The Huron Expositor, 1892-11-10, Page 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir Novmimi 10 1892 THE. 6 week.—Mr. John Brown - in MclFillop,.- and Hnlletf, when he gave u this week to visit, b Dr sister who re9ides local and foreign, several large orders hav- business visit to Muskoka, where he has Mrs. Erwin 4i EDWARD CASH, t I . p lea, of Lo d is spend g a few holidays t sad it#g and; attended McGill College, Mon. there.-41here is said to be sleighing in Win- ing been -recently received from Glasgow and considerable -timber land. — The first U 0 re nt;11 home. — iss M. 'Miller, of Whelesale and Retall Dealer in trest. I The deceased commenced practice in Dipeg, Manitoba.—T ie Collegiate Institute Liverpool.—Mr., Alex, M�ir� youngest son meeting of the 'Young People's Society of in the pai Bansoioft, Michigan, and -after two year's closed on Wednesday night until next Mon- of the late George Moir, of , �tho iown6hip of Cbristian Endeavor was held after the usual Wroxeter, who has pai �)o 313i"es Moffat -tay ent to WatertowD, Dakota, day.—Mr. Kirkman and Miss Tytler went Hay, arid who was filling it M r. A. Tiffin'o isit, retu; -,d hoine on Friday ID-A.T-T:. Y 3BT_Tr_rr_U!R3M., e - there w ' service on Sabbath last, and the indications an extended N m Where he was until about two mon.the ago, to Guelph to valt their Thanksgiving turkey term of engagement for Sc6ol - Section No. are that it will prove successful.—Mrs. of last weeV!A mocial,,,Ahering was held GODE'RICH STREET, SEAFO,hTH, when'hq, wentLto Uoloraddf thinking. to im- with friends there.—The Junior Bachelors' 3, Hay, has been re-engage as - teacher of Love, sr., who has been visiting her daugh- at the reeiden I e of Mr. James Dudds, on rove his licalth'which got shattered about assembly in Cardno's hall on Friday evening the school in that section for the coming ter in Essex County and her daughter. Mrs. Wednesday a Ding of last week. A very' Wants a lar( e quantity of f!4 Fall P enjoyable t ��go. He went to London, E ied by ver. 30 co4ples. Jhe year at an increase of salary, three years ng- was atteni This speaks Young, of the Nilei returned home on Mon- - im. in said to have been spent. Butter in Prints and Rolls ; alio Beef land, to study is a specialist, and while harpere from Londo furiished Ae rn�Rio, well for the satisfaction Mr.,Moir is giving. day last, She hag been absent about six Mr. Charles Burling, one of our popular pskins and �urs. there liad an attack of la kers', . has bought the shop where Rides, Tallow; Shee grippe -which and- and a pleasanV' a spent,—'The Miss M. MoFrison is spending Thanksgiving* months.—Mr. John Troyer has not been watchma, S PE 0 I -A L 82 f was dress-m�kivg in. V Grittenden was ad in pleurisy, developing intoconsumption. regular meeting of 11110011vomens Christian day with bar parents in L6ndon.—Our re- so well the past few days. Mrs. -intg, the ill be held ln the usual 6 e left London as soon as he was able and Tempers Mrs. Crittenden intends moving neo Union ap oted townsmen, - Mesers, Win. Elder,. Bluevale. front of Mrs. 1young 11 r TW went back to DakotaJut never got better. place next Wednea at 4 o clock agricultural implement agent, and Mr. J. esidence.—Anniver- T av . m.: 0 V ER 0 0 A,,,., 8 al P NOTES.—Mrs, Hartley- has received the He left for C orado and died at Colorado larp. The delega is" report ]of the ro MacArthur, banker, on 7uesday last ex- arary services were hold in the Methodist CLOAKINGS, WT —AND— S ring; ill be p a. Tbefun6raltook.placeonNovem. vincial Convention re changed or sold to each other their dwell. sad intelligence that her father is dead, her Church on Sy day. Rev. Mr. Henderson, 0. E ery- bar. lot, Dr. Shaw was known to many of body invited.—Mr.- . H. B*rr'bag st�rtod ings, and intend moving this week. Al- mother having died a few days before him. D.D., of Kincl�rdine, occupied the pulpit _U 11 rT S our residents, and -was-most highly esteemed. in the clothes I both mornin nd evening. He preached to SEALETTES, c eaui dyeing mud renovating though both.gentlemen baq very good and Ur. -_and Mrs. Sewell were living with their His career and success was an undoubted business, Mr.- Sri is also carrying on comfortable houses, as the Old saying has it9 daugliter in Winnipeg up to the time of a " large ginigrogation, the church being Men's, and Ghil&en's. v ry to the oors; Rev. Mr. Henderson MANTLES Boys' ion 6 pluck, patience and perse- ia the same line. a hope opposition will Changes are lightsome, and variety is the their death, Mrs. Hartley has the qym- packe I 4 - I � had a &Plendid practice, at prove the life of tra 0 In this instance.—Mr. spice of life." Mr. Elder �uet still havo a patby of the community in her bereavement. ver spe�ker, and will be welcomed l'us 'r' Hay -Ing completed- a large purchase of o6rcoat8 eranco. e d of the village, le teitown and w! a a modain as well as a 'D.Avid Milne warm feellug-for the east e�, -Campb 11 officiated i and Suits from one of our leading manufactuters,'by the well-known stock:breeder —Mr. Bruce, shoemaker, has returned to back to Bly.�h at any time. Rev. Mr. Kincardine.—The MILLINERY9 clearinit out many of his lines at and below the net odel Vilysician Is was unmarried. of Ethel, was in town on- Wednesday. Mr. where he has so long resided-, ass he has pur- this place, after living a number of years in a n cost-otraaking, we bffer them, together with the ere by the Cosgrove family, Milue has sold a la,�ge number of bulla to chased the fine corner lot itedistelY OPPO, Bruneele, Mr. Bruce li&5 had his house concert given b whole of our magnifleent stock of rn%dC.1up clothing �U,NDER'�WEAR' will out wear in wear farmers in this secti r, and they have most.. site Carmel chureh, and a, roes the street painted, which is a great improvement.— atvoi�olose prices. Fur goods, we show this season, OU under the auspices of the Fireman on Mon FURGs a fine range of Men's and Ladies' Fur Coatsi Caps, anyWher any underwear bought elsewhere. ly all done well.— r. George Ma6ay ost from where he hits been lij!viog so that he Air. McEwen's two little rls -have been day night was a success in every respect, Thii -, & T. DURCAm DuNaAN, the Dry Goods Hustler@,_ of. -Sea- 2 despi �e unfavorable weather. The com- WRAPS, Co Ilan, Capes, Mum forth. 1800-1 a valuable1earn h r a on Saturday lawt. ln� e3in build there at any time if so disposed.— veiy ill with bronchitis ; &it they are on, the gr! flarnmation of the b wels was the cause of Mrs. Sutherland and "Misl�] good one and the, entertainment i WM. Plc�K RE) Sutherland, of the mend now.—Mis's Mary Scott is suffer- Pa"Y 16 16 u SEV�,� T1,10USAND DOLLARS' Worth of besb de%6.—A 1n of Mr. Win. Eber. Oxford county, were in �he village last ing from aevere cold.—Miss AuDie Rich- ,keepin� with the compaDy. was in aluality of Boots and Phoes, Trunks, Winter Cips, e forl . hardt, of Ta k fth while practising on ardson, of Teeswater, is visiting at the resi- few, roccr�es, Lamps, Ch i , i week, visiting relatives.-- ina, etc., still to sell at George 0 era �Maiqter A bert Good the horizontal bar te Institute -Mr. Ad�m Deichart, of' d ce of her u Mr. John Bdrgeo.—Nlise Clinton. gained [s, Seaforth. J. R. GRmoopy, Liquidator. 1800.1 I the'Collegia Deichart, son of, an Dole and this p cord.1 Dn_-;�'i let Jilok Froattake- a snap gymnasiuqi, one da last week, fell' off liwe, had the misfort4ne, on Monday Jessie McDougall and Masters Bert and [F m the News -Be f01I at.your Angers, but inke advantage of the snap in broke his arm.—Mi sea Jeannie and Issibella afternoon last, to' get his hand gagght in the Andrew Malcolm, of Kinoardine, are visit- DmayiNG,— Mr. D. A. Forrester, who OVERCOATS, ting V Fur Muffs at $1. each at Du,%cAN & DUNCAN'S, CardDO'S CeiVan, of Io 1300.1 we, w io have been spending cogs of the, fi; mill, the con. ing at Mr. John Robertson's. —Miss Lackyt recently purob wed the McAllister farm, ad- Block, 8 other 1 some months past w th friends. in McKi iequence being that the aerondl and third of - Wroxeier, is visiting at - Mr. James joining the town, intends going extensively iMITT, GLOVES. 'op: ALMOST Ci1fT iN Turo.—Lote of 'Ladies' left Monday morni on a trip to Engl'.nd fingers of the hand had to be amputiated. Pugh's.—Mr. Fulton Timmins left here on 7intd the d not ha andGeuts'hl lagiradeih6teat nearly half air ring b It will pay 9 price at usiness. t DISTRICT MATTERS. George Good's Stores, Seaforth and where they purpose spending the vi inter.— The operation, which wasia very painful Tuesday for Lindsay, where he will resume AND 14OSIIERY. -Brussels. J. R. him. Goxy:� Liquidator. Mrs. Alexander oat, daught r -in -lar of one, was perforxned by our two doctors. his istudies. Fulton wiill be much miosed by Dix NB'%v ( IRGAN. —The organ recital in GRx 1800-1 aMrs. Win. Sproat, a removing to Michigan Much sympathy is felt for the poor boy and t -o eael, the young folks here. IBE DRESSI&D in dressy Dress Woods such:- th, . the Preab teri i church on Monday evening is week, where a a expects to reside with his parents. ;y what i OUR NEW STORY. a can be! purchased f roul the Dry Goods Ifustlers : i 0 was a pronoun -ed success. Ile building was Seaf(,rth. DuNcAN & Du.-;oAN. her sister.—Mrs. r. Newkirk and child-, 'of 1800-i Hibbert. crowded to t e door#, and about $95 w-ers Edward McFaul, 10 Cleaning and Dyeing Works ran are at present yisiting Mrs. Newkirkli Staffa. Oar new story will be commenced R. H.� BARR',, towards, the organ fund. Mr. D, A. next- weA. It is entitled "Donald, are now In full operation, and he hopes, by strict fathee, Mr. Wm. C4mpbell.—There will be NOTES.—Hugh Miller of! Cromarty has OBITUARY.—As time moves graduiy and SEAFORTIL noiselessly onward, that invisible messen- ve2 Vorr'ester occu, ;ed the chair, and Mr. Burns. to business and first-class work, to merit service. on Thankag ving D%y 'in the Edg- 08 R a of; Heinira," by file popular ,au- aeninpurchased a house in Staffa, from Mr. R. the patronage of the citizens of Seaforth and sur- lish and Preabyterie �n Churches at 11 o'clock , Nichols and intends to bec�.me a resident of ger,—desth,—oommands another of our &Dd Miss Jack on were the accompanits. life. Her remsin& were interred in Ball's 'he st thor William Black. Ou r readers rounding couatr�. Inspection s worthy and esteemed pioneers to abandon AN AFFrLiaMr D FAmmy.—Mr. S. J. An.; olicited — prices right a. in. —The remains of thelata John Peters �cernetery, Base line, Hullett. The largest wear wifffind it all that we pyomisM. . Shop—Ars-i door. north of D. D. Wilson'o egg this thriving little village. ',, Tho Staffs foct this worldof care. The victim, on -thle sad drewo has jus received word of a very se- emporium'. R. .H. BARR, Seaforth. 1300 were taken from his late residence, Gods- ball team goes to Seaforth funeral procession ever witnessed in the on Thanksgiving occasion is Mrs. John Connolly, a resident vere aMiction hat has befallen his brother will be f urn rich street, to St. T 2omas' Church,on Satur- Day to play a team of th4 town for pos. of ld William's fam ly in Scotland, South Dalkota, section followed her remans to the rave. New subscribers ished GOOD BUTTER in oni and two pound rol", day mornin thence tl ey were taken the 6th concession �of this township. 0 *—Mrs. Duncan Livingstone and children d with THF, ExPOSITOR from NOW hn- also in tube for (ibich the highest market pric Fro sission of the Crawford cup. —John Young Eria's Land was former residen �s of Londesboro and Clinton. o will her birthplace, and the excellk to the rai k have purchased the late residence of Mrs. til anuary 189,t for the pTice of',o-NE be paid at'DUROAN & DuNc_kx's, Seaforth. 1300.1 lWay stati and then to London returned from British Columbia last wee country in which she wedded an ever affec. About three weeks ago Mrs. Andrews and for interment, , Mi. Robert Turnbull, McLeau, one amd-a-qarter 'A ilea north of of and looks as -robust as a 0 or sons n erman were ti an I t ovate, usband, now deceased. About YFAR's subscription. Send in your WHAT MAKES the guessing compet ion at, MoKillop, near her.-, met with Feat's Drug Store so popular? Because ey rythin a very pain- and Jim Woiden, of Croarty, returned Brussels. There in an acre of land half a century ago they effilgrated to this with typhoid ver, caused, itis thought,by . house, names Now and.get all the story. about it is thoroughlyreliable. Thare is fraut ful accidentmMonday afternoon. Hawas from Dakets last week, They intend 'to c ­h.ther premises. t iT - ountry and took up their abode in the town drinking wate from an infected wall. Af- stable, &c. in connection wit in connection with 'it. The prizes are enuine at the station hel ng his son to ship some spend the win The price ws,s $300. Mrs. _McLean now. p ter in Ontario,. Of Prestou. A few years later they con- ter getting along fairly well, Her- ARmv NorEs.—The Salvation -Army is (gu&ranteed'by W.,R.,Counter, who is responsible). horses and apples, and while standing on resides in Brussels, Everybody who spends 25c In the store has the same tinued their westward miaroh and arrived to man 6 boy 0 thieteen, was taken with a having a week of salf-denial, Prayer and chance of winning theme �rlies, and the counting the rack of a wa0ri he missed his footing, Ethel. —Mr. Riley, of Ingersoll, purchased the I remain in this vicinity, where settlers were violent hemorr a and died'Saturday mon- our 01 Thankigiving. Everybody is invited to committee, composed of . Jamleedn, E. McFaul, and falling to the ground he dislocated his ANOTHER BULL last lot of cheese of the Walton factory, at SOLD.—Nr. David Milne few and hardships many. Here Mrs.Coun iag; He was constant companion of his help the good cause. gifts to the olly 10 9-16 cents per pound'. The Directors ?v Send your J. S. Jackson and Dr. Bethune. ( se decide every- shoulder. . He w Iked to Dr. Smith'8 has sold another fine'youn bull this time ably %saisted her partner in overcoming the me 0 P. r son lay dyieg, was 9� obstacles met, witb,preparatory to a comfort- 001ze i thing' are surely reliable. Therefore, everybody is - flice, where he had the dislocation re ther, who he' have re-enga' the Captain on Wednesday, November 16th. ou god W. A. Edgar for. next re o� fair play. We have some Very nice goods. to Mr. John Coope 0 ick, near Got. wool d with a ill which resulted in her G�ptain Newert' and, Lieutenant Andrews, Come and see for yourself -at Fear's Drug Store, sea- duced, and we I d to 'leaca that 118 is fle. : He has also disposed I year, He has proved himself to ben A I are a of nearly all his able home.As an amiable wife,a, loving moth- death twenty�-f r hours from the time they 6( Mitchell, Will. lead a Jubilee, and at their forth ettin,g along nice —Xies Ell% J. Smith W061 g the; amount gi thoroughbred obeep, Mr. Milne is a former or and an obliging neighbor, she has won for buried 6r you, gest son. Willis Andre maker and the people are well satisfied *ith van will be madi LiQuIDATION SALE of George Good's mam- tas accepted a situ tio 11 we' his work and pleased to know that he is' to n- in the Paisley pub- the remainin ember of the afflicted family, who benefits by advertising., herself a lasting reputation. She had &I. In I A half night of prayer will folloj�/, moth stocks still going on. A still further reduc. IiC school. M ion 8 ith bas a first clasi car. re have charge during 1893. tion in prices has been made. J. R. GREGORY, Liqui- ady reached the allotted age, and on 'the died at 7 o'cloo . Russel, who had been in A good time is looked foi.—Corc tificate, is a most C ever young lady,'and,tbe —Mr. George Stevens, of Rullett, near P dator. .1300-1 Bayfleld Paisley ople W I 28th ult, trod on that fatal link, which Colora�Ao, retur ad in time to see his mother peo Is w . find her an excellent Harlook returned 'NOTES Miss Mary Osm6nd, of Bayfield, napped, leaving another soul to meet and Willie bef re their death." -from Manitoba on Friday TE\XPERANOY, AN,_qivERSARy._The ant.'. teacher.—Mr. Geo a a MEmommvr., —Sorrow is sometimes so urnbull shipped an. left here -last week to resid' W London.— the Omnipotent, She died full of resign%- DEATH OF AXES* STAVELY,—" Jimmie last. He went out on one of the harvest earth in connection with 'Auron C0111 heartrending and overwhelming id its sud. other lot of horses the Old Country o.n Rev. G. F. Newton, of Bay re. He breathed his last at nd spent nearly two months in excursions, a Royal Templars of Temperance,w, M day.—Mrs. arn, of Clint Uld, han- at the tion and inspired with glorious anticipation, 'Stavely is no lish dennese, that words fail fo adequately .0' on, , is request of the congregation of St. John's of reaping the good harvest of Paradise, h be rd g the prairie province. He say"s thO farmerr be held on Sunf visiting at Maple Hall, the gue. is A fag o se, the Grand Union.botel, ra, excee lay and Monday, Novemb, 1, expmss its depths. in such cases the at of Mrs. church, Strathroy, b will get their g in ovived in good condition een appointed as rector To mourn their irreparable lose, she leaves on Monda rning. The deceased had y. in 20th sud 21st. Rev, J. Galloway will preach st a d the anguish of feature best Case. this year, and thst threshing operations tire :the b` of that parish. Mr. Newton will enter on one son and one daughter, both of whom be3n ill since his return from the, old coun- the tarinual sermon on Sunday morning' and voi,13 r an is th true sentiments of the riven hpart. now nearly completed. John &f.cmi P.' will deliver an his duties about the first- Of December.— are married. On the 31st ult., after the try, several -weeks ago, an a result of takin Mon, t Causesir such expressions of feeling have ppen. 9 add.resi at a public meeting i I n Cardno's ball Messrs. G. and G. S. Castle had a very sue- funeral service was concluded, her body was dk ssage. The cause of death was —A very sad accident occurre d- to a five been sadly numerous in our midst, for eome NOTICE. —Haying transferred the books cessful sale in Stanley, on Tuesday 'of last interred in the Irishtown cemeter , to stomach and liver trouble. For over'fort year old Pon of Mr. Donald Pattersoo, liv- 'F on Sunday aft.ernoon. on the following tim y due the dersigued must now be paid we 8�t years Jarnes Stavely was well k e, but. culmination was reached when the all account ek. The we her proved more favorable which place a large concourse of.friendi fol. nown in th ing two miles north of Auburn. It appears Mond&y evening Mr. Isaac T. Mills, of To- bei Ned pastor of the Egmondville Presb - to him per,6101nally at y ;nsall. A wFisulluER. than expected, and there was a good at- lowed, to pay the last tribute to all that wag section. � When young he came from York- he was walking along a beam in tlie barn, ronto, elocutionist. vocalist and lecturer, terian Church joined the silent but' living 1299.2 tendauce. Ti M. Carlini.,, the county mortal of a true and valued friend. —Com. shire, England, to New York State, then to which was covered with straw, and which will airig, speak and recite at a public enter- jority No eulogy of ours can expr . ens GIVING Up BUSI�EAS.—Ovvin& to the ra. auctioneer, gave excellent satisfaction. The THE tainment in Kidd's hall. Further particu- in& Chiaguacousy, Peel, Ontario, where he re. slid off, causing him to fall -a distaince of 26 his noble*q pid increase in w3 H 11 b InOss, Which now re- lara next week, uslities of head and heart, more quit 9 WY enit . ire itteen'tan, IT prices realized *ere above the average, ex- Tuckeriamith. mained four or five years. He never re- feet on the bare floor, breaking both -arms u ave decided to give up u u u clearly than the sense of lose so apparent in q calved in the entird comin b 8, egg at Kippen a�d will therefore sell out it cost cept for horas. Mr. Castle,' the younger, COUNCIL.—The council met at Kyle's ho. any education and worked hard. above the wrist and braising himself AT — unity. May the- Great all the entire Stock 0 Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, takes up is residence'in 13% About 1850 he came to Huron and settled general. ardware,'Hats and C ps Crockery and Glassware, I Tuz DE_q E, - The debate under the an$- Father abundantly support ;nd-od'm"fort the ifi . eld.—Com,' tel, on Tuesday, November 1, at the call of on a farm of about 200 pices of the' Seaforth Mechanics' Institute etc., for Cash only. D. �VEISNILLFR. the reeve. The niembFrs were al! present. acros, near Londes- —f here is one man in Clinton who evi- AN 1i aged father and )other relatives, but naore 1299-2 Brucefleld. The chief business wE�a adWstivg and pay- boro. He sold this property some years ago aently knows how to make poultry pay, and will be held in, Kidd;& hall on Frida even- ANNIVERSARY.— cc y ording to p a especially, thez noble, brave -hearted woman, revious ig The follo for $4,000 nd it is now owned by Robert that is Mr. J wing subject will be discus- announcement the anniversary services of RETURED. ounte. Paymeints to. the amount of - H. Worsell, for since the sad:. "'Resolved that ohn A. MacDonald who, almost at one blow has been rendered --Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swan Scott. At this time the deceased a Huron Central Fair he has sold over $15 u the Royal Template of Temperance, Kippen, returned home from their trip to M. �1!03ciwere made, 96 detailed statement of childless and a widow. The Rev. Geor anitoba ge did moro good for Canada than Hon. George i pose w 8 % worth of chickens, some of them Needham, B.A., whose lamented. death oc- were field a� 3 -o'clock., in St. Andrew.'s and the Northwest on Saturclay last. They which will be made and published for distri- d to have had a few hundred dollars. as high as an let the- money out, bought mortgages, etc., -$4 a pair. From 23 hens he hassupplied I BrowD " The affirmative will be taken by -bution before the a worthless dog has been getting ift his work caslioDed the above remarks, was born in the church, on Sabbath last, when the Pont most of:the time in the Huron settle.' Dual meeting. The Rev. Mr. 8 I N Dr. Bethune, eader, assisted by Messrs. township 'of Moore, Simpson and hiq.�..wealth accumulate. -I r pidly. He his own house with eggs an soldin addition Lambton of Brue field ed a very ment, near Moosejaw, where they have a County, owned ik farm in Colborne and held a heap of over $40 worth of eggs sind poultry. this bla, =4 Nelson Rays and James Watson. On the Ontario, in the year 1852. able and instructiv sermon on the evils of daughter settled., -The McCarweys, Thom p. to the tune of about $60 rh question --tti4p side will be Mr. Thomas McMillan, The second child mortgages, ranging from a few hun ar. Who says that thoroughbred poul-- -ne, Shall the County of Hur�n buield a Hous'81 , a the liquor traffic, a large and sonsi Gilmours, Moffats and others from this dred dol- y a large family, he ewrly mauffitsted traits appreciative leader, 'assisted by Messrs. Wm. Prender� audience. lari to over six thousa, d. The deceased is try does not pay? Pf character of no ordinary, kind.' In study He to his text from II King3,­ vicinity live there, and they have all - nice of Refuge, will be submitted to the vote of gast and Harry B�attie. The subjEct is one said to leave in all about, 440'000 and died 10th chapter, and farms nd,, seem to -be doing well, and arld the ratepayers at the first 4lection of mem- -.On Monday last, John Valentine, sent kei which should ca11 forth a good, deal � of in- !ts wellas the duties of farm life to which ast clause of 9th verse, a without a recent will. A�ou� tw uty years up for stealing a goat skin robe at uarteo e was -raisad "thorough" Was ever his " Who slew all the a ?" Mr. Simpson is an quite contented. They h 0 bers of council at which a 6te is necessary ad n f rost there tere8t, and there is plenty of roopi for an ago he made a will to a half-brother, also ,,rne n temperance worker. deceased. As far as -we can learn this is the dim tto. Educated at the public-achool, and at, well -know this year to injure their grain, and although for such election. About $40 was voted an Wroxeter, pleaded guilty before Judge migtiav,4 animated debate. The sides, also, are wblfl fo It has seldom been )ur privilege to listen to the crop was n9t so heavy the grain is of ex. st�a ter passing the entrance examination , at relief to I-ohe poor. Councillor Reinkie was : anded one week for 0 POR-ifi chosen. We shal hope to see a large tur empowered to adjust and settle th ly bequest and the relatives, if there a lie Sarnia Higli school,- he readily obtai 'ad Dre eloquent in cellent qual* - Mr. Swan was much or -onvincing disc a claim of on are sentence. R6bert Coopei, charged with out at the debate Friday evening. n ourse Mr. Case for damage for injury to his horse , any,will probably claini the fortune. We be. burglary -at Shipka, wag arraigned on behalf of the ternpe ,auce cause. pleased with the country and the prospero'lle second class certificate. He then- turned lieve the- deceased had distant relatives in Tuesday, and pleded gilty. saw caus ad by a defective culvert. The specifi. when he thil is attention to STOCK 8 Taylor �as teaching for ab TEERS.—Mr. George condition of his old friende. His son-in-law out two different parts of Michigad and New York was,remanded until the 15-th iust., fr sen- AcMpt�NT.—We regret to note that Mr. returned from Toro t Mr. Thomas Boyce, who accompani 'i cations for the cleaning ouit of the big- drain much A' ars, but eatimfied with his atbainmente, ith car load' of ied him, e not W. bdl�Pougall, of Egmondville, wl.10 has had States. He was aged 74 years, tence-. His partner in the Greevyol o was SO much pleased with the country that ob,John Glavin, e resolved, if possible, to obtain a univer- itock steers. An f;rDa`r'a'_ave askiv received shortly after -last meeting, charge of a gang of apple packets for Mr. 9 such �ut owing to the heavy rains it was found has been captured andis now in jail awaft- of fine - the fall, met with i,ty education. With this end in view,' he high prices for th class of cattle, leaders he bought. a half section, although he does George Turnbul, durino find that it is cheapr inexpedient to attempt to let the job this Ing trial. Hmtie o ttended h er to purchase them in not intend to move there. On his w Hu oxi Notes. Zufal accident on Saturday evening last, t a Brantford Collegiate Institute, sy home r oronto Portage I& Prairie —A short time ago Rev; S. 'Joriee4 of from which he soon passed to the T Toronto and pay tVe freight on them from Mr. Swan stopped oft at fall. The council will meet at Weber's ho- Ming along the north road, near �niveraity. There his course that city - to destination. and spent some time with fel, Egmondville, on the 25th of November, Brulf4ple, was coming home from. Clifford ChlnesO lile co Miss Williams, the well-known lad y was marked Mr. Win; Cud. Hr. Win. McIn- evangelist, preached in Holmesville Methe- Mr. Xexander Kerr*@, tite young man who lly brilliant success, winning scholarships more tosh, David Youhill, Hu at 10 a. M.—S. SILLIE Clerk. wheW,he had been. visiting, and in cha the bas also returned with a carload of the gh Grant and other dist church last Sunday, Irg- was drivin the horse, started to race with me class of c WEST ETD NOTES,—' about at Palmerston he forgot his over- ey a d prizes in the aggregate' to' over $300. la attle Threshing is mg cars th old Brucefield people. They are well and —Mr Robert Colelough, of the Clinton 0 a eof t evl( a young lal on horseback. This Boon re. ut lie was not only suce PEMONAL.---:Ow to the ilently - pro!xpering. He was done in thi neighborho d —Miss Fauni road, Goderich coat, leaving it in the train, He, did not essful in his 9 prevalence of much township, has completed a and con sulted in an upset, in the ditcb, men, horse a. u ies ; so was he by bin fal. n board of educa- pleased to see Turs. McIntosh, Sr,, who re- agagod to teach in very haudeoni and comfortable new fr miss it until he arrived id Brussels. A di appreciated diphtheria in Ki' i e Townsend has been a and wago sharing the same fate, all how- piumever emerging safely but Mr. McDougall,tbe aides with her son William, looking so hafe residence. w studen:13 that they.elected tion of that town d4cided, some three week Section No. 4 for 1893.—Apple psekers are amp telegraph message was sent at once but the I ' Although they an eyed their resent. Some of the farmers are —Mr. W. Roddick has purch vein g articl a has not turned up yet nor is as to re� h gheat position in their gift, viz: ago, to close their pl ple for a month. i busy at p one lesst to blame. He� unfortunatel Presi. blio echo and hearty ased the in' was In trip -Mrs. Swan yo d'6t of th6 Literary society. In consequence Miss Mamh imm�usely, both Mr. a doing a little kicking when theyseethe there much likelihood of it doing so now as the Wilt, struck heavily on his left shoulder Graduating a MeMordie nd George Martin property n Main Street, l*C ti andpatit-outof joint. We ar fie at once entered teac home ape r ad ;is a photograph -- w, ith the d �gree of B. A., 4ier in that,place, riding fou' were glad to get back to their own comfort. heaps of culls. —Mr.'Thomas Kearns killed a Brussels, formerly occupi the coat was, a bpDadcloth one about as,good glad to Xnox 661,16ge, where be weeks extra hof1dai1s. We understand that able home again. six mouth 'old porker the other da which gallery. He paid $450 for it, as new. The thief shoutil at leagt� Kom learn. however, th yvas equally sue- mend And vrs sheisre-engag�d in Kincardine for next back the gloves, handkerchief, &c., left in at he is doing nicely and c'seful. Aft Mrs. N. —One day last week,a son of Mr. Daniel 9 y tipped the beam at 212 pounds, — y will soon be around allall). er spending a ear recruiting year. his bealth, which had suffered from too close Wroxeter. Cosine has gone to visit her daughter in McNu�ghton, of Brussels,* fell out of a the Focketig. - I - M. -to study and from a severe attack Mr. THE PU Buffalo. —A social was lately given by Indies w —1,A91r, Sunday, John Mooney, of Morris, a plication BLIC HAL CONCERT. —The concert NoTrEs.-­-A good )n in which he was riding and broke A VEiECY SX[) EVEINT.—Mr. C hold unde� oes of the Ki let out his horses to 'have e, ran in the Air" ii harls Bar. 0 typhoid lever, he accepiled a call fro:ni the the ausp i many of our citizens at. of the Women's Foreign Mission at Turner'fi b0stT bones of his right arra near the wrist. Meyer, ker, t te well-known horse trainer, died at PPen Pah- tended the concert in Gorrie on; Saturday Church. A very enjoyable time . was. spent. pasture field. In the evening his son went E mondville coDgregation, to which he lie Hall Cdmpany, Ook place on the 24th 'night and pronounced it fairly)good.— —Messrs.' V. Ratz and H. Eilber, the was after them and the nimals started on a vate bai his residence, (roderich street, on Monday Speeches and singing were the 6 rdei of the Reeve and Deputy-Reeveof tits township or ainedl)� ihe lObh of.June, -1�90, and few ult. Owing to the volemency of the wea. Messrs. Gofton and Yeo are :I&yADg rein- evening. Proceeds a little over $9. --Mr. Sound run along the field next the lane, All f a were a-11 evening last. about 5 o'clock; He had been m re happy unions of of Stepben,_6ve gone to the Parry ill only a -few dys. Typhoid fever pastor and people have otherwise w the speak- meet with success. ok ethey Edward Plewes returned home I from Mani- District on a deer hunting and mining ex. 'sudden a fine cheinut mare slipped ad fell ther the attendance- was not as large as it deer and moose in Mask op was ev r been consummated. In October of ould ha a been. All thezc,%,isa of his death. He was a tout tobs on Saturday. last, *oyed a when Mr. Mooney g,ot up to her sh th same year, he was married to Janet, era announced for tl ie evening were present ENTERTAINMENT.—A free entertainment pies' having exii and Collins I full blooded man, and the fever to pedition. whor saut trip. ok a ter ehest daughter of the Rev, George :Grant, except Mr. nd Mr. McMillso. Dr. —We are sorry to learn that.Mr. Thomas Wag just breathing her last. She hae 0. rible hold on hiin and did its !vork rapidly. of 1 rillia who blessed his io w a iven under the auspices of the Royal d drive ing sever- -He had been conilned to co me and . the Campbell, of Seafor ih, gave 4 very interest- T:M lars of Temperance, on Friday night Werry, of Usbornet near Exeter-, is su.ff#r- broken her neck, the vertebrae be' p0nds his hoLlse only Ing address on th poet Burn#. Exeter.' ad close to the bead. The beast did not gregation over which he presided �for the The per- last. The hall was well fill ng severely from havibg accidentally since the previous Thursday. Mr. Barker formance, of Mr ad with an ap. BRIEFLETS. —Sneak thieves entered the fallen down cells even offer to kiek after he fell. It -was a of -wate sb' rb space of about two �eara. Some six or -3. So ge and daughter on the recl tive audience, and 6ery one expressed shilter i was a quiet, induistrious, inoffensive man. .1 i, , and �his injuries are eig ht months ago, Mr.Needham's health began musical glasses was much. appreciated. The irri'alf or slaughter house of Mr. D. Davis on Friday such t most peculiar accident as the field was as- and m as well known thoughout the comty, to � ail'as it was herself hat his recovery is uncertain. comic 8013 well pleased with the last supposed from over work,but programme, having paid, an admission fee lamb. Mr. Davis w wo front quarters of �Mr. F. Scott,of - Lanes settleme evecilly among borsemen. For several go and dai cing of. -Mr. McLeod, of and carried off t ut in the level as a floor, fowe, a re lly from the inroads of an insidious a- Seafortb, was also rr ucli admired. Receipts ill keep a sharp.lookout _A'very pleasant event took place at &I 14, I-ecently shot &-thirty year he Was employed with Mr. George e di of the eveniva, $37. many a fime fi3r not so good. Addresses township -of A -,ha i ns, of Hullett, a 0. The death of, his mother hastened its for them in the future.—Mr.R.-Sanders, who year old orse. lbo the residence of Mr. J. "Steve Columb, in hotel ravages, and as:if to climax the sum of af- Sh%w. The ever i5wned and having bec '_ a worthless Witi-tely, but for the past ear or more he were delivered by Revs. Davidson and has been on a tour in Manitoba, and DAko- was the first horie he near Harlock, on WedneEday evening of last has 4-d charge of t t: stableg of Mr. Rober; musical part of the programme ta for t a past three week. This was the m ar, fli4bionQ, his only a bright boy, was mofiths, returved home What was ably filled by Messrs, B6ag, Fox, Gib through 4ge, he took this huon iftiage-of his third C 0 that, tim NMERON SmITH, Barrister, Solicitor,Con- eon and Belden and Misses Bulah, Me, at some , s adds to t1le sadness of the su, denly anatcl )d away. 4 Fr in e C on Fri 06Y lit lait much- benefitted by end' its troubles. daughter, Miss Lizzie t08 Mr. Joseph Whte- pie thin 8vvrj� ts, that it is on;ly about three weeks .9 ni Tapidly declin ncer, Commissioner for taking 4flidavits in Ifigh Tavish and Rae. Violin duets by be ed and bre4�hed his last veya ' ly-, a, prosperous armor of Harlock. The I Court of Justice, Hensall. Gibson his trip —Ourltax collector bag been on his -�-Ur- McDougall, W, 'years was te sivea I is wife died, and there ai,6�th-r �o for in ihe midst of a sorrowtvg �Offloe, ground floor rounds,an� the village taxes are inuch ower competent and ceremony i�As performed in the presence of people on the g brothers, Mouth-orgau duets by'Megars, the left without either father 0 Troyer's Block, Main Street, Hensall, 1299-3 rell'Able managr of They wil, h r mother. inoruing of Friday, November 4th. 'On than previous years, so. ibuch for baviDg an a large number of the intimare relatives and so mucl Monday last at 3 oclock his 'remains were GREAT Hemphill and Green,D MeTaggart farm, Olt the London Road. friends. Mr.',D. , Stevens acted as groome- for sue ,owever, be well euxed.for by CLEARINq SALE. — t Recitations by Misses ical Reeve and Council. —Lathere are Stanley, has. moved into Clinton. Dg', i"a Forsyth and Gibson, and,ill were very good econon' M r. the whi their grand -mother, Opened uo 40 cases of IRubbers and overshoes 12 busy lathing Mr. Charles Snell's new resi- Thomas Trerneer,' late of Hullett, trt t-� th InaD,"while Miss Whetely waited on the . Mrs. Wni. McMurray, borne by the in embers of Ilill session, as pall- cases of Felt Boots and 400 pairs -of Men's, Boys, in their differ�nt parts. The inner - man dence on Andrew Streei. —Mr. John Hawk - management oft on alyd other frieii(13. I of Egmundville, and be rerg, from the manse t ! o . the ch'urch, Youths' Long Boots, and also received a now assort. was not forgotten, as coffee, cake he farm, e bride. The young -couple enter up: the able cla Wh to a moAt impressive. service, was ment of Trunks and Va4ses, we offer them, together 141c., wets shaw's team attached to a wa stern realittee of lif- Chinesil -stock of if cot wearo at a discount dur. gon loAded Lakt week Robert, son of Mr. Thomas prospects, a with the mostfavorable con- served during - intermission - This lodge is with manure, took a notion to run aw'ky on Strachan, of Grey, went to Toronto to con- SL.—Letters of admin MR. TP-ow's FOTU with our entire du ted by the Preebytery, led by the Rev. Ing the next thirty days, in order to make rooni to be congratulated -on furnishing such a istrat-aa have been granted in connection Dr, McDonald, of Se%forth, - A vast 'conw more new goods, com for Saturday morning last.. They were cleverly —We bad lost track of -our ol In in. Call and fine entertainment for such a am d friend, wit , the estte of the lute James Trow, ex. utte fgs ta n et Barggins.. all sum. sult a specialist aliotit his failing eyesight. M. P for South Perth. 0 mins- rand E e same as cash. A. W�xsrojl, We hope for their euccesm and- pro�petit i a long ime, but his do le Mr.Trow was, ap. tio, Sign of the B g Boot, for a few course of sorr wing -people of 'all deno B ke captured by Aldermtn T. B. Carlingi before He will remain in the Queen citi Mr. A. k. Taylor, for r in county will be pleased ito r are still being held in the James Street which the doctor says will prover effi rn that he. -is still pro@ the enerally bel)ved and ever faithful mnister to its last OATS WANTED.—Fifty thousand bushels Of piro i ly, not so. wealthy a3 was a then fo�,lowed all that was mort%l of a H, nsall and 0 oinarty. 112OD-4 yt In doing any serious damage, —Special kervices weeki to undergo the prescribed tres�tmeut many frieDda in th the f v ture,. and hope that it will xi�ot be he to lea' 3g, although sui I), acd. The admiDistratora az last concert they will give, an, perij P James d we promise "clous' in a foreig, climp. done in re resing place"" of good clean White Oat i wanted this motith, fiavilig church, and much good is being done.—A —Mr. Robert Menzies has disposed of The Chicago Cauadiam in the, Egniondville cemetery. dience for the next one. shootiog match was held at tho'hietropol- his farm, n American, in-referring.to the Ca .-glass, a and omas Trou-, And in the aftidavits filed Its. Needham leaves on. Saturday after- meal. Farmers 'having -.--Our village has been visited orth halves of lots and 8, con- vadians' lo- secured large contracts: rom Liverpool. firms for oat. just as large -an an in c suttection with the-appHeatiou -for ad- no a for Orillia, where she will in future re- at the HeInsall Oati to to dispose of should Call � itan [louse on Thursda 7. cated in. Went Superior, the Chi ea I ills. A UltqUHAR. ' 1300 by the knighta� of the chisel and crowbar. is y.—Mr. R. S. Lsug eassin 13,Grey,containiog 114 acres,to Con- -says : Auother the pa Miuis-rationY the value of the personal es. i)d�i with lier.parents., It is perhaps need- purchasing poultry of every - deabription, rad Engel, of the same township. young Canadian who his made mark as nfider $ . 150,000, and the MARKET.S.— -IhitB wheat, 680; On Wednesday night of last week'six of the The price ed Ith. lea to say that the blessings and sYmpath and is payin*j the highest market prices. received was $4,000.. This is considered a success if, Mr. A, M. Taylor, of the firm of wea t*te w t8 given 65c to ips red, 64c to 67c ; apt ing, 60r,. 6 oats ere broken to 1101p 9 Bob always makesa success of everything he bargain as t e farm ii a very good one, real tatate at under,$49,000. The real es. of ,:his entire community will accompany 29c to 30C ; barl y 35a- to 38c ; I nto 6 - Taylor & Armstrong. 'He 65c - business places of this village- w tatg i:i madeup of " The Grange,'? his late her� potatoes y prying in the front doors and brehk-'. was anew arriv-; residence in S We had hoped to have her among us 45c to 50i per bushel. uudertakes.—The Royal Templars of this - �The September and October cheese f &I when we made our isit a year ago; in C hi* a a tratford, and farm proparty in forsome time!-' Ing the locks. The tools were got from J. Elace intend attending an open meeting to the Bluevale factory has been sold for 11 one brief yearhe has nvade his way into the settfle, d -hope, Elm&, ��oatjl also,po, the t Pwaships of Wellesley, NortIL to filll in a meature, the late BRIEF. —Mr. J11in Millar has sol4 his Earner's wagon shop, and were left at the a held at Hensall on Thursday nex front rank of attorneys, and has a practice East- pas! or's place, but she fe%red the loneliness fino corner lot or posite the Presby.torian post -office, which was t,the cents per pound. The september cheese will' hope, at the� Little ana th vvo� Id be too great to bear. Com. among the number l7th inat. They are comfortably situated be shipped thi week. Tot equal to anyone in the profession. L�kei wad East 7,orr:t-. The inventory of church to Mr. win. Elder.—The Sunbeam broken into. Nothing of, & 8 &I shipment will race. I ny account was in their new hall in the Woods Block. �Mr. weigh 9,000 lbs. —The Brussels Post makes the following Circle gave it splendid concert in McE en�s taken. The following are the places visited : The factory closed on Mon- : DuHn his. vroperty is B" f0110we :—Houehold LCAL'BRi ved a severe fall day of last week but cheese will b6 , manu, reference to a formerresident of that place EF-s--Atf investigation, by John Woods, who recei good's and furniture a hall on Friday evening las�. T. Hemphill's hardware store, T. Miller's from % building, some few days ago, is theDon ':Z1,200 farmi, g im The att 'd plern-nts, $125 e conimiftec.of the council, into the charges ance was very good, and an excellent' to. grocery store, C. Simmon'a but factured-for patrons for a few weeks yet� A letter was received last week by Wm. S, $150 hornead cat- pro erred agaiust the water-wo' cher shop,, recovering slowiv.—Mr.- J. W owned I tle, $215 ; bok dLbts and promi�01. rks engineer'- gramme. was, carri�_d out. by the chilqren the post. office, J. Eamer's wagon shop- J. Broderick, —A few days ago Miss Emerson, of Clin- Ellis, statiug that his son John, who was so I composiul ah,olp in y notes, wai hold on, Friday and S'aturday last' who purchased 'the' stock of Mr. James ton, had -the misfortu $ 4.,398 96 ; money sLvured g the Circle. Davidson's blacksmith shop., it is a D ne I 0 D seriously injured by the 3ral. witnesses werc exa vide t an explosion of a gaso. by mortgages, Sev� Techair was very to fal d w $107,159.28 - mined, but, as, ably filled by Mr. J Grievesi will 'shortly move into the - by 4%o T. Wren, and the fine that they were either after cash only, or on store open cellar -way, She experienced no par- lene atove, at Thompson, North Dakota, is life insurance, K000 ; bank the e Nvere still several to f xamine, nshares nd other stock', St71094 cash in qui the en ilt offered f6r sale was auctioned by jr. a frolic, as nothing e idently is recently vacated, by Mr. Grieves.—Mrs. $, ticular discomfort at the timey beyond a slowly improving. * The doctors amputated Missing. -baulk -ay. keptan 2950 ; rev.1 estate, $45,800. y was postpone pntil next Satur4 C, Petty, and pu chased by Mr, v Jory, of the Thames Road, Usborne, ha the four fingers of the left hand at the *see- hey were amateurs, ving severe shaking up, but has recently suffered 6 sold her fine farm, and beiug about to re 'cific � -Of the Sons of Sci'tlaud Beek, of this place. The pro a d as the brea conaide'able pain, and ond joint, and the thumb of the earno hand The h Grand Socretar Richtrd, It is &130 evident that t Gcvernmeut.lsl,share of the eet��o Is e Is king in. of doors does it -is thought that one Sep 0 8"CessiOn ta',v is $4 875, whil6i nouoted to over $11, Vancou amp Lady Nairnn 'quilt and admission ar not show move to Exeter, is to have an auction sale- of of her ribs was broken by the fall, at the first joint. On the right hand the underi th. 6p9cted to visit C of he Ding, th _G Judgei,� , Woo(J's fe(, nesday eve e 16th inst., when a which the CirK at donating. to the that they are,adepts at the business. NO her stock and other farm effects on Tuesday c-orge Smith, Of. West Wawanosh, has third and fourth fingers were taken off a concert given y �he think it will not alwaysreinain a secret, as ars. Holtby for the else amounted to $1�)s.,�O. sionary ev three ain L-otinect a. trace of them lias been found though we next. She has a lot of properby to dispdae rented his splendid farm to Mes, tion 17fth the f all t� urn out of the membera is requested. 6u Ir I f use. T lyfre" Trow in- Mr.'; Win, McKay, of 0 - b the second joint, and the thumb at the first tends gilvie'& Co.P8 mill,, Cc of, and there will likely be a large sale. and Case, who formerly, resided in the vi- joint - removing to Torozw. grove Fami ly on 18aturday eve lwet, they are not supposed tor live a thousand nlug It is expected that the patient will haellbegn laid up with a severe attack- a tio. I f in Coxwortha hall,l was very largely �t_ miles away. --------------- cinity of Whitby, for the term of seven be able to come home about the end of thi DEATH OF ALEX, t e yeare, Mr. Sin the Ex lumbago but is now recovering.—W are tended, and was mu h enjoyed y all. :T�iis - NLI Et -ii y of ou'r no b Blyth. ith intends to locate with mouth. Five.of theseveu men burned have arde readera will peruse the following, which %ve h6lvirg the coldest snap of the season, is the second time tf is musical family naive Hills Green. his family in Dungannon village in the near ed, Ab natned Symonds, of Toronto, is home future. —On Monday evening of last week, Rev. land in f ict the f1rat really - cold weather, whichl visited here d b th occasions they NOTES.—Mr. and Mrs. -G. N. Hill were to spend the winter with her parents and —J,. Cook, D. McCallurr, and j. Smith John Rose� of Brussels, ass take. froni the Brussels P08t, of last week, the people think aboui fur coats a d' I , 0 Miss Sophia with feelings of the deepest ma., es dowe were greeteA Invith niarge and appreci til surro.w. Dr. do al —Mr. Win. n London last isted by Rev. D, -stroll a Win Somerville audien in week, attending the funeral friends.—M.r. John Moffat, who in still kd fifty-two --barrels of apples in two B. McRae, of Cranbrook, wa" !re:,"'Y -Vcted by all who has, 1 been couf oes. — Osgri-!Petty Brothers, of' t;e of Mr. Bailie, formerly conductor on the Port Elgin looking after soples, sp n- ours on John Oliver's farm, 6th line of marriage ceremon - y performed the and , h, e I,:" a ined to bed for several.days p: knew hirn pluck and ability se- wi t fever,, but we are pleased to. learn that Yorkshire n house, are no* workibg London Huron and Bruce Railway, ant Su between Mr. George before cured him nearly night —Mr. d tra.tion. kep up to their aY With his family -here.—We are sorry to Grey, last week, . This is good work as they. Robb and Miss Maggie McCrae, two well His early he eems to have taken a turn- for. the bat John Measeau, who has been a tenant in state that Mr. Robert Walden, who - left did not k lad, C a- —Mrs. ('�"­dhri'aAtyo'f-'t 130mise terminates 4 useful life work. L a r. i he London Roa now --they were being timed and known young people in that locality, at the to 16 short a brilliant careei The P &tt already f Mr. Wm. Consit's, house for the past year, some moutho,ago for Carman, Manitoba e od cuts t r M TI oinas Walsh iii laid up with an. and whose fine 4r6 Ost says "A p rhaps could have done better had they residence of the bride's 'parents. The bride Eta received I Down, was tastily attired in.% cream cashmete drove out -to 4 . . . . . . of this plvL-e, 01, NL10n(,1ay, (, -posed persons cut one employed a ProVincial land surveyor to op n __.�Halloween passe ne I John Shaw nig last some evil -die nday Heneall, has, with commendable enterpris , week, having reiated o ' of Mr. Bell's farms. tal at presenti where be is being taken c - k 'chin telegmin by llr ok of erysipelas i0­.tl1e face.—On. 8u orme part f moved into -Mr. Daniel Bell's houe last is very sick. He is in the Winnipeg hospi, ng the are -�--Mrs..Josaph Govier, of Hullett, near with feather trimmings and carried' a bou. d over -very quietly in this ryf.—Mr. James McGee M neighborhood. —Mr. M. McAllister is sad of 1 a large plate gla nes in Mr. Pick, up a fine long's , retch of what is . known who has been Auburn, was eternal restj on quet of natural flowers. She� was attended r a frout window. alled to he hrother ; Dr. Alox. h' anio,34: us bave Mill 11tre, I has had a map, or plan, coopering in Lucknow the past summer, re. the 29th ult, news of the deaeaae of Ilig youngest A di t W -annAln aw wo born in North -be used, and th rb was a great sufterer by Mies Little, of Guelph,,-- *b ina, in. the, ye, having a kitchen erected, and big houso is 811*rp t Carol' e Ruilty party '�iu.A have pared of rpeent , o w.ore, a Ar 1.855, canie to Canada �1 survey upon,whic p undergoing a general renovation. turned home on Saturday last.—Ilie Good for a long time. Four years ago ahe W" ._�nau'vo de laine dress,, trimmed wit -h silk She tol- when two years (yld and settled in th be41 actuated With an unusually strono de- shown a large n b t f - �t Mr. Templars of this place' intend holding a successfully operated on for an internal township of Hiillet� Q h gm e Q,tine lots, raughig Alex. McB09 Joseph Ballantyne,.of Brussels,.gup. Ottalwa 0 th' has the contract, and it grand concert on New Years's Day.—Miss tumor. She was attacked cancer of the 'ported witil the rest of th � air' for mischief, —We. are glad t learn thatt from one-fift, an i6r't to park lots lace. e P to suit coulif not be in better hands. the oom.. The wedding gifts we're sorry. und a Maggie Killoran, who has been sick purchasers, This will sffo McFarlane spent Sunday in Zetland,-, stomach a little over ear ago, from which le racter. After a most Invit- 10 iHe�weat tosohool at Sellool Seu. fo —A threxhers' C. rd those desirlDg strike occurred not far from this place one visiting frieuds,—A number of lour apoprti time to her decease, a r��80me time, is ree6varing nieely.—Mrs, to move into ou villaga good opportunity day last ing repast had been partaken of the v I g turist 1, Fowlel,,a Corners, and obtained & &lter was able to resume her duties at - week a y of . aluabf.r.b., secOnd class cartificat'e. of securing gold buila - ..—Mr. John , nnitb, who took in the shooting' mat he was a -constant suf - a on. a He attended the th b ding sites.—Mr. D, ch In Bslgr&v4 Norm,a o has been in 71&kota for on' ferer, She was tlf&fourth daughter if he was very pleasantly pent :in social chat, hool a Toro 4 Pu liC school on Monday. —Inspector Urquhart, of th Hansa the past seven Friday -Is 'at.—Miss J. McCreight in at pres- late John Jackson, and was born in a ills, h 11 oatmeal in months, returned home on 'Friday - last. ant so I 311 official now to keep his i*9 uto, and tlien taught R4bb paid the Seaforth. schoo the vo, &I and instrumental music, .&o. There Mr. 8 for s6me time at LeadburY and Wit 1, r c, 1), ill running day and nigh riously ill.—Mr, Matt. Floody was township of Hullett on the Oth day Of May were r gu vifit this week, Miss Tufflord went to Gait in order to fill t a order He looks as If; the west -agreed with him. in Montreal and Toronto last. week.�Miljs 1854, he -leaves 30o 40 ests present. The young a he is meourbing;bo —Mr. Wi)Uwn a son and W6 daughters cou _ple intend residing In the northern pgrt mm the She& is At Pre"Ilt an a Jarnex,-of Wingliam, in the guest of Mr. 1and I to -Me" urn the low of one in,.theprivie of of Bruagig,