HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-05-26, Page 4-
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MAY 26, 1893
I.. ., I - - - —
.11 I I j ___________�
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, � : - .
I V I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. which the Government coull have beeii runt recornmendationsi ate., bought rhtht and left especially in exports of animals and agrical- Hardy, howsv�r, was able to show that aI - Friday night and four men were burned to hold of the lines and pIuckil
� � , . , P T held on
. I
I iI ...
� 14 . - under's system of direct tsixation. They on credit as high 411 W).000 worth of dis- tural products. ' We sold In 1889 to the though the condition was a regrettable one death. Eight others are missing. The horses keeping the horse on tile
. I ' roa and afte,
. I - . might were all burned and the camp is totally de- about a mile's swift ridov;
4 � �, 5555 Ar The figure between the parenthesis after each do at one shop.. The diamonds and States, agricultural products of the. value of It was not so serious in its effects an r
K :� ... ' 'iioats, on all the moll managed- to get
w il have lost, likewise in coll 4 .
. I
� d .1 �� � � one donates the page of the paper on which the . some other valuables he subsequently pawn- $9,125,000 'which, under the operation of- be supposed, the proportion of labor put stroyed. A farmhouse near T u-rin was de- the animal stopped. Mr.! King su"Ailied
4 - advertisement will be found. � -
, - �, i -
I rr . stuff they I have bought ' front Canadian ad, and raised p start on their
1 I .... 1; ��� : ? robably from $2,000 to the McKinley tariff, fell in 1892 to $4,573,- upon the logs before they troyed, and the farmer, his wife and two some bad braises and one aj ,two ugly cuts
�� � t I ?
t I I I t I This Week—J. L Smith. (6)
I 'i 1, It, . . between the $30000 fin ready cash. This money he flour- 000. Animals and their products fail from trans-laou8trine journey -13eing very -much :hildrou lost -their lives. I
.r ., . insnufacturfers, the differeace Although his injuries wore pajif.ul �t '
f 4 1. k For Sale—F. Holmeated. (6) - . - . hey
. � It -
� 1 1; Z� I Notice—W. Lane (5) price they had to pay and 'the price for ishad at a meetin of - his creditors, aud sm- $7,000,000 to $3,935,000. The increase of greater than that to which they are subse- DAMAGE 13Y FLooDs.—The damage by re were not -of a very serious!
; , F. tm �� I t.. 9 . , nature, and he
i, �V . , r I , Outing Shirts—Jackson Bros. (1) loyed as a pass port to the leniency ,of the late years in our tra-de with Great Britain ii subjected. Besides, by plijaciag cent floods fit Cleveland ls estimated at is on a falwir way for recovci� again..
� ' _
a -
. .t,� - � , df,. -down
li i" voi; - - Bicycles--Lumeden & Wilson. (8) which the,aame articles could be lai , Eome creditors. -Nearly all his effeciiAere dwelt upon and the efforts pecially direct- =51yetipulation among the conditions of $250,000. The railroads
f I I . I in Pennsylvania and —Mr. John T. Dlokson, on:bebslf Of the ,
i F ; � , � I
�. 1. Attention—Alex. Wilson. (8) ` in Canada—probably &,little more too, but
I , 'o - . . are now besieged, &ad Sanderson is hunitz)g ad towards cultivating this trade are re- sale the Government stood In danger of pro- Ohio claim to have lost 81,6w,000.
i ,'! �, - - Goderich Horticultural Society, *
�, �_ Is eorre.
4: � i Foundkesper's Notice—R. B. McLean. (5) A
I � i� 1i i Special Bargainsff. F. Edwards. (8) we will not bother with this. These two for a more comfortable climate. detic- counted and a number of reports from the: vokiug a retaliatory duty upon sawn lum,- GREAT WIND STORAT.—A windstorm of a nding with the Ontario Commissioner# at
- _. PO
11. , t � �1 Fea Harvesters—Thomas Brown. (6) tive is hunting for the same climate also. Itnmigra�tion Agents in Great Britain, who ber, which would be very much more more than usual severity ow, - over Color- the W rld's Fair, with a view to� placing on
, I � � � . .. items are direceiloes ;.. besides them there is apt : 0
� V . .1 _.. f The Reliable Photographer—A. Bauslaugh. (6) � Sanderson owes the banks about$3,000, but are styled commercial agents, are appended. against the general interest than any possi- &do on the 18th Inst., doing considerable exhibit at Chicago a complete collection f
Z . ;_J ., � . .
I �� , I Another—Duncan & Duncan. (5) . . 0
� I I , 7 -,I . �. I a host of Indirect sources of loss, such as in- they are pretty well secured by chattel A great deal of the -stuff in this blue book ble export of logs could be. Again, to die- damage. -
�, - 1-i I I . the coming season' fruits in this
L I . )� An Experienced- Ey"ackson Bros. (5) . a county.
11 f ,,. � 4 torest and the like, not to mention the harm mortgages. He owes a number of people is,unreliable. For instance, every one now A PROTEST AGAINST LyNcHiNa. — The —The town t of Wingha� by
I - . .
I I The Purnwo—Johnson Bros. (6) .. courage American buyers means to limit assesamen
� �i � i �, I - ;
I � Russet Shoes--Robt. Willis. (5) which has been done the country by a bad here, including employee, about $15,000 ; knows that the money spent in cultivating a possible purchasers mainly to Canadians, representative negroes of South Carolina met wards is as follows : Ward 1, $1.36,00;
, , W_ � ,00;
� vii, - � Rorse Routm (5)� and from $50,0004o $75,000 to outside peo- trade with Great Britain in eggs has been and by choking off competition to open the in Columbia Thursday,,,and a resolution was ward 2, $103,300 ; ward 3, $1 2 4 ; r
i li�, I gs Red and Tan Shoe@—A. Weselob. (8) po
� 'i ,4. . licy, by the corruption incident to an in- ' 3 , 50 ,Ws d .
, �, k., _1� � Anchor Brand—Seaforth Roller Mills. (8) - � ple, including English and Scotch houses." thrown away, as it resulted in failure. but way for combination@ for the purpose of de- unanimously carried protesting against 4, $157,418 ; total,' $520,208. h otal
I � 41-1 �; t direct method of raising funds, and the lose � � T a t
, IV,- A. Gold Witch Lost -i -Mrs. Clark. (8) I that fact In 'carefully suppressed. Even pressing prices, of which it may be $up- lynnhing. Astion is given as 2,159, &a increase 0
, �Jljdr n. pr)pl
I F Eli 4.4. 1
. , I � A Good Chance—Miss Carlisle of the benefit vibich might have accrued to I f
I i PI. - 11 I I c t. . ; such a sanguine character as Sir Charles posed they would not be slow io take ad. FiRz.—The King Iron" Bridge Company's 55 over last year. The roll shows that
, 1 7. i
1. .
; t, I !�# . . - Tupper is compelled to acknowledge in'bis vantage. The proposal, in fact, was one to , remi on at Cleveland was damaged to the there are 120 dogs in the town.
� i, 11; . Poundkeeper's Sale—R. S. Roe. ) the country had a right policy been follow- THE Montreal Star referring to the Mile p 9
� 11"� ! . � . I
� 1,_t , sion of Finance Minister Poster and Br - 'printed in thia volume, that re -impose by an indirect way the export extent of $150,000 by fire the other night. —Mr. William James, Librarian of St
I ` .1 '' � ig&- report, which is
�,q ' ,,L- .
. � 11 � t_. � I ad. If any of our readers will just follow � . .
, _�� � I : U, " �V_l dier Bowell in getting the opinions of the the effort to grow barley, in Canada for the duty on oawlogv which the Dominion Gov- -John's Church Sunday, School, Brussels vrs;
� t L, � , i i -, HARD ON EGGS.—The COldstorage house
� V '. NX -, up any of the lines we have suggested, we ritish market had been a ; failure. The arnment had removed, by virtue of which M. Dexter, at . Ogdensburg, was presented with a very complime y �
.. I I
, .1
. �. - , iff, , ght, urion TXV00dot city nabobs on the N. P. says : " while B : of itoliell &. utalry ed.
I ._ , i4 � 0
.. I -
r � _t: � - - venture the prophecy "that they will come farmerg:of Canada who have been so badly removal the lumbermen had obtained a re- burned last Sunday night. It contained, dress and a fine gold chain, by bin fello
. N he Ministers are meetitig the manufacturers bitten in the attel
I -
I .� . ; ..--....--..--
I �� *1
I I , �, �' � ,..?�l - - - out of the investigation free traders of the t mpt do not howe�er require duction of the United States duty oil lum- 350,000 dozen eggs, valued at $50,000,which workers In the Sunday School, on the eve, W
f �' I � . . - his departure for Detroit.
� ", ,� 41 . . 01
. , t a., - -1, I � and talking to select banquet audiences, the Sir Charles Tupper a report to convince them. bar to one dollar per thousand. The debate will be a total loss I
I r 14 . Vii!i SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, May 26'th., 1893 stiffait sort, and will b convinced, Into the, .
� I :;;:� . C � � e I
. V� - If, ,,.,�--f - I " i independent members are appealing directly of this fact. There are other instances on the motion was one of the longest this LOSES By FRESH E*Ts. —The damage by the —Mr. W. Elliott, who is living on the
. I ''
I ,_; ', a
p't. e ��,, 1 1
I:- bargain, that it does not pay either a man or which show the futili
I L 11 _.� the general people." . ty of the Government's session, the vote when taken past midnight freshet in the neighborhood of Lockport, Proctor farm, 10h con essio I
j I - f I 0 to I . c n of
, .�: South Huron Reformersi � . Goderiah
." V �4x, � . . . '
A 1, 1. - i a nation to take much stock in schemes that spending its energies and the public money standing 48 to 27 against. Now York, is estimated at $10,000. Farmers township, has bought the old Wi
I z
� ? - � in an effort to divert trade into unnatural A bill introduced-, HIngton
I _tl .!t�,,,:�!' A meeting of the Reformers of Souvh romi�elto coin good money out of nothing, _Py the Attornay-Gon- have given up ploughing until June. homestead, in that township, owned by Mt. .11,
-1 _.
.1 , I . z� I
. i;� I
� ." t &� � . p SIR ADO'
, *� I - LPH CARON, Postmaster General, channels. We have done exceedingly well, oral respecting the iliforoement� of the LEFT''HER FORTUNE To HER CAT.—Mary Joseph Izza,rd, for the sum of $2,5M. It
7 . _. __
i � .4 Huron will be hold at Dixon's Hall; Bruce- or make thear rich without the trouble of I
, .,
f. 1: - J " left Montreal ....
. - .;, - ; on Saturday for England. An however, in our trade with Great Britain, rights of wage earners me "' i 11 -
� � �.�� 1-t t *it considem- Wales, an ancient spinster who died at Boa contains 77 acres, with fairly good build.
- - ,, �4_a i . - in cheese - i � I
, -, field, on Monday, June 5th, at one o'clock earning their wealth.
I i r!i �1 ,� , Ottawa despatch says: 11 He will join Lady , beef and apples, and no one in ble opposition when it came up for consid- ton, Massachusetts, the other day, left her ings. He gets possession in the fall.
, 4 $ p. in., for the purpose of appointing dele- � � �� I
,;:- : : qi. ,;-,- Canada need have any hesitation in raising oration in committee, on Tuesday, the 16th. entire fortune, consisting of $8,000, for the —Mr. James Clark, of Henesill, met,witk
� "; . L
I, t� -1
I L" _� ,`* � - Caron, Miss Caron, and,the Canadian Minis -
�,- 0 a
� I'L iii - �- gates to the Ottawa Convention and the Too Muc�h Boom. . any of these products for export to the Brit. inst. 0 f its provisions was to the effect care of her pet tomcat, a fine-looking animal what might have been a serious Ac ide t
� tere in Paris, ,and after spending several ish market. as 0
j _il -1 .
'L' 1� - I
� - v. � ,! I!, .
1 i- � L ,ill. , transaction of other business of vital Inter. Within the space of but a few days, eight I that before a contractor should be entitled named Otto. Friday of last week, by receiving- a i 11tu "
I i�.,. .�!,L � I - I i - . a- I
, � -*. t I . . weeks there will go to London. The Post- to receive payment in whole or in part for. WALES IS SORRYL. —The Prince of Wales ner "from the hammer in h
, I 1" - ,�i ;r:� , . eat to the party. A grand rally is expected. prominent Australian banks have been com- .- ANOTHER HALIF-BREED GRIEVAN09. is own .hands,
� ". I 3� , - .
, ; work he must make affidavit that 11 has communic -ted to Mr. Gladstone by let- Like - & great many well aimed shots, it
w_ �ir ' any
. 4 *1 I � master General intends to make a thorough a� a
� I , � I iii r palled to � end business. The cause has I A petition has heen received by the Gov- the workmen have been paid their wages h.2 - sub n
, �, I
I . 4 4 , � I - '.
- r I �� . -office system ernment from the balf-breeds of the North. ter his regret that Mr. Gladstone was - missed its mark, and he received a under
, i � - inspection of the Imperial post
� I
I i�" � been simply the artificial inflation of values,
� 11f_; I �zl -4 � b
I . � � , I � i%- ; � while in London, with a view to the Intro. west Territories demanding the issue of full. This clause was criticized severely by jected to the unmannerly demonstrations at bander with terrific force just above t e
. I I , .
� t 4 i'�7_ followed by the inevitable reaction, which Mr. Meredith and Mr. Gibson, Huron, an� the reception in the Imperial Institute. - right eye. �
� I'l 14 t A Convention., of the Reformers of the . 1$ scrip to half -bred, children born between
i .-,--t, , _ - . 11 in known in America as a 11 boom." Can- duction of reforms in the Canadian service. 1870 and 1885, in :addition to ' . . a change was made by which the contractor DE; L,ES.9EPS SICK WITH DYSPEPSIA.— —We this week chronicle the dejkth of a
j i''; N 11 1 . I the scril is- -
� . �
'. Mk , ;1 �j 1:�" EastRiding.of Huron will be held in the is required to make such affidavit only as to Charles De Lesseps is suffering with acute well-known resident of Aubu -
", c_
, i. i i�11'i . n . ra, in the per. -
- . i. � adians have seen enough of thin sort Of thing Yes, of course. He will make just such a sued to the parents fo
. .i . . r tbid period
- I , i Iri I " Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, June 2nd 1. ' big -D. Wilson, nee
I I �; 1'-i - i it� I " 9 inspection as will give him an excuse to petition is the result of a fresh agitation re- -the wages of his men up to 14 days pre- dyspepsia and has been transferred from the son, of Mrs. Miss Elder, 8he
i � .
,71Y, i rj-_� 11 at 1,30 o'clock, for the purpose of a general during the past few years to warn them to cently started in the Northwest. The pe vious to the titne of his receiving payment. prison to the hospital of St. Louis, And is had been ailing4or some time with I cancer
111. 4j 1,';�,
�_..w I charge the expenses of the trip of himself
��',, 111t'A'_ tolerate no trifling with the Inflexible natu- . - The bill applies to cities only. guarded by two detectives. in the stomach, but on the llth inst
. � - a .. 'I, _ discussion of political topics and the else- tition, which was placed in the hands of the .1
__ � 411 -; _. ,
I i.", ��7 , ,, ral laws of trade. Time after time- the and family to the country, and the bill will member for Alberta, has been refused by the r, On Wednesday a proposal by Mr. Me- FouTv.-;F INA CELLAR. —A box contai Ing death relieved her of her sufferimqN. she .
f'r�r ji�t,. �; tion of delegates to the Liberal Convention . n
�-_. I , _11�' '.� I United Staies has been saved1from, a crash not be& amall oneT eithor, - Government at Ottawa, who have replied 'oll, of Elgin, to make all county officials, $10,000 was ultearthed'at Des Are., Arkan. was respected and beloved by all who bad
: ,
. . ;-1 �.: -a 6
i �!�.: �_ to be hold at Ottawa on Tune 20th. A large . . . from sheriffe down to bailiffs elective instead son, under the house of Stiles P. Catlin, an her acquaintance, and it was with r gr t
: ,�. - that the claims settled by the Commission
., - - .-
� ". ;�N!!,; .
., � .q I only by its size and its immense wealth of f appointed. was discussed at some length; eccentric and miserly old bachelor who died that her friends learned of her early
.1 1, , '. V i, � representation is asked from each municipal. I Mr. DALTON McCarthy, of Toronto, and of 1885 constituted a final settl ment f the 0
, ; t� � i A 1"-? -1 - - - natural resources. The Argentine Republic whole matter. 0 0 but received little support either from the 10 years ago. demise.
I � 11 � ,,�, � ity in the Riding. . -
; I� � . ]tie colleague, Mr. O'Brien, of Shanty Bay, . �
� 6;; - ,J-,;,i_�:�i, I I -.1 -14 Government or the Opposition. Theformer COLLAPSE OF FLOORING. —Eight wo itien —Mr. Thomas White, another ofC&ta.
r� - . .1 in South America, after one of the most re- THE TURBULENT OTTAWA. 14
. t, t --:�,T,1; -addressed a very large . did not appear willini'!o_ relinquish the were badly inj ared by the colla Be of a see-
' , , L audience in London 11_�_
T � . .. � " . 9 da's pioneers, and a resident,' f the 8th
� 11. -1 I 0
1 l?"cl V . markable booms in histor , flattened out in The Ottaw's rivpr ban boon oreatin some power of making sppofntments.,�'to office, tion of flooring at the else ag session of concession of North Dumfrie , inc 1
t, � , �'i�' y 9
? �,:, 4"1.1 , � German Pohtics. Ont., one evening last week. That Mr. Fic -
I , ��t ;�,-_.irl-__ consternation in the minds of th 8 8 6 R4 1
' a way that was astounding, ,taking one of o mill own. notwithstanding the statemeni made by the women'd congress in Chicago on Satur. died'there last week, ha attained the' , �
L .
� '! ` '. iv-�-1 i."I: After the defeat: of the At -my Bill, . McCarthy has struck a responsi4 chord in era and property owners along its banks. M�. Fraser, that such a power waa rather a day. good age of 82 years. I
I - ' - ' � f:� I I
� , ' L f I '��
P, 11 it " - R -, the sreateat and shrewdest banking eqn- I
� 71. Z3 !�'o �;,, of whidh we have before spoken, ' I! White was -1
� the affections of the people is shown by the Several of the mills have already been oblig- source of embarrassment than of strength, TH.E STRONG MAN'S L&ST PULL.—Blondin, father of Mrs. H. Elliott, of BruEsels, and -
I t, - -� Y_ '
. :1 41' - 6 11,,.1
- r fi i'ti,; _ in � the German Reichstag, Emperor' Wil- cerno in the world dowp with it. Now . ed to shut down on account of the height of wl�i the Opposition dared not ham- the strong man travelling with Cola's circus, Mr. John White, who wee ki led ab -
, __,; ir� i .. I , immense audiences that greet him wherever Is I
k, , 41;;,�,, Lout 194 �
- � - ,X , "'_i come's Australia. We in Canada may be I water, and a tiumber of persons have been string itself by laying 3own volun- ruptured a blood vessel at Saranac Like, years ago by being struck L b a flying gplin. ,
I .. 'i . `
, _
_,.1 1. A I � . - liam made a very warlike speech to the - he speaks and the unusually enthusiastic, obliged to leave their homes to the mercy of tarily the means of rewarding the faitb- New York State, the other day, while try- ter from a circular saw, ayomewhere nest! L
� if, � v ";41� F thankful that the attempt, begun in 1878 by
� .
1,- ,jt officers of the Guard gathered on the field receptions accorded him. Of this London the waters. So rapidly has the river risen ful survivors of twenty years fighting in the ' ; Brussela. .
r I
1� ;, "' , '�'. V I Sir John Macdonald and his followers, to . ing to hold together two horses that attend- I
� . -
I I. i . 4 . C -1.-: after a review. -He intimated that 'he meeting the report says: 11 Not only did lie that whereas at the point of measurement it aliside. should thewheal of fortune ever pu I t ants endeavored to lead in opposite direc- —A team belonging to Mr. J. McLeod, of
� _� '. L_,�'l I
� . '. . I , boom Canada in exactl the same way, was w
� � � woatJ stake everything -on the success of y
. - , �- Vv!. _�__ have an immenee crowd of people before him' wiLs ouly 15 feet on the first of May, it is the offices within their gift. Mr. McColl's tions. He died soon after, and was carried Grey township, n5l �
I . �10. ", Ii " ccessful"Or the Dominion would surely . now 25 feet, and as the waters of the north motion was lost on a way last week. The
.1 Ti� A un8u
. I � -�yfi I division. The billex- from the ring. iii& driver received a few cut.3 on the bead and
. I , � .i��', the Army bill and would continue to dis- but he was the recipient of special favors. have not yet begun to come dow gr t emptiDg farmers from the operation of the -B AT SAGINAW.—A terri,bly destruct.
- . �.Z 11 �' �-4 , .0 have suffered the same fate which. has be- of a as
. : �, � �0'. solve the Reichstag until Represe tatives . . FIR the wagon was slightly damaged. J, Sang,
� . I � , � � n ' A company of pretty little girls filed upon deal depends on the date of their arrival as compeneation for in uries act was passed '
" � , '�.,` �
,i, . _ i ountries. It in a hard ster's team f the same township, also ran
'. � , i ive fire occurred - at Saginaw Michigan,
� . ;� , fallen these other c ,O
I I -1 . were electea who would pats 'the bill. the stage and Ban God Save the Queen, after to whether the river rises Ptill, higher or ra- through committee -
I F" i g
� - . - , notwithstanding that Saturday last. Many business " away with a spring tooth cultivator, while
11 � � �__ c I thing to say of a policy that it can be com- - cedes. If it should rise a foot higher difi. places, great
:f "l- l-, Whether or not he will adhere to this state- which the ladies resented him with an ad- � Mr. Fraser and Mr. Meredith joined h%nds quantities of lumber, dwelling houses, some a
� - i. - i F , 6, � mended only because of its absolute ,failure, p astrous consequences would ensue. . on the road-, by being frightened by bi-
; i. i �t',� i- - ment we cannot Bay, but it has created con- . . in opposing it. of them the Aneat residences in the city, and cycle. The cultivator did some good tat
. � , . , dress and baskets'of beautiful flowers for � . 11 ute
� . . I ,__i'. - but In the bjtse of the National Policy it is ' . . NOTES, On Thursday the Municipsl Committee several charitable institutions were all re- labor- for about a mile, it is ssid.
� 1�1 ; �4 , . . _ .
� � �, 1. !. - siderable stir, and in view of a general elec- -Mrsl� *McCarthy.!'. His 'speech was on the
I f'- . I -
i, � , ; ; , finished its consideration of Mr. Garrow's duced to ashes. At least two lives were
I � ii undoubtedly true. We believe, however, A proclamation will be issued shortly �One day recently, while Ernest West
' i
. . I 1; I tion, the Socialists and Radicals in the Em- $%me lines as others that he has delivered, brioging into force the Act establishing bill, enabling municipalitige to grant ex- lost. A close astimate places the number of was taking & horste out of the barn of .'Mr,
� 'T i%_,"., 11, . that free trade would bring about a pros- I re-
� , i� " I buildings destroyed at 275, and the total John Eliiott, Goderich township,it aceide t..
:tV� .- the 'Only difference' being that now his main rocity in wrecking between us and the n � z
� . V � ii q 1 pire are working night and day,distributing � 3 c usive privileges to toleph-me companies,
- I parity which would be not only great but � and after being favored with the prehence of logo sustained at $900,000. The total insur- ally got into a trap hole, which no o a
14 _t1i_ " literature, making inflammatory speeanep W 1 question and the ra mited-States.
-1. � , .z' theme is the trade ce and n on
lr _ / .
� �
�� � , � :' lasting. What has brought the two coun. ' representatives of 16 municipalities in favor &nee will aggregate about $600,000. seeing would ever believe i was possible for �
". f 1 5 � . , � etc.. etc., while the Conservative party is � religious issues are given a aecondar and If the Chicago Fair ig openc,d on Sunday t
.. W. t.: � 4 y f the bill, fixed the term for which such —
,x � tries mentioned to ruin so speedily was the the Canadian eectiorf will remain closed on 0 . MISSED His Aim, 'While Mr. Gladstone a horse to go through. He sam that the
, .. 'I law'' weakened by dissension. Things axe be- . much less promin6t place. He said he con that day. � '
_ , 0, . P " privileges might be granted at five years,
, ,
I . , ). ti4_1 I rash extravagance of their Governments, t was travelling from London to Chester,- only, way was to let her go, and so they .
! i'' _�j 1� coming exceedingly interesting and the out- . sidered it 96 a die 'race that people callin Sir Adolphe Caron has gone to Paris to and decided to recommend the meaoure to Friday, a heavy missile was thrown at his did. The horse fell a distance of .12 feet
- - t. � who, obtaining their funds from the people 9 9 join his wife and daughter. Mr. Haggart the- House,
, t - � come will be eagerly w%tched for. . themselves loyi-at,sbould have 9, tariff of 30 . compartment ai the train approached Willes- and did not seem to 'be the worse for its
. , �"!.�f ,r i � - The only appearance of the annexa
.t. I ': I . � by indirect methods, were able to squander and Mr. Patterson are at the coist, and tion den. The missile struck the window of the strange experience.
. . - Z� I . per cent, against Great Britain and only 25 aestion In the House this session was on next compartment, which was o � I —We are glad to be able to announce .
, . I.,- I Me5sre. Foster, Bowel], Daly and Angers ocupied by -
� " 1��
, �. - . the money and impair the credit of the .
9 ,, I The Home Rule Question. - � i Wriday, whea Mr. Whitneyealled attention that the wife of Mr.
- ,� . �� country by schemes' which, in the light of against the United Statep," Which 1 perfect- are in the Maritime Provinces. the Dean of Chester. ., It smashed the glass -Thomas Mason, of tbe
. �
I , , , Over the head of the home rule bill poli- ly true and yet the loudest It Jw 7 for the to the utterances of Mr. M. C. Brown, and struck the cushion a few inches from l3ase Line, Goderich township, who hashad I
. .
V., , 0 common sense, look mad. But, can anyone . . ____ . police strata of Simeoc, who, Mr. Whit. the Dean's head. a severe and prolonged illness, is now much
; . �
I , � tics in Great Britain have attained to a pitch old flag are those who stick out most strong- THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. no . mp i : �
- �
I ., , � imagine a Government which gets its money I y for this tar . � y allegegd, had declared himself in favor . better, with good prospectis of her complete
I .. � . — of union with the United States, and had I restoration to health. Mr. Mason wishes to
� . ; directly from the pockets -of the people, and I Huron Notes.
I'll - I of bitterness and vindictiveness such as has iff. , I .
� I I I
11 . . -
. � I I not been known before in this generation. � � .- (From Our Own Correspondent.) �!—*-,71 moreover defied the Attorney -General to express bin gratitude.to his many neighbors I
I I 11 in consequently directly responsible to them THE DOMINION CAP1TAL. 1__i.1-_" opinion. Mr. James Howard, of Lanes, lost a
I . aw -the-province, -the great kindness they have
I I , . At the Imperial Institute in London, a f Z The financial well b�ing of . dismiss him for such declaration of ' * valuable mare lately, by having her
, 9, , . - . 11 for its expenditure, bei�g recklessly extrw ; — — — f . The Meyers case was recalled and the reason I leg and friends for ii: , fly in so many w
. are concern "ro a i , L Lays,
I , I ,` days ago, Mr. Gladstone was hissed and . � no far as its public affairs ad; broken. - ' shown him and his faffi
, I.' vagant,or wasting the public money in,- and (By Our Special Correspondent.) I was demanded of the retention of M.r. _ Messrs. Ed. Walter@ and Bo'rt Thibs- during the past few months, �
- I . . come to depend f,o largely upon the rev--'*
I. - 1: booted by the crowd as he passed through . enues Br-
. I I' _:" aiding and abetting a boot#' by hair -brained . . OrrAWA, May 22nd, 189S. L .. . own in office, in view of the dismissal of dean, of Colborne tdwnslitp, left oa Tues- —Dr. Elliott, of Chicago, late of Bruce-
* � : i
1 � the corridors, s4though he was the guest of, I derived fromthe timber standing upon un. Mr. Meyers for a like offence: The Attor- . - up his affairs r
. . I '. I I financial schemes ? L �aria. field, is bAck winding
� � I Garter King a.t Arms has -notified the nei-General declined to admit that the cases day of last week for 8 ult Ste. M! parattory to his permanent removal to l-
and accompanying the Prince of Wales. granted Crown lands, that the policy of the —Mr. Fred Myers hs Mi"
JI I I � I Governor-General of h;s succession to the were parallel, or that Mr. Brown had done an received the con- go. He likes the west very much from a
, , I ca
.1 Nor were the crowd who so far forgot them- - Government of the day in regard to timber tract for gathering milk for -the Rodgerv'lle business standpoint, but frankly admit$
. . Canadian Ha�, in England. - Earldom of Derby and his Excellency has or said anything worthy of dismissal. Mr. i .
. .1
. 11 , - selve8 an to jeer and tsunt an old man of ' ' matters is of the very first importance, All Meyers had been an official in his own de- cheese factory. i there are features of life there Objectionable
- I [ ., 1- - I Sir Charles Tupper, Canada's High Com- consequently dropped his old title of Stan- who lisve followed the career of the Mowat partment, and if he had been allowed to ap- 'r—Mr. Alfred Carr, of East Wswanosh to a Cinadian, who has not been accustom-
1_�_ eighty, whose hair -had grown white in the - had the misfortune lately to lose A '
1� r , missioner in England, ha's iesued a report to ley of Preston and official documents are ar on public platforms in support of an- I fine foal
1. service of his country, roughs in the general - Administration must admit that their deal- Pe ad to the looseness- of morals which prevail
�, �' , I the Finance department on nex&tion, the blame might not unnaturally from his well known prize mare. :
I . �: .. �, I 11 the subject of now signed " Derby." I have cleared up ings with timber and timber liwits have been have fallen upon him (the Attorney- 1 to a far greater extent than most people sup-
;, 'i . - singularly free from grounds of complaint. Goner- has again changed hands, Mr.� Craig, the pose. He expects to leave again about the
I � L .1 acceptance of the term ; on the co trary, . Canadian trade in England. Of the bay trade . the mystery which surrounded. the uncer rown had no been offensive —The British Exchange hotel,j Golerich let of June.
- � .
� I i. I they were the titled and wealthy ladies and - &O.: while Mr. B I
. I Ir Charles says : . tainty In They have not unduly placed timber area' ws,, al late proprietor, having sold out to Mr. T.
. S 't as to Lord Stanley's retirement fro I a
1. - . gentlemen of the most aristocratic and fash- - upou the market, knowing that they become in the avowal of his vie d'h%d not con- Tait, of- Galt. � —Mr. John Yale, who for many years has
, � 14.. "Many thousands of tons of hay have office.. The usual farewell address to a Gov- more and more valuable with the lapse of ducted himself in afich a way as to call for been Chief Constable and night watchman
. I __ ..� ionable part of London. The leading Eng- been sent from Canada during the lag ernor General was omitted to be proposed to time, but whe interference. I —Mrs. I. C. Richards, of Brussels, has
1� . - � t year,
- -! -� � � a encroaching settlement, the ! at Goderich, has resigned his position and
, Is lish Conservative papers express regret at and I trust that it. has prov d profitable The motion made by /i�� 6Connor to the gone to Midland City, Michigan
. . � ,�., ,a to to ties her
- � � Parliament last session, and criticism of this building of railways or' ot�er causes have � Mr.Alfred Nicholson has been a pointed bin
I � .., - the shippers, although during a part of the expected to
I . -they do it in a ; father, who is very ill and not " P1
. . � . - the occurrence, bat uch a half season the freights ' I omipsion led to an explanation by the, Act- brought the ever present danger from fire effect that the Lieutenant -G vernor should recover. � successor, at a salary of $450 a year,, John's
� I � 11 * were . higherl than the be sent to the World's Fair,, companied by i
I _. 1.�,�"_ " � - hearted way that their triumph is ill con- price of the commodity would see tni to war ing Premier that a Governor-General could to a point which threatened the Ver exist. latch key has admitted ma a belated I
� . �', -� ' - . : . - y a silfficient staff for the purp as of worthily ,, —The fine thoroughbred Durham bull, ny .
1. �
. � .t, I :i * remain six years i ence of the timber, they have not refrained Clear the Way," the properti � Of Messrs. 1
, . , . coaled. However,L this exhibition of foolish rant, and more than it could fairly stand. natead of five and that night str - oller at the side door of his hotel,
17 t:, � from ,)ffering it for sale, through fear of representing the Province, di not appear . hen but for his good offices he would, in
' they were in hopes Lord Stanley's term . .
I t vindictiveness is more likely to benefit than A firm whom I induced to go into the trade, 46 a Cardiff & lanes, of Morris, although only w
. ;
. � , ;,'k . Messrs. Underwood & Sons of Nine Elms would fill out the full six years. Theacting wasting the country's resources." Sales' to c�ommeud itself to the mem ra, and- was two years old, weighs 1,700 pounds. all probability, have had to recline in a
- '
- ; I �_ to injure Mr. Gladstone. To be !sure it are always made a,t public auction after due consequently withdrawn, so i His Honor packing box or on the soft side Gf a plank.
j I
� 11 �. � i I Brantford, have handled several hun- Premier did not say, however, which —Gorria Football club defeated Mount
. ; ir ancl decides to attend the Expoe�tiou he must I
�. ..� shows plainly for the first time the intense vertisement in the press, and the man John was always very handy and obliging in
'' _ dreds of tons, and I quote a letter is the fact, that the Government used lad Forest on Tuesday of last we'ek and now .
__ t -, , 1� ,,they have . I who is prepo,red to pay the highest price needs do so at his own charges,l like the vast
- 1.� i.", �. - and bitter hostility of the upper classe's to written to some of their friends In Canada, j every means. in their power to pro. . majority of his liege subjects. I tands first in the Maitland District.' Brua,� thin way, whatever bin � other shortcomings
g� �". � - , I " for the privilege of cutting the timber, be :el8 is third. may have been.
t . 1� the reforms with which his name is 'connect- as i,t seems worthy of careful perusal long Lord Stanley's term of office another With the view of hastening �he close of r 1
-.. F he Grit or Tory, Canadian or American or —Mr. G. A. Deadman, of Brussels, who
,-1 i, - andattention. With reference to the Can. year, in the hope and belief that by that —There were 16 carloads of #&It from th6 .
I . t I.- 1"', ed, but it also em hasizes Mr. Gladstone's Fiji Islander, gets the the session the House had a sitting on Sat-
: � 1. 1% p adian bay trade, it is manifestly impossible time Mr. Gladstone would have been put . limit. Everything three Goderich wells wai is one of the leading apiarists of Ontario,
� . � , . . "s statement that he is fighting for the masses ng is open and above boar urday from 11 till I o'clock. the principal ting at the harbor'
I I �� I . to carry it on in the way it is being done at out of office as a result of the impendi d ; there are no sales in that town last we � has put his bees out for this season. 'Nine.
". � .!�*i item of business was the passing of a resolu- ek, the arrival of the
P i � general election in England and Lord Salis- . I
IF against the classes, and history teachea us present. To this Sir Charles adds: Of on private terms and no valuable limits are ty-five colonies were wintered in the cellar,
I ., L ... '� � � 4. "' bary would have the choosing of & Governor given away A $5 per square mile, which is tion making an allowance of $ year, North west Transportation Company's boate.
. I , - _ L 1,?w — ' and the reM&Lining 70 were outside. Onji I I
I t i, I that though the fight may he stubborn, in course the present season has been excep - already enjoyed by eom4 ,_ ,a rior Henry Fisher, of Beamiller, had his oat. .1
. . of
,1. - � . tional in England. Hay has been ver scarce General mare anited to the taste of this Gov- the favorite price at Ottawa. The results a Supe hand badly out recentl while running the two or three out of the total were I The -
,e F�'. L - �
.,.. 4�� � as . . ernmen season is about three weeks later than ,
much higher than - saw M .
� �, :it - 1, the end the m ' aes will win It is not home and prices have ruled y t here than a -man selected by Mr. of the businesslike manner in which theGov- Conrt judges, apply to all, this *ount be- in the mill at- Sum I erhill. 'One finger I
. �'l V , . . J
� . - I , rule for Ireland that the Conservatives fear usual, In ordina ' Gladstone. Lord Stanley, who has been so ernment -has dealt with the timber are marki. Ing paid- by the Province, in Iview of' the had to be cut off, and two others were bad- usual this year. Mr. . Deadman rays when /
, -: �, " I ry years, unless the price many duties imposed upon them by Pro- - 2
. , ,. . � so muc ; it is the train of reforms for which is low in Canada and freight charges light, accommodating to the three administrations I eated in the gocd prices, obtained at their vincial legislation other than the ordinary ly cut. the bees are not allowed to work earlier in �
. .1 � .;". �1, which have existed under his regime, was sa , culmimatinR in the 'very successful one � —From the church list just published by nee is considerably 1
. I '. 4 ;.' 7�, s t , link the home rule bill is but the it -is a question whether there -would be leg-, administration of the law. 4 d the year their -existe
; - 1, �1_ 0 of last October. However, the Opposition _. iscuesion a I i I
'_ ' e
--I'- ey fear that if the party behind coustic parties of I-
;, � j- , 11 a fairly been started, I am glad 11toneeivative party, but the succession less than twenty-four clergymen formerly of —One day recently, while William'Moses,
__ 2 . wev�rj, t remain here ¬ er year to oblige
. wedge. Th rnfich margin for profit. Ho " the trad Willi h took place.upon the a firm in Milwaukee it appears there are no shortened by overwork.
hSi... I has ,to say,%nd the are not content with the timber policy of the new chamber, which, so farplos
_. � � .1 �. 1. home rule once gets control, the ancient I trust it may be found possible to the earldom of Derby upset this plan and the Government and make it the subject of this sea- the Diocese of Huron, now laboring in the of Morris township, was taking a laud roll-
, . I, . . to continue unual attack. The usual assault I sion's experience has shown. 4re very far United States. I er from one %field to another, in goin
I _: an a
. - . -1 - prestige of 11 the classes " will diae,ppear and and e.xtend it." his Excellency goes home about July. The . a by froln perfect. No doubt, however, an Mr. 9
..- I � I �� means of a resolution declaring that the
- : _. ��, 4 : Government here forgot that they had to —Messrs. Duff & Stewart, of Bluev&le through the gate the roller hit the gate poet
'. 1 � . �� Great Britaln will become a pure democracy. - — - deal with an old Parliam entary Fraser pointed out, members have them-
, el"'A I 9
: - ti Government should not hold timber sales
.. � " .4 band and shipped recently 8 cars of maple Lad frightbned the team, causing them to
: ., � "'. It is but now that these facts are becoming Bonanza Farming. selves largely to blame for not b ing heard, . blocka, 61 0
, I �
. �. .� that Mr. Gladstone would, not likely forego without first asking.and obtaining authority because they do not speak Ion nchea square, to Liverpool, England, to be run away.' In their mad race a seed drilf
. , , �_ , - clear to the British people, but as we look Bonanza farming does not r-eem to be more the opportunity of a' first-class appoint from the Legislature. This sounds well d !e'nough or ad ia the manufacture of mangels ; also
, � -;,,
- 11 , _. I us was- run against and damaged, and the
� . - � I with sufficient volume. Whatever may be
. I z, - "I - over the s,tatements of' 11 the grand old successful in Manitoba than it hits been in ment for the asks of meeting the views ,of enough, as calculated- to increase the control the cause, it is undoubtedlT the fact that the 8 c ek to Canadian buyers. tongue of the roller was broken. Twodittle
. . .
. back are of hemlo
- ,
r, � . I : ,.', the Ottawa ministry. exercised by the House over the public do- � , —St. John's church congregation, Brun. girls were ridin on the roller when the u.
, � . �� � wl man," we must admit that he has had a clear the ' Western and Northwestern States. In I . THE ROYAL SOCIETY. main, but it is a quefation whether a practi- occupants of the press gal eries, As well as sale, contemplate the erection of a par- cident happeney, but escaped without any
� �1 11 , , , � view of the field from!the beginning. That most cases where it has been attempted, it , The Royal Society of Canada is to hold its ,cal application of this doctrine would be ' visitors in the other galleries, 1 have fre.
q '. , : � a quently much difficulty in making out
. I . sonage on the eligible lot- adjo"inin the damage. .
. I ',�o � atinual meeting here commencing to -day. An fioancird benefit to the Province. The Le-
. i,11 he has underestimated the difficalties is like. has proved a disappointment and, a failure, 9
, - �.. � 1� gislature cannot be summoned at a I what i's going on below, church. Heretofore the incumbent has —A house and stable belonging to Mrs,
I .
., .
R , .1 readers have heard of r. Society there is nothing that would please 110 a
I � ly; that the reforms he has at heart mayinot Most of our" B4 & native Canadian dealing with a Canadian day On Monday Hen. Mr. Ross moved the lived in a rented house. Grantham. of Clinton, was on Saturday
� 11
- � - �, t I , . I ties, and most of the members would re- ight comple:tely burned. The most unfor-
,� be broug, -bout during his lifetime is Sanderson and �ia bonanza farm, near Bran me more than to praise the excellence of - tunate part of it,%as that the bose belon _r
. �.. �, ht a . . sent being summoned at harvest time to de second reading of the bill providing for tak- —Mr. John McNeil has rented part of the n
I I .1 1. .. farm on the 15th concession of Grey,beloni-
� 4 .1 t. � " probable, but still, we venture the prophecy don, Manitoba. Mr. Sanderson came to this organization, but &sit does not appear to Jiberate upon the wisdom of selling a few eblacite upon the prohibition ques- 9-
, ..
-1 I ing 11 Pi ing to A. McNair, of Cranbrook ing to the fire department were about 100
�i :. t11.1 . I that the name of GlladSt011b Will live and be Manitoba a few years ago from Scotland, so have any excellence, there is no use in glos, square miles of timber threatened by an tion, a proceeding which was opposed by I t '
. -,.. I - . sing over the fact and parading it before the � � 9 �
honored by the, British people� long after a laboring man, and it was claimed t _ - forth to
f A, 'i . approa,hing railway or perhaps even al Mr. Meredith and the Opposition generally, maining portion being rented by John Me- yards sbortof reaching the burning buildin a
hat by * ready overrun and partially damaged by but which4as approved by the House od a - Taggart, Moncrieff.. and although every effort wa!g put f
I -public as being as big as' its high soundiljg —D:.Howittoof Guelph, with Doctors Philp save the building it was impossible. The -
I .
- I 1� i*,-,.� : the names of his most brilliant opponents good management and the natural advantages title wo me fire, There are obviously 11 golden mo- vote of 48 to 28. Mr. Meredith's speech on peont rformed an opera- .
- . . � I uld imply." There are,certainly,so the question was perhaps the weakest he has and Thom last week pe I lady is in poor circumstances, and bad no
. . � i.� i have been utterly forgotten. of the country he had made a fortune. He good names in the list of its 'members, but ments" in the timber limit as in other lines tion on Mrs.Henry Coghlin, of Molesworth, insurance on either building. Fire crackers I
I- " I -
V,F , . of business when the time is opport' ever delivered in the House, and was met -at
I had a farm of several hundred acres, and they are few and far between �nd the num. une for . 9' in the hands of mischievou's boys caused the
P ii`� 'I __ I every poin for the removal of a tumor, and there are
k. , .. bar of those who attend the meetings of the a sale and when to delay would be to jeop- t by the reply of �he veteran
I- , . Worthy of Thought. Government agents and Canadian Pacific . good hopes of her speedy recovery. damage. -
� society or take any part in them is still ardize its success. Not to be able to seize Premier. A wordy duel took place during —One day lately, Mr. James Tasker, of —Rev. J, S. Cook, M. A., oi Ripley, late .
I � Railway land boomers used to take pride in smaller. the course of the debate between Mr.Marter
;� �,, .1 It would be interesting to Canadian peo- Take any annual meeting of the such a moment but to be obliged to wait no. Harlack bad the misfortune to lose a valu- of Heasall, has- received the B. D. degree of
. .
� I ; 1:, .'� ple, and more especially to that portion of driving intending settlers or land'purebas- society and leave out four from among those til the Legislature meets before even advertis. and Mr. Tait, the latter accusing the father t .
-y I the berths f of the retail prohibition bill of being active- !�Ie colt, it having died from the effects of the Wesleyan Theol6gical College, Mon -
It - - the Nation which earns its daily bread by era out to Mr. Saaderson's farm in order to in attendance and the' k3 is not as much real Ing or sale, would be to tie the ly concerned in the distribution of frozen !nJuries received from a horse in an adjoin- treal. He has adso sucaessfully completed
V �. I 14 - . ability left in the entire meeting as would hands of the Government in' a way that ing field. I the Post -Graduate course for' Doctor of
. :. ��,, .1 bard, unremitting toil, and even then fin' show them from actual obser`V�7&tion what in- .. whisky in Muskoka in the mem6rable cam.
il I - � us equip a well organized newspaper office, -could not fail to minimize their chances of —Mr. G. F. Blair, formerly a student Philosophy, in connection with the Illinois
.��:., . dustry and skill could accomplish in a ew The only us , ation of the society which 'is a successful sale. Ibis year not only have defending himself from the aspersion. The with Me, r Wesleyan University, and wift be awarded
� � � It a little difficulit sometimes to .make ends I f paign of 1883, and Mr. Marter vigorously
" meet, to have set out, in plain figures, the these objections been urged against the erich, took first place in the recent examina, the.0h. D. degree at the June convocat - Ion.
I years in the Prairie Province, and -no doubt meritorious is the French literature section a B. Garrow & Proudfoot, of God-
I 111, 1. . and th�t only illustrates what in well knowii � d for the dozenth time member for Toronto, however, had prepared ti,,, for Barrister and was well up to - Mr Cook has just returned from a visit to
, inspection of- the Sanderson bonanza farm I himself with the official votes of the election
��: - direct loan which, has been entailed on the ; wards
. � - : that Quebec supplies nearly all the litera- but they have -been supplemented by a new the top on the Solicitors' list. the-Vorld's Fair, and with Mrs. Oook and
l "PI - , people of Canada by that experiment has been the cause of inducing many but'- ture peculiar to Canada. This organization s&pproval. On Thursday, 18th trial at which the Conservative candidate —Mr. W. Tiplady, of the base line, God- babe will sail by Steamship Labrador on
. in the . ground of di a .
d,reds of peop a n the country, was once dubbed by Mr. Blake as "the pau. Miscampbell, of Simcoe, invited imself & erich township, is just recovering from �he 17tb of June for a two months'vacation
. .1'. artificial enhancement of values ktown as 11 to settle i inst., Mr. was disqualified, and if he did not lucceed
. � � � This advertisement for the fertility of the per society," because it receives an annual the House's &@sent to a resolution declaring in showing that Mr, Varter had h
1i : the National Policy. This policy was to ,_ . what might hi6ve been a serious accident, in England and the continent.
. '. il rant from Parliament of $5,000, sufficient that the,consent of the Legislature should nand in circulating, the :congealed alcohol,
. t - � country and the benefits of industry Recently, while tearing down a barn, a —John Berry, a well-known resident of
I r . I , � � have created a home market ; it was to have not now longer exist. For some ti ' to print the proceedings of the Society in be had to any proposed timber sale and as. established beyond doubt that he was in �
�. . made the country grow in population at a me there the most gorgeously bound volumes of any aerting that all sales of timber limits should Very bad company indeed. falling board struck him on the head, in- McKillop, had a narrow escape the other
. ,��'. Mr. Ryerson on Tuesday moved for a com- fileting % hasty cut. . ., day. H3 Was making some changes in the
. il . bitherto unheard of r a ; it was to have have been whisperings which have reached similar society in the 61d world. There is be made subject to the . condition that the . ion of inquiry into Phe management 'of —A bull belonging to Robert Ye , Turn- see drti'l when one of the horses, a colt,got
, �. I at . .
�., I . I . . 0
1 - 11 . - even as far east as Ontario, that things absolutely no public interest in their pro timber should be manufactured within the miss
.t, I placed us in ten years in. the first rank of - berry, was weighed at Bluevsle the other th
V., the Agricultural College at Guelph, but did Ybcin'dle off and attempted to ran away.
I 'A " were not as prosperous with Mr. ceedinge,for the attendance at the meetings, Province. The motion was submitted on day and plumped down the scales to 2 560 Mr. Berry in endeavorilIg to stop the team
. 11, . � commercial and manufacturing nations. . Sanderson which are open to the public, is confined to going into supply, which, not succeed in making out a case against - pounds. The auimal has been sol 0
1 Above all thin a, however, it was to have as his friends and creditors would desire, have a dozen persons.: Speaking ; the Government or In adding any laurels to d to the was struck by one of the wheels of the
- iL . . 9 -the threatening cloud has now burst. ' Parliamentary usage, made it one �-�of want I
I ,� increased the population and thus to have and 0 pape a of confidence in the Govera.ment� and iit the very scanty ones which he has no far cattle buyers and will be shipped before drill and knocked down and had his back
17 .. �, .1 there is no contiibutor' to the If t of r wa y par y recap- . long.
- - lbe Brandon Mail of a 7recent date says : at the present meeting from the Province of '
-i 1. - tarnished an ever increasing home market. . , a therefore assured a strictl earned in his Is isistive career. Injured, The horsee'ran about 80 rods over
� , ' . Ontario outside of Ottawa, tion. The moveri as a lumbe- The House a Journs 10
. I � - . , " ' Bonanza ' Farmer Sanderson is - in __ �.himself, Ti over Queen's Birth. . —W. T. Welsh, of Goderich, who some an unp wed field and scattered oats and
, i , The census, taken by the same party which - I .- � � d and will probably finish business on F ri. time ago sprained his foot, and had to walk grass seed rather indi criminately about.
� . , � _. trouble. On his arrival here a 'few weeks OUR COMMERCUL RELATIONS. deplored the practice, w ic 'has grown to 'Y' with the aid of a stick, has found the dif- Irl
. I day and prorogue Saturday. — Mt. Berry has had save ad clone cklls from -
I f inaugurated this policy, shows that the considerable dimensions i lat6 years of RONTO, May 23rd, 1893. ficulty growing so serious that his modical accidents.
I ago he came face to face with hi creditors, The Finance Department has issued a American owners of On ari timber lilits To ,
, -
VT . country has absolutelL
41 . . y stood still*, and had whose claims amount to $50,000, :bout $30,. compilation of the condition of our tradet on � - - attendant forbids his leaving the room for —As the time for holding the District
` . . ,the north shore of a a Huron raft- .
I 'i . , it been an honest census, taken by disinter. 000 of which is due to a bank very well relations with foreign coubtries to the 31st 'Ing .their L logo -Acros I hat lake and . News ot the Week. some weeks.
i ,,i. 1, I Mestings approaches, there is consider -able
. T . I toted parties,, it would, perhaps, have shown stocked with chattel mortgages, and much of of December labt. lit give �the li t of tre t cutti g �--Oue day last week, Mr. George King,of talkin church circles * concerning & , Pro-
" a -the mills of LOST FARMS.—A landslide in Norway
I I I . . the balance to employee. At a meeting of ies in which C I a a : D them into lumber �in B1 th, whilareturning from visiting friends poised re -adjustment of some of thi circuits
. � I I y
�' ""' w ere, an
I . a retrogade movement of considerable . I anada enjoys the most favored Saginaw,'Bay City and el It d as- has converted 12 farms into a lake of slime. In the vicinity of Jamestown, Morris, met. of the Methodist church. There may be
'F I pro- the creditors, however, he appeared to have nation treatment, refers to the failure 6 sorted that it was the of the Govern- LOGS SWEPT AwAy.—The lake freshet with a painful aqcident. About two miles nothing definite in any of the propositions,
� portions. The experiment, then, for the lots of cash to put in his large crop, most of secure the con'tinusneb of the treaty between meat to put & stop to
1�- � duty
. . v_- time it had been under way, must be con-- . the ractice by re- swept 5,000,WO logs down the Kennebec river north of Blytb, the horse which he was but they are under consideration to a car -
I the ground being ready. The creditors all Great Britain and the German Zoliverein, t' I .
I.- I - said : I I Give the boy a, chance. " -,, A few the failure to do -anything with Spain, t 0 quiring all oawlogs cut in On ario tole man- in Maine. � a paisaing wagon in tain extent. For instance, Bayfield, which
i � sidered a complete failure, and it - ' ' driving took fright at -
- , rs' �
i .
i" j,
a '
I 8
only re- days ago & rustle was 0 ufactured here. It is evid tit, of course, TiLE HATED JEwS.—A new ukase has which some pigs had been delivered in has for the past year been a two-man air-
� � - ' a r,�
I ,I � - mains to find out what it has cost the peopl I 6 heard among the the failure to do anything with the British that, under this state of th ngs, the Prov- issued expelling the Jews from the Asiatic Blyth that day. The animal became no- onit, will likely be remodelled so an to light- , -
� , I leaves, and- Sanderson has been invisible West Indies, to the failure to necure Reci. ince loses whatevor p fit th re may be in provinces of th�e' Russian Empire. manageable and Mr. King was thrown from an the work and dispense with the services
, . I
4 , of Canada. ' In the first Place, our people . A Scotland Yard detective ap- procity with the United States, to the fail- r ]
I A �. e ever since, 'rofi
: i. , lha*,e lost in hard cash the total amount Of peared on the scene ' the turDirig of thb crude art* le,.,loga, into FiEpxF, FOREST FIREs.—Terrible forest the rig under the wheels, and becoming of a young man. Then Alms appointment
, and it has leaked out ure to establish a fast line of steamships be- the finished pr ' ct, lumbe , and by the fires are raging all around Cadillac, Michi-
. �t I the duties that have been collected tince the that -while in the Old Country, Sander of ( tangled in the gear of the v
IF _. � " son, tween Canada and Great Britain, and to . ehicle, was belongs to Seafortb, and Turner's to Ontario
I � extent to-'wh , oeeu
it., � , well stocked with copies of chattel ich t export of ogii is going ragged for a considerable distaffice before 3tre'et, Clinton; it is proposed to add these
policy came into force, less the amount for I gages and other securities, - on employment for Ontario sa yeis etc., is was burned Saturday. The lumber csn1P Of
; mort- I the success of the McKinley tariff in de - gan; The sawmill of Edward Mergeridge, d
-1 � States aan Al o : 1. , . $
5- I I
F letters of credit, I icreasing our trade with the United . he could extricate himself. His daughter to Londeabore and make it & two-man
__ 1. 0%i onan, as oner o , � ro7h Lands Louis, Sands, Dear Lake Uity, was burned
� . : : I VAI . � Maud, who was with him, managed to get circuit.
I . � . � �', " � -
I . �
I . I I .
� . I I �
I .
. r .
. ,
. . .
� .
� ib. Aunual 9,6
socletv In the
oalbi�*th 16111
cousiss here I
06Y 'Ore a"
04 UO.V-61 T
� T .West"
�,J, a - �
i4-evening �
everal agelt
of C. &Val
Sat , .
bond gave us
Tirthuay_ —1
were secure(,
-,or the 24t
_060toni Is
,be 1>�,ev. VV
I t. serl
.&Von � , A
�tbe M*ln z
paul 3tadge,
" ... .$Wavde�
�Jmill at,the tA.
,agef..atbers. ,
- ,
I QVXEN y 8,
'Queen's Bit
altho,ugh we
turned to trl
,owing da'ys.
..." neary
.... oilebri
. .) The
oat�,.-**elilv 0
. v,utage 0
-th their
Cred "to
down Ma"n I
joug. ter an
,,pao over to
ready for -tb
,wand their �
the � M
� lace, F-Ivi
Isoo"U toul
to arn4ga's
four content
I starting, bi
�- Suits, � I li ntrl
'area ,*�Oo .
I'll a �
At the end 03
- goal. -,:: I
, no result 1.
The la0rOA5
and Exeter
. Zast6h wal
Clinton fit
. ,Fjize.- Edi
,Were tbea -4
the victory
Sears -of tw
two 'field V
. the �raek
two horse i
. dath far rt
which the.
. horFea, UO'
na, an -1
a tgo
W" a Ivory
wat _� 'slow,
falluat. trol
gained toa
ivylle th6
mrse. - Tt
a bicycle rA
contest bel
- . horaes and,
. the Trivitl
short intel
ed that, fin
the towor .
spected th
I tht, town I
. London. .
day's Amu
tore weuI.:
ing little t
Eden foot.
Clinton ho,
-to Play i
were . div-
. towing h
session, -.
Dearing '
. village, �
� thumpmu
2Dd Fred-
. and Harri
more, 11
riders, S.,
� stacle hoi
� Miller ; �
� . lis4 2nd I
I race, Ed.
� IM yard �
: 2W yari
L Sra Tayl
� Retherit
k . 2ad Ann
: by CIJ +-
1 - field BLINI
i� 11
. T
One- 01
novice t
bwok. - I
this eityi
years 'On
Re is
Vhon I .
caIr _Turr
asphalt I
Erie Co
and I tel
'and - lool
,up and .
;the, stree
does aoi
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this All;
copy e
1;hOugh I
they c I
for -Mos
� visit Itl
would .
vollee r
time an
What ia�
age Of t
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'them. ,
sell no
the C41
small. I
,dr1-vV-e tj
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atid hi
"it Pree
. ing t �
a Donn