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The Huron Expositor, 1893-04-07, Page 3
.V111 71 I89�. #bs t new Spying Ii`r.2arking a -ad ', Switzerlaihd= sloved Callada ,de in Seafor ,14d - stock-, or It cress GOoda in - riety. Linen aen ti �'ollar6, 'Und,r- €gets, Curtain, , sal usistanttt ver yet shoe f new Sprig. e of S'eaforti, co t. Such all Pet.y. We claim . - 4 0 L, 7 1 . NNS 1 _____ � t � . 1 �3 . I t ; t �r9 a � I l Dress Goods we r1 full stock, in'i showing a large Shot Surahs and S, _sTew Erabroid k aterproof C00i DN I TT. �. t u ron, ttry, that they, ha06 ; of %lie 4 .e Trade. E the Royal gotels OTHERS N EXPaSITOR ArItIL 7 1893 1 T �i H U RCS i no; intainote ana quite atf' ifk8i`y to make church . prrty to the extent of $1,15W to IThe Huron.EXpasitor, TH4U(gTS ON MANNASmaitakea as those whom we ace plowed to he Hppltnd towards payment for the new P ridicule. ehurau. Liberty sae given to Bervie con- e le I Cannot everp person, no matter how Kregmtioo to dispose of cRrtain property. i �� i is ° $EAFt�RTH, 014T• THE ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS worldiv•wise they may be at the preeeat The session reeorElr of Chalmers Chtireh, Sem,! r�,n! Coffee iI time, remember when they have made soma giocardioe towneh Brand fiervie were exam Ov �� l — U1= LADIES AND GENTLEfvIEN, faux pas which even to think of flow causes ined and attested i►e carefully andcorrectiy !" • `�•' `•'••• ,go I I McLEAN BRO.S , - Publisher ( _ them to break out in a cold perspiration ? ke t At Wo' rid" Fair. •a:: •e•••°•.•;° •••.•°, Lady fiiu,ty sort Her Itieigi►s>ur—l'r,mpous It mai' have been an error in table etiquette It was agreed to make applicatio to the ' ,,the E.,• . • . •• AD�JETIII�C SAE. •.�••s,••ra•s•eso �, I or in the pronunciation of a word, it does gum® tni,eion oon,miLtey for the ic,llowiug •�.0 0.04+40 • �e��• •• . Men -Lord Show -The True Gentleman ••i•••�'S1•••• 00 0;ft••••,••••�� g , not matter how trivial the .mistake, yet -sisals for the year: For Belgrave, ;150; •� :•G.••s•a.•e•a•�o * • ••�ws••i Contract advertisements, matter changeable at after all the years since it occurred the 150 • Dungannon and Port (iHA►��E (�L SANBOILN ha*e been awarded the .• e • • • • • • •• • e will, Home Methods. Pine River, � , g sus •, •e•.•e��•�� �•,; a viva INcn smile which went around the circle stings Albert ; $150 Messrs. Geddes and M-,- mammoth contract for supplying all the Coffee s•.yy:e'* 40 0- o .•!•: w - 1 Year 6 mss.. 3 mf�o �� What ie born and bred in a man sticks even in memory, ` LKuchlin were appointed members of the .; ; •• se •; se•• ow:• y:e;. ` 11 to 21 inches, inclusi�-o • i3t 50 $2 15' tai Ess to him," is a saying more wise that elegant. No one is perfect, not seen those who Synod committee uu bills and overtures. Serve inside the Worlds Fair 01roundSr against the •••''••+•••;� ;• •.••;••,!••'r s to 10 y P The report on systematic benefiaeoee was LL ••0 �, •�+� ••••"� ���0 • 3 6 1, r, S 0 3 00 1 75 We have all met the woman costly at met them3elvea U AfI OCBGlea In all matters %� ,ea • , •, �.••, •, << 600 3 26 1 86 tired flower of a eech, genial of manners, ertaining to social life and its exac,ions. adopted competition of .the largest importing houses in .the s. e• e. a ,, . 11 to 2 , Y P * *i•: *•e.••:;; It the advertiser elects to changre not oftener than . yet lacking the essential charm of a lady- he day will collie t hen Haws will be die- The Rev. Mr. Murray read the annual ;.•�•`�; e • •� •: �� s once per month; a reduction of 20 per cent. will be -that charm which can no more be anal zed covered even in the leader, and then those COUiltr a•a••'0-O ••• o f `••k:. i made per the above quoted prices. rfpnrt of�the Presbyterial Women's Foreign y • ` of •i •`'•• •' tea tors tial position can be obtained on appll• than the scent of a rose -which one feels at who have been laughed at will have a Mi®pion $solely in behalf of Mrs. MoNabbr •. * +•o•;' Ra once when lits iB in the presence of its own• ' chance to laugh, if that will be any calla secretor This tribute to th:e EXCELLE. 0 Of the tic SEAL V& �• ��• cation at this ofiioe. Business or processional cards, not exceeding three er, be she talkative or. silent, grave or gay. - faction. The Presbytery recognize with pleasure quarters of an inch, 34 to 85 per year. - It is born and bred ill her. It is not put ` After all, the gracious manner and the the vera interesting report from the W. F. BRAND " proves that It 1$ fibs BEs COI+'FEE (IROWN, in oft: last competition, In which we lied a Advertisements of Strayed Lost, Found, etc., not M. S,,; which wes read, :and cordially ,* cout;1uifng 545 dots, we hall ans,vers Tang- exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent on with her evening dress, and laid away kindly spirit count for more than form commend the society to the sympathy of ell trill month 508 with it. It is the manly tenderness of her and empty show. ` Of ecurse, the amenities in- from � to 2,000,000. oil the whole, hoer er<er, Advertisements of Forme and Real Estate for sale, father and the womanly gra�e and virtue of of life must be regarded, but they should our congregation. Rev. Mr. Wilson, re- our he close tile better than we expected. not exceeding 1 inches, one month Iif.50, each sub - At the close of the compettion�tlic winners �� sequel month 7 c. her mother blended with !the daughters not be put before all alae, and a breach of turned missionary from India, gave a moat ttntt led of their success, and the presents a h is interesting aniousd comprehensive address on•tet as we advertised. As a proof of this and as Adverttsemenntiet�h ao disoou t of 26 per ten cents c anti Ito lifTher m le,Itthe hgracefmul Inch nation, the ae au lackehof lc on iderat,not be on. Goodrform niesionary .work in India. Mr. Anderson 1 a , ke t pertec•t faith; with each i❑eertioA MOS Oanetiidence that we ha e p s , f vi ners arties who also have regular contract apace. sweet solicitude for another's comfort, the means essentially the behavior of a gentle- G--vq" ' our patrons, we will send it eoniplete list o ` t P read the annual report on the state of relig- iescepting those objecting to publicity) to any Local advertisements under township or village quick eye and the firm, kertle hand are all man or lady, and the highest type of it is art that seeks not toion, Mr. Geddes read the Sunday school { address on reeetpt of a 3 cent stampp to pay postage. .heading, Ge per line each insertion. r line for p report. Mr. Hartley read the report on a e do this Inst, of pui,lishiatfi t1,c In oJt uct cunt Transient advertise m� teeten cents subsequent baby of eyes, herself, unconsciously, ously, from found wound, the gracious ,considerate manner, tem ers►nae, and Mr. Murray that on Sxbi Of the list being so yr ry large. In our pri;$ent first insertion, three cc p Y p Of the list bei present tabs above star and ask onr insertion, nonpareil measure. therefore, never to be unlearned. She is as and a courtesy to old and young, rich and bath observance.. These reports were c tomtr3 to count the dots as they did with those Advertieeixents without haepec� ccc ciivalya will be different from her neighbor, Lady Show, poor, regardless of their sociatstatua or im• adopted. We have got a move oil, and are now in ,oar new Warerooma, ready to in the circle. with It we make this offer:- inserted till forbid, and charged vatic. as the rose is from the dandelion. Some portance. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to To the first three persona sends in the cEin t ct Births, Matriagee and Deaths inserted g week. ;,, To til ,ve will give each. an elegant GOLD Tux Exeoat*oa goes into 4``300m, esti it has like dandelions. Yes. _ All bow to the the ladies of &riot church, Kinoardine, for wait upon you t0 show- you one of the fiII8f3t ist�Oclif3 © Furniture ]till We8tel-a 'WATCH, with ELGIN, WA.LTHAM, which means, on a conservative rose- ]fosse Your CodL their very kind hospitality in providing for DUEBER HAMPDEN, or other first-class 20,000 readers every week. it the best advertising Lady Show is loveable, too, but she shown A careful and prolonged series of ex ria ar Customers. Now that we movement. l� swill give the same to the senders ii,Pdiutn in wstern Ontario. P fi � the comforts of delegates of the W. F. Ontario. We cork®a apeci9►lty of pleasing all ; of the three correct answers, who are equally far her early training in every tone, Glance and menta made in Germany appear to furnish M Sand members of the Presbytery. The veto the first and the last, while the persons gesture. She is loveable because she does absolute roof that coal suffers an im Jor- are in our, new Wareroot , we are in a► better position than ever to )sleet fealr I IM"'ORTANT NOTICES. P 1 Presbytery adjourned to meet at R'ingham sending in the last three correct answers will not try to conceal her training, thereby be, tans loss by continued exposure to the on Tuesdzy, May 9th. each be given watches exactly similar to the other - cumin stiff and unnatural and didactic and weather. Anthracite and cannel suffer friends, and show them goods that are worth buying. sty- THIS MAKES NINE GOLD ONEY TO LEND. -A large amount of money cumin stiff - cEMS, EACH OF WHICH IS VALUED 1 has been placed in my hands by Private Par' least, but ordinary bituminous coal de. The Dug' 046 led the Life Line. AT 8100. that will positively be given away. A nee to lend been real estate at 5} per cent. interest, As with women, so with men. We preciates nearly. one-third in weight and A good dog story comes from Maine. A. rig sample watch is now on exhihitlan at our office, 1 to J. M. BEST, Barrister, know the pompous, egotistical, mall man, nearly ono -half in gas -making property g Come ht along and satisfy yourselves that our Furniture is all we atidcan'be seen by prison interested; self our p� yable yearly. Appy 1811 P $ f g C. Buell a former well-known journalist of ' 9eatorth. with the large visiting. card ad the still after long ex osure. Weather waste of �4ucerity is doubted t e person may call, or have larger display of "ood form you knew." p Washington City, usnailly hunts during the claim for it—the latest designs, best of workm�n8hip, and finest finish._ e a friend do so, and see that they are all we claim. fiv® g P Y 8 y waft coals Ia therefore ahvsya to be taken a ortin season on Penobscot Bay. When Remember eech one is first-class and will be 11 , BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, We also know how ,we shrink from him. ;,;,6 account in establishments where a P B accompranted byp a virantee from the maker. D young Durham Bulls, red and roan, all eligible He may be at the top of the ladder whither large amount of coal is required: The Ione not hunting he leaves his dog •" Pat," a very sell cheap all the year mond. t WE PRESENT GOLD WATCAES in t],i9 for registration, oa Lot 21„L, R. S., Tnekerstntth, his push or cosi and diare and of all save fine bred Irish retriever, in care of a fisher i uOuippeetition in preference to PURSES OF one and a half miles south of Br,,Icefield. JAMES p energy g is believed to come from a slow oxidation man on the shore of the bay. A few days GOLD because as rule they last longer, and rATEKSON, Brucefield P. O. 1311•tf Himself have brought him. Then, he is that takes lace, the consequence being can, for years afterwards, be Shown by the _- -- p ego Mr. Buell received a letter from the Popular Goods, Popular Prices at the Popular Firm o tolerated and we may, `'Well, his energy is the praetioal burning of a portion of the $ delighted pomcsaors as an evidence that we do OHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Snond Division fisherman telling of a remarkable perform- :sxactl a9 we promise. The uatchcsa sill lie e- J g coal in the pile, and the result is a lessened • y pr court, County Commfeeioner, of Huron Con- td be commended.” `6Nathin succeeds aaee of Pat in rescuing no less than seven } 5eJlted 1Ji ladies' or entlenien's sizer; as desired- �.ey��r� i�nd, Loan and tneursnoe Ageat. Wands like success." No father wants his son to ht,ating capacity. The M. Robertson Furnl Vere Emporium, in adtiltion we wif���glye ONE HIIpDRF,D Invested and to Ivan. osliz--Over Sharp a be like the little man, however, in aught persons from a fishing smack that had been EXTRA PRESE1vi TS such as SILK DRESS I,{�-ane' store, Hain street, Seaforth. `' 1 cave his success. I# the little man is s1 thruwn on a ire in a heavy gale. The rATTP+.RN8, VAI.U.AB PIECES OF Dlulturn in Parvo, smack was lodged on one of the reefs of STRO�NG'S RED BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFOR,TH. ,tEWELLERT, USEFUL "D PRE'T'TY ULLS FOR SALE. -Fol Bala five red cohort horn the foot of the ladder no one bar anT time A perfect working steam locomotive 8j ARTICLPS FOR THE TOILET, ETC., B bulla from 10 to 16 months old, the best I hay® to spare even to think of him, lar less P Great Spoon Island, about 200 feet from the for intermediate correct anew yrs. Should there bred Good workers and. sure gettere: Prices away b� like him. The little man has had a inches tong and weighing 1 � pounds has abuse. The ren hoisted signals of distress, be no correct answers, the presents will be die' been built by a watchmaker of Glovers. s LN Ethel. h320•tt selfish father, and a patient, hard-working, , and were in momentary danger of lasing tributed among those whose an, are nearest down, -telcos easy.: DAVIIh;.MI E, WILLIS' ' 8HOE STORE EBTA►Bl_18HE!) fSilf, Each nJtAt�CT mast be villa for exhibition at the World's Fair. A ��aa�a �a a � the correct number. E � ood mother, whose spirit was crushed out � swept away. Tremendous waves were rnt- tile correct d by 50 cents E silver stamps to pay ULL FOR SALE. -Ar sale, a pedigreed Durhsiim g a The materials used in its construction are fora pa to Dr. 50 cen Health Pills. am s toell you �} Bull, nine months old, solid red, a floe animal of her berore the little sae's birth. Sel- solid old silver, steel and brass. It it ning, and the crowd of excited fisherman on G roti the resent Tu env perQon Can lie aeon at the premises of the undersigned, Lot fishness and patient toiling were born surd made up of 2,836 pieces, including 668 the shore knew that it would. n fatal foe R I N I I the tits and give p JORN Ci. SPROAT, a knew none of the sweet- them to attempt s retcne, as no boat in S 1 tvha is dissatiafiecT and does not find the Yi]lc i;, F,oncewion 3, Tnckeremith. H bred in him. II exactly isis vo rcpresent them, w� will return their Ss forth 'i 1820.4 screws and bolts and i,53 rivets. It Is 3} The Columbian Watch, enact (his sole object lit in this eYtraordf- nese of refined home life. He is not to be their the possession w coo a live in that eea. Sd- inches in height and designed to run on a denly the one who had in his care the dog ,xar�-offer is to infroclt,cc this excellent ver cdy OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale] a comfortable blamed too much. track with a tri -inch gauge. 1 t is said to pat bethcfugbt him that the dog had been NNOUNCEMENT with aet;rong,gOld-plated in Amerie;i. dwelling house and lot on Jarvis street, con- Next to him comes Lord Show -stout, A iutoeveayhome � be the smallest locomotive ever built to be dust -proof oars, With IicaI h nils have no equal- vLDient to the railway station. Tile Ihouee contains guild, good-natured, good-hearted-imita- taught to not only retrieve, but to tow A TOH�`j The tired brain, -Ns orker incl seven rooms and kitchen, and there is ago �R�Y ting good manners as well as he can. He ilio hY steam. �1r. Henry Cage, its de• boats by a rope from one point to spottier, �>7lerlCan lnOv@IIlent, for morn out business man tinds them espomall-y Will be coli:t s bargain, Apply to JOHN P signer, has cheat three years of steady Jabot and often when a boat would get adrift he ��'�I ulapte(1 to his esiQe. They give new life anti Seaforth. 1320-tf. is lovable, too, but be shows his early g 14893.the merely liOminal price training. zits father was agood-natured, in its construction. would be trent for it, and would run his nose i•nertrv. and mak(, hard wink ea�v. DR, - ____-__---,--- - - - - ' of $2.25. It will not RAI{ gig HIsALTH PILLS S'i'ftENG- BARGAIN. -A Steam Saw, Shingle and Lath unselfish man, loving leis wife and children, under the painter till he would come to the 1 THF;N THE BODY A. D BRIGHTE�i A Mill for sale, situated in the village of i�rrioei but rough in language and manner. Hie The nunng Passion Still, end of it, and he would take it in his teeth �7�ie have much pleasure in infOTIn- vary OIIe Inmate III 3U i'HE BRAIN. xci sees oL . township of Howiek, count of Huron. Capco ! , tit ho s3uffer frame per da shay❑ le mut capacity 16,000. mother was a school ma am of the old kind, "V6rhat shall w© piece on your tomb.- and fetch' the boat to shore. Ing the readers of the EPOSITOiL that ? days, is as durable a8 �j OWNS N •outh nocturnal emissions, mall a is a Leet p Y, g " J " I'at " war at once called. Along eod- 10�11'N M'Ei' 3 , heratsanabundanteu plyottimborintheadjacont and from her Lord Show takes his wish to stone? ask.ec. the Jniniscer of the editor. � we have received Our New �lprng �!'a e any YvstCh made; full Hientat worry, overwork or slt'eplecKneys, should T 4 • , ssne troubles country. Alk the machinery is in first class order. imitate good "form." "We are her o to stay," was the feeble re, line wire attached to a piece of lath and flu n- Hctalth 1 ills. They will ,tel - ' For terms a 1 to JAMES MARTIN, Oorrie. 1314.4 y ply, --Atlanta Constitution. vie far as possible into the water. "Pattoek of Boole, Shoes and ,Rubbers. guaranteed; patent lever gist you encrt,>y and atrcnLth, anal make you pp S' y Next cornea a gentleman. He may not movemeIIt stent P8" yourself afiain, have a visiting -card about him, and }et nom tl a ran n stills to it and brought Fele and tfretl, ,vl,° to funds to loan at lowest you know he is a gentleman. How? His STEPPING BLOCKS. P P Y P $ ' ' We are entering on `''Qui thirteenth P YOUNG�+► w C s+offer front female a 300 Private y it to shore. Several times bb repeated this ca eirtent and regulat<Or; i O U N'u 'P o`MEN r st at sums to suit manner is not pompous. He is not egotir• in our present fjtand and have E P cantinesxs su ,mesion of their sick- rates of lute performance. The fishermen were in des 'yearlantern inion, 240 bests w`mlcness, s In n tical. He has not wa)ked•over an one to ver been so well equipped ed for a euc- ne PP •, 'n a o high q nvas, lrcad1wile, whites pail, in the back n d . Weis. Loans can be com- Y Helps and Conifort„ for 1:'on,un, C.,llciren pair. The ,waves were splashing g , Wat0h "to the minute. NO.key r l use Fi:ealth Pills. .�� ! 00 burro is his own ur ae, and he shows it in rola clic lt;ett. they could not direct the dog's attention to 'cesgful season S business ae NOW. We - bearing clown pains, shot It a P Po Tti�y rt'sttn e the nu„ith ir.3 in ,till ca:;e ,s, build tit 1 QQQ feted and money advanced he easy dignity of hie bearing, the kindly required to wind or set the s1•item, enrich the blood sari nutike the face $ � p a s, Apply t0 R. lance of his eye, the thoughtful, unoaLen- There ought to be a hitching post and the men an the reef, Finally "Pat” seem- ,aqk for trade this season believing that plK1bD,,kE-AGE0b,Mikt11 bright and rosy. X1,500 within two d y pP y g y stepping block in front of every village and ed to comprehend that there was noWething it; weighs four ounces. sufferi„g from ;, arlister eSLC. Seaforth, tattoos care of your comfort, his revereGce our dealings can be made mutually i prcniaturetlecay�,000 ,S.HAY5,B a ' 126 for womanhood, be it a repreBentative true country residence. Otdand feeble persona more serious on hood than he had at firstkidney addetz 'eg,pre-suis ot'yc,uthi'uj should nuc be obliged to crawl ill and out thought. He raised hie head and looked profitable and interesting.����ut "x e lass of des •, mer, l worry or over -work, woman or not. His father vaas a man of intently over the water, Iiia eye caught A special feature of our new stock AND to tilt c g3 should use He, pills. They act esperially SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -The under noble aim, and his mother was -well, his sights of the boat with its signals of die- p shouln d the bladder and kidneys, sari rc 0 t}ie A signed agora for sale cheap, and on easy terms mother was your and my idea of a lady. - _ - is the profuse display of new styles` vigor of youth de all failing organs, both p14ti•sical hie ; r signed in Hills Green. Tt consists of one _1. trees and the waves dashing over it. P y y W hen the lath with the rod -line attached which will be worn for the first time and mental, quarter caro of land, on which` ie situated a good "What is born and bred in a man sticks to ;l �•; •. M SZ2515 Sui#ering re 'with dwelling attached, and under him." The education of the home is in- �.; ';.e:%, was again thrown into the water "Pat" at this season. We are natural distribu- 9n'y I1DD' E• GED VIiO EN ffonr general oto which is a eplcndid cellar. There is also a large ware- delibly stamped on the children of the i s ' ` .% C.— °'_ T once sprang in after it, took the lath in his tors Of the product Of the factory at `change o life ' he ulachts, pga ns in the home, house and stable. Hills Green ie the centro of cue . home. ~Z v1. ,r. , teeth, and, instead of turning to the shore, enngtipation, plies, frregulariflrs and mental d of the richest and best farming districts in Ontario, � ..y. - � a.. � .� pil use Health I'tlls. Tl,ey telitye a e lendid o ning for a good, live bust• If the best china is onl used on ewte Co�.OW— •;,,KIv "�' - struck out through the roaring surf to the prices very moderate. We e3ctend tU ' pressir>i,, shot and thio rs _. _._ _ THIIB OF IT :tit these symptoms, purify the lslocXI, strengthen nese man wit sono mesas to make money. HF�� 000aaiona, how can chil ren b© expected reef, Many times he was buried ander the eVer?�OnO a hearts lIIvitatlOn t0 Call the nerves regulate thebuwels, and assist \attire particulars, address CgAKLEB TROYER, to handle vhina sracefully by and gl,a. 1. HITCHING POST AND STI;PFING BLOCK- waves, but after a few minutes of intense and 100k over our stock. In in every war• Meen• 12t36tt by? If the parlor is ke t locked horn Health Pills yield sound P P ' of the vehicle, endangeriQg their lives, altapenee be was Been from the shot® clam- HAVE j,QQg AT IT E TO TSE AGED audrefrt•shis:g sleep, t,�i"-e can you expect a child to sit or while a stepping block, which can be made I bering up the side of the reef, and a great � �; 9 gtrertgth to the nerves, ehmrfulness to the mind - REAL ESTATE FOkI S®LE• stand easily in parlors by and by 1 g shout went up at the imperilled sailors took �p'Es� -SHOES �VY �NE t soft ease to the body, 4o that the weigh of ears �' M en are only boys grown tall." in a few hours, will last a generation. beats less heavily as the thread of life lengthens. The fineat�thin a on earth are not too fine They. need not be expensive. 'rhe one hold of him and lifted him into the boat i f If the persons among; whom we decide to dis• oUsE FOR SALE IN SEAPORTS.=For talo, B shown in Fig. 1 costs the most, and it, the an almoet,ezhanated condition. In brief We kre ags in f the front with a large tribute our presents oblc.ct to publicity, and desire H a small frame House and two Lots on Raikway time a strong rope ]vas attached to the cod tion no mentipn be made of their names, we, will Street West. There is a good cellar under the hooey the earth arelnotltoo beautiful for every and. elegant range of new Styles. The PAP (n re•ipert their wishes in the natter and forward and a good well. Terms to suit purchaeere. A 1 line, The men on share were signaled t0 g g c . /L� j, p 1311p�tppf day use. The sweetest behavior in the haul away, the rope was made fast to the vamps of the new shoes have a' tend- v • • f ,resents to any address mentioned without the on the ppremises, Lot No. 12, Railway street. Wlli. know[( - of even a third person. All communi- A. WORTH. world is not too good for father and reef and the shore, and one by one the men envy to be long and SE A.FORT'li, rations addressed to us,rIn be promptly answered mother, wife and child, son and daugh- LADIES narrow, thus giving .end all earr"sed to uq regarded as :sacredly con- OD FARM FOR i ALE. -For' sale, north hall � passed band over hand from tbeir place of , fi+ d all 1. Inwrit en address THE PARISIAN � Lot 31, Concession 2, East Waws;nosh, 100 ter. danger, and the brave dog followed when he to them the name, 5, -'" MEDICAL CO.. (Cunadlan Branch). Woo ,ores ; good feces, good oichard and never !ailing jf the hum® is a palace fitted out with , � had got hie second wind. ��� to 3 ADELAIDE ST. E.r TORO creek. Apply to H:f . D. COOKE, Barrister, Blyth, All that gold can buy, it is well. If the �" �.:, - ti, STRAP of Piccadilly- WeOR���E or PHILIP HOLT, Goderioh. _ 1878 Mr. Buell thinks that Congress ought to home is one room in an attic, it can be g ' r� •,.� := - . - vote " Pat " the most els ant silver collar have some nice lines - J h-` F OR SALE. -A neat and attractiive country home- made lovely with a single flower, neatness that can be made. •` Pat ' is from the fam- SLIPPERS on *.•he Pieeadillj, -----OF EAFORTI� . stead, being part of lot 1 concession 7, in the and love -but one person cannot make a Ma, 2, COMBINED POST AND BILL I ous kennels- of Mr. Archer, of Tullamore, Township of Turnberry, consisting of three acres uta home. It takes all of the inmates --father, sorest one in the lot, as, tela inclosed, I ands not dear. Al- �a�r�%a le Farm Lands rich land, two sores are now under grass and balance mother, children. Many a woman has PE g near Cork; ` and is a dog of remarkable �I 25 TO so new lines In i • to occupied by orchard and garden. There ie a good the boards bold moisture a long time, and beauty and sagacity. --Our Dumb Animals. IN TSE 'j c a Instrument frame house and stable on the premises, also a never triad to make a sweet home for her child- dean rapidly. The platform arm should b. . . walking shoes with �t�[� Musical failing well and first-class oietern. The owner has ren and miserably failed, because the four feet long and about three feet wide, TO SHIP O� - �VIh`�9„�BP. pro rt must be sold. father was nota king among men', as he ro ectiii soles, nO removed to Manitoba and the H � y and made of soft wood, as hard wood is li- Illustrious AhBtalIIBrB• $2.26• P J g ror particulars apply to' JO N W. CiFEEN. Lot 6, should be ana many a man has sought the The Sultan of Turkey is not only a very need Of rubbers In punvsnee of and in exercise of the power of Concession El, Turnberry, or box No lv, Wroxeter l[ E3M:P0:R41_U 1 P. O• 1285x4tt liquor saloon because age there war no qiI at bard worker, but an abstemloue man in food with these, The Common Sense Boot sale contained n a a Moat Tnde which of eri Pro- • __-_ - home, but a viraigo. and drink. He commences his morniug do- made by one iftne 0 Morrison, which will be p or ¢ .-.--- A FARMS, -The undersigned has for still has it8 favorites. We sell them doted at the time of sale, there w111 be offered for U Brothers, It is ovary fatihor's duty to be loyal and ties with bot coffee, and rarely drinks any- sale by P'nbito Auction at.the COMMERCIAL HOT19I. �� tale several excellent farms favorably situated tender and strong as the oak in carroing 100. In in the TOWN Ole SEAFOATH, on thing during the day except cold water. As n� as to railway and settlement, comprising five quarter a rule he rigna Lha dooumente relating to all sections (160 acres seven halt sections (820 tares), out his conviction o ntot he world with ,'n menta and delegates but lit- SAVU0101 PS�` STSf �s�W j ) prices from 64 to • y g .�41- public appol t , g LADIES'OXFORDS isR�PR 1 ET R$, and two whole eea ons (640 arses ; p children may o out At 2 m by Mr- Joseph P. Brine, ip of Kox the sio per atl cre. Any one contemplating settling in honor bred and born in them. It is every •- ✓" tle im rtant State work to his subordin Manitoba can make very favorable tering inipurehas- mother's dot Go be thoughtful of the com- G w . ' 0"�••" ��"`, ,",.'•' ,*`r'� ales. arald Ha an the I�orwe tan skater b totlowia,o farm lands in the township of h halloo Ing. Productive proppeerty in or neer Beat will y B g ' viz Lpt 28 and the south half of file north half st �'Eii�'�RTH, - ONTARIO. on equitable valuations be taken in Eixohange fort of her home, charitable in her judg- advisee all athletes to abstain from intoxi- Which are Co01 and sensible for the Lot 26 it, the 14th Coneassioa, of the To, say of for three or four farms, WILLIAM H. GRAY. Sea meats, quick in her sympathy, loving- Y D 1iOt heather. We in the Con of Huron, wvin iL.S1 hearted quick that her children may go into FiGt, 3. IIZxPE*tslvls BJtOCK. cants and tot tobacco, as these are ver in ori- he�i� � one quarter of an son sold ZUG -Dunham, New York; W. tO`�h' ' ons. He has ne used either, and is a have some chic lines TENNIS P'1ANC)S. _ 3 gar• the world with goodness born and bred it able to cause slipping in wet weather. The s wisp. -d by Canada Id brick shouse " hall ,St Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano Corel- ACRE FARM FOR SAI.1G. p fire specimen of m hood, 28 years of age, White Canvas Grey Thede !There is . coed brisk bows anti 2OO Ian of Fi 2 is a eotnbtnation of post and iy other buildisgs upon the lands, in fair repair, pony, Bnwmanvill®. farm, being Iota 11 and it, concession 18 them -ladies and gentlemen in the title block, an g many are in ore. It would be over eiz feet high, straight as a rush, and ' and the tend is {ii a eon etaOf tivatia°• The Grey, is offered for Sale. 12o acres are oleo+red an� sense of the words. d wet hia in condition 175 pounds. Canvas, Red Goat, SND p Anel h • the balance is well timbered. Buildiage first-olaee. better to have the platform longer tl!tssl i/ B $ Red Pebble, Tan lands orb situat®d within a short distance of lice �R�i+�N$•-W' Bell !st Co , . Orchard, welt, School house within p rode. ,• h Voltage of Walton on the The read leading to Sea- Rowipianvi le • • Neat Darning. shown in the out. till 3 is a cheap af3A!*, forth. '$erme of Sale. -The paeahaser wt be r°• Dominion Organ Company, , rowession given at once, it desired. For ffurther d�'urs for I?ipth@I'1i1. Goat trimmed with T wired air the time of sate to pay to the FeneTsr se �P MRS. D. W. Sarre Co., `Woodstock. srtioutars as to prioe , ter®s, etc.. apply. To darn a stocking neatly take a file q WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELs BSIK ER, A lady writes as follows: "I send you, for colored Leath- his ay the b lanc one-tenth of his purehate storey, and oleo a law on the fa:m, awe! crochet needle and with it. catch up , err besides names- SHOES• � P•T the balance within one month t�e0 purr and The shore Instruments always on hand, t the wgven stitches croemwise--usn sulfur• the beneSt of many mothers a valuable n a payment of hia purahsse mosey file parahasec .tel d tissue and Organs t°r elle a,b g recipe a for di theria. It hoe oared my five Ianot; annts sold s the ineW that is suitable in thickness and color -and _ P P cue lines in French w 1 be aiatttld to reostve a aonvayanoe and w bs fromupwards. Violins,- BOARS FOR SERVICE, children, and I am prepared to say there iy gid DOn ala Ked and Caif. At istO°'Pt oYM1° :eats `�`d >lv of tie Ic►nis. x m plan or eJn terms r sell oaotowe•e• fill in the holo with a chain stitch, working / Further voulculan gad oonditions may be obtaineA ;vnrerbtlsas and small iasMl,nenbe on hand also:mbeet no stag® of the disease can stand before it, J g A catten to the underrtgnei, allele, books as y ILKSHIRE BOAR FOR Sg1iVICE.-The under• back and forth as i# darning. This looks g• NES I keePt in the house all the time, and prices from $I to =2.50 a pair. on app. F HOjyggD ��•++ signed will keep for service at Brueefield, one eleater than a darn. ,K,. . • * . .,e, A- ,tr" . _ 8eatorth' TErrok'LLni, 18titf+. Vendor's Se{iaitcr. SCai 8ta7, and one youn6 Thorong6bred Berkeh' a Bose• J ; . and whenever the children have any eymp- A word or two about r I Terme. $1.00 payabW at the timed ser. cel He •]w - --L''" toms of sore throat, I at esus ase some of is14.8 Aso has • your Thoroughbred Berkshire for Raapberrg Csne-Cutter. this preparation '-Five asst worth of tan- MENI SHOES jD - -sale, „OEOROX HILL, Brueetteid' ls¢1x13 During the winter and early g ring all na t, eTOlrs BLOcg wlTft NA>tta. nio said, two ee�nts worth of sulphur, two WE �X.. p cents worth of burnt- alum. What will IiOItOUGHBRED BERRKS,HIRE BOAR DFOR the old canes should be removed from the find cover a five sent piece is a nose for a child, ROBERTSON). T SERVICE. -The undersignad w1H ktep for ser- raspberry and blackberry rows. When but serves the purpose very nicely. ' IN% We always keep the leading linea of All kinds of fabrics on our own prem- • there is an acre or more of this work to do, support/, or Poets, should be set �,Q� i stanl.y, the Thorough and about twice that quantity for an adult. vice on Lot 10, Concession 7,� attraction III thlae bred Berkshire Boar, Jefferson (loos), pu a special implement is wanted for the pur- the ground- The steps aro mads from • Blow down the throat every hour. Bathe lees• We don't lisps" send them alit ' from J. G. Snell Brother Bdnaonton, Ontario, P� wood 'block, and -are firmly nailel, � the feet well and administer- a good dose of BioYbLIC department. The of town. . LeadI� -Undertaker Sire, Enterprise, imported jls'7i0;dam ➢[atilstoret pore. A c piece of is shown in Fig 1 ; i0 Mit• __..-- g ya.po�d (g87). Torek -One dolhr, strietly tons of a piece of steel, bent in the ferns bolted, in position. castor ail or salts." material, lseake tIId WE CLEAN Dash at the time of service with privilege of return• indicated, and attach- --+ - SHO]IS, rinieh being special i MAIN STILEBT, SEAFORTI3. Ing if necessary lie also tsar for aa30 a number of with bolts or �1 h —Mr. Joseph Salkeld, who is compare- features. 9�sk to Faded; and ec�iled clothing to look like young boars and sows from six months and under. ed t�.�✓' lively a new man on the road, bar been do 81on O[ir dream-` RII� My Yaaolttiee are unsurpassed. 1 ani pre- Prices right. WTI(. MoALLISTEB, Yarns P.U. lEOO tt *crows to a Lou; Ing big work for the Stratford Hedge Fence piece of wood, The see the new Piccadilly Toe, its t fitter, new. Bring B y Barad to eoadnot Llirials in s moll rads• upper edge of the 5�,, ` Company in Waterloo county, his sales for Congress Shoes- suitslefore the rush sets ill. We iaetcrry manner. Ali ssoderto nndertiking hook is ground sharp. '�� j� always do a good job, and he do it appllanoes, C°a°petaatmaaasewentg'ua r• Valuable Property for Sale• one week being is tine neighborhood of Lace Shoes and FULL D�,Ee88 y: an lia,n A full line t burial Roais on it should not be ;.w $750 worth of fencing. This, result In partly �{J C /! �• bond. I aim to be prompt, a co derste 1=7,V - ...� •` `'_ billty as a sales- Oxford Shoes at CHEAP. •,rred,i,.aA more than two inches attributable to his own v. SHOES. and reliable. The undersigned offers for sale the following pr° prices most fail'• i1t�i pony, namely: One brick -dwelling on (}oderich from the point to the >r1c3. 6. FEON]E>LR BLOCK. elan and partly to the fact that the com- A.11 you have t0 do t0 get to our place AIT, Charges moot reasonable. street, Seaforth, also ane fraena dwelling on John opposite cutting edge. pony had last spring plashed forty rode of In is to Street, Seaforth-in all, six lots, with large frame The hook should be ]%r a village suburban situation, a slots honey locust hedge to that aeigbberhoo , SHOES ,RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STAKET, stable. The above will be sold in parcels to suit �k� like that seen }a Fig. 4 is neat Oft �� Follow Pointers 1223 purchasers; also two lots with frame dwelling on made thin along the , and the public was so well pleased with the WORKINC Goderieh Street, these lots are occupied as a lumber outting portion, and an iron one, combined with poste, may be completed bodge that it sae an easy matter yard; also a lot adjoining the Exppoositor Office, on heavier where attach used. The pioneer wooden block is shown to induce the neighbors to buy. ion On Market Street frotl the dirtier of Main Street, Seaforth ; also Lots No. 17 and 18 in eel to the handle. is Fig. 5, and, if at least two and a half We have aid the, attentFa and Main Street. - - --- 1--_____ ____ p con- p the 17th Concession of the Township of Grey, This form is int¢nded �- CASh t0 Farmers twining 200 scree, and Let 20, Concession 18, Grey, flet in diameter, will prove valuable. I� J. W. SNELL, J, a C. SMITH CO containing 64 acres, with sawmill in good running be need with both should rent upon a bed of round stothw M - -. _ and Mechanics. - _ _- --.. order. Y hands, but the one pssysnt the bass from rapid decay. 5009 Z5�'� High Street, Seafarth,next door to T•ltidd's rasidataoe C , ., �V.,� THOMAS DONNE , shown in Fig: 2 is for . i GREAT �� p B�-N� RS- 1320-tf Seaforth. the other FIG. 1. FIC. 2. $LOU Shoes Lade to Orders GODERIGH _ one hand, a of Maitland• hand being free to grasp the ,cut cane, or Pr®ebyt rp { A General Banking business traneaeted, j� for any other purpose. The total length of The Presbytery of Maitland met in Knox (� y Steam Boiler Work$ ►� stat ahoald not exceed t e 14th stud 15th �� Our custom department always re- s harmers notes discounted. parrs L�e work 9 this iron implem Church, Kincardine, on h Drafts bought and sold, teen inohes. It is made from common iron OUeN CURE, ceiTes Our personal attention. Only (ESTABLISHED 18i3Ei.) _ with a tete of steel welded on the cutting ►net.. Rev. W. H. Geddes, moderator, J. 2565 W11 - � ( Interest allowed on deposits. E A Fa RT f -I P McNabb, clerk, It was agreed to appoint the best stock u led, and a good At :SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for I end, and made sharp, the same as the cut- E. A, McKenzie, B. A., student of Mont- CnreaaosnanffiPtion,Congs onso a nF,So� i � �� CHR (J RYSTAL, d h -Ale Remember Throat. $old by all Dru gists on s Guarantee. ;guaranteed. {H R 1 'd a a• B �, Stz'1 has Porous A. ollectron --Is the place to have your— ter with the woo en real College, to supp,y Langsi a aoegr g Fora Lame Side, stir or C est , a q SuEe/eor, 4ierystai k Biadc, f Reid — AN!®—DYING that the smaller the hook can be made, and tion during neat summer, The following plaster will givegreat� tisf�,on.'-25CcQts' we sl]all continue t0 use a liar y 11 OFFICE --First door north o CLEANING yet have the desired atrength, the easier it ministers were appointed commissioners to dW'S v�'.�L'.�ERIs columli of the EXPOSITOR, trying in Wilson's Hardware Store. wee are no sins tic, make our work nret rowin bianafbcturers of all kinds of $tatiouary Done, ae p P• can be operated among the closely g B tale General Aeeembly : G. McKay. A. Y. B��L Tenn. sa our feeble way to keep you. posted on Marine, Upright & Tubular . class, and we are new ,n a posi, on to turn out the Mrg• Z+, S. $aWk`m5, C1 gtttt:lo©Ba y p oases. Hartley, A. IV1cKay, J. L. Murray, J. Me- ••,57ifloh'syftalizer•SAVED R -k LJPE.�r i SERF®`RTF°3� __ _. beat work ever done in 9eatorth. SHOES a Faslane R', H. Geddes, and the following c nekwittj*v,batrrm,tdp)*oradeWitatedsl/stern -- _ _ �A3D= S' Don't Lin;h at Blnndera. ► BOI L• Lead of leu bin ai the mistakes or elders. Hugh Rutherford, Charles McKen- Ievcrztacd." -Forl) pepsfa,LiverorSidaey i Dresses, Jackets, Feathers 4ccRS . 'one in a style to suit In/ laughing zie, Alex. Stewart, sen., James McNair' trouble itexoeL. Prices 75ct9. � MARRIAGE LI`GEES THE MOST ,FASTIDIOUS. blunders of others, we should do all in our Mr, Anderson gave notice that he will !� t•ATA6[�� Salt Pan/, Stook® Stacks, Sheet Trot: Warks, power to oonoe&I `any amusement we may move at next meeting thst there shall be �.,� w. traNill ( ` etc., ems' Td'SOED AT G NTLE7��N feel, for to the one mating the error it is �Y I mix ordinary meetings of the Presbytery Also dealers In U rWht and Horizontal slide Vs p Overooatq and Suite �uade to lack deeply embarrassing to dna that those who14• `Pa�TR� Q�F� P Y held during the year as follows : On the 94 Engines. Ant°maiio Cut'3ffsn hid D AS MEW. witnessed it are making merry at his oz- third Tuesday of January, March, May, :3a tjyouCAt atarrh? Trythialtemedy- It will AS GOOGederwko posit velg relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta. visas of SpIcr ! pt1 � ao/ias• Remember the strand, One Ihoor North of > . D P�nse. Good mannan soda good heart go July, September and jijovember. Thts= Injector i'or its enc astjjl treatment is F�L� F�R�� ' - FAII-m to wt+a G' T' $' `:3£i®FOI3TII, Ol`T•;c•AI-LIO- Wttson'e Egg Emporium. ii hand in hand; tact, after all, is but a show f�linLshedfree. itemember,i5'siloh'Sl mediea i 11 -- ---_- .. J -_ ___ Works-OpPoeile It war agreed to grant .permission to the m ✓: to gr,z _ :i; is:s"ctiou. i _ --�. I _ , ' of kindly feeling and undies all eirstrn- Wroxeter congregation to mortgage their ary Gold on a 3 No WITTaESSIES REQUIRED R� H. SARs. N`�p� ►�.0hotilf� remember that we era . - ,; - I' . I- l ! 11. . .... 6 I � y, ..- ..- .. - - . -. - N EXPaSITOR ArItIL 7 1893 1 T �i H U RCS i no; intainote ana quite atf' ifk8i`y to make church . prrty to the extent of $1,15W to IThe Huron.EXpasitor, TH4U(gTS ON MANNASmaitakea as those whom we ace plowed to he Hppltnd towards payment for the new P ridicule. ehurau. Liberty sae given to Bervie con- e le I Cannot everp person, no matter how Kregmtioo to dispose of cRrtain property. i �� i is ° $EAFt�RTH, 014T• THE ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS worldiv•wise they may be at the preeeat The session reeorElr of Chalmers Chtireh, Sem,! r�,n! Coffee iI time, remember when they have made soma giocardioe towneh Brand fiervie were exam Ov �� l — U1= LADIES AND GENTLEfvIEN, faux pas which even to think of flow causes ined and attested i►e carefully andcorrectiy !" • `�•' `•'••• ,go I I McLEAN BRO.S , - Publisher ( _ them to break out in a cold perspiration ? ke t At Wo' rid" Fair. •a:: •e•••°•.•;° •••.•°, Lady fiiu,ty sort Her Itieigi►s>ur—l'r,mpous It mai' have been an error in table etiquette It was agreed to make applicatio to the ' ,,the E.,• . • . •• AD�JETIII�C SAE. •.�••s,••ra•s•eso �, I or in the pronunciation of a word, it does gum® tni,eion oon,miLtey for the ic,llowiug •�.0 0.04+40 • �e��• •• . Men -Lord Show -The True Gentleman ••i•••�'S1•••• 00 0;ft••••,••••�� g , not matter how trivial the .mistake, yet -sisals for the year: For Belgrave, ;150; •� :•G.••s•a.•e•a•�o * • ••�ws••i Contract advertisements, matter changeable at after all the years since it occurred the 150 • Dungannon and Port (iHA►��E (�L SANBOILN ha*e been awarded the .• e • • • • • • •• • e will, Home Methods. Pine River, � , g sus •, •e•.•e��•�� �•,; a viva INcn smile which went around the circle stings Albert ; $150 Messrs. Geddes and M-,- mammoth contract for supplying all the Coffee s•.yy:e'* 40 0- o .•!•: w - 1 Year 6 mss.. 3 mf�o �� What ie born and bred in a man sticks even in memory, ` LKuchlin were appointed members of the .; ; •• se •; se•• ow:• y:e;. ` 11 to 21 inches, inclusi�-o • i3t 50 $2 15' tai Ess to him," is a saying more wise that elegant. No one is perfect, not seen those who Synod committee uu bills and overtures. Serve inside the Worlds Fair 01roundSr against the •••''••+•••;� ;• •.••;••,!••'r s to 10 y P The report on systematic benefiaeoee was LL ••0 �, •�+� ••••"� ���0 • 3 6 1, r, S 0 3 00 1 75 We have all met the woman costly at met them3elvea U AfI OCBGlea In all matters %� ,ea • , •, �.••, •, << 600 3 26 1 86 tired flower of a eech, genial of manners, ertaining to social life and its exac,ions. adopted competition of .the largest importing houses in .the s. e• e. a ,, . 11 to 2 , Y P * *i•: *•e.••:;; It the advertiser elects to changre not oftener than . yet lacking the essential charm of a lady- he day will collie t hen Haws will be die- The Rev. Mr. Murray read the annual ;.•�•`�; e • •� •: �� s once per month; a reduction of 20 per cent. will be -that charm which can no more be anal zed covered even in the leader, and then those COUiltr a•a••'0-O ••• o f `••k:. i made per the above quoted prices. rfpnrt of�the Presbyterial Women's Foreign y • ` of •i •`'•• •' tea tors tial position can be obtained on appll• than the scent of a rose -which one feels at who have been laughed at will have a Mi®pion $solely in behalf of Mrs. MoNabbr •. * +•o•;' Ra once when lits iB in the presence of its own• ' chance to laugh, if that will be any calla secretor This tribute to th:e EXCELLE. 0 Of the tic SEAL V& �• ��• cation at this ofiioe. Business or processional cards, not exceeding three er, be she talkative or. silent, grave or gay. - faction. The Presbytery recognize with pleasure quarters of an inch, 34 to 85 per year. - It is born and bred ill her. It is not put ` After all, the gracious manner and the the vera interesting report from the W. F. BRAND " proves that It 1$ fibs BEs COI+'FEE (IROWN, in oft: last competition, In which we lied a Advertisements of Strayed Lost, Found, etc., not M. S,,; which wes read, :and cordially ,* cout;1uifng 545 dots, we hall ans,vers Tang- exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent on with her evening dress, and laid away kindly spirit count for more than form commend the society to the sympathy of ell trill month 508 with it. It is the manly tenderness of her and empty show. ` Of ecurse, the amenities in- from � to 2,000,000. oil the whole, hoer er<er, Advertisements of Forme and Real Estate for sale, father and the womanly gra�e and virtue of of life must be regarded, but they should our congregation. Rev. Mr. Wilson, re- our he close tile better than we expected. not exceeding 1 inches, one month Iif.50, each sub - At the close of the compettion�tlic winners �� sequel month 7 c. her mother blended with !the daughters not be put before all alae, and a breach of turned missionary from India, gave a moat ttntt led of their success, and the presents a h is interesting aniousd comprehensive address on•tet as we advertised. As a proof of this and as Adverttsemenntiet�h ao disoou t of 26 per ten cents c anti Ito lifTher m le,Itthe hgracefmul Inch nation, the ae au lackehof lc on iderat,not be on. Goodrform niesionary .work in India. Mr. Anderson 1 a , ke t pertec•t faith; with each i❑eertioA MOS Oanetiidence that we ha e p s , f vi ners arties who also have regular contract apace. sweet solicitude for another's comfort, the means essentially the behavior of a gentle- G--vq" ' our patrons, we will send it eoniplete list o ` t P read the annual report on the state of relig- iescepting those objecting to publicity) to any Local advertisements under township or village quick eye and the firm, kertle hand are all man or lady, and the highest type of it is art that seeks not toion, Mr. Geddes read the Sunday school { address on reeetpt of a 3 cent stampp to pay postage. .heading, Ge per line each insertion. r line for p report. Mr. Hartley read the report on a e do this Inst, of pui,lishiatfi t1,c In oJt uct cunt Transient advertise m� teeten cents subsequent baby of eyes, herself, unconsciously, ously, from found wound, the gracious ,considerate manner, tem ers►nae, and Mr. Murray that on Sxbi Of the list being so yr ry large. In our pri;$ent first insertion, three cc p Y p Of the list bei present tabs above star and ask onr insertion, nonpareil measure. therefore, never to be unlearned. She is as and a courtesy to old and young, rich and bath observance.. These reports were c tomtr3 to count the dots as they did with those Advertieeixents without haepec� ccc ciivalya will be different from her neighbor, Lady Show, poor, regardless of their sociatstatua or im• adopted. We have got a move oil, and are now in ,oar new Warerooma, ready to in the circle. with It we make this offer:- inserted till forbid, and charged vatic. as the rose is from the dandelion. Some portance. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to To the first three persona sends in the cEin t ct Births, Matriagee and Deaths inserted g week. ;,, To til ,ve will give each. an elegant GOLD Tux Exeoat*oa goes into 4``300m, esti it has like dandelions. Yes. _ All bow to the the ladies of &riot church, Kinoardine, for wait upon you t0 show- you one of the fiII8f3t ist�Oclif3 © Furniture ]till We8tel-a 'WATCH, with ELGIN, WA.LTHAM, which means, on a conservative rose- ]fosse Your CodL their very kind hospitality in providing for DUEBER HAMPDEN, or other first-class 20,000 readers every week. it the best advertising Lady Show is loveable, too, but she shown A careful and prolonged series of ex ria ar Customers. Now that we movement. l� swill give the same to the senders ii,Pdiutn in wstern Ontario. P fi � the comforts of delegates of the W. F. Ontario. We cork®a apeci9►lty of pleasing all ; of the three correct answers, who are equally far her early training in every tone, Glance and menta made in Germany appear to furnish M Sand members of the Presbytery. The veto the first and the last, while the persons gesture. She is loveable because she does absolute roof that coal suffers an im Jor- are in our, new Wareroot , we are in a► better position than ever to )sleet fealr I IM"'ORTANT NOTICES. P 1 Presbytery adjourned to meet at R'ingham sending in the last three correct answers will not try to conceal her training, thereby be, tans loss by continued exposure to the on Tuesdzy, May 9th. each be given watches exactly similar to the other - cumin stiff and unnatural and didactic and weather. Anthracite and cannel suffer friends, and show them goods that are worth buying. sty- THIS MAKES NINE GOLD ONEY TO LEND. -A large amount of money cumin stiff - cEMS, EACH OF WHICH IS VALUED 1 has been placed in my hands by Private Par' least, but ordinary bituminous coal de. The Dug' 046 led the Life Line. AT 8100. that will positively be given away. A nee to lend been real estate at 5} per cent. interest, As with women, so with men. We preciates nearly. one-third in weight and A good dog story comes from Maine. A. rig sample watch is now on exhihitlan at our office, 1 to J. M. BEST, Barrister, know the pompous, egotistical, mall man, nearly ono -half in gas -making property g Come ht along and satisfy yourselves that our Furniture is all we atidcan'be seen by prison interested; self our p� yable yearly. Appy 1811 P $ f g C. Buell a former well-known journalist of ' 9eatorth. with the large visiting. card ad the still after long ex osure. Weather waste of �4ucerity is doubted t e person may call, or have larger display of "ood form you knew." p Washington City, usnailly hunts during the claim for it—the latest designs, best of workm�n8hip, and finest finish._ e a friend do so, and see that they are all we claim. fiv® g P Y 8 y waft coals Ia therefore ahvsya to be taken a ortin season on Penobscot Bay. When Remember eech one is first-class and will be 11 , BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, We also know how ,we shrink from him. ;,;,6 account in establishments where a P B accompranted byp a virantee from the maker. D young Durham Bulls, red and roan, all eligible He may be at the top of the ladder whither large amount of coal is required: The Ione not hunting he leaves his dog •" Pat," a very sell cheap all the year mond. t WE PRESENT GOLD WATCAES in t],i9 for registration, oa Lot 21„L, R. S., Tnekerstntth, his push or cosi and diare and of all save fine bred Irish retriever, in care of a fisher i uOuippeetition in preference to PURSES OF one and a half miles south of Br,,Icefield. JAMES p energy g is believed to come from a slow oxidation man on the shore of the bay. A few days GOLD because as rule they last longer, and rATEKSON, Brucefield P. O. 1311•tf Himself have brought him. Then, he is that takes lace, the consequence being can, for years afterwards, be Shown by the _- -- p ego Mr. Buell received a letter from the Popular Goods, Popular Prices at the Popular Firm o tolerated and we may, `'Well, his energy is the praetioal burning of a portion of the $ delighted pomcsaors as an evidence that we do OHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Snond Division fisherman telling of a remarkable perform- :sxactl a9 we promise. The uatchcsa sill lie e- J g coal in the pile, and the result is a lessened • y pr court, County Commfeeioner, of Huron Con- td be commended.” `6Nathin succeeds aaee of Pat in rescuing no less than seven } 5eJlted 1Ji ladies' or entlenien's sizer; as desired- �.ey��r� i�nd, Loan and tneursnoe Ageat. Wands like success." No father wants his son to ht,ating capacity. The M. Robertson Furnl Vere Emporium, in adtiltion we wif���glye ONE HIIpDRF,D Invested and to Ivan. osliz--Over Sharp a be like the little man, however, in aught persons from a fishing smack that had been EXTRA PRESE1vi TS such as SILK DRESS I,{�-ane' store, Hain street, Seaforth. `' 1 cave his success. I# the little man is s1 thruwn on a ire in a heavy gale. The rATTP+.RN8, VAI.U.AB PIECES OF Dlulturn in Parvo, smack was lodged on one of the reefs of STRO�NG'S RED BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFOR,TH. ,tEWELLERT, USEFUL "D PRE'T'TY ULLS FOR SALE. -Fol Bala five red cohort horn the foot of the ladder no one bar anT time A perfect working steam locomotive 8j ARTICLPS FOR THE TOILET, ETC., B bulla from 10 to 16 months old, the best I hay® to spare even to think of him, lar less P Great Spoon Island, about 200 feet from the for intermediate correct anew yrs. Should there bred Good workers and. sure gettere: Prices away b� like him. The little man has had a inches tong and weighing 1 � pounds has abuse. The ren hoisted signals of distress, be no correct answers, the presents will be die' been built by a watchmaker of Glovers. s LN Ethel. h320•tt selfish father, and a patient, hard-working, , and were in momentary danger of lasing tributed among those whose an, are nearest down, -telcos easy.: DAVIIh;.MI E, WILLIS' ' 8HOE STORE EBTA►Bl_18HE!) fSilf, Each nJtAt�CT mast be villa for exhibition at the World's Fair. A ��aa�a �a a � the correct number. E � ood mother, whose spirit was crushed out � swept away. Tremendous waves were rnt- tile correct d by 50 cents E silver stamps to pay ULL FOR SALE. -Ar sale, a pedigreed Durhsiim g a The materials used in its construction are fora pa to Dr. 50 cen Health Pills. am s toell you �} Bull, nine months old, solid red, a floe animal of her berore the little sae's birth. Sel- solid old silver, steel and brass. It it ning, and the crowd of excited fisherman on G roti the resent Tu env perQon Can lie aeon at the premises of the undersigned, Lot fishness and patient toiling were born surd made up of 2,836 pieces, including 668 the shore knew that it would. n fatal foe R I N I I the tits and give p JORN Ci. SPROAT, a knew none of the sweet- them to attempt s retcne, as no boat in S 1 tvha is dissatiafiecT and does not find the Yi]lc i;, F,oncewion 3, Tnckeremith. H bred in him. II exactly isis vo rcpresent them, w� will return their Ss forth 'i 1820.4 screws and bolts and i,53 rivets. It Is 3} The Columbian Watch, enact (his sole object lit in this eYtraordf- nese of refined home life. He is not to be their the possession w coo a live in that eea. Sd- inches in height and designed to run on a denly the one who had in his care the dog ,xar�-offer is to infroclt,cc this excellent ver cdy OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale] a comfortable blamed too much. track with a tri -inch gauge. 1 t is said to pat bethcfugbt him that the dog had been NNOUNCEMENT with aet;rong,gOld-plated in Amerie;i. dwelling house and lot on Jarvis street, con- Next to him comes Lord Show -stout, A iutoeveayhome � be the smallest locomotive ever built to be dust -proof oars, With IicaI h nils have no equal- vLDient to the railway station. Tile Ihouee contains guild, good-natured, good-hearted-imita- taught to not only retrieve, but to tow A TOH�`j The tired brain, -Ns orker incl seven rooms and kitchen, and there is ago �R�Y ting good manners as well as he can. He ilio hY steam. �1r. Henry Cage, its de• boats by a rope from one point to spottier, �>7lerlCan lnOv@IIlent, for morn out business man tinds them espomall-y Will be coli:t s bargain, Apply to JOHN P signer, has cheat three years of steady Jabot and often when a boat would get adrift he ��'�I ulapte(1 to his esiQe. They give new life anti Seaforth. 1320-tf. is lovable, too, but be shows his early g 14893.the merely liOminal price training. zits father was agood-natured, in its construction. would be trent for it, and would run his nose i•nertrv. and mak(, hard wink ea�v. DR, - ____-__---,--- - - - - ' of $2.25. It will not RAI{ gig HIsALTH PILLS S'i'ftENG- BARGAIN. -A Steam Saw, Shingle and Lath unselfish man, loving leis wife and children, under the painter till he would come to the 1 THF;N THE BODY A. D BRIGHTE�i A Mill for sale, situated in the village of i�rrioei but rough in language and manner. Hie The nunng Passion Still, end of it, and he would take it in his teeth �7�ie have much pleasure in infOTIn- vary OIIe Inmate III 3U i'HE BRAIN. xci sees oL . township of Howiek, count of Huron. Capco ! , tit ho s3uffer frame per da shay❑ le mut capacity 16,000. mother was a school ma am of the old kind, "V6rhat shall w© piece on your tomb.- and fetch' the boat to shore. Ing the readers of the EPOSITOiL that ? days, is as durable a8 �j OWNS N •outh nocturnal emissions, mall a is a Leet p Y, g " J " I'at " war at once called. Along eod- 10�11'N M'Ei' 3 , heratsanabundanteu plyottimborintheadjacont and from her Lord Show takes his wish to stone? ask.ec. the Jniniscer of the editor. � we have received Our New �lprng �!'a e any YvstCh made; full Hientat worry, overwork or slt'eplecKneys, should T 4 • , ssne troubles country. Alk the machinery is in first class order. imitate good "form." "We are her o to stay," was the feeble re, line wire attached to a piece of lath and flu n- Hctalth 1 ills. They will ,tel - ' For terms a 1 to JAMES MARTIN, Oorrie. 1314.4 y ply, --Atlanta Constitution. vie far as possible into the water. "Pattoek of Boole, Shoes and ,Rubbers. guaranteed; patent lever gist you encrt,>y and atrcnLth, anal make you pp S' y Next cornea a gentleman. He may not movemeIIt stent P8" yourself afiain, have a visiting -card about him, and }et nom tl a ran n stills to it and brought Fele and tfretl, ,vl,° to funds to loan at lowest you know he is a gentleman. How? His STEPPING BLOCKS. P P Y P $ ' ' We are entering on `''Qui thirteenth P YOUNG�+► w C s+offer front female a 300 Private y it to shore. Several times bb repeated this ca eirtent and regulat<Or; i O U N'u 'P o`MEN r st at sums to suit manner is not pompous. He is not egotir• in our present fjtand and have E P cantinesxs su ,mesion of their sick- rates of lute performance. The fishermen were in des 'yearlantern inion, 240 bests w`mlcness, s In n tical. He has not wa)ked•over an one to ver been so well equipped ed for a euc- ne PP •, 'n a o high q nvas, lrcad1wile, whites pail, in the back n d . Weis. Loans can be com- Y Helps and Conifort„ for 1:'on,un, C.,llciren pair. The ,waves were splashing g , Wat0h "to the minute. NO.key r l use Fi:ealth Pills. .�� ! 00 burro is his own ur ae, and he shows it in rola clic lt;ett. they could not direct the dog's attention to 'cesgful season S business ae NOW. We - bearing clown pains, shot It a P Po Tti�y rt'sttn e the nu„ith ir.3 in ,till ca:;e ,s, build tit 1 QQQ feted and money advanced he easy dignity of hie bearing, the kindly required to wind or set the s1•item, enrich the blood sari nutike the face $ � p a s, Apply t0 R. lance of his eye, the thoughtful, unoaLen- There ought to be a hitching post and the men an the reef, Finally "Pat” seem- ,aqk for trade this season believing that plK1bD,,kE-AGE0b,Mikt11 bright and rosy. X1,500 within two d y pP y g y stepping block in front of every village and ed to comprehend that there was noWething it; weighs four ounces. sufferi„g from ;, arlister eSLC. Seaforth, tattoos care of your comfort, his revereGce our dealings can be made mutually i prcniaturetlecay�,000 ,S.HAY5,B a ' 126 for womanhood, be it a repreBentative true country residence. Otdand feeble persona more serious on hood than he had at firstkidney addetz 'eg,pre-suis ot'yc,uthi'uj should nuc be obliged to crawl ill and out thought. He raised hie head and looked profitable and interesting.����ut "x e lass of des •, mer, l worry or over -work, woman or not. His father vaas a man of intently over the water, Iiia eye caught A special feature of our new stock AND to tilt c g3 should use He, pills. They act esperially SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -The under noble aim, and his mother was -well, his sights of the boat with its signals of die- p shouln d the bladder and kidneys, sari rc 0 t}ie A signed agora for sale cheap, and on easy terms mother was your and my idea of a lady. - _ - is the profuse display of new styles` vigor of youth de all failing organs, both p14ti•sical hie ; r signed in Hills Green. Tt consists of one _1. trees and the waves dashing over it. P y y W hen the lath with the rod -line attached which will be worn for the first time and mental, quarter caro of land, on which` ie situated a good "What is born and bred in a man sticks to ;l �•; •. M SZ2515 Sui#ering re 'with dwelling attached, and under him." The education of the home is in- �.; ';.e:%, was again thrown into the water "Pat" at this season. We are natural distribu- 9n'y I1DD' E• GED VIiO EN ffonr general oto which is a eplcndid cellar. There is also a large ware- delibly stamped on the children of the i s ' ` .% C.— °'_ T once sprang in after it, took the lath in his tors Of the product Of the factory at `change o life ' he ulachts, pga ns in the home, house and stable. Hills Green ie the centro of cue . home. ~Z v1. ,r. , teeth, and, instead of turning to the shore, enngtipation, plies, frregulariflrs and mental d of the richest and best farming districts in Ontario, � ..y. - � a.. � .� pil use Health I'tlls. Tl,ey telitye a e lendid o ning for a good, live bust• If the best china is onl used on ewte Co�.OW— •;,,KIv "�' - struck out through the roaring surf to the prices very moderate. We e3ctend tU ' pressir>i,, shot and thio rs _. _._ _ THIIB OF IT :tit these symptoms, purify the lslocXI, strengthen nese man wit sono mesas to make money. HF�� 000aaiona, how can chil ren b© expected reef, Many times he was buried ander the eVer?�OnO a hearts lIIvitatlOn t0 Call the nerves regulate thebuwels, and assist \attire particulars, address CgAKLEB TROYER, to handle vhina sracefully by and gl,a. 1. HITCHING POST AND STI;PFING BLOCK- waves, but after a few minutes of intense and 100k over our stock. In in every war• Meen• 12t36tt by? If the parlor is ke t locked horn Health Pills yield sound P P ' of the vehicle, endangeriQg their lives, altapenee be was Been from the shot® clam- HAVE j,QQg AT IT E TO TSE AGED audrefrt•shis:g sleep, t,�i"-e can you expect a child to sit or while a stepping block, which can be made I bering up the side of the reef, and a great � �; 9 gtrertgth to the nerves, ehmrfulness to the mind - REAL ESTATE FOkI S®LE• stand easily in parlors by and by 1 g shout went up at the imperilled sailors took �p'Es� -SHOES �VY �NE t soft ease to the body, 4o that the weigh of ears �' M en are only boys grown tall." in a few hours, will last a generation. beats less heavily as the thread of life lengthens. The fineat�thin a on earth are not too fine They. need not be expensive. 'rhe one hold of him and lifted him into the boat i f If the persons among; whom we decide to dis• oUsE FOR SALE IN SEAPORTS.=For talo, B shown in Fig. 1 costs the most, and it, the an almoet,ezhanated condition. In brief We kre ags in f the front with a large tribute our presents oblc.ct to publicity, and desire H a small frame House and two Lots on Raikway time a strong rope ]vas attached to the cod tion no mentipn be made of their names, we, will Street West. There is a good cellar under the hooey the earth arelnotltoo beautiful for every and. elegant range of new Styles. The PAP (n re•ipert their wishes in the natter and forward and a good well. Terms to suit purchaeere. A 1 line, The men on share were signaled t0 g g c . /L� j, p 1311p�tppf day use. The sweetest behavior in the haul away, the rope was made fast to the vamps of the new shoes have a' tend- v • • f ,resents to any address mentioned without the on the ppremises, Lot No. 12, Railway street. Wlli. know[( - of even a third person. All communi- A. WORTH. world is not too good for father and reef and the shore, and one by one the men envy to be long and SE A.FORT'li, rations addressed to us,rIn be promptly answered mother, wife and child, son and daugh- LADIES narrow, thus giving .end all earr"sed to uq regarded as :sacredly con- OD FARM FOR i ALE. -For' sale, north hall � passed band over hand from tbeir place of , fi+ d all 1. Inwrit en address THE PARISIAN � Lot 31, Concession 2, East Waws;nosh, 100 ter. danger, and the brave dog followed when he to them the name, 5, -'" MEDICAL CO.. (Cunadlan Branch). Woo ,ores ; good feces, good oichard and never !ailing jf the hum® is a palace fitted out with , � had got hie second wind. ��� to 3 ADELAIDE ST. E.r TORO creek. Apply to H:f . D. COOKE, Barrister, Blyth, All that gold can buy, it is well. If the �" �.:, - ti, STRAP of Piccadilly- WeOR���E or PHILIP HOLT, Goderioh. _ 1878 Mr. Buell thinks that Congress ought to home is one room in an attic, it can be g ' r� •,.� := - . - vote " Pat " the most els ant silver collar have some nice lines - J h-` F OR SALE. -A neat and attractiive country home- made lovely with a single flower, neatness that can be made. •` Pat ' is from the fam- SLIPPERS on *.•he Pieeadillj, -----OF EAFORTI� . stead, being part of lot 1 concession 7, in the and love -but one person cannot make a Ma, 2, COMBINED POST AND BILL I ous kennels- of Mr. Archer, of Tullamore, Township of Turnberry, consisting of three acres uta home. It takes all of the inmates --father, sorest one in the lot, as, tela inclosed, I ands not dear. Al- �a�r�%a le Farm Lands rich land, two sores are now under grass and balance mother, children. Many a woman has PE g near Cork; ` and is a dog of remarkable �I 25 TO so new lines In i • to occupied by orchard and garden. There ie a good the boards bold moisture a long time, and beauty and sagacity. --Our Dumb Animals. IN TSE 'j c a Instrument frame house and stable on the premises, also a never triad to make a sweet home for her child- dean rapidly. The platform arm should b. . . walking shoes with �t�[� Musical failing well and first-class oietern. The owner has ren and miserably failed, because the four feet long and about three feet wide, TO SHIP O� - �VIh`�9„�BP. pro rt must be sold. father was nota king among men', as he ro ectiii soles, nO removed to Manitoba and the H � y and made of soft wood, as hard wood is li- Illustrious AhBtalIIBrB• $2.26• P J g ror particulars apply to' JO N W. CiFEEN. Lot 6, should be ana many a man has sought the The Sultan of Turkey is not only a very need Of rubbers In punvsnee of and in exercise of the power of Concession El, Turnberry, or box No lv, Wroxeter l[ E3M:P0:R41_U 1 P. O• 1285x4tt liquor saloon because age there war no qiI at bard worker, but an abstemloue man in food with these, The Common Sense Boot sale contained n a a Moat Tnde which of eri Pro- • __-_ - home, but a viraigo. and drink. He commences his morniug do- made by one iftne 0 Morrison, which will be p or ¢ .-.--- A FARMS, -The undersigned has for still has it8 favorites. We sell them doted at the time of sale, there w111 be offered for U Brothers, It is ovary fatihor's duty to be loyal and ties with bot coffee, and rarely drinks any- sale by P'nbito Auction at.the COMMERCIAL HOT19I. �� tale several excellent farms favorably situated tender and strong as the oak in carroing 100. In in the TOWN Ole SEAFOATH, on thing during the day except cold water. As n� as to railway and settlement, comprising five quarter a rule he rigna Lha dooumente relating to all sections (160 acres seven halt sections (820 tares), out his conviction o ntot he world with ,'n menta and delegates but lit- SAVU0101 PS�` STSf �s�W j ) prices from 64 to • y g .�41- public appol t , g LADIES'OXFORDS isR�PR 1 ET R$, and two whole eea ons (640 arses ; p children may o out At 2 m by Mr- Joseph P. Brine, ip of Kox the sio per atl cre. Any one contemplating settling in honor bred and born in them. It is every •- ✓" tle im rtant State work to his subordin Manitoba can make very favorable tering inipurehas- mother's dot Go be thoughtful of the com- G w . ' 0"�••" ��"`, ,",.'•' ,*`r'� ales. arald Ha an the I�orwe tan skater b totlowia,o farm lands in the township of h halloo Ing. Productive proppeerty in or neer Beat will y B g ' viz Lpt 28 and the south half of file north half st �'Eii�'�RTH, - ONTARIO. on equitable valuations be taken in Eixohange fort of her home, charitable in her judg- advisee all athletes to abstain from intoxi- Which are Co01 and sensible for the Lot 26 it, the 14th Coneassioa, of the To, say of for three or four farms, WILLIAM H. GRAY. Sea meats, quick in her sympathy, loving- Y D 1iOt heather. We in the Con of Huron, wvin iL.S1 hearted quick that her children may go into FiGt, 3. IIZxPE*tslvls BJtOCK. cants and tot tobacco, as these are ver in ori- he�i� � one quarter of an son sold ZUG -Dunham, New York; W. tO`�h' ' ons. He has ne used either, and is a have some chic lines TENNIS P'1ANC)S. _ 3 gar• the world with goodness born and bred it able to cause slipping in wet weather. The s wisp. -d by Canada Id brick shouse " hall ,St Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano Corel- ACRE FARM FOR SAI.1G. p fire specimen of m hood, 28 years of age, White Canvas Grey Thede !There is . coed brisk bows anti 2OO Ian of Fi 2 is a eotnbtnation of post and iy other buildisgs upon the lands, in fair repair, pony, Bnwmanvill®. farm, being Iota 11 and it, concession 18 them -ladies and gentlemen in the title block, an g many are in ore. It would be over eiz feet high, straight as a rush, and ' and the tend is {ii a eon etaOf tivatia°• The Grey, is offered for Sale. 12o acres are oleo+red an� sense of the words. d wet hia in condition 175 pounds. Canvas, Red Goat, SND p Anel h • the balance is well timbered. Buildiage first-olaee. better to have the platform longer tl!tssl i/ B $ Red Pebble, Tan lands orb situat®d within a short distance of lice �R�i+�N$•-W' Bell !st Co , . Orchard, welt, School house within p rode. ,• h Voltage of Walton on the The read leading to Sea- Rowipianvi le • • Neat Darning. shown in the out. till 3 is a cheap af3A!*, forth. '$erme of Sale. -The paeahaser wt be r°• Dominion Organ Company, , rowession given at once, it desired. For ffurther d�'urs for I?ipth@I'1i1. Goat trimmed with T wired air the time of sate to pay to the FeneTsr se �P MRS. D. W. Sarre Co., `Woodstock. srtioutars as to prioe , ter®s, etc.. apply. To darn a stocking neatly take a file q WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELs BSIK ER, A lady writes as follows: "I send you, for colored Leath- his ay the b lanc one-tenth of his purehate storey, and oleo a law on the fa:m, awe! crochet needle and with it. catch up , err besides names- SHOES• � P•T the balance within one month t�e0 purr and The shore Instruments always on hand, t the wgven stitches croemwise--usn sulfur• the beneSt of many mothers a valuable n a payment of hia purahsse mosey file parahasec .tel d tissue and Organs t°r elle a,b g recipe a for di theria. It hoe oared my five Ianot; annts sold s the ineW that is suitable in thickness and color -and _ P P cue lines in French w 1 be aiatttld to reostve a aonvayanoe and w bs fromupwards. Violins,- BOARS FOR SERVICE, children, and I am prepared to say there iy gid DOn ala Ked and Caif. At istO°'Pt oYM1° :eats `�`d >lv of tie Ic►nis. x m plan or eJn terms r sell oaotowe•e• fill in the holo with a chain stitch, working / Further voulculan gad oonditions may be obtaineA ;vnrerbtlsas and small iasMl,nenbe on hand also:mbeet no stag® of the disease can stand before it, J g A catten to the underrtgnei, allele, books as y ILKSHIRE BOAR FOR Sg1iVICE.-The under• back and forth as i# darning. This looks g• NES I keePt in the house all the time, and prices from $I to =2.50 a pair. on app. F HOjyggD ��•++ signed will keep for service at Brueefield, one eleater than a darn. ,K,. . • * . .,e, A- ,tr" . _ 8eatorth' TErrok'LLni, 18titf+. Vendor's Se{iaitcr. SCai 8ta7, and one youn6 Thorong6bred Berkeh' a Bose• J ; . and whenever the children have any eymp- A word or two about r I Terme. $1.00 payabW at the timed ser. cel He •]w - --L''" toms of sore throat, I at esus ase some of is14.8 Aso has • your Thoroughbred Berkshire for Raapberrg Csne-Cutter. this preparation '-Five asst worth of tan- MENI SHOES jD - -sale, „OEOROX HILL, Brueetteid' ls¢1x13 During the winter and early g ring all na t, eTOlrs BLOcg wlTft NA>tta. nio said, two ee�nts worth of sulphur, two WE �X.. p cents worth of burnt- alum. What will IiOItOUGHBRED BERRKS,HIRE BOAR DFOR the old canes should be removed from the find cover a five sent piece is a nose for a child, ROBERTSON). T SERVICE. -The undersignad w1H ktep for ser- raspberry and blackberry rows. When but serves the purpose very nicely. ' IN% We always keep the leading linea of All kinds of fabrics on our own prem- • there is an acre or more of this work to do, support/, or Poets, should be set �,Q� i stanl.y, the Thorough and about twice that quantity for an adult. vice on Lot 10, Concession 7,� attraction III thlae bred Berkshire Boar, Jefferson (loos), pu a special implement is wanted for the pur- the ground- The steps aro mads from • Blow down the throat every hour. Bathe lees• We don't lisps" send them alit ' from J. G. Snell Brother Bdnaonton, Ontario, P� wood 'block, and -are firmly nailel, � the feet well and administer- a good dose of BioYbLIC department. The of town. . LeadI� -Undertaker Sire, Enterprise, imported jls'7i0;dam ➢[atilstoret pore. A c piece of is shown in Fig 1 ; i0 Mit• __..-- g ya.po�d (g87). Torek -One dolhr, strietly tons of a piece of steel, bent in the ferns bolted, in position. castor ail or salts." material, lseake tIId WE CLEAN Dash at the time of service with privilege of return• indicated, and attach- --+ - SHO]IS, rinieh being special i MAIN STILEBT, SEAFORTI3. Ing if necessary lie also tsar for aa30 a number of with bolts or �1 h —Mr. Joseph Salkeld, who is compare- features. 9�sk to Faded; and ec�iled clothing to look like young boars and sows from six months and under. ed t�.�✓' lively a new man on the road, bar been do 81on O[ir dream-` RII� My Yaaolttiee are unsurpassed. 1 ani pre- Prices right. WTI(. MoALLISTEB, Yarns P.U. lEOO tt *crows to a Lou; Ing big work for the Stratford Hedge Fence piece of wood, The see the new Piccadilly Toe, its t fitter, new. Bring B y Barad to eoadnot Llirials in s moll rads• upper edge of the 5�,, ` Company in Waterloo county, his sales for Congress Shoes- suitslefore the rush sets ill. We iaetcrry manner. Ali ssoderto nndertiking hook is ground sharp. '�� j� always do a good job, and he do it appllanoes, C°a°petaatmaaasewentg'ua r• Valuable Property for Sale• one week being is tine neighborhood of Lace Shoes and FULL D�,Ee88 y: an lia,n A full line t burial Roais on it should not be ;.w $750 worth of fencing. This, result In partly �{J C /! �• bond. I aim to be prompt, a co derste 1=7,V - ...� •` `'_ billty as a sales- Oxford Shoes at CHEAP. •,rred,i,.aA more than two inches attributable to his own v. SHOES. and reliable. The undersigned offers for sale the following pr° prices most fail'• i1t�i pony, namely: One brick -dwelling on (}oderich from the point to the >r1c3. 6. FEON]E>LR BLOCK. elan and partly to the fact that the com- A.11 you have t0 do t0 get to our place AIT, Charges moot reasonable. street, Seaforth, also ane fraena dwelling on John opposite cutting edge. pony had last spring plashed forty rode of In is to Street, Seaforth-in all, six lots, with large frame The hook should be ]%r a village suburban situation, a slots honey locust hedge to that aeigbberhoo , SHOES ,RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STAKET, stable. The above will be sold in parcels to suit �k� like that seen }a Fig. 4 is neat Oft �� Follow Pointers 1223 purchasers; also two lots with frame dwelling on made thin along the , and the public was so well pleased with the WORKINC Goderieh Street, these lots are occupied as a lumber outting portion, and an iron one, combined with poste, may be completed bodge that it sae an easy matter yard; also a lot adjoining the Exppoositor Office, on heavier where attach used. The pioneer wooden block is shown to induce the neighbors to buy. ion On Market Street frotl the dirtier of Main Street, Seaforth ; also Lots No. 17 and 18 in eel to the handle. is Fig. 5, and, if at least two and a half We have aid the, attentFa and Main Street. - - --- 1--_____ ____ p con- p the 17th Concession of the Township of Grey, This form is int¢nded �- CASh t0 Farmers twining 200 scree, and Let 20, Concession 18, Grey, flet in diameter, will prove valuable. I� J. W. SNELL, J, a C. SMITH CO containing 64 acres, with sawmill in good running be need with both should rent upon a bed of round stothw M - -. _ and Mechanics. - _ _- --.. order. Y hands, but the one pssysnt the bass from rapid decay. 5009 Z5�'� High Street, Seafarth,next door to T•ltidd's rasidataoe C , ., �V.,� THOMAS DONNE , shown in Fig: 2 is for . i GREAT �� p B�-N� RS- 1320-tf Seaforth. the other FIG. 1. FIC. 2. $LOU Shoes Lade to Orders GODERIGH _ one hand, a of Maitland• hand being free to grasp the ,cut cane, or Pr®ebyt rp { A General Banking business traneaeted, j� for any other purpose. The total length of The Presbytery of Maitland met in Knox (� y Steam Boiler Work$ ►� stat ahoald not exceed t e 14th stud 15th �� Our custom department always re- s harmers notes discounted. parrs L�e work 9 this iron implem Church, Kincardine, on h Drafts bought and sold, teen inohes. It is made from common iron OUeN CURE, ceiTes Our personal attention. Only (ESTABLISHED 18i3Ei.) _ with a tete of steel welded on the cutting ►net.. Rev. W. H. Geddes, moderator, J. 2565 W11 - � ( Interest allowed on deposits. E A Fa RT f -I P McNabb, clerk, It was agreed to appoint the best stock u led, and a good At :SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for I end, and made sharp, the same as the cut- E. A, McKenzie, B. A., student of Mont- CnreaaosnanffiPtion,Congs onso a nF,So� i � �� CHR (J RYSTAL, d h -Ale Remember Throat. $old by all Dru gists on s Guarantee. ;guaranteed. {H R 1 'd a a• B �, Stz'1 has Porous A. ollectron --Is the place to have your— ter with the woo en real College, to supp,y Langsi a aoegr g Fora Lame Side, stir or C est , a q SuEe/eor, 4ierystai k Biadc, f Reid — AN!®—DYING that the smaller the hook can be made, and tion during neat summer, The following plaster will givegreat� tisf�,on.'-25CcQts' we sl]all continue t0 use a liar y 11 OFFICE --First door north o CLEANING yet have the desired atrength, the easier it ministers were appointed commissioners to dW'S v�'.�L'.�ERIs columli of the EXPOSITOR, trying in Wilson's Hardware Store. wee are no sins tic, make our work nret rowin bianafbcturers of all kinds of $tatiouary Done, ae p P• can be operated among the closely g B tale General Aeeembly : G. McKay. A. Y. B��L Tenn. sa our feeble way to keep you. posted on Marine, Upright & Tubular . class, and we are new ,n a posi, on to turn out the Mrg• Z+, S. $aWk`m5, C1 gtttt:lo©Ba y p oases. Hartley, A. IV1cKay, J. L. Murray, J. Me- ••,57ifloh'syftalizer•SAVED R -k LJPE.�r i SERF®`RTF°3� __ _. beat work ever done in 9eatorth. SHOES a Faslane R', H. Geddes, and the following c nekwittj*v,batrrm,tdp)*oradeWitatedsl/stern -- _ _ �A3D= S' Don't Lin;h at Blnndera. ► BOI L• Lead of leu bin ai the mistakes or elders. Hugh Rutherford, Charles McKen- Ievcrztacd." -Forl) pepsfa,LiverorSidaey i Dresses, Jackets, Feathers 4ccRS . 'one in a style to suit In/ laughing zie, Alex. Stewart, sen., James McNair' trouble itexoeL. Prices 75ct9. � MARRIAGE LI`GEES THE MOST ,FASTIDIOUS. blunders of others, we should do all in our Mr, Anderson gave notice that he will !� t•ATA6[�� Salt Pan/, Stook® Stacks, Sheet Trot: Warks, power to oonoe&I `any amusement we may move at next meeting thst there shall be �.,� w. traNill ( ` etc., ems' Td'SOED AT G NTLE7��N feel, for to the one mating the error it is �Y I mix ordinary meetings of the Presbytery Also dealers In U rWht and Horizontal slide Vs p Overooatq and Suite �uade to lack deeply embarrassing to dna that those who14• `Pa�TR� Q�F� P Y held during the year as follows : On the 94 Engines. Ant°maiio Cut'3ffsn hid D AS MEW. witnessed it are making merry at his oz- third Tuesday of January, March, May, :3a tjyouCAt atarrh? Trythialtemedy- It will AS GOOGederwko posit velg relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta. visas of SpIcr ! pt1 � ao/ias• Remember the strand, One Ihoor North of > . D P�nse. Good mannan soda good heart go July, September and jijovember. Thts= Injector i'or its enc astjjl treatment is F�L� F�R�� ' - FAII-m to wt+a G' T' $' `:3£i®FOI3TII, Ol`T•;c•AI-LIO- Wttson'e Egg Emporium. ii hand in hand; tact, after all, is but a show f�linLshedfree. itemember,i5'siloh'Sl mediea i 11 -- ---_- .. J -_ ___ Works-OpPoeile It war agreed to grant .permission to the m ✓: to gr,z _ :i; is:s"ctiou. i _ --�. I _ , ' of kindly feeling and undies all eirstrn- Wroxeter congregation to mortgage their ary Gold on a 3 No WITTaESSIES REQUIRED R� H. SARs. N`�p� ►�.0hotilf� remember that we era . - ,; - I' . I- l ! 11. . .... 6