The Huron Expositor, 1893-02-17, Page 8- . . . I . I I I I - ; THE HURON. EXPOSITOR@ __ I- � i;, � 1 8 . - . .1 . - , � �__ , .1 - � I I- I i 1i I Her brother, however, in her his family to that place shortly, Mr. Pick- M%rys. At the conclusion -of the ceremony, Mr. Reinke is a geniali, host and Ai ample intelligent. � rriage in the church, , E DWARD ..,-:- OASH acoomt�o4atiqn, a pleasant time may be opposite in all these respects, and no one, to ard in a genial gentleman, a good, reliable this being the first in& I ' looked fo�. - A silver Collection willbe taken see them together, would suspect, any rela- business man and one in whom the people of the bride was presented on behalf of th4 . Wholesale anJ Retail Dealer in - up in aid'of the' funds of the Socisiy.—Mr. tionship between them. There in no reason Drumbo and vicinity may place every eon- Trustees with an address and a bandsomel3 , �, . 1D_A.T___R_Y_ , :B-Ur_Vr_VM31R., and Mrs. D. Clark have been away for a to doubt that the girl's character is quite ir- fidence ; they will find him. all we may and. bound family bible. The addresit wag reac I . We wish him success in his new by Mr. John Ketchen and the Bible wai � . I couple of weeks, vi!1iting friends in. and reproaohable� Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. more Thq I GODERICff STV.-EET, SE AFORTH, � Brady have taken it strong . interest in the venture. --A public meeting to discues the presented by Mr. James Broidfoot. around Lackuow. : . .- girl and have sec her -a. market building business will be held in ceremony ended, the happy couple, tbeil . Wants a; large quantity of fine Fall I 10 ___101_ good situation in the towfi, as she is ap Kidd's hall this evening, and a vote by bal- attendants and the invitod guests repairei ,- n A CLF,vXR CANA:DrAN LADY.—A �opy of arently deservi of symp3thy'- and aid.'; lot on the two kinds of buildings will be to ,he resideuce of Mr. Jttmiesou where i Butter in Prints an(I Rolls; also Beef a recent issue of: the Edinburg Scotsman P n Theri Rides, Tallow; Sheepskins and Furs. has been sent us by a friend, in which we To this the Stratford Beacon adds: 11 The taken * next Friday at the usual places in sumptuous dinner was partaken of. find the following complimentary reference Chief McCarthy referred to above by the the several wards. —Mr. John Grieve, V. S., were guests present from St. Marys,London . to a talented Canadian young lady : " Miss SsntiDel-Rsvisw is of Stratford, not of Sea- has purchased the residence of Mr. A. G. Somforth, Brucefielit and other places forth. The girl ,came through here from. Ault, on Goderich Street, and which is at After dinner ai couple of hours were plean Apes Knox, lecturer on elocution in the , ; The antl ntit about oil . Cka-ring For A ction. .Yhivor.sitty of Toronto, gave a vecond dram- Seaforth a day or two ago, and our Chief of' cupied. by Mr. J. Duncan. y and sociably spent, n J . i al to . I -was wo king for her friends in look-', price paid is $1,650. Mr. Grieve intends o'clock, when Mr. and Mrs. Long, witi __ — ­ . the membeys of the Edin- police r I occupying it, mud he will have a pleasant their St. Marys friends left for St. Marys - i ' ' mpaign durmF tic rp hilosoph -I Ica - ing up her whereabouts," 1. . Tomakeroom for the Spring Ca I . burg P ica . titution last eY�enillg. � I awaited them aw the rest of February we w�ill clear the balance of all The bell was crowded, and the audience I I 0 -, and comfortable home. —The recent thaws where a reception party will be. Th, 1ple� code at away down prices., Amongst the� e - AN INTERESTING RELIC.—A friend has and rains have settled the snow and im- where their future home w rgam g at cordial and uthusiastic recep bridal".presents were numerous, cootly,hand b, a we offeK_vm might mention Fur Coats, Caps, gave a me Ong- ajbd - -worn copy of proved the rondo, while the fine weather � . Sets, Capes, Alantles, Mantle and Ulster Cloths, tion to the fair reciter. A I -exacb shown us ain ,aged and time fRu 1. Mrs. Long was a univers Winter DressGoods, Gloves, Shawls, mWinery, Men' rdeter— TffE ExposiToR that has a rather interest- tempts the country people out to town, and some � d usefu and Boys' overcoats. Come in and see the tar-ain: ing programme of a very varied ona, in store for yoia at the .., every number being by a different author' ing history. It crossed the Atlantic twice, as a result business has been considerably at favorite here and-& host of friends wil . 13argain House. ' Northwest, and improved, Last Saturday Main Street was unite with us in wishing herself and he was rendered by Miss Knox with marked then it journeyed out to the, a life to Sonforth. It bears the packed from end to end, and our business husband a long, happy and prosperou . WX PICKARD - abil�ty, and was warmly applauded by the returned %gain .1 I . large audience. Her selections V'Vere from ditto April 2, 1869, Ross & Luxton, editbre men' did a rushing trade. Everybody Says 0 � Seaforth. . . . Bavfleld, 1 '04 nglish, Scottish and American 'poets, and and publishers'; George W. Rose, proprie- Seaforth is the best and liveliest' town in __ — in these renderings she displayed consider- tor. The paper is the 174 th number in the Western Ontario.—Miss Eva Acheson, of NEWS ITEAts.—On Sunday morning nex ___ e 0 e an g ht ,,& ) ind year of its existence. Its editorials Goderich, has been visiting at tile resid no th nual missionary services are to b JVJOU (r1tn00,,j0V* able versatility. Her most successful efforts secc weTe with American. pieces. Those by Will are discussing Reciprocity with the States ; of Mr. J. M. Beat during the past week.— held In the Methodist church, when Rev SV vv,r I Carleton and Brat Harte being sympatheti- denouncing the doings of th& Dominion The maiy friends interested, and who g,%ve Mr. Shilton, of R%ttenbury street Methodis . — t their names for the benefit of the quilt made church, Clinton is expected to conduct ,th I c�lly re�dered. 16 tove in a Balloon," was Telegraph Coinpany ; protesting y . &gains by Mrs, Charles Lowrie, in aid of Mussel- service. —The fishing has been very goo, - I iven with a fine sease of humor, and An- Protestants in Quebec being taxed to aup- uilding fund, will be , I DISTRIOT MATTERS. ; announcing - the near burg U. P. Church b lately.—Mr. Wilson, a stulent from Tc � . lerson's " Bairnies Cuddle Dcon," was porf'Catholic schools Had- pleased to hear th&t it brought $50 at their ronto, preached in St. Andrew's church o I very happily recited. In the closet scene, and advantageous settlement of the A PLICASA'XT EvE.NrNG.—The youth and - o.on' a Bay Question, and advising the County bazaar ' , held in the music hall, Hdinbiirgh, in Tuesday last, Although a very young ma! from Bamletp she showed remarkable dra . I beauty of Egmondville, with a few frienda,, matic power in her delivery. ' Altogether Council of Huron to takesteps to encourage December last.—Dr. McKay and his sister, be plesied all by his instractive and suholai from the country, spent a very pleasant the entertainment wax much e oyed by the immigration from the British Isles. A Mine Nellie, attended the Bachelors' and ly discoursee. �Ij . douple of Columns are - Melady Bened!cta, ball at Woodstock, on. Monday —1 evening on Tuesday of last week at the rest- distinguished audience," '.' " . dev6ted to the —Mr. E. Hinchley and Mr, 8, � Chiselhurst. dance of Mr. R. Hicks. The time passed 0 1 tragedy, and another c6lumn reports the evening last, ' . anni- Lamb . have formed a partnerohip and have ' - quickly in feasting� song, sentiment and- 'a, COUNCIL MEETING. At the meeting.of Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School, '� LoCAIATIES.—ReViVRI services are bein few ste0i across. the floor. The Company, — which Mr. John Gray was chair- purchased the feed and seed business of Mr. continued in the Methodist church with it � 19 the Town Council on Monday evenin lastj I vereary, at Crozier. It is only a I few months- since Mr. not wishing to rob nature too much of its b u4i � creasing success. Large number@ atten . the question of the new town Idin4s man, and Rev. Mr. Dyer, Rev. Mr. Kellam, Hinchley sold this busineto to Mr. Crozier, almost . 9�veet repose, broke up at an early hour by again came up, A motion to Accept the, Rev. Mr. McDonald and Rev. Mr. William- every even ing. --..;Rev. Mr. Marti singing Auld Laug"Syne, when 11 ilk% Jocky tender of Mr. John H. Broad1oot on the son were speaker#. The only business men and it speaks well for it that he returns was to deliver a lecture in the - Preikbyteris , ' left to see his Jenny safely hame."_Cok, present plans, provided he deduct $WO,.w' whose names appear in the advertising to it again, being unable to find any other church on Friday, 3rd inst., but owing t � . Re . I � — �, . � lest on a tie. An amendment I to thie ino. columns, and who are still residents of Sea. occupation that would pay better. Mr, the severe storm that night the service we T,aH DE,B.xTE.—Ihe attempts of the Me- . I - Hinchley and Mr. Lamb will make a strong postponed. The roads are good all aroun . tion, that the plans be amended by leaving forth, are: .F. Holmested, Johnson BroA., orribination, — Master Willie Bee�ttie; chanics' Institute, ,since the holidays ' � to ot�t the second flat aino excavating the M. Robertisov, E. Cash, J. Duncan, J. S. 0 here, notwithstanding the many storms an hold a public debatO, seem to be attended ' 0 10!gest son of Mr. John Beattie, i has a g eat deal of t 'n'g 4one.—Th whole of the foundation, was also loot on a Porter, R. Lumaden, Win. Elliott, Samuel Y a r eamiug is bei with misfortune. The debate on 11 Annex. Toledo, Ohio, where he � ex. Methodist church was packed on Sunda . tie. A resolution was then passed, provid- Dickson, W. N. Watson and Thomas Dow- gone to ' I - ation " was postponed once. and, although ing that a vote by -ball t f the freeholders Bay, In the markets fall wheat is reported at Pects to , secure a situation,—A man 111 night. The meeting ives one'of the best V1 held on Friday evening last, the speak�rs of the town be takeno as to, wb 6 ther the 80c to 90c ;� spring wheat, 80c to 85c ; pota- this toyva who was recently sent to jail have ever attended. New onee are startin � . had the pleasure of addressing mostly empty building - shall be, complited according to toes, 60c to 65c per bushel; bay, $9 to $11 for - abusing his wife, explained to the for the better life st almost every meeting. � - . - � chairs, However, although the audience the present plane, or in accordance with the per ton ;eggs, 12c to 14c per doz . ell,and butter magistrate that he did not I bete ' her be � -at;ie he did not like her, but simply to was small, the debate was lively and inter. proposition to reduce it -by leaving out the 20c to 22c per pound. C Cromarty. esting, and some of those who braved the second flat. The � appointment �� of Mr. W. sho;v his authority over her. —Mr. John S. LoCAL I JoT,rixGs. —The many friends i . ' inclement weather and attended pronounced Tim PosT OF'YICZ.3.—The report of the Roberts is laid up with an attack of mumps. � it the best of the series. We do 7 no; know H. Cline as Chief i of the Fire &;Igade, was Postmaster General for the year ending 30th —Mr. Frank Vercoo and Miss Guesie, of Mrs. Donald Park regret to learn that at whether they will be continued or not. approved of. Mr. R. S. Roberts'was roeap_ June, 1892, has been issued. From it we' Toronto, son and daughter of the late Dr. has been very ill for about a week, but vi � . pointed engineer I of the Waterwor , hope soon to hear of her recovery.—M1084 — ' Vercoe, were guests at Ingleside thii week. Lizzie and Maggie Hamilton are enjoyiv 0 . I's _' Mr- glean the following information : The total MoRx ELECTRICITY. —The �� Messrs. Van Wm.;BaII.autyne,*se9sor ; Mr. jC. M. Dun r �Lent commenced on Wednesday. Services now- lop, chief constable ; Mr. Laa�y, market deposits in the savings banks for the yea - were hold in St. Thnmas'and St. James' themselves with friends in ,Millbauk th Egmond; of bho-Se&f orth Woollen Mille, clerk, and Mr. `Wm. Elliott, town ireas- amounted to $7,056,002, and the withdraw week.—Miss Letitia Mitchell, of Port Stal a have their large establishment lighted b r urer, all at the same remuneration as last &Is smounted to $7,230,839, being $174,837 Churches on that day. —Regular week day lay, is visiting her aunt, Mrij, F. L. Haml electricity. The Ball Company, of Toront ; year. Action on the application of �he in excess of the deposits. There were, dur- services will be held in St. Thomao'church . I have just completed the erection of an eigh electrician for an increase of sid&ry was do. Ing the year.919,996 money orders issued, dur16 Lent on Tuesday forenoon at 10 to", lt ext meetink of the council, stmounting to $12,825,701 ; of those there Oct, a on Morris . Ii ht dynamo and sixty incandescent lighi . ferred until the n . - O'Cl. ad Thursday evening at 7.30.— T is is safficient -to -brilliantly light t, , the Fire and Water Committee being in. were issued ic Ontario, 616,204, amounting The scarcity of wood in town is making an 'NoTEs.—Mr. Wm. Russell has gone I whole establishment and have dynai, � structeA to interview Mr. Ingram in the to $6,200,451. -It will be seen that Ontario increased demand fPr coal.—The Josie Mille Stratford on a visit to friends there.—TI power enough to run I%Mrpa Sufficient t . Friday, has done nearly half of the business of *e comedy.dompmay had a very slim house here . : meantime in regard to t1he matter. � I . on Wednesday evening. —We are pleased to few mild days of late have afforded t1 light, the private residences of ,the propriL February 24tb, wits set �'spart as the day on 0 1 . tore. The building was first fully lighted Dominion in this branch. There are 8288 . -is again �ufliclent- farmers an opportunity of opening up ti which the vote should be taken on the Mar. Post Offices in the Dominion', and of those sea that Mr. Peter Spain up on Monday night, and -it presented , 3.060 are in Ontario. There were 102,850, ly recovere�d from his recent illness to be road* that were blocked. It was a difficu " ' thor. It to get through in many places. At ket building, and' the Mayor was au ' Rble'to walk around town, and hope he will t" . ' beautiful appearance. This is the third ized to call a � public meeting of � the 000 letters posted during the year, of which although there is a track made once moi . re -,were now be fully restored to - he private establishment lighted by electricity ratepayers on Friday evening, -February Ontario contributed 56,000,000 ; the 0, I alth. —Messrs. et no heavy loads can be pat on it on a in town, viz : -Messrs. Brofbdfoot and Box', 17th, for the purpose of discuos'Wg the also 20,815,000, postal cards posted, tid of George Patterson. and D. Charleoworth are Y ount . of the road being so high and unevei furniture. factory; Coltman's foundry. and. question. The council then adjourg-pd to these also Ontario contributed 13,00,0W. this week in Toronto attending the meeting C I " VanEgniond's woollen mill, We are also ' � There Are 3,286,700 registered letterspost. of the Grand Lodge of United Workmen as - —Mr. D. Kelly, of the 6th line, has pu . please -i to learn that this -last named estab- meet at . the . call of 0 the Mayor. I I I ed, of which Ontario contributed 1,900,000. representatives from the Senforth lodge. — chased a Durbain bull from a gentleman � - * � lishment is being worked to its utmost Ca- - . I The following is a statement of the business As will be seen by announcement -elsewhere Gray towaship.—Mr. John Michie is &WE l . A, WoaD OF WARNIN(L—Thoaq., desiring , . - . n Halton County, This reek, on a visit � pacity, ,�and that they have orders nine to obtain Bargains in Groceries would do4ell to done in'the money order offices in this -dis- 'there will be grand entertainm . months ahead, This speaks well for the bustle as sale will not likely be continued longer trict, and the revenue o . f the respective post- Thursday and Friday evenings, in aid of friends there.—Mr. David Nichol aud:mi character of the wares which they turn out, than the present month. J. FAIRLIS I T, Seafoith. masters in addition to rent allowance: the Seaforth band, when a -grand musical have returned from Dakota for good. I . and if business continues coming in thi . � 1314-2 . and literary treat will be given. Mr. Chas. says a farmer has to have a big capital I is MOXM' INCOME 'bu w . GROSS 0PDXR8 OF Pos'r. Guinness, the Soldier Poet and way they will s( t(o enlarge their The Violin Class in connecti Ah the Prince of start on out there.—Ice harvesting 4 � . present spacious premises. - Y. Irl. C. A. will begin practice WednWay, February " RYM�FC. ISSUMD. MASTER. Entertainers, of the Manhattan Lyceum ond operation ; it is of a poor quality as a ge - 22nd. Violins must be at the rooms it 8.16. Terms I ' $1.50 for 13 nights. For further part4oulars ipply to Auburn ............ $405 558 $ 184 Entertainment Bureau of New York, has eral rule. � � 1 1 - 0 DWPPED His P.iLF,.—Mr. W. H. Mill- R. MUCER I -j _� , �314-1 Bayfield . .......... 590 746 330 been engaged for the occasiou and he wil I be man, of Woodstock, the well-known horse REQvisiTioN.—All parties Wdebted to me t Bluevale .......... 412 114 197 found an entertainer worthy .of the best Tuckeramith. min, and who was a judge on light horses will very inueb oblige by settling tbeir accounts by Blyth ...... � ....... 1,570 772 566� patronage Mrs. Sage and her daughter, rob let A j. J. FAIRLBT, : PERSONAL-,. —Mrs. It. Landaboro has bet o6t:the last fall show at Sea -forth, has drop. cash or by note beiDre VA Brussels .......... 2,501 - 1,972 - 942 Mips Annie, the celebrated glass, bottle and confined to her bed through illness, but I Seaforth .? 1311.2 , ped his pili in apples this year. 'Mr. Mill- . r! Clinton ........... 4,655 1,332 11556 beli players will assist, with others. We now recovering.—Mra. L. Wiltse, who Il ; SPF'Ci&l times at the Salvatioq' Army, fare- Creditou .......... 704 265 291 hope our citizens will give our band a gen been seriously ill is recovering favorably.' inan was reported to be4orth about $200'. ell of Major Baugh and Scribe Rxwl,� from Lon- - - 000, and it is stated that he has made a oe . ' ar 'I'll Dungannon ........ 4779 393 217 erous benefit.—Miss McKeehnie, of near I Z don.- Tbey e to be here oia SaWn ay nigbt the I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton visited relativ tlement with his creditors at 15 canto on the 18th, also on Sunday 19th and Mondiy 20th. Fare- Exeter ............ 2,259 1,502 865 Paisley, is a visitor at.the residence of Mrs. at Hallett this week. —Ivlr. Josiah Whil dollar, with the promise to pay in�f ull when well of the Major and Scribe on Moriday' P1 fit De- Fordwich .......... 613 439 284 M. Thompxon, Sparling Street.—Rev. Fath. has returned home and will remove to h I tachments are expected in from Mitefiefi, Clfat6 and 1,958 er- DeCautillon, of Newark, New Jers3y, , I mble to do Po. Mr. Millman was one of the G6derich .......... 5,577 2,915 . farm as soon as the house is vacated. . Bayfield, an iner n the band and a .ge'ineral good - largest shippers in Ontario. His buyer in Stir. Five cents=sslon on Mond nikht. Come Gorrie ............ 766 619 304 spent a few days last week with his uncle, COUNCIL.—The council met at Ky1( this county for the past two semone was along. CM-T-Aw FRxrR. S�� 1 1314-1 Hensall ........... 1,015 - 629 397 Mr. James Lennon, of the Huron' Road, Mr. George E. Henderson, of this town. —4 �i Ki pen ........... 297 144 151 MoKillop.—Mr. G. Finlay and Mr. J George hotel, on February 7th. Thememberowt 1� - p all present, A communication was rei He is said to be a man of great energy and MORE VICTIMS OF THE EL-064ic,—It has Sea,forth. .......... 4,907 2,301 1,690 Pearce, of Mitchell, were in town on Friday from the local bo:J d of health recommeft good brisiness ability, and the fact that he been said that marriages are e�'fderhic this Varna .... � ........ 359 153 156 last, on busineas and visiting friends.—Mr. the appoitittent of a medical heal! . winter, instead of " I& grippo�, MOA really Wq'gham ......... 4,531 1,977 1,273! Nathaniel Long, of Yeoville, Grey county, im has made such &D advantageous settlement I I 0 er. The council, acting on this recaf with his creditors .Shows that they have there- appears to be some truth� iin It. The Wfoxeter ......... 987 574 3991 paid Mr. Robert Jones a visit on Tuesday. mendation appoi�t�d Dr. Scott as sui faith in him.. We hope. therefore, that he latest to go ia Mr. Sidney Maliett, k �romi- Z a r ich ............ 796 464 - 280! —Mr. John Routledge, of Mi)dmay, Bruce officer. A comm nication was read fro will recover himself.. He is, however, not nent and populaf young bU4ine83 man Of county, was in town on Thursday on his , . PERTH, I tile Dominion Alliance asking the co-oper the only dealer that has dropped a pile in Seaforth, who, on Wednesdait last, at 12 Dublin � ........... $673 209 $3231 way to Stanley to visit old friends there. tion of the council in petitioning the Leg! apples thia year.. Bat if the misfortunes of o'clock,, was united in marri4ge to Miss - - I , - .1 Listow I ........... 4,146 2,024 1,321 1 lature to submit to a plebiscite the prohil this year will induce dealers to be more care.. Lottie E. Latimer,eldest daughter Oi Mr. Ed- Mitch e , � HWs Green. ful in buying, selecting and packing the ward Latimer, of this town. The ceremony ello ........... 3,283 1,461 1,160 1 tion question. The Reeve and Clerk we , ­ . fruit, the experience, although unpleasant, was performed by Rev. Mr. Galloway at Cie St. Maryo..; ...... 5,593 2,640 1,674 NOTES.—Tbe exceseively deep snow in ordered to sign petition on behalf of couno � Stratford ......... 12,084 03, 9 7 5 � - 3',324 making bush work almost an impossib,ility Mr. W. Chesney was reappointed assess will not have been in vain, and will result residence of the bride's father; Mr. Herby I -1 . this winter.--7Mr. James Jarrott is slowly for 1893, at a salary of $80. Tenderp f in good to the trade. H. Rush, of Simeoe, supportink the g'foom, , . i recovering from his recent illness. —Preach- the supply of lumber for township purpol 0 and Miss R. �Sparling acting as , bridesmaid. THE S4LT MANUFACTURERS.—The Clinton ing in the Methodist church next Sunday were opened and the contracl; awarded .� - � BAND op HoPL ENTERTAINNEWNT.—On The happy young couple left on the 3 New Era' of last week says: The- Salt Asso- morning at 11 o'clock.—Mr. James Jarrett P. D . Bell, Hensall, for cedar, $10.50, aj Wednesday evening a Supper was given o'clock train for 'the east. Th�y intend to cia,tion c�ased- to exist on the 31st of Do- has had a ood offer for his brick house in elm $9, per thousand. The offer of M of Hope, under visit Toronto, Hamilton and other Canadian.. comber last, Since that time several meet- . the members of the Band . Hensall Ae may possibly take it and build Allan, of Cromarty, to supply quarry 9ta the auspicesi of the Women's Christian Tem - cities before returning to take,up 0he stern iogs of the manufacturers have been held, here. We hope he may, for he in too ood delivered at the side of Sproat's bridge , I � . � - I perance, U the basement of the realitieeof life., -,We wish thel,estimable notso much with the view of re-formirig a a citizen to loap.—Mrs. C. Troyer has teen the'Kippen road, at 14 cents per cubic, fo .Methodist After the" little folks, young bride and 'groom a ve'ry 1,Yappy and combination, but more for the purpose of I ' very poorly for a while. —Mr. C. Stelck had was accepted ; about 650 feet will be nee( and the bigger ones as well, had been well useful married lif,e, and we fe�'l sure they amicably settling CODfiiCti12g interests. It . . � - the pleasure of a visit from two of his sisters nary for abutmente, After passing Bevel supplied with coffee, cake and other good merit it. The bride, Mrs., Mullett, -is a has been found both impracticitble and impos, last Sunday; . accouats and voting$37 to the needy, t , things a programme . of music and graduate of our.'Xollegiate I09titute and a sible to form an association of all the-manu- � � � — , council adjourned to meet at Weber's hoti recitations was ,given in a very pleasing great favorite of ,the i staff aid her fellow facturers on the Same lines at tile old one and creditahle manner by the members of students, as indeed she is of all her acquain. was based upon. But, realizing the neces- Kippen., . I March 22nd, to appoint pathmasters, poui - the Band, assisted'by some of their larger tances. The groom, Mr. Mullett, although sity of keeping down expenses as much as THE METHODIST Cw6Rcm —The Quarterly keepers, &a. S. SATILLIE, Clerk. . brothers and Sisters, who have grown out not an old resident of Seaforthi'ia well and possible, an association has simply been meeting of the Kippen circuit met here on 0 � . . i I y I formed among some of the makers, to keep Saturday the 4th infit. Hills Green Wroxete.r. of the Band. The chair was occupied by favorabl known [As a businessanan, He is, I Mr. J. H'� 1) � - one central office, with headquarters at wa's not represented, owing to the snow CoNcxRT. —The adjourn�d Foresters' co . ypr, who gave some very also, actively engaged in Christian work in - suitable and profitable advice - to the youn the Young Men't'Christian Associatidn and Clinton. There is no combination as to blockade caused by Friday's Storm. Finances oert will be held on the �8th of Februa 9 I were well up to date, Arrangements were people, and. Rev. Mr. Galloway, eagazed the Methodist church. The 'opularity' of prices, it ib -simply for the purpose of facili- I , . next, when the public can depend on hem , in prEkyer.- Mies A. Cowan, whc�' �'&as the bride was practically aft6lid by numer- t . ating business. The advantages of one made for meeting the expenses caused by ing a treat, as Jim Fax will be here alo] . - Ope ous handsome and useful gifts� �. - . . . office, in a case of this kind, are So apparent yepairs to parsonage and putting a furnace with other attractions. The Foresters MI - been in 'charge of the Band of H . he same. The circuit will then be an- congratulate themselves on the success tb t — � as scarcely to require explanation, but 11 t for several years 'past, deserves the un- - . tirely out of debt. Nothing was done to- in attending their order here. They a dying gratitude of the parents for -her T.HuNGs IN KANSA.S.—Mr. k�bort Byoad- among them might be mentioned the saving wards inviting a- successor to Rev. H. getting large and frequent additious to i � painstaking and persevering efforts in en- foot, formerly , of this oodfty writes 9f correspondence, the assurance of' orders Irvine. This Board has never invited, mud I . being promptly filled at the lowest market and are in a flourishing condition. V deavoring to instil, principJes of temperance from Talmage, Kansas., as follo*s : To give .t and sobriety into the minds and 'characters you some idea of how matters are getting price, with a first-class article ; and also the will not likely do, so this year. Some wish fot their still further proalmri y. I of their children. Mrs. R%bert Logan is along with us out Went, I " ' . the freedom from anxiety resulting from doing of the officials were annoyed at the rep?rt CARNIVAL.—The carnival which was he , . . that was circulated to the affect that a min ' proving a capital assistant 0 Miss CoWan, first place that, to cool down L66 fever heat business with a thoroughly reliable institu- � - here last Tuesday evening, vyas in every wi especially in the musical department. of the past election, the vvint�r 'set in un- tion. The Canada Salt Association,. by inter had been invited for the next term at a -a succens, a large number being in costaint . _._� I'-- 6 . which name it will be known, repr . ese fabulous salary. No name has been no much The following secured prizes : Best ladl .. . I usually early with a heavy fall of snow, yet mts as mentioned in the Board. , . Ecam6,.iDviLLx NOTES.—Thanks, Friend the weather was mild until of late, when it works situated on the Grand Trunk railway, - I character costume, Wiss Kate Foraythii . I � Pringle, for . your generous comparison, but set in much colder, reaching hs� low tie 8 and the Canadiain Pacific railway and the water __ 0 - best gentleman's character costume, Jam . . - � Goldsmith's: hero is too good and noble a 10 degrees below zero. Whe4 I the people front, thus enabling them to quote salt for Brucefteld. I N Allen ; Comic costume, Allen Rae si creation for our aspirations. We never aim say and write that it is not c6ld in . y point in the Dominion, and giving the CLovF,R and Ti Harry Brawn ; Beat dressed girl and . I ihe far an . mothy Seed wanted at A. - . ai au(;h perfe-.tiono but can Sincerely recom- West even when the temperature is much choice of route to the buyer, an advantage YouNo's, Seaforth. . 1311 twelve I , Katte Robert3011 ; beat dressed boi ,mend him for your imitation. Thereishope lower than' that, I feel like saying that they they cloo,im that nobody but themselves is BRiEFS.—For the past week Master Willie liae ; seventeen lap race, Joe Bar . 16 for you, as you again concede a mistake i n* misrepresent the facts. Last season we had �ble to offer. Mr. W. M, qrsy, of Seaforth, Murray Gibson, of Stanley, has bein seri. ard. The figure Skating of Mr. John past advo'cacy of the N. P., but a safe direc- a good crop of wheat in this section, aver- is President of the -new, Association- and ously ill with inflammation, but we are glad Sanders was the principal feature of t] - tor of publio opinion is one who is able to aging 30 and 35 bushels to the.acre, and Mr. John Ransford still romaiDs' as goore- to learn that he is now recovering.—Mr. evening, iind was highly commended by lo judge of the end from the beginning, especi- good at that ; oats about 50 bushels ; corn tary. We understand that Mr. Macpherson, Ashton, formerly of Varna, has opened a., era of the -art, The Gorrie Brass Band a] ally,in a fiscad chADg0 of that nature, solely only about a quarter of a crop., Wheat is accountant, and Mibs Freer, stenographer- livery stable in our village. This will fill a lent their musical talent to the occasic in -tended to benefit one class, at the expense selling at from 48 to 50 cents, oatis at 22 to also remain with.the new organization. long felt want in our midst. We, wish him We believe the carvivail was a succi of all others. Your advocacy of annexation 25 cents. The price of corn is higher than - � . —, every auticess in him new ventu're.—Miss financially. is on the same selfish ground ; every- patri- usual on account of the short crop. Good LOCAL BRIEF.s.—Mr. Hugh Grieve, who Goodie Marks has returned from a short NOTES.—A detachment of the Wingho otic sentiment, historic associatioa, national hogs sell at from $6.75 to $7 per hundred, represents the Massey-Elarris Machine Com. visit to Goderich. —Miss Hunter, of Hensall, Salvation Army invaded our village asp . iration, and even the dread of union w;th and cattle are sellin welli but the hurse any here, has leased the' corner store in spent last . week in the village, the guest of Tuesday evenin under Major Baug k a country whose social elements are I a. eon- trade is ' not so briX !as at this time last �,Yhitney's block, and will occupy it as an Miss Lottie McGregor.—M,r. Dixon is at headed by their trass Band. They hek staut menace to the Stability of its govern- year. On the whole, people Are pros�ering, implement emporium. It is a good stand, present entertaining relativep trom Chicago very successful meeting in the town hall. � .1 . Seldom has any town of this size on any o Went ; all these are lost sight of for the More attention is beit�g paid �J dairying of and is well adapted for his bujiness. He 11 City of the Great Fain"—Miss Janet' day had so many men of large ,palibre � I doubtful prospect of better prices. But, in late, and it has proved quite a o,udcees. For has also leased the residence overhead, and Mustard has gone to visit friends in Tiver- 'I all age8, men have been found willing to shortly. —Mrs,' Taylor', of ton. —Our merchants -are now getting L in were eon here on Saturday lost. TPIE good butter we get from 20 tb 25 cents per will move there i I a a � barter themselves or their country for a pound, and f r eggs from 18 to 22 cents per Strathroy, is at present visiting at her large stock of goods. Judging, by appear. were ten men, whose combined weight 4 - 0 ; 2,177 pounds, an average of 217 po�n mesa of pottage.—On Tuesday evening, last dozbn all winter. . falther's, Mr. Win. Campbell'o. —Mr. John ances,-- they must expect a la;rge Spring week, Egm,ondville Church choir gathered � . __ �, R' Grant, formerly postmaster at Brussels, trade. We trust their hopes may be fully each. The N. P. has not starved us out p . ; i ; . -of grain is coming in now &I t -a GIRL. —Th; . Woodstock but now of Winnipeg, was in -town .on Sun. realized. —The anniversary services of the for the purpose 6f farewe-fling threeof its A 4 SEAFoRT Quite a lot ' � Members, viz : � Airs. Clarke, Miss Kribs Sentinel- Revie w of a few days ago has the day, the guest of Mr. Bausla b M r. Christian Endeavor Society of Union church the prices here are as good if not better I . ,­ �u those in any place in the country. The f, and Mr. Clarke) Who contributed much to following : "A rather pathetic,caso was to- Logie, a .former teacher in the Uollegiat6 are postponed until March 5th and 6th. the succets of ou'r4nn' singing. The day brought to the attention, ot t f lowing are the ruling prices for prod ci iversary he police Institute here, occupied the pulpit in otviug to the illness of Dr. Dickson a gory time passed very, pleasantly away with authorities. Yesterday Chief fvIal' received a the Presbyterlau church last Sabbath, and WEDDiNo BBLLS. —It Was a very pre it y Wheat, 68 to 70c ; Peas, 57 to 59c ; Ow music and sociad conversation, till about ten letter froM'-: Chief McCarthy, Sea-forth,asking preached two exceptionally able sermons.— wedding which was celebrated in Union 32 to 33c ; Pork, $8.50 per cwt. -1 - - o'clock, when refreshments were served. him to ta;ke charge- of a girl iiamed Maggie We are sorry to learn that Mr. John Fair. Presbyterian church last Tuesday afternoon. � . These being disposed of, the company soon Kennedy, of that place, who, .had I left for ley, one of our oldest and most respected The contracting parties were Mr. Frederick . East Wawanosh. � . after Separated, �leased with the evonin )a Woodstock� Chief Will loc!t64 the girl business man is at present selling off his W. Longi merchant, of St. Marys,�and Miss NOTES.—Wood bees are the order of t . 9 - Sociability, but regretting the lose of -such and arrested her on a charg� R vagrancy. stoh of groceries with the,view'of temoving Isabel, eldest daughter of Mr. James Jamie. day it seems. Mr. Mason iiad a very at valuable members. —Mr. Robert Dobie, To -day she was brought intaz- the police to Carberry, Manitoba, shortly. Mr. son of this villa -go. The important cere- cessful one drawing wood on Wednesda i I . cheese 'manufacturer, in Spending a well court, where her brother apppoed .on the Fairley ha,s two sons in the Prairie Prov- mony was performed by Rev. Mr. Simpson, Mr. Montrey had a bee *drawing vrood frc I earned holiday ot a few weeks with his scene, making her,to go with, hint. The , ince now. —Mr. M. C. Cameron, of God- and the church was well filled by invited T. Rolls' bush, and Mr. Penwick had a bri, father and sister. Mr. Dobie has prospered girl told a pathetic story. She said -her erich, who, with ,his-- family, has been win- guests and friends of the bride's family. At bee, to furnish brick for -his house, which at the businem. as all steady, industrious -parents were in poor circumstances and that tering in Florida, expects to return to God. the appointed hour the bridal party arrived intends veneering.—R. Kirk Esq., of t young men are sure to do at any honest her brot-her abused her so crudliy that she erich about the lot of March. On the Oth at the church and were welcomed by the Nile, was visiting frienJs here lant week. calling. The main street of our village is could no 'longer endure it, so. she det6r- of February, in Weirsdale, where Mr. Cam. ushers and escorted to the front of the J. Stonehouse is still unmarried,- in spite in bad shape with pitch -holes just now, and mined to le ve, home and seek 4ifiployment. eron resides, the thermometer registered 75 pulpit, where they were received by the the efforts of our local press to have I - � - in trying to escape them several bad upsets This she di with the knowled.2'a and eon. Quite a difference from here on the same offioisting clergy I man,while the organ played name enrolled as one - of the practical a have occurred lately, ca,asing no Small an- sent of her parents. The broth4i admitted date.—Two rinks of, the Seaforth curling a wedding march. The bride was tastefully nexationi8ts. . i - noyance to the teamstera. .. A small ouilay that -he liad frequently horsewhipped her, club played Platteville at Stratford bn M on- attired. in a dress of cream bengaline with WEATEmia MoRxLTsiiq-Gs. —A snow stor _would make- teaming much more comfort- and he looked quite capable of t ' he act. The day, a match in thb Ontario Tankard Com. surah silk, wearing a veil and- orange is bad enough, but a tremendons Sac able. —A parlor social , under the auspices of girl absolutely refused to ret�r i ,� with him, petition, and won �y 7 shot@. —Mr. Joseph bloes6ma and carrying a beautiful boquet of storm followed by a still more tremendo the L%dies.'Aid Society of our church, will and as he had no authority to cd.*',pet her to Picka�rd, who has occupied a position in the white roses. She was attended by Miss thaw, like we have had here, is more tbi be held at the residence of Mr. John Reinkel go, he returned with61ut her. I Tire girl, Js store of his brothe. 1r, Mr. William Pickard Long, of St. Marys, sister o . f the groom, and the average native of East Wawanosh ci . on Friday everiiag,- February 24th. A suit. 16 years of age, unusually good -looking, has. in this town, has 'purchased a mercantile by her sisters Misses Rachel and Jessie. bear in silence. And what proves still me � � able programme is being prepared, and, as a pleasant manner, and is evi ently, very business in Drumbo, and intends removing The first groomsman wag Mr. Box, of St. provoking is the fact that, no matter ho . . 4 � i I , . o .� � i � - . ­ � . � . . . _� � �( i� .- I I . 1� I � - - , 1. � � I . I � . - t. 1 � I . . . I - i P . I " . I � I � � . . , . . . I . . . . ! , . . : 11 I . ! I 7 7 - . : � ! I . � . . . : - I � ; � I I i . . � . I . I � - i - . .- I I . I . - I i -, I I ; I . . � . �,; I i 'I � . . . I I - 1. - . . � I - 11--l. ­ . I . ­ - - I X'.__. 1. __1-_____-_-.__ .... ..... ­­;.", - ______._________­�_1 - __ I -1 � I � - ­­ - -1 ------- . - — - , reely the elements, rapt3o some respecte(' Jer!has come through,,, -)roe, of courtic.— )w cxn man hold frien, 11interc6urvewitt , neighbor in such wer- ,3r as this 9—Hoii Li man stand on the c ,:ner and hear th( iaot and rarest bit Of 9 sip? a'041 h0v' car , I import,.wt) correspontlentas know ",IVh( V:Siting ?11 - �Vho ii sick?" " Who hsl tdod-horses last ?" &c., if raiD, bail, su')-w )at: and sleet cothbine against them ? . I –_ Stephen. . DEATH,—Ii is oar painful duty to annouci a death of onsof our esteemed residents, the person of Mr. William Sanders, wh( led on Lot 15, Sth concession, which tool ace on Sabbath morning last, of hear: ilure, at" the age of 70 years, 4 m,ontill, id 22 days. The deceased was a brother -law of Mr. James Harvey, hostler at thi )mmt-rcial Hotel ' - Exeter, and has reside( ith Mr. Harvey', family for the past 24 ars. He was never married. In politic, i W&SLL Conservative. The funeral tool ace on Tuesday af ternojon, to the Germai 3metery, Crediton, and Was very largAl tended, showing the very high esteem Lii hich the deceased 'Was held. ---..— __ Walton. . JJ()RSE A,.,;I) CATTU; FAIR.—The third o Lr series of horse and cattle fairs is ti . ke placa on Wednesday, Alarch ist. I Zt number of animals have already beei Fered for sale on that ,date, and the pros � wts are that this will be the best aw laiest fair we have had in our village yet ut!er, eggs, poultry and pork will also fin, I jyero. ---.—.-- - I . BelgraVe. - NOTES.—Mr. Daniel Geddes has remove, i the premises lately va",ted. by Mr. B ladden, Where he will continue the tailoi g business.—The Foresters' concert o [onday night wan a grand succem. Th all was fiterally packed from the platforr P the doors and thi� programme Was one 0 is best, if riot the best, ever given in Be] ravo.—Misses Bella and Lizzie Owens bav Urned from a few weeks' visit to friend L i Orangeville. _.____.__ I . Usborne. - DHATit OF AN OLD RESIDENT. —On Wedne'l my of last week the cold baud of death visil I a home in our midst, and- took from tbi ,orld another of our esteemed pioneers i is person of Mr. Thomas Balman, after a Iness .of one month, with congestion of tb lr.gs, at the advanced age:of 75 years. Th ineral took place from his late resideric �t 15, concession 5, on Sunday afternoo 6st to the Exeter cemetery. It was largel ttended, showing the very high esteem i ,hich the deceased was held. He leaves t iourn his demise one son and five daugi are, all married, who have the sympathy ( 3e, community. His -,"Wife died some fou ears ago.—The Hodgson Brothers, of th rd concession are busily engaged haulin �one to Exeter for the new grist mill. . . � - Londesboro. 7 v—The entertainmen, � Ten Nights in a Bar -Room," Will be give . i the temperance ball here on this, Fridal veniog.—Mr. Steckle, our teacher' is sti n the nick list and unable to teach.—M liller has moved int,) the house which I urchased from Mr. C. Meyers, —The am iill is now running full time.—Mr. E ' of this vicinity, recently sold ,hurchi[l, ery fine hor.se to Mr. John McMsnn, ( �saforth, for $115.—Mr, T�omas Hill, wl e8ides on the gravel road south of th ilace, and who w5s one of the pioneers 4 lullett,,diad a few da) s ago r -t tile a93 1 3 years. 1-19 was indisposed for soty meks, but his end came unexpect-udly. E 7as a native of Wexford, ,Ireland, and em tated to this country in 1843, settling i he town,Qhip of Darlington. He has reab d in Hullett over 30 years, an& was muc nd deservedly respected. He leaves iidow and large family, all of whom a] rown up. Stanley. � PERSONAL.—Mr. Thomas Tolbert, of th lauble line, who has been laid up for tl- ,ast four months, has gone to Seaforth I ndergo treatment. Dr. Smith -perform( n operation on tile knee joint, but it w! �e necessary for him to keep very quiet f4 ome time. Mr. Tolbert's many frien( . I vill be glad to see him back home again I estored health. - COUNCIL DoINGS.�A meeting of the cou: it was hold in the township hall, Varna, ( 4onday last. All the members were pre nt. The tender of Mr. Milne for cedi vau acceptad,.and the printing for -the towi hip for the carrent year was awarded - 4 r. A. M. Todd. of the Clinton N�ws-R �ord. Mr. J. W. Farnoombe-was appoint( ownship engineer, and Messrs. Garrow 3roudfoot, Goderich, township solicitor . roseph Jacobs was appointed caretaker be hall. The auditors' report was receiv( ,nd accepted, and the clerk was instruot( o get 50 copies printed for circulation. iumber of accounts, including one from D 1' ,11iott, of Brucefield, for $30 for professia J attendance on Thomas Mulloy and Dons doKay, were passed. and ordered to be pA ond the council adjourned until Mondi iext at I o'clock p.m. � I . ELensall. I . . Great Slaughter Sale at Coa.d & Rennit or the next thirty da3 0, consisting of Dress Goo( lantlings, Tweeds, CIS, Furs, Overcoats, Men's w toys' Suits, Shawls, arpets and Crockery, all ehich will be sold at Cost and under for Cash. T1 i a genuine'sale and goods must be sold to ma oom for spring goods. Com) & Rrwmx. N. B. , verdue accounts must be settled by March let, 18i 1313.4 SAW, LoGs WANTED.—Highest cash pric Pai for an. unlimited quantity of good --sound lol �Istom sawing promptly attended to during t einter months. 110BZILT BRLL, JR., HenS&11. 131( A GuAND Masquerade Carnival will � ield at the Skating Rink an Thursday Evening, Ff uary 23rd, when liberal prizes will be given i ostumes and fast and fancy sicating. The Exel ;rase Band will be. in Otendance and no pains spar o make it the event of the season. Titullm IRINTNILD, Manager, - 1814 BEST line of '.plows to be found ia t] lensall Implement Shops, Call and see the cul ,ator of the age. WX. ELDBR, 8XIOSMAn. 1314x� LOOAL ITEMS.—The recent thaw has ca ,ied away.& large quantity of snow and le ;he road@ in a very icy condition.—Mr. at 4ra. R, A. McIntyre, who are'speading-11 vinter monthe ia Exeter, were in the v� age this week visietag friends.—Our Met� list friends are at present agitating for t] ,rection of a new church here, and ha, opened a subscription 4ist in the way ;estiag what amount could be raised t hat purpose, and we believe quite 1% DUE )er of the members have subscribed ban lomely.—Mr. A. Johnston, the well-knovi lors6 trainer and 'driver, and who was lesi4ent here at one'time, was in the villai )n Monday, spendiuj the day with Mr. . Otirdock and other friends, all of who vere pleased to see him again.—Miss Davi Fho* was here for some time visiting h, )rother, Mr. W, C. Davis, merchant " bi 'eturned home to Aylmer.—Mr. W.. 1� Chompson, of Ingersoll, was here recentl: ,isiting friends in and near this village. - dies Palmer has returned home from vial ng friends in Logan township.—Miss C. I �mith is this week moving into her ue hop - and rooms in Raunie's block.—M Chomas Hudson, of this village, recently s, ,ur Young men a good example . by takit Lnto himself a life pairtner in the person 4 4isa Annie Gill. The happy event wi elebrated at the residence of Thomas Gil " ,eq., of the township of Logan, father i he bride, and the'ceremony wits performe ly Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Atwood, M- ;. Gill, of Logan, acting as groomsmaD, an iise Nellie Palmer, of Heusall, am bridei laid. The bride was made the recipient 4 large number of valuable and useful prei rits, and after the young couple were wara - - I - -1 � � � i . I aiwmww�77 �Zj, 011NOW - - - . NEW -1 �. 1: !V.1 . 1. - � . - � . I I , I FEBRUARY 17, - 1893. - - � I __ — ______________Z__ I - 19 I , r1day, Feb.. 17th , ! . As the weelm pas,s ky, our shetly-es � � ' i A counters are being loade(I with the I �, . - very best " in the way of new Spr ' . ing �_ I i � lods, We are highly pleased ,yviti il 'erything that has come to hand 8o ! �, � I - i r, and we fully believe -that we &r.e . ; " p ; I iing to do better for you this seasolx o . I ID ; I � An usual. Never have our seleetio., - . i � 1TWEb ,en. mo t , re choice or better in vaille. I re are convinced that you wil-I fiza I i � WHO] ir stock the 11 xnark of perfection,n if ;;;�� Lere be such a- thing in the ,dry goods � � I I . i ; isivess. This week -we have beert � )ening up a number of new pattem, 4 � . I Carpets in . � - i � Axe lil Brussels; � 1. ,- : Tapestry, � I � multitud( � Wool$, i cessful M4 . Unions, . � Hemps, &c. , . � top a -ad il , like a po( hey are very pretty in design, Daa -worn out w enough in price to give you & - I our hours ,ally nice Carpet for comparativel-T � -do withoA btle mon,ey.- Take a look ,at the;, -s a, ' iu hat Lrly while the patterns are complete. I hats are I . . ACE CURTAINS. . hats is at, . - . The tasteful adornment of home is a I JAC .eat feature now days., Along witi ir bran new Carpets, we are sho ' We hwi bran new stock of Curtains and Car. W-o"at, "of I . I Lin Materials, You will save �bot'k � � -and Stiff me and money in our House Fur- Shapes ar I ishing Department. There is armaple i We hw )oM9 a good light, and every faeflity � � 0 . I )r showing you just what you wan4 ' ad the prices are based upon ,.the . t _ AND. totto of small profits and quick're. I irns. . I I - I- . , I That no 0� Silks, will be quite popular 14 . prodmce. � Iresses, Blouses, Trimmings, &c., ana . . Hati � ley will bo shown in considerable - ariety. When such particular, goods � Hat re wanted, it is'quite natural to cau Hats � . , I b the place likely to have the bed I I H-1- ;ock. We have bought" largely, aid . iere is scarcely a, desirable shade -but I �_ ,ill be found in our catalogue -of Am. ;.I_ I JA( .. R - TRE — ILACK DI ESS GOODSM . � We would especially ca`U your at. . �. j . , . . )ntion to our new stock of, � Black I - � — I , I )ress Goods. , I : Jet Black Cashmeres, 1� VVINTE - . . . � J Blue Black Cashmeres, � . I I � Silk Finish Cashmer,es- I Silk Warp Heariettas �� - I 9 I, DEAF. R q Black Whip Cords, expected tl i Black Crape Cloths, . : . Black Cravenettes, contradict< Black Bengalines, tion than i I Black Velour Spots, result of W. Black Solelle, I obiigedlo� Black Sergov, Eugloud. I Black Brocades, &c. borim partz croOdle dayi Our assortment is very large, mm. 14'and axv ,rising all the standard black goo&, eA so Proud � I drAms. ,of -c rell as a llrg,e vanety, of new -thiup things the -L I .ot shown� before. This is a special us, We Vag :epartment. with us, and i� alw&yg 11 vielt to the I waiv realiz rell stocked with reliable goods: suit, . almost bef ble for any season of the,year, I I selvibs tra 10YS' CLOTHING. 11 . Liverpool Thlult �of� A couple of hundred new Spring I freq.uency �uits will be in shortl . Some really been fille; y I wandering �obby styles for the boy.s. Be sure L . articles CaA ,nd see them early. I plea -sure * - � lent paper turip the It Edward McFau I i . thoct clait . . finest ,of I SEAFORTH. I PbLees. M The ter ' ' although y congratulated, about 80 of the invited I . . -seems a ra LUeSts sat down to.supper, after which.& . that boas ocial evening wa3 spent by all, We unite Equally I dth the many friends of tbe youing couple , . . sign of CUM a wishing them long and continued happl- nofurther .ess.—Mro. J. Macarthur spent a few days - of its real I ist week in A � ilsa Craig. —Dr. T. Caset of existence , )ungaunon, was at his mother's this week twice as 1( ttending the marriage of his sister, Min scure prai farion Caie, who was, on Wednesday even. of -the * ag, united in the bonds of matrimony to MIS Ir. � George Moir, of Manitoba. Son of ,M_r. , Babylons,� . Previou atnes -Sloir, of Usborne to' na�nf: wriship.—Mr. , litficaut fiq nd Mrs, O'Brien, of Londesboro, were in f t "', he village this week on a visit. 000asional - from, Whi L � I . - Blyth. - originate LoCAL HAPPE-N1ZNG,-,. —The English Church of -the P 0 L ean 3(1, in] �oung.eeople met on Wednesday night fait T or the purpose of * ing and re-arrang- fly -busy 11 c"' -An g ag their society. It is now under the navas -above thin �f Christian Endeavor, and ban the follovr- that the ag officers: Thomas Scott, President; sodidenti It ahi reorte Cocks., Vice- President ; Lizzie Wait- ps wer ponding Secretary ; Annie'Ham- to awsit Itou, Recording Secretary- We think thA times 201 � Lnder such well-chosen officers the Society - Weary of nust prosper.—On Sunday the Methodist Wives &* )ulrit was occupied by Mrs, Pentlan4l,,Of cottages I )uiagannon, lady evangelist, in the mom- in -th ng she took for her -text First Tbes"louisulp - h ot efe0sr a h 4 �th chapter, 19th verse, and in the evening that Of kmos, 4th chapter and the last clause of ths families. L .2th verse, "Prepare to vae�t thy God-" juna'diso- - Che church at both.services Was pa�ked,and trials __ t'l- ,ve are sure none went away disappoinW, incident ,a Mrs'Pentland is a very clever speaker. � strength � I ,�;11 4r. and Mrs' improved - Babb, of Clinton, were visit- it was ng at Mr. Frank Metcalf's on Sundip— .. thi diss Cl&ra Moffktt is on an extended visit - ,evil of th I soon fort f , o friends in Wroxeter at Present.—ML er 0 1 rames Huckstep, is in Toronto this weel�4 ,sin a delegate from bore to attend tbO:: times T_ - Jai g tort; was ted Workmen's convention which is grw _­ Ace ug on at present. —A large number of PW I ; � its from Clinton and Winghain wereis - '. , health: , I own on Sunday.—Messrs. James and jiha­�, ­ to a hap � )&vie were in Brussels this week.—Min tions. ,izzie Magee is attending the Collegiate I11* - - soft aeud I titute in Clinton at, preseut.—B L lytb month- . . south of � V fair wilf be held on the 281th of February. I them in 0 � r, , - I k lairge crowd is eXLpected.—Mr. J, S. Me- between, ""u linnon is in Toronto this week baying Dart ' V �i __ pods.—MissAmelia Watson, who has beeS � pentiti a ul s 'isiting friends in Brussels and Ethe4 is' the angl1l � . 3 0 . I urned bome onTuesday.—Services will be �__ Uestlilug "I I onducted in the English Church every Wti- 'Ou's bigh � I dur nit Rugland" esday night, by Rev. Mr. Higley, in - I ,eat.—The big agricultural dinner earn- Of When t the Commercial hotel on the 16th i0sL land the 'hey secared Professor Mills, of Guelpit - . . cold win Lgricultural college, and others to speak- ly lest d L good time was spent.—Mr. Will rowelto - . Torquay f Clinton, was in town on' Sunday.—Mr- - preciate 'rank Metcalf was in Mitchell all last week# -; - Uttle -A number of the Masonic brethren from, And will ere attended the funeral of the late Dr, ulent M Vorthington, which'too.k place at Clinton- tr, Lan gair ist week.—Mr. Will McElroy, of Wood, kU.OW Lock, after visiting parents and friends -12 the fic, , , fic, , flo � )wn, returned home on Weduesday�—Mr- ' sprilig, . ' _ L twine a Lobert Barracks has returned from Wood tock.—Whether or whether not Blyl�- At _; hould have a canning factory. is the topic And 'the )r the business men to decide at present.-` rather . in Tuesday last while Mr. John Buie was Devona riving his horse and ;cutter down toWlIj dampri, i the act of meetinganother rig the horse I liotality a was meeting rexred up and throw itself so abun ito Mr. Buie's cutter, damaging the vehicle- rmalt*y be sdly. Mr. Buie was slightly burt.—A . romains L Vacant Limber from here attev,ded a social hop- at and LL L ie residence of Mr. H'1hry Kelly, Rullettr - . saying . � 2 Tuesday evening. . -.i . , 71", - - � i� . - I - . I - � i .- Ll_ I �. -