HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-01-27, Page 5. t'_ ---
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f, 4 - . I . THE k - EXPOSITOR, I
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. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, development sinoe the introduction of the by hook or by crook keep Mr. larte out of his wives. The seventh, whom lie married vl�e to express our ur swerving faith in the
11, - Niktional Poliev. He challenges the ene- the House this Session. five yf ars ago, made. such demands upon principle of Free Tra( e, and we comineni
il �
I � ArThe figure between the parenthesis after each mies of the N. 1". to disprove his state- The Trade and Navigation returns for the �hfni that he transferred his large estate to' the efforts being made in this - direction by
I : - I
,� - § (me denotes the page of the paper on which the Moats.
� His otat ments accord with the fiscal year ending 30th, June 1892, giving one John Morris, on condition that the lat- Hon. Wilfrid Laurier load the Libetal party
1� advertisement will be found.
! census returns, b it- tbo'question arises : the, dot -ails of our foreign trade, have been ter support him properly so long am he lived. in Parliament, and we urge rhat they rest
� , Dct_1,ov1�--1d- Blosett. (6) Are the returns ieliable ? They are niot. oted. Our aggregate trade with -the The seven wives stkvive Mr. Winsor.
i- - pri - not until Canada enjoys Free Trade, for we
I � I priag,1893—Jacksoa Bros. (5) -
! I The method adopted by the Government in whole world was $241,369,443 of-wbich CONVI(ITED .AND.' SENTENCIRD. -Fred Me- believe that it is onlF !under such a policy
I � Sissforth Seed Store -A, Cro4er. (6) its 11 facts " m to the condition $j13,963,375 were- exports and $127,406,068 Dermott, convicted in Albany, on Saturday that this country can prosper or ever enjoy
It; Horses for Sale -Scott Bros. (8) gathedug t - � i
Wood Wanted -A. G. VanEgmond'@ Sons. (8)' , of Canadian lodu "a was fa-ulty; They were imports. The duty collected on these last,for aidieg and abetting false regittration economical governmelat." I
I Boys Waated-A.'G. vanEgmond's Sons. (8) , '
- were gathered more for the purpose of imports amounted to $20,550,581, which there at the 'recent eleotiun, has been sen- This resolution, being somewhat out of
, - . I
I Candlemas Day -M. Jordan. . bolstering . tip the National Policy than to was a percentage on all goods both dutiable teaced to two years.iinprisonmenb ,and` to the usual rut . follo;ed o*n such occasions,
i Money to Loan—Expositor 69L (8) , � 8,
r_ Notice -Joseph 0. Rose. (8 show Canadians tl air true condition. They and free of tomething under 18 per cent and pay about 8,800 as a ne and costs of prose. elicited a lively di 0 anion, the mover and
, I
11 . Cordwood-W%nted-WIn. 211lott. (5) paid a houna to asi ist fraud. For every in- .$4.25 per head of'tlie population. We ex- cution. I seconder, &nd Mess1s. 11. B. McLean, S.
� Durham Bull for sale-Jaines Patterson. (b.)
�� House For Sale --W. A. Worth. (6) dustry, discovered the census enumerators Ported to Great Britain $",906,000 and FizvER. 1pmEmic. -Typhoid fever is Smillie, GeorgeMa�die, Alexander Mus-
" werepaid'abonui of 150. Coineqttently imported from that country $41,348,000. epidemic in the State prison at Jackeon, tard, th� President and others ..taking part,
! - Rodgerville Cheese Factory -James Murray. (6) I -_
� Money to Lend -J. M. Best. (5) . there was no trou de to fiDd flourishing in- Oar exports to Great Britain increased by Michigan. The se4iments of th� resolution, �owever,
. ,
I . , _
I i . 0andlel Daly. (8) duFtries in Canada. Every saw -filer, mil- $14,000,000 while our purchases from thle SHiPmAN DEAD. -Dr. George Shipman, seemed to- be fully in coord with 04 feelings
R . . 'winterStock-T. Daly; (8) . .
I i Clover and Timothy Seed Wanted -A. Young, (�) liner, dress maker watch tinker, look men- same- country decrettsed about $700,000. f6linder of the Foundlingo' Home, of Chic- of the meeting, and -it was ultimately adopt-
, . . �'
. E Increasing Salm--it. W - illls.'(6), der, etc.-, was COID idered as having an ip- Our exports to the United States amountpd ago, died on Thursday, last week, at his ed without oppositi6 I
pI . Militarykall-Jackaon Br6s. (1) dustrial ,establiel ment-f Dr census pixr. to $38,988,000 and our Imports $53,137,000 home in that city. He: was seveuty-three . � � I
i ! Spring Stool Jamieson. (6) posts. In one to Nnship, which could bg which was a slight decrease of exports of'& years of age. . I
F - Spring Goods f4j-Duncan & Dune -an. (8) A Little More
I Notice -D. McIntyre. (8) 1 named', the enume: -ators made nearly every little over $2,000,000 and a decrease of im- STOLEN MONEY RECOVERED. -Charles W. of ork. .� .
-1 - Money i� Lend -F. Holmested. (6) farm house an in(] strial eatablishmentf be- ports of about one half million. Our ex. Thorne: of Kansas City, lately messenger in
�1: i . ' DEAR E xrosi.ToR.-I notice in the Clinton
11 cause the farmers' wives and daughters knit- ports clasified, were as follows : one of ihe banks of that city, and who left
; � — - News Record of the 1�1w-h inst., an article in
L 1~ - there on Monday, the 16th inst., with 811,- w to vors to contradict the
t r� N ted seeks or made straw braid. Each had E6 Produce of the mine ........... 8 6,143,168, h' h the writer ende�
- I I
11 i Ut Nuron (Expooft-ot number of emp yes, had a considerable Fisheries ...................... 9,944,110 000 of the bank's money, was arrested at St. statement made by y in Tiiic EXrOSITOR,
. ; I amount of capitalinvested and the product Produce of the forest ...... _ . 23,633,675 Paul, Minnesota, on Friday last. The money ,
i� - , . . wiih regard to a loaj ;uf 1).ork which I sold
1.1 ... - was amazingly v kluable Being the cOm- Animals and:tbeir produce. -. . . , 30,063,777 was recovered. in'Seaforth. What you said won q�tlte cor-
;_ i
� ll strict, I wrote to-,-, Agricultural products .......... .30,817,406 - on the 7th Janu
, SEAFORTH-, FRIDAY Jan. 0,77th,_ 189.3, missi6ner for that � ,,ensus �i . GLADSTONE'S R
P I . reot. I went to Clinton
t t Ottawa, pointing I out the characterof the Manufactures .................. 7,740,855 of the eraistent and malicious canards cir-
i � - . . ary, and drove on tp the market. fter I
_� return., and mokeill if it was satisfactory to Miscellaneous ...... ........... 463,000 culatelconcerning Mr. Gladstone's health,
t . The Wardenship. the dovernment ,*biob I believed, 'wanted . I - the correspondent of the United Press has had been thereabout �_alf an hour I was of-
. 11, 5 The United States was almost our on
'r � - to ascertain the b?ttow facts with regard to I ly been authorized to state that'Mr. Gladstone fered $7.50 pei hundred for my pork. Three
� , i At the meeting of ihe County Council on market for mineral&, and they also bought of the buyers said t�hat was the highest
, 'J - Canadian industrial establish ments. The . ban an excellent appetite, Pleeps remarkably .
I I .
11t �, Tue seph Griffin, Iteeve of mQre df our fish than !,Great Britain. In ice which had b n
7 . sday Isst'Mr. Jo - pr eenj paid in Cli ton. I
11 . . gentleman whom ibe Governor-General re- Lumber Great Britain was a good,oustomer, . well, and in his daily woik show said that I had heard �hat more was paid in
I p Ashfield, was unanimously e)ecte(,l Warden. - ferred to as beingi so able and painstaking, ' tional vitality. Ome 10
: I Mr. Griffin', although a young man, is an Mr. George Johnston, Promptly replied that but the United States was a better by an A FOOLISH MAN. -Fr . ed Paterson, a, Seaforth. 8 f th In said I would make
,�p excess of over two million dollars. In live nothing by goia'g tol, Seafortb. I was'in
;. � the returns were �11 rigbt. I have inquired young Swede, living irk Menominee, Michi- ,
% I old Councillor, having represented Ashfield in other places, SO find that almost every stock and agricultural� produce we sold gan, upon being rejected by the girl of his Clinton about two hopra and got an more
. .
� J - for fourteen years without intermission. He place where a ms i or wom � an worked was much more to Great Britian than to the choice, resolved upon committing suicide, offered than 07,50 --per hundred. When I
I I -
i United States, although in -these two De- had started for Seafortli Mr. Steep spoke up
. ?.� is the oldest coatioupus member of the met down as an industrial establishment. . and decided upo;n accomplishing his end by
" � partments the United States took aid he would gi�em.e 5 cents more.
.1 $8,500 and a
� * " starvation. After sixteen days abstinence
19 County Council-, except Mr. T. M. Kay, of Such is the charauter of the figures upon '
�I 000. In manufactures we sold as h This was said after I bid left the market
I which the Govern:)r-General and the Prem- mue to from food and drink he died.
B 6 1
I Usborne. He has, therefore, well .earned the United States as to' the whole British and had starteJ to go to Seaforth, and I
r � ier rely to prov,e that there is" ITALY'S BALMY CLIMB. -In Southern _
�. � ! a ""tly Empire. To the total export to the United . considered it only an inducement not to go
, �- his,promotion. He ,is a clear -beaded man greater num�er f people -,employed I i Italy the weather is the most severe in
, � 0 �
� , 11' in' States should be, added the mum of $3,348,- to Seaforth. I think,lif I remember ear -
,I and will mtke a gooJ presiding pfficer. - dustrial. --establis Many Zears. Ice forms in the streets and -
�k . Oments in Canada to -day 213, estimated amount short returned 't ectly, Mr. Steep said he would give me 5
" I � �- , r
� ; � than' there were tpn years ago. It is an Su- snow is drifted along the highwais. A
l I � Inland ports and exported to the Unit:d cents more sooner than to see me go to Sea-
- I
I The English In Egypt. daclous fraud. iThe Government is chal- despatch from Naples says Vesuvius and
, 11 . Sbatee. These returns show that we sold to forth. Even had it been offered squarely
! i Ever since the Giaditone Ministry came � lenged to allow expert, to be appointed foreign countries 5,736.000, pounds of butter other monntains thereabouts are covered on the'market it woul& have taken about
11, i by the Continenial Union Association, to with snow.
P ,
� I . into power in Great Britain, the opposition havp access to th� original returns, as in the of the value of $1,056,000 and of cheese ArsTRiA FEELS HAPPIEF--A despatch ten such offers as that to equal the price I
. . - 01 118,270,000 pounds of the value of $11,652,- got in Seaforth. J drove down to Seaforth
I � papers, both in England and in other parts department he Government to from Vienna rays :' The severely cold I
I ; I Pit ttawa, t 000. Of eggs we sold to Great Britain in about an hour and a half, and the first
, , ' appoint a second _xpert, and these two to weather shows sips of breaking - up, but
: -I of the Empire,among them our own 11tr6oly . 3,987,000, dozen and to the United States offer I got was $7.96, before I had been
I . -
I � appoint a 'third . and I think It can be there is still intense suffering in Isolated
Z - loil " Canadian Tory organ, have beern filled I ., , . 3,918,000. Great Britain took 1,369 horses there one minute. My saying I had tome
� .
. . 11 , � . shown that., taki g the industries recognised and the United States -9,261 of the value of districts on account of the lack of fuel and - business in Seaforth had-nothirig to do with
� A . with. groaniDgs almost too heavy for'uttei- by t -be Governmeiit as industrial establish- food. -
�, -
� " I - $1,094,000, Our export of foreign cattle - ' the price of pork. I wanted. to see some of
., - ance over the certqiin downfall of Briltain's ments in 1881, there has been an absolute A CONyauTED LiQiToR MAN. -Daniel Ban.
� .� . I I amounted in value tb $7,748,000. Neorly Willson's vehicles. one of which I intend to
� � fabing off in th umber of employers from nerman, proprietor of the Bannerman
�� I glory and national credit. Among other I ,� all of which went to Great Bri purchase. W -m. BRIGHAm, Hullett.
I that year to 18 e . . L t&ln' We House at Crystal Falls, Michigan, has been
I Jl doleful prophesies they predicted the speedy 417 � , _� sold 32,569 sheep to Great Britain -of the converted. 'He has shipped all his liquors
� � I I � value of $288,000 and to the United States back to those from whom he purchased The House of Refuge.
�� . evacuation. of Egypt. . NUMEROUS, though -generally unsucces4ful 290 000 of the value of $1,073,000. The
; . . J I them, and
, It It is now about ten yesTS since. Great -efforts are being made on behalf of Canada, much vaunted poultry trade with England, has dedicated his. bar -room to the DEAR Expo%TOR.�H%vitig made refer.
. �
. . - . . service of God.
I , which the Government spent some money in ence to the house of refuge question in the
1 -. Britain, with the consent of France and to secure preferential trade with otherBritish A CELEBRATED FARM SoLD.-Brockdale
. .
,i , * trying to encouroga, does not appea , Leadbury notes a abort time ago, I shall
. . Turkey, the other parties interested,steppei cokonie3. The latest of them ig that made r to have that famous old stud farm, the property of
:i 1� turned out well. The value of our exporlp
� , POIL *jej give a, few reasons, which I consider to be
, - . I the late L. D. A Withers, near Re'dbs,k,
6 1 in and interfered with the i. Of EgYPt, by Mr. It. Dob 11, of Quebec, who lately of poultry to Great B. itain was $3,349 and substantial, why an institution oJf this kin -d
L , , ,
It I I . � . -1
J : - Commerce of to the United Statee $44,537. New Jersey-_,thas been sold. Hr. W. P. should be established not only in ,the county
0 which country had become a menacw to the addressed the Chamber bf The icerense Thompson, b6Z of the lead trust, of a big
!,� - I . , I
� � commerce and peace of Europe. Although Cape Town, South Africa, on this 1 int. It in our. total exports is accounted for wholly of Huron, but likewise in every other county
- �- � . PO fortune, with a taste for breeding fine stock, -
I - . in
:t � . promised aid, they went it sing seems to TJHff E xposmok that, if Z The price agreed upon is-
-lehanded, . such by the bountiful crop with which the is the purohaser. the Province of Ontario, which has not
� � I . � country was blessed and which enabled us to already made a move in that direction. In
. I int-cmdilUg, as soon As order was restored, to efforts were successful, it would ariiount to sord out of the countr . y coreat quantities of thought to be in the neighborhood of deding with this question, I shall use
. i C) $150,000. �
I withdraw' bat Egypt proved to be some- practi-.ally the sa, ne thing as discrimination wheat, oats, barley and rye. I'lie iuereme neither gilding nor varnish, d ''
, 9 . CAPTAIN NELSON DEAD. -A despl%tch from espising vague
� what like a mousia trap -it was an easy against the motbe r country, and yet these in oats alone wa's over 6,000,000 bushele arid bra.ges, aud sentiment shrouded in mystery.
, I who was
I I I , � . the increase in rye exceeded 2,000,000 Zanzibar says that C%ptain Nelson, �`o I)egin, there are men whoin fate seems to
I . , with Stanley in Africa, died recently at I
� matter to put a floger in, but how to ,xith- efforts are not I applauded but inatiga- have been against from their youtli up.
. . on' bushels and the iticreage in wheat was over Kaikugar, Hash Africa. .
.: draw it without smashing the trap wau in- ted by the Can _m 9 9,000,000 buelil-19 above what they were the They have tried hard to accumulate a little
. adi n Govern ent i but let a
. .
� deed a problem. thfzy found the country voice. be raised in, avor. of a,-I,osqr trade rela. previonpi yeAr. There -was a decrease in the OUT OF DEBT. -The comptroller of New wealth but have never succeeded. Their
� - ber of horned cattle exported,,in Fdiaep, York State ahnounces that the State is no.w fa I milies, if they had Ruch, are scittered far
I in about as bad a condition a,j it well coald tions with the Un ted States, which is cer "" actically out of debt, i with $3,448,053 in and wide and in their old age they find
poultry, ,e�viue and horses. The falling off pr I
be. " It wts torn by internal dillsension, the t�inly as closely r 1%ted to us in every way the treasury. . I themselves debtitute. " Age and want, oil,
1. I � L . k I in the exAort of potatoes was remarkable, THE -AD " DOES THE BusiNFss.-A neat
,1,�:` governmenu ban, ru,�t, the taxes evorinons, as is South Africa and at once it is drowned the figure,1" for 1891 being 3,668,729 bu 8 h ('.1 a illu'stration of the value of sagacious aiver- ilimatchedpair. Have we ahome free trom
� I
e_ the public works in ruins, the poor at the in a v(,Iley of crie i such as treason ! dis.' and for 1892, 586,196 bushels, a drcrease f, tisiijg was given at the Portland Young restraint to offer such in the wealthy county
mercy of the ricb,edrraption reigniDg every- loyalty I disorimi#ation against hogland " "" "Pork of this staple product of over Men's Christian Association meeting Sun. of Huron ? The aniiwer is, no. Theake are,
a 3,000,000 )bushels. � ' and idways will be, others. who have been
. I ,)I day, when General Secretar McDonald
. . where, and tortard the common mode of emanating from t1fie ultra loyiil gentlemen of The hearing oT the Manitoba Schoc, . 'y ruined financially through their� generosity
i punishment, whi�h was administared quite the Tory party n Canada. This sort of appeal by; lite full Privy Couiocil took place stated that he had some curiosity to know and kindness of heart. Men who have been
.. as often unjustly as for good and sufficient thing is the veriest rot. Sensible people on Saturday,when Mr. Ewart,for the Roman what method of advertiming reached the imposed on by the dishonest and vicioup,
� cause. In fact Egypt was a thoroughly - - Cath6lics of Manitoba, elaborated the argu. most people. He ha4d -circulthted thonvamda who endorse paper for slippery individuals
�* cannot be made to believe that whaiever the of little dodgers, giving notice of the meet.
I oriental country, hundreds ai years behind Tory party does is loyal: and true, and nient which he presented to the Sub.Com, Ing, and he asked those who had see them whose purpose is to betray and leave them
mittee about six weeks ago. The Manitoba a I in the lurch. Combined with this, perhaps
i the times, and with- but a veneer of civiliz&- whatever anyone Ise says or does is trea- Government have treated this appeal with and had been moved to come through that
" .1 11 em means, to rise. The hall was packed as family affliction creeps in; their childre'
tion. Within the ten years that it - has aoriable and a mer ace to the public peace cc) t t as they do not recognize the right I I may be removed by (leath and in their old
I . ; tu � . ; 0- full as it could hold, and of the entire num- A A 6. L I -
I V . Val " Vu OvulaZ11*125 DO 111priere in 0ge Duey 11 emse ves penniless. r1ave
I been under the control of Great Britain a end safety. her about fifteen arose. . Then Mr. McDon- we a home provided for such where their
C . their domestic educational Legisla,tioij. -
: . 'ho had read the notices in the .
� t*tal,,Iv different state of affuirs has b6en nn aid asked all w .
. brought about. The correspondent of the TnE Empire, ha I cle&rl and satisfactori- here was nothing new brought out and the newspapers, and had been influenced by sensitive natures win not autter from it
merits of the case were not gone into aod cf sense of obligation ? The answer in, no. A
New York Tribune says: England ; has I � ly proven, or at I ast it thinks it has, that course the Government will take its owh them, to rise, and the crowd rose in a body. majority of the farmers don't want to pro.
- - , . - ' DisTuR-Btswam IN beKvizP_-In Denver,
. - been supreme upon- the Nile for - only : ten' the McKinley tiriff, instead `10f. iujurivg time to render a decislov. The matter will Colorado, last Sunday, all pl&cea of amuas- vide one. 11 Man's inhumanity to man
' I undoubtedly be brought up in the ):louse makes countless thousands mourn."
I I years, yet, during that time, she has worked Cauada, ha,3 prove� a blessing i14 disguise; and an effort triade to force thern,to show ment were closed by order of the police Then spin In a county like this, a dealr.
I that this country has made 'a reat deal board -%n4 the proprietors were placed in
. wondern. Every reform has been resisted, , 9 their hand. able class of immigrants is wanted. They
. I jail, The police were forced to make the had not the opportunity of getting much
and all the infitteacd of Paris and Con4an_ more money. by seldiag its products to Eog- ComiDg up from Montreal one day last arrests by. 1' Lev. H. M. Hart, dean of the
I 9nople has had to'. be met and defeb,te�d at land than it ever h"' made by sending them week,I witneaRed an amusing incident which al Church, who has inaugurated a money together in the old land ; they come
I took place in the parlour car attached to Episco' to us with arnall means, bqt willing to work,
every abep. Yet,, in this brief period,1 Sir 1 to the United Stat�es, etc., etc. Would the the Canada Atlantic Express, The condue- crusade against Sunday amusements and
� I . and far from home and frietids who inky be
Evelyn Bariyag, now Lord Cromer, assisted Empire please ria ,- and e)Cplain what has to I inFiista upon- the enforcement of the law.
. � I I � - r came around to collect the tickets and a Af ter the theatres were closed immense unable to assist them, thei are, perhaps,
.1 I aused the decreas of thirty five per cent In prominent member of the Dominion Cabinet stricken by disease or accide' t. Have we a
. or guided for a brief time by Lord Duffetin, ' C - crowds gathered on the principal streets u
I � and aided by -a rabbt. cfficient staff, has the price Canadian farmers are able to get lei3urely pulled out his annual ass but was and talked the matter r. Suddenly a hon)e to offer such, where tlicy will be under
. I I rather startled to hear the Confluotor say as no obligations? The nawer is, no. One
I ove
� taken the country through the troubles , for their horses, %I o tell us v�hat the blue , move was made for Dean Hart's house. and a'
I �11 ' he returned it to hini, "This is no good. ' says let them go to the hospital. Yen, to
A. which always follow a war like ftt of 1882; � and mournful look the faces f those who All annual. passes expired on the 14h.11 in a short time about 2 000 people surround- the hospital witiere in their weak condition
I ed it, and after hooting and cat -calling
� has suppressed a rebellion, resto Tahipped Canadian qattle and produce to the This was Cie 17th. and the pass was there- stones were throwD, smashing several they -will be likely to contract contagious
I created a Constitution, rehabilitated the Old Country mark4t last year means'? Sup- fore two days too old. The Conductor in- windows. The police soon arrived on -the diseases and die� This b'riDga to mind a
I I sisted upoa the Minister paying his fare in mean, selfish cry, which is goin
shattered finances, reduced taxation,' abol- pose England were to adopt a tarifff where al c . scene ond dispersed the crowd without around
. h d ash, tnuch to the latter's annoyance. through the townships, that a gHouw of
isbed the Isish- and forced. labor, established would we be" WhL.t Canada needs is free It was rather humiliating to see one of the . making any arrests. Nobody was in the Refuge will be an advantage to the towns at
I justice, and turned, doubt and decay into markets both to buy and sell in, and she Queen's advisers beating his way from bombarded building at the time, the dean the expense of the country places. It would
- .
. secur4y and * rosperity. � must have them. I I Montreal to Ottawa, notwithatandi g that and his family having been removed by be w�fi Jor these people wh,o are talking in
I p . 0 friends &-short time'before the mob arrived. .
� - the country pays him a fat salary of $8, , The excitement F.00n - subsided, and no this m"anner, to recollect that a In Ority of
. Ri'val Nations are continually carping and ' DR. _W. G. Ogden' has been selected by the a year, further trouble it expected. the People in the towas and villvgen who
- I . The utterances of Sir John Thompson o I - require help came from the country in pov-
picking at Great Britain, calling her a land : ,
grabber and such like - names, but India Liberals of Toront a their candidate for the question of the Uriff at Sherbrooke were - erty and nave just as great claims on the
. I the vacancy in thetLo"Cal Legialature, made very different from his utterances at Toron- Reform Meetings. . townships for support, as they have on those
Japan, Burmah,`Sotith Africa and Egypt by the death of Mf. Bigelow. The Conserva. to. In the latter city, and in the Provinc13 with whom they reside. In the interests of
�t'he . . EAST HURON.
I stand as proof of , -fP.Gt that she is the - of which it is the capital, he found a strong . the weaker sex it is especially desirable that
greatest civilizing power of to -day. Where- tive candidate is Dr. . Ryerson, the well- sentiment existing in favor of tariff reform The Reformers of Past Huron, as conoti, there should be a permanent home establish.
' . known eye %nd ear specialist, Both candi- and he set himself to cater to it and to give, tuted for both Dominion and local purposes, ed. Take, for example, the innocent and
ever her hand touchee'there seems to spring dates are ablei and popular, but,as the con. dubious and unmeaning pledgee. In Sher-. had a very successful organization meeting ,ubeophisticated young woman who becomes
. up peace, prosperity and justice, displacing 'atituency is Conservative by about'seven to brooke be w'as near the great N. P. city of at Brussels, on Friday of last week. There the dupe of some false, ,unprincipled wretch,
Montreal, and in - was a good Attendance of representative '
� bloodshed, savagery ttnd tyranny. Where- one, it' the lines are strictly drawn, it would Sherbrooke he found a MOB, every municipality In the Riding, save with a small amount of man and a large
ever one may go the�e he finds the ubiquit- I .. skonghold of protection. He consequently one, being represented. After a, numborof share of devil in his make up. and driven to
I 'L � not ,be safe to bet much on the . chances of altered his tune and declared in favor of the desperation and deRtraction through suffer -
one I Britisher, "and the railway and the L short addresses on business ma'tters, the. ing and isolation, she is prepared to commit
- . Dr.,.Ogden. However, noperson ever ex- N. P. and railed against all those who were
I telegraph soon follow. pected that Mr. Bigelow woulif be elected,' opposed to it, 'Alluding evidently to some following officers were elected for the current any deed no matter how terrible or distreas-
Nor does a chang� oi adniinistration alter and it is porsible Toronto may give the pub' of the most glariug injustices of- the tariff, year :-President, Mr. A. Hislop, Grey ; Ing. Why not assert'our manhood and far-
. the Premier declared that if they removed first ice -president, Mr George Thompson, nish a ]ionic for anch creatures where they
y appreciable extent thin characteristic lie another surprise. . one brick the whole fabric would tumble uraLrry . d lee -president, Mr. will be sheltered, fed and properly cared for
to an - � T , secon �
i I bova&s Strach&n
of the Nation. Lord Roseberry,the Foreicfn . . T , Grey; secretary- treas-
C, � — do�rn. It is just as well to see what w
. . 4
Secretary, or 2viiniater of Foreign Affairp, A meeting of Liberals from- all parts of the ready trimmer the new" Premier is, and howl urer, Mr. W. H. Kerr, Brussels. * Chairmen c e their place in society.
were also appointed for the variou . And there ,are many other women in the
� under Mr. Gladztonei is carrying out the PrOvin;ce was held in Toronto on Tuesday lie is willing.to be all'things to all men. , a ninn'" land who have themselves been industrious,
gfficiently last. It Wag called by Sir Oliver Mowat and It haci leaked out that there is trouble bew O'palities- in the Riding. In the evening ft but with h�sbands possessed of neither sense
foreign policy of 4 -be country SO tween Sir John Thompson and the Hoo. public me'eti.og was hold, which was largely nor energy�, except it -be energy in a wrong
and, energetical�� that even the Opposition Sir Richard Cartwright, and the main ob- John Costigaii, Secretary of State. ttended. Rousing speeches were given on direction. !hese women'are entitled to the
. can find no ground for complaint, and have ject was to take 8teps to secure a more the difference arises 6ver the Manitoba I the leading questions of the day by Dr. Mae- fullest meal ure of cousideration. The above
i '
fallen back on the utterly childish" and ab- thorough organization of the Liberal party School questiou, or over the question of donald, M. P., Mr. Thomas Gibson, M. P. are a few of many fit subjects for a House of
Lieu ten an t -G overn orehip of New 1�runq- P., and others. East Huron has no inten- Refuge, I'could give others if space would
surd theory that Lord Rosaberry is opposed throughout the Province. Themeetiogwae wick, tinie will tell. tion of retrogr&di�g, but expects to continue .. permit. St?me one says there is always
. at every step by Mr..� Gladstone, wl�o only both large and representative and will re- . The Minister of Matine.and Fisheries, loyall'y cupporting Sir Oliver Niflawat and somebody-, to look after such people. It is
retains him in the cabinet bloca-use he is sult in good. Hun. C. H. Tupper, will sail for England, Bon.:'vVilfrid'Laurier. not worth hile to dwell on this statement
� t I in order to attend to the Behring Sea arbi- � I . SOUTH ILURO-N. aq it has 1b en proven timd and again to be
afraid to dismiss bini. tration. . i . ;
TALK OF WAP. between France and Ger. A meeting of the Reformers of South abs,)Iutely Mse. We have -many Churches
I Recently, the Khedive of Egypt, a boy of . Mr. R. S. White, the member for Card. Huron as constituted for Do * ' and Sabbat'llh. Schools in which that -beauti-
- many has .been resumed, and alarming I tnioion pur-
nineteen, has, at tl�eL instigation of France well, is a candidate for the vacant collector- pose#, wa� held in Dixon's Hall,. Brucefield, ful anthem' " Rescue the perishing ; duty
rumors ar 0 .
. and. Turkey, Veen attempting to defy his e flying- abou,t promiEcuously in ship of customs in Montreal. The chief on Monday last. There was a good attend. demands it " is frequently sung. Dicl the
English advisers, and some trouble is ap- the latter country. It is thought, however, drawback to -his getting it is tile reluctanoo ance, and the meeting was a most interest- farmers of �9the County of Huron do their
. of -Sir John Thompson to open a constit ' 9
r of -the German Empire, . ' Ing one. The constitution, prepared and duty at th-3 polls on the second of January .
prehended, but we feel sure that, under the uency in Western Ontario at this critical adopted at & former meeting, was read and I leave their conscience td answer. Com-
. . efficient manar,ement,bf Lord Roseberr � y and Baron Von Caprivi, is answerab,le for most j ancture.
� 0 of these, either directly or indirectly, and - --- approved of, and the 8ecretary was instruct. pare thi� county with the city of Toronto.
I - the Liberal Cabinet, the itorm will be -_ ed to have copies printed for circulation. There they have a home for sick children ;
averted and the honok! and intereats of Great that he is adopting this plan to frighten the News of the Week. Mr. John Hannah, of Tuckersinith, was're. a home for neglected and deserted children ;
people into granting the money he is -now EATINa, DisEASED M " EAT.—SiX 'persons in elected president ; Mr. James Snell, Hul. a home for the aged; a home for incurables
Britain upheld. l East Liverpool, Ohio, were poisoned by lett, vice-president ; Mr. Thomas Fraser, ani a rescue home for the fidlen. Here our
I asking for in the Reichstag for army pur- .
l . -- - _. -.-,,--- eating diseased inutton. Stanley, secretary, and 2\1r. George Forest, only public home for the unfortunate is the
i poses. This was an old trick of Prince Bis- DEAD. -Father Jones, adjutant general of Brucefield, Treasurer. The following local jail. One gentleman in opposition to the
� . Latting the Cat Out. - marc,k, the former Chancellor. . the Jesuits, died at Loyola, Spain, on Sun- chairmen were appointed : B.iyfield, John scheme gives as a reason -tbat the poor
* 2dr.. T.. .11. White, . Secretary of the On. day last. would not go to such a, place. Well, i am
, � -_ Morgan; Hay, Dr. Buchanan ; Rullett,
I FAATOU9 NovELIAT DyixG.-Robert Louis Robert Scott ; McKillop, George Murdic; at a loon to know why. For my own part,
� 7� tario Continental Union Association, who is THE DOMINIONCAP1T. L. ' Stevenson the novelist, and author of 41 Dr. Sesforth, D. D. Wilson ; Stnnley, John
, 1�
. !�
. I well!. known to our readers. and who, by the ; - - - " P . if the worst camee,I should prefer a place of
- � ' Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde," is dying of,,' can- Ketchen ; 17ackersmith, Hugh McCartney. thi,s kind, to living Vvith pe-aple whoml. had
- way� is a Conservative,. in a letter to the (By Our Special Corresponden t au'mption.* I
. - if The President and Secret!Lry, Messrs. Han. proper reasons to think looked upontne as
Globe & few days ago, not only shown the OTTAWA, 3 anuaTy 23rd, 1893. . Fi.NED. -Oleomargarine dealers in Pitts. nkh and Fraser, were appointed delegates 'being a burden and in the way. It is 3 urely
- L 0
deceptive nature of �the figures quoted by Preparations for the meeting of Parlia- burg, Perinsylvamia, to the number of 252 to attend the Toronto Convention, � : Lo reflection on .people who have previously
I the Governor -Generali Hou. Mr. Foster and ment on Thursday are all 4mplete, with have been fined $100 each for violating the Routine business being finished, .'L\L1r. John �doae their beat, to maintain themselves, to
3 Premier Thompson, io prove toL the p . eople the exception that the finishinR touches law regarding its sale. - McMillan, M. P., was called upon and become residents of such a Home;
. A CONVICT RELEASED. -Jarnes Francis gave one of his rousing addreages, which in- and ' for those, who have spent the
that the" Natione.1, Pblicy has m�de them have ,to be put to the spaech from the Egan, convidted in -1884, at Birmingham, soired the meeting with enthusiasm. A �best years of their lives in idle-'
i , - Throne which the Cabinet are 1prepar,ing, England, for his connection with a dynamite resolution, moved by .)Rr. George Murdie,- _� thi
prosperous and bapp but he gives a little � rkess, folly or dissipation, there is no 1111
IV but whieh Lord Stanley will pretend to plot and sentenced to twenty years, has of McKillop, 'and seconded by Mr. Samuel which will add to their already disgrace(
bit of back door politi - oal history. He says : have prepared. An effort is being made to been released. � Smillie, of TuckeranAitb, approving of the condition. I maintain, Sir, that it is just
I Bat in some cases the figures. are niialead- - -keep Mr. Tarte out of Parliament b hold- NFORft ' ' '
- y , U I iNATE.—I Eighteen married wo- course and policy of Sir Oliver Mowat and as honorable to become an iumate of a
. . ing,' even if the cotresponding returns of iag.a recount and pfotei'titig about 100 votes men and twelve girls of the better class in his Government was carried unanimoual . House of Refuge, if the conditions demand
. . y
the States be ignored v For T example, the on the list which are in appeal and as yet Berlin, Germany, ire involved in a sensa. after being ably spoken to bv the mover and it, as it is, to receive a.canadian Senator's
Premier and the Go � ernor-Ooner,,al tell us utidecided, There are some of the elements tional trial for chil� murder. � seconder. The following risolution, movied annual salary and do little or notbing in
that the total foreigb, trade of Cauada is of the London election case in the L'Islet SEVEN WIVES �URVIVE Him.-Josepli by M. Y. McLsan and seconded by Thomas return for, it ; or to belong to the great hoat
, 'r
greater by some millions thal]`.,It�was it few case. About one hundred votes were ap- Winigor, of Provid4ace, Rhode Island, died Fraser, was read : of superannuated ,public officials who re-
yea. -s ago, but they do, not tell - us -which pqaled by the Liberals but it is said thaf42 on the 23rd inst.*i� aged 84 years. Mr. 11 That the Reformers of South Huron be. ceived all,their services were worth while
I their blue books do -that Canuda's 'foreign of theee were� -cast for Mr. Tarte. Suppos- Winsor was an inventor of consider- liev'e that the permanent prosperity of Can- in autive olervica and now, when their use�
trade per head of o ur �population has fallen -ing 42 were 'also cast for the Government able prominence. Among his inventions ada, can I only be aCiained by repealing all fulness is Igone, by act of Parliament they
froin $59 in 1873, to �40 in 1889, Again, c%ndidate and that they were both struck I are 1�be drop-gatestioed at railroad crossings. clasa legislation and thus securing to each are livin� at the public expense. The
Sir John was particularly tbeitrical in deal- off by the .1 udge it will still' leave Mr, Tarte I He as married seven times and secured individual the right to make the" best use of people through their representatives in Par-
itig with the ind-ustri0a of Cana� with hie majority of 39 so that they cannot �udi.-.ial decrees of separation from six of h;s abilities in a fair field i we therefore, de- liament have 'established and -given large
. I 11 4 7 )
. � A -
I .
.. -
- I I - I i
- i - I . . . . I
- .
I ,
grants to Schools, Colleges and Univeraities,
. -
a .
officiatiug. priest. The bride.,who was glv�, "
1 .,
i j, ',�
wborWrieb men's none may be educated.
away by her brother Joseph, was attired in
f I , I I
Our aountly and provincial f�ulera give surns of
ber travelling contains of terra catta and
� -1 1.
- . I
money frequently to farm . era' institutes and
drab, with mink trimmings, with h at
tz' -
I 1 �
- '
agricultural societies. The Ontario Govern-
match,: and wore diamonds, the gift of
� r I
i I �
went are prepared to asidst us in the
bridcg�oom. She eariied a buquet of a
" � �
- -
I . -
- I
f y �
erection of a House,,of Refuge. Why'not
Franc � roser. Thq bridesmaid was
� I
accept their offer and go on with the
Tessiel Kidd, of Sioux. City, sister of the
- �
z � � I
work ?
bride, Hercostume consisted of an Em.
I , 1.
� , ;
. I
Yours 111.!Spectfully,
pire gown, fawn and red chomgeable silkf
� `
I .. f
red velvet trimmings with large hat Of
I � �
McK)LLoi,, January lith., 1893. . .
pink -roses. She wore diamond ring, the
; � t, : I
gift of the bridegroom., and carried a bo.
I -
. ,
' .1 ' I
i -1 I
quet of .pink roses.' The groomsman was
: 5 : . I
- I
0. Heir, of -Chicago, Illinois. A family r.e.
� -
� I I
. i
. i. 1
caption was- hold at her brother's residence,
' � -, : I
and later the happy couple - left for New
. �
Nxw Yonic, January 14th, 1892,
York and an extended southern tour.
. -
. . I -1.,
- i
Of all the most absorbing problems which-
� i �.
i ;
: . I i
the mystic future holds in store for us, and
. Huron Notes. .
- il
� 1
which will ba aradually presented to the
. -John Sparrow, of Varna, has a span of
, I ,
- ".
i !
world for consideration, as each day, week,
two year old colts that tip the beam' at
� 1; :
.- I
month and year lets f R its respective veil
3,100 pounds. '-
- �
hiding the events yet to occur, so tb e slide
-The clerk of West Wawanosh reports
. N i
�� �, I
I �
of the magic lantern reveals wonder after
having registered 48 births, 14 marriages
, , i
: �.-�i i
I �
wonder;there in none destined to claim great-
and 24 deaths during 1892.
. ..�
� I � I
er attention- or influence, move the destinies-
-At a re"nt sparrow bunt held by the
� I .
i V 1
I 5
of people and generations of people, than
p&trons of Industry Lodge of Amberley,
� I
the great question of 11 Shall Canada annex
1,070 birds were killed.
I . I
herself to the United States, and become
-The annual Convention of the' West
the largest and brightest kar amidst the
Huron Cnuservativen Is to be held at Smith's
� �
i �
.stars Sad t 'pea of her sister nation ?"
Hill, on Wednesday, Fthruary Sth.
: �
� �� �
" I I
Promin:nTmen of the United States, as
, -We understand that Mr. Ed. Swarts,
' � � ` I
� ,
well as the leading papers, are devoting a
formerly of Goderich, hae purchased the
f., - � 1
, , i
great deal of attention to Annexation-
livery busin'eag from his father in Wingliam.
17-: i
. _�
only of Can%da, but of Cuba, which latter
-Kies I� Hingoton, forinerly 6! Brussels,
11 . ,
, I
country has more than onca declared "s
has taken Ithe position of stenographer at
- I
willingness -nay, anxiety, to.come into the
the LincolO Park Sanitarium, Chicago.
. - I I .
. feddration of States. The matter of the an-
_LFislieiO'Connor� of Brussels, bas gone
' - �
nexation of both countries will undoubtedly
to Durham to run the eleetric light in that
: . .
I .
come to a focus within the next four years.
town for W. F. Stewart, formerly of
� ; �
It cannot be delayed much longer. .It is
1 - I
I �
certainly true that the thinking, intelligent
-The Bishop of Huron has been pleated
1 . �: �
Canadians, the majority of them, are in.
to appoint Rev. R C. Clarke, of Winghain,
. � I
favor of broader commercial re�lations, and
to the pariah of Tees -water anfil Glenannan.
I ;
in time, probably, annexation, but the Cans-
-Rev. Mr. ,Dyke, who had the misfor.
f 1
than politicians, of course, are I against it-
- tune to get both hands frozen in the north-
- I
Canada is really ripe for annexation, and so
west lately, is a brotherof Rev- J.H. Dyke,
I �
is Cuba, but the People of the sou,th will
of Belgrave.
I 11
� r
never consent to the Annexation of ;C%nada
-Messrs. Pat. Lynn and Charles Chim-
. without Cuba. Both must come in together.
holm of Goderich. left on Thursday of
I - I
- Cuba is ready to be taken in at any time,
last week to atten(I the military school in
: � �
for Spain is on the verge of si-jevolati
- 'on-
I �
The Madrid Government is tottering in the
' -
-Mr. Nichol,' successor to A. C. Stratb-
: I -
I i
balance, ard may be over -turned any day-
dee as agent of the Grand Trunk Railway in
I �
i i
The Cabana would improve the --opportunity
Wingham, has taken his position there.
i - j
�' ' l
afforded by trouble in Spain to throw off the
� ,
came from Port Elgin, as did also 4�
i . i
i 1�
Spanish yoke, and assume their natural
� I �
� . I
places under the American flag.
' ' �
-Mrs. S. MoVittie, sr.,.. of Hallett, in-
I I i
I .. �
I know how the suggestion of a separation
tends- to erect anew house on her farm, on
i� I , 1
2- _1
from Greab.Britain is met by many Cauad-
the 12th concession, which, rumor says, will
I I � I , I
4�. .
ian people, and how they will at once dl*
be occupied by one of her, none. Oe con.
, � 1
� ; .
- � !
nounce such a suggestion as disloyal and
tract has-boonklet bo Mr. 8. S. 0poper, of
f. 1
. ,
I �:._ ;
treasonable. Ak a Canadian and well-wisher
� -
I , I
P -1
: 11 �,
of Canada, it to ardently wigh the greater
pro6perity and development of my country,
-Hugh, �McGinty, a former resident of
. - �_
,__ J !
') �
i..:,'-1, �
and see her hold her head up proudly and
Goderich, but for some years an employe of
the Flint and Pere Marquette Railway at
, �_ ,
�' '
1r, ,
Independently among the nations be dis-
Shginaw, Michigan, died in that city on
_.) �
, -1
w�_,� ,
loyalty and treason, then I am-- both a die'
Sttndv�y, Sth in8t., of tuberculosis.
I ;,L111
loyal and treasonable subject of Her
-James Walker, of Gorrie, had the mis-
. i � J
Majesty, Queen Victoria.
fortune to have $11.25 stolen from his house
- .
But Rome may question that the re-
sult would be added prosperity to Canada.
on Monday evening duritur the absence of
I 1.
Let me ask: Why is it that the
the family. It was evid
some one well acquainted with the surround-
. ..- i �
nearly two million C&na�iana in the United
- mw and place.
� - -1
:� i
States, and only. four million in Canada ?
-rlr:be series of revival meetings conduct-
- -,
Why is it that when Canadians come to the
ed by Evangelists Crossley and' Hunter in
I �,�
J: , E
United States not, one-eighth return to live
Godericb, have been recently brought to a
I �[
in Canada permanently ? Because, they are
close. About 350 conversions are reported. -
1, �
. .
tnoi:e prosperous bericath the American flag;
At the closing meeting nearly 1,500 people
_J� .
,.� :
her mechanics make double the wages they
�i I
can in Canada, and, besides, very often
-The farm in Mbrria, belonging to the
V- �'i
�4 I
Canada has no work for them to do at any
estSte Oj the late Win. F. Rog -era, contain-
I i _��
- price. If every Canadian boy and girl in
iag-100 acres., was sold by auction on Tues-
� I Z., I ,
i,_, *1 I
the - United States were to stop tendin 9
, day of last week, at Wingham.. Mr. Chas.
home a great part of the big wages they
Henderson, of the 'Biuovale road, was the '
� -
�. I i
; I
earn here, to help their stragtling relatives
purchaser. The as paid was t2,,450. -
T J.i.
at home, money would so
-The Bishop Of Huron has appointed
k �'4
y X
scarcer than it is even now.. Some will say,
cc oh, it is the fault of the government that
Rev. T. R. Davis, o t
;; �1,
we are not so prosperous as our American
rural dean of the county Of Larubton in-
stead of Rev. Dr., Armstrong, of Moore. re-
C -
, � _j �
_. I
causing, we are taxed and assessed and our
ed.. Rev. Mr. Davis is a brot&r of
finances continually drained by excessive
2ra. H. Davis, of Wingbarfi.
� I
custom duties on articles that we caianob
-Rev. J. Carmichael, of Brome. Quebec,
manufacture ourselves, or that monopolists
has accepted- a call to a church in the St�ates.
I -
manufacture, protected b high tariff -as
He in a native of Clinton, being a son of
64 binder twine, for exam pie. " Verygood:
Why don't you change your government?
Dean Carmichael, of AUntreal, well�known
Why don't you send men to Parliament that
as a former pisstor of St. Paul's church in
will do away with excessive taxation in the
-Postmaster Farrow has lot the contract
-9hape of high tariff ? Have a government
. for the new post office building to be erected
� I
that is for the people, of the people, and by
the people ? That is the only successful
in Brusseli. D. Lowry has the brickwork,
and just goverament for this great age, on
plastering. etc., and Robert Armstrong the
ing Operations will
the dawn of the twentieth century.
I am not posted on technical questions of
- .
commence " SOOD AG spring opens up$
iTport and export between the two coun-
-.Mr. W. Lee, of the 10th concession of
Hullett, has let the contract for a stone
I �
tries, but I do know that it is not fair to
somebody when you in Huron only 16
foundation to his barn. Mr. W. Martin, of
- .
to IS cents per pound for butter, Nvheu in
the same concession, has done likewise, and
Mr. Frank Woods, of the 13th concession,
New York people pay 25, 28, 32, 35 land 40
intends to Put Up a new barn entirely.
cents per pound for butter ; when in Huron
-At the quarterly meeting Of the District
you only get ten cents per pound for eggs,
and in New York we pay 25 cents for nine
Lodge of Good Templars, held in Belgrave
miserable little eggs that any respectable
on the 18th inst., a motion was unanimously
carried, pledging members to Support only
county of Huron lien would be ashamed to
lay, and then the chances are that several of
temperance; candids�tes at Dominion and
Local elections.
I I �i
them are spoiled ones. �
I am not saying that we should have lower
-Air. R. Heywood,bricklayer, of Clinton,
prices here, for the wages of everyone are
has tak,oh a contract for the erection of a, -
large brick addition to the store of Mr. R. '
I Fufficlently high to. enable people to get
artioles,but thegreedy monBter-tariff,
Adams, Londesboro'. It is to be 60,xI9, He
should be removed from the frontier, and
has also contracted. to build a brick house
for Air. Robert McMillan, of Hullett.
. -
then Canadian people would get better
prices for their produce and New York
-A-cortain farmer, of the 3rd concession
I 1-i
�: ��
people and Americans generally get their
of Hullett, who was hauliag wood the Other-
day. left a brand new axe on 'the woodpile
i elf,
� , �
. � "
- I
necessaries at i little lower price and Of
by the rc2aufie. While be wSJ after another
I i
better quality. You can buy a goose -and
a good one too -in Huron for 50 or 60 cents
load some One appropriated it, having no
� .,
at Christmas, and here if you can get one at'
doubt concluded that he could ure it to ad-
vantage in his business.
. 'T
�11, you pay $1.50 for it, and that after
it, hat -lain oa ice a, corpse for perhaps six
-Mr. J. A. Young, who has been - vent
i ; !
.. � I i ; I
weeks, alternately thawing and freezing, an
for the Ontario Mutual Life Insurane om-
pany for the past few years in E I el, has
-- -
the ice in the refrigerator decreises and is
replenished.' And turkey ! I- calk Jay
accepted- a general agency for th same
� -
I i
I 1. .
I .
Gould's family can conscientiously eat tur.
company, and will remove to .Mo at, Forelst
'a " few days. Mr. Young and 1,11amily
key in New York, and have any money left
. *
will be much missed in E,
to pay the gas bill.
If .anyone has any doubt that it is more
-A short time ago Mr. 6leorge
Hullett, met with a painful accident. lie
desirable to live under existiDg conditions
in the United States than io. Canada, let
was using a patent saw for cutfi�g logs,
� I
them ask- some ,young fellow who is home
when the teeth caught and broke, some of
them lodging in his leg. The wounds thus
. .
from the United States on his Christmas
holidays, if he. would not rather live in
caused were not bad in themselves, but it 6
Canada; offer him a position in Seaforth.
feared that blood poisoning has set i0l, as he
is hardly able to move. �
Willhetakeit? After living in the Uni�ted
States and getting $18 a week, work in Sea.
-For some time past Mr. Henry Young,
forthfor$6? Notmuch, he won't. H6"s
of Porter's Hill, has been makib gl mys-
terious visits down mouth, but the "6xplana-
going to go right back to the United States
as soon as his holidays have expired. You
tion thereof became evidenton Wed"ead
n ay
so often bear the remark 11 Oh, he's doing
of laist week, when he returned witb� a wife,
In the person of Miss Wild, of .Stanley,
so well in the States ; has a splendid
. P381-
tion," And yet suggest annexation to those
Mr. Young is an industrio�u! farm !r, and,
very Poo �!e and they'd take the head Off
with his many friends, we join in *18hirig
himself and wife unbounded happiness.
- �
you. Don t it seem rather inconsistent,
now, to rejoice tbat your sons -are prosper-
.,-The Blyth Standard says; IN�e have
little fault to find
T �
'� � � r
Ing so well in the States, and to be pocket.
with corresp�ndents
= Blyth to oiftside papers, but thle
� "I'll -
Ing the dollars they send you every once in
a while with a complacent smile, and '�'yet
bing our town 'burg,` lbamlet ` etc. makes a
P ,
� 11
scorn the idea of associating with the coun-
1 .
fel(ow tired. It's a kind of annexation- blue-
ruin way of putting it. Write it Itowu ' or
� A
_� 11 .
- 1 1
� .
try across the line on any more liberal
terms than at present exist? What makes
at least�.Oltbriving Village,' See ?"! bur
i ,
� i�
. t
me ve 117
' tired in Canadians, and foreigners
friend the Edito'r had better keep close crim-
pany with a dictionary for a while and find
: � .
11 1i
. ,
from other countries -especially English-
men -continually referring to their own
'out t - h6 meaning of " burg " before he makta
� �
�: -
- 11
I i
country as so much better and. isuperior to
another kick. . . I
-The annual m eleting of the We.3ti Huron
71 .
I ---
the United States in all things. VVhy 01
earth don't they go back to their beloved
Agricultural Society was held on the 18th
country ? Ask them that and see how
inst., in the town hall, Goderleb. The fol -
lowing officers were elected : President, J.
quickly they shut up., I
Be consistent,and whether Canada's eman-
Connolly ; Ist Vice, Andrew A. Young;
i i i,
cipation from existiag conditions be the .
2ad Vice, J. E. Toni ; Secretary I Jamies
" � dlrec�
Mitchell ; Treasurer, H. L Watson
i .
result of Annexatiowor some other mighty
change, let it be soon and thorough, or soon
torn, James Snell, Thomas C. Naftel, Robt. *
the entire population of Canada will emi-
Dickson, Hugh Girvin. J. Beek Robert
Medd, Wm.Warnock, Henry Curwev, Isaac
: ! .
grate of its own accord, and Cae politicians
Salkeld, jr.
! -
will have to follow suit, for like Othello,
their occupation will have departed.
-The municipal council of West Wawa-
� " .
nosh met in the town hall on Monday of
last week. 1�eeve A. Stewart in 1b6 chair.
. -
� __ ___ =
Deputy ReeveJames Gibson occupied the
. -The Stratford Beacon has the following,
chairof the.ex-Depttty,J. Bowers'sindT.
which will be of interest to 'a good maay
Durnin resumed the seat at the board V.a-
� ;
Huronites: Mr. H. Wrightson, commission
cated by the present Deputy.who has been
merchant, of Chicago, who during big for-
elevated a ste higher, Of course Messrs.
mer residence in Stratford, made many
Todd and WE, occupy -their former posi-
friends and held- the esteem of all who knew
tions with the increased confidence '.1 the
him, was married at Goderich on the 18th
ratepayers, as was evinced by the iner asis of
inst., to Mies Cecillis Jdsephine (Teeua)
votes in their favor. After the usu. I Or -
Kidd, of Sioux City, Iowa, the ninth
liminary business at the first rreetin '� 8111
daughter of the late Joseph Kidd, of Dub-
as installing, the membere c e , u �Cii,
lin, Ontario. Rev. Father Weat was the
the following officials for 1893 we 1 AdInly
�At i
of Iasi V
lv0re chi
re�orts I
. I
I I � i
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