HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-03-10, Page 3.. I , - ' • - . . i , - . - = i . I - . ' , f . Altcl� 10, 18J3 a-4` F H U -sit;` ,� ra SIT . . r __ _ ._ — __ _– _.__._-_–._____�.�___ - ion er neoanse, alter the oven isoheated {,— 10000 people who were barn is the country, K Kanawha and is a feeder for the Baltimore Valuable faun for Sale The Huron Expositor, wherever you ma now live and that is the ' LO 300 degrees or more as required, ' r gird Ohio railway at Cairo from the lumber majority of you. You cannot hear rn text current may be cut off and the process of , Y eookint will continue until the roast ' distria�s. It is owned mryr r lv by the girl's i Lot 31, Concession 2, C`•oderieh Township, situated aEAFOR i''rH=, without having all the rustic soeras of the "done. father, a man of v e dth, H,r culling ,rose 00ps,yet rod,four miles from Bayfield and eigirc i old farmliottse collie hack I,6 you, Good not seem to rnahe ttrr unNuu;anl}. Site' is %3 ` rn{lee from G6derich, 'comprising b0 acres, of whAft- icia — old dalt-8 they were. You knew, nothing IN �ii.� I - .:t -l0 sores are ood hardwoo,l bush.: Soil, clay lea+n. It is not safe to turn electric heal- t ` frame use with ten rooms, on stone founds• lViC:I�b]Aly BRO,�i , much c,t Cho wori.l, foci ing down. UIYe iG a d francs b all moans, ie popular sociul!y ra n�1 i� a mndei 1r r+ e- CoTre , Publish43r4. yo►r had not seen y keeper. I the wot'id, , sad in spite of the •numerous losses with ,� 0 ' I tion.; else E'�d hank barn. On the prenriec9 ars two charged it inav after all )rove ��-"� ��``.�+ acres young, bearing orchard, also a good creek and , 13 ' law of association you canner, recall which it is char + 1 � p At t h ; k�o ill s Fair. C11Ymate for Consumption. tion. �,tV �T never -failing well. Apply to the brawling hen Crud her chickens without a good domeatie ha ndmaiden-.(electrical , DANIEL J<NAFTEL,Goderich-P.O. ADYE TI I�tC A '� ageing Also the barn and ha tridw and Review. Climate is an imp,r•t.,r,r, matter •a the ' treatment of consumption, Moist, irritating t bfarch 1st, 1893. 131, tite wii0n shed and the house and the t' lady _°` -` Contract advertisements, matter changeable at room where you played, and the fireside How a Toad Does Him Insarketlne. air, dust, sudden changes of .temperature, in (CHASE & SANBORN have been awarded ,the sr{,, aid _ �.ZJG'r1'()1�T SA�,,Z',_ will. rka rxcu with thb big 1)aaklog before which ou sat short, all the conditions which predispose Y , ' Toads are not attractive animal3, but ac- persons to this dirsease are also to be dreaded. mammoth contract for supplying all the. Ci0�e8 1 Year 0 mos. 3 moa• and the neighbors, and the burial, and the as roinotiv its contiuuar,ce, 1{rn,oval � - D, BRAUND, EXETER, 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 ;$2 cio $1 50 wedding,and the deo snowbanks, and I cording to a correspondent of Forest and p g - i � , n°ho is giving up teaming has decided to sell by Pub 6 to 10 . 'I 5 00 ' 2 75 1 65 P $treatu they are more intelligent than most from such couriid,.n. t) a place where the air served inside the Worlds Fair Grounds, as alnst 'the - s to 5 5 60 s Op 1 7g hear thviltage bell that called you to wor- tcAuction, on 1, r, persons Have given them credit for being. • is dry, pure, equuble free from wiad and r to 2 6 00 3 26 1 85 shilp, and seeing the horses which, after I'My< garden," he says, "was the resort of competition of the largest importing houses in ,the FRIDAY MARCH 10TH 1Sfi3 dull„ -this sometimes acts like ma ic. The If the advortiser elects to change not oftener than pulling Vou to church, stood around the old i l? l many toads, and we had become well ae- progress of the malady ie:etayrd, even if the country, Ai one p. pt- two horses, and with them a large onto per month, a rsduotion of 80 per cont. will be clapl)ourd meeting house, and those who l sainted with each other, although anent is not radically cured. rrumbcr of carts, wagons and buggies. The following mad© on the above quoted prices. sat at either end of the church pew, and in- q ' bh I p y k 4 is a list : 1 four year old mare, heavy; 1 eight year Rates for special position can be obtained on appli• c thought them rather a stupid lot, Is was But except at certain sea6ons of the year - old gelding, heavy; 1 four year old gelding, heavy ; cation at this office. deed all the scenes o. your first 14 years, c c comical, however, when I accidentally din- places where such eond'¢tiolae prevail are This -tribute t0 the EXCELLENCE Of the sLAl t four year old gelding, light; 9 road carte, 3 second Business or professional cards, not exo edin three and you think of wheat you were then and g Curbed one among the leaves or laauled him not easy to find, and furthermore are seldom >> road carts, 5 new buggies with tops, 4 set bobeleiFhs, quarters of an inch, $4 tc $6 per year, of what you are now, and all these thoughts BRAND proves that l G 1S the BL�;3T COFFEE GI30WN• four -seated pleasure sleigh, l three•seatod carriage Advertisements'of Strayed, Loaf Found, etc. not out of the soft earth, where he was testing, easy of access, The change may involve 3 , are aroused by the eight o£ the old hencoop. to see the little fellow puff' Himself out to the invalid's removal to long dietance,with with top,: 2woad-racks, 1 hay -rack, 2 second hand exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent -+ � w one, one nearly now ; 1 straw cutter, 1 twelve month 5oc. Some of. you had better go back and start po , g ag again. the point of bursting, and roll up the whites inevitable exposure to Harm by the way, lierss wer c ne and boiler 2 li ht w one 2 met Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, g of his eyes at me with an expression of and on that account alone a change of alim- �. __ _`_ _ _ ___ _ ___�_ ______ _ _ double harness, one nearly new, and a quantity of not exceeding 11 inches, one month $1.50, each mub• In thought return to that place and hear a3leepy reproach, ate may be impracticable,: other articles. sequent month 76c. the cluck and see the outspread feathers a' __ - _ __ TLt�11S.-Seven per ceui. orf for cash or seven Advertisements on local page, ten cents per Fine I . One evening I observed one of my toads Before sending from Home a person ill months on approved joint notes. Ten dollars and each insertion, with a discount of 25 per cent. to and come trader the win+v and make the' �� L E ' F coming toward me along the path, He delicate health, no matter what the disease, under, cash, parties who also have regular contract sp►ee. Lord your portiou and' ;shelter and. warmth, was, as usual, deliberate in his movements. friends should take careful account of the 13I6 �- , D. BRAUND, Exeter, Ont. Local advertisements under township or village preparing for everythiiafy that ma come A ha a lop wait REMEDIEQ- � a heading, 6a per line each insertion. : a y , P, g and then soother question how many of " the imforta of per and so avoid bein° classed among those hop. As he came near my seat, he eyed me home the patient is likely to miss in Hie Transiont advertisements, ten cents r line or o , . Knburn Cheese Factory. ftrst insertion, three cents per line each subsequent described by the closing words of my text, solemnly fora while, thea ho ped between new quarters. If he is liable to be poorly insertion, nonpareil measure. as a hen <�atiiereth her chicceua under her p The milk rouses otthe shove factory will be let at Advertiseri:ento without specific! directions will' be a „ , my feet, and disappeared under the chair. looked after, to become bomesicr� or in as Forandle wings tinctye would not. Ib that throws ' ► y 00�DSG Ninburn, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th, at one inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. a + {, , On turning around a few minutes later I way made unhappy, he will probably be o'clock p- m. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted gratis. the responsibility upon us '4. a would , ng. g g ,� r„ , saw him on the gravelled walk leading better off to remain where he ir.y There lie 1316 GEORGE BTEPiIENSON, President. This ExeosiTOizgoes into 4,300 homes every -week not. Alas, for the Would note If the to the front of the house. Without will beat leant sure of'good nursing, properLUMSDEN which means, on a -conservative estimate, that it ln`,% wandering broods of the farm heed not any object I rose and strolled after him. food and cheerful surroundings. 20,000 readers every week. It is the beat advertising their mother's call and risk the hawk and - * & - WILSON'S Medium in Western Ontario. The toad paid no attention to - me But if he is to stay at home, let every • Barr's' Dye Works, dare the freshet and expose themselves to I came up with him. Suddenly care be taken to make the house or that ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR; sure safe and I / � t 3 Q, _ _ the first frost and storm, surely their ctdma• he- made a leap toward the edge of the part of it which he occupies, conform as ' speedy ' no „•:_-- SEA lr oRTH. ties are got their mother s fault. I e pnth and vanished from si ht. I knew nearly as possible in cleanliness, airiness, other remedy egrlale it. LM PORTANT NOTICES. . would not !" God would, but, how many he had not reached the grass border, evenness of temperature, to the ideal out- All kinds of Woollen and Cotton OUSEKEEPER WANTED. -Wanted, a middle w �uVlhe of < and I was puzzled vt his strange disap• - of -door climate to which it is found im- H aged woman, accustomed to the car* of child- n a good man asked a young woman pearance. I took a step forward and stoo' raoticabla A Tonic,, and Blood Maker'. p p to send him. it is one of thb �ar111ents cleaned, dyed and pressed. r il, an housekeeper. Apply to THOMAS MELLIS, who had abandoned her home and who was ed over the spot where he had lauded. jp rincipal duties of a h physician to instruct ' ' f F Y Dr. Clark"8 improved Iron Pills is a perfect €pct Coni enrichin the blo�l K " 1312-tf de Lorin her wretahedne9a wh she did not Tlie mystery was solved, although I could prin lip how ie do t5js. P p r 8 s 1kliYed goods a specialty, and we�hope pFe • P B 3 clearing the skin, making the weak stloYig---the best #orltn for administering ltv strict attention to business and return, the reply was: "I dare not go home. scarce believe what I plainly saw. The It Is encouraging to be assured MONEY TO LEND.—A large amount of money My father is so provoked he would not re- toad was there but the fat chifnk body g B r as we are, first-class work to merit our patron- has been Placed in my hands by private par- n , Y y that with sufficient care not only may a iron known to the medical profession, and much cheaper than others. ft Y P ties to lend on real estate at 51- per cent. interebt, c, ive me home. >~hen, said the Chris- seemed literally pasted the wa lc, and consumptive be made comfortable at home, t' hie• _ payable yearly. Apply to J. M BI:BT, Barrister, tian man, "I will teat this," and so he wrote was scarcely discernible from it. It looked but the eonditiono for his recover may be /j' '�i g,, �'�j(]� ! Orders taken'fOr cleaning and dieing' Seaforth. 1311 to the father, and the reply cams back and as if he might have her<n run over b a Y Y LUSD s • e (Xi Y Y.�i 1�oN s Y kept as favorable there as he could hope to Furs, Feathers, Silks, Sating, Kid in a letter marked outside "Immediate," cart wheel, so perfectly flattened was the find them at many health resorts, ;_ nURHAM BULLS FOR SALE.—For sale, five ,and inside saying, "Let her come at once ; body, As I looked, there was a light- &c. jJ young Durhain Bulls, 'ed and roan, alt eligible g P+tients in the advanced stages of the N all is forgiven. So Gods invitation for pin change. Like a flash m toad threw disease are always best offs ��r"d�Ck anahraIe B' L- for registration, on Lot 21, L. R. s., Taakoramith, „ b 8 • Y t home. t*et''s - ,S, , Rep�iring done at reasonable rates. one and a hal! Hailes south of - Bruce6eld. JAME9 you is marked Trnmediate� on Cho outside, himself at the grass border, I thought Y T_ .> PATER80N, Brncofleld P< O. 1311 tf and inside it is�� written lie will shun• I saw a dartin tongue, and then he A ehea and effeetuahBlood Purifier and D Dye Works first door NORTH of _ _ __ _._. _ ..,_._.n--__-___—__ We have had a y dant( ardon.g Sweet Ir®land. P fie bare. leisurely loped back to the walk -- the y P HOUSE FOR BALE IN SEAFORTH.—For Bale x P saerho great maII people sa within the Inst few months that this raisin le rebs_ has P. D� �'ileOn's Egg Emporium. Oh, ye wanderers from God and ha i• same rotund stn td lool:in follow I knew A lady in need of a servant eageged a $ y P P y. p f a small trains House and two Lots; on Railway Pp + P 8 „ „ Street west. There is a good cellar undpQr the hoaee nese and home and heaven, come under the so well. new arrival named Mary Hoolihau• As done thehi more good than all the expensive ones they had hitherto tried, 139 R. t"I. BARB. and a good well. Tarsus to cult purchaders. Ap i sheltering wing ! Under this call I see you "Again, and again was that marvelous her Warne indicated, she pas from Ireland, These medicines are all for' sale, wholesale and retail, by on the premises, Lot No. 12, Railway street. turnip from our old w a to the new wa , and a more homesick . in never left that Mire A. WORTH. f 13Ti ►f g Y Y Y flattening process repeated, as he caught g a a yy un�• 2 TAXATION. the living way, the gospel way, A vessel sight of objects to me utterly invisible. dear old country. ri� Q�%t �+ ('� �t+� V that EXEMPTION I:ON I`ROM I nXA 1 IO�• ULLS'AND OATS.—For Sale 7 Scotch Short Horn in the Bristol channel was nearing the Again and again he Bunched himself into There, was no returning,, however, until Lumsden & Wilson, ilhemists a�d Druggists she had earned the mons for herpassage, t& The Municipal corporation of rise Town of geatorih Bull Calves, fit for service. Also 300 bushels o[ rocks called the "Steep Holmes," Under an arrow into the air or at a tuft of ryrass y - ;Eprepared to exempt from taxation for a period of Black Tartarian Oats, gown for seed, imparted in the tempest the vessel was unmanageable, and I do not believothat he once missed his and her friends were sure that by that time �! 7 fen years any manufacturing establisbment which 1882. Prices right. Come and see them. DAVID she would lilt America well eaou h to [cs- �j=-e � � ��.- illiocato in the town and give employment to not MILNE, Ethel P, 0. 13Q9 and the only hope was that the tide would prey. Instead of befog a logey,slow moving g solei gg p y _ chane before she struck the rocks and animal he was ascunning as a cat and twice main here. _ y sstlsan twenty hands. Sisid establishment to be of g She same eRrl in• the s ern and one digerent kind from any now in town. �ULLS FOR SALE.—For sale two thoroughbrod went down, and so the captain stood on the as active. Every summer my garden if fill- Y P - g, • 1•'.l3 W14f. ELI.TOTT, Clerk. Durham Bull ^ahem, both eligible for regibtra• deck, watch ill hand; Captain and --crew ed with toads. I treat them with profound day si neip;hbor sent her mistress a grant It yVl�l y IiTQtli tion. They are 13 and 14 months old and red rotor. and passengers were pallid with terror. respect." l:aneh of lilacs. p : J t , Apply on Lot Sl, Concession 4, H. R. s., Tucker- Taking another look at his watch and an- The flowers were talion into the kitchen to Ti-iE Ffi1RMERS smith, or address, Seaforth P. O. JAMES BROAD- - �� best I less -should other look at the sea he shouted : "Thank be arranged in vanes and the moment MarV. FOOT. 1310tt g y God, we are spved ! The tide has turned! Woxrii Rr;rr _xmi tixm -There is'nor. in saw them she threw her apron over her * • _ n n g _ House',, one minute more and we would have struck a clock than appears on tr,e face of it. head and wept load( mud bitter( ss�� { OHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second -Division P y $ y in the end. -Sal l�f� ���. 'Court, Countv Commissioner, of Fluron, Con the rocks." " Why, Mary," said her surprised mi9- - - voyaneer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds OSCAR WILDE'S EPIGRAMS. trees, " what is the matter ?" i+ - e r-�-�d����_ Some of you have been a long while drift- Cie r, Ener etic - Young filen ani omen - -- Invested and in Loan. 0orth. Over Sharp da " Oh, dear, ma'am ! Oh dear, oh dear !" (la connoctisla with h the Bank of Montreal.) Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. ( 1?89 ing in the tempest of Sia and Borrow and --- — I have been making fae,the breakers, Thank , " What is the matter ?" L ®GAN A C Q.r = BARGA'iN.—A 'Steam Saw, Shinir}e and Lath God, the tide has tur"ed ! DO you riot feel Lady Wincic rnsere m I"an Abounds in s � ? Y q ` �, ong, ype• g, A • The matther, ma ani . Ye may well Who intend to quality for poeitione is Soot-koe Shorthand and T writin shiould write for r r sliFll for sale, situated in the village of Gorrte, the lift of the bill°? The brace of God Thins That cit sourrrl Well eek, for it's heart -broken Oi am wid the Catalogue of both d®partsaente et #,� hF,RS AND FINANCIAL AGENT township at Howick, county of ITuron. Capacity of that bringeth salvation has appeared to Oscan Wilde has bombarded London so- shinell av thim flowers, for O ma'am, tell av - mill 10,000 feet par day, shingle caill cap, city 15,000, your soul, and, in the words of Boal to ciety in his play "Lady Windermere's ould Oirland sbinelle like that ! Oh dear, R1JIy1OVEL There is an abundant supply of timber in the adjacent country. All the machinery is in first° (class -order. Ruth, I commend you to "the. Lord tied of Fan" in a way that must com fore his oh dear !" To the Commercial HoWI Building, Main Street t r ske tidal dew York audiences that he is a SHE For terms apply to a A ME9 MARTIN Gorrie< 1314.4 Israel under whose wingsthou has come P J A (}onerat Banldn$ Btiemese done, drr►ris imeue and + oaekaed. Interest allowed on deposits, -- -- -- - to trust." not the arrant idiot that a goodly portion Smile Provb'ser. �li�i TO LEND 300 Private funds t0 loan at lowest of popular opinion whould hi'n to be. At The fine face of Professor — is as �yG�l// least this peculiar esthete who lunched on well-known in New Orleans as is his L bit On zood notes or mortgagea. 500 rates of interest at suras to suit t �„ KITCHEN 'ELECTRICIT the contemplation of a lily, has shown of wearing his hair flowie on his shoul- ROBERT LOGAlr, MArA(;EP 700 borrowers. Loans Cala be com- himself to be an adroit general in the way g $ . 1068 _ $1,000 plated and, money .advanced he has trained his guns of satrical epigram dere. A few days ago ailittle newsboy with a dirty face got into a car in which he sat. --� _ -� $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. 1S A NEW EIRA DAWNING FOR THE upon the foibles which he sees about hint. �r gore," called the professor, "take this n Q A 7 2 500 S.HAYS Barrister &e. Seaforth, HOUSEKEEPER. Those who have come within the range of dime and buy a cake of son and wash our �Of CHATHAM, Ont EstabUnhed 1876 HAND IV�ADE �-'t � . > his shots will perhaps be converted to the „ Y P Y • I . i 125 face. The:-neweboy dug into his . ocket This institution is the peer of any Business College or Shorthand 8citoo: in America, and: vastly superior Q } (,� belief that Gilbert and Sullivan did not p to ao other school of the kind iD Canada. ` U�� Ls . C� r.� s 1 �'�5 a>zd extracted twenty-five cents, "I'll go - 9 L� I SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -Tire under A Survey of What Has Been Practically know wherrof they sang they fashion you oCe b.tLr he'answered extending A ed their Bunthrohe in Patience after his Y „ ' , ' g THESE ARE THE ADVAhITAGES 31A/E OFFER,. I signed otters for sale cheap, and on easy terms As complfahed Thus Irar—The ]Relative the lees, there iti a uarter, go and et mold.. P q ► g The two -beat Penaien in Cmada ; the beet and largest stall of teachers ; the beet course in Shorthand i,A his ;property in hills Green. it condista of one your hair cut." It ie;' needless to say that and Type -writing ; the best ooarse°of business training; the best shite of reoaes ; the been equipments In IIVI e I N T Y R E quarter acre of land, on which is situated a good Cost of Electricity for Cooking and the The play as it was produced in Beaton ever respect; •the beet record far Lada its in the hest to nes in lire busiraem. world. Fair general store with dwelling attached and under and as it is now iven '&t Palmer's,verybody in the oar1vanted the paper after Y aP , P g paying F )n hand a lame number of Bootsand Shoes of hie g which ie a splendid cellar. There is also a large ware- More Involved Methods of the Prasent ' ' the lau h had eubsid_'ed, OUR COLLEGE ROOMS OCCUPY OVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE, own make, bast material and hause and stable. Hills Green is the centre of one iia New York, has proved enough of g a success to insure its production When little Reginald was taken to; see the we pay the railway fare of students coming fraw a distanoe to tke limit of $8. good i►oard in pleasant Warranted' t0 ve Satisfacttion• of the richest and beet farming districts is Ontario, Time, animals in Central Park he saw a stork for , $w' 60. For catalogues of either department, address and this is a s lendid o homes for adios sa ;gents !; per , r p peeing for a good, live brei- in other prominent cities, and its the first time if roll want your deet ieyt dry come .nd got a pair o. neem man with some ineaus to make onoy. For Electric cooking is now coming into a a pearance in Chicago may be anticipated. r sad eaolaimed to hi9 nurse, 1301-17 � D. MciLACHLAN . Principal. oar boots, w will De=sold artioulara, address CHARLES TRO; Eft, Hills p " Oh Julia uet see the Dose on stilts !" commercial stage. We must, of course, in The story is fair( well known. Briefly, ' ' B green. I 126itt Y Y y' Mr. Honeymoon -Did you sew that but -- _ - L11 S1. y CHEAP FOR" CASH. electric heating, allow for all the waste in there is a wealthy husband whose mother- y y ' Re promptly attended to. All kinds of Boots , converting the coal at the central station in-law is as adventuress ; his wife thinks ton on that cost, darling? Mre. Honey- : 1.IiEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. moon -No sweetheart I couldn't fired the � � T TV urr 9 Me to order. All partiea who have not into ,heat and the heat into steam and the her mother dead. The husband tries to reA, 0 - paid their aceounto for last year will please call and steam into current, and the incidental heat habilitate the adventuress without his button, but I sewed up the button hole. Is settle up. ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For sale or to , that all right ? 1!'62 D. MaINTYRE, Seaforth, losses of line transmission. But let as su rent, a good one hundred aces term on the 4th P wife's knowledge and of course gets himself B concession of Tuckeremith, within three mites of pose we are waiting for a simple breakfast, into trouble. The adventuress finally does Wife No. 1-I had a quarrel with my - "H -Seaforth. Apply to MRS. E. ROSS, Egmondviale P. and score down the. items rolled up on our a good deed by saving her daughter from husband to -day, and when we became —AT, 0, _ __.__ _-_�, 1314x4 accounts current by Chloe; in. the lcitahen, the consequences of a rash act committed friends again I was so glad that, in memory °A•oRT� while she is converting the raw materiel of while in a wild state of indi nation over of our reconciliation, I actually and f (j10WN PROPEFsT7 FOR SALE.—Foreala in Sea• gUL�,TTc �".AC�sohi s 1 the harsh®r and grocer into a manufactured the husband's attentions to her own mother (anted a tree in our garden. Wif® No. 2 - forth, the residence at present occupied by Mr. gr , • P. Keating, Goderich Street L.aat. The house con- product that will meet the 'approbation of in whom site suspects a rival. The plot is That's a gool plan, and if I bad only adopt- Musical C . Instrument tains, eight roome, with a good atone cellar and our palates. so improbable that little of the value of the ed' it some time ago I'd have a 1�►rge 1There are two lots, and aostab1oft e20x34tha❑d fa nice First let us suppose she is operating the play Lisa in this direction. There is, how- shrubbery. DURING THE NEXT lawn with a waterworks hydrant. f 1316.4 coal range. Item: One bundle of kindling ever, a wealth of epigram such as no other The famous Artemas Ward and a friend t �o_�'�� to start her fire, 2 cents ; item; one half of play of the day can equal. Sifted to their once jointly occupied a bedchamber in a little county hostelry. During the night - ZiARM IN HURON FOR SALE ORO RENT.- daily coal outgo (one tea per month), IO true meaning these flings at modern Y Y• g g-YO"S - 30 r Beina the north half of Lot 9, Concession 5, cents ;total, 12 cents. Let as theist out humanity, with the fashionables of Lon- the friend was awakened, and was surprised Scott Brothers Morris, 48 acres in a good state of cultivation, 2}� 'of view for the present why she uses so don as an example may not mean a great -to find Artemse working at the one window 30 :D ' . I miles east of Belgrave and 6 from Brussels. The ' fern will be sold or rooted on reasoeable terns, ss much coal, remetnb.ring only the cardinal deal. They wound well, how.ver when is the teem. On enquiring as > o what w's the proprietor is giving up farming. ! For further and imperious flet that she gets away with delivered across the footlights, Q they going on, he was informed that Artemas had -ice. , � Q R I ETO RS ` particulars apply on the premises or address, Bel- one ton of coal in one month . to operate have a penetrating look when reduced to discovered a broken window pane into which Stoves w r: grave P. O. A. HASLAM. 1314x8 her range, for which our good cash falls type. A liew of the best of them are the an old crinoline- the onlythiagavailable--had In Cook of every d�escrlptlon. �j i AFORTg_ ' - ONTARIO. with a cold, dull. plunk ' into the pockets following : been thruat� " What's the use of putting � ' iF % SPLENDID WOOD LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, of the coal barons, Now let us -use electric that into a broken window ?" queried the Also p either %? Lot 24, Concession 6, Ti, R. 8., Tuokeremith, Life is tar too important a thing ever to talk seri• q Alk? i J �V ater� for Vlhel Coal or eentaining 60 acres, of which about P acres are utensils for the sam'e:work. We are having ously about it. friend. " Well," said Artemas, in his own MAW)& Dunham, New York ; W. cleared and the balance flret class hardwood, unroll- choke, reit boiled eggs griddle cakes and Men become old, but they never becon,v good. inimitable drawling way, " It'll keep the �7' 15s1i Ca,, Gaelph ; Dominion Piano Cirm• ed. It is convenient to market and there is wood coffee -a aitnple, wholesome and fr 1 diet coarsest of the sold out, 4ayhow !" vY cod. 11 1=1f pany, wmanwille. enough on i1 to pay for it. Will bb sold ort easy As soon as people aro old enough to know better ' terms. Apply on lot 24, Concession 4, H. R. S., or if Chloe can cut down the heat tariff. We they don't know any at all, Papa -Well, Tommy, how did yon like , ORGANS. -W. Bell & Co., Guelph ; address Seaforth P< O, JOHN LAIv-D8130ROUQH. will Brat Beat two quaets of wale►, which rood people do a great deaf of harm in this world it ?' Tommy—(first tine at church) Very Dominion Organ Company, 13owmanv lie; 130741 , • will mix matters for the coffee and the eggs, They maks badness of such importanoe. mueb, papa, only everybody keeped quiet D, W. Karn �' Co,, Woodstock, item : 4 am res at 110 Volta, ten minUUM, So many people prettind•to be good that it is sweat an' one-man talked a long time till at last _ _ _ - T,1OR SALE•—A neat and attractive country home• 1 1-3 Cents. rtem Cho s 7 am res at 11 ' and modest to pretend to be bad. + + Tj! p , Fe f1 we all got up a ei d to ke himgniet.�m� JACK§0 The abort/ TDsirnmeats alwats on Kano, alga a few stead, b®Fag part of lot 1 coaaeseioD 7, in the Women like to find tis irretrievab bad and leave tULL 1 Seaforth, Township of Turnberry, consists of three acres of volts for ten minutes 2 cents. Item : 16 Warden -So you of rid of your pastor? Hood seeoni-hand` Francs and --Organs for sato at rich land, two scree are now undeggraes rad balance griddle calces, 4 amperes at ..110 volts for � ho leas( cod. � trom sle6 F le Y g Elder -arae, he was a good men, but he was upwards. Instruments sold os. the: instal- isloccupied bX orohard and garden. There is a good ten minutes 1 1-3 cents makingtheaggre- A cynic is a man who knows the price of every. } ment pian, or on #arms to snit customers, Violins, frame house and stable on te remises, also a Dver ' ' thing and the value of nothing, too dry in his preaching, always giving us a -.r , -- f onoorMas and small irastrameate on band aleosbset pp gate coat of ileal 4 2-3 Deals, at the end Of history of the Jews, But we don't like STOVES TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. miisto, backs io. failing well sand firet•olaes oistera. The owner has whiok tithe OS goes the f current ani( the All men are monsters. The only thing to do is M "What's B oar new pastor ver mush, either. s removed to Manitoba and the property must be sold. teed the brutes Moll p Y a7e0TT BROS. 1+or particulars apply to JOHN W. GiFHEN Lot 6 current and the expense itope, the (natter with him?" "Well he peeaahes P pP Y r Relatives are a nuisance, but they uralce us vert Concession 8, Turnberry, or baa No la, 1285101 zleeter Tiee'fl ales bare used are based on the respectable. with tears in his voice nearlyall the time •�� d y to _-- use of veff t bailer and griddle,' jNr',--W SPRING GOODS I. eepo , g r I prefer women with a port. They have so muoj emotion of the purest kind, but too much of �i(ANITOBA;FARYB•—The undersigned has for elaetric nnensils and are substantially to talk abait. It,'' " I see ; the old pastor �t►as too histori- _,Ae n b M tale several excellent farms,favorabif situated correct. Their hnport is simply this, Whenever people agree with me I feel I must be cal, and the new one is too hysterical," as to railway and settlement, eompriefnk five quarter that there are two sides which trust be wrong. �--- C09NDITION A'T at we ° , �p/'� •p� sections (iso aotem) seven halt sections (320 aoree), considered in the (natter of electric. heat- I oast resist everything --except temptation, 31• ROMBE 1r 1 SON . and two whole sections (640 aerts) , prices from $4 to -A correapondent at Plattaville of the $10 r "re. An one oontem rating aettl in to Thera nothing in the world like the devotion of It c,t:3` Y P g a married woman. Itis a thing Haat no married mea Sentinal Review, writes that George Cuth- I Manitoba can make very favorable teems in parelwss• There vie wastes, of a+>russe, but where in ilae,ra anything about. bertton, the woald-ba eaioide, is wanted on a AULT'S,ing. Productive proleerty iD or near 8eofexc wits human experietiae are they`not ?-but they �� ��� ..Leading Undertaker on a itable valuations be taken id e>rahange There are only two tragedies in life—not getting three diiareat charges, house breaking, se,- equitable ars offset b con ondin wastes under duction and attempted suicide. The village :z i for three or four farms, WILLIAM M GRAY, Sea- Y �P g what you want.and getting it, The last is the worst. Il we Zesty I 1803.12 any other system of heating. Our kitcfi'ea London is full of women who trust their husbands. rr, 1dAIN °-B?E14ET 3I3AFOItTH. range sends mnch�of its hast ap the shim- 9ne can always recognize them, they rook eo thor- conatabl. received word from Woodstock to���� ' arrest Cathbertsen, He accordingly went An Unexcelled Remedy for the � ACRE FA:iM FOR BALE.—The 200 ear®• shy; that is a necessary waste for .whish ou6tily unhappy. . rty faeilitiia an unsurp w*w. T ani pre. 200 farm, beim{ lots 11 and 12,-conoeseion 16, , Chloe is not to blame. But the range fire I am the only person in the world I should ,line to to Cathbersoa, who seemed quite willing to D1SeaSeS t0 which HOCSeS are • Pared to oondnet bursars is a DSO.t ewttm Grey, is offered -tor Sale. 120 scree are cleared and takes time to get `andex way; it rewires, know thoroughly. accompany the officer. Eta said he wished sub*ect,and for bringing horses in tacstary manner, All modern undertaking the balance is well timbered. Buildings firob""zem. Nature's entleman—the worst type of gentleman. the whole thing was over with as he was appi'iaatces. Competantmawoment ar- Orchard, are1;, &a :.nqo house within 40 rods. ktndliag, or something which is tantamount g 1P g to 8ondition.'They'are Equallygu My own business always bores lase to death. T pit aiak of it and if h®had to go to gaol he mightI have ust received ffi fint con.- anteed. A lull bane of burial gears on Possession given at u'iieea if desired.' For further in outlav thereto; it must b.e maintained fer other people's. as well be putting in his time but before he beneficial for diseases of Cattle. � y g band. I assn to be prompt, conmiderste particulars as to pprice , terms, ete., apply_ to 'MRS practically all day (and sometimes all night), F ' sigIIloaeIIt Of new Spring GOOda>i, and and reliable, - WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER, and then Chloe dro in with her ersonal Wicked women bother one. Good women bore went he would like to see his doctor as he on the farm 1299-tt P. one, That's the only difference between them. was afraid of taking cold. This the officer ! will be able to show some of th@ inost t? Ctaar,ma most reasonaMe. equation as uncontrollable as char'wieristic, Scandal is gossip made tedious by marality< and for easy management keeps a roaring consented to and wend home, but on aoiing to 0 .T �+ plealain� and attractive goods in the - a XCELLENT FARMS 1 N MANITOBA FOR SALE A woman who moralizes is invariably plain. make the arrest the next morning he sound RFBII2ENCR', NORTH MAIN STREET. � CHEAP.—East half Section 17, Township 11, fire all day and keeps the janitor busy, Each package of these powders weighs sixteen market, bOtka$ to quality find price. In il i 1228 Range 26 Wee- containing 320 sores, six miles from the seal bra. so that we must look at the A sentimentalist ie a man who gives an absuM the bird bad flown. ounces, and there is but one size put up. The great - g ` value in everything and dnsan't know the naArket • est care is exercised in selecting the ingredients from Order make rook for my new stock, Vlyden, t(rree from Hargrave stations, on main line matter as a question of all day or all week price of any single thing, which this valuable eompoeni is prepared so that I will gine Great Eargai:na in alt kinds sr of C. P. R. Good frame dwelling haugQ 20x28, back, efficieno or rather inef;iciea and (sera __ ^t Y, cy, Experience is the nscne miman usually gives to his �, we are willing to pledge them sirs. ly pure. � o€ Winter Goods for a few (lays € nl .kitchen 9x2$ frame ras ar 20x30, frame stable D03ES25 g Y is where electric heating is M its fine mistakes. explains in a measure their great popaslaritt, Tai y only, ._ _____.__�_._— 18x80, two good wells, 280' acres under -cultivation, • g I. 166 ready Cox crop ; echoal one aisle, well settled work. It does all its .work quickly and _ Hi6RE9►7unparalleled success; w most powders pub aper the &g they most 811 be Cleltred oelt, district, price $2,900. Also,'N. W; quarter of same well. The key ke ..turned, when, restol market are adulterated in order to rs have the price. p ]lis Hewitt En neer. As a blood purefier these powders have see es;ual section, 160 acres, frame dwelling house 20x35, stable ' y ti Y p I 'Frill- sell Overcoa 4, men's, Boys' LLL...... A E things begin to sizzle, so that its waster, are �. - form disease or bad condition caiseed b ire_ ore and other outbuildings good well, 130 acres under Miss Ida Hewitt, of Cairo, West Virginia, blood. , ROYAL MAIL STEAHSBIPB, cultivation large portion read for crop, Price aetive only while the cooking operations g Po Y F• who is said to be the only female i000nyotive D Stases powders may be given with advantage In Sall and iOAths Ileadyinad8 Suits ; SII $'1,400. ApplY to proprietor for particulars. WM. are is frill blast. co cases of worms, roll hne%s of hair or rtoat a of 9. LANG, 64 Francis bt., Winnipeg, Manitoba. .. engineer in the world, has been engaged by t t wool top shirts, and all kinds of Un- REDUCTION IN RATES• U is common for some people to cry 25°SOelirl°- water°and bowels, recent founders, hide boon , lir 1816x8 � the woman commissioners of the World's q steamers Bari Regularly from — down gas as an expensive fuel- For some scurvy, kc. in tact in every case of disease asaoaa derRear ; Blankets, all -Roel Clansdialt PORT Fair to run the first train over the $t ounda Correa Consumption, Congfrs, Croup, seers goy cattle these valuable powders sboWi be LAND and HALIFAX to BOARS FOR SERVICE. purpoess it rs. But with Chloe at the on the opening day of the Exposition. She Th,ro Sold by all Druggists on s Gtsarantea. ri Tweeds Shads all winter Dressit hay r _- 1 throttle it can discount coal. b a liberal Fora Lame Side, BacltorChe�e8hitoti's iQGlQus man vanaldua Iehi►nimabs timely use will'. .save the lives of s y is a pretty brunette, and during the first Y Goods, Mitts, Gloves alnd Hosiery, d LIVERPOOL via LONDOMi7ER'RY ( T , mar is sad electricity can follow as a F Y B Plaaterwillgivegre2txatisfzctione-2S19012of -DERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under 8 , y trip of the engine will wear the costume of a Price, 25 cents a package, or 8 park• which will be sold at cost, and in some DURI" Willi W1141 R noie•rBs. signed will keep for service at Brueefield, one close second, while in the matter of con- P g y, SHiLIM'S VITALIZEii Cabir, F Spanish girl of the fourteenth ceatnr in a tsor $il. eases under, talo and: ri wapde- Second Cabin $26. aged and one young Thoroughbrod Berkshire Boar. v.nisnee the latter steads head and shoal- g t %"rage at low rites. Terme, ;1.0o payable at the time of ,orrice He In'reply reply to a proposition made to Mies Mrs• T, B, Hawkins, Chattanooga• Tenn. ea I.the NO CATTLE CARRIED young g der abov.-all other methods. Other isoi- •,Shgoh's ViiWtz.:_r`$AVED W fbvrI r` .also has a oun Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar for Hewitt to become a member of the Brother- PREPARED �►Y I extend a cordial inViGettiOn to all I sale. GEORGE HILL, Bruoellelzi, 12o7sc1E dental offsets might be noted such as the conatdtrdiilubestrem,+t'foradelt;�stut nen �'¢9i� SERVICE OF exacts of whore it is wanted. No wastes hood of Locomotive Engineers, itis reported 1 tzar used," For D�yapo 4tat Liver or fid y I l? that abs replied that whirs she could not troableite3celti. Pricem' to call tine inspect iffy stock, and to ALLAN LINE I N1 1IIOROUGI:IBRFID BFEKSHIRE BOAR FOR in heating up s e brobdignafiian outfit, I i SIEArdSIiIPS< SERVICE.—The undersigned will keg for ser find it in liar heart to become a brother to j ., 7 T % FEAR het 8e1riG O€ the gQ04 iiargiiiIIs. such as a range, where a small one will do them she would be a mater as ion as she I. �w( Ift vice on Lot ltl Concession 7, Stanley, the keep g ' , g 1 LO S ATAfta1 _ " V. $jghe$t market price paid for Bitt- f ��-E as well. The oven described will furnish t � Y'CK� & GLASGOW bred Berkshire Boar, Jefferson 1908 , rebased lived. The sal of trouble are said to have Y� to E and other roduoe. ' • via Londonderry, every Fortnight. f -rem J, ti, Snell dt Brother, )tdmonton, Ontario. for 9 cents Cho heat necessary to sand to � deal of trouble iaducin her to R E M E ®i.. V Sire Enter rise im imported (1378) < dam . Haulsford had a gree, g �• p 4akiin, $441 sad upwards. Second Cabin, M. F p the table a flue -pound roast of beef in run the en ins at the fair, as she shrank Have you GatarrhP TrythltiRemedy. Itwill {i' _"'R T ' steer a at low rates. 62nD, Imported Js)E Terms—One doliar strictly y- po g y DRUGIU j , a$ • thirt five minatss, or a twelve• and tot- il , a �+ - positively relieve'snd Cure you, Price 60 els. � Ap�i each at the time of servloe witte privilege of return• from appearing as a sort of a freak. This Injector for its aueceesful treatment is T r�p > y to _ ALLAN MoDtieal or C •ing it neoessa He also has tor number of key in forty-five i>dla>s%ss ; that la to ray, PF- B furnished free. Remember ,; .siah's:lemediee ` A. A 1j1 afa 'hc B UNS rr a DUFF, s..fsrlb. o rY wl�j . • The road upon which Mise Hewitt is sow ; young boars and sows from six mantis and under,. Ow earrent is Aa nor those ril: running regularly its .the Cairo and Little aro sold a gzrz-�n:tee to L -iv:; ?��iEtaction. MEDICAL HALL - - - SEAF01% � � I °tel, - '1622- Prices right. WM. McALLTSTEB, Varna P.O. 1300-tt the actual bahinz... r .roasting cues ars B B y i I. 4'' _ _ <. * 8