HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-07-07, Page 6I
- Betty's only answer was a ore of welcome.
The color flew to her face as she leaned
Katherine w�th outstretched arses,
'" - -
SALE Musical
i -- -- - - - - - -
t Ins r
OHN GRIEVR, V. S., honor�ra duate of Ontario
oblivious of her. Mr. Champion lifted his
College. All diseases of
Animals treated. Callepromptly attended to and
charges moderate, Veto rinarg Dentistry a specialty
teas," said
wife tenderly in his arms, carrying
tenderly throegh the door which she had ;'®i�
would nmver pass, and, as Kath -,'t
fills the hotisewffe w#th deliht, Aa
Ga Au LT'S. deaf ort
once and residence over W. N. Watson'
Machine shop, leaforth• 111Ltt
" It all began with those girls'
Mrs. Champion ; `- it should have been
then if it were going to be stopped
What are we coming to next ? A
vowed she
erine followed them, she knew that, in;
obeying his impulse, the husband had listens
ed to a higher bidding than his own, $he
And makes her biscuit crisp and li ht,
Her broad so tempt the appetite 7
The stook fie well assorted and best quality
1 V Ott Brothers,
xAr7K s. Beattie, v. s„ grosiest• of On`.aric vet stopped
cries College, Toronto, Member of the at
son' oto treats ail ' diseases of
doctor indeed f Kitty I am asham-
was stirred to her heart's centre seeing them
goods, and as prices are right down there
-3 �Ly
_' i
V M-
ennary M lest tete, ., woman r P Diseases are often difficult to -1--j-
woe° ai hter� Animals. r night �t7>gepromptly
miat ler ed of you." together. There was scarcely a spoken is no trouble to sail goods to those who with
on given ec veterinary dentia Katherine Maynadier laughed outright. word of tenderneer, eoarcely a caress, and j to cavo mons A dollar saved ie a dollar �����"E�Of$s, '
ata. special attend �IrbYt is it hakes her as welt y` `��
try. Office ani Blain i txeea, 8eatorth, one door f, Why?" she asked. - the SCOTT'Syet she knew that the wife was clinging to pastry made, Now is the time to save your dol- i�.Lfi11' �IL�H - ONTARIO
1112 4, hate steady devotion in her Dour A treat, her husband eat4 so mucin tiviill 'net note a few rices of goods s
south of Kidd's Hardware store. Eby -a tonaand whys. I the husband s s Y lace. I q
ver night of them. They make me blush of trial. a Though pies he never used to toffs 2 both in Dry Goode and Groceries. I have
Z&FORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.-Corneref Ja4• y g Dr. Saye found his patient moss scan j
vis and tiodaslohstroets, nv0doorto the Pres- for my sex." po COTTO;LILiNi< a large stock of .Teas on tja ad, which I am PIANOS* --Dunham, New York; �_
byterian Church, seatorth, Ont. All die) see of ,, I see you must wait to dismiss Dr. Saye ed than he had dared to hope. 81 a asked clearing out at wholesale prices. $ell Co., Cluelpph; Dominion Piano Cots, -
Hcrees, Cattle, sheep, or any of the don sticated until I get my diploma ?" said Katherine, Nonly that the operation should take place as Teas worth 60c will be sold for 4o any, Bowmanville.
a ,moo treated at iA. inlrmarY or 'ousl
ninl►ls, �� mischievl EMU I coon ae possible. Katharine was surprised . �. .+ 600 �+ �+ is
elsewhere, on the shorted node.. .,harass nn )der• y wihst B it shortens Cake so nice, „ „ 40o ,. „ i
ata• JAMES" W. ELDER, Ysto,inary snrgem. P Mrs. Champion raised herself on her OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER but relieved to hear that it was set for tbut Beattet this lard while less in Pd ., 4- 36a " " '- nsc OR�t ANS■g -W Pell Co,, Duelpp�b
+ a Medicine* sept eon couch, HOSPHITES :same afternoon. She recognized sized that Dr, , t. 26e 2oc Dominion Organ Company, Bowlnanvills
s A e stook o! vsteria ry OIL AND HYPOP
r cfl w d
3lantlon hand " Katherine, I did not think this of you. OF LIME AND SODA, 'Saye doubted, as she did, the durability of ARd does the cooking in a brace „ „ 20c ,. " .. 150 D, W, $are for ., oo 03 .
Tell me you were not in earnest." Betty's -courage. During those hours of COTTO EN9 ., 16c 4 " `. 10c -
LEGAL " But I am. I qo abroad to study for "my will restore a lost appetite- lost flesh, waiting Mr. Champion left his wlWs side 3 cane Peas tor........... • • . • • • • • • • -26e The above Instruments always on hand, also a few
degree as scan as I finials Durin on." and check wasting diseases, especial. 3 cane Corn for......................26C cod second-hand Piauoe and Ovgana for solo st
S. HATS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and ,! g Y but once, when Dr. Saye cent for him, and g wards. Instruments ec
How did you ever come to think of such 1 in children, with wonderful rapidity. even in those few moments Katherine's T hat is it that fries oysters, fish 3 can Tomatoes r............ - • ... •26c from 2,26 up ?o on Liza io�l,
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion s thin 9" Coughs and colds are easily killed by a Y r r 3 cane Pumpkins
tor..... • •mac meat plan, or on terms t suit coon bond
Bank. Office-Cardno'e block, Main Street, seatorth, g . cheery courage was sorely tasked as a sup- 3 cans Pumpkins tor ... . ..... . ...... 25c ;oncerNnas and smell inetrnmente on hind aisa h
Bank. O loan. 1236 " Most naturally. When I was head few doses of. this remarkable remedy. ort for Betty's faltering resolution. Croquettes, or eggs, or such like br 2 Dave Sardines for .......... ....:...26c nuaic, books dw.
nurse in the surgical ward, my chief there PALATABLE AS MILK. Be srtr< to gd port
in her husband's presence did she As and quickly as you'd w Ash 2 cans Mustard sardines for.... ....26c ���-`,�„ EROS.
seem to Sad that which she needed. At ' . COTTO LE N R 6 pounds Tapioca for.. • ' ' • . ' " • - . • • • -26e
W;I(�(�j,N;$ LENN�111, first suggested it to me. He was very kind, the gnmuiny put rip in raison-color<d y
wra trr, { 4 pounds new Raisins tor............26c
Barristers, soiioltore, Notaries Public, dcc. Offices-' and gave me every chance to test myself be- ra 6 only b Scott do BoAne. Balla•ille, last, wishing to leave them alone together, s pounds best Prunes for............25e
120 Yonga street, Toronto, Ontario, and seatorth fore I decided. He believes that there is a P y y - - Katherine slipped away into the outer 3 pounds Epsom sails for....... , ....1oc
Ontario. ;3saforth office -Whitney's Block, train crying need for women in the profession,and apartment which was to be treed ss a sitting- What is it saves the time and care 3 pounds Sulphur forda . ............10c FARMERS,ti
Street. Money to loan, TuoYAa MtLmN RIMS- encouraged me to think that I was peculiar- 3 potutdo best E lisp or in ;odaice
JA s Ltixtro t of him from the first. Everything seemed room for Mrs. Champion's convalee 'e - Aad ce of our women fake 3 pounds best English Baking soda
ly fitted for it." to fall into place and assume its proper pro- She closed the door gently behind her, and And hal them maks their cake ratr2 for .. •"•' ...10°
ATTH$W MORRISON, Watton, Insurance
66 Yr'hat did goer family say ?" portion,auder her sway. With all her ov- prepared to wait there for Dr. $ape. Be I have a fine assortment of Black Cash- %� .i.. 1 E l! -1. I 0 N
MAgent, Commissioner for takingaffidavits. Katherine smiled. in pnAby for the real fears, she had had told her that the somithetic would be; COOT LENS more, which will be sold as follows : 11 .L -+-
Conveyances, ao. Money to loan at the Iowa rates. 1. Very little. The have finall accepted ted Ion Mu titer for the nervous ones. Eater-
lI. MOsauio:i, Walton. Y Y P y g administered in the bed -room, and she saw Goode worth 61.00 wt11 be sold for 75c
_ me -or given me up, whichever you ,choose ling the gloomy home like a breath of the that the clock would shortly point out the see .. 600
M. BEST, Barrister, solicitor, Notary, 40 to call it," west wind, she bad opened the darkened hour he had named. Who is it earns the gratitude " hoc 46c
J. office-Roome, five doors north ofcommercial Mrs. Champion looked at her friend eriti- windows of house and mind, letting in the A little later, at a man's quick step.in the Of every lover of pure food .' -- 540cc `. 87c All paI`ties requiring Farm s,o ulf
hotel, ground floor, next door to G. L. Papat's Dell i• •• " 26e
ewe afore, main street, seamrth. Goderioh «y, self-willed as you sunshine of the heavens and that of her own hall and a light -rapping finger outsider By making "GOTTOLENd'° ogoodt " " 26c " 20c ery, Implements and Repairs, W9u1d
-Cameron, Holt and Cameron. 1216 You were always as Y sweet spirit. She put a heart of courage Katherine walked to the door and opened it . i Prints from Be up. Flannelettes from 6e up, do well to call At
"g could be," she said, " or you would'nt have into the distracted young husband, and un- to admit a figure who took one step into the ' Alargess sortment of Hate in Ladies' Sun
ARROW d' PROUDFOOT, Barristers, solicitors, that dress on now." der her wholesome influence Betty's natur- room and then stood azin at her. + ' j
so., God•rich, Ontario. J. T. Gmmow, Q. C-; Katherine lanced down at the blue and gazing Hate, Men's Straw and Felt Hate, Christyy s �./ n
g ally high spirit had gradually asserted it• " Katherine !" Made only by Boys' Straw and Felt Hata,. Girls' t3ailor d d ug U r�e ve s as aro
Wes, �O°D�• white of her nurses costume. She was self, until the household laughed and talked g , N. K. FAIRBANK & CQ, a
g How these two came to be standing there fr Hats orad ..eadymade Clothing in Men's
AMZRoN HOLT ds HOLMES, Barrieten so- standing by the bead of -the couch, her- aloud once more and the sick room became face to face and then hand to hand, neither Wellington and Ann Etre its, Suits --OPPOSITE--
C ° Udion 1'n Chancery, &o.,Goderleh, Out hi. C. hands loosely clasped before ber, her vigor- quite gay, could have told. His a ea were fastened on
Ctrraso>r, Q, C,, PHII.nr Hour, DUDL{Y H°LVIS ous body contrasting madly with that of her It was Dr. Sa e's custom to deliver his y AgONTREAL. Suite worth lil0 will be Bold for ;17.00
- anent. Her blue eyes were troubled as Y hers, holding them. They stood staring .. .. 9.60 6.60 T�•18 Dominion Bait'k,
` ANNINGt dr sOOTT, Barrister, solloiton Con P Y final instructions to Mies Maynadier in a dumbly at each other, only starting is Pa
-- .44 8.00 " 6•�
•eyanoars, deo, Soltoitors for the +Ban► o' she looked up. room apart, -and as Katherine returned from as the door of the inner room opened and - And also a line of Boys' Snits, which will be
Johnston, 'Iaedal• is tiZs9. Money to loan O®os-- ,,Have I been self-willed ?" she said, "I bar interview with him on this day, it was Mr. Champion appeared, recalling them to Y Before purchasing ..elsewhere, [s he
Elliott Biook, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. M"I sometimes wonder if I have seemed O. I to find 24Ir. Champion talking to his wife. the present. sold at coat. ]seeps repairs for the 1i1Li18sef-HA2Tis,
J� Soo'i'r• know my mother thinks it. My father did Both were laughing merrily when she enter- rb " he said. • A cordial invitation is extended to all.
not .she added, dropping her voice. g g Y it is Dr. Lynch, I suppose, Patterson Wisner Gondy, Mfaso>la foul
"`" PP g ed and though schooled in the habit of « Idy wife is quite ready." And Dr. Lynah deem her character in Dr. Say 's eyes, at- ' '
HOLMME.D, enooewor to m� ,ate ern, A. G'r, AUL '. Oeleman machinery and implements,
�° McCaughey a Hohnsded, Barrister, So- Mrs --Champion softened. self-effacement, a fleeting expression of paiiu followed Katherine's mechanical steps s' to though she had hardl fa,ten in his estima-
licitor Coa••yancer and xotsy. Solid ar t �e 11 No, he always protected you and your crossed Katherine's face as if the eouods + p y
_ Canadian Banc otComm.ro•. Money tri le bear him saying, Let the ' the patient's bedside. Mrs. Champion look- tion. When he told It
kindly that he had and he is also agent for the ul
for sale. Oedos sn Scott's Blcok, Mala Street, theories. I can he y g, jarred on her ear. She controlled it instant• ed up to see in the man announcing himself not been surprised at her ahrinki g in the wagon, Massey -Harris binder
ssatorilL child alone. Mr. Katherine will settle all ly, and, glancing quickly at Betty, saw that as Dr. Sage's assistant a tall figure with, A operatinn, as he had feared it was asking ��� i mower, drills, rakers, &e the Colem a
that.' Why has Mr. Katherine never ma- her head was turned from the- door. Mr. slender, eager face, steady eyes, and a kind -too much of her under the circumstances,
FunN SM 1TH P terialized, Kitty ?" Champion was facing her, but she was real- smile full of reassurance. Through all that she did not again repudiaxe'the nggeetkon, stiller and a full $tock of Plows tN3tt-
w. SAM ERO I I am 'sure I gave him every chance, or sured by his smile.
conceded the two „ followed Katherine moved as one in a dream; and was grateful for his unbroke confidence stoutly on hand.
B A R R 13 T E R. rather my mother did. I What are you two laughing about?" striving vainly to rouse herself ; she walked in her.
Solicitor of superior Court, commissioner for years she claimed for frivolity, and was asked Katherine. down the corridor by the side of the mo; But, indeed, she was all he ooa d ask for We have secured control of the
taking Affidavits in the High Court steeped in it to the very lips during that - i, I am not laughing," answered Mrs. tionless figure which la on the stretcher. I in a nurse -strong and womanly and withal HUGH GRIEVE, �esrfOz�h•
of Justice, Conveyancer, time. You see how useless it was." g Y celebrated . -
Money to Lend Champion. "It was James you heard. I At the door of the operating -room DrII eo good to look at as she stood s s. by
Can be consulted after olflae hours at the Comu,. z- `` But you had lovere' then, Katherine. I was telling him that you wanted to be- a her patient's side, tenderly sa taining orso
sial Hotel. might name any number of men you could doctor.'' Saye was awaiting them, and there, on her, P -v
own territory, Katherine seemed to find the bending over the sufferer with the .ndefinable 1 Furnaces,1111MQ� In
HENSALL, - ONTARly. have married." o her "I was not laughing at you, Miss Mav- veil of sympathy and love softening her Jewel Slee ' D
Katherine drew down the corners f „ stimulus she needed. She became her oom-i features.
nastier, interposed Mr. Champion, but at osed helpful self when she took her plane'
DENTISTRY. month with a little grimace. Betty's indi nation," I pp P , Mrs, Champion clung to her as� the suffer- v C
" No, I aonld'nt," she re lied. „ Y (` by Dr. Saye's aide in unobtrusive readiness. p + '�
W. 1`WI;DDLE, Dentist, office over Hamilton „ P Disgust, corrected Mrs. • Champion. He turned toward her and turned back his ing cling instinctively to those t� whom the MANUFACTURED BY
do Melnmas'shoe'8tore, corner Main and John Only .because you are so fastidious, I As she raised herself on her elbow to sleeve, showing a bandaged wrist. the divine power of outgiving et ength has O
Streets, Seaforlh, Ontario. Nitrous. Oxide Gas ad• call it conceited to be so fastidious as you, speak with more emphasis, Katherine forced << Have you not been told ? I have had a been granted; and with these co ditione, inJ ..,'
ministered for the painless extraction of teeth. 1168 As for poor little me, I was afraid not to her gently back on her pillows, „ site of the fact that Dr. Lynah as House Burrow Ste wart d Milne o �, o 0
grasp m first offer." fall, and so cannot operate, he said, briefly, P
g p y " Don't flourish about so, she said ; ,i Mr. Champion known, I wished it kept Surgeon, visited hire. Champion tires times ! �
R FRANK BELDEN, Dentist. New lova 66 You must save that to tell some one s, you will have to learn `to lie quiet and ac pp each da Katherine found no o portunity
.anaesthetic for painless extraction of teeth, „ q from Mrs, Cktamplon, Dr, Lynah, my an- y'.
No unconsoiousness. Office -Over Johnson Bros. who has not lived with ou and James for 0ept it, sistant, operates." of speaking to him cxeegt o technical HgM= r_U0M --
Hardwara store, seatorth. 1226 two weeks," answeredatherine, smiling. Aa she bent over Mrs. Champion to ad • - matters.
He wraps you in devotion, Betty, but no just the covers, Betty raised her arms and At last, after patient waiting, er chance .M
D AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will more than you do him. How ha you + CHAPTER II, gi The Furnaces have become very r C-4
j� y PPY Y brew Katherine'8 face stows agaiinst her cam®. One morning, b little ®fore the �
visit Hensall at Hodgens' Hotel !" o It seemed to Katherine that all the blood
#W every Monday,. and at Zurich the are together . �,n usual hour of Dr. Lylah's visit, Katherine a alar �vher®ver introduced and we
Mrs. Champion turned suddenly on Iter +� Whatever you d0 ou will never be able in her body must be racing through her P p ' D-
second Tuesday in each month 1288 P Y Y „ stood waiting for him in the s tting-room have no hesitancy in saying that they fp
Allow, and, covering her delicate face with to make nrael{ an thin but an ao el, veins in mad haste to reach her face. Her through which he must pass on iia vFay to0ad
KINSMAN, IT<entisi, L. D. S., her hands, fell into passionate weeping. she assert d wish finslityg g hands were cold and tremulous, and her the bedroom beyond. are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any
Exeter, Ont. Will beat Zurich ,+ Oh, Bitty, we aro happy. Don't let me But >atherine Maynadier was not an limbs scarcely e,ble to support her, Had her As he was always pnnctuai, sh had not Furnaces made in Canada. Every a - 3 M
$ at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST dr throat allowed she might have a oken
alioihe iii sio t tiotrra, and at die. If anyone oan save me it ie you." angel, he was a woman in all senses of the Y g P long to linger. There was the same quick
Diurdock's Hotel, H®naa11, on the rcIIar AriD Tamp As Katherine dropped on her knees by word, and a vera human one ; at that mo- in protest. As it was, before she could fully step in the hail, the same rap ing finger 0 0
FemsT in each month. Teeth extracted with the roe the oral zin fact that she Was ex Fire Pot Guaranteed
-least pain powlbie. All work first-class at liberal her friends side, gathering the pathetic anent longing to be aloe® that she might grasp p Y g which had announced Itis apath h on the (A j...j
rates. 971 little figure into'her arms, she seemed as if prepare herself to repeat the message which it had a assist h Lynah in the operation, first eventful day ; and as Kathe fine opened ` .
actually infusing strength into the shaken she was charged to deliver sooner or later it had begun and her eervIoes were needed, the door, the rising recollection o that meet- FOR 10 YEARS. .11 0 � s
R, C. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H. L body. Her eyes suffused and soft with ten- to these 'two smiling, unconscious beings. In an agony of indecision, Katherine step- ing brought 1)er color mouuting ith it and 0 0
DBillings), member of the Royal College of Den• dernesa, the finely ant lips malting into the At last abs framed an excuse and escaped ped #orward, and, as she dist ao, Dr. Lynah" embarrassed her utterance. j,..
tal Surgeons, Ontario- Teeth inserted with or with• It Will a Oil t0 See the sample at �.
cant a plate in gold celluloid or rubber. A safe anms- exquisite droop of pity, her face might have from the room to the unused drawing -room raised his eyes deliberately and eteadyingly •' If you ai+e not hurried, Dr. a pnah, I pay y p {� €DN ••"'i
i;hetic given for the painless extraction of teeth, been the, model for the Madonna of the below, where she sat alone, thinking to hers. It stung her to action. The next should like tlh ask for r few min fes-" she our store before placing your order. j� ' a)
Office -over O'Neil's bank, Exeter, Ontario. 1204 Pieta, holding the epitome of human suffer- deeply. moment his deft touch was repairing the began, constrainedly.' H _
N. B. -Plates secured firmly to the mouth by fin on her knees. Her voice was a caressing "And now, Miss'Maynadier ?" said a voice first bungling effort of her trembling hands. " I am never hurried, I hope," be. answer. �r Best
A f� °
Clemens. Patent Valve. g " The DesG is Always "�eQ' e8t' 3
call to courage. beside her. At her second failure he glanced up quickly ed, cordially. °` What con I do or you ? y � � �
0 W
MONEY TO LOAN. -` It is not a question of dying, dear. You Katherine started and turned, Mr, and searchingly into her flushed face, then, Katherine went on, with an a ort at com- �r � 0
have suffered very bravely; be brave a little Champion was standing by her chair, and without a word, by a mere gesture and a posure. Johnson Bros.,C4th
ONEY TO LOAN. -straight loans ate per longer." as she saw his anxious, inquiring face, from look, rearranged the whole arose. A sec- " I have been waiting far ao a time for
cent., with the privilege to borrows) of -- Shall I ever be quite well again, Kath- which every vestige of the gayety of the oust nurse stepped forward into Katherine's the opportunity to speak to you. I have felt 1328-13 a ids moi►
repaying part of tha pprfnoipol money At any time, erine?" moment before was wiped, Katherine's place, so that the work flowed odevenly that .I owed it to myself to expla u my being e � .< tij ;�
Apply to F. HOL] ESTED, Barrister, seaforth. „ „ - •
I hope so, I think so, heart sank ; for she knew that for him there without her. _ 'here." � Sale
r � � `°
"And without' an operation ?"
was no ttirther need of preparation, As Some one gave her a chair, and, weak and Dr. Lynah looked at her in a rprise, r e a ►5 r e r s A3 a 1 e
MEDICAL. fc That is as D4 Sae decides, dear. If entl as she could she told him ever thin
g Y g• faint, Katherine sank into it, realizing for �' I should have asid that the explanation
Y r Y
R, C. SHEPPARD, Physieian'and surgeon, Bay- fit must be, You will face it, James and I ' he dreaded contingency ;had arisen, and an the first time in her more than suooesefut was due to me," he Said, " I w s certainly X
D fieldUQ 010
, Ontario, successor to Dr. W. H. Wright, standing by you, shoulder to shoulder." operation was inevitable.; experience what it meant to go to pieces, given to understand that you would have OF--' 3 u Q
1226-52 S{ I would rather die, Katherine," Useful as she had been before, it was now physically, mentally and nervously; realiz- thrown aside this garb and thatIyou would W _
- "Yes I think on would if on were that Katherine's full value made itself felt ; Ing with self -scorn also that, from the mo- be abroad studying medicine by now."u Js `AND. F Q TAXES. "C
11) R. McTAVISH, Physician; surgeon, &c. office + Y y for it was she who finally won a consent ment of contact with his patient, Dr. Lynah Katherine looked down at her n res
corner southwest of Dixon's Hotel, Brucefield. yourself albne ; but you are only half of you. e
Night calls at the office. 1323 James is the rest. You are really and beau. from the poor frightened patient, Dr. Saye had possessed neither eyes nor thought for uniform and hesitated;, She r sli d that _ j�
was most anxious that the operation should an one else. She had represented to him 2 i°
R"i tj
. ARMSTRONG., M. B., Toronto, M. D. C. M., tifully married, ,Betty. But you must not Y P there had been nothing about h r dress to r. a
conjure u these terrors to quiver over. I take place in the hospital with which he was but an assistant pair of hands, to be used if tell him of her recent Ions. „ By virtue of a warrant ender the hand of the ,-t.
Victoria �f. C. P. s. Ontario successor to Dr. ] P q C O
office, occupied by Dr. Elliott, Bruce- am going to put you back on our pillows eonneoted, and contriving to nerve and competent, to be ignominiously dropped if " I thought you might have heard, she Mayor
t o Huron the
the 3lotnda soft May A. De
g g P Y Y P « y y y
field, Elliott,Ontario. 1324x62 now, and give you a draught that will strengthen while soothing ,and sympathizing not. She faced the grim fact that she bad said in a low v010e. MY f they s death 1893, commanding me to levy upon the land hereafter
soothe you as if you were being rubbed with Katherine even obtained this further con- failed, and been set aside as a failure. The changed my Flans," ' described for the arrears of taxes due thereon, to. bd -
KAY cession, ca was bitter -how bitter only she could Dr. Lynah moved toward her Ampul- gether with the costs ; notice ie hereby given that �
DRS. SCOTT &MAC velvet. P eI
OFFICE, Goderieh street, opposite Methodist Mrs, Champion lay on her sofa watching Mrs. Champion made one absolute condi- measure -and she drained it to the dregs. nivel unless such taxes and costs are sooner pstd I shall,
Church, seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricultural tion however. Katherine must be allowed y' in compliance with the Goneolidaied AsteePment
Churoba. Katherine prepare the draught, and noted, + At last all was over, In its progress the " Your father's death ! No, I had not Act of 1892, section 160, proceed to sell by Public
as she stood in the light of the window, her to stay with her and assist_at the operation. operation proved much less berious than had heard. I know how you loved him. If I Auction, the land or so much thereof as may be ., N
3. G. SCOTT, M. D. C, M., (Ann Arbor and Vic" arms raised t0 pour the medicine from the Dr. Saye, who had seen enough to be confi- been feared. It was now pronoutyeed sus- had only learned it at the tis ." necessary, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, in the,
=�toriSCOT C. P. S. O. dent of Miss Ma nastier s ; ability, consent- TOWN OF SEAFORTH on TUESDAY THE 11th _.
C, 6fACKAY, M. D. C. Iii., (Trinity,) F. T. M. C., bottle into the measuring -glass, how the y y' 'easeful, and the patient was returned to her He stopped short, curbing imself. His DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2893, at one o'clock in the s..
Z3. G. P. S. O. pose threw out the charming -figure, with Its ed readily to these terms, and the day was own room. i outstretched hand fell. Kat rine turned afternoon. Lot 146, Gowaniock'e survey. Tarte X8.18 � a
healthful beauty. set. Dr. Saye went to seek Mr. _-Champion away, her eyes blinded, her lie quivering. Costa f34, Total 812.18
CO � If
E. COOPER, M. D., M. B,, L. F. P. and S., -9a How strong you are, Kitty !" said Mrs. But even Katherine's influence could not with the od news he had toftell. Dr. It had been t5er part tb give c mfort, not to Wifi. ELLIOTT,
glasgow, &c., Physician, Surgeon and Ac, prevent Betty from taking it lin erin and 1329 18 Town Treasurer.
. Champion, wistfully. Her voice resumed P Y g : g g Lynah watt left watching at one side of the receive, of late.
toucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 its natural tone. exhausting farewell of every nook and cor bed while Katherine stood b 'the other, llr, L esti watched her co passionately(A �d Z7 Q PC
ser of the home she was teavin perhaps a Y' Y1111=1
ELLIOTP Bruoefletd Licentiate Royal Katherine could not always follow 'her g P They were alone except for the unconscious as he went on speaking slowly 9„ ►•
R. college of 'Physicians and Surgeons, entiaE Royal
sudden changes, forever. Tender associations wrapped them" figure which lay between them still under "And so your plans are oha ged . ET M � t 1
burgh. Brueefleld, Ont. 930 .c + selves about the commonest objects glorify- 30 3„
Katherine, I don't understand you. If ' g Y- the deep spell of the an�e9thetio. Dr. Lynah's He had given her time to rescues, and
you can appreciate m marriage and think ing them. voice giving an occasional order was the only she was able to answer.
W. BRUCE SMITH M. D 0, M. ]dembe, of Y PP Y g g g 14 ,
It*the college of Ph SMITH,
and surgeons, &o., it so beautiful, you must regret your choice Life was eo sweet ! break in the silence of the room. , "I should have said p stponed, not
Seafortat, Ontario. 0>$ee and residence same as of life sometimes." Her husband, self-controlled except for .i Are you able to attend ?" he had asked, changed. I am to go abroadt1l.L
s soon an I �t j D e '- - >
occupied by Dr. Versos. 848 Katherine's finger marked a teaspoon on the wretchedness of his eyes as they follow :and Katherine's brief "yes" had satisfied can arrange for it after learin Mrs. Cham- PURE
g P ed her ever movement, ooald only stand by ion, a sent for me ver suddenly. I 00
Fellow of the Royal the measure the glass filled suddenly to Y ' him. P She Y y POWDERED o M � VD -
LE o BETHUNE,�Bn D., twice th uantit She poured the draught with Katherine, who had not deceived him Although now full of ratitude and relief reoeiived her letter one mora g, and began
Z ,
College of Physicians Surgeons, Kingston.l Y• P g g a
Successor to Dr. Mackid. Offict, lately occupied back into the bottle and began over "again regarding the danger lurki>?f; in those oper. at Betty's deliverance, Katherine had room my journey to her the same evening. I did Mi tt "_
by Dr. Mmokid, Main street, Seaforth. Residence before she answered, ations pronounced simple by a surgeon, for other emotions. ifs not know the name of her ph sician, nor of is�� (0 i>P■
-Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately occupied " 41 I have never regretted my choice, and At last the dreaded day came, and then While following Dr. Lynah's instructions Lis plans for her. You I the ght in another
by L. E. Danoey. 1127 T Mrs, Champion insisted on going to the rem t comprehending rehendin obedience cit -" L Y IC■ = * ; -
never shall, I think. Nothing has ever come with the prompt, , p• g y -
into my life which was as valuable to me as bospital with Katherine alone. usual to her, it was plain that she was still Dr. Lynah interrupted her, understanding 3
AUCTIONEERS, '- You must come to me as soon as it is all
my work." „ quivering ineverynbrve with the shame of at last. �`
P, BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for th. Conn The "second measure was accurate to a over, , she said to her husband ; but if you professional failure. Whenever her dutias " This explanation is quite unnecessary," PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. @
,�, ty of Huron. sales attended in a 1 parte of drop. Katherine passed her arm under her Fent with "me and bade ma farewell there, brought her near him, she could feel his he said, gravely. You need of have feared �Ready n�owatein isr'nieIIting a For hun tng dreed o��
the County. All orders left at Txr ETPtatTOa friend's hod lifted her with ens ractis I could never go through with it.
ofilae will be promptly attended to. Y► Y, P searching faze reading her distressed face. any misconstruction. My ea I to this hospl- uses. A can equals 20 pounds tial Soda.'
ed motion, and gave her the draught. Then, Mr, .Champion yielded reluctantly, willing For her to meet his eyes seemed an Impos- tial runs unexpected to me, and as I have Bold by All Grocers and Drusgists. _
t t thin ahs aaked careful d It to m self and w th my work in 3i. 'w. GirxY+=.ma-TT, 1Moro3mtc3,s
rearranging the. cushions with her disengag. to coneen o every g + sibility. At last he spoke, facing the altua- rather we y
WM. M CLOY, ed arm, she laid her back among them. vnly for her wishes and comfort. tion. -
Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth, these late months, not all m friends know ^ Porter's } l
Sales promptly attended to, charges moderate and "What ahonld I do without you ?" said But during the wretched drive to the 11 You need not feel so troubled. Per- where I am hidden. And so our plans are John S• i O r L'e r s
satisfaction guaranteed, Orders y mail addressed „ hoe Itad Mrs. Champion re retted ever de y y y p Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
�t �' Mrs. Champiion, with a sigh of content. I P P g Y haps you never before saw an one you cared and poet osed, not changed "
to Ghiselhuret Post Ot3iaa, or left at his residence, knew it would be no, but it was selfish of ciaion made ; the consent she had yielded to for operated on, . That makes a wide differ "Yes !nothing has occurr d to change }��j��
Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuckersmith, will receive + the operation, the leavin her horse and, „ „ tions Nears-. Passenger. Mixed. UBmer &king and. FEZ`
prompt attention. 1298•tf me to take you from them at home just now, P ' , ' ' enee, } "hem. g 'rhes.,...._ .-. _ 3.00 P. X. 0.30 r,ts. 9,Oor.x.
_.___ _-__ __________..____-_..r._-_-_ Kitty.,' above- all, her husband absence. She t He was silent for a moment looking keen- Brttssel•....� _ 8.13 6.43 9.45 E
would have turned back at this oleventh The color rushed over Katherine's pale tie E_J17 ,
face. Her stead almost indi Want a es 1 Minto the cand4d eyes raised in reply. Bsnevale..... a .. 8.27 9.67 10.10
W. G. DUFF, Katherine's face altered. , Y, g Y Y , Wingbam.... _. 8.37 10.07 11.20 -
AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Conveyancer, " No, it was not as you think. I said hour if she had been allowed. Katherine s ,
were raised and met his fully. There was a new determinat: n written on tioixa sr►ttra- •Passenger. I4tised, SEAF'OItTH ONTARIO -
Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant ,Real Estate, just now that I had never regretted my influence and the habit of "obedience to her, " It was not that which caused m fail- his face as he drew a chair ne r her. `� Win ham•• •• - 6.26 Aa[.11.20 A. u. 7.30 r.x.
Life, Accident and Fire Insuranoc Agent ; Money to still held, but Katherine herself realized .urs " she replied, with proud truth ; and " Will you sit here?" he said, And Bluevale .. _..- 6.37 11.86 8.16 OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINATION.
Loan Correspondence, &c. Parties requiring his choice ; but I was very near �aomething like that these were wearingwith the strain,and ' o ask for a few minutes of your Brumis.••• - •-• - 6.54 11.59 9.00 Funerals furnished on the shortest antics
the next moment would have given worlds may I n w Ethel..... _, 7.08 12.14 9.30
services in any of these branches will receive it when you wrote for me, I knew I was might break at any moent, to recall -her words. time ?" and satisfaction gui anteed. A large assort-
prompt attention. OPrtar tN DALSX'8 BLGaH, (up practically useful during my father a "illness, meat of caskets Coffins and shrouds, &•.
BTAiR8), MAIN ST)6EET, SlUFORTII. 113' but after his death it was to the others, not In her anxiety she breathed a sigh of re- Dr. Lynah bent towards her, both voice Katherine hesitated, but to k the offered London, Huron and Bruce, always on hand of the boot quality. The best
to me, that my mother turned. The waters lief when the carriage stopped at the hospi- and face suddenly changing. chair, Dr. Lynah rested himself near her, Gonia No=Ts- Passenger, of Embalming Fluid ased free of charge sed
McKliRop Directory for 1893. of oblivion -have closed over my place in the tal gate, and she felt the worst over. She Weigh well what you say, Katherine- yet he paused before beginnin . Lond•n, depart........ _ 8.252:x. 6.0F.ti prices the lowest. Fine Hearst: -
stretched out her hand toward the door to + - Maur...... _ ... 8.29 6.18 S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director. 110111•
household, Betty. When I lost my beloved unless you mean to give me hope. " Let me speak quite fr ely, the said. Hensall... .. - . 0.42 6.81 dense - GODERICH STREET, directly OP,
JOHN BENNEWI�ES, Reeve, Dublin P. O. open it but as she did so,- Batt bent for- Dr. Sa e's entrance prevented an answer „ 3
JAMES EVANS, Deputy Reeve, Becohwood. father, I lost the only one of me family who P + Y Y P Y What I wish to ask map rove paiinful, Kippen .. .. .............. 9.47 6.36 its the Methodist church in the hoose
DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. had sympathy with me in my work. I knew ward suddenly and caught her wrist, on Katherine's part, had she been able to and yet I think I shall ventu a asking it. Brnoefield.............. M 9.56 6.44 ormerly occupied by Dr, Scott.
WM. MoGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury. I had onlymyself to blame but it was no -- You need not," she cried • " I am not render one. She was breathless with the Has what occurred in the Aerating -room Clinton • • •....... - _..... 10.12 7.00
WILLIAM ABCHIBALD," Councillor, Leadbury. lees painful." Y going to et out, I have than ed m mind, chock, Dr. Lynah's attempt to better her the other d roved nothing to you -not Londeeboro .. _....... _... 10.29 7.19 .
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. p g g g g Y �y P g Y Blyth..._ � ..............- 10.38 7.28
so>ioMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer Winthrop. , Mrs. Champion uttered a little cry of re- If I must die I mast, but I will never cross position by glossing over what' both k:rew to for yourself alone,' but for all omen ? Belgrave.................. 10.52 7.42
WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beeohwood. morseful surprise. that threshhold. Tell them to drive me be the real cause of her weakness had been Katherin�aa flushed painfully Wingh.m .wive.......... 11.10 8.06 The Old Established
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, seaforth. � "And you have been going through our home." but another blow to her wounded pride,and „ M fe�ilure then was unpardonable GOms Soon- Passenger
R. W. B. SMITH, M. D., Medical health Officer, Y g g g Y y P Wingham,depart........ - 6.40A.x. 8.46r.m.
Seaforth. trials, too? And I never once thought of Katherine vainly attempted to soothe her a kindness which she disdained accepting at enougb, but it surely proved othiag, save Belgrave........ ........... 6.65 4.06 s
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead- you wanting sympathy." with entreaty and gentle arguments, but his hands. m own stein weakness." Blyth.... ...... ::::..._ .. 7.08 4.20 BRQADFOQT S
bury. " Nurses do not ex eel that. And you she saw Batt 'e face settle= into lines of ob- That he would dare to reply thus she had Y P g Londesboro.............. 7.15 4.2R
- "�-- __ - l have comforted me, betty ; your letter id rtinacy mores onvincing than words, Ex- not foreseen, and her position, which had "No, I call it wholly Pardo able, because Clinton'...- .............. 7.46 4.48 /
j�- eminently womanl Almost an woman in Bruoefleld .............. _. 8.06 5.06 �i�n%nq Il QI1ll�
Dr• McLellan London j eo. It was balm to me to know that some citement for her was not to be thought of, seemed intolerable enough before, she now Y Y• Y Kippen................... 8.13 5.13 p �• y�
one outside of hospital walla wanted me for and, reiiliziog her own powerlessness, Kath• felt to be . unbearable. Yet 'it must be your place must have clone t e same, And Hensall............. 8.22 6.18 S'lisfi Qll(}f DOOC ! �C'tQ� lsB
#9'7 Talbot Street, Specialist on the myself." erine yielded. Her influence had brought borne • far to leave the ober d she hed un- Ouch situations and suoh expo lenoes will be Exeter., . .................. 8.40 6.30
"But I am keeping you from going her tient to the door of . t e hospital, but dertaken was a breach of trust which did not repeated while men are men a d Vomen are - � - -�0 -
abroad." it ended there. She had just reached this occur to her, women. But why should we mines terms, (}chest 'I'TUIIk R,tsilWay. This ole and well-known establishment is 00
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital, I "Not oven that. l�1y father;'B illness kept conclusion when the carriage door was flung so
Meantime he might think anything, even and talk Sof situations and experiences, Trains leave Seatorth and Clinton ,talion as tannin at full blast and now has better faefi
Katherine . You will forgive me if I speak follows: than ever before to turn out a good article fora
1889. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post i
me at the time I expected to go. You will open from the outside, and Mr. Champion's that she knew of his presence at the hospital g _ _
i3raduate Medical School and Hospital on the Eye, be quite well and not: needing me by the face a eared at the o enin P when the consented to come there, All the too p}sinly. We meet again nddenly, and �P�nge M M M _. 12 r x. mr oY. wayi on�han or nsaade to ordeer. L mber deems
Far," Nose and Throat, 1892. Eyes Tested. Full i PP P in that meeting you merely r vest our el
stock of Artifieal Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will i time I am ready to pias out my second at Breathing quickly, he hed out hie arms woman in her roes to deny thio suggestion, g Y Y P y Bossen�er.,....... _. 9.05 r. x. 0.22 P. Y. short notice and in any way desired, Ail es k
be at the tempt. Ah, here' comes your doctor to':,seold to Betty, �„ r There, at least, Dr. Lynah ehonld be set mall► !womanly woman and the brutal Mixed Train- -, _ _ 0,80 A. N. 10.15A.t). lumber for sale on reasonable terms. sbingles kE$t
R��'B�Y HOUSE, CLINTON, me ror lectin on excite ourself, " It would not do, dear _he said. ' I straight, and at once •tont she was to find i Mired Train........ 6.80 P. M. 7.05 r.x. constantly on trend. Estimates for the; frnish�S
g Y Y , g + ' c s GOING EAsr-- of buildings in whole or in part given on appho&`
I l But Dr. Saye bad no scoldinge for ' Miss outran you by cross cuts,!and I mean to this more easily determined on than done. You mean to Bay the weak woman and Passenger... _. -. a 7.64.4. X. 7•87 A. X. None but the best of material used and worknuc*
ON FRIDAY, JULY 7th, 1993, j Maynadier. She had won golden opinions stay-" Katherine had ample opportunity to re- the strongman," Katherine &;swer,ad, bit • Passenger - _• - _ 3.06 F. X. 2.46 P. x ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited.
Next visit MAY 6th. hours 16 a. m. to 4 p. to I . terly, Mixed Troan...,...... 6.26 r X. 4.60 P. v.
Chaises moderate. 1312x62 , C h i I d r�: n Cry for i tC i'i a r' 8 C a stn ri a. C h i i d re n C r for � Freight Train.. _.- 4.25 r. tri 8.36 F. is 169 J. H. Bi�AI31?€)€}i', Seafortli.
Pitcher's; Castor as .
. __�