HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-03-17, Page 411 � - . . : . I . � . " . - __ . I , � . � . , �. - 1,1.1.­�-W4 -*y igOW" I �,­ __ � ... ?�,;�!!M- - !��,�7 #- __ . � . I . ,�.Jt1�.X-_F7_%,­ . -F_ -,7Z_—--_-; R . . � � . � I I .11 0 - - F_�:�� -_','�x, " - ". A I - ­ .� __1 � - ,- - - . I . . I � I � - � -, , � �� � ­ � I �­�­­ ___­ 1, -�, -: � - - �, . �1, - - , - -, � 7, --�,�:, - ,----.�� -'.-'. - , :"�,�".'­ �� , .,-.`�Al� ",;, - ;��,A -!�-- -�,-!�---C'?` ;-,--�J , :�', .�- -.. "', " '. ,-, .- " 1, ­ _1 R �141 111_�__�_`_ I - � � � .1 � � . . � , -, - ; -., - : � - ­- ,: . �. : ; I � � .1 . . . - � � . ; �-' �_ � � ­_ 1,� � ., , 11 . I . � I - c_ - t- Z I : I I � I . I I � � I I : � ! � . . ! I I . . � � . . I 1 ,'� I --- - I \ I .1 !I I . �-_ - - � , �_ . - - . . . I I I I - k � I I � . . . � . . . � I I I � . . . . . . -_ . � � � . I - . i I . . %_ I - . I I I . I I I I I I I � I I � I . - I � � - I . I I I il � i . .V -It, � . I I I I .1 I . . I - � I . I ­ , . � _. . ­ 1- — I't, � � -- . - %, - , - ­� - - � I . I . I . � . . � _ � I - - � . . . � t I I . . I I I � . . 11 ,�� I 1. , . -_ 1. - 1 7 � I . - .. . . . � - I . I I * , , � I ­ � . . � ­ � I �,, �, � � .. �;-. - - , - . i � � . . . - . I I . . . . 11 I . . "I I V - -i � llt­ � , .. - � I.. , . . .� ­ . . - I . . I . . . I I � � 7 . I I - _�., - I - � ­ . ­ ­ . -, � . 1. � _ ,", ­­ ! I -�'!­ . . � 1, . I . � - I . . . . . . ­ . I . � I - ; . I I . . . . I � � . .. . I . 11 . � , 1, -- � I - . � � I ; . . . �. 21 . . I . . � I � ; � - . I . I . � I N . . I f . � I I . . . i - I - j I � � . . : � - - -_ __ � -_ I - -_ � : - I .- I I i In 11 f.-. I _. i � I �� I � I . .. : I . � . � .\ . I I MARCH 17, 1 9.3 1 � . . I "I' e THE HURON EXPOSITOR . . I � I I MA,Rcl . � -1 . . - - - ____� .- - � ------------ ZZ � - I - - - - ___ - - - —1 I __ I - 't the property, being wet weather on Saturday, the flax mill 'W" 1. .-:--; � . . . and that the Government Aeserved -,to be book entirely. He would begin the subjCCt a good percentage of vitality. There are, as a fairly good one, bu , . writing an soorl as the : ehild commacbee however, some districts .in the Dominion so close 110 Clinton, is more valuable than it compelled to shut down. -We wonderif the I 4grid Mr. Sam, condemned. from which -samples have �besn received of would otherwise be. Mr.'rickett is prepar- citizens of the townbave dropped the can, � ,mr. Joba 81 Since his great speech in the session of school work. ning factory industry. Business men about Mr. F�6 1886, -Mr. Laurier has never delivered any- 94 The duties of citizenship " was taken by very poor quality and qnI4 unfit for seed. inF to build on.it in this summer. . I d And . thing so eloquent or so effective an the speech Mr. W. R. Lough, of Cllutov. He intro- In some parts of Nlanitoba.'the harvest sea. -_On a recent aftArnoon, while a 'tosin talk it up now. -Mr. Samuel Keit, of Cjln�l days. Fro 1� n I by McMurchie & Co., Clinton, WAN ton, We visiting friendain town last week. , Q&rff such he delivered on this question. At i times he duced this subject by strongly maintaining son of 1891 was very unfavorable and con. ow 0( . i burning words oi thut the amount of history required at tho siderible quantities of grain were left out being exercised, they got the better of the - Mr. 11bert Robinson, who has been Olt a Surely Wort] thrilled the House with .- ' I . breaking, and lengthly vf6it to frienjo in Wroxeter, arriv. ^ kr. -CJ various examinations 79 far too great, and in stook or stack all winter and threshed in driver, through the �iongue , "s -:7 eloquence and then again convulsed them to run pulled them ed home )ast week. -Dr. Fexguson wearg a from lows. � witli laughter by depicting Abe Privy recommended that it be reduced to such 'an the spring of 1892. A number ofansamples endeavored Away ; he Council ac',ing as Judpea at a, mock trial. extent as to permit suffloient tim to qualify of such grain have been tested d they into the roadside, when oul of them tried to smiling countenance just DOW, his wife , Inoobs ago; ,a 'fence, bqt fell across it, being re- having presented him with a young son last king tb�:' The best tribute to Mr. Laurier's argument- the pupils to become good citizens. He show a very low percentage of vitality, clear a - I inai . claims that they should clearly understand many of them ranging from 15 to 40 per moved without serious inju week. -Mr. J. H. Taman, of Gorrie, wag in removal of I .ative powers is the fact that it, carried away ' Kra. S. Hibbert, of �h;6 Maitlan , , - town this week renewing old acquaintances. ,his knees I d con of thies members supporting* the Government, Civil Government, Paitriotiern, Loyalty, and cent. only, and are quite unfit for Beed. In". � I , some other parts of the Dominion, and es- cession, '06derich township, died Wednes- -Mr.. William Sims is -still oi2 the "let list ever. I who at the close of the debate, unexpectedly the principles of Free Trade, Protection, . , . work. -We wonder wheraour -The I - 1' . day mornin of lasitweek. Decaued has unable to - . Wth: voted with Mr. Laurier. He pointed out -Revenue tsriff,eic. To do this he would first pecia,lly in some sections of Ontario and 99 . �; hie, which, 'night watchman was while some mischevionsi School Ass! that the Government in all their speeches in how the mode of election, duties Quebec, the weather during the last harvest been suffering from kidi3ey trou ith boxes was held 14" clearly a 11. ith confinamenti is sluipposed to, have boys were obstructing the btreets wi this debate had given no hint of their policy. Laid o6sibilities of the township couno period was very wet, and the grain in the w h! i . iversally and other articles one night last 'week, ChLUr,qjl , . _ St. I n reap � n I I They daied not move or even speak,. so fear- A d as pupils learn .to do by doing, it is stook wae subject to. repeated wettings be- caused her death.. 8 -a was un ­ - ful were they of the sectional passi"6 -which well to - commence by calling the echool- fore it could be housed,and In the meantime esteemed, and cauch sympathy is manifested Some say he was in the " Central," c;ther.11 .President. I . - - at home in bad, but the majoritythink Ile Rev. r". HLA this question aroused. Such eplt6ta as house a municipality, and having them go some of it sprouted. A large proportion of for her husband. She leaves & small family- � . I � go arrant cowardice " -4nd 11 miserablelf shirk- through the actual performance of Nomina- such samples Also show a low degree of -Wm. Knight I , fourth non'of David wa.s seeing friends in Auburn. -A -grand _chair, AI Rig" were usi6d to describe the position of tion and Election, the teacheraoting as -germinating power, and if sown as seed will Knight, 9th line, of Morris, is homeonal tithe was spent by the members of the lads. . tendance an, . be likely to result in poor crops. vis�it­ from Marlette, Michigan. He has ponde nt Order of Good Templars, of tV18 - 11 �Iwayl a succe the Governmeiit. He told the Prem er that critic and guide. He treats each govern! a plice, on Tuesday nigbt last. Sister lodges � �One , ei In he was mislei.dirg the people in t Ing to body similiary until he reaches the Federal Any farmers desiring to send further been farming there for.1tbe past ten Y ars, fr in Clinton, Londeaboro, Kinburn ' . � I - qalth of his wife he 0 and ' -1. filled with i make them believe that the decision I f this Parliament, thus giving them a vMd and samples for test should forward them with- but owing to' the ill If � . id contain has leaoed the farm for -five years, Mrs. Auburn, were repr6sented. A lengthy �, I I I . pro- ., on fire, on t matter rested with the Supreme Court And lasting impression of the duties of the vari- out delay' ; the packages shou � I , , . � ' because, even if ous officials, Considerable disc' bout one ounce each, and they can be sent Knight is under the care of a pliyelcian at gramme was given, after which lunchm" Itiver, r-olud", not with the Government, I uision fol- a irot-,claas style, alkgoingaway . -a � - . , Their served in f - it to the Supreme Court, it lowed bylMusgrove, Doig and Black. ; to the Experimental Farm free through the Milton, -where her relatives reside . g satisfied 1 A James Few 1. they referred ; -ildren are visiting at their grand- feelin that they had spent a pleas. : would come back to the political field and COMPOSITION. 91 mail. The samples are tested and reports ,,three oh, ant evening together. -The electric IJ ht - I . The'buildiv in the end the Government. would have to William Houston, M. A., resumed file can usually be furnished in about tan d%yR parents' now. ' I r is � . . surneJ. - T - decide, He pointed out that in tho'mean- discussion of thb Practical Treatment of after the grain in rec6ived. -Mr. J. Burgess, of Batfie�d, had a giving good satisfaction so far. -Mr. Tic'�- I" ' valued sit I , � � � I . .- . list this week.- : �Mower, seec time violent passions and prejudices woul-i English, dealing particularly with Composi. 8EBD DISTRIBUTION. rough experience in driving J�ome from ard Sellars is on the sick I . . ' ­ ' . be aroused by prolongirig the crisis and that tion. He considers that Composition and L%st year 16,905 sample bags of promising Clinton, a few days ago. In some way.'the Mr. Metcalf, jeweller, intends leaving this . I insured in -f 4 . �� �� I r * Grammar sorts of grain, weighing three 0or burgh shortly. -Citizens living on Queen, ." -About-, it was the duty of the Gove' nment to at Grammar are directly opposite. inds each, .horses became unmanageable and ran away, �, 'breaking the tongue of the sleigh ; he went and Dinaley streets should look after their - while a trAi � � onje declare its policy. As his said, they is the science of the sentence aud is analysis; were sent free through the mail. to 9,114 .�. - I i sidewalks and get them shovelled off better. �,, _��r emigraintfi b are tossed to and fro on the waves of inde-, Composition of synthesis, Origio.al Composi- farmers residing n diffareat parts of the into a neighboring farm house and borrowed ­ -1 � He re'ad from the petition of -the tion should be V%ught an soon as the child a 11 other tongue, but had not go;e far before ! -_ � .--.— �, at good *P, - � ­ clsion. I Dominion. Tbi &rge quantity of ,grain, an 1 14 . . ,: I -t ' .- Catholics of Manitoba to show thatthey coin write. Dictstion is agoodexercieeif over 25 tons, was�all of first quality sod the mishap, singularly, was repeated, and � ­ Exeter. .� Mary,$, I- tj � - the second tongue was broken. Becoming i,­� bad becom. . I claimeA the public schools of that Province the model be good ` it trains the ear and consisted of the most promising aorta which . FIRE. -About 11 a. m,, on, Wednesday, 3�. � �. 4 �freight tra I discouraged he unharneseed the.team, left - Mr. Richard Davis, , �'h, � to be P,rotestant scho'ols and declared that if eye, but the su�plying of Ellipses,'Mr. have been tested on the several Experimen- the sleigh b the r"daide, and drove home. the residence of on _�: See, 5�a into this waii,true, it was an outrage ,and an act Houston does not approve.of. In order to tal Farms. By inbtruction of the Hon. � . M9Jn str6et, caught fire from a defective 91 � of ,tyranny to compel Catholics to attend become efficierit in Composition a child re- Minister of Agriculture a similar distribu- -Monday evenillgi of last week, as Mr. ch-imney. Both of -our fire engines were - on gre. F4 ­ ;� � Jam4s Stevens, of near Clinton, well driving Ithough the fire had . - ---- � * the alvirtled such schools, and that that was the veri . quir�s plenty of practice and plenty correc- tiOn is now in ptogrese for this year, and into church, he noticed a rig coming up soon on the scene, and a -, utely beir.g. _*­_� � ' point which the Government should have � tion, of the right kind. Teachers should already over 3,000 samples have been sent gained great headway and there was a strong - rAW , ascert9inefd.;, Mr. Laurier is conyinced -that not point o I ut the errors in Composition, the ' treat that seemed to be driven *4'ry un- - -_ about th . out, and a large number are being maileil I ' � north went wind blowing, it Was confined to - __ ing building by theatren'uoua efforts these schools are not Protestant schools and children should be taught to detect their daily. The object of this distribution is to steadily. He turned out as fir as A ' ould, the-bur.6i F� - _UT, W1 - � , to of � he thinks that if the Government could do- own errors and then to correct them. Com- place in: the hands of good farmers in roll thinking he would thus avoid it ut the the fire brigade and citizens. Moit of I D " Mornington termine this that'the only gkound for ap- position exercises should be written in a arts of the country samples of the very horse ran straight into hie catter, turning the fur iture was removed, though ,consid. " I peal woul& be taken away from the Mani- scribbler or other book for the purpose and gest varieties of oats, barley, wheat, peas, both him and his horse over into the ditch. erably damaged, but the building - is coul. :1 . John Bak -or tobs Cathqrtcs - who can, under a recent should be re -written, with errors corrected. &c. I so that they 'May shortly be available Fortunately no Eerious results followed, but pletely destroyed. Mr. D,&vW loss will be I the sideline � - Reid�, for, $ Pepsi debi6iou,attend purely secular schoolp. This subject was further discussed by the collision was so violent,that he thought ' Had there been any dele, . . - for seed in every district in -the country, and very heavy. -- y in IrmateAd of ascertaining whether this bliega- Messrs. Clarkson, Musgrove, Zaker and eventually result in the displacing of poor, at first his horse was dead. I reaching the fire or any bitch in the working o, has .sold hi�! I tion im the petitions was true or not, he Lough. The meetio then adjourned until mixed and eLfeebled sorts, with varieties -The 35-scre farm belonging to the of the apparatus, a serious conflagration % - COsilloal to I charged the Government with resorting to 9 o'clock a. M., on" &day. possessed of greater vigor and fertility. The estate of the late John McIsaac, situated in would ce'rtainly have resulted. I . .. Mr. Daniel , every subtetfuge for the purpose of avoiding TilURSDAY EVENING. number of samples aeut to one applicant is-, Goderich township, was sold by auction on BRT.BFs.—Mr. M. Vincent, who- "has been � vVag Jkmookel any decision of the question. He believed � On Thursday evening a public entertain- limited to two, in each case, and on this Saturday, 4th lost., by Air. T.' M.'Cattlingv r-auquing the Palace grocery here, in Fanson�s ' . for -$31400# . Parliametit was vested With the, supervision ment was held in the Town Hall. The pro- basis a very, large number can still be sup- and reached the sum of $1,705, being knocki Block, for the past few months,. has sold ott , -Re V. Id I of legislation which trenched, on the rights gramme 'consisted of au address plied. With careful and judi�i ed down to Mr. Robert Marshall, at tha,� to Mr. Ed.'Bissett, of this place, who took � ; ' Ps'ster vf th . , of the minorit I . by Mr. ous, hand- figure. This is considered a particularly . � 'visited his a ie', but so strong was,he in Houston, M. A., on 11 Esthetic Treatment ling these three pound samples will gener- d price, bu I t there were several to whom possession on Tuesday* last. -Mr. A. J. Me. I 11"d tonduc a . I I ' his desire to respect provincial rights, that oU English." Musical selections by the ally produce from one to three bushels the 0 1 . Tavishl who has been conducting 'a gqDeral - 7 that power should not bi�"exerelsed except W inghain -Orchestra,and songs by the school floe p!operty was worth more than unde and evening, . I . . first year, and at the end of the second ' sti� .store in to'wni bras closed his store 'And - both,occasio 'forthe moat cogent reasons. �z 'Is. ordinary circumstances, hengethecomp giveu up basiness. He is abaut-_;o sellout . pupt Mr. -Houston considers the Esthetic season the grower usually bag seed enough . i - Turnbull del In the debate which followed several Con- value of Literature an important subject, for a large field. The advantages resulting tion for it. I i to a whole -sale firm. -Mr. Eli �Snell, -of qervatives declared that, they would reseut as children should be able to discover and from this lar � -Near Zurich, in Hay uron street, had a wood bee on Tuesday -of Water. " .ge distribution ;f the beat Any interference with Manitoba, even if the comprehend the beauties of literature and sorts of grain obtainable Ann Hardy and her husband, Edward J. � - ence greeted . will no doubt in a a happy life for many Iasl;, about 35 ,m -en being present, and -a ed in it masi Supreme.Courk decile'd- that the, Government by this means would not be so liable to read - Hardy, �bave lived * of wood was cut ready for - - tbea,u.M few years be generally manifest.in an im- . ' large quantity � hAa the power to interfere. ColoM O'Brien 4iterature that would tend to be unprofit- provement in tkie quality and an increase in years. Of late however, there has %risen a the stove. -The Exeter and Crediton,Royil - - Jeneo ' supported the reEolution beartily' for the able. He illustrated his lecture - by the the quantity of tho average grain crops of difference - of opinion as to the"owhefisbip of Templars of Temperance intend holding an I t4 and edu. � .9tano .town. � I reason, he s%id, that it condemned the Gov- 11 Three Fishers," by Kingsley; and "&eak, the Dominion. A-circular'is sent with each a valuable farm'in the. vicinity of the village open meeting in tka Mettiodist Church at : 2 erumfut, whom he blamed for not disposing Bromk,Break," by Tennyson. Th * musical in which they live. Now by reason of I- - I - ' sa.mFle which the recipients are expected to - Elimville, on Wednesday next, the 22ad. I I _6 - . .. . . - � their inability to coincide sit to the ownership � %,!, i I of this matter after the judgment of the selactione by the Orchest er fill up and return at the close of the season, - inst., when a� very lengthy programme will c'! Privy Council in, England. . appreciated, while the songs by the pupils, with particulars as to the character and therof, Mrs Hardy sues her -husband for be given, consisting of readiD�il, quartettes, . I I - BRIEFLET I - I . . � ,end Lorganiz- ­ . illing t6,accept, allow- ' t . � I has been , . The -resolution when put to the vote was under the management of Miss Reynold, -growth of the grain. The re uest is also $10,000 which,5he is * trios and recitations. They int I � . 1 supported by 71 members, including five could not possibly be too highly applauded. made that a sample of not less Ing him the property. The husbind recently Ing a Temperance- Society there. -A Royal - Z � -time, has i L - con servatives-Mesars. McCarthy, Pelletier, The chair was occupied by 91r. Black, Pkeei- pound of, ,the product'be returned to the asked the couri to change the place of trial Templars'Society � was organized at Centralia ' ' i are nearly a Dngas, O'Brien and Jeannotte. And oppos- dent of the Association. from Berlin to Goderich, but the motion was , � . ' - * . Ceutral'Experiniental Farm so that infor- on Thursday last, by the Crediton and Exe. -,� for *pr - I ' - � In '. . THE SECOND DAY. ' he Me& lire dismisse( � ter Royal Templars with 63 members, I val"ant, ma ed by 120, a. Government majority' of 49. � riation may be had as to t 3 of I by th� Master at Toronto. -Mr. , , . - . A vivid illustration of how combines ui e -The New York Sun of March 2, publish- - . . from. -this ci . . The attendance at roll call the second day success at' I -ending its growth.' Sam ples &ie L. D. Vincent, general agent of the coven. ,- �! I" formed and how the National Policy works, was 65. After routine proceedings the sent to ,applicants as long as the suppl es a real estate transfer in which &.former ant Mutual Benevolent Society, wrot - �, all be well A .1 I y e up , , - 'in order to enable them to be formed was ­ resident of Huron figures in a mostgratify- -0 Of Mr. J01 . . ' . Financial Repot t. was read and showed a lasts, Letteri-cau be sent to the Expert- . - four applications on Saturday la9t.-Mr. M. I , _'� '' 1`m' balance on hand of $115,98. This led to a mental Farm at'.Ottawa free of posts ing manner. was a successlul V incent intendt assisting his brother, !ft.,' . - given in' the'Bau king and Commerce C Mr. Walsh ' blast,for th I . . ge. - - ;_ ' I - - I builder and 6ontracter in, this county and � �� wiesbas mittee on Friday morning, when Mr. J. F. lively discussion byMessrs. Doig, Houston, � I WM. SAUNDERS, I L. D. Vincent, in, the Life Insurance busi. - . I -go ; Stairs, the member for Halifax, attempted, to moved -to the large business sphere bf New I I , I � Scott, Lough, Moggrove, Plummer, Hogg Directdr bf Experimental Farms. Lie�s -Mrs. Elam"Rutt, on', of Kippen, was .. ­ � -Mr. Sam , -1 put through a Bill, the real object of which - I OTTAWA, March 9th, 1893. - York, where he has won for himself a - . :t -1 . Shearer and Ingram, as to what should be I �. . I viviting friends here the - beginnum I -t . avres upon , � I mongst the leading med'hanical .( tjl�iil - .. ­ __ __ A'S , was to enable! him and one or two other done with the funds on hand. It was final- . I I position a , ,. Z oncelocatel - I I -Aeek.-,Miss Lizzie Wilcox leftio1r,_ ] - �� beneficiaries of the National Policy to form ly agreed that a committee consisting of. , '" I designers and builders of that city. L,ot Manitoba on Tuesday last. Mr. J�vse West- . I � -1 Seaforth. - . a combine in sugar by, amalgamating the Huron Notes. fall he purchased a vacant lot in New York- 'Z_� Messrs. Houston, Lough, Robb, Plummer cott left for Douglas, Manitoba, on Frids, �Z 4; E paid, but hi three" refineries in the Maritime Provinces, -Quite a number of farmers in the vicin- and erected an apartnient .house, which he . y - _11 j ' �. _� sold very c' � . . and Scott be empowerbd to collect the -t . I I last. -The ricultural So- I ,--! i at Halifax, Moncton ai2d D&rtmouth. the f Auburn intend taking horses to Mani-. completed last October, and, which lie has a: I I this section library, also to procure additional books to 1 y o - . , i6ty ,show will be held here this year on � . - design being, no doubt, to extend the the amount of $75. It was further agreed toba this apron just sold for $71,000, it being one of the ,t- i !!! � - I , i �- - ' . , he Monday and Tuesday following the ' '_'_� toba a, fiew, combine,over,the! whole Dominion, because, Mr. E. &wford, of Hallett, out his beat hous@a of its kind in the city., I I 41� them were - ' that the library be kept in Clinton for the - ' 'W-6stern Fair at London.-Mri Matthew . i -1 - under the bill, power was' taken knee somewhat severely, a few days ago, -some days ago a colt driven by H. % 7 1 g the � . first year at least, and that each member of with s; drawing knife. Dickson, in Goderich, broke away from him Ellwood, of Detroit, is in thls,'place.-A � '11 Will I which would enable them to do it. Mr. I � rhe'D Y11 the Association have access to the library, representative of the Detroit Illustratea : ' Lister and -several other Liberals, however, also that all teachers who subscribed for the -The other day, while Mr. C. Rogerson, when he was getting into the cutter. The News is photographing this �place for the -.1 _� Province, a . � . of Hullett was. chopping in the bush, a colt after running around the square bolted � . majoeity of exposed the object of the bill and final I purpose of writing up the village at an !! ��, ly Educational Journal be considered membere falling limb struck him on the back And down West -street, and' when near the Post I 1� who were compelled Mr. Stairs to confess thatthit of the Association. I - -early date. - Mrs. Walter Weatcott � - I was his object. Even Conservatives could � hurt him pretty badly. Office was caught by N. McGuire. -Mr. ay 1w, 1 1 could scare - RLROTION OF OFFICERS I I received the sad news, on Tuesd success in I not swallow thia'and Meseri,. Macdonald, -Mr. Ed. Dinsley, � formerly in the jew- McGuire,. kno-winj whose horee'it was,- pro, 'that her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thomas � was the next order of business, and resulted : Boyle and Gilliee='all Conservatives,. refus- as follows : President, W. R. Lough, Clin- elry business in Wingham, has left for ceaded to take it to its awner.�! Muking a Daw., of Melbourn, was on her death bed i c0naliderabi ed to support the�Bill, which was postponed Chicago, where he has secured a lucrative seat of the broken shaft he rods around the I nation, maj too ; First Vice -President, Miss Braden, with that dread disease, consumption. -Mr. � L until the next nieeting of the Committeq. Brussels ; Second. Vioe-President. Miss ' position. . fiquare to Kingston- street, when in front Of 'J. W. Harrison, teacher, of Varna, who was ! count of an It came�--out in the discussion from a state Lavan', �Cliuton ; Secretary -Treasurer, A. -Wm. Barrie, of Morris,, has 28 hogs ` the Al'bion' Hotel a youngster got on the shaft visiting here during the past week, teturned � bea(ling,of ment made by Mr'. -Kenny, the President'of Scr,tt, Seaforth ; Executive Committee, in peas feeding for May anid July deliv- and shoving it, Mr. McGuke fell backward home on Monday evening. - Don't for- EXPOS-ITOR the Halifax Sughr Aefinery, that the stock Messrs. Mosgrove,J, Moore, Hoiustou,110gg, ery. Hoge pay better than�_grain those wbeD the I horse got frightened at this &6& lr� the writer � - . . days. a *at to attend the Royal Templars' concert in -1 , larritia � 112 Drew's Hall, on the evening of Faster ,to waship & of that-iCompany, Which amounts e.r *of Kingston-str at, Uum - ,A to $1501 "Z slid Miss Day. Provincial Delegate, A. H. L- 000, had been watered to the extent of an* "Mosgrove. Auditors, Messrs. McFaul and -Mr. Napoleon Valee, of Harriston,has throw hi I m. off hurting -his thigh. Monday, April 3rd.--LTho creditors 6f Mr. other $150,000.in two years and at the same Clarkson. Mr. Doig was called upon, and bought out the blacksmithin' business of I i .� � ' � � I . Braund, Insolvent, met im Mr. L. H. time they had paid off a mortgage indebted- in a sort of extemporary address touched Mr. John Moore,! of Lakelet, and will '- . Lokson's office on Tnesday l"t.-Mr, 1krt ness of W,000, in other words this refinery move .to that village shortly, . i Hibbert. . had in tWo years made a profit of $350, on a few points in our educational system, -Mr. John Hall, of Varna, has purchased .ITZKSIOF LOCAL INTEREST.—Mr. Cassidy Dickson, who bail been studying law ivith A -s Emv � . 0()Ot' explaining why he thought so many, teach- . his brother, Mr. L. H. Dickson, left for his -the directo chiefly ,by 'rbason of protection afforded by the well-known horse Joe Gales from John I 01 his round#, in his work of assessing - i ) , are make teaching a more stepping stone to a g ng home In Pembroke on Tuesday last- . hadidecidv the tar ff. , Yet some people say times are some so-called hi her profession, His prin. Stewart, of Biddulph, for a handsome He is the right man in the right place.-..;- � a,coording I . .9 � Owing to the inclemency of the weather on' dull. . figure. Messrs. P. Bawden and W. C. Howard, ' The officers of -the Central Farmers' Insli, cipal reason was --that the remuneration Jn -Rev-. G. F. Salton, of Brussels, was Saturday last, the funeral of Mra. Nichols, eontractors, and bir. George Mantle, brick- 11 Contiaiuod. inadequate. He then took up irregular at- called to Goderich last week, owing to the sister of Mrs. Yonne, 7th concession, w" maker, were in Goderich during the begin- � Verae -is tb4 tute of Ontario came down to Ottawa to tendance and distribution of school. grants, - ..- wait upon the Government and present a serious illness of Mrs. Salton, who is visit- poorly attended. -Maxwell Gray is in Shel- ning of this week, as witnesses in the trial . BV.l]KM- and closed his address by showiu 0 . if Copp vs. Coleman, of Senforth. -'Messrs. , ,ed from A , Revolution passed by the Institute asking, many farmers' sons 'leave the why 'a Ing there; skol is improvin burns, this wook, transacting Vusiness for o . farm. He 9. Bawdon Brothers, contractors, have a num- � ter, lof Turi for a reduction of duties ' "ImIng vocation -Mr. Charlie Walker, of Clinton was his. brother Alex., of New York State.- ber of 'Very fine buildings to erect dur the ot claime that boys should follow the ,.f ter, .Mrs. 7 from Great Britain or rather an abolition for which nature intended them. Consider working at a saw in the Dohorty 'Organ Miss Lizzle Drown returis,to her vocation -ing . Samuel Me - Factory, Wr4n.esday, when a piece of wood in Toronto on Thursday. Her visit in tiss. next season. -Mexsrs. Rollins & Williams the duties. They failed, however, to gain able discussion followed by Clarkson and have placed their order with Messrs. Gol4lie - and Mr. � access to any member of the Cabinet and I . flow back and broke one finger and out two community has �een a plo"ant one. -Mrs ' . . Mongrove. others very badly. . Edwin Docking in, very low with thai . . - were Visith had to be content with waiting on the Comp. k fatai & McCulloch, ,of Galti, for a Mammoth. � . SMENTIFIC TREATMENT OF ENGLISH. eighty horse power engine for Alei,iuder troller bf Customs. They *era highly in. . -On' Monday, of last week, Mr. Step- complaint consumption. -A meeting was . their new I ub t I grist mill, which will be" erectied as soon as . vultlpi at, .canoed at such contemptuous treatment, no Mr. Houston then introduced his a $ hen Piper, an etriploye in MeLean & Son's held at Staffs ider i. . " ' Cabinet Minister deigning to notice their entitled, " The soientific treatment of ng the advisability of so limiting, the bound- pring open@. -Rogers. an Miss mar� oi saw mill, in Wingham, had thesmall i presence in the Capital, or to permit their lish." Grammar, he says in the science finger of his left hand taken off with the aries of the Stafis circuit as to enable one :old a flue organ to Mr. Elijah Jory of the representit nday: last. ' Society of. approaeh, and, they went ai4y with a pro- the sentence, and science the classification slab saw, at which he was working, minister to perform the duties, that at 2nd concession of Stephen. on Me ' I I - ' . ' per idoa of the small opinion tlie Gove' of knowledge. He would commence the ' _Chief Gill -And Mr.R. H. Colhut, barrio- � �­ I at Kincard - rn- -Mr. E. Livingstone has rented the, present require the services of two.- . � led by her ment had for the opinion of the farmers of study of grammar in the Junior Third 1 Queen's hotel, in Belgrave of Another attempt will be made o ter,, pent the beginning of this week in the 2� 1 _�� . I .y , for a term . a -Thursday I i ta a it is the unit of years from R. Gallagher, Who has bought evening to organize the young peoplefs 'ouni Y toWn on business. I . � Mrs, Hartl Ontario. The matter will king the seutenoe, a' , . it . . probably be .11 � .i day to att - r brou&, up in the House. thought, first divide it into its essential ele- the re.qidence and land formerly owned by meeting, in'Bethal (Whitels) church. -Near. � - __ � � I ; The Premier's depsrture for England has ments, then classify the words, and finally Win. Walsh, - � 0 . ly all the members of No. 827 Orange Lod a 1, Perth Items.. - : tery.­nThe arriv I ' 9 . � . on Tueadal left Mr. ,Foster the leader of the House, e at a general oonclusioD,thus following -Mr. Ralph White, son of Mrs, Palliser, attended the Royal Arch meeting in Mit- -Mise Bells, Pierce, -of Dublin, who box the %adieu, Mr. Bowell is acting Premier and Mr, - Oui. � the three successive ate 9 of induction an- of Clinton, died in Philadelphia, on Tues- chell on Friday evening last. been i , vary ill of late, in progressing towards I and IM iUt4 met acting Minister of 'Justice. It is now alysis, classification anTgeneralizstion. He day,.of last week. He bad been ailing for 011000�110 I recovery. � ne . I . 4 pretty -well settled that the House will pro. xt showed his method of 6eatiog the some time, and recently went to Colorado, Auburn. . -The anniversary of Ireland's patron' . I rogue on the 29th inst. . I complex and compound sentences. . but obtaining no relief, returned to Phil&- NoTzs.,Dr. Lightning performed a -very saint will be celebrated in Dublin this y�ar, I I . � ", . 4 in the past, ibg manner. � ; ---:Sir AI — - � Mr. Houston's lectures throughout were delphia ; a wife and one child survive him. successful operation on George Dawson, the - s' * i� interesting and instructive, and considerable -G. A. Deadman, of Brussels, has pur. other day, removin "'a large tumor from his r Thomas Davison, an old req -ent, his "home ii , EAST -HURON TEACHERS' valuable information was carried off by chased two registered Jerseys of fine batter 9 -9 I Al -Sir Jo shoulder. Mr. Dawson, will soon be entire. Of Mitohelf,died at Ayr,on Thursday, oflast CONVENTION. those who availed themselves of the oppor- stock. One of them is 4 years Id and the ly well again. -A brother of Mr. John Par. week. The remains,werb brought to Mit- 7for New 'Y , - tuEiity of hearing him. other two, They arrived in Bruspels on rott. who had been residing In Detroit, was chell for burial. I I -The iri I I . . � AnInstitute meeting of the East Huron I? . RESOLUTIONS, Monday, of last week. Mr. Dea-fim" buried an Sunday, having died after a short -Mr. A. Hart bas sold the Seebach Winnipeg. Teachers' Association was held in the We The following resolutions were passed - in greatly interested in the Jerseyo, illness. Inflammatory r eurnatism was,the Hotel and all ,the premises to Mr. Louls on Friday, i school, WiDghOM, OD Thursday and lyri�uday, 1. In regard to the communication from -Mayor MoTaggart, of Clinton, had his trouble. -Min. John, Govier was 6riied-,on Gartner, �nd willreturn with his family to -Aaron . the 2nd and 3rd of March. The attend. the North York Teachers' Association, that first magisterial experience on Wednesday Sunday last. In spite of the bad the farm in Logan, . tiquitiels in - &nee was not as large as might have been township councils appoint one or more per- evening, of last week, when three tramps, state of i -Lety Brothers, of - I the 13th concession . . Meng to tb expected, but the programme was well sons to act as truant officers. he the roads, 'a very large number of friends 4 I _itev. I barried out. On Thursday the forenoon that no action be taken Re.Eolved who had been heatinj their way on t ;ttanded the funeral. -Mr. Edward Strang. ) diabo.lved partnership, I I 0� Fullarton' hav . Grand Trunk, were up before him for trial- han, of Colborne, is re J,Ohl assuming control of the biasiness andl at Winnip session began at 11 o'clock, President M. 2. In regard to the communication from He committed them to *I Ar 15 days. coverilftom on at- Goorge legiarg for Minnetota, � . - caustd. the- �West Huron Teaehers' Association, respect- ' -Mr. J. Plow o has been living on tack of pleurisy. -Mr. Nelson- ell has dem. tr h i -Over I Black in the chair. After routine the first es, wr & lee McKenzie, ar., one of thi order of business was the appointing of com Ing drawing books for entrance examina- pleted his first tum at the Toronto Veterin. - - I ' 1 - Mr. H. Weston's farm, on the 6th concee. ary College, and ,has ratprnod home. -Mr. aiZel'lt r,esiden-ts of Elms, pkesed away &bo.ut I it bilng tu naittees, which resulted as follows : Re- U. on, that one book only be sent in. We sion of Goderich Township, for some time, ' ten days Ago, after a lingering illum of, - - Factory i porting, -Messrs. Scott and Hogg. of thi opinion that one drawing book Is purposes removing to Jabu Arthur has en0gi�-Wtlih -Mr. Andrew . � . Ifliati L Manitoba in; the McDonald for the coming summer. -Mr. sevef-M vears' duration. i .. I ngs. I Business, -Lough, Houston and Pluragner. su*cient, but that, in case two are required, spring, and will sell out his effects. � Mr eon engs, 04 -Mr. 'J. D. Hamilton, who, bar, been for: -At -L-6 - Resolu-tiono,-Doig, Musgrove and Clark, the marks awarded for that subject should Weston Will.go back on the farm. - Thomas Leach " bo b ' 'i by Mrs, the past three year' a spinner in Mit-; week M -Tis. son. * 11 be a maximum of 100. Thomas Nicholson.6 work on ter farm this � a bon � -On Monday, of last week, Mr. T.i Tip. summer. -Mr. Jogn:*tTohnston has engaged c;hell woollen mills, has removed with his James Re -J; I . A.FTERNOON SESSION. . 3. That a vote of thanks be tendered'the ling took eight horses from Clinton to Do- with Mr. Foster, of near Holmes, f2inily to Bol -On village-, I ... Delegate's iteport.-Mr. A. H. Plummer . -known secured a betteg�­1�41 i - -It is .� Public School Board for the use of their troit. Among them was the wall Ville, for _where be baij - aud the br � - -1 . school bui 'Dgs ; pacer owned by Mr. James Fair, jr., which -A sphll�d 46'sto took place the other � issued, on A delegate to the Doj7dinion Conveniion 'held' Idingfor holding our meet' the balifice of the year.-Messre. John _ sition. - iw Montreal from July 5th to J uly stb, 1892, to the Town Council for the free uve,of their had been purchased at a good figure for. Ur.- ,Knox and J. P;4`Brown are purchasing - __ - I . 0 1 :Young Men's Liberal Club, in Lexford, Superintendent of the Board. . '. �, I hall for the evening entertainment., and to C. J. F 1i raes for shipment to Manitoba. ! night, ii the . : Fair at on explained the origin of this Association . Mitchell, on' Woman Aft-ffrage. The vote , ­ mouth froi ­-, and gave a general account of the work those who took part in the entertainment, of "Health, Detroit. I I mnnmffi� . , - � - . -The C- . . � I gave the verdict -in fa;i7 of the side who I and especially to�'the school pupils. . . f st� _1 taken lying a 8 . - _. �' I UP9 ynopsis of the subjects -While a couple of the youth of Exeter I Blyth � contended for . extending the frAnchise to i I I Trunk rail .discussed fy Hen G. W. Rose, Minister of 4. That the reporters of the proceedings werile driving to a temperance meeting at TzmPKRAzfcru' LFXTURIS. — Mrs. Owen women - �f�' .. li ley raillwa . 1, I ,, �Hducation, Mr. Inch, New Brunswick, Mr. ,of this meeting be paid for their services. Centralia the other night, their rig capsized- Hitchcox, of ViLris the only Gospel Timper. -Hagh Berry, one' of the first settlers in �� basis of . I . . r � * McKay, Halifax, Mr. Sinclair, Hamilton, 5. That Canadian history, only, be the in a snow drift and the horse left them there, sinee Lecturer,Si 'gar In America, as an. ]Nan*ard, and hig�ly respected, P"sod � �, World's F � �i . -Georg limit for entran" work, and thata copy of They tramped five miles after the horse and , n I L Mr. Marfield, Pennsylvania, Rev. Dr. Grant -poun , addressed a large audience in th6 away the other day at the greattage of 81 Z� ; . from Dr. I and others. I this resolution be sent to the Education De- cutter, and thus missed.the Centralia, enter. MethlAd -at church on Sunday afternoon -and -H,e was hitkort of Wr. Robert Berry, I 1; - 1. . - partment, to the Provincial and other Asse- tainment. I at night also, in thi Presh -vests - , .1 . being drai FRAMCAL TREATMENT OF ]INGLISK. . yterian church' on -Deptity'Reave of Bla-fiihard. 4 . �'_' - . - J&r wt� !. � . Wgin , I Z, raill at W, ciations. -Am oil-paintiDg "'Of 1% little child, from Monday and Tuesday evening. , 9. I h , -A stable, bola. - L �­ to Mr. John Bren- . W-illiam Houn'ton, M. A., Director of On motion of Mr. A. H. Mosgroie, see- the brush of Mies M. McConnell, of Toronto, cox is an eloquent speaker and a- be ­,nsia, of, D :llint-ca4hs burned � ranged to i . . A4161, .- . --fire *ad was Teachers' Institutes, discussed the sub a t ended by Mr. Doig, the meeting ad"ourned a former Winghamits, which was on vi �­­ -I soprano singer. She le V v - � ,a k : - ".. -,,_ I ; -1 - -The � 3 aw, ayes in. Blytk_-AM* id, -1. I I or *ght. .\ The three horses ] " �. 4 � I - , on Park � " Practiesil Treatment of En lish," doe, Ing to meet in Brussels at the call of the Execu- lately at an exhibition given by the vicinity &� strong gospel temper ce, *,an � _,.. � In the W I , I with reading and writing. Me first describ- tive Co*mmittee. . Women's Art Association, attracted ,rnuch ment. Every person pres , i?-ipg were rescued � ­ , � - W. J.4 CIO ed a child when entering school and consid. � out on 0 d ii __,�, P Alt - fbat the t-Cliar . contents wore ��� � J - U', � . - . down and' � � ­ bunding-w-as Ing ere that a great d � eal of time is attention and receivsA MaDy flattering I addresses. Somewhere in the Del' . orh6oif, .- I . w"ted � I � � . I--,' _. - ared. ­ � - I I un � der -rating a child's krlowleRe. by - ,,ti,es. Miss McConnell is considered one of three b undred persons -signed - 0 - - I . � , � , I % - , the,Llstowei High lug erectei He main- Seed Testing and Distribution of � . . . #�,W-r' - I I __ of Canada's best ­ t v. Abstinence pledge through her influence. 1, ou ffid � . rtutia to blacken tains that a �" �hild can express his or her : . portrait, pain er .. I - .­ I � -The, --The old frie'rids of Mr. Robert Martin, 111tilzi?8. -Miss Hamilton, Of � Sbiffa, ' of W , , - .1 . . Indian bought thl . , I U -0 �11VW, � . Inging - - .pres _ I � '­ - 9 I London fe ideas in wordir-before having received` any To T119 EDITOR oF Tax HuitoK ExpesrroR: formerly of the London road, near Clinton ent'visiting her brother and other friends al a. 11-3 -w h public school training but must be taught to - SiR,-Kno%ving that farmers generally will regret to learn of the death of his wife I in town. -Miss Bolton, wh" ' . - 1W, ­ - W"werful for his ;, S11000 per . !)rent ways. Mr. Hous. ) o has been in musclep co, got the best,of -, . express them in diF are much interested in the above subjects, which occurred at Crosswell, Michigan, on London during the past few months, is visit- him. ; -and � I , � beett give . I �� L , I - � General Ell ton uses the phonezie method entirely, and permit me to place before you;� readers the Tuesday, of last week. Deceased was very tnder the parental rqof,--�Xr. 'William -An Avronton correspondent writes *1 I _. t, - - . considers a teacher who does not use this following :_ highly estt,emed, by' all Ong, of Wingha I I -8. B.. �, who enjoyed her in, was in town on Monday. The cry of thi trul* Loy&J, 11-Cauada. far . method, a very inferior teacher. In teach- SEED TISTIN'G. acquaintance. She leaves a large family. -Miss Carter, of Brussels, is visiting friends he Canadians," d a B 11 ada. Paper ing a child to read he would always use t oe ot seem to- be ,the , . OL So We always The work of testing the- germinating -The fifty -acre plot of ground on the in town this week. -Messrs. Will �aud Al- sentiment of a considerable 'number of peo- .eating stol 1 sentences, not single word., powerofgrainand other agricultural seeds London road, Tuckeremith, just 'south of bert Herbeson, of Dakota, who hive spent pie in this locality, judging by ��&a exodus th*t he wi � I think in sentences. He would also begin is now in active progress at the Central Ex- Mr. Swinbank's residence, has been sold to' the winter A iting at the residence of Mr--� that is UirfoglDlace this spring to that great . sftt,r wsi* with ecript and would not ask a child'to perimental Farm in Ottawa. Up to the Mr. John Pickett, for the sum of .$2,500. McElroy, left or their home on Tuesday.- country to the touth- and West aff us from left,to his,i , t: . 5 1 . I I , I j , 2 � � � I .: � i � I I I � . . 2 - . . I ; � I . I . �1 , - 4, ` 1, I - I . �t , b", , � , , , . . , - � - - Im � I . I I � . . , I �y 0 1 1 C, .. - I tl I . f !: I , , , - - i , ,� - , , - , , , I , - , -1 ,� 'i, i I - � ; Z 1w P A9. i ye ghb th I � I - read print' until it be far .enough adva ; . 9 . � . few 5rearsi 9 need present over 1,600 samples have been tested It was owned by Mr, Joslin, of Virden, Miss 'Edith Youngi who has been visiting whose bourrie siCansidian seldow returns. Last . to read in the second part of the first book, and reported on this sea�pon, and o Manitoba. There are no buildings what. friends in Harriston and other places, - re- residing *' thus discarding the first part of the first whole Ing week Mr. -Andrew. Roo left - for Hoopool, ton , , I with very gratify' results, showing I ever on the place, and the price is regarded turned home last week. -On sio0ount of the Illinois ; ifiesen Annie and Lizeie, Thoin 1. �_._ .9 for -sc . I 11 . � . � I I z � - � I . - � . ! 7 1 � - � � I . 4 � I . . I : I � . . � . I . .; . i � '. . I 'i � ­ �... J, . V 't "I �., � _o_ . � � I - ITS., - � � I ' �.risenwhich may poesiblydi6memberthe � iiii _.t I , I . I - � , Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Em - . 1. . I I . �, . AW The figure between the parenthesis after each �ne , denotes the pager of the paper, on which the found. pirle is formeA of several different parts) .� stlyertisement. will be 1 ' kn formtrly independent. countries, speuking - I . -11, Millinery Opening—E. McFau - , i - Viflis: Piccadilly Shoe—R. V . I rb�16) different languages and having widely dif. - , , I L � I The Wall Paper� -Lumaden & Wilson. Newest Style of Hat—Jackson Bros. (5) forent characteristics. To hold these op - 1, . I . � , 1� Auction 84e—Cleorge S. Stewart. (6) I pos Ing elements together is the task that. I �j _; . I 1 i Plows—lh as Kellis. (8) . I Notice—W. L. Outmette. (6), I " "J . . constantly confronts the Premier or First I I I � S J ShinFles fo Sale—W. H. Whitely. (6) H. Barr. (6) Minister of -the country. At prevent ,the ' I � _` - � orks—R. . � Earr-s Ave � I en Ou —Hoff man & Company. (5) Z people of Bohemia are agitating for a par- ! 1 w rme�� W. H. Perrin. (5) Hoosier setd DrID—Noxon Bros. (8) . liament of - their own, with,'it is thought, � , � I i * Wotice to Hotelkeepers—i. P. Dopp. (5) the ultimate intention of separating them - . . , , i �_ , . Mandrake Blood Bitters 1. V. Fear. (5) Rainy Weather—Jackgon Brw. (1) I selves from the Empire. .If 4hey succeed � I ' ' _., �F 1. I � : , I Post Office Store—A crozier & Co. (5) in gaining their point, it is expected �,that 1, : : f - I I ! - . . Selling Out—A. G. Ault. (6) Auction Sale—Mrs. Gilchrist ' (5) � � ' other portions of the coubtry will fqilbw ­ i: . , � � F I The cheapest place—N."T. Ciuff. (9) For We�Killoran & Co. (8) suit. '� I - . I . - I . 1 Goods—A. Wessloh. (8) 1� , -_ Spring - I .— . . i , � Merchant Tailor—E, N%blo. (9) Loyal on the Surface Only. Ii Preparing—Duncan k Duncan. (8) , - HeUo—J...seph Morrow. (8) . The Ottawa correspond6nt of the Toronto I . .1 . . . I t Special Values—H. F. Edwards. (8) . House and Lot for Sale—L. Reinke. (6) �. Newi,, says.: "On the eve of, Sir Juhn I . ('. I Look Here—Joseph Morrow. (5) A Boon for the Farmem—Cook Broil. (a) Tbonipson's departure for Paris�, his follow- . I * __ Boy Wanted—Mul . lett & Jackson. (9) era reaffirmed ,their undying fealty to the _t i . . I � Another Noyelty—Mullett & Ja4c,kson. (8) Cantata Pract ca—Y. M. C. A. (8) - - U new Chieftain. Of course isll this talk about � . � , � � , � loyalty to Sir John ik very pretty, but no t- " [i . - * Ul .1,;W tht "brou (5spuStot �� . . man s!jin wander round these buildings with . his ears open without hearing mutteriags of discontent. Itie-not that any' great fault. I I " � . -.,— — is found with the manner in - which the 11�'., I � 'I . , - R . N t . __ SEA -FORTH. FRIDAY March 17th, 1803. Premier)steera* the ship of State but rather . - 2 . -Arsonally popular. He is a that he is-uot p, ; I i 11�1 frigid sort of individual, is thk! Premier of � � -1 ''' I i Mr. McCarthy's Motion. ours, with none of those loveable qualities . , . I . f . Mr. Dalton McCarthy is sticking to his I It -which the O�d Chieftain uted to have. � : i " � V.. guns, this time. Ha,moved his Free Trado 1 I tated that in his private deal- '.6 common X a his . I � 7 . resolution in the House on Tuesday' last, and . � ings with th-4 members of own party, Iffer from some of his views, he who way d - � - ., . I 9 supported it by a lengthy and exceedingly .1 . adopts a brow-beatirig style of ,argument, . - V . � ,� , �,_. � _ abletspeeeb, in which he showed up in fine - . I rather than �he rub -you -down -the-right-way � . . . ", - � � !_. , J, � ­ � 1 styler the manner. in which- the National ' - tone o f the �rue diplomat. Some of these ',fine 0ays �ir John will bil -found on'iho .. �� ,1 �2 1 Policy is fleecing the farmers find, machani.es, Supreme Court bench perhaps, but just at . t17 . � , for -the benefit of the pampered monopolists ,present no possible successor la in'sight. I : : I ! . . Suit combinesters. His motioii was second- __ . . 1 . Hodgina, the Conservative main- ,ad by Mr I � THF, St. Thomas Journal says,: . , .� rl! . � . - i I ' ; ber for the Conservative cons4ituenay of "' D'Alton McCarthy should not . have I � _, 4 I I ` Csrletolh. The Government put up Dr. ' ' made his amendment difficult for many Lib - . . � , 11. � - - i � , � - . Wontague, of Haldimand, to reply to Mi. , orals to support by inserting i4 it a state. , ment that the existing tariff is' 11 defensible . . -1 McCarthy, and the debate, up to latest so . only as a protective measure." There are � I � 'I - counts, was being continued.�- It is .,not � Liberals in the House who are convinced . � - I � I otion will be carried likely, however, the ro. - � that it in not defensible on any ground, and 'he .. � . . . . . . 4 I although there is a possibility that the Gov� -McCarthy, if seeks their assistance, �shaald not ask thern'to affirm anything of .. . I , - . ernment majorlity may be redaced. - 'the kind." 1- �, . II There is not much use in splitting hairs I I ,. Death of Lady Mo -*at. - about this business. The phraseology of the . - f t -- � Lady Mowat, wife of Sir Olioer Mowat, ' . resolution may not be perfect, but , the "ob- I. Premier of Ontario, died a few rhititites be- Ject sought is ,p',ain enough. The pe�ple -A i4 I 'fore midulabit Monday night. For AM " are not very particular about pbrases oriab- � I 4i . � � V IL - yeirs she sa. red a great deil from asthma Lae � . . stract principles. They know they are be - - f � i� ' and rheumatism, and had travelled all over ing injured by -'V-he grinding,tax which the, L i. . . � Eur e, besides attendiug San:lLtariums here, . op National Policy im' oses, and thpy desire re - W . ,". �� - in the hope of obtaining aome tellef, but , 11) lief from the burden. The policy bebt ad- � I - ,I I I- I i -k W�t.Aout success. Last Friday she W�&R stru. I I apted to relieve them from these - burdensis . 0 . - I domn with%paralyrtis, and Rince then little the policy which will hereafter recaive sup - I I . hope was "Pritert&ined for her r4covary, as L port, and the Liberals, one and all, will be . I I . - she had very IiWe strength. The family__ wite to pay heed to this feeling and govern - I L were in almost constant attendance until the . I L themselves accordiogly�. . . - I I rl. � - hour of her death. I . I __ - ,� - . . � . 1 Lady Mowa,t was 68 years of age', and I -ad THE Young, Liberals of 8tratf.oid had a �, . IN, I X -been married for 46 years, She was the . splendid meeting in that city on Monday 1: �� ­ . ( ,second daughter of the late John Ewart, of evening last. Excellent kddresses war ' e do - �i 11 w �! ". - . - , Toronto. She leaves a family of five. The i I'vered by Hen. L. H. Di.vis, of P rince Ed- ; ;L It I It . deceased was a member of St. James' square ward.Iffh%nd, and Mr. James Grieve, bl. P.9 . . I - ft - �r ; - -Prewh tarlan church in the work of Which I for North Perth. There were over one � I � JV I I . L � , I thousand persons present, many ..of .vfhom i I I � � she took a great intereet, having strong re- : - 1� � : - , : I . I � 'i - ligious views. Wha.t Lady Macdonald was were ladies. On the- whole, the meeting - ' . i�� I to Sir John Macdonald, Lady Mowat was to was. a very satisfactory on'e and will� be 1�1 - L . I A . � . . 1: I �k -1. . Ontario's Premier, who placed-, great confi- productive -of good results. - I r, . T . :� I - I r I . - ­ - I I . 'i I -L . .. de�Ace in her judgment on ma I Important . . . ny . t - � ? .1 t . . , . THE - DOMINION CAPITAL. . . I �� matters of public concern. The loss of his I . - � � " . : ; I'll � - - - - 1-1 r. wife after such a long. term of domestic "hap- � � - . * I . �, - 14 L " I ,; . �9' piness must be a severe blow : to Sir Oliver - (By Our�.SpeciLl Correspondent.') I Z� . � I � � .1 OrrAWA. March 13th, 1893. -1 ' ' ' ­ ;Y. ;� . Mowat, whose friends deeifi sympathize The big deb I ;h him in his bereavement. ' - � wit, 4e on the Manitoba School I L I question was foully brought to a close on I 1-1 .1 I � - Thursday nioriing at 6 o'clock after an all : ,-� In Other Parts of the World. � L I , I _' 4 , The Home Rula Bill, which Mr. Gladstone night sitting oi the House. It opened on I I . � 1� Monda, by Mr,,Tarte moving the following ! L Ii. I introduced into the British House of Com- . .y I L I L . ,� e weeks ago, seems. to be meeting resolution : � . ._,� Mons Soto I � ,� �; with perEistent and rtul tesistan 11 That this House desire's to express' its L - I e. . � �, I . . -action of the Government . . . �' _:w and d,ioapproLV&l of the . I . � The Orangemen of t ; - Irel 0 in . dealing with the Manitoba School queq. : . " �, I I ., are up in Arms sgains� it, and it is reported tion and in,asatiming to be possessed of, I - . . � � . I. " � " . I ti . . I � that they endea-vored recen, y to import a judicial functions conflicting with their duty . � i �T . I � - �, lairge,number of Martini Rifles from England, me constitutional advisers of the Crown, � I I . &ISUMption is Wholl L . p ,:f i- . which y unknown toAhe L i I � L � with a view to resisting by force of arms I . i , law, and if now acquiesced'in, would be vu. , I " , . 1. . ! - should the bill become law. In England tirely subversive of the principle of minis- , i I . - , I ' I � L _ the. Conservative. party is endeavoring terial responsibility." . I- . L . . . The Prime Minister speedily yose to his e - strenuously to heal the breaches in its ranks feet to defend h policy, 'r a lack- of pol 'k * ' ': . 0 C P � . I and has succeeded in a re in do- which ever way you look at it with rag I r I d � . - , . - I � I ing no. In fact on the Isat division on the to which he, more thin any other M a . I - I 1 a r - L I bill iii, the House, Mr. Gladstone's majority of,the Government his hal to do. A r. . :. was considerably below thirty. The Prim- McCarthy afterwards construed the Prim'- , i 6 L � ier's speech, it squinted in the direction of . '� , I , re"L League, a sort of Ladies' Auxiliary to remedial legislation, but Sir John Thompson - � the Conservative party, is also throwing merely said that the Government intended . . � lr . I to take th opinion of the Supreme Court an I I - against a I I the whole weight of its influence � . L I . . t L_t,Me to whether they had certain powers or not �; . the bill. Thus in a very shor . the fu- before they attempted to exercise them. I I : ' : ture of the Home Ruler Bill, from locking Mr. Tarte had made ,an important disclos- , - I L - . ` . I particularly bright,has become considerably ure, by reading a letter dated August 28th, I P I I I I - - clouded and whether or not the " Grand 1892, from Arch,biehop Tache in which Ais . . . Grace stated that Sir John Thompson h4d � � , Old Man " will be able to realize the ambi- _ i I . pledged himself officially to remedial I L . I egi - � ! - - . tion of his life, is hard to ba,y. , lation and that others had done so privat - . . t . I � Judge Walter Q. Gresham, Mr. Cleve- IY- Mr. Tarte stated that the priva a' , , , - - , 6 1 1 1 pledge was given by- Mr. Chapleau 'in I , � 0 - ,a . - land's Secretary of State, has promised t I I ' interview he. had with the Arohbish * 't L op ,� - IL look into the Hawaiian matter, as presented Montresl just before the I not ; . I . . I I - eners electio Chsple&u � � . , by the Commission sent over to the United and that Mr. haf been authorized � . .. I .. I . I � by the Government to make terms with th1e , � � I States by the Revolutionists, but. he has , I . L . 1, I Archbishop. Sir John Thompson declarea . I also promised to glye the other side a bear-, I I 1. . I . in, so tha that there was not a fragment of foundation . t the .chances are �o hak-ty or un. �- 1 93 P for the statement and denied that Arch- - . . I I I : . wisesteps will be taken by the United bishop Taehe had been deceived.. Sir John 4D L . . States Government looking towards the ex- did' not claim that the Cabinet had acted in. . I I - a judicial capacity as thaf was popularly 't, I tension of its territory by the absorption of - � �. . . understood, but he contended that they did , I I - I I the Sandwich Islands. It 's always well to not act in a party sense nor even in the I ' 7 . . - take the utterances of the American Press sense of what is best for the country but L � I with a good deal of salb. merely as an appellate body -endeavour- L � . I , - i �, I : . . I � . Since Brazil dethroned its Emperor, Dom iri&: to ascertain the rights of the miaorily, � I . as they are required to do under the British � . . Pedro, and became a Republic, it has been North America Act. He disclaimed any . . . t . � I . . . in a continual state of ferment. i The impor. intent to evadb ministerial sibility. � - . The Premier spoke for two � � tant and wealthy Province of Rio ,Grande =ut made - I � - do Sal, which has before rebelled and ap- the weakest speech that he has made since , ; ' . he entered Parliament, evidently laboring � ' . I I I - . parently been repressed, is again in the fall under the hardship of feeling that the ma- , It is - impossible to jority of his followers did not endorse the I I swing of a revolution, I - I I find out what is the real trouble, or whether eourse" of the Government. ., - I - . I - Mr. Dalton McCarthy made a very effac. I e the Province or the Government of the Re- tive speech to a crowded House, full gallar. - , : I - � public is in the right, for the Government � . lee and most attentive listeners. He ridi- - � - -1 I keeps a sharp eye on the despatches and al. culed the idea of the Dominion Government l lows nothing unfavorable to Itself 'to go out stirring up an appeal to the Courti I against I - the constitutionality of the Manitob' School . I I of the country. Howeveri in the end, the . A . �. I '� - Act and paying all the expenses of carrying �� . - I general government is almost certain to be ' that appeal to the Imperial Privy Council �� ,." , successful. The heat of the climata they and then Assuming to act as Judges in a . , live ir. seems to have got into the. blood of matter they have previously taken iLrt` in I � C_ I . the South American poople, and what the as plaintiffs. Th i 6 Government admitted 1, . they had promoted 'and paid for the came �- future has in store for them forms a, taken . to the Courts by the Roman Catholics " I I field for the exercising of the moat 07id of Manitoba., VVhyj he demanded, were � - , , ' : ., ..�. ., bnag-inations, What the �oli-�tie&l IL[nes* of they asked to refer this matter to 'the Su - L l I I . � . preme Court if the Gov not � the Continent will be tan years from now is going to interfere? If they were going j to f -as hard to guess as the secret of the Sphinx. interfere, why not say go frankly at once. . I � . France, by Imprisoning t,he men who were, He asked the House not to forget that the I � ' � solle aim of the appeal promoted b� the Do- . L on trial for corruption in —connection with . 1. . I , . the Panama Canal, -does not eeem to have minion Government was to destroy the �" I public school system of Manitoba. In order I � . reached the end of her troubles on the h4�kd to prove that the Ministers had attempted , of that. matter. It is now discovered that to palm off*a judicial attitude and Make be- , , - ,� . - � many of the Deputies or members of the lieve that the Privy Council was a Court of , Justice be 4uoted the speeches of two Cabi-, , . I House of Representatives have been mixed net Ministers when they went before the I- I f up with it, and the inveatigation siill goes electors U4 year, and told them that they ��I I - . On. could not declare the policy of the Govern- . ,. . . L ment iO this matter because they were act- � Austro-Hungary has been struck by the ingasfudge.u. He supported the reaolntion �' " I , , . � - . the home rule wave, and an agitation has � fully, ­belbe'viDg that it was justifiable - I . - : � � I . . . . . I � . . . - .. . . 11 - , - I - . . � . 11 . . � ­ , I . I � � A � . � _� � , . . I - . , - . - � I _A�' ,5L - I . I i . . ; I I prr— Z. -, � , ___ - ­ I . I I I - . . , __ . . . , I I . 1. . . . - � � � � I . . 9, � . � . - . . . ­ - . � - � . I � . . , � 11 I . . . � I . , - - � � , . . - � - �_ . . I -.- � - ­ I . ­ I ­­ I—- -11 �­­­__�_____ �F_ M.