HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-06-09, Page 71804RTH 'str ent `others} TOR$,. ONTARIO} 1[n, New York • w, inion. Plano Com. 11. & Co., Guelph ay, Bowmsnville datock. ys on hand, algia a few Organs for eels ai nts sold on the in it customers; Qtol nta on hand: also:shee}t BROS. ti Farm Machin - Repairs, would Wareroom ckamIth Shop isewhere, as he Massey -Harris, tidy, Mason and rid implements,; t for the Bain. s binder and -c,• the Coleman of Plows con, Sealer thr L.4 H tut H, O d 4 CP P CD CD C5 I3' ca 0 K l 4 I'te rs' „- aid 1;1=11 - ONTARIO, ; YMBINATION. he shortest notice L A large assort - and Shrouds, &o., quality. The best ree of charge and earse. 1 Director. EET, directly o rob in the houtie; cott. mesimmians stabiished. ao 's )nor Farctorj, establishment fe cilli has better facilities s good article for a ,rs of all patterns al - r. Lumber dressed on desired=. All kinds of ,erms. Shingles kept: ;es for the furnishing t given on application` used and workman- solicited. 0-ADFOOT,. Seaforth _ JOENSES etT ISIIUR OFflCt )NTA,RID • �R LOU-4RED HE*,,HURON FXPOSITO'i TIRED, WHAEL, INTER.VOTTS Means impoverished Blood, Disordered .Liver and Stomach, Clogged Kidneys. Your remedy is— E1VIBRA.Y'S KIDNEY anal LIVER CURE. Makes the Blood pure and the Nerves strong, ruses the sluggish Liver and stimulates tie Kidneys. It is admitted that everybody should take a Spring Medicine. The question then is : " What is the proper medicine to take ?" If Nature is not in error—and we believe It is not—then the proper medicine fora thorough purification of the system must be such a one as will combine Cleaning, Regulating, Toning and Stimulating pro- parties—more especially after a long and trying winter like the one just passed. MEMBRAY'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE is specially compoundedfor a perfect Spring Medicine, and there is no preparation before the public as skilfully combined and so well fitted for a searching renovation and a powerful invigorating of the system. Where other medicines fail Membray's Kidney and Liver (pure goes ` right to the spot," and brings relief. —Atia\TI)Read the following new testimonials : All manner of people have sent testimonials to the virtues of this compound, many well known, very many unknown, the rich and the poor, men and wom*n, old and young,. it has made them well. ITWIliL CURE Diseased Kidneys, Bladder Troubles, Dyspepsia, Sallow Complexion, Rheumatism, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, TESTIMONIALS_ Ill for a Long Time. No one has better reason to be grate- ful for Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure than I have. I was ill for a long time under the doctor's care. I was tortured with Muscular Rheumatism, Disordered, Kidneys and General De- bility. I was losing flesh rapidly— bad gone dpwn from 180 to 130 lbs.-- and bs.-and was bedfast for months. If you have been there before, you know how little there was in life for me, and when I was asked to try Membray's Cure, how hopeless I was. I used two bottles (only $.2), and at the end of that time had risen from a sick bed, regained my appetite, was relieved from all pain, put on new flesh, and am now attending to business as well as ever. Write me if you want fur- ther particulars about Membray's Kid- ney and Liver Cure. D. WATER`, Merchant, Campbellford. A Well•Known Man Speaks. SMITH, April 30, 1892. This is to certify that Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure has given me great relief for Headache, Kidney and Stomach troubles. I thought T was getting incurable, as I had doctored a great deal, 'and -was becoming very dis- couraged After I had used part of a bottle of Mem-bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, I began to experience improve- ment, andtook fresh courage. The relief was prompt and permanent, and I am very grateful for the good it has done. So thankful 1 am that now I want to let my neighbors know about it, that others may be cured as well as me. DAVID TULLY. Another Voice from Smith. SMITH, July 7, 1892. I was troubled with a nasty pain in the back and shoulders for a long time, and had tried several remedies without getting any relief. I thought at first it might be my lungs, as the doctor's say such pains are symptoms of lung trouble coming on, but I was induced to try a bottle of Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure, and after taking the second dose, I was surprised to find the pains all leaving me. It acted like magic. I never knew anything that acted so quick _ on man or beast before. S. NlcxoLrs, Lot 27, Con; 15. Relief from Indigestion. TORONTO, April 10th, 1893. I hereby certify that the Peter- borough Medicine Company (Limited) are at liberty to use my name in testi- mony of the beneficial results I have obtained from using Membray's Kid- ney and Liver Cure, as I have used it for a bad attack of indigestion, and got relief after using half a bottle. M. M. VARDON, Kidney, Bladder and Indigestion. HAMILTON, Feb. 8, 1893. I hereby certify that you can use my name in testimony of the beneficial results obtained from using Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure. J. H. WILLOUGHBI. One Bottle Curd. OTONABEE, Nov. rd, 1892. I feel so grateful for the prompt re- lief which I have experienced from the use of Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure, that I wish to give public expression to my thnfulness. I suf- fered intensely fro pain in the back, caused by kidney 1 derangement, so much so that I was; unable to attend to my duties. After using one bottle I was cured, and able to attend to my work as well as ever I DAVID L' SSON. Cured After Dolctioring Three Yeaird. PETERBOROUGH, Aline. 19th, 1892. This is to certify that the Peter- borough Medicine Co, can publish my name as a testimonyto Membray's Kidney and Liver titre, which cured me of Dyspepsia anter using three bottles. Was troubled three years and doctored most of the time for it. R. DUNCAN. IT WILL CURE Bad Blood, Sick Headache, Disordered Liver, Dizziness, Nausea, Pains in the Back, Costiveness, Indigestion, Nervousness, Be ha ! Don't let ourself run clown—purify the system -=enrich the blood—tone up the nerves—improve the appetite --and keep the Stomach and Liver in good order by the judicious use of MEM - BRAY'S AND LIVER CURE --and you may defyholera LaGrippe, Malaria and all other ills that esh is heir to, Sold by all Druggists and medicine dealers—Price $1.00 per bottle. Accept no sub- stitute. This remedy has no equal. Manufactured by MEMBRAY VCOMPAN' OOF PETERBOROUGH, Limited, „ I - 'WIN* NE 'n . The Little - Things. How many of us, when we awake in the morning, resolve to do all the good we can, and going out, corning in contact with the world, forget to be pleasant, forget the smile kind word and act, wanting gto do some great act? Leaving the little things undone, the pleasant good -horning, the grasp of the hand, the thousand and one little things that seem so insignificant to us; yet to some one unaccustomed to kindnesses how much it is to them no one but the heav- enly Father knows. Nat a sparrow falls to the ground without our heavenly Father's notice ; and remem- bering this, let each one , of us do all the good we can. If we cannot receive the ap- plause of men because we fail to do' some great act, let us receive the " Well done, gond and faithful servant ; thou hast been faithful over few things ; I will make thee ruler over many," and be more than con- tent. R'( SPECIAL ROYA APPOINTMENT There's Nothin Like UN LI% SOAP IT DOES AWAY WITH B011.114C HARD RUBBIN�C BACKACHES SORE HANDS 3 LET OIl'1. ANOTHER' li AYM GO BY WITHOUT TRYING 3uulight REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS News Notes. —Fiaa selling liquor on Sunday William 0livei; hotel -keeper at Thamesford, was fined re'few days ago $20 and coats. 2 -The damage in Brantford from the windstorm of Tuesday 23rd May, has been carefully estimated at $12,000. —At the residence of Mr. J. H. Schmidt, editor of the Stratford Colonist, on the evening of the Queen's Birthday, there was a private celebration of great interest to the parties concerned and their friends. Mr. Schmidt's daughter, Ernma F., then became the wife of Mr. Wolter B. t Heath, of Battle Creek, Michigan, , son of Mr. r Heath, of Grant street, Stratford. The ceremony was t H. Wagner, of be Rev. L. conducted by g , Evangelical Church. Friends of the bride and groom were . prepent from Hamilton, London Seafortb, Berlin Hanover and other laoeb. -The bride will be'much miss- 1 ed from the Evangelical Church, where she has been organist for some time. —Mr. Thomas W. McCanmon, of Den- ver, Colorado, is visiting Kingston after an absence of ten years. He went away on ac - tout of ill -health. He is now chief day oper- ator in the Western Union telegraph office at Denver. —News has arrived of the death on Mon- day, last week, of Windsor Campbell, sec- ond son of Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Lind- say, recently pastor of the Methodist _ church in St. Marys. On Monday he fell off his horse which stepped on his hand, and it was so badly injured that lockjaw set in, which caused his death in a short time. —The latest in bicycle design is a 81111 umbrella suspended over the bead of the rider from the gear of the machine. They are light and serviceable, and their use will doubtleee become general. —Canoeing down the Grand river from Elora to Brantfordseemstohave beenafavor- ite pastime this spring, One party who made the trip, consisted of Mr. and Mrs,( W. A. Wilkes, Mies Pauline Johnston and Mr. A. Johnston,- Brantford.; Miss Morton,'Hamil- ton, and Mr. H. Hartshore, Toronto. Mrs. Wilkes was commissioned to write the trip up for the Buffalo Express, -and Miss John- ston for the Detroit Free Press, Several photographs were taken, which will be used to illustrate the articles. The trip lasted for three days. Miss Kirpatrick, daughter of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, was one of -another party who made this interest- ing voyage. - -It is a very unusual tiling to find wheat in head so earlyin the -season as the 24th of May, particularly after such a winter as the last, but examining a field on his `farm a few days ago, Mr. Wm. Cowan, West River Road near Galt, was surprised d to find- a great part of it in head with the head well r he 2 r d of May, In 18,4 o t 3 developed. Mr. Coan pulled heads nl re fully develop- ed than were those he pic ed lately, but during all the intervening y ars he does not remember seeing his wheat in head at such an early time. —The St. Lawrence and Thousand Island Steamboat Company has 'issued orders that henceforth no intoxicating liquors shall be sold on board of any of its boate. —A sad drowning accident occurred at Campbellford Monday evening. Miss Shep- pard, teacher in the public school, and Misses Harcourt and Hardinge, high school pupils, were out boating when the boat up- set. The two latter, were rescued with. difficulty, but Miss Sheppard was carried aver a darn and lost. —The Rev. Dr. Wild, of Toronto, preach- ed in the Congregational church, Detroit, on Sunday last, says an exchange. At the morning service he concluded by aski g a blessing on Queen Victoria and the royal family. The doctor, however, kept the piece de resistance until the evening service. At. the end of this _ !service his English loyalty seemed to swell up, and just to kind of dis- infect himself, as .,,it were, he politely asked the congregation to sing °` God Save the Queen." The old, . familiar hymn started kind of slow, but there were enough Cana- dians present- to give it a boom, and the windows of the church fairly:rattled as the grand old hymn swelled out. —Rev. Evans Davis preached an interest- ing sermon on Sunday, 28th in St. James' Church, South London, on the loca- tion and condition of the soul after death. His belief. that s was the soule of neither therighteousno the wicked would reach r e their permanent abode until the judgment day, and th t in the meantime the souls of all are const nus and active in some unknown i cea a those,, the righteous beingb P happy g and those o the wicked being in miser,and all being cognizant of what was being done in this world, though in what manner infor- mation was conveyed to them he could not say, The intermediate condition, Mr. Davis said, was not one of change, for as a man dies so he must appear before the judg- ment seat. , The sermon was attentively listened to by a large congregation. PUT TO FLIGHT --all the peculiar troubles that beset a wo- man. -The only fjzcnrcci.teed remedy for them is Dr. Picrc'els Favorite Prescription, For worsen suffering from any chronic "female complaint" or weakness; for women who are run-down and. overworked; for women ex- pecting to become mothers, and for mothers who are nu:•singg and exhausted; at the change from 3-irlhood to womanhood; and later, at the "critical "change of life" — it is a medicine Oat safely and certainly builds up strengther ,. regulates, and cures. Is If it cloesn' ', if it even fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. What you „ire sure of, if you ase ]fir. -Sage's C'.ftarrh Pernc:l,y, is either a per- fect. and pefjinanent ,cure for your Ca- tarrh, no matter bow; bad your case may be, or .$500 -in cash. The proprietors of the medicine promise to pay you the money, if they can't cure you. 1 —Edouard�uellete, ';one of the oldest pilots in Cana a, who was for 40 years in the employ of the Richelieu apd Ontario Navigation Cofhpany, died the other day at Lachine. a -Rev. Mr. Henderson, Methodist, of Windsor was robbed of $20on Friday night,ht 26th ult., the money being taken from his pants n sNo clue. t pockets. . Beatt- liner Monarch arrived at Sarnia on Sa urday, 27th ult;, being the first boat of th season from lake Superior Port r. Grace ` .itchie, a?student of the Wo- men's Medical College atKiiigston, has been appointed aseia ant demonstrator of anatomy iu Bishop's Cou ege, Montreal. —Dr. H. A. Bruce, gold medalist, son of Mr:Stewart Bruce, of Part Perry, has- been appointed surgeon of the Canadian Pacific Railway steamer, Empress of India, sailing between Canada and China. —Jameb Thmson, teseenger for the e Longford Manufacturing Com an ,of Orillia, has been committed for trial. It is charged by the teller ofithe Dominion Bank that he paid Thomson ,35 $5 bills when the order was for $135;in -5 btllrl,' the balance of a $250 cheque Lobe paid is smaller bills and silver. Thomsen is out on bail, —It is said that Michigan wool growers have shorn more sheep unwashed this year than ever before, and that the time is not far distant when sheep washing will be aban- doned and wool sold upon its merits. —Brantford Courier : A merry crowd of canoeists arrived in Brantford at 6.30 on Saturday night, May 27. They looked like the fag end of a c%lithunpian procession, or a drove of tramps carried in by last week's cyclone,but they weren't, They were simply half a dozeiklaw student, with a newspaper man thrownin;to lend tone to the crowd, 1 Dick's C indition Powders' Fattens #orses and' Cattle from1 or nto and they had been indulging in 8 in a tour days river tripfrom Elora. It was o a condition of the partthat each member was to wear the oldest and moot dilapidat- ed toga he could get hold of and to look as tough as he could. They all succeeded. Even -their own mothers would have order- ed them off the premises and whistled for the family dog. The participants with nick- name attachments consisted of 'Pluto,' S. C. Wood, jr,; 'Adonis,' W. J. Douglas ; 'Dio- genes,' H. H. Wood ; 'Julius Caesar' H. Martin ; `Sophocles ' E. R. Rolph ; 'Judas Iscariot,' W. M. Lash, Their clothes were in accord with the historical characters. One member had a long nail for a scarf pin with an iron nut on top for the head. An- other wore a coat split completely down the bank. This was gathered together in a bunch in the centre and stuck through with a safety pin. A third had a knickerbocker on one leg and a trouser onthe other, and so the list went on. All of them had about a week's growth of beard and displayed top hate of the vintage of 1600. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the sys- tem when costive or bilious. For sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists, Coughing Leads to Consumption Komp's Balsam stops the cough at once. ♦•♦ Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Indiana, says : " I had been in a distressed condition for three yeara from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until niy health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine,which did me more good than any $60 worth of doctoring I ever did in my lite. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy." A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by Lumsden & Wilson, Druggists, Seaforth. — •►• —Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on hu man or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted by Lumsden & Wilson. 'sly How to get a " Sunlight " Picture. Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing g the words "Why Does &WomaLooOld Sooner than a Man ") to LEVER BROS., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost le. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your addres9 carefully. -as •Ise Lane's Medii In order to be he ine Moves the Bowels tach Day. !thy this is necessary. James Blair's Case. NAI'ANas, June 5.—A highly interesting case has happened in this town, which Is creating a good deal of comment. Mr. Janice Blair, a well-known mer- chant tailor here, has for fourteen years been a suf- ferer from that terrible complaint,known as Bright's disease of the kidneys. He suffered so terribly that one hour's work at the cutting table would com- pletely exhaust him, and he had to almost give up work altogether. He tried almost every known remedy for his complaint, but without any good re - suite. Medical men and patent medicines failed him and he was gradually getting worse every day. Finally he read a dispatch in one of the local papers stating that a man named Marra), living in Gra- venhurst, had been cured of kidney trouble by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. As a last resort Mr. Blair be- gan taking these pills and three boxes made a new man of him, and seven boxes completely cured him. Mr. Blair is back at work again, and says that he feels twenty years younger, and that these pills com- pletely cured him. His recovery has created quite a sensation. Tns Best Spring Medicide now before the public is, without exception, Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure. Itis put up in a concentrated form, and con- sequently the unpleasantness of taking large doses is thereby avoided, the dose being one teaspoonful in a wine glassful of water. The Medicine Co. is repre. seated in thiotown by our popular druggist, Mr. I. V. Fear, from whom full partioulare eau be obtained. Take a Plebiscite. Ge found i� HOUL Da plebiscite taken it would } t p that Burdock Blood Bitters is by Ione odds the most successful and popularure for dyspepsia, headache, constipation, biliousness, bad blood, etc. It is purely vegetable. Why suffer from Coughs, C ofd , Hoarseness, ese, Asth- ma or Bronchitis when perect Ore is, so easy with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The Cholera care. Fear kills more than cholera. Severe diarrhoea, purging, colic, cramps, etc,, are ,ten mistaken for choleraic troubles. A few doses o Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract •t o�e boththe dis- ease tract of Wild Strawberry will ren ease and the terror it inspires. Horses for Foreign Markets. Our farmers will be interested in knowing'just how to put their horses and cattle in condition to suit foreign buyers. In order to realize the top price they must be in first-clast health, sleek and firm. This result can be most easily obtained by using Dick's Blood Purifler. Headache and constipation vanish when Burdock Pills are used. They cure where others fail. A Prompt Cure. GK TIJMNIEN,—Having suffered ovet two 'ears with constipation, and the doctors not h ving helped me, I concluded to try B. 13, B., and before I used ono bottle I was cured. I can also reeoi nnend it for sick headache. ETIiKL D. IIAINes, Laic view, Ontario. sea o---�— Chllls and Fever, 1 alaria, etc.,1 are promptly driven off by Milburn's roinatie Qdinine Wine, the potent invigorating ton e. i 4 A Close IEesembl nee. ,T ANY symptoms of Canadian eh era are similar J. to those of the real Asiatic cholera, such as vomiting, purging, intense pain, etc. For all these symptoms Dr. Fowler's Extract of ild Strawberry is a safe and sure specific. Price, 35 cents, at drug- gists. , English Spavin Liniment removes or calloused Lumps and Blemishe Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen T etc. Save $50 by use of, one bottle. most wonderful Blemish Cure ever kn ed by Lumsden & Wilson. all hard, soft from horses, one, Sweeney, roat, Coughe, Warranted the own. Warrant - Kee the blood lo0 d ur e b' the stomach iGuand Against Ch order, and the entire system free fro matter by using Burdock Blood cleanses, strengthens and tones th Cholera cannot attack the healthy. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.— f3 Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action tem is remarkable and mysterious. Tera, good working; irorbid effete Bitters, which whole system. uth American 'euraigia radi- upon the eye; It removes at once the cause and the disease imn ediately disap ears. The first dose greatly hen fits. 76 cents. Warranted by Lunhsden & Wil on, druggists, Seaforth. Timely Wisdo Great and timely wisdom is shown 1 Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has no equal for cholera, cholera mor dysentery, colic, erainps and all sum or looseness of the bowels. • y keeping Dr. on hand. It us, diarrhoea, ler complaints No child is safe from Worms unl Worm Syrup is at hand. It is a con both to destroy and remove worms of 'ss Dr. Low's tpiete remedy all kinds., Physician Heal Th, elf. TORONTO, June '5th.—A physician o the County of Leeds has written to a friend in this city about his complete cure of an aggravated form of diabetes by Dodd's kidney pills. The doctor in uestion would not for the world have his learned rothers of the Ontario Medical Council know th t he had given countenance to a patent medicine. a humorously admits that some of them would dee . it unprofes- sional conduct for hits to take the pi Is ; and to be cured by them—why that is the gro.•sest breach of professional etiquette. But cured he has been, and he ie now prescribing them to his r .: lar patients. Modern physician$ admit that diseases such as dropsy, diabetes, Bright's disease, n uralgia, rheum- atism, female weaknesses and kindre• blood troubles are caused by the deranged action ..f the kidneys, and that these diseases are only to be cured by an agent that acts directly on the seat • f disorder. This is why Dodd's kidney pills have prov d a certain cure to all who have tried them. Sole Proprietors. B�yNT°"C\v� CV� FLUID Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach are caused by the food fermenting. The result of fer- mentation on all organtie matter must be acid. This decomposes the food (whish should be digested) and from decomposition evolves gases that produce pressure on the nerves, disorganizing the system, and pioduo- ing various symptoms of disease. The "Curative Fluid" purifies the stomach, promotes digestion and assimilation of food, thereby creating a healthy current of blood. For sale by all Druggists, 60c, and $1. THIS PREPARATIQN Acts directly on the stomach And promotes the healthy action of the liver, WITHOUT PURGING. For Sale by All Druggists. And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG Company London, Ontario. WE DYE All kinds of fabrics on our own prem- ises. We don't have to send them out of town. WE CLEAN Faded and soiled clothing to look like new. Bring along your dresses and suits before the rush sets in, We always do a good job, and we do it CHEAP. All you have to do to get to our place is to Follow the Pointers On Market Street from the corner of Main Street. J. W. SNELL, High Street, Seaforth,next door to T.Kidd' residence HURON AND BRUCE Loan and investment CaaMI This Company is Loaning Money on at lowest Rates Farm Security of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent.Iaterest Allowed en Depoeite, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. ---Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderioia. HORAOE HORTOI, MAr Asia, Goderieh, Avanst 6tb,1886. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OPFf0 &5. D. Rose, President, Clinton P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treae., Seaforth P. O.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P.0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot Seaforth ; Alex. Gardiner, Lead - bury; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton ; Geo. Watt, Harlock; Joseph Evans, Beeehwood ; M. Murdie, Seafortb Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth S. Carnochan Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and GeoMurdio, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or frau salt other business will be promptly attended to en application to any of the above officers, addressed to heir respective post offices. 1 GODERICH Steam Boner Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. S. C H RYSTAL, Successor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS Salt Pane, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron: Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Uptight and Horizontal Slide Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -?f Engines a specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on band. Ett°mates furnished on short notice. Works—Opposite G. T. R. Station, Oodericb. REMEMBER BEATTIT BROTIIEIRS. Prosperity has greatly increased their vast variety of GROCERIES and PRO VISION'S, Their large and commodious new premises enabling them to give their cus- tomers°more marked attention. They have also lowered prices in accordance with theirer roe it here, and for those reasons it pays the public generally P P Yto do business with BEATTIE CROS., SEAFOgTH.