The Huron Expositor, 1892-11-04, Page 7OVEMptil 4, 1892.
Brains Versus Muscle.
We have known men to make and save
money at farming, who were out of bed and
eeady to go to work as soon as they could
see ; who worked upen the jump until it
was nearly time for breakfast, then milked
the cows and turned them into the pasture,
pile the hogs some swill, threw a little corn
to the.heus, and i4Allow 0 their brea,kfaat
as rapidly as posdible to 4a.t back into the
field to work at topspeed-until noon, when
they took a hasty bite of such as was pro-
vided for them, that they might hurry back
again to work until the hour appointed for
supper, after which they worked, until dark,
and then had the cow a to bring up and milk,
unless the boy hail done that, and the hogs
to feed again, (the hens were pot thought of
by him at -night, though some other member
of the family might have fed them), then
tumble into bed to sleep the bleep of the
thoroughly exhmitted until another day!,
They had no more use for brains than , with 'colds, and he
their oxen, and not as much as their horaes, Hereditary often coughs enough
yet, by going without all the luxuries, most to make him sick at
of the comforts, and some of the necessaries Coneuniptionhis stomach. When -
of life, they aceumulated enough property ever he has taken a
to carry them from old age, which came at
fifty or sooner' to the time when death re- told of this kind he uses Boschee's
ived them ofpain.
German Syrup, and it cures him
. le
We have seen anothsr who was ready to every time. Here is a man who
meet his hired men at the hour appoiated for knows the full clanger of lung trou-
beginning ethe day'a work, tell them what
muatbe done; look over the stock and note bles, and would therefore be most
the condition of each animal, and give di- particular as to the medicine he used.
realms for the feeding and care of ennis one; What is his opinion? Listen' "1
look over the fields, perhaps riding as he did use nothina.bbut Boschee's German
so, to plan the work that must come next Syrup, and have advised, i presume,
in order ; put a little time into a visit to the
market, or an examination of the market re- more than a hundred different pet -
ports of his agricultural paper, see to the sons to take it. They agree with
putting up of his products for market, look me that it is the best cough syrup
occasionally to see how the hired help were0
in the market.", --
doing their work ; see that the cows and
other stock were brought to the barn at the
right hour, and that their rations were of "Yes," "Then be ready next 'Tuesday."
the proper eharacterereid given at the right In another case, the day after the banns of
marriage had been published, the intended
found his betrothed crying by the window.
" What is the matter, Maria ?" " Well,
Baptiste, my sister Louise wants very much
Here is something from1VIr.Frank
A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt
Rouse, Lewiston, and the Tontine
Rotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men
meet the world as it comes and goes,
and are not slow in sizing people
and things up for what they are
worth. He says that he has lostti
father and seir=eral brothers and
ters from Pulmonary Consumption,
- and is himself frequently troubled
I him to put the pipe -stem through the key-
hole and pour the liquor into the pipe -
bowl. He did so and the dwarf standing
on tip -toe placed his lips to the pipenstem
and drank himself into total ,unconscious-
time, and firld plenty -of time to take a ride
now and then for pleasare or business.
His teams were always in working order.
His cows gave more nalk, and his imeep
yielded more wool, and- his fields larger pj to marry, becauee she's older, and it s her
turn first. And it makes me ead to see her
disappointed. Now, if yott would only
marry her! Everything is toady, you
know, and it would be stich a relief:"
Well, well, don't cry about that," said he,
with a moment's surprise. "1 don't mind
if I do. Go and tell her to get ready."
crops than any other farmer's did, and he
was " He never lost animals by
disease or Limps by insects or rust, and he
always got the highest prices. He used his
brains in all that he had to do, and his
neighbor used Ms muscle. He made the
meat money, took the most comfort, and
contributed most to the pleasnre'of his
family and friends, and his sons are farmer
to day.
Which is the best example to follow? •
Pifteen Minutes a Day.
AO excellent amateur pianixt was recently
asked how she had managed to keep up he
music.She was over 40, and had reared 0,
large fainily. She bad never been rich, aud
she had had more Fo.lia,1 burdens to carrY
thisa fall to the lot of moet women.
"How have you ever done it?" reiterated
-her friend, who had long ago lost the musi-
cal skill which she had gained at an eic`
pulse of years of study and thousands of
"I have done it," replied the other, "b
practieing fifteen minutes a day, whenever I
could not get more. Sometimes, for Eeverril
months together,. I have been able to prat!.
tice two or three hoars earth day. Now and
then I have taken a term of leseons, BO as
to keep up with the times, but, however
busy and burdened I have been, miless actu-
alutyiil in bed, I have practised at leatt
fifteen minutes every day. That has tided
me over from one period of leisure to ab -
other, until now I have still my one talent,
at least as well improved as it ever was.
with which to entertain my friends and
amuse myself."
It la amazing to those who have tried it to
see what can be accompliehed by laying
aside even a mall portion of time daily for
a set purpose. You find your habits of re-
ligitme devotion wavering. The cares of
this- life are choking out the better growths.
Seize a fraction of your time and lay it
aside for reading the Bible and for prayer.
If you take it as soon as possible after
breakfast, yoa will be surest, to get it, Do
not curtail your sleep for any purpose. the
duty of sleep is just aa binding as the duty
of prayer.
Wainen will never amount to anything in
any department until they learn that the
care of their health is a sacred duty. ,
Do you find Your mental furnishings
growing rusty and dim? By reading a good
)ole fifteen minutes caeh -day, you can
effectually renew your :mental vigor. !
You cannot master an art by workino
fifteen minutes a day upon it, but the fruit
of years of study in literature, music or
painting can be conserved through , busy
months by the devotion of a -few minutes
daily, if you can get no more time, to hard
prat:dee. Then the health can be gteatly
benefitted by even a short stroll in the, open
air when it is impossible to take longer
ones. It is like the proverbial saving pf the
pennies and gathering up of the fragtieents.
The results are Simply astonishing. •
Funny. Bits.
"You will have to give me another room,
guess," said a ,Congressman to the hotel
clerk. "What's the matter? Are'nt you
comfortable where you are ?" " Well, not
exactly. That German musician in the next
room and I don'tget along well. Last night
he tooted away on his clarionet' SJ that I
thought I never would go to sleep. After
I had caught a few winks I was awakened
by a pounding on my door. Whist's the
the matter; I' I asked. Of you please,' said
the German, 'dot you vould schnore of der
tame key. You vile go from B fiat to G,
and it spoilsAer motolic,"—Roston Journal.
—Mr. E. C. White, a man about town,
well knowu well liked by the ladies and
fairly popidar in the male set, was missed
from his former corner in the club, and
rumor said that he had been married in Chi-
cago or Cincinnati, After a week or ten
days he appeared in the office of the So
Charles in New °define, approached the re-
gister with the" 01),-I've-been-herithbefore"
air, and, laking up the pen, he indorsed, in
a style never before equalled. the following,
"E. C. Wife & White, California."—De-
troit Free Press.
A Little Nanny -Goat.
A email girl—a very small One—who did
not shine particularly in the way .of good-
ness, was attended by a nurse who was a
simple, honest, religious girl, always mind-
ful of her duty, and this duty, she felt quite
sure pointed to the reforming of the little
heathen committed to her charge.
On Sunday afternoons she often took Mi,s
Nellie to a Meeting that was held in the
basement Of some piece of worslitin and the
surroundings were very plain and doleful,
but the preacher was an earnest man, and,
to Hannah's great delight; her' young lady
listened to him with much attention. The
words, " Now, my hearers, I will give you
a litti.e anecdote," were frequently used, and
then would follow some incident by way of
illustiation. Nellie eblways lookecL so ex-
pectant at this announcement, and listened
with such eager attention to what followed,
that Hannah's, heart bounded for joy to find
that the troublesome child was so seriously
impressed. Her eyes filled with tears, and
the failed to notice the look of disappoint-
ment that spread itself over the small maid-,
en's face after each anecdote.
Filially the pent-up feelings came to the
surface; and one afternoon as they were
walking homerNellie indignantly exclaim-
ed: "That nien's an awful story -teller, and
I shan't go there any more."
"Tut! tut !" said the horrified 11a,nnah ;
"that's very wicked, Miss Nellie. What
ever makes you talk so ?" -
" Cause he is. He'stheen saying ever PO
many times, Now, my hearers, I'll give
you a .little nanny -goat!' and he never
gave anybody one! I don't believe he's got
—Io laying the foundation -stone .of a new
church the other day, Mr. Stewart Clark,
ex.M. P. for Paisley, made himself resit:in.
eible for a rather curious kind of climax.
Having occasion torefer too -a eertain seven-
teenth -century diVine, he described him as
having been "not only a credit to the name
of Christianity, but credit to Scotland ?"
Mr. Clark ought to be a descendant of the
historic Scot who prayed- that he might be
given "a guid Conceit o' himeelk"—London
—An exchange tells of a man who Mount-
ed his bicycle the other day and went hunt-
ing for a domestic. He called upon a cer-
tain wcrthy Irishwqian, who, after a care-
ful scrutiey of her visitor and his Mode of
conveyance, proudlyidrew herself up and
said, ray money i?f my own, and se long
ise I 'av I works for none but as comes for
me in carriages."
—Funny things 'sometimes happen in
church. One of them occurred upon a re-
cent Sunday, when young man came to
choyeh late,slipped into an unoccupied tieet,
and sat down directly on top of a high silk
hat belonging to a man in the next pew.
The. hat gave way, with a loud crack, and
just then the clerigyma,n'e voice arose in
solemn accents, reading the first verse of
the Psalter for the day, "0, Lord thou bast
searched roe out and know me. Thou know -
est my down -sitting and mine up-rising."—
New York Recorder.
The Blackberry Patch.'
The city boarder in the coontty will -
greatly enjoy the following dissertation by
Robert J. Burdette, Iu the Ladies' Horne
Jelin:IPA :—
There is a bug with a. name as long as a
snake that abides among the blackberries.
He does not eatthern. He just haunts the
patches where the city boarders are staying,
and makes it his business to arise early in
the morning and crawl over the largest and
fiuest and ripest berries. Theo you eat a
blackberry that has been glorified by, a visit
from this bug, you just lie right down in the
briars and ask to die, You do not Want to
live a minute longer. Not with thet taste
in your mouth.
If 1 uuderstancl rightly what a bramble
is, the blackberry, in a state of nature'is
the brbliest thing that ever brieroblad.
A human being, clothed and in his right
mind, who goes in at one side of a wild
blackberry patch and comes out at the
other is moved with wonder at the .compen-
sations of nature. For every on° of the
thousand scratches on his perishing frame
he has a ready-made bandage hanging
loosely from his raiment. How men can
behold such thing e and yet vete the other
ticket is a mystery to everybody elee, If
you will run your hand, or better,- yoor
[rleeve, lightly down a blackberry -canes
from top to root, you will observe that
all the briars hook upward, to catch
everything that comes down. Then, if
o you will run up the ether way t you will
observe that all the briars hciolc down-
ward, in order to catch everything as it
coiiis uri,
Going to Work.
Every year 'boys arc leaving school and
going to work. Nine times out of ten they
think it will be great fun to leave exacting
school duties behind, told enter upon a
of stable manure is worked ioto the soil.
Roses should not be covered until the ap-
proach of real winter. On that last day,
when the ground freezes a little all day. pat
them into their winter overcoats, and the
chances are that their sleep will he sweet
and their awakening joyous,. We rarely
lose more than one bush in a dozen, and
that 18 not discouraging. Roses are not
greatly injured by light frosts, and the ever -
bloomer will yield a handful of buds almost
until snow flies.—American Garden.
Only too True.
A geed old Scotch woman had a serious
quarrel with her minister—a ecoteh quarrel
about church matters—but to the surprise
of the pastor she continued her regular at -
d hir
if all
ing, pence -disturbing 'church members
would not include the Lord in the quarrels
with their pastors and each'other.
She was bemoaning her fate and lament-
ing that all her luck was bad luck.
"No but it iin't," argued her more hope-
ful companion.
"Yes, it is, too," she inaisted, "Misfor-
tune is mine in every turn and misfortline
follows me everywhere."
"That's only because you think so. Did
it,ever 'Occur to you,
my dear. That mis-
fortune is twii-thirdsfortune ?"
It hadn't but when she saw the point of
the gag she laughed and aftsr that she made
her philosophy out of it and felt two-thirds
happier ever after,
tendance at worship. He expres
gratification as well as aurprise at her
duct; upon which she replied, "Oh
my quarrel Wasi with you, and not wit
Lord !" What a blessing it would be
eaeily offended, fault finding, ministe
High Colored.'
Prevarication, even when indulged in from
patriotic motives, is not only improper but
Tne hostess was helping her gueets to lob-
ster salad, says Crypt, and by way of mak-
ing tall she ventured to say:
I suppose, Mr. O'Finnigan, that you
are not accustomed to this dish in your
country ?" A
Mr. O'Finnigemtts Hibernian pride was
"Lobsters, is it ma'am ?" said he, " Faith
ma'am, and the shores of Oireland is red
wid tern." ,
A Very Much Mixed Train.
A?Milwaukee brakesman recently said to
a reporter "We had a mixed train the
other morning. Going down there was a
corpse in the baggage car and a bridal party
in the Pullman ; a.nd besides that we had
more than 100 going to the court at Winona,
one murderer, and two horse thieves, and a
post office robber naiad, besides theEe, a
couple of bright little girls that were put in
my charge to see them through to Portage
where their sister lives."
An Elevator Yarn.
Rather an extended trip on an elevator
In New York City, the other day, is ex-
plained in the following way :—
Among othera enteriogthe elevator at a
well-known Fourteenth Street dry goods
establishment Was a stout, determined -
looking Irish lady. She was cateied up and
down the elevator several trips,Thi
"t evinced
no disposition to get out at any particular
department, The Man in charge finally
"Madam, where do you wish to lais
landed ?"
"Lave me as near the Grand Central
Daypo as ye can," came the paralyzing
She was left,
Our Word "Calico."
Many centuries ago th4 &et monarch of
the province of Malabar,rin Hindostan, gave
to one of his chiefs as a reward for diatin-
guished services, his sword, and all the land
within the limit of which a cock crowing at
a certain temple could be heard:
From this circumstance the little, town,
bueiness life. which grew up in the cebtfe of this terra
I sometimes wonder if they realize just 1 tory, was called Calicoda; or " The Cock
how unequal the exchange has been. They
leave behind comparative freedom for an
oceupationdhat will demand constant ener-
gy and application. The great inventor,
Edison, once said to a boy jnst beginning
his business life : "Never look at the
Just think what that means. Ninety out
of every one hundred men fail once during
their business career. lf you would be
a,morio the few that do not fail, you will be
obliged to put forth every effort.
The old Romans had a comnion saying
that a "man wes able beeause he seemed to
be able," which is to say, that there is np
known rule by which a man can win suc-
cess, It is that happy combination of
qualities, chief among which come honesty
and fair dealing, which makes men a power
among their fellowmen.
The need to -day is tor boys who are
willing end not afraid of hard work ; boys
vvhe feel enough intereet in their work to
improve in it and advance- their own inter-
ests by pushing the business of their em-
ployer, A boy of this kiud 'can soon find a
goad position.
They, Were on the Make.
One day in my rambles among -.the hills I
came upon an old fellow hoeing turnips,
and in the course. of our talk he tOld me he
had five SOnb.
"That's afine family, t remarked.
"Mostly," he responded briefly.
"Are they all at home ?"
"No, none of them."
"They are all grown, then ?"
"Yes, and hes been fer a long time."
"What do they do—farm ?"
"No: Bill, he makes shces ; Jim,
makes staves ; Sam, he makes tinware ;
Thomas Herity,.he makes pills.." -
"Do they all make a living 9" I asked,
following out the "make idea, but not
noticing that be had skipped one of the
tdDa any
The old -fellow flushed a little I thought.-
"Yes—no," he hesitated, "that is ter
say, Hiram he made money, but he don't
no more now since they sent him to peni-
tentiary for counterfeitin'," and there was
such a look of pain on the old man's face
that I was ashamed of Myself for having un-
wittingly made the father disclose the
skeleton in his cicset.
The quality of the Coffee we sell under,
our trade mark is our bct advertisement.
This Seal, i3 otr trade mark,
anir7.1:-.4Eintees perfection of
quality, strength and flavor.
He Quit the Doctor.
GE. TI,EMEN,—I was troubled with dyspepsia for
abou four 3 cars and tried several rerriedies but
foundthem of little use. I noticed an advertisement
of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I quit the doctor, and
started to use B. B. B., and soon found that there
W58 nothing to equal it, It took just threo bot.les to
effecta perfect mire in my case, and I can highly re-
comn end this excellent remedy to all.
BERT J. -pm,
Winghani, Ontario.
---is- ...—.--
The Fear of Death.
hand for family use. This unrivalled remedy cures
coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchttle and all
throat and lung diseases. Price 26e. and 50c, Sold
by druggists.
fear of death is excited by any severe attack of
e, especially colds or coughs. This need not be
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is kept on
The Wild Cherry combined with Milburn's Cod
Liver oil Einulsion inakes it delicious in taste and
perfect in curative power.
'Racked with Rheumatism. ten years I suffered with
;rheumatism Itt spring and fall. I have been
confined to bed for months at a time, but since mime
B. RI B. I have not suffered from it at all. I also gut-
tered from the dyspepsia, which has not troubled me
since' using the B. B. B., and I therefore think it a
splendid medicine. •
Hayesland, Ontario.
—Mr. Wm, Edye, of Motherwell, met
with a peculiar accident the other day.
While at work in the table at Mr. Wm.
McFadzen's he was knoeked senseless. On
recovering consciousnees he managed to
crawl to the house and despatch a messenger
for a doctor. His headand chest were torn
and bruised, but he is pow recovering.
He cannot remember how the accident
—Another of Mornington's old pioneers
passed away ois Friday night, 14th int.,
in the person of A. Walker, of the I3th
concession. Mr. Walker was plowing
ing during the day, and WAS dri the act of
unhitching the horses in the evening when
he received a paralytic stroke. He was
carried into the house but soon lost the
power of speech, and lingered till abont
midnight. Mr. Walker was greatly re-
spected, and the sudden dernise is regretted
by many,
—Mr. Knoke, a farmer of Logantown-
ship, sold some soft maple wood a short
time ago to some parties in Mitchell, for
$2.50 per cord. Wood got scarce in that
town, and Mr. Knoke found that he could
make more on the stood by selling it on the
market by the load. He, therefore, re-
fused to deliver the wood he had sold by the
cord, but being sued for damages, he was
compelled to settle with the parties for his
over sharpness. He thought because he
had received no money on the wood the
parties could not hold him to the Sale.
—House carpenters and builders have had
a busy time in Atwood.durieg the past sea-
son. A large number of the residents hav-
ing had their houses added to and im-
proved, as well as several entire new build-
ings having been erected. Among the latter
the new Presbyterian manser which is one
of the finest residences erbeted this year.
This structure is two storey.s, cottage roof,
bay windows, verandah, and eeNar under-
neath. The building is heated throughout
with hot air and is in every respect a com-
modioua and conveniently arranged minis-
ter's home. A new stable has been erected
on the manse property.
Crowing." Afterwards it was called Cala
cut, and from this place the first cotton
goods were irtipotted into England bearing
the'word ca.licoad-Harper's Young People.
French -Canadian ,Marriages.
The chief social event of the lives of the
Canadian peasants is a wedding--ahnoet the
only ea occasions for festivities. -f The priest
then permits dancing among retatives, and
allows unusual expenges to be incurred.
Courtship is very abort and circumspect. It
geuerally lasts, hut a few months, Engage-
ments are • madeNery much after the same
fashien &8 inFranne, and the marriages gen-
entity cocur at &Om ISto 22 years of age, A
widower recently wentl% spend an evening
with a neighbor, whoa() ister Was an olci
maid whom no one had thought of marrying.
When he left the house her brother suggest-
ed that he eouldanarry her. They returned
to the house and went together to her bed-
room where she was asleep and woke her ,
up. Holding the candle up to his face, he
paid: "dddlle. G., take a good look at me;
I'm rather worse than hlook by,csnclielight,
and live nice small children, and not a
great deal of land. Will you marry me ?"
She rubbed her eyes, still half Asleep, look-
ed him oter for a moment; anclesaid—
Children Cry for
Go Ahead.
ln his boyhood a young man always has
ambition to be something, or to do some-
thing. He is anxious to be this, that, or
the other ; he has a taste for this, a talent
for that, or he May feel that—if it were but
known—he is a genius.
Alas for him if he unfoHs his hcpes to his
elders ! If William Shakespeare ever said to
his grandfather; "1 think I could write a
piny; I believe .1 Can express myself pretty
well, etc.," have not the slightett doubt
the old gentleman replied: " No! no!
Don't do it ! Write? Yon write? The idea !
Why, you'd mike yourself n laughing stock
if you tried !" And if Titian mentioned, to
his grand uncle that he had painted a head,
and thought he could paint. aeother, the
grand uncle douletless replied " iry to
paint a barn -door first. You'd, even botch
that. Painters ard born geniuses."
Old people never remember that all the
great men in all arts and professions, were
once only youths with ambition and no
of them melee money 9" I cop -
For Cuts Burne, Sores n Wounds, Victoria Car-
bolic,Salve'is the best healing and soothing ointment.
11 Doubly Commended.
Sus, -1 had a very bad cold and was cured by
two bottlee of Hagyard'a pectoral Balsam. I cannot
do without it.
MRS. W. C. H. Pnitity,
Sea Gull, Ontario.
Deatt Stas,—I can highly recommend Hagyard's
Pectoral Balsam as the heat remedy for coughs and
eoldslI have ever med.
Miss F. Sr"''
1 • •
1 indigestion
GI.,LTI,EmsN,-1 Was thoroughly cured of indigestion
by using only three bottles of 13. B. B., and truth-
fully it to all suffering from the mine
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
--es • —
Gratifying to All.
The high position attained and the universal ac-
ceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxative
known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which
its success is based, and are abundantly gratifying
to the California Fig Syrup Company.
Great Sale For 30
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Readymade Clothing
Po- -
What is Dandruff ?
A disease of the scalp that causes falling of the
hair, fading of the hair, in fact, death of the hair. It
irritates the scalp and causes scalei and eczematic
eruptions—produces baldnewe Bear in mina that
Anti -Dandruff removes Dandruff with three applica-
tionse-stops falling and restores fading hair to its
original color. Sold by druggists at 75 .cents per
value I gave the Public when starting
Business in Seaforth. Finding it suc-
ceeded, I determined to give them.
value and finding that a success also,
Lhave concluded to give them the
Having purchased the bankrupt
stock of Dry Goods &c., belonging „ to
Mr. Smith, of Phillipsburg, at a low
rate on the dollar, I will sell at whole-
sale cost. and 10 cents off for cash only.
Here are a few of the many bargains
we offer. Men's rubber coats) from
$2.50 to $13. Womens cireulars from
$1 to $5. Dress Doods._at 10c worth
15c. Dress goods at 1212c worth 200.
Dress goods at 15c wort]; 25c. Dress
goods at 25c worth 50c. -.Alen's ready
made suits from $5 up. Boys ready
made suits from $2.50 up. Men's
ready made overcoats, all prices. .
We have also a large stock -of Boots and Mom
which we will sell at rock bottom prices. Our stock
of groceries is complete which I am Belling cheaper
than the cheapest, our teas can't be beat either for
prices or quality. Call and see these goods before
purchasing elsewhere and be convinced map our
prices are cheaper that elsewhere. Remember this
eale is only for 30 days. A call solicited. All kinds
of produce taken in exchange for goods at cash
prices. I have also a large stock of goat skin roabs
and fur coats. No trouble to show goods, .This great
gale is to begin on November let. Call early and
secure bargains.
When the kidneys are clogged, good health is an
_impossibility; but when working properly the re-
verse is the case. That dull backache is the kidney's
cry for relief. If Dodd's 'Kidney Pills are used the
result will be marvellous. We emphatically state
that we have never known a case of kidney disease
that A persistent use of Dodd's Kidney Pills will not
F. A. DYKEMAN, Commercial Traveller,
St. John : " :libelee been troubled with dys-
pepsia and bilious attacks for some time and
have tried many thins for relief. Five doses
of your K. D. C. have done more for me
-than any otheilmedicines rhave ttied. My
mother hos been a sufferer for twenty years.
I procured for her Some of your K. D. C.
and after taking !holy a small quantity she
-,enjoys better health than she has had for
Afraid to Trust the Banks.
A short time ago there died in the Horse
Hill district of Westbrook, Connecticut, a
man about 70 years of age, known as Bill
Deane. Horse Hill consists of a few houses
and deserted farms, Deane was a bachelor,
and was believed to have'sold liquor on the
sly. After his death his friends, in looking
over the house, came acrbes money stowed
away to the amount of nearly $10,000. It
was found in closets, over beams and rafters
iu the garret; and under loose boards in the
floor. One hundred dotlars in bills were
forted that had been chewed by a young dog.
When his affairs were in.vestigated it was
found that his estate would amount to fully
516,000. There are several heirs.
Necessity is the Mother of
Gen. Torn Thumb in his latter days be-
came a slave to drink often being unable to
appear in public on account of intoxication.
A manager under whom he was playing
determinedto watch him. and never let
him out of his eight. At one time he had
OC.CASIOri to:leave the hotel, and determining
not to take any chances, locked the general
in his room.' When he returned he Was
etruck speechless with astonishment. The
door was locked, but stretched upon the
floor was jTern Thumb as drunk as a lord.
It was soon explained . No sooner had the
maater left than the General rattled the
door until he attracted the attention of the
bell -boy. Slipping a dollar under the door,
he ielduced the boy to go to a saloon, buy a
pint, of whisky and an ordinary clay pipe.
When the boy returne4 the 'general told
Pitcher's Casteria.
many year."
Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls,.
The" Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the fol -
km Inv prizes every month till further notice, to
boys and gide under 16, residing in the Province of
Ontario,who send the greatest number of "Sunlight"
wrappers: 1st, 810 ; 2nd, 86; 3rd, ; 4th, 81 ; - 51h
to 14th, a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to
those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send
wrappers to " Sunlight " Soap Office, 43 Scott St.,
Toronto, not later than 201h of each month, and
tnarked " Competition " ; also give full »arne, ad-
dress, .age, arid number of wrappers. Winner's
names will be published in The Toronto Mail on first
Saturday in eaqh month.
K. D. C. artaiike Magic on an overloaded stomach.
Fret sample, testimonials and guarantee mailed to
any address. K. D. C. Company, New Glasgow,Nova
RI1EV31AT1S51 CURED IN A DAY.— South American
Rbournatic.eure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi-
cally cures in 1 to 3 dayS. Its action upon the sys;
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Warranted by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists,
Autumn Care of Roses.
Roses have enemies, but it is not nearly
so hard to succeed with them as many flower
lovers suppose. Most insect pests yield to
sprinklings of belabor° in water or kerosene
emulsion. Rose -bugs are not very trouble-
some on a clay soil, and such a soil is • well
adapted to their needs. We never take our
roses from the ground to protect them, hay -
ng learned that it can be done much more
effectually where they stand. What is call-
edan "open" winter is much more severe
upon roses than is steady cold, even though
it be below zero.
Our method of protection for winter is to
draw the earth up around the base of the
plant for perhaps eit: inches. A quantity of
leaves is then put over it, and the whole is
Covered with bagasse—the refuee from an
amber -cane mill. ;Evergreen boughs are
equally good over the leaves, and I have no
doubt but that corn stalks might answer if
there was no grain to draw mice. It is not
safe to remove till the covering from the
bushes at once in the spring, ss a cold, dry
wind does them as piucli injury as a freeze.
We throw the coarse litter from the top,
remove the leaves ti„ncl throw back the litter,
leaving it till the branches have time to dry
off and harden. Then all the covering is re-
moved, the bushes are pruned, the earth
leveled and cultivated and a general coating
--- -se • -- —
--Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on hu -
man ar animals, cured in 80 minutea by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted by
Lumsden & Wilson.
—EngliAt Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft
or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses,
Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. eave 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted ihe
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Warrant-
ed by Lumsden & Wilson.
Oh, What a Cough!
Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of
the sure approach of that more terrible disease . Con.
Gumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the
sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing
for it We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will eure your cough. It never fails. 1259-52
Drunkenness —Liquor Habit — In
all the World there is but one
Cure—Dr, Haines' Golden
It can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without
the knowledge of the person tatting it, effecting a
speedy and permanent clue, whethdr the patient ts a
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands
of drunkards have brifn cured who have taken the
Golden Specific in their coffee without their know-
ledge, and to -day believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. No harmful effect results from their
adminietration. Curea guaranteed. Send for cir-
cular for full particulars. Address in confldenee,
.GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO , 185 Race Street, Cincinnati,
. 1260-52
Rebecca Wilkinson, Of Brownsvalley, Indiana,
says: " I had been in a distressed condition for three
year from Nervousneee, Weakness of the Stomach,
Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone.
I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I
bought one bottle of South American Nervine,which
did me more good than any 850 worth of doctoring
I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly
person to use this valuable and lovely remedy." A
trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by
Lumsden & Wilson Druggists, Seaforth.
A Pleasant Herb Drink.
The best cure we know of for constipation and
headache is the pleasant herb drink called Lane's
Family Medicine. It 18 said to be Oregon grape
root, combined with simple herbs,and is made for use
by pouring boiling water on the dried roots and
herb. It is remarkably efficacious in all blood dis-
orders, and is now the sovereign remedy with ladies
for cleaning up the complexion. Druggists sell the
packages at 50e. and 81.
.•••• tr,
When you get tired of so-called Dyspepsia Cures
try K. D. C. the Ring of Cures. It conquers ever, -
time. 1
A. Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat and Lungs,
It is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles -
than any other medicine. The proprietor has auth
orized any druggist to give you a Sample Bottle
Free to convince you of the merit of this great rem-
edy. Large Rottles, 50c. and 81.
Sufferers flroin indigestion in search of health
should try the King.of Dyspepsia Cures, K. D. C. It
conquers every time.
Elf -We are glad to learn that the " Pain -Killer " is
having"so large a sale in onr town. We have every
reason to believe it to be an almost never -failing
cure for pain,and Is a medicine that no family should
be without. Only 25c. for a big bottle.
Do you feel the first mutterings of indigestion ?
Don't wait for it to become chronic. Use K. D. C.
A free sample package mailed to any address. K.D.C.
Company, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.
It Beats Jack Frost.
DEAR SIRS,—We have used Hagyard'e Yellow 011
in our family and know it is a sure cure for
lumbago and frost bites. My wife was so bad with
lumbago that she could not straighten herself, and
Yellow Oil completely cured her. It has been a for-
tune to us.
Owen Sound, Ontario.
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis,
etc., yield at once to Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup,
the sudcessful Throat and Lung'Specific.
value ever offered in Seaforth in
of every description.
My stock is large and well selected.
For A 1 goods and low prices, I can't
be beat. I am constantly making
special goods to order.
Bring along your repairs. I have
the finest tools in the market and 17
years 'practical experience.
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
All patties requiring Farm Machin-
ery, Implements and Repairs, would
do well to call at
Hugh Grieve siNareroom
John Dorsey's Blacksmith.Shop
Before purchasing elsewhere, as:
keepa repairs for the Massey-Haras,
Patterson, Wisner, Goady, Mason and
Coleman machinery and implements,
and he is also agent for the Bain
wagon, Massey -Harris binder and
mower, drills, rakes, &c; the Coleman
roller and a full stock of Plows con-
stantly on hand.
Steam Boiler Works.
Successor to Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kin& of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet /rot Works,
0.4,, etc.
Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
Engines. Automatic Cut -'f! Enginee a specialty. All
sizes of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand.
Ett'mates furnished on short notice.
Works— G. T. IL Station, Godericb.
Indigestion, Dyspepoia and Sour Stomach are
caused by the food fermenting. The result of fer-
mentation on all organtic matter must be acid.
This decomposes the food (which should
from decomposition
that produce
be digested) ' and
evolves gases pressure
on the nerves, disorganizing the system, and produc-
ing .various symptoms of disease. The "Curative
Fluid" purifies the stotnach, promotes digestion and
assimilation of food, thereby creating a healthy
current of blood. For sale by all Druggists, 50c, and
Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine restores- strength
and vitality, and makes rieli'red blood.
Acts directly on the stomach
And promotes the healthy action of the
For Sale by All Druggists.
1 And Wholeeale by LONDON DRUG Company
London, Ontario.
'This GREAT COUGH CURE, thi.s site-
cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without
a parallel in the history of medicine. All
druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos-
-itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
successfully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will
cure you. If your child has the Croup or
Whooping Cough, use it promptly, ancl relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will
cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Drug-
gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price to cts.,
so cts. and Sim°. •
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
D. Ro), rresident,CIinton P, O.; W. J.
Shannon, Secy.Treas.1Sealorth P. 0.; John Hannah,
Manager, Seaforth P. 0,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead -
bury • Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harfock ;
Joseph Evans, Beechwood; M. Murdie, Seaforth
Thos. Garbutt, Clinton,
Thos. Nellans, Harlock ; Robt, McMillan, Sestorth
S. Carnocha,n, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo
Murdie, Auditors:
Parties , desirous to effect Ineuranees or trim,
sAct Otheibusiness will be promptly attended to on
application to any of the above officers, addressed to
their respective post offices. 1
5 and 10 cars.
Pride of the Valley Medicine,,
The Great Blood Purifier; price, 2.5e
a package; five for $1. Pride of the
Valley Liniment, the greatest pain de-
stroyer on earth for Cramps in the
Stomach, Sprains, Bruises, &c.; use no
other; price, 50 cents. Pride a the
Valley Catarrh and Rheinnatic Cure,
a specific for the opening of the organs
of the body that become bloclged with
diseases; price $1, or six for $5. Ask
your family druggist for the above
remedies, and never sleep without
them in your house. You may need
them at any hour.
Must be guaranteed good sound
baled hay
Quote bottom price and when you
can ship to
Banking - House,
0 'VI/XL
(In connection with the Bank of Montreal.)
To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street
A General Banking Business done, drafts issue and
cashed. Interest allowed on depoeits.
On good notes or mortgagee,