HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-07-28, Page 11893, I
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McLEAN BROS., Publisher$ -
I --- . . ' I . 1 $1.50 a Year in Advance. ..
�::-�---- i - ; - �
-WF YEAR. - 11 . . - : � SEAFORTI-19 FRIDAY, JULY 28,1893. 1 . ===;=
Z� T ,NTY-SIXTH . z i - . I
WHOLE NUMBER, 1,337. 1 . I I .1 - I A meal -
I I I . � a in Montreal, his the idea of a legislative union of the ed, and an no response came to knocks at the unrecognizable mass of torn flesh.
� � �- � 0 rag putin over'the fanlight and Cal man was quickly summoned, but his Ser- .
. unection with I but if we are ever to lose our individuality has taken up his residenc Tproilltei i 9 inside. MT. vices were only required to give a certificate
. ed -the pneumatic work in co � lose it in the home in Kankakee having been destroyed me Provinces asthey ca argue with , d or a boy v
en- as a people we would, rather . n of the local i the door unlocked from th
1� - -� ntail the creation of Adams w
. Change Your the construction of the big bridge at H public than in the Confederation. by an incendiary fire a few months ago. in some force that the abolitio &a found lying dead in bed. Dr. of deatb. His boots were torn off, while his
� derson, Kentucky. Eightee _ ter great re 7 t there would the fire he lost his library, the collection of legislature would a , found the deceas- feet were in no way scratched. Kind and
The seciet of this wish in tha -4-so tha what might Winnett was sent for and
be went to Pittsburg, where he has since n abad.rptiou by the a life -time, valued at $22,000. municipal corporations a of morphine, willing hands gathered up the remains and
� be less- humiliaiion I � be gained at the bung-h,61e wo Id be lost at ad had died from an overdos a home, which w" close
, Underwear, been in business for himself, being the head by their sister Pro- DOWN 13Y Tilt SEA. ere municip- whether administered intentionally or not conveyed them to hi
r of one of the largest civil and metalurgical United States than � the spigot, In Summeraideg sed is an uncle of Joseph
And be comfortable. engineering firms in the country. Mr. Far-' vinces of Canada. In fact, my friend of the We left Quebec on the steamer" Mira- al taxes are collected, � the ra a this year is cannot be said. A cheque for $650 was by. f he deces
. . - . - Terrace expressed the opinion that only by michi," and enjoyed a delightful sail along only five mills on the dollar. found on his person and a small amount of Featherstone, M. P., and was a retired far -
I be- dif - . a h. . mer who moved from Halton county about
ria has a charming wife, who is a staunch annexation can the racial and reli ded the peninsula of J. S. B. C� � He was a life long member
. liever in his ability and was one of his ' Kon"a5dian the south shore, roun . a first bank failuie in Denver since 8 months ago.
. . . I —
� - � strongest supporters -during the' iinte that fer6noes of the people - in', the Gaspe, crossed the Straits of Northumber- Th rch, and a highly re.
, Confederation be made innocuous. at Charlottetown, Canada. . 1874 occurred on Monday morning, last of the Methodist chn
TS7 - change of � the great wheel scheme was still in i a state , - I land, and disembarked 1. the People's Savings Bank, the spected citizen� He leaves two grown-up
I . . the capital of Prince Edward Island. Half -has been - the I
I.. A small vein of iiatural as
. - of uncertainty. They reside in a handsome f Hon. Colorago Savings and the Rocky Mountain daughters, who are married, besides
p I I . . I home on the South Side, and it is very To a Liberal, and an admirer o I a day was spent at Gaspe, where the opera- struck at Hamilton. . .. Banks closed widow, to mourn his terribly sad death.
. -n a I
. I
- Temperature -- . probable that they will continue to make Wilfrid Laurier, it is a pleasure to find that iion of 11 tubbing" codfielt was watched with —Moncton, Now Brunswick, had . a dis- Dime and Dollar Savings —On July 12tb a ocident of a painful
Z I ,th - in his home province, where his life has anything but approving eyes by lovers of the astrous fire the other day. I their doors. An estimate of the assets is John Sommer, on the
I Chicago their home after the Fair, as bb nt, and his actions subjected to the $1,500,000, with liabilities of $1,350,000. nature happened Mrs.
I �t Demmids this for health. city. been ape fish, for it is performed by means' of hob- —A court of the Catholic oreeters has 15th line of East Zorra. She was be'ng
I . f them It tiny, there is but one opinion the )ropolled by all
I 0 ,ke the —Montreal congratulates itself, and not
; . datock.
- � I closest ecru nailed, dust begrimed boots, I been instituted at Woo stock.
I i : NOT VERY HANDSOME. without reason, on being - a lightly taxed driven to Hamburg by ,her Fou and when
2 . � to his character—that be is an honest, dean- the power of muscular legs and number nine I as I
i . The British Columbia Indiana, who come ded statesman. I use this word ad- —An Angler's Congress will e held" at- city. Its rate this year is 12� mills on the near the German Union che'.3e factory,
I . -
our stock of feet. The 11 k bber " stands in the tub and Niagara -on -the -Lake on August 9 dollar, while the rate in New York will be they were about to cross tb,o small bridge,
. nd like a top., as he thro I . .
I a from Vancouver Islaud,and whose little set- han )n is gaining ground we the
visedly,for the convioti( —flon. Edward Blake will v aft Canada -og, spirited sui-
� I I ttement is down near the cliff -dwellers, not in evety direction that the Liberal le,Ader is dried fish beneath his feet, in regular circles ,land 18 7 ; in Philadelphia, 181 ; in Brooklyn the horee., which was a yon
I a about September let, returning to Eng M. a om,
. mal, shied and began bacLing, . r . S -
I Ilinery will: � 9,nderwA& in r far from the Anthropological building, ar no mere p liticiau, greedy for office, and , I and in Cincinnati, 27.7 ; in New Orleans, -over the
W" b I homely, squatty creatures, with large heads o and presses them to place with vigorous in November. d, 21.7 ; in Louisville, 21 ; mer, thinking the buggy was going
- careless of the means whereby he achieves thrusts. The moral of the speotacI9 was to r's. Manning, of Londo , broke her 20 ; in Clevelan It
. —M I
� . ,stumpy bodies, but bright 'and shrewd � . t. Paul, 20 ; in Toronto, 17J. embankment, sprang from it and m stained
. � Is assorted in weights and it, but a man who aims to aid the State, and cleanse your cod fish very thoroughly before day by falliug from merry -go- in 8 he ankle, the bone pro-
. 11 meet withal. There are nioe mou,six women and looks at party but a@ an insteument to that you cook it. passing around the p Is(, last Fri I —"A skilled mining engineer is to be sent a severe fracture of t immedi-
1 . and grades to two children in the party, and they seem to roundi ondon, England, in about a truding. Two medical men were
: Mercier is W clever politician, Laurier
i and. a few hours brought the famous Parce rock out from L
, During —A.60-ouuce nugget of gold as recently to make a preliminary inves- ately summoned and the fracture. was soon
I V* the emergencies Of be enjoying life at the exposition. a and honest statesman, may be given to view, the most striking natural object on taken from the'Salisbury Com sny,s mine month's time, ping through-
�* � weather and hard the daytime they gather in one large room an abl ?itome of the opinions held regardin -� tigation into the extent of the nickel bear- reduced, the patient bravely g - . I
� .Faut, as an a] � 9 the trip. Pictures and� engravings of it are in Nova Scotia. .. I . a a U -
and squatting, tailor fashion, on the floor The ex. Ing deposit here," says the St. Croix, Now the ordeal without the u a of a a esthetic,
: . times. ' the two men In this Province. but none of them do more than itionge, ebec, while -
� 7 It one spreads out before him or her a . numerous, —A farmer of Mask Q ick, Courier. " His investigation of Broadhead, Win
. � I eac cent coloring and rug- . Brunew
, I of Liberal leader of the local government ia justice to its magnifi ng recently, Struck and kil ed his four- n -
7 t . -painted shells,, bits ' Rising out of the sea a sheer MOMI! I
I No= I collection of radely suffering the just ponalty of his dereliction ged outline. It a scythe. will be made with a view to working the cousin, who preached in Woodstock TeC6 t
. q wood, etc. i . -o d I mines if found profitable." I
I � . . -Woods Milling Com -
I Bargal duty, while Mr. L%urier appeals to ar I child wit . , is a
. n �Of three hundred feet, it bearo in its agate -like ye ly, in both the Presbyterian Churches with
� : THE PLACE TO GET IT, bway from ' —The Lake of the —On Saturday afternoon an injunction great acceptance i former - Woodstock
't of Bayfieldtf I largest d oir the Mayer of Toronto, pre- boy. �
, I
; � If good reader, while at the World's steadily increase in popular esteem. colorings and in the high aro Ang to bluild one o the
� � village ; St.. I - I — Whence its name is derived, evidence of the pany Are go i was serve His history Is full of encouragement
� I priAmbas " mills in America at Vf-innipeg. g men, showing how conse-
.q, Varna,- in, ? wiv � . Fair, yon want to find a, cool and quiet ' The political integrity .of such men as fierce buffettings of Atlantic winds and venting him from Signing any contracts for forearnest youni . I overcome difficultim.
P- ! I pot, where you enjoy a siesta and a- - —The Consolidated, Plate Gla socompany - The injunction, ,was issued crated talent wil
iOOI 101110 in ;I Prevail this and next 8 Laurier and Joly stands out in stronger r1e waves for ages. Its head inaccessible to C ted, asphalt paving. a a ittly
y July, 25th. , f good tea, you - can't do better lief by reason of the undeniably loose views fowl, the 'of Canada, Limited, has been I rpors on th application of Mr. - Guelich, of Do- About 29 ye ra ago his father w a iusts
k ol 1210,000. 15
,� Summer cup ' T * man, is the home of myriade of sea with a capital stoc ' the explosion of thl boiler in the �
I . . .. month for than drop into the Japanese as a ' ever floats . 5r I of Ham- troit, whose tender for the work was first killed by, " left
a will -doubt- I goods. If you are Carden, near the Illinois State Building.. of their duty as public trust'e,s hold by many chorus of whose discordant song —City measengo 4harles Smi b, "
politicians in this Province. the accepted and then rejected by the City Great Western Mills. The rhother w
m of the, three - � I . wise) you will come The Japanese tea-garden is like the Gaul once of strong moral fibre in these men is- above the fishermen whose white sails dot ilton, has received a ' hotogr&ph from , Council poor in worldly goods and with a family Of .
[th each other. abs the waters -that la.ve Its base. arby for is good ear- 1. But with the pluck of
I sArg," di. Earl and Countess of r� . —It is generally thought t�at the Alberta seven small children.
�yfisld, will be � early and secure the we used to read about in our " Coo constitutional, or,; merely � the result of ' . . � persevered and
I .
, � vided into three parts. One of these I's a ' vice. . ?I I crop this year will be satisfactory to a true Christian mother, shi
;.-hurch people . certain temporary conditions, Is difficult to Another night upon the boat, during —The duty oolle�Aed in th Dominion Woo 0 , in the ministry.-
. best. � I rlor built of split bamboo, anadian the ranchers, so far as quantity and quality to -day. tw 6f her sons are
� ,
. holding their .1 . I � � arge, airy Pa ner4V tea-drinkiog goes on - say. Talking with a Fronch-C which the month of the great bay of Chal- during the past twelve months i $21 161!- are concerned. Wool buyers from the reast a daughter � is the wife of a Clergyman and
he evening of where. the ge medical pra a,he candidly . 8 , - ,
� -- ' 6titioner of Montree ours is passed, and we are at Surnmerside, 872, an Increase of 611 291 over the �Tevi r in al
I another is a small building erected after th he fact, the second town in size and importance in . are on their way in, and, as the market re- the rest of the family a a do g equ ly well
7 know how to, -- -- confessed, the while he lamented t one year. I -d'for the staple, in other spheres of life.
I i
ing from pent . style of a Japa-nese residence, and the thir� that his countrymen often abubed the trust Prince Edward Island. A half day here —A man named McDonald of Owen ports show a brink deman rop —The longest telephone circuit in the
� '
. —We under- --- I JACKSON BIP,OS.9 is thegarden proper, laid out after the fash- placed in them, and used office for personal. gives us another lesson in plelculture, for Sound, created a sensation at the Falls last fair r,ioee may be expected. The lamb o by the Automatia
64 tbe�-Engllslt , ion of a park and filled with Japafiese and endt. He said both parties in local Politics here we learn that lobsters, to be fit subjects week I by walking out on Calv rley's wire wlll�l is said, average about 75 per cent all world is now projected
� . THE FAA10US FURNISHERS, American plants and flowers. The whole � qually untrustworthy and pointed out must be boiled round. � Telephone and Electric Compsity of Canada,
- � were ei for the teeth of epicures, roposal to adopt which -intends to lay a line of copper wires
h,%ve their gar 0 resents a very pleasing picture. The gar- ty millions— - tion, which Made and performing a number of tric a. .—With reference to the p
. August, prob- P the enormous debt—over thir —Levi Weese, of Belleville, fall down , m Halifax,
I I SE.kFORTH. den is the project of the Japan Tea Grow. ration, under Tory &live. We saw the opera ciety f or electrical pcwer for opening and closing the on the metallic circuit plan fro
r front of the � er's Association, a body which hopes to piled up since Confede no, in proof. The one think that 9. branch of the So stairs, severing an Ortery, upon receiving locks at the Canadian Sautt Canal, Calling- Nova Scotia, to Vancouver. This,is a dis-
rVics of songs , rominently--ibef ore the and Grit Administratio i the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals could news of his son Henry's death n Minne- wood Schreiber, who has returned' from tance of 3,50o miles. Copper is by far the
a, in wbi3h the, . . bring its goods more p ommendable court house in Montreal, began by Mercier be established here with advantage—to the spolis. tor, andelectricians have so far
I THE GREAT, SHOW AT THE American public. With c , at an estimated cost of $700,000, now bids lobsters, if not to the epicures. Afishiug Sault Ste. Marie, says that he is well satis- best conduc.
kurchk Bay,field I ges a goodly price . . —A child of constable Dubois, f Montre- fied with the feasibility of the motive power advanced their methods that they can calcu-
shen wilf . take' I I WINDY CITY- thrift, the association char . . fair to c9it, under the supervision of his 'smack just arrived from thegroundowas , al, while playing the -,other day drank a Iste, to a nicety what is required. The cir-
. 7 —for serving tea - and that the necessary arrangements are be-
. � —or rather scale of, prices - . -million. The only moored at the canning factory. The lob .
� I successors, a cool two quantity of concentrated lye and led short - I
. � CnIcAoo, July 24th, 1893. to visitors.. For 10 centa you get a cu f Ing made for putting an electric plant in. cult will be, of course, in sections and be
I- - � For a quarter you g�etc� remedy which this gentlem%n could suggest oters, purple and green, and almost every ly afterwards. 10 .
Your correspondent had, the pleasure the tea and a souvenir. for this distressing condition of things is to color but red, were all &live ---;-none others —The Keewatin Power Company, capital available for communicatl n to many inter-
, . cup of tea, aone. fif bh pound @ample of the- —Norman P, Buckinghamt of Stratford, $1,000,000 has been incorporated by Alex. mediate points. It is a great sod wonder-
. other day of going up in the Ferris wheel he administration- o(provincial affairs would be accepted at the factory. They lin. He utific World
, ' I
Ar, while it you place t has decided'to practise law in B r Frazer, Westmeath; William Gibson. M.P., ful experiment, which the ack
I here drove to I with, Mr.G. W. G. Ferris, the inventor. The savory leaf and a soi4vei . in the hands of a non-politioa,l board of were quickly counted, the fishermen being Will succeed .John 'King, Q. C. who has of will watch with intense interest. If it
,Vse.of the late 4 .n isionary moved to Toronto. Richard Fuller, Hamilton ; John Mather, a success there seems to be no ,good
� - great engineer is a modest man and not at all are weighte dow with coin and desire to business men—ai .somewhat v paid half a cent a piece, and ,then the bar -
T., John Cum � inclined to brag about his exploit. Physic- invest 50.cents,you are given two cups of tea, scheme-. Quebec's high debt in due largely rels containing them were emptied into a —The social sensation of Win ipeg just Ottawa, and W. H. Brouse, of Toronto, to proves why the instrument can not be
' -
ouvenir, a one-half pound !ample � . or
iceasecl met his .. ally he is tall and well built, with a face cakes,'a a . to extravagance and corruption, it being an I boiling water. Fifteen minutes furnish hydraulic and eleotriopow from reason the widest
I � -of all
he- was, braking I ova all the honor of being waited on huge vat ol I now in the elopenrient of the 1 -year-old
seled features and ab all work done in On- , citizen the Winnipeg river, and establish factories, used totranomit speech across
that presents finely Chi and a perintendent. efroneo ,, . of this immersion robbed the victim daughter of a prominent and wealt y dwellings, etc. � oceans. I
Dar wympathlew t is broad and intellectual. In by the Japanese lady an . ations falls'i"ue- vitality, and made him I I red as a lobster." with a city bartend�r. I veek, Martha, eld-
� and friends in forehead tha .. OUR HISTORIC BOAT. I tario by municipal aorpor � I —The Canadian consolidated gold Mining —On Tuesday of. last i Lgles) of
y Stewart, Of , . making the trip Mr. Ferris selepted a car 6ries beo on the local government. The 'Utter Cleaned by hand, the lobsters �are oanned, —About 400 pilgrims from arou d Detroit �, near Belleville, owned by the late eat daughter of Martin and Mary IE .
oll . that, was unoccupied by other passengers, One of the exhibits in the Fisl,. certainly aosisto the municipalitieef� but and again boiled. A hole is made in the ban in charge of Rev. Father Antwer , passed compan] I � -a few days -
Mr. and Mrs. and while the big wheel was revolving he Building, over which visitors love to linger ' im to escape. This is plugged J. S. Newberry and W. H. Stevens, Detroit, Harriston who was spending
I I a call- they are taxed for most of their local - to allow the air through Woodstock the other igbt, an Michigan, and which ceased operation on visiting the Misses Maxwell of that place,
A,Wn social, we I . consented to talka little about his achievp- is the. boat of Ida Lewis) who has be n vements. : ; iling the product is ready route to the shrine of St. Anne de Beauprey
,ext Wednesday , merica. Ids pro . . I -and after a third bo I - the death of the former, is likely to be start- died very suddenly. Deceased had not for
. meat. ad the Grace Darling of A - . for the market. Quebec. to and Stevens some time been well, but upon the night of
r�n of Mr. Thon. . ,, How did you happen to conceive the Lewis, it will be remembered, is the hero- A Quebecer assures me that the people of - — —A warrant hag been issued at inuipeg ad again, the Newberry eata, They pro- her death she appeared better and livelier
ter the auspice& Rhode Island, who the happiest in the world. 1 �-. tif ul having the controlling interest. upstairs with her
idea, of building this wheel, Mr. Ferris?" ine of Lime Rocks . ';ow- ig the beau anager
l . I y liv6s,'while living with her this city are . A few hours sail alor for the arrest of R. T. Rokeby, ex pose to work the mine by-,Fhat is known as than usual. She went
� the. Methodist I the engineer was asked. saved so man if a min thinks he is happy, he is happy, Straits and we enter Hillab�orough Harbor, of the defunct Commercial Bank, ak- . -� companions, went into bar room and sit
I A - ' the Emmes pro.cesq. I 4.1-
� Z - ' 11 �
cin and wifer, Of I t4 yel'i" was the reply, "it was largely father in the lighthouse at that point. and so one must assume that the goc.d. Poo one of the prettie t sheets of water in the i -' ers %t 4ise Maxwell was
t. MArs. Thomss, placard on the boat, which is � built ,o life, whatever Maritime. Provincs v ing false reports to, the Receiver —The Company whi9h 6 being organized down upon the bed. b hand to liar face I
,,,eorga McElroy, a matter of pique." dinary skiff type, ple of this city are enjoying � � ea. Three ri ere pour ��ttawa. in Victoria, British Columbia, to manufac- near by when she lifted her
- � 11 How so?" and ash, and is of the or, the fashion of their enjoyment maybe.1 My 6eir waters into it, and at its bead nestles "—James Sutton,L larmer near W odstock, find a profit- and said she wished she was home as she
� parents and 11 �, . 11 The architects of the country, I saw, announces that Ida Lewis was born in New- informant says Quebecers do not imagine a% Charlottetown, a city of about twelve thous- lost a horse from some unkno n cause. ture Portland cement expect to nd before anything could be
.. Soon- after that 7 able market in China and ,Japan. The felt very sick, a .
� HiglOY - port, February 26, 1812. —that the. &r-
. M,r were getting all the credit for the Exposi ; the sordid Anglo Saxons do o and people. Here we leave the I I M iramichi, " When the beast was out open a 11 a garter
aday, the - Rev. I mined tha-t the engineering her father was appointed keeper of the t of happiness. ,cement manufactured in those countries will done the lay back upon the bed and wall 1%
d I deter I . It of wealth is the parsui after a thoroughly eDj oyable trip, and pro - .
: I � tioD, an -But snake a foot and a', half in length w 8 found not, it is said, stand for any length of time corpse. . I
I in the English � represented by some- se on Lime Rocks. In 18581da of mou their idol, but
� . profession should be lighthou rat rescue when she sam a --sail The . y do not make mam ceed to see and learn something of the in its stomach. ra. L via, Yen I under water, and half a million dollars —George H. Meredith, the Toronto bar -
;e, Jerk -Ins: We& thiag that Would Stand as a moriument. I fected her fi - . having acquired a moderate amount of this smallest province in the Confederation—a —A little adopted son of M.
Dn. Tuesday last. � 'figurqd on several . schemes, but they were bo�t in which were oeverpa,l boys, capsize. World's geari set therneelvea down to � Culti- province whose population is not much more street, Woodstocle, was almost remated worth of English, came � ut is imported an- tender who worked the confidence game On,
! umned into a boat, rowed rapidly out nually. detective McMioking, of Toronto, some days
� in Lucknow this ' - all too costly in proportion to the return to She 1 I of trouble and saved all the vate the social side of their nature, They than half that of Toronto, and yet blessed alive Saturday, while playing with matches.
ake, form- I be had during the six monthe of the Expo- to the scene visit each other at their houses frequently, or burdened with all the paraphernalia of His right side And arm were terribly —Charles Walker, of Dundas, put his foot ago, by stating that he was none other than �
y -don lads. In the midwinter of 1867 she saved a � into a pail of hot water at Pennington's fac- Fraser, the'man wanted by the Grand Trunk
,Lk�aof Exateril. sition and so I was compelled to &ban it the vicinity. and thus become intimate with a wide circle government—lieutenant-governor and legis- burned. . , ory in that town, the other day, and he* railway for embezzlement, and had the de -
other friends, in ' a, Government'and opposition. in& a ; ter front t'
� � t them Then the idea of this wheel occurred soldier who was drowning I of friends. All the social graces and arts latur . —The contract for dyki th
- " -
, � ond- , ta me and I at once set to work on the plan A short time later she saved a man on a , Itivated, and the passing hour is an- — ow stminis- now wears about a pound of bandages. T12o tective pay his way over to Toronto, was Ar -
'05't, of Egm - are cu. of the Delta municipality, rested in Toronto on Saturday and taken
i,. Kelly this week. and Soon developed the scheme." - reef 0 ne-third .of a mile from the light . d to the utterm, oat. There iq philosophy I' scald was very severe. The family has been
lertalned some Of � -cu have much trouble in interest- house. This "a a particularly daring res- loye I this,but doesn't my friend's boa4t dis- "As sure as death and taxes," is an ter, British Columbia, is nearly ompl, very unfortunate -lately, as Mrs. Wol,ker is back to Niagara for obtaining money under
%- par- 11 Did y c-ag, as her boat was �xtremely liable:to e :is why the French- obsolete proverb in this tight little island. Eight out of the eleven miles of d king are. in the hospital, and another son William, .false pretences, -and had his hearing before
� aing, at hi, i I ng capitalists in the project -V - an close one of the reaBoi to wall Death is still as certain to ovefcomethe fiaished. I orold Electric had his fingers mangled in �isher ) a paper PolicA Magistrate Hill. He Was found
7 evening last-- " Did I ?" said Mr. Ferris,"With a reminis- da�hed to pieces on this troaaheroue hidd Canadian finds himsolf pressed to tl� uder as it is to conquer the rest of man- —The St. Catharines & Th f mill a few days ago. �- . � nd, through the intercession of M:C-
k,. is the guest of - cent laugh, 11 well,. you c9m iniagine what a rocks. During a heavy gale, March 120th, in the. struggle for commercial, induatrial ,"a This w a one o I gMiettkL'g&,� the magistrate was lenient with
I re who were'seen � kind, but the tax -collector has lost his ter- Road is being remodelled. —A deckhand on the straightback steam -
k week,—Mr. �and -: tuagle it was to interest moneyed men in a 1890, she saved two soldie .
Tut ater clinging to an upturned and financial success . — : rors, for he has been extinguished by legis- the first electric roads built on t a coutin- er Codoras, as she was passing up the Do - him and finea him 85 for the seemingly good
own on. mday, which was absolutely new, neverl out in the w t will appear ex- ent, and its equipment now see a crude
, scheme was February 4, � a le.tive flat. The statemen roads to -day troit River on Tuesday forenoon of last joke. He will return to Toronto minus the
�r. Jared King, of ' having -been tried before.- Oh yes, it was boat. Her last rescue On the boats coming down the Obtaw ed with the electric roads , a this time.
� to the aid of two . . traordinary to Ontario readers, but the fact compar week, jumped off with all his clothes on and suit and pay his own far
�, parents at pres- But that question was 1881, when she went' and the St. Lawrence I met two very inter- that in Prince 8* toria, B I lob Co. am ashore to Amberetburg. He gave his
� .
. I difficult enough. soldiers who had fallen through the ice. For is stranger still Edward I -:-All peddlars in Victoria, B --Hugh John Macdonald, M., P., 'son Of I
. ockt- eating characters. !The first wa a till, Pa- will now have to pay a se i -annual ow &I A. Macdonald-, has been -
� of Black R . disposed of and then we pushed things." 8 � land no munioip�l taxes are levied, except in lumbia, a John O'Connor and It Is from Chi-
, name a
I short "I top, the in- her bravery Ida Lewis received many medals triarobal-looking �rench Canadian from he lio use has -th I the late Sir John
ome-on mr As the big wheel neared. the 3xhibi- ' the two largest towns. In all the rural por- license of $20. Heretofore t cago. He says he had got into a fight wl working hard in the interests of hia Winni-
'agr ; . peddlare of certain war as being
. -0 , .in begin, astic over the scene that besides the h&ndsome boat now on I _ the Eastern Countiom, He was a Liberal, . results
t- I ventor grow ea.thusi . I The Rescue. " 7 tions of the Island no citizen is asked to put varied, one of the firemen end feared being arrested
,am* of St. And well he might. Off tion, called � had been at the Convention, and was - �now on his hand in his pocket for a single cent for char d less tbawpeddlare of other goods. . . peg coostituentB to show the great
11ton't � . greeted the eye. . AHAL. � at Detroit. t, at will follow from improvinithe naviga-
I is home on holi- seen Indiana and its A DEAR I . litt bieway to visit the monastery of tho "aileut 5e ha Wilson; aged sixty- five years, a .1t
7 7 I toi one side could be Michigan City faintly Across the aisleArom this boat is a le monks of Oka." It was a sad . mission he municipal purposes, except in a few cases — 0 —An old farmer named Jones, living in tion of the Red 'River. Engineer Ruttan
a honor of Csrry4 sandy coast, with deal of amuse- - where school sections choose to pay their Canadian Pacific Aailw&Y section foreman ' Barton township, near Hamilton, about a O' these improve -
I a- , ics.— � looming up. La,ke Michigan's waves glis- exhibit that causes a good . was on, and his eyes could not refrain from teachers a slightly higher stipend than that was found dead on Friday night in an alley ''treat- estimated that th )0- the G�v-
mathemat - ' �oon, the I mile south of the mountain brow,. wall " ments
: d one � while to the north lay the men,t and no little incredulity am`bng certain tears as he told his story. His : Such a In Winnipeg, Ap a watch and a x y dollars would be about S650,0( ,
OT clevelan tened in the east, . of diamond- - fixed and paid by the Government. 11 ad to a oharivari, the other night, on the so it at $900,000.
, Mrs. IN Of University and of the visitors. It is a pair the . owbere else in the were missing from his pockets, f . girl. The ernment Engineer eatimat
� .;able, . I buildingoof the Chicago apin"and they are fenced off by pride of his household, had joibed a of affairs exists n : 0 i play is occasiou of his marriage to a young ode
I e great city itself. Trappia a, against the voishes of .father and Otat : It is shown that if the river was in
� eth%odist parsonagg further awaY th People backed terr to' keep away the curious t � Dominion, and the condition is one which suspected. I elderly bridegroom came out and ebased. his navigable for larger vessels it would greatly
-ad like pig heavy netting mother, and now was immured within the Monday,! at Petrolea, M . Joseph
�bega.n in -this vi- I . on the Midway Plaisance look - ached to thenettiag an- - � would strike many heavily -taxed Citizens —On � tormentors down the road for a quarter of a
. boy, a I at� . was travel- crowd. A sign att i O)ca monastery, being ,almost as cheapen the cost of supplies in Winnipeg,
� the bra miss. All this time the wheel . , ntario .as much to be desired. A land Gillespie, who w�s boring in the lei rface on
T - that the watIR Of. the of 0 1 mile, when they plucked up courage and ran , but the iron ores of Big
� I , . c hall- ling, without a jar or tremor. . nounces the species and the fact completely lost to the world and to his Pa- d the tax-oollector are an oil well, was instantly killed, the lever . and not only thstp
Blyt I civi his I 11 46 r. Ferris in pair belong to that class of terrapin worth rents as If he were dead. The. father was where the assesoor an striking him in the him back slain. He threatens to have sum- Island—of which Brofessor Bell says there
.r,h of August t-- Those persons," said M teemed are they by unknown must Surely be Arcadia itself, or pole flying back and mons issue . 4,00o,o()o tons in eight — could be
I 11 who say that there $50 a dozen, So highly�es going to pay him a visit of a few thours du. � wife and family are
.g, Ilth inat, We. answer to a question, his latter ae- � some island of the southern seas, where chest. He lem I e� ,a,,,O, , —Some. da -a sio Ass Wheeler, of grant -
d the this wheel, lovers of good eating.' It is D ration, and the expectation seemed to re- —The Delhv, Vounty, Canning y utilized.
a, add-resse is any danger in going up in t of our- hich had neither civilization nor its penalties have � ford, traded a ho�rale and buggy and $20 for —The Fergus News -Record says:—Word
, I I
� Oman* alking - olaration that often causes a anor vivo all the sorrowful leeliags w entered- in. Com are putting in a new porn ma- -
: of the W Mrs. simply don't know what they are t n the part a been created b ter- panyp ails I the can, another horse and buggy. He subsequently recievedin Fergus last Thursday Of the
, Ity, Blyth. about, -Eve-ry one of these steel beams and priaLe and incredulity o y the wilful you�ith's de Bab there are, an usual, two sides to the China, which co ks the corn, by ( I traded his horse to a hotelman in Delhi. was nu of Rev. E. Eves, a Methodist -
onolvd, : rods has been tested and re -tested, until I people. . A to ob- mination. The Tiappiato are .,,'% religious d counts it, ,tice going
8,ic amd reap aw ,,,one woman was hear Ulfv- Bound;' strange in shield. A modern community cannot with- which it Cape, a Since then he learned the man who traded drownii _ d in missionary work AU
I � pound just L%y;hat strain each will 11 Pah body, whose rules of the ordinary through, and wi.1 do away with at least h from minister engage
ner address. know to a I 11 I'll bet them is t. out good reason abandon &If him the horse and buggy had stolen it Northwest, whose home
. -- � . ly the same way with serve the other day. the ears of the people of Ontario in the la . itobs and the
� . stand. It is exact . x- a dozen hands. 'he police of the latter city came Man
� Guelph. 1.
, DMMOn or,l'n&ry tur- 'Norway House, Manitoba. No par-
., n, - every 'Yes, there nothing but turkles, cl , ings being worth ter end of the nineteenth century, seeming methods of conducting public business, a � Ridgetown, ,Ortario, sold at
other paxt of the wheel. of other copt at the risk of lose. And so Prince —The town of and got the buggy from Wheeler and went Was oeived#- but Mr.
is lass danger about taking a ride in this kies. The idee of them th , .t 11 �, more in consort with the Ida o's to Mr. ticula!rs have yet been re
ff,-Ite,card.) fifty dollars a, dozen. I don't believe i . . 11 onks make Edward Island is finding. out. It appears its $12,311 railway bonus debentu r sum of to Delhi for the horse. Wheeler had to de- so made many of his journeys up or
I . had %, . wheel than there is in walking the streets climes and earlier days. These � m is that some years ago a system of taxation for G. A. Stimson, 6f Toronto, for the liver up all he got, and now he is a horse and Ev rivers in a canoe, and it is � probable
� .U. Manning � � below, for I own there you are liable to be - - p6 vow of perpetual silence, and from th . f the po- 612,978.67. This in between 5 and 6 per down
1 t the time Of writ- The Lower Ptovinces.-- vocation they municipal purposes existed. .One o $20 out of pocket. mmer, a
stabbed or sand -bagged, The other day I I , and because of the tiou- cent, premium, wl�hloh is consideied a very ville, E. P. Bri that he met his death in th
is resting a little Standing just A CANADIAN EDITOR OX:HIS TRAVELS. reason litical parties, strange to say, was par r —Messrs. W. R. Mel, Miss Piper, a step -daughter of
t hope to 0ee him heard three ladies -vvho were ditor of have adopted—that of tilling the soil—they larly anxious to get into power, and as there good price. ; . I W. H. Robertson and S. E. Manuel are the wife was
h- ntact with the . ' . ' he tra4 -k at the Mr. Wm� P&ttison, of Fergus, and three
; Tack- I outside the wheel enclosure debating whet, [Mr. J. S. Brierlyp the clever E come little or hot at all in CO.: its scandals to be laid at the —A motor car jumped t wners of 200 acres of laud on Corte@ and
.Gu,dmore,, Of er or not they should go up, They wanted the St. Thomas Journal, has been on a trip world. Retiring to bed at 8! o'clock, they were no earto er of King and Sherbourne ee.ts, To- 0 miles from Van- children are left, the eldest about nine
the greater door of the government—it being Liberal— corn , ,a of 0,
r -�tr
I th to I in a series r oming Rugged Islands about 90 years of age and the youngest a bab
:from May I'll total. to make the trip bad enough., but the un- through the Lower Provinces,and rise at two, and work hard for ovition conceived the daring plan of ronto, last Friday. Anothi b Columbia, which has been
a one. They of interesting and instructive letters he 1AyFJ z two and eight the op derjiled trail- couver, Britis few months. The case in an exceptionally
essed hay, . � I - portion of the time between * est at the time ran into th ontain an unlimited supply of red
� der�akiDg seemed a hazardous �
- I
I is I Mmense'-Cluantity I didn't know what to do. Finally Istepped before the readers of his paper a description, o'clock, taking but one hearty meal ea;oh promiaYing the people exemption from tax- w ao . smash- found to c . sad one.
. ffuron -with very light- ation in return for their votes. Now, they or, and both trailer and mo r W The quarry is
Tort.—The I ere was aboo- of what he has seen and his imPre6siO08 Of day, satisfying themselves d. John Shields, the contractcr-r"was bad- granite of excellent quality. epth of orouto gentlemen have
. e held in thia tOws up to them and told them th strange folk who would not vote e. situated on a good harbor, the d —A number of T-
d if they liked I would the people,�the country and things in, gen t English speak- would be a -a known
d, , r 1�tely no danger an ' � - repasto at other hours. Tha who could give them this good gift, ly bruised. xamination water making it possible for vessels of any taken steps to organize a body to b the ob.
ines ay,, I September of course they were eral. As we know they will prove profit- Ing lads of Ontario should abandon the life for men
�. go up with them. uld* not be strange folk at all —At a recent departmiputal tonnage to approach close to shore. The as the Ontario Mining Association,
L w Kirk- � eresting to the readers of THE of activity and freedom they enjoy for the and they wo in Canada— for Commercial Specialints' ce ,tificates, at @tons will shortly be placed on the market. jects of which will be the promotion and de-
j%nt-Governc rather slurprived at this offer from a stranger able and int )ople all too common
L a, ri tlie show. —IdT. r - � and naturally wanted to know who I was. EXPOSITOR, we -shall give lengthy extracts cloisters of such a peculiar people would —but a P, d be ready to believe anything that Toronto, only six candidates presented —The four-year-old obn of Mr. Gporge velopment of the mining industries Of the
; tive of Vaulknert I My answer seemed to decide them, forthey from these, This week we give 11 In.Freuch strike us as incomprehensible, yet this story Who woul Cruised them, if it impelled themeelves, of whom two, M Sara. Eldon Rice, of Curries, South Oxford, was killed Province. ; James Conmee presided at the
1. Next the politicians pr O- Mittes wall &P-
N and when Canada," and " Down by the Sea." ,'fellow traveller . the a inatio t A om
.00klyn, !e:w yor-ko I climbed into the wheel with me, At I of my French-Canadian - ame of'profits. and Fletcher, passed m J,,n, on Tuesday, last week, While' the men ion meeting.
. I
I V r on Fish," inci- relief fromburdens or incre oflocal
1. , alread. ugh� week we shall give A Chapte pa,thetic little will be h Id in yo or
:a ha -n't eno lifted the curtain on a air The next examination pogi,atnelz!
ion. H I the trip they had Island took the opposition at th were engaged in drawing in hay the little . � to promote the formation
a ex ots to I : � they had finished a riding. One 0% and so on until dent which showed that at OAT' very doors So the 1894. 1 organizatiolas,,aod it is expected that a mass
- dur- and wanted to keep right o and ,99 An Eratic Railr d," eturned them to power. The
� .
�: les of ha . o re -assure the series is comple-ted.—EIDIT.] we have young men who cdn see in the life word and r paid, and off came the taxes. —The outlook for the newly established fellow in some way got caught in the wagon
ba . i 0 a revolution is generally enough t a for w,higheir lif ice was duly I wheel and was drawn in and crushed be- meetivg will i)e called at an early date,
:. C. S ... 1, . y . 'a' Of course, as British Columbia Cooperage an Jute Com- tween the b . za w b,
I r have any IN yRENCH CANADA. of theme monks p6paratiog oulster and the wheel. Irls when a perm%xient central orgami tion it
I ith x. � timid people, and they neve . sufficient to lead hat is, apparently they did.
, a'
ght apples W � . a finds and therefore inducement pany is indeed a hopeful one. It bar, so- Toronto will be formed.
I I further feaxs," to be met, d several of his ribs were brok d1piarters in -
. ng: the severe 11 - , : no truth in I regret to say that in Quebec on cording to the Vancouver orld, at the I ;
� Nlr. Ferris says that there is . ill but small r aeon to hope that the love of the them to forsake father and mother and all the cost of goyernment had still "m an
Chic*c' - a and e4joyments of the the burden was merely shifted, not removed. be ,.,, b,idly cut about the head. HL' AnioLig tho8e present at the meeting were
. . the wheel W his nationality is de- the allurements nt order booked to ,Stratton, Brown, Tolfee, J.
, a,-cident in , the story that after the Fair lived for aboLt three hours after the acci- 1homai Long,
c I into a -Canadian for First, Ottawa was appealed to, and the cry present time, sufficie un-
Rwa,y car ran -land. "I have re- French morniug-time of their lives. , Proctor, F. C. Ireland, H. C. Jones, D
, )tt. 34r. be . taken to Coney Is I m the man-� creasing. of course, this Jove in a sense . — I for 11 better terms ' Went up, and some aid make things lively for the next twel ve dent. .
r on the ap(�il and & ceived an offer," said he, 11 fro , neither to be ridiculed nor re- . - was obtained in this way. Then, an deficit months. —A particularly distressing drowning ac- @tan ) j. W. Cheegeworib, R. Hahn, H. A. -
�ge Twitaht I I . I ra of the exp'sition that is to be held in is a virtue obstacle which The other gentleman toi whom I have re Hilyard and M. Hunter.
�� of W age 0 1 viled,.yet it in the great d.deficit, money had to be borrowed, —The returns of the Domi ion exports cident occurred recently at the north end of family
I Antwerp next year allowing me free of al red was the well-known Reverend Father followe it 50 years the Bryce
re on a load o a united and bar- fer ug little Con- and imports for the past fiscal ear j uat com- Belle Isle, in the Detroit river, which result- —For the Pas -
Therf blocks the path,way t who with all tbe fire and enthusi- and now the Island has a an h ow a . have been .
:. other day. � coat a place im which to operate the wheel. . I s Cqnfederation. " We love our Chiniqdy, . years solidated debt, where in 1873 at its entrance pleted by t e Customs Depart ent, . sh ed in the death of a father and son, John of Mt. Pleasant, near Brantford -
� )p ,of the "I 11 I take it over mon'Ou ancestral asn, he has displayed the,'past thirty Lollars n the imports I
tweed the t( I But whether or not we shall our institutions, our I by the 4nto oration, there was none. To- decrease of six million � Vick, aged 40 and Walter J. Vick, a d 20, closely connected with the political, educs
fty, dow,11 Ian uage - f -assumed mission unabated . Confed " 1�oung tional sad religious interests of Brant
i Geurge I " � night on I )w- pay the -taxes of yeater- - nd an increase of over on hom reside in Detroit.
1. WhilLe tl�e other I � - there I caqnot say." lanly maid 4 gentleman to me last n his Sol eighty years, was on day and to-morr( a empi lion in the ex - both of w. .
nised - I I and much an we respect weight of his Icur and a evious year's Vick had gotten beyond his depth and, be- County. on Saturday and Sunday, Sth and
, I L W110 MR. FERP.1's Is. � . ri- orts, as compa,red with th,
1, injured. I ome fa- Dufferin Terrace, a way to Prince Edward Island, there to day . That is all there is to this chime i � :iad gone down twice, 9th lust., the various members of the family
d Seriously ,11 laaarnuch as Mr. Ferris has bec ar with France to- hi condition Egures, Ing unable to swim, I
wpi , i E,agiand, were she at w scheme of improving the red at the home-
, the - I MO11S through the medium of, this w eries of meetings. I never
I lad heel, morrow our sympa.thies; and if necessary conduct a 4 elieving them of taxation. f Orilli , eabily beat when his father plunged into the water to from distant points ghthO
ed, b ' 3eople by r as%nt to Celebrate the 50th
t �ristOPher" I - ni He is ,almost as of the I a
� l%te �r. 01 Bome fac'qs about his life May be of interest I, would. bo with our mother -laud." better preserved ma To this the Islanders are becoming &livev) E ward a rowing r ce at Orillis rescue him. He reached him just as he was stead in Mt. PI
I .iage last - I been born our arms . .� of physical endurance and - f -Hsulsn in . nd 'anniversary of the marriage of Mr- and
I - great a marvel - which . onship of Am rica on Mon- going down, but the boy clasped him arou
-n his m&rr , ova I lie is E6 pioduct of Illinois, hav 4g years True, this Was but the expression ox an in I . the grand old man. and the Liberal Administration, r the �� ampi in . ts and both Mrs. George Bryce. Mr. and Mrs.- BrYcat
agal hen - four intellectual activity as The race was to the arms, rendering him helple
7 years Of Long I in Galesburg, Illinah. W his dividual and the contingency a remote one, r for a couple of years, is I d 't of good
h:y the enjoyineir
I I - has been in powe ,� bbye:neven'lengths. who are both in
t�-ng� widow - . old, in 1861 he moved West, with - rowed on Saturd but several sank. SLcotlau&
� to onjoy; - ,L�- - ) ad yet the ' ere fact that such sentimente can He was the molt conspicuous figure on the Dow considering a scheme for the " re rda health, are natives of Perthshire,
� I w . fatther and mother, Mr. Ferris, Sr., b In a of intelligent and worthy beat, for if he was note'eugaged in polemical e81- I fouls occurred, and the re ere . in L Mt. ple&S_
bride liv? -,,lob I in the mind ption of specie payments " by the r i r: ' e ordered it —Sunday night about 7 o'clock at the
� , - n the gold fever exist . . n proveB that the discussion with -&_Roman Catholic priest who sum _ . led in 1843, they ,settled
essings , * L gone out to the coast whe of the Donainio i 11 rowe�d:ve again, terossiDgof the Grand Trunk Marr
I lithe �I and I i return. citizens as on board, he was Preaching Protestant- dents. T r Queen stree � - ant, Brant County, in 1844 at the very spot
� e. wake of man 09 . broke Gut, and. having done well had trip talk of welding Confederation into " one� w — us n o last week Mr- railway, Brampton, Mr. Joseph Feather w live. Amongthose .present
. . Yorkshire met', P ed to take his family with him. The harmonious whole " I& a herculean one. This -ism to members,of the crew, in French, or aday afternoo - farmer who stone, 69 years of age, was dashed into where they no and
9, sea to be. *�� i Was Ma eL %long the upper overland trail, in .in English, stories of Prince Edward Island has no municipal - eternity. The deceased, who was on his ipeg,
. as they U L the prairie, schooner I so familiar in -those same speaker was free to acknowledge that telling to ready pars yetem, the functions of our municipal cor- Daniel Durham a well -to- o were Rev. Dr. Bryce., of Winn
.,.— � -d made a mistake when she per- the* stirrin iuddent.9 with which his life s. ' lived on the o19 Reamer far , South Dum . P. H. Bryce, of Toronto, two Of the
--- . : days, The Ferriaes resided first in Carson England ad, ,'He' I - tions being performed by the Local at- Dr
. Salad- in Quebec to retain their, bad been fif, ; a certainly an extra I fries, about two mile no th-east of St. way to church in company with his wife, There are living fi,vs sons and one
, . 1: � oads and bridges s Of - tempted to cross the track at the said cross- Sons. , -
, the French I - Vegialature, which build@ r d gest child, a daughter,
I . . City, Nevada, and thE.n in Virginia City. mitted tions, and he had noth- ordinary man, and .even the French Can to expenses'of the edu- George, fall from a load 'of I mber and sue h, rat daughter, theyouni;
I . . approac ing
� pieceff until there, I Ferris went to language and inatitu egard him with and defray@ most of tl tained a fracture sit the base of the skull, Ing as the Chicago flyer was manhood.
ma When 14 years old young �bsequent treatment adiaus on board seem to r . &I institutions. As the Island is :not having died after growing up to wO
and serve several of them expressing from which he died before orning. hi ate of a eed. The old gentleman
cool Place I 000 4: the California Military Academy where be I Ing but praiae for her on friendly eyes, . cation ' h r unday the whole family and connec-
. of the colonists. I larger than a couple of 0 ' 0 g he coul cross before the train and On S
g as follows , matrio- In fact, I find the feeling the opinion that while they knew he was ntario counties, this —An elderly gentleman r gistered bimaelf th u ght T 0 the number of thirty, attended ser -
I the least intelli- extensive an mlight be imag- when she tried to prevail done, t
a ful Of graduated as captain. He then .
�one tablespoon 14 . I . t even among I work is not as - told his wife 110, y on vice at the Presbyterian churob, Mount
- ulited in the Rensealaer Polytechnic School, predomivan Great Britain has done wrong im. many of his conclusions they ure the other night at the Quee 'a hotel, Tor him not to do no, but when midwa onducted by
� als. of salad Oil, t1wo - . I taken the civil engineer- gent classes, that I re. He was inter- ined� and its assumption by the Legialat onto, as John Adams, of Bufffilo- He re- on where service w" c
. oneoup .. I Troy, New York, 1881. � French -Cana- thouTht he must ba'since r aret L. makes the existence of all the machinery of d noth- the track he was struck by the engine and Pleasant, - '. The gatha"t-
rd three eggs, # Ing course and graduating in ; ything possible for the este in -the doings of Mrs. Mal 9 . oulous tired to his room about 10 o clock, an- Rev. M r. Bryce, of W innipeg
) Mix the sq'ity I � � nia diaus, and they are satisfied that they are - a provincial government not so ridi was seen of him ntil , next morn. hurled about 30 feet to the side of the track.
I d -
" an
I ;;���� 7— 1 w I
` (
nega I I - I young engineer then went to West Viigi �y better off, than if the Shepherd, wh6m he denounces as an impos far Ing more one in him body was broken jug was a notable one and will long be re.
I - Add to them d irk rail- freer and in every wi ve her out of Prince Ed- and wasteful as it often appears to us in Iso Ing, about 9 o'clock, when he chambermaid Wearly every b
ether. , eg , ar and * where for 20 months he was engage , .. sults of the battle of the plains of Abra- tor, and says he dro off Ontario. This condition of affairs a ad and face was an unsightly and', membered by all who were prevent.
z -w . Then he became conn - en'she first appeared there to his room. She fou d the door lock. and his he
Vnen the A .... in. a 1. -. I road work. - gument for those who went
� . . � ; C -L Bridge &Iron Company, ham had been reversed. We are well ward Island wh . .
le 11 thick to I � -. With the Louisville enough off as we are, say these Canadians, some yearat ago The reverend gentleman provides a strong ar
� � .
inutes or ti I - and while with this concern he superintend. .
I I -
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I � . - . .. -
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