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The Huron Expositor, 1893-03-24, Page 2
1 4[ 3 t � 3 i_ )tit 33b-- t �, r{ i `L ` .1€ i i F` � i > i i �� 1.11 F_ 1 '41 .'' { ,,'z [-�- LOOK _ Heel 1 i, :� " : , I __-, 11, I I I. L �'_ Y i— . _ii - ._ L NEW ARRIVALS OF . � - 1A It Q I _Y F ,�0�� 1. - Spring = , I- } --AT THE— . 't ` r TT l fest O�.ce Store, I :� t 3 r �. - 1 t I- "g. t t a We havo a large stock of Tweeds and Fine wonted � , , Slaitings, and x big Selection of line Pantinks, and all we have secured the services of Mr. W. A. Nae- Blayne, a ills( -etas@ tailor. we are prepared to turn AK 1'. , I . �out Suite from Sil and ri wards rine Pante item 1,' $4 and upwards; cholae Worswo ted Pants from >tb to I° $7, well trimmed and reel( -made, and a geed fit guar every time. (live Mac, our jolly tailor, a trial ; he is sure to please you. Ladies' Mantles cut and made to fit. JOSEPH M(JRRO�'!r• pURES'�'3STONGEST, BEST. Iblg' I Containa -no Alurn, Ammonia, Lime, I ` THE FARMERS' Phosphates, oe any InjuriilII�. E. W. CILLETT. Toronto. Ont.. . ' • - Banking - F�ouse, °'F . _ 4 S�'g 0R'��- ARH FOR SALE.—For sale sn improved, 100 (In oonneoticn with the Bank of Montreal,) F aacre farm, within two and a half miles of the :' town of Seaforth. For further particulars ap ly on the premises, Lot 12, Concession 4, Ii. R. S., uo - - �. Q` irI �i C �•!i smith. or by mail to JOHN PRENDERGAST, Sea - i' . forth P. O. 1290 1 - ' BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT _ f ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale - REMOVED F cheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield Road, To the Commercial HOWI Building, (fain Street Stanley, containing 64 sores, of which 62, acres are ,fi tlenarat 13eiiking Buainaeg done, drafts )acne and cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The bel- . cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. once is well timbered with hardwood, There are _ C�/ i good buiNings, a bearing orchard and plenty of " _.O�Li TO LEND water. It is within half a mile of the Village of I I Varna and three miles from Brucedeld ebation. On good note(! or mortgagee. Possession at any time. This i@ a rare chance to 'r' ROBERT LOGAN, MAr Aa$F buy a first class farm pleasantly situated. Apply r.1. to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 1144tf l 1058 - __ -' _-- - -- Aft3f IN McKILL3P FOR SALIN.—For sale the F south half of lots 1 and lot 2, concession 4, Mo- , , Every owner of a Killop, being 160 acres of very choice land mostly in horse or cow wants a aced state of eultivatri�on. There is a good house ante to know how to and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard and I .:? I keep his shims) is plenty of never failing water. A considerable good nealch while in the stable on dry Dodder. portion seeded to grass. Convenient to markets BLOOD PURIFIEP. is now roc zed and schools and good gravel roads in all directions. DICK'S B °�' Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on; the r } - as t1;r best Condition Powders, it gives a good premises, MESSRS. DENT k HODGE, Mitchell, or at appetite and strengthens the digestion so that all the KE Hpaojq EXPosrroR Offide, Seaforth. JOHN i food is assimilated and forms flesh, thus saving more O'BRIEN, Proprietor. 1298-tf .. chan it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys -1 , and turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one, ARM IN TUCKER.SMITH FOR SALE.—For Bale Sound Horses are al Lot 8, Concession 7, Tuckeremith, oontaining ,' ways in demand andat 1 100 acres, nearly all cleared, free from stumps, well this season when the Lcderdrained, and in a high state of cultivation.- y d The land is high and dry, and no waste laud. There are so liable tosli sand® is a cod brick residence two cod barns, one with t 1 t ; P strains DICK'S $LIS- stone stabling underneath, and all other necessary TER will be found a o uildings ; two never -failing wells, and a good stable necessity; it willHorsesb ng oeehard. It is within four miles of Seaforth. } ' It is one of the beet farms in Huron, and will be sold � - i . , - remove a curb, spavin, t' i n welling. Dick's Lini- on easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. splint or thoroughp n or' any s g men( cures a strain or lameness and removes inflam- Possession on the 1st October. Apply on the precu- ises, or address Seaforth P.O. 1'4 M. ALT AN. mationfrom cuts and bruises. For Sale by all Drug. 1276 gists. Dick's Blood Purifier 50 c. Dick's Blister 60c. - - - - ` -- --•. ----- - -T - - Dick's Liniment 25 c. Dick's Ointment 25c. �{ ARNI FOR SALE.—For Sale, 80 acres in Sanilac Send a County, Michigan 75 aeres cleared and in a good F postal card state of cultivation, fit to raise any kind -of a crop. It is well fenced and has a food orchard on it, and a` FatCattle for full par never failing well. The buildings consist of a frame S_ tFcir!aas, & house, stabling for 12 horses with four box stalls, 36 - a book of valuable household and farm recipes will head of cattle and '100 -"sheep. Ninet) ewes were win- beserxfree. tered last year,sold $630 in wool and lambs this ium- Dl'C � & CO. P. Ci. Box 40' MONTREAL. mer. There are also pig and hen houses. The un - p • dersiRwed also has 80 acres, with buildings, but not so well improved, which he will sell either in 40 acre lots or as a whole. These properties are in good 7 ` localities, convenient to 'markets; schools ..and '(� churches. The proprietor is fettled to sell 'on, ac 6 B�7 count of ill health. It will be s bargain for the right marl as it will be sold on easy terms. GEORGE A. ' i • TEMPLETON, Doroningtoa, Sanilac County, Miebi- I' ` AND gan. 1498x4 -t -f ( Z1ARM-.FOR SALE.—For sale, that desirable and k : N r conveniently situated farm,ad joining the village of Redgerville, being Lot 14, 1st Concession, Hay, I } mile from 'Rodgerville past -office, and one and a - half j • There alre 97 and oes south f quarter acres, o! whicl on the London dnearly all t The greatest number and largest as- is cleared and in a high state of cultivation. Good sortment of Buggies, Wagons and frame house 11 storeys, 8 room@, a large kitchen also r' attached with bedrooms and pantry etc. Good cellar Road Carts t0 be found In any one, under main part of house, stable holds over a car- ' house outside of the cities, is at load of homes, besides exercising stable@, two barn@ j two drive houses, one long wood -shed, good cow - stable also pig and hen houses, three good wells with O. O. W I L LSO N r pimps. Farm well fenced and underdrainea. . r veranda attached to house. Good bearing orchard.. 1. The farm will be sold cheap and on easy terms, as l �N ,�E�.F©�vTH., the undersigned has retired from farming. For par- ` X ticuiars apply to JAMES WHITE, Proprietor, Hen• a gall. 1276-tf 'Jhey are from the following celebrated • ZiIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 12 ' r makeTs : Gananoque Carriage Com- r Concamion 6, H. R. S' Tuckeremith, containing pa�ny, Brantford Carriage Company, 100 acres of choice land, nearly all offered and in a high state of cultivation, with 90 acres seeded to IL and W. J. Thompson s, of -London. grass. It to thoroughly underdrained wind well fenced These buggies' are guaranteed first- With straight rail, board and wire fences and does not contain a foot of waste land. There is also an class in all -parts, and we make good orchard of two acres of choice fruit•treee ; two good. r any breakages for one year from date wells, one at the house, the other with a wind -inill ` y y on it at the out buildings, on the promises is an ex - of purchase that comes from fault of ceilent frame house, containing eleven roma and t cellar under whole house, and soft and, hard water � material or workmanship. We do no convenient. There ars two good bank barns, the one i. - , )latching but f>%rnieh new parts. I 32 feet by 78 feet and the other 86 feet by 66 feet ` F.. ' with stabling for 60 head of cattle and eight horses, mean what I advertise, and back up Besides these there are she@ , hen and hones and p pig s►hfl►t I fsa Wa OA8 froth CEiatham an Implement shed. The farm im well adapted for p g i rain or stock raising and is one of the f neat farms I Woodstock and Paris, wbieh is enough in the country. It is situated 8j miles from Seaforth about tliet%i. FIVt' styles of Road station, b from BruaefieW an Kpppeu ;with good y ravel re a leading to each. It is also wnvenlent I Carte. All kinds e'f Agricultural Im- churches, poet office acid school and wllf be cell cheap and on easy term& For further partieulars plementfs. apply to the pr etor an the premisrte or 16 letter to THOMAS 0. SHILLINGLAW, Egmo,,dvilie P. O. 1286 If 0. C. WILLSON, Seaforth', . f Valuable Fara for Sale The i p pe i'1 Mills. Lot 31, Concession 2, Goderich Townebip, situated on gravel road, four miles from Bayfield and eight Gristing and Sawing Cheaper than the miles from Goderich, 'comprising 80 aeras, of which T Cii©alle8t. 10 acres are good hardwood bush. Soil, clay loam. Good frame house with ten rooms, on stone founda. N tion ; also good bank earn. On the premises ara two JOHN M' N F -V i N acres young, bearing orchard, also a good creek and Desires to t4aank the public for their liberal patronage never -failing well. Apply to _ u iu the past, and he wishes to inform thein that be DANIEL J. NAFTEL, 6loderich P.O. € can now do better for them than ever before. He .,')larch let, 1893. 1316tf . will do chopping for 4 cents per bag from. now to the -- - lst of May, and satisfaction guaranteed. GRISTING also a specialty; and as good Flour as 1K z can be made gguaranteed. LOCKS WANTED.—He will pay the highest price in cash for Hard Maple, Basswood and Soft Elm Legs. CHIL LA 1 NS, Also Custom Sawing promptly aktended to. Mr. MoNevin gives his personal attention to the business, and can guarantee the beet satisfaction every time. - Remember the Kippon Milia. 0 a W JOHN McNEVIN. RosIftiITE FOR MANITOBA. __ I'll - Parties E SIA going to Manitoba should �d . _ - ;call on a I I H I W. G. DUFF 77 The agent for the Canadian Pacific �AINS Ye.1 i Q V a - Q of Railway, Seaforth, who can give `? . through tickets to any part of Mani- Once � e r � Davis' toba and the Northwest on the most - reasonable terms. Remember, Mr. Duff is the only - agent for the C. P, R. in Seaforth and I Parties going by the C. P. R. would consult their own interests by calling � him. t Office—next the Commercial Hotel . and opposite W. Pickard's store. W. G. DUFF, Peaforth. _ _ _._-.---- _-------__ C So 1*0*/ a__e._____ __ ____ I A..N.0-MADE - o� hs and s I _. Boots and Shoes SOY C t -W D. MCINTYF� t� _ I-iag on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of his � own make, best material and 1 S M to Warranted to give Satisfaction. 1 Q_ A M Q , . If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair o, Q �/"� ; 6 ' our boots, which will be sold d / r f,� i CHEAP FOR CASH. Re 'ring promptly attended to. All kinds of Boots �r r k f O r e We and Shocs made to order.- All parties who base not a ` ii paid their accounts for last year will please oaf! and settle up. 1i;...Ii . ,�. `. 1$2 D. McINTYRE, heafarth, i INI b .- . 25�50TTLE, -MMINNI` . THE: - HURON EXP"i"ATOR. woncfertul a deverance • but God does . unrlstran character is orrly gained by dh deliverance;e I NG I I something better than that. When the Jordanic passage ; no man Just happened i WNW !� a priest's feet touched the waters of Jordan to get gid: OODS and they were drawn off, itihe9 might have Why does that man know so much about NE thought there wonld have been a bed sf the Scriptures? Ne was atUdyi.ng the mud and slime through which the army I Bible while you were reading a novel He 1 Coming to hand daily. Cases upon cases, and bale upon bale of new Spring should pass. Draw off the water of the I was on fire with the sublimitioa of the Goods are finding their way into our store, keeping us busy marking and Hudson or Ohio, and there would be a 1 ` Bible while you were sound asleep, By I g y good many days, and perhaps many tug, tussle, pushing and running in the placing upon our shelves the products of Great Britain, France, Switzerland, weeks, before the eedimeat would dry ap ; ' Christian life that man go. so strong for and yet here, in an instant, immediate,- I God ; in a hundred Solferirias he learned 1 Austria, Germany and the United States, as well as our own beloved Ganad ly, God provides a path through how to fight; in a hundred shipwrecks he , are can safely assert that never before in the anrxals of our trade iii Seaforth the depth■ of Jordan, it is so dry, I leaned how to swish. Tears over cin, the patseagers do not even get I tears over Zion's desolation, tears over the 'i were we in a position to show so large a variety, so well -selected Stock, or to their feet damp. Oh, the completeness of impenitent, tears over the graves made, ;give as close prices, as we will be enabled to do th spring, Dress Goods 211 ctverything that God does ! Does he make I are the Jordan which that man had passed• a universe ?-it is a perfect clock, running ' Sorrow pales the cheek, and fades the eye, ;all the newest fabrics, styles and designs. Prints in immense variety. Liner, ever since it was wound up, the fixed starsand wrinkles the brow, and withers the Muslins, Hosiery, Gloves and Ties iu profusion. the pivots, the constellations, the intermov- , hands; there are mourning garments in the , - ing wheels, and ponderous laws and wardrobe, and there are deaths in every weights and mighty swinging pendulum ; ' family record, all around are the relics of 9 ¢ the stars in the rent dome of ni t, strik- ,I the dead. I Gents' s Furnishiia Depar Urns' ing the midnight, and the sun with brazen The Christian has passed the Red Sea of tongue tolling the hour of noes. The wild- I trouble, and yet he thinks there is a I est comet has a chain of law is µt it cannot I Jordan of death between him and heavei. , Will be replete with the most elegant goods in Shirts; Ties, Collars, .Under - break. The thistle -down flying before the I He comes down to the Jordan of death, wear, Hats and Caps in abundance. school -boy's breath ie contra3led by the and thinks how many have been lost there. u same law that oontrols the sun and the When Molyneug was eieploring the Jordan , planets. The rose -bush in year window is in Palestine be had his Loots all knocked I Readymade Clothing Departmezit well assorted. governed by the same principle that goy- to pieces in the rapids of that river. And erne the tree of the universe on which the there are a gseat many men who have gone stars are ripening fruits, and on which God down in the river of death ; the Atlantfa , IIn House Furnishings we show a magnificent range Of Carpets, aurt$i.tisf W111 one day put his hand and shake down and Pacific have not swallowed eo many. i Linoleums, Oil Cloths and Draperies, the fruit -a perfect universe. No atstron- ; It is an awful thing to make shipwrecks omy has ever proposed an amendment. i oh the rock of ruin ; masts falling, ham- " e it s a complete I canes flying death coming, groanings in Our new milliner, MISS SHEPPARD, with her Several assistants, i If God � makes a Bible, i p I y g, Bible. Standing amid the dreadful - and the water, rrioanings in the wind, thunder , is on hand, supported by the most eiegant stock of Millinery ever yet shown delightful truths, you seem to be -in the . iu the sky, God od with the finger of by us in Seaforth. midst of an orchestra where the wailings ; the lightning writes all over 'the sky, "I over sins, and the rejoicings over pardon, i will tread them in my wrath, and I win - and the martial strains of victory make the ' trample them in my fury." We invite all to call and iuspect our magnificent ralage of new iSpring chorus like an anthem of eternity. This The Christian comes down to this raging Goods at the Bargain Dr Goods, Clothin and Millinery' .'Eiollse of Seaforth, Book seems to you the ocean of truth, on torrent, and he knows he must pass out , g y g every wave of which Christ walks -some. and as he domes toward the time, his times in the darkness of prophecy, again in breath gets shorter ; and his last breath - the splendors with which he walks- on 1 leaves him as he steps into the stream, and .I p WM. PICKARD, Galilee. In this Book apostle answers to i no sooner does he touch the stream than it prophet, Paul to Issiah, Revelation to : is parted, and he goes through dryshod, Genesis -glorious light, turning midnight while all the waters wase their plueiea, cry- ____. — ; �____ - ___ sorrow into the midnoon joy, dispersing , ing, "O, death, where is thy stinfi? 0, grave, - every fog, hushing every tempest. Take : where is ea victory?" Gvd, hall and wipe ]PU� 1\4[ IPU C) this Book -it is the kiss of God on the caul : ashy all tears from their eyes, and thesb �.E] ]PU of lost man. Perfect Bible, complete Bible! shall be no more weeping, and there shall be No man has ever proposed any improve- no more death. I ment. Some of your children have already gone -THE T H LIT%,"Li JE '�] T E L ■SIR, God provided a Saviour; he is a com- up the other bank. You let them down on j� N �'J A/ .Ju plete Saviour -God -man ---Divinity and , this side of the bank ; they will be on the humanity united in the same person. He ' other bank to help you up with sugernstural Would call attention to the large and choice stock now on band. We buy set up the starry pillars of the universe and I strength. The other morning at my table, the towers of light. He planted the cedars a4 my family present, I thought to myself nothing but the best goods in the latest designs. Prices are reduced, and and the heaven LebanoHe struck out , how pleasant it would be if I could put an i BIG BARGAINS for the next few weeks will be given in •of the rock the river of lile, singing under I into boat, and then go in with them, and I the trees, singing under the thrones. He I we could pull across the river to the next '�']�]' '��11 c quarried the sardonyx and crystal, and the i world,and be there all together. No family Y Y A Cj H.L'J FJ t "' 11 topaz of the heavenly wall. He put down ' parting, no gloomy obsequies; it wouldn't +the jasper for the foundation, and heaped : take five minutes to gp from. bank to bank, LOCKSi up the amethyst for the capital,,and swung : and then in that better eer world be together for. 1 the twelve gates, which are twe'Ive pearls. ' ever. Wouldn't it be pleasant for you to In one instant He thought out a universe; take all your family into that blessed conn- I '�7 '�]�% • and yet He became a child, cryiii- for his ' try, if you could all go together ? I re- t�E r Y � LRY? mother, feeling along the sides of the ' member my mother in her dying hour, said manger, learning to walk. Omnipotence to my father, "L1'ather, wouldn't it be S� s•�V.L /� F'1"j"-E sheathed in the muscle and flesh of a , pleasant if we could all go together?" But r -jam Lj .L hi V _1..� .LJ t ch11d's arm; Omnipotence strung iu the ' we cannot all go together. We must go ; . optic nerve of a child's eye; infinite loge 1 one by one, and we must be grateful if we SILVERWARE beating in a child's heart' a great God here at all, What a heaven it will be , f - b g get t appearing in the form of a child one year .' if we have all our families there, to look 1 _ - old ; five veers old, fiifteen years old, around and nee all the children'are present! NOVELTIES While all the heavens were ascribing to ' You would rather have them all there, and f �3a 1/ L J...LE S Hirai glory, and honor, and power, on you go with bare brow forever, than that - .. earth men said, "Who is this fellow? " one should be missed, to complete the ar _ ---�_ While all the heavenly hosts, with , folded lands of heaven for your coronal ' ha ed dos before of Joshua give them a safeEr- ` . wings about their faces, bow n'Lord God g Headquarters for �@ad.In Presents and �e air121 . Him, crying "Holy, holy!" on earth they I danie passage ! - I p denounced Him as a blasphemer and a sot. 'I Even children will go -through dryshod. Docked in a boat at Gennsaret, and yet He ! Those of us who were brought up in �ha A W O RD TO THE T WISE i5 SUFFICIENT. e it i8 that undirked the lightning from the I country remember, when the summer N�•RER - _ - SECIFORTH. storm -cloud, and diemaated Lebanon of its comingon in our boyhood da a we alw ys G forests, and holds the five oceans on the I longed for the day when we were to go - tip of His finger,_ as a leaf holds the rain- I barefooted, and, after teasing our mo —_ - - '--- drop.. Oh, the complete Saviour, rubbing I in regard to it for a gcod while and t ey ° His hand over the.place where we have the i consented, we remember tho delicious a• stain, yet the stars of heaven the adorning I sati.on of the owl grace wken we put ahs Frieen i t. And the time s Romans, Countrymen, ems of His right hand. Holding us in , uncovered foot on i "� His arms when �e take our last view of , come when the shoes we wear now, lest a - our dead. Sitting down with us on the be cut of the sharp places of this woz a tombstone, and while we plant roses there, i shall be taken . off, and with unmudal ed + ''��11 He plantingconsolation in our heart, ever I feet we will step into the bed of - hs Stop O a iad Ri x Ga m in e those Gr O'! chater a alk, every verse a stem, every I river with feet untrammelled, free frbrq . word a rose. A- complete Saviour, a com- ; paia and fatigue, we will -gain tl�alh - e e, r I e,� o f Slete Bible, a complete universe, a oomplete ! last journey, when, w11P one foot in the . ordanic Massage. Everything that God bed of the river and the other foot on a does is complete. ! other bwk, wo struggle upward. That '11 I for all m d I Again I Learn from this Jordanic pas. 1 1>e heaves. Oh, I pray y�st u BEATTIE , B ROTHERSO sage thm►t between us and every Canaan of I people a safe Jordanic pmug�e. 7. success and prosperity there is a river that what the dyingChristian hu-sbs►nd felt w:hesl must be passed. "Oh, how I would like , he said, "How the candle dickers, Nellile ! -�--- some of those grapes on the othor side t" Put it out ; I shall Slee? well to-niglst, said some of the Israelites to Joshua. and wake in the morning.' I "Well," says Joshua, "if you want tin One word of comfort on this subject for Never were we in such shape as we now are to Satisfy everybody.. We prapee, why don't you oross over and get all the bereaved. You see, our departisd lead in TEAS. Also in MEATS, a. large stock carefully cured by that (haul ?" There is a river of difficulty C. friends have not mesh submerged -halve veteran, Dorrance, which has no equal in Canada. tween us and everything that is worth hav- not been swamped in the waters; they ha ing; that which poets nothing is worts only crossed over. These Irraeli.tea as nothing. God didriit intend this world for just as thoroughly alive on the westee a Give us a call. We can positively convince you that we are here 861ely su easy parlor, through which we iu"`;e to be banks of the Jordan as they had been IN YOUR INTERESTS, drawn in a rocking -chair, but we are to the eastern banks of the Jordan ; and e work our passage, climb masts, fight bat-' 41"rted Christian friends have only er- � ties, scale mountains, and ford rivers, God ed over—not sick, net dead, loot exhaus - UP .A. STORE AND ROOMS TO RENT ADJOINING. i makes everything valuable difficult w get qd, not extiargaished, not blotted out; blit - at, for the asme - reason that he put the with healthier respiration, and s(om)as Cdown in the mine, and the pearl clear pulses 'and keener syesigkt, and let r "1 "� ((''�� /� '�! 1 ij"�'[�' down in the sea, W make us dig and dive prospects ; enssed over ! tiirpir sins, ti�,ir � �� eL..i�o.i ., 1`i�L' rO.Lii 1 ■ s , for them. We acknowledge this painciple physical and mental iii uiet, all heft oleic { _ ___ in worldly things; oh, that we were only this side, an eternany�owin f;, impassable 1 wise enough to acknowledge it in religions obstacle between them and all human acid things. Satanic pursuit. Crossed over c Oh, I I You have snores of illustrations under shake hands of eongratalation with all t your own observatipn where mens have had bereaved in the consideration that tour r the hardest lot, aad been trodden under parted Chriatian friends are safe. • foot, and yet after a while had it easy. I I I t Now their homes blossom and bloom with Short and Sweet. l pictures, and carpets, that made foreign a scrap of paper" ' looms laugh now embraoe their feet; the - Can a newspaper war properly be termel A summer winds left the tapestry about the The oldest wheelman in the cannily is 7 r 6 window, gorgeous enough for a Turkish sal- and still able to be round. tan; impatient steeds paw and neigh at the L'esion's croaked streets indicate tha� door, their carriages moving throwgh the the oft is noted for its weir nth.00 . sea of New York life a very wave of splen- Y P I bj dor. Who is it? Why, it is a boy who came to When the 'barber talks too much hti"� New York with a dollar in his pocket, and all stories are generally illustrated with cute.) hls estate slung over his shoulder in a cot- There is a fishermam on Lake Cham pglain - - - - ton handkerchief. All that silver on the named Phigars. Who says figurescbn't - dancing span is petrified sweat drops; that lie. beautiful dress is the faded calico over The Frenchman says • When I start which God gut his hand of perfection, out in search for a wife, I'm going" toI . We have received and opened out our turning it to Turkish satin or It&pian silk ; Havre. those diamonds are the tears with suffer- My son, don't advertise our riefz. ing froze as they fell. Oh, there is a river y, B I • [� of difficulty between us and every earth- Pate have crooked legs, dont wear striped I SpZ+I�g Prints, which for vaaiety and value achievement. that. You buss that. You All bright writers on morning newspapers I ,admitetre said to be vary wicked ; at least, they ,far exceed anvthing we have previously You know this is so with regard to the scintillate. � acquisition of knowledge. The ancients used to say that Vulcan struck Jupiter on A Chicago paper, in rather prematurely the head, and the goddess of wisdom welcoming people to the World it Fais, says: shown• jumped out, illnstrating the truth that "Our latch -strings are all out." Better get wisdom names by hard knocks. There a new supply, then. - I , was a river of difficulty between Shake- "Patrick, you fool, what makes 1rpn R � � M � � � ® R 1 SEAFO � Lare, the boy holding the horses at the stale after the rabbit when your gun has no `• � v LCIof the London theatre, and that lock on it?" "Huah! Hush-! my Ja rlino $hakespeareb the great dramatist, winning the rabbit doesn't know it." `,- - - -- . _ �- __ _ the applause of all audiences by his trage- dies. There was a river between Ben)Important � e Announce.mient, min Franklin, with a loaf of bread under his arm, walking the streets of Phila. delphia, and that same Benjamin Frank- lin, >n, philosopher, just outside n. BRIGHT � ��� �@ I Boston, flying a kite in the thunderstor®. BRIGHT p� An idler was cured of his bad habit by looking through his window, night after ®��®��� might, at a man who seemed sitting alb his desk turning off one sheet of writing S ® , I The Leading 010thi e rs of Huron, after another, until almost the dawn of Be to inform the le of Seaforth and fsurroundin the morning. The man Bittin,there writ- � g � pip g -' angry, that they have ing until morning was industrious Walter added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the Scott; the man who looked at hire through , - the window waa Lockhart, his illustrious ` biographer afterward. Lord Mansfield, Most Complete and best selected stocks of Bogy's', Youthsp puraued by rtes press and f the populace, n and Men's Read de oilot because of a certain line of duty, went, on r to V _ to discharge the duty ; and while the mob were around him demanding the taking of '. --- IN THE COUNTY. -- his life, he shook his fist in the face of the *11 mob, and said, "$ire, when one's last end ' 0 comes, it cannot come too soon, if he falls in defence of law and the liuerty of his °' i"' , , . country." And °so there is, my friends, a 3t Cures Coids,Ccughs.8ore Throat,eroup,Influen- Prices U iI eq u all ed . �We lead the Trade. tug, a tuasle, a trial, a push, an anxiety, ra,Whoopins Cough, Bronchitis and Aathma. A through which every man must go before certain cure for Consumption in £rat stageE)Lilt ReIneiTl})er 1128 Old 5t he comes to worldly success` and worldly :; Sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once, Stand, Campbells Block, opposite the Royal Hotel, achievement. You admit it. Now be wise You will see the excellent effect -after taking 0,3 Seaforth. pgotasrh to AuDly it in religion. Emiaeut boo(l)os fittles b00 sold coats and d $1-Mdealers everywhere.ere. Lase BRIGHT BROTHERS. — - . I �-. I ,;_ ,__` 1� - i � Y1. I MARCH 24, -:8a3 CROSSING TO JORDAN. HOW OBSTACLES GROW SMA�L AS YOU APPROACH THEM. Bev. Dr. Talmage _Preaches at Detroit o! the Pas -sage of Joshua's Host -The 1Blver Became a Nall and the Pathway Vras Dry Before Them -The Bdoquent Preacher Draws Auslogles to HeIP lis on Life's Journey. DETROIT, M&rch 12 --Rev. Dr. Talmage, who is now visiting this city, preached to- day in Fort Street Presbyterian Church, of which Rev. Dr. Radcliffe is pastor, to a large and iutensely interested; audience on the Crossing of the ffordan bye the Children of Israel, the text being (from Joshua 3: 17: --"And the priests than bare the ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of th, Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over 6 dry ground, until all the peoplo were passed clean over Jordan." Washington oromed the --Delaware when crossing was pronounced impossible, but he diel it by boat. Xerxes crossed the Hellespont with two millions of men, but ,he did it 'by bridge. The Israelites crossed the Red Sea; but the same orchestra that celebrated the deliverance of the one army sonnded the strangulation of the other. This Jordanic passage differs from a11. There was no sacrifice of human life -not so much as the loss of a linch- pin. The vanguard of the host, made up of priests, advanced until they put their foot at the brim of the i Iver. when iinmediately the streets. of Jerusalem were no more dry than the bed of that river. .It was as if all the water had been drawn off, and then the dampness had been soaked up with a sponge, and then by a towel the road had been wiped dry, Yonder ;oea a great arm of Israelites, the host& in uniform; following them the,wives, the children, the flocks, the herd. The people look up at the crystalline wall of the Jordan as they pass, and think what an awful disaster would come to them of, before they got to the opposite bank of that Ajalon wall, that wall should fall on them ; and the thought makes.the mothers hug their children close to their hearts hs they swiften their pace. Quick now ; get them all up on the banks, the armed war. riors, the wives and children, flocks and herds and let this wonderful Jordanic passage be completed forever. Sitting on the shelved limestone, I look off upon that Jordan where Joshua crossed under the triumphal arch of the rainbow woven out of the spray the river which afterward became the baptistry where Christ was sprinkled or plunged ; the river where the axe -the borrowed axe -miracu- lously swam at the prophet's order ; the river illustrious in the history of the world for heroic faith and orilnipotent deliverance, and typical of scenes yet to transpire in your life and mine -scenes enough to make us, frown the sole of the foot to the crown of the head, tingle with infinite gladness. Standing on the scene of that affrighted, fugitive river Jordan, I learn for mys�ff and for you, first, that obstacles, when they are touched, vanish. The text zaysUthat when these priests came down and touched the water -the edge of the water with their feet -the water parted. They did not wadi in chin deep, or waist deep, or knee keep, or ankle deep, but as soon as their feet touched the water it vanished. And it makes me think that almost all the ob- stacles of life need only be approached in order to be conquered. Difficulties but touched vanished. It is the trouble, the difnctiRy, the obstacle far in the distance that teems &o huge and tremendous. The Apostles Paul and John' seemed to dislike cross dogs ; for tib@ Apostle Paul tells us in Phillipians, "Beware of dogs ;" and John seems to shut the gates of heaven against all the can species when be says, "Without are dogs." But I have beer( told that when these animals are furious', if they come at you, if you will keep your eye on them and advance upon them, they will retreat. Whether that be so or not, I cannot tell ; but I do know that the vast majorities of the uiisforturllrs and trials and disasters of your life that bound your steps, if you can only get your eye on tnem, and keep your eye on them, and advanoe upon them, and ory, "Beton@," they will 41ink and cower, There is a beautiful tradition among the American Indiana that Manitou was travel. ing in the invisible world, and one day he came to a barrier of brambles and sharrpp thorns, which forbade hia going on, and there was a wild beast glaring at him flrom the thicket; but, as he determined to go on bis'way, he did pursue it, and those bram- bles were found to be only phantoms, and that beast was found to be a powerless Me and the impassable river that for. bade him rushing to embrace the Yaratilda proved to be only a phantom, river. Well, my friends, the fact is there are a great many things that look terrible across our pathway, which, when we advance upoa them, are onl the pphantomis, only thea . parations, only the dolusiona of life. Difh- culties touched are conquered. Put your feet into the brim of the water, and Jordan retreats. You sometimes see a great duty to perform. It is a very disagreeable duty; you say: "I can't go through it; I haven't the courage, I haven't the intelligence, to go through it." Adyance upon it, Jordan will vanish. . I always sigh before I begin to preach, at the greatness of the undertaking, but as soon as I start it becomes to me an exhila- ration. And any duty undertaken with a confident spirit becomes ar pleasure, and the higher the duty the higher the pleasure. Difficulties touched ars conquered. There are a great many people who are afraid of death in the future. Good John Living- ston once, on a sloop coming from Eliza- bethport to New York, was dreadfully frightened, b cxuse he thought he was go. ing to be drowned as a sudden gust came up. People were surprised at him. If any man in all the world was ready to die, it was good John Livingston. So there are now a great many good people who shudder in passing a graveyard, and they hardly dare think of Canaan because of the Jordan that intervenes, but once they are down on a sick -bed, then all their fears are gone ; the waters of death dashing on the beach are like the mellow voice of ocean shells -they smell of the blossoms of the tree of life ; the music of the heavenly drhoirs comes stealing over the waters, and to cross now is only a pleasant sail. How long the boat is coming ! Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Christ the Priest ad. vanees ahead, and the dying Christian goes over dry -shod on coral beds, and flowers of heaven, and path@ of pearl. Again, this Jord.inic passage teaches me the comppletnesa of everything that God does. When God put an invisible dam across Jordan, and it was halted, it would have been natural, you would have auppos- ed, for the water to have overfioweci . the region all around about, and that great de- vastation would have taken place. But when God put the darn in front of the river, he put a dam on the other side of the river, so that, 'accordin to the text, the 'w"or halted and i earef and stood there, an d not overflowing the surrounding countfy- Oh, the completness of everything that God does! One would have thought that, if the i waters of Jordan had dropped until they were only two or three feet deep, the Israelites might have marched througe it, and have come up on the other bank with their clothes saturated and their garments like those of men coming ashore from f shipwreck, and that would have hepta as ASH 2' I 1,, #_: . co .l in our last ,scar circle containing r inti from " to 2,cY aur custornler kora At the Cio-5e o€_ " , notified of theirSM jusg as we advertis ouevidence otr�trnwe W 1ptinnthoseAflt t e EVledo thi#3 instead of the list beim f !,sluice) we pre customers to count is the eirchl. Wit To the first three at;gv, er we will 9 WATCH, With IDUEBEft HAN xioveinent. ffew of the three e4rree f .om the first ani sending In the In each be given xvatx nix.- TWS XA CiM, 9, E A,CH fiLT • oo, that wl 44anpie watch Is n Wndean be seen by ;sincerity is doubts a frimidd do so, and gemeynber each c ,tc DU T)panacd h WE PRESENT t!.0MPP,tIti011 in T GOLD beeause a ielighted ,posses%e �zaetly- as we, proir, �entet3 in Italics' or for irtennediate e be no correct ansa trilmted among tb the eAlrrect numl ar eompanied by .50 for a box of Dr. Iia the pills and give.. 'i who is disr,ati:tficr exaetiyaswe reyrc inoney. Our soli; c isary offer is to in Into every Morrie it AS A TOS worn-out busines uiapted to iris c. anergy, et11d nla IWAjtZ'S HEA THII-N TIRE THE BRAM. !# Y011i inctital , orrv-- ov# use health Milts. yourself 19aW- - uu !>!7 Nvealcness, scanti ness. lieadae-Ire, bearing down p. They restore the the 5y4t#gill, enric ' plum, bright .ilii M100EE A kldrrcyorilhu der follies, loss Of 'e"Al . ,lid uQe meal iniion the bladde•; -0gor of "youth to; •`raurd nieulaL lit s E 41 ;`cliange olfe," 1. ,,,,.-.et.i.,.,#in., -Ar fill these symltr the iiervep,rnbul, in every rRE Al atreli€;th to the ii Maid rase to the b bettrs'lesfs beavil If the persons tribute our prose; that ilo mention respect their wig preYents to any knowledge of eve cations addrecsse'c and all eorrespm fidential. In tit I 4EDICAL 0f to 34 ADEL.d i M s:iG 7 :M%& 7 rINR cot .. PHI I I .1 SAFO PIAN01 .Deli & Co,, G;' pany, Bawmai O AN Donunlon Or D. W. Karn , The alrrave Inst Tood tea: -pia; .€ in. aptr<srr Ment plan, or 02 Conoertinza and i cnusla, books Seo s e a +T.I1 2itA1 �y , a Ice&, aataed. hand. I and reliabu ;A' Ghat A G-ieuer&i Farsx;<ers' Drafts bo lutereatt SALE N Collection Wilson's TH-t