HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-06-23, Page 8. . I .1 � �
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. I I =pw . for a - safe return. -Mr. Donald Hamilton, self was with Ithis team and jumped off just to Brussels on Thursday, to - s0nd I
I . OASHI vs .boot bud shoo before the acoldentg running ahead to got 0, � a couple. of weeks with � friond I
EDWARD - traveller' for An, exIOU61 . truck from Coleman's storehouse for some � Mr. John Copp, of this town, hail a oonl`at I
. and Retal.1 Dealer In establipbuient of Syrsousei New York, spent -
Wholesale 1 i . . &,few days very pleasantly in the village purpose or other. It Is high time the Rail- with an old country firm for 1,000 tonsl of (
s the early part of the week.-" Be way Company adopted tome means of pro- bay at a good price, and will make elltl� out I
Fine .7 Dairy - Butter di�log tecting.i.this o4ossing, which is for from *afe, of it If he can h9ld the transportatio7a om- I
. I 4omper*te- in all things," should be the
� . t )oially when approached from the- south panies to their present =,e,l b the I
u j ti
GODERICH STREETI SEAFORTHS health_ motto of every person these hot asp( - our citizens should take steamship companies are de 0 isilre I
. � and improvements are the side. We *think �
the rates, end if .
days. -Repairs he falls to hold thein'this I
1 ,
g upo another season's order of the day in our village at present some action,in the matter and bripg it to I I
. n;� I
; On enterin n Truck &nth I L I ,n. -
I Mrs. Muldrow is having a stone foundation the attention of the Grand or- w V take the cream off his bargai ' Mr. I
Ion " a 1w
. � business has to aaknowledge with put under her residence and other improve. . ities. : . . MqLslob, of Glasgow, Boot ancy . irge 4
re patronage received : corlimission morchanto Was A! 448,16t t the 1
thanks: the larg . ments.made, which will add very muoh to on 'Ust t � sake i
during the past fortymtwo years., and the appearance l� and comfort. Mr. ',D. A I)AuiNG 3011BERY. —The moot daring residence of Mr. D. D ' Wilson , as-
, I er ar,and Moore and Mr. L.: E. VanEgmond are h4v. , robbery that ever took place in Seaforth was He in visiting Cauada on his way honk from i
. hopes to retain it for anoth ye ej ting roofs of galvanized steel put on their' Aocomplishedon Tuesday -night, when Mr. the World's Fair, and is greatly pleas by i
Will buy any quantity of fine butt I J. A.: Clark had a valuable mare stolst), ,what he has seen. of our country.[�-Mr. i
� ; houses, by the well-known and reliable firm, . . 00 set is ,
from now forward. I I
T; Of Mullett & Jackson, of Seaforth. These Two4trangers had been banging around town Peter Doly's now house on Ann
roofs appear durable and are certainly a All day but ug one h!kd_paid ny pairtioular bearing completion. -Florence G., snore.
I ; attention to I them. - They e:w bfr. Clark's Coleman-Bro!s. pacer, took second pI1 a@ in
. I 0 . 1 great protection against fire. -It is truly re- a . tit lot next to Mr. MoFaul'd the free-for-all at Simcoe on Friday She
. heoelved and Opened 1�! Trashing to follow the peregrinations of the in sr. I'm * the vA0A � - i �,
� g . resid A to her and deterinin won the second haot% In 2:20 flat. Mrs.
Royal Commission on the liquor traffic . in alence, '
- .b , its efforts &a discover the evil& of a business ad to have �00 They watched where ohs Strong has rented her dwelling houRe to '
. . Ims week a, large Consignment of Ready Made � tore of WAS BtAbledl-and then hung around until Mr. Pearce, of the Dominion Banir, And to- ,
clothing, consisting of lJonlis, Youths' and Boys' which have been blazoned in obarso iythivg woo quiet, That they had made tionds to go to London on a lengthened visit.
Atm.They, were purchased below the I fialite since the days of Noah. Its Invest- eve Wal
. I . ad "other Western. up their minds to steal her quite early in the -Mr. . Logan left on Tuesday for his
� I igations in Kansas a , . evening is evident,boosuse one of them went home in Carberry, Meinitoba.�X I T
� COST TO MANUFACTURE State, must be watched with pecullai in-
. who a few down to Mr. Barton's sorap Iran box early Downey returned last week from um�licag,o:
torest by the Hon. G. E. Poster, [�
. . . And will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Any one in a ,, Moment of w6akneu," led In -the evening and picked out apiece of - She was accompanied home by her 1 1 don h.
in need of a. bargain in suits will do well to call And ye&rs ago mmediate land total steel with which to force the look on the ter, Mrs. MaKearnan %ad little 80010- rs.
. mine before purchasing. At the. Bargain Cloth. a crusade in favor Of i too. But we ' fear stable door. I The mare woo kept at the T. W. Duncan returned on Mo day1riorn a
0 1
- �,Pxa . prohibition in these at& visit to Galt. -Rev. Dr. McDonald was
I - Ing and Dry.Goods House, of seatorth. Mr. Foster fisis been in ba4 company Zoe stable on tho:old Lee property on Goderich
. :ly instituted the commis- street, and 1 about ten o'clock a neighbor present at the laying of the corner Stone of
I . 'WM.-P110KARD then and willing gain time and thus . noticed two ,pen lounging about In the vi- the now Presbyterian church in Paris, last
��,� I , . � elan as a subterfuge to � cinity, smoking. Shortly after eleven o'clock Saturday. -Mrs, Barnen, of Tor6uto, nee
I Seaforth. stave off the decision of a question which he I taken- out of th
- f *, . has not the courage of �onviotiicllk to honor- the mare was a stable and is Miss Lizzle Campbell, afid her little' dough-
. 0 . of Mr.
, ku y ter, are visiting at the reside 41
1,1 fan& -q-velv no an unbiased by .pposed to have been ridden around b
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. . a .7 . f ism, James and Adams Stree , Pam Alex. avidson.-Mr. James Atkinson,
prejudice, appetite or personal gain, will .
The %& all &PIVIg Jor- a � to the Huron Road, Where the thier as are of the Agricultural College, Guelph,
VNIft # say that the strong arm of the � law ought 0 , I
sk4r, - � posed to 4ave had another rig waiting. is visiting under the parental r�lf. Mr.
. - -. not to be invoked to protect society ffoln sUP I I
- - - � one of the greatest oursdo -of this or any The mare W a valuable one,which had just Atkinson is President of the You�g Men!o
m I 0,0 into . Clark's possession a few cLAY8 Christian Association at that itistitution,
� . '
DISTRIOT MATTERS. X . other age. � me
- I . I I before and ti�o lose is a serious one to him. and attended the Convention of College T.
I . � - I . No tra;cs whotever has yet been found of the
. - - . M. C. A, Presidents at Harvar4� College,
� . . S.00IAL.—On Filday evening lost a very . I
AN ON,wro-g. -From our report last weak I abut and successful social was -given by stolen property. � Cambrid 11, Massachusetts, a few *asks ago.
le . �
-.ex- a I i� -Brigadiler T. Holland, of the ,salvation
of those who had passed the University ptheiYourig Peoole's Society of Christian En- . John
. atninations at Toronto with honors, we deavor, in the basement of the Presbyterian LocAL BAIEF.S.-Mr. and Mrs Army, will visit Seaforth and hold special
� I
inadvertently omitted the names of Messrs. . church. The weather was rather , threaten. Rainkie, of Tuokeramith, and Mr, and Mrs& meetings on Thursday, June 29bht assisted
A. Cosens and R ing and this prevented a large number of . I
. . Md., former students of L. Reinke, of this towd, left on Monday by CA tains Higginsi Stubbs, and! Da
our Collegiate Institute. The former passed . I Ing in, but, !,.ap it last to spend a couple of weeks in Cbi0%gO and rientensints Green and Lang. All are
his first year examination with Orst clue country people from cam doing the great show. They have a brother cordially Invited to attend the meetings.
was, there was a comfortably large audience -
honors In science And second clan h6nore in present. Theprogramme presented consist- living in that city. -Mr. Hugh Robb re- The Women's Christian Temperance Union
. practical biology, while the latter graduated ad of a very well rendered reading by Dr. turned on Saturday from a trip to Ottawa, garden party, on Mr. Dlokson's lawn, Is -to
with, honors In English and German. . Ca p Ith an instrumental solo � by Miss : where he had been attending the meeting Of be hold the.first*eek in July. !Ksep it in
F - 'the Grand Lodge of Canadian Order of for, mind. -A now plank crossin is � being laid
. Y.,. M.. C. A. Nams.-The baths were a or usual brillisint'style, a beouti �esters. , He had a very pleasant time. -Mr. siarose GodsrIoh street at tea Presbyterian
ful vocal solo by Mrs. Somerville a quar- .
opened to subsoLibers, on Thursday even- tette by .Messrs. Cherry,.Diolknon, Campbell , W. McLeod, Mr. A.' Cosens and Mr. R. church. -Thi pressed brlok for the new
Ingi and will be open on Saturday after. and McTavish and a debate in which Messrs.. : Reid, ,all foimer pupils of the Seaforth Cal , town building In being laid down, It Is a
noon and evening, 24th inst., Wednesday James Watson and R. Mercer presented the � legists luititute, have arrived home for fine sample., -Mr. E. L. Haut was called to
afternoon and evening, Friday forenoon and , their holid�ys from Toronto University.- Guelph on business connected with the Ag -
benefits and onjoymente of city life As Against : Rev. Mr. Rome. of Melville church, Brus- rioultural College, on Wednesday afternoon,
Saturday afternoon and evening of. next those of life on a farm upheld 'by Messrs. on by telegraTh. 'Re expect -ad to be absent a
Week. Further Advice later, Subscribers Harry Beattie and Allan S. McLean. At solo, and Mr. Hunt exchanged 4ulpits I .
only are admitted-. Apply to R. Mercer or the close of the programme, refreshments Sabbath last. -Mr. Orville Joneez and Mr. couple of sys.-Mr. George Murray had a
the committee. There is &L liberal supp' - A. K. , Chittanden ' left for Califon f t foot On W
y were Served and social intercourse enjoyed . . chest of tea fall on his le ednes.
of, good rain waiter on hand, both hot &L d for a - considerable time, Afte hioh the 1111% On ' onday . on a business trip- day, breaking a couple of the toes. The
. I - .
t acid. audience separated aftir 1101vin aillood an : They will spend a week In Chi hurt was very painful, and he *111 be laid
� ----4— 1i ih an routs, and take in the World's Fair. -
exceedingly pleasant even ng. proaftids -01690 up for sometime with it. -Mr.i D. M cDon
. - I I . f Volunteers and the 33rd
GoT TaE LauGH ow Iffim.-At the m: '-' will be used in son,ling a delegilts to the � -No. 3 company a aid ham one of the celebrated now MoCor-
c ' faft on Monday for the bri-
test made by the travelling dairy, on SaV.- - Christian Endeavor Convention at -Montreal. . Battalion Jaan� - mick "bindloobines" on exhibition at this
I .
I - s Hills, of Egniondvil"e, I gods camp;at London, The Soxforth cam wareroome, east of the Queen's hotel.-Joeb
da,y, Mr. Thoma, I � I - - ' an iomewhat weak in numbers, and
scored the highest point with milk from b I 4 1. GIRL WANTED.—Wanted for a small pony w 40 gets ago on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.
. . ' d enough to remark 1,9.
Ayrshire cow, which tested 6. 7. Mr. Hilla family alood general servant. Apply at corner of 7 one gentle1nan was nokin � arton were united In marriage at Dalry,
t -
W" much elated And stated in the hearing westan Jamesatreets. JuLIUSDUNCAN. 1832-2 'that they must hairs left the - company at Kirkoudbrighta hire, Sootland,and they cele
V- of several people that in hit opinion Ayr- A. YouNci, Seaforth, received this week, 'home anq taken the awkward squad to brated the annivereary by IZ.� few
.. 1,4
,tit �!jl
. direct fiom the manufacturers, one crate of Dinner camp. T�e band had name difficulty in friends in to spend a p] . We
-shire milk could beat even that of a Jerse,7 Sets --97 pleoes.-whiob will be sold for'$61 or set. .completing its compliment just at the1ast, hope Mr. and Mrs, Barton� ma� be spared to
. -
. �
� This came to the eare of Mr. A.. G. Vft11FJg Very cheap. . M2-2 i moment. � Major Anderson came to the con- I . each other's oompanionspip for man
O' is ight of ', h dol, , enjoy y
w ud, who ran down to the field where 11, IfORSE STOLEN.—StOliall On the n I clusion thAt he would rather work for long years yet. —Mrs. -Hardy,,Ithe talented
Jer-sey was pasturing, got a bottle of milk, the, 20th lust., a bay more with black Into -, , me i for the Tor
and took it to the ball before the dairy height, 15 hands$ Inches ; a very small whire spot , lar and three Xork shillings, a day at ho Irish lady who writei onto Mail
people had finished their work. - It was on forehead, wart on neok about the size of a Iffty than beat's bass drum for 50 cents a day at so brilliantly, over the norn 'do plume of
cedt coin; tail banged and foretop clipped, a wart- � London, Ind there was a varamble to got 11 Kit " was in town this woe ', the guest of
tested and went 7.2, and he thinks he his - . — I
Any person furnishing in 'someone to fill his place. M . .
under flank on left log. i r. Tom''Wilson Me % and Mrs. T. F. Coleman She is on
got the laugh on Mr. Hills. " formation which will lead to her- recovery, will be . a unfortunate enough to sustain a never, - bar way to the World's Fair,',—Miss Elder
* . suttably rewarded. J. A. CLARK, SOMfOrth- 1332-1 ' :W&
To BATaERs,—The people of Rex , bore are Sucoms.— Our customers who , sprain of �is ankle while playing football at has been appointed delegate from the Young
. GRAND I the Recreation grounds the evening before people,g Society of Christian' Budeavor, of
Tuoh annoyed by boys and young men go purchased from us, Gasoline Stoves last year have I
ing out there from Seaforth and bathing in given such,favomble reports that we have. ordered a the Guelph match, and he has been unable Seaforth, to the great convention of the
' M large shipment from the United States and those Ao,usehiifoot sinoe.—Mr. George McIn- uidbod societies at Montreal, �egluning July
the river in broad daylight. This practice, who find it too warm to cook with wood this time of 1 tosh, of the Blind Institute, at Brantford, 5th. At this convention it is expected �hat I
objectioneible at any time, Is particularly so the year should call early and secure one before they � is home for his summer holidays. Ho. has
on Sundays, and several of the principal are all sold out at MUL11,11ITT & JAORSON'R. 1332.1* 1 there will be nearly 30,000 dolegates . from
residents have requested Us, tOL say � that if . -8 I . I I �th-ree months vacation, which he will spend all parts of the world.—Mr. X Book, of
. .
the practice is not discontinued they will THE TRAVELLING DAIRY.—The Travelling .principally at his I home in McKillop.—Mr, Egmandville, faiored us yesterday with a
tXk a- Dairy outfit from the Ontario Agricultural John T, Dickson; of Goderiob, Deputy Ra- box of strawberries such as one seldom ease. I
o the necessary legal procesdings,to pr ' )unty, was in town- on 8 , being as
toot themselves. There might be adine. ex- College appeared her's on Saturday last. ,gistrar �o u" They are rially monstrous in size
I f the c(
cuae for children bathing in such a place, The meeting won bold in Kidd's hall. The 4&y."MF. John MoMillan, M. P., arrived big as crab apples. Mr. Beek is a master
but over -grown boys and young men should attendance, although not nearly so large As 1home from the old Country. the latter part hand at raising 11 garden slass."—Our old
have mare decency about them than to ex- it should have been, was fair, and fully half Of last W ek, and left on Monday afternoon friend Mr.Robert B. Scott, of.Hsrparhey,bas
pose their persons so prominently and if of those present were ladies. All the ap. ! for Otta a, where he ,will attend the � great already picked over 60 quarts of strawber-
I . Liberal Convention Mr. D. D, Wilson
they have n t, a liberal fint by7 a magistrote pliances for butter making were athand,and - ries from his garden, all of them much over
0 ractioully demonstrat- and Mr. M. Y. McLean of town, Are also the average in size and of A very superior
might increase their Sensibilities. the operations were p � �, 9
. 6 -e the audience. The cream was attendin the Convention.—A load of gen-
0 �d hi& or _ 'inen rove over from Brussels on Friday gadia.—Miss Jessie : Bethune, daughter of
THAT GRAvxL.—DEAR SIR,—I see your placed in the churn; it was then churned, tie r. C. Bethune, station master, has arrived
Egmendville- correspondent complains of the butter rinsed off and put upon the mix- last to see the lacrosse match.—Mr. J. W- home from the Nernial School, where phe
� . .
I th . -id on the Ing board, salted And packed away in prints Li ingst no arrived home from Chicago On ham been studying -for a professional teaoher's
a quality of the gravel being Is r Nero. W. � �
Main strae.t in Egmondville on account of in a pack -age for the purpose and each M, nday, Four Seaforth boys, Me certificate. � I
' 1�1�1
the large stones it contains, Now, airo it is change Was fully explained. In addition to G venlo9k, H. Cresswell, T.Stophons and J. . a
witg this. as it in with a good miany other this many' useful hints 'were thrown out W. Livi gotone played on the Canadian foot- Tuckeremith.
things, your correspondent does not know daring the meeting which, if acted upon, ball tea , which was victorious by a score B . ULL SoLD.—Mr. William Carnocbpn, of
I _ n ted I
much about what be is writing. It is true could scarcely fail to be of use in the art. of of 1 to O., after a very stubbornly contes the 3rd concession, recently sold a very nice
the gravel contains. a-1good many stones, but butter making. There was no �pa . rt of the match. I The forward play of the Canadians
. , - ten months' old bull to Mr. Thomas Nott, of
- - I
� it, is ilso� true that these stones when broken performance that could not be done just as was especially fine. —Mrs. R. J. -, Durismore, Port Finlay, Algomf. Mr. Nott is an old
and mixed with the other finer stuff make well in ihe ordinary farm dairy as by the of New ,kork, has been visiting friends in Huronite, having formerly lived in Hullett,
the very best and most endUring road ma- expect who operated upon -that dooasioD, this vioillity for the past couple of weeks.—
. � 0 windows of most of the business houses but he is now extensively engaged in farm.
stonet are now being broken and there was -no utensil used that is not T ' Ing and stock raising in that district. He
terial. These- � inscriptions in
And any person se6ink the road can tee. within the reach of every farmer -in the i t il are decorated with will find this young bull a valuable acquisi.
.. so FE
there is no reason why every for. ki'd.wrrittea on the glass with a patent
tify to the truth of ,00hat I sky, As a rule county, so ,a J tion to his herd. He will be shipped from
the gravel thtbt is'delliveted on country'roads -mar's wife should 'not make just an good pe ell I'vith which an agent was "doing the Goderich by boat. Mr. Nott was down here
has too much sand and clay and- too few butter, and by the tame prooess, as that town, �his week. —We notice by the Toronto
. I re d hat Mr. George Ewing, jr., was a visiting his father, who resides on the Lon.
stones in it. It is evident your correspond. made by this expert. If this we one, papers t e team from the Toronto La- don road, and who is in very poor health.
ent don't know,muoh about road making.— our butter would have a vastly bitter repu- member of th WEST END NOTES.—Mr. James Watters,
TiffE CONTRAOTOU, � tatiou in the markets of the world than it crosae:Club which played the Shamrocks in of Chicago, is visiting his %rents' here.—
, !, has, and butter making would be more pro. Montrqsl, on Saturday, in the series for the Mrs. W.. Crioh and Miss 8 . 8rioh are visit.
THE LACROSSE MAToji, —On Friday afto�- � fitable than at present. Several samples of ohamptonship of Catisda.—Mr. McMurray ing at St. Thomas.—Mr, S. Morrison, a&'
milk were tested by the Baboock tester, the And family, of Clinton, 8,I)ent Sunday in Watford, vie'ited relatives here.last week.—
noon last the Stratford lacrosse club played richest being milk taken from Mr. Thomas town vism friends.—Ifies Addie Mo- ,.
their final match this Season with the home Ing . Mrs, Inglesby, of altou'. is .visiting her
, Hills' Ayrshire-, and testing 6.7. 1 Dougall,! of Virden, Manitoba, who has been daughter here.— Joseph Crich paid a
teamp An Stratford had almostthe'same . I . I gham, is at peas-
� . . .. spend$j'ithe winter in Win ir. last week.
. ,
team which competed last year in the senior CATTLE SHiprED.—A*very large number gnt v1siting relatives in town.—Sparling visit to Winchels I
series of the Canadian Lacrosse Association, of cattle was delivered h reet,1, between Goderioh and John streets,. number of the people of this vicinity pionic-
our boys expected little more than to give ad at Bayfield last Saturday.—Mr. W.
them a fairly stiff game, and Stratford ex. shipment to the Old Country. On Wedno's. is beigg graded this week, which will great- Grant, of the London road, is erooting a
day Messrs.. Case & McDougall shipped 106. ly I rove it -The Oakw football team, a large barn, which he will use as a cattle
pected a sure win. However, a surprise , r. Robert Win- , Im - lout to Brueefield .
was: in store, for after Stratford had scored animals, and on Saturday At junio-PorgaZation, went Stable and straw shed.—A few of the form.
ter shipped 80 an-i�mals. The following is a on ,I&y iining and pl�yed the Rovers of
the first. goal after a stiff straggle of some .t!,Jg ere in this vicinity have invested in 11 Home
11 ag
fifty minutes duration, Sea -forth got down list of those delivering on Wednesday, with t o tie game,the score being I to 1. Comfort Steel Ranges." They are supposed
to work, I giving a beautiful display of team the number of cattle each sold and the Mr. orawf or I d, of the i Collegiate Institute, to be good atovies, and are giving *good satia-
work, and scoring four g2als in . rapid one . weights of each lot : T. Case, 28 steers, acted,las referee. —Thei following item a con- faction. . . . 1.
. 1 38,900 pounds; J. Scott, 8 steers, 10,640 ; cerni�g a former teichor in- the So forth ,
cession, winning the mat&h. A heavy 'rain e- , - L- . - I I
fall in the morning and the weather looked mr.' P%te4on, I bull, 2,050 ; T. Hays, 10' Collegiat6 Institute, 'which we clip from. Dublin.
somewhat.threatening ill afternoon, render.. steers, 13,230 ; Mr. Dunlop, - 5 steers and 1 the 9hicago Canadian American, will be
heifer, 7,950 ; L. Fortune, I steer, 1,300 ; read Tvith interest by those who- remem ber NEws NoTES. —The pionic, which was an-
ing the gross slippery for the players and J. Lennon, 8 steers, . 3,940; J. McLean,. 8 Mr. Qo9grove: "Mr. Henry Cosgrove, of nounoed last week, has been Indefinitely
preventing the'large assemblage of apectat- steers, 11,650 ; Mrs. McLean, 3 steers, Linoqln, Nebraska, was united ,in marriage postponed. —Our village is greatly elated
ore which would otherwise have greeted the 4,580 ; Mr. Barber, 4 steers and 2 heifers, to �ts, A. Webber, last week, in the over the appointment of one of our most re-
� boys. Dr. McKay. gave entire satisfaction 7,240; Mr. Jeffery, 2 steers, 2,480; W. Worl Is -Fair city, After a trip through the spected citizens to the position of J. P.
. as Referee, . I I
. - Atchisoa, -6 steers, 7,960 ; J. Young, 1 steer, EastIrn States and Canada they will return We feel certain he will perform his duties
. . is
and 1 heifer, 2,750 ; Mr. Bivian, 4 steers, to Lincoln to settle'down to home comforts. pr�iperly.—Mise Mary Corral, of Detroit I i
TuE WEDNESDAY RACES.—The Bicycle 5,510; Mi. Hughill, 7 steers and 1 heifer, —We are xorry to learn from the Harriston visitin her relatives here this week.—Mr.
Club races, on Wednesday -evening, were 10,350; Mr. McMichael, 1 steer,1,320 ; Mr. Tribune that ;ur genial friend, Mr. David Peter Vvins is here at present visiting his
not so well attended as on previous occas- Rogerson,'5 steers, 6,720; Mr. Jefferson, 3 .Dorrpnes, Principal oi the Public School in mother.—Mr. C. Prendergast intends hold -
ions, but there was good sport and plenty of s,t . wn, hid good and just cause for hav- Ing a Asuce in McKenna's opera hall on the
eers, 3,750 ; Mr. Gardner, 1 steer, 1,390. that P
r %it
I it. The first race, which. was for boys un- On Saturday the following batch passed Ing �is �usually plaoid temper badly riled evening of June 30tb. Brodbagen's string
, der fifteen, had six entries., and was won by over the scales: Mr. MoCatcheon, I bull, the other morning. It says: Mr. Dorrance, band will furnish music for the occasion.
Keith McLean, with Douglas Wilson second, 2 500 pounds ; Mr. Soarlett, one bull, 1,940; Pri4ipal of tbe Public School, assisted by All are cordially invited.—Mr. Ed. P.
time of fastest hoot, 1.32. The tWoL mile, K Shannahau, 7 steers, 9,460; J. Brown, the Nvhole staff of teachers and pupils, had Roach's new barn being completed, hil
Class B race, was won easily by W. D. MO-, 4 steers, 5,210 ; H. -Grieve, 4 steers and 1 just �ucceeded in getting the school grounds numerous friends were entertained to a
Lean, with J. Abell second, time 6.21. The cow, 6,180 ; J. Jones, 5 steers and 1 heifer, look�ng most beautifull and were coDgratu- plesSaut social danoe on Tuesday evenina
. .
.19 race was the best of 7f930 - J. Devereaux, 8 steers, 11,870 ; -W. � lating themselves on having one of the finest last, when all enjoyed themselves heartilyl
married msn!s hall mi V
the evening, being exciting from start to Murdoch, 16 steers and 2 heifers,23,390 ;Mr. school grounds in the country. The other —Mr. Duncan Mqlaren delivered here, oE
finish. There Were four entries., Messrs. J. Carnoohan, I cow and 2 steers, 4,060 ; Mr. mornitig, when going over the grounds be- M onday -last, 12 heUd of fat cattle, the aver -
0. . Rose-, J. S. Jackson, A. J. Bright and Sellery, 2 steers,2,440; J. Ketchea, 4 steers forel school. time, it was d600vered that yge weight of which was 1,480 pounds. Mr,
. Go w .
. W. Pickard. Victory perched on the and I cow, 5,880 ; R. venlock, 4 steers, co a had beeii pasturing there and had suc. Jones, Mitchell, was the buyer.
banner of Mr. Rose, though he came within 5,390 ; J. Grieve, 3 steers, 3,990 ; A. Beat- ceeded in trlht�pling down the choicest flow. � � 1 .4
1 . an. ace of losing to Jim, Jackson,. through tie, 4 steers and I cow, 7,810; Peter Jor- er bods,bruisiOg the shrubs,soiling the grams, . Bayfleld.
too previous rejoicing. Mr. George 'Bald' dan, 4 Steers, �,760; P. Campbell, 2 ateert, &a ' Mrs P,' Logan celebrated her 76th DR. T. C. BRucE, Dentist, of Clinton,
win set a mile record f _ J -D i ' th, st the residence of
or the track, making 2,990.; Mr. Scott, 2 steers and I heifer, birt ay lost Sabbs will visit Bayfield, Prof eosionally on the 2nd and, 01
I the distance in 2.47. He won paced by 4 500 pounds. . her son, Mr. R. Logan, banker,of this town. Thursday of each month, until further notice, al
Messrs. Coultas and Livingstone. —Next ' . � 0 All Ihe.r children, iMr. Win. Log&D,Carberry, Pollock's Hotel. 1829-18
Wednesday evening there will be -a team A NARROW EiCAPE.—On Friday morning Manitoba, Robert, of Seaforth, Mrs. E, M. H. F. EDWARDS offers special bargains or
race between Clinton and. Seaforth for five -last an accident happened at the station to a Sip'rell, of St. John, N. B., and Mrs. Jas July ist. Be sure and get some of those 10c and 12jo
. , Challies, Dress Goods and Prints, which go on thai
mileis an apenmijis race. and a mile: race for team belonging to Mr.George Murray which LO)o Ao, McKillop, being present on the 00.
I I . day for 5o a yard, CARn. Great values in shoes
Class: B, i � was at once exceedingly peculiar and a .for.; cam D, as well as a number of the grand- Don't fail to call and secure some of these Specia
, . ' 1832-1
i e for the driver and th Cash Bargains.
- - turkate escap 0 toam. chi ran. Our aged friend attended church . '
EGUONDVILLE NoTz,;.—Miss MoLarty, as. Mr. Murray's teamster was driving across ser ice in the morning, spending the re- BRF,viTiES.—Mr. G. H. Howson was it
sistant teacher in our school, will attend the the tracks while the morning freight train mainder of the day with her children. In London last ' Friday -on business.—Rev. Mr,
Toronto Model,pext session, for the puypose was shunting in th� yard. He was above conjunction with her many friends we Kerrin wa in London this week.—Dr,
of obtainings, professional second class cer- the crossing somewhat and the hind wherel earnestly hope She may be Spared to cele- Charles Lo n, who has been spending i
tificate. Her services -are appreciated by struck the last track somewhat at an. angle, brite many more birthdays in: the service of few weeks ith his parents 'bore, left Iasi
our people to such an extent that a sub- sliding along instead of going over. The bar Master ana ir. the company of her loved week for D trait. —Everybody is preparinj
stitute has been engaged for the remainder horses stopped, and before tbie driv4r'oould onei.—Mr. A. MoPbail, of Porter's Hill,was -for a big d 'a sport here on Saturday, Jul]
of this year and Miss McLarty will return start them again a freight oar which JW56 be- spending a few days this week with his let. A very good prize list is out, and th,
after completing her modiol-school course.— ing moved from one part Of the yard,1 to the fri?nd, Mr. George. Turnbull, McKillop, various events are of a most interestini
O pster, Mr. McGee, is other by the locomotive, struck the I -wagon, il�o calling on his town acquaintances.— character. The Calithumpian processici
havinghishanas full in ' meting out satia- dragging it along and smashing i1t badly. M � r.- Harry Agnew, of Walsenburg, Colo- will parade -the streets at 10 a. in. Tho
faction to so many diverse elements, but his One of the horses stripped itself of the bar- ra�o, who has been visiting for a couple of football match will be held on the square a
I J. P. Brine, 10' ke place on thi
Celtic wit and superabundant good nature ness mud got free but the other was dragged weeks at the residence of Mr. .30, and the other sports to
will likely carry him safely through the try. thirty yards and thrown on a heap of rub- Harpurhey, left on Wednesday on his re- fair grounds in the afternoon, commencinj
. ing ordeal. Few men are more deserving of a bish. Strange to say the harness ' was turn trip. Mr. Agne* has great. faith in at 1 o'clock sharp.—There has been so mucl
reeptte from dulty than. Messrs. John and scarcely beckon and neither horse was hurt, ' the mineral and agricultural re - sources of said and written about fast sawing that w,
Louis Reinke,and we are pleased to note their The locomotive was hidden by the cars, and Colorado, and, though delighted with the are sure of seeing fast work done here oi
1. ,departure on Monday last for the World's the train approached so slowly and gently greenfields and generally prolific appear- July lat. Several outsiders have beei
Fair. They are accom ed by their that the driver did not notice that it was amee of Ontario, prefers his own actopted heard from and the sawing match wil
wives and expect to be Mseangti about three moving; nor did the engineer notice any- State with its blue skies, braoinq stmos- doubtless be very exoitinR.—The surnme
� weeks. Their many friends here besEeak- thing wrong until a spectator of the scope p�l ere and somewhoit 'I biggish hills. '—Mrs. vie,itors Are arriving. Mrs. Brierly, of Lon
for them a very pleasant outing 6,nd ape attracted his -attention. Mr. Murray hima Allan McLean, * of i�arpurhey, went don, is at the Commercial, and on $&turd%:
. - � . .
. .
I I . � .
I 1; a �
I -
jondong and Mro At Hoths Of Stottat PAN us a y- . � -� - * I
I �
- .
%at Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Davey, of [ ' .W.KJL.U.& x I . -1 � � ,-
soured rooms at the River hote ,, which ing visit last week. v. Mi. Walker will ' - - �
- � .
� 1 , . .
hey will occupy shortly. ---Mr. Charles preach bin f&rew I so. mon next Sunday � . I ;
. � - �
,- I
. jovial . - I - � I � . ;
ntreal for the evenlog.-Mr. D C -TWI, Our JUNE 23rd, 1893,, I- " - �.,
;ardlier In homeifrom Mo a ,,ishing business.- 0, - �
[olidays.-Miss M. loon left for a visit blOoksmith, fit I . I I �
Wi -. - ". . I
M a , , of Varna, hex sold an I . . 4 I -,, - I
a relatives at the Soo this week. A num. Mr. Joseph M � ol col s for $125. This .. 1 --
me, of our citizens &to camping at London eighteen mont = h ,w �� .� . �
ad will not be pleased at the extremely hot colt is a good one, and was aired by the FOf the bslamce- :Of this Ont 1 e- .. - �
I -known stallion, iii; Edinburgh." It � , I
veather.-We understand that Mr. J. W. well . will show a goad assortmeit Of S11M. - . �
11 d horses. . �
Jack, formerly a photographer here, will -be pays to breed to wall -bre � mer Goods. Extra value in - . I .
on -band at his old stand near the post office, �- I I
in the lat of July, to delight his old friends 4r�n-d Bend. I � - �
Md patrons with his artutle touch. -Our CONTRACT LET,-�-Thia contract for the new � . � -J . � I
)raugemeu and Young Britons inteu&going bridge has been lit, the successful tenderer PRINT'sy- - r
. 0 Exeter on July 12bb. They always in& for the stanswork� being Mr. F. Gutteridge, I - -�-.,...'
ke I . �
- .
0 yard, and I I � TWEII�
i good appearanom wherever they go, and of Somforth, at $11.50 per cubi 0HALtIES) X1 I VS01,
- .
will no doubt keep up their reputation. for the superstructure Messrs. G. & Y. . . , ,
Brown, Of Belleville, at the price of $1,500. LAWNS, . � I ax;;V�
Belmve. This will be a very fine bridge when corn- . - 11 - � - �
stonework$ at . . ; �
plated, and so far an the ..� -1
Tint FALL Smow.-The East Wawanosh .. I.,
. 4
� .
�all show will be hold here thin year on least, in coricerneo , could not have been on- ' MUSLIN81 .
. - I .
- I
I .
� - . 4
- i
rhursday and Friday, September 28th and trusted to bettor bands, Mr. Gutteridge 4 I - . i
� q
19th. Belgrave show is Always good, and has done 00velder'Able bridge work in the DELAINES, ... �- �� , .
1is year will,not be behind by any means. county and has ,eye given the best of, ... �: -- baltu
sitisfaction, atkAlhe Messrs.. Brown also LACESY . -106
. have a r for good work. I . � siki
Beachwood. oputatiob - — . - I smtc
A Nzw BARN. -Mr. John Malone has had SU XIMER VESTS ...
i handsome new barn erected o ruioelleld. ) , -$22, 1
�kalf of him property ; it is one of the finest BREvITIES, - iss Aggle Beattie wrid the "I'll . I �. ad � .
barne In the township. It was tramed and . Misses McDo &I'll oi Westminster, are LAOE MITTS) -:::: .. � I
raised by Mr. Thomas Newsom, of Brustels, visiting at the) 0111101 of Mrs. Win. ,Scott,,- . - . I . � $
%ad those who witnessed the.�aisinglgy-T4,! we Are pleased to learn that Mrs. David- HOSIERY). ... -
the block and tackle will be trio a y way ol son, of the Lon on Road, is so far recover- . I �� I � . i L
putting up barnis in the future. - r, Newi' ad from her lat illness as to ba'about her PARASOLS, &c. . " i
som raised this large barn with his n help, home again. - . or children's Mission Band - They eollt4
a thing so unusual that he will pro be is now 11tUdyinLg the mission field's of the - . I
In demand in future. - Northwest, T a meetings are both inter-
, esting and inst native. -�-Mr. James Bardge,s The balance of our Millinery- will�, .- twer g-ho*1
--- : ,
. I
. Clinton. barn is now c mpleted, and in a credit to be offered at reduced prices. - . I - If you mi
NENV TRAiNiNci STABLE. -Mr. J. L. Doh - both workman and propriet,or.-Oa Thurs- . . L
. �
orty, horde -trainer of this town, has opened day, Ust week a, number of fat cattle were i ; 1. sga - ,,I-
I I � SW Z11
mi large training stable here, and hail already shipped from our station. -The travelling .
got a number of good horses on his string. dairy visited a -Jast Friday, quite a num- .
Among others is the 3 -year-old stallion, ber of farmers and others interested in but- Edward � McFaul, '.11 - o'lacm. 17
11 Fred Archer," owned by Mr. Pinkney, of ter making we a present. L I . 14t,wh L At I
Seafortb, which made a record of 2:311 FoOTBALL. On Saturday evening last the � SEAFORT11, - � L
at Stratford races lately, in the 3 -minute Oaks of beafic th came over to Play a friend- . ,
trot, and which he thinks he will make trot ly match with the Rovers. The teams lined - -- I -. -it 214es 11
� I
in 2:20 before the fall. up about move o'CILock in eight of the largest logo this weak, viniting',his brother In-le,w L
. . 1� . I I
. -
. -----------41 attendance o mch and slater, Mir, and Mrs. JA. S, Sutherland.- -1 We nu
here for yvear inutes' play the on Monday evening,, -at the close of tits E . � K-,-
, After 35 in . v � L . .
Stanley. - on a foul. L No I . � . - . 1.
Rovers score more scoring worth League meeting, the members repair. . . I
I I . I
NoTE.9.-Hr. Peter CiAmpbell and wife was done dur Dg first ho'k1f. Ends were now ,ad to -,the residence of Mr. Wat.Colville,and - I . j
I .
have gone on a visit to M0060isw, Mhui- changed, and the O&ks went in with & dis- L spent a very plessant .and enjoyable time 11
tobs, where their daughter, Mrs. John h1of- , . I
1. . torminitio 0 even up if not win, while the with Mr. G. McKinley, who has been an. -1 . JA�
, I
fatt, resides. We trust they will . "� . J
enjoy Rovers we 0 qually datermin to keep the vistAillit MiDiSter here during the past year,. I
their visit to the Prairie Provin. i 1. Cl ,� .appointed to Preston for . THE 31,
"'-M" lead, and ossible Increase annan and who has been , , I I .
Win. Cudmore has purchased 20 tons of hay and 0 bto on forward and Jackson at his second year's labors. A very InterendnL& .
from Mr. Win. Graham. It is already bs T . . Carried outil � - � ,.
pressed and ready for shipment. -The pros- It -ban fo the Oaks were working like farewell programme was ably .
trojans, but he almost impregnable Rover while the refreshments were such sis.reifteat L � .
pacts of an apple crop in this vicinity are defence ten ared their efforts useless, till ad credit upon. Mrs: Colville, the boatim,gua ,� - MOMMM�
not as good as in former soi6sons, Cherries Odghton ru4ning round a back and heavily the ladies who� assisted her. -Mr. Wis.. . , - L L .-
and other small fruits are more abundant.- charging tb goal keeper scored for the Oaks Blatoliford, -of Biddulph towns,hi L P, was in � I'M a]
Road work is now in order; we expect a in forty mi Uteeg leaving five minutes to the ,V,JLII&ge part of last week and,thia on; I-
considerable amoust of gravelling will be 1 U wb ch7no scoring was done. The business. -Dr. Thompson Lis in Galt thin.
(lone, so that the good repatation of our syt . I _this. I
Rovers jus ly .feel proud of holdiug down week, A viting his parents,.-M,r. Jesse Icardi The' IT1011
roads may be kept up. - . I ex e)lenb team an the Oaks. to a tie. is h-Aving his new boot and shoo shop tileely- - 11 � tional fthtA
I I I -
- .
Ethel. f Mr. Crew Ird performed the arduous duties fitted Up for his use. I - . Von "With t1l
L of referee I a very satisfactory manner. The . vs,two Tiv,
LOCAL DoiNGs.-The Presbyterian Pic-Dic retur� ma� i will be play nx ea Bluevale. . - 401own 65 I
I Sta
aff,% 0
on Thursday attracted quite a crowd. -Mr. the . , turn on Saturday, 24th inst. Bmzni.-Mr. Janies Willson, of Atwood, �-, w.
, sid,the VVI
John Barton intends opening a tailor shop spent Sunday at Mr. D. King's. -Mr. and � .. . I ULt Mrs. E
in Milverton this week. -Mr. Jam"'Lindsay I iioderi(3h- Mrs. Thomas Leslie and Mr. and -Mra. .. - L L � 01
had his barn raised on Thursday of last , 1. dotitibil
. DROWNI�G ACCID814T.-011 SundY after- Ross, of WinqLham,, wers, visiting at W �' sited " thi
week. I About 125 men were prooent and noon, Go - . �, 1. - �
.�rgs Williamson, Pollays Bus John Robertson a this week. -Mr. Willisti.. I jhqpilflon
after the timbers were in their places, sides driver, an 'ered the river at its mouth for a Craig has made a fine phoaton for Mr. John r an as tid'
were chosen by Robert Docket and Zach -. - Abe
b th d a carried out of hie depth by a .Diment, jr. - It's the best one In towtk.--,- , 4Ad
... .
MoKei After a very exciting race Robert =Mibg'w�rvael, the water being somewhat Mrs. Etcher and Mrs., Flanker, of Bluerble , � - y I I
- . Rant MI
Dooke�sslds was an easy winner. -The S L- �Vmt L46 Vi I
� .
sacrament of the Lord's Supper wilt bp I dis- rougb. A a . he was unable to swim he could and Mr. Elston, of Morris,started -for 311sul!' " .. 1. =010.9 ;PP!
not regal shallow water and after a hard tobs, on Tuesday to visit friends and rek- � .. �1. L "Distioni, �
- ' - I
- I Z
Pe", ad in the Pregbyterian church next Sab- struggle ank below the. surface. He re- tives. - . I . � L I TOIL 7"I
bath .-The gone of Temperance Intend giv. appeared wice, each time a little farther A GooD BULL. -WO Are much plellood U- - - � by I
- . I
Ing a Box Social on Mr. Simpson's lawn on out, and, -after a brave fight in the , strong 1� =
. report that our enterprising didryman, Mr. Uj � -,, tkh
the evening of June 30bb. A pleasant titrie '- I -
Is anticipated. -Mr. J. Cober is' on a busi- running o6rient, disappeared to rise no more James Elliott, of Bluevalep has now go4 . , I psted-414
ness trip to Hespoler. in life. - fter two hours steady dragging home the -highly bred Holbtela Friesian linit .� � C Panels
the, bod� was found and landed. -Dr. which he Selected from the famous 'Maple she iconal
HolTes 6ronor, having decided that an in- Grove herd of H. Sollart,of Casseli,01italio,14 I I
, I 0104A was,
Lumley - ques I t wai unnecessary, the remains were re- February last. Mr. Ballert could . only be,
NOTES. -00 Wednesday last "a young son moved to, 0ecessed's parente residence, Pol- Induced to part with him under the -a , ondi- L . -fift. Sha I
- bomeopun'.
of Mr. Jonas Simmonst of the south bound- ley's fa � Williamson woo in his 18th tion that he could retain him for *am$ time bat *. -ate �
I i
ary, Hibbert, had a narrow escape from year, an bad been in this country about 4 to breed some of his ,choicest cowl too, ` wed wet
. I
. � :
- t
drowning while bathing, but was rescued by years. . Maple Grove Prince is one of the richest - 1.� Via Income
his school mates. -The barn doom being go, A Pr,B SANT EvENT.-Oa Wednesday a brad bulls of the broad intheworla, J& ' . i : and the ,to
cidentally left open on the farm of Mro. H. very ple , sint event occurred in our midst, dam, Tryntis being sweepstakes winter M 11.1 I I far to
Harney, of the 5th concession of Usborne, a It wast, . A a.
.,a marriage of Miss Lizzie, eldest Ghent, in Belgium., for giving the most .and . =
- P a -Al
Colt'gotin,and becoming entangled in the - daug. b 0 of the late Archibald Dicksong to L richest milk of any cow on ,exhibition, :(ill -
, .
rope of a hay fork left hinging towards the Mr. A. . Kay,,assistant postmaster, Strat- known breads inoompatition).0n, the dreols 1 L bhuor
- I - - I
le POILeSof the scaffolding over. ford, an old Goderioh boy. The decorations side the Prince Is bred equally." wall,, ' Virl
floor,loosenedtl �j' L face@ I L . I ; &U, wh 2,
_ i .1
head and they fell on Mrs. Harney, who was were lo ely and -with the fresh you , Every animal in the long tbt of his ancestry T � - bg Land *pJJ
L ,
! trying to set the colt free. One hit her on and ppre ty gowns made a picture not soon has been a prize win I .. I .- . 40. The I
the head and another on the shoulder, in- to be fo�gotten by those present. The bridal and Holland. L that ther4
g -
'bruises. She was picked up I I t d under a weddin bell of bean- - - . �
Rioting severe coul a a 00 I � - A�uj&L �
insensible, but is slowly recovering. We tifn 11 I wafs during the ceremony. The Wint��P. - 1, � Xti. Hi
- 7
hope to soon nee her around Again. bride's ittie sister, Graclei and the groom's THE TRAVELLING DA.IRy.The.Tr&veIIIng . �- �, ,'IMY
. into
I �
0 — I : nephew Mr. Leslie Kerr, of Braoselso act*d Dairy instruotors held's meeting'sit the . . nproduatti
Greenway. as brid, emaid and groomsman. The happy
11 Creamery here on Monday afternoon. Quite , Sun ban
NOTELETS.-ROV. J. H. Holmes' sermon young couple have the best wishes of a a number attended, wbout a dozen being *ftes il
to the Maccabees, last Sabbath,was very in. who ha e had the pleasure of their acquain. Indian. Everyone Showed .great interest!* . I I *ork Apitki
tano r a long, happy and pro perous mar- .
etructive and interesting. It was Hatened . the methods displayed and in the lecture on I - � 100 Wng Ali,
to by a large congregation. —Mr. J. B. ried i . They both well deee7e it. butter making. Theoream was furnished 4112d, 103�ere �
Hodgins pasedd through here lost Monday — L . by the Creamery, from Saturday�s milk, and eisyler Sri
,, 4 ., no in �,
with a patent machine for repairing bu;gy I Bensaill. 25 period@ of cream made 10 pounds Of ballo- � . . I � .1
axles. It is a good invention and given HENSALL MACHINE SHop.—The Under- ter, -ahurned at a temperature of 58 degrees , at � I,
L .
good satisfaotioti.—Mrs. W. Wilson. receiv- - signed having recently added a machine shoR to his in 13 minutes time. 1 Orest Interest wa!- . sibibitioa
saw mill is now prepared to do repairing on Engines, hewn in the test about seven samples W . I . Idea ,of --
ed word last week that her Aunt, Mrs. J. Boilers,, fowers, Reapers &a. on short notice. -Ha 0 ! I -
� V different IndiVidULAIs show, plumt4t �
Brown, of Winthrop, had just died.—A arran c to have a practical boiler maker to do boil- ing brought by I - - .
number of our citizens are talking of going ,or wor when requiied. Turning and balancing a iog from 3.6 to 5. percent fat. Nine safft- Upon un
ialt . Castings procured and kept on hand. plan taken from milk delivered -at the fac- - Amothe
to the World's Fisir. Mr. A. M. - Wilson, 88ralf t I n Pulleys, Gears, &c., Pipe cutting and L I
who has been there since the 24th of May threadl g. ROBT. BXLL, JR. 1331-6 tory that morning Showed fr6in.3. to 4.7 per % - duction 01
has written his friends here, giving glowing AN , HER MomsTER, Bargain Day at W'sis. cent, the latter being the morning's milk of .- 4which
accounts of the sights. on saturd June, 24th, A big ten cows, samples were a mir- I . which we
la "' %" � toot -the 9- I
list j';��I'rgainns'alo"r that day, TO not miss It. Call ture of'. previous nighVs and mornin !10 InLilk. I
. I
. early t avoid the rush. D. WYISKILL9R. 1332-1 L Farmers appear to think their inlif shoda � - . haste. . .
Brussels. � --- .1101011
13-RussRLs RAcEs.—The races on the fine ANOTHER Special Bargain Day on Satur. test higherand always test the same, but If - VIM
Ift anciat
half -mile track at Brussels take place on da I J ne 24tb at the Hensall Boot and Shoe Em- they would read., dai,ly papers they -would - ff - I I
0 .Um. Gteal bargains will be given this day In all see that cows vary as much In the fat as in , . music it
Thursday of next week, 29th last. In the tinds foot wear, as they must be sold in order to � 9 9fch
forenoon two football matches are expected the quantity. - Professor Deinnegave an 61- -- . astra,
ke r m for our'lvirge purchase of Fall and Winter � �
ma 'ad osi toz
kiriplie of a cow fed on the same rations that - Z
to be played, one between Blyth and BrUs- Stock. Terms—Cish, or Produce at Cash Prices. A I . . . �
- �
eels and the other Wingliam vs. Brussels. WFSYL H. . 1032-1 showed 4.3 per cent on May 30th, and 2.8 - �
The rocas will be as follows : 3-minuto trot BR EFs.—The annual excursion of Carmel on June 9th. If - farmers were to 'test -their I - Ex-proli
� q
or pace: 2:40 trot or pace; matched race ch!rRc* Sunday school -will be held on Tries" Cows ALud sell out the poor milkers and as ob 01
between Swartz's "Walter G," and Beattie's day, a 27thi The excursion this year is ibo'he poor in fat theywould loon bavevowl - �M
. , 1013g,
, lun . , the Raclu
11 i3essie K." Some of the beat horses,in the t (. a ob he steamer Cit of Windsor making $50 a year.
0 � y I -
Province will take part. The Swartz, -Beat. will I 0 at Uoderich to take those who wish 0 'to got si�
tie race will be one - of the most exciting oat o i the lake. This promises to be the MO IT! S ,, . L few =01T
. -
events of the afternoon. i . . beat excursion of the seasou.—The following PIoNic.—The Annual pionio,,,lu connection - . - -that UUM
� L
. BRizys.—Listowel and Brussels football office -8 were elected for the ensuing six. with Barrie's School, will be bold by tbq �:� Ao love4
. ,
team& played their second match here on mont a at the regular Meeting of the Young pupils and teacher In Mt. R, Wichoil's ge0M � :- . . hosever
_in half ILL
Saturday evening last, which resulted in a peop a's Socist of Christian Endeavor : on Friday afternoon, June 30th. The chief I
victory for Listowel by a score of 2 to 0. — Pre8iiient, Mr. Z Harold ; Vice -President, I amusements on the grounds will be a foot- -eatin ht
Joseph Carter and H. Scarlett, of Blyth, Miss lennie Murray ; Corresponding Seore. ball and A base -ball. match, together wilh Ua�aot
. I o
are here with four 2 -year-old colts, trainin tary, Mr. Wm. Elder ; Recording Secre. various other games. - . rderisa i
- .
for the fall races. They seem to be gool tary, Miss M. McLean ; Treasurer, Mr. D. MOVEMENTS.— Mrs. JAMAS RVAUS Od � �i I 012 hu.
ones.—P. Curtis, of Exeter, shipped a car Stewart. Rev. J. S. Henderson goes to Wm,. Evans have returned home after visit- Z I busily pt
. of fat cattle from here on Wednepid" for Montreal on July 5th to attend the Interna. ing friends in the vicinity of GAIL—Gilbort �- � --do the..-]
the English market. —Brussels expects a big tione I Convention. —The weather during the McCallum is improving big farm byeraot.108 .1 -11 Oblusma
crowd at the races nelit week.—Th6 weather past week has been extremely warm, with a substantial straight ,rail fence along tho � � rep"t.
has been very hot and news is scarce.— local showers, � -and the growth of crops has pncession�-Rev- ,J). , tO14 I - bliftd-z
James Stratton left last week for Port Ar- been simply marvellous.—Mr. G. Brawn, of hold a prayer meeting in Buttan's school 42 1. ths,
. . m
thar, where he has secured a sit - nation.— the firm of Brown & Clark, carriage makers, Tuesday evening.—Mrs. Wrn. Sholdlot is . .- 'the long
T I he Volunteer company that left 'here for has already a large quantity of building ma- very ill at ,present. -0eorge Readmau has � I � droln'k fil.
oamp was of small dimensions. The County terial on the ground for tfie erection of a taken the contract of clearing two aof" Vdi to ,.
i4 Im I
I ,
Council knocked all the -loyalty out of them g L no large dwelling house, south -of Rich. bash for Mr. John X-cCutcheon.---sGeOrV :� I - elleat.- t
by refusing to Pay them extra.—James Rose mond street. He will, no doubt, erect a Robb, of Brussels, is busily enj&ged in put- V .
hat leaned the refTeshment privilege at the house that will be a credit to the village.— Ing the -Stone wall under Mr. Rowley's barn. - ,-- - . I
races. —The farmers are getting tired hold- Mr. John Scott left hereon Wednesday —Mlss Belli Bruce, of H-ullett, was the .. I -
. Ing their fat Stock for the buyers, but the mori ing for his trip to Scotland, where he guest of Mrs. White this week.—The 00=1 � . . . . . . , ... .
market is so uncertain they have to excer- into do remaining until the fall. We wish oil met on Xonday.—Joel H. Sellers WAS . 4"t �� .
"I .. -
else some lenionoyo and are helping them him i safe and pleasant paosage.---�A large the 'happy possessor of a open of twin fo" ... � ,
� . i - � � .. .
: .
: out, if possible, by holding.—A large quan- num )er of our villog'ers left here on Mond-iy but one of them died. Tfie other if q0te � : I � at
� �
tity of fat stock is still In the country.—R, afternoon last to attend the funeral of tb�e amoi-rt.—Jornes Ireland, 3rd concession, bat � C"Iltmu-1
� G. Wilson and wife are taking in the ,late r. Joseph Case, of the London road, been very unlucky with He foals this Y"fo building
I World's Fair. � Usborne township, who was so well, long having lost every one of them, three I's gum, - - In pes"
. and 'favorably known.. He was interred bar. —NIcil MoCallumiwho went to BraA40,100, %fi Utill
. I I 1110 1
� . vama. with Masonic honors.—Mrs. Britton, of Manitoba, last March, has ,returned ham$ - is they, J,
i NEwsy NoTEs.—M.r. J. E. Tom, Public Ionall, near St. Thomas, who 'was here on again.—Mrs. Wm. Ireland and son Robert'l L all of w
. J
School Inspector, visited Varna school on a visit, returned home this week.— of Tuckersmith, spontafewdoys lost week . - 'very gt
� Wednosday,� last week, and was highly Mr. �ohn Shirray and hie sister, Miss Nellie, visiting friends on the 3rd line.�—Fall,whsst L Roast thl
� .
, Fleased with the work of the pupils. —A big are spending a week or so with relatives in is now in full head And spring crops V# LWyllialm
( —Miss Mary Gilchrist hat; been looking immense, owing to the late - , with,
oad of Royal Templars from Varna Conn. Port Elgin ' I
I I � -
the past few weeks among her P,,%sture was never known to be bat I And - , I .8warth.
oil attended the District Council meeting, open in; , .111:111111rilev
�. V -W&
I hold at Exeter on Tuesday last. They on- friends in Win ham. —There in quite a boom hay in goinR to be an exceedingly heavy emp stood 4
� Joyed themselves very mucli. A large num- in Is rabis at Zle present time, the ruling. if rains continue in the future As in tbep"t, !ff
I . eve Ore
� bar remained for the concert in the evening. prict in being from $4, 50 to $C-70 per headf —rhe road work has begam this weeks
I . .
I —While the stage driver, Mr. W. J. Clarke, or five cents a pound, to be delivered in. Every path-manter should do 0, little himself r� . Iftt j a
-among k,AOW �
i woo returning Saturday night the axle of -July or August, and we believe lambs-i6re andalso allow no stones to be put on .
; his wagon broke, but fortunately no further likely to sell Iliall and pay farmers this year, the gravel, As they spoil the road altogatliere I IlKyrtm
I damage beyond a short delay occurred. lie owi4 to there being a shortage in the —The Chippewas were defeated on i8stut' . . �
- Facto. Mr. Clarke Unitid States. Sheep are ranging in price day last at base -ball by 4 runsi—A'gattke Of �, XAd ftao
i secured a rig from. Mr " ix Ito
; =as strong rig to stand the loads he from 4o to 4jo per pound. —The 'Methodists base-baR will be play�d at the pionic At , I
. :
I draw.LXaurt Varna No. 264, Can- lute�d holding their annual Sabbath School Barries school, Section No. 4 , on the 30th L �
, adian Order of Foresters, intend holding a plant 3 on Monday, June 26th, in MoArthur's inst.—The item that appeared in last wosle'# L - .
, 6 not LLL ,� ,All ti
i garden party and - strawberry festival on grovi i, a short distance east of the village.— issue should have read Miss I Cooks" , ... ed '
I 11 in
) ' iting her 64 a - - 11raiter,
Thursday evening, the 29th inst., on Mr. Miss Arnold, who has been here via Book. " It must have be n a mistake Of .
i John Wabless, lawn. An efficient commit- brotl �er, Mr. G. D. Arnold, L for the past the Printer's Devil surely.—A good m0y that itl
i tee is getting- up an excellent programme, few months, has returned to Toronto. farmers are sending to Toronto for twine ' . 1*1 nor
- , , '
, ,
Ir R
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I �
01 d g
art W
he d (1,
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11 �h
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.e I
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1� 4
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I and a big time is expected.—Some of our Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are also in this week.—Haying will been in a vieek in �� 'I ' L 111�7 LL . LL 1.
r leading sports are. practiaing with an expect- that city at present on a visit.— some parts. —Messrs. G. Road and 11% - is eatc
. way the laurels at Bay- Mr. I. Dent, of the firm of Dent & Thomp- I Mich' nded the Grange meeling:Oti
ation of carrying a' ie abbe .�� -- toolk 2, i
� �
- .
field on homas Delg4tty v9A, barristers, of Mitchell, was in the v . I
r - july ist.—Mr. T I ii- Tuesday at Blyth. '-1 � cilbe,
* I I
- . - . -
� i a . L - � *44�21
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