HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-12-23, Page 7DECEMBER 23, 1892.
A New and Wonderful Invention
In reading a newspaper recently I came
across an account of a new and wonderful
invention. It is s wonderful that I feel it
my duty to sprt ad the news so thatthe
public may be forewarned, for people have
been known to indulge in fits on less pro-
vocation then the exhibition of this new in-
Suppose you should wake up some gloomy
morning in the fall, and rush to the -window
to see what the weather was to be. And
while you are looking at the gray clouds,and
speculating as to whether it would rain or
xiot, suppose you should see the following
sentence in bright letters suddenly shine
above, "Are you Prepared ?"
Of course you wouldn't be prepared for
any such demonstrations and might imag-
ine that some dire disaster was predicted
unless you waited to see what came next,
and saw the following flash fdrth : Are
you prepared for a rainy day? If not stop
_ on the way down town and buy one of
Peters's Umbrellas ?"
To see any such advertisement appear in
the sky would be decidedly startling, and
therefore it is well to be warned. An Eng-
lishman has succeeded in perfecting an elec-
tric apparatus that enables him to cast
luminous letters and figures upon the
clouds, so this warning is by no means
unnecessary. It ie quite possible that
such an advertisement may some day be
It would certainly beta great novelty at
• firer, and after a while could be made use -
fill. Any great piecs of news might be
thrown upon the sky so that thousands
could read. The portraits of prominent
men might be given, and already Mr. Glad -
stone's familiar face has• shone on high.
Ships on the ocean could signal each other
at night, and tell each other all the news,
o that the paissengers might understand
also, and not worry the captain to death by
In a fog at sea the steamer might anchor,
and throw out from all sides signs of warn-
ing, snob as "No Treepassing I Go Slow,
We are here !
if a man wanted to hire a house, or had
one to let, he might advertise the same mi
the clouds, and feel certain that it would be
viewed by a great number of people. He
could also give a picture of the house, if he
so desired, and then they would know just
what he wanted, or what he had. There is
abaolutely no end to the achemes suggested
by this new invaastiou.
But there is also a saeihought in connec
tiara with it, for a report further says that
on clear nights, when there are no clouds,
the inventor has found a way to manufacture
artificial ones. This is really too bad. The
moonlight is often very desirable for straw -
rides or sleighing or other 4ugernents, and
it would be very sad indeed to have a moon-
light party broken up by an artificial cloud
shutting out the moon, and have a sign star-
ing down upon youoadvising you to "Go. to -
Jones for Shoes !"
This, to, might possibly happen at some
future time, and it is well to be prepared.
But what a shame it would be to have the
skies at night converted into advertising
sign boards! And what would poets do in
the future if they couldn't see the " stat -
gemmed heaven, etc.," and so be unable to
write about them?
The Bashful Man's Mistake.
A bashful young man had a tender regard
for the daughter of a certain farmer living
not a great many miles from this city. The
youlag man in question had acquired the
habit of visiting the young lady, who was
the subject of his affections, on Sunday af-
ternoon. As time wore on the young man
began to feel more at borne on his visits to
the farm house, and from an occasional
stepping for supper it grew to be a regular
thing fer him to eat supper with his pros-
pective parents-in-law. This was very
agreeable to the young man, but quite the
contrary to the parents-in-law.
He was treated coolly by the old folks, but
the warmth of his own feelings for the
young lady and the reciprocity by the young
lady was such that a slight coolness was not
felt. Upon one of the occasions when the
young man was taking Sunday supper with
the family the good housewife had prepared
a bountiful supply of biscuits. When they
had seated themselves at the table the pros-
pective father-in-law passed the plate of
biscuits to the bashful young man.
"Have a biscuit?" he said.
The bashful young man set one of the
steaming biscuits beside his pate:
d Have another,they're small," the father-
in-law said.
The bashful young man timidly took an-
other and placed it beside the first. r
"Have another, they're very small."
Again the young man, lacking the cour-
age to decline, took a biscuit.
The father-in-law to be, then dumped the
whole contents of the plate in front of the
young man, with the remark, 't Take them
all, you hog f."
The bashful young man stopped his visits
and biscuits for supper always causes a smile
to go roiled the table at that farm house.—
Indianapcdis Journal.
COISNCIL.—The -Council net at Dixon's
Hotel, on the 13th of December. The Mem-
bers were all present. John Fortune made
application to have the engineer called to
examine a certain ditch made under an
award, which Mr. M. McQuade, whose duty
it wad to maintain the part in question after
due notice, had failed to repair. The clerk
was instructed to call the engineer. ,The
elaim of Mr. Pieher, for .damage to land
and wa=te of gravel, caused by want of care
and attention on the part Of pathmasters
and coittractore, was settled by paying Mr.
Fisher pa, The claim of Mr. Sibbens, for
alleged illegal removal of gravel remains un-
settled. The annual meeting of electors,
for the nomination of -candidates to fill the
offices of reeve, deputy -reeve and council
loss, will take place at Dixon's ha,I1,on Mon-
' day, the 26th of, December, at 12 o'clock,
noon. If a poll ia necessary, polls will be
opened at the usual places. The deputy re-.
turning officers are: Joseph Weber, for
polling subdivision No. ; Wm. C. Lands -
borough, for No. 2; S. Smillie, for No. 3 ;
Simon Hunter, for No. 4. The time for the
payment of taxes was extended a few days,
to enable the collector to return the toll
with the work of collection completed. A
number of accounts were paid, which Will
appear in the annual financial statement
to be shortly published. The Council ad-
journed to meet again, if necessary, at the
call of the reeve.—S. SMILLIE, Clerk.
- ----at
Where the Money Goes.
Every woman who has not a large fortune
of her own, or a most amiable Orcesue for a
husband, often asks herself: "How do I
apend so much money ?"
How often do I find that, having so little
to show for it, all that certain slam is gone !
How often the lead pencil and paper came
iota play to prove to one's self that she has
not been robbed or lost something ! Most
people live up to their incomes,, many be-
yond them, without at all intending to do
so. "Where does the money go to 9" people
cry again and again. After all, the question
is easy enough to answer. The money goes
so mysteriattaly for what one might call the
Arahroidery of life.
Beef, mutton and potatoes do not inn
away with any great sum. ftingeroread may
he added to bread and butter, and apple
sauce and dried fruits grace the table, at a
cost miraculously small. But plum pudding
and imported preserves, beautiful glass jars
and pots, and china bottles of eatables that
tempt one before they are opened much
more than they de afterward, double the
grocer'a bill.
A cliah of ehicken salad from the restahr-
ant, fancy biscuit in tin cans—these, and a
host of other things, "add up ;" not those
plain comfortable articles of diet which, af-
ter all you like best, Money is earned to
be spent, but if you wonder where it goes
in housekeeping, look at those unnecessary
but expensive items, and you will know.
So in dress. A dress costs less than Its
buttons sometimes. The fringe and lace and
jet beading costs more than two or three
gowns. The plumes on a hat, the light kid
gloves you wear,the "illusion "and chiffon
trimming, swallow the money that you
use for your wardrobe. Have these things
if you can afford them. Why not? And
your trimmings are what cold;; not your
flannels and muslins and merinos, or even
your silks. I have no doubt that the sum
expended on the wardrobe of a genuine
Quakeress, despite its excellent quality,
would surprise a fashionable lady by its in-
So, too, in furniture. Beds and bureaus,
book -cases and arm chairs last a long while,
and you, at least, do not wonder where their
price went. The thousand trifles, that per-
ish under the house -maid's cdusting brush,
the silken cushions and embroidered tidies
are the real expenses.
I love to see beautiful things that tell of
womanly care about the house'but they are
what the money goes for in that direction.
We waste it (if it is waste; as to that let
each One decide for herself) not on our needs
but c& our fancies. I rather think we get
the most happiness out of our fancies, af-
ter all. Still, let us at least know what we.
are about. The trimmings of life,and those
little things we buy because they only cost
25 cents, though we have no use for them
melt away our dollars.
Tales Out of School.
I once taught a country school out in the
west,and although I did not "board 'round,"
I sometimes went home with different pupils
and spent the night.
One evening a little red-ohaired, freckle -
faced girl named Sally H-- came up to my
desk at noon and said: .
"Please, sir, ma says will you come home
With me, and stay all night to -night ?"
"I don't believe that I can to -night,
Sally," I said. "I will see about it after
"I wish you would, sir," said Sally,
coaxingly; "'cause if.you don't we won't
have cake with frosting on it for supper."
At another time I went to the house of a
farmer who had such a large family that one
or two of the smaller children could not
come to the table for lack of room,
• There was on the table a pitcher of very
nice newly -made sorghum molasses, a rural
delicacy of which I was very fond. I was
helping myself to the sorghum the tecond
when Dannie, one of the little boys
who had to wait, said in a shrill and anxious
whisper to his mother :
"Maw, does he know that that's all of
them merlasees we've got, and that me and
Jackey ain't had any yet ?" i
At another farm house' a little boy of
about six years was my bed fellow, and after
we had gone to bed, and I had blown out
our candle, the little boy said th nie in a
confiding whisper :
"Say, teacher ?"
" Well, Jerry ?"
"Did you notice that big stonelar on that
shelf in the corner ?" 1
" Yes, 1 saw it."
"It's full of fried cakes."
" Oh, is it ?" 6
" Yes ; and there's a lot of splindid big
Belleflower apples under this beddt
" Indeed ?" . . i
"Yes, sir; mother don't anew me to
touch 'ern, but I don't think she'cl bay any-
thing if you got up and got some for both of
His manner of saying this wall so droll
and insinuating that I reached l under the
bed and found an apple for him,I which he
munched away in the darkness With great
satisfaction. But we did not i.tolich the
"fried cakes."—H. in Wide Awakes
She fell and he ran to assist her'‘,
And picked up her muff and her 41 wrister."'
"Did you fall, Miss ?" he cried,
. "Do you think," she replied; '
'1 sat down for the fan of it, Meter ?"
—"Johnny,how many seasons 41.e;there ?"
" Three ; pepper, salt, and de baps ball sea-
son." .
—" A demagogue," said a small boy who
builded 'better than he knew 'I is a vessel
that holds wine, gin, whisky, or ady other
—"There is very little differerfee between
you and the old hen, Scribbler. Ten bath
stratch for a living." "Yes, butithe old hen
scratches for one and gets it." il
—A little girl who had been told ethat she
might take her choice between bidnir spank
ed and going to bed in the daytithei replied,
"Bedneas is awful, but spanking id worse."
—What was Once a hen party is OOVV
dignified by the title of "dove dinner."
The naine is sweet enough, but Ole work of
letting daylight into the skeleto4 elbsets and
ripping reputations up the back Is is effectu-
ally dons as ever. l,
. v •
—A barrel of whisky contain e headaches,
curses, tears, sorrows, regrets, debts, pains,
blasted hopes, falsehoods, agdny, poison,
poverty, ruin, terrors, hazigert groans, or-
phans' moans, and serpents. So, an old song
says, and there is a barrel of tSoi in the
song. —Pioneer. :
—Much is said about " Htbernicisms,"
but it was not in Ireland that IC story, was
published in which the hero Ohs describes
the dreadful result of an accideiall which oc-
curred to him : " Upon getting to my feet
and taking a good look all aroinid me, I dis-
covered that I was stone blind.7 1
Was it a Breacill
A well known attorney in Dhtrieit, when
he first hung out his nhin didn't know
anywhere near as much as lhe.-. knows now
about the mysteries of the rofhssion. His
first client was a young won , Who wanted
to bring a suit for breach o romise. He
asked her to tell him all the eirdumstances
and she did. When her story ,4,ivas I finished
he shook his head doubtfully. t, 1
"I don't know about tithe he said. "You
say he asked yonto be his wins, t"
" Yes, sir." f't
"And you said you would ?'
" Yes, sir." - 1
"Then he left and didn't cm e back any
more ?"
"Yes, sir." I-4
"Urn -urn," hesitated the attiwney, "did
you ask him to be your husbahd ?"
"Of course I didn't." ,
"Did he promise to be ?" ,
1 I
"No, [tin
"Did he say -anything further than for
you to be his wife ?"
" No isir."
" Well, my dear Miss, 1 tloil'ti see where
there was any breach of proMiee, do you?
The fact is, you were careleesi aed I don't
see how you can win this easel 1You'll have
to be more particular next time. You—"
but she didn't want to hear ,ihny more of
his advice ; else bounced out Arid got another
. 1
I ,
The Best Thing ti) Give.
Here is a short sermon bya iecenan,though
not preached from a pulpit. -It is a .good
one, and is pretty sure to hie rour own case
somewhere, whatever may bit your age and
circumstancee : "The best thing to give to
your enemy is forgiveness ; to an opponent
tolerance; to a friend your heart ; to your
child, a good example; to ybur father,- def-
erence; to your mother, ednduot that will
make her proud of you; to yourself,respect i
to all men, charity.' —The Interior.
- ------a
To Country Et, iris.
If your lives have fallen into some quiet,
unpretentious place, do not complain that it
is dull and commonplace, and that "there
is nothing to live for here," as I have heard
so many do. Why, dear heart, there ie
no place on God's earth to bleak and bar-
ren, so quiet and lonely, so wind swept and
rain-biaten, but that there is a great deal to
live for right there, and when you have
grown a little older you will see it with clear
eyes; and you will look back to the country
village and wish—oh, how you will wish !
—that you had been happy and content in
that simple life. You wiil know, then,that
it is nobler to live well a humdrum life than
to wear out body and 1, mind and soul in a
fever of gaiety and, frillnIty, and to stretch
out your empty hands hilways to something
you cannot seize. Better to sing babies to
sleep in the soft twilights that fold down
over a cottage home, than to loll in velvet
carriages and laugh at the brainless nonsense
that men of the world whitper into your
jewelcd ears. And better, far better, to
dwell forever away from the lights, and the
roar, and the temptations, and the sins of
the city, with a clean heart and a pure soul,
than to let the city's passionate unrest creep
into yona pulses and tet them to beating in
a mad chase after—death, -- Amber, in
Goodform., 9
How to Save Your Money.
Any man, woman or child can, by
using the trusty and welt tried
Diamond Dyes, re -color any ,article of
wearing apparel in such a way, that it is
practically as good as new. The most fash-
ionable co:ors can be used ; in this respect
there is boundless scope for the most fas-
tidious tastes, Each family in this way can
save satires of dollars annually, and always
appear well dressed. To icsure success,Dia-
mond Dyes must always be use I.
News About Town.
It is the current report about toien that Kemp's
Balsam for the Throat and Lungs is making some re-
markable cures with people who are troubled with
Coughs, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and Con-
sumption. Any druggist will give you a trial bottle
free of cost. It is guaranteed to relieve and cure,
The Large Bottles are 500. and $L
Pene-Kneant is a purely Vegetable preparation,safe
to keep and to use in every farhily. The simplicity
attenaing its use, together with the great variety of
diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and
the great amount of pain and suffering that can be
alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon
'every person to supply thetaselyee with this valuable
remedy, and keep it always near at hand. Ask for
the New Big 25e. Bottle. •
A Cure for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mountains, die.
covered a root that when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for constipation. It
is in the form of dry roots and leaves, and is known
as Lane's Family Medicine. It will' cure headache
in one night. For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for clearing up the complexion it does wonders.
Druggists sell it at 50c a package.
Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls.
The" Sunlight "Soap Co., Toronto, offer the fol-
lowing prizes every month till further notice, to
boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of
Ontario,who send the greatest number of "Sunlight"
wrappers :1st, 810 ; 2nd, s8; 3rd, ; 4th, 81 ; 6th
to 14th, a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to
those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send
wrappers' to " Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St.,
Toronto, ' not later than 29th of each month, and
marked " Competition" ; also give full name, ad-
dress, age, and number of wrappers. Winner's
names will be published in The Toronto Mail on first
Saturday i in each month.
There are more cases of sickm es and death from
diseased kidneys than from all other diseaees com-
bined. It is yonr own fault it you allow your kid-
neys to remdin in en unhealthy eondition when the
cure is at hand. Dodd's Kidney Pills are guaranteed
to cure the worst cases. It costs but little to give
them a trial. They bre for sale by all druggists and
dealers, or by mail on receipt of 60 eta. or 6 boxes for
$2.50. Write for book called Kidney Talkt
-AP • se
—ItcheMange and Scratches of every kind, on his •
man ar animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolfords
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted b,
Lurnsden & Wilson.
ere Ss toe
—Englith Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft
or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses,
Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. eave 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Warrant-
ed by Lunniden & Wilson.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsitalley, Indiana,
says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three
years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach,
Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone.
I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I
bought one bottle of South American Nervino,which
did me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring
I ever did in rny life. I would advise every weakly
person to use this valuable and lovely remedy." A
trial bottle will - convince you. Warranted by
Lumsden & Wilson, Druggists, Seaforth.
Proved Beyond Dispute.
No one now doubts that Burdock Blood Bitters will
(Jure dyspepsia'billionsness, constipation, headache
or bad blood. The' proof is so thorough -and over-
whelming that the doubters have been silenced and
B. B. B. is secured in its place as the best purifying
tonic and regulator extant.
Princeton, Ont.
Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry
and Hypophosphites builds up and strengthens the
entire system,
Cannot be Denied.
The curative influence of the pine in lung diseases
is everywhere admitted-, and when combined with
other effective pectoral remedies as in Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, the effect is doubly beneficial.
No case of cough, cold, ssthma, bronchitis or hoarse-
ness can resist the healing powers of Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup.' 12pc. and 50c. at druggists.
Dr. Wood's NorwaY Pine Syrup cures Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and Consump.
tion if taken in time. '
Burdock Pills cure Liver ills. They are small and
elegantly coated_l_......._sure in effect and pleasant to use.
Prepare for Cholera.
CLEANLINESS,care and courage are the resources
of civilization against cholera. Keep the body
scrupulously clean. Eat hot food. Take Burdock
Blood Bitters to maintain regular digestion and en-
sure pure blood which is the very best safeguard
against cholera or any' other epidemic.
Little Men and Little Women sometimes suffer
from worms. Low's Worm Syrup is very highly com-
mended as a cure.
Four Doses Cure a Cough.
GENTLF,I1RN,—My little boy was troubled with a
very bad cough, and a lady friend advised me to try
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. I got it at once and can
truly say I did not give more than three or four doses
until his cough was gone. I -have never been without
it since, as I find it the best for troublesome coughs.
Rs. J. S. RUDDY,
Glen Williams, Ontario.,
About Annexation.
When dyspepsia invades your system and bad blood
occupies a stronghold in your body the -way out of
trouble is to annex a bottle of Burdock Blood Bit-
ters, the best remedy for dyspepsia and bad blood,
and the only, one that cures to stay cured.
RIIKUMATI851- CURRD IN A DAY.— South American
Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi-
cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sys:
tern is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents.
Warranted by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists,
There's Many a Slip.
Now that winter has come, many horses and cattle
will be injured by slipping. A strain causes a lame.
nese which if properly attended to from the start
may soon be cured, but if left a hard substance often
forms over a joint and a- 'serious blemish results.
Dick's Liniment should be applied as soon as any
lameness,is shown, while if a Spavin Curb or Ring-
bone has already farmed it, it can be cured with
Dick's Blister. Get Dick's. It costs only 50 cents.'
Its Excellent Qualities
commend to public approval the California liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the
eye, ad to the taste, and by gently acting on the
kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system ef-
fectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort
of all who use it.
We do not know of any preparation that has
caught the public favor in eci short a time as Dodd's
Kidney Pills, but when we consider that three-
fourths of the Canadian people are afflicted with
kidney troubles in some form, or other, and that
Dodd's Pills are a quick and permanent cure for all
thee troubles, the large and increasing demand can
scarcely be wondered at. Sold by all dealers, or by
snail on receipt of price, 50 ets. per box. Dr. L. A.
Smith & Og., Toronto.
•••=-.0 • ..•••,---;
Drunkenness—Liquor Habit—In
all the World there is but one
Cure—Dr. Haines' Golden
It can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without
the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a
speedy and permanent cute, whether the patient is a
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands
of. drunkards have been cured who have taken the
Golden Specific in their coffee without their know-
ledge, and to -day believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. No harmful effect results from their
administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for cir-
cular for full particulars. Address in confidence, '
GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co.; 185 Race Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 1260-52
Oh, What a Cough!
Will you hoed the warning. The signal perhaps of
the sure approach of that more terrible disease Con-
sumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the
sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing/
for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will cure your cough. It never fails. 01259-52
Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach are
caused by the food fermenting. The result of fe •
mentation on all organtic matter must be aei4l.
This decomposes the food (which should
be digested) and from decompositicin
evolves gases that produce pressure
on the nerves, disorganizing the system, and produc-
ing various symptoms of disease. The "CuratiVe
Fluid" purifies the stomach, promotes digestion and
assimilation of food, thereby creating a healthy
current of blood. For sale by all Druggists, 50c, and
Acts directly on the stomaYch
And promotes the healthy action of the
For Sale by All Druggists. 1
'And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG Company
London, Ontario.
value I gave the Public when starting
Business in Seaforth. Finding it suc-
ceed, I determined to give them
value and finding that a success also,
I have concluded to give them the
value ever offered in Seaforth in
of every description,
My stock is large and well selected.
For A 1 goods and low prices, can't
be beat. I am constantly malting
special goods to order.
Bring along your repairs. I have
the finest tools in the market and i 17
years practical experience.
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
In the Surrogate Court in the Coiiinty
of Huron.
Notice is hereby given in pursuance of the Provi-
sions of Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of On-
tario 1887, that all creditors or other persons having
claims or demands againet the estate cif the above
named William Lowrie, who died on or about tie 8th
day of November A. D., 1892, are required to sed by
post prepaidor otherwise deliver to the undersigned
Solicitor for Robert Smith and Richard Anderson,
both of the township of Hullett, Yeomen, th Ex-
ecutors of the estate of the deceased, on or befo e the
24th day of December A. D., 3892, their christian
names and surnames, addresses and description, the
full particulars of their claims and statements o their
accounts, and the nature of the security (if any held
by them. And notice is further given that aft•e,r the
said 24th day of December A. D., 1892, the said Ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets Of the
said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto
havic g regard only to the claims of which theel then
have notice, and the said executors will not be ;liable
for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed
to any person of whose claim notice shall not have
been received at the time of such distribution.,
Dated at Seaforth this let day of December ri. D.,
1303-4 ;Solicitor for the Executors.
All pat ties requiring Farm IVI4hin-
ery, Implements and Repairs, would
do well to call at
Hugh Grieve's Wareroom
John Dorsey's Blacksmith Simp
Before purchasing elsewhere, as . he
keeps repairs for the Massey -Harris,
Patterson, Wisner, Goudy, Masonl and
\Coleman machinery and implements,
aiid he is also agent for the Bain
wagon, Massey -Harris binder and
mower, drills, rakes, &c; the Coleman
roller and a full stock of Plows , con-
! .
stantly on hand.
Agent G. N. W. Telegraph and Fan-
adian Express Companies,
Telegraphic connections everywhere. Low rates
on money packages, and remitters guaranteedagainst
loss. The convenience and safety of our money
order service is attracting the attention of and pleas-
ing many patrons. Special rates on produee and
poultry. Toronto train service only 41 bourse Mon-
eal hours. 1228
The Dominion Life Insurance
Issues policies 111.i0n all sound lans
of life and endowment assur nee.
For further information see
District Agent, Huron Co., Se,a orth.
The quality of the Coffee we sell under
our trade mark is our best advertisement.
' This Seal is our trade mark,
an-dar ntees perfection of
quality, strength and flavor.
Those buying Boots and Shoes for Fall should call and see our well -
assorted stock before buying elsewhere. We have taken great care in select-
ing the
Most Durable and the Cheapest
Lines in both Canadian and American goods. In Rubbers and Overshoes we
surpass anything ever before shown in Seaforth- We make a speciality of
the celebrated American GOOD -YEAR GLOVE RUBBER. We also
handle the GRANBY GOOD -YEAR Rubber, the Lycoming and the
Montreal Rubber.
• ••••• • •••.•
We make a specialty el the celebrated Langmuir Manufacturing Com-
pany's Trunks and Valises, which are noted for being the befit and cheapest
goods manufactured in Canada.
Give us a call, and see that our goods and prices suit the times.
• 4;
(In the above Sketch Six Faces are to be Found.)
The proprietors of 'NE LADIES Hoene MONTRYY will give it first-clase Upright Piano, of the
very best make (valued at $350) to the person who can first find the six faces. A reward of a Safety'
Bicycle (valued at $125), for the second correct answer. A fine Oak Bedroom Set (valued at $O)
for Ihe third correct answer. A Solid Gold Watch for each of the next two correct answers. A
Ten Dollar Gold Piece for the next three correct answers.
Every eontestant is to cut out the Rebus, and make a cross with a lead pencil on the six -faces and
send same to us with ten three cent postage stamps (or 30 cents in silver) for three months subscrip-
tion to The Ladies Home Monthly, Which is the best ladies publication in Canada.
We will give to the last ten correct answers received each a, handsome Banquet Lamp, and a.
valuable prize will also be given to every person who is able to answer the Rebus correctly until fifty
prizes have been awarded.
*The envelope which contains correct answer hearing first postmark will receive first rewardoind
tile remainder in girder its received. Every -prize -in tl ie competition will be faithfully awarded. Our
'bona -fide' offers are made by reliable publishers.
Be sure and answer to -day and enclose 30 cents, and you may receive a valuable prize for your
trouble. Address (H) Ladies Borne Monthly, 192 King St., West. Toronto, Canada.
Our stock of Winter Goods is complete,
including a full stock of Dress Goods, black
and colored Mantle Cloths, good value in
Sealettes. We are showing good stock Gry'
and Fancy Flannels, Angola Shirtings and
Flannelettes. Also extra good value in Furs
of all descripOons. A call solicited.
It will pay
you best
in the end.
less should
satisfy you.
Clever, Energetic Young Meh and Women
Who intend to qualify for positions in Book-keeping, Shorthand and Type -writing, should write for
Catalogue of both departments of
10f CHATHAM, Ont. Established 1876.
This institiition is the peer of any Business College or Shorthand Schoo: in America, and vastly superior
to any other school of the kind in Canada.
The two best Penmen in Canada; the best and largest etaff of teachers; the beet course in Shorthand
and Type -writing; the best course of business training; the best suite of rooms; the best equipments in
every respect; the best record for placing its students in the best paying positions in the business world. _
We pay the railway fare of students coming from a distance to the limit of $3. Good board in pleasant
ifomes for ladies at $2; gents, 82.50. For catalogues of either department, address,
1301-17 D. McLACHLAN, Principal,
South half 21 on 5th coneeetiMA 100 acres.
Lout 1 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 a we
Lot 38 on 3rd concession L. R. S., 100 acres
For terms &c., apply to the undersigned.
1197 tf Barrister &c., Seafoeth
For Swellings and Felons.,
Cl ENTLEMEN,—My 1:ttle girl, aged 3, had a large
Ur swelling on her neck. I used Hagyard's Yel-
low Oil on it and it disappeared in a short time. It
also cured a felon I was troubled with.
Manda, Manitoba.
iMutual - Live - Stock
Head Office: - Seaforth.
THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Compane
Ontsirio having a Government Deposit and &Ana
duly licensed by the same. Ate now carrying on
the business of Live Stock Insurance and solicit the
patronage of the importers and breeders of the
For further particulars addrees
JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treae,
Steam Boiler Works.
Successor to Chreetal re, Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works,
etc., etc.
Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
Engines. Automatic Cirteetef Engines a specialty. All
sizes of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand.
Eethriates furnished on short notice.
Works—Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderich.
Galvanized Iron and , Tin.
uoTlztog 3 goods
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suc-
cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without
a parallel in the history of medicine. All
druggists are authorized to sell it on a poet-
. itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
-. successfully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bionchitis, use it, for it will
cure you. If your child has the Croup or
Whooping Cough, use it 'promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will
cure you or cost nothine. Ask ).or Drug-
gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Trice to ots.,,
so cts. and $1.00.
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
D. Ross, President, Clinton P. 0.; W. J.
Shannon, Secy-Treas.'Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah,
Manager, Seaforth P. O.
Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead -
bury ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlock ;
Joseph Evans, Beeehwood ; N. Murdie, "Seaforth
Thos. Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Neilane, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth
S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo
Murdie, Auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or Igen
snot other business will be promptly attended to on
application t any of the above officers, addressed to
their respec ve post offices. 1
Pride of the Valley Medicine,
The Great Blood Purifier ; 'price, 25c
a package; Eire for $1.: Pride ofthe
Valley Liniment, the greatest pain de-
stroyer on earth for Cramps in the
Stomach, Sprains, Bruises, Alc.; use no
other; price, 50 cents. Pride of the
Valley Catarrh and Rheumatic Cure,
a specific for the opening of the organs
of the body that become bloclied with
diseases; price $1, or six for $5. Ask
your family druggist for the above
remedies, and never sleep without
them in your house. Yfq2 may need
them at any hour.
Banking - House,
(In connection with the Bank of Montreal-)
To the Commercial Hotel Building, M.ain Street
A General Banking Buemese done, drafts %ELM and
cashed. Interest allowed on deposits.
On good note or mortgages.
00 tr*ot 4