HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-11-25, Page 8,! � I I 1, I I . - 11 . - _� -.1 1 -7 - � " ; �.Z . - - � , - - �
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. Whelcoale and Retail Dealer in
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. Wants, a large, quantity - of fine Fall
. -
rried out, so the audience suffered on un-
Butter in Pi�*s-and Rolls ; aloo Beef
- I
- r--
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hides, Tallowl'Sheepskins and Furs.-.
. I
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Men's, Boys' and. Children s.
lae days previously to Colorado. After
19 —
� I
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. I
Haying completed ka largre purchase of Overcoats
the meeting was to select teachers for
xt year ; the real, object," ho�rever, of
and Suits from one of our leading man6facturers, by
I �
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. clearing out many of his linewat and below the net
. . "I
. cost of making, we offer them, togeth I h the
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I wbol&lDf ourmagnificent stockotmade�up cl. thing
I ,
at very close prices. Fur goods, we show this a aison,
atne. r&DKeof Men'sand Ladies'Fur Coats�.,Capo,
,� . I
Collars, Capes, M tiffs, &2. �
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, Seaforth.
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PERSONAL. -We are much pleased to
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, 1. �
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notice that the I'larnsay Post Graduate
- .
� �
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Scholarship of Toronto University has been
; . . :
- 1; ,
awarded Mr. J. 2�1, Godfrey, B. A., of
� I
- .
�� . � I .
I ato and Mr. W. E. Buckingham, B. A.,
"I I I �
� : �
of the same city. The eagay which carried
� � i ,-
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. .
off the above prize was on 11 The Post Office
i . I . �1
Savinss Bank of Canada," and was written
- I I ;
conjointly by the above gentlemen. Mr.
Oodfrey, who is an old Huron boy, is the
r .
son of Rev. Mr. Godfrey, of Stratford. Mr.
� ?
. I .
I Buckingham is the son of Mr. Win. Buck -
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. ingharn of the same place.
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MATRIMONIAL. -The Bornholm corre's-
. �. �, I
ociadent of the Mitchell Recorder says : On
.. -
.. �
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I .
.rueEda,y, 15th inst., Mr. Charles Consigney,
.1 I
our popular shoemaker, took unto himself a
� I I
I ,for life in the person -of Miss An-
: . .
; P
h -
t gmondville. The care-
� .
I � .
mony was performed by the Rev. Father
. I
Murphy, at the Irishtown Catholic church.
. i . �
in the presence of a large galh 0
I erin
I �
. friends, after which they drove to P )
- renfe -
� T I
� � I
gast's - hotel, Dublin, for dinner, and fro-
� �� .
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thence to Matt
-hew McGrath's hotel, Mi -
! t
. �
chell, foi--tes. The -happy party arrived i -%
. �,
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Bornholm about 8 o'Plock, where there we u
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about 30 couple ting them at Mr. Hien.r%.
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Vietor'8 hotel. Dancing was then indulged
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in until &'bout I2- o'clock-, "When a stop wo as
L -The
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made for supper. toast of Mr, and M r.y.
�. I I
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: . I .
,�ouaigney was proposed ana enthumiastical -
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. � 1, ?
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reeived and responded tOL with ringing
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. I
ears by th Aarge company. Songs by
. t �
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diffe f
, rent parties followed, and a ter all had
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of the
partaken good things set before them,
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�., dancing was continued until morning.
. I i
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A W`EiGiaTs.-Mr, Hay-
I 9 I I
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wood, inspector of weights a -ad me%sures,
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� I .
I I i
was in town last week. He stamped and
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tested aill the wei-hts and measures, taxed
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. the owners from one to ten dollars each and
L ': I
1 13
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then gently withdrew. Business men do
L ;
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not object to paying the fee when their
� �
. I
weights n4d adjusting, but when they are
I I - I
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found accurate they think it is too much of
J ,
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a' good thing to be forced to pay two or
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three dollars just to have an additional
1 � - .
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. stamp added to t in. There is another
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charge that businoss�nen objecl; to. That
. 4
is, the inspector invariably charges 25 cents
. . i
.. I -
for the cartage of his testing weights and
� - . *
� other apparatus, when in reality there is no
11 I . 1,
. J
I -it
4 ,
carts, e at all, as they are simply carried
� 4
I 11
from one store to the adjoining one. -The
; .
amount, although small to individual@,
- .
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amounts to a considerable sum to the In-
, 4
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spector every day. Thire is no doubt but
c . -1
it iff necessary that the scales and measures
r 4 1 :i
; �
of business men should be kept properly
. adjusted, and it is not likely they will be so
� �
� I
. -
kept unless there is some person whose
- �
I . �
business ir, is to look after themL, but the
I .
I - , 1.
i ,
present system might be greatly simplified
. k
and cheapened.
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Church choir of this town has mecure&Miss
- � 1 ..
. � I � i �
I i
Jessie Alexander, of Toronto Canada's
L I � L t ,
: . �
favorite elocutionist, 'to visit Seaforth on
. _4
I . �
the occasion Of & grand entertainment to be
1 !
given by the choir in the Methodist church,
. I;
. 4
on the evening of Tuesday, December 270.
� ,
� I
Miss Alexander has just 'returned - from an
�I - ,
extended tour throU I gh -the Old Country
� .
where she was well received, having appear -
s �
ed before ltoyalt�. The choir are no' -w at
I . i
.. ��
. . .-
work preparing, a programme of secular
I ..
� I i
choruses, duets and solos, and the com-
I s
mittee in charge report that nothing will be
1� � I"
allowed to interfere with making ttiis one of
� �
� 11,
the beat entertainments year, Keep
I Of the
� Z 11.
� ,
the date fresh in mind, Tuesday, December
. :
- - -
-_ I
276h, 1892. The V ancouver World of June
. �
'_ .I- 19' '
__ 4th, makes the follo,�Ying complimentary
, 1; 1
, �� I .
ff I
reference to Miss Alexander. It says :
� .
Canekda's own favorite reciter, Mies Jessie
, I
- i� . I
- I
-Alexander, fully came up to the expeetatiou
I ;.. L
of the audience at the - Vancouver Opera
I .
�: I 11 .
Rouse last evening,. and proved that the
. - i
. -
Eastern and Americ�u press had but done
�i; I �
I � . .
her ju,,.tice in speaking in the culogiatia
, . i -
terms they have of her, From the moment
Miss Alexander stepped on the stage last
1, -
night, she had her audience thorouglily
I sympathetic, and moved them th� laughter
omaq,, were the guests of their nephew,
or tea,rs,. roused their Pense of the-'ridic'ulous
L .
or excited risible faculties, ai her own
- I
I . 1� .
sweet will. She has a bright, piquante ap-
: -111
� � I
pearance, and in some of her selections had
, �
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a way of talking Lo b or audienca which was
� . , 0
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- rnoat charming." , 1.
I �
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I L E,
I �
- 4.___ - __ ;� .
. :
dre w, who has beem spending some week'a at
I -,-
the parental home here, since his return
- -
fr6m the Northwest, loaves this week for
Columbia College, South Carolina, where- he
� �, .
, ,
. q ,
. -
intends pursUir1g him theological studies dur-
ing "His
. _.
the winter, many friends trust
� L I
� I
: �
that the mild clim:ae of that region may
2 1
I �
prove all he expe,_ts, and be of great benefit
� - -
. . t�
!a his health. There seems a grave defect
. �
In 'some of ourbolleges when so many Itu-
I i& __ __ _L,
i .
dents break down d
1'r unag their course, or
� . I
, .
f graduate physicid wrecks. Mental culture,
. -
if conducted in connection with proper
I L .
hygienic and -sanitary conditions, should not
I f
, . � I
be prejudicial to Inealth, but, on the coit-
I � �
trary, conducive to it, as the propery balance
:_ il -
of the mental, moral and physical consti-
. -ii
tute true development in humanity. �, The
, I
battle of life requires the grandeat bodily
I � i .
power, and it is SULrely a sin to neglect
. i
� : 1.
A training. The theology of
' y
; 2
. �
Knox ollege may be sound enough, but it
. I
71 1i
. certainly tail.9, ,grievously, in keeping its
. I - .-
X I L ,
. . - I
� .
studentis in suitable working trim, Per.
haps this
I I -
I % .
I - . -
RccOunts also for the inferior
mental ualibre of rasiny of its graduates, who
frequently find it impossible to obtain a
charge, or if One is obtained, it
. ,_
often. proves
& source of weakness instead of Christian
drM A
progrebs. To this there are many noble ex -
C-30iOns, of men who come out fully equip-,
ped and do grand service for the -Master.
The root of the defect, perhaps, lies with
our Presbyteries, who generally certify to I
- �
.-, the fitneq�of,all-"a apply, and thba our
I .
7 ,
�collegres s*arm with aspirants for the min -
Istry, many of whom graduate, 6nly
z .
d - to
gravitate in a abort time to the army of
� � .
ws:nderiag pilgrims, or ,tramps, as one of
themselves expressed it, who bauni every
t . .
. , I
vacant charge with the expectation 6f find-
. I
Ing 11
- temporary resting place, and thus the
: .
t4rce of hearing cand idat" is gone on with
I '. I
z � .
much to the disgust of all parties coilcerned,
L i . .
L I kA it L
I . .
L 71�_ J
. .
. especially the -!Qaguffering cougrekationg,
I -
. - .
. I
, I i �
i ____
who are bored from Sa�bath' to Sabbath
by men, many of whom have more self,
couceit than grace or common sense. —Wd
deeply regret to note the serious ill
Mrs. Henry Jackson, who, apparently -iii
her usual good health, wa3 stricken dowDJ
on Monday, of last week, with 0ysis.
She has rallied in somer measure, but, at the
. �
time of writing, still lies in a' very weak
condition. We trust solin to hear of 'mark-
ed improvement. —The many friends of Mrs.
D. Stevenson will learn 'with regrai that
she is very low, and that but slight hopes. of
improvement are entertained. —We rejoice
sit tibe result of the Presidential election, as
it is evidently the triumph of the popular
will over the corrupt combine of government
and protected monopoly. No clams of men
should be permitted to pile up enormous
wealth, either from the necessities or the
vices of their dilowd.—Com.
— -
C,ou.xorL DOINGS.—At a meeting of the
council on Monday evening the fire and
water committee were given u
regular meeting of council to report on, the
cost of burning the Commercial lights .be-
tween nine and eleven o'clock each evening.
Moved by E. C. Coleman, seconded by
James Gillespie, that on account of charges
against R. Roberts.- waterworks, engineer#
he be dioiniaged from the service of the
town. Moved -in amendment by M. Y. Nlo-.
Lean and seconded by John Ly6 , that iii
view of the long and faithful servic'es of the
. .
waterworks eDgineer, this council do not
,feel disposed to dismiss the said official as
the only serious charge sustained against
him is that of having a 'd on duty on
one occasion somewhat firtoax7olated, although
We to perform his duties. The counciij
however, desire to express their most discii.
ed dhapproval of the waterworks engineer
or any other town official appearing on dtitk
in an intoxicated condition ..and ilia
clerk is hereby instructed to notify the
engineer that a repetition of this offence wilt
ensure ' his immediate dismissal. The names
havingbeeh called for there voted, for the
&men ment, Messrs. McLean, Good, Gunfi,
Sclater, Lyon, Neelin, Darwin and the
Mayor, and agiiinst it Messrs.'Coleman, Gil-
lespie and Beattie. The amendment was,
accordingly, declared -carried. A motion io
the effect that charges one, two and four In
the indictment. preferred by the Deputy
Reeve against the waterworks engineer bad
been proven, was defeated. Meserr. Cole.
man and Gillespie resigned their positions as
members of the Fire, Water aud -Light com-
mittee. The resignations were Accepted and
Mr. (�unn was appointed on the -_ committee
in place of Mr..Coleman, and Mr. Beattie in
place of Mr. Gilles and Mr. Lyon was
added to the comptlIttee. The committee
� will, therefore, hereafter be compo3ed of
Me38re. J. A. Wilson, Darwin, Gunn,
Beattie and Lyon. AfteLr_passing a few ac -
counts the council adjourned.
. . .
at A. Young's Seaforth, are the best 4value we ever,
I saw in Crockery. . , 1 1302,
1 -
A NEw FEATURE.—A now feature of our
business is Boyg'C)othing. We have received a, nice
assortment of Boys' Suits and Overcoats, boughfAt a
vGod discount and -we offer them at prices very low.
UNCAN & Du-NcAx, Seafortb. 1302-1
1 GOOD FLOUR. — HaviDg'now received our
winter's stock of choice Manitoba hard wheat we can
safely guarantee our brands of Wave Crest, White
Spray and Viefina Sponge as A 1, and unequalled for
years. Ask your" grocer particularly for them.
OGILVIA'S SZAFORT11 MiLLs, T. 0. Kemp, Manager.
. . 1302-5
A GOOD INVESTMENT. -Invest in Duncan
& Duncan's 35�cent ladies' vests and you will Indeed
find it a good Investment. 18021
FOR CHRISTMAS Pr.EsENTs see A. V ouogps
,Dinner Sets. 1302
Papst's- Bookstore, at prices rajagAnj, from 6 cants up-
wards, A fev slig litly shop v orn a buins u3 follows :
412 album for $3 ; $10 album for 82 ; 08 album for
$1.50 ; 85 album for $1 ; $3 album for 76 cents ; $2
album for 60 cents ; 81 album for 60 cents ; 7.5 cent
album for 40 cents ; 60 cent album for 20 cents ; 40
cent album for 16 cents ; 24 cent album for 5 cents.
C. W. PAPST, 89610fth. IW2-r
A sple�did range of Ladies' Line'd Kid
Gloves and Mitts can be seen at the store of the Dry
.Goods Hustlers. ,DuRoAK &DuNoA,N, Seaforth. 1302.1
-Anyone wanting -to get"a J�t of good birds without
- '
faluoy prices call at once on 1. LANoSTRAT11, 37 Mar.
ket'. atreeLSeaforth. Also Cdok Stove for sale cheap.
. . . -1302-1
BARGAINS in Crockery at A. Young's,
Seaforth. Twenty-seven piece Dinner Sets for $5.60.
They are the beat and cheapest in the market at that
figure. I ' I � . 1392
LADIES' M [ Fs and Storm Collars from
$I up. DUNGAN DuNCAN, Reaforth.' 1302-1
� ' � -
HowF,s WANTED.-Wanti4 immediately
In exchange for- implements, twa�good driving
horses, also two good working hones from 3 to 7
years old. ftow'.� k. MmmEs, Seafortli. 1302xl
R. JR. BARR�is__prepared to take orders
for cleaning and dying Furs, Feathers, Silks, Satins,
Kid Gloyto, and all -kinds of weari7 apparel. .'All
orders promptly, attended to and ret class work
done. Dye Works first door north of D, D. Wilion's
Egg Emporium, Sealorth R. H. BARR. 1302-2
-----.-- —
'DEHouNING CATTLE.—Mr. Elliott, . of
London town0ip, the gentleman who h%s
achieved consioerable notoriety through the
deborning of fi,js cattle, and who was prose -
c . uted by the London Humane Society, visit-
ed -the farm of iMr. John McMillan, M. P.,
in Hullett, on Tuesday last, and dehorned
36 of Mr. McMillan's cattle, The most of
thOEe cattle were three-year-old steers,which
Mr. McMillan imported from the North.
west this fall, and which he is feeding for
the old country market?. Two of the ani,
mals were heifers of his own raising, one a
yearling and the other a two-year-old. The
operation seemed to have no appreciable
effect on these young animals. As soon as
it was over they wenc back to their feed am
if nothing had happened. The older ani-
mals showed more excitement but all of
them took .their rations as usual the gain I e
night, and on the followirig day none of
them seemed to suffer from the reitilts.
The operation is &'V'er'y simple one and is
quickly performed, each horn being taken
.off in a little over a minute, so that the suf-
fering to the animal can not ba anything
serious.' These are the first that Mr. Me -
Millan has had dehorned, and if the experi-
ment proves befieficial,as he,'helieves it will,
he will continue the practice with all him
catt, e. � n t e ow ng day Mr. Elliott
' I'
dehorned some 25 ead for Mr. John Robb,
� of the 2ad concession of. Tuckeibmith, and
with equally satisfactory reaults as in the
case of Mr. McMillan's cattle. We believe
that the practice will very soon" become so
general that very, few animals will be sent to
. the sbamblea wi . th their borus on, This is an-
other of the devices which skill h" devised
to cheapen the cost of production, 1as we be.
lieve that cattle of all kinds will give better
results on lets feed without the horn than
with them. Besides this. lerable
saving can be effected in the labor of feed-
ing, as a large number can be kept loose in
one apartment instead of having them stall-
ed up, separately. All this goes to decrease
the cost of production and that is what is
wanted.- - Canada can produce the quality,
=e . ther in beef or butter, to take the beat
rkets in the world, if it can only make
them cheap enough. 1he-results of the ex-
Wobiment made by Mr. McMillan, and Mr.
bwill be waited for with much interest
by a great mi.ny. We f?el convinced that
they will not be disappointing.
. .
Royal Tem.plars of Temperance of thi4 town
had a series of anniversary services . this ,
tear. On Sunday forenoon last the mem-
ers attended the Methodist church in a
body, and the pastor, Rev. Mr. Galloway,
pre.iched a special sernion for the occasion.
The reverend gentleman delivered an emi-
nently practical and interesting discourse,
in the afternoon the members of the Order
attended at Ceirdno's holl, where.,the,y were
met by,a large crowd of citizens, all of -
whom listened- to an eloguent- and convinc-
11 Wr. Jobb Me.
ing temperance address Dy -
.hiPlan, M. P. On Monday evening they
again assembled in Kidd'a ball, where they
I � ) ,/ , , I I /.1 I
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f . . THE..HU ON EXPOSITOR. " �, �,
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I I 1!
finished up with a most interesting musical Beattie shil iped another csr load of geese to year during the past ten years. for the in-
. .
and liter e. On ihis occasion the United � States thig week. If they keep formatio6 otthe Couniy Council. This will
the hall w-gis well filled. The chair was oc. on there wi on't be any geese left for Christ. entail some, extra work or. our township
cupied by Mr. James Beattie, who perform- mas.—Rov * John Mulholland, a former ' councillor@, 4d the length of bridges is re-
. ed, the duties pertaining to his position in Seaforth bcy, but now a .clergyman of the quired, as well as material of which con -
his usually affable mainner. A short but Uuited Stites, was in town this week re- strnmeted. ouncil adjourned until Decem.
.practical, address was delivered by Mr. uewing old acqualutancas. _A full meeting ber 15th, at �10 o'clock a, m. -.JA,MES CAMP-
ild of Directors of the MoKillop BELL, '.
David McNaught, M. P. P. of Saskatche- of the Boa b L .. —
wan, Manitoba, who happened to be in Fire Insuiatize Company will a held in ,
town, and being an old tenip rker town to-dey.; Miss Crawford, of Daudas, Morris.
.!rance wo —
� he was pressed into the service by the com- who lvid bt en sp�ndiug seviral weeks with NOTES.—ItIr. J&mes Hall is busy getting
mittte. Mr. MoNaught has a happy faculty Mrs. M. Thompi,on, Sparlirig street, return- stone on to I he ground for a foundation un -
of mingfing wit vviiii wisdom, and in this ed home im Monday.—Mrs. A. Cant, of der his barn in the spring.—Mr. Hamilton
way impresse3 many wholesome truth@ Galt, and ra. D. Lee, of North Dumfries, and wife left on Friday last for Toronto'
upon his audience. Mr. Isaac J. Mills, the � are visitin� tbeir sister, Mrs. Win. Elliott, where thBy i nten(l to reside. Mr. Hamilton
wall known temperance worker of Toronto, - Egmondviile.— Mr. Wm. Wallace , h ad w i. poor ealth, and came out of the city
, 9 e a a a
delivered an address in which lie gave his miller at tie oatnital mill,4ef t on Tuesday for a chang .—Mr. Joseph Webster, had an
ios of Chicago, formed after a for Strathi oy on a very important errand, auction sale of farm. stook and . implements
month's sojourn there.- Mr. Mills is quite'&-' and will re urn shortly, accompanied -by an on Tuesda f, and although the day was
versatile genius. He is an accomplished amiable and estimable young -lady of that stormy a ve y large. crowd of people were
elocutionist, an excellent vocalist, and a town, who h ho has taken as a. lif -a partner. present. G ttle sold high. Calves went to
fairly'good platform speaker. He is a self- We moist ieartily wish Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ,912 and $13,50 each; one year old FlteGrs,
made man. . His father was a saloon keeper lace all thq happiness and prosperity that $28 50, and ,-ows $38 to $40 each. Horses
in old London, England, and the son was an should ati . �end hone3ty, fidelity and good wout from -� 8 up to $60 each. � F. S. Scott
occupant of the saloon until he struck out citizenship, —Rev. Mr. Hodgins' address on conducted lie sale,—Mr. G.! Pearce, 7th
for himself He is a stone cutter by trade, his trip to Ireland was much appreciated at line, sold a, uantity of spruce bouglis to a
* � I
and when not engaged on the temperance the Young Men's Christian AssociiLtion gentleman f om Buffalo for dc-ciratiag halls
platform lie,,works at his trade. His heart, roomii on Wednesday evening; being very and other .3ublic buildings at Christmas'
how -ever, is In the temperance work, and lie illustrative of the people, places of note and time. The price paid was $15, This may
has special abilities in that direction. But, scenery mtt with and visited,and aniusingiy start free trade, who knows ? . ,
; when delivering' iiii Chicago lecture, he interspersed with witty jokes and anecdotes —_ —.---
should -not forget that -the United States in for which ,the race is renowned. Young Zurich.- :
a large country and that Chicago is a toler- men %voul4 do well to Mkt� themselves why SELLING CUT,—YLr, ,E, BaRsenberfy will
ably large town, and �hat it is not safe, on a they do not attend these meetings, and re- sell for Mr. E. . Hardy by public auction, In t ' lie
month'�`acquaiutafioeA to form an estimate member -ail Itre welcome. Every Wednes- villaga of Zurl , on Saturday. November 26th at one
o'clock p.m. a arp, the followia valuable progerty :
of the habits, oustomi.aild character of not day evening meeting will be mide of especial I blood horse years old gool driver; I p aeton
only the Chicago people but of the people of interest, if posoible.—D. Eldon Martin, of bu gy, neatli ew ; 1 ro�d cart,- nearly new; I new
the whole. Ainericau ns,tioD. An appropri- Wingh am, Northern District M&nager of the , 6 now to of team. harness. 6 new sets single
harness, 1 doz n goat skin robes 2 dozen horse
ate and amusing reading wa,i well rendered Mutual Lif omptkuy, of New blankets, 6 do n I a, curry combs, brushes, hal-
bi Dr. Campbell. Mrs. Win. Somervil.le" York, is in tow.0 this week. ten, collars, I le ,ptrunks, vallses and a lot of
gave a vocal solo very nicely. She has a i - - 9ther articles o numerous to mention 1301
sweet, clear voice and will be a valuable !� Rensall. JOTTINGS.. -Mr. Henry Walper, of the
acquisition to the mubical talent"Of the town. Two HuNDRED'AND NINETY dollars will Bronnon Lin .� s, and Mins Jemiras S&raras, of
Misses Beattie and Daly gave a duet very purchase a neat little frame house with a garden the Sauble line, were last Tuesday 'joined in
nicely. A well rendered trio was also given and agood well undercover. Mrs, Gilchrist has also a the bonds of holy matrimooy. Rev. J '
by Mrs, Pyper and Messrs. Mills and number of fine village lots for sale very cheap. For Strum,pter tied the knot. We wish them
,Vy�er. Mrs. Pyper and Miss Wlillson pro- full particulars as to house and vil'al lots address, all the comp iments and a happy life.—Mr.
G J SUTHFIMAND, Notary Public a, Conveyancer ' Daniel Sara � an, or., and wife have returned
sided at the organ. A very interesting and Ojhce' at the Post Office, Henemll, , 1302 1
enjoyable entert!kinmeAt was brought to a WANTED. -At A. Weseloh'a, 6,900 Pairs home from a two we"eka" visit in Waterloo
close by all uniting in singing 11 God ' Save of Boots and Shoes that need repairing. We wish to county.7-Mr. Solomon' Schluchter from
the Queen." T I .Q ebewaing, Michigan, paid his father a fly -
he Royal Templars' lodge announce to the Public that we have just received "
here is a very prosperous organ.ization. It another large shipment of Felt Boots, Ri . ibbers and ing visit las Monday forenoon. His brother
" '
- "'
has a membership of about 70. .' The objects Overshoes, which we will sell cheap for cash during Ezra went o er to Michigan with him. -Mr.
the next 30 days. We keep an assortment equal to �e
of the society are, the promotion of temper- any city shop, and buy our Goods for - Cash Direct Henry Koo er, sr., hai sold a second time
ance, mutual aid and life insurance. from the minufacturers, thus enabling us to sell you his 100 &or farm to his son-in-lav�, BY.
b B_ W
0 all kinds of Foot Wear as Cheap, and in Some Lines JaCo row , who will take possession
AT' Cheaper, than any other dealer I as our Motto Is and ab,)ut ChrietTnaa.-Rev. Mr. Macke], corree- -
THE L E WILLIAM CASH. -W`0 mention- has been, Small Profits and Quick Returns. Haying ponding me t ry of the Evangelical
ed last week the death of Mr. William Cash, recently engaged the services of Mr. H..Ptaff of ' chui 0 at:
,nager for Mr. D. W' -oh, willl h Id a meeting in that church
of the 3rd concession of MoKillop. Mr. Kippen, who has been ma eis� � -
Cash bai been ill for several weeks -of an miller for the past six yetwo--he having of late closed here next I unday evening. A collection
that department -we would Invite his old customers will be tak�n up in aid if missions. -The
incurable internal ailment, aod although at to call and favor us with their p4trona a, and bri
times a severe sufferer he never complained, along your boots rind shoes in-hopd of repairs, annl several Sund��y schools here tire prep-iring.
and he was evidently glad when the great we will attend to them while y�bu wait. Thanking diligently w h the children with recitations
mv old Customers for past favors. Butter and Eggs and dialogue for Chriatmas.-The teachers
change approached as he Feemed to feel that taken. ign of the Blg�Boot. A. WF . symoii, Pro of the public chool,are busy training the
his us ' efulneas here was over. He was a priator , Vensall. . 13023 pupils for a g. and concert to be held some
native of Blantyre, Scotland, and was oue.of ALL A-B6UT THE HENSALL MILL4.--Ow'ng day before 0 1 ristmas.-Mr. S.� J. Latta has
a large family of.brothers and siaterfi. This to the incroWng demand of Custom Work, Cook , `il I . ,
was the home of,the Livin4stones, and the ,Brothers, our enterprising millers, were obliged to carved,with hilia own skilful hands two sets
deceased was quite intimate with the great add another chopper to their already large capacity of large wood�n letters. It is a grand piece
for chopping, ate. All Work Done on the Shortest of work ana any one wanting letters or
African explorer in their young days. His Notice and at Reasonable Rates. The present
father was a cotton spinner and weaver, an � d capacity is 100 Bushels per hour. The beat of satis- figures carve4 out of cherry wood, will do
I the son follos ed in the same occupation. faction given In all custom work.left at our mills. well to call oul Mr. Latta, his- charges are
It the demand continues to increase in the future as moderate.-T�e Evangelical Sunday school
When quite a young lad he removed with t has in the past, Henaall will neci soother will. last Sunday �decided to hold a Christmas
his father and other members 'of the family T'ha farmer delivering 100 bushels of Democrat wheat
to Glasgo w-, where he ,resided, until 1831, tothe Hensall Grist Mill onor beforeNovember Tree Festival On Saturday, December 24th,
' 2Dth., will be presented with a ticket for the Grand Christmas eve.� A grand programme is in
when I came to Canada, On account of � I
"' . Oyster Supper and Entertainment to be given in course of prepratiou.
the Feverity of the cholera in this country. Coxworth's Hall on the evening of the 29th inst.
that year, he soon returned again to his old Who will be the Lucky Man'! We hereby take this —r- �
0 i
home. Soon afterwards he got married to ffiportu�ity of thanking our numerous customers for � Kippen. I
r l and she still survives him. '"e very liberal patronage they have extended to t us NOTES. -OV r thirty persons have given
durin the past, hoping we will be favored with he . �i I
The spirit of unrest, however, had seized Hamefn the future. Cooii BROTimn, Proprietors, in their names as members of the singing
him and with his wife and young family he Hensall. - 1262-1 class. -Mr. R 8e, of Exeter, will be on
again, in 1840, started for Canada, thin goTis, -We are now- favored with ,31eigh- � hand, Friday, �Deccmber 2nd, to begin giv-
. �
time be came to stay. He made his way up ing where the roads were good before the ing instructions, Any others who wish to
0 .
to the Huron tract and located on the farn ' i snow fell-, but it yet requires more of the join will get thO fall benefit of the term by
in McKillop on which he continued to reside beautiful where rough.. -Large quantities of coming on the sibove-mentioned date. -The
until his'destb. As will be saen he was a grain are now being brought into market, Christian Ende%vor Society is growing, and
resident of this district for over fifty years &ad good wood would meet with ready de- we hope will dol much good. :
and, was one of the noble pioneers. He was maud and good price i.-Mimq. Ellis has re- t a �
& man possessed of -more than ordinary turned home from Goderich'. where she had I I I
I � � Vama. i �
natural abilities, and being a great reader he been on a visit. -The Revi E. Softley, of BRIEFS.-Mr.� A. . Bobier is doing a
had laid up an immensefund of information St. Paul's church, Henaall, and Rev. Mr. 1 9
- rushing trade with his fruit I evaporator. -
which he utilised in later days for his Own Shore, of A116SLCraig, will exchange f "Pit' The Misses Robinson of M&rlette,Michig4ii,
comfort. He'was wont to say tl,at*he never ou Sabbath first.-Tha Royal Temp are of are the guests of� Mieb Lizzie Wauless, Via%
grew lonesome, for hd always had with him Temperance, of this place, � intend holding a wants one more 'look at james and some
the society of the beat and ablest mou,whose grand open -meeting on the evening of De- more sweet clde�, before she leaves for her
writings he had stored in his memory. In cember Ist, and an excellent programme is Michigan home. !
the early days he used to take an active in- being provided for the occusion.-rhe For- � i I -
terest in educational and municipal matters esters of this village alro, intend holding, , Pluievale. i
and could always hold his. own with the their annual entertainment on Tuesday,
, NOTES. -A Christmas tree entertainment
' *
best men of lhenl'ime in discussion or debate, November 29tb, in Coxworth's hall, when a is to be held in connection with the Sunday
his well stored ,nd standing him � in good splendid supper will be served and, a grand school of the Uluevale Methodist'ohurch.
stead on such Occasions. He hq�d been a literary and musical programme carried out.
remarkably hea � Itby man and until bin last -Mine Asn'som was in Chiselburst recently A programme is t1o.be given by the Sunday
illness had sc&roolly known what real sick. visiting triends.-Otir merchants are putting school scholars who are practising diligent-
� ly for the occasion. The date has not been
ness was. He was strictly honorable In his irs large and attractive stocki for the Christ-
- , I I
. 111, fell am held mas trade. -Mr. Robert Nttersoii, "r., of fixed yet. -Mr. John Dymeut,mr., has pur-
dealing ow men and w i .
a chased the residence of Mr. J. C. Johnston,
� with '
in the highest e, eem by all who enjoyed his this village, and who is now following his
acquaintance. e was a consistent member trade as a mechanic in Chicago, where he is for the sum of 8375.. Mr. J. C. Johnston
of the Methodist church and was always commanding good wages, was home -part of �as also purchased the store which he oc-
regular in his st4ndauco at all the services last wetk and this on a visit, and his many cupies from Mr. Ro. McPherson for the sum
I as Coultes- hav parchas-
as long -as his he4lth permitted, and he fre- friends were pleased to flee,him again, look- 0 ,
f $3W. -Mr. Tho�
quently expresded himself as having no in hale and hearty. He says that while ed the 50 &ore farni, of Mr. H. Ross for the
I 9
doubts or fears poncerning the future. In Hensali is a very lively businegs . place, its sum of $2,500 and house valued at $300. -
fact the joys and employments in the ftiture street& do not quite present the same bustle Mr. illiam Whal , of Atwood, is visiting
-at r. John Burgese'st prreseut,-Mr.Robt.
existeace was fr. UGDtly a theme of conver- and stir at thave of Chicago, but that for ��'
Yen bas returned fro a shooting expedi-
fiatiob and speculation with.him. He liked morality, good behaviour, and good citizen- . in
�� o Muskoka. as success 0
to talk about th se things. _ He leaves his ship generally we � are away nihead of th tion l; He W tulonough
aged partner in ife and a fariaily of three famous western city. -At a meeting of th: to secure two deer. '�
k sons and two laughters, who will long; teachers and officers of Carmel Presb) t9rian I ---.*- �
cherish in affectionata' remembrance him church Sabbath School, held at the close A t' Brussels.
who was once so much to them. the prap� meeting on Wednesday evening, SHOOTING MATCH. -On Monday of this
11 I _L__._ __ it was decided to hold a Christmas Tree en. week the return match w&9 shot between
tertainmentou Friday evening, December Brussels and Listowel clubs, at Brussels,
LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. D. D, I
23rd, and strong committees were appointed In addition to the club match thi-re was a
Wilson attended the marriage -of the eldest to make all the necessary arrangements to competition for a silver cup valued at $8,
daughter of H on John-,-Dryde n', Minister of insure its success, We believe that our presented by W. M. Sinclair ior ,the highest
Agriculture,' ]as I week at Whitby. -Mr. sister Sabbath Schools have also made full individual score in th ' Match or -other mem-
Otto Groff, of t o town, has been engaged a of either, elt C. Dames and James
I h I ,
to teach in Mr. ogarth's place in Hannah's Christmes entertainments, so that the child- Joaes shot for the cupFbut not in the match
and complete arrangements for their annual ber ib.
s6hoolhoute for he first six months of this ren may look forward with great expectancy as there were -only 8 ra i e,mbers of the Listo�
year w4ifle Mr'. r � ogsrth is attending � the to Christmas. -The Misses Robinson, of W161folub present, while there were 10 of
Normal school. Mt. Michael Whitmore, Marlette, Michigan, -are, the guests of Mrs, Brussels club, Brussels won the riatch by
of Johnston's Mills, ,in the towneb Of Hay, Warren Diguati, of, Faus-ville.-Mr. T. 21 pointy, and Josepla ''Ballantyne the cup,
- � was in town this week. Mr. Vitmore -
' Scott, of Wingham, is in the village this with 21 points Out Of 8; Possible 25. The
was -a former resident in the West End,, week.calling on his friends. -The Revs. El. following is the score :
Tuckersmitb, and himself and his good lady J. Fair and H. Irvine are both ha fur- .
were up on theirl annual' visit to friends.- naces put- in their parmonages7inloars, �BRUSSELS. � LISTOWEL.
Mr. A. Beam, formerly of this town, and James Petty and T. j.,Berry, of this village, MoNaughton ' 9 Brooks 17
who hasbeen iE the vicinity of Cochrane, were in Buffalo last week, -The Rev. Mr. Ballantyne 21 Hannah 8
Alberta, all sum ner, intends locating in that Phillips, of Et. Thomas, preached with much W'�t . 13 , - Saunders 15
diotric t peymane Aliand his family leave here accep�ance in the Methodist church here on Sinclair 15 Ray 11
next week to join him there. -Mrs. D. M,- Sabbath morning last. -Mr. James Troyer, D. C. Ross 13 . Howe 10
Phail who has spent a year with -friends in of this village, received the sad intelligence Howell 18 . Hay 19
Ontario, left on Tuesday last for her home of the death of his mother this week, who Irvine 13 Hammond 12
in Langdon, North Dakota. -We clip the resided at Hills Green, and a number from 1. Y. Rose 15 McIatoall 7
following, comp imentary notice of one of here atiended the funeral of the deceased, Dames 19
our most respi oted clergymen, from the She was held in very high esteem and her Jones - 13
Mitchell Recorler : - " The anniversary husband, Mr. Troyer, and all the members In the afternoon Ball%ntyne and Dames
services conduc �ed in Trafalgar- etreet of the family h%ve the united sympathy of picked sides for a supper, both .clubs taking
Methodist - chumh on Sunday by Rev, Mr. all. -The Rev. Mr. Softley was in London part and Dames' side won by one point.
Galloway, f Se Iforth, .
0 1 were very interesting this week vi iting his parents. Mr' . James' NoTE.s.-Thomas Gundry, of Goderich,
and sstitfactory4 Mr. Galloway is a stroag- Coxworth, om the Centennial hotel, has had was in town on Tuesday of this week on
pulpit man and.his sermons were - much ap- his bar -room f beautifully papered and. orna- business. -Joseph Webster's sale was well
preciated."-Mr. Robert Logan, p7rietor mented. The work was done by the 'Messrs. patronized and the articles offered were all
of Logain's Banking house, 'left oh ednes- Steacy. I . sold at good - prices. A ir of yearling
day on a busine a trip to Manitoba. -Rev.: J
- - � . steers brought $55. -John V Ronall ha4
Dr. McDonald has been laid up for two, completed the sale of his double steamer to
weeks with a oevere attack 'of illness. His Hullett. the city of. Halifax. He is there this week. -
many friends, hi ; )wever, will be pleased to , rHE PUBLIc HEALTH. -The loc3l Board of Things are quiet in Municipal matters.
learn that he is � recovering. Last Sabbath Health of the township of Rullett met at Miss Cooper, of Clinton, has been engaged
his pulpit dutie� were performed by a Mr. Londesboro on Tuesday, November 15tb. to take charge of the primary department
McIntosh, a veq clever young student from The report of Dr. Young, medical health of Brussels school at a salary of $250. -
Knox College.--�On Wednesday and Thurs- officer, was read and received. It sho Some person haa written a threatening
' f - tv�s
day the streets ere filled wJ[th sleighs And that the saiiitary condition of the munlel- letter to Mr. McKeIvy over the school
cutters and the ; erry belle fesounded in all pality is very good and, exceptiDR a few board matter. If the object of the writer is
quarters, but t e sleighing i , a not ver good mild cases of typhoid fever, has ITeen re- 6 3
,�' y to re ent the action of t ro
I a X a a
yet.. There are a good'majiy farmers who markably free from sickness during the year. way is to do it at the b lint bo t the t
. 1 TZ
have not got �heir turnips up but they Quite a nuisance was caused in the summer opportunity, The method he has adopted
may get sfiitsblo et.-ThOsO who time by parties leaving dead animals expos- savors too much of the action of the ma -
like to listen Ito a goodi debate should ed on concession 14, opposite the corporation jority of the
4 �Oard, and if the party be.
attend at Kiddl� ball to -night. The subject of Bli�yth, but on being notified it was abated come known he should be punished. ,�
of Free Trade! with Great Britain will at once, and no other complaint has been -, THE SCHOOL BOARD. -This auguet body
be discussed by Messrs. John McMillan and brought before the Board since. The council had a regular field night on Wednesday of
D. D. Wilson o the affirmative,and Messrs. of Hollett hald a meetinj 'the same day, and last week. They opened ' their meeting about
George E. Jackson and Dr. Bethune in the the Chairman of the card of Health,in 7 o'clock in the evening and they kept it up
negative. -Mrs, F. Seegmiller and Miss conformity with the provisions of the Public until 7 o'clock next moming, with a slight
Seegmiller, of Pennsylvania, are at present Health Act, submitted his annual report, intermission at midnight when they indulg-
in town visiting friends. -As will be seen by which contains a btstement of the work of ed in crackers and cheese to fortify the in -
notice elsewhe , Lady Nairn Camp, Sons of the Board and the sanitary condition of the ner man, and would have had beer but
'Zing to provide a very pleas- slity as contained in the Health the hotel keepers very sensibly refused to
-Scotland, are 9 '
ant Musical ev�pill)g for our citizena'and all munioip
officer a report. On the motion of Messra. viol%te the law by dealing out to them the
others who will,avail themselves of the Op- Laebi6rn and Snell, the report wag adopted. stimulating beverage at so unseasonable an
portunit on Wednesday evening of next Acco,iints simounting to, $120' for township hour, so they had to content themselves
week. U. C _�Oper is an old favorite with improvements were presented and p4id. A with pump ale, and it is said, perhaps ma.
Seaforth audiences, and no-'-dodbt- many will circular from the County Clerk, asking for liciously, that one or two of them made very
be glad to bear her again, Those who de. a rnitatemeni Of the kind and cost of bridges peculiar faces over It as if a beverage so thin
light in the gra ol songs should not '
miss proposed to be built in the township this and cold did not agree with their internals.
this opportunit of hearing 'them at their year that would come under the Act, Re- They were favored, also, *ith quite a large -
best. 'rho obj t of the entertainment also, vised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 184 and Audience of interested and excited citizens,
is commendabl . We hope to see a' ' 'a Section 532, also a certified statement show. many of whom stood It out through the ,
house.-Mesirs. Hugh Grieve and Vraarngk ing t�e*moullit paid out for bridgex In each long, w6ary n1ght, inst to keep the trustees I
- . I �
. � P__114
. . - I I I . 2 �� I I - - -
. - ___ _ - , , .1 I - 1. I,- , I- __ I I
, 1892.
mpany, That their !;- *,udness and consid-
iition wasiaot appreoit- .d by.at least some
a %9 � - . I
the trusteen wan mai ,st by the frequent
-D .
ggestions of theme L, - iol lords that the
- � IJ '
; be cleared and the d !.berations be cou-
cted in privaite. The pit, however, prov.-
S. P E 0
FA L188
. .
obdurate and the suggestion was not
� �-
rried out, so the audience suffered on un-
. .
broad day light. The School Board is
mposed of Messrai Hunter,- Fletcher, Me
)Ivy, FaTiow, Taylor and Dickson, the
it named being chairman, but unfor-Wh-
-ly he waff not present., halving removed
. , ------.
lae days previously to Colorado. After
usiderable mandeuvring Mr. Fletcher -was
pointed chairman. The ostensible object
- -
the meeting was to select teachers for
xt year ; the real, object," ho�rever, of
. �
ree members of the board, viz.: Farrow,
3Keb�y, and Taylor-� being to " bounce "
� principal, Mr. John Shaw. McKelvy,
_. �
� � -
FURGy %. �.
is said., was actuated by personal spite,
d the other two by political venom, they
WRAPS, .- . . I
It's a I
ing Conservatives and Mr. Shaw a
I � 11
-mer. At any rate no other reasons ap-
I . .
all fur -
� t
ar on the surface. Mr. Shaw, the Jepos-
_00rre et,
principal, -had placed before them his
plication for re-angagement, offering to
,cc the salary they,had previously O,ffir in -
�_. -
we havE
-they were prepared to give. He bad
- � .
Bn the esteemed teacher of the school for
Tbis. is 1.
years or thereabouts; his pupils had
, in. the -';
vays been phenomenally successful at the
rfous examinations ; he posses3e.d the
� I
- I
. saw Jai
;best testimonials as to efficiency, etc.,
. .
,m his inspectors, and he was backed up
from the
Edwar'd McFaul,
a numerously signed petition
: 11 ..
�ep%yers asking that his services be con-
� . I � I
have go
utd, and still the majority of the boArd,
adless of all this, passed him by amd me-
I .
ted an untried and au unknown man. It
___ ___ - - i .
mo wonder it � t:)ok them a whole night
sawing bee, at which some good work was 1
!ore they could screw up� their courage to
done. Mr. Steacy gives the boys grea I..
rpetrate- the contemptible act, and that
- -
credit for the- way in which they acquitted
) people are' indignant. The final act of
ednesday night, or rather, Thursday
themselves.—' Mr. John- Cole has moved into - .
ornitig, was simply the culmination of
the house lately occupied � by his brother
Robert, who has lately removed to F,xeter.
,othe of scheming and manoevriog to un,
—On Thursday last, the wife of Mr. Ed. . -
i j
rmine Mr. Shaw, and the result could only
ward Stone, of the - Sth' concession of Us� .
achieved after the chairman of the board
borne, presented him with a bouncing baby
I left the country. Had he remained the'
%rd would have been a tie',,aud there
boy.—Mr.Thom'as Caun, having purchased . �
uld have been an elentio4 before any
one of the Challenge geared wind mills of - I .
Mr. P ,
- &ul M�dge. our enterprisin agent,bas .
ELI action could have been taken, As it
an element of discord hap, been introduc-
. - I . � I
fitted it on . t with a number of uieful at. -
Fur I
into the school which can not but have a
tachments, enabling him to churn, pump, - -
griind, run a turning lathe, as well as a two-
-a.ad ___
�nous effect, and all to gratify the ,petty
te of even more petty men. The now
� - 11
foot circular saw for sawing . cordwood, and a
or an,ot]
ncip%l, also, will not have an enviable
smaller sawn to be used for a number of
- .
ib - I
pom U.
dtion if he is ever allowed to enter upon
purposes. I .
. ,�.
V�%Stly ,
duties. The following is the resolu-
a which finished the business - 11 Mov,ed
I - . I �.
Blyth, I
Dr. McKelvy, seconded by T. Farrow,
* LOCAL HAPPENINGS. -On Friday evening . I
ed in qi
a J. H. Cameron be ei3g%ged as Principal
1893, that the W. Doigg G,
of last week the ratepayers of our noble -
bLa f u
and names of
rittle town met in Industry hall- t6 discuss 11
1% IC7
Theobald and J. E. Anderson be the ro-
the matter of having electric light or not.. . �
for,e V
ves if lie does not accept." The other
Spseches were made by several of our .. - .
. I
,chers engaged are : First assistant, Miss
prominent mim", such as Reeve Hamilton, . � L
Wen ; -second assistant, Miss Abraham;
ex-Reave K611y-, councillnr Metcalf a -ad I
-see- our.
mary, Misa Sproat, of Stratford, but it
� .
many others. After the subject was diEcus- LLL
med out that she had got %n engagement
sad thoroughly it was putto a vote, -which I -
another plade', and Miss Cooper, of Clin-
resulted in a larg majority declaring in � � -
1, being the next choice, ehe was accepted.
favor of the It ht.T The intention'tt to have � .L
9 -
�r 111]
is also statf d. that M r. Cameron has an-
it working in the near future, boih in the
ier engagpineiA. Miss Braden and Miss
shope'and on the streets. _" Mr. George An- �.
irshain taught in the school last year. It
drew Hende'reou'who ba,s been in'Xauitoba �__
'urther stated, and we believe on good
during the past summer, returned to Blyth �
'hority, that the entire proceedings are
. I
on So,turday.—Mij.. Herbert Young has fully ,
igal, and may be upiet. and another all
recovered from his sickness anA is 8,ttendime , I L'
�bt session may be required before long.
the High' School, in Seaforth this week. f . . :
I 0
: �
miss 0. Moffili Was Visiting friP.nds in � I
� . � �
. Chiselhurst.
. � I
Wroreter the l6eginnigg of the week.— I
VOTES. -It is beginning to look like win.
Quite a large number of our young people 1;
, and the sleighs . are out.—The apple
attended the re -opening of the German � I I
I s
,kers are through in this vicinity. It L
church a few miles from Auburn on Sunday.
- I
s rather a disagre-eable affAir towards the
—The. Society known am the Hopeful Glean-
. we todkl
I.—Mr. Isaac�. Moore, who has been in
ore, of the Presbytorian church will, "We un-
I After g4i
kot% for someF time, returned home last
derstand, in the near future, have for its - .
our lung
ek,, looking hale and hearty.—While
name The Christian .Etdoavor.—Mism Edna .
which p
,.star Willie Vaiihorn was returning home
Curtis returned to college in Whitby last - -
"no rooi
in church, on Suadsy eveU109, he had
week, after spending-& few days here.—A
. .
i misfortune of being struck senselesseby
number of sleighs were in town on Sunday . .
night, V
approaching rig. He wafi picked up by
for the fir -at time this winter, &ad on T-uex-
ly in tt
1 d:iver of the rig and carried home. It
day there were nearly as many sleighs as
-,o be hoped he will soon be wen again. —
wagoup.—Mrs. M. H.. Hammond, who has
� tien!
v. Mri-Phillips and Mrs. Phillips, of S
. t.
bein, very low of Ute with typhoid fever, is
'gen I
omaq,, were the guests of their nephew,
on the mend at present,—Great preparations
, .
. Ii. N. MoTaggart, last week. The
are being made by the Episcopal church Sun-
�thodox '
erend gentleman offialated in the Metho-
day School for their annual Christmas Tree, -
seat; if
t Church, Hensall, on Sunday evening,—
, which will be hold about Christmas. —Every I .
him tba'.
D. Connor, son of Mr. Jag, Connor, of this
merchant should have his store .lighted by -1 ��
rant evi
ce, -has taken him departure for Boston,
. .
electricity, and keep up with the tirnes.� . . ; L
of the o
ere -he has a position as clerk in a store in.
-. �
Mr. N. H-� Young "has got back from his ,
it city. We wish George success.
trip to Detroit --Wiss Annie Rom has r,e- , .
this wo,,
� � 0
� I .
turned from: &6�nto, rind in spending a few .
ing- to S
Cromart,y, .
days under the parental roof. - I
The �
i '
l,'NTERTAINMENT.-The seventh annual
— -
best usi
ertainment in the Cromarty school, Hib-,
Londeaboro, ,f .
t township, will be held on the evening -
TEMpgRANCE Womms. —The Good Tem- � .
city hal
Friday, December 2ad, commencing at
� -
oplarx meet'ing last week wasi well attended, -
of theix
f -past seven. An excellent programme
over 50 being present. After the business . I
I be provided add a pleasant evening is
of the lodge was finished the following pro- I
)ected. All are cordially invited. ",
IOTF,s. —Harry Beals, son of Dr. Beale,of
imme was presented : Song by Bro. C. D. I
Voig; reading, Bro. N. Bell; duet, $isterx
Rally a,
4of GIs$
blin, while att4nding a colt belonging to
Brogden mud Adams ; instrumental Delta- .
i0i Dr.'
)in%# flogga,rth, had thA miefortune4o-
tie, .
u, Miss Fanny Van Bridger; recitaition,,
kicked, which made him unconscious for
Sistergarah Wallacei address, Bro. W. . I
mau, b',
�me. Medical aid was at once procured.
. . . though
MoL, Daig; duet, Sisters -Woodmau'aud � ,
i injuries severe, are not serious,
Adi-me; reading, Sister Jen' 1.
Ufa Woodman. I I
'ug Miller has moved into the bouse
There were 5 new members -added to the
. wit. I
rnerl�y occupied by Wrn.,Rivers, JOhU
le3pie will return to his" farm and Mrs,
lodge. An Invitation was read and acc�pt.
e4,Irom Summerhill lodge to visit them on 11
drM A
nstrong will occupy the house vacated by
't *
the evening of Deaember 7th, when tho'two I
, to liel
. GillespW Life in an ever changing
lodge6 will engage in a friendly debate on
inside 4
De.—A number of intimate friends met
,# Women) �
� s Rights." - 2 -
%bout I
VIrs. Johnston's hall to pay their last re- �
I .
eta to the .Cromarty Literary Society.
is society wam orgaDized a few - years ago I
� - - I . .1 � I
. . Exeter. ; I I
asid th
the.mutual improvement of mind and
COUNCILTorics.—It is rumored around
BlIect, For want of: ma�erial it died
that Deputy -Reeve Spsokman will contest .
wwould I
n natural causes. Mo're',s the pity. It
"the Reeveship this coming election, and that �
� ,gized
vld be revived again.!
Mr. W. G. Biesett. will also take a band iu
I __
the municipal conte3t. No doubt our 4pres- I .-
- I not, or
I �
ent Mr. W. Bawden, will seek re.
Dne M
�OTEs.—The school grounds of section
election - and, if he d9ei, he will be re-elect-
. �
, 5, Morris, are to be enlarged.—Mrs. J.
ed by al�;uch larger majority tham hefee- .
. and nil
A leaves for her home in Brandon,
otived last yeari. The old council will again ,
� 41 41 )i
nitobs, this week, having spent the sum--
be in the field, as also will Mr. L. -H. Dick-
r among relatives in th4 vicinity. ---Mr.
son seek honors as a - councilman.. A num-_ I � .
some ;
n. Love had bis -hand bidly cut by a
bar of others are also spoken of.'
u in h
Ae from the band cutter's knife while
BRiErs.—Mr: Irvine Armstrong, of this
. 'Collef
iing a threshing machine at Mr. W.
place, and Mr. John Loadman, one mile
bh1o, oa Friday.—Mr. John; Bell lost a
and &,quarter- south of the village, intend
uable horse last week.
holding- a large auction sale on the farm of ,'I . I
- more �
0 1
the latter - on Tuesday next. Mr. A. J. . � ;
Rollins, the people's: auctioneer, will wield I
ity of
of the
. -
VEST ENDNOTES. -Mr. Josiah White
the hammer.—Mr. H. Chesney, of- Tucker- I
. Carrie
dered an oyster supper at Mr. John
am �t , was the guest of his - brother-in-law.,,
� �
of the
tite's, on Tuesday of last week, in honor
Air. .A. K. MoLeoi, the begi'nning*f this
Mr. Wm. Townsend, who left for the
week. —Master John'Mellis, of Kip I pen, has
I aglue
isdian Soo the latter part of the week. I
started to learn the printing at the Times
3re were a good number present, and,
office,—Mr. Emory: will rebuild the,grist,
lie the guests were sorry at his depart-
' '
Mill which was recently burnt down, and
. ings b �
,, all were unanimous in wishing him
steps are being taken to have another grist
the is
,Ith and prosperity. He intends farming
Inill in the south ei�d of the -village
I .—Mr.
I .
the tr
re.—Mr. George Watters happened with
YV. T. Acheson will hold a sho ti M&#, h
I'll W
%infulacoident the other day. He was
113 connection with the Central ote ,to -day,
I thorit
Min elevated position . putting up- Stove
� .
(Friday,) when 400 pigeons will be shot' at.
I �
I . �
u and fell backwards, his back coming
It will be held under the Exeter gun club I
A nui
forcible 'contact with the back of a
rules.—Snell Bro.'s: & Co., of the Exeter ---
that I
ir. He was laid up -for several days, but
packing house, are, buying a large number .
around again.—The young peopi Of
�obl Section N6, �6, the
of dressed hogs at present.----�Mf. Ra N. � �
Creech left on Tueedlay last 'for Toronto,
of .
, will give tbirpd'eand
.1 literary enter * tainment on Friday even-
where be has secured a situation at his trade
mi I S'Ai
, I e osing
'I i 'aide is to pay for the
as a printer.—. A large number of H-ensa.11 . .
teia for all, It will consist of .rea4ings,
pe le attended the funeral of the late M-ra,
. .
It4tionsy singing, etc.'—A few of Mr.
Killer, wife- of Mr. D. Miller, V—S., on
ish. White's friends made a bee and gave
Thursday afternoon of last week, which
k s! day's ploughing last Frida-V. Seven
shows the high esteem in whieh the deceased .
I .
B f land were turned over.
" . 11 -
8� I
lady was held by the Hensall -people prior to I
leaving Heneall for this "
i ---------*-- I
phiice. Mr. Willer If �
- .
. I Shall
and family have the sympathy of the vil- :
. _. .
. . �'
- I
is ersIn this their said bereavement. —Mr. I . I
r ES.—On Monday last, Walker, son of
Ef I
.. Morgan, who has been a resident .of I
I eorge Kerslake, of the North Bound.
aborbe, met' i a -bad accident.
Brandon, Manitoba, and vicinity the 4. �
four returned home Saturday pai'm , ?
- He *1
years, on lAst.9 .. � _: -1
A engaged in lead g a cow, the ani-
where he will "nd' the winter.—Mr. IT. T.
__ I � I
. b came unmanageable, and jerking him
Westoott, of this place, is again on the war. .
,In' *
h feet drag#ed him for some distance,
king his be& d on a stone, and. inflicting
path taking vr,derx for fruit and ornamental -
trees.—Several ileighst
ly th
and cutters were seen
jer ugly cat. At last report he wais on
in the villige, on Wednesday laot.—Mr. I
-ir sy for reco'very.—Mr. Robert Chun
, ,
John Brewer, Gidlej Street, is confined to
. ' .
) fe I front an pple tree some weeks ago, I
I �
his room through serioup illness.—Mr. .M.
re ived seloun injury,is able tobe
Vincent,.,.the now grocer, ia Fanson's block,
the �
", again in hie usual health.—The snow
is doing a rushivg. bus.iness.�M.r. Harry
ali, thick and last and promisee sleigh.
Piper and bride, of Sesiforth, spent Friday -
: an the me"y jingle of sleigh bills
1 ,
and Saturday last visiting Mr. Piper" moth- I . .
, so n be heard. The past fall has been
11[140411y'fine one, and the farmers are
i. �
er here.—Mr. A. Bagehaw Is getting A now I .. - .
front put in his bake shop on Ualn stroet.— -
, .
winter,,—On Friday
,��y .
- -
Ung. Captain Gibson, of Goderfah,� Is "
� I
. �"pored
Go! 8 of khl� p �
_ !_ � 4"., 4i�"
..- . ,
mk- �1 , . .1.
Palt,of R"ye 11w4in " w
I �
I � ��