The Huron Expositor, 1893-02-03, Page 8I - � 4 I .; . . - � - � � - . - � . . I _ -, � . i , �. ,f I � , . . I !i� . . I . . . I � , . . � . , . , i - I � 1� � . . . - I � - I 1� . 1. d . , I F! ; __ � I � I - , " � I .. .. � � _-1. 1. 1, ­ , . . 1, - . I I � . . I I - I . i i I J, . '. �, : , I R, - - - I . , . I . � I � . - I . . . q, . , , I _ I . .1 .1 I I I I . . . I I I I i � I . - : �, , , 'k 1' . - . - . . " - I � . I I : - IT" , � . I - I I' i i ! . . — I I I .4, I I , '� I ii � 11 . , I 'I I � ,� . . I � . ! I i � i i ! �. - F, . ­, I z . t I . � . . � �i � ," I ., : - "ift I � �; . � 1.1� I . . � �! � � - ,I 1 1 . � . t � � k . . . � �1 11 I � I - 11 .J�r � � 11, . I THE HURON EXPOSITORD , - , , I i : . I- - . .,; �"41!._, 8 Q - � � .. I:- __ ___ I - ­ - I . i �� 00 I '. -_ . 0 , i .3i'l I - Z I . - 1; t . P IN 1��. surely joking if he meant these "arguments Mr. A. Youug in this; Apelp the reproments- many friends. The reverend gentleman ex- The surn of $W was granted for repairing � , ' �k " �;! L , t roads and bridges during 1893 ; Eighty dol- - � I �­ �DWARD., _:_ OASH I exation. Space. debars more tive from. the- Pablio Qol Board on the preseed. his appreciation of the kindly feel- . I . 4 � in favor of Ann . � ' � , ;'I", I ?l lars in each road division under thedirecilon �, I & I -Persons doing train- Coll 1116te Institute -*&to,_Two rinks of ings which had prompted the gifts, and a . � k ' Whales i comment at present. I _ , The auditors' I ale and Retail Dealer in � I � i � I � \,� . . ; - of the &forth curling 0 very enjoyable evening was spent, -On the of the resppotive councillors. I - : �, � I . � iog and driviag on our streets complain ?a ,flub went to Hensall P I z1; . I ,�, I I f , 141, -Y- 1B-U'Z'TJMM., i coal ashes damped on the track by some of on Thursday to play,4 fiiendly match with same evening'the Auburn Methodist con. statement and abstract of the treasurer's t - V 1D.A_1M � - Miss �acoountsforthu year 1892vvere examined � I tow4i­14r, John A. Wit gregation presented their organist, � P I our people, as it brings loaded sleighs al. the club of that .I .. I � " GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH, most to a dead p t4e old country on Blair, with a fine gold watch and chain, to- iby the Councit and passed, and a copy , J, 'halt. Coal ashes are very kou arrived home fron " i , I I V,� . I I :_ . !thereof was ordered to be forwarded to the � i : IS, �, � nd Wedaesday, after a ii6johro there of four gether with an address, expressing their op- I i t � . I ; I ;. , ,e quan - niouths.-The band i6nSirt, which was AV preclation of her faithful . services, The ',Bureau of Industries in the same form am . 13 Wants a large tity of fine Fall good to improve our stiff clay soil a . I � would be much better on our garden than � � �' I Butter in Prints and Rolls - also on the road.�In consequence of bad roadi ranged for the Sth al�d Oth of this month presentation Was made b Ise Scott and )now submitted to tile Council. 'A letter , ;� . , � I Beef I . � , �� L causing small has been postp kii�iA a future date not the address read by Mr. L:eph Washing- � was read from the town council of'Olinton, � tltl_ 81 %ad weather` last Sabbath. , oned ip . i �� Rides, Tallow; Sheepskins and Fur . I . J �,, - 1 idiot6e and commodious ton-. Mr. A E. Munroe replied on behalf , asking for aid for an indigent family in k, I Vet fixed. -The hat � - �_11 church attendance, we again draw atten . � �(,! — . . , Clinton, bu Hal lett, , . ." - now roome �: 06.4g .Men's Christian of Miss Blair, -Mr. J. Kuntz hat secured a , .-i I . - I mon to our anniversary services next Sab ; ii of the � t former residents of * - I I 1, � utijifitied. up in Strong's large quantity ,of ice, to be used in his � was laid over. The petition of Thomas � i! 11 bath, and the meeting on Monday evening., Association, rece �, P ­ . - Cole and others, asking the Council to hold 1. �, - 1, �, The Rev. Mr. McMillan's address promises Block, will be formal)' ' Wednes- brewery during the coming summer, . . - I - - - - CLEARINC SALEN no day evening next, b1f...1 usica and literary —_ their meetings in soine bile ball, was , O'k.". to be interesting and instructive, as he is . ! "' I � I_ 0 . , granted, and the offer of Jo.1in Bell of the � � I, � novice on the platform. -The Rev. D. B. ocial, when a pleasq_ - ime in anticipated. Walton. J, - � s � use of his large hall for council meeting 1� � '' i , We now offer the balance of our Millinery,.Mantles, -7 number of intifeaJing communications TRU*E BLURS. -The lady True Blues in- : ; -, �,� Marsh, who occupied the pulpit of 'our � r'. I . , Jackets, Ulaters rind all Mantle and Ulster Clotho at jecto 46 igai left over t was accepted. Council adjourned until �� I r, � _', one third off regular prices, We now offer church for the last two Sabbathe of Janu. on various sub� 17 �, 11 11 hil tend holding an ontertahiment in the . f � I Monday, 13th March, at 10 a. m. !r - i I a to week. We hope to tV them . all attended Orange Hall on Friday evening, February - I I ar I- I I y, has received a musnimous call I - .� 0 1 .1 BOYS'OVERCOATS I ce Graham, of Brus- 10th. They are sparing no pains to make it 't - �, - , - , I I Onondaga, near Brantford. to next w k.-Mrsp,i,Dkl. 11 i _,� - - ' 411, daughter of the � , L - � And Ladies'Fur Capes at I off regular prices. On 1 - eels, and Miss McOai�" :;;T, -. _., . . a success. Programme to commenco at 7:30 ' McKilloD. � F � I , " - -� , , I -iG CONCERT COK- p. in. All who desire to spend a pleasant I HousE WARmiNG.-The fine brick rem. � , - $1 Men's, Overcoats, Men's and lAdies'Fur Costs, Caps, Tur, ETHEL ARmsTRo, late Mro. (Rev.) �, 11,'e� uson, formorly of P � : ! ., I . � Brussels, were hon , 'ng on friends last 'and profitable evening should attend I I I �� Collars, Muffs, kc., we will give liberal discount for PANY.-The Mechanics' Institute deserve It . ./ �i I I Cash. at the Bargain Dry Goods apd Clothing House. � _. idence erected during the p%st summer �; 1� L 11 I I, I , � I the hearty thanks of the music lovin*g peo- Friday and Satui,44� ,They were the -------------- 4— 1 Mr. J-imm McIntosh, on his farm on. the 11 . , ., �- � i I . Z " . ple of Seaforth for securing the services of guests of Mrs. Georig,egood. Miss Macan.� k Z. . � � �1� WM. PICKARD , i, � .� �� We - predict for nall's home is in I I e +er, Colorado, where Chiselhurst. 13rd concession of McKillop, having been ; I a .5 NoTEs.-Mr. James Horton has been over recently completed and comfortably and p - I this excellent comp ny - I . 1 - 1 � Seaforth. them the next time thei visit oar town a she reoideq, in the 14� nif-Y of Rev. Mr. For- to Lockport, New York, recently, on basi. ,elegantly furnished, Mr. and Pm. McIntosh, f . . l I . V I i - __ bumper house. Several circumstances con- guson.—Mrs. D. &:i &jhpbell, of Mitcholl,is V . 1, � , , ness couneotel with his uncle's damth.- � with characteristic sociability and generos- . � ;_., I-. �- ired to make their audience on Wednesday at present I _ " ,� ��of her sister, Mrs. � IVY, . The special ineetings are being ver 'by, invited a large number of their rela- ; � _,� 7 � evening much smaller% than it otherwiEe Donald McGregor,,1ijSe4'forth.-Mrs. Wood y success- '11 7 � - . ! I r ,11 Or X� Itrou &POsitot ,p ' ' fully hold in the Methodist Church. � Over a � tives and f riends to a house warming on Fri-, �1� tl'�, would have been, and than the inerit of the of Detroit, is at firement staying with her ! I *! -_ , - ecore have sought religion at the penitent day evening last. There were about seventy I V _- . . i �­ �_, entertainment warranted. Little Miss Arm- mother, Mrs. H. ,$tobb', Harpurhey. She form, and the work seema hub begun. -Rev. invited guests, among them friends from . � ' ' . " P � - strong was a delightful surprise, and -it is came over to attendl ili$ tunerai of her sister, .. I - I -le enjoy such a -Nzi4 J. Ferguson preached to a large congregation Goderioh township, and from. Hibbert and illi r 1_ DISTRICT MATTERS. often that Seaforth'peop the - late Miss 1; Robb. -Li6u ten ant � ; : 1, q7 I Early in the evening : ,;, te'stst of good music as she furnished them liter of Mr. Walter on Sunday evening. -Religious quarterly Downie townships. . � - Kemp, youngest 4' u $, � i , ; � , ,� . meeting of Kippen circuit will be held here the votaries.of tl-.e 11 light fantastic " began I t-� .. 0 'a, & � L 7 � ,d who has been on . I 1 � DcBATF..-The Mcchanica' Institute' will She does not beloog to that class usually Kemp, of this t wii;i 0 I I - their exhilarating exercise, which with , '. I . F., r �, a n Guelph foklihor,pe time, has received next Sunday at 10. 30 a. M. � 5, ; . hold a public debate in their rooms this tatted 11 infant prodigies," but is, rather, duty I , , I 0 i short intervals wag kept up until the early . , ; ,,� - 'hours of the new morning. . Games of va- . � 'f' Friday) evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. child artist, Not only is her technique per- orders to go to tl�� i4orthwest to assist in � . -1 ­ ( i . Winthrop. . I F , , that Nlitical feet,,, but ghe seems to interpret the full the work there. � #i. And Miss McPhail. of . . The subject is 11 Resolved . - . irious kinds were also provided for the . H�1� �, ne; of TEA MEETING, -The annual to& meeting ' i . f as would be do- meaning of the composer and to put her Porter's Hill,areA6'iti6g at the reside I . j Union with the United S�at I ,1E I a � L I !more sober, or less limber, of the guests. � I I 1. . sirable for Canada. " The speakers for the whole soul into the,music. Her 11 Souvenir Mr. Robert Tdr,tiboll, MoKillop. - Mr. in connection with Cavan Church, Win. About midnight all oat down to a most de. l t � . . . ' I , � � the duet bv herself and Alex. Telfer of A`,60ton, and his sisters, throp, was held on Monday evening last. � , � affirguative will be, A. S.' Dickson, J. Kil. of Hayden," and , , . l - licious and bountiful supper to which, it is ; I - � - �, . - I ; ran and Jamea Wation'; for, the negative, Mr. Telgmanu, 11 Angels' Lullaby," were the Misses Telfer,'Alto spent the past week Despite th6 bad roads there was a good i at. � , 19 , , . . . . . unnecessary to say, youthful appetites did � . I . � ­, A. S. McLean, - W. Prendergast and Alex. sim�ly superb. Mr. Teigmann is a master of *I' �J-C�illop.-A young man toudauce, and the excellent tea provided by � , I th friends in . , . � - " .. I , Ben Price 6� a 6e of his fingers near. the ladies put every person in the best of ample justioe, at the same time passing T J, . Bethune. This ia a live question and the f he pianoforte, and delighted his audience. named' �. i: �v . many hearty, if silent, encomiums on the � � debate is sure to. be a hot one, All are His rendering of a Mazurka. by Chopin, ly severed whitp;. er -. I 11 . gaged at a saw in good humor. The chair was occupied by . I ' skill a;d liberality of the providers. In � . i !�, �: was especially pleasing,.aud elicited hearty Bromdfoot & B 'X'i ,furniture factory on the pastor, Rev. Me.. Musgrove, and ad- ; cordially invited. 7" OP � ;duo time all departed to their respective I ,I ; - I � I .by Rev. Mr. I I ,applause. Miss DeGeer, the soprano solo- Thursday mornin "L-Jir. and Mrs. W. J. dresses were delivered rest, , ; � : - .!. home#, after many cougratulations and I . ­ a tbid, spent last -Sunday . . I of Walton, Dr. Cooper, of Kinburn an � I I Ist, has a clear, sweet voice, and, sings with Hamilton, of Strii' . . r . A MISHAP. --On Friday night, or rather r good wishes to the kind hearted host and � ' � 11 ,I The music was furnished I I . : 19 a encored. with friends here6 t 7. IL Saturday morning last, A. party of ladies and tnuch expression. She was twio A '-- I others. t a hostess. . . I � 7 � ,j , . . . e I _01intonj who were attend- ,v iss Jaciceon, the elocutionist, has a very I --- &_�� church choir and by the Seaforth Qu Otte T � , gentlemen from " 1. � I � *� j . Club, and was much appreciated. � , � . g the Military Ball here, met with an un. �leasing appearance and made a; favorable .Bi�,hq field. . . in - , Moleo3worth. ,: �. - 0 � f i ,�, Impression from the start. She appearol to i , i - pleasant mishap. When on their way home, i, � NEws NOTES. -George Robison was m%r- � I BRIEFS. -The kod � bg People's Society of . � � a .. beat advantage in the � lighter 51- Christian Endea*orl.'. of Union Church Zurich. . � 1, - I .�! about. five o'clock. in the morning, their �ieoev, Xied on the l8th ult., to Miss A. Green- . ' � I � _: vehicle u-pset, when near Stapleton, and the though her rendering of " Leah " leemed to - intend having 41thoir 'Anniversary - Ser. MATRIMONIAL. -Mr. Frederick Rummel wood, of Durham, They have settled down . L, , whole p.%rty were dump6d in the snow. The be appreciated by the audience and won an vices on Sabbioh,"i and Monday even - W I I I and Miss Rate Koch were married last week �Vn the old horaq,stead.-The sale at James F � - encore. We would be glad to see more en- iogs, February 24th 4 Slid 27th. Rev. Dr. I , - . X . , lines became detached, and the driver hang by Rev. G. S. Haist. -Mr. Martin Schweitz. co t a was V1611 attended, He intends go- 1� , . � � - Ing on to one line gauged the horses to turn .Jertainments of this class in Sea ortb, and Dickson, of Gatf, I'm to conduct them. or, of Cavalier, Dakota, and Miss Louisa Ing to Manitoba in the spring. -Arthur - � � " There will ' . f, - round, and getting free, made for Seaforth, �ope that the Mechanics' Institute will not be a �Hvor collection on. Monday Moritz, of Zurich, were made man and wife Bonnett out his foot very badly a few days , I � F- - only persevere in the�good work o� furnish. evening. Tbeyi',4re��, inviting the neighbor- � A 1, leaving the sleepy. group in the cold snow. I on Monday evening last, the ceremony also ago while chopping, which renders him uufit .. n to -log the people with &althful and delightful - ing societies. W meetings are expect-' being performed by Aev. Mr. 114ist. We for work. -Thomas McKee's ne w house .18 �� The horses, with the vehicle, came o , (0-s " �, . a such as this, but that in the ed. -The SacrahleDt' of the Lord's Supper - Seaforth. They reached here about aiN' bntertainmen� . � ,:- � w I , � z. i o7clock a,- in., and were caught and cared f ( future they w�lt meet with much greater will be ,bbserved-11n, ,i Union Church, Sabbath ish both the young couples a long and Inearly completed. It : is a credit to the , 1� . �� -1 financial sucC6.89, - . the 19th !not. `-," T - happy life. �owner and also to the workmen who built I- untill, the owner came for them. A secoi -' te, I ,Vie will be service next -Mr. Martin Schweitzer �it.-G. Young and bride were this week the . - ' "'the pastor, after which . - L I I . I 11 . ` LOCAL ITxms. I -,. ; party from Clinton happaned to come ale! �. Sabbath at 2;30,-b# - � I ClIblING TC� YouR NEIGHBORHOOD. -For and his bride have left for their home in guests of John Granger. -Wm. Campbell, � I � i a ur, and takin up V , the service willO.164morning and evening as I 9 , bonvenience of ftoicians, Druggists an the- Gener- � 11 Cavalier, Dakota. -Mr. Fred. Rummel has oneof thaearlysettlersof this partof the . I 1. , 11 P wrecked party conveyed them ,safety 11 al Public, C11ARLX8i0LUT11Z Will Visit t a following usual.-Miases OeI4 and Rachael Jamison . i I are home on a moved into his house on the farm. -Mr. country, is now very ill and is not expected Clinton. A b%ll costume is not very suitabl -places. -Don't mistake -the dates, as I a there on , ihoi,t visit. We are glad to Auguat Ehnen has moved on to the farm to recover. Two of his daughter@' from -1 , attire for ronghing it in: &snow time: -Stratford, Mansion Hourie, Satu ay. rebru see )m. I �,� ,. . 6 �, drif t, bu, , th( I . . � 'ry 4th ; Chatham, Garner House, -satu ay, Febru. I fl". !i - . which he lately purchased. Mr. Flines has Manitoba have come to visit ,him. -Mr. and I - all, is well that ends well, and on this oc- ETI - -t,7L___] I . I � � ., i ary Ilth; Sarnia, Belchamber Her nday, Feb. 1, �M", . been a good citizen of Zurich for 20 years. or Mrs. McAllister and Colin Murray intend ,, 1, casion no injury resulted. ruary 13th; Waterloo, Commerci lalliotel.' Saturday, � �', IPMS. more, and we are sorry to lose him from our leaving on the 7th of February for Wash- . . - VBniEFs,- � townshi officers for ., ''� 0 April 8th. CuAs, Cbmim, 134 King $treet West, Tor . Ali 1�i't I midst, although he is not going very far. ington Territory, the former for Spokane . � I p � � THE M1,LITA-RY BALL. -The Military ball, onto, Ontari,. 1312xl 1892 were re �'! o I tj d for 1893. -Mr. L. We wish him much success and nose in � Valls, the latter for Portland. -On Friday � FLANNELETTES in great variety, by the , r , A, has been buying oat- the new line'of work he has"I'Vi . . � - under th�, auspices of the 33rd Battalion, McNeil' f r ta on(a a- party of young people from this , foot, by the yard or by the mile at E. McFAVVS, Sea- - I p.- evening . . V . t - I held in Cardno's ball in this town on Fri- forth. . . tle in t�ios tow � , , J)0— he Sunshine church Revival meetings are being held in the icinity attended a porty given at R. I N - Evangelical church just now. Therneetings mith's, ,near Trowbridge. They spent a I .r. , .- day evening last was a very successful and will undergo so 6 �'relmirs during the com I . brillialit affair. The committee �n charge Y. M. C. A. -Remember the ope'ning of . ing summer, Aist8no wait, new roof, plas. I I 7 . e . � the new rooms in Strong's Block, on Wednesday - . I JR �, . are good but the roads are very bad, and, in irery enjoyable evening. - - : . - apaxed neichor labor nor ex. en to make I —_ p ! evening next, February Sthi when a very pleasant ter and paint i .4wh6t it requires. This will consequence, the attendance is somewhat ­ . 1. e the affair a success and it is pleasing to be I time is anticipated. A choice and varied programme be employmen'!Ioi-someon'e.-Mr. Emanuel sm9.11. Lumley - . a,ble to note that their efforts %Sere not in , will be given, followed b efreshments and amuse- tl . - � .- yr Oliver) of the 01�pmcetsion of Hay, sold - NoTr&s.-Mr. Thomas Elleringtou, jr,, of .. � . ,The hall iyaa brilliantly lighted and � ments. A collection. in aid of furnishing will be his farm, conbil 14i 150 acres, to Mr. Sam- Varug. vain. . 1 taken up. Young men and all frit;nds of the Asso. .1 i� his place, is suffering from &.sprained ankle . � r k be�utifulty decorated and looked like .fairy- r ices at uel NN'Al er, ei t , . siation are cordially invited. OpeniD.- SerV .oe 6th concession. :The I A RESERVED TRiBUTE.-011 Wednesday ' � � but is recovering. -The cold Weather of the - - 5 -1 . land, The yoult,h and beaurly of the county � 7.30 p. m, 1312-1 price paid wa0i $3,500. Mr. Oliver I I � . ,� is in I I i ��, evening of last w6ek the teachers and friends : I '. I were wert represented, there being parties � SimpLy ELEGANT is the verdict pronounc- poor health now. nd not able to work.- - patt month was followed on Saturday last ' � I , of the Sabbath School here, waited upon I present from nearly every town and -village ' ed on our Silk Finished Satines by the ladies who There is som4 t of a new Presbyterian I by a heavy thaw. It was, however,of short .1 e'courtty and a r come Church being' Mr. John McAsh and presented him with a duration, as cold weather has again set in, : c ), i . in th i good inuiny from outside. 'have seen them thus far. These lovely good' 0 at Belgrave in 1894, It ,in twenty different shades and patterns, at a ost of . ! complimentary address and a handsome and 'Which promises the coldest winter experienc- , The costumes of the ladies were gorgeous I two to two fifty per dress, equal In appearance to any Is flai& the �id 'was built in 1866, i ,I L - comfortable tasy chair. Mr. MoAsh has 1 d for many years, -The special services at I . and the scene when the floors were filled ten dollar dress you can buy. E. McFAL,u, Seaforth. Hi; ;.`i - . � 0 '� I with dancers wag pleasant to look upon. .1312 �V . . been, for many. years, the worthy uuperin� Bethany are still going on. Thew are a . Q, , ippen. - I tondent of the school, and now, on account I - The musi-. was furnished by the Harpers SEEDS. -Robert Scott, of the Seeforth - j,, t..' - . lesson of great refremhiDg. A large num.- 4 . --RD OF HANj;s. -I desire to express my of increasing years, is retiring, and this. er have turned in With the people of God, - from Lond -on and was all that could be de- Seed Store, will h�hve something of interest to *say to � . the farmers of Huron in this column next %$,eek. sincere thaukii;! W my brother Oddfellowe tribute was an acknowledgment of his ser- nd the work is still going on . with great I sired. The tables were artistically and �: , ,� . : . � . bountifully spread, and looked teanpting and . 1312-1 in Hensall aOd �! elsewheig, and to other vices. His many friendi will join with us pes for the future prosperity of the I . I or the aid, counsel and in the wish that he may be long spared to ur fly of the late Henry I beautiful. In fafv everything was complete � FoR THE SpRnNa.-Thbre is now on the lluirneroua frje�dsjlf to ch. -The fama , 1� I ty a niagnificint lot of Lace Curtains, bought es- sympathy exi@16did to me on account of my enjoy the comfort@ of his beautiful chair,. Horney, of the 5tb concession, Usbornoj � and nothing seemed to be left undone that I w' I . I pe,cial�ly to go with our New Carpets. These Curtains recent affli0i6,,',;aud to skate �that their and to go out and in among us. have, during the past few weeks, been un- � could ,add to the pleaour6 and Comfort of � are in nearly fift different designs, and range the kinduess to m4 ' will ever ,be'. gratefully re- R-Rix-Fs.—Miss Lizzie Wanle3s, is Vigitilig dergoing a severe affliction from typhoid .; the guests. The gallery was filled with I scale in price Trom thirty cents to fifteen dollars '_ � I . - one membered. —tifd" 1AS MELLIS, ir pair. The selection of these Curtains took 0 at Stratford this woek,-Mies McIntyre, of, fever. Last summer Mr. Horney died from interested spectators during most of the Pei . evening. . I whole day, and they are the pick of something over QUA-RTERI,i,',� M-EETING. - The religious Exeter, is visiting friends here this week.- dancer in the stomach, from which he suffer- . I - . I I I three hundred patterns. They will be in soon. E. qu&rterly rueiti�g of the Kippen circuit ad a great, deal for a long time, and now I . . — - McFAUL, Seaforth. ' : 1312 Mr. Wm. McAllister well deserves the name I . ,� . " will be held AO Chiselburat next Sunday at of the chimpion hog dealer in this township. the whole family, seven in. number, are . . I Tffr,. LATE Liz7.rE Ro.B.,B.—It is our pain- FRom GERmANY.—We expect advice soon � ,1 � - 10:30 -a, m, Thdf, Board meets at Kippen at He bag sold, since last October, $200 worth down with the -fever. At last accounts Mrab I. . f at duty to announce the death of . of the arrival of Our Now Spring Mantles, which are -4 I � . " 7 . . a young :-now on the way from Germany. They are going to 2p. in. ou Saturday. - of porkers, and -has not diminished his stock Horney was not expeck � I . lady, who was highly esteemed by the circle i ­ —1 I -ad to recover. .They � . ; p . be very dress garments,and will be low in price. E. lv�i � --- very much, &@'he has 50 left, They are of have the sympathy of ille entire corn I nit � � . of acquaintances whose privilege it was to McFAUL, Sea7crth. . 1. . 1312 Of4,brook. , - -Lott MU ly , . in their afftiction. ie, daughter of : be intimate with her. We refer to Miss I I." 11 the improved Berkshire breed. He says I � . . MIS�UONARY SUNDAY. — The,1 Methodist ' A TIWAT� jN �� STORE. — The Canadian pigs pay better than wheat at 60 cents per H. florney, of the 5th concession, Usborneo , I Lizzie RoVb, daugliber of 'the late Hugh �] ; I Churchl will h.nld services on Sunday, irebruary 6th, Order of Fofostets in Cranbrook are arrang. bushel. We ,wish him continued success, I' :uffering from paralysis, supposed to be Robb,. who died at Guelph on Saturday as felloWs -. Sertnon in the morning &V11 o'clock by I . I last. She bad been an invalid for several the Re%4. Dr. Woodsworth, Superintendent of Missions Ing for a graid. thusical and literary enter- and hope -he will sell $500 worth in the next Tin result of injuries recaived while pl ying . , I : yeg.rs, although during that time she had in Manitoba and the Northwest; platform meeting tainment to,, Oe 9`61d at a date yet to be fixed three inonths.—Court Varna, Canadian Or- t school. She is nqt expected to recovar. �, in the evening at 7, addressed by Rev. Dr. Woods- betweei - this month. der of Foresters, intend holding a grand 1. . �. I , � ii the3ltW and 20th of s( �, ­ sought relief from leading specialists in dif. � worth and E. J. Davis, M. P. P., of North York. All I ", . ­ . ferent cities. With the hope that an opera- are cordially invited to these services. - 1312-1 Mrs. and Mi#_i S�kg.e, of Walton, celebrated concert in the near future,A which due no- . . . Wingham. : tion might afford a cure, she placed herself ' I ' glass and 66t& players, and Seaforth's tice will be given.—Air. R. H. Johnston, , NOTES.—Mr. GeoTge� McKenzie, the �ld �� � � I in the dare of a Guelph ourgeon, and under- CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS.—In the parlance popular comik-ii Air. William McLeod, have' voife and family, returned last week to their i ar horse of the couDeil, is making the bed a of the present day, " we're going to be in the swim" � —Miss Kate McNaugh- w ' been eng,�ged,,"W the occasion. home in Manitoba. ivent critical but generally successful i,n the Carpet Business this Spxing. A large stock of 1i I 4f some.of our town, fathers an uneasy one. I . operation. Her friend3 here were encouraged select patterns is expebted shortly. The two will go I I 0— . I ton is visiting' relative3 and friend's at Mr..McKenzie has not only resigned his own - by- her favorable condition for .some days finely together, Our Beautiful CurLains and Our I . t�ckersznith- Ripley. seat at the council Board but lie is forcing - � . Handsome Carpets. 'The whole stock will be yours ", . N to h& e that she would return much better, NOTES.— 1he ��Auction Sale of Mr. R. - others to resign. The cause is trifling con- � " T to select from. !!,!!!��h. 1312 * P � but on -Friday evening .received word that a Fair bairu'vitoc 6� was largely attended, and . Belgrave. tracts with the council for town supplies, I - severe form of paralysis had suddenly aep- ; everythi g W''Jis lold at good value exce . pt . . ra. William Johns, Joseph Golley and � LOCAL 13RIEFS,—Mrs. McConnell, who 13 1 NLrws. —Our village is all adive at present. Mesq - - peared' This proved to rapidly fatal that the -horses. Vh ! cows, which were good and —The Preeb terians are talking seriously of R. Henderson of No. 1 ward have all risigp- � "I vvas spending her Christmas holidays i y i I her brPther and sister were not able to 6iot, went as high as $59.— building. a new church, which would be �d, and others are expected to. It is caus- . � Gifelph until an hour aftei 'he had Woodstock, has returned, home.—Mr. and Miss E. Wi'llig,Q Seaforth, is vis-itioF Mrs. quite an improvement.—A new school for Ing a deal of talk and trouble for little pur� . reach . r a Mrs. George Ingram, of North Dakota, who . died. She was perfectly conscious hatil a F. Crich thl�� w�,ek.—M68 Evelyn Crich has the village is also wanted, and -quite a nu' ose, —James Sharp, a resident of White - are spendiDq a couple of months visiting , m - few minutes before her death, leaving en- returned Wiho 'i�af ter an extended visit in her of the citizens have given very liberally hurch, about five miles wegt of here, wag friends in )this county, were in town oa , I dearing messages of affectionate regard td . . - Me Kill op. —NW90 A. Dick,of Morris, is visit- towards one to be erected in the near future. notantly killed on Friday last while felling , the -loved ones at home, and gave expres- Monday. Mrs. Ingram is a daughter of Ing her sist0' j' IN-Irs. W. C.-Landsborough. —The farmers are very bug hauling logo trees in the bush. The tree he was felling , sion to a perfect faith in Christ, and het Mr. S. Landaborough, formerly of Tucker- EXTERTAiifol�NT. — The -entertainment and wood.—Thu roads are very bail with -backi . , . smith, but now of Park River district, . itruck against another, broke and fell p abiding trust in the precious promises of Da- held at N �,4'81' hool, under the auspices of pitcb-holes at present, making cutter drives striking Mr. Sharp on the head.—Mr., � Ood's word. The testimony of lier patient kota,, She says her father likes living in the Knig Oi . lent Maccabees, was a do- very unpleas%nt.—The Foresters intend trick Troy sold a load of pork in town and cheerful life was full of the best evi- Dakota and seems to have no desire to re- cided succei�. � Mr. A. M. Todd, of Clinton, holding A grand concert on the 6th of Febru- , t week, realizing $432. The load win- � ' .- dancea of the christian re-ligiou, and when' turn to Huron.—On Saturday night the was called tO t4':'P chair, and discharged his ar . Among the many noted ones from a ned 21 hogs, and the price paid was $8.40 � . timber on the roo� of Scott's block, on Main y �:,Bi the ead cune she was abundantly sustained ' duties in a,.v6ryj`,iatisfactory mainner. The distance who will take part is Mr. Fax.— r owt.—Rev. J. A.- R. Dickson, Ph. Ai street, which was put up to. stop snow �,� i". Miss Bell& Clow is the guest of Miss Grace le Galt, will address the local societies o by an unfAtering feith in Him, whom she slides, gave way u,nder the weight of snow first paxt of,!,` thb, -programme consisted of a Of i , number �Ic lantern views, given by Taylor.—A stairway is being erectid on the Christian Endeavor in the Presbyterian . . had long trusted. The sorrowing mother ' lodged against it, and the timber, snow and . of_Jh9i � siaters and brothers have the sympathy of Mr, John. 0irtor, of Clinton, which were north side of Mrs. Tuft's store for the ac- church on Friday evening, February 3. � . I . ,I all in their af1liction. all, fell ,to the street below. Fortusatelyno highly app�Aci4ted. ' The singing was fur- co I . . -person Was around at the time and no dam- " mmodation of our village dressmaker, who ! I , � � - —_ , nished by Miss `�Eva Nott, of Tuckeramith, will soon take popsession of the too i Bluevale. I I s age was done.—Mr. John Lasham, ot Lou- M r. W. H ,' I I - MR up- I i0la0d'and Master Fred Gilroy, stairs. . � I � EGmoNDvir,m; NOTES.—Mrs. W. J. Feak, desboro, one of - Hullett's oldest township A I I dRiEFs.—Mr. and Mrb. M. Cosford, M.1so U ' of Clinton, 0�ndiMr. T. Britton, of Tucker- Maud and Mr. Allen White, of Peel county, , of Aylmer, b. t formerly of thi's village, i's fathers, paid his annual visit to Seaforth on smith. T'' P"roceeds amounted to nearly - East-Wawanosh. : a visiting at Mr. Frank Scott's.—Mr. and ' the guest of Mrs. W. D. Van Egmoud. �, � , Monday.—Mr. and Mrs, F, G.- Sparling, of $18. ! I - , . ­ Her many friends here are pleased to note Wiagham, spent Sunday last with friends in - Ile, NOTES.—A sleigh load of young people Ms. Hardy, of Culross,- were visiting at I � � i - , - that the fiDger of time has left but few town.—Mr. George Murray has erected a ! i _]F— from the 5th concession paid a visit to Mr. Walter Rutherford's last week.—Mr. . � 4nd�ishavingit filled with �4 1 tra.cee,on her genial countenance, of advanc- large ice house r 1 Farquhar., friends in Walton on Wednesday.�We James Stewart, of Stony Mo ' untain, Mani- . It ing yca,ro. S1110 is &COOMPallied by her son, ice for the benefit of his customers in sum- LoCALITN�S.--4-There has been quite a stir are glad to see Mr. James McGowan back lob&, returned home, taking with him his I i Rsiph.—Mr. James .Cumming made a quick mer time.—The many friends of Rev. Dr. among tho-�! Y�uing people of this vicinity home after his long sojourn in the city.�--A iewly married wife, last Thuriiday. - We i ;, run to the Pacific coast, reaching there In McDonald, who is now in Toronto, will be, lately.l--M�,;, Giorge Stewart and Miss Tons number of the people in this vicinity pleas- wish them success and happineog through . . . -five days. He sends back encouraging , re- pleased to learn that the change has had a McLaren r6iuened home last Thursday, antly on , ed!the Rev. Mr, Swan by a do- ,.ife.—Quite a number from here attend the , 18 � ports &Lb(;Lt.t his Pon, who in slowly recover- -Avia" 0'pent a few days visiting nation orpTr arsday evening of last week.— revival meetings held in Ebenezer church at . very beneficial effect on his health, and he after h n h I . " . ing.—Mr. George Steet, an ald EXPOSITOR hopes to return fully riestored.—Mr. John friends in T1,i"'UlVt. They report having had Mr. T. Ross has now in his stables a fine p'resent.—Miso Hattie Anderson is visiting . � graduate, who has been living in Rochester P. Gibson and -his brother, Mr. Edward a good tim6—Mr Hugh ca rove of 13 steers averaging 1,200 pounds it Wiarton.—A meeting of the directors, for some time, is home on a visit to big par- -Gibson, both � prosperou I 9 farmers in Iowa a few dayilaswi week ;visiting relatives and. each. —Miss. Wilson, of the Nile, is visiting illareholders and patrons of the 'Bluevale . - ents. He represents buniness as very dall and Kansas, respectively, are at present vis- friends in Jha ,,"!,vicinity of Plugtown.=Mr. - friends in this neighborhood. —Harry His- cheese factory was held in the 'Foresters' . in that city, and by no ineaus a paradise -for iting former � old friends in this vicinity. Thomas Hokknby and Mr. Wm. Crawford lop, Esq., paid a visit to old friends last Hall on Tuesday, for the purpose of letting � ` I . I. either'skilled or unskilled labor.—The ke- They both look 'airif they are- being favored were visit"' g riends in Blawi;hard.—Mr. week.—Miss Ida Stewart h%s left hereto the milk routes. There was a large number . , marks of our friend, Mr. R. J. Dunsmore, by fortune. —Mr.'John Fowler is purchas- James Fult n. -has been spending the winter resume her studies in music' at Torour,o.— prosent.*There will be another meeting � . '. are generally .of interesthere, Wherehe ingacafloadof horses forthe old country with his _otlier-in-law in Grey.—Qaite a Sixteen of our esteemed yeomen travelled in a week or two to consider the inpItter of I apept his youthful days, but-wi scarcely m%rket.—Mr. C. E. Mason, of Brucefield, number of 0 U r �` ple spent a very up to Goderleb last webk its wituesses on the having a dairy' during the winter 'months. ,_ 'n think annexationists will give him much also intends shipping two car loads of car- enjoyable! eitenin last week at Mr. Wm, McMillan and Calder case. � . - petting for his last production. Oh,butitis riage. horses shortly. —The many friends of ' "Isidl I Yorton s rest, once,, in Exeter. Mr. Horton _. Brussels. . - . refro4h,ing to see such reasons coming from Mr. M. Hutchinson, of Goderich, will be is a Jovial Mfow, And likes to see the young Hullett. . SAD DEATHS.—J6hu Somerset, one of the I � one who has, traversed the Union f I rom, Can- pleased to learn �bat he is recoveri trip the ligNt, fanta�'tio. --A foot -ball match A PLKA.JANT EVENING.—On Frida� even - Ogg from , f oldest residents of Brussels,. diedonSatur- ad;4 to Mexico and from the Pacific to the hi's recent severe illuees.—The pulpit in the was 1played,'%etweep. the boys of the Thames Ing of last week about fifty invited guests day evening last. He had been down street . R,,d " - 'u . Presbyterian church was occupied ou San- school and ' - Atlantic. That wages are higher In, the ' .!Plugt6wn school, The assembled at the spacious residence of in the beginning of the week in his us at � States no one doubts, but according to day by Mr. Fortune, a student from Knox game was �h exciting one, at the close of Mr George Knox, 12tb concession; and health. Heart trouble was the cause of his I Diinamore's own showing the -comiorts and college, and a courin of Mr. George Tatter- which the 4,, � 6ore etood two to one in favor of spe'nt a very, enjoyable evenin in the* sudden death. He had been troubled with . . . even what are called with us, the necessar- son, of this town. He is an original thinker ,Via Tiia=4 Road.boys. . I I merry mazes of the dance" anl various it for some years. He'eame here in early ", - I ies of life,.are beyond the reach of all but and an eloqueut preacher, and his discour- I - ­_ days from Ba'rrie, accompanied by hi * . I ,other amusements. iSweet strain@ of music 5 Bia- � inilliona-i-res who have fattened on the very ses were practical and to the poipt, and ir Auburn. were supplied on the violin by Messrs. Watt, ter, who has lived always with him, neither I I system which has. raised wages but has also were 'much admired by those who bea,rd BRIEF$. -4, Mr. Joseph M%rahall is buying Taylor, McGregor and Miss R. E. Cochrane. being ever married.—Word was received on . raise(] the necessaries of human existence them.—Mastex Hill Sleeth has returned horses in Ois neighborhood for the Mani. Amongst those from a distance we noticed Monday last, that Mrs. Mingy, of Toronto, , I I still b igher, so much sothat the people* are from a visit to friends in Lindsay,- Peter- toba markp.,�.—Lsst Saturday, as one of Mr. John Mason and Wm. Wrath, East Wawa- second daughter of Mr. Walter Smith, of determined to equalize matters by a reduc- boro and other northern parts.—Ti-e thaw Cullig' teat0s was crossing the river with a nosh; Miss A. H. Townsend, Bayfield ; this place, ,was dangerously ill, and her tiou of the tariff wall with the outside of Saturday last did good service in settling load of us* ldgs,-t,he ice broke Find horses Messrs. Alex. and Wm. Mason, the Misses friends went,to that cityon the flret; train, world , Poor fellow ! butter at from 25 to the snow and making the roads firmer, at- and sleighiweic thrown into the water. The Mason, A, H. Cochrane and the Misses but Tuesday morning the news firashed over 4D ceats per pound is rather a heavy drain though the pitch holes on some roads are horses werg got out, but the vehicle could Cochrane, of Brussels. Long may our the wires that the spark of life had fled. on those big wages. � It is no wonder our . I � - �retty bad. —There is very little wood com- wat be recover,*d on account of the depth of worthy host and hostess live to enjoy the 1 BURNS' ANN.IVERSARY.—The Sone ofz friends 1 across the line have to content ing into town, and, if the supply does not the water�—k. Nicholson, of Zurich, is blessings of this world, so that at some fu- $cotland, of thin place, celebrated the day . themsel.yes with margins in many cases. increase, there wjll be a wood farnine soon. learning the harness making trade in hi3 ture time we may all have the privilege of � by a grand concert, and they were rewarded As to eggs, we grant the price is rather iow —The East fluron Teache.rs' Institute meet- brother's 814 here. �'On Friday evening assembling there. by, a bumper hdase, The spirit of Auld . here ana Canadians can, therefore, of all ing will be held at Wingbarn. on Thursday last the meM,bbrs of the congregation of the /11 THE TOWNsitir FATaERs, —At a meeting Scotia still dwells in h�r 80113, J. though far ' � � � ran-ka, .afford to indulge in the luxur* of and Friday, March 2nd and 3rd. —As will be Base line Uapti9t Church met at Mr. George ' �olf the township council held on Tuesday from their native heath. The committee it lie h eatt'ng them. Our hens are also like ,,our seen by notice elsewhere Mr. J. H. Pyper Askwith'slesidence and presented him W 0 last, the accepted tenders for supplying elm ad secured Mies Washington, elocutionist ; t people, so industrious that they make u� in has been taken in an a member of the firm of a handsoll a "') a,ccompanied by a com- � lank were as follows : Milburn Sprung, at W. A. Ramsay, comic vocalist ; Professor . number what i8 lost in price. Our CanAdi- Duncan & Duncam of this town. Mr.,Py�er' plimentark a4drfe"e's, as a token of their ap- Sprung's . will, 1,50D feet, $8.75 ; at Lr,ndes. Scott, Scotch singer ; James Ballantyne, . I . '_ - a cousins in the States itiust put in a blue will atreugthenan already strong rm __ preciation tof his services as leader of the bore, 2,000 feet, $10; at J. Brighani'@, Highland dancer, and Mrs. Ramsay, '. , imeatChristmag and timnksgivin � With At the first meeting of the Coll�giate Insti- singing, f4r..' Askwith replied in suitable 1,500 feet, $10.25 ; at J. Saell'x, 1,500 feet, pianist* Mr. Ramosy was a ho8t in him. � � . - ta,le geese at 31.50 each and turfays at tute Board - for the year, Dr. Sraith was terms.—OA Thursday evening last Rev. , $10.00; .Andrew Reed, at Kinburn, s91f. He kept his audience in roars i of � Jabulous prices. It is no wonder so many e.16,cted chairman and Mr. A Johnston, Frances 8�6r(waa presented with 75 -bush- 2,000 feet, $11. The offer of W. Whiteley laughter all the time he was on the etage. come back to the ' ir "poor " relatives about se�retary. Mr. Johnston has been secretary elm of oats,.-, a ' apples and a gener- was accepted for a car load of cedar for The others were also good, but did not seem - , I . quantity of * �10 that timelto get a good feed. Duasmora is of the Board since its first organization,— ous supply Of other good things by his township purposes, at $12 per thousand, .to please the audience so well, Thereceipts 15� I 1, * I , I i il - . I I . ; � - I � . ., � � I � I- � � . ! I . Z� I . I I I . � 1, . - - � . . t i t., I 1 . , . � I , I , B I , I. � I", Fo i! � by art ke't I I OP alli n4li � � ­iaii 11" 6 U il . , . .on I � 11 I I bi I - �� t - _P 001115,; � I'll. -8 I I 1� I � . . � I . . . I . �, - i - 1. � � . I .. � . . I . - . f. � . � � I . . 11 � _ -_ I . . I - : I . 11 I � . � I " f [ , -_ - I i I . , : . - . . - I I I . i. , I" I . . . I - F I . . - . - I f ,I � I - 1-1 _11--., 1. �__ � � . - � ­ I - ­ 11.--- �-I..-,_L-�,�—_"._--_""I-_--l�—,----,--- 1. I . � . qf� 9 rare $125 1 showin d that ai been in the hall for Y,,%re. It is to be oped thati an Ban Lom­iJ cansP was 80 accessful, it will not I long before they ive anothet entertsinmf -. BuiElrs.—At the &DOL -1 meeting of the ;russets I)rivin Park Associatioi, held 2, amb week, the fo owing officers were elect - d for the present year : p. Scott, President. Xrectorm, James Bell, J. D. Warwick. T V. Vanstone, R, Graham, Samuel Walker, 'hilip Ament. F. S. Scott, Secretary ; R. I haham. Treasurer ; A. Strachan,, auditor, —Mr. F. Dewolf, of Grey, has sold big farm I 50 acres, on the 9.h concession of Grey, o Mr. John Hollenback, for $1j350. . Wroxeter. LOCAL NEws.—The electric light pbles 6re being laid down for the wiree, and hinis are being rapidly pushed forward. Ar. Skinner, the agent, is here at present, 6nd we hear talk of a joint stock company ming formed to operdto the . plant. —Two ,inks-pf our curlers weut to H-irriiton on Aledueglq afternoon to play with two -inks 0 that Place. They confii6ted of : .qo. I rink"T. Sander)!, skip, Messrs. Rob- . uson, Paulin and Ireland ; No. 2 rink—T. Ise, , skip, Mesdra. J. W. Sanderson, Brown 6nd Black., Thofie are Vwo stiong rinks, ind if Harriston is victorious they will have iothing to it ar f ro m say t wo rink a in flurou )r Bruce. —MeAsrs. T. F. Miller and George 1' I Dawe, who havo been ill xith la grippe, Lro better� and are beginuing to make their 6pposrance on the street.—Mr. R. Ratin me bought out the manufacturing part of Ar. W. C..,Hazlewood's establishment. We inderstanA he intends to boot everybody hat gives him a call, Mr. Rwnn is a good workman, and we have no besitsition in may - ug that he will give universal satisfaction' —We have., been informed by the librarian ;hat there i's another addition to the Me- ,hanics' Institute of 300 volumes, making it me of the best libraries in the county.�A pod mauy.froin here attended the tea -meet - ng at Gorda in connection with the Metho- list chure ' h, and declared themselves well )leased with the proceedings. - Leadbury. NOTES.—We 8,1311011110a the death of Mrs-, iners, wife of Mr. John Kners, which took )[sce on Wednesday, 18th of January... She, was a great sufferer for msoy weeks before leath came to her relief. In the prime of ,ife she was a remarkably strong and power - !at woman, being nearly six feet in height ind weighing.over 200 poundg. She was of 6 sociable and friendly disposition ; a native )f Germany i6nd sixty years of -*ge.—A ihort time Lefore the late thaw Mr.,Tlindlay McIntosh ploughed the Leadbury line the Prhole way� from his owfi gate to the north 4r%vel road, a distance of nearly five miles, ippiag the snow up right from the gravel. Elie road . is greatly improved in conse- Cnence.—Mr. William Campbell, son of Mr. oo Campbell, of the North Boundary, ,oft for California a short time aga, where a Drother and an uncle have resided for some �ime. William is a very fine young man %nd while we regret his Leaving Canada, at �he same time, we wish him the fullest measure of prosperity in the golden State.— What is the matter now i VVe read in the Editorial columns of the ExPOSITOR that in - Due of the Toronto Constituencies tile Con- iervatives number seven to one. To be lure Toronto is a Conservative city, bat 11s is too much of a good thiLig. - Try seven W five, friend. Hills Green. . HAPPENINGR.—Mr. John Maxwell, of this village, has construcced a miniature steam iogine, tize- about Gx4 iacheo. Io is iodeed 6 XIOVelty alld bhOWa great 6kilL and iLigen- iity on the part at its inventor and coo- itructar. Mr. Maxwell is taking otepato iave it patented, mad .also intends exhibit - ,ng it at the World's Fair.—Mr. William .VIcAllister slid bride have moved into their. low residence.—Tte Rev. James Ferguson, )f Gianton, occupied the pulpit .of the qathodist church on Sabbath last in the ab- ience of Rev. H. Irvine, who preached iducatioual sermons at Blyth.— Quite -a iumber from this vicinity intend attandiag ;he concert at Kippen this (Friday) evening. �-Mr. W. Bell, ot Hamilton, formerly of �his village, has been renewing acquaint- inces in this vicinity the past week.—Mrs. Vance, of Toronto, was the guest of her deter, Mrs. Charles Troyer, on Sunday last. —Alfss Quigley, of Cliotor, has been the guest of Miss Mary Hagan the past few Jays. —Mr. James Love left on a vis4it to I I .riends in Blenheim township on Tuesday �ast,—Quarterly meeting services in connea- �ion with the Hills Green Methodist church will be held at Chiselliurat on Sabbath 3ext.—The annual meeting of the directors )f the village hall will be held on Tuesday WeDiog next, for the purpose of electing :rustees, and the transaction of other Jusiness. ___-4�___ _. Stanley. � I GRANGE SOCIAL.—The members of Rising San GrADge held their annual social in the I vacant house on a farm belonging to Mr. John Gilmour, on the 2nd concemal"'on, oil VVednesday evening. The place selected was admirably adapted for the purpose, �eing both comfortable and commodious. I'liere was a Is ' rge attendance, and the house was filled to overflowing with both old and young. The duties of chairman were ad- mirably performed by ,Mr. D. Rossi and a programme containing thirty different pieces was gone through With. The musical part of the programme was given by the young people of the neighborhood under the direc. tion of Mr. George Baird and Mr. and the Misses Jamieson, of Brucefield. A number of excellent, in6areating and amusing dia- logues, recitations and readings were also given and addresses by Messrs' -,R. MeMordie, of Kippen, D. A. Forester and 'R. Holmes, Df Clinton, and M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth. Refreoliments were also served in &bond - &nee." The entertainment was good through. DUt ,' was creditable to those who' took 'part in it and a real ple-Leant, sociable 'evening was spent by all, It is a pity � that such gatherings' are not more frequent, as they furnish the bright spots on the journey of . . . � life. I. k . , . Elensall. . . - SAw LOGS WANTzD.—Higheat cash prices paid for an unlimited quantity of good sound logs. I Justoin sawing promptly attended 4o during the ovinter months. UoxaRT Bxr,L, JR., Hensall. islo DON'T fail to attend the grand masquer- We carnival to be held in the Hensall Skating and � Jurling Rink, on Thursday February 9th, when iberal pr'"o win be offereh for costumes, fancy skating and raclng- See, posters -for further par- , . ,iculars. Suitablemusic will 'be furalmhed for the weasion. T. BRINTNYU, blanager. IN. B.—ftating wery Tuesday and Saturday evening. 1312-1 BRIEFS.—Large quantities of grain, wood knd logs are being brought in daily to mar. Let. The prices for the former are ,on the irwa,rd tendency at present.—The, erection ) a town hall is a subject that is engagivg , ,onsiderable attention, the need of it being- � �reatly felt. That, with good fire protee- Ion added, would place our .village in the iery front rank, as in every other paiticu- ar we have all the conveniences and advan- ;ages of - a town or city,, and we have no Ioubt that the spirit of enterprise that bag ,haracterized our citizens in this past will iot be founTwenting in the matter of -pro. riding or arranging in the near future for 3oth.—Mrs. Softley, of London, was I'll the rillage part; of last week and 'this, visiting let son the Rev. E. Softley.—Miss Morri-- IOU, of Seafortb,, is spending a few days. ?with friends in this village. — Quarterly iervices will be held in the Methodist church L )n Sabbath, February 5th.—Mise L. Cook, vho has been in Detroit for a number of veeks on a visit, has returned home.— dise Johnston and Miss B. Hodgins were 'ecently in London, &a delegates from St. ?aul's 0hurch, in connection with mission - I ;P . - � . - . � - X � W" FEBRuARy 31 1893. - � I y - lion a , FEIBRUARY =3 1 f . i ' � Having disposed of the bulk of our winter stock, we are willin.g, to part with whateyer may be left of it at a considerable discount. Our store is now being rapidly fillej with New Goods for the coming sea. son. It seems early to mention the new things, but times, are chan i . . 9"ng- I A few years ago the month of April . , I , was early enouggh to talk about Sprine arrivals, but progressive . mer&aui� have revolutionized matters, and now considerable 11 Spring business" is done _ . in February and Afarch. We have , . already opened up a handsome lot of 1� new goods especially suitable for the, .j . . early Spring trade, and as the seasoi I advances we will show the great,est gathering of novelties and exclusive patterns that has ever yet been with- in our doors. You knoNv now What to e.xpect, and we will see Oat You are not disappointed. Of the goods at � , � - 'present wanted, we may mention I COTTONS. I N ow is the time to buy them. -They � I . , , � I ; are freshly opened—ivill, not be cheap � . � er, and we are anxiou's that you know I * 44, how well we can do these goo& for � i. I r Y$)U. �, � Factory Cottons, 4 , - I . White Cottons, . ii Pillow Cottons And Shoetings. Our stock comprises the best stand- ard makes, coarse or fine; heavy or - light; plain or twilled; wide or nar- now, suitable for any purp6se. Then there is the catalogue of every � . day Wearing goods: � - I Shirtingo, Denims, Cottonalles, I Tickings, &a. I And who is there but wauts the best of these goods I It costs no more � i to make up, a good article than a poor . � one, and the very best can be -had at a . low figure. Just now nearly every housekeeper wants something in r. I ! . - . � LINENS. - . I Buying time is on, and ' the stodk is . � in good shape to - meet-, purchasen? - � wants in choice ' - 1� i .- Table Damaeks, i 1, Table Covers, i , . � Napkins, : � � I I , . Towels, : . ; � i Crash Towelling, � 1 1 Huck Towelling, � I Glass Linens, I . Apron Checks, I . Oatmeal Cloths, &c. i . I It's not hard to get suited where the, - assortment is large, the prices reason'- - able, ihe patterns select, and the quality number one. The new wash� ing materials for Spring are now being soucrht after. 0 � I WASHING GOOD& . � Thisisa laTge department with us, andismadeup of a huge variety of � - � � I I 11 Prints, � Sateens, ; . Cambrics, � � Ginghams, - ! - . � Challies, � Delaines, ; , Teazel Cloths, : I Flaunelettes,' i . i . - Opera Cloths, &a' ' : , The most of the washing material,%, ' this season are really beautiful in color �, and desi-,n. Whether in light or dark ;� 13 � grounds, large or small patterns, plaids, - � . stripes or spots, they are all of them � prettv and stylish. We have avoided i everything that is in anyway, doubtful, - ' and only the: choicest designs in the., most reliable cloths and colors -will , have a s! -owing w ' ith us. This column ' will speak to you week by week, -ad- 1 1 vising you ,of our new goods as they i ! I come to hand. ' . I � , I � I Your patronage is solicited. � i 1J . t, i i �, i I If i I 0 Hwaard McFa, , 1! .1 4 : i - SEAFORTH. � ; i nnnno�=_ i� i ary work.—The many friends of Mrs. Clut- i, I ' n ip of Tuckersmithi will ,� regret to learn of her death, which Bad �� � event occurred at her home on Monday 1 last, after a long illness, and much symosthy . I is ielt for her family in. the loss i of a � , kind and loving mother, who was .mile!, f respected for her kind and sociable dispost. I tion.—The Misseb B. and G, Murra,�,, of 7 - Clinton, are visiting friends here.—Miss M. Brown, ,of London, is home on a visit at present.—Mrs. James Murray, of Ro . Oger- 4 ville, in in Toronto, being called there by, '- the illness of her daughter-in-law.. —Th a I tertainment held in Coxworth's ball, on i 1 . Wednesday evening last, under the sum; ices su of the Mechanical Institute, was w,e'fl at- , tended and much enjoyed by all priment, � Mrs' - Sara Lord Bailey the renowned ello- � cutionist, delighted the' audience with her � fine selections, while Mr. T. Murdock.", our : popular townsman and ac.-omplished violin- I ist, ably supported at the orgam bi his . daughter, Miss A. Murdock, discoursed 11 sweet music at intervals during the evei . � I I (Ila � The chair was ably filled by Dr. Me;edis-timl #. .I a, the President of the Mechanics, �uet � tu . . : —The Rev, Mr. Johnston, of orest�- ed - : A— I ducted service with much accept, ce In t. : 'i Paul's church o'n Sabbath evening' I t.— � � The� Rev. Mr. Redmond, of near Lo 41on, I was ill the village this week on his #y t3 I visit his mother, Mrs. A. Redmond. i I . ___ - i . i i I . —Mr, George Hendry, of Xitchell� dis- posed of his household effects by auction last week, and left with his I falnil� for -A _L i I Chicago, where he will,reSlide In f4Lture. 1 Mr. Bedford Farrow has purchased 0 half I A interest in a large livery business at Strat- 11 11 I .1 ford, and will shortly remove his fern I �ily to I i I that city. By these changes Mitchell't loses - 1, I Z i two of its finest young men besides JI their, ' I � I . � I families. - ; i A 1 3 —Dr. C. H. Burritt and him bride 41eld a 4 I I - I I reception at the residence of Mr. an&Xrs. ' 1 Burritt, or., on Tuesday evtning. X, i , � 9 I t . , �&$L Irmo, , I at which were present the follo em- , I ,� I here of the interested partielingorthe :' I - � � bride's friends there were present r and 1 11 Mrs, W. R. Davis, Mr, and Mrs. ... . F, I Davis, and the members of the bride' own 1 4 . �, , , 4 family. The bridegroom�s friends con�1464 I � Of his own parents and family, Mr' and � I 1 Mrs. J. H. Flagg, Dr. Land Mrs. Hur bu;r4 ; M � 1 34r. and Mrs. 11. J. Hurlburt, Mr. an Mrs. i I H. L. Hurlburt,Mr, and Mrs. T. G.. I art- I i m i burt, and Miss Hurlburt. The bri :e was �� . 1 � the recipient of many handsome ikud; vain. i .i . . L I i � able presents from the relatives on! both 0 .1 � sides of the union, I i I i , � I I � � - � i ; I - � !:�_� TWI WHI ;�__ -Thp FTW F 411- X'Sunfe fl- -wool T, � caWt be __ they:coh . material � � � IN Have, been ml than tht Med in, F) I I work.. . . ionable I ab, he fol $2.ft . M . . Ibis i good oat !� latest an, - . � T . . . .� T. I . - T] I The al by any b imvited. I I JAI. The FAI . Tu'l V I bave v* � people -in 1 aerv,ed wil the last f0 ' -over arecl � a desirabh nizalon. I - in the di uew4apApei their part Win, Turl sault $to, to th'i-p re . district -of settler and the ten 4;u 'IV ed !Ina the his letter - But, go, about the ] the Island fors -to the lived on `0 . � - and have know it w the Cro mentof t � , land of 81 while so � about the should say - - st� Joseph .� - Th6 resi lag this Is' the people pliratively Capa;bilitie of tile prej As is proof that the at in the Isla two -or thr . yeaze ago ii w r I tt a n �b� Crown � tbewritio will indue the laudlej try their f 11 St. Jose the Go-ve . and the _- � Vonrseai Portion of -i land-, euit� the balatil sheie, and 1, :1 on the 141 palities ,v I andthree eral-settle of Which, 4 villagemorl mettlom*0 present Ar ard's Lauj side of the rRent ha coasiderab roads = councils li�. repairing . zParse, po roads in a I roads in Joseph lot ' the -roads I � days. P. ' r this in an - at 'JJh looking at that St. L -land, - Ili some � about 7 m 44 Soo"' b - ri . about 7 Mines -rail Stoble stai ardlis Lani �ftta,ti,on� . I to the Tail cau go �e then; of c 0 , , - of steamer I I -Awl Richa 6 d 11k The islaud -is - ' L the abs rLe about 25 ftmpmentl lies C1088 t through s, the Ill iof _ a There ure � Plates at v do 4or iie,tit that we -ar the beat ol . World. T lines of stA Maeau'a ie ri ',r and the 10 at Richar� haVe a go