HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-06-02, Page 4�
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Jum, 2, 1893
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4. I I . I --- - - — � . - I -- I , . . I where it is sold -she reign- many months -now since Mr." Johnston tu I I .
- -- -� 11 � 11 �, . later. which should be pursued w�th reference to from Washington, 0 out on the streets, and durin � ....
—.&--. � � a, Idower, speaks been 'eon . 9 Ali 4
proofs.. This, how- luatant to dorassything which would . J
- denial and demand for � Th# school question ad tip a, belle. King -is V, i
final court -were reached and its verdict ob I . rate enterprises. In the;Diokel Mr. Dalton MoC:,,tby ething of thisitimelichas been constantly grow!aR,
fare with prii Jim . som W I I
ls�t rl
- 9 does. not relieve Mr. Awroy d to , I
� ever I -ii
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS tained, That would take, at the least, a . ' from re. �ndustry, too, which the Government be still Plays & Pro' ps, in setting one tolerably good lCoglishl and is worse, until life became &burden .
. year, And perhaps I�nger. - In the mean- NPOO . libility. Silence on'hb yart will not been strongly urged to encourage by bonus. member of the Cabinet &gal at another, and a lady's man. . � . and he longed to be free from pan ,ad
I wThe kvre between the parenthesis After suh . abstan all round they constitute on of the happiest - . trouble. On Monday morning of lut weak
. a which the Inty, It AstW c. I He most dther a - Ing a custom smelter, several companies I I
one denotes. the PWO of the paper a tlme,.during that period of unoorts I d .,their families to be found outside a monkey cages Huron Notes- bout 10 o'clock, he in some ..manner pro.
siveitivement -will be found- would be'impo t6to bis statementi.so made -upon his - rsspon� were now at work who had erects TIM ROYAL BRIDAL 0 FERING. I )SOPIS of Ontario street A ' -with this he �
' knon Bros. (6)) .. ,asible to enforce the act, 94 � ant, or if he plant and were conducting their operitionN -The young cl, Clinton, have purchos. cared a loaded revolver,, and
-your Bat Trougers-JAO . @game ob- - Her Excellency, Lady Do by, has placed Methodist chur � ish thefaint
Ricycles.-Lumaden k Wilson.Ary) every ease would be appealed and no con- sibility as a member of Parlisin without Government aid, and th made an attempt to extinga
Cotton Rose -Hoffman h 00- (5) viction@ could be got or punishment Inflict. has been misinformed and ,deceived, and Jection existed with. regard to" this industry- herself at the h,,,.,%d of a Cc mittoo for the ad a .Plano, for use in, connection with . their - flicker of light which still remained in his
- �
yriday,june 2nd -IL MCFAul. (8) � ' not do this, be indat'wiih- Mr. Meredith expressed his regret that a purpose of collecting subser tions from the services. . body by shooting himself in the forebead
wouiai-Hoffeen A On. (6) . ad for infractions of the law. An' a result consequently can decision averse to sidin . g the iron industry women ofosuada I with I -;
I � . Fhl to purchase a . -A little daughter of Mr. Robert Weir, , Surgeons were soon in attendance ;Z
straw Hake--jwImn roe. (1) . - we would have, practically, an unchecked draw his charges.and publicly apologize for ri case May, upon oncession 9, Turnberry, fell off a lance on . bed for the ball, but could at reach it.
rsrssols�iffofflvan & . (5) This is had been arrived at, and Mr. Conmee, a wedding present for the a broke her arm ro n
I . rri ask and glood flowed freely from the WatiudAn,
Clearing Sale --A. - t. (6) And
� and free trade in liquor, with- 9,11 the dogra. the wrong he has done Mr. Hunt. staun6 supporter of the Government.'w" the occasion of her m ge with Prince Sunday of last w -
:Prints And Drese &.-Hoffman & 00. (5) � . ' i �
' the course an honorable man would pursue. so d nted that he spoke strongly George, the oldest son of � the Prince of very badly. from one ear, and it seems a mystery wkv
Galt Nurperie". T. We"Gott. 98) dation and moial demoralization that that . I inspPoi the Wales. ' I I h -A mad . steer belonging to A. shipment death was not the immediate result. Much
Co. ti&) a f-- Aga ID their policy and voted for It is proposed to p:tchase a a a g, .
lawn mower for Sale-na- - -ies. And, even 5uppO8iDg At the lapse If, therefore, be fall o -do this, and skulks ame at out �_Clegg & I)ames led sympathy is felt, for him. and his family in
Horn Routes. (6) . . impl I ehind the privil�eges of Parliament to shield ndin proposed by Mr. Meredith* in and met of robes as represent , tive of Canada. being nisdo by Molers,
. so with gon- �
Tre"Urees smis--ww. Elliott. (0) of . a sear's tima we got a'deols"lon In our b . � which his example was imitated by Mr. While the idea of a present t its owner and. severif other men & lively this their dark hour of trouble, .
wall Paper -C. W. Pa I . . him from the consequences of his utterance@' Hartry, whose constitifency, like that of his oral approval, there in a eneral protest race in Br I for & time, the other day. - -Mr. A.. 0. Macpherson, of Winnipeg,
� I : uses 5 . .
Zi (5) . _
Buu for Service-% = � t 1) favor, it would be next to Impossible for A been working * * *
At:i%field-Dr. T. C. Bruce. (8). I . at after so long a he will stand .before the -public as A confrore, in largely interested in mining af- against the form which this present Is pro- -W. Maxwell, who has . to visiting his father, Mr. Alexander Xj,c.
V, . long timi to enforce the a I I is pher . I
Fine Utter-FAward Cash. (8) for the sake fairs. Whether or not It may be, doomed posed to take. It it deoitled to convince with D. Thompson, 2ad concessiollk Of Grey, son, at Stratford, formerly of Clintan,
-James McGeoch. (6,) . Our experiences: miserable slanderer, who, . egone, to the Helhas disposed of the greater part of his
� I
Teacher Wanted period of unrestrained sale . ,. , that the Government acted on sound 000- the, people of Great Britaln that this in a for the put two years, ha
Girl wanted -1. V. Fear. (8) ' gaining A temporary advantage . 0 it tusineu in,
.New Stook -H. F. Edwards. (8) � with the Scott Act shoul3 be sufficient to - of I nomio principles in declining to aid either country of perpetual wintert a cold, i4hos- Prairie Province to try his fortano' interest in the wholesale fW
. y - on this over an opponent in debate does not hesitate E -A large tarantula was discovered on a .
satisfy the people of this count I the iron or the nickel industry, it is certain pitable clime, suitable for squimaux and Winnipeg, but still owns considerable
. Grewar's grocery pert [a in Zto-
� - to make statemp6tv calculated to blast the, thsiOntario occupies a -most lamentable fur-olad Canadians, this won d be as good a bunch of bananas in John y there. He intends to r.asic . .
point. But, if the Government first meer Pon position in the matter of raising and smelt,, means &a any to accomp, ish this object. in Brussels the other day, and afteir 8, lively don for the present, having come to WU,
ight Nu (60010iftor - , toi do, whethe � I . t is being
Tatt # r or oharact6r of a young man just entiring u
ITTM tain, as they are pledged Ing iron ore, and.- indeed, with respect to There are, however., plenty f other articles chase was despatched. The insec ern Onta.rio mainly for the benefit of his
. ..— a brilliant career in a high and holy pro- . .
. - not the Legislature has the authority to � mining generally. Across Lake Huron, re- which could be manufact red in the Do- preserved in alcohol. wife's health.
-- I
— . 7 1 1 - -Mr. T. Moore's horse ran away from the *-Mr. Richard Armstrong, lot 5, cone". �
SEAFOWTH.. FRIDAY, June 2od, 1893' pies such legislatiou., and it is, found that it fession ; for if Mr. Hunt 15 guilty Of the moved from us by only a few miles of water? miuion out of native mater &Is, by native '
- has,. then we will know,* j not where we stand. conduct of which he Is publicly accused by and an imaginary boundary line, are exten- workmen, which would mak as acceptable Grand Trunk Railway station in Wingham sion 10,zTurnberry, in erecting a lime kilu �
. . � . 'eive deposits of fron ore,and there an almost a present and one which the Princess would the other evenic The shafts of the wagon On his -farm, and intends to, Commence lime .
rtainty I 1. For "T kilu is ready. Reh"
, about the Mr.'Awroy, he is unfit - for a teacher of . ri emolishe and the horse was out
South Huron Reformers. There will be no unce incredible activity is in daily operation be more likely to use than a sleigh. were d burning so soon -as the �
. A meeting of the Relbriners of South matter; wewill have w prohibitory law and ligion and morals and the Presbyterian mia- bringing the ore to the surface, shipping. it Instance, why should it not a a carriage, - or about the heels more or less. one of the mosteonvenient places for mat-
. � the an,thority and power to enforce it. If, iptry.could have no place for him. If, In hundreds of vessels or. thousands of any other of half a dozen art oleo that could . -Report says that Rev. T. Wesley Cos- Ing lime that can be f oulpd anywhere. The
Huron will be held at - Dizon's Hall, Bruce- . .. i alwood, bag been invitedto become limestone is close to the kila, of the begt
,clo& -on the other hand, it is asoortained'that the therefore, Mr. Awroy has been .guilty of freight Cars to the furnaces of the east or to be named. The subscriptio a which Lady sun, of Be othodiist I
field, on Monday, June 5tb, at one o � . . those nearer at hand, to be smelted into pig Derby has contented to recei a are limited the pastor of Walton circuit M quality andCan be thrown in as it is take,, -
a wilfully and deliberately slandering this : 9
. p. m.., for the purpose of appointing dele- Legislature has not such powers, then 0 . iron, the raw material of by far the grdeiter to $5 from may one person. i churches. He is One of the most pr6mising �P, without any hauling.- He intends nil. ,
� a is unfit to occupy the po i ,., 0 ca.
' �
gages to the Ott& ' Convention and the demoralizatiotl1noident to unrestrained sale ,young man, h * � a" bulk of the meghanical arts. The iron ores A CANAL JOB. young ministers in th - * Conferen Ing at a reduced p�iae, as there is so little
. �
we, id' d and we can keep on as we tion he now does as a representative of the qual- .. Ooderich dentist, has trouble and expense in connection with it.
* . of Michigan have their counterpart in . I quarrel betwee h Dr. Nicholson, a . I �
tranea - will be avoi a . A pretty ' a plum tree graft which in one year has eslently Created
I etion of. other business of vital inter ity and ex 'in Ontario, and perhaps no- . n -The young rascal who r *' � �
are, or look to -the authority that has the people and a agrvant of the Government. It tent _ Vedmnnth. e.- .
. � the Conservative family h,
eat to the party. A grand rally is expected. ; tie ant from Mr. where else on the Continent, yet, while in posure of a job in which overl half a million grown eight fast, all but one inch. He shows o much.excitement In the usually quiet
- I X seems will thus be seen that a at& in �
power to give E . I of ore this with some pride and thinks it can a
- in the legislation. Michigan upwards of 6,000,000 tons I illage of Holineaville. instead of being from
. dollars of the people'a oneyl b Bvidently f rapid v . be from -
- to us that inAhAs whole matter, Mr. Mowat Awrey should be forthcoming, and that were mioed in 1891, the official returns of - hardly be ixeseded as an instance 0 Goderich, as he said, turned oub t.O
I in wl ae .
Prorogation. . been wasted. When it 65 propo:ed some
. p � ha 200 tons ad successful grafting. ' Detroit. Part of his story was correct ,
.and his Government have acted the part � df promptly. - And Mr. Mowat, as the head bf Ontario state that no more t n pears ago to dredge a now ob annel through
The- Ontario Legislature, after a session Of re raised here, while in 18.92 not 9 single I as Rivet -A party of Goderich citizens have chart- though ; his mother was in Clinton attend.
. the � Government which employs him, and we , the Galops rapids in the St. L&wren :red the schooner Kolfage for a three week'* Ing the funeral of his grandmother, butim.
about average length was prorogued on Sat- wise- counsellors and.advisers, and that it is . a pound,was brought to the surface. It in about seven iiiies below Prom oott, numerous calcu- stead, of his accompanying hero he skippe
urday. Most of the members. had gone fortunate indeed that we have at the head the leader of the House of which heis such discouraging facts as these that has I trip to the World's Fair, and they .a
� �
' .
- of the Government a man w �ith the courage representative, should require. it to be made given an impetus to the agitation for ILunex- Protests were sent In to the Government by late to be able to take 50 People along, Pms- out after, and up tolast Saturday no. � -.trsce
, "
home vn the previous AN.'adnesday and there to withstand the peesgure that has been without delay - We withhold further com- stion, with ,the United States. Who can the Forwarding Companies, mariners and sage, board and lodging to cost about $25 a of him could be found by his family �xnd "
� the proro- . others interested in. the n f tion of the head. . I 117 friends. We hope, for 'his friends' sake'that
were not half a dozen present at brought upon him and to resist the blan. ment until Mr. Awrey in heard from. If he imagine that anything like prevent develop- . av Fa -1 '
gation. Among the few we notice the name ments.would have occurred in Michigan had river. . These protests repr n4d to the -Mr. George Hodgens, -son of -the late he may reappear all safe. -
I d,ishments of injudicious, although well is an -'honorable mau,-as he is generally be. g freely Government that there was then a good John Hodgens, of Clinton, has left that --m-Asa. team belonging to Mr.James Lind.
of Mr. Gibson, of East Huron, who may : .. . . that State been out oft from tradinj channel on the north side r quiring only a
meaning P+ple. 7a feel convinced thaj lieved to be, he will have little difficulty in with the rest of the Union, or if a tax of 75 . town to take a position in the wholesale say, near Ethel, was being'driven across the
no,w be fittingly'termed the father of the I - . all expenditure to reader I perfectly safe. house of Samson, Kennedy &'Gemmill, To' bridge at Cranbrook with a load of rime, the
� , those wh conscientiously felt that Mr. deciding his -course, . � cents had to be paid on ivory ton of iron ore am dgi / /
Legislature, as we believe he anjoy� the die. . I . exported beyond its limits ? If once the And that it would be abeer I )Ily to dre a ronto. structure collapsed, precipitating the wholt
. Mowaz should bsve�joiued with Mr. Matter . . a free out a new channel, where,ow ng to the crams . Durin%the year 1892, 21 persons were outfit and driver Nichol into the Swassa
11110tiou. of being one of the oldest consecutive I WE would warn any of our .readers who American market were opened to th currents, � it would be d agero a to use. The - uron county
and who were hurt,pud annoyed that- he did Seat from tothe asylums for -
, admission of the product of Ontario mines, river. The horses:and driver were slight.
inembers.- There.wers 118 bills assented to not do so, will Yet be forced to acknowledge &to thinking of.goiDg, .to the Worli's Fair all the assistance the treasury of Ontario Government, however, pro ded to make insane. There were in the asylums for in- I - jured, the wo on was wrecked a �
leutenaut-Governor; none of them$ , the now channel and ave id over $Mo. y in, I na the
by the LI I the wisdom of his cou,ri,e, and that through. not to make friends of strangers on the could give, were it emptied into the hands Ind that a predictions mine on SeptenTber 30, 1892, 1,00 patientg' lime destroyed. It, wss a -mirsele ,Mr,.
however,, is of. vital imp6rtanoo. The I -trains. Theroadoleading to .Chicago.are of mine owners, would be an nothing to the 000 for it, Only to f ;rom. Bruce and 122 from Huron. Nichol was not killed. A temporar ford.
or.t it 11 he has been acting the part of the � . ro- of these experts made ton ye to ago are now . One of those events, which create much Ing place h
-session., throughout, was . comparatively b � vivifying effect which would be at once - as been arranged while azew
-41 1 true friend of tompe6noe and prohibition. simply swarming with sharpers. T daced upon the iron industry 'of this T ro- verified and that the navigat re continue to occurred at the residence of Mr. Hamil- _ bridgeia being built. I �
tame. and uneventful, an i but for the i fact . - I - Vince. I d a oid the now - Joy' I , ly, all bell
. . — I I elite of the swindling profession have gath- . use the . a d channel an ton, Auburn, on Wednesday of last week, - -About fifty uests near
that it- was the first held in the iiew build- - . � . I ered to the harvest. Manyand varied will The House met at 3 o'clock Friday after- Charges are made that th contractors I being the marriage of Mine E. Hamilton., an relatives of ,the bril Is, assembled at the real.
, .
Ings, would not have been In iiny way par- Serious Charges. - , be the Ingenious new d 'schemes" that will noon and concluded the business of the see- Messrs. Gilbert Brothers, of ontreal, have estimable young lady, to Mr. A.Goldthorpe, dence of Mr. J. Webster, Hallett, on tte
' -
ext session will In the Legislature on Tat my of last sion. The bill introduced by Mr. Garrow, not performed their contract in good faith a highly respected young man of Saltford. 24th init., the cause of this assemblage be.
ticularly significant. The n . will riginate in their fertile brains, but if all and a couple of years have been spent by
B wall In �nmlt.teo of 0 providing that corporations may grant ex- -A loose bolt worked out of the engine Ing to wituess the marriage of his daughter, -
be the last of this parliamenti and it may be- week, when the lictusi q passengers are wise enough to simply mind Departmental engineers tryli g ;to ascertain in the Doherty Factory, Clinton, on Tues- .
- Supply, and when the eatimates for the 11 elusive privileges to telephone companies for Elizabeth, to Mr. E. J. Saville, of Clintour.
- .
- expected. to be a good deal more exciting, as . . their own business there will be no. Was Of . five ye re, was vigorously opposed by Mr. if the channel was of a a ifficient depth. day of last week and droppirig in 4 cog The marriage ceremony was performed�y
Agricultural College were under consider- I One Government so er says it is and an- had to Rev. Mr
in. it the Opposition will want to forge their , woe� Clsn'a;dians, as a rule, are pretty well Water: and Mr. Balfour, who contended 'gins ' wheel, broke *it, so that the factory , . Hamilton, of the Presbyterum
ation,, Mr. Awrey, who represents South other says it is not and the ,-ontraotors Bay b shut down until the injur could be re- -2
thunder: for the approaching election doiending the e,dowed with what the , Westerners call that councils ought not to be empowered to that the work is being perfor ned under the 'a. y church, Londesbore. The bride was the re- �
. I Wentworth, and. who was . 44 confer franchises which would run for four paired. � ipient of an abundance of costly and bean.
caropwgn. *,. ' hoes sense," and a word to the wise is supervision of (4overnment engineers and a -both start out with fie
. I -t of the colle � f ter their own official existence came , -The arbitrators in the matte tif al presents, and
� ; . GovernmenVo co.nduc ge against : years a wag taken off their hands ani declared to be -
. ; good will and esteem of all.
� sufficient. . . to an end, but the House did not agree with . I -'The eats will prob- lishing a unionschool section, with school at
. atishotoTy. , cross cur Belgrave, have decidetito let matters at n A fine lot of export cattle were shipped -
The Marter Bill and the Plebiscite. the attacks of Dr Ryerson and other Oppo - - 8 .. a d
- . sition members, . is reported bk the Globe . . . \ - them, and said no t by a vote of 53 to 20. ably barr� back into the ch anal most of an they are at present, and the decision from Clinton on Monday of last week. The
Some good meaning, conscientious tem- . As AN evidence that the Ontarto Govein- Mr. Clancy moved o strike out Inspector the material which was bla ad and taken �
per -mace people, seem to be . dissatisfied with as having said : " - � ment have taken I the -proper course in con. Noxon's salary, and once more reviewed the out and in the end thb pnbli will have paid seems to give pretty general satisfaction. C. buyers were Messrs. Smith, Hamra) Groff
Mr. Hunt, who, up to two years &go ai a * work of the Public Accounts Committee, � rom $600,000 to $750-000 fo the blundere ,-On miccount of ill health, H. W. and Jones. MT. James Fair delivered 65 �
the course of the, Ontario Gavernm9bt in Cal teacher, bad supplie � 7 - ' nection with the Prohibition question, i6 is f I eyer, Esq., Q.Co, intends leaviag Wing- a f ,750 bl') �
- the mathemati . in . . and when Mr. Davis, acting chairman of head, which weighed a tot I o 91 7 1
refereuce to their dealings with the temper- fortriation to the honorable gentlemen oppo. only necessikry to refer to the petitions that that committee, assayed to reply he failed of the Department of Railways and Canal@. ham , and will hereafter reside in Calgary, An average of 1,411 lbs. Robert Fewook, -
- .
at I cc question thii past sesiion. Others, too, site. He had been closeted with them. Two were presented to the Legislature last�ses. to catch speaker Ballantyne's eye before ROYAL SOCIETY, . Nortb Waist Territory, where the climate is of Tuckeremith, delivered 19 head, weigh.
. I I
who have nev"�` ' - I . $!on, In accordarce with a resolution of that gentleman gave the command to call in The Royal !Society have c3nduded their more beneficial to him. He, in offering ,all Ing 26,460 ; L. Tasker, Hallett, 10, f-�Aj;
hitherto been noted for years ago the students had said. the same � -
I % thing of,hiiiii as they were now saying about . the members, and had to resume his seato meetings and elected Dr. . M. Dawson, his real estate in Wingham for sale. A. Coach, 4, 5,540 ,. L. Bailey, 2, 2,150;,C, 1
their zaal for the temperance cause, are, Mr. Macras, and,they had petitioned the the Legislature the various petitions pre._ much to his disgust. The vote against the C.M.G., of Otts,", as President. He is one -Finding it a difficult matter to purchase
1 , � McGregor, Hallett, 5) -0jG80; W. Gibbiefol I
. ;
; .
: .
also, raising quite a row. These latter are Goveram t against him. � sented have been counted. The following member for Kent, however, was sufficiently of the ablest geologists on th! 3 Continent and stockers in this county, Colin McArthur and Hullett, 4, 5,200; R.- Hanley, Godench
Prohibitionists for political purposes, -and Dr. Ry reon denied that he had had any is the information thus' elicited : . decisive, being 48 to 29. The o'ession,which well worthy to fill a much higher office. Neil McDonald, well known stockmenjPur, township, 3, .3,630 ; J. Murdock., Tucker- -
they would be 11agin" the Government no comm,uni ation with Mr. Hunt. ,Petitions for the plebiscite- . has throughout been marked by much good One-half the papers down on the programme chased three car loads on Toronto market smith, 70 10,250. - .
Mr. A re amid* that a man who would fellowship between members of the opposing for this meeting were ncif rem and the other and had them shipped to Brussels, whence " The explosion of a lamp in the residence
matter what course they 'might have pur- take letters received from the head of a do From temperance societies .............. 495 ' parties, came to an end by all joining heart. half were not interesting enough to report. the� were taken to pasture. of Mr. William Sheridan, . Edward Streek
- From churches ....................... � 314 annual -Messrs. Samael and James Johnston,
sued. It � is not worth ivasting words on tment and sh9w them to the Opposition, From municipal corporations .......... 156 ily in singing I I Auld Lang Syne " And "God Our parliamentary gr Lut of $5,000 is . about 10 eclock an Tuesday
par d of that Save the Queen." well wasted. of West Wawanosh, delivered in Goderich, ia,*ham' Unt week, was the cause of tte
these. T he first class, however, are, we be- with the object of annoying the,hea — . bunch of- five cattle, �enlng of ose
, �
I lieve, honest objectors, but they are of . th department, was a traitor, and should -be Total .... ! I Formal prorogation took place on Satur. A LARGE TRADE BUT N( FROFITS. the -other day, a little -ringing of the fire bell. The h -cart wm
. a treated as such. � .�... I ...... I ......... . 965 dayafternoon. It was a very thinly attend- weighing well up to 1,500 The each,for which taken out in quick time, and the firemen
� apt, ' Petitions fd-r,; prohibition- � A return of our trade for to 2 months shown they raked :in an average of five cents psr � it a
. kind who are in matters of this kindp ad and tame affair. . I were soon ready for business, but thei , er.
. The above appeared in the Globe's report I an increase both in imports i ,nd exports, so
to allow their zeal to ran away 'With t � heir From t,emperance societies ............. 255 Toxox . Fo, May 27th, 1898. that the country, judged by this standard, Vound-nettifig a very comfortable sum to vices were not -required. Several abililm
. Of Wednesday. In the Globe" -of Friday the From churche 6 ....................... 54 . handle. . rtmeat whers the
judgment. These, although not usually . . were asleep in the aps
. following letter from Mr. Hunt appeared : From municipal. corporations .......... 5 t ought to�be prospering ; but the fact is that -Mr. Albert Nott, of the London road, lamp exploded., but luckily all got out un.
I -
Susceptible to - reason, ara more deserving z TgE DOMINION CAPITAL, although the volume of our t rade is large it Tackeremith, was married at the parsonage harmed. It was a wonder some of them
of I S,IR,-�-Ia the Globe of May .24, page 2, T ; . . I I I � - is being done without a Orofil, and that re-
con '.14pti than those who espouse otal ............................ 314 - of Ontario Street church Clinton, an Tues- were not suffocated, the smoke being terni- -
. Mr. Awrey is reported as eating in the (By Our Special Correspondent.) sults in discontent and con',inned poverty. I
the Coss 6f a. moral reform, simply to make House : 11 Mr. Hunt * * had aqpplied in- ----- .- . day, 23rd inst., to Mise Cox. Both are ex� bly thick and the heat intense.
. - � Recent evidence shows that while the ex -
r9litical Capital Out of it. However, be this formation to the hou. gentleme . Opposite . THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. OTTAWA, May 29th, 1893- - ceedingly well known, and very popular,and '-The'following from the Mitc:hell Re -
He had bberf closeted with them * * *A . . - I The Cabinet Ministers *ho have been p?rte of bay, eggs and barley to Great Brit have the. best wishes of their extended circle corder, although -a terrible libel upon our
� I I
-. -ey
as it nia.y, it is -safe to say that tb a course I mn have been large the deals, -a bave actually of acquaintances, . - "R �
� I - . - man who would take letters ,ree ived from (From. Our Own Correspondent.) .do;vn east, Messrs. Bowell, Foster, Daly Buffered heavy losses. ,sister townis toolgood to let alip .
pursueA by the Government will commend the head of a department and sh w them to -Mr. Thomas Cadmore, of Usborne, was M, C0.0nagh, one of the Methodist Pas-
: - The ocourrenceof-the holiday on Wed- and Angora have returned to the Capital, in Exeter on Monday of last week and while : .r. M c
itself io most people who will take the the opposition, with the object of annoying --- torn in Exeter, in preaching a series of ser,
. Some of them have been holding tariff con- his horse was tied in.front of a store it took mans an
. the head of that department, wair a traitor, nesday, the,24th, lengthened out .the session � - - . i der the caption, " Seven "
trouble to. reason the matter.out for them- � I News of the 'V eek. fright and ran away. Jt was captured on hall .from Exeter." I 11 �YltO
. and should be treated an sueh." The con- by another day,,and gave to a number of ferences at three or four different points in It may have.struci the
, -
11 selves. . text would plainly lead the readers of your the members an opportuni�y of visiting the' the Maritime Provinces and Quebec. WORLD'S FAIR PROFITS.- t in reported Huron Street, wben it again made a lively reverend gentleman that there wasvot A
In the first place, we cannot see, in view- . Some. that the Chicago World's Fair I
. paper to think that I am the man referr-ed to _ ' 16 now spurt. The buggy was considerably dam- great diets -nee to traveleven .by the sbortegt
- of the facts, how the Government coald have in thin last sentence. . . Woodbine races and seeing Nartello win the. times Mr. Bowell and Mr. Foster were alone making five thousand dollar a day more aged. of the seven routes. It may have str I ack
' Both these direct charges and these in. Queen's plata, or, if the I y' wire martially in. in their investigations, while at Quebec they than expenses. . -A very pleasant wedding took place on
refused to grant a plebiscite. They were I ' some outsiders that the end of the journey
sinuationsare wholly false. . 1 appeared to have been accompanied by FAMOUS ELECTRICIAN IR . -Moves G. Wednesday of last week at the TeBideuce of was not far . removed from the beginning.
clined, joining with the oit4ens of Toronto I a is Mr. William Fenwick, of Halt WawAn0sh But surely Exeter is not such is bad p .
asked by petition, to do so by one hundred � Farmer of Boston, th wPid y known else- 9 1408
. Surely the ban. member would not be in gazib g with pride upon , the - red -coated Messrs. Daly and, Angers. As usual the trician,'died in Chicago the o her morning. when his only daughter, Ida,i was united in ible
and ninety-nine Metlx�dist churches; rash en6ugh to mike such definite state- - , . so- that, though we know it is a tern
seventy-seven Presbyteri�n and a -number ments unless upplied with information by Grenadiers or thi dark-vestured riflemen of press were excluded from all the interviews, DEsTRucTivF. BUG, -A am 11 bug is de. wedlock with Mr. John J. 'Mason. A large Tory centre. 11 .
g . -� I f the requests made to he corn crop in some parts of number of guests were invited, and every- �
- some one, and I here,�y demand that he the Queen's Own. It was altogether.a new but of'Course some o . . -The other day a horse belonging to -Mr.
, - -
Of other churches, beside� from many muni � ;t1rs0ryyi1nsgn I
Is shall at once publicly give hisunthority, of - experience for the Houie to 14ve the work. the Ministers for changes in the tariff have thing pused off injoyably. John Pickard, Porter's Hill,- that was *4
cipal and temperance bo#ies. To disregard I . RE -MAINS REMOVF,.D.-The bod of Jef. -Intending visitors to the World's Fair in front Of a store in Clinton., got frilghtOn'
fer a complete denial And iipdlogy in The P ' - become known. At Quebec the flour, grain y
Ing of the legislative machine interruptedl, by fors6n Davis was removed om Now Or. from Huron county should be very-, particu- ed, and pulling off the bridilet.started to =
'theme requests would have been a contempt Globe, or,take the consequences.of the pub- the advent of Her Majesty's hirthday. . atid provision merchants wanted clover and loans for interment st Richm. ad, Virginia, 'jar about making friends; with other passen- .
of public sentiment which might have., very lication of these damaging falsehoods for I timothy seed placed on the free list, because on May 31, memorial do gers on the way,- as it In stated that there -way. It darted around the streetq kicl* -
n. which he has been responsl�le. : 1!he Guelph Agricultural C41lege was un. they had to import ninety per cent. of these YoR-K-TECK-JULY �' never were so many sbariers travelling on � over the shaftemeantims, &ad then mades
ly, subjected them to the severest ca. ' 6 -T I -ding of
just d6r,-discussion. on Tuesday ev�ning, Dr. Ry. Prije wed bee line for the window in Robins' Brothe" I
- . � A Cornet Manufactur. the Duke of York an the trains going into Chicago as at the pro - �]
E. LAWRiNC9 HUNT. d eem Mary of 4.
,I sure, In providing, therefore, for the tak . : � e6on heading pod the inatitu. . � 8 store, but fortunately got lockid in a bu � ji
. � $ . : I attack a any a oiain . ant time. I
an seed@ from Chic 9
- -
� Ing of the popular vote on the prohibition - , tion under the guise of a criticism of the " COMP ad that certain arti- Teck has been fixed for Jul , that stood just in its road, which pro
� . 'ng
� .
, hen the .following letters from stu- , oleo used I;y them as raw material - were GREECE 11; A SHIV Earthquakes -The season ti9ket --belonging t Miss it doing further damag - the top of the :
. h � �
� . Since t � a doctor charg- . 0
. question, the Government simply carried educatioBod management. T n a
z . , taxed so high an to seriously handicap them co tinue to skake Attics hessaly. In Hol 61mesville, which was I
.. dents of the College have appeared, the first �uggy wasibroken off. h
� ed that the Government h�d recently, ap, deworth, of H' a following even-
� .
i out the strongly expressed wish of the peo- . in competing with the United States. The Thebes, and the villages a by hardly a stolen, as related last week, by 9, remark- lug, just - I I
. in Saturday's Globe. and the second in Tues- pointed an incompetent teacher of mathe- as Mr. T. Wi gginton was stalling
t ple, and for doing which they should be matics and English,with regard to whom a usual protests against specific duties, were house has been left uninjured. . ably bad small boy,was found on therailway away from the Commercial hotel, in the I
. '
commended rathei than condemned. If the day's - ' in the delegation of students had waited u on numerous enough, but whether they will FOR SI[BERIA. -Fifteen tho sand prison- by Mr. Joseph Holmes. It was pretty btsd- same town, his horse wheeled around before I
I S,iia,-The Globe of the 24th inst., P have any effect on the upholders of the N. ere, exclusive of women and a ildren, Are in ly torn, but by the aid of some mucilage was he:could check it, throwing out himself and
plebiscite does apt prove advantageous., the report of the meeting of the Ontario Legis- them demanding his dismissa.]. The Gov_ P. remains to be seen. the prisons of Moscow swaitin despatch -to made presentable. 'a lady who was with him, but doing no
fault will be with the people who asked for lature of the day previous, credits Mr. N. arnment apparently did not concur in the ,'CAFALILES. Siberia. -Mr. Robert McMillan, of Hullett, while . �
. Awrey M. P. P,, with making the follow- extraordinary posit harm whatever. �
and not with. the Government. 13at we . I I . ion that the whims of a THE CABINET OF IN hi pment' -At the Queen's Bench I
42 9 Ing statement with reference to Mr. E. L. few disaffected students should be &.1lowed Sir John Macdonald,by his great personal GOLD SHIPMENTS. -The go d ,a a raising his .new barn recently,. instead of Division court# ' -
11 be productive of good. The the college, influence and prestige kept the - memb from New York on Saturda ag eg ted choosing sides in the customary mannerl hold at Osg6ode hall, To , :
believe, it wi Hunt late resident master of this - institu- to control the administration of ere of gr gol . ronto, week before
-41 Two years ago the stud $2,5W,OOO, and another $1, ,000 in d pitted the �6nmarried against the married last I in the case of Jackson vs. - BrAd.yp Shell- � :
more the question of Prohibition in agitated tion : I ents had -but stated that the qualificationsof the his Cabinet well in "hand, reconciling by be shipped by the Etruria this week.
. teacher were under investigation. 1he some subtle legerdemain irreconcilable dif. will men. The young man captained by the ley Q. C., for the Plaintiff, moved to met
and discussed, just so much more is the said the same thing of him (Mr. Hunt) as * Since his death it is, therefore, PRILANTHROFIC SERVICES AC: NOWLEDGED. veteran Billy Rinn won an easy victory, to aside a nonsuit entered by Judge Roseat 68 .
ca -u .and �ublic sentiment im- they were now saying about Mr. Macrae, truth seems to be that there are. jnflaenoes ferences. -The Ruesian Government wi 1, it is said,
I at work hidden from the public gaze, prob- no wonder that the various members of the the consternation of the banediots. trial �t Goderich and for � & new trial. A'C-
, . and they had petitioned the Government give Mme. Novikoff 80,000 ro. bles as a to- -The Royal Templar says: Thomas
proved. Besides ithis., the. Government . I'M." . ably within the imittitation itself, which lead Government have been at loggerheads almost tion for -damages for broach of me. allefed
, ,
. against h ken of gratitude towards her ad her son Gibson, M.P. P., of East Huron, has been a stal Ion
I promise that they will take the verdict to I have been a student in the college for to a certain amount of friction -between the constantly, particularly among the Qaebec for their work in the relief of the starving total abstainer for 53 years. Re signed the warranty upon a sale of 'the trotting L
be rendered in January next as their guide the past three years and am positive that no students, or some of them, and certain of contingent. There is a movement on foot Brown Rooker, that he was -or would 'Witti?
the professors. Harmony is not likely to be now, --headed by Sir Adolphe Carol], to peasants last year. pledge in 1840, and became a member of the in a year, become 11 standard bred." The -
for future legislation on the subject, and if such petition was sent, to the Qovernment . A MICHIGAN S -NOW STOR .-,A terrific Scottish Temperwace League a few years .
or even suggested among the students dur. restored, however, by the introduction of a crowd Mr. Onimet out of the Cabinet. This torm raged at Marqae, i a, Michigan, plaintiff contended that there .was evidence
the people of the Province decide in favor iug that time. On the contrary, I'ma' an evi- mstter of educational discipline into the movement has the active sympathy of Mr. . @10ow 13 after. He is one of the many substantial to go to the jury of the warranty and
of Prohibition, that they will go the full dence of the high esteem Mr. Legislature as a question of arty politics. Chapleau, who is now in Paris, whither on the 24th May. temperance men in the Ontarig Legislature. br.ea6. M. Houston, (,Chatham) forthe
. . in' which uLLY -FOR TjiE BuLLs !- aring a ball
length which the constitution will. permit Hunt was held by tho boys, I ins , say, that When the House re-assemUed on Thurs- Sir Adolphe has also gon(�, and between B etafe, near Madrid, o, Monday, . -Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, 'was an- defendant, showed ca -use. Order made Ott-
- i
I �. petition d ,my, it was In a mood for business, and a them they hope to 'poison Sir John Thomp- fight at G 1% 9:aged one afternoon lately in lacing up a ting aside the nonsuit and directing a mew
thL6m in carrying out the wishes of the peo.- last October, when he resigned, a �rge number of bills received their third ion's . the Minister of Ptiblic. crowd of men and boys invaded the ring pair of shoes for her son. She was using a I Costs of the abortive trW And of
� I I signed by every student of the second- and 18 I mindi inist I rried the bull*. Two young men trial.
. pie as expressed by their votes ; that is, if at ding. A motion to adopt the report of i IN! Onimet has certainly been a and wo pair of scissom to tighten the laces and in this motion tobe costs to the plaintiff in 'MY '
I t�ird years, was sent to �,, the Minister of rea Works. .
. � . the Public Accounts Committee gave Mr. and failure as successor to Mr. Chapleau- as - !v�re gored to death and m%n3 others - were p�llivg the lace broke and the point of the event. -
majority of tho,. people vote in favor of Pro:!', A�riculture asking that Mr. Hunt's services .
4 injured. ignore pierced her nose., going through the . .
� . vernment will pass a pro- �� be retained. R. HARCOURT.. Marter An opportunity to censure the alleged leader in'the Montreal Di4trict, but what A FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR FENCE.- se
hibition, the q*0 . : � nostril. A doctor attended to the wound,
z Ontario Agricultural Colleg�, May 20. i extravagance of some of the officers . of the could they expect from a rftan who never had - '. Blyth.
4ibitory law if the constitution will allow, ublic service, n*tably Dr. Clark, of the any experience in practical campaigulugi Dr. W. Seward Webb, of S %ranae Lake, which tiled profusely, I . I.
I the SIR, -In the Globe of.Wednesdayo ay oroato Insane Asylum, whose table sup- New York, does not intend that a . one -The Queen's Birthday was celebrated B=EF.s. -Miss Mary McLeas,jaughter a
,them to do sal It'is almost certain that 24, I notice the following extract fro� a � who never was and is not popular, and shall trespass on his private pr serveal - �
i ith plies, he averred, had been on, a most epicu- lack$ nearly every one of the qualifications set by William Garness and Miss Mary Ann Rev. Mr. McLean, was thrown from bef
Travinces have concurrent jurisdiction w speech by Mr. A wroy : -" Mr. Hunt,' who, re&& scale. He also blamed the Government necessary in a leader. He lime lost a couple . week he began the erection of a wire fence Watson, both of Morris township, by, hay. saddle horse on Saturduy and was oar -10011Y
!the Dominion in. this matter, Thin being up to two years ago, was i�e mathematical f . round his property. The fence will be 63 -M
I . or paying,& gratuity to Mr. Walter Scott, of important by-election@, siad it is Said that t high, and will be Com- in the matrimonial bow tied by Rev. R. hurt. We hope to nee her I out soon.- t,
I .; the case, Ontario will, in all probability, teacher, bad supplied the information to the formerly of Wingham, whose services as even the Montreal Conservatives declare miles long, nine fee PALI, of Brussels. The ceremony was per. Giles Jenkins -will occupy the Metbodilt
have a prohibitory law* before very long if gentlemen opposite. Two ywirs ago the foreman of the wood -working department of that he will have to go. The scandal posed of fourteen parallel wires. It will formed at the residence of the officiating pulpit next Sunday morning. There will be
. students had said the same thing of him an. the Central Prison had been dispensed with connected with the construction of the Cur- . cost $50,000. � 'minister. . no service held at night , . -4 he debate which
the majority of the people give their dect, they are now saying of Mr. Macrae, and NIHILIST PLOT. -The police at Warsaw, -W. Doig, of Grey township,- while haul. I , U e d at Order �f
sions, in f & . vor of such a law at the forth- had - petitioned the Government against ! Lf ter an engagement of a little over a ear ran bridge at Montreal is said to have been Russia, have discovered a gres, Nihili lot took place at the I d 1ruldesy night 166t�
. I in duration. Provincial Secretary Gillson set on foot by Conaerv�itives themselves, in A " 'ist Ing manure, got down between the horses Good Templars'lodge, On
11 I coming, plebiscite election. 'This, certainly, him.)) explained that Mr. Scott had been allowed the hope that the developments 'will involve in which a number of pe!2ons re involvPe'd- -to arrange something which had gone wrong was given in -favor of Wm- Slosi'a aid@'
1. will be a, very conaiderable step in ad- In reply to the above I beg to Bay that to go- from motives of economy, and. that the theMinister of Public Works. Another im- Forty-eight students, sixty aborers and when the animals took fright. He was namely, -11 That capital. punishment should
. the hon. member has been miginfo'rmed, so, .1 eight women have been arr4 sted on the knocked down and had three ribs broken not be abolished. "-Mr. -George Jenkins WO
Vance. . . since my admission .to the Ontario Agri- �ratuity had been paid him in consequence portent difference of - opinion exists in the charge of connection with the conspiracy. and his - back h,urt. John A., Brows'
cultural College in October, 1889, no such of the abolition of his office. Mr. Gibson, Cabinet over the appointment of a Collector NEW MODERATOR. -Rev. ,'ame The horses ran some in Auburn last week.----wMr- dships -in
. I With regard to the -Matter Bill, &mending Huron, contended that Mr Scott, instead of Customs at Montreal. Mr. Foster and I Bruce, distance and damaged the wagon consider. , lee, of London) renewed old frien
. . the present. license met so as not to petition has been, signed by any of the stu; of receiving what he was n4 entitled to,had Mr. Bowell both favor the appointment of D. D., of Andes, New York, hi been elect- ably. .. town -list week. - M r. John Livingstone, 61
� gre'n't- dents. � not been fairly dealt with, having given up Mr. R. S.- Whits, M. P. I for Cardwell, On- ed moderator of the United resbyteriun -Mrs. O'Brien, of Hay township, a sinter Baden, was in town on Friday, in the in
. licenses- for . the retail sale. of liquors : Af ter Mr. Hunt enjoyedthe confidence and re" his residance in Wiagharn and assumed ta*io, while Mr. Onimet insists that in a General Assembly. Upon tak g the chair of Messrs. W. and T. Farquhar, of Clinton torest of the flax business. -bit$, SaMu#1
the -plain and comprehensive stat ment spect of the entire student body, and it was r he was presented with a gavel ne from A met with an exceedingly unfortunate a-cei! Herrington is vie � iting f riends in StrAtbf0Y
* Premier I .a only his expressed wish which deterred charge of the wood -working department at French city the appointment should go to a ca of granite from Mount S, I by Rev- dent the other day, whereby the broke both this week. -Mr. George Cox ,spent J, few
mmae by the a few weeks ago, in- them from givipg tangible re . cognition of the invitation of the government, and hav- Frenchman, inasmuch as in Quebec, the W. G. Kyle, of Philadelphia. wrists, While stan WoA
erance delegation which ing been deprived of his position through no most Fr6ch city in Canada, the Collector ding on the verandah days lately visiting friends in At
reply to a temp this fact on his retirement from the college . A MAD Dor.'s WoRx.-Seve I weeks agO she slipped, a LMI spent
. ! blished 'at staff. sult of his own. . . of Customs is an Englishman, and there is, he � belonging ad putting her hands forward -Mr. Arthur Irwin, of Winghm ibst.
waited on him; � and which we pu J. A. STEAD BURNS. " In a good many quarters expectations of course, a great deal of force in his conten- a mad dog bit a number of a to save herself, they doubled in and both Sunday in town. -We understand ad &
r a unty,Michi- . wrists were broken. At present she is Master Maurice Willows has . -
the time, it is not necessary for us. to say Ontario Agricultural College, May 29. to Gardner Huhn, of Jackson a obtain
- . - ,
. ' ' tertained that the Government tion. M Ouimat probably knows that if an. The dog was killed, bu the sheep ,a ,in - Do-
- much. Mr. Mowat then put the case so , Thus far Mr. Awre heard would do fomething this session in the way . staying with her daughter, Mrs. Howson, situation In a, large telbgr "p offic
y has not been the Collectorship goes to An English Protes- 9 I
plainly and so conclusively, that any who from. i -?f grandtink aid to establish the Iron amelt- tant like Mr. White, the patriotism of the were allowed ta live, and they n turn have of Exeter. troit. He intends going :soon. -,btrs, ,Vvw-
It may be well to here explain that g in me 0 or 0 have died MI" B TVs-
� I are open to conviction should be satisfied I . In ustr in'thif Province, but all hopes Montreal Conservatives will not be able to bitten others, until 50 60 1 -A mslatt�holy case is that of one of Hobbs, of Carleton Place, and ; #
Mr. Hunt was resident master of the Agri- , of hydrophobia, WI�Fham's oldest citizone-Jaines Johnston, man) of Detroit, are visiting theirfatheri
, that in o osing the Matter bill and in so- of this kin7 were dispelled when Ran. Mr. stand the strain and he Will be held respon- CHii,Dvms's PAPA-Dz.-The sixty-fourth famillarl known as Little Jimmie, or Shoe- Mr. John Taman, at present. -Miss Masile
� .,PP cultural College for ten or twelve years ; he Hirdy moved his resolutions'.on Thursday sible for the I I disaster to our race." Mr. annive yn, Now York y McQuarrie has returned from WIpleyo where
eating its defeat at the present time, the resigned that position to enter th nistry of evening granting the customary assistance Costigan is not pulling with the other mem-
� - ,a mi . , maker Jimmie, a first-class mechanic a V, H be -Aih
Sunday School Union was colebrated on the man respected by All who knew him. He has ,she has been isitiug.-Moster ,at 0 '
Government were acting in the interests -of the Presbyterian church and he graduated to certain railways. That'the advisability bers of the Cabinet, and is waiting a chance .
11 I . of extending such aid had been under con- to get at Mr. Clarke Wallace, Controller of 24th of May, by church servicst and outdoor been unable to earn a livelihood for himself bury has commenced to learn the ,operating
I true temperance. Supposing the Marter from Knox dollegs this past spring, and he - ;ideration by the Government was apparent quatoms, Mir. 04rran, the Solicitor Gen. exercises. In the street porad, t, which was and family At his trade for the put ton or business with Mir. James Asmatoul-Ain
bill had carried, what would the result be ? is *Dow assistant pastor in the Presbyterian rom the remark of the Commissioner a e is at reviewed by Governor Flower, there were twelve years, owing to being - been ,engaged by
f I,r
8 ,�Ir, having nor duties to discharge, ,afflieted with L. Draw, of Witighami, has
After the first of May next there would be church, in Seaforth. We may also say that Crown Lands, and indeeo it had been urged t, to play the mischii-f.maker, a role seventy thousand children in Iii .e. * some incurable disease. At intervals he. Mr. Win, ,McBride to act as waiter in NO
.1 10 Do,
no retail licenses granted. ' upon them by -many and influential deputa- which his capacity for blunders specially . A WHITE GIRL MARRIES A I INDIAN.- would be able to be out, whenhe would try ice cr6am parlor. -A load of our yo.m 1, I
I , i
I , 'a
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G Aul a I
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The first prose-- most persons acquainted with -Mr. Hunt sy of last-
tions. Private parties, however, were now . ouslifies him for, and which his salary of Miss Cynthia Rockwell, a teac, 2er at Sisse- to make an honest penny in going from door ple visited Bayfield on Thurodw ,,,,.
oution and conviction, for illegit�hqate sale would be slow to believe the accusations d I week. An enjoyable time was spe"t.-Ill"
I . - in treaty with the cities of Toronto and j5,000 enables him to play at leisure. The ton Agency, South Dakota, and Richard to door selling patent medicines, eement'an - -
� u,;one
would be appealed, and the matter would be preferred against him by Mr. Awrey, even Hamilton for the erection of iron blast fur- Cabinet are, of courne,at sixes and sevens on Xing, a full-blooded Indian, were married other nicknacks, until sickness would Albert Robinso " Of the Woollen inill
carried from one court to another until the in the absence of his prompt and pointed naces there, and the Government were re. the tariff question, and also as to the course on the 27th of May. Miss Ro pel him to take to his bed�. It in I staff of hands, ha�penedj on Saturdai After
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