HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1893-01-06, Page 7trlataria totheatic to and soecialty Sewing 1112tf st arit. Vet tas vet easeo of iptly et- a =der - e dentis- ne door 1112 et cf Jar. tke Pres- , see of stioated - nary or s reader - ;van. P aept con Dickson ablic, &c. du Street 1235 N, Offices— Seaforth_ ck, Main I MOMS. /291 Insuraate affidavit*, rein rate3. ! tary, &c ow -menial • Papst'a Ooderich 1215 Sigh i tore, w.Q. 04 _ 686 S ten So - lot M.0. MANES . hors, COD tetBant D Office— . Mainarrso 78/ Le firm later Sc:. tor kr the act Farms hiL Street, 41TH, 'Meer for 'ourt Conner. OTARIO. ,r Hamilton u and John tide Gas ad teeth. 1169 3t. Gas ad- _ an of teeth. Seaforth. 1226 linton, will igens' Hotel 12oS L. I) S., ;e, at Zurielaa r a the Last van, and at AND THIRD ted with the is a libera: 971 ar to H. L. liege of Den. tt•ith or with - A safe ana3s- m of teeth. do. 120-1 a mouth by a at if pS7 borrows, of it sue lime. Seaforth. lurgeon, Bay. II. Wright, 1225-52 P3KAY, a Methodist Agricultural bor and Vio • T. M. C., Surgeon and 1127 tiate Royal eons, Mint 930 Member of eons, &o.„ nee same aa 848 ot the RoYaI ;.ie KingstO11. lyi *coupled . Residence tely occupied 1127 for sin Coun- a't parte of Exaestrou Sales prompt - satisfaction to Chiselhurst Concession riention. 1296-tf Conve3ancer, t Rea: Estate, rt; Money to requiring his will receive BLOM, (1TF, 113' 1892. en P. 0'in. throp. wood. ood. r, Leadhury, rop. er, Wititlarop. ealth Officer, Leacibury. CE rrient -Money on Rates ased. OH. Bowed en t and Square and ORTON, MANAGSE, s JANUARY 6, 1893. THE HURON E XPOSITOR, ODDS ANDr-ENDS. Electricity in its various forms of applica- tion, is said to give employment to 5,000,- 000 persons, At least two-thirds of the chiefs of police of American cities are Irishmen by birth or extraction. An Ashboro, N. C, man has among his deeds a land grant te; members of his family from George HI. It is estimated that at least ten thousand men in this countryhave no other means of support than the pool ling. The broken and distorted foot of aChiness lady 'is called a "golden lily" by Chines( admirers of such distortions. There are 80,000 barmaide in England, whose hours average fourteen daily, for a wage of 10 shillings per week. : The Cottonwood River at Emporia, Kan., _varies in width during the course of the year from three feet to seven miles. Seventy thousand people kissed the hu - of St. Ann, the saintly relie which had a stay of two weeks in New York. -Mrs. F. H. Roberston; of Stoke e country, North Carolina, is cutting her third set of teeth: She is in the 88th year of her age. A subscription of $32.37 from each in- habitant of the United States, would wipe out every national, state andnmnieipal debt in the country. Indiana will alone turri, out 75,000 bicy- cles from her manufactories this year. The promise of a bow-legged generation is loom- ing tip grandly. A Philadelphian has educated a house fly to respond to a prolonged "buz-z-z," which brings it from its cranny any time of day for its supply of sugar. . There is a wine cask in Toledo which holds 60,000 gallons, and thereby greatly outdoes the famous Heidelberger/fass, cele- brated in German prose and poetry. The value of the words "not transfer- able," usually printed upon season tickets, has been tested in an English court and it has been decided to be unimpeachable. One of the finest opal s in the world is said to be worn on the turban of the Japan- ese minister in Washington. It is as large as a pigeon's egg and surrounded by diamonds. The total sheepatock in Great Britain at the end of last year exceeded by three mil - hon head the flocks of two years ago and by more than four millions the ficels of 1881. One of the most interesting results of the British occupation of Egypt has been the r<- naturalization of the game of football with- in earshot of "the murmur of the moving Nile." The Ile NV debt of the city of New York is $98,000,000. Philadelphian and .13rooklyn combined have the same aMount of debt, and substantially the same population as New York.. The Isle of Man is small leht plucky. It will have its own particulaF international exhibition of industry, scenes and art dur- ing July, August and Septeniber of the pre- sent year. Auctions in Japan are coridneted much like American primary elections. The bid- ders write their names and bids on slips of paper, which are put into a box for the auc- tioneer to open. In olden times, when ever' part of the body had its price, thebeardwas valued at twenty ;Innings—a Iargbsum for the time— while the loss of a leg was only estimated at twenty shillings. Preeident Eliot says that the immigrants who come to our shores from abroad will be found to have received; a better common school training than the average rural popu- lation in this country. The custom of kissing hands as a mark of respect. is said to be the moet ancient and the most universal. From the remotest time through the ages of Greece and Rome to the present day, it has existed. Amherst College is now among the Am- erican colleges which authorize their stu- dents to appear in classical garb. The seniors of Amherst have just begun to wear the eap and black gown in ehaPel. The completion of the Savannah, Ameri- cus and Montgomery Railway, a Georgia enterprise, adds another to the interesting list of railroadeileknames. The line is al- ready known as the "ISam" road. It is claimed that the boundary fine be- tween Idaho and NITashington is thirty miles out of the 'way, and a resurvey would probably place Spokane in Idaho, increas- ing the population of that state 75,000. In a full return of the vintage of Spain last year as published, the total yield of wine is estimated at 540,000,000 gallons, and is described as good in ten provinces; fairly good in thirty-four and bad. in five. The stockmen of South Dakota have re. cently imported from Tennessee a number of Russian wolfhounds to aid in the exter- mination of evolves, which have of late been killing numbers of calves and colts. Norivay is liberal but exactlytolerant to all. In that country all Christian sects, except Jesuits, are tolerated and are free to exercise their religion within thelimits pre- scribed by the law and public order. The Reading Railroad selected a very rainy day last week for the auction in Philadelphia of two thousand or more um- brellas that had been left in thenars of the eon -Tally by absent-minded passengers. , The 'earth's surface only exceeds the MOOD.s 1y ahou t thirteen and one -hal f times. The moon's surface is fully as large as Africa and Australia together, and nearly as large 104 North end South America without the Irs.ieleaela r;aunders and five daughters, of Hendcreon County, Tennessee, have feet, whieh are marvels for size. Mrs. Saunders wears Ne. le Shoes and the youngest daugh- ter 12s, -The average -sized foot of this wonderful eix is 14. A new form (It saddle is being served out to the grade du corps experimentally by order of the tlermau Emperor. There has been some tall: in military circles latelv of a new saddle, all the metal parts of which are made of alumiaium. Wheat by Pipe Linea. A novel seheme•is on foot to recince the cost of transporting giain to the seaboard from Chicago, and Mr. T. L. Jitconpson of that city, a well-known vessel -owner is convinced- that the idea is workable am/ will reduce thercost of grainconveyance to three cents per bushel. Mrs.; F. E. Beas- ley of Chicago, is the originator. of the ne-w plan: Her idea is to have grain carried. from Chicago- to the Atlantic seaboard, for shipment to Europe, by means of conduits. Continuous lines of pipes are Are be built, with ,power stations 25 miles apart tell along the reute for. the rushing forward of the cereals. The 'estimated cost of the initial line is Fe:20,000,000, but the projectors of -the enterprise are convinced that three cents per bushel will be a profitable rate. • Mr. Thompson declares that the ultiniate imeeess of this remarkable servide is an assured fact. • Under False Colors. Justice---Wha.t did this youngman - Officer- -.Met a nurse girl in the park on0 chucked her under the chin. - J ustice— Young man, .you are elec.:sail with impersonating an officer.. 'law dorluill plead te-New York Sun- -A terrible accident occurred near R. L. Broomfield's mill, near Norwood, on Fri- day, by which a young rnen• named Per- kins met with instant me 31.18 death. Mr. Staple's, who operates the mill, had a gang of men at work -in the woods cutting lags. While getting out a Idg it caught and lodged in a tree and sliding downwards, struck the unfortunate man on the chest, literally smashing,eyery bone in hie body. " News Notes. —Mr. Gladstone is spending a short v cation in the south of France. —There are said to be 53 fit subjects f the poor -house now livieg in Bruce county —The Montreal Street Railway Cornpan presented eech of He 1,000 employees wit a Christinss turkey. —Canadian exports for November show falling off of $4,370,151 as compared wi the corresponding month last year. —A boiler at the Victoria mines, Cs Breton, exploded on Saturday, killing on man and frightfully sc Jading six others. —R. Scott, grain buyer, Paisley, h shipped 35 carloads of grain to the o country. —The famous old Mystic Park race trac near Boston is to be remodelled and partia ly rebuilt this spring o.t a cost of $75,00 —Kansas, Oklehoma, and the west gene ally, experienced a genuine blizzerd o Christmas day. —The St. Louis grain market is glutte to such an extent thet a grain blockade ha resulted. —The estate of the late John GeWhittie ,amounted to $133,729, of which $8,500 i -real estate. —The Miners' and Merchants' Bank, o Creede'Colorado has failed. Liabilitie $20,000, assets double that amount. —Michael Curren, an Ottawa laborer, wa killed in a ditch the other day. He etruct a stick of dynamite with his pick-. His fan was terribly smashed. —The First Methodiat Church of James town, New York State, is to be provided a a cost of $1,200, for the convenience o those who occupy the galleries. —Susan Porter, the fasting woman o Burlington. Maine, died the other day.. Sh had been 52 days without food and drank nothing but two cups of tea in that time. a-1 or h a th Pe aas Id 1- 0. r - da a —Making and his wife, the baby farmer's at Sydney, Australia, who killed thirteen families by piercing their hearts or,spines with needles, have been committed for trial. Both pleaded not guilty' —During the week ending Decamber 10, the United States Government inspectors at Sarnia inspected 2,264 passengers, detained 643 immigrants, and disinfected 107 pieces qf bsgga,ge at the tunnel. —The new steel conduit which supplies - the Toronto waterworks hes broken, and the pipe has risen to the surface of the bay. Toronto people are now using one-third bay water mixed with sewerage. —John Bower, a bar -keeper in Stewart's hotel, Bright, was fined $10 and costs at Woodstock on Saturday for striking Henry Hewitt, a well-known citizen, on the head with an iron poker. —The Ladies' Health Protective Associa- tion of New York City hes had under con- sideration the question of what should be done with the city's refuse, and has decided to aid a plan for cremating it instead of dumping it out at sea to be washed back upon the shore, as by the present method. —A little three year old daughter of Em- erson Corral), who resides near Bright eta - tion, was burned to death Christmee morn- ing. The child's clothes became ignited while her parents were out milking, and she received such injuries that her death occur- red within four honre. —The Ayr correspondent of the Galt Re- former, says : A practical illustration of the effect of the McKinley tariff, on the barley trade, was shown in a recent shipmenamade from here by Mr. Robson. The quamity was twelve car loads shipped to New York, the duty paid on the shipment being $3,030. — Fred. Jackson, tailor, Brinsley, met with a painful accident in Scilly's sawmill on the 24th ult. He was watching the tail eaw working, and made an attempt to pick a small piece of stick from the saw, when his hand touched the buzzing steel, which completely severed the second fioger. — Rev. Dr. Waters, the pastor of the North Reformed church of 'Newark, New Jersey, has offered his resig- nation to the members of the consistory, after a pastorate of nearly 12 years. The doctor was formerly the minister of the Preebyterian church in S. Marys, Perth county, Ontario. President Van Horne has written Mayor Durocher of Ottawa that the Canadian Pa- cific railway will make a new entrance into Ottawa by bridging the Ottawa river west of Gatineau Point and tunnelling Parlia- ment Hill, making the depot near the mouth of the Rideau Canal, if the city will grant a bonus of $100,000. He threatens to side- track the city if the bonus is not granted. — John Fisher, of Waterloo, recently purchased from Mr. Oaks, of Princeton,near Paris, one of his splendid prize animals ex- hibited at the G-uelph Fat Stock Show. The animal was the fidest ever seen in Waterloo. It weighed 1,500 pounds, and was !sought at 6 cent@ per pound. — A. E. 'Wegenast, of fleepeler. has met with a, very painful accident. He was go- ing to b; eak a little board across his knee to start the fire with while it was yet dark,and did not seea fine wire nail sticking through it. The nail penetrated as far as the bone, causing a Very sore knee. —About this time a:year ago, some one entered the house of Pe. A. Payne; Guelph, and took therefrom scme church money. A night or two ago. while Mr. and Mrs. Payne were at church, 86 in coppers belonging to a church collection was abstracted from their residence. It ie supposed the thief is familiar with the neighborhood, and aware of the fact that Mr. Payne ds treasurer for a church. She Got the Diamond! "1 cannot accept your recommendation., Sir," said a lady to a druggist, who wished to sell a package of inferior dye, instead of the reliable Diamond. " I have used the Diamond Dyes for years, and know from ex- perieoce that they are the heat; if you do not sell the ,Diamond, I must lock else- where." The lady got the Diamond Dye. If all ladlee were as particular, there would be no Mures in home dying. ea. ••■• • Altogether Disappeared. 13DEAR SIRS,—About three months ago was nearly wild with headaches. I started taking B. 13. B. and took two bottles and my headaches have disappeared altogether now. I think it . a gr3nd medicine. LETT= RODE 8, Lendesboro, Ontario. Variable appetite and itching at tde nose are signs of worms. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best cure. 4111. Very Much Pleased. - Suoi,—/ am very much pleased with the effects of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Our family has been greatly troubled with. severe colds, pains in the chest, ete., and have been promptly relieves by this valuable medicine which we willingly recommend. CLA RA A. McKENZI E, 'Clarendon Station, New Brunswick. -dres-reste---- A Cure for Dyspepsia. In investigating the cause of this prevalent com- plaint it is found to rest principally in wrong -action of the stomach and impurity of the blood,' These exciting causes are easily removed by the regulating, purifying tonic and digestive effects of , Burdock Blood Bitters, hence the success of B. B. 13. in curing dyspepsia in any form, no matter of how long standing or how severe it ratty he. There are more oases of sickness and death from diseased kidneys than from all other diseases com- bined. It is your own fault if you allow your kid- neys to remain in an unhealthy condition when the cure is at hand. Dodd's Kidaey Pills are guaranteed to cure the worst cases. It costs but little to give them a trial. They are for sate by all druggists and dealers, or by mail on receipt of 50 cts. or 6 boxes for $2.50. Write for book called Kidney Talk. We do not know of any preparation that has caught the public favor in so short otime as Dodd's Kidney Fills, but when we consider that three- fourths of the Canadian people are afflicted with kidney troubles in some form or other, and that Dodd's Pills are a quick and permanent cure for all these troubles, the large and increasing demand can scarcely be wondered at. Sold by all dealers, or by mail on receipt of price, 50 eta. per box. Dr. L. A. gimith 86 Qo., Toronto. For Swellings and Felons. ENTLEMEN,—My little girl, aged 3, had a large swelling on her neck. I used Hagyard's Yel- low Oil on it and it disappeared in a short time. It also cured a felon I was troubled with. M lt8. C. E. WENDOVER, Mande, Manitoba. Outrivals all Others. In curing coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchithasore throat and lungs, there Ieonoremedy !Which is unequalled by any other., We refer to Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which has effected naany reruarkable mires this season. . - 7-------.40-.41.-7----7- ir,' Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites are combined with Cod Liver 011 in Milburn'a Emulsion, the: best Lung remedy. . a , , 46 TI1E Boa—Boys should always have some quick And sure remedy for sudden attacks of Cramps, DI- rrhoea, or Dysentery, fora physieian is not always Shear, and an hour's delay in cages of thin kind often ' ads to serious results. Therefore parents should DVO on haad a supply of PERRY DA V L8' PAIN KILLER hiell is as efficacious as it is simple and harmless. Di- 4i1sdians are with each bottle, and one dose rarely to bring relief to a sufferer from any bowel com- e mint. New Size 25c. Bottle, full 2 oz. Commendable. claims not consistent with the high character Syrup of Figs aro purpoeely avoided by the Cal. Flg Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, Parer and bowels, cleansing the eysteni effectually, litt it ienot a cure-all and Makes no pretensions OW every bottle will not substantiate. Winter Feeding. =When horses and cattle are kept in stables most of tli,e winter and are fed on dry food, they are apt to get out of condition and the spring finds animals th*t are not thriving, mat y have actually hint during the winter, and have to do all their "flicking up" when turned out to grams. All this catilbe prevented and animals made to gain all win- teirlong by using Dick's Blood Purifier. Note the naie—Dick's not Richard's. Keep it on Hand. 13S,—T always keep a bottle of Hagyard's Yel- low Oil for cuts, sprains and bruises. The folks at the house use it for almost everything. I know it to b a good medieine, it is an excellent mollifier for oracited and chapped Hands. Norway Pine Syrup. tiod'a No Nd,cold or cough to:oils:1'v:: to yield to the cure tive ower of Dr. 1Vo • ;- Three Practical Points. ,- Thii)e practical points: 1st, Burdock Blood Bitters curesilyspepala by acting promptly on the stomach, liver and bowels. 2nd, Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blOod by the same apecific action combined with its alterative and purifying powers. 3rd, Burdock Blood ',Bitters cures all diseases arising from the two firg named, such as constipation, headache, biliousttess, dizziness, F crofula, etc., by removing their *Ise as shown and proved in thousands of in- disputa§ly recorded cases. For 1&adache, Constipation, Biliousness, or Torpid Liver, Ithrdock Pills are the best cure. —Itch Mange and Scratches of every kind, on hu man ar Itlainials, cured in 80 rninutes by Woolford's SanitarYa Lotion. This never' fails. Warranted by Luinsdeti & Wilson. , 411110. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloUsed Lumps and Bit mishea from horses, Blood Stia.vin, burbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, 8tirains,13ore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Seale 850 by U80 of one bottle. Warranted the most woriOerful Blemish Cure ever known Warrant- ed by Lulhsden & Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Indiana, says: " lad been in a distressed condition for three year 3 froi Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspeps4 and Indigestion until my health was gone,• I had beeh doctoring constantly with no relief, I bought ol0 bottle of South American Nervine,which did rne htore good than any 850 worth of doctoring I ever diellin my life. I would advise every weakly person to4ise this valuable and lovely remedy." A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by Lumsden * Wilson, Druggists, Seaforth. • i-______.-..........„..._ RIIHUMbISSI CURED IN A DAY,—South American Rheuinatiq Cure for Rheumatistn and Neuralgia nal- caliy cure in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sysl tem is Ten arkable an mysterious. It removes at once the qause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. DrunlOnness —Liquor Habit — In all tli,e World there is but one Otfre—Dr. Haines' Golden , Specific. ' It can 4 given io a. cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the penion taking it, effecting a speedy an& permanent etre, whether the patient is a moderate kinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkatds have been cured who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without their know- ledge, andko-day believe they quit drinking of their own free tql11. No harmful effect results from their administra.i.,Ion. Cures guaranteed. Send for cir- cular for lull particidare. Address in confidence, GOLDEN SOOIFIC CO., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. i.- 1260.52 le Oh, What a Cough! Will yoi.fl heeff the warning The signal perhaps of the sure aPproach of that more terrible disease Con- sumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of satlng 50c., to run the tisk and do nothing y for it. Wtk know from experience that Shiloh1192509n5r2e will cure our cough. It never fails. k ,.. .si ailassaturent...emiartrummimm=ammonomsram.r.samminom The t'Municipal World. !. Published Monthly. P. In the interests of Municipal Institutions in Onta- rio. DepaIttments : General, Engineering and Legal. Shciuld be lead by every person interested in Munici- pal matter, Third year commences January, 1893. Subscriptires 81.00 per annum in advance. The &unicip al World, St. Thomas, Ont. 1304-2 ; My New Dress ! It used to be my mann ma's old cashmere, which she took to pieces and dyed with DIAMOND DYES and made me two new dresses, a blue and a brown. Brother's got a new suit, too; it's made front Uncle Jack's old coat dyed over; mamma said 'twas easy to dye with DIAMOND DYES —that.arn*ody canuse them. DiaM' ond Dyes are made for home Ilse. Absolutely reliable. Any colior. Sold etttrywhere—I0c a package inff'Direstion book and 4:0 samples of colored cloth. free. • VVELLs& RIOHARDSAN CO., M on tr1e30a31,.8.tPo. wQ. • eteaerit.' aao.e • Indizestion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach are caused by ithe food fermenting. The result of fer- mentation; on all organtic matter must be acid. This detiltomposea the food (which should be digtjated) and from decomposition evolves gases that produce pressure on the neOes, disorganizing the system, and produc. ing variotin symptoms of disease. The "Curative Fluid" punffles the stomach, promotes digestion and assimilation of food, thereby creating a healthy current of !blood. For sale by all Druggists, 50e, arid 31. int 1111.;.11 • j. ' 0,TV 1,:&. • '.q.111/6 A ': THIS PREPARATION Acts Oirectly on the •stomach And itromotee the healthy action of the liver, WITHOUT PURGING. Fcir Sale by All Druggists. And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG Company London, Ontario. _ • Ho! for Christmas! Mark this Well. You cannot get such a' -variety of Xmas and New Year's presents, and such value for your money, as at Geo. Good's store. We , have Hanging Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Lemonade Sets, Fancy China Goods of all kinds. We have just received a consignment of best new Raisins, ICurrants, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Candies, T.emons, Oranges, js Peels, Essences, &c.' for the Xmas trade. Great Bargain in Gents' Fancy Slippers, Boots and ,hoes of all kinds, Overshoes, Rubbers, Ladies' Warm Felt Boots and Slippers. Men's Long Felt Boots very cheap. _ Be sure and see our 5c, 7c, 10c and 25c counters. Tru4s and Valises at prices lower than ever. Nice Fur Caps in Persian, Astrachan and 03eaver, also Men's and Boys' Sealette and Imitation of all kinds. Remember the place—Geo. Good's I store, 1 J. R. GREGORY, LIQUIDATOR. AT THE LEAIDING STIOE STORE. A MERRY S TOLL• YOURS FOR 1300TS ArsiD ST=TOS., TA FORTH. No. 1, CADY'S BLOCK. DE 0 EMBER. We are showing special values dur- ing this month i.n Plushes, Satins, White Moletkin, pon Pon, Embroid- ery Silks, Wash'ing Silks, &c., for fancy work. Stamping D.One with Neat- ness and Despatch. See our 65c Silk Velvets, worth $1.25. Full range of Dress Goods at right prices. Balance of Furs at cost. Gents' Furnishings. We have opened a large range of Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs and Ties for Christmas trade—extra values. Large stock , of Mufflers, Collars, Cuffs, Collar Buttons, puff Buttons &c., to select from. Still a few of those cheap Overcoats on hand, also a large stock of Under- wear at rock prices. Call and inspect, it will pay you at J. L. SMITH'S, Whitney's - Block, - Seaforth. HOLIDAY GOODS • The Festive Season! Mark Ithis well 1 You cannot get such a great variety of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS PRESENTS And such value fer your money as at C. W. PAPST'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTIL 11 The quality of the ,Coffee we sell under our trade mark is our best advertisement. This Seal i3 our trade mark, an.ntees perfectioii of quality, strength and flavor. BOSTON. MONTREAL CHICA60.) GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. Our stock of Winter Goods is complete, including a full stock of Dress Goods, black an1 colored Mantle Cloths, good value in Se lettes. We are showing good stock Grey an41. Fancy Flannels, Angola Shirtings and Flannelettes: Also extra good value in Furs of ll descriptions. A call solicited. R. JAMIESON, SEAFORTH. it will pay you best in the end. Nothing less should satisfy you. Clever, Energetic Young Men and Women Who intend to qualify for positions in Book-keeping, Shorthand and Type -writing, should write for Catalogoe of both departments of Of CHATHAM, Ont. Established 1876. 2..17 This institution is the peer of any Business College or Shorthand &boo: in America, and vastly superior to any other school of the kind in Canada. tHrESE ARE 'THE ADVANTAGES WE OFFER. The two best Penmen in Canada; the best and largest staff of teachers; the best course in Shorthand and Type.writing ; the best course ofbusiness training; the best suite of rooms ; the best equipments in every respect; tne best record ter placing its students in the best paying positions in the business world. OUR COLLEGE ROOMS OCCUPY OVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. We pay the railway fare of students coming from a distance to the limit of $9. Good board in pleasant homes for ladies at ; gents, $2.50. For catalogues of either department, address, 1301-17 D. McLACEILAN, Principal. FARMERS. Where are you.going with your next grist. Remember we are giving from 38 to 40 lbs. -Of Flour to the bushel for good wheat, FLOUR AND FEED .At the lowest living prices. Dealers and others buying in quantities, it will pay you to call and. see.us before purchasing. Remember the place, Seaforth Roller Mills, formerly known as the Red Mill. PARMERS, ATTENTION!- - A14 pal ties requirino. Farm Machin- eryi Implements and Repairs, would do "'veil to call at Hugh Grieve's Wareroom • —OPPOSITE— tion Dorsey's Blacksmith Shop Before purchasing elsewhere, as he keePsi repairs for the Massey -Harris, Patterson, Wisner, Goody, Mason and Coleman machinery and implements, and he is also agent for the Bain wagon, Massey -Harris binder and mower, drills, rakes, &c; the Coleman roller and a full stock of Plows con- stantly on hand. W. H. CODE & Co. miGn GRTEVE, Seaforth. • -• AtTit5, 414, You Think r.ny kind of acrop will (10, the -1 r:f kind of 'seeds will do but for best results t-ou should rOaat T.ar.....:•211=4,11.051129121IIVIRIME0EICAUDatimwtonirr.rallritliSt SEEDSO 4riaIrlagKgyarzIarss"isgr!rTrng."- the best, they arc recognized to, the standard everywhere. Ferrydsittlee.d Annual is the ntGri, linporia.nt hook Of the kind pela lashed. It is invaluable to tile planter. We send it. frees D.M. FERRY life CO. WINDSOR, Out. FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Lott 1 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 a 're TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. Lot 38 on 3rd concession L. R. S., 100 acres For terms &c., apply to the undersigned. F. HOLM -FISTED, 1197 tf Barrister &c., Seafotth W. SOMERVILLE, Agent G. N. W. Telegraph and Can- adian Express Companies, SEAFORTH, - ONT. Telegraphic connections everywhere. Low rates on money packages, and remitters guaranteed against loss. The convenience and safety of our money order service is attracting the attention of and pleas- ing many patrons. Special rates 012 produce and oultry. Toronto train service only 41, hours, Mon- e al hours. 1228 - The Dominion Life Insurance Company Issues policies upon all sound plans of life and endowment assurance. For further information see J. W. OLARKE, District Agent, Huron Co., Seaforth, 1286-22 GOOD value 1 gave the Public when starting Business in Seaforth. Finding it suc- ceed, I determined to give them GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. S. OFIRYSTAL, Successor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular • BOILERS Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irot Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Engines. Automatic CutadIff Engines a specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand. Esttmates furnished on short notice. Works—Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderich, ')IOOlavd sok 0 0 3 -44 °H.L110AV3S 0 1..a 0 r sa ".. • eq-cfq • t -t - ..„„R • Co 1-/ tr i„.,,Nt• 1/4.1 zr, eb 1--.1 -- 0 0.1 0.4 t P-1 tr, 0 M Er• t) V2 §1.65 5. 1E1 ct) 0 cD-4:7' 0 E. © cia P-1 1111 im•) Ong 1.1 ref) (I) (:) H 0 0 n 0 g cf) CO I:7d • A, 0 Pa P-1 I 0 4<i •utJ, pug 110.11 uopuelp jeoacJs 0 KOSAHOr SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CUR2. this sec- cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can. successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure rm. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief. is sure. If you dread that insidious&seas% CONSUMPTION, don't /rill to use it, will cure you or cost nothing. Ask 31.r Drug- gist. for SHILOH'S CURE, Price eo cts., 50 dz. and $1.00. The. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW PROPERTY ONLY INSURED., D. Ross, President, Clinton P. O.; W. J. OFFICERS. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P.0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth, Ales. Gardiner, Lead - bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; Geo. Watt, Matlock; Joseph Evans, Beeehwood ; Murdie, Seaforth Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AOENTS. value and finding that a success also,. s. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo Thos, Neilans, Matlock nRcibt, McMillan, Sealorth , Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurances or tran sect other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. 1 I have concluded to give them the BEST value ever offered in Seaforth in WATCHES, CLOCKS, RINGS, SPECTACLES, SILVERWARE, and JEWELRY of every description. My stook is large -and well selected. For A. 1 goods and low prices, I can't be beat. I am constantly making special goods to order. Bring along your repairs. I have the threat tools in the market and 17 years practical experience. R. MERCER, Opposite • Commercial Hotel, Seaforth CPWIT....41.1Ra O. Mutual - Live - Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: - Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Convent Ontario having a Government Depositand beiai duly licensed by the same. An now carrying an the lantliness of Live Stock Insurance and solicit the patronage of the impanels and breeders of the Province. Forlurther particulars address , ,JOH1sT AVERY, SecArea19s Pride of the Valley Medicine, The Great Blood Purifier; pricel 25c a package; five for $1. Pride ofthe Valley Liniment, the greatest pain de- stroyer on earth for Cramps in the Stomach, Sprains, Bruises, &a.; use no other; price, 50 cents.. Pride of the Valley Catarrh and Rheumatic Cure, a specific for the opening of the organs of the body that become blocked with diseases; price $1, or six for $5, Ask your family druggist for the above remedies, and never sleep without them in your house. Ynu may need them at any hour. 1265-52 THE FARMERS' Banking - House, SM.A.H1 QITi (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & CO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT 1lEIVIOVLIJ To the Commereial Hotel Building, Main Street A Gametal Banking Business done, drafts issue" and cashed. Interest allowed on deposite. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER 1058