -KAY be -
' sect to examine in oonneotion with the book, g ' P night;
OFFICE, Goderich Street, oppositae Methodist „ fore her mind all the books she ever heard I guess its all included in the Maker's hidden
hank oar sir You s e h
Church„Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricultural T y , e e la quite deet!, , „
of, from the Koren to Fronde s History of plan—
Grounds. extracting the hornet with her pencil -point, Engtand.” •' I wish I knew a little more It takes a heap o' grief an' woe ter temper up a
J. G. SCOTT, M. D, C. Id,, (Ann A :bor and Vio• and holding him up triumphantly. •` Figuier About conductors' and their tastea," she I s m athixo with as ' feltow when I hear him
toria,) M. C. P. S. 0. 'I was right, mused, " so as to be able to tell what he y spay 3
- C. MACKAY, M. D. C, til., (Trinity,) �. T. M. C., The old gegtleman, with deep offense,rose would dike beet." The world don't seem the' same to him since soy Bone
;ti. C. P. 13.O. and changed lis seat for one ata distance, went away,
No was ale a da
. 4 o rk haired -
_ _— man an
Little reck�;� Arent Sue, deep in the study '
E. COOPER, 3f. D,, M. B., L. F'. P. and S., of the hornets ; nor did she look u until gruff In manner, which, though disagreeable An' scripture says that in his own sweet way, if we
o & Ph f i n n and Ao•
Oiasg w, c., ye a a , Surgeo in itself, afforded a triumph to the theory, but wait,
Boucher, Constance, Ont, 1127 the conductor appeared, -and it became The Lord'll take our burdens an' tet crooked m attera
„ But No. 5, a decided blonde, light -haired
necessary to produce the through ticket, atrai ht
ae Amalric the eon of AmAI was eo mach
�R. ELLIOTT, Bruoefleld, Licentiate Royal and have the first strip torn from its eompli. ' Then there s a hope that all the grief an' aching
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edina cated foldings, gruffer that the theory suffered a violent heart can hold
burgh. Bruoefield, Ont. 4 930 „ „ collapse. And when No. 6 entered, brown• Will be offset -by happiness a hundred million
The river reached, it became accts haired, brown bearded, and devotedly polite fold
W. BRUCE SMITH M. D C. M, Member of Bary to transfer her impedimenta to another When we hev reached the end o' life s eventful
Aunt Sue became ro confused among the voy'ge at Last
. the College of Physloisna and S" rgeons, Ao., car. ,
Seaforth Ontario. O®ee and reside ce same as colorings that she abandoned theory and An' all our pain an' misery is buried in the past,
t Assistance was volunteered by a gentle An' so I'm lookin' forward to the dawnin' of a day
000upied by Dr. Vorcoe, � 848 gave herself up to the enjoyment of civil
__.____- _ _-__--__--_____-- . , man near by, and accepted almost as a mat- When mobbe it won't seem so long since Nellie went
treatment. It wee both Interestin and ex -
LE%. BETHUNE M. D. Follow of the Ro al ter of course. Good-looking and well-drebs- g away•
i � y citing, this temporal trial of the oharitiee of –Harr} S. Cheater.
A College of Physicians and Surgeon@, Kingston. ed maiden ladies travelling by themselves a cold world, •` I shall alwa s know now " - •
successor to Dr. Maokid. Of3ict lately occupied rarely lack this sort of offer, and our maiden :, Y '
by Dr. Maokid, Main Street, Seaforth. i Residence lad was unusual] ood lookin 'fall she meditated, how to sympathise with The Pony Express.
—Corner of Victoria square, in house lately occupied Y g Q• , those poor creatures who go about with
by L, E. Danoey. 1127 commanding, with right, black -eyes, and Thirty years ago settlers sta?ting for the
papers ; and it is worth the experience to
cheeks whose roses sound health and by- far West, with their heavily laden wagons,
have found oat j ust how they feel,"
AUCTIONEERS, gienic living rendered perennial in bloom, knew that the journey would occupy six
with a thirst for facts, and a certain frank Still the position was an ambaraseing one, montbs of hard travel, and might involve
JP. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun - and kindly ease of manner, which pleasant- Her well-to-do life had never encountered many dangers of varied oharacter–chiefly
. tyof Huron. sales attended in all parts of 1 su sated both Boston and Chios o. euoh a phase before, She was conscious
the County, All orders left at Tnz Exroarroi Y IAB g from hostile Indians, prairie fires, and rat-
OMoe will be roma tl attended to. that her voice instinctively softened and tlesnakes, Unee started on that far ourne
P P Y Aunt Sue, wherever she went, attracted •• honeyed " as she made again and yet again ] Y
Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth.
Halos promptly attended to, chargges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed. Orders )by mail addressed
to Chiselhurat Post Office, or left at his residence,
Lot 2, Concession Il, Tuckersinith, will receive
p ` p on. 1296-tf
tom tett.. __ __.___. __..__ _,
W. o. 9)UFF,
Collector Book-keeper and Accountant ;Real Estate,
Life, Accident and Fire Insuranae Agent ; Money to
Loan, Correspondence arc. Parties requiring his
services in any of hese branches will receive
. prompt attention. OFFI0a IN DAusY's BLoox, (Ur
McKillop Directory for 1893,
JOHN BENNEWIE9, Rocve, Dublin P. O.
JAMES EVANS, Deputy Reeve, Beochwood.
DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood.
WM. MoGiAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury,
WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Counoiilor, Leadbury.
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop.
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop,
WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood, ' __
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth•
R. W. B, SMITH, M. D., Medical Health Officer,
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead-
buty, _.... _ _.�________-- --
.DM L L n
r c ellen, endo ,
497 Talbot Street, Specialist on the
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital,
1889. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post
Glraduate Medical School and Hospital on the Eyo
Ear, Nose and Throat, 1'.892. Eyes Tested. Fuli
stock of Artifical Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will
be at the
ON hRI�AY, AUGUST 4th, 1<8@3.
hours j10 a, m, to 4 p. m, Charges Moderate,
notice, and a fair share of admiration ; and,
as she herself would have phrased it, " Pro-
vidence always sent a man to carry her bun-
dles." Providence was no less kind than
usual on this occasion. -Bag, umbrella,
shawl, books, were safely transferred, and
with a cordial smile of thanks, she repoint-
ed her pencil and prepared for a day after
her own heart, for digesting "The Insect
World" at leisure, noting her fellow•travel-
ere and their peculiarities, and sweetening
fact by an occasional sugar -plum from the
latest poet,
The entrance of'conductor No, 2 disturbed
her reverie, She felt for her puree and
jumped up aghast.
`- Conductor, I have dropped my puree in
the second car behind thio–my purse, with
all my tickets in it. Ie there time to go
back and get it ?"
"No, ma'am, there is not. That car
switched off for Boston five minutes ago,''.
" The puree was lying on my lap. It
must have fallen when I rose to change cars.
What can I do ? Could I telegraph- ?
But t haven't any money to pay for a tele-
" No matter for that, ma'am," said the
conductor, politely, " I'll telegraph, and the
answer will reach you at Exeter, I'm afraid,
though, somebody else will have picked the
puree up before the conductor on the up
train gets the message,"
"What did he say . inquired an old wo.
man across the aisle, as the conductor mov-
ed on. " Was he ba'sh with you, or did he
act clever ?" .
" The conductor ?" said Aunt Sae, in her
grandest tone. " Most kind and courteous.
People always area"
By way of stefrming the tide of popular
Children Cry for
her little explanation, and that a certain
dread mingled with the curiosity with which
she antici; ated the "coming man," And
lie came Very often indeed, the Y. M. and
Q, being a road of many divisions and fre-
quest chlangeb. No one was less than civil,
on the whole ; but Aunt Sue was accustom-
ed to more than bare civility, and her eyes,
sharpened by wounded amour propre, noted
every slight token of surprise, doubt, or
scrutiny, and found them infinitely annoy
ing, though to a more experienced " tramp"
they would doubtless have seemed less than
And now a raging desire to buy seized
upon her, born -of the fact that she lacked
the metius of buying. The route was a
familiar one. Often before had she passed
over'it, and found its temptations in the
wayrof pop -corn, Boston Advertisers, seed -
cakes, and Ballou's Monthly, by no means
irresistible.- Now she longed for them all.
She studied the outside of the prize -package
thrown into bar lap, and fairly hankered for
twenty-five cents with which to test the de•
lusive promise of a possible one -dollar green.
back within, not to mention attractive ar-
tioles of jewelry and unlimited stationery.
If she could only buy it, and there was a
one -dollar greenback inside, then, she
thought, she would be able to give some.
thing to the hardy-gurdy man, the har-
monica boy, and the little cripple, who,
punctual an Fate, boarded the train.
She had never wished to assist these wor.
thine before that. she could remember–but
pos she did. There too,was the blind roan,
discriminating so wonderfully between the
sexes, and always saying " thank you,
ma'am," and "thank you, sir," in the right
places. He, too, ought to have something,
Pitcher's Castoria.
many a weary month must elapse ere any
tidings could reach them from the home
they 11ad left.
Great was the excitement when a company
of fearless, determined men announced their
resolution to carry letters from the shores of
the Atlantic to those of the Pacific In four-
teen days. The feat was deemed impossible.
Nevertheless, the Central Overland Cali-
fornia and Pike's Peak Express was duly
organized, the vast expanse of country right
across the 11rest continent was divided into
u sixt miles and at a
r ns of y e ch terminus
rude log huts were erected as stations and
stables for men and beasts,
The latter were strong,ewift ponies,eelect•
ed for their hardiness and great powers of
endurance, and the riders were all picks d
men, experienced scouts and trappers,noted
–eves in that region of keen, hard -riding
men -for courage and good horsemanship ;
and many a time must both have been tired
� to the uttermost in the course of those terri-
ble long and awfully lonesome rides across
the trackless prairie, continually in donger
of attack, by day or by niglit, by wild In•
dians or highway robbers,
eek an ex es
Unee a w pr s messenger started
from either side of the great continent.
From the first moment to the last, not a
second must be lost, As long as the pony
could gallop, gallop he must ; and the eager
beasts seemed as keen as their riders, and
scarcely needed the cruel spur to urge them
j on. For sixty miles at a stretch they must
keep up -their utmost speed ; and when at
length the goal was reached, when the next
messenger was waiting in the saddle, ready
to start without one minute's delay, the
precious leer -bag was topeed from one
postman tot a other, and, ere the wearied
Children Cry for
Down the street, through the busy Way
A lady passed on marketing day.
Who, pausing at a grocery store,
Stepped quickly in at the open door.
With basted breath and anxious mien
She queried; "have you COTTOLFNEWI
'The grocer, leaving off his work,
Intarrogattd every clerk ;
Blit none up to that time hafd sm
Ala article called " COTTOLENE."
"What is it?" said he to the dalme,
"That answers to this curious name.
What is It made:of? What's its use?
My Ignorance you'll please excuse."
"You're not the merchant for my dimes,
I see you're quite behind the times.
Por COTTOLENE, 1'd have you know,
Is sow the thing that's all the go, -
An alydcle of high regard ;
A healthful substitute for lard.
Its composition pure and -clean ;
For cooking give me COTTOLENE."
As from tris store the lady fled,
The grocer gently scmtched his head -'r
On his next ordwr first was seen,
tf ow dosm cases CO TTOLENE."
,ask Your Grocer for it
Made only by
Welliington and Ann Streets,
incomer had even dismounted, his successor
had started on his onward way.
Then pony and man might rest and feed,
and rest again, till the return of the messen.
ger with a re -filled letter -bag, which was
warranted to accomplish its journey of Up.
ward of 2,000 miles in 240 hours. (The rail.
way on the New York side being already
constructed an far as St.Josepb, that station
was the eastern point to which the Pony
Express had to run.) -
This pony express was continued for two
years, accomplishing its work with amazing
regularity, and involving many a feat of
splendid riding and wild adventure, It
proved, however, a ruinous failure from a
commercial point of view; and the company
collapsed with a deficit of $200,000.–Cas-
sell'* Magazine.
–Racing again, George ? You know we
ought to economize." " So I ameh, my
dearsh–hio, Lost'zactly forty-one pounds
lash than the same day last year."
–Old Friend–What in the world induced
you to call that child Revenge ? Mother–
I did it because everyone says that revenge
is sweet,
_" Always speak well of your neighbor,"
"I always do, although I can assure you
she is the meanest woman in creation."
–Missionary--" I hope I shall find :a true
friend in your Majesty," Cannibal King–
" W ell, he may be there still, but, I'm afraid
you'll find him digested.',
–bliss Goodsour–" That was: too true,
what our minister said to -day." Gayboy–
" W hitt was that ?" Miss Goodobul–"Man
o – 11 he
lives but for a time, Gayb y We ,
generally has it."
" Where have you been; Tomniy ?" " Out
in the stable giving my goat dr�wing les-
son@. I teached him how o draw a
wagon." i
Yes," she said, " I shall ma'ry Harold,
for I know he loves me." " Ho ?" " He
watched me sharpen a pencil and didn't
–" Whether it would be bet r to live
with a slovenly, good-natured wife, or a
tidy scoldEn wife," was the uestion de-
bated in a Washington county i ceum, The
question was carried in favor Of the slack
G,00dun–Don't you know tha you should
heap coals of fire on the heads f your ene•
mies ? Badun–Yea, but with coal at its
present price, kicking them Is great deal
–Grace–" M dear, I'd die afore mar -
eying that man, Clara (ewe® ly)–" Yer,
I "think you would. You• h ven't much
chance there."
man ho sat out on t e wood- ' e
–The w it
and told funny stories, expeotbc g the wood
would be split, evidently did of strike a
" responsive " chord,
Dr. A.–Wh do ou, alwa make tach
particular inquiries as to what ' our patients
eat ? Does that, assist you in yo r diagnosis?
Dr. B.–Not that, but it enab es me to as-
certain their social position, an arrange my
fees accordingly,
A Practical View–Struggli� g Pastor–
The collections have fallen off terribly.
Practical Wife–It's the new v etryman who
passes the plate. He never w tches to see
what people putt on,
– e Wanted a Change.•– ommy—Say
pap, Where'd that oat get all em kittens ?
Papa–The Italian man brings them. Tom.
my–Well, why don't he bring a goat once
in a while
=-She–Charlie, if ]you wer to die, and
I should marry again, you ren't afraid I
wouldn't marry somebody j st like you,
are you ? He–•Yes. She–VF hy, darling ?
He–" I'm afraid he wouldn't roppose."
–Aunt Prisoills–ElIzabet E1Ilsabeth,
wasting your time over silly oetry again,
I see, Beesy–But, Aunt, de r, this is pas-
toral poetry. Aunt Priscilla (softening)–
Ah ! What is the pastor's nes e, dear !
Before The Days o Postage
Before the use of postage•s amps various
sums were paid for the delive y of letters,
The amounts were regulate by the dia.
tante, and were collected on t e delivery of
the letter.
In the early part! of this century the
postage on a single sheet of p per was eight
cents, and over forty miles th rate was in-
creased ; so that over five ha dred miles a
single sheet was twenty-fiv cents, But
after a time theme rates were gradually re-
duped, until In 1845 a letter weighing not
over half an ounce was fiv cents under
three hundred miles, and ova that distance
ten cents. ,'
Sir Rowland Hill, who wa at the head
of the Post -office Departme t of England
at thin time, introduced the u e of postage -
stamps In 1840, and lessens the charges
for postage. In 1847 the nited States
adopted the use of the poste e -stamps, the
lowest -priced one being five bents,
But railways and steamb arts had now
taken the place of the old -f shloned mail -
coaches and postboys ; and Ith. the rapid
sending of the mail@, the a eaper. rates of
postage, and the growing pot ulation of the
country, gradual changes and improve-
ments took place In the poll -office system.
And here we are, in 1893 receiving our
letters from the Pacific comm in six days–
also from England in the s Hie time ,- and
a few day�s or hours will pia a us in direct
communication with our fr ends and cor.
respondents in almost eve y part of the
country.–$t. Nicholas.
Pitcher's Cast • Ha i
Mort a e Sale.
` OF A ro ----'
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained
In a certain mortgage, which has been registered and
will be roduced at the tinge of sale, theta will be
offered for sale by Public Auction by W. G, Duff,
auctioneer, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEA -
GUST 1893, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, the
following property : All and singular that certain par-
cel or tract of land and premises situate,lying and be•
ing in the township of McKillop, county of Huron, be-
ing composed of a part of the south half of the south
half of Lot number 25, in the 9th Concassion, of the
Bald township, containing one fifth of an sere more
or less. More particularly described as follows :—
Commencing at a point on the north side of the con•
cession at a distance of 110 feet from the south west
corner of said Lot 26, thence along the north side of
said concession road easterly E6 feet, thence norther-
ly parallel to the side road 132 feet, thence westerly
parallel to the concession road 66 feet, thence south.
erlyy parallel to the side road 132 feet to the place of
of beginnin Upon this property is erected a one
and one halt storey frame wagon shop 20x30, with
an addition 15x80, and on the front of the wagon
shop is a covered show platform 9 feet wide both up
and down stairs. There is also op the premises a
cider mill 16x24 with press and eorew. A stable
16x18, double boarded std lined with tar pa er, and
a lumber shed 12x16. The property is also well
fenced. The buildings are almost new and in good re.
pair,and as the property is situated in a good farming
distrIqt offers a ggood opening to a mechanic desiring
a location. TEAMS.—Twenty per cent, of the put-
chasellmoney to be paid to the Vendor's Solicitor on
the day of sale, and the balance within thirty days
thereafter, when the purchaser will be lot into pot -
session and *iven a conveyance free of expense.
Further particulars and conditions of sale w311 be
made known at the time of sale or on application to '
Vendor's Solicitor, Seaforth.
Dated this 19th day of July, 189$.
Addressed to the Undersigned, on behalf of the
Tuckeremith Council, will be received until AcausT
let, 1848, at 2 o'clock p m„ for the cleaning out of
the ditch constructed under By -Law A. of 1884, and
known se the "Big Ditch." The work to be done
according to the Engineer's specifications, which can
be seen at the residence of Deputy Reeve McKay, lot
9, concession 10. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted unless satisfactory. SAMUEL
SMILLIE, Clerk, Hensall P, O. 1888-5
The Faraace.
We have secured control of the
Jewel Steel FurnaceP0,
Burrow, Ste wart d M l ne
The Furnaces hfltve. become very
popular wherever introduced, and we
have no hesitancy in saying that they
are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any
Furnaces made in Canada. Ev ery
Fire Pot Guaranteed
It will pay you to see the sample at
. our store before placing your order.
The Best is Always Cheapest.
Johnson Bros. C4th.
Treas.urer's Sale
By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the
Mayor and seal of the corporation of Seaforth, .ix the
county of Huron, dated the 81st day of May A. D.,
1898, commanding me to levy upon the land hereafter
d e ereon to-
ile r ed f the arrears of taxon u th
sc ib or
gether with the costs ; notice iA hereby given that
e aid I shall
ax and st are soon r
ung euoh t es co e p
in compliance with the Consolidated Assessment
Act of 1892, Section 160, proceed to sell by Public
Auction, the land or so much thereof as may be
necessary at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, in the
DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1893, at one o'clock in the
afternoon. Lot 146, Giowanlook's Survey. Taxes $8.18
Costs $4, Total 812.18
1829-18 Town Treasurer.
PURE - ;r;
100 0
POWDERED � � � �
.� �!
ReaA for Ilse in nn qquantity. For :making Soap,
Softening water, Disrnfeeting, and a hundrad other
tuns. A can equals 20 pounds tial Soda.
bold by All Grocer* and Druggists.
29w VV'. �r=X,3C.6PZ'Z'r Toccata
Wellington, Korey and Bruce.
G10ie NOILTH—. i!aruenger. Mixed.
Xthel..:... _. — ! 8.00 r. m. 0.30 r.m. 0:00 r.m.
Brussels.... » _ 8.18 6,43 9,45
Bluevals .. _ .,. — ; 8.27 9.57 10.10
Wingham.... » ' 8.87 10.07 11,20
Goie Souza— Passenger. Mixed.
Wing`�sm_..... 6.26 A.ii.11.20 A, li. 7.30 r.m.
Bluevsle .. -- » 6.37 11.85 8,15
Bronels.....— -., 6.64 11.69 9.00
Ethel..... _. , » 7.08 12.14 930
London, Huron and Bruce,
Gioia Noma— Passenger.
London, depart........,.... 8.26A.is. 6.u6r.li
Rxeter.................... 9.29 6.18
Honshu.... _............. 9.42 6.81
Kippen.................. 9.47 6.36
Bruoefield................. 9.66 6,44
Clinton ................... 10.12 7.00
Loasobdro ............... 10.29 7.19
Blyth....... -...........- .. 10.38 7.28
Belgrays.... •........... 30.68 7.42
Wingham arrive.......... 11.10 8,05
Gioia" sours– Passenger
Winghsan, depart........ 6,40A.m. 8.46P.m,
Be ve................. ' 6.65 4.06
Blyth .................. .. 7.08 6.20
Loud bo ......
- a ro ........ r.16 4,2A
CIlntonl... .......... _ .. 7.46 4.48
Bruostield ................ 8.06 6.06
Hippen.................. •8.13 6,18
Hensall................ .. 8.21 5.18
)czeter,......... » .. _- .. » 8.40 5.30
Grand Trunk Railway.
Zraine leave . Seaforth and Clinton station as
Glome whir— 8surORTH, CLINTON.
Passenger .. _ — — 1.12 r. it. 1.48 r. ",
Faxen er... -. — — 6.05 r. N. 0.22 r. X.
Mizell i='_ « 0.80 A. sr. 10.15A.1r.
Mixed Train.... 6.80 F, si. 7.06 r.x.
Passenger... — — — 7.64 A. N. 7.87 A, ff.
Pawnsor _ 8.06 r, s[. 2.46 r. x
Mizell T»tn.. ..: 6.'16 r Ic 4.60 F. N.
Freight Train..: — 4.25 fr. V 8.86 ft, Y
c ,
- .I = -_!
{ -
AUGUST 4, 1&93 V 1
• \
usleal - Instrument -
Scott Brothers,
- __
PIANOS,–Dunham, New York; W,,
k11 & Co., Guelph ; Dominion Piano Colo.
any, Bowmanville. .
i�QAN$.--W. Belt Ca., liltedph.
D minion Organ Company, Rowmeaville til f
D, W. Yarn cit Co., Woodstock. - > fyrup
The`above Instruments always on hand, mise a1 few alid r
rood second-hand Pianos and Organs for sale at ntly
rom SM upwards: Instruments sold on the in w. -
vent pier►, or on terms to suit euetorners, viclinm
3oncertinsa and small instruments on hand aisp fiQ ,Uw. el
nusio, Woke &a. . �e;I
sCOTT BROS.. , "W#
tartly a
FA.R ;
+ 1ts ad'
..egg i
�e _ au
All pai ties requiring Farm Machin. � a
er , Im lements and Repairs, would V1- -,
do well to call at - 1. tt
Hu h brie ve's waeroot lav j
. i m
- —OPPOSITE— _ .#A
The Dominion Bank, • :� s
Before purchasing elsewhere, as he �
keeps repairs for the Massey -Harris,
Patterson, Wisner, Gowdy, Mason sad
Coleman machinery and implements,
and he is also agent for the Baia
wagon, Massey -Harps binder and
mower, drills, rakes, &c; the Colemra
roller and a full stock cif Plows coli. - -
stantly on hand,
HITGH GRIEVE, �eafart�l�
t- ! Va
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John Se Porter's
Undertaking axed Fuer
tura Emporium;,
Funerals furnished on the shortest no"
and satisfaction gui anteed. A large assort•
ment of Caskets Coffins and Shrouds, 110.
always on hand of the best duality, The
of Embalming Fluid seed free of charge and
prices the lowest. Fine Hearse.
s. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director. Rest•
donee — GODERICH STREET, directlyy OP
posits the Methodist church fn the house
formerly occupied by Dr. Scott.
The Old Establishec�4 tricity.fo
Planin Jf9ill and .i 4% Qpo ,
' Pubic
Sash and nor Facto weglan
.tre-stles a
Sjm.A.'F'ORT33_ sentto
This old and well-known establishment Is' so �1t�
running at full Mast and nose• has better facilities
than ever before to nen out i good article for •
moderate price. Sash and doors of all patterns iii• ' 'f
ways on hand oumade to o er. Lumber dry
abort notice and in any ay desired. All 201 -`
lumber for sale on reasonable terms. 81-Inggles hspt- - The lar
constantly on hand. Estimates for the fnraie dW4 it
of building in whole or in part given on applioatlae. • When
None but a beet of material used and workman° : - Dr; A. O
ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited. `,, . , piste
1� J, X illtEf/ DIFOOT, Seafori�• - - -