HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-05-05, Page 1� fl�_ '.
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"Ide an(t . - _ . . - . I McLEAN BROS., PubUshers.
: � 1. IDAY, MAY 59 1893. 11 $1.50 a Year in Advance.
air steacl... I i . . 9 � t
�ake, so.m. e - � 11 . 1,325. � ________________,__.___ I I __ . I
, W]IOLENIUMBER, 1,325. . . *
. .
dry, gnoala ; 1__�,= �_ �__ , �__ ;;z - , � ___ ad for two persons siad 50 cents additional from $2 io 8 per day. I Butin thus paying us . ral tone of their letters I . Now, M r. is both simple and successful. I will teach min, who, it Is said, I requently accompanied Perth Items.
ind what� fitd% le ., a - Sidney G. Shaver, son of the late Dr.
OTHER STORE for every passenger over this number. Child- for lodgta,g!iu advance it is well to have a ditor, do our people not need name p!o any person, free, in half an hour te do it as the ventriloquist, adding to the entert in
ulay, bo— "M , . . ran under 14 are 'ch�arged 25 cents, but ffletinct understanding of the character of tection; could our government not devise well an I cao, who will come to my place. meat as a violinist. When Sqattle was first Shaver, of StraVord-, died a few days ago In
� 'w, I a I a least afford some The larget the tree the more easily and suc- heard of Gardner started westward, audy it Chicago of spinal meningitis
� ill ba —IN— those under fiv*6 are carried free. One them. Out of a total of 280 new hotels in some means, th t wOu d t -
" I., trunk not exceeding 100 pounds in weight the vicinity of the fair, at least 50 are of a protection to her people ; could they not cessfully it can be done. Drop me a card appears, amassed a very large fortune. In -.Among the graduates of -the Famaud
� ho,w -well Training Sehool fDr Nurses, at Detroit, in
� .
� we " I 1111 TOWN and 25 pounds of band baggage is also taken tenement nature, built in a great burry of enact some law that would wipe out this the day you want to come, and I will try to his. will ha bequeathed everything to this
I ca-- TH S - be at home." . cousin, but it was with difficulty that the Miss Jeanette McDonald, of Stratford.
� 11 r, free, of charge. All the down -town hotels wood 'and staff and intended to.be torn demoralizing evil, or will the people never � oate the fortunate
. L � -While chopping a log, Mr. Louis Can-
, - �
� rs. the variety of styles, or so much are within a mile of any of th(i railway. down before winter.. Two have already ool- be educated to the fact that they are throw- The Grand River Street Presbyterian executors were able to lo
. .1 � offe -, person. -
� :
7 � vilue for the money, as stationi� The visitor may stop at one of -lapsed after high winds. More than 200, log away their money to the wind. church, Paris, now in disuse on account of signey, of Logan, fell, sustaining severe in
7 . - . � Yours Respectfully, - the union of the two Presbyterian congrega- -An inventive genius is James Rose, ternal injuries, but he is now recovering.
. . from $3 to $5 and have however, are built substantially and will be - at -Mr. E. A. Causey, of St. Marys, has
. I
6 -
: : . ROIBERT DRYSDA an purchased by pattern -maker Grandy Bros. & Co.'s
r . time to secure a boarding place. It -would converted into houses or Rate or continued LR, tione in that town, has bei
I - . i I , K8 O be cheaper for you, however, to leave your in use as hotels. permanently. The differ- Post -Master. Mr. J. McKay, which he intends pulling stove foundry, Kinoardine. For the past been awarded the contract for the mason
;C Of C'ur_ . JAG &I DaYBDALE, May 2od, 1893. - - three years he has been fashioning in his . in
- , . trunkk at the station, take a valise and uir.- ence between the dimay and substand - down shortly and making use of the in& - work of the . now Presbyterian church I
�t yard, . in I I paint shop for Mr. mind, and afterwards on matter, a secre Mitchell. �
I terial for building a
. I 5 i,3 the time to think about your brells and go at once to Jackson Park by structures may be detected at %- glanoe, tary and writing desk. It is now complet, -Mrs. Fletcher, (Rev. Dr.) of Hwnilbon,
t U d Flo' I Thi I Canadli. Peter Adams.
. tal any one of the five routes of rapid transit. and you should know what risks you are I - and Rev. Mr. and- Mrs. Fletcher, of Thames
ry Choice: . I I - Over $60,000 -W. W. Warriner, of Port Perry, spent ad -and in it are 53,000 pieces and 124 differ
. I � . taking. . I .
r,,.,I,a Suit, And you wanb, the latest worth of real estate has
sp� a I ,,COST OF REACHING THE GROPNDS. - been ' since April let, Thursday night of last week in a room on ant kinds of wood, some grown in his Road, were the guests of Dr. Irving,sit St.
� . sold in London
fuslins, iIX . gooda made in the latest st�'Ie. It's ALL FOR FIFTY- CENTS. . I Hotel, Toronto. own garden, others grown on the sunny Marys last week. .
. "
. . 1. i To �A'et to Jackson Park froiw�-Any point ' I -A large numberof horses are in train- the top Roor of the Roy&
re patterns , ' ids and our down� town take the State-mbraet or Wabash. The admission ticket e0bles the visitor ing st.Toronto for the May races. � . He did not come down; next morning for slopes of the P&cifio. It ban revolvihg doors -A loaded revolver was found in the
. � you'll find such aoc I � . - - byla
I here 0 avan0e cable line or the " Alley W farther to see all of the World's Fair proper, cover. -During the session of the Nova Scotia breakfast, and subsequently vise found un. which open -and close noiselessly. The river near the wool -Ion mills, Mitchell$
owa fr - r d
� lonx ' t b I g 500 acres of. Jackson Park. This i little boy. It bad the appearance of having
1) th bet� price . a are as low as t good work can e dow-fi.., Any one of which will take you to in 11' Legislature, which closed Friday, 286 bills conscious from the effects of inhaUng gas. draws a have secret looks, and when close
- e . . . � the Fair lor five cents. The Illinois'Central oludes access to the 12 principal buildings, were considered. It took an hour to restore him to conscious. are looked. On -a dial fitted near the top Of been only a short time in the water.
ans by. the i tarned out for. I . train may be boarded on,the lake front or the State and Government buildings and the cabinet is a, twelve -pointed star, each
. -Thomas Robson's machine shop and noss. -Mr. - Lowelland Lashbrook has been an.-
� -
�e, we can . Elave. you examined our 81 5 Suit- you may. go by boat from the foot of Van the beadqorters of all countries represent, foundry, at Fenelon Falle,wera burned down -On Monday, April 17th, John Gate, of point indicating an hoar in .the day. This gaged as sexton of TrInity church, Mit- "
. � � at. Either of these routes will - ad. The guide book may be bought in one . . . county of Welland, died at the ad- star covers only two square inches of SP&OG dhall. He gets $80 a year for looking itter
Wge - at a, : i , You've paid more f or Buren are - Frid!y. . Foothill,
� nalls to order ?I � . ate for the round trip ; the train large volume or in parts. A few cents will .-Kincardine Foresters intend hold* vanced age of 93 years, and on Wednesday and contains 284 pieces. It is all solid, In- th ounde and church.
; cost 26 ce , .
, Our, Our- h M _100. Mr. Dlerlamm, of St. Jacobs, ban
, . t such goods, and considered them I'So'! of last week his life partner, Assnath Gore, laid work and beautifully oil fivis ad. r.
. . jus make& the trip in 15 minutes, the boat in b charged for rollioliVohairs, gondolas and mammoth celebration in that town on
id a. quar- I : These will be of great aged 86 years, followed him to their long Rose Intends exhibiting it at the Columbian been appointed successor to Rev.. Mr. Them,-
�, . � cheap at that, but this season we are,, 45, bat when time is not an object a ride on I b ats on the lagoon. minion Day. - Exposition Chicago. . as an minister of the German Methodist
� are long . . a gay steam launch, with music by a band ,,assistance in eoonomizIng time an i strength. -Montreal alderman propuse to tax all home. They celebrated their golden wed
of, t�o. - �
. leading. At $18 we a -how a magnifi-�! and a .view of the " White City " at the : Guides who will pilot a party of five for 50 telegraph and electric poles $10 each. There ding 15 years ago, having been married 65 -Mr. 1. T Grafton, of Dandan, was church at Milverton. .
ne , .
t I kened the other night by he i m -Death visited the household of Dr. J.
� - : &we siring so S.
�adsomely . ge of new designs in Canadian; WOrld'd.,Fair from the water is:. by far the - cents an hour may be hired, but the Colum. ara 10,000 poles in'the city. years.
I �
I cent rang . ' - more enjoyable. The Illinois Central Road bian guards are prepared to give Inform&. -A young man in Gait was fined $5 and -Mr. Alex. Framer, of Westmeath, the one in the room, and w" astonished to sea A. Robertson, of Stratford, on Thursday,
k � . last week, for furious driving on Sun- millionaire g through his last week, and took his daughter Pearl, a
i0m thre � Scotch Tweeds, and no better . Y ill costs' lumber merchant, was in To- a tall, slender young man egroeid'3 - bright. girl of 14 years and 7 mo-aths.
, 0 . sad will probibly sell commutation tidkets of 25 I tion, and, armed with a, catalogue, ou w
Itwe 8 � if route last week, where he offered three tim- clothes. Mr. Grafton utt an exchims,
n owe Talue has ever been offeredy either rides at 'a substantial reduction on a single have but little nee for a gaide. .. day.
oream a -ad . I .ride, as they do now to suburban passon. For the one admission fee you may alao -Sergeant Martoh, of A Battery, King- bar berths for sale, but was forced to with. tion which alarmed the intruder, but he -]Kr. Witte, who lately purch"ed the
. . this season or any other season. Every- gers. If your room coolly picked up Mr. Grafton's trousers ,,ad Larkworthy hotel, In Mitchell, bat suffered
o . I a are more than a mile walk In the Midway Plaissnoe and nee the ston, was accidentally killed j not after firing draw them. He says American lumbermen
Oyworks ,thing new fresh, spick and spars. from any of the entrance* to Jackson Park carious foreign architeature and modes of the noon gun, Friday. refuse to bid in consequence of the -Finance vast before he bolted. Before An alarm a heavy less, by the disappearance' of his
� � .y 7 I this item of transportation has to be oonsid- life and industry. If you desire to enter -The Winnipeg tailors'strike, which has Minister's threat to reimpose an export duty could be given ha bad made good his escape. wallet, which contained :"out ,$300. Heis
r Curt * -.0 jiid $222, the line of Scotch ared in The clothes were subsequently found not sure whether it was lost Or stolen.
: atlua At *2 . the expenses. It will not be wise to any of the.buildings or villages a fee of about been on for two months, has been settled oil loge.
I .
I we.- hAre I . Suitinas are the cream of the trade, walk much outside the grounds, as you will 25 cents will have tol:be paid an these are and the man have returned to work. -Mr. Edward Holmes, an English news. lying in front of the Presbyterian Church, -The lands a3ong the big drain in Elms .
� 6 have all the walking you want inside. The p soncessions. .-day, bat they were minus a gold watch and chain is
I , �. -On April 28, 1885, six inches of snow paper man, arrive4l in Ottawa on Satul � ave beau badly flooded this vninter and
rivets " -&ring . spring from the water that camendown out
; Cd HgbLt if YOU are ipired to 800 a Van- and about $15 in cash, which the d
'go sud nor description could do them distance -from the center of the'eity to Jack. - fell in eastern Ontario;' and icieles hung from and started Monday on a tramp t
, I nomise you can
� .
I the time I - . ice. , Com them for son Park'is seven miles, %nd the live comfortaKarl and se4 all this sights for a roofs. . couver, British Columbia. He intends walk. burglar had removed from the pockets. . of Ellice.
. �
ki your .. � pst Occupies from 20 to 45'minutes, according mouth ask $100. One hundred and fifty dol- -Alexander Lawson, of the township of jog 20 miles a day. following the Canadian Entrance to the house was gained by a -The Mitchell turf club has arranged a
. ng . . ution had -aj-
. I .
. � . yourselves. to the route you take, but if your rooms are lars should be enough � for any reasonable Conger, Parry Sound District, was on Sat. Pacifio,rallway track, and ileeping at the parlor window, and' the preoa . programme far the celebration of Hier M
; � an taken to leave one of the doors open
I . in
I on the North 'or West side of the oit a con- human being, though, 61 course, there i ante for killing .deer station houses at night. On his return to be exty's birthday. A game of lacrosse will
, U1 urday fined $20 and o
i . t -n Serges and Wersteds we sell o 7 �ld got away
. necting car line will have to be Men and practically no linilt to the amount one i England he intends to write a book. no the burglar cou Inesse Of so take place in the forenoonj besides some
; may out of season. ,
I . - *cycle and horse races
� i alarm. No trace of him has been die ath,
1 reliable goods at reasonable pricet, five cents more paid. � . spend on souvenirs, works of art and per. -Roy. -Dr. Hugh Johnston' left Toronto -Mr. Sam Grigg, of the Manitoba hotel, . etio games and bi
; covered.
i I
I . we have come to be the leading All roads coming into'Chicago will land a sonal display. You can even pay as if .you Friday, to com. Chicago, returned to London Saturday, and Will be featorso Of the afternoon sports.
; zai for Washington, D. C., on -A good deal of dissatisfaction is expres-
� lastorate states there are very many people out of am- -It ]I" been decided by the members and
I � , passenger in the terminal station in Jackson were four persons rolled into one if you manes the regular duties of his now p
7 40%len. in this important line. W e Park for the price of one admission to the insist on a private, bath -room at a hotel, ., . ployment at prevent in the Windy Citi, and ad by the settlers throughout Algoma at the adherents of Zion church, Mitchell read9,to
nything in fair and 10 cents in addition -to the price of but -$3 to $5 a day will pay all reasonable there. i iestics. He advises all who small amount, of a0propriation's for coloniza. rebuild .their church. The now building
are always ready to slaow You our ' I -In taking honors in McGill College last especially don The ,Will be brick with stove basement, coating
i, hall or' your railway ticket. It is by far the sim- expenses. are fortunate in holding g4od positions here tion roads' throughout the.district. I
session the women students, In proportion . dto be Advocate says : When so great &a amount in the neighborhood of $2,200,or $2,400.
back co.m- stok. pleat and cheapest plan, since in the fair to their numberi did three times as wall as to retain them, as the wages paid an
�, e di u In . - . . grounds you can trainsact all the necessary What Is the Difterenbe ?, - the men. I . aid will not, in his opinion,. be one-half as of money has beau obtained from the re- There is already $1,400 subscribed.
. . aincl � � 1, business incident to. arrival in a strange DEAP. ExposiToi&,-In an Editorial in your -Mr. Adolph Kern, the largest 0'rygoode 91gh as they are led to expect. sources of the district it is natural to expect -The Methodist church at Science Hill
IT)ri,ced car- e -D-D city. In the terminal station you. may check issue of-&' low weeks ago, I noti6ed you were. merchant in Waterloo, has made an assign- -The house of Joseph Foy, Glencoe, was theit we should have received a respectable lost half its -roof and one gable and in the
� Dod appear� , ', JACKSON - JL)JL%;08.9 your hand baggage, have the free use of a taking exception to t -he members Of Parlia- ment to Mr. Henry Barber. His liAbilitise entered by some one on Tuesday, 25th ult., amount for our needs' in return. Especially recent wind storm. The members have ,as-
h colors as. ; . to Miss Carruthers as during the present season there is likely
. .
. � PoPULAR OUTFITTERS, SEA- well-equipped toilet -room and got a lunch as ment'sitting and voting* with the written amount to -$19,000. and $23-75 belonging, � oided to build a new church ws soon an pea-
. , . simple or as elaborate as you wish. promise of the Government for an office -in . -The Thim-eaville assessor reports the was taken from a drawer in one pf the to be a, large number of now settlers arrivisil. sible. Committees were sippoloted and
I 'for sorae � - . - The whole approoriations for eastern , -
: FORTH. Thus refreshed you can send off to,legiams their tookate. What in the difference, population of the village to be 843 and the rooms on the ground ffoor. Miss Carrath 1. already a large sum of money has been aub-
; J - . I
carpets are � _. I or write letters. If you with to morally . them and the,members with total assessment $185.,070, an Increase of era and Mr. Foy's daughter, who were alone 90ma outside of the Wbite River bridge, in scribed for the new church. /
� -_ - - - - - - to friend ,,between i'to only a beggarly $7,000.
It not show i do this ask a Columbian Guard iQ direct you. railwa�.,, passes in their pockets, and is it a, $13,000 over last year. � in the house sleeping upstairs, heard the in. Parkicson,amount -Messrs. Louis, Charles, Frederick and
I � THE WORLD'S FAIR. ,%de Truly Algoma is getting the skim milk well William p h lb r - .. left Lon
facle, while, . I to your State building. This xill be your fact that the Reformers of this Dominion, -Fif been thousand acres of land on the trader rummaging around below, and m . use a a g, of Logan
I . headquarters while at the fair, place in who are' the champions of pure Government, Pasepseachass Indian reserve, which is a noise which frightened him away. watered. L Thursday last weak for St. Clair, Michigan,
, you may J10W TO GET THERE, AND WHAT TO I DO WHEN a � . MO L . uneral of their mothtr, who
_. which you have a part and may feel at have the passes givon to them gratis b the located tothe south of Ed nton, North- -A few days ago Mrs. George Sueath, of . to attend the f
�L also-- &� M_'Ca THERE. '_ . . i � y News of the Week. died the night before- at the residence of her
CHICAGD, Apdt,'28, 1893. home. . railway. companies t I am a Rof orruer, but west Territory, was sold by public auction London, had $100 stolen from under the bed L
L Oil Moth& - . One of the first thinge'to be done is to de- . while she was in the back yard. The money, MAY -DAY. -At Ishpeming' Miehig&U'L a r, Mrs. Fred Brodbagen, in the 85th .
l - not of that -kind. You will oblige by Invert- last week. augh'te
, � a at was ushered in by six inches of ear,of
I , The lowest figure for which tho World's y
4S., What- , posit all, money except the amount neces-- ingtheauswers in your valuable paper.- ' -The four days'religious meetings in To. all but.$20, was returned on Saturday in a M y I h ,er "g
a r
L - . , _Frsi In &Lefiy, the L
. . Fair may. be seen by & stranger in: Chicago' sary for P. week's expenses. It is ,dneafe to J. W., -CRAN:BxooK. ronto, held by the Keswick ministers, ended peculiar manner. The legal tender wis fresh snow. . - well-known Can-
� L :
� 2 . , 0 1
.e an your, i .5 a week. - on Friday. All the i .11
. . ! with, any degree of comfort is 8 carry a considerable sum about you. Y64 meetings were largely wrapped in a par el and tied to a stone, HOME AGAIN. -The Queen derived much edian actor who is the leading man in Wil-
�.. M, L l ' - n son Barretva great English company"wi
6ishing line , This conclusion. has been reached after a can .deposit Your obeeksi drafts or oney on [HDxToi&1s NoTz.-Wo can not speak attended and much Interest manifested. which wan thrown over the back fence. At benefit from her recent sojourn in Flore ce,
L -e a look . thorough comparhon of prices that will pre- a certificate of' deposit in a .bank on the autimorit * ,bro, tached to the parcel was a note aying that and she is now enjoying perfect health � at d a short vacation, after. the close of the
� ati' ly-onthispoint. We are Inform- - -The other dAy James G. Munro, Em � !Pon
� . ve I - .
: .- , I �
s I V%il in various localities, coupled with the S. the balance would be returned in a m O*nth. Windsor Castle. - .Now York engagement in May, with hi's
I . � I ground4i or rent a box In a eafety deposit -ad, however, and we believe our infor- performed this operation of dehoming H. -4n, I
I . fact that I have been long in the land of the vault for a small fee, you having the only matiou -is correct, that at the opening of - MeBurney's herd of 11 cowi, the operatiob -Lord and Lady Aberdeen, accompanied WELCOMING THE LxBzuTy BELL, brother-in-law, Dr. Smith, of MUcholl, and
� .
� . 000 lib he ends
� Thilittinea, The. charges are well graded key to the box. Money. orders may be pur- each session of Parliament it is the practice I t, about 40 minutes. by Miss Josephine ,S.ullivan, of the Royal Indianapolis, the otber day, 12, 80 01 ot r fri .
I as ing I
It Alkd may be: said fairly, to indicate the char- chased or cashed at the World's Fair post- of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific - r. Andrew Harvie, Beverly, has PuT7 Academy of Music, Dublin, Ireland, and children turned out to welcome the old -The other day while two ]ads were
omplem I
� . i �
te r of the accommodations offered. I office. , . Railway Companies to Beu4 -to .each mem- chased Whistlejikoket, Jr., the sire 9f Mag- Min Katherine Emmet, daughter of the Liberty Bell on its w&Y to Chicago. Ex- strolling &long the edge of the wood's on the �
,. u.t.e. ,
. .. Under certain 'Conditions a visitor may , This attended to, retfirn to the terminal bera-free pass over their respective lines. num, the gelding that recently brought late Mr. Thomas' Addis Emmet, of New President Harrison made a speech, gun@ 3rd concession of Ellice, their dog Carlo be.
;!!Itted . sea all the siglits and go home with "souv- station, vrhere the principal office of the The first named company, gives a sessional $5,000 at auction in Now York. He will York, arrived at Windsor on Saturday were fired and city belle rung. gan tearing aza an old log. The boys, with
I � � - ' They HT. -A de* the aid of a woodman
5utt - 84irt, tu,cked in his trunk for as small a sum morning. received a deputation of FORTY FouR DAYS' DuouG , who came to their
� � bureau of public comfort Is located, and re-� .pass, but the Canadian Pacific Railway In make the Beason in the vicinity of Galt.
. Of � of money as 3,12 to $15 a week. You could sign yourself to its care with entire faith. more generous and give a P. season pass. -The suit of John X. Brooies, a farmer, Irish citizens from Detroit, and Lady Aber- spatob from Berlin on April 30th says: This assistance, succeeded Its bagging six, young
New � ] dQ this i � f pu have a friend so good as to I - Whether or not Reform F or,, 3,00811t Of against the Toronto Belt Line Company, resented with a large basket of is the 44th day of the drought in Germs foxes.
� ' WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. � ' b dean wan p "'i
h in.g. S . offer yon'sk sleeping room., or if you can lb- � sm rpaes. A light rain fall throughout the empire u -Joshua Challenger's barn, In Elm&4 was.
- . . I � I &in you will! these passes we #e unIble to . say* Any resulted in the plaintiff getting $8,000. the - I ion wit,� � a
cure a room in any of the religious or The moment you leave your tr I - North Dakota � it wasuot suffic" t to revive the ring unroofed Bud ,damaged d ring the -recent
.For - � elector who desires the Information can ellis, railway to have right of way through big A young man living in losin L .
I have reason to be gri�efu'l to the bureau at-- . . his : vegetation. Growers of cereals are
You philanthropic dormitories ; otherwise it wil I ,_. ily gain it by questioning Ihis own represent- farm. I recently sent a letter containing $25 to 9 wind storm to the amount of $90. The same
L � Coat YOU L nearly twice as much, for which' eV wks-, however, ap. � most heavily. . storm felled about twenty-five acrelof Choice
� TO: . public comfort. lt 4as built this great t ative. We believe the prseti c,e Is as Ob*ect. -The order by the banks placing a die- mother in London. LIt . If -ThiD
,>etect . mount you may indulge in the luxury of " minal station, provid6d waiting-rooins, toilet- . Inable for Conservative - as for Dorm count on American silver in causing some propriated before it reachadl her. : THE FATAL OKLAHOMA CYOLO. -9. standard maple and hemlock thn: or on J.
Fro In, bed -though possibly not & room�all ta� rooms, lunch tables where you may eat what. 10 au . � H. Thompson's farm, 6th concession., Elms.
� - . representatives, and I% law'should be passed inconvenience at Niagara Falls, where the letter came last Friday with a postoffice or-: total niber ne wbo met death in
Z '01 bath: * as cheap; compelling the railway- companies as & Inst- business of the banks takes in both sides of der, and on t nisht last week' now
. � 01=
; yourself, and you will have to share . you have brought with you or ba. he back of the envelopo was the storm of To I The fallen trea%- if out up, would make
: � ': or as expensive - foo4l an you vriffb.� It has � ohes go, and the injured numberabout fully 2 000 cords of wood.
Q ' others. I printed the following : I I Tothe honest let- res
- __ , ,r om.with not more than a dozen ter of right, under their charters, to grant the river. ,,
. I No ma,tter how nice you are in your pen'. placed in the grounds 3,OOD fountains pro-. - - r who @tole my letter; you may 250, about 10 per cent. of them being fatally _49-s. J. E. Davis, of the Mitchell Adve-
. � -
T I these passes, or else it should be made -W. B. Beney, undertaker,of Brantford, ter carrie
�� ino-ney to: vided �with sterilized and filtered- water; a. There is, but you injured. onto, has become the owner of Mr. W.
I Ional habits at home, leave your squea.mish,�' illegal for members to accept and use them. died in Vancouver, Britinh Columbia, Toes- think there is $25 in thi
. I
. ia 4,500 closets and toilet-iooms, fitte;d with ' HomE RuLE FOR IRELAND. -A large 'num' Karr's fine property in the West Ward,
- the Newest ness there . and treat. the whole thing as , . If the people do not; want the railway cOm- day of last week. He was a prominent can't got it." a
I I . io, and the discomfort as part of the every sanitary appliance ; mpdip'al and Ave, Mitchell. The lot containe bout three
�Q,:Ve 'a ver.r . . ps� jog to gAt on the mi with both feet, they Mason and a member of the out Order -The Presbyterians of Mount Forest ber of residents of Ulster, belonging to the
� . "I 'a Presbyterian and Unitarian denominations -
'r tan. Wear your ilainest clothes,prepare to eniergen6y hospitals, where the most scion- . have invested in a beautiful set of porcelain acres of land, and the house w" built by
y tho I . .
na oni. .f . will insist on such legislation, as we have in- of F6resters.
1i g sleep on spring cobs, dine frugally on the tifie treatment will b given you I yon ; the. Canadian .dishes for church use, comprising 1,000 have sent a resolution to Mr. - Gladstone de- Mr. Thomas Babb at a cost of over 44,0%.
le dicat6d being passed-] -A. A. Meaeows, aRent of . .
prices , should become ill. All these comforts are do up of 'platen, cups and saucers, o5-r'1u1_TC&v6i2'01 Irish Home Rule. Mr. Kerr gets Mr. Davis' two houses in the
4 heathen fare of all the nations of the earth absolutely free, ' 0 ' ," Pacific Railway at Boissevain, Manitoba, is :Please, in& WHKAT emp DRSTIELOYED.—The winter I
C. o8e 9a L W refuse absolutely, but with good nature, though if you prefer you Cheap Frauds. . said to have skipped to the States, being sugar -bowls and cream pitchers, on all of r a of South Ward, and a large sum of moneybe-
� to be flaeced. In , a word, make nip your may PAY One cent a glass for'mineral -water I a n his which is a out of the church and the words, wheat crop in the southern p ovince sides. :
� from W&ukesha, Wisconsin, and five cents DEAR ExPOSITOR.-By virtue of my office two or three thousand doll re. short I
I I Mind to live &I fresco for a mouth and to . 61 Presbyterian Church, Mount Forest, Russia has been almost destroyed by the -Oa Monday morning, last week, Mrs.
. I for the use of a .inore elegantly -fitteA toilet- I am, perhaps, In a bitter position to know socounts. . cold. Food prices are ridug and a famine Valentine Walker, of the 6th concession of
: . 1893." Tho set,'whioh is pure white and
� 011joY it, and you 'Will go, home rejuvenated . I . us - am .
I . I � I what is going on in and around our immedi- -8 nel David Radley, of Chatham, the
I I with no aftermath of sorrow for a depleted - room. ' venerable chemist, died on Wednesday, 26th extra heavy; was imported direct from threatem. n Pem- Wallace, was found dead in bed, having
i Fav I I I Pocketbook and ethausted nerves. . . In addition to all this the bureau will ate vicinity, then most private individuals, fie came. from England - England for the purchasers. THE RAGING RED. -Several houses I evidently passed away duriag the night
I . - -d always p sr- �
I . boarding places and no without a struggle. She lis a pe
. hi. refer you to lodgings and dolubt.what I am going to Bay can ult., aged 72 years.
� It in true that prices wi-11 rule high in C ted by hundreds of post- to Canada in 1848. He was a citizen much -Rev. Father George A. Ellis died on binap Dakota, have been carried away by the
. �
; : -will be Of all grades in the beat ,parts of the city be clearly borrobors I I . Wednesday night of last week at St. Mary's continued rise of Red River, and numbers ad in good health,- and the shook to her
:, I C&go this summer, and that attempts a' a, distances from the misters throughout this country. With beloved. - husband and family was very great. The
. made at extortio�. But if. these attempts with a cale - of price - - - I - He was one of the of others aie flooded to the depth of three
I . portation. permission to use a short space in your vali- Captain John McBride, one of the pio, Globe House,'Halifax feet and over. deceased was a daughter of the late Peter
I shalpa I Of ua- grounds and'routes, of cheap transF - T riests in connection with St. am-
. � succeed it will be with people who are not � - .1 able paper, I would give a warning word to Deere of Western Ontario, died in St. most popular . was SuNK THROUGH THE FLoou. -The in Walter, of Wallace towashl . -
I i2fdr-Ined as to the true state of affairs. It .PRICE OF BOARD AND LODGINGS. . . . ry's Cath ral. and for nine years . 1P -
rowing � down . . . many of our youn )eople, and the public' Thomas last Friday. The deceased was -born Ma Fair,
� , is only by understanding the condition of 9 I I ra the spiritual director of the St. Mary's moth Canadian cheese at the World's -Mrs, Alfred Schmidt. of Sebringville,
, will be tbLe . . thi I At down -town hotels. ii-sid at the new ia�general, in regard to certain frauds that in Argyleiphire, Scotland, and was 69 yea young Moulin Temperance Society. He which weighs 11 tons, fell through the floor died, after a long illness ,from .consumption,
II -
iater, as that. � t . n9a th&t people of moderate incomes will hotels near Jackson Park the usual,hoiel 5e pesting. this and other linds to -day. of &&a. and was brother of of the Agricultural building Monday and ion Sunday, 23rd alt. She had spout six "
I '
id or it be able to see the fair at a cost well within ra-teB of $3 a day and upwards will I revail. . rapidly growing --The first shipment of cattle from Can- was about 40:yearm old,
ad 110 . There appears to be a -
- � their means. oval of the Mr. John W. Ellis, editor of the St. John sank deep into the ground beuesth.' It is not months in British Columbia in the hope of
on has bealk . 7 Near the Park, where three or four persons quantity of various kinds of frauds spriog- ad& to Liverpool since the rem . injured, and will at once be raised to posi- prolonging life, but returned much worse
. � .
� tav�el, Gorrie - ACCOMMODATIONS. occupy one room, the rate for each may be up in our midst, such ae'the missing letter embargo, was made by the steamer Numi- Globe.
In the fir&t place, it in unnecessary, ex- made as low as� $2 per day. For from $2 to I actised in Europe, than from Montreal, Saturday, 387 head, -It is probable that among the novel tion by machinery. than when she left. Deceased was a daugh-
ay the first ; competition so much pr INDIANS RisING.-The Navajo Indians I
: c8pt in a few instances I shall mentig a excellent hotels on methods of advertising exhibits at the ter of Mr, J. Pearson and was born In Ellice
. the - 24th of . ...n $3 a day You may 90 t - where thousands of pounds have been talien besides 17 horses. -led eight white set- township, about one mile from where she
. , tion, later� and f farm World's Fair, in Cbioajo, Manitoba's plan in New Mexico have kit
I annUS! meet- . � often. unwise to engage rooms -the north and went sidtb of the city, where is 8 8
r I from the pockets of ihe poor laboring clue, -Senator Ferguson's entire stock a
. .
. ia say. will be claseld among the most original. A tlers, and further trouble is feared. The , I d. h leaven a husband and three in-
. . I mee. Tharooming capacity of the there will be leas crowding, or for the same I -bred cattle was sold L
will be hoici . in v until the law stepped in and brought -to implements and full Masonic whiten are in a panic, and troops have been lant children. -
! I hotels, board. g houses and in private fV4ML' ad boarding-h6unes and private justice -miscreant who originated the 'last week at Niagara Falls. The fall -bred th team of oxen, which have already .
� M., , A full the rill be shipped in a day called for. -During the storm of a couple of weeks
;1 F1_1 . ilies is fully equal to- a quarter of a million. fgr.ic,ie,l�"' the vicinity of the fair. fraud. Our newspapers are fall of enigmas, Jersey cows averaged $75 a head. The bull been purchased and vi
as to, see if a I tea in . Chicago, TRADEGY AT Sz,&TTLx.—At Seattla,Waah- &go, Mr. James Clark, of Harmony, quo-
� The dowri town hotels with an' establiahed - One dollar and, & half to $2 will be do- . titi u,spot, brought $205. Proceeds about $7,000. . or two, will parade the streets of .
nection witk � Patronage are not saliciting custom; but * . . hidden face mps I to I hours each day, hitched to a farmar's- ingtors, on Saturday, Nalsonton Sandborn ceed,ed in shooting two loons in that neigh -
I � � 111suded by a good class of boarding-houses can. Those are all the off- -Crossle and Hunter have met with re- nevem
. I . all th and other contrivan y wagon, with banners streaming on either shot and killed Mrs. Mary Jenson and then borhood. Mr. J. M. Bauttee, of Stratford, -
. e -others. are, which pro,�as that efforts on the north and west sides. Last , of all spring of our, older cousthe across the line, markable success in Berlin. Fifty-one a exhibit of that Pro- killed himself in the same manner. Mra- taxidermist, securad the birds, which are
are being made to ke4p rooms full. It ' e vast regions went of State Sbreet bei . ; bled to death by young converts were baptized, 100 joineol side advertising th
. � . 111110 not ;ecessa in there ar � and the publ I . Jenson was a widow worth $100,000 and 50 fine specimens, and has stuffed them. Say-
ry tD, be located near the ; a the south side, west of LaSalle Avenue in7� a fortune for a few the 11rinity, Methodist church, and about 400 TiVAG. ' He ,
ill'ba preach* � .fair grounds or in. the centre of the city, for 0 glowing, offers of Winn of the Lord's Supper. -A fatal accident occurred a few days years old. Sandborn *as 30 years old. eral sportsmen had been after -the loons
- on the north, and spots all - over that part ants, There seem to be nothin& that partook . hours with shot guns, and whes Mr.
.xt Sund&y, b,)r- I Eye rapid transportation l,ines have facilities which lies west of the river whorls one could 0 -easily -rMespor Robertson, Dominion Dairy a 0 In James Elliott's bush, near Oxford has ostensibly been her gardener, but has for � I
a- 1-U-9 to, tho, for landiz stimulates the mind of the people so returned from Chim 0, Matra, resulting in the death of Alfred really been living witk�her for the past 8 Clark piaked them up they were full of bird
. � ,g 100i000 people every hour in live for as small a mum as $7 a week. . as the vossibility of possessing great wealth. Commis ioner, has
'ThOL tnern'llera re for Sherwood, The deceased along with his years. ILU shot. He used a rifle an'd brought thent
: hokson park and easy connections a . If you prefer, lodgings 'may -be had for safely landed the big cheese i
20 000 persons father, I 6'On down at a single shot each -
� 8't mr. 15, &a& oAde with these lines from any part of the � a a at �The baits thus offered to manY of them, go where h was cutting down a tree. Before it TaucnxD THE Bumow.-At the cone
about $1 a day and meals may be t k n down with a relish. only to add. one more the WO Id's Fair. He says , 0 -Theris were two move firse; in Listowel
:they will Go- � City ,or auburb8i Second, parties of three or restaurants or on the fair grounds at about victim to the host. The sums asked are Wrote t eir names on the box containing tha was out through the ion went to remove f his speech, precisely at noon Mondays
I I .
rofitable thaD four who can. . The restaurant concea- some underbrush which lay in the way, and May Ist, President Cleveland -touched the last week, one of whish was sitdotibtedly
l � occupy onei room can got a sub- the same expense . all that people say "it will not cheese. . limb electric button that started the machinery
� .
orstand that : 86 ' Keeping theme sion fo . r the fair is hold by i the Wellington onerally so sm . etor of while thus engaged the tree fell, & in Jackson Par] incendiary. Fire was discovered in a shed
. I i atial, reduction on rates. ip." Others will . -Mr.' harsh, the propri Cutirck's k, and the great World's
. I I sy us to look the matter v.
byterian 8 bA I things well in mind, you can estimate Your Catering Company, and extortion is not at th - Auto -Voce School for tho cure of stammer- trikingp him on the back of the head and w* � belongijig to the Queen!x Hotel, whiols was,
. I ; eep a close month rather than I -a pub 11
;.30 'o'clook in 5Xpenses on the bases of offic-14 figures. ractica,ble, as the schedule of prices .was ;;; know that they were so easily duped - In , declines to establish ching his skull. After receiving the Fair as proclaimed opened by the roar of however, extinguished before it got ;much
e b%ll. cl-ah has : RAILROAD RATES REDUC191). Exed by the exhibition- officials at the Usual an - Setool at Chioal blow he never spoke, and died shortly after- cannon, the playing of bands, and the to- headway. An examination showed a delib-
� , . go during the World's Fair,
� . Now, the public has be claim of the assembled crowd.
. petty well war�i '
mou, under ran granted. - wards. erate attempt to fire the place. A quantity
W. , The railroads terminating or' centrelag in rate before the concession -v ad about the frauds of the Louisiana Lottar�-. -hav,ling all the business he can possibly at Fou.XD GuiLTY. - Dr. �
: The follo,w- - 0 . to I to . in - -A few days ago W. Morley, foreman in DR. BUCHANAN of. goods .were saturated with oil, and a five
! Miller, prosi- : h4go, have nearly all come to eon agree- There will be restaurants of all grades, froal The United States government' "d to in, Toronto. so was given Dowling & Leighton J a chair factory, Harris- Robert W. Buchanan, who has been on trial Ilon oil ewu with about half a phat of oil �
� 10at on rates that vary from 20 to 15 Per there as fivie an Dalmonico)a and highest terfore in that case for the prItection of I! . atar, wl: - , sliver at New York for the past I ew weeks charg- � Fa
sl dent ; JaIZ05 Where a sandwich I itero is too, WAN running a saw 9rhen a large it was found near the door where thefire
. 084t. reduction on round-trip tickets. So ed hotels to buffets . their people, and Wipe out the � nuisance, Paris green in his coffee by his daugl: d with poisoning his wife, has been found 113 1
treaaurer ; J, � . I me down to the pric 9, cup of coffee may be had for any of the frauds praotin- recoveringg ani the doctors think he will fisw off with lightning rapidity, striking a started. I
Id committee, `14Y of the roads have. co and a d'sna- But I hold that 111' t the girl Mr. Morley on the wrist; & piece about guilty,of murder in the first degree. -Some,time ago, the married gentlemen
Neigh-boT-hoqd of two cents a mfle that oth-. There will also be dairy lunch -rooms and - It is probable ths, GAMBLEas HEAVILY FINAD.- Thirteen , �
,. Fortuna, V', , ad in our land are even worse then the pull through on. an' Is wh four inches long stuck into the Wrist and of the Listowel liethoditt church gave 0.
. 08 Ivill be com elled to do so in. order to the popular eating, houses --. where a Bob- Louisiana Lottery, from the fact , that- the will be adopted by e o lives in a 4 sent RAmblers who were indicted at LoulaviUst
i)"iateci play- I p on, stantial meal may be bad for frovi'25 to 50 ublic to under- westi�n country, � -1 had to be pulled out, the balance beinj - ed guilty and paid fines ag- concert which turned out so successfully
� I . - get Passengers. - There will also be frequ t lottery people gave the p fled the Kentucky, plead
. .
,wd the park O-Xoursiona run on all roads and the rates for cents. stand that their's wasOnly a game of chance, -At the Brantford police court on Fri- 25 feet through the building. gre . gating $5,000, exclusive of costs. The . that the married ladies, following in their
. I . . .eee w- I I thod of taking lodgings truck the arm it would have gal husband's footprints, undertook to entertain
Ose The -out- - I th I'll de4pend ple Thin me and break- while most of the !other frauds call their's a day morning the cases against a number of stick not a
� al,, on the number of peo 0 a n gambling fraternity has a i
.r a succeRsful' of InI&I'l means who desire to come to the fast only is perhaps preferable for those who A in*n'osme Into our village 1111'an for being present at a cooki g in i struck him over the heart and death would of being able to reopn an audience also. Their concert took place
. I sure thing. have been instant. It will be some time be. hopes Friday evening in the church and wan zun-
.at indicatiOUN fl,ir frorn % distance. T ey are not to exceed would see the most during a short visit,as . ing of I 1891, claiming th�t he re- were called. Mr. W d tt inticted a fine onth. �
I � . h, in the spr races begin next m enes
Place I 00 17% per man. The fore he
i (y mean. . 4. ceata'a raile however, and may be ad low you will be at a distance from your boarding presented a wholesale house in Tot -onto ; -he of $5 and costs., making is able to resume work. FIN,z NEW STEAMER L&U'NCHZD,-The doubtedly a .great success. The Audi
. we . . -Some interesting f1pares are given this was greatly pleased by the singing of Mrs. '
. (Jat%xio . I %I one Ceti, , 'i place at meal time. By taking a noon lunch tions for an association, total amount of money collected in fines was the fine now steamship, S. S. Carry, was launch-
- was taking suboorip .
� I or the first time, in the report of . Sarvis, the reading of Mrs. Burton, aucl
. I - an . do -you which would deliver in]
.,that the foot 1hia vf ill be ea.y enough to manage irom d evening dinner on the fair grof n r kind of goods at $146. . .- year f show the ad at Bay City, Michigan, on Saturday I
, '
�bab have Bob � d), Echo of the Minister of Education. They
- I � the ViRitar's local station. It will be when will be able to stay all day for onei'admission One half. ths, price they could be bought for -The London, (Englan ii*frornwhich afternoon. She is one of the largest boats heartily encored the chorus by the ladies.
� " of ListQ- various classes of the commur After the programme was dispoodd of the
Wie Y"I atrive at one of the railway stations of and you can have the added a 'erience- . of membership fee 28th alt. in a sketch of the new Earl of d cost SN5,000.
� , Lawrie., of . . NP in- the gessiril store ; .the my assembled in -the basement where .
. . Chicago that your trou-bles will begin. You dining in as many foreign ways as there are (spot cash). This plausible - the Governor-General of Canada, the High School and Collegiate Institute on the lake, an
wan one dollar Derby, 'Is. are obtained. Out of 16,969 attend. FOUL RoBmay. -Charles McKenna, 16 col"Ps"
� this week.-- Vill be confused by the crowd and strange various natibris represented on ,the - Midiay- . stantly, and within &'radius of � says that his naturally quick intelli nee ?up' I was prepared an elaborate spread of ra-
. I . Itr I - I tory took in .. log tiese institutions 7,104 were children of man about 60 years old, was called out of a amount
pu.-Ipit in, the; I eets a Is freshments The prooe da ad to
� d, � " and will have but the vaguest no- Plalkance. , . � I ten miles (from Grand Band to Drysdale), has been greatly sharpened by his res ence . me. the City Hotel at Port Huron late Friday -
� eventag, &D t* , distinctly democratic atmosphere of a, 4,170 of merchants, 3,866 of about -forty-two dollars.
f Ion If where to go or how to got there if DORMITOBIES ARN CHXAPX,R. he boasted that he had no Im than'201 in the farmers
ably well. 9,0 . I . . I chanWs,' and 1,829 of professional men. nigbt by a young man who stated that some -Mrs, McLaren, of St. Marys, hadan on-
. � You do know � In the first case you can men on'bis book, which meant just that Canada. . one wanted to see him on the next street.
. Bellevillet an There are very few exception@ to a . &need at examination were thus
3 . - Thosewho p
� d leAYe Your t'runks for 24 hours iu.:the ba � I . wagons . -The Christian Endeavor Convention,
. I many dollars In bite pocket. The 1 1,270, me- After going half a block they were met by pleasant experience with a tarantula, the
. f the miniat I to the general rule not to engage rooms in . ontreal from July classiffed : Farmers' . children,
Ty- gage`-roaru� 11, 11 with the goods, *hich will be hold in M n on, who grabbed McKenna by other day. She had served a customer with
, , where they will be safe. and w � I ago 'If you were to be through in Apr
.thalt he is deV - 'Ost - nothing for sto,rage. Hand baggage advance Of your arrival in Chic - �o pri a have come and gone and 5th to 9th, will, it is confidently predict- chani4' children, 463, mercha to' children, another perR a as, and setknown to her the In -
I . k- intend stopping at any.hotel whelr� you have but thre 452, d ch . I&en of professional men, 308. the throat while another rifled his pockets, some ban n
rcibl� apeo ar. Aft be left at -the checking counter, which is I - 31 re. not here yet. A ma 6thering ever witnessed 6 11 - seat bad escaped from the bunch and got. on
I him, I to be fou been A guest before you will be more certain the wagol its n, in our ad be the greatest 98 . It WiTbe observed that in- attendance me- securing $25 in bills and a certificate of de
,rd to give nd in each station' for a -day for 10 in Itike Dominion. It Is expeeted that twenty- her clothes. A lady antered the store
� &nice' children stand third, but that in posit for $1,000.
L 0 of your room when you got hire and should village took his, into dinner and then drove ch , one oin a
q ; will soon re� the Con- 8ximicz. - The first shortly after and inhorrified t , t a
. a I I I
I io
g .,
. I4 . five thousand delegates will attend
. cents: for each package.' Than relieved of . d. NEW STEAMSHIP
bundles you write engaging the room at least & month in him to the station (10 miles) for which he success at examinations they came secon "
A eoulrso.. Ail I ,� . can ask a policeman how to get to be estab- out what she supposed to be a " bTg9 black
$jm . to a ; advance, specifying the time YOU Wish to received a ticket to purchase seven dollars' v;ention. who died in De- steamer in a steamship service
; , success'. � certain point on a street car or you can worth Of idods from the wagon when it came; -A., C . Attwood, lot 20, concession 9, -J. Gardner Kenyon, by the Canadian Pacific Railwa spider " on Mrs. MeLaren'm shoulder. The
: - I occapy it. ,One other exception in furnished ta camber in Seattle, Washington Territory, lished - y
, � tAke 41 I am sorry to learn ths dawned upon the latter lady, :and
I ; a cab. as his tickelt yet. Lobs, writes : Company between, Canada and Australia truth-
I I . by the numerous religious and philanthropic but alas, our friend h ft property in that State and in Cali- t she walk-
, roofs of the . number of fruit trees have been,gira- h&BIG
I . Than we have the greion goods' men, of Now large -
. � . LEGAL i GAB FARES. dormitories. the past winter. Nowt foruis, va d b de he -
. lock, Jn blit- lued at $200,OOD to $235,000 to him will leave Sydney, New South Wales, on without any apparent excitemen.
The legal ra a that has York-; they are flooding this country with led by mice during, o lives in May 18th, calling at Brisbane, Queensland, ad a,round .the counter an si r 'at's
last vreek-so - te of fa�e for a one-horse vehi- Another plan for engaging room 'I +4- ity to allow those trees to cousin, Benjamin Kenyon, wh �.A Ir brush Loff the "spider." Thin WAB
01.,; _- L S4.1. 1W 1A# I ; 1'� th�t 1MV. A fArf"nea there is no necest Inli, vmA Victoria Vancouver IslAnd, tomer
- . of . . or no mile or le4a for one or two persons been officially indorsed is unall 0 W WA 0 IS UYT "Is. W whot .""J ,IS 5 of Washington, Oxford county, Ine decean V"V 2 Aly done with a newspaper and too In -
I - partionS 11 50, cOnts. For the seeond and subsequent Fair Boarding Bureau. All incoming trains can be made without risk : SM will boy, perish. I have saved perhaps hundreds aud reaching the city of Vancouver on June proml -
� .
. . blo,wn intO . � lailesp 25) cents, I int by uniformed agents $1,000, ' or $1,000 will- buy $10,000 just as girdled trees by a a stem of bridge graf ting travelled throngh Ontario about 27 yearii obh. It will start on the return voyage On seat was quickly despatched by the vigor
1� . ago, giving exhibitions as a ventriloqui t. I
. ;11 .. If taken by the hour the will be met 20 miles ( !
. r4teL t which I practise. I know of - so one else one desuent ofs, death defiling foot.
. 14� in 75 canto per halt,, For two-horso bo will be prepared to assign visitors to � good as the genuine article ; Governmen 11 u- -arla his home with 'his cousin BanA- June 140.
� . L do. -
c ssirrillgav twice this amount may be demand- good quarters In anY part of the city for � experts cannot detect it, and so on, Is the who practises tile name 11YOU111 " --- - . .
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