HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-11-04, Page 4I f f , ­ ,-..--' . . � .1 I � _ — — - � . - �­ I , �, , - - . , , __I-_ ­ , �_ , ., . q_ � _� , , . . �- - , , � i I I � ; , - - - - - I _� I . - � _� � - ­ I , , - � . - I ` " �, , - ­ ,IL- -4 - ­_ .1, I ­ �, I � - , . � I - - - - � - __ - �­ I - . I � __ , , - - � � I - __ - - .. ___ � - I .- - �. I . � � I � I � I � � - . i . - , � , , � - . . I . . - I I __ - .- - - - -­­ I . 4 , I - v I . . _. , � � I - . , � � �- I . . - - , , , � - . � . I I - - I I � I I ,� - ______...__ . �� � � . , 1� : I , � . I - . - � . - � I � I , I i - . . I - ' , ' I , ' ­.' ' . I , - - - ' I - - . I - . , q I - - I - s��i I � - - , I . -:- - I , . I . . . - . � - I - . . . . . I J_ � I , � L ' "�; i : _ � � . - - . - - � . 4 1 - __ __ - _____ __ ____ - - ---.--- ___ ____ _ _ _ - - - .- � , , t �- - t : , � . I I : I � . -, � - Z� - . - I I - i . . I I . - � . _ _ � � f � - . 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I - -THE HURON EXPOSITOR. . . - I I .. NOV , - __ �- - - I - - --- . I . I - - . no . I F ' . I — . " � . . � � I I . . � NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. comes convindea that the change is inevit. was here for one day last week and told a -there cL at al I 1" . . - 1, I � ti, Legally n be but oni side. The. his wife, andnames Mr. Wm. C. Dewitt, people on this terre ri sphere. They from the cattle disease. The Ministry must .. t murdoole ,* - y - able h choose between this class of Scotch grazers - . figr The AMe betWeed' a willi �o doubt, prove equal to the interviewer that he would not interfere in law has given th e colored man the right to' who was corporation counsel for 14 years, an were made the recipients of many substan- the parenthesis after each . . . I w - and the safety of the whole 13 IS I Tiffs race line denotes the page of the paper on which the emergency. Xn the mean time Canadian the matter at this Atage, because that d ibeing, the case he has the, co-respondent. He also threatens to bring tial and useful'presents. Both Mr. Netter riti h herds. - - a " . only 0 -as , . was . is a suit for $250,000 damages for the aliena- field and his faithful wife are still hale and Peat cases have been discovered ' the sug- I . ino ,any C advertisement will be found. castlon the Government for decision.1.8ir right to have his vote counted,-* and if it - . ,1 Protectionistil will no.t make much by hold. John Thompson told a , reporter the other not counted, in �16fiance of the law, then the tion of Mrs. Langley's affections against hearty, and we-. hope they will live to have pected cirgoes. The Board "I . Get the Best for Your Mooey-wm. Pickard. (6) of Agriculture . wasalt es . . Record Breakln Prices -Jackson Bros. (5) ing up his depleted. exchequer an an evidence day that until the Government heard the were that be illould enforce the law. This Mr. Dewitt, whom nobody in Brooklyn ex- chronicled their diamond wedding. has practically agreed that the -disease in _J. I � I � �, -, gocond al" )J,ud, Mud . Grogoo� (6) � ; , of the evil4 of free trade in order to pacify-- appeal no Minister would express an opi- Fooplain ressouidg, and'by it but one'logical eels as an orator, and' -who was chosen to -Dur the season just termin M monia.1' The Canadian, officials in the Is I i- A, Will-Dunoan & Dunca-fi. (6) � � nion. This was a. seyere rebuke to one of conclusion can 6o reached. � But, if I present the name of'Senator David B. Hill 1, of Hullett, scooped in about here are urging .that the decision to so'hed- I Guy Brothers Minstrels. (8) the Canadiati iarmer' and make him bear may J a m e s 1�in'3 eel Idessrs. 4 . -a be delayed until .the result of - wad John � I Fam for Sale -Mrs. Walker. (5y - his colleagues who has already expressed- use the flgure, there is a question in'equity at the recent Democratic National Convert- $800 in, prizes at the various shows he at. ulv'Canad' ,, more patidntl , the burdens of the N. P . � . Girt Wanted -Afro. Burtin, (8) Y, ') ubltcly it very decided opinion, namely Mr. involved, which,' the law cannot comprehend. ti6n in Chicago. 11 tended. To be able to do this one lime to inquiries being conducted in Canada With I �A alod they I 1� . .-I Overcoats -Wm. Pickard. .(8) and the exactions of the combines which 9hapleau, who says Confederation will go tknadian and brought up in ha - - respect to the existence of the disdase i I . . � . , � Cold Weather -J. Mcintot. (8) � - Being born a C I IMPORTING HPRSES.-Mr. Crouch, of ve the very best of stock, and everybody a the Auction Sale of Farin-F. olmoted. (6) . . . . 1, am . V, I the N. P. breeds and fosters. . . to smash if justied. is not done to his friends that country, which, after all, is and alwmye'�,, O,hio, has bought + fine lot of horses in Old- known that Mr. Snell stands, among those localities whence the affected cattle are id , � Wand, Underwear-Jackscil Bros. (1) . . __ . in Manitoba. . - has been more the land of the free than this enburg, Germany,' ­and has i had them ship- who head the list in this respect. to have come from,,. b`e mad -6 known. In � I -�� I . � - iial Drives -J. L. S I h I GENERAL HERBERT'S BLUNDER. country, I had 'very strait and decided opin. ped to Chicago via Antwerp'. The Farmers' -The interior of the building vacated by view of this crisis Sir Charles Tup The M, Children's Shoes --it. M 14. �2 ., The Right Kind of Stuff. Per will - Wil I : . I I Xotice�-'D. Weigmilier. (8) - � . � What is known, as the Villieri, incident ions on the negro uestion, I, like the great Society of Oldenburg has selected ten superb the Bank of Hamilton, at Winglism, likely return to Londr fkom Paris at , __ . vif-sv. of I 11 i . The recently elected President of the has caused some talk here. When a- Winuir, .majority of the ' orthern people, thought horses to be exhibited at the Chicago World's will. be remodelled and taken possession once. ', . 1,0,,w prict .Giving Up Business --D. Weisn-, iller, _(8) peg newspaper in announcing thig marriag ' � ( � � m . arket d � Auction Sale -Arthur Forb, a. (6) - Young Conservative Club, of Toronto Mr. a that it was simply the color of the negro Fair, and the Federal GoVernment has do. of by Messrs. Halstead & Scott about Da- . fatcheo-W. R. Counter. (8) l ) , i - --- - Pigeons Wanted-Thomsa Stephens. (61) P.1ch of Colonel Villiers, Deputy Adjutant Gen- andi'the prejud!pe of Southern people that nated 25,000 marks towards the expenses of cember 10. The Bank of Montreal opened is per ce I Bargains -A. G. Ault, (6) , . aard Armstrong, is, evidently, made of oral of the military district -in which Win. made the trouble, or, in other words, th t the exhibit, . Qorrie- I I I ego. Nt . � . a business in the new brick block on Tuesday . the right kind of stuff, While the P&P-fei nipeg is the headquexters, added that the it was simply the antipathy of a portion of I . i LOCAL frequent � wheat, k : , Legal Card -Cameron Smith. (8) ' I THE POPE ARRAWGINC'3. IT. -It appears last. . I ITEM -13. -The recent Bargain Sal,e-A. Wesloh.� (8) organs and eleAion h eelere of the Coilsorva. D. A. G. had gone to Montreal on his wed- the people of the country to black. skins that that the Pope has not yet given his di -Mr. James. Mulvey, who has had his I Aln.erieal I . . I I ispen- - showers have somewhat retarded building - � � .. '_� Daly the Watchmaker. 0- . tive party amuie themselves shouting trearr ding tour, Major General Herbert, in com- made the "Ne'gro, Problem." How often sation fo ' peratians.-Mr. Blc,w has finished the toGrest ; I . r the marriage of Prince Ferdinand farm in Howick, near Belmore, rented for 0 1 � _. . ...... L..-- mand of the Fore.9- telegraphed to Winuirr have I'lle ird quoted, and even quoted my. of Hohenzollern to Princess Marie, daugh- the past five years and has been residing brickwork of the Foresters' shop and hall, - ., . . � son at, every person who will dare to say peg, suspending Coionel Villiers forthwith, self in a I . � .4 I . and Mr. Sanderson has put the r00%f on.. Mr. one-fifth - R(VI ,, that there is an exodus from this country, for leaving his district without leave. It rgulnen , that old saying that "color ter of the Duke of Edinburgh, but that he near Mount Forest during that time, has re- rieeded il it f1tron' lexpositor , ii only skin dee ," and that "though the will do so, one of the conditions being that turned to Howick and st�rted operations on Sutherland doing the tin work oa it. -The . plus pr" I .. * and that it is impossible for the people to , turned out that the bridegroom had only negro's skin is I � ack his soul is white." in the children are to be brought up as Roman the old place. The neighbors made 0, plow- carpenter work on the -Methodist church is Z . lurley, < - I gone as far as Port Arthur, which was wit6- this -city there i�l quite a large negro popu- 7 Catholics. sing energy � 'k- - i - - - ;become rich by taxing -themselves, Mr ' ing bee one day last week, in commemora- being pushed forward with increa - v-r,ee poor - - - - Armstrong t%k-ca an ent * in his di-stri-et, and the General fouvd him- lation, who hav� had all the advantiges of Ry, -DEDICATING LUTHER'S CuoRcA.-Em- tion of the event, and succeeded in. turning this week. -Mr.. Alfred Blow, son of our of I . � Z I S EAFO_RTH, FRIDAY, Nov. -1th, 1892 � ir ly different view. self in a box by hits hasty and ill-judged ac- white people ial the way of education and peror William is this week at. Wittenberg, over about twenty-five acr . esteemed towns F_Q � a es. man'. Mr. Blow. returned Son. , , — He was elected 6 hii, pre ent position only ,tioa. An English gentleman, as General all else that gpes to make good citizens. taking 'part in the re -dedication of the - -There has been considerable rivalry , - . � from Manitoba last'Saturday night -The . . - . :1 . Owing tc � . a few days ago, by a ver�r large majority, lierbert'must be supoosed to be, would at The anthoritieg recognize no difference be- church to which Luther nailed his thesis amongst apple packers in the neighborhood Rev. Mr. Moorehouse, shilling, I Th6 Provinefal Elec5tfons- � I � I of Ingersoll,f,ormerly I _� � .__ -ay, therefore, colclude that he is ,nee have forwarded an apology to Colonel tween a black 'and a whits skin. of Wingbam for some time past in the dif. ish church pal- ;,Aight][Y i . � and we in . I have against Papal jbdulgenceg. of Gorrie, occupied the Engi I a . - . I A Toronto paper sa .� 9': 11 It is g6nerally f 0, 11 I r Villirrs #nd made it as public� as the Bus- been a pit last Sabbath. He is . I - _� , I y ,. irly authorized to voice tile sentiments 0 . mong th�oe people a great deal of NEW POSTAh CAnD.-The new postal card ferent branches of that business. One day the Bible society 1- � I L penaiou.� Instead of that he tried ; I under'Etc?od that, th4 Provincied elections - late, my interest and curiosity has been with paid reply ha�s been placed on sale at recently Mr. F. C. Sparling, of, Wingham, agent for this distr.ict, and address . w I I , ed a . - I I . will be hield in 1893." We do not know what the members of the Young Conservative to wi4gle /out of it by trump- aroused, I have studied them myself and all first-class pWst* offices throughout the headed' forty bariels 'In one hour and eigh- meeting in the Pi-esbyterian church.here, . IN � - . I � - . jr. - : �, E Club of Toronto, In his inauogural address ing up a neglect of *sorne minor in- gained as much Information as possible from United States. . teen minutes, and would like' to bear of 012 Monday evening. -The Gorrie Orange. -Henry t I ;I . . authority the paper in question may have he says : . il . struction from tne Adjutant General which others, with' thol result that I have learned CELESTIAL FRBEMASONS.-The Chinese some,greater achievement in the same line, men intend celebrating the 5th of Novem- .J farm on � I r - . I for :making this statement. It is, most . ' Colonel Villiers 4ad left over until his re- during this summer more about the black Freemasou's now have a temple"in Boston, if stich has been accomplislied ber by giving a grand e.atertainment in the _11T. . I � " The'question as to why thousands are turn from his wedding tour and based a race than I ever' kridw before. I ,have never the only one in the United States belonging -The.friends of Air. J'ohn 'Churchill, of town hall on that night. , Mr. James F.&x is I been ap - I . likely, purely conjecture. The regular leaving4this country every year and going to 's reprimand for neglect of duty " on that, felt that antipathy to them that � many peo- to the Celootials. I Goderich township, who recentl � sue- to be present. -The concert given under the I Xo. -6, F y . � ; I legislative- term of fouir Years Will not ex- the United States should engage our Eerious at the name time re -instating him. To sue- pie do, but I "not do otherwise than re- HEAVY STORMS. -A heavy storm prevail- trained a bad break of his arm, will be auspices of the Gorrie -brass band was a -Mr. - pireuntil 1894. There should, by rights, attention, and we should try to solve this Pend an old ,and faithful officer on a false cognize the feci that there seems to be - ed in Cleveland on Friday night, and much glad to know that he is recovering. At ' e great success. Sara Lord Bailey- rendered � � - . be two more sessions of the Lagiala-ture. que8tion, for it � is evident that the older 'bewspapor para raph, and then to shietd miles. I a . on ' thf, Free . - heads are not going to do so. I am inform 9 tog quantit in their make up, Ap. darriage was done to the ships in harbor. At time it was feared that it would be nedessari her seleAions in a first-class atvli,,, pleasing � J. S. BC I . � Unless under extraordinary circumstances, ed on reliable . - hie indiscretion from the public by taking parently they h ve no moral Eense. They West Superior, Duluth and other p1sces a to amputste the arm in order to save hie almost everybody. -The local - sports have . I �rrrLMr., �, - . I authority that no leas than up another matter, which pardonably migh-t seem to be away d entirely by their feelings, furious windstorm prevailed and the first life, but this was not done, and he is im. succeeded in securing some squirrels and �. '. . � - the Logialatnre should, ia all cases, be &I. 4,000 have left this city :durilig the- past have been temporarily neglected during I have come � in ontact with hi lily intelli- snow fell. proving as well an could be expected' He smaller game. -Mr. P. P. Aylesworth is- � :_� 'cently " , year -left all that is nearaild dear and gone suc)' � " � has purc � - � -0 -houseveneered with brick, ar. _Rle� : lowed to run its natural and legal term. . i an important event as a marriage, was well educ ed colored poop e, who had LIQUOR AT TI1 , WORLD's FAIR. -Liquors has had a pretty hard time of it, ilt has having his ' I ' 1 into foreign exile. In shokt,, there is no 0011-' conduct of which General Herb 11 -1. There are no, reasons ' parent just now to ert has a fennot;n nothing 6ut the freedom of American will be- sold in Jackson Park during the bravely borne his sufferings. � Blow doing the work. -It is rumored that - O -A in 91;� ,` hP cealing the fact that we are being annexed right to be &shamed. Colonel Villiers has institution* as hey are to -day, who haA World's Fair. After a long discussion the -The other day Mr. Jarnes S we are to have another lawyer I in 'town. - . t ty , I justify an election bofore the proper time, in job lots every- o there is not a � I Snell, of M � lae __X , � - . � i . � served Canada acceptably for over thir mingled it , ite people as equals and National Commission decided that it wouia Hullett, th , ship- T#is is an opportune 'time to organize a _. : -Rei ; ice raised against it." I ; . e well-known. stock raiser . � - . � � 11 and there is no likelihood of any reasons VO . - years, in time of 'trouble as well as of peace. considered embelves as such yet they too not interfere with contracts made by the ped from Clinton 21 head of fine Cotswold temperance society in our villa, 1. I - r ge. That �: I Chi-rch, � I � &rising. The Government is strong in the It is quite evident that'i President Arm- - CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. ha'd this charact�rietic, I have been forced' Chicago directors for. the sale of light bever - sheep. They were for Mr. Richard Snell,of ther i eed of such an organi tio will I t "I . . e 8 11 za it � pastoral i Legislature and there are no reasons to sup. strong does not shut his �, es to the plaiA The date of the Conference between Can- to the conclusion that it is a failing iogr 'tied ages and stimulants. be conceded by all right minded p ople.- I � 1 4 y I at Brampton, and had been selected from the 8 ... 'forouto I i '4 1 pose that it is riot iqual'ly strong in the facts that daily stare him In the face, and if ada and Newfoundland has been fixed for in the race. Coior'ed men are always poli- GAMBLING IN DETROIT. -The gambling herds of such excellent sheep breeders &a Apple packers are going th'ir rounds and . I __1 I :, . e _Mr. � i , the first of next week and Sir X&hn thomp - ticians and alwais Republicans, but where-" fraternity of Detroit have boon carrying on John Caming, Hullett, and James Potter, affording producers ample opportunity to - . . . - - business regardless of the police. A couple EAst Wawanosh. cultivate 6atieuce.-The Sut iertand & Innes 2vrllvert, . country. An appe'al io the people would he could but induce the 'loider heads" in his son, Mr. Bowell and Mr. Chapleau will ever they touch[ pnlitics they seem to cor �`as teach . � , .a similarl vi I .- I I not aid it in any Way. Hitherto Mr. party to take -ew, measures leave on Thorsday for H%Iifax. The mat- rupt them.. The negro vote always seems Of dons were raided on Wednesday X r. G at S. Cornpany,.of Chatham, ;in 'whose service crease,o i ., I night of eorge Ireland, employed i . would soon be adopted that' would check, i "ters in dig ute relate to fishing rights, the to go solid whet' - last week and the outfits seized. The police I . Mowat has never manifested a disp6aition . f P . her it be in a primary or a Gracey's, Wingliam, was using a chisel on Mr. Willerton Toting, son of Mr. Robert _Th4 � 9 . � I A. modus vivendi,and the admission into New. Presidential cleebion,and t always seems to have enough gambling �mplements on hand Saturday, 21st ult., and his attention bei 9 bEen for nearly .. 'o �_ to got a, snatch verdieb from the people and no- effectually stop-, the exoius complained I ng Toung, of this village, ba' I diawn n foun"dland of Canadian products on favor- be in the bands of a boss or several bossee. to,start a first-class business in that line. called elsewhere, he went to. lay down the two yearn, hive removed him from the 11 . 11 � tannery I he!"s not likely Sow t6 change his policy. of and 80 much to be deplored. Mr., Arm- able terms. It is not at all likely that the Wherever the ne'�ro vote- constitutes a fac- UNDERTAKERS' COMBINE. - Fifty-ei lit sharp tool Chatham office to their � ffice in New York : An election one year btfore the proper time strong e�idently esteems country... befora admission into Confideration will be dig- � 9 . and in doing no also. laid a nice 0 - I I tution I i. - .. 11 . ter in an election there seems . Kansas uriderbakers are to be arrested for sized piece of his little finger -down He and- increased his ,salary to $65 a month. _Mr . . j to be a politi - . . would not, in any wayibenefit the Province ty, and thinks more of the well-being , & . .. .� ? pair of cussed, as Newfoundl�4ud is divided on the cal ring, and 'Aug never,has been and viQlating the Unit�.d Stat6s anti-trust law,on wrayped up the finger, and in .about five Considering that 166 Willie " is only 18 years ran, ha, � * subject and Canada has already'niore than . _ �� 9 i 4 it would, on the contrAry, cause injury his fellow -countrymen than lie does of never will be aught else than a rottenness in the charge that they conspired to control minutes afterwards p"icked up the amputated of age, f he w ges are very good, We join' � I � 1. . it is 38 . k I - A -the she can properly do to administer wiaely the the bones of anyconimunity. If this be the prices and prevent competition. portion from the flo lid after cleaning it his"Iriends in"wishing hifii continued sue- � �� . . . or a I .1 general election, beside# being attended by flesh -pots of offi-e. May we not hope that - immense territory now. under her control. case in the more Northerly States, what BILL DALTON SuiNG. -Bill Dalton, -a . I Marys. � .. L put it back in its proper place.. cess. -The Misses M-61tity're, of Seafortb, * L -W-1 Spent I I I - . 7 i very considerAble expense, always hag an �he Young Conservative Club will prove the The writs for the bye elections in St. must be the condition 6f a&irs in the South, brother of the dead desperadoes, intends to -Mr. James Scott, well -and favorably part Of last week with their -sister, . I -Air, - R 7 i � � 7 - � " 'ill yet, and that very rapidly, nswick ; Selkirk 'and . I . . unsettI.Vng'And demor�liiing- influence upon boon which * John, New BrUL EASt where the negro�s are more nearly equal in sue the city of C offeyville, Colorado, for known in Howick, returned last week from who is assistant at. the Qorrie post office. - L � ently, , - 5 : Aasiniboia are issued, and that for Vand- number to the �'vhites. Thus, while I re. $10,000 beftuale the pockets of the outlaws 'L : � p. . . . � business arid unle'ss,when necessity requires, leaven the whole Conservative party. I rcuil will be out shortly. The latter con! cognize the fact�that the were rifled after the men were dead. a two months' trip to Manitoba. �Vhile Some of the usual Pranks were indulged in . I *kick in � L . � i . . law it; plain, and there he spent all his. time in touring the On Halloween" by the boys." "Is your � _:Wj � - — -1 " � � � I the less frequently etections are held the . � atibuency is the first of the bye elections of that it -in right t�lat law should, be upheld I NEW RAILWAY PROJECT. -Mr. Henry Province and visiting among he relati 9 te off " was th qu tion frequently &sk- I nyan,� i � "' Tim Dandas, Banner says: 11 There seems , i VISE a ? - 6 es � I better. One every foui years is quite often ar to be declared vacant b the courts 't symp,athize with the people of Croft, M. P. P., of Britiah Columbia, is in and friends. He says that Province proffers ed the following morning, \ . Shops I - - I as I y .cannot bit I � ; . ! -to be some doubt as to whether a p ft)r lerrupt practicos, I � � enough. Unless, thete. are some very erson 'and phw record will, h, who are the sufferers by a law Chicago seeking capital for the building of a - sudden leaps to opule et he hasno de- . - � l .- . . - ___ . facturris � . __ - . . _. . - who dies possessed of a large estate can give .before Christmas,,,, show what extretric which, they wer � powerleas to prevent or new i5anadian transcontinental railway, and sire to remove from" . I - grave -reasons, which do not now appe),r- . e iyolmyck, especially as � Mriton. . . � per da5 T , y measures were ta4�_n by the Glovernment-to nloaify, and which is. upheld by those who in said to be meeting with suzecese. � the- climate up there does not agree with Z I- . � � . Mr. Mowat should, and we have no doubt a u fficient of it away to evade what is called .carry these se&to. "---Mr. aar,worid will again do not understmi� ' . [From the Nrews-Reerd.) . - —Dr. - I . id and appsrently do not � him. - . I , ; . A SEvEnE FALL. -i. � will let this legislativd term be fully com- the succession duty." Our good friend of be the Liberal candidate in Vandrouil, tho care about the dangers that threaten in con. -A painful,,and what might have been a � E. Blackall V. S., I ) I I I t Huron Notes. . projZett I the Banner -need not concern himself about ,F.eatfor which lie was cheated out of by .M.r. I received -a very severe, shock ,on 81 luoving pleted before he orders an appeal' to the sequence of,it. This is'the-otlier side of the very serious, accident befel Mr. W. Cook's aturday. , I erectial I � I - people. A contrary course would,certainly, -Ale-11illa,13, a French Cat,adian with a Scotuh force bill issue. Surely the sins of the fath. - Judge Tome, of Goderich'- has been younges,t daughter last Friday afternoon, at He was walking along Albert streei,� wiih. I -- I - this matter. If he continues in the- uews-i I i- i � name. I granted leave of absence for four months On his hands - . ;_ .118ite ne) paper business, clevei-edi,tor, though'he be, era are being visited upon- the children' of Lakelet, She and a little cousin were at in his pockets, between H%ria.nd � , � 0 ; � ::. . . . lessen instead of increase his prospects of I I OPPOSED BY THE C. P. R. this generation. I Ex-genator Ingalls, who accountof ill bealth. play, in the shop," hen 1- ie latter by some Brothers and Fair's mill. On the call of a � I I __� - I . , A j- � � �. . . " � . h . is estate will riot be uffecited by tile succes- ' Privy . has been travelling in the South a good deal W Ul friend hematopped q .. - led eon success. The people 6f Ontario are not , The Railway Committee of the -The trustees of School Section No 4j means brought a hatchet down on M h s'feet shot . �, 1 sion duty, as it does not apply to an estate Counc sat for two days last week and I Hullett, have had the school raised all yr- from under -his d* i o . Church I � , yeariling , for a chanke of .Government-. � - within the past Year,- says t1fat the people a tle's little finger, almost Revering it. At s_ . h "Ick'y a"! . It was a � il 'd e ' we I - . - wer - I I - of less value than $100,000 and who ever a.6hiefly o2cupied by a discussion -of an tray talk as they like about bridging the stone foundation placed under it, r "y as Ight' 11, 2.3rd U1. They have full coafidenua in' the integrity . . first it was feared that amputation would be "w`.r,Alnutcs befo e be w ab e to get up - w �, . I heard of a newspaper e ' application by the nLAw Ottlwa and Parry bloody chasm, but the South is ripe for an- -Herar-, Allen, eldest sd;n of Mrs. Alletf, nacessa�ry, but the physician found no bone or walk. . . i - confirm . and administrative abll:ity of Mr. .1dowat ditor arriassing a pile Sound Railway Comp of Londea' POULTRY SEASON. -Last week ichurch - . . I of such dimensions 11 - . C) any for authority to other rebellion, and the bloodand treasure boro, had the misfortune &few broken and the injured member will soon be � oultry be- - *. An amount minus the cross t e C. P. R. track on a level about. of the North f spent in vain days ago to fall and break his' leg above the healed. I . I m fair supp y came to - � -On aid his colleagues and they will be quite h gan to move and F, three I'ast cyphers would be nearer the =.�ight miles west of this city. Both are con- W in t"lose knee. . C . satisfied to let well enough alone. troubloue times 07 the civil -war. Like a -Mrs. D. Vanalstine, of Wingliam, re- town. 'Geese were offered in good num- ' ' - 1. . Butler,� ; . . � � , I I I . . -11 . mark. . I Strubting lines in the same direction, with good many otl�e.. things that Mr. Ingalls -Mr. Roxy Walker, of Clinton, got his ceived the sad news of the death at Arkona, bers at 45 cents to 55 cents, with 7buyers to ,:: , Vila ea — � Parry Sound as the terminal point, and the says this is con d rabl' shoulder dislocated on Wednesday of last - porchase. Ducks ran from 30 cents to 45 � - _� : barn y4 , . I I — C. P. R. i,trongly opposed the appli at y exaggerated,. but, at wee Michigan, of her son William, who left .. 1. . shots f . cRti0n. - the same time, I elie k, by being thrown out of a rig while cents. � Chickens; per pair, The British Farmer. ' ve that the people of Wiugham about fifte n years ago. Decesoed . from 25 cents to I ,; . THE DOMINION CAPITAL. The committee had a report from, their,own the United States- are but just a at Goderich races. e 40 cents. Turkeys come in slow the mar- 11 �the set , 11 waking to tied a farm of fifty acres, but worked I We hear much now -&-days about the dire I ' i engineer stating that it was a perfectly safe the fact' that the -Win. Hanna, of Morris, disposed of fif- O'w at . the ket not being as bria k as in D ther Plines. So , I _M1 (By . 1 Race trouble was not a gre er part of his time in the lumber -woods . 1. . . ur Special- Correspondent.) . crossing, on the level, but the C. P. R, i- teen coon skins in Brussels last Saturday- having far there has be .\ gangagei . Is mere question that. could be settled by the charge of six horses, and the news en S scarcity of 7ehickens,' . � I distress of the British farmer. We &Te told . r OTTAWA.Novenil)er Ist, 1892. not used to giving up a fight so easily, and amending of the Constitution and the Pass. This was the r6sult of his hunting expedi- coming so suddenly it is surmised but with the of cooler weather, . , Igb:�-,a I � � I I that he is unable to compete -with the pro- The Car+Commisslon has closed, and it Judge Clarke brought all his legal acumen tions duringg the month of October. . that he Doultry of all � al-y�'*( � . I iog of a law, but in a problem that must be was in some manner killed. He leaven a - =Cmt ay now be ssi& to , � . - ducts of foreign c,oun only remaing-j for the Commissionera to re . and marvellous 8killtto bea,r on the decision, -Mr. Will Jackson, of Clinton,'agent of . . � � tries which glut his I - patiently worked 'Out with the aid of that wife and four small children to mourn market. sixthy I with what result remains. to be seen. � the Grand Trunk Railway, was his . home imarket and render hia,calling un- port theevidence to tl�e Gover�ment-that great healer, Time'. elected ACCIDENTALLY RUFTUIRED.�Eddie Can- ary5 -Im , I SE . From amid the Borrow and gloom that at auditor of the Canadian Ticket Association, death. . teloo, sonof grocer Wm.Cantel There; r. profitable. In fact it is said that bank- is to Sir Adolphe himself -unless the coun � -Mr. D. A. Forrester, of Clinton, has on� met with . . - To -morrow the Exchequer Court will sit present sdrroundw � the Executive Mansion in at its meeting in Peterboro last week. a peculiar accident'on Wednesday. On the � county r ; . . . � ' ' ruptcy and starvation stare him in the face, Bel engageld desire to addreiss the Commifi- at Quebec to hear two cl&ims against the —Last Friday afternoon, while engaged in purchased Mr. McAllister's farm, Huro 12- - - I . Washington, one �right ray, at least,breaks. farm of Mr. Tighe Hullett, the young man - - —A -A I I Fede�al Goveram- road, Goderich Township, giving therefor I . - to-, I Nful i and his condition is held up before Canadian sion aad v e with each othe'r in seeing how ent for damages which were It had been arranged that Mr. Cleveland splitting wood Willie, youngesi son of Rob. the sum or$7,000 and his house add lot in alighted from the wagon and engage'd1in - .. . � . � - : I farmers by the high � tax journals as a little they can oonaect the Poatmaster Gen occasioded by the great rock slide in that should be present' at the dedication of the ert Armstrong, of Brussels, had the misfor. Clinton, Mr. Forrester owns'the adjoining packing apples. In a very short time ae- � I uU%'OPT i � - ' - ' i . . I � I city about three year"go.- A citizen named World , a Fair builctings at, Chicago, and 11 tqne to inflict an ugiy gasi in his left foot. vere pains in the 1abdome'n compelled him to I the 8 I I terrible warainu again 't the evils. of free eral with lie transai.-tion in qu . I 0 Ps —Mr. A. Galbraith, of Wingham, has farm, a -ad will now have & block of 210 leave off work a -ad afte . - slight J I � C� �. 1 . estion All Henry, claims $10,000 .for damage to his party managers and friends had intended acres of first-class land, which being so con- r consulting a doctoz ... ! trade and the beneff"Its of a high tax policy. tlie,counsef-, including the prosecuting law. house, furniture and family, and the corpo- . aking ,it a great � ccasion from a disposed. of his grodery business th ous to town will make it a desirable the cause of the trotill � - suchm . C) in ere to t* . . 0 political igu le was Pronounced a "I I * I . io with property. It. is likely Mr. Forrester � � is doing well, but .11 it ran: � . I . . . � - - , I 6int of view, 3d hopel, this means his family have taken up their residence in able to engage in any, heavy work for a con- ' I - : t tioni �� � Now, it is no doubt tru� that agriculture is Yer, are retained by Sir Adolphe himself and ration of the city of Quebec sue for $33,000 .po a] that by Mr. D. A. McClure, of- Welland, wl will rupture. He if . I somewhat depremed in Britain at the pres- will be paid by himj that is by the govern- damages by reason of the " obstruction 'of they would carry Illinois for the Democratic . next year put up a new house on the Me A 1. 1 1 � . their street by the"immense quantity of i Wingha,m, . — . . I 11 ? party. Bat Mr. 'Cle-7eland refused to go, - lister farm and live. there, while Mr. McAl- siderable time.. I- I Etoppe (O . - . 'ly, of Colborne, has . r . ent time. But this depression is ,due more ment of which he is a member. Everybody solid rock which fell from the Citad',I into a , —Mr. Charles -Else . —_ _S1 � ' it and still I � aying in a very :simple, straight forward lister will move into Clinton and take up I ­ = q - � . I A inz lab! to the failure of crops,thkil to over competi- concerned has been at pains to avoid putting lice there'. . letter, that lie cotild not take advantage of bought the Baer estate on the Base line, his residence in Mr. Forrester's house. . . Belmore. . � f - Mr. N. F. Hullett, and in -tends, moving' thereon in a "I -stroyei -I - I 8. a —The -new pipeorgan for the Presbyterian OuR BUILDER,,. -Mr. House is PaU ,q . tion or a glutted mA,rket. The, crop ugly questions to witnesses an(Ct'he ques- ID,a v i an �ks been creaied a an opponent who was detained at the bed- few week Hi son Jacob will remain on � is It, ' ' V -1 � - � re so Que-tw's Counse " . olace to his feelings side of a loved one, . - , . - I - 0 the old homestead. . to his farm. . . I I . of Vol ,- failure, however, i "' h were put we framed as t for beiug passed ove,- in' -the selection of world. Mr. Cl?voland may be defeated at will be played for the first time on Sunday, Frank Keiffer is eree Ing a new - , ;� coon to depart from this , Church, Clinton, is about completed, and a new frame residene on i 1-3 gmur! -a something tha�t­lhigh tions whic I I taxes 'would not remedy. If, aside 1rom preclude the Possibility of inciriminating the Cabinet ministers. Th tide taken at. the the polls, and mayi even be relegated . —Mrs. Owen Hito'bcox, the ' kitchen in burnei i �� . f I f celebrated November 6th, by Mr. A. T. Burns, of M,c- connection with his -h . Ir � � - Flood leads—to Dead Sea1ruit. to Po' temperance lect-urer, will give a series of Ouse, which will add - ar sul � -the failure of the crops,.the British farmer -accused Minister to the, full extent, Even litical obscurity, but I venture to say that Caul Street Churchi Toronto, and on the greatly to the appearance t 'i Ir. . - � ' � � I * FEMONAL, Wiveh N - y . !m,.under -the auspices of f of i .— G. . in the! is laboring under difficulties and hardships so, bowever, ,the right witnesses we this one chi alrdus act will live in the lectures in i , � � � � I the fault must rc i I re ex ' � nis rint n Temperance Union, ollow � e is almost I : - Premier Davie, of British Columbia, is y en the Wome bind; evening a chance will be given Barton's new brick dwelli g hous, � % —1 . -st in a different d .r' hearts of mail ev ' of his enemies. every 0 to hear the orgam, when Mr, completed. The buildingn is an bxce .. ection amined owing' to tlieir names being furnish- - I _. � i - here settlin several matters between - the I commencing Sunday, November 13th. Burns wiy . hent � _N1r. Edgar, and, the bald admiasions Iric%l and . . — 11 givc : . comfo ; � entirely from that indicated by those who ,ed by federal governments. He is a, � a recital, and a good pro- one airid reflects great credit on the contrac. __ 11 WiD � , *eosha:w. . I —$13,422represents the total amountof grammoof 89�cred music will be, given. Ove: torn, Messrs. Fryfogle and P At . I which were unavoidable have established- a �ouug man, a lawyet, of about forty years News,6f the Week. taxes to be collected in Grey township for � , I advocate for his reli9f a ta'riff on imports. r . t very strong case against - Sir Adolphe, and of age and a Conservative. I T.uF, RESULT OF' HARDSHIP. 60 voices will take part in - anthems, solos Oun TEACIIERS.—AIr. G. A. Brenner of I The I z� If the lot of the British farmer is hard - I —James It. 1892 by Colledtors McDonald and McNeil. I . ! 9 the public can imagine how complete would 1. and quartettegfrom the beat musicians and 'our burgh, Mr. J. S. Hall, i1r. F<)rrei i I . _� Bartlett, San Francisco, a survivor of the The'.total alliount to be collected in! Morris of Carrick, I I . I - what must the lot of the Canadian farmer be have been the exposure if Mr. Edgar had - I the choir, who have the reput' . aroun I A . Jeanette Arctic expedition, has committed is $12,261-74. . - 0i0n Of 98t- W- H- Hartley, of Lower Wingbarn and I whet-( Knig up good entertainments, and promise Mr. B. ,,J. Hazlewood, of Howick, hav, I . in comparison. Both sell the bulk of their been allowed to prove his charges before a OUR AMERICAN POLITICAL suicide- The hard1ship attending the exper, —Tile trustees of School Sectiqn� No. 5 a all , Pr a ,I committee of Parliament, oreven before the I . LETTER. dition "d unhinged his mind. Grey, have e I something away ah�ad of anything yet been re-engaged in their respective scb.r,,ols 6b . � products in the name ma�ket. The British commission itself. Instead of th%t the ' � agaged Mr. Knight, of Howick, gotten up. . . . � Of Fit , .' -1 4 at a handsome increase of a I. farmer has the advantfkge of having that - ROYAL VISITORS�-The Prince of Wales � as successor to George Dobson, who has ,,,, alary. Mr. J. . . chargeg were doctored by the government - THE NEGRO PROBLEM . and his son, the Duke of York done such —A case which ex'ciie& much: interest Was, Hartley, of Howick, . —1 I - � . - � , will visit the excellent work in - the school for Alliss 0. Fortune, . � iug f! r market at his door. Re has no freight, and emasculated and altered so that they 9, tried at the Zurich Division Con rt on Wea- . became, not Mr, -Edgar's Aarges, but Mr. � [Written for THz Exposi,roR. World's Fair in Cb cago. the past two years. Mr. Dobson goes to of Turnberry, are going to attend the High I . I urne I . t 'a METHODIST A NiVERSARY.�At New Ethel. nesday of last week, Mr. R..'Bonthron School next year to study for eecond-class . . � commissions or other exac., ions to p y before I t I ed Mr. T. Murdoi �mllcb . th � lie 126bh anniversary of -moo-Jolin Carrie,'of Morris, had the misfor. of the game place,'for the a ount of i Mr. J. Hartley's sebool,and Mr. a . and ti he can retq;h it. He must, therefore' get a Bowell's, one of the accused Minister's own . By the time this letter is'inprint we will, York last Sabha merchant at Hensall, ou aR certificates, Mr. A. Kaine, of Gorrie, take � � - I 0 a M a . i 1�, ; , : I �, colleEigues. Sir Adolphe' Caron's own ithin four days " f the Presidential elec- the"oldest Methodi' t church in the c6untry tune to'fall out of an -apple tree recently , P., Dunlop, � much better_Price for his � roducts than his fession on the witnesg stand has neverthe- I wager hel niov"t P . I d by Mr. Murdoch as la stakehold- wbo is now attending the Clinton Model , . . ' tion, so th%t no re as celebrated. ' while picking fruit,aud in the descent struck I � I less convicted him of haniling' it boodle" markable change in the w . er, and made between R. Bouthron and IV, enou , competitor ca,h realize. Besides A . � ; I Canadian GED PEOPLE, —Eri Gray, of Roxbury, big chin against it, ladder inflicting a severe School, takes Miss C. Fortunels, .. �� a for the purpose of corrupting the electors of qharacter of the campaign is likely to take Hodgins, upon the last Londo t election— X 0 T E.S. , . this, he pays les -,the manufactured , New York State, died in the poorhouse at out. It had to be stitched up by a di —Our cheese factory closes this , . i Quebec district. I ; . octor. I . bush - . articles he reqd-ires, and be wolrks� a soil place, and this will go down to history as Delhi, aged 109 years, His mother lived to —Reeve Beek. of Colborne township, has l3onthrori betting that Hymm.n Would.be, week.—The farmers 'are taking up their I � I . � . � , _ Ite as productive. My, then, is he so I SIRADOLVIIE's CO'NFRNION. the quietest and least ekeiting Presidential be 120 years old. � purchased the, commodious building known elected, and Elod�gine betting that Carling turnips. They are an average crop, —Miss � . : - I � qu . He swore that he was a member of the campaign in the history of the Republic. O.WHERE MARRIA � E WA.1J A FAILURE. —Rev, ,as the Old Stone Tannery 4 §attford, and is would get there. Murdoch paid the -me MaLlgie Barton, who wag vin'ttilig friends � at . . � plone I ' I much more distressed 6an his Canadian Construction'Com any of the Lake St,John There seems J. Schooloraft was making arrangement- � to _11odgius and the suit was brought t ney Ha-11ton and London, returned last week. I hour . . 9. p to be nearly all-over the coun. , �anted a divorce a for an, -extension of cover the money. ,Judge D ' o re- mi few I ' - brother ? The fact is, the British farmer Railway, and promoted the application of from his wife at Lo 3doo ngland, a disso. the buoiness formerly� carried on �y_ Andrew yle took the —Mr. C. Jones, of Toronto, who has been ILI ' a hould be a reat deal b6tter off than the the.Railway Company to the Govor,n-- try an almost complete lack of interest. In lute wornan whom pe married to reclaim. and Joseph Beek. i matter deliberately and wilo render judg- packing apples for'Mr. G. Barton, was call- itig i 9 . mont of . I % . ' - � - - . which he was a member, for subsidies, and fact, utter indifference as to the result seems FiRE.—At St. Johnsburg', Vermont, Sat. —Last week Mr. ment on the 8th o� November. - ed home Inet week &,a one oil, his children was from Canadian farmer, and he �Vould be under a tl,l W. , H. Coo picked'i —The Holmeavf1le correspondent of the dying. Later r state the child is . spacl , � ai in - 1887 he got $25,000 for elections to prevrAil. Why this should be the case it urday nighti fire - destroyed $150,000 worth from one tree on the farm of My John J. i Clinton New - Era ,fiays : Rarely, if ever, dead.—Mr. Jai eports . iea,rtl - pro 'er system. As soon as he comes i� down . t- Des Mulvey,- who for the past . Icast, f roperty and burned two men to death. McLaughlin, baseline, Stanley, t(welve. bar- I especially in the month of October, has this, five ears had, ]lie farm Yen ted to , 1, P from Sena � tor Rose. Other witnesses proved in impossible -to say. The result is sufficient. 0 &UHL SpoRT. —Lewis Benheim, a 12 -year rels of marketable apples, Mr George I y -Mr. James bas � subsidies . . througli'Mr, Beemer, and out, of s section been visited with such vivid light- Fraser, and w' . to hard pan me his Canadian descendant has' that thin $25,000 came from the contractors ly in doubt to have made an exceedingly old New York boy, was lassoed bi eom� Shipley, of Clinton, gathered ii As living, itt Mount Forest, hat , . I I I 1-1 � � f I P 4 � 9 I � � a W t - . . I "' to Oil 'A ,V OU )1k Ish I -1 I had to do, he will again com mence to move gra,n - -but they swore that it- hot campaign if thaf al9ne would do so. As comrades and so badly choked that his life ir ' ittle more than five treen, barrell' ning as lately. A ball of lightning fell only returned to his farm. ..He had a I . yearn - ted'to the road,' � . � . . . . . � oin a I plowing � I 11 onwkrd.and upward. In the first place, the was not federal subsidio's, but one munici- is Usual, the reasons giien by the two great is despaired of. —Mr. J. Scanlan has bought the - house 1 27 feet :from the house of Air, T. Murch, bee last week and got about 25 acres turned. I -1 - I old country farm has to do more. th%ll it is parties � for, thi; unpiecedented state of I barking a tree and tearing off a board and Mr. Fraser, who is leaving. the ace, has - coml . pal subsidy. The evidence on this point HIG�H-PRICED WAII]KR.-Water is being sold in Clinton, formerly occupied by the late- lea from four � . I I able, or than. should be -expacted of :it. It was : 11-ir. A. It. McDonald, of the Inter. affalre are radically diff6rent. The Repabli. for from 50 cents' tc V a barrel at Mahoney Mrs . Andrews, together with half an acre of pulling the stsp ' posts of a wire rented Mrs. Jeffrey)s. fa�m,_Mr. John i - Com J has to support too many People. It 'has to colonial Railway, stated that Mr. J. J. Me. that bh-a pe(iple at large are so City, Pennsylvania, .. land, paying therefor the sum, of $1,000, ience. as well as shattering one 6f tile posts. Johnaton, who came home from Manitoba, - i I a sit! � Donald consented that $25,000 of- the Fra- thoroughly satisfied witE ti 0 administration Fi-NE MARBLE Qu,iR-RiE.�A vast marble' The property is nicely situated, and is con .The same gentleman's barn, only half a mile on account of sickness, in, we are sorry to . - - 11AM& - I support in affluence and frequently pro- I -ti' - by 22 the othen . ure :1 - distant,'was struck about the . same time say, not rec . ; 1A I I . . -1 . s eler, on is assured quarry 15 miles onel way sidered chean at this fi overin u ­ I . .serville snb.%-idv should " be kent to h of ,Xr. Harrison that bir- J., I - I I 0 . I - I r ft .T -i. � i I y .— UUTn- I I �_ ,:Ch- digality, the Earl, or Lord or Barron who', frien(Is in ,4he clections." Sir Adolph ,, beyond the shadow of a' doubt while the and in some places 800 feet in thick tearing the cave boards and shattering the ber of our young people attended the concert � . ,. e I ness, has -Messrs. Vanstoue Brothers, of the . I I . ,7 'Of th i I '131- Democrats claim that' tile People have been found in Cassi' county, Idaho. Wingliatil Marble Works, are aboutto erect mplars at Glenannau . I him : owns it ; it hae;also to support a gentlem�n Caron was, boarde on the end of the barn 'from top to held by the � - . � df course, their closest "friend." I Good Te ' I I ' I .11 tenant farmer�� and it has to support the The Postmaster General swore that he never een through the fraud MoKinleyism so WRECK -AND Loss OF LIFE, -A cable from alarge Sc?tch ranite monumeni to the bottom, a tree'also about midv�ay between � last week. They report having had a 'good �, � ably - . a :learly that they no longoefr care -to listen to Lisb6a says the Bri ish steamer - Rournalia memory of ;r. froy, in, the Colborne Cath. the two former was struck. Providentially, time and that the concert wasi .grand, sue- � . f no serious damage was done. � ,l1gk knew that this $25,000 was charged UP to debates on the question of the tariff, and has been wrecked at the mouth olic cemetery. : cess.' The Good Tompiars,of this place held 11 laborer who doe's the actual work. Add to him, as the director of the election earn. � of- the The monument is IS feet I these, the primitive, oldk,fogy and costly p4ign, in the books of Mr. Beemer. All be that Mr. Cleveland's election is certain be- Arelbo River, near.Ponyche, and that 100 high, and weighs about four tons, -Alr. and Mrs. James Braithwaite have an open lodge larst week. . sery I F methods of husbandry Etilti,n vogue in that knew was that he received $25,000 in bank yond the ghost of a question. Thus the passengers and the - entire crew were -A Taylor, teacher of School Section left Hullett township forWelland,wherelthey . - ; � � * ; country' and the wonder I notes'from Senator Rose, The latter gen- politicians quarrel, and'the people sit back drowned. No. 4, Morris, has been enjaged to purpose taking up their residence with their Goderich. -7 . . on ly I Js, not that they tle and say nothing, The American otin ltm DROUGHT . �.N MARYLAND, -The teach in Hullett at an increase ,salary. son-in-law, Mr. A. Lawrence. Mr. Braith. � � ado" _ n isid, but his evid6noe is tot nee- � 9 Tiiz RA 1, : , ma is dL ; I � 11, . ij CES -Quite a large crowd gather- � . � are adw complaining of l4d times, but that essary in order to trace the money.t Of public is, in this year of Grace, a veritable drought in Maryland has now continued so No. 4 trustees the servicee waite is one of the oldest residents of the ' . � they have not olls to Sphinx, Personally I am so tired of holding 1�ng that wells are f .1. ed at the Agricultural Park on Wednesday . . * Pen , _Obeen ow,amped long ago. course, the- lawyers not being anx in township, and has honorably filled a number Ing I � . I i - 1, streams are run. of Miss C. Halliday for 1893. She has a I � - . . . very � - ,* I my ear to its silent lips, that even at this q.jng.dry, thew ter U11pp y of the mills i- 3rd class certificate and will receive $310 per 0 Pu Gloppy weather, to nee the match race be- , � ' I They want to take a leaf ftom the book Of 1 discover the truth, only as much came out a a . -1 f blic offlces, the duties of which it Is of last Week, Dotwithat3nditig the cold and � * as they could not help. Enough has, how. season, when everybody should be predict-,, giving out, and mattwe are assuming a seri- i � but just to say, were always faithfully. di Inev, f , their vouni!er and more baterprisin C-_ I , * - annum. Is It '' .11 ; t, -7 � A 11 . I -, - r. � . I 5 � Mr. Edgar's -On Tuesday of last week as' Henry charged, . He was, a member of the Metb- Toween J ohn . � # M ever, been disclosed to establish I 'ng' I will prophesy nothing, thc�rugh I -be Gus aspect. Knox's mare, Daisy L., and co adlian competitors. If hatidicapped as he is charges and to make Sir Adolphe Caron , )a denied the sweet privilege of saying, after � GREAT FIRE IN At MWAU KEE. -Last Fri- Cessar, of Ashfield, was engaged in pick' odist church at" Londeaboro fully 40 years, Thomas Berry'n Sleepy Joe. The trial of - She 1. by taxes, freights and com'peti-tion, the Can- expulsion from Parliament a consequence. the election, " I told you so.'! � d�y night 1 1139 for 20 of which he was Superintendent of speed at tile late fall show between -these . I her I was swept by the most apples, he uufortunately'slipped. from the Since the inauguration- the ca,mpaign has dihagtroub conflagratlDn in its higt&� the Sabbath School and Recording Steward some of their respec. adian farmer did not Practise greater thrift, Mil�yauke4 animals did,not satisfy - - THE SCHOOL QUItSTIO-Sr, largely changed its character. Then it ap- the wind blowing a g%le of cyclo_ry, rrWith branch of the tree on whi& he wao'picking of the church,.bolding the latter office up to tive admirers, and this race waF -arranged deir economy and enterprise than the Britishe nrR force, and fall, which resulted in 'fracturing some tfie . I . , - r The counsel for the Roman Catholics of peared as if there -would be a battle royal on the first blazi started in the,ithme so whole- bones in his - arm near the wrist, also he with a view of permanently settling the I . The Manitoba has asked for delay in hearing of the tariff, and the fiscal polic of this. great sale oil house of the Union Company, and received other bruises on his �ody. question of superiority, $1,00 a side being jurA doe's, he would have been itarved out I n time of his removal. .. He was 23 years - " ong � the appeal to the Executive against the Man- country would be 7 I Clerk and Treasurer of the township and for before this. With the batural and fiscal . settled f ion. the firemen were p)werless to stay the -The other day a team of horses belong. the same length of time a commiasi and plit up as an evidence of ood faith. The - - WSF advantages posselased by t116 I itoba Public School Act of 1889. This has Since then the Forde Bill has been made spread of the flames, nd new fires sprang justice of the peace. His son Marsohnsell track was not in .good confition as a, whole, ,� frei U , British farmer, i been granted. - There is, however, only ing to Mr. James McDonald, of Portees has � I 'L a prominent issue and the agitation in re. up on all sides almost instantaneously. The Hill, that were attached to a loaded apple rented the homestead. The good wishes of and the best time was 2:39. In the first ' . Car a ' � . .0 -is estimated at a out $6,000,000, Four wagon, ran aws and made things lively for . . a neat Joe led all the way, coming in congid- � . he should prosper, and if he ace ' not, his I three months for the hearing and onsidera- gard to it has shown. that the South,' though loss r�any friends go with Mr ad Mrs. Braith- � tbA . misfortunes are due largely, to his own tion. of the case, an Parliament will be in y y erably ahead. The second and third heats . . it has practicall become a new country, lives were lost and 3 000 people rendered - a few minute@, but fortunately came to a - waite and we trust their declining years - session has had its population augmented very homeless. . ;ill . . stop before they,had done a great deal of may be spent in continued pbace and com- were closer, but the Marele chances were tion inertness, extravagance and ianeral bad by thaf time, and it is necessary ap d , P � me is still the olid A MOTOR CAB. -A Mannheim, in amage. I- fort. I I spoiled each time at their best by her break. - _ . dek� � '11tit, instead of trying to period. Mr. D. E. Thomson, Q. G., of To- Dbrilocratiq South, and the remarkable feat, maby, an inventor hat in successful opera- -A very unusual occurrence transpired . ing, although int,he last home -stretch the - mel r(lanagerneut. that iome conclusion be% reached by that largely by Northern people, a Ger- d . . check competition, he should sharpen up ronto, an ex-pre'-sident of the,*,Baptist Union. ure Of this is that though Northerners go tion a cab that is propelled by a motor, on Thursday evening, 20th ult., in the as. Canadian Cattle Cond'emned.. was but a length in the rear. Time, 2.45, eng and by improved -'methods rtild cheaper I of Canada, was here last week and expreas . there with very stubborn notions as to what, the power of which is obtained by explo sembling together of children, grand -child- ' 2,41, 2-39. In this race -the new bicycle - - 411-r- � sions of a mixture of itmospheric air and ren and great-grandohildren to the number wheel rubber tire sulkies were used for the the -productioix un-lersell. his fivalo. Competi- t ed the opinion that the Baptista of C%nada d w they will vote, they * A despatch from London, England, dated ' I 'd be a unit against any interference seem soon to fall into line with the rest, an I ' November let, says: The Board of Agri- first time in Goderich, bat Kuo-,x discarded ani :i woul t tion will force him to brighten Up and exert � d petroleum. � of thirty-seven at the residence of Mr. culture has orderW all cattle landed at Dun- his after the first heat for the old fashioned - ' with the Manitoba. Act,because -it embodied. this has a -significance 4hich I have never SCANbALIN OORL+N. -Millionaire Wm. Netterfield, Sr., of WinXham town plot, dee from Canada by the steamers Huron& style. This race gave rise to a great deal of . , w - himself. None of us like much erercise and'� a principle for which that body had always understood until �within the p t f w H. Langley, w o for. . I � . "'I" . al sometimes. it has to be f orce�d. on us for ' ur � contended, the principle of o - I - � as holesa eldr goods merchant, the occasion being I . � ;1, - th i the � celebration of the and Monkseaton to be slaughtered, owing , 0 no system of months. . . I.. � �. � . i � ! national schools, purely secular. e el� hts is one of the sixty-seond anniversary of the aged couple's to the - I I the whose home on I g , betting, as both animals have, as the wed- I I owagood. It is hard fort," British farme discovery of Plauro-pneumonia among ding notices say, a host of friends and ad- I . ha( ,r ' He held Some time ago, in. speaking of this ques- handsomest in Brookly , has been sued for wedding. Besides those present therel�'were them. The steamers landed 1,200 head. A free for -all trot -was-conteeted ­ abi to give up his old, free and,easy wa ,that it was the prime duty of the Province tion, I said that there could be but one side an absolute divorce by his wife, Mrs. Marie aixty-seven descendants absent in different The Star -News cable from London has I I - I ,_ .ye. But'! to provide such a system,and it was entirely to it in the minds of fair minded men, I 4elle Langley. Mr. L ngley has had the parts of the continen I t. Sixty-two years of he mwit do it 'or starve, And when he r . =n the heats, in which John Beacom'$ ab( . - I the following : The' 'Times to -day says tha t Tom Burke, W. T. Smith's Goderich Chief I asq I . . be- within its jurisdiction. Hon. Mr. Lauiier was right as *far as my knowledge went, papers drawn up in a counter -suit against married life is longer than usually falls to Canada " can no longer be regarded as free John Swartz's Frank Taylor, an Thom ' I . I I . - � . � I - , as MAI . . - d I . . . . . � I 7 I . I . � " - i - "i . I I i 4 - I . � I . I � I I . . ���� . - F � . . . . - I I I I . I _ , J I - � I . I I 11 I - J . . . . - � I ­ . . . ., ;w- ­ _­­ I., - - . � ­ � 0100404111§molft;���__ . I ___ . . I � . I C7 ' 1. - - . - t - � I . - . . � � . , � I - .: . � I - - . � t � - - . I- - - I . � . � - � - I . � I I � - � � �. I - - ­ 1-11- '.­__T1­_.,_­__­�-1-_ � I . I � , � . I . � - � � . . . - . - I . - - -1 ....... 1-___-_- 11 - . � _ .. I 1. � I � _1 . wwwwwwmftwiww� - I I . � I I � __ � � W- . � . I $-