The Huron Expositor, 1893-02-03, Page 1-
- , � I � - . 1. . I
� MeLEAN BROS., ..; __ 11
5 TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. . - z � 0 : .
I I - .
...... . �
- - WHOLE NUMBER121,312. . . I - . � SEAFORTHo FRIDAY9 FEBRUARY 3,1893. '' . . 1 $1.50 a Year in. �� �� If—
: .." � ___ - I— - . -
� - I —_ ' . i . . . I
-1 . I I . . k _� :
I - . I- s committed for vagrancy for a; term of .� claims either for maintenance or damages April 7th, 1890, end of 100 feet in length w&3, on motion, struck out and the iepoTt as spectacles to es'eh, the -joint contribution - marked to Mr. Sprague on his rob I Bp.
I 11 I
: I 'and wished he were as str a land � I
� A Waste - ithree months. - She co or over. In the case of bridges which do amended -was adopted. . of the children. .Avery pleasant and profit- pearance .
. mes from Niag%ra, should such a bridge be erected- Mr. Green .
� .
A Waste ' come within the statute, there is, of course,' THE OUSE OF REFUGE. able day was spent by all present. Daring hearty &a the deceased th-an wag'. de- . .
- I and is 75 year a of age. Of the males, one is explained that. the council of Wingham . ... � I . I
. � .
I- . I I insane alid is awaiting remove, � I to the Boy- refuse to give such bond and hence the the fart -her question, whether the general Moved by Mr. Proudfo6t and seconded by the day Mr. '.Ricker presented eaoh of his vessed laughingly riplied,111 wish a . r.e.'V1 I �� . I
� . -_ : i
S public is interested or only the township. Dr, Rollins, ths, the Clerk be instructed to children with a $50 bill. . � .
. - . Only a few days later, such is the un � .. in. : . .
OF OR OF lum ; oo'e awaiting trial for perjury ; one grant from the county can not be availed of �� . . �
I I I for embezzlement, one confined for want of and he now asks the county to make the Too act -seems to anticipate that the town- advertise in two Toronto daily papers for —A man attempting to get on a.train at tY of life, Mr. Sprague was eead � the : . . I
k. - . - for assault, grant unconditional. - I#p Will be helped in a bridge matter where plant and speci cations, with estimate of St. Thomas the o,ther night had a narrow relative who had envied him came to 'lloton: ;
' sureties and one under sentence . ocil . I
'k I I L! : ' ' * ine are all vagrants as fol- :uoh bridge forms part of the county cost of erection f a Housb of Refuge to aa- escape f rom �Oeing killed. He was thrown to arrange for the funeral prepar0ions. �, -,
I n1m I the remaining n EDUCATIONAL COMMITTTS.
Z IV �
I I thoroughfo,re,but where the bridge in purely commodate 60 I mates, and that this Coun- on the gro" �
z - �
; i ,
I I � . a Iowa: Win. Mallwain. Howick ; John The Education committee reported as.fol-
� SPAG E M EY "d close to the rails, butlying The body was embalmed and was furw4rded
d - �
. . a the township will still bear cil will pay $100 for the plans, specificatiofis quiet till the., train passed by, was unin- to 311innesota for interment. -, I
I local in its us T
. Ford, Stratford ; John Henly, -HamilOn ; Iowa: In reference to the petition of the ' I
� .1 I
; I � Niorrison, Goderich; Hugh McPher. ratepayers of Union School Section No. 5, the burden. If there is a dispute, there and- estimates a,d'udged- most sulfAble by jured. - I I —Another cut has been made or' the . Z
: . 1.
I I .
� I will be arbitration if the parties can not the Executive 8ommittge, said plans and —James Armstrong, M. P. for South Grand Trunk Railway to reduce exp�Dses, i I
I", n, IVingh&m ; James McGregor, Niagara'; Hullett township,, and other sections, for � I
John Durnion, Godericb ; James Willace, -the appointmedt of arbitrators, by this agree. � specifications t6 be prepared with a due re- Middleepx, (lied ou the 26th ult. at his resi- and the trainmen heard aild felt the ake fall -.1 I .
Dolds - vv HIC'M ?, ao� gone on�i that I .
I .� .
� Blyth. All these are under sentence for council, your com i ittee beg leave to report I think the statute contemplates relieving gerd, -to economy, durability and efficiency. deuce, Wiltoni Grove, Westminater. His this time. An order has .
. -
: - . . . in .
. . .- .
I I . J
". terms varying from two to six months, and that no action be taken as the necessary a township which has an unusual number - This motion was referred to the Execu- illness wawof a short duration. in.4 1882 every train of seven cars is entitled to, but ; 1
11 I
K -
� . -their ages range from 37 to 78 yea lowed by petition- of bridges -to maintain, especially where I .1 .
� W E ANSNVER ' . ra. Five legal steps were not. fol tive Committee, who reported recommend- he was chosen an Liberal representative for one brakoman, or traiuman,ars they ar now I -
� .
� ' i
w I are totally urilit, mentally or physically to ere. We refer the communication from such bridges are required for more than Ing "no action," and the report was lite riding and has been in the Commons ever called; all over seven to eleven care two I , � .
� - .. - I I I
I . ,� ! I , ,earn their own living. The remainder' of Seaforth Collegiate Institateo relative to purely local purposes. It is 1rue this adopted. since. : men, and twelve or over three men. TYis ,.- . I
I . I
. I the report was taken up with detailing the appropriation of county grant, be referred to meaning is not expressed distinctly in the At a subsequent stage ot the proceedings —Ex -Mayor Bitzer, of Berlin, has just willreduce the number of brakemen in wteri- , ,
Ev" � . , 14 all along the line of the road, and a 4 �
F11, NEITHER I uneanitary condition of the gaol aind our- -the executive committee, also that the act, but I oan imagine no other meaning and a committee consisting of Messrs. Proud been presented with an address aud a hand- a :
P--*" - eke foot, Cox and McLean was appointed to ex- some gold watchi af a large and represents- large number of men will b'6 thrown out of ,
i t roauding premises, and urging that in view School'Inapector'd reports be printed in the I.can not conceive of any intention to in . I
� � 1
7 d epidemic of cholera next minute and 500 copies printed in pamphlet the county liable except for something of a a,mine any sites in the Coucty suitable for a tive gathering of ,prominent business tud employment. I
; of the threatene ' _
� . - I
� 11 —The Wentworth County Council I were I
. . home in which to maintain County Wards public men. The expressf6n was a mark of ' I
� B V'CATJSE summer, steps be taken to have the drain- fqrm for distribution. . county nature, for instance,. where- leading' � ' . . I
. - �
z . d indigento, and to repdrt to the Council', appreciation of Mr. Bitzer's public services. trying for three days to elect a w0derni, � I
I . - an . .
I a .
I - ge, &c., improved. � 1he report was adopted without amend- roads through the county, used by every � , . �
. �
THE COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. ment, and the council adjourned Until ten one to go from one point in the county to at the Jane. meiating. The committee- to i —Mr. James Bereeford, of Petrolea, left Two Conservatives were nominated. j' The , .
� �
t .
. �
DER I I . The report and Financial Uterri :� ot of the o'clock Friday. another, cross rivers, it would seem fair prosecute i res arches without cost to the list week for Cabul, Afghanistan. Mr. council is evenly divided politically-, an the . I
. . .
. It Paws to: be odd � . �
W "I a . Friday, January 27th, 1893. that the whole county should build the County. � Berenford is a well,known oil man, and has reeve of Ancestor, who has the casting '9 .
. a I I
I . County Treasurer was read and referred to I I
. . THE 06UNTY ARBITRATOR. spent considerable time in India. He goes refused to vote for a Conservative, coal .
. r� . . the Finance' Committee. The report shows The first business aftei routine to-day.wav ,bridge, but where the bridge is only of local . Moved by Dt.1 Rollins, seconded by, Mr., on a prospecting trip upon this occasion as deadlock. Friday morning Mr. J. J. id, � .
,Yaut..., - SOMET IMIZS�. that the receipts for the year, less County the report of the use the reverse would be the case. But . I reev , d � - -
. - OPERTY COMMITTEE. Vfar. Bea60m,thatinitheaventof the township an agent of the Indian Government.. 0 of SaItfleet township, W" nom, I t,
. - -
� rate, amount to $3.005, and the disburse- COUNTY PR there is the right to have the matter r _ . ft . I
I � , . of Morris forcing an arbitration on this —The " customs authorities at � Sarnis and elected by the narrow majorlL Y 0 0 a , �
I . .
. ments to $27,844.57- The receipts are made The County Property Committee recom- red to arbitration in every case. . �
I mended sundry improvements and repairs - County under piovisions of clause 533,(A) of seized a horse and rig belonging to J. E. vote. Mr. Reed is a Conservative in Poll- : I :
up of the following items :, Pedlars' licenses, 1 Moved by Mi. Torrance and seconded by the Revised Municipal Act of * 1892, before Crosbie, a butcher of that town, who was ties, but is rather popular with both p . "eel . � .
. -
� It paysto, advertise in the gaol and court house, also that the . %
1 $550; Auctioneers' licenses, $408 ; Registry Mr. MoMurchie, that the report be amend- the June meeting, that Mr. L. Hardy, of arrested on Thursday., last week, for smug- and succeeded in polling one Reform wte. . I
, sweep of her clerk b'e instructed to advertise in the three .
office, $922; Interest, $1,185. . The die. ad so as to recommend that in the event of E I .1
t the face, Bud lead newspapers of'- Toronto for tender@ xeter, be the arbitrator. � gling esusage and other provisions across —Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sim,Woodei I �ock, . �
� - __ I
� �_
I bursements were as follows : AdmiDistration 'rig - a foot bridge being erected on the site of the It was moved in amendment by Mr. from Port Huron. Crosbie was fined $100 celebrated their golden wedding on Main, a �
� .
� mouth. The ALWAYS - I for heaiiiig the court hokise, the system to I y -
tof Justice, �1,590.27 ; Inqueats, $32,40; old Graham's bridge, that this council no- Proudfoot, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that . and released. . - I 23frd ult. This happy old couple were !mar- - .
approval and Jury account, be either hot air, hot water, steam or elec- - - �
I . .
- Jail account, $2,044.26; tept the bonds of Turnberry and the parties Judge Toms be the arbitrator. —At the twenty-second annual Conven- ried in Woods ago, and !have I .
L away with a . ( tock 60 years . t
I . Z.AL - : u9n, � . 4
: .- $20970.37 ; School management. $2,0218.�921 trIcity. . I I . I I
I . The report was adopted. interested. - it was movedin amendment to the amend- 'tion of the Young Men's Christian Assoois. lived near there ever since. it is a ak c
� , I
�_. � . 1.111;, pays to trade Lunatic@ and ludigents, $1,836.54 ; Salaries, 1. q 1,
I � - - etc., $4,507.30 ;. Contingencies, $2 MOTIONS. � This motion was carried. The only meat by Mr. M4wen and seconded by Mr. tions of Ontario and Quebec, held lar faot that the minister who married ��homo �
. - . 98.22 ; . * �
k� Con- Moved by Mr. Kay,, seconded - by Mr. change from the conditions attachin; to the Turnbull, th%t Mr. John McMillan, M. P., last week in Montreal, a permazent or- Rev Mr T ping, and both tha bridex#iaidj, - ;
Stationery, etc., $286.67 ; Crown witnesses, . rs: Za'iy Olmith, of Hamilton, - F
� �
F ]EVERYTIME Moblurchie and carried that the ,Treasurer former grant being that the parties interest- be the arbitrator. ganization was appointed, consisting of a M 1 au4 the -
� . $227.46 i. Collegiate Institutes, $4,971.46; - -Me
� J.
I . t on all ad furnish a bond Instead of the town The amendment appninting Judge groomsman, Colid
I Court House supplies, $862.55 ; Divisi be instructed to -have t of Toms president, four vice-presidents, a secretary Lean, of Inus�klpo
he interes I . - I I
too I � are 411 livingand were prese tati M 5
Coart.Jury Funds, $49,76'; Repaire.Couuby mortgages one year and over In arrears col- Wingham. The report as amended was ad- was carried. and an assistant secretary. ri 'on 1 1
. . .1 . . I 'ties. Mr. and Mr, �m -have yn - 4
of Huron was --AT-- . opted. . After some other unimportant motions —David Mancler, a switchman in Sarnia festivi a.- Si I � :bles - "I
. . - ] . ;
d Wednesday - I Buildings, $560.51 ; Roads and Bridges lectqd at once and in the event of any .
� . . I I and the reading of some by-Iswo, the Conn- tunnel yard, was struck by an engine late blessed with thirteen children, all of hom, I
- I� b.l. . P .
ma were held . $6,417.86. Thedeben re i ities of the parties failing to comply with the notice,the Moved by Mr. Taylor and seconded by . . �
ty amount t, 0 la n f a 0 C -
. . Q adjourned at 12 o'clock Friday night un- Saturday afternoon and almost 'instantly are HAD& I I .
Conn o $20, 700 and the assets matter be placed I I tfie hands. of the county Mr. Turnbull that the clauae,o th _r port I
. . �
�, Rev. W. F'. , I 0 til the first Tuesday in June. killed,.both logi and one arm being cut off. —A breach of promise case, MoGo I �
I 4� solicitor. referring to the bridge at Grand Bead ge . ;
7 as President. JACKSON Bl?vO:S.,. to meet these liabilities amount to $17F2,155, _n_� — 6wt Tn O,Vr -_ . 4
� ,, I He was 35 years old and leaves a widow and Stevenson, 'Was heard and settled i - .
. i -inve I On motion of Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr mended, and that the Warden and his - . 1 2.
� I I a I onto last week. - Miss Wellie McGows , of I .
� W. H. Kerr The county now has sted In mortgage . five small childeen. He had only been at I ,:. I
� ,
. Council,. a. I -be.a, com- work's few weeks. ,- I . 1 5
P The FA MOUS CXj0TH1,NG PEOPLE $136,461. s' Beacom, the usual grant of $10 was made committee with the Engineer Canada I
y � . . � Oakville, a comely young lady in her rd � I
� rri , ved by the I � . .. .1 CO I for the planting of flowers around the court mittee to meet With the engineer,or any com- The number of communicants of Knox . a .
, .. —MIssE. R. Pringle, of Galt, formerly year, swore that in 1890 �J. W. Stevefis -0 �a - I
L ... - SEAFORTH. A motion by Mr.. Cooki, seconded by Mr.- house, the money to he expended ,under the mittee the council of Lambtor� may appoint, church, Galt, is 1,064. . I � . �
� 3. rig W".- in . . ;
Howe, to the effect that 'clause 10 of the- direction of the county clerk. and decide � who ther the bridge shail be —An Icelandic academy will probably be teacher in New Dundee, was married a few farmer living near Whitby, had -,promis d to - �
" . - .
I . - .. . that amorous letteri h Psssed : �
a Pro byterian - I n days ago to Rev. H.S.MaKitrick of Orange- marry her., i :
- ` .
__ built of wood or'l 4
,ted Z'the, diL. - . .. Executive Committee's report for 1892 be Moved by Mr. McEwen, and seconded by ron. Carried. . � started I Winnipeg. nd she ihowe. 0 ur� bar .
. They left at once for Tarsus,' Asia between them, a d she ihowe
� I . �
� amended by authorisivg the Executive Com- Mr. Turnbull, that the Dominion Govern- —There are eleven applications for di- villa. I I .
� Moved in amendment to the report by Ia mo�her .
� THE COUNTY COUNCIL. voroe bills before Parliament. . Minor, where Mr. MoKitrick has secured a engagement ring. The young �
. .
. A
� .f. ment be asked to permit this county to use Mr. Ratz, t
at,1:30 pe m., mittee of this Coancil to inspect the molt - Mr. Torrance and seconded by 0 so an I her . �
I the fu —Pelee Island council have made a by- position in a college for the training of stated that the receive'Ad Ste I I
,,r which_t' Rev. es held by the County Treasurer, and te- ads now in hand procured from' Scott that the claim of Morris, under Section 533 . - - are hudband, and the, he .. � . � I
4 The County Council met at; Goderich on gag Act fines in liquidating the debt of the law paying $1 per hundred for the annihila- missionaries. daughter's fat - I �
' . I
�. an address 01i Drt on.,the same to the Council, was lost. . (A) of the Consolidated Municipal Act of _� - . I :
� I Tuesday of last week. All the -members ' P ' county. . tion of Englioh sparrows. - —The number of smugglers at Port 'told bar he was the owner of a well -a ked I
.*dia-te Sunday HEATING THE COURT HOUSE, 1892,'be deferred until the June meeting - . �� � .
. I - �
-t ex3ept the Reeve of West Wa- —Charles R%paon was fined $10 and costs Huron is increasing. The recent cold weath- . 100 -acre farm, besides money in the b - , . .- ;
I � I �
. were presen . "Moved � by Mr. Proudfoot, seconded by Moved in Amendment by Mr. L Kerr and and that in the meantime a committee com- an LOU � . . .
Was hand -led ia L watioah, who was detained by *family n on . at Woodstock the other day for selling or, which froze the St. Clair river more The defence was unrepresented, d he �
. t, I
i .. Mr. McDo seco ded by Mr. Watson, that the Domini Milne, . -4 �
i the speaker L ,� nald and carried,that the County posed of the Warden and Messrs. 0.8 th ,r - �
I a4fiction. f - Property coru;httee consider the advisability Government be asked to give this county E liquor to a boy under 18 years Of age. solidly than it has been for years, has .knit evidenceL for the pr ecution a jury �. Le L � �
L ilber and McMurohie be appointed to con- ' __ I . �
)I matter2. . � The Clerk requested the Council MO elect of adopting some othoar system for heating control of Scott Act fines now in the hands —Mr. A. Latta, assessor for Thurlow Port Huron and Sarnia together commercial- turned a verdiet for the plaintiff . "Beg Ing I
L -
Me to be taken . older the whole matter of the claims of Grey, . r
L a Ararden for the present year. - of the Treasurer, end if they will not giv - township, near Kingston, has fallen heir to ly, and thousands pass daily over the ice damages at $1,400. , �
, �
� I
:of Brucefield,, the Court House, and report to the Council. Morrie, Turnberry and East Wawanosh and . � Rs�ex � �
: I Moved by Mr. NeMurehie, Clinton, see- I full -control, to ascertain for what purpos: $10,000. bridge. The tempUtion to smuggle has —While bringing a asw-log .to , -1 I
. i I I
PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTORS REPORTS. every other municipality having such claims * I
. I
Gray, of Sea- onded by Mr. McDonald, Hallett, that Jo- �hey will permit us to use this money. Mr. Charlton in'tende,daring the present therefore been very great. CaDtr6 the other day Joh,n Warnock &ndJC. L. . �
being unavoid- The School Inspectors presented leng�hy and report at the Jane aession. Carried. — � i
� a,eplf-Griffin, Reeve of Ashfield, be Warden The amendment was lost and the motion Session, to again introduce his Lord's Day - —Walkerton is agitating for connection Lethbridge met &-man on tbe highway, who . . .
, __ .
'_J I �
' . - i
for the current year. reports. The information, however, was - . The report as amended was adopted. Observance Act. - . with the Canadian P&cific Railway from they were sure was Sullivan, ^�he �� "d � - 1, 2,
g . . I
>.-DL Wilson, I t, L mainly & repetition Of - former reports. We .carried on a division. F ichigan murderer and outlaw. �ante,nitl . I
. After the lapse of the appointed ime, Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded by Mr. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. —Mr. Robert McDonald, manager of the Fleshorton or some other point on the Owen M �
III they procured the ervic a of 5
. ;
rig addreas on, t1tere being no other nominations, Mr. Gri,f-. njay publish extracts frous them later on. Kay and carried, that the Warden attend The Executive Committee reported re- Oxford lodustrial Farm and House of Re- -Sound branch, through Durham, Hanover to the vi age � I �
wave the; Sun- I fin was declared elected Warden. . . . I
, ineer, repor .
- Kincardine, Inverhuron or other port. The their man. Overtaleing him after a bo�Lar ;
'son suggested- Mr..Ainley, County Eagi_ ted at the Clerk'ti office on the first Monday of (,-ommendinj as follows: That the usual f uge, died a few days ago of pneumonia. and Walkerton westward to the lake at Constable Shaw and started in pursuit Lof
I .
I spir it among- The Warden subscribed to the oath of of- having erected five bridg3s in the county each month for the purpose Of signing grarit 6f $10 be made to the Prisoners' Aid —Mr. W. S. McKay, of Ingersoll, who thies . 3
7 fice and thanked the members for the hou orders and that hereafter the Wrbrden sign . Me. got his feet so badly frozen the night of the old Saugeen Valley Railway scheme has mile chase, they covered him with .
7 during the year, and two on the County - Association ; that the tender of Mr . t. I . �
I revolvers and asked him to throw up.his ;
� .
. �
L great. stress they had conferred upon him, f no orders in blank. the -Matheson House fire has had several of his. been abandoned. - I
im, J boundaries, viz,: one over the Aiix Bauble Gillicuddy, of the Goderich Signal, for I _T1 .
� means of , . COMM U-NICATIONS, kTC. � . mothy R. Flood a prominent mer,. handi. The frightened traveler instantly .
- river between the townships of Ste�hen and' M.oved by Mr. Prou'dfoot and seconded County printing be accepted ; that the toes amputated, owing to his injuries. -, $ ;,
.i ;
. .
I �
Z - �
I A copy of a resolution of the .County McGillivray, and one over a branch of the by Mr. Taylor that the Clerk's salary be in- —Dr. Selwyn, director of the Dominion chant of Harrow, is treasurer of the town. complied, and 4oat no time 11n:eNtiblishing
� I grant of &W be not made to the township . I
I a Goolugical Survey, has presented to the ship of Colchester South and, it is alleged- his identity as a young eastern farmer 4
Is of welcome. Council of Elgin., respecting railways being .creased to $800. Refernid to the Executiv w1iia I .
� � . - 7 - ?:
. I : Maitland between the townships, of Grey agricultural societies ; that the usual grant - This �ntat --- � �
. I � hort in his cash. a of wag searching for work. He had -M in �is- -
ri. Hughes, of compelled to build over batural - water Committeei I of $25 be made to the East and West Huron Woodstock Collegiate Institute a handsome is $4,727 a i
. -in h cobt 7
i . . and Elms. The� a are- all good, substantial - 4
I �
� evening sea- Courses, Was read and referred to the a THE FXNANCZ COMMITTEE.` loachers' Asso8ations ; that thb salary of collection of Canadian minerals, numbering -affairs recently came to the knowledge of pocket and a !half dozen letters in ;;
� - L L I I :
� I cedar bridges. The wing walls at the south- T this us e
. I
� . _� special committee, - The Finance Committee reported recom- the Clark be not increased to $800 as asked 139 specimens. - the tow%obip fathers, and a quiet investiga- that convinced the constables ths :
. _ .
west end R the Maitland bridge have been of tion failed to locate the missing sum. Mr. was Thompson. . . � ;
Utoa., alth8irigh Acircular from the County Counti,l of mending the acceptance of the following a —George Bond,.Esq.-, has sold his farm z
. . � r
X' he I I
. a tended'; a wingz-wall at t Egmondville for by the motion of Messrs. Proudfoot nd I . .
� Splendid ad- Ontario asking co-op'eration 'in getting car- . County Wards, the cost of keeping to be as Taylor; that no action be taken on the mo- 200 acres, situated on the 4th concession of Flood, hi- friends say, will be able to explain 0 .
; bridge has siso been erected. The County i . � I . �
ion. on 11 Aims . taia amendments made to the drainage mot, stated, Viz.: Margaret McLean, Ashfield, tion �of Proadfoot and Rollins to procure Mkryboro, for $13,000, and will remove to satisfactorily- 11 Pervii Items. �
' .
. . . .
. � . bridges and approa-hea are in very good r6- . . � _.
- .
which-* was fod- * ' was: referred to, the, Special'CWnmittee� . I Aged 65 years, $80 per year; John S. Wil. - Toronto in March. —A shocking accident occurred at H. J. a g I Z
�, . I —Miss Bells Fell, of Staffs, has gone �,
� � pair at the present time. The bridges on plaug for a proposed House of Refuge. - --- . I . a
I Brussels, who A circular from the Dominion Alliance COM- —Mr. Daniel MoI;%ren, of thameaford, - Leacock's mill yards, Brigden. On Taos -onto K � �
I . - ormal school. � a
� Aid Association Of C%Uads asiking that the the Lake Shore road between Goderich and ton, Goderich * .Town, aged . 87 years, $90 ; The report was amended so as to re t was take a course at Tor z
:al address on ' formerly of Embro, was very fortunate late- day morning while Mr. Charles Prat . illbank, h I � I
. . - Bayfield have been exa,min Margaret Fletcher, Wingbam.aged 83 years, . Robert Campbell, of M- I
ad and none were mend thegranting of $300 to the the agri- —ur I I
pWs Societies. Ontario, Government be memorialized to � ly in getting a large legaoy—part of the unloading logo from his sleigh the horse$ I I
: found to be 20 feet clear between the abut- $W; Wm. Durican, Turnberry, aged 73� cultural societies, when it was finillY . iook be. gone to Lucknow to preouxe an artific.l.. Z
. I
: . I sprang forward and the chain I I I
I submit to P. vote of the peopie'�of Ontaxio,the years, $100; Jeannette Brindley, Colborne, � estate of a deceased relative in Michigan. I .
. . ments 1, except those which are already main dopted. ,, . . —fistL lacer- let. . .
I - � I I a .'� . —Lake Erie is entirely frozen ever. Never caffe ined in his hip and leg and - - . :
0, eye-ning, sea- qxeation'of the: prohibition of the - liquor aged 78 years, $80; Win. Daun,'Goderic�, _Thor Listowel High School board haile . . - �
� .
�- _. �. .
irk . tained by the county. ' Improviments to - COMMITTEE. , . , r
, of liensall - traffic,was referred to the special committee. aged Wyeare,8100; Win. Collins, Goderich THE SPECIAL before in the'history of the present geners- ated it in a fearful tuanner. Mr. Pratt will a I I
.. appointed Mr. Fred Johnston as a en, a - :
� I the amount of $6,060 were made since June. ' I . i 4
itest, Need in A memorial from the County of Gray, Township, aged 90 years, $75 ; Jane Knight, The Special Committee reported as fol- tion has this occurred. Fears are entertain- be confined to the house and to. his bad for :
. ;
He examined the bridge at Grand Bend, master. I A
; .�-� j
. . -
Jt is needless I asking co-operation in an effort to have and finds- that it* span,% the A,ux Bauble Goderich, aged 64 years, $90; Sarith Lee, 'Iowa : In regard to the circular from the ad of a flood in the spring at Toledo and many weeks. Complaint is made in St. Marys that - �
I —
� .
. . I ;
ientlema-U.. did . as to market other places. I . �, --;�Mr. Robert McCarroll, of Lucknow, .. -I'. -
- ;
Section 533 (a) of the Municipal act of Brussels, aged 70 years, $j90. After recom- County Council of Wentworth i wood vendors are exacting exorbitiant pric�w � I -
. river on the bou-nda,ry line between Huron lat�ly received a letter. from his son John, � � _. ;
dpressed most. I - 1892, repeated, was jeferred to the Special 3 spent I -
I � - � and Lambton. It'is a wooden bridge and -mending the payment o , sundry accounts fees the Committee advise that no action be —Wallington County Councillorl states for their commodity by the load. � I . . �.
ibe necessity of . I Committee. the Committee ri 1�,-` ad that in f aturd taken. .In reference to the application of Thursday afternoon'of last week. in Visiting from Ansonia, Algoma, in which he —Mr. J. E. Baker has sold his farth, 14t - . I
. I . the timbers are very much decayed, and It � o
- �
i work, and be- I A resolution passec 1. � �.
, I - �
� I I 'by th� council of should be rebuilt as soon as possible. The no ;rdinary current accounts be paid by W. W. Cooper, J. . Buchanan and James the two� -hospitals in - Guelph) Elaborate that coal has been found in large quantities 16, ,concession 9, Mo In ton to Mr. Ja,m�_$ � . .
I d that
� Northumberland and Darbam in reference tment as County stu- luocheons were served in each institution ; on Mr. McCarroll's land in Algoma,hn - . � � . �
7 . County officials without beiag,first sent to I rui 1;,;50,, . . I
� I - bridge is of one clear span of 130 feet be- Aitkinson for Fie I . �
- �
. � APPOIU agent fora, wealthy company has offer8d _fZ ., for the sum of ��� . ?
� to changing the number of Coutity Council- the County for directions, unless 'accounts dents at the Agricultural College Guelph: but the county soloas found room for both. an .� � r! James Alteheson) of Avonton,has �� . .
v . I .
I � lore was referred to the speoial committee. tueea the abutments. The abutments are for contracts and for very trifling amounts, The -application of W. W. Cooper, is re- —Bishop Lewis, of Ontario, was elected $10,,OW for Is six mouths'privile a of operat;- ' 11 I �. � .
_ .9 : r
of atone and with' -s lit dition would be � sold big fine epan of heavy draught horsesto, I I
I . I -
� were hold in - . Letters from. Messrs J. Buchanan, J. At- or for payment of some purchase previously commended- provided George 0. Connor, metropolitan by: the bishops of the ecclesi- Ing the mine. .
. i - o ai � I i , I I
pre opened by ' suitable for an iron or teal superstructure, I —The Zion Methodist Church, concession . Mr. ,Kyle, of Stratford, for $270. 1
. I - . �
Idneon and W. W. Cooper making applica t an orde - who was recommended by this Council ssfical province of Canada, who mot at , Avontorl,
' Mr. Robert Grieve, of near I I �
�.Rev. A, Me- and he recommends th iron bridge be 9 c
.. !ad by tho Council and County Com I I e. o.�. I .
'. I tion, for the County. studentship, at the I a orders - alio, that all offioiali at its January meeting of 1892, does *not Montreal last week. 7, London township, was destroyed by fire has sold- his farm to Mr. Alexander -1 If - -
',..,� followed by a � con-struoted, provided �he county of Lamb- m15810nor $ . . ng, 22ad ult. The I I
. ' San'
� Gruelph Agricultural College were referred to who, under the Statutes, have to be suppli. take advantage �f his appoirstment. - —A very large elm which grew on the early day morni The pries was $600. ' I �
ae,�, Smill, -of � ton agreeable to pay one-half the ' -fire is unknown. The building - ,I
, I 'i" 'e, � i I . reference to the circular from the County fa'rm of Joseph Johnston, Culross, was calls a . . i
I'li:1 th� special committee. �1 ad with stationary or printing by the In a of th —Vickers the Mitchell forger, has been I :
I ic"a Wa0% expenari. Hall a �bridg� on the 'Lake Shore 9 I
. I
A letter from Messrs. Iddington.& Palm. .. . I County, procure such stationary and 1 work Clerk of the united countie's of Northumber- bought to Teeswater last week. Thore were was of brick, substantially built. It was e years in Kingston psnftex�- - � :
� . . sentenced to f iv I ;
il�ted 'V�it the I road in Goderich towu�hip, should be rebuilt erected ten years ago at a cost of 83 000 and . �
� 1 7 or, barristers, Str&tford, in reference to a A codar bridge on piles only by order of and. through the County land and Durham in reforenee to the five logs, contaiiing 3,900 feet. I tiary. He is now 60 years of age. I .1 � �
I Misrsiong, Mr. The low is a heavy one �
I ; drain, of W. J. Carpenter. Logafa for dam- early this season. � unty Councillors, —Two young Saisnia, ladies, while crossing was free of debt. I �
I o
� .1 that'this Council in future refuse a —Mr. W, H. G411 has rented his farm *�tl �
I . � IBM �
, flections m do ould be suitable. B4field bridge should Clerk, and hange in the number of Cc , �' - I
W , oposed, it is recommended t6 Port Huron a day or two aga,- broke for the cc ' . �
, ingregation, which is not large.
I �
I " � ages, referred to the Road and Bridge Com- * a to psy all accounts for supplies of statiop- as no plan is pr . - dge, usseldale,for a termof year*, to J. G. Roy, -1 1/\ �
above purpose'. mittee. . be rebuilt this coming summor. The ol &c., not procured by this means; that that no action be taken. In reference to the through the ice, but were fortunately res- —The other night at Suspension Sri R I ,
� . . �
ne -is ery, at a rental of $260 peryipar. i .
kf,n, . il:ler and Miss R. Davis, both of - �
MOTIONS. I bridge should be used until the new, o ,hn A./M of Mitche�l �.. m
constructed, its it woiild be : ace the Clark keep separate accounts of amounDs resolution from the County Council Qf cued. A horse broke through but w;s go� J0 . a
a: on " Normal T( , _Wre arrested, charged with smug- � . �
& difficult pl - r .t , . I - I —A well known citizen . . �
I "Moved by Mr. XcLean, seconded, by Mr. and cost of materials supplied to the vari- Elgin as to making 1 compulsory out again.. asted the other morning that his eldest . I I .
to make a deviation road, and the now 6q. killer had secreted on his person bo . - a
'he beat of the Hol , that Dr. Ure, Goderich J Dr. Shaw ' der Dominion jurisdiction to —Mrs. M. Joyal, of Winnipeg, was fright- U . 1 ,� i .
�t � one offiders, and report in 'detail at each" for railways un I I . as 45, years, and ble youngest 5 hour's I :
. -
ht I to bridge should be erected at some other . ve' dressed sealskins valued at fl,000, 19" ' � , ".
I g 1 a esson �; Clinton) and .Dr.' Smith, Sealotth, be &P'- point where it might be considerably shorter "Won of the Council ; � also that all ac- make provision for culverts on nataral, water sued into a fit of hysterics on Wednesday ' old. . �
armony of the pointed trustees of their respective ,,,Collegi counts must be presented to the Council the courses, we would recommend that this night of last week by an alarm of fire, raised while . the woman had over $1,000 in dia- �
. . �
I - —Mr. Win. Pridbim, M. P., left oit � - I
ived-, and, as a %to I _: and accommodate the traffio as well. mondo. The couple claimed to be ea route - L .
Z natitates, . im- first day of each session. The Committee Oouncil co-operate with the 'County Council in the building in which she was residing. Wednesday) last week, for Ottawa, to be, . ;
L I �
.. - �, during tha : A iiiiiaber of accounts and Other un to Buffalo,- where they expected to be war-. 4 � �
- - , ; -oved by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. . of Elgin, and that the Warden and Clark L . I Z
� � . . .ad reported: The annual financial statement of It resulted in her death in a few minutes. t at the opening of the DomWton
� I
4 : M refort presen ! . . �
. 7
I aniza ,such I rtant documbnts were read and - Morden, ried ox swriv�l there. . Ii, j i
. I Shepherd, and carried, that Mr. William Po 13 make —At a sale of school lands at iament. I . �
. - to their respective- Comm. itteeg and the �the County Treasurer we find fully,carefully petition the Dominion Gover ment to county, Ar - I I I -
. Coates, of Clinton, beL auditor. and particularly prepared, and recommend such provision as to culverts on natural Manitoba, last week, 11 quarter sections —WardemNicoll, of Wellington -
I . appointed _-NNearly 5,000 pounds of butter wai ship- 11 I
, . r
� .
.1 Teacher's. In- � Council Adjourned until Thursday at 10
, The Warden appointed Robert A. Carrick, ) _ that the various statements go printed in water courses, and to forward the same to were sold for $11,920. Owing to the tight- is a man of good sense. Instead of giving I - t I
School," was . 0 clock. - pod to Toronto, the other day, from the �
he offset the I o
L . of Awhfield, as the second. auditoi. Avonliank factory. . The price realized *4* �
. J
� I . . : TH=SDAY', January 26th, i893. the Minutes, or that the 'Auditors' 'Report the Clerk of the County of Elgin. In refer- ness of money and the unfavorable, weather 6 supper to the county council '
. . L matter by giving $10 to each of the hospitals . L -
� THE STRIKING COMMITTEE. . be rinted in detaiL once to the revolution passed by the' County the attendance was small. or pound. .
, Mr. Grayf of � The Committee to select the', Standing Council met at the appointed hour, and Ilie report was adopted without amend- Council of Ontario county, an to the ap- —Win. Hohn, who went to the North- in Guelph. The action was a good one. 23i cents pi ; . �
' . —A petition is being numerously algne& -1
0 I -addresses at uni- - While the county council might have bad � I . -
. ; Committees for the year, was thein balloted after ordinary routine buxi ess, a comm ment. . . pointment of a �ofaree for the trial of ac- west from near London in November lastil asking the Postmaster-Geoeral. to establish 9
11 of . . i �
ildren which . cation from Mr. S. Conway, Reeve Lo- rest enjoyment in the Warden's hospitality . _1
i 9 for and the following were elected : Messrs. . REPORT OFTHE ROAD AND BRIDGE OOKMITTEE. tions for damages against municipalities for hanged himself on Sunday, 22nd ult., at his 91 . � money order office and Government sav- . . 1
Y, teak as his * an, respecting the claim of Mr. Carpenter at A supper, those who are. suffering at the � 4 �
keNfordie, Girvin., Proudfoot, Ky.dd, Cook, 9 The Road and Bridge committee re rte�d non -repair of highways, the Committee re- farm at Clover Bar, near Edmonton. No ings bank in Kirkton. - . � I . t
, Mr.. Day at- _ for damages., was read and referred to the I -?pe &ts, with cause is assigned for the rash act. ' hospitals will far. more enjoy his generosity. i i I . -
Rollins and Cox. I recommending that. the bridge at srand commend. that'this Council co r 611 to 7
� Road and Bridge Committee. - , .1 —The many who went from Mitch . 11
rawer in good The Council then adjourned intil Wed- Bend on the boundary between Huron and the'County Council of Ontario, and notify —Mr. John- Clark, of the Weat Zorra t4- —Several ladies representing a lottery in Fullarton, to hearJoe Hevsleetureonlem� �
oGfious quea- c I . in accord witkk of -war. team, has 1, -Jt for the Southern StAes aid of the Catholic church at Brighton, aakm : I
I neaday at -10 o' lock a. m. � I.. Applications from the townshipsof Grey, Lambton be rebuilt of cedar, providing them that we ore entirely e were delighted with the way the I 1
Turnberry and Stephen, asking the Council ,_ mbton pays one-half the cost ; that the resolution And the proposed petition to to seek his fortanckthere for at least a tDi ' a. ad Mr. J. W. Berkinshilw, merchant, of perane . .
� exrpugilist handled .his subject. ; I _.
. . . -
I Addressed -by WEDN-ERDAY, January 2.5.ih, 1893. to assume a per contag6 of the cost of main- "a' � F, bay a �.
, 'The first or -der of business afl;4 routine Hall's bridge, on the Lake Road, Goderich the Legislature, but would recommend that He hais not enjoyed7the moat robust h th Trenton, and formerly of ToroULto, to —Mr. Walter Murray, of Avonton,; bas - I
. - I ticket. He gave the '
liect I tenanoe of bridges in tbese townships,as pro- on as it. i person, who was a L --berd
waa the prC4810tSti011 Of the report of. the township, be rebuilt of cedar as so in all oases where the damages claimed do for some time par -it dr w rham bull to his
f the Bible as- vided for bylSection 533 (A) of the Munici- - .1,
1, 12, Striking Committee, which wag adop,tpd convenient; that in reference to the Bay- not exceed the sum of $200, the referee _La�st Frid�y night in Wallaceburg ur- - customer, the price of a ticket, Land a of high grade cattle, purchased from Mr. .
ool Teaching. pal Act, wers.referred to the Road and goods store 50 aores of good land. Mr. Berkinshaw I
. without amendment. The Committees for, E field bridge,Meeers. Ratz, Torrance and Cox should be the County Court Judge of the glars entered'James Scott'a dry Hugh Thompson, of Blaushard. I I
taryll also A& I the year are as follows - -.1 I . ridge. Committee. .. be a committee with t9e engineer to locate county where the damage arises, and the and carried off about three hundred dollars wrote to Rev. Mr. McCloskey declining the —It has been decided to hold the -fall - I
� a length,. and i I I . a nd a copy of th 0 1 thing I
� ExF.auTivz.—Me99rfj�'M11ne, Kay, Girvin,. MOTIONS. -: a placeto build a a w bridge and f urther that Clerk as' is re- oni.mandstion worth of goods. They forced the shutters land, ab he did not care to receive any I exhibition of the South Perth Agricultural I I
I �
i � - ch he gave no _1 So . t I -
. a-oper&t on in � I McPher- Moved by Mr. XcEwen, d by a. new bridge be buitt of cedar i nd as soon to the Clerk of the county of Ontar for whi value. clot as dues- I I .
� Kennedy, Sparling, N.H. Young . and secande i io. In off a back window. M. , usual., on Tuesdayand We :
� meeting was, . . . �' In the letter from reference to the communication from the —Mr. Downing, superintendent of the —On Monday, January 23.rd, Mrs. W I
I � 4DII, MCE,Wai), Scott. Mr. Turnbull, that the Engineer be instruct- as possible. -Harris works, Woodstock, met with Waldic, of Chesterfield, Oxford day following the Western Fair exhibition. 11
I . FRiAWOZ.—Miesero. Rollins, 1�roudfoot, ed to examine the bridge on the Zurich road iddii.nggton & Palmer, Barristers, Stratford, Dominion Alliance, asking this Council to Massey . County, . ulesser, of Brodhagen., had the : I I I '. . I
yeation. Tke sk fo completed bar 90th year. On that daiv a -F. Quere �, i
I I . Ferguson,, Beacom, Malloy, Woods) Brock- crossing the big ditch, which is 21 feet long.' r dainages on behalf of John petition the Local Government to submit a painful accident the other night. While oat arrived from Regina, N. W. misfortune to ose & fine two-YeAr-Old C61t . .
I - , -ia Rev. Mr. )a the Logan and th -uestion bf Probibition to a vote of the working at a largo wheel his left hand wa parcel by p . 7 . I
= eashire, Bennewels, McLean , - and report at the June meeting, and unless Carpenter for a, wAsh-out ( "a tained a piece of haggis of the by falling into an old well that was left un- 11 . 1
' �
lommittee will EQUA 471ATION. —.Nfeesrs. Holt, dook, Cox, reported against, the bridge be put on the McKillop boundary it is recommended that peopie of Ontario, it is recommended that .caught in the machinery, and .two finger: T., which con I . . - . �
_innoa$ W. M_ - XeMurchLta, . Eilber, McDonald,. Wataon, list of C . on' bridges. Referred to the Road 'Reeves Kay' McMurchie, and Shepherd be a this Council petition -the Government to were very badly injured. I . real scotch brand- carefully put tip. � 11 Wall covered on the farm of Albert Sehorbort, I
� � t uty L # says 11 I a firm -of John I
- . �
,.,rr and H. Me- K . committee to ineet a similar committee from submit the question, and that the same be —Daniel Coyeau, who was present at the he. 11 It bests a' to think ol, Bit iiii"a —A few dayfj ago th I
; I- mittea': John ydd, Shepherd. i and Bridge Committee. _. U a -1a ' body like meo how that this day I have an'- Whyte & Son, Stratford, bought seven hogs . I
.-LN1easr9. Ratz, Gra- Moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr.. Perth to adjust a settleme t if pan ible. forwarded to the Secretary of the, Dominion battle of W.indsor,and is one of the pioneers ;i
" W. M. Grey. I tared on ma 91st y and here is ma dinner from Mr. Sourbeer, of Ellice, weighing
L _� reference to the motion of Mr. MoEwen it . Alliance. - With regard to the circular from of feser, was married on Wednesday night . —at. $8.85 per bun lot I
t Q, � 116'r I
- ham, Gibson, Torrance, Oliver, H - we, Turn- McPherson, and carried, that .the words it shows Plainl I dred, the -1
- � I
- I yet. " bringing $1,58.23, �
L aa the sing- ball, Taylor, Cruilishank. Executive Committee be. added to clause ie recommended that the engineer examine the Clerk of the county of Grey in refer- last week by Rev. Father Wagner. The sent 1,700 miles. auld as Iii788 pounds
- Zurich drain and report ence to Section 533 (a) of the consolidated groom is verging close upon 80, wbile the a' im how &'m'baith ken'd and reaps it :
�� 4nion choir, EDUGATION.—M*380. Mooney, Kerr, Me- ten of the report of the Executive Commit- the bridge over the I I ' [ has been or anized. lu I
oirs in town. —Tradespeople of East Buffalo are warn- —A Sunday School . . .:
I June meeting ; also that the appro- municipal act of 1892, referring -to a per bride is 35. � r I I
. Kay, Shiels, Chambets, Geiger Stuart. � toe's Report of 1892. This addition per- at the I tte leader- :
� Britton school. house., under I
I �a% lef t in,' --the � —Mr. and'Mrs. John'Johnston, of Dea. ad against a gang of Canadians who are at- the . ;
l CouxTY P_Roi-r,RTY.—Messr;. $aunders, inite'the'membersof the Executivecom- Priation of $3,000 for boundary lines be made centage of bho maintenance -of ,bridges in the i
- ittee. on to be paid by the count i and. ver, Colorado, are vioiti friends at Ayr tempting to pass Canada bank tokens for ship of Rev.. J. W. Cameron) of North �
"by in accor y . I
� It gages held dance with Mr. Taylor's motion. municipalitie �
� . I - 4
Evans, Dames. 9 . I , the County Treasurer for loans of County In reference to the claims of the township asking the as , me to be repealed, it in recom-, and Cedar Creek Road. 01hey will remain $20 gold pieces. On one side of the coin, Mornington. .
- . � 8packman Sherritt, A. Youngi Erratt, mittee to examine the mort 1. There is a good. Attendance .
I . of Morris and other townships for a percent- mended that this couteil join with the for 06 h in Canada. Mr. John- which is made of bronze
� sed iraprove�, . bout a mont # a hildren. . �
, p WARD9N'8. —Messrs. Sau-nder ' Kydd, lunds. ' I :, the Evangelical I
now - on view i - 4 � 0 amager of a large ranch, and of St. George and -the Dragon and the. date, —The congregation of 1, �
I Hilber, Cox, Milne. I by age for bridges' the committee recommend county council of Grey for the purp so of ston is the in .
�_ Moved by Mr. Taylor -and seconded . hurch, Milverton, are meeting with great �
d tenders for - a words,' C1 I �
� S-PrOIAL.—Messrs. Cook, Rollihh, Holt, NW, McDonald, that $3,000 be granted as that the matter be referred to a committee. h-sving the said Sootion repealed, and that this is his first visit home since he went out 1850.. On the other side are th - . I . -
:uary 7th. The � . wi, beputy-Reeve of Stepheu,� to Colorado. "Bank, of Upper Canada—Bank' Token." success in soliciting subscriptions for their - . .1
� � an extension GiryiD, AleEwe-n. boundary line apportionment, to be divided of the whole and that the solicitor's opinion Henry Rilt I —A very sad accident occurred in Dawn The pieces are plated with gold, and at a d new church. Over $2,5W in &I- - __
, APPOINTMENTS, ; in the usual manner, after the June meet. be read to the council. In reference to the be appointed a delegate of this council to , . .
? , 37& of which - i motion of Mr. Cruicksbacks for % grant of form one of a deputation to intervOw the recently, which caused the death of a prom- - distance'might be mistaken for a � $20 gold =romised. I 11
. - remainder 50 I Moved - by Mr. McPherson, sed.6nded by Ing. Referred to the Road and Bridge Com- I t - I —Mr. John H. Bobier, late of Stratford, . I - -1
� . $300 for the erection of a foot bridge, on the Provincial Government and the municipal .'ising young man, Owen McCoy by name, a piecei . i
I Xr. Preudfoot, and carried, that - d formerly & partper-of Mr. Shaw, Q. C-1 L L
1o, be extended t Messrs. X. mittee. —The Picton Times of last week "ye: an �1
. . Y. McLean and County Clerk Lane be ap- On motion of Mr. Beacom, Bud seconded stand of theold Graham bridge, it is recom- committee at the approaching session of the the early age of 28 -years. He wat engaged . -
, i
� I et� Thenorth : . Pointed an the Board of Criminal audit. b . mended that the motion be granted - provid- Ontario Legislature,, and that copy of ihis in the woods felling a tree when it split in There died at the residence of Mr. George of Walkertona died on JanuarY 24th of I 11
. . y Mr. Holt, the Clerk was instructed to ! Big bland, on Wednesday, consumption at San Dif go, California. He �.
I *at, and I 10 . : hILIf of it falling on him, ,striking Sprague, 01 . -
I r. 1orrance, and � seconded procure a copy of the Ontario Statutes, for I ing all the parties interested give a satisfac- resolutiombe forwarded to tb clerk of the two, one I . I
I M-oved ly ML - orge Sprague, of Minnesota, aged7 43 had been a muffereir for some years. � - .
. eat, while all Ge - .. - . .
� 4
1 b,Y Mr. McLean, that Messrs. i the said copies to tory bond to this co"Unioil approved of by the county of Grey, The committee lime ex- him on the head 'Alfred Brog- ;
will be at &U, Baird,' of each Reeve and Deputy, —The celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Ric- years and 5 months. In company with his —Mr. J. T. Hicks bad Mr. . � �
- . I k,
. Stanley, ai�d_ Clarkson,. of Seaforthi be ap- be the property of the respective munici- county solicitor to exempt she county frolu &mined the vote given recently in this county toji, before .Police magistrAte "I I r 11
Will give a . . - 0 inneso don, of Fullar I 4
i � I - I I
I . ,� � any further liability of either Industry. k of Mitchell, the other -day for act . �
, � pinted on, the Board of Examiners.of School palities. . 'building, in reference to the House of or 8 11 golden wedding" took place at- their brother Parmenue Sprague, also f M in Flaggy - ; I
, �
wift li.&rle a I �,r 4-� pleasant home in Sheffield, a few miles east to, eleceased was visiting his former home . I
� . trustees for the current year. . GRAHAM'S BRTDbE AGAIN. or maintaining Buy bridge on that place and We find that the vote was somewhat himhalf tbero#A. The essewas I
&and spect- � � . . About Sopbiesburg. On the occasion of his death allowing I I
� i
I z. A Petition from the ratepayer's of East Mr. Green, of Wingliam., addressed the also t exempt the county from any cl�im amall, that from some of the townFkips and of Galt, on Tuesday January 24t . gdon paying $2.55 costs. . r
- calculated to the villages theta is no return, but that so sixty guests were prom children he was about partakin g of dinner and 4eated I settled by Mr.� Bro , I . -,
. W-AWanoah and H,111 -left, respectin changes council on thesubject of Graham's bridge. for Zom(ages if such should occur "on tid It. r. Alex. Ayde, one. of the beat known .. I
improvement. . I .1 MR' it umbering seven were -all present and nine. at the table with his Ismily when he leaned _X . . i died -
, I 0 1 n
1: asArea ietinq of the council a foot brid a. , far as returns have been made the ..
; �,OOG cords of - in school boundaries, w d a � referred At a previous me -of i was the youngest of .Worth Rssthope�s early settler,19 I . .
. Wag and the to the Education Committee. motion was passed granting $300 to, assist The folio -wing in the opinion Mr. Gar- in favor of building a House of In ustry -teen graud-children. Mr. and Mrs, Ricker over and died. He t weeir, at the age of 73. HO I .
I row, county solicitor,: respecting section was- 112�. ' were the recipients of many beautiful -and brother of Mr. John AP'Sprague, M. P. P., ,,'Wednesday las - George Hyde of I
%bly $75,060- oAorxVs ItRrepm , in the erection of a foot bridge on the site of . � . I di a gold watch to and son of Mr. Hallett Sprague, Domorent- I was a brother of Mr. I
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; � virt of the re DrIt ricommending the costly presents, ine a ing of
14 r orks -Depart- Mr. Wm. Dickson, gaoler, -reported as the old Graham liridge, near- Wiugham, on 533 (a) of the,conisoli4ated municipal mot That pi villa. The deceased was a very large man! Shakespeare, and Mr. Matthew HOIN
. I and referre - : petitioning the LegisTature to repeal Section Mr. Ricker, the gift of Mr. Henry Beamer, i widow, four son$
ednesday and fQlI*w8 : T here are confined in the gaol -at condition that the councils of Turnberry and - d to in the above report � &ad weighed about 225 pounds. Only a few I Stratford. He 'leaves a -
� . prevent fo L 0 , that the 1 533 (A) of the Consolidated Municipal Act and a gold watch from Mr. George Beamer - i
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nuectioll wft4 I � urteen persons, thirteen�inales and Wingham would each give the county a � Y a will note, to begin with re. ' and four daughters. z
I z 049 female The female, Mary McGregor, bond absolving the c unty from all further otatute only &,�pllea to bridges. built after of 1892 and to mend a dele . to Toronto, to Mrs. Ricker; also a pair of gold rimmed days previous to bin death a relative . - Z
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