HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-11-04, Page 8I.. F1_9 a , ,_ 'It4 - � - [­ 4 . .. , I I I 1 i � - I I . 7 . - I - ­ - I . � I , N � " ) - A I - - , , �_ . r - � I � . �A . I � I : � . . I - I . - I I - - ­�� _�1111 " - !" � �- . I l'i � , . 2 I I - If! 7 .� r I . . 9 -M %� . . I I . - I- - .% .4 . - �__ !"W , �36 ',A " �_ _7- , - =A I 11 I . . � , � . . � � - I � 1 8 ' � . I - 1� � N EXPOSITOR. I . I . I � NOvEAmER 4, 1892.� . I . ___ - I . 1� ____ ____ - - - . . . .1 - 0 ___ - � - _!____ � . . . . . . . . . . I i I I 1. . I . � I . � . = W , i Pan, but we would suggest that they carry . he went to live with his youngest daughter, Hunter in turn haa moved into the dwellin . g Rose; eecretary-tre Surer, 0. P. Schofield ; grouud, which has throvr,) the men employ. ,I . P PDWARD : ,., Laird ed in the ill out of wo,'.-, this week.�Mr. :F IR T _D -A-"Y- : . . .. OASH9 and use the gun in futiqre instead ' . -M. - committeep W. F. 8 ott, A. Currie, S. in I - 2 of beat- Mrs. I G. W. Arnold. It was at her -resi- recently occupied by Mr Cook, -Miss . � Wholesale and Retail bealer in Ing the game. -The friends of Mr. William dence he died, and from Mrs. Arnold and Hunter has returned from St. Marys, where and Wm. Thompso� ; patron, F. C. Rogers ; Ephraim Burling got on. F his hands badly . � � ' � . Nicholson, of Bayfield, and brother of Mrs_ her husband he received the most loving she bad been spending a number of- weeks chaplain, Rev. Mr. P&Iton. :, broken up one day last ek, _yvhile feeding . I the brake in the flax ii,,ill. -On Tuesday 3D_A.1:R-Y- :S_Ur_Vr_V:M,:R, John Steet6 of this village, will be pleased care,and attention through his illness. He among relatives and friends, -Mrs. A.Young, � . 10. I . I � i .to learn, that for military service during had been' gradually declining for several of Seaforth,has been the guest Qf the Misses Ch' elh rst. evening the Hopeful Glt%sners cf the Pres- Novemb.r 4th,'92 . � . U byterian Church and the Epworth League GO I DERICH ST P the laterebellion, he has received notice men the, but was confined to bed only a week Bonthron,,of Rodgerville, darl6t the past NOTES, - n Tinny is visiting his I - I I Week. -Miss Fleming, of Qhicago,'who was of the Methodist Church held a union meet- I I I - � from the Governmi ant, at Washington, that at the last. The trouble. was heart failure many frientri.. i a viciDity.-Mr. Frank - . I � Will buy Dairy,tntterl mi -any quan- . in in the basement of the Methodist I ; he is entitled to a pension of $12 per month And general decay of the system. Mr. Ross visiting at Mr. R.. Eaoretb's, has returned Wood has been so god -to teach in School, � i � . 0 " Kindly cast a glance over. -the list . 15 was a man of exemplary christian character home.. Section No. 7, Hib ert,for the ensuing year I tity and shape, if well iffiade, and good from February 1891. This, with the usual hurch. A grand. prograrnme was given. - I I A Halloween party was held at Miss Tens ' color, from May Ist, 1892. - bounty, which be is also to receive, will be and possessed great amiability and kindness. . at a good r. - cod holds a seebud . below, and if it includes anything you ' . I &'at . Morgan's on Monday eveniqr,when a few of . - a comfortable assurance for the remainder Few men retained the love and esteem of Ethel.. class certisficaty an comwes well recommend. her friend mselves.-The Cos- are in need 'of, we shall be glad to I 11 his life. We congratulate our old friend, friends and relatives as he did. He leaves MoRm GOOD STOCK SOLD. -Mr.. David ed. Mr. George ackaey has resigned,aind - .. . of - i f 'I Ill ive a cone - - -success, as it is mainly due behind a large family who will, ever cherish Milne, -the well-known thoroughbred stock - � )I " ludustry Hall, on Monday . - Mr. Steet,on his takes the schoo hi brother bas been te�6h- 9'oy' " "MI y w art in behalf of . the Firemen, in have you call and make your purchase, . OVER 0 0 A TS &hie efforts, which have been unceasing dearl his memory. With the exception of man of this a0e, has lately sold to Mr. Ing in, near thei home. -The religious . I . y night.next. This family i's "spoken highly 01- be it large or small. Our stock -1 —AND— i for the past two or three years, that brother, Hugh Ross, of Michigan, he is Francis MoVulla, of Leadbury, MoKillop Quarterly meetio of the Kippen circuit �, is 4 , . . � �c - case has. been brought to ouch a subeevief ul the last of a family of brothers who came to township, a grand young Sootch short horn will be held here n xt Sunday morning. � very emoplete .now, and will be fouina 17-i S _U T rT S_ . conolusion.-Mr. George Jackson, who for Huron in pioneer days, and who helped to bull, which should improve the stock in that . Grey., � - ' - I � � - :K many years, in connection with his tannery, change awilderness into a fine farming coun- vicinity. Mr. Milnu has also sold to Mr. . B lgrave. NOTES. -A. McNichol, 12th live, has will assortdj for several weeks to -,-,- -� -, � . __ , I . Men's, Boys' and - Ghildven'S. has been engaged in the manufacture of try. Mi. -Rosg,,,has been a reader of THE Ex- John Ross, reeve 'of Innisfil township, NOTES. -Mr. J, bertson, of Hamilton, leased his farm to Win. Carter, of Morris, come. I . ", . I - � . —1 harvest and other gloves, is putting up this .POSITO.R Many years,and his -daughter writes Simooe county, a gooi young short born was visiting rels Ivan here this week.- for a term of years, the present tenant, E. Haying completed a large pirchaBe of Overcoats season a very comfortable driving gauntlet an ban . Mill' . . nd Suits from 9ne of our lead manufacturers, by us that he delighted in Tim EXPOSITOR and * cow. The same gentlern 9't a young Messrs. Gallagher nd Brandon will hold a Jaoklin's term having expired. -Richard Trimmed I inery, I . a ill made of nicely prepared calf skin. This wearied for Itis coming. The.lateatcoPY bull -from Mr. Milni last winter, and he to- Mills,who had the Slemmon farm near Astrachan Mantles I clearing out many of his lines ajand below the net nture should meet with success as ,hey conivag ' ay he died, he A6d for his 'ports that he has done extia well - Cranbrook rented for a number of years, has I cost of making, we offer them, together with the Vs -t the d ; and bas - big shooting mate here on Friday, Novem #� bar 4th. -Mr. E. I �livingston has taken pos- Fur Trimmed Mantles, whole of our magnificent stock of made-up clothing are sold at very reasonable prices and will glasses and tried to read it,,b,ut thp death taken first prize and diploma with him a. sessiou of the sawmill recently purchased bought a farm,on the 6th line,and will move �� atyery close prices. Fur goods- we show th1weemon, 'doubtless prove 3urable. Messenger was sealing his eight and the all the shows in his locality. We h0Pe he there shortly. -James Calder, on, Wm. Plain Cloth MAntles, . :� I 1. � . I . a fine range of Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Cape, - I ___ I . * from Tyner Brothera, and is having it re- Watson and John McNeil, who were away I , ", Collars, Capesi Muffs, &3.. i MATRIMO.IiIAL.'-The I - gentleman referred home paper had to to laid aside. � will be equally successful with his cow. fitted for the co Ing winter.-Me88ra. S. MiLutle Cloths, � . , - Ir � WK PICKARD to as the principal in the interesting event L6 11 CAL BRIErS. -The Literary entertain- 1 Irvine and Joe. Chgg shipped a car load of on a two months' trip to Manitoba, have re- Silk Sealettes, i Winthrop. I turned. Much, as they like the prairie pro- � , �'�. . A i lambs each fro i I Mantle Trimmings, . � Seaforth. described in the following quotation: from ment which was to have taken place ]ast ' PLEASANT EVENINC.,-The li�dies of M this station last week. -Be vince they say it is nowhere to be compared , . ,� the Ingersoll Tribune, of the 27th ult., was Friday evening under the auspices of the Winthrop . Princess Alice True Blue Lodge sure and celebrate the auniversary of the with old Huron. -James Brown and Miss E. Navy Dress--I.Goods, . - gunpowder plot by attending the grand box Smith were united in marriage on Wedues- Tweed Dress. Goods, � ai former Seaforth boy, and is the ,son of Mechanics' Institute had'to be postponed on , No. 21, held'a very successful social at the social in the Orange Hall, on November 6th. Mrs. Coulter of this town. The Tribune accou nt of unfavorable weather. -Mr. John residence of Mr. James Horney, District day of le,st week at the residence of Mrs. Fancy, Dress Goods, � ! . . ght A-aultrou 61pooftiot tsays: "Aninteresting eveattrauspired at Hanuah has this week oloBed his creameries Master of Hullett, and W. M. of Lodge -Mr. C. Hamilton, of Blyth, will conduct Robert Brown, 9th line. ,,'Mies Smith comes - . I � �0 �.. he residence of Wm. Dundaim, Esq., yester- at Seaforth, Londeaboro and Goderich for an auction sale of farm stock, implements, New Black Goods,- - . , - - - . — . a creamery at Rirkton is No. $13i McKillop, when a ,,very enjoyable 6tc., for Mr. A. HaBlarn at -his farm, east of from Perth county, and is a most estimable Dress Trimmings, - I - � - I dayafternoon, being the marriage of his this season. Th time was spent. After the inner man Was here, on Friday, November 11th. M young lady. The presents to the bride were I .� : youngest daughter, Miss Maie,to Mr. J. still running, Welwe veryglad tohear satisfied with the good things provided by r. Has- numerous and costly. The happy couple Shawls, � i , lam has good stock, and, this will be an 'm- bave the hearty good wishes of a large circle � T DISTRICT MATTERS. Anderson Coulter, of the john Morrow Ma- that Mr. Hannah has had a very satisfactory the lalies, P&st County Master, Brother portant sale and should be larglely attended. Fur Collars � i i 9 i ' � - - - __ chine Screw Company. Miss Dundass has season. People ate now commencing to Ap- John Sqarlett was called to the chair, and a . . . of friends for '61iair future happiness and Fur Muffs, � � I - I - . I been one of our moat popular young ladies, preciate the creameries as they find that they programme of music,J singing and recithtions � 0 - I prosperit . Rev. D. B. McRae performed i TO - ORRESPONDENTS. � ly Fur Capes, � ; widely esteemed for many excellent quali- can get - niore for. their ortam than they was one through with, when all joined . Londesboro. the ceremony. 11 ., il ties, and ,& prominent worker in several could for .their butter and save all the - 1� . -arts, i I Next � Thursday being Thanksgiving charitable- ad religious organizations, while trouble of making. -It is estimated that heartily in singing 11 God Save the Queen,." Bum$ BITS.-Mr8, Tighe, who bas been �,c, Rubberbircul . - A I - visiting her sister, Mrs. John Brunsdien, for 1 Wingham.- Ladies' 17nderwear, -1 � - Day it will be nec-ssary for THE Ex- -Mr. Coult6r, during his short residence here, ,over 40,000 apple barrels have been. turned and each and every one returned home well same time, left last week. -Air. Jenkins! I . . - .,- � . ants pleased with the evening's proceedings. . Noi�be Sons of Scotland held their Rosiery, .,' POSITOR to go to press one day earlier has won thiamuiver'sal respect of the com- .out froin the two cooperage efitablichm - — preached in the Methodist Church on San- concert on Halloween night, and the new ' . � - muni,ty. The -ceremony wee performed by in Seaforth this season. -Dr. Frank Ewing, �. . day, Rev. Mr. Leech being still on the sick -Mitts an& Gloves$ I .; . . ' Stanley. hall was filled to the door. I am tot a I ' � I . � . . than usual. We ask..our Correspon- Rev. D. W. Snider, pastor of the King of Pelee Island',, was in town this week ' - li8t.-Mr. R. Wallace and his son Will and �rst-class judge, of -the]ike, and- the admis- Knitti aio, Yarns, I ,_ dents to kindly bear this in mind and Street Methodist church, of which both par- We learn that the Doctor left thii week for BIG THRESHING. -'The Messrs. Jarrett Harry Kade returned from Whitemouth, 1i d Caps, .. I � d ay ties are active members, and was witnessed a growing town in North Dakota w s well-known threshers of this Manitoba, last week,-M,r. John McCool has sion wi8 only 15 an -3 25 cents, -but I think Hoods an .- . I -to send theii contiibhtions I onw- - we paid for all we got. -The Bank of Ham- Flannels, - earlier than they usually do. . by a large gathering of ,Watives and a num- intends locating with good prospects of ,township, threshed on the farm of Mr, Win. moved into. Mr. James Manning's liouse, ilton. moved their traps, cash and all, into ... I � M� I bar of intimate friends. The testimonials of building up a large and lucrative practice.: L an, Parr line, over 1,000 bushels of peas lately occupied. by Mr. George Iffockerline, Flannelettes, - I ; . - �_ . I We hope his most sauguine expectations! allof oa,ts in six hours, , The work was well their now building on Monday night. Hal- , 11 FA-a,,AF,m' INSTITUT.E.-A meeting of the regard in the shape of 'wedding gifts were sr. -Mr. and Mrs, Braithwaite 'have left sted & Scott's private bank takes-posseselon Tweeds, I . officers and Directors of "the South Huron specially -numerous and valuable, -incliding will be 'more than realIzed.-Mr, John done and the machine was run at its usual Hullett, after residing here 42 years, to live of the old building. -The apples are coming Blankets, - - � - many costly articles of furniture, Vric-a- Lyon has purchased the Meett property speed. Where are the Tuckeramith thresh. with their son-in-law, Mr. A. Lawrence, of in wholesale now. Gusty Barton got in over - -'- a Farmers' Institute was held at Hens -all on brac, silverware, etc. -The young couple on Market Street near the -old town hall. ' era now ? ' Welland. -The following are the officers of Boys' T-Jnderwettr . I . Saturday. It was d.ecided to bold six Inati, left on the evening exprees for Hamilton �atkd It is convenient to his other property and - 0 . 500 barrels on Wednesday. -The roof is be- �_ -Boys, Oaps, '. � tute meetings during the coming winter . ' . ke amice addition to it. -Mr. Wm. Beechw— ' North Star lod 8 e of 0 Templars for the pres- ing put on the new church as fast as pos- Boys' Overcoats, . - ` Buffalo, and a large crowd of friends asaem- will ma . ood.. eat quarter : . T. John Cartwright; W. . The first meetings will be held at Zurich sible. -.The Methodists have put an addi- - _. V bled at the railway depot to bid them a Somerville, manager of the Great North- NOTES. -Mr. Hugh Flynn, of Hullett, has T., Sarah Stewart ; R, ' 8,, Win. N. Doig ; tion totheir church. It was niucli needed, Boys' Suits, and at Hiensall, the next t*o at some points . pleasant journey through the - vicissitudes of western Telegraph office in this town is a rented Mr. Timothy Givlin's hundred &-ere A. S., Orpha, Whitel'y ; F. S., B . Lavr- - . I lt� in the north part, of the riding and the last life." On the evening preceding his mar- regular space annihilater. 04 Tuesday last farm for a term of fiv and will give a lot more roorn.-Hasting & Men's Clothing,,,Ac., ,&c. � ­ - I two at points in the soath part of the riding, . e yeafi. Mr. Flynn is ri T., Martha Cartwright; C., James Ititchie's older and jelly mill in doing a large � _V " able message .to Liverpool for. an industrio . - ; I . i Us young MAIA and we welcome F&irservice ; M., John Scott ; I - addresses, paperF, riage, Mr. Coulter was waited upon by the he sent a c ' - . - G. Martha business. -T. Jobb is moving to his new e thoroughly able to ,sup - - - A �oo� prograrnme of ample . 8 con. Yr. D. D. Wilson. Inside of one hour and - -The,�arty at Mr, James Brogden ; S., James Hill ; S. J. T., Jennie . . We ar ply '. &c wIll) be provided, to be taken part i.. yis of the works with which he I . him to our midst. qua river to going __� .. . by Professors from the Agricultural Col�lel (.. neeted, and presented with a magnificent forty minufes from the time he received the Martin's' on Thursday eniag of last week,' McKenzie ; organist, Jennie Woodman ; xtors, and D * where Jobb ou from a. splendid stock of well- -W q.. . sixteenth century oak'sidebouird, accompami- message lie had a re�ly to it ridady for de. I y , P- left.-LAndrew Murdie is laid up again, hav- Y . - I and other prominent agriculturists. - was a grand guccess.- r. Joseph Morrison C. T,,.Edna Allen.� Next Tuesday evening in received a-ba'd wrench from a horse.- - ad by a highly complimentary address in livery.-7Mr. D. Johnson has placed hest- wears a happy smile on is genial counten. a contbat will start in this lodge to last eight T g selected Winter Goods. I I 0 which the donors ,expressed their desire to ing apparatus in the aonservatoriep attached . ' he electric light company are putting up - THE DzLF(;ATEs REPoRT,-A.t the Mee' . s,nee. because there is a young son in the weeks. -Judging from the amount of apple more lights. -The gravel roads north and � conym 11 in some measurp at least how we to the feaidences of Messrs. C. W. P06t family. -Messrs. McMillan and Kennedy, being shipped from this station the crop Z - - - 4nk of the Christian Endeavor society hel 't a,, 4kreciate your maDy manly qualities, and John Weir, so that these places are of Tuckeramith, are doing quite a business the largest known for years in this section. south of the town. are in a bad state. � in the Presbyterian church, on luesduy which you have'ever shown* to. each of us. niceiy heated by hot water pipes leading in moving buildings in this section, 0 - I � I . Edward Mcfauil, .. I evening last, interesting and carefully pro- While we have come in daily, contact with fro � the reguthr hqating furnace. It is I 0 . .� . � I . . I I Morris . � - . pared papers on, the proceedings of the re- one another you have, by a judicious use of quite an ingenious device and works like a ' - 0 — .. , � Kippen. � I . RUNAWAY. -What might have been a - SEAFORTIT. . . I I . cent convention held in London were read Hills Green. � BUYING GRAI.N.-. D. McLennan has again � =_ . � . � by MiRses Tafford, Henderson and David- your position, furnished us with a happy il- charm.-Ilie wea-ther for the past week has NOTES. -Mr. George Hudson and wife openedupthe Kippen grain ware-houBe with Mr. fatal accident occurred a mile north of Blyth � - ake was "I'll 11 I � , luBtration of how Ap8sible it is to blend the not been favorable for building operatijus. John Moffattin charge as usual, and the highest on Tuesday, last week. Mr. A. Nichol, of lumbet was wasbed,ashore, The I ' I . L soo. For this evening the regular pro- . - have settled in Heneall for the wi­ - figures will be paid for all kinds of grain. Farmers lot 17, concession 7, was returning home � . true interests of cipital and labor in one har. Fair progress, however, is being made with ater. very rougb. Fences, trees and shode were 1. � - . gramme Was dispensed with, and besides the Monious whole." .. the new buildings. The brick 'work Mr. J. Elgie ha also removed to Heveall. - bring it right along. 1294 from Blyth with a load of apple barrels, and blown down. T. J. Marks' oil- hquee at the ' I . all . " . I � reading of the reports a good musical pro- L The special meetings continue in the of 1is store was blown over Mid a quan- . - - . - of 'Strona's block is nearly completed NoTICE.-Having transferred the books, when a little way out of town met a man rea,r ; � . .gramme was presented. � The Endeavor WANTED. -:-Wanted for Manitoba a good while the ' foundations for the new Methodist church, therehas been some suc- all accounts due the undersigned must now' be paid driving in. Each had his 'respective dog, tity of oil lost. Several barns were un- 1�0 "I _; - choir sang -several hymi3d. -. Mira. Win. ' fouhdry buildings are Lfinished, and the 'cess but the rains of the past week have to hiin personafly at Hensall ; . � A WxISM11,1M. and the curs started to fight. In the battle roofed on the Sauble line, -Mr. W. J. Stin- - I I L , neral servant. Wages $12 per month. Railway - . 1299-2 " . , .. Somerville sang a vpcal solo, and NJ is8 Wil- * flerle advanced to be .paid by easy histalments. A hurt the cougregation.-Rev. S. Acheson - __, . Son rendered an instrumental SDL). The' diem, hiRs. B;RTi'.Nr, Carberry, Manitoba, . 1299-2 brick, work is well under way. -Mr. and the dogs got under Mr. NichoPs wagon and - son's large barn, which .contained tons of . . organized a society of Chrietian Endeavor GIVING Up BUSINESS. -Owing to the ra- frightened the horses, caupiog them to ran hay and several huridre(Lbushels of grain, - - - Mrs. Stanley Hays' returned to town on pid increase in my HongO business, which now re- dhair was occupied by.Rev. Dr, McDonald, A GRE&T EVENT. -'It is said the greatest Saturday, and are now comfortably settled on Sunday in the Presbyterian Church, quires nly entire attention, - I have decided to give up way. Mr Nichol was thrown from the was lifted off its' foundation and . yet . , . I b ime wal - Almanacs this or any other country has Such a society should do good here. -KIP- business at Kippen and wIlLtherefore sell out %Vcost 'a " ` large quantity of grain scaged. - . and, an interesting and socia.3v t a thing In ' I seen Will lie the STAR Almanac of Montreal, 400 pages down to the, sterner realities of life. -Mr. J 10& on a pile of &tons@ by the side of the a e . itpenit.,-;.,Tibodelega,tesik�pparently gathered . I pen circuit quarterly * Meeting will be held i1ce the entire stock of Boots and Shoeo Dry Goods - T e roof was also blown .- % � . ; much use' iuA- information at the �convention and 6 maps. To be perfectly sure of getting it we Fred Soole,'of Toronto, a former Seaforth in Chieelhurst next, Sunday morning. Wardware, Hats and Caps Crockery an are, roal, and though not seriously injured re h 11 . , believe it will -be beat to give your order to a news boy, is -in town renewing old acquaintances celved a bad shaking up internally and some .�-Rev. F. G. Newt9n, rector of Trinity . � � and, no doubt, through them new zeal and - dealer. .1299-1 � etc., for Cash only, D. WEi8subLER. 1299-2 1 1 - - im� I and visiting former friends, -Mr. and Mrs. I . . � A SPECIAL SERMON,-Kippen Council ugly bruises. The wagon was badly smash- Church, bas accepted a unanimous call to I . I hiterest will be infua�d into the society. GUY BROTHERS MIINTSTREL�S.-The Mont- J. Audersou Coulter-, of Ingersoll, were in McKfflop.. . I ad and apple barrels weie thrown in all become pastor of St. John's Church, Strath- � � 11 0 � . real Daily Herald, September 23,1892, says: Alarge Royal Templars of Temperance, intend liav- I. � � I d e Guy Bro town this week, visiting Mr. Coulter's BIG ,-THRESHING, - The . . directions. The horses were badly cutand roy, to which place he soon �Ixpecta 6.0 I � � - .7preclative audience greeted th thers' �1� well-known . Ing their anniversary sermon preached next ic move. During ibeir stay he I rb Mr. and Mre. . I re, I I . � � min and other friends, and, of course, thresh 9 I GOOD For. DORRANCE. - .rh� Harriston all show on their first appearance in Montreal mother , at, ohn Dodds, generally ives a Sabbatb afternoon, November 6th, at 3 p. bruised.' Mr. N"'hol, had a narrow escape. - ollowing easing, ames Murray of the 9th Newton ha�ve mide Mary warm friends,who, I .last night. -The entertainment was very pi received the cordial congratulations of all.- -good day's threshing, but the other day be m.j in St. Afidrew's church Rev, Mr. line left 0 � - Tribune of last week makes the f NOTES. -Mr. i � reference to Mr. Diavid C.- IDorrance, a the Ali Guy Brothers themselves all -belag first-class Archibald Bisho I P, M, P. P., Wag in town on somewhat beat the mark. On the farm of . n Tuesday moruing of this week . reatly regret their departure. - Miss Lily I . native, of this vicinit I y,, but [who is now vocal and terpsichorean artists. Messrs. Vanerson Tuesday, a,ttending a meeting of the direc- Simpson, Brucefield, will conduct the ser. for Esqueeing township, Halton county,'on tforgan hos returned from -a two months' - I . - . and McDonald brought down the house with their . James Kerr, himself and Wm. Rands put .vice. A number of sister Councils have . � al of the Harris,to-h publip school. It comical performances' on the barette. The songe, tors of the Live Stock Insurance Co . a visit to friends there. -Mr. C. Michie, visit with fr-iends at. Detroit, Pincoming . I . prive . mPanY. throusth 13O.busliele of peas in 45 minutes. been invited, and should the weather 6th line, left onMonday for Alma, where he and other parts of the State of Michigan.- . - will btp Been that Mr� Dorrango �is not only dances and bones and banjo specialties of Xe'Vrs. G. * -Division Court Was held here on Thurs- This -also - included the cleaning up of the prove favorable there will, no doubt, be a - distingaishing himself with the birch and R. and W. H. Guy were very clever aud-thorbughly day, last week. Although t1jere were no floor will remain until spring. -Mr. John Miss Mary Morgan, of Devil!.i Lake,Dakots, I - 0 9 enjoyable. Taking- the show as a whole it was well . This was not done for a-boatt, as he large attendance, an Mr. Simpson is known git.-On the 21st of October, . � fertile but with the _gun also. -�The Tribune worth seeing. The orchestra was a strong feature. ,Cases of' general public inteieeb the si ing did not know lie was being timed, but was not only to be a po'werful and eloquent Mooney, collector, will have $12,21Q.73 to is home on a A ..... - " says : 11 At the last meeting of the Public This excellent company show in Seaforth on Tues- was a protracted one, last� 18 Y - an enthuai3,st a temperance gather in this ,year. This will ta,ke',% pile Mr. 'John Ferguson, while oki,n for School Board Mr. D6rrance, principal of the diy, November 8th. ­` 1299-1 , done� after having' threshed about 800 speaker, but . I ' ng g ith � There, was one' jury case, n6ri&elle vs. bushels of wheat and oats the same day. worker. ; - of wheat at prevent prices. -'Miss -C. Halli- wreckage on the beac� found a s'h0i e W I - public School had his salary raised one I HATE just finialied a course at the .best Cudmore, being a dispute about the pur- A GOOD FARM Soi;D.�Mr. Robert G. XOTE,5,-Severat families here liave been day is engaged to teach tlie,sebool in Section the following written with red chalk: . I handreddol,lars. ,Onehundrod dollars in watchwaking school in Canada, and am now repar- 'chase of some hay. The decision was given- Ross has sold his farm, which is east of affli,,ted with menales, but t er 4, known as Barrie's school, for 1893 at a ," Sanflao, United States, we are AIL lost - on _. hard cash ipeaks louder than any article of ed to do all kinds of watch' and clock r Tring at I � h 6 salary of $310. -Mr, Charles Bader, who an open boat." On the Teverse side, 1:1 up-' - . reasonable , ces. I have an Al kit of';to6fs, includ- in favor of the plaintiff.�The next debate, Winthrop, to Mr. John Little, a neighbor. no serious oases. -The Quarterly Board of . , . . _. _ Mr. Derr %nee's salary lives near St. Thomas, has sold his farm, set on reef." . - - . praise we might write. ,lug one of ic finest lathes made, with whie'l - I can under the auspices of the Mechanics' insti- Mr. Little pays $4.700 for this farm, It the Kippen circuit of the Methodisb church . . e 00. " The same paper ',mqke and re�lace any part of a watchi Vini6 -watch tute, will be held next Friday evening. The contains 100 acres and although the north half of lot 2, 7th line, to Mr. D. - also 81 . a, . 11 Mr. Dorrance in owner of Vw' *1e0a.iring a speciality WLY, The Watchmaker, I build- meets'here next Saturday-, at one o'clock.- , of 0 Maifi Street, Seaforth. * . . 11- . 1299.1 Subject will.be 11 Resolved that' Sir John ings are not anything extrai the farm is one A Strong Society of Christian Endeavor bas Kelly of the same line. The farm contains . Zurich. .. I the eat dogs in town, also a first-class ' A. Macdonald hasiddue more qood for. -Can; of the very beat in the township. Mr. been organized in the Presbyterian church, 100 acres. The price paid was $4,200. -Mr. BRiErs.-Mr. Daniel Snider and hi wife '_ gun. On W. R. COUNTER, the Seaforth jeweler, 'r � Sai 'he- took his dog@ out for has the largest and beat "sorted stock of Watches in ads than Hen. George Brown. ' The sides Little is to be congratulated onhispur- and they had their first. meeting last Sab- J. Meiklejohn, formerly of this township, from Pulaski, Michignm, paid his fat r -in - a run and captu�,elfour partridge and one the county. See them. Prices right, 1209-1 are being arranged by Mr. Moore, the ever, chase.-, He his got a splendid place and it bath evening. This cannot help but be a has taken possession of the Haatie black- law, Mr. John Lippert, a flying visit I tely. I fine red fox. The foxes are- very &ntiful getic librarian, and will be made known in I. smith 'shop in Molesworth. -Apple packers -Mr. Philip Steinbach, from New - . here, but we fear that unless Mr. '. FivE HuNDRED PIGEONS -The . s�very convenient to his owu fibe farm on benefit to the young people. - I , I ox gets highest price wi I 11 be paid for any number of good due time. -Hallowe'en passed over very the same line, . I - are still at work and should winter eet in burg, visited his sick brother Henry, few . I all his cuuning* to work, a good many. live pigeons to be delivered on or before Wednesday quietly here. The only depred&tions we soon no doubt a good many apples will he days ago, also his brother Daniel.. -Mr. � I - � hides will be 0 hung - out on the fence to - 9th inst., at the Queen's 'Hotel. Seaforth. T1102HAS. heard of was the placing of the front gate of I Wroxeter. -I' left unpackedo However, they wlll come Nicholas Foster, Who - has been at 3). -ount . dry this winter." , snplIE'M '. 129OXI one of our worthy citizens on the - top of the , Exeter. BmEirs.-An open meeting pf the Can- very handy when .potatoes are scarcei Pleasant about three weeks taking m 'neral . . . - � - . - 0 - . : public school building. The .enterprise BmEFs, -Mr. Daniel Dyer, of Paynesville, t1dian Order of Foresters was held last Fri- Some young men. who thought themselves baths for rheumatism, returnedhome i i few - A FALSE EcONOMY.-The .Brussets Post RC11 Rk-OirF,NiNG,-The\ %,ust have entailed a good deal of labor for has bought out Mr. Samuel Sweet's share ju day evening. Mr. E. Gartung, of Brant. smart took down a lot of fence on the Sth 'diye ago nearl well. -Mr. John B. 'os r . asks, " What's the matter with the June the Exeter . Advocate. Mr. Dyer took pos- Y I F, to � � Rev. Mr. J. Taylor, of Sto Marys, rieached'� . which there Was but scant reward. -Thurs- lord, official organizer, was present, and de. line for Mr.- Marsh on Hiallowe'en. This is went over to Mount Pleasant for - � . P of St. Minutes of the County Council ? Here it ' session on Monday last. Mr. Sweet will go . very sc�eptably at the �p-opening � la day. next, being Thanksgiving Day, will be livered a pleasing and instructive address. - going too far, as Mr. Marsh had a turnip the same purpose - last week. -MT-. Pred. I - _ I 'In -early November,aud no present appearance back to his trade of bricklaying. -The Jubi- The woollen Mill h - been sold to Mr.McKel- tch in the same field, which was left' open Foss left laat Monday night about 11 look, Thomas church on Sunday last. The con- ' observed in town as a public holiday, and . as &I I ' 'of the pamphlet, when they should have tall the business places will be closed, held forth in the Opera House vie, of Walkerton, and we hope ere long t via Park Hill,for Berne, Michigan. 11 t left . gregation can now wall boast of 1 having one -Mr. lee Sh3geiis o foi cattle and horses, Thelools are not all . of the prettiest little places �f worship in been ready -nearly three months ago," and W. N. Watson had a severe attack of,illness on Monday evening last. There was not .see it again in full working order. -An open dead yet. . some friends to mourn eir loss.- . Brother Kerr adds, "It's about time the a very large crowd in attendance. -Mr.. me . . - the Dioceae. The walls have been painted ' one day this week, but we are pleased to eting of the Royal Templars of Temper- Inspector Tom was here last week and visit. .� I ' council shut down on .this style. of work and George Cudmore has erected a new driving ' I 4 a rich terra-cotta with maroon stencilings, notice that he. -is ax'ound akain�-�'Major anc"ewillbehold in their lodge room on Tuckersmith. edour public echojoile,� finding everything � � . pews and pillars to mat h ThL afairprice paid.for a job neatly, -correctly -� I shed, which adds greatly to the appsiaraude . , . a i q chancel is and promptly exiecuted."'., There is not a Baugh, divisic-nal.offic'er, led the meetings in of his premises. -The Royal Templars of PrUay evening. This society is booming a A.--wTHER GONE. -The. pioneer settlers of satisfactory and in first-class condiiii;B.- . in two colors with a broad silver moulding in a . ) the Salvation Army barracks Saturd present, having now a membership of 103r' . I Mr. Chris Kibler and family -paid. his ro h - business man in the county who would ac- ay Temperance intend holdillg their first -meet- this township are fast dibappearing and soon between., which- with Stained oak ceiling and , , night and Sunday. There -was a very la,rge . � in ood standing. -Mr. T. W. Gibson spent . I . � ' - eft y e *In . the! beatitfful West windowl%tely Put in have oept" h h quality of -the work or the. attendance, the M g in their new hall on Monday even' 9 there will be left only a small fragment of arFred.,and-his brotheri,in-law, G. "T tz- � or 0 ' ng highly thought ID9 last Saturday with his ife and family � manni � ts delivery, as does the county , ajor heii next. -Mri Kinsman, dentist, is on the sick w the once noble army. Another has been man, a farewell visit over Sunday, and left a very pretty effect. Tlie Sanctuary has of by all who had the privilege of hearing �,here.-Mr. William Saunders - and Miss for Cavalier, Dakota, I . ast Tueaday.­Rev. I . council. T,ey insist on starvation prices- list this week. -Miss M. E. Down i@ im- Annie 'Allen, representing the Young Pao- . been .further enriched gathered to his fathers. We refer to the - L I I I by two beautiful and tfisy ge a worse, than starvation ser- him. Lieutenant Pedler i farewelled on Wed- proving a great deal ,_ -Mr of death of Mr. Hugh McMillan, of the 10th G. H. Heist preached an able Sermon one . w I � I h nesday eve'ning, and the soldiers were sorry pie's Society of Christian Endeavor, and evening lately, in Dashwood, for the oung , a1tar vases and a book rest of sollid burnis - . w - A. Handford, -e. _�y Mitchell, spent Sunday with friends here.- M ' ed brass, the gift of Mr. W Morria, Manag- vic If th -ill exact a proper standard to part with him. Ife has been removed to . Cqncessiou, which took place on Sunday er of the Bank of Commerc6 . . Other gifts are for both th� 4uality of.,their work and the . I Mr. J. H . Grieve, merchant tailor, intends r. Ge'Q. E. Dane and Mrs. John Bray, re. last. Mr. McMillan was a native of. Inver- People's Alliance. -Mr. H. S.. Fau t, of � �� - Dutton. -The Misses (;owau, of Iowa, are presenting the Epworth League, were dele., . Cairo, Michigan-; came home last Sit rday A� . I - promised s.o that the church furniture will time of its e�ecution, they will compel a spending t � his week in tDWD, the guests 6f leaving for Cobourg on Saturday, where he gates to the Union County Convention held , nessshire, Sootlafid.. He came to this I I . I � I chaDge in �h6 prices, offered. As .it is, the has secured a situation as cutter in a larg . co his to visit his sick - mother. -J. A. Williams . - soon be complete. A spiiit of. unity pro. minut9s Mrs. VVm. Sproat, of Goderich street. -Last I a in Wingham on Wednesday. -Miss M untry with the other 'members of , & Co. are running the grist mill 'd ' and � vails. aniong the congregatiop ihich is aspri�ted for years have.been such Monday's London Advertiser says : 11 Rev. tailoring establishment. � Miller returned home this week from aggle family when quite a young� man, and in ,the 'night, and have three teams busy couv ying I - P . w a disreputable' job, that no one can be . -_ . viAit. year 1850 li� settled on the farm on the 10th rapidly increasing, A branch of the Ki�ng's A H Ranton,,who. has just closed a moat Ing friends in. Blyth. flour and feed to th' station. --�-Mr. -G. blamed for n6t reading them.-Goderich ' ' T Concession ?f Tuckeramitb wher e , oltz� I � . Daughters and also. one of ihe t',�t. Andrews Star. su.cce8eful series of evangelistic aervices at Brussels. - 41. I a he con- man and Air. Fred Kibler were at Crediton . Brotherhood are in conrsQ bf for mation. �_ Waterloo will commence similar services in BENEFIT PAID. -On Tuesd . tinued to reside until his death. After I I . I . I -The above i� true in every particular. . ) ay Chief Stew- Staffa. coming to Tuck�rsmith he was married to last Monday. -Rev. G. R., Kropf bad a good , ` # 4 It is not only th 1 the Askin Street Methodist Church to -mor- art paid Mrs. McKenzie the sum -of 61,000, NOTE,S.--_ Mir. it. P. Nichol hag sold his Isabella McInnes, who still survives him. congregation 14t Sunday fil the Evan,geliced - EGATGXDVTL­IxT NOTES -�We 4ire infornied - 6 minutes that have been 7 , I row evening, and contiDue them ea,ch even- being the aniount of the church I . - scamped, and that are a discredit to the - I) beneficiary certifi- honse and part of the lot in the rear of his Mr. McMillan was a shrewd; business ; � - . that several flower,lovers in our village have ing next week. .'Xhis is. our old friend of ,man, . " I nty, but the�l assessors' and collectors' cate of her late husband, Donald McKenzie, . blacksmith rshop, to Mr. Elugh Miller.-Alrs. and for years big been more: or less exten- . ----------- 0— .. I lately received bongigniiient6 of bu,lbs, cou the early days of the Salvation Armyin in the Sons of Scotland. -Mr. McKenzie I I . . rolls have been discreditable and, I Connolly, ar., one of the early settlers of TiIE - BRuSSELs TRAGEDY. -A Nerd�ict of � , ardered some motiths ago from the gent of - 1� U a 011f Seaforth. , We are pleased to leirn that he was a,member only a few week,3 ; in Met,his sively engaged in cattle dealing as well as guilty has- been rendered in thee e 'Of. . - . 1 06 perha�ps, all the r at �the printing too, for Hibbert, departed this life on Friday morn- farming- and by foresight, good judgment . . - an American florist, at about double the ),ht we know. ',The contractor, however, is busy as ever'in the Master's work. -We certificate had not been issued .when his Ing last, and was interred in the Iriahtown and iDdu'stry, succeeded inamassing I Schmidt, the man who was charged - with I I es could , be �ug , regret to ;,learn of the death of Mr. John death occurred. The fell ' a con- drugging and smothering a girl in a he I It I . owing is -an &c- . � is not nearly me as the . cemetery on Sunday. The re'mains were siderable fortune.., Besides his sorrowing Girlemont, Germany, in order to obtai, the I price at which equally good on sot much to bla " got from reliable firms� in �his country. � Peters, of Goderich st'reet, an old resident knowledgment from Mrs. McKenzie : , council, ,.�Hitberto the council* have alwa�s " It followed by a.lar - . . � . considered cheapness in preference to efli- 0 - ge concouree of friends and widow lie leaves a family of four sons and insurance o I Now, why will people perhiit tl�lemselvea to of this town, v0iich oci urred on Thursday is with feelings of deepest gratitude to your acquaintances. The deceased has been in two daughters. ' About three m f 40,000 friihcs be and a comfed- I be imposim - t y not . . ` onths ago he I ,d upon in hi,A way? 1Vh afternoon, after a few days' ill�ess. . nobleorderthatl hereby acknowledge the . ciency. Creditable work, first-class ina- : : I failing health since the sudden death of her became ifflicted with paralysis, caused by erate named Landre had taken out on her - patronize our own growe s wh',,en So Much ___ t , receipt -of the cheque for $1,000, be' life. He was a' t once sentenced . to d9i . - I . terial and promptit6do by a contractor, was 1139 P3,Y- youDg,Est son about two y@ars ago. -Mr. R.' heart trouble, and from this he never re- � , to the benefit of the purch ser. It is a ver allowed to bount in � the Blinds of - flengall., , ment in full of insurance effect6d. by my late Smale, of Ksn.�%s C, yJ U. S., spent a few covered, and he was a severe but patient Landre has not yet been apprehended. . .. Well known fact that i � number of ve LumBER'.-A lot of cull basswood, pine husband by being a member of your order. fl."nis who impgrt direct; from'A 01 land ever 'Councillors against � few cents in a tender. days with his uncle nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. sufferer. He was a kind and obliging neigh- A DISAPPOINTED BUIDE.-Jacob S. ,Hei- I � . __ ' y The cheap man got �he job every time, As and elin lumber for sale - c cap. Roimp.r BUL, Jr., The benevolent character of your so'ciety Ferguson, last ' J:a ey, a telegraph operator, employed"b the . season, and as they em.P11% no retail agents . _ Hensall. 1 1297-3 wee .-Mr. John Voung,who bor,-and it seemed to afford him pleasure to I ' I . � - I a result of this poliby the county pr will be more fully appreciated When it is re- has been in British Columbia for taltimore & Ohio Company at 1pittyLurgl .. � can afford to au0ply e:l rticl�s at a very . initing the past do a good turn toi one deserving of it i has long since been ut down to such a figure G. J. SUTHERLAND Notary Public. Con. ftiembered that my late husband had been four years, has returned on a visit to the place -when he coul Pennsylvania, shot himself in the for heaa' . . � reasowt-ble rate.. i.Bat s4me �gent comes veyance C0131M1801012er in high court of a' bar only barely enough to make ithe of his boyhood, looking as robust as ever, A d. . He was, also, Strictly up- stBeatt Station, on Thursday, 27th ult. 5 along with 'gorgaoua,pl smooth that &'rjepectable j b cannot be done at it justice, a in m . ght in all his dealinge,%Dcl was one of those y I . ._ %�es and a withoutilosing move . The last time TnE issuer of marriage license and . 'insurance agent. payment obligatory on your.part- Such and apparently t one the worse . He w enger an the express east and 4 1 tongue, and good rotiiib'16 men like Steel All legal doedinents such ad deeds, mortgages, agree- 1 4 of his con- of whom it miglit be said his w.9i was its I ` Bros.,.and Simmers, ofVoronto, Webster Ex'POSITOA had the contract for the county ments, leases and will@ dra,4.n up according to law at generous conduct in ministering to the com. flicts witit the mighty pines and cedars of good as his Lend. His remains were interred was- tsoliaamptabseen married to Maigie D ulap I - ' f prir.ting,and that isten or twelve years ago . reasonable rates. Office, at the Post Office, 129(i - fort oil the widow and orphan is beyon,d all the Pacific CoaA.-Mr. Frank* Carlin., the' in Irish town cemetery on Wednesday and the of Beatty Stationin the afternoon. As the - I Brou. of Hamilton, Johir Pearce & Co., - o now, an accurate anc' carefully kept account I praise, and coirnmends the Sons of S6otland ' of the hotel, is preparing large attendance at his funeral.bore ty Station he red � London, and a number ,bf others equally CAMERON' SIV11TH, Barrister, Solicitor, genial proprietor train was nearing Beat ,; I of the cost revealed the fact that it w . Con- to all who have Cho well boiDg of others for a grand shooting match on Fri testi- the shot which will cause his death. Miss . 1 f . has Court of Justice,'Hensall. Office, -round floor, May God abund- . trustworthy, ivre forgotten,to t4 -e dieadvant- Ike veyancer, Commissioner foi taking affiddvits in Higi day No- mouy to the high respect in which he was Dutklaip was at -the station with a par of age of all parties but ,,the 4lever agent then being done at a loss. and the price b dependent upon thein.. vernber 4th, at which fowls and rabbits will held in the community he ha . I �, Troyer's Block, Main Street, Hensall. I 1299-3 antly prosper and extend the infl -d lived iii -se, . Send for*catalogma from tHose a1 � been coming bwn a ery year since, so that . tience of be shot for. At the close there - will be a long, . wedding . guests to meet Heagey. 11 I I I .hen. I '. � I ,it h 'not surprising, t has now tto be so GREAT CLEARING .,SALE. - Having just your noble order is the heartfelt wish of, —.— . .1 an . with a� loc:d man and ou Will not be gulled At . cash prize of $5 awarded to the �est marks. told -of the shooting she fell in a faint, d � , ' - a second tin-le.-Afir. y Hukh Stevenson, of cheap and nasty " 3 to be oleoulsive even" opened uT) 40 cases of Rhbbers and overshoes, .10� Yours ever- sincerely, -Christina McKenzie. man. I . is now lying in a critical conditi The I I to a County Council or.� cases of Felt Boots and 400 pairs of Mer,'s, Boys', a.nd - BRIEFS. -Mr. George Robb and Miss — - 0 , Bayfield. 4� cause for the attempt at suidide is ion wn. �� V . � Seaforth, moved -his family to our village I I Youths' Long Boots, and also received a new 'assort. Margaret McCrae, both of this town, and " I BRiE.Fs.-Mr. Schwarz, of Buffedo Inin . I on Prid&y last. He intends � residing fo� a ment of Trunks and Valises, we offer them, together I . , has � REMARKABE TRIAL AT RomE.-A se as- . . i.. with our entire stock of foot wear, at a discount dur- Mr. H. L. Jackson, and Miss E. Creighton, I Blyth. -been visiting at Mr, C. Wild's, gauble Line. tional trial has just been concluded i a � -Th - , � some time with .Mr. Rhemeour, his father -in ANOTHER OF HU ONL'S PIONEERS AT REST. ing the next thirty days, in order'to make room for also of this place, were mariied th-is week, AN_-,IVEP_4ARY SERVICES.-" e-Mebhodist -Kenny Mooreliouse of London, recently I law. Mr. SteveDson is a, valued empl . . ,� I highly romantic manner at Cilutuz ta, oyee -Died, in Springfield, Missouri, at the resi- more new goods domin��, in. Call and get Bargains, the former on Tuesday evening and the lat- ch urch anniversary services will be held on paid a flying visit to his home here. His Sicily. Signorina Rosalie Cordova a . ce � of the Coleman foundry, and should the dence of his daught r, Mrs. G. W. Arnold Butter and Evgs taken the same as cash. A.' . � - ) WERL011, ter on Weenesday.-The Frotit & Tausleau Sunday, November 6, and Thursday, No� many friends were pleased to See him a' " CS: linet walk .to his work. be found not too great, - Sign of,tbe Vii Boot, Hensall and Croniarty, 1299-4 c o of Senator Cordova and of the lat� . -- I � ,515 Market street, Donald Ross, &Red 83 6mpauy played " The Iwo Orphans," un. vember 10, Thanksgiving ,,Day, Rev. W. much improved in health. -Miss Mary 08. Minister of the same name, wat n a . . . . � I we hope to see him. become a � Permanent years, _5 months a d 1 1 days, on -October . BuiEFS.-The swamps in this neighbor- der the auspices of the band, on Tuesday C. Henderson. D. D., of Kineardine, will Mond left here Tuesday to reside in Lou- charge of attempting to murde tr . .. Mr, P Stevenson th, 1892. Mr. oes was born. in Inver- 'hood are now fullVeo ' iV 10 er, resident of Egmondville. �, � ,94 , we may expect winte evening, t0a good house. The 'troop is fair. r he � "I I also flitted.the same day and now occupies r _ preach sermons at 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. dou.-Mr. H. Drayman, of Wingliam, has Domenico Rafflotts, who had misled her � ness, Scot and, � . -Mrs. Stall, of Ham. -The Brussels school board will meet this on the ftb. On Thurs4ay Rev. Mr. Wil- opened a tailor shop here,and in working up under promise of . had then d -e- 4 'I 4a* 14th, 1809, and sailed to set in at any time I marriage and - i . . the Chesney house, tw the west of Mr. for Canada on Ju4e let, 1835, arriving at ilton, was .here this week visiting her sister, Friday evening to select the teachers from loughby, I) D., of Toronto, will preach at a good � . I Fomythe's. Mrsi Stevens4n stood the move Tor- I - business. -Mr. W. H. Baker. the serted her. Made des.perate by her posi ion, . onto, August .�Oth following, where he Mrs. John Galbrdith.-Mr. D. Urquhart, the numerous applications inst received. 3.30 p. in,, *and in the evening will speak to popular bead matter of our rschool, - - wall and appears all the better -for it. We staid for six mdnths. He then came to of the Hensall Oatmeal Mills, is, with com- -has been Rosalie lay in wait for her recreant lo. er, . 1, I &re glad to see that the There are over 100.. applications from 'all young men on the " True Elements of Man- seriously ill with typhoid fever for the Vast and as he emerged from a theatre she d, I - .1 8e ,good people are Huron county, taOng up 100 acres of, land mendable enterprise, addiDg an addition to - over the Province. -The wet weather of the hood." Rev. Mr. Birks and Rev. Mr. three weeks. . I . not superatiLious and trus� they will not be He is now slowly recovering. seriously wounding him in the- chest. ­ - in Tuckersmith, 6,11 in timber, 'and com- his already large mills. Ws wish hi the past week is making the roads very sloppy, Dyke will also deliver -addresses. Dinner Mr. Wellington Johnston has been filliaig Domenico recovered and was forced to b1e, a .�, 0 .1 _­ . . � fortune.-Ik iS 3carcely 'robable that the w' � .-Wm. and John Join witness against he5 girl whom he bad ,� . �, hatinted Nivith the ghosl of Fifflay's ill menced hewing oilt for himaelf a home. He adecegs his;enterprise deserves. -Mrs. oC w- still the apple rush continues. It *9 said that to commence at 5 p. m. None should mias his position . . - I - as married to M�rgaret Morrison on April an, Of - Kintail, was in the village this week when the. season closes there wiM ha e been this entertainment. .j . . t . . . Parents of those boys, 'WhTfor the past two I Israel Jeffrey have returned from a-shootin wrdnged - His love for Rosalie Beamed I to . _,.�,"� -_ 8th, 1840. lie w4s a hard-working man, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. over 40,00,0 barrels shipped from thiev I - 9 i station, NOTXS.----;A number of our young people trip to the Duck Islands. Mr. John T. have returned, andhe was a ve - . . . . I or three Sabbath eveningi �have conducted toiling early and ate for the comfort of his Buchanan. -Mr. J. MeArthut has returned which will mean about 875,0W spent for took in a concert in Wingham. on Monday Kerrin -and family have moved to Dungati- wit,pess. He declared that he 'did not ibe- - - I .A . I themserves so unbecomingly outside of the family. He v. _0 la loving, indulgent father,, from Lake Smith, where he was on a shoot. apples and the )abor saving them, which is evening. They report heariDg some non, where he has'been ry reluct�,ut z� _� I , . church, are aware of the true state of a kind and affecti6nate husband, and always Ing expedition, and reports good success,- a very large ite�i when we consider that t1i ,appointed to take lie�b she had intended to kill or even In- ." � I M OYS . lent a v - , �� - w aittera. We would kind4y advise the b _ good. -We are sorry to state that Mrs., charge of the Dungannon and Port Albert jure him. Upon being further question d , I � � ' that they s,re taking a poor plan to buil rilling hani to - till who needed. He Halloween passed over very quietly here, no every other station on the line is- shipping H. Hammond is at present Suffering from English church. -Burke and Wilson, wh.o he broke dow.n.and protested that he co id � I I d a resided on the farm for 35 years, leav ing it serious damage whwebver being done. -Trade also. -The Rev. W. T. Cluff left for the typhoid fever. There are a few more cases are now in custody for shooting Detective not testify against theprisoner, because ,he . saf 0 chs,raateri� ard for their own good and in 1876, and taking up his residence in S I . - �, . ii� I . , , . 1 3 1 � I - ' * "O ' j 0 ' ' u w " ' 't n n y g no a " il 0 ' e 3 M , `_ - , __ retar tre surer,.% �P u� 0fi a d riejc�h S. �� I r�j . W !i� . 8 ott� - ":::::::::� , __ � ' e ' ee- I. ittee -1 I Jo tl - I ` 'I all ' ' Ir 6 IV'n, 11, ` I � I. 51 h' , , i . I ult, 61 I - - . il I , I I ! . , r _ _ U 0 4 g le Id , F Hf � ,it il augh r, eet, D a a r1tr v " �h d dr. Ross o d I M i4i,oe e . . ip re of late, and our land of the free this week. He ah* ped his of it in town. -Blyth should have electric Phair, along with two companions, passed still loved her, and she was jurstified in iw�fit ' . I -i - I coun- goods by train, but is driv g his re very business man take hold of through here the Sunday before they she had done. The. scene was an - 4 - ask them either to forth, where helived until � 1885, when he � business men are wearing lamiling in hpo e a n d, light. Let e comfort of others, would ea- 1.has been quite brisk he come into the church or remain at home in. removed with Mr�. Rom a,nd his two young- ! tenances,-Mr. T. J. Berry nas 1 6 affecting 'i � I fature.-Huntiug rambles i'n the 'autumn eat ch dren Nellie and John, the only ones returned buggy from here to Fenton, Michigan. Wm.' the scheme, and - push the thing ahead.- reached London. One -called at ,the par- one, the coartand audience b i - 4 , I! , home'from Goderich, where he was during Grewar went along for company. His fami- HalloWe'en night passed off very quietly in sonage and asked for aid. , They passed that tears. The . eipg move t . I . I- . d I o, - . jury brought. jul rd t � .1 woods hp.ve been inaugurated by some of'our remaining unma�ijried, to Abilene, Kansas, J'the past' week, combining business with ly will leave'in about a week. -The curling town, but very 'little mischief was done.- night in the front Schoolhouse, ,Mi e out, acquittal, without leavinij ihkir seats, a d I I 1* A I � young 14dR. We con . . Book has moved into the club organized on Monday evening of . this a Ve ic of , grat�la,te them on the, here several of , his family had preceded I pleasure. -Mr, H & I � - -evelop 'TUB jiu( I , C1 � to comfortable. amid cheers the . �: � � new dc,p%rture as if, will 4 cle , I 'b7i.m. Mr. Ross 1 emained there until the brick dwelling on King street r ' Mr. J. Livingstone, of Listowel, ,called on wherethey made a fire,and we reutiited coople left t e I .1 7 1�, scantly va- week. The folluwing are' tl�.e officers: our flax men on. Monday. The following 1. I � � deepen the glow.of healtif. as nothing 'else -d eath of his w! i an [,,.+.d h P.4. uv o utT & 4., A 1A � I -The storm on Friday night and Saturda, amirt mnm 1%n_A'.*_ U A I..,_ . ! I z . L- ___� ITWI I WEI =� L _ L . 1 - � : . � 3 ) .7 . � go VO , 0" r. S. P resident, H. ennis ; Viet -president, P. C, , day the smoke eta I J 8 a F" L 1W � . I � - ) � . .� , ok took 9" P UNM �1_ . 9 1 1 - _... I I I . . . . �; � i - . , � , I I . I - 1. � � . . . a drop to the was the severest known herei0i Considor%ble to join them In wedlock. li L-AL� '_ - .---I I I : I - . I " - ay � .1 I I I -L. � . � . - I -_ I 11. 11 I... . I - � - _­ I - - -- � -.,- - jl r1ft , - � I . . - - .,e - ­ 1_- I � I ­ - ­­ . I - I ­ I - ­ . , "" , - , - � I V 7 1- . --11 I I i, . � . I I . . . - i . ': I I . . 4 'A 14 I- � t . .1 L � . "I . .. - - I I ­ . I � I I , I 1b , I . I - ... ,I � . T . (� 1, - .- .1 . i � I . I I - . . � - I L . - I � . � �. . I � . . . . . I f - 2 � � . " , I . r. i � . I , � F , I I . . I . . � I ! � . i if - � I � � - I I � i . I I � . . . . 1, I 1. I I I . - . - . . . . � I � 4 ! - . . . . . I . . I I I V . . I . . . 11 � � - . — I � . . I E � - - - - . . : , L - 1� I "I , . - I— .- . I i I , '. � .. I - %� -1 � - � I I -1 - � - I - - - - - - I . - - I -1 - 1. - . - . - L - � � - . I I L __ � . . - -1 -1 � - ­ ­_­_____._,__ .. � ....... . __ � � W -.,., , __ J