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The Huron Expositor, 1893-01-13, Page 3
. JAl� umty 13, 1802 - THE HU�R'0N EXPOSIT ; To Live a Celitury. 3 . THE POULTRY YARD. 7 ac aticenn our present system of react- Iii PORTANT NOTICES, The Medical Age, Mi ably, conducted medi- n aktntt. Many have been the suggestions I cal journal, gives the following valual I , The Details of a E'a,ncier's Poultry House a }eyed, all a reeitig that the old system AILS FOR SALE -For sale on Lot 28, Concemion a I - - HAVE YOU suggestions of l,oty to attain a.1 Yerr, ,di i „f;, . IFor ?ilio I;lidos. list iia abolished and rile ststtite 3labar 6, McKillop, Black Ash ltuils at 5:10 per .r 1,, = ��` = - 1 thousand. JAS. C. H1 tVUERSOo. 1 i' �, ",, c% . /� i'"` • i f �..'r�t,. r ...,.PA1ka,:9 Our readera will do well to. read thein cast- This building can be made of elrnmuted on a basis of say, 50 cents "�07'tf ` , �`,�`:` '- >' • s�%' y,/Y .' r ,,-, .• • : , ;' 8 any dimes. Y+ ,.lC' • : _" /, /.... ; .�. ./. /� yi., t. i 10 . fully, Macy ctft thein can.;livo to t„� as vl i Sion to suit the uuinbe r of fo�4 ar t a day. Ant} lust here is where the LLB _ -,. ':_;r:, .:., _ 1, H ✓. and heart a,s Ularintone' if tl, lr r is kept. t n „ U FOR SaLt;, Ior sale two t.horoughUreci , �(�. • _ _ ,{ _ _._ : :,: , .r ch crimes. 1. inany farmers a mons Durham Bulls, uii tele for re istrari T«, _ ".• a� "� ; • f Y ey lit iniac Thie plan is intended for about 250 birds E Y � g► g on, fro h fit c,, _1>% - _ ;�, ,;, . ,t:..,, � �,.`. , rile right care of tlzem�elvea : + .dh is an abomil alio for servio® and �o;;d ,udivf = �� = `.r -' ' 0 fowls to each btailciiii Z he build ❑ n , an,l thou rh the k duals and Nn„ u:filcing - .�. _ilii, _ - =i, � k:. - _� , j; k First 'va s 1 gs b strain. A } r nr .r.,i a,.,,� �� y '.. . ,.. . ” 1 11 LI a much ae oseiblB ouG cf a n +, artioulit'to b0 ai would pp Y o, L t 10, Cuncemion Is, Iflwji-rt, or , - - _���� r, . .- M p re constructed of rough boards ,Ined Wel ! p be but small, yet .. - =-"-{ : ; =; > _� • ; t t l it zx like drawing Cromarty P. U. DUNS:1N ,il LA t.h)\. 18Ucsic4 r i ,l ;• - - °I `' , ,-.,�1:.',- _ '." 'r doors, never Iettta a da ass . without w ing a front tooth to et them '. �` — :.,'z • • ' 4^ g Y p with t,tr felt paper inside to shat out the ,/.,,., / ,r,� '< . ,ti .�/ ` ,��� /';'11 spending at least three or four hours in the : cold air and at the same time to keep out ' t consent to it, -Mciat farmers will agree OHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the &ond Division11 • open air, Y that the present system is a fraud and delu- J Court Countv Comn,iaaloner, of Huron Con• ' p _ } vermin; to a la('90 extent. You can voyaneer, Lund, Loan and insurance AgMt. kundo> • Second. Keep all the powers of mind and whitewash the entire inside wit ,a strong ci u .1 but many of them are quite ready to Igvested and to 'Conn. Unica-uvri char, 1. . body occupied in cungt.ilhil 'work. The solution -of carbolic acid ,added to the untie on in that delusio�i rather' than to Livens''store, NIPIn : tri%t, Scafurth. ,120:t THERE • ' p t their hands in their pockets and pay muscles should b° tlevelupe;l anti the ttiin;i whitewash, thus making. it doubly ae• -- --•---.._. ____� a keit actin e. cure against vermin. The builds Ile money. Were the legislature to take — pleasantl OUSE TO RENT. -To rant, a small, y r, nos are held of the question and frame statutes to H situated cottage in 1Ta ,urhey; a nice p1;100 � Backache the scavengers ;133 1`titrcl, Avoid exec wive of all kinds, Por an old couple or a small family. Apply t I means the k%tl� p wF:iether r,f fa ,d clank, or i5f `whatever na^ - mee� the case �v}1e1I Duce the advaltta,r r r pp 5 a ,BUSof the 8a�stetn> 4 r + _,�s of louse ,� rpurh,RI, ;eaforth, lir aG ch'e Puoi•iug C n e y s are i if „Belay �$ tore they sntey be, Be alai lerate in all '° ,+� io xis' i°x,s- /oXr; ,vxa• a new stats of things were appareJit we House, Harpurhey`• 1301•tfN tLrr�uble pez{d's pia t'iicgg '_ stile sure that no intelligent farmer would L dangerous, 11 I r wAcrc ei er,'want to 0 1�TOTICE TO DEBTORS. -Notice is hereby fe I ` KI`dtsey Pills piffle i60 ted kldn) Fourth. Never despair. Be cheerful at �*-� g back to the old system, j�j that all parties indebted to the estate oflthe prompt rpltsf," tralthj all times, Never give way �o anger. Never ' lint' 'D '0 i°,,,o 10x,Y /0'""� B t until pressure is brought to bear on IaxeJohn Dorsoy, either by note or book account 1 c'!� er Cent e$ I'es� let the trials of one day pdsa over €o the s -o.. o r representati yes, they do not care to must settle the came forthwith, as the affairs of the Always ever community there is arle lace to -1 p t n Bal Sfo-ods next, m ve -in the matter. The question is estate are being wound n Parties desiring to � 3' I "� di8'ea86 18 Y P Dyspepsia, Lauer n• rst caused b1i Tlie,period from fifty to sa}-enty-five years ,cru " ho will bell the eat? make personal settlement can do so by calling on � buy what is needed, which for One Or more ren- � , •- Domplcrint, arid bfcs. Dorsoy at her residence, opposite St. James . disordered /tact'- the most lfiXn- ahoulcl not be passed in idleness or sono- �; It seems that in +'est i,tzGlter township Church, $eaforth. MRS, JOHN DORSEY. 1808-4 sons is better than any other place—in tact than � ne s, donment of all work. Hare is where a th'e council, iii lite face of strong ► o osi- - -.�_--__-._•_ ._____._ . _-.�_.-- all other laces. No tu•0 13$Ore �E a I y gerous of all tion abolished statute labor lastspring, P s are exactly alike hSt great many men fail—they resign all Dara ° as a b SPLENDID CHANCE. -Blacksmith Shop for Y # ghtas we%t rFlJ/itg Qt$e sale it, the villa a of Varna with one acre of z10 two have equal nlel°it, A store is the best or rB is haus a Diabetes ante 67 acrd interest in worldly'uffirs, and rest of and tion,, of it adopted the contract sys- to„d also a first-class tionse with kitchen and wood Q tem, with the result that twice as much shed, hard and soft water, barn, and stable, hen -house it iS not. At the best store you always get good h-eaith y cit rt_ dropsy» body and mind begins, They throw up Q'n °xu' work has been done an the roads this year and twenty-five fruit trees of the best unlit This hOriest OOds at reasonable n tvttlJout Betuer- �`Th a QbQ; their business and retire to private life, Y is situated it, the centre of one ofthe /arming r g O able pl'ice9 and courteous Pss as was formally done and that too in ' age, as good diseases cagnot ` which . in too, many casae proves to be a Y + sections in Huron and will be sold reasonable ae the treatment. We think we fill all the requirements, health when the ext s t ]aces that required it. The follawin are here suicidal otic p q p giving up business, It is suitable You can tell b trying.kidneys are Dodd'. policy, ,the averse rices of the various,contractsc for sometime to live private. For further partiou- ys Ki.t1►tle Daring the next period -tile period from g P Gravelling, 12c. to 30c, per and rad- fare apply to the Pro rletor. WM. DUNo Varna. clogged, they are Pills are used,'1� seventy-five to one hundred yeara-while g' p Y 3 g P , the powers of Iife are at their lowest ebb,one fflis S �o oats s lug both sides of the road and levelling the 1306 Sold by all dealers orsent byman � cannot be too ci;reful about 'c r;atchng cold.” ; '° '° eau's ready for gravel, Go. t(1 20c. per rod ; �H®ROUGJIBBED STOCK FOR SALE.--The19a'pov I?r, L A:35tri th 8c Cv. Toros ;� %rSlditching, 2, feet and 3 ft. wide 20c. er T� g g I���mith,& Tafl<. to. W Bronchitis is a most prolific cause of death I p undersigned ned has for sale the follow'ia in the aged. During thi3 last. period rest each 12 ft. high, 100 ft, long by 25 ft. rod. Of course, in newly -settled parte and thoroughbred stock: 12 choice scotch Short Horn , , wide, giving ample room for the pens on where the population is but s arse, Bulls, from 4 to 12 months old and of good size and should be in abundance, either side of the . assn a way tae shown statute labor will pp slid color; a number of Short Horn cows and heifers; g y own in probably, have to be left Anybody who can follow asl'1 theso direr- : the cut. The general arraizgetnent of this y a few good young horses, from 3earlinge upwards in force some time et , but, for the major The above stock will be sold at -lowest prices and on HOLIDA Y GOOD& tions ought to live to be two hundred years - building is excellent and you mayy if you part of the, older -settled dist 'icts some gen- easy terms: DAVID MILNE, Ethel P. O. Ontario. old at least. There is always this comfort, wish extend runs on all aides as the flock eral satisfactory system can easily be-devis- 1297 Prosperous however: If we cannot ti1�e up to our 3' Year,ed. Naturall. t may require, The pans are 10x15 ft. and y, he methods of keeping the. - — idetas always, we can at least try our beat to the passage 5 ft. At each end of the build• roads in repair will vary in!, different sec- 300 Private funds to loan at lowest • do so, and the steady effort will be bringing r tions according as access 'to gravel and $ 500 rates Of interest at Sums t0 suit ■ g b � ing are storage rooms for feed and fixtures, We extend to our many patrons our best wishes. The Festive season _� lie constantly nearer them. An upper story, if you so arrange it, can be small stones is handy or iotherwise; but used as a pigeon loft. For this the build- those are pointe that can eAsily be settled 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- <. and trust the year upon which we have entered A Boy's Manner. e Ing should be 3 ft. higher. - when once intelligent men have charge of $1,000 pleted and money advanced lxiay be a most prosperous one to all, "Hie manner is worth a hundred thous d ,_-_, the roads. In the meantime and during $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. It and dollars to him !" `.Chat is what one of The Little Red 113eri, the winter, let the farmers meet and discuss 82,500 S. HAYS, Barrister,&c,,Seaforth.r this rile chief men of the nation lately said about This is the std my grandmother told : the subject well, and let the advocates of ry 126, a boy. "'It wouldn't be worth so much to ` One day when the wmd and weather were oold : improved roads point out to their- friends one who meant to be a Lirmer, , or who bad ' you have read it before, perhaps, dozens of times ; the benefits that will result from a change will purchase a first-class farm of 100 You cannot et such a �jnt) _ =1N— g great variety of no opportunities, but to a young college ; will you hear it again in the simplest of rhymes ? in the present system and so in time b an ��r""" sores on the 4th concession of _the 1 ' + Y township of Morris, within four miles of the villigge student with ambition it is worth at least a ! "Who'll sift the flour e said the little cad hen • interchange of o inions, a satisfactory solu- of BrumWe. Thisis a rare bargain. A splendid Hundred thousand. `We need some more bread," . tion of the problem will be found. -Cana- stock farm, an over -flowing well and mostly all The boy was a distant relative of the i "I w,o-11% ! I w-o-n't ! au the nest of the Can dian Lave Stock and Farm Jour seeded to rare. Easy terms of payment. A 1 to To the public for the liberal patronage CHRISTMAS Quite lazily said, nal. gg pp Y p p ge bestowed Mar), and had been brought up by careful I "Weil, then, I will I" To the an ! F. B. SC M_ Brueeele or, BCOTJ BROTHER-, sea• upon us since opening our new business oat four That re e pantry went forth. 1807.4 ''l AND parents in a - far-off city. Among other ! very same hour. :WHITE WONDER FOWLS. months ago, and during the coming season we things he had been taught to be friendl • N E W YEARS ! And merrily sang, on her task still intent, L`t PLEN DID WOOD LOT FOR BALE. -For sale, Till she sifted the flour. 17 Lot 24, Concession 5, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, hope t0 merit & large share of trade, Our elm lf3 and think of other persons before himeel . _ A New Breed That farmers Have Beers containing 60 acres, of iehich about 24 acres are The boy was on a visit lin the town where "who'll stir In the yeast?" cried the little red hen; Waiting for.. cleared and the balance first class hardwood, uneull- - to keep in stock right goods at right rices at all the man lived. The met on the street sad F And who'll knead the bind "t" ed, It ie ocnvenient to market sad there ie wood p Y "I won't ! I won't ball the rest of the ten Still the new breeds keep coming, and enough on it to pay for it. Will he sold on eae times" 11:the younger,, recognizing the elder, prompt- gn,te angrily said., they range all the way from dunghills ar- terms. Appply on lot 24, Concession 4, H. R. B,, o + addrees8eatorth P.O. JOHN LANDBBOROUGH. ly, went to his side and spoke to him in his i "wroil, then, I will l" And she worked to fast rayed .in plumage as gorgeous as Joseph's ---- ------•--• cordial, ha et respectful Way. Of I That the loaf looked light ' _ 180741 PRESENTS beautiful coat to solid buts, white or black. happy, Y p y' When placed 1n its chilling pan at last; '' course the m -in wan pleased, and knew that ! he ileo through the night. One breed that is attracting quite a lot of ��Olt SALE, --A neat and attractive country home- ti I aitead, being part of lot t concession 7, in the r' And such value for your money as at anybody would have been. pleased. The l ti, � _ attention has been produced in' Vermont, Townebip of Turnberry, oonsiettng of three acres of sentence above was the outcome of it. A ; Who'll kindle the flre7 cried the little fired hen ; White Wonder fowls. He claims that -`rich land two sores are now raider case and balance gDUNCAN.& DUNCAN."15'ho'li bake the bread 7"eiittlr3 later the boy caiame into the room aunt ! ,,, � -- Itthey are just' what the farmers have been is ocoupfed by orchard and garden. There ie a good9 1 wont ! I wont . all the of the en r frame house and stable on the premises, also a never �' as the man Rev struggling into his overcoat. I ite sullenly said. i waiting ,or, for years. Having bred mar- failing p■u PAPS TIS , p p ell, then, I will!" And ahe,wiped the duet ket poultry for more than 20 eats he com- "g well acrd first-class cistern. The owner has a The bo hurried to him ailed it u; at the I " years, removed to Mia�nitoba and the property must be sold. collar, and drew dawn the wrinkled coat i Till the oven was clean,• bined the -good points of all the varieties he For partiouldrs apply to JOHN N. GREEN, Lot 5, And the loaf, when baked had the niees crust BOOKSTORE, beneath:, He wont have done it for any 1 That ever was seen. s ever bred and is satisfied that his -new breed .Concession et Turuborry, or hex No 10, Wroxeter THE DRY GOODS HUSTLERS man, the haughtiest pr the poorest. 6 . shows more good qualities than any of the P. O. 128bx4. r Do not misunderstand, boys. You may be I "Now the work is done " cried the little red hen ; others. � � A F 0 �S i Who'll eat the brew ?" SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -The under 0 .[l� , truly unselfish and yet not have this boy's I "I will ! I will !" all the, rest of the ten . i signed offers for sale cheap, and on easy terms grin. You may wish to do things for Very eagerly said, his ;pproperty In Hills Green, ?It consists of one . �T - others and yet feel that you do not know ` "No, indeed you won't, as you've said before • quarter acre of land, on which is situated a good �'�-RD ]PN -9 0, S 13-0 �� - how, i I'll eat it myself !" general store with dwelling attached, and under �"� M'K �`,LO OPMUTUAL t tY'� �� The only way to learn is to try ; to 7 fel V 1 i And she left the loaf, after looking the do�,r, which is a splendid cellar. There is also a large ware- �•e hesitate for no feeling of bashfulness or ! On the closet shelf, house and stable. Hills Green is tha centro of one Fire Insurance 'IOM &n awkwardness, but to put in direct and lin- I SI.. { - of the richest and best farming districts in Ontario, SJ p . staataneous practice whateiyer kind', helpful i Then the nine who'd been lacy enc! sullen send cross � \,�,, , and this is a splendid opening for a good, live buss- -• f went tip to the attic and wept o'er their loss. E � t - nree man with some means to make money, For �� OR,�1H The Annual Afeetittg of the members of the life. thoughts oci:ur to you, -Congregationalist" - -r b ,i� 44 a� ,,� � particulate, address CHARLES TftOYEft, Hil1e �+ ..LL . Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will -be held ti in KIDD S HALL, SSAFORTH, on Friday, January '� [ PHYSICAL STRAIN OF FOOTBALL. c " `'` green. 1265tt _ ___ _ 20th 1893, at one o'clock p, in,, for the purpose ofd The. Browns of Haddington.. , } � - '' .°•`. • ,, l � • -� — - - `�t = -` - -� - -- �- receiving the Financial 8tatetuen f and Auditors' Re- O We quote the following from an article in /Y �/. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. port, cleating directors and the transaction of other Musculur and Nervous stemina Needed 11 � f . .- 1-/ '�' -CHRIST buslnoss in the interest of the Coin an rho Speaker by Principal Fernbairn, of in the (lame add Pleat of 1tCatoh. �r ANITOBA FARMi.-The undersigned ha. for p AIERRY W, J. S�iANDiON,Mansfield College, Oxford. We heartily '3 fI..r,", % � •`� � I � ►ale several excellent farms tavorabl situated � � " D. ROSS p _ /// farms,favorably v �� President. ieoretar omrnend ito the Btud of our cull Few except those who have boon ,through = {�,,_ - ; ' lie to railway and settlement, comprising five quarter Y• Y young g _. � I 1808.3 readers :— . the experience are aware what exertion and sectione (180 acres) seven halt sections (820 acres), For four generations their name has been strain and exhaustion a hotly -contested . WHITE WONDER FOWLS.. and two-whoieaeotions(Bs0acres) - prices from $4 to . b doper acre, Any one contempfavorable atingterm in pure in � HAND=MADE � �- � � . honored, `1'he founder of the family wan a football match involves. It is all a great ; The White Wonder fowls are 'hardy, Manitoba can make very favorable terms to purchae• "" shepherd boy, who learned to read his New deal more than appears on the surface, and ' quiet, easily confined, large (cocks weighing ing- Productive property in or near Beaforth will �O Q T _�T" the self-control re aired in the midst of 9 11 lbs and hens 7 to lbs com etl on equitable valuations be taken in exchange-g1�J�L..� Testament in the original while herding q %+ I Y for three or tour forme, WILLIAM M. GRAY, Boa- BO'ot� and. Shoes sheep on the brace of Abernethy. One day great excitement adds to the, nervone ten- 'built, low combs, not liable to freeze, white Porth. 1808.12 - ` he went to St, Andrews to buy a Greek exon besides -the physical fatigue. This of plumage, and yellow legs, beak ' hind akin. - New Testament. In the chop stood apro- itself. is enough to trq an average tz n, but They row very rapidly and feather well at M ACRE FASM FOS SALE,—The 200 acro — be M C'� 'N _T Y R i p y, q� when to it is added the struggles, the falls, ; an early age. Looking at them from a M farm, bean lots 11 and 12, conceseton 16� n N ,,/ ¢ j� fessor who surprised at the boy's ^est, the r�applings, the blows (for, accoi�din to market poulterer's standpoint the descri Otey, is offered for ale. 120 scree are alearod an l.�hl istmas Goods in A bund anoe at th PCst $`'e on hand a large number of Booteand Shoot of lits offered him one i f, he could. read it. He read gg g p P the balance is well timbered, Buildings first -elan. own make, beet material and the Philadelphia Times there ar' blows • tion would indicate that the are well suit- Orchard, welt, dao. Behoof house within so rode. /� Orooery, sad obtained the book, which is stili a Y a}�iCe Warranted f+0 B'iYe i�'&C1B$C#,�OIItrea$nred heirloom is the family. He be- once in a while), it; requires stamina and ed for use:in towns where pec le are willing Possession given at once if desired. For further . real endurance sa well ae siren h to stand a cod rice for foe reseed fowls. {{ a0ulars as to pprice ,terms oto , a ly to • MRS. If you want your teat.!se��,t dry came and get a palm. IV came burgher minister of Haddington was > �y g p tMKER, Roseville P.O., or io NELSON BRICKER, our boots, w fall will be sold it. Because the men on the; o oaitte aides man markets the would 'not bring so on the farm 1L99•tf'! 1� A P' O R CASH. ;c pas -Ring rich on forty pounds a year," and pp Y , Y , reared for the ministry a race of sons, one of in the field are not Been equating off and a prise a• en equally good foal that Fine Table Raisins in Quarter oozes and boxes New Elmo Fi s Hallo�vn whom, Ebenezer,; became fsmoue as a striking at each other in regular $ulllvaa- ata not have feathered legs.—Farm and BOARS FORt SERVICE', a 8 a liepairtngpromptlyattended to. All kinds of Boot# Corbett style, it does not follow that there Rome. and Shoes made to order. All parties who nava not preacher` are not scientific was in which in the tun- ERKSHIRE PIGS.—The undersigned has on Lot Datesi, Grenoble Walnuts, Taragona Almonds, Sicily Filbert!;, Florida Oranges, paid their accounts for last Brougham is said to have rased his elo- y year will please crani! :and p eels a team can be materialI weakened ON VERGE OF THE UNKNOWN. B 30, Cononsion 6. Usborne, one and a quarter Messens Lemons etc. Also a large stock of the Bissell Carpet Sweepersl--- i°ttle up' uence, and t�e-story is told that once in y miles sonth of the north boundary, two thorough- lq+:dinburgh, ire a climax of a ver dramatic or some particularly aggressive l mem- - bred Berkehlre Boars, bred from Imported stook on - 1162 A M61NTYRE,, beafortil. h y ,A E: cilia finish—for the Christmas trade. Makes a fine Christmas gift • makes ber of it disabled. Let any man .an fair Experiment That Make. vs Ask both aides. Terms, -Sl pper sow with the privilege of g sermon he stoofl-�stiil, looked down the aisle, condition be suddenly thrown to the `round i " What; L Oomiug Y" returning it nodeesary. THOIiiAS CUDMOR6, woman's work lighter, healthier and pleasant. and said : "Here comes a man from Tar, r 3[r. W. H. Preece oltief en t8osx4 c sue, and he oriel make mention of mem"-- and then have one or two heav men or ia!< , ginner and ___ —•_-_ SEAFO'RTiH y Highest rice for Batter Eggs Poultry. ' may bye seven or eight, fall and throip their electri tan to the Pont Office, has put tit. ERKSH'ME .BOAR F ' SERVICE.—The under. $ . ' gg �� the immense congregation leapt tlo their feet, a wise a mile loll weight on him. Possibly his hand vi sy be g on the coast near Laver- .0 signed will keep foi leervice at Brueefield one expecting to see the roan from Tarsus in under one of their feet, or in the fall'one of - nock, and a shorter ` wire on Flatholm,, a aged and one young Thoroughbred Berkshire soar. bodily presence there. their forearm■ may Ka have choked him,borose little island three miles off in the Bristol Terms' $1,00 payable at the time of service. He j� J FAiRLEY Post Office Grocer Soni r Musical Isrue The eldest son, the second John Brown, also has a young Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar for 9 �� ollet - the neck. How much wind and ener ` will UhanneL He fitted the latter wire with a Et)RQE $ILL Bruaefield. 1P.9'Txi3 11 4 gi7' Bale. G became minister of a church which stands an average man have after one such eiperi- i "sounder" to receive messagea through the - -- �MPO�� high up in one of the wildest moorland dig- once as that ? And yet it is a eolnMon ; former ftrom apowerful telephonic generator. rVO PIG BUEDExs.—The undersigned will for - trzct+i in Scotland, where his name still football experience. Many' a man ie hurt That messaq• on the mainlaind was, die. _L service on Lot 30, Conceeeion 11, MoKiuo a It X111 pay • • lingers as a household word. - more in a football fight than he earns to ! g moth registered black Berkshire and Chester Wniae t V) Nothing tinotl heard on the Island, thou h 1qg sows for service will be taken to either. Terms— j�j 1310 eon, the third John Brown, was the admit, and so' he makes light of it and days oonnected the two, or in other' words, that One dollar for eaoh pig, payable.at the time of ser- h © j, Brothers, I scholarly theologian and one of the on for the sake of the college or 'tie�iir and POSSibility of a tele*hone between- plaoss vice with privilege of returning it neeessani. JAB. you "'est - less should most gracious and picturasque figures in from self -pride. But games appear to be anconneoted by wire was conclusively MANN. 1800tt a � � ���� „�� � Edinburgh of his day; while his eon, the growing rougher, and there area resa0 established. There is a possibility hen of l� ��e end. satisfyOU. s HOlcoUaHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAS FORE�'0 fourth John Brown, o€ loved memory, many "accidents" and injuries, and, tauing inter -planetary communication,,a good deal T SEkVICE.—The undersigned will keep for ser TH quaint, tender, imaginative, was the friend.. all the teams in and around PhiladelWa, more worthy attention than an: scheme for vice on`Lot lo, Conceebion 7, Stanley, the Thorough- ■ 1 ONTARIO. of all good men, and of all dogs, good and it would be astonishing if the extent of tho making gi ntic electric flash©s. We- do broedd Berkshire Boar, Jefferson (1908), purchased Cleve Ener et�o YoungMen and Women - ga J. G. Buell do Brother, Edmonton, Ontario. . otherwise, to whom we owe P%ab and his injuries received in football' were known. not know if we can communicate by tele= sire, Enterprise imported 1878 dam Maulaford � - �i���i+�.--Duzihaui, New York; W. griands and many another page of ex- There is one doctor in Philadel hia who has phone through the ether to New York or . 62nd, imported 1987), Terms -One dollar, strict! Who inroad to qualify for poaitions is Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, should write for Bell Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano Com. quisite grltce and charm,—Principal Fairn• on his list thirty cases of injury at football, Melbourne, with or without cables, but we cash at the time of service with ,rivitege of return Catalogue of both departments of pany, I;3€ wmauoille. and the era nearl. all casae re uirin avr• do know that, if we cannot,- the fault is in Ing it necessary. He also nae for sale a number of aye ati`� °—Yat• Bell cti Co,, Guelph Te11i - t-- Y y requiring ; young boars and sows from six months and under. 11 gieal treatment. our generators and sounders, and not in Prices right. Wit. WALLISTEB, Varna P.O. 1300-tf Dominion Organ Company, Botvmanviile g He 'UnClerstood, any pt},ohibitory natural law. _.-_._----_•_- ,Ct4c D. W. Karn & Woodstock. •1 was engrossed in my magazine as the The IIees of paper. Will our habitual readers bear with us -7,-91'4 Co., train sped on, and did not notice that a for a moment as we wander into another, 9 ' , One of the most striking features in ;the ° i The above Instruments always on hand, idea a few bride and groom had entered the car ata wad, cis many of thein will think, a supra.1�3 cod aecond-band Pianos and Or s Y development of the arts in resent peace! is g g igrom 1126 upwards. Instruments saldnonfor -sale at the In4a]. xmall station,but'my attention was attract- Ili aenanal re ion ? The thought in a man's ed to the couple — the multifarious uses to which paperata < ment plan, or on terms e pie irl rather -an odd way by brain vrhzoli causes him to advance his foot, - p , fs suit ottbtomera, violins, been put. Boats, carriage and car wheels, � Concertinas and small instruments on hand also sheet telegraphic signals. must trove something in doing it, or how music, books dao. Two cull men who sit opposite to each railways, horseshoes an household furni- � - y g pp ture of this material have ceased to excite " could it be transmitted down that five or .5 other acroass rho aisle were makin re arks nil feet of distance? If it moves a h , . g m wonder. But. the announcement that p yru � ., � � BROS. about them by ticking with their pocket paper is now taking, the place of glass in I something, internal to the body, why should . . Of CHATHAM, Out. Established 1876. knives on the metal arm of the seat. windows will arouse general surprise. The I it not move also something external, a This institution is the peer of any Bueinees College or Shorthand School in America; and vastly superior Sweet as a peach isn't she ticked the wave as we all agree to call it whioh eta ?• -M N I paper panes resemble MILKY glass, it >D ' ' r tea any other school of the kind in Canada. - - young man whose seat was immediately be- said, and possess the property of bein another mind prepared to receive it—fitted T�"i�S� ARS THE Pa4t?V�iV4/�GiES iNE t�F'�ER. band the new arrivals. with a'' sounder, in fact—will make � an in- �r pervious to heat, while only partially i t having a The two best Penmen in Caned a; the best and largest staff of teachers • the best course in Shorthand R0- —H RTSO Yes," replied the other. " Bridal couple, witting the light , rays. This combineid �° R U the effect in the eonveyanee v land T the best course of business training the best suite of rooms • the best . s I r Type -writing; g ; equipments in evidently." of suggestion, or even of facts, of the andi- gg � c with their superiority over glass in point of ! every respect; the best record for placing its etudente in the beet guying positions in the busIaese world. ,�, s , See how close be sits to his toot3 bility , of words? Why, in fact, if one Y- strength and toughness, makes the paper ,z OUR COLLEGE ROOMS OCCUPY OVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. Leading Undertaker - wootsy. wire can talk to another without conn••- � windows espeeiall serviceable in greesE• We pa the railway tare of students coming from a distance to the limit o! Good board in pleasant tc I see. The are holding each other's tion, soave through ether, should not mind C Y S N.houses and for similar purposes. y „ P p c r „ r, r hotnee tar ladies at i2 ; goats, 12.60. For catalogues of either department, address, hands, aren't they?" The buildin of aper houses has talk fez mind without any wire at alY? I �,,P MAIN STREET, BEAFEitTH. 4# No ; but they are exchanging love successfully attempted. These structures None of us understand accurately, or even w u�i,;o; 1301-1(- D. Il+IcLACHLAI!T, Principal., _ - glances•" are composed of. panels and beams made yet approximately, what the conditions _ My facilities are unsurpassed. , I am pre pared to eonduot burials in a most cath. rr How on earth do you gu ops a chum p P ere ;but many of un know for certain ON MYoYls pp Y pp' • p wholly of paper, skillfullyfitted together .7 faolory manner. All stern undertak like that managed to catch such anClangel?" and held in place by tie ean,s of alvan that they have occasionally, and by what 'i pe Both the xriethod and results when I� THS I �, N P►�i M� S appliances. com rant m etilent ar- Giro it u She surely coul ri t see , we oall accident, been present to particWar anteed, A fall fine of burial 1 ooc�u p• 3' lied wire. The wallsare made don le in- Syrup Of Figs is taLen• It 1� pleasant >; on ` dnothing in him to admire,"- olosin an air chamber, thus rendering the Individuals, and that, when present, the y p ' P hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate r: r „ g ° g oommuniestioa is completed without cables,and refreshing to the taste, and acts and reliable- Her hips were just made for alaees. interior of the structure almost insensible � " Thai's what they were." to the variations of temperature. These I and mind speaks to mind independently of ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, - � AW Charges most reasonable, is r}� p any _machinery not existing within itself. t _ Say . paper contrivances are admirably fitted for Tiver and r:3�VCIs, Cleans=es the sy& . c c ?" Why, in the name of sciene6, is tial; RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN :3TRE1ffi'T, Well . temporary buildings, since they "can ed �„ tem effectuall dispels colds, head- R. BEATTIE CO., 1s28 ., more of a miracle that is an odour• 3• � P. � When the train gets to the next tunnel taken down without injury and transported fevers and cures habitual I'm l•oing to reach over and kiss her." from place to place with little inconveni- rence. prohibited by immutable law, tiChes and fevers . `'` You wouldn't Clare." 11 casae, otiving to the extreme lightness of ,thea the tratismigsioa of 'l;tlr: PreeOJs CCn;tipat'',C:n. Syrup of ;Figs is the "Yea, I would. She'd think it was her the parts. P g btesuaa• fiom hat►erao•k to FlatiaoLt t— only remedy of 1' hind ever pro- GROOERS & ®R PAOKERS, - -_- _. __ __ _ _ _ -�-. _ _ . _ _ ___.-__ _-_husband, you kno-w." For ambulance and hospital service, par• fipoe�tor' doted, pleasing to the taste and ae Their telegraphic conversation ceased tieularly .in time of war, the papeit _`—_-•__ --- Ceptabl8 t0 the Sic�I��%1Ch, rOmpt in , ALLAN here, for the bridegroom had taken out'his structures can be utilized to exceeding ad• —The New York World has the following P Have now removedto their new brick block, first door north of Hawk.shaw s ` L I N its action and truly ben ficial in its ROYAL HAIL STFAXSH B, -pocket knife and commenced to tick off this vant ge. They not only can be constructed, special from Boston, relating to Evangelist effeetS repsled only from the most Hotel, Main Street, With the greatly increased facilities, which their new message on the arm of his seat : take down and moved about expeditiously, 3 p 7 `'` V4 hen the train gets to the next tun• but t e use of antiseptic solutions in the Selsiverea, who conducted meetings . in this hewlthyandagreezLb�esubt3tanees, 1tS ' premises afford- them, they are now better prepared than ever before to give REDUCTION IN. Wit - nel the chump proposes to reach over and man acture of the panels would protect toren a short tirne!aFzn: ' "EvanaelistSchiv- many excellent ualitiescolmmepdit; ' i � SteamerssaitRegnLrlyfrom q their customers satisfaction. They have largely : increased their Stock of hammer your two heads toge=ther till your them from becoming infected by contagious erea had just finished an address to the t0 all and have made if+ the nlCsfi } 1?ORTLAND and :HALIFAX to . ` teeth drop out, See t diseases. Notwithstanding these- triumphs' business men of Boston in Faneuil HallGROOMES, and are prepared „o compete with any house in the County a LIVERPOOL via LONDONDERRY ` popular remedy known. - Soon after that :two passengers might o! paper, its useful applicatio>t.is ooaflde>lN- when a wile'. -eyed, bare -headed rn&n rushed I y of Figs is for sale In ?5c Quality and price. irtJErtts3 Tgs ivizrrss Yetmta. have been seen sneaking off to the smoking asserted by experts to be only in .its is• down the cents r isle nm ed on the eta e Syrup g K0 and upRWin Second Cabin, iK6, car • and they remained in the smoker not mey—Naw York Press. and fell on the sp. aker a neck, `My, God, hottlel3 b all leading, drU mists Cabin, t,nlg while the train went through the tun- m ,, 6 l' y '� ga Steerage at tow rates. GOOD ROADS. ' y God, is, that you . he exclaimed. Oh, Anv.re_labl;dl?Lzg�ist Soho may not CO��Ij _ A.N"D SI Im "�' Na csTTLE CARRIED nel, but until they reached their destination. _-. ._, what a ehr%nge,' the stranger sobbed, nod as have it off_ Lana will procure it STATE sSBVICE OF -Rat per's Bazar. The Goad Res _of Abolishing Sttatwte the tars flooded bis eves he said : 1 I, too, � ALLAN L j N II will take the samA Jesus who saved ou, roIl1 tl for an one Y4h0 wishes `•-- Labor in East I.utber.. Y p p• y y In our new premised. We will be pleased to see :you, and .ill make your BTEA>lcsH 'Ps. ! .0000 --Some. 1,200 half pound cans of opium, I know he is the one true Son of God to to try lt. manufactured Only by the valued at $12,000, was seized at San Fran- . The question cf improving our, country work such a miracle.' " The stranger was �g tiP� visit pay, ' Remember Beattie & Co, s new brick block, first NORTH of NEW YORK' & GLASGOW , o roads has been thoroughly discussed In the ( g - c eco the other day. The drug was d2- g Y Schiverea'a uncle. The Evangelist used to ��� �iJ�d1�,� �i12 iYOJf YY. r viaLoario erry.,everyFortnitht, press lately, in this country as well as on g a Hawk haw fl ]Motel: Cabin, so and upwards. • Second Cabin, :SM. - covered inside the eheathin in the hold of be a variety actor and his uncle thought he GAN Z+'RdZTC3ISt30, CAL. the steamer Oceania, from goo Son � the other side o£ the line, and with an Steerage at low rates. ' H g g The had gore to the bad; Both uncle and ,� ttnanimit of o Inion which seems tiro show ?LOQI�VILLE, Fes. 217ECr7 +©RS, $., T"�1 App�y to ALLAN, Montreal, or C , . • duty on the smuggled opium amounted to Y p ; „P hew fell u on,their knees and thanked u - - R .0 xi TlyJi � CO SEAF'ORTH BETFijTNd „ u ptT[rF,Ae.torth. � that we as a nation are at last awakening God ,fit' � .1 Sold by J. S. Rossszs Dr ist Seaforth, • ,000, p ++ ?" v:r't:r*d',r t^�t+rc^� ere ' - •••-• ' t0 b senlil8 Of rile {lifiQrae3e and IDOOntfenione• a:Ys,. ut�rasa'.:,,� ts:.:. A..,� ) gg r % . . ---_ . _ L - . t- . f� ; 1� x n ,�i • - -. - -M N I paper panes resemble MILKY glass, it >D ' ' r tea any other school of the kind in Canada. - - young man whose seat was immediately be- said, and possess the property of bein another mind prepared to receive it—fitted T�"i�S� ARS THE Pa4t?V�iV4/�GiES iNE t�F'�ER. band the new arrivals. with a'' sounder, in fact—will make � an in- �r pervious to heat, while only partially i t having a The two best Penmen in Caned a; the best and largest staff of teachers • the best course in Shorthand R0- —H RTSO Yes," replied the other. " Bridal couple, witting the light , rays. This combineid �° R U the effect in the eonveyanee v land T the best course of business training the best suite of rooms • the best . s I r Type -writing; g ; equipments in evidently." of suggestion, or even of facts, of the andi- gg � c with their superiority over glass in point of ! every respect; the best record for placing its etudente in the beet guying positions in the busIaese world. ,�, s , See how close be sits to his toot3 bility , of words? Why, in fact, if one Y- strength and toughness, makes the paper ,z OUR COLLEGE ROOMS OCCUPY OVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. Leading Undertaker - wootsy. wire can talk to another without conn••- � windows espeeiall serviceable in greesE• We pa the railway tare of students coming from a distance to the limit o! Good board in pleasant tc I see. The are holding each other's tion, soave through ether, should not mind C Y S N.houses and for similar purposes. y „ P p c r „ r, r hotnee tar ladies at i2 ; goats, 12.60. For catalogues of either department, address, hands, aren't they?" The buildin of aper houses has talk fez mind without any wire at alY? I �,,P MAIN STREET, BEAFEitTH. 4# No ; but they are exchanging love successfully attempted. These structures None of us understand accurately, or even w u�i,;o; 1301-1(- D. Il+IcLACHLAI!T, Principal., _ - glances•" are composed of. panels and beams made yet approximately, what the conditions _ My facilities are unsurpassed. , I am pre pared to eonduot burials in a most cath. rr How on earth do you gu ops a chum p P ere ;but many of un know for certain ON MYoYls pp Y pp' • p wholly of paper, skillfullyfitted together .7 faolory manner. All stern undertak like that managed to catch such anClangel?" and held in place by tie ean,s of alvan that they have occasionally, and by what 'i pe Both the xriethod and results when I� THS I �, N P►�i M� S appliances. com rant m etilent ar- Giro it u She surely coul ri t see , we oall accident, been present to particWar anteed, A fall fine of burial 1 ooc�u p• 3' lied wire. The wallsare made don le in- Syrup Of Figs is taLen• It 1� pleasant >; on ` dnothing in him to admire,"- olosin an air chamber, thus rendering the Individuals, and that, when present, the y p ' P hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate r: r „ g ° g oommuniestioa is completed without cables,and refreshing to the taste, and acts and reliable- Her hips were just made for alaees. interior of the structure almost insensible � " Thai's what they were." to the variations of temperature. These I and mind speaks to mind independently of ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, - � AW Charges most reasonable, is r}� p any _machinery not existing within itself. t _ Say . paper contrivances are admirably fitted for Tiver and r:3�VCIs, Cleans=es the sy& . c c ?" Why, in the name of sciene6, is tial; RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN :3TRE1ffi'T, Well . temporary buildings, since they "can ed �„ tem effectuall dispels colds, head- R. BEATTIE CO., 1s28 ., more of a miracle that is an odour• 3• � P. � When the train gets to the next tunnel taken down without injury and transported fevers and cures habitual I'm l•oing to reach over and kiss her." from place to place with little inconveni- rence. prohibited by immutable law, tiChes and fevers . `'` You wouldn't Clare." 11 casae, otiving to the extreme lightness of ,thea the tratismigsioa of 'l;tlr: PreeOJs CCn;tipat'',C:n. Syrup of ;Figs is the "Yea, I would. She'd think it was her the parts. P g btesuaa• fiom hat►erao•k to FlatiaoLt t— only remedy of 1' hind ever pro- GROOERS & ®R PAOKERS, - -_- _. __ __ _ _ _ -�-. _ _ . _ _ ___.-__ _-_husband, you kno-w." For ambulance and hospital service, par• fipoe�tor' doted, pleasing to the taste and ae Their telegraphic conversation ceased tieularly .in time of war, the papeit _`—_-•__ --- Ceptabl8 t0 the Sic�I��%1Ch, rOmpt in , ALLAN here, for the bridegroom had taken out'his structures can be utilized to exceeding ad• —The New York World has the following P Have now removedto their new brick block, first door north of Hawk.shaw s ` L I N its action and truly ben ficial in its ROYAL HAIL STFAXSH B, -pocket knife and commenced to tick off this vant ge. They not only can be constructed, special from Boston, relating to Evangelist effeetS repsled only from the most Hotel, Main Street, With the greatly increased facilities, which their new message on the arm of his seat : take down and moved about expeditiously, 3 p 7 `'` V4 hen the train gets to the next tun• but t e use of antiseptic solutions in the Selsiverea, who conducted meetings . in this hewlthyandagreezLb�esubt3tanees, 1tS ' premises afford- them, they are now better prepared than ever before to give REDUCTION IN. Wit - nel the chump proposes to reach over and man acture of the panels would protect toren a short tirne!aFzn: ' "EvanaelistSchiv- many excellent ualitiescolmmepdit; ' i � SteamerssaitRegnLrlyfrom q their customers satisfaction. They have largely : increased their Stock of hammer your two heads toge=ther till your them from becoming infected by contagious erea had just finished an address to the t0 all and have made if+ the nlCsfi } 1?ORTLAND and :HALIFAX to . ` teeth drop out, See t diseases. Notwithstanding these- triumphs' business men of Boston in Faneuil HallGROOMES, and are prepared „o compete with any house in the County a LIVERPOOL via LONDONDERRY ` popular remedy known. - Soon after that :two passengers might o! paper, its useful applicatio>t.is ooaflde>lN- when a wile'. -eyed, bare -headed rn&n rushed I y of Figs is for sale In ?5c Quality and price. irtJErtts3 Tgs ivizrrss Yetmta. have been seen sneaking off to the smoking asserted by experts to be only in .its is• down the cents r isle nm ed on the eta e Syrup g K0 and upRWin Second Cabin, iK6, car • and they remained in the smoker not mey—Naw York Press. and fell on the sp. aker a neck, `My, God, hottlel3 b all leading, drU mists Cabin, t,nlg while the train went through the tun- m ,, 6 l' y '� ga Steerage at tow rates. GOOD ROADS. ' y God, is, that you . he exclaimed. Oh, Anv.re_labl;dl?Lzg�ist Soho may not CO��Ij _ A.N"D SI Im "�' Na csTTLE CARRIED nel, but until they reached their destination. _-. ._, what a ehr%nge,' the stranger sobbed, nod as have it off_ Lana will procure it STATE sSBVICE OF -Rat per's Bazar. The Goad Res _of Abolishing Sttatwte the tars flooded bis eves he said : 1 I, too, � ALLAN L j N II will take the samA Jesus who saved ou, roIl1 tl for an one Y4h0 wishes `•-- Labor in East I.utber.. Y p p• y y In our new premised. We will be pleased to see :you, and .ill make your BTEA>lcsH 'Ps. ! .0000 --Some. 1,200 half pound cans of opium, I know he is the one true Son of God to to try lt. manufactured Only by the valued at $12,000, was seized at San Fran- . The question cf improving our, country work such a miracle.' " The stranger was �g tiP� visit pay, ' Remember Beattie & Co, s new brick block, first NORTH of NEW YORK' & GLASGOW , o roads has been thoroughly discussed In the ( g - c eco the other day. The drug was d2- g Y Schiverea'a uncle. The Evangelist used to ��� �iJ�d1�,� �i12 iYOJf YY. r viaLoario erry.,everyFortnitht, press lately, in this country as well as on g a Hawk haw fl ]Motel: Cabin, so and upwards. • Second Cabin, :SM. - covered inside the eheathin in the hold of be a variety actor and his uncle thought he GAN Z+'RdZTC3ISt30, CAL. the steamer Oceania, from goo Son � the other side o£ the line, and with an Steerage at low rates. ' H g g The had gore to the bad; Both uncle and ,� ttnanimit of o Inion which seems tiro show ?LOQI�VILLE, Fes. 217ECr7 +©RS, $., T"�1 App�y to ALLAN, Montreal, or C , . • duty on the smuggled opium amounted to Y p ; „P hew fell u on,their knees and thanked u - - R .0 xi TlyJi � CO SEAF'ORTH BETFijTNd „ u ptT[rF,Ae.torth. � that we as a nation are at last awakening God ,fit' � .1 Sold by J. S. Rossszs Dr ist Seaforth, • ,000, p ++ ?" v:r't:r*d',r t^�t+rc^� ere ' - •••-• ' t0 b senlil8 Of rile {lifiQrae3e and IDOOntfenione• a:Ys,. ut�rasa'.:,,� ts:.:. A..,� ) gg r % . . ---_ . _ L - .