HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-01-27, Page 9. Q
- ___ �_ NEENNEWMMMMNNEEN� � I � i � �
amnlm� - - I � � I . -1 Gill, auctioneer, I
t on Toesday last.—jr;F, 1@ � ry Jones, imple- L AN C E -
little -hopes of his recovery. This i's mad Examinersi—Two -rJake of the Seaforth turned home to Wilblghain from their vi4ib to side, will be supported 4y Messrs. Leathorn public auction by Mr. Jol �
--EDWARD -r) CASH news for his relativis and .many friends in curling OM went to Stratford yesterday, to Kinburn, Saturday, accompanied- by ear and Duff. Tke negative side will have an THE BA I
. ; agent, has le"ed V- - 3hops of the late
, . the club of that town. 'ho�tographer, Mr. Goo, Jenkfus.—A num- captain, A Bkwk, supported by MessrL. meat .
Wkvlewae and Retail Dealer tn , this n6ighborhood. Hi3 br'btber left on Fri- try condusions *itk . C I Bon -ton " have received invita- McCracken mad Tinimins..--A .number of Isaac Handford, a -ad will ith skilled work-
. day last, to c%ro for him.—The ice harvest —Rev. Mr. McKay, Foreign Missionary r of the I eople of this place attended the open- roen, conduot the b1sokst, - Ah atf& carriage —OF—
MM:Z,. is now in full owing, but the quality i � of the Presbyterian Church,. tions to the 33rd Battalion ball, to be held , Mr. Hand- I I
:B_UrTrr � I the P' - .
JD_A_T1=?,_Y_ I I CAiurch here, in Seo -forth this, Friday, evening.— Mr. ing, of tile Metbodi,st church in Gorne on business formerly carriet on by
. ad it the Presbyterian I . rry.--�-Mr. Albert -
of the beat, several inches of the top being preaeb —Oa Wednesday evening last a ford. Success to you Ha - I
GODERICH STREET, SEAF613-'TH, frozen Blush; Still large quantitiee of it laat Sabbath. He delivered two m?st ex- John and Mies Annie Moffatt who have Sunday. mpany with MILLINERY ��_ �
. � been in Toronto on busin�se the'past week, number of frieuds assembled at the reai- Johnston, who has �bcen in co � I -1 i
� ,� ;
- are being stored froth both ponds.—Owing cellent sermons and was listened to by large . �
0 ace of Mre. Curtis, of the boundary Snell Bros., butchers Apel pork packero here, i ,,��i
Wan,tsa large quantity of �ne Fall fr. John McPhail, of * returned berhe on Saturday.—Mr. P. Par- do . I . � I
to the great awiount 'of teaming, especially congregations. —Ni Ing 1 7
M I al Beef of ice, the main street of our village is in a Woodstock, formerly a resident of this vi- vis was in Listowel this week on business. li"e, to witnesa the marriage of her for the past three years. hav* severed hiii MANTLES / �
Butter i tion with that firm, -returned to his I t; .
_n Prints and Rolls.; ,. 9,0 - ,each only daughter Emma to Air. Alex, connec I , �
enewing old ac —Rev. Mr. Irvine, of Heisall, will pi ;� �
Ridec, Tallow-, Sheepskins and Furs, miserable plight just'now. A thaw would im- cinity, was here last week, r %Les Mvs,qer.—Ar. howe in -Ashfield township -on Tuesday last. , .
. py'.—Captain Heift spent last educational sermons in the Methodist Messer, son of Mr. J i - I
— prove it very inuch. —The Rev. James Me- quaintanceehi d and Mrs. JAmes Burgess, of Manitoba, who —Mr John Muir and Mr. J. T. Weatcott MANTLE CLOTH$ � �� . .
. ' i :
� -
I - will conduct the week at the home of, Mr. George Brownlee, church an Sunday next. No one shoal z ,_
I Millain, B.A., of Alviuston, of writing have been visiting here for some time, left are the delegates appointed byAdvance . , �
I �
annivers ry services of Eginondville Pr,esby- in Tuck eremitb. —Mrs. Robert Logan is miss hearing him.—At the time i I I
. spending a week with her brother, Mr. our town is crowded with large numbers of on Monday for other points, where they Council, No. 207, to - attenti the. Grand �; t
a I �, . . -TW:E
CLEARINC SALES terian ch6rch on Sabliath, February 5t -h . - delegates attending the County Sunday will visit for a short time and th#n return Council of Royal Templars of Temperance . �i
- Mr. McMillan is favorably known to the Brent, station m&Bter at Baden. —Dr. Camp a 21sl; day ;ik �� WHI
congregation, baviog occupied the pulpit bell has returned home from his trip to School Couvention.—We are glad to ace to their home.—Afr. Win. Maxwell and sis- which will be held at Galt, on th . � I ;;��
I ter Aggie have returned froin their Vhit to of February vext,—br. R. F. Kinsman, L. FURS' .
ce of our mulinery, Mantles, - -her Western cities, Mr. James McGowan's 4miling face among .
W"i now offer the baian three-SabbAh's &evious to the induction Chicago, Omaha � and ot . Mitchell. � D."S., intends making weekly visits to Lu- �, I A MA
Jackets, Ulsters and all. Mantle and Ulster Cloth@ at of our -late ras' ,can especially where he had gone to visit electro thera- ug -again., . �
tor, itud has b can to practiEe his profeision in - future. — i =4
one Vaird off regular prices. We now off er requested to preach on this occasion, As peutic institutions, where they treat die- . I . I . I . Messrs. Cobbledick & Folland, hardware SHAWLS - I .
S - . nounced, there will be no tea- oases by electricity. ' He returne Staffa. Winthrop. - - . I I
previously an r/ merchants, have been busy the past week I 4.
' `
And Ladies'Fur Capes at I off regular prices. on pieeting this year, but a freewill offering on than expected, however, being. called home SznyiaEs.—The Rev. E.- Softley was TL,A M L, EmNc4. —The annual tea meetin, OVERCOATS ' . (
caps, . Sabbath, arid. on the following Monds by theillnes8 of the doctor,he had left in unable to conduct services here on Sabbath of Cavan church is to be held on Monday delivering'co'a,l to their humerous customers. I - i , I
MeWs Overcoats, Men*s and Ladies'Fur CoAts, y I vening next. There will very likely be a 1. __4- . I i I
Collars, Muffs, &c.,. we will give liberal discount tor 'Rev. Mr. McMillan will deliver charge of his practice.—Mr. John Coven- evening last owing to illness, but we are a 1i .
Cash at the Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing House, evening the an in California for so . � he im * rapidly, recover- big turn -out, as Witithrop tea meetings are Lumley. - 1;
an address on the subject, 11 Plain Points try, who han be me pleased to learn thal BLANKETS .,I
. -1 0.0-A
. . . . I nous. Agoodprogramme of triusic and NOTES,-0110day'la,St week Mr. Thomas I . I 011- I"
WM. PICKARD for Praetiohl People." The,Rev. P. Mus- time, has ,returned home. Ing. Service- will be hold as usual on Sab. far ' I �
. . eches is being prepared and there are Cameron, of the- Tharries Road, killed a t q
, grave will occupy the chair &nd good music ---"*— bath mornin� next when the Rev, Mr. ape AND ALL OTHER � 1;
Seaforth. will be furnished by the choir. A silver THE TowN CoUff(gL. —At a meeting of Johnstoni oi Forest, will occupy the pulpit. sundry rumors afloat as to a wonderful cow, in the stomach of which was found 11 I
. I - I
collection will be taken to asshit the church the town council held on Monday evening, - quantity of good things, in the' way of four nails, one three inch, I tWDand a half - �
— I - � `3 -
fund. '. at which there was a full board, Mr. T. 0. ' � eatables,that will.make their appearance on inch and 2 shingle rails. How the nails got - I I
(VI .1 Hullett. � Wi nter Good , .
" Kemp was re-slected a trustee of the Col- I that gicossion. I there is a mystery, as the bow did not show � S I _.. . �
itot A Goof) MARE. —Mr. Richard Carter, � I
;! � wou (gxpoo of �
9444 ' -. application from the symptoms of any thing wrong.—The pros. i 1. j
- As . L_
M . . CANDLE51 s DAY.—M. Jordan, grocer, legiate Institute. AL the 9th concession of Hallett, h o,.,a mare 1 .
— has on hand a stock of Pure Beesi�ax Altar Cindles. automatic telephone, uompany, offering to a East Wa'wanosh. . ,,t-`�
— . qpt winter promises to be the coldest ex- - 4 �
I . : ' A.P
. id Also his Pure White French Can(tle, M. JORbAN, establish a very efficient fire alarm coming 4 years old which weigto 1,620 NOTH.13,-3:he snow is very deep, conse- perienced for a great number of years. The —TO BE— �i` Wit,
f)ISTRIOT MATTERS. Seaforth. 1311-2 , pounds. . �r'. r. � . �
service in town for the sum of $1,700, � quently the amount of wood which can be unow becoming very deep and the weather - �,_ - .
— HEAVY Draught Hormo for sale cheap. was - . - I '. I
__ . !_
referred to the Fire, Water and Light teamed is decramaing.-Mr.- Jose h Lloyd beiag very cold the snow does not pack, so - I, , , *
Apply at once to Scorr BRos., Seitforth. 1311-2 Gorrie. p I I
To COR,RF.q,PO_NDE_Nv.-We have again Committee. The Committee appointed to took a trip to Tara on Tuesday. He brings that the roado are in very bad shape.- T _V I �1� - �
A N1
. I
' I
FivF, hundred cords more Wood wanted select the standing committees for the year APEcuL1AR COINCIDENCH.-A 'Pecullar back with him a young bridq to their horns Owing to the high price of pork tbere is a Gu_nARED �_,.,
� i- I
this week to ask the indulgencl of our cor- at the A. G. VanEgmond's Sons. . . .
Woollen Mills. i � I
I I 1811x2 reported, recommending the following coun- coincidence occurred on Sabbath,22adiUllt., Z - .
respoaden-ts. We �avo several letters on a 9 , in Wawanoih. Their many friends wish great demand for beef and an a consequence - -
I oillors: Streeto-James Beattie, J. Tyor� in the town of Gorrie. when it was discov- them a happy ins"ied life. -J. Stonehouse the beef cattle are being pretty wrall bought - -:-AT A— � , J
' I , B Le (;AL
variety ef different subject.o, which we are CLOVER and Timothy Seed wanted at A. an, Robert Scott% Robert Coleman. Fire, ared in. the home of Mr. Perking that there has taken the contract of putting a stone up, at good prices. -The *Revival services at r w I
forced to leave over until next week, Among YouNols, Seaforth, 1311 in - I
'present, three postmasters with their I I �
Water and Light -John , James Be&- were foundation under W. Radford's barn. -A the Bethany appointment -are still going on . I �
theme are letters from Mr. Morris and Mr. NOAN & - i-.
Pretty Art Muslins Just in at Du h�r'ioy"-h a . pisrtyof young people spen�, Tuesdayeven- with very encouisgin'g results. SAORIFIOE, �
Gibson, in reply to ou.r article of last week Duxc,Ls's, Seafor.th. . 1311-4 tie and John,l), arwin. C ives, three assistant postmasters, three ; , ,
and Messrs. John Ward and Win. Sclater. telegraph operators and three music teach. I L.- . It:
on the banking qnextion ; another letter I ing in 11 chasing the glowing hours with - 0 a .f- � -
Two.or three more boys wanted at the Finance -The Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and era. The names of the poottosisters were, - . . I
from Mr. Pringle, and several others. All Woollen Mille. A. G. Vanftrnond's Sons, 1311x2 . . flying feet," at the home of William Rath. flena&U- � �
�' . �
. . n. qua iz -The -.Mayor, Messrs. Perkins, Timmins and Farrow. All . ; �_
Mr. Gun E U ation -Mrv. McFarlane and sister, Miss E. Me- SAw LoGs WAXtTED.-Hlghegt cash prices Edward - McFaul -1,
will receive publicit In due course. I r:ki
. y - � WX ARE selling off the balance of our Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, and Councillors partook of a outoptuous repast at the home Gowan started for Middlesex on Monday-- paid for an unlinifted quantity of good isound logo. . I -
� Winteralockof Boot@, Shoes and Oyerohoes, regardr I �J�i ;
GE COMPANTY.-The annual '� Wacd and Sclater. The report was' adopt. of the above named gentleman, enjoying -, .
THig INSURAN less of ccost. T. DALY, 86210rth. 1311-2 1 Why does Chris Johnston wear such a custom sawing promptly attended to during the SEAFORTH. W&' -
. I
% - .
meeting of the members of this .McKillop ad. The Chief of the Fire IRrigade reported. pleasant converestion, interbpereed with up, smiling face? It in a boy. -We are sorry to winter months. RoBxR,r Bxr,i,, JR., Hensall, 1810 . I 1., �! -
MONEY To LOAN. -To loan, 8:3,000 on easy . . � L
I .
Matti I Firi Insurance Company was held wins, and at reasonable interest, on fir8t-cl"s having made a thorough examination of the. propriote music. 'The occasion was the record that Mr. James Rath, who has for Bw[EFLF.Ts.-Mr. J. Oliver is very low `sssssss, !_W I it I
& as, Seatorth. ection apparatus and opening of the new Methodist church. T. Chas- �,
inKidd's hall, Seaforth, on Friday 'Aast. security. ,Apply at Tim EXPOSITOR OM hydrauto and fire prot some time been ailing, is no betVer.-Mr. with h3fistumation of the bowels. -J . turned round aad with one a weep of her I
* . I w
0- y surgeon .
There was about the usual number of mom. . 1311 having found all satisfactory. He also rea ! - I William Radford purchased tw valuable ney, our popular vaterivar t both slapped tthe man in the fate and . t
I . s! i .- I. I
bars present. The various reporr,s were read NE w PRINTS of the very'latest and newest commended that the shut-off valves, In the 11 Varna. cows from F.. Toll. -S. Thomson, Esq., who covering from a severe case of blood poison- 11ttiocked his efgar but of hismouth, Th's � I
ere ad . ad. designs are at hand at DuNCAN& -Du,;c.&,N's, Seaforbh. I 0 ORA' �bil)g taught for'the last four months in Union iDg.-Bnainese is rushing thiw-- month. The standers by gave a shout of approval and �
and being satisfactory, they w opt - 1311-4 main pipes be so arranged that they can b NGJKMFN MEET. -The annual me �
Thin company is ma;king very satisfactory operated -from the sidewalks, owing to the of the.;Staiuloy District Loyal Orange Lodge School Section No. 3, returned and visited, roads �ara good andwell used. -The congre- the smart yourig mansneaked away with a I
I i
� � NOTICE. -All parties having; account' diffioulty� of getting to them in the positions ? gation of the Methodist church has gre&tly crest fallen look. I
progress. There was a good increase of now � I I vviE h6ld here on the 20th inst. The reports the school last week. ; .
agpinat the Bicycle Club will oblige by sending them . . . It I
members last year, and a large increase of to the Secretary, Mr. Joseph 0. Rose, at once for In which they now are; he also recommend- from the different lodges show the order to I � � improved during the past year. Valuable . . I I - . I
' Hills Green". . i
the amount at risk. The numerous newand settlement 1311.1 ed a system of fire alarm. The report was . be progressing in this section. The follow- I additions to its membership are constantly . Eluron Sunday School Con- I
etilarge'd barns being erected have sent values CANT DLIES.-Don'b forget to go to Thomas received and left over for future consider- ing are . the officers for the current year : PERSONAL13.-Mr. John H. Troyer has re- coming in from the country. Revs. -Fair vention. I
. .
up very consider&bly. The losses last year Daly's, Seaforth, for your candles. 1311-2 ation. With respect to the new markst District Mester, Robert Nicholson ; Deputy turned from Toronto hospital, slightly im- and McKinley are both zealous and. faithful . .
were comparatively light, so that with a Flan- building a motion to reduce the present District Master, Robert Pollock; Chaplain, and popular pastors, and their work is be- The Twenty -First annuil. Sunday School -
1 rhoderate asseasni,ent the directors were ab'ki Grey arid White Cottons, Muslin99 ne a' th - Win. Rathwell; Recording Secretary,james proved. -Mies hmma Troyer returned home ing apprecia. a Convention of the County of Huron was :
pelettes, tkpron Girfghams are aniong the latest arriv. ' pla o at the building would come with from Toronto laat week. -Mr. James Jar- t d. . They expect to commence hold in Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday -
I to pay the losses and 'bave things in vei �, &Is of Spring Goods at DuxcAN & DUNCAN'S, 803forth. in an estimated cost of $8,000 and an amend- Calwell; Financial Secietary, John Jor- rott io still quite poorly. His chief trouble spocial meetings Ila the village soon. � held . .
. 1311-5 ment referring the whole matter to a 00111- rairce ; Treasurer, James Campbell; E�il C-1 RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE, -At the of this week. The first sessions were
. .
; good shape for the co)ning year. The r - . � is congestion of the I ungs. -Afra. Peter She% . —4 A j
I . in the Presbyterian church, Rev. W. 7.
I tiring directors: were, all re-elected. At , . NoTicE.-All parties indebted to D. Me- mittee were voted down; a motion, also, to Win. Consit; Lecturer, Win. Taylor. 1 .,is very sick. -Rev. James Fergusoia, of last regular meeting of Hensall Lodge, In Campbell, Ph. D., ;acting as President, I J Al
I Intyre will pleme call and pav up on or before Feb. ocept Mr. Broadfoot's tender for the erse- . �ependeut Order of Oddfellows, the follow- �
; subsequent meeting of the board of dirt - - . ruary 18t. . 1311-1 a . I . � Granton' circuit, preaches in the Methodist
1 torA the officers of -last year were also r, - tion of the building providing he will reduce Tuckersmith. I church next Sund4l, at 11 A. in. Ing resolution of condolence was _passed : -owing to the �,absence of Mr. W. H. Kerr., _.
I . - ' . -fellis, _who was attending the County CounciL A � The FA:.
� elected. We are in receipt of Now Spring Dress-, it by $250 was defeated by an amendment Messrs. Kennedy & Murray are now prepared to do To.Brother Thomas -A -Dear -Brother, - . �
I Goods. DuxcA_,i & DUNCAN,Sesforth. 1311-4 to leave the matter over for two weeks to ChoppinCin the most satisfactory manner, at Kyle's I MATRIMONIAL.-.� very plessant event -Whereas it has Pleased the Almighty in ,�goodly number of delegates arrived by the I
� -
A TucKER.;XITu Boy HONORED. -The I ' give the now members of the council an op. Corner, Tuckersmith, from now until May. They took 01ace at the retsidence of Mr_� George His wisdom to remove from our midst your , 10*28 a. m. train, at which a rig was in -
' MAKING OTHERS HAPPY. -The following - ill run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Anderson, Par LiDle, Stanley, Wednesday waiting to convey them to the . __b: �" I
Kensington Correspondent of the Grafton, letter, - dated, Baysville, Muskoka, portunity to- think the matter up. The ' k. Terms --five cents per baz. . 130SX4 1 beloved wife, who suffered a painful iliness �r___ ,
North Dakota, Advocate makes the follow- usual grant of $100 to the Mechanics' Insti- w" last, the occasion being the marriage of Miss I ian fortitude and patience : R church, where they were billeted to the dif- 71.- �
I with Christ e. . �# _�_
k - I
December 27th, 1893, and addreased ister, solved, That the officers and members of ferent homes In Blyth. � i
ing reference to �, � THI
the Sabbath S hool. children of n of Mr. Robert McAllister, Par Line, k�
a former Haronite. It - to tute was voted. The Fire and Water Com- BuLL SOLD. -Mr. Richard Dennis has Elizabeth Wilson to Mr. Win. McAll
ijays: "On the re�openinlg after the holi- � mittee were iu,structedtDenquire into the sold his fine yearliog shorthorn bull to Mr. so . Hensall Lodge No. 223, Independent Order The first session opengd at 1:30 P. m.f I
, - I
� I
days, of school the pupils presented their the First Presbyterian Church, Sea- .comparative cost of coal and wood for use at David Milne, of Ethel. Mr. Dennis par- Hay. The interesting ceremony waa per, of. Oddfellowo, tender to you a d your with ds�oiioual exercises, after which Rev. I ,The Ca
teacher R. J. Landeb' ough with a hand-- resent � � arrived safely in Bsysville on a Some- Features of Intermediate Sunday Tuesday 1
awne pl0iortograph alburn and Mas p . . meeting. The same -committee were au- year ago, and now his former owner and presence of a, number of friends. The and condolence - in the sad bereavement . 't were pres
forth,, speaks for itself : Your box of Christ- the waterworks and to report at the next ch sed this animal from Mr. Milne about a formed by Rev. Samuel Acheson, in the motherless childran,their heartfelt oympathy A. L. Russell, of Exeter, gave an address on " "
I -
" I I
double cabinet , -_ �� I
I an addre.�s expressive of their esteem and stage from Bracebridge, on Friday evening, thorized to receive tenders for the purchase breeder takes him back again for his own happy couple have the well wisbqs and con- - School Work." Thesubject was handled . h, I
e, which has come upon you, in the death of � wanos .
ipp Seaforth, in k*
the day after you sh ad it from of 200 cords of green -wood. It was re.solv- uee. He is an extra superior animal and gratuistions of a large circle of friends for - excellent style, which showed the speaker ,-f�*e
respect for We faithful and painstaking and just in time for .'bur Sabbath School ': your beloved Wife, and we pray that you . L %�".,, ailictiou.]
efforts in their b4half as their teacher. Mr. j ad to defer the appointment of town officers his removal will be a loss to this neighbor- their future happine'r-s and prosperity. will not grieve, knowing that she has gone to b6'well up in Sunday Sch-9,ol. mattere - The i0b
. Landaborough rn�de a suitable replyj thank. Christmas Tree W' hich we held in the church LOCAL NEws.-Mr. John Forrest, jr.-, of The subject on the progra,mime to be iake, ?�J Wardein
until the next meeting, and in the mean. hood., I tDbe with the Saviour whom' she loVed. , a
on Monda evenj',ng the 26th. Many thanks . Stanley, had the mimfortuns to severely cut There is One who can heal the broken heart up by Rev. J. H. Simpson of Brucefield, I �
iug them for their handsome present, not y time to receive applications for the several � 3t,oved:
for each and every article you sent and so - - �1` I
� itions, the duties of all to be the same as and scothe the troubled brow; One who P) a
only for its instrinale value -but as a pleas- . post Stanley. his foot one day lastweek.--Mr. Win. Jar- - was handled by Mr. W. M". Gray, of Sea- 1� - I I
. said many bright and h%ppj little faces here A. rott had a successful wood bee on Friday' ar loved forth, owing to Mr. Simpson being unavoid- - -11
Ing memento of the friendly relations which * last year. The clerk was anthoriz6d to ad- teaches you that your loss is but yoi N seph -Grifl
last night as they gazed with inex- TowNsHip OFTICERS.-At the last meaw afternoon last.. -Mr J md you ably absent. - "I
. . -
had, and he hoped, would continue to exist ible delight upon our beautiful Chribt. vertise in the local and Toronto papers that ing of the Stanley council the following ap- s. Peter Shea, has been ,one 8 gain. Unto His care we commei 7� for the co
press in poor health during the past couple of This was followed by Mr. D. D. Wil .1
. between them as teacher and pupils of Seaforth is willing to give freedom from . � . and your motherless children, and trust that- . son, . Af ter t
mas =o rendered so attractive by your pointments were made: John Tough, as- weeks. -Mr. Albert, (33ark. hai disposed of of Seafortb,'-who gave a rousing address on* �
taxes for a period of ten years to any new you may find the comfort that Eta alone there beh
Kensington q or ; John Reid, treasurer ; G. J. Ste I
school. The presentation by gifts. We had a very pleasant evening. ' sees w- his driver to his father, Mr. D.i.vid Clark.- - How to Encourage and Improve the Sun -
the pupils coupled with his re�engagement The church was crowded and ,all seemed to industrial establishments that will employ art, Clerk ; George Baird and John Harri- Mr. August Rhues.� of Zurich, h can give. We rremalo, yours fraternally, in day School Staff."' Mr. Wilson suggested fin was -(10
at an increase of salary for a second term is not less than 20 workmen who will locate , as moved Friendship, Love and Truth. -J. STEACY, The W
- ample evidence of the respect in whielf Mr. . . here. I . more friendly spirit among Ece and I
enjoy themselves.' We had a short pro' . son, Auditors ; J. B. Secord, Nathan Peck, on the Ferguson farm, which he recently Recording Secretary. as ooe method a' I
I gramme consisting of readings, recitations . . Robert McIlveen, with,Dr. Elliott, Medical purchased. -Miss Mason, of Clinton, 1166 teachers and officerso and laid great stress
Laudsborough is held as a youug man of ith the Reeve and BRiEFs.-Mr. Enries Pope, of near Bran- I they ha&
and singing by the children and two or Health Officer, to act w been the guest of the Misses Hagam for don, Manitoba, and Mr.. August Pope, of on Normal I
scholarly attainments and professional three pieces of: mugic from the choir. Then Brucefteld. � Clerk as Board of Health, Certitin"uncol- School work, as a means of im- I .
ability. " � . �, I BRIEFS. -On Friday of last week the sad . the past few days. -Mr. Win. Kain, jr-, i ,a,;- pl&ttsville, were h re spending the past- provement. A ,cop,
. — 0 1 . the presents were distributed. All were intelligence reached Mrs R�so; of the maDse: lectable tax on the rotl of 1891, which was tends purchasing a number of hor es for week with their brotter, Mr. John Pope.- Rev. lklr. Higley gave words of welcome Council q
. leased with their gifts, and, let me assure placed on the roll of 1892, was ordered to be, a .
p shipment to the Webt.-Mr.John Cochrane, ' compellec
HE STRix-Es iT ABOUT RIGHT, -The Graf - you, that you did very much, by your kind- of the death of her dephew, Mr. -Wm, RON" erased and -left with the County1reasurer Mr. James Dalrymple haa purchased the to delegates, and Rev. Mr. Hughe 01'
ton, North Dakota, Advocate hag the fol. uess in making the evening a grand success formerly of Petrolea, who met his death in to collect. �' The collector was instructed to Misses Maggie M., Maggie and Mary Couhi dwelling on Queen street, owned by Mr. Wingham, replied during the evening 8'"s. - cotfraes,
lowing, which will interest many of our a railway accident in C4icago. Mrs. Ross remit $24 47 (being part of the said tax) t rAlle have been visiting friends in Howick Benjamin Kaiser, of Clinton, formerly of Sion. � sporoial co
besides making it, indeed, a merry Christ- 0 t.,wnehip during the: pu,ot few days. � - Mr. Houston, M. A., of Clinton,althou
readers, It says., " Daniel McMartin, of mas to many needy children, and I think the immediately 'hastened to Petrolem, where the County Treasurer. The Treasurer was this village. -Miss Hartley, daughter of .9h I . A.circu
St. Thomasr, who is spending the win -ter . the body was taken for interment. -Mr. W. 0 I Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, and miss not on the programme, gave a splendid ad- . Ontario a
people here will act soon forget Seaforth instructed �o have the books audited on or �.
visiting friends at Walton, Huron County, because of your kind act., One little girl Kaiser and Miss Janet Mustard attended before February 13th. The council ad- Kippen. ; Scott, of Londesboro' sister of the lateMrs. dream during tile evening.session. on 11 Aims - .tain amel
Ontmia, writes a letter to the Advocate, who got one of the big dolls said " Ob dear the yearly meeting of the Women's Foreign Journed to meet on Monday, February 13th, A, -i OLD FRiE_m_).-Mr. Robert Mellin re- R. Y. Thompson, are the guests of Mrs. in Sundav School Work," which wav fol. . was refer
stating that he was badly disappointed, as I wish I knew' the name of the little - irl Missionary- Society held at Goderich. Miss at I o'clock. Manitoba Saturday morn. James Sutherland, of this place. -Mr. Goo. lowed by Itev. Mr.* Rose, of Brussels, who A vircu
9 � pointed and practical . address ou z Aid Assoi
� - he h&d left here to escape the severity of who sent me this." - Allow me then once Mustard, the. Secretary 'ld 41 . iag. We are glad to * welcome him back Moir, of Virden, Manitoba, son of Mr. Peter gave a I .
the weather. Ila found that he had made a morn to thank you in behalf of the children, Auxiliary, will give a full report of the ?to- Con8tance. Into our midst. Moir, of Usborne township, is here at pres- "The Relation of Young PeopWs Societies' - Ontario I
- mistake) as the thermometer registered 13 ceedings at the next meeting of the Society . CaiuRcii NOTES. -There is Presbyterian ent visiting his many relatives and friends. to the Sunday. School." I I submit to
.1 and parents.. of Bayoville Presbyterian Sab- ' NOTES. -The Good Templare of this place -Miss Bullard left here this week for Mani. The last speaker during the evening - sex- . question :
degrees below zero, and there was a biting bath School., and we trust that each and all here. -Mr. Benjamin Higgins had the into- will render the drama "'fen Nights in a preaching in the Methodist church at 11 and -ffic,wa
north wind and drifting snow which did not fortune W lose a good horse on Monday I$ 6:45 o'olock each Sunday, and .Nifethodist tobs, to join relatives and friends there.- sion was Rev -J. S. Henderson, of RepsalL tra
of you may b� blessed abundantly by the Bar -Room, on Friday evening next. They t X - -
- i�d in A merr,
tend to make it any -more comfortable, He master whom we serve. 'Yours in the last. This will be a heavy lose to Mr. gave this play about a year ago but, as the preaching ab 2:30. o'clock p. in. Ther -e is The Rev. E. Softley, of ,St. Paul's church, His subject was, 11 The Greates C,
thinks the people over there are more so- work, 'D. JOHNSTOIN". Higgins, as this is the second horse he has weather on that occasion was very unfavor- also a union meeting of Christian Endeavor waa unabl& to conduct services here on the Sunday School World." It is needless asking 10
. ciable than here, bat are not so prosperous . lost within a few months. -Mr. Thomas and Epworth League societies on Su'nday Sabbath, owing to illness. We are pleased to say that the reverend gentleman 'did Section �
' . '
as they were some years ago. Farm laui- do LOCAL BRiEFS. -The follow Fraser, of Stanley, is now spending a few able, many were unable to attend, and at evenings, and union prayer meeting Thurs- to learn, however, that he is recoveiing.- 3118ticer to his subject, sad impressed inoob - 1892, rep
have depreciated one-third from what they ing despatch days in Toronto. - the req.uest of many of those they have con- day evenings. This -in & pleasing eight. The Farmers' Institute entertainment held favorably on his hearers the'necessity of Qommitv
were ton � years ago. 1n speaking of the was recaived a few days ago from Winnipeg: I . sented to repeat it, -Mr. and Mrs. John The interior of the Presbyterian church is in Coxworth'shall on Thursday evening of being ful�ly consecrated to the wor - k, and be- A rew
towns in Huron, he. says that Brussels has 11 Wm. V. Maclise, one ol the best known . Wroxeter. McLaran entertained a small company -Of being renovated and beautified. -Rev. James last week, was very 1srgely attended, the ing baptized with 11 Fire," Northam
barristers of Saskatchewan, died at Prince their friends on Tueaday evening I&A, when -
made great improvements in fine buildings Albert on Wednesday. He formerly belong- WF,DD ING BELLS. -Our popular - druggist, , . Ferguson, 'of Grauton, preaches in I the hall being not only crowded but fair] pack- SECOND DAY. to cbaugi
and gives evidence of prosperity, Clititon a very enjoyable tirfie was spent, all uniting y lors was 1!
ad to Brighton, Ontario." Mr. Maeliso at Mr. James Fox, was married to Miss Lou in wishing the hoqt and hostess a Happy Methodist church nt 'xt Sunday afternoon. ed, including the Cieles and platform,wind On Wednesday the sessions wer6 held in
has grown rapidly, but Seaforth has a regu- one time resided in Seaforth, being a Stewart, of Wingbam, formerly a respected. New Year and a pleasant journey through The pastor preaches: educational sermons at the meetin* was one of the largest ever �alld the Methodist chureb, and were opened by Letteri
lar boom, and is r1estined at no distant day ' . Blyth next Sunday. � here, combining' as it did, wit, humor in -
student it, the -Aaw office. of Mr. James H. resident of this place,at Wiogham,at 2 M., life. , ,, a prayer and praiseaervice by -Rev. A. Me- Mason at
In Bens n. -Mr. John McMafin, Huron's horse Wednesday. The youtle co I r . CoNcERT..Rumoro are flying thick and struction and niusic, and was heartily an- tiou. for.
to rank as one of the prosperous cities i uple too the � Lean, of i3lyth, which was followed bys
. 0 f ast'as to a grand concert to be given next joyed by all. The exedilent programme was . Ouelph A
-kiing, is still alive and doing business at the evening train for Detroit 'and Bay City, Chiselhurst. . � thoughtful pager by Mr. James Smillie, of .. . I.
I old stand. Darini the last mouth lie has Michigan,where they will spend their honey- Friday evening by the PublicHall Company. 00lengthy and good throughout, embra i . theopeci,
Tnz CALEDO-SIAN CO-NdERT. �A large SNow.-Owing to the great depth of snow clng Walton, on "' Missions." Ali. Smillie4 was ��_
' We wish Mr. and Mrs. Fox all the M a r , ...I
sold out of his staille here 51 horses, which moon. a capital paper, and fully pointed out the 1- .
and appropriate an in the bush, work is much retarded. The a 8 a R. W. Collins, of Exeter, W. Cam- speeches, readings, recitations and vocal ;� A -lettc
.dience assembled in Car- and instrumental music, that we cannot give I er, barry
represented in the neighborhood of $5,500., joys and none of the sorrows of wadded erou Smith, of Hensall, and Thomas Me- duty of the Sunday School to Missions. Mr. � -, ,
. I
duo's Hall, on Monday evening larst, it being -We understand Vba,t in the suit of Camp- life. - � irain roads are perfect for aleighing. Millan, of Hullett, � are to give orations on anything like a detailed account !of it, but I ,; (Irain of I
the occasion of the Caledonian Society con- MEETINGS. -A large number attend the Smillie adVocatcd giVing all collections made. . -1 -
bell vs. . Hodgert- which was tried Lit two ENTERT*AI-_-TXE.NT. -An excellent entertain- opular aubjFcts. Messrs. W. McLeod of would simply say that the music as f a I I i a-ges, refi
cert in commemoration of Burns' anniver. � . special meetings in the Methodist Church P irkien, nished by the Zurich string band added i " by Sunday Schools to the above purpose. mittee.
,sary, a -ad had that immortal gentleman bee, sittings of the Division Court here,,and ment was given in the Methodist churchl each evening. Rev. W. Ayers, of Holmes- Senforth, and G. L. Money, of K C� 11 I To this some objection was ta-ktn..
present, either in body or spirit, he could which occupied the time of the court tifitili on Wednesday, 18th inst.,by the",Rev, Chas. ice last week, and twice' will supply the fun. Miss Ida �Iot I ham, of very.large measure to the pleasure of the Rev. G. F. Salton's address'on 11 Normal .
near morning at the last sitting, the, Judge' Cooking, returned missionary fr6ny-Japan. Staffa, will sing all the laterib hentimental evening, and was the subject of most favor- Class Work," was one of the beat of the Moved
not have been otherwise than pleaFed with � . . The cutertainmeut consisted of about 40 the previous week, in those meetings, and songs, Mr.MoVitie will render- able tiornment by one and all, The Farm- ConveLti . Holt, tht
such a suitable commemoration in his honor. has given his decision in favor of the defend assists the pastor again this week. Mr. . . some of his on. Mr. Salton taught a lesson to
I In the absence of Dr. Campbell from town, ant, Hodgert. The plaintiff is Dr. Carnp- lime light views of Japan' and its people, Ayers is a favorite with Chiselhurst audi- 'n'thitable recitations, a;nd i -Ur. Thomas era' Institute are certainly to be congratu- the delegates on " The Harmony of the Cliaton':
bell of this town, and the defendant was the interspersed with explanations by the Murdoch, of Hensall, will Jarnish sweet lated on the success thatattended their pointed t
� ings are . I .
the chair was occupied by the Chief of 'the ences. The pr9spects for the meat' � -Quite a large number of t .Gospels," which was well received, and as a . . ate IneW
Society, Mr. George PatteraOD, who filled tenant of a farm of the doctor's in the.town. reverend gentleman. Rfe also exhibited a good. A few have already sought religion. mubic on the violin. � I meeting here. he result a number of schools will, during the
ship of UsbDrne.-Mr. John Scott, of Rox- number of curiosities from Japau which he ITF,M.9.-Quite a number ofi the Royal Royal Templars of Temperance, of Hensedl comin year, endeavor to organize -such Moved
the position most admh-ably, a horse to Mr. John McMann a intimated were for sale, .the proceeds to be 0 Templars of Varna council , 9 I 83hepheri
-Mrs. Mc- here, sold lodge, attended the open meeting held at ,
. Paid Kippea r.7 classes. , -
Arthur, of Hamilton, delighted all with bar . Walton. Sesforth on: Monday evening last, and re- . cowtea, 40!
, few days ago for $110 which, before old Me. devotied to missionary work in Japan, as council a friendly visit last Monday evening - Mr. Taylor's address on "" Teacher's la -
rendering of the good old Scatch songs, and p rt enjoyable The War
. 0 Kinley's tariff, would readily have brought also were the proceeds of the entertainment. NEws NOTES. -Rev. Mr. Riley, the new and took part in the programme, contribut- 0 8612 time. -We are sorry to terebt in Pupil in and out of !3chool," was
was heartily enchored on every appearance, $160. McKinley is no friend of the Can- It V�7as under the auepice3 of the Epworth pastor of St. George's church, accompanied ing largely to the interest of the meeting.- report the serious illness of Mr. John Oli- of Ashfie
t highl beneficial. I
o all of which she gracefully responded, adian horse. -.A,- horse belonging to Beattie League. ,a by his wife, was visiting the members of his Mr. and Mrs. Izzard,- of Goderich town- ver, assistant in Dr. MoDiarmid's drug Mr. WIRY, of Deer Park, and Mr. Gray., of , - If he 0 L
The humorous part of the programme was Bros., attached to a cutter, made thin 08 NEws NOTES.-Ae Foresters have an- congregation here this week. -Mr. Daniel ship, visited Mr. and Mrs. 6. Taylor on atorei but, hope he may soon, experience a Seaforth, .gave two splendid addressesat �
well provided for. Mr Jamej,Fax, an,old lively on Main street for a while on Mocn3- nounced by posters a concert to be held in Campbell, one of our popular blacksmiths, Saturday and the beginning of tkis week ' - turn for the better. . two eclock I'p. tn. to the children Which , Coramitt
time Seaforth favoril�e,'broug t d-6wn the day afternoon. It seerns* that one of the the old Presbyterian church on February has disposed of his shop to Mr. T, Clark, Mr. R. Mellis has returned from the North- 0 1 9 .. � � for and t
the were
. house every time. It was the rot time M I . well received. Mr. Gray took as his
r. breeching straps broke. allowing the cutter 3rdi Mien Rowles, Mr. James Fax and &n4 intends casting his lot elsewhere. Mr. west. -Messrs. R.. McYlordie and W. W. 3torris - text," A B' with H-oles .13 Mr. Day at- � Memord,
Harry Rich has. appeared in Seaforth, but to run , on the animal's heels. This caus- others are on the programme and it goes and Mrs. Campbell will be greatly inissed Cooper returned to Guo,'ph on Tuesday to ITums. -Miss Farr, of Goderich, is visit- tended to sifie Question Drawer in good 1 Rollins a
� it will haKdly be the last. As a humorous ed it to kick vigorously and attenipt, to run - Without saying thit this Will be a very in Walt3n and viciDity. We wish them reAume their studies at the Agricultural on the 6kh line this week, the guest of I The 0
vocalist be could hardly be; surpassed. Mr. tl�ape, and indeed many and copious ques- : ne,sday 11
away, but it was guided into the Royal pop4lav entertainment. -A good many of success in their future home. -The second College. Botk these young man took a very Zgr. John Kelly. -Mr. John Russell ia lone dici he answer. �
. i �
Wm. McLeod, Se&forth's daboer, was pros- botelyard, and no barm resulted. -The X our -'residents went over to Gorrie-to the monthly fair will be held in Walton next creditable standing at the Christmas ex, spending a few weeks visiting his parents Tite evening session was addressed by - .
I (ent - and, delighted all by his performances. Literary Club had a very interesting debate church �openivg 6n Sunday last. -They all Wedneselay, February lat, at which a large amination, Mr. MeMordie standing seventh here. No e toyed on the street care in Rev. Mr. Shilton � of Clinton, !the subject The fli
Th'e' hearts of all Scotchmen were alto made a ap m *
glad by the music on the bagpipes, as given on 'Annexation," at their meetiDg-on Mon. expressed themselves as highly pleased with number of horses and cattle will be offered on the list of successful seeond year students Grand ids! Michigan. -Mr. Relpert, being " General Knowledge of 4e Bibloes- � was the �
day evening. We believe the MeAanics' the sermons of Dr. Kelly, of Philadelphia, for sale. Several prominent horse and and taking first-class honors in English Cantelon, who has been spending a few sential to ellicient Sunday S,chool Teaching." strikina
by Mr. �allantyn�, of Brussels. Miss Ewing Institute intends holding a public debate on and also with the church, �hioh is really cattle buyers have consented to he present. , Literature, Veterinary ,,cience, Pathology weeks visiting his friends in- this township, Mr, Day, Provincial Seo)retar' ,A1110, ad- i - Vixthou`Cz.
presided at the piano in her own inimitable the same subject - on Friday evening next, fine, and would do credit to a, larger town — � and Agriculture. Mr. Cooper stood returried to Oil Springs, Lambtan county,011 dressed. the meeting at some E I the
style. I Throughwit, the concert was a most � engtIh.f and : I year
decided success, and all who were presen � yere of asked the parents' hearty co-operation in :� .
which is sure to be lively and interest. than Gor1rie. -'Our grain and pork bu' Cromarty. twelfth and secured two first-class honors- Saturday lant.-Mr. Win. Kelly, � Exxor,
t it1g.-Mt. RDbeirt Livingstone, formerly a are paying big prices for produce. -The Mine Monteith, teacher of Harlock school, the 7th line, had a wood bee on Tuesday Sunday School _ Kenned)
could not but, be thankful to the Society for .LocjvLs.-The Young People's meeting on work. The mooting W", :
such a 6plendid evening's entertainment. student of the Collegiate'Institute, and who Methodist ckutch oheds broke down with Sunday evening was well attended. An able Psid her home a visit last Saturday. -Prof. last, also a dance at night, which . was the one Of the most successful over I � d � son, me
__4-_____ has been a resident of Chicago -for some the weight of snow last week. This is the explanation of the subject was given by Miss Shaw; of the Ontario Agricultural College, best of it. -Mr.Alox. Michie, who died last history of the CountlF LConve on. Tke I FIXA14.
time,has secured ei eituation as stenographer second time in's year that they have broken and Mr. F. Elford, of Holmeoville, were the week in Esquesing township,Halton county, - Roy. Mr. ; Fergusol
� . Aggia Currie. -Several cases of measles are President for the ensulig years . i i
I . a I
, NOTES. -Miss Grace Elliott in tbo-offices of the famous Pullman palace down. guests of Mrs. R. MeMordie last week. ' ' was au uncle of Messrs. Win. and C. Michie, a he E i t athire,
. _�
and Mis r reported in the village. The family of Mr. . Hn�hes, 0 t X-ecutive Committee wid 1 -- i
i � J,
a Maggie Sproat represented the Car Company, at :2 Pallman, Illinois, We . George Miller are Dearly all prostrated with 0 1 of this township. He was in the prime of be : N. HL. Young, J.- S. MLcKinnon W. R. .� " 19WA1
Egrin.ondville auxiliary of the Women's For- are sure they will find him a faithful and I . �Blyth- life, being but 50 years of age. �,.,. Mcmurc,
the disease. -Mr. Hugh Gillespie,of Duluth, Gray, James Scott, W. ff. Kerr an4_, a. mc. !� I
eign Mission Society at the meeting of the efficient oervaut.�- Exeter. � � .
[ 11 XyAd, -1
'L I Miss Mary McKenzie, BRIEFS. --The contest which has been go- returned home last week, inil intends spend- CouffoiL DoixGs. -At the first ruseting of Quarrie ; on the Business Committee, John ; .
K a a ROAD �
Presbyterial Society lieLd at Goderich last who has been visiting the family of Mr. S. iog on in the Temperance lodge for the ing a few weeks with his relatives here., BRiEFs,-Mr. A. J. Rollins, the popular the Council for the present year, Mr. Win, Wilford, J. S. Me in oA nd W,'. M. Gray. - i haim, G11
week. Miss Grabam waa chosen to respond Dickleon, returned to her home in 9 Sarnia on pant quarter, ended last Frid% , resulting in After an absence. of four years, his many auctioneer of this place, returned from a Clarke w s re -appointed clerk at a�sxlary oi A feature of the CGuyention was� the sing- �
to the address of welcome, which she did in Tuesday. -Our worthy chief of police was favor of Mr. Ed. Moser's side y The I : btill, Tal
- . osing friends are pleased to see him again. -An- businees trip tDM&nitoboi, on Saturday $130. M ears. Richard Johnson and Chas. iog, during thesession, of the union choir, 1 -
. i
; Rbuic)
a well-prepared paper. All speak in praise knocked down by a horse and cutter at the side intends providiug a supper next Friday other old Cromarty boy, Mr. John Spear ' ' Mr. consisting of the different ,cheiig in tow -13- I
a) morning last. -Large quantities of brick art McLelland were appointed auditors. K ay, 8 h
of the generous hospitality of the County Royal corner on Tuesday last, butso far as and a large attendance is invited. -There now of Treherne, Mauitoba in visitin being baulied to this place daily for the pur- John Watson was re -appointed assessor at a The place of next meeting
Town. It is surely a happy sign of the 9 � was �left in the .
tim�s to seeSDma,ny grand organiza,tiow we can learn he is none the worse for; his- was a great d eialof driving done on Sunday, friends here. -Miss Tena and 'Mr. Will Mc- pose of erecting buildings the coming sum. salary of $80. Messrs. 0eorge Hood, W.J. hands of the Executive Committ". i CO3VNI
4, all adventure.�Rev. Dr. McDonald left on it being the first ,mild, day we have had for Laren have been visiting their brother in mer, -This village has again taken a boom, Johnston and Thomas, taidlaw with the .- -_ - I 1 spack-ml
for the beat Purposes of - �uaismity, enti . I � I
. Wednesday for Toronto, where he will , a long. time. -The electricians are at present Kinburn, this we k. -The young folks are The Verity foundry works have been I Evans, I
'y a par- Reeve aud Clerk were appointed to kt as a -Th6 lans for the proposed � improve-- ' I
managed by the women of our country. 7he spend a few weeks. -The weather has been busily eugaged putting in the dynamos and taking full advantage of the fine sleighiug, chased by ex -Reeve Bawden, who has leas. Board of Health, and . . p I . . . WARI
unselfish promotion of these societies, such 11r. MaCosh was ap- ment of Goderich harbor are no* on V-1ow ,- Hilber, I
, milder, this week than at any time since stringing the wires, but they seem to be and are frequently forming merry little ed the main building to Murray Bros., of pointed Medical Health- 010er. A com- in the Town Clerk's office and tenders for, 8-VIZOIJ
as the Women'a Christian T!rr�perance Christmas, and the roads are catting, badly. taking an unnecemarily long time in getting driving parties and spending pleasant even- WiDgham, who will carry on the foundry munication from X. r. Jar�os Ctaig respecting the work are to be in by Februar� 7W. The '*
. . 113�, .
Union, the Women's Foreign Mission So-- A good thaw for a day or two would im- them in running order. We suppose it is inRa with their friends. business. beginning at an early date. Mr. the township engineer, and one from W. J.
. 6iety - and others of a kind -red 'character . � . plauti and specifications show an i extension , Girv' 7
- .1 prove them. -We have heard of many shifts artly on account of the bad weather. -The 0 Bawden-intends converting the large brick Taff, respecting income tax, were �'read and of the north pier of 410 feet, 3.7Q of which, i
will. doubtless be the beredds of the'mil- resorted toby Vome Circle is now in a flourishing condi. warehouse on the foundry property into a. filed, The Reeve was instructed to have in to be 30 feet wide and the re*ainder 50 ] I movei
lenium. -We were in error last week in a aj:ople, when snow is scarce, Bluevale. .
to -,,secure gh ride, but the best yet tion. The Circle has rented the Tern'per- - . creamery and evaporator, and intends run- plans and specifications prepared for a now feet wide. The south pier is to be extended . Mr. Pre
. . Y. XcL
stating that no damagre was done by Mr. comes from Mr. Leopold VsnEgmond, sr., ancie hall, and is having regrular meetings.- BRIEFS. -Mr. A. Jackson has received the ning that business in the near future. He bridge over the river at � the stone school 100 feet, and a width of 40 feet. 'The north *.
a runawa I pointed �
McMann� y. On fuller information who tells about a man in Nebraska who Mr. Wright, of Toront�, is at present sad intelligence that his daughter, Mrs -Ed. will give employment to a number of hands. house, and that the contract for, buildin pier will run 300 feet straight out and 10
we regret to learn that the cutter collided 9 9 I I . movel
. hitched a hoiae to a large rocking chair baking for Mr. W. H. McBride. -Mrs. Wm. Leech, of Dotroit, is dead. It is only a few -Reeve Rollins and Deputy -Reeve Spack. the same be lot by tender at the township feet at an angle to the north-west, while all
with a wagon in Mr. `McMann's yard, and and drove about for several hourg enjoying - Watson has returned from her trip to Van. months since her sister, Mrs, Win. Leech, man left for Goderich on Tuesday last,where hall, on February 13th. After passin a the addition to the south pier wilt be at an ': by M -r. -
e;A i Stanley
became a complete wreck. -The Rev. J. L. the unwonted exercise. -The Town Band couver.-Mr. - Fred. Gidley, of Detroit, died. Mr. Jackson and family have the they will attend the County Council, which number of accounts the council adjourneTto angle to the southwest. This WA61 gir , ; � I )
- . I
Campbell, of ChelteDliam, conducted the are to 11�6vs a grand concert on February 8th brother of S. H. Gidley, returned home on sympathy of the neighborhood in their be- is in session thLi week. -Mr. A. L. Hand- meet on February 13. . bell-shaped entrance, which � have'so 'I pointed
. . .
I late communion service in our church. He and 9th. Mr. Guitinpas, of Wow York,reciter- Monday, after visiting friends in town. reavement.-The lodge . of Independent Or- ford, who was recentl,,-� manager for, Mr. T. - — depth of 20 feet, and the-plau.!�Iy d peci- � trUstees'
. A
-was well received by our people, on whom and cornique, will bt the chief attraction.- -Messrs. James and Malcolm Somers der of Good Templa�s of this place intend C. Sweet, photographer at Mitchell, is tie- -While the ob is calTu'late'd -to , I
. . . Salvation Amy were giving fications show that the j . . I pe
. %Wani
he made a favorable impression,- by his quiet .',%fr. John McMillan, .1111N, P., -left here on returned from their extended visit securing the services of Mrs. Hitchcox for a totiating with Messrs. Dent & Thompson, an open air service in front of the postoffice, be a complete and permanent improvemoure. .;
manner a-,vd practical discourse. -Mr. J. L. Tuesday last on his way to Ottawa to attend: with friends in Durham and Mount Forest, short time to help the temperance workers. Stratfdrd, on S'turday night, a young in% ; in schoo-
1 . arristerij, Mitchell, for the purpose of leas- A A r?ug� estimate is that fully 5,,000 aords-of '
Muldrew left on Friday last for Lindsay, to his Parliamentary duties. The House this week. -We understand it is the inten- -On Monday evening, February 6th, there who was stAnding by blew the smoke of 'an stone will *be requirEd for filling and the ,
where he will a . ing the Keeler property in that place, where his to the E
ngage in pastoral work for opened on Thursday. -Dr. Smith has been tion of our oung lawyer, Mr. H. J. Cook, will be a debate held in the Foresters' hall. he inleud8 startin 1* I
P� y , the photograph busi- cigar directly in the face of the female lieu- whole work will cost probably $75,000. � I
.some weeks. -We deeply regret to learn reappointed a Trustee of the Collegiate In ' teleave here in the near future to 'Join his Sub act, " Resolved that our present con- n for himself. ated, but to no Major Gray, of the Public Works Depart- .
that the latest reports from Mr. James stitute by the County ' I � i eas 4 9�7r. Handford is a skil- tenant. She gently remonstr Mr.
Councili and Mr . pa,=is, who are residing in Saginaw. It nection with Great Britain is preferable to f ul artist and,no doubt,will command a larlKe g fellow repeated the ment, visit -ad the town on Wednesday mud -' "I . follovs.
. ]preoeut; -
Laudaborougb, of Columbia College, are by Clarkson, head master of the ea -me Inatita, 086ms impossible for a lawyer to - remain in political union % ith the United States." Mr. share of patronage. -The ritock and furni- action, evidently thinking he was doing a Thursday of last week, in conneotion W101 I ons fem
no means eneouragiDg. His playsician gives tion, was appointed on the Board of County our town. -Mr. Ben. Jenkins and wife re- Alex. McEwon$ captain on the vAmative ture of the laite Isaac Handforid was sold by clever thing. Suddenly the insulted girl the work. ;
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