The Huron Expositor, 1893-02-24, Page 44
SW The ftgure between the p2jenthesle after each
one denotes the page of the paper on which -the
advertisement will be found.
i I
Hats—Jacksou Frog. (I)..
Dividend Notice—Cbas. B. Morris. (6)
Shorthorn Bull* for Sale—Neil McDonald. (5)
Tenders Wanted—John S. Horner. (5)
- Auction Sale—D. McDougall. (6)
Sow.s for Sale—Robeft Douglas. (5)
Excellent FaxLn for Sale Wm. S. Lan& (5)
Roots for We—George B. Dorrance.
Houses for Sale—G. J. Sutherland. (8)
Clearing Sale—H. F. Edwards.. (8)
EgFe for Hat,ohing—Wm. Hartry (8)
Robe Los"xpositor'Ofllce. (8)
]Hats and Tleff—J. L. Smith. (5) I
Friday, February 24—R. McFaul. (9)
Spring Announcement—Duncan & Duncan. (6)
The Consumers' Knowledge—Jsckvon Bros. (6)
Tea and Dinner Sets—Estate of H. Robb. (8)
Extracted Honey—Estate of H. RoW (8)
Instructive Leciture—Captain Wm. Freer. (8)
Town Property for S%le—P. Keating. (6)
the 'Urou (5vooftor.
7 ---
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Feb. 24-th, 1893.
T . eaching Agricult,tire In The
ROD. John Dryden, Ontarlo's Minister* of
Agriculture, delivered a most excellent,
practical address last week before the Cen,
tral Farmers' Institute. Among other things
he dwelt upon the undue numbers of our
young people, male and female, who are
leaving rural life and rural pursuits for resi-
dence'in the towns and cities, where they
find themselves, too late to turn back, our-
rounded"by many uncertainties and difficul-
ties. Mr.Dryden asks "can nothing be done
to stem this tide ?" He answers: " I think
something can he done,") and here is the
I scheme which he proposes, and which will,
no doubt, if it can be carried oA, have
some result. He says,: I
I would like to tee in all our common
schools an effort made to change this mis.
- taken ientiment. I would like that even
the youngest child of these schools should
. hear omething about the attractions and
ditie: of . rural life; about the importance
and dignity of labor, And about the honor
I which 'may *come to a man who excels in
I agricultural pursuits. The first step . to
i : brIn about results in this direction is to
prolde properly equipped teacher@ for such
f a work. - This undertaking the Government
bave decided to commence at, once. It is
. proposed to open a summer school at Ouelph
darir,g the summer holidays to whtch the
teachers of our rural schools will be invited.
. .
There will be given a series of 40 or 50 lee-
, tures on subjects appertaining to agricul-
I ture, including chemistry, botany and geol
ogy, Dot with a yiew of fitting them in that
short time to teach technical. agriculture,
bat to prepare them to give a acries of popu-
lair talks to the obildren on plant and auimal
life, nature of the soil with -special reference
to their irnmedij%to surroundings, and other
kindred Liubjects which will i3aturallv prp-
sent themi,61ves in this conn.ection. No n d-
ditiorial sabject will' be placed up ,n the
L School curriculum, which4e already fully
'1 1
loaded, but the teachers will be advised to
I take up some Of these subjePtE, say- on Fri-
day afternoon, a Part of wh ch is siow tisual-
ly devoted to readings, reci,tations, ete'. ,
The success of thelwork will naturally de-
pend a great deal tjp`o u the &kill and tact
of the teacher, but it seems to me that the
subject -May. be SOL presented as to interest
even the -smallest among the children. ; I
. think it is possible in thlSL Way to turn the
attention of the children to the beauties in
nature all around them, as Also to, the possi-
bilities of rural life and pursuits. They will
thus early in. life see in their own home
. gardens, the fiells and waysides, p6ttractions
which have nexer been seen before. A-
they grow up they will want to know more
. of these subjects, and thus A demand will
. .
. f- . ___#;_,,.+;_- -; # In. -#..-+.;A.
. "A ao — - ..-- — .... .—... —.,..--
. , - thus commenced.
This scheme is but a bommencement - f
this work. It may not be the ideal, but the
expense of it to the country will be an small
,Ahat it appears to the government to be
,! worth testirig. Shoruld the' teachers make
&a good use of it themselve ' s the next few
.. years as they may, I think I can ,prophesy
that within the next ten years you will find
that instead of the brightest and best of our
young people making haste to the city, they
. will, be turning their attention to those
studies connected with agricultural pursuits,
which will in 'the end givb an impetus to the
. prosperity of this country as never before
. existed. -
At, the conclusion of this course it is pro-
posed to have a short examinatiou, in con-
nection with which a certificate will be
granted which will give school trustees an
ides of the attainmento of the teacher in
this regard. I apprehend that Pi teacher
who is successful in presenting these sub-
Jects will be worth more than one who has
paid no attention to them. The cost of all
this to the teachers themselves will be
teivial. It may be found becesiary to iM-
pose a small fee for the payment of the pro.
fossors, who 'Will be engaged during a por-
tiou of their holidays in this work, but
I there will be no expense beyond that,except
.j the ba,re cost of board, which will be fur-
nished to those who can be accommodated at
the college at oost—say $2,50 per week.
The scheme proposed by Mr. Dryden is a
good one and no doubt in time it will be,
productive of so -me good ireaulte,as it can not
Jail to have a tendency to create in the
minds of the young ruraliBts an increasel
love for country life arid country occupation,
as the more a persorf kiiows about their
calling and the more. efficie ILt they are in it,
. the greater love they are a,pt to have for it.
But, Mr. Dryden's remedy close not go to
the root of the evIl by any ., means, One of
the principal reasons wh1oh induce youn
people to leave, the farm is that farming has
become unprofitable. The 1great burden of
taxation under which fairmere now labor
must first be removed,beforo- it can be made
either profitable or popular. Mr. Edgar in
his speech in Parliament the other day
shows how one combine, th6 cotton m&nu-
facturers, is permitted by 1aw to extract
four mill -ions of dollars a year from the
pockets, mainly of the farmers and working
people, and this i . s only one sucker of the
many which Are dr iniug the life blood out
of the agricultural classes, Herein lies the
primary secret of the grellit rush from the
. : ,
country to the towns. Wnd -, bities, Let all
. those suckers, or "on thd most greedy of
them, be lopped off, iind thu§ give the farm --
r ,
er an opportunity to:enjoy the full fruits of
his, labors and there will be less cause for
complaint about the boys and girls desert-
, jug the - farms. Let f Arming be made as
profitable an other callings, as it is now more
L pleasant than most, and its attractions and
advantages will win plenty admirers, Edu-
cation, as M't. Dryden, proposes, will help,
- -p
but a good deal more than this is* required,
FAR?,mits are likely to get their binding
twine a good aeal cheaper next season tlia;n
. tbey have yet done. In addition to the re-
du6tion in duty there is sure to be con-
siderable competition in the trade, The
Central Prison works are now in operation ;
the Patrons establishment at Brantford is
1 ,
I . ,
--- - 10111111111111111111111111111111111
relyto have' a considerable output, an
e Perth Flax Mille at Stratford have con
. .
enced the manufacture of a very on ' peric
-ticle of -flax twine. Hitherto there he
ien a prejudice againeb twine made froi
Lx on accestit of its coarse, lumpy naturi
; is stated, however, the,t the output of tl
tratford establishment, owing to the in
roved mi chinery in use, is equ41 to #
5ot manillaand can be lei
- .
)at. Binding -twine has become an impor
A factor in farming operations, and V
ieaper it can be got the ,better it will I
ir those who have to use it. . I
[on. EdwardBlakein Englan
The people of this -country still take
Sep interest in Hon. Edward Blak ' a and h
oings in the old land * Jt was the geDer
)eling smqDg his friends here, when he d
ided to take a seat -in t . he -Imperial Parli
iont,that this gifted Canadian would soc
iatiognish - himself there as he had elrea
one here. These hopes bid fair to be ful
Balized. ,M r. Blake spoke for the first tin
, .
i the English Parl lament On Friday eve
ig of last week. His theine was, of cours
ir. Gladatione's Home Rule Bill. A de
atch from London, dq,ted the 18th luel
Hon. Edward Blake's first speech in tl
[ouse of Commons Mat night was a distin
access. He spoke for an hour and 'a hal
npromptu, in reply. to Mr, Cbambeirlai
)rcibly. dealing with point after point raiso
V the latter, and holding the close attw,
ion of a fall House. While he considen
hat the Bill amply secured the supremm
f the Imperial Parliament, Mr. Blake @&
. --
a objected '-to i tlip suspension of the ]at
use . tion for three years. The. Irish Parli
ient, be thought, ought to be empoweri
D deal kt o nee with the land probles
n iasm was rshown when tl
peech was finished, both Liberal and Ing
iembers cheering loudly, the latter stani
ig and waving their bats-. Mr. Blake wi
raimly complimented by a distinguisht
iember of the Cabinet I who is said to hai
eclared thet Speech one of the best evi
eard within the walls of Parliament. T1
Iberal press is unanimous in his prais
'be Daily News says the bril , I . iant spee(.
reated a profound impression. Ti
'hronicle says the peroration, was as fine i
ny'the House of Commons has ever heari
'he Westminster Gazette remarks that
,as a bold thing for Mr. Blake to atteml
a impromptu reply to Mr. Obamberlab
ives him high praise and says be acquitte
imself very well. The Time@, thinks M
,lake is ia -idently going to be run as -the b,
ian of the Nationalist party.
A Grand Platform. .
At the closing cit their meeting last wee
i Toronto, the Central Farmers' - Institul
nanimoualy adopted the following res,
itions : They speak for themselves:
" That whereas the farmers of' Canadi
uring the last 13 years, have largely an]
orted a protective policy for the purpose i
itablishiDg and building up the manufa,
iriug interest of this country ;
" And whereas such manufacturing h
ustries as are suitable to the country hai
ceived such assistance for a period lor
nough to enable them now to withstar:
Li,r and open competition;
"And - whereas the Canadian Manufa,
arerq' Associa,tion, at its annual meetir
eld in Toronto, February 7th, declares at
Baffirma its determination to support aE
erpetuate the.high tariff policy ;
" Be it therefore resolved., that this Mee
ig hereby declaresund affirms that to coi
inue and perpetuate such a high tiriff w!
e detrimental to -the vital interests of tl
gricultural community.
" Also,'that we are of the opinion thi
he time has come for the adoption of Fri
I rade with Britain, and the same privilel
? foreign countries that will give a lil
r , ivilege,to us. " . .
.1' Free Trade with Britain and the San
rivilege to foreign countries that Will gi,
like privilege to us." That is the polb
rhich THE EXPOSIToR has been advoca,tij
)r years. Such a policy, if adopted, wou
o more to keep the boys and girls on V
irm than any other,as it would make fart
ig pay. Let the farmers unite and woi
nd YOTE for this policy and -they can ha,
;. They have the votes and the power
acure any legislation they desire. All,th,
squire is to utilise the power they possei
Tnr,RE ate three candidates running f
he vacant seat in the Ontario Legisliktu
a Toronto. . Dr. Ryerson is -the Cousery
ive candidate; Dr. Ogden, the Liberat at
. I
Sr. Philips Thompson the Independa
nd Labor can . didate. - The election tak
,lace next Tuesday. The principal ise
ee . me to be - Did .the Commissioner
' . 3
,rown Lands dine with professor Goldw
mith and other Aunexationists ? IC
tyerson says he did and -that * consequent
i'e government of which he is a member
worthy of public confidence. The Doet
aay be a very good eye and ear specialij
,at he is, evidently, a mighty small , bc
AT THE Ileform Convention in Sou
liddlesex. on_ Tuesday last, Mr. Robt
oston.was nominated as the.candidate
41 the vacancy caused by the death of t
ite James Armstrong, M. P, Mr. Boot
a a farmer. He is now Reeve of the tom
. ..'
hip of Lobo and has been. Warden of t
ounty, He is a brother-in-law of ]-.Ion ,
V. Ross. The consti . uency, like Sou
I .
1UTOD, it; a Reform bive and selection
be nominating convention- is tantamount
lection, so that Mr. Boston will likely ha
,n easy road before him. The dates for t
10MiDation and election have not, yet be
ixed, but,. itis expected the writ will
ssued in a few days. ,. .
Foit the purpose,, of emphasizing wb
, I
CHE EX.POSIToR has taid st hundred tirr,
ve copy the following from Grip. It is
,rue that it- needs, no comment*. It Fay
, Evidences of wide spread dissatisfacti
vith the N. P, are multiplying, The CE
,ral Farmers' Institute has --- passed a rei
ution iF favor of Free Trade with Brita
ind reciprocity with other nations. This
ill well enough in its way, but the farmt
ihouid remember that it is only votes at t
)olls that count. Free Trade, like M@6:
mother good cause, has any number
! .
.riends and Supporters every day in t
Fear except election day, Until farmt
.earn to put their ow -a interests befc
hose of either party and vote the way th
Wk, they can I resoloot till the cows col
nome ' without any practical result,"
SnE N-EvF.R WICINT BAcK.—Mrs, A. '
Ahlers, 75 years old, arrived in Jersey ci
aturday from St. ,Louis and went to t
Red Star steamAip pier to take a stearr
[or Hamb6rg. She- was on her way hoi
110 spend tho rem4inder of her days, Jt
is ehe was ib6nt to go on board she f
lead of heatt disease. She bad 84'30 and
1 i - .
- . . .
- .
. , , .
11 I "' I
-1 .
i .
. I
-- .
111111111111111111111 I -1
, -
vestigate the condition of the country a9d
- -
gracefully decorated with their colors. The
. w. I
up in years,has for the 8 e n
_past few week b e
sly indisposed. The bereaved family
I 1-
ticket for Hit 'burg in her possession. She
also had a i4ter addressed to A' Diedrich
, .
bring down a Reeeral revision of the tariff-
I I "
company in question must have been amused
by the as by the
have he entire sympathy of the community.
Mayer,,13arki West, St. Ldhjis. Her body
wis taken t# the Morgue and a dispatch
* next session - I I
Sir Richard Cartwright made an unusual-
singing as well pleased
fl6ral tributes sent over the footlights, each
— r. Charles Avery of the London
A Stanley, hsa rented his farm to Mr.
. was sent to gir. Mayer notifyinghim of her
ly good Rpsech in reply. He twitted the
University trying to outdo its rival in each
is to
Robe t Craig, of Hullett. Mr. Avery has
death, I
. i " -
Finance Minister with the want of a policy,
and likened his speech to a tight -rope per,-
respeot% The gem of tile evening said
have been "Good morning, have you used
engaied to take charge of Dr. SootVa farm,
formsince of a rather acrobatic ch%racter.
Soap,, Sung to the tune of the Dox-
near Seaforth.
LL he Huron County Teachers' conven-
., -
4 *
.In other words the Government had got on
Tingbam, on the 2nd and
tion 'll b hld at M .
, L
(By ib r 81 ecial Correspondent. )
the fence and did not for the life of them
know which side to fall off on. He went
It in a real pleasure once more to he'ar th,e
3rd 4f March. A public entertainment will
hall, the evening of
.§ 20th, 1893.
t. OrrAWA,
into the 'coudition of the country, and At-
ills to the
robust voice of Bryan Lynch, President of
be given in the town on
the ad. -,
I The Nova coal deal has not alone
. 11 .
intruded ini6hhe Federal a;rena, but looms
tributed this greater part of our
unjust and , oppressive tariff. It WAG un-
the Toronto Nationalists,' raised to
friends in Erin's Isle. Bryan, going on the
—.Mr. Thomas Bell, chairman of the
UP largely 69' th Imperial horizon, The
, .
suited to the genius of the peoplo kpd was
responsible for the fact that a million former
su pposition that the cable messages giving
the text of the oved Irish Bome Rule
Wij gharn Public School entertained
the members of the Board and the Board
American 6yodic te, headed by -Mr. Whit-
residentx of Canada were now citizens Of
Bill are true, declared at the NatioDal-
offic ale at an oyster supper Thursday
udy Of 'Bosioh, a brother of Mr. Cleveland's
. -
the United States. The Government had
late' meeting the other night that it did not
eve#ing of last week,
in some talk of starting a new
right band loan, has obtained practically
reversed Robin Hood s good old rule, for
fill the bill by a mile, and told the membem
cheise factory at Nile, in the township Of
coutroi 6y lie - se f all the coal mines in
whereas Robin Hood robbed the rich to give
to the they the to
to advise their friends on the old sod prompt-
r season. The
Colborne duritig the c iming
Nova Scotia. L T a British fleet, as, is well
poor, robbed poor give
to the rich. Mr. Haggart followed on the
ly to reject it. And each member adopted
his sentiments and doubtless has acted upon -
mo e numerous cheese fastories and cream -
i ' `1
known has 1"" headquarters. at. Halifax and
Government -side, but in all the Government
eries become the better it will be for the
. 1. .
a conetaPt Opp y of coal is as neceasari
I ,
speeches there was a sisinificant absence of
any glorification of the N.- P. In fact the
country. - I
' iRev. Mr. Howell, Methodist minister Of
during w r hi po der. Thus -it came about
on that side. Some
At the next meeting of the Principals'
Gollerich, has receii,ed a cordial and unani-
i .
that som: of ,th Imperial Federationiste in
ventured to assert that the country was
Association Mr. J. G. Spencer will move
th:t corporal punishment be abolished in
. .
mous request from his congregation to re-
Malin another as their pastor, and has
the Hobse of.'Co mono became alarmed at
i , I
prosperous, but the ironical cheers with
which the Opposition greeted- * every such
th city public schools. He considers that
ac6epted the invitation subject to the Alp- I
the prospect' 'o-f he British navy in c*
war being p ce in the matter of cold sup.
statement was rather discouraging. Messrs.
the recent revelations of how pupils are
treated in the Mors ' e street and other schools
pr6v&l of the conference.
L ; -A deputationwaited on the council of
ply at the m'arc of a foreign syudicate,and
Paterson and Edgar made good speeches
. .
nouncing the tariff and giving figures to
are enough to show an enlightened people
k4rris at its last meeting, relative to the
tboy took t,Ns e traordinary Rtep of waiting
, e the taxes now levied
that the institution is wrong. The motion
formation of a new union school tection in
upon .the Oov rnor-Goneral . and 'warning
under it were, and how it had dee'reased the
will not be .passed without a struggle as
- 1
Bolgrave locality. After hearing those for
him of the ghleged d,Anger. R'absequently a
value of land and increased the list of mort-
many, of the principal@ have: declared the
AV against, the matter was left over to the
deputstion 41. a out sixty members waited
gages. The debate was resumed to -day by
efficacy of the birch to be an great now as
n xt meeting of Council.'
on Sir John, i ho son and the members of
Dr. MaDonald (Huron) and will be con in-
ever it was. .
. ; -
—The town council of Goderich are con
the Uovernzlen and laid the case before
tied without any other business being taken
siderivg the propriety of reading. a deputs-
them. Thid" is exactly what. they should
up until it is disposed of.
Wm. Archer, Bennett, Edward Archer
tio'n1to some of the American cities, and to
have done sit fir t, instead of going to the,
The Patrons of Ind ustry,.'represented by
and Norris were brought before the magis-
Toronto, Hamilton and London, to consult
!epresentative-of Her MajestyawfattemPt-
the Grand Board, have waited on the Gov-
trate again on Monday morning. The cour t
r nee to the establish
cipitalisto with ref e e -
Ing to inforth im of the condition of, af-
ernment to press for tariff reform and re-
ronm. was crowded to suffocation by
ment of a summer hotel and sanitarium in
fairs and linAae oe his mind as. to the proper
course to Pdrsa The whole deal can, of
d totion of taxes. They spoke in the name
curious ones anxious to get a lonk at these -
-that town. -
. i
Patrons Ind natty in the vicinity i
ooi.irse, be trust ated by the exercise of the
hiefly in the Provinces
of Ontario and Quebec, but it is doubtful
supposei famous day -light robbers. Ben-
nett, the ring -leader, was the only one
—The of
of Kintail, in the township of Ashfield, had I
prerogative of isAlowance, but everybody
I .
'ices will have as
whether their united vo
whose face showed signs of hi breaking
a ep arrow bunting contest and bq,th sides 4
knows that His Excellency. dare not exer-
much potency as the little fin er of Mr.
down. The prisoners have bee;
ueed in capturing about 500 birds.
oise any such p war, except on thb advice
Drummond, the sugar refiner of Vontreal.
different places since arrest. and the de-
The losing side treated the whole Lodge to I
of his Minister . It was, therefore, highly
The 6overnmeat has used all lita power
tectives have been careful to lea ,e an. un-
4n oyster supper, and a splendid musical '
unconititution I for these members of Par,
iliament w6 u dertook to. wait upon His
to keep the hated Mr. Tarte out of the
House, but
occupied -cell between each pair, into which
and literary programme was given. I
: day last week, Mr. W. J. Sheffield, I
Excellency're arding the matter. The
Prime Minii;ter told the deputation that the
that aggressive French Can-
a than has finally triumphed and was intro-
occasionally an officer would noieeleenly
creep to hear how the prisoners - took pun .
1 --One
of Wingbam, an employs in Bell's cabinet
his left band
. .
mines of Nova' Scotia were the exclusive
duced last week. He has already given no-
tice of papers connected with those Judges
ishment. The evidence of these detectives
alone is sufficient to inculpate the men, and
factory, had all the fingers of
taken clean off by a buzz saw at which lie
property of tb Provincial Government, and
In Quebec whom he said he was going to
when it was taken the jaw of the prisoners'
W'ILB working. The accident will likely in.
intimated that he federal authority would
impTchi Mr. Edgar in going tog t after'
lawyer dropped. Norris has turned Qaeen%S
capacitate him for working at his trade in
not be justifie in attempting to veto the
Bill under 4hi h the leases are made. This
Sir do phis Caron again and Mr.eMulook
intends to bring forward the conduct of
evidence in the bank -robbery case. He
went with the others three dayb in succes-
the future. ' I
—The Cranbrook Foresters' concert took
was a dash of old water indeed, but there
Judge Elliott,of London, Go that thoise who
sion to the HOme Loan, waiting for an op-
place in Dames'1&11 on the evening of Wad-
Was more to follow. The self-appointed
anticipate a short session may be disap-
portunity ; but refused to go with them on
nesday last. Mr. Will McLeod, of Sea -
mission of Me isrs. Weldon,' Wood (Went.
poilated,,.espeoially as Mr. Tarte intends to
the afternoon 'of the attempted robbery,
.forth, Mrs. and Mine Sage, and a boat of
moreland), Patterson (Colchester) &ad
also go int the qunbtion of the Manitoba
The four will -stand trial toge6 er on four
local amateurs, i rejoiced the Ji,hearts of a
Neill (Bruce) ti , His Excellency having been
schools, and Mr, McCarthy pro case to
separate cases, however.
large audience. L
published in tl e papers, it was brodght to
press a bill for the abolition of Neparate
—Mr. A. Osbaldeston, of HAmesvilie,
,the attentioa f the House on Friday by
i the Hon. Davl' Mills, who showed the un-
schools in the Northwest and of the dual
language. .
It is impoesible to fin out just what
killed 0, cow last week, and found in. her
stomach three nails, - eight bi%lf' nailv,
constitutional course of ignoring the Gov-
: ,
truth there is in'the rumor that Mr. W. R..
Meredith is to retire from the leadership of
. . a, one needle, already threaded, and
nine pin
ernment and making an appeal to the
Crown. The , House, however, would not
the Loyal Opposition in the Ontario House.
Ia numb ' or of oth ' er arti cles, but which ap-
parently never caused, the cow any incon-
take the matte, and before the end,
. Y
Some believe him to have been offered a
Chief Justiceship in onA of the higher
veniences I
the deputation' in question became theq,
laughing stock of vine -tenths of the House.1
. TORONTO, Febmary 20th, 189&
courts. The rumors, having come from ()t-;
Miss Kathle7en Ball of Godericb, who
I . )
has gone to Toronto to enter on a course of
The unkindest cut of all was perhaps deah
One morning last week the post bore to
tawa, stand a great chance of beiag-entirely.
training as a nurse in Toronto, General hos-
b the Premlet himself, ;vho with a fine line
the city solicitor a letter from -Mrs. J. H.
wrong. . .
; *
pital , was presented prior to her departure
o f keen aarcas ri, held the deputation up to
Pilkingtofi, North Kensington, London,
by the choir of St. George's church, at tlie
greater ridicult, even- going out of bis way
England. It was a surprise, even to that
News of the Week. .
rectory, with a beautiful bracelet and a
to state that Ific had first learned of this
imperturbable official, for the writer laid
Dnowsm).—A fishing boat with its nine
kindlyworded address as a token Of their .
self -constitute, , body of . advisers to His
claim to all the ground rents of the city,and
occupants went down on Monday in a storm
2 appreciation of her services in the choir.
Excelle.06y f o the newspapers. The mat-
asked for advice as to how the claim could
off Banff on the Scotch coast. ;
—Archie Lamont, of Grey, has purchasedl
t 8 a I(
ter was heu I , owed to drop.
beat be advanced, According to the Eng-
SUFFERING. —Great suffering has been
the adjoining 100 acres east of his farm, be-
M.r. Robert Sedgewick, Q. C., Deputy
lish lady, her late husband's father was
caused in Japan and China by the y
ing lot 10, concession 7, from James Me-,
Minister of J stice has been appointed to
give three grants of land in Canada for
int , :
of the w er
Dougall, ol Dakota, The price was $5,500.
the Bench of the Supreme Court of Canada.
serving under Major Grey, in the reign of
Air. LSMODt takes possession on April Ist.
to fill the va-.ancy caused by the promotion
George III, in the Niger expedition, and as
titled land owners in Russia has recentily
It is a fine farm and will m5kkp money for
of Mr. Justice Strong to be Chief. The
compenflatien for f,23,000 that he had spent
foreclosed 970 baronial estates whose owners
the purchaser. Mr. McDougall intends re-
late Chief Jusbice being a Maritime Prov-
of his own money in the affair. He came
have become bankrupt. A
turning to the Weetnext mouth.
113138 man his successor was necessarily
out to.this!colony to claim his land, and
-c;. —The faculty 'of
—Mr. Henry Green, an old resident of
, chosen from that section and' no better
was ne' board from again. This remark-
t e Weell6yan -University at MiddletovOn,
the township of Grey, died at Rthel I9A
eboics could h we been made than that of
Mr. Sedgewick, He studied law
able claim brings to mind a somewhat Simi-
lar one ago at Weston, which is about
Connec%011 have suspended Sophomo es
week. The -deceased had beeni ailling for
Miller, . yer and Waltz, and censured a
some time withai cancer in his side, which
Joha S&ndfield Macdonald when the latter
ten miles north-wbat of Toronto, the case
number df others for hazingiH.R. Jobus n,
utely caused his death. Mr. Green
was Premier of Ontario, and after being
being settled after the payment of several
of Brooklyn. i ! ..
was born in, England and came to Canada
called to the Bar of Nova Scotia, where he
thousands.' However, the Solicitor's de-
about 40 years ago. He resided on his farm
practised unti ,about five years figo, when
partment, recogniiing that the land within
13f6lohroeder died on Saturday. He 'as
in Grey to'w'nship for a number of years I
he was made Ilieput Minister of Justice.
the city limits is estimated to be in val is
the richest banker in Berlin and one of the
moving into Ethel four years ago. His
Although Mi. Sedgwick is the youngest
between $80,000,000 and $85 ' 000,000, In-
richest men in Germany. The fortune loft
wife and four children survive him. .1 I
man who ever rei'deived an appointment of
stituted inquiries which show pretty con-
by him is estimated at 100,000,000 marks.
—One day -recently as the electric light ;
this high ch tractor, beirig only about 45
of age, he has, neverthelespi held
elusively that the Pilkington'elaim is in the
of Scarboro, fact being
During the old regime he was known: as
I .
wires were beiii stretched a- long Diu-sley
. i
years ad
.nei5hborhood which
Bismarck's " body banker,"
Street in Blyth means of a reel in t lie
many respondble positions and d
so many reepc usible duties that it is safe to
n will let the citizens sleep at
nights. It is worthy of mention that the
rear of a sleigh, the horse which wa,e left
Manuel Altamirano, Mexican Consul -Gen-
standing untied, started up town. The reel
gay that he w' 11 take rank in a very few
' -of
name of Pilkington appears in an original
eral in.Paris, died in that city on February
to perfection, scattering over a mile
I years. with th best minds on the Bench
plan of Toronto, as that of the owner of a,
13th. He was a full-blooded Indian, si 'd a
and a half of wire in a distance of half a
the Suprime Court. Tersonally he is veyy
100-acr6 lot north of Queen street. Heirs
brilliant ifteriateur, orator, stateen-an and
block' and gave the three or four
popular, havi ig the social instinct largi-ly
of the mysterious Captain Pilkington, if any
jurist, and one of Mexico"8 most remarkable -
hours' work la most complicated
developed, aul he will ascend the Bench
there be hereabouts, have not yet made the
tangle. ',
cart iog witi him the confidence and
fact known. 4
—The Brussels Methodist church has re -
esteem of all parties, irrespective of politico.
A curious fight has been on within
ton Moore was shot and killed on February
cently been undergoing repairs, and the re-
, Lastweek the Manufacturers' Association
16th, at Helena, kaneas, by Dr. C. R.
opening, took place Sabbath before last. The
the Cabinet for the last three or four months
over the Lie utenant-Govemorship of Mew
waxed'e'nthusiastic over the National Policy
ShiRault. Both men were young and .
Trustee Board, through the pastor, asked
and voted for its continuation, and this
known physicians. The killing wag, the
for a collection to wipe out the whole -
Brunswick. The four original candidate,,
week by way of counter -blast, the Central
resu It of a quarrel over a q aestion of : pro
amount, and $167 was placed -upon the I
have been I arrowed down to two, viz.:
Messrs. Burni i, -member for Gloucester, New
Farmers' Institute ended their lengthy an-
nual session with hot debate the
fessional ctiquette. i
Nzw MAIL CARRIER,—At Philadelphia
plates at the morning service. and $60 at
for day. This is
Brunswick, i 6nd B oyd,. a member of the
a on same
night, totalling $227 the a
Senate. It n ay as well be Stated that Mr.
subj qt, gventually passing a resolution de-
on Friday, Postmaster -General Wanamaker
good, collection, and shows that the
claring'their enmity to the trade policy of
sent the first parcel through the pneumatic
Methodists allow their religion to reach
Buins is a Rc man Catholic and his reputa-
Sir John Tho d favoring the adop-
tube connecting the general post -office 'with
right down into their pockets.
.tiob wliittle nit,,Iodorous on account of his
tion of free trade with Great Britain, or any
a branch half a mile distant, and th ex-
—A wonderfully narrow escape from se-
I connect, 0. _ h the Caraquet .Railway, So
thorough y." xposc by Mr. Blake in the
country granting us a like privilege.
I .
perimient was a stiocoes, The 'parcel Ls a
- I
vere injury, and yet not receiving a scratch,
. ,care ago.
House some , SeDator Boyd has
Bible wrapped in an Americ an flag.
was Mr. Geori-q Ros's experience in Wing- I
hani one day last week while driving " Miss I
never done nything in particular, wad is
known to f me &A "My Dear Boyd," so
4 , Throujzh the week many people of differ-
ent cleG-ses have been considering the ad-
diane of the Priest river valley, Idaho, have
Garfield," his speedy little mare. A runaway
called from , letter 'beginning thus, from
dreas delivered before the same institute by
been driven to desperation by the severity
of the winter. .- They raided John Reynolds'
horse, attached -to a cutter containing two
men, came on to him from behind, on the
Sir John M cdonald in 1878 in w 6ich Sir
Jolan assure him that there was to be no
the Hon. Mr. Dryden, in reference to what
the Ontario Government intends doing with
r6qh and drove off the cattle. Ranchers
fight Indiati
main street, at T . . Bell's wareroome. The '
incre - ase in be.tariff, but only a readjust.
a view to stopping the flow of the rural
followed, and in the one was
killed and two Indians and two white were
cutter broke the runner of the light. vehicle
used by Mr. Roe, who was nearly knocked
ment., Mr. ,urns is backed up by Mr. Cos.
tigau', who d sires to bring in an Acadian
population to the cities. County teachers
are to attend summer. classes, where com-
wounded. .
off his seat by the collision. The fiactious
as the repre entative of the French in that
petent men will instruct them in generaP
Mrs. Cleveland, it is ssid,- does not a prove
steed reared, but no harm was done, &I.
thou h it was a close call. -
Province. -cabal in the Cabinet was or.
ganized ,ag inst Mr. Burns, led by Mr.
information concerning agriculture, By
making the young boys thus appreciate
of the introduction of crinoline. Slid told
several ladies who called upon her at IL%ke-
—the Palmerston express, on Thursday
afternoon of lost week, killed a handsome
Bqv ell, vho even went the length of In-
their advantages it is hoped 6y the Mowat
Ministry that the influx to the cities will
wood that she was satisfied with the pyesent
three-yeir-old colt for Peter Barr, of Mor-
spiring artic es the newspapers attacking
Mt. Burns. Different members of the Cabl-
be stopped. The scheme is novel and looks
style. None of her inaugural dresses are to
ris, on the 4th line crossing. Mr. Barr had
not aided, ome with -Mr. -Cestigan 'and
well on the face of it, but if Hon, John'
be worn with crinoline. I
turned highorses out to water, as is his cus.
others with . r. Bowell,with the result that
. '
Dryden could bear all the adverse criticism
tom, about 6 p.m. They went to their
usual watering place, a spring on the side of
the appoin ment has . been delayed until
11 . o v, when' it is understood Mr. Costigan
he is getting it would make him as sad as
last rose of summer. -. .
Huron Notes.
—The 26th and 27th of September are
the r9ad, a few rods from thl-track, and af-
and others J,as triumphed and that Mr.
the days selected by the directors' for- the
ter drinking what they wantbid, they begam
racing up and down the road.' Upon con -
turns has g)t- the appointment, If so,'this
will to
Here is the recommendation of the iron.
next Clinton show days. . - -
ing to the track one of them started to run
simplytend a revision of our present
:m!lting committee of the Industrial As-
—Mr. Albert Wise, of GoderIch Town-
along it, and the cattle guard being filled
system of a, ' )pointing Lieu tenan t -G overnors
ociation. I.—That the City Council give
ship, is the first on record to have young
level with Sao*, the colt fell in and was en"
froin among the most unscrupulous parti-
a sufficient quantity of land for #melting of
lambs this season. - . I
deavoring to get out when the train, which',
eins in poll' icy, and the greater the degre.
iron ore and the manufacture of steel and
—Mr.John Anderson has been re-aqoint-
mas three hours late,struak it, Mr. Barr'
dation of the office the sooner will be
works in connection therewith and exempt
ed assessor of the township of East. Vawa-
values the colt at $110, and says if the
either abolikhed or reformed in the charac-
ter,of the appointees. , .
such property from taxation. 2.. --That the
Ontario Governmetit grant a bonne of $2
nosh, his salary being.$50.
—Rev, Mr. Henderson, of He.neall, is to
,-ddmpauy will not settle for the same he will
.The debate on the Budget has been in
per ton for iroa smelted and steel manufac-
preach the aunivereary sermons in the Nile
Flue them, as they are compelled to kee R
'their cattle guards open tq prevent stoct
blast all week. It is useless to spend
tured for ten years. 3.—That the Domin-
Church, Colborne, on Sunday, .March 19.
from getting into trouble.
rn, ch time i telling you the nature of the
ion Government exempt from duty all fuel
—Mr. Eiward Rathwell has purchased
1111111111 .
Finance Mi ister's statement, which be de
used and.all insterials not made in Canada
the old Routledge farm on the Bayfield con-
- .
liverod.last Tuesday. The figures he gave
ne"cessary for the plant, 4.- That tbe pres.
ceition, Goderich townsbip. He paid
Lumlev. . .
are highly uninteresting, and have been,
ent relative statue ag to duties and bonus
$4,400 for it,
A Di. -APPOINTMENT. —Sometimes -a sur-
publithed monthe ago in the Public Ac-
on pig -iron be maintained for at least ten
—The contract for the proposed extension
pries party is a very enjoyable thing, -but
counts. 1 Tk e changes he made in the tariff
I year; to come. The President of the As-
of the piers in Goderich harbor, has been
when the party which is intended to give
n6mbered vo and were not highly, impor-
rociation, Mr. A. Massey, has gone to
awarded to Broder & McNaughtou, of Ot-
the surprise, get the surprise tbew'selves, it
ta'nt. He mpeals the legislation which pro.
hibiteA he -bulk.
Ottawa to interview the ministers relative
tawa, for $35,000. . .
is not so enjoyable. We allude to a number -
mportation of coal oil in-
to clauses 3 and 4.
—The Wingham Electric Light Company
of young people of Hensall and vicinity,
- Oat w9a al, he did in coal oil. He reduced
the duty binder twine from 25
have purchased the water privilege at Lower
who were making grand preparation's for an
on . per cent.
to 121 er kent, which he as
Canada's Greatest Fair held its annual
Wingbam, and intend erecting a building
evening's amusement at a friend's howe.
. -described A
I . .
f4ir and, re keona,ble protection, which com-
meeting on Tuesday, and the yearly report
there shortly a,nd running the electric light
by waterpower.
They had violinists,. callers-6ff, ushers and
hostlers all engaged for the occasion,
FI b1mi thei-inf wence that 25 per cent. imposed
4 li the last dozen upon the farmers
was submitted, President J. J. Withrow
was in his permanent place of honor at the
—Mrs. Anderson, mother of Mrs. Robt,
but the -boundary boys are not to be
.4 years of
this country was an unfair and
head of the table, Of $150,000 raised on
Rose, formerly of Brussels, now residing 4n
imposed on. They smelled the rat" in
able prdtoc., ion. The greater part of Mr.
landii owned by the Association $140,540
was expended before fairi-time in improve-
Ayr, died on Wednesday of last week, after
a lengthened illnese. She was eighty-seven
time and sent an ambassador in hot haste to
inform the leader of the western enthurd-
Foater'k epc ech was devoted to concealing
the Govvrni nent policy. and it.took a clever
ments. The profits -of the last exhibition
years of age. I I
"to a few hours before they had embarked,
man a tull hour- talking rapidly with the
were $5,088. In a discussion which ensued
after thielection of directors the conclusion
—Mr, Areb. Scott of will
move into Goderich shortly, having rented
that th:
. Ore was no public ball-roorn to ac -
commodate him. The -leader of this com-
a,vowed o ject of telling the House the
bf -t4e Government, to tell them he
was reached that Canadian farmers
his farm to Mr. Roberton, Hullett. Mr.
pany ad mewhat failed - -in his duty by neq-
did not k now what it was. In fact Mr.Pat-
just As well nave themselves the troamight
ble o f
Sandy Nixon, of the same place, is moving
to Fordwich this week.
lectingi to notify all of his followers of his
disappointment, and a few of them, after
eirson iubs,-quently convulsed the House
with laughter by reading one of Mr. 'Foo.
waxing wroth over scheduling of Can&-
than cattle by the American Govern ment, as
—Mrs. McLarty,who left Westfield about
for the Western States, has
driving seven or eight miles with the inten.
t0r's involved sentences, leading up to a
it W& a mote than likely that it would not
continue long enough to prevent the send-
8 L year ago - re-
turned, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
of worming their toes, went home with
colder ones, and perhaps themselves some -
of policy on the tariff question,
with the 11ouse hanging on his words I
, on Y
Ing Of our cattle to the World's Fair. The
Association is preparing to roll up their
Anderson, and will take tip housekeeping
again in her old home. '
what out of humor.
NoTEs.—The storm of Sunday last proved
hear in ;he culmination Mr. Poster de-
clare that the policy of the Government
I ..
sleeves in an effort to attract Chicago visi.
—Mr. George Nott, of the 3rd concesbion
to be the most bevere of the season.—There ' I
would be t) do what was best 11 in the in-
tors to the Industrial. Mr. J. J. Withrow
President. Mr. Wm.
of Tuckersmith, is getting out timber. for a
large bank barn. Mr. Logan will do the
is considerable BickneO in this neighbor. 1
hood at present, caused, no doubt, by the
tiereste of die' country as a whole." No w
that is the omplete resume of the Budget
was again elected
Chrietie first vice- president, and Dr, And-
frame work, and the mason work will be
sudden chringes of the weather of the past
speech, if - except a equinting at differen-
rew Smith second vice-president,
done by Mr. Arthur Canteloo. .
—Very early on -Wednesday morning of
week or two. —One day last week a team- of
horses belonging to Mr. Henry Anderson,
tial duties British goods, and an allusion
last week the spirit of Mrs. James Braithwaite-
of the '7th concession, Umborne, ran away
t the fiossibility of the re -imposition of
the eNport luty on logo.. The effect of his
The students of Toronto.and Trinity -Unl-
it -
waite, of Londeaboro, passed to the great
*ith a load of cedar posts, but were captur-
soisech An the opinion of business i
verel y were in vited to the Acadamy of
beyond. She was 76 years of age/and was
ed after running a mile and a quarter, with-
Parlianlent will be to leave the countrylland
M sic on to hear the student -life
I ,
op ra of " Basocbe " and a great turn -out
one of Huron's pioneer Settlers. She had
only been seriously ailing about three days
out any serious results.—Oa 11hursday last
Mt. Peter Whitlock, of this place, k,klled a.
especially the business community,in a state
of uncertainty for P. year to come, -during
I wai the result, although the invitation did
nov, include passep. The rival collegians
when death claimed her. Her husband,
James Braithwaite, J. P., for many years
steer, in the bladder of which was found A
piece of what appears to have been a saucer, I
which time Mr, Foster said they wou Id im-
. .
1 — I
. .
hired boxes on opposite sides and had them
I . ,
. I
Clerk and Treasurer of Hullett who is well
about an inch long and three-quarters of an I
- .
1. -
I .
- - - I .1
. . . I I I
. A
. i .
-- . 1- -, -- -, .,. —
J . .. ` .1
i ,
Fmm-ARY 24, 1893
inch wide. The animal showed no symp
tome of anything wrong.—The friends of the" .
late Henry Horney's family will be pidgeeal
to hear that the family are now all in s;
fair way of recovery, although five -of therli
are still confined to their beds.—Mr.-Georgg
Steacy, Sr., of this place, whose shops were
burned down a few weeks ago, halt gone to
Seaforth to work in -T. T. Colemsin's estsl,.-
lishment. We wish him success.—The an,
niversary ser,Kices of the Thames R.o&a
, L
Presbyterian church, were hield on Sunday
and Monday, February 19th and 20tb 04
Sunday morning the Rev. Mr. Fletchs,
& _ large congregation in Lk -i
preached to is
usuil eloquent way. On Monday evenitiff -
Ir L
tea was served in the bsEement of t a
church, after which addresses were deliver.
ed by several ministers. Procee(h
of the tea amounted to $70-50. As thetis
were considerable eatables left over it W"
decided to hold a social on Tuesday evening
to which all were cordially iuvited.—yfif, -
revival services of the Bethany Methodk
church have been brought to a olose. Soltia -
45bave given in their names as meMLbere ' f
the church.—The Epworth League W9
meet on Wednesday evening next to a .
. rranke
matters relating, to the carrying on of tG
1. -
-work through the coming year. 17!F' ,
I .
- t
Kinburn. i :
STILL A-voTHEIR. -Whether it is tne:ex,
tremely cold weather or some ,other cs*
deponent sayeth not, but it is a fact t iiit
Marriages are being solemnized in this neigh. ......
borhood im unheard of numbers. We Ve
now to chronicle still another of ttt". V
happy events, which occurred at the re gl. :1
dence of Mr. Daniel McGregor, on Wed I
day, the 22ad inet,, when his eldest ZL5nrik. ,
ter, Miss J'essie, was married to Mr. Andiew
S. Best, A, prominent and prosperous Yo#ng
farmer of Hallett township. 11he ceremony I
was performed by Rev. P. Musgravet in the
presence of a large number of friends, atter
which a very pleasant and enjoyable time
wasspent. We join with their many fn'ei1:tdda
in wishing the young couple . a long, ba0py
. and prosperous married life. i
Nom.—Mr. Robert Reid, of the 1,12th
concession, is getting in material. and mlak. I ,
itig preparations for -the erection of a Wes . I
V#1w brick residence, next summer.—Mr. -
Wm. Jamieson intenderalsing big barn p8a I
WI lacing stone stabling underneath it.—)dr. J -
oble Adams is making arraingements 'for, 71,
the erectiou of a comfortable now fr*ms
house.—Mr. Assessor Smith intends ralsing 1.
his barnf and Mr. Theodore Dexter intondg ....
Having a stone foundation -placed under hi,G ,
—Mr. John Hinchley h" a two yeaT-ell ....
steer that weighs 1,790 pound&— I
Mr. David Millson recently sol&, 6 I, .
pair of very fine steers to Mr. George .
Stephenson. One of them will be two yem I
old on the 27th of this month, and it bro*t ..
down the scale* at 1,050 pounds ; the other -
was some weeks younger and it weighedi 950 ,.
pounds. Mr. Millson got 870 for thep4ii.— .
Rev. F. Swann, of Auburn, will pre"li,the ;
anniversary sermons of the education fund
in the Methodist Church here next Sabblatbi, ;
26th inst., at half past two in thealternbon, :
—Mr. F. W. Chapman and wife, of Sim .oet i
Oat., may be expected to begin evangalWe ,
services here next .Sabbath at half V'mt :
six in Ore evening, and to' address the -8a.b. ':
bath School in the afternoon. I'll
, ...
LoCALITM. —Marriages and the building ;
of residences seem to be -epidemic in4lik
hborhood at present. Mr. Robert , W I
millan has alrea'dy all the -material on, the ,
- L
ground and intends, -during the coming Gum .
mer, to erect one of .the fluent residences ia
this vicin#y. He also .intends puttillne,44n
addition tb his already large and .
built barn. Mr. McMillan is one of7 the I
most enterprising and indualrious ,Young
farmers id the county. He is at priesent
visiting in the County of Oxford, butfor
the present we forbear comment. ----!'Mt. ..
James Hinchley has some fine -beef c4tle,
and among the number in a steer sof yet
'three years old that tips the beam at 1,800 ,-
pound@. This animal bids fair to be a
second "(3 3. eneral Nickard."—Dr. Cooper ,,, ,
has purchased a beautiful bay mare, and .
tho3e th,*t know say she is a flyer.—Hon, I
George E- Foster!s budget speech is being
considerably discussed by the farmers in and '
about this burgh. All seem to have ,16en
looking for a considerable reduction of the
tariff wall between Canada And the Utim ,
States, and are but ill -content withi the :
paltry reduction of two cents a gallon on ,
coal oil and 12J per cent. on binder twine.
OysTm Sup.PER.—A Social gathering rif
the vouth and beauty of part ot Rullott. And
McKillop took place on last Friday evening
at 11 Poplar Grove," the beautiful and com- -
modious resicLence of Mr. RobertArmstroug.,
A most enjoyable evening was .spent hy all
present, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrongas -bojt
and hostess being Adepts in the art of en-
tertsining and making each and- *11 enjoy
to the full their kind hospitality. At 11
p. m. tables were spread and the company
treated to a most exquisite oyster suprrt ,
, I
Following the fine repast the guests in-
dulged for A short time in the mazy dtnoe
when all dispersed at a seasonable hour..
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong lotit life -
and continued pros'perity, and that they
may long enjoy the comfort@ of their beaut-1-
f ul abode and pleasant aurroundiDgis.
- - 111111111111111111111111111 .
MoKwolD. - .
MATRIIHO-NUAL.—A very pleasant aSir
took place at the residence of Mrs. James -
Dorrence, 5th concession on the 8th inst,
This was the marriage of Mrs. Dorrence's
second daughter, Miss Annie, to Mr.Gordan
Jefferson, of Dakota, and formerly of HiLd
Wawanosh. The knot was securely tied 11
Rev, Mr. Musgrave. Miss Annie Jefferson
sister of the groom, attended the.. bride,
while Mr. George B. Dorrence, brother of i
the bride, stood by the groom. The One-
mony over, about fifty of the friends and
relatives of both families sat down io -0
most sumptuous repast, and a few hours I
1were afterwards socially and pleasaotly
spent. The esteem in which the bride Is
held was abundantly manifested 'by tbo
large number of beautiful and useful pirel-
ants received.—In the evening the youcl ,
friends of the happy couple had their hi- -
I nings, when about 150 assembled at 4 Of
I hospitsible: residence of Mrs. Dorrencet iiinil
the night was spent joyously, am such OiVAIO'
sione usuallyare, and it was not far frolat
lid sun up " wben ther last danee was calleil
off . Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, leave here foi
their Dakota home about -the let of Maicb,
And we are sure that if they enjoy the too,
cess and happiness their many friends -hero
hope they may, they will be prosperous atia
happy indeed.,
A HAPPY EvExT,—The residence of Air,
Wm. MeGavin, on the 12th concession1woAt -
on Wednesday evening, the 22nd inst. p ths
scene of a -gay and festive gathering. Tts
occasion was the marriage of Miss AnalA
McGavin, eldest daughter of the host, tQ
Mr. Robert Morrison, eldest son of Mt -
Frank Morrifiou, and the large circle' -Of
friends who were present, to the number of
250, will not soon forget the pleasant Md
enjoyable evening spent. With such a 1ArV
number of guests it would be expected tillit
overcrowding might interfere with the
pleasure of the evening, but, with the 0V
cellent arrangements made,by the McG*viv-
family, there was nothing locking thst-
could contribute to the enjoyment of ths
occasion. The genial and whole-soulOod
David Dorrance, head master of the'Pubild
-School at Harriston, acted -as director Of
ceremonies, and managed his part, as he &I* -
ways, does, to perfection. The officlatiNg
clergyman was the Rev. Mr. Ottewet), Of I
Walton. He has bad & great deal of pr*0'
tice at such work and was not long in intrc
ducing Mr. and Mrs. Morrison to the Dora*
Pa*y- Showers of congratulations pourOA
upon them, and the large number of band,. , ,
some and useful presents showed that 60 -
bride is regarded in the highest esteem by
IV - i
: PF'33,
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: boun0liful
, byeveryt
: faring to -
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- been farn
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At iiis fat]
: thfio Mr.
: intends Z4
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- FOA wac
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tioli of a I
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Tb I .
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the itowns
'in 4!spr-u
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S1,0% sala
$40, in fa'%
. - uses, w
rb' v' next
March 27'
. VAX,pr
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guests Sal
her dau
, W J,
. Jr.
to , 4
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formed ]
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simpsaD ' "
30'. IG le
This Mar
over , the
dinner -18-1
. The hapI
took tbe
, on. Fri
held int
ber of fr
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thove pv
. Kelly.
. useful at
. have tb
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and i th
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smith o
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. .
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he suf
. lmdeth
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