HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1892-10-28, Page 1I �
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I- 1;� if - � I I — . . McLEAN BROS., Publishers. I
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TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. � , z 'I 11 — )AY OOTOBER'28, 1892. 1. $1.50 a Year in Advance. I
- . . - 1� I � . SEAFORTH, FRI[ .1 t ..
47MBER, 1,298. . . , . � � : I .� I � - . ;
� WHOLE Z I - I . - . -
� . -
: . — I . � I . � . . f ' Canada, � ; t . ells them that apples are no dearer now other when the train came thundering along.
, I Endeavor I
- , I ,I The Christ' .
her - child day b y day grow -less and less �, tains sonie fine buildings and good, comfort-. Ian . I
I ,I ted on Con4ention. . Chatham has more beautiful ornamental than they weie'then, and that consequently Mr. Spettigue did everything to get the
I .
� Do You Wear promising, yet she Wpows not the cause, and able hotels. But Fort William, situ& � , there is no such thing as a " raise." Need- c3ws and himself over the track. The
-, I endeavors to arrest t4e dog�nerating agency, the Kaministiqua river., about five miles . (Reflections by�"' a Correspondent.) . trees than any place in Ontario. lass to eay there are scores of angry farmers t-ngine struck one of the cow13, a prize
. .
. by cramming her clifid �et harder, neve; from Port Arthur, seems to be drawing the � The fourth ann�al Convention of the —Indians on the Calgary reserve are 'there,'but the shrewd buyer- cares not so Holatein animal, valued at $100. Mr.
9 . dre3kming, deluded ioman, tihat she is bu trade. The Canadian Pacific Railway hall 11 Young Peoplefs Sq'cieby of Christian -En- greatly alarmed about a predicted storm. . I long as he continues to p'6cket 25 cents Spettigue came - within an ace of being �
I JACKSON BROS. adding fuel to the fl4trie w6ich is ruining line of steamboats lying between Fort deavor was held in London on th 19th, .—Hamilton is already moving to have 'a extra.per barrel. I killed. Severul accidents 1:ave happened at
I I her boy. Generall, 11 . William mud 0 -wen Nound, and there are 20th and 21st - thil month. All day Wed- monster Orange celebrition July 12th next. —Died,. at Paisley Block, near Guelph, on this spot, as an approaching eDgiue caurot
� � � spb�kihg, therefor�, of - . .
� . —The Travellh
. � ge grain elevators built at de ig Dairy has been holding well be seen. - ..... �
I � parents should not e�nd bh6ik : children to some very larl nooday and Thursday large numbers of Is. F the 17th.inst., Mies Elapeth Quarrie, aged
� .
. school much before is .go Fert William. Leaving Fort William there R t succe8of ul meetings in Frontenac county. , 84 years. The decessed-lady came to Can,7 ---:Two Houghton farmers named Rout-
Gi,or-r 111%T101- , von ;but after this 6 ntion until we a so arrived from 6fll parts of the Province, �Henry Petti's barn, Normandby, Grey d _- I
� . send them with scru�,ulotls tegularity,at the J until London was t4xed to its utmost to ae- ol� with the family in 1832, and has since ledge an , Hwuej went to Tilsouburg oa
J,s very little to attract atte 4
� _� � county, B :
, was burned Wednesday last week ;
- I . - same time aapplying�thelil �vith all . necei- reach Rat Portage, situated on the Lake of commodate them. iThe meetings were held - resided there with her brother, Mr. George Wednesday Isat wiek, and after disposing �-
11 I )rk, and i all the Woods. It contains about 2,000 inhab. in St. Andrew's 0hurch a beautiful and at aloes of $4,000, ' a a sister of the of a load of wheat they proceeded to Joad
- I saries for school w( , owing them . krge saw mills � I —The skeleton o� a man murdered years Quarrie. Miss Quarrie*a' I
Four hundred years ago things were sufficient time for, &�d assisi%noe with their itauts. There are some le commodious buil ' ' - The sessions were . . late Writ. Quarrie, postmaster of Galt. up with whisky. When they titaTicd fv,r
' ' home lessons., and betore children thus, used h4re and a 'Mammoth flouring mill belonging as follows : wt?iiigasday, afternoon and ago for his money, has been unearthed at —At the close of the,Chriatian Endeavor home they got on the wrong street, alad afs. -
slow. 'Every man was content to wear e 0 se 'r i Paisley. I e .
I are twelve years old-iihey will have far out- to the Lake of the Woods Milling Company' eV Di g salons. T,hursday, sunrise prayer oted at Convention at London last week it was an- ter driving up a ate p hill t,he horses back�4
� I I . ;
. �
I - C0111 -mon clothing, without regard to stripped the laaguid'l,drone who has been From Rat Port% -e to Winnipeg, a distance meeting from half P�i'past six until halt past —Manitoba grain will be inspe nounce"hat Grey county had won the over an embankmeut into the edg,3 of the . ,
I I 'I Winnipeg, and that of Ontario at the
style or fit. A great triumph is in the blundering away eve" since he was able to of some 130 inles, the country is flat and seven ; foreuoon,�' afternoon and evening. . Provinbial senior banner ' for the greatest Watirliouse's pond. Routledge, who was I
I 'i I F! frontier. I . .1,
�� walk to sohool, f swampy. There is very Jittle � valuable Friday, sunrise,prAyer meeting ; denomin- number of new societies in the year, having asleep, never &Woke until dsylight, and � -
I way of manufacturing—the —All of Vancouver's newspapers suspend- ' . -
r , modern '- — uty came found his rig as described, the horses being
I ' Another rhips the meanest source timber along the line,of railway from.Port ational rally, foreiioon, aftirn;on and even. York cou " I
� -: process that studies men of all sizes 9 pe - . e meetings,were all well ed publication last week owing to a strike of � total of twenty-six.
f� �
f � - . of annoyan to tea6hers - lei the miserable, Arthur to Winnipeg, which city we reached Ing sessions. Th O" . -printerv. . next. I unable to get out. Haney, however, could ..
c 0 �
; �
1, � -ondlitions. The progress of civil- on Friday, the 19ch'of August, about 2 .
� . and- e h ortsighted stupidiLy' of a, tow --happily a attended. The b4ilding accommodates Up- ille were sent to the —The Hon. Edward Blake, chancellor of not be found. ....
41 � a , ho t 9 -f Bellev
i ization has revolutionized supply and f , 11 a punished o'clock,, p.m. Before reaching Winnipeg-- wards of two thou�eand people, mud at each —Two boys o
ew', parents ho ta�b sides wit church University college, Toronto, has donated —The new Victoria Methodist College re- 1�
, ear- Reformatory four years for injuring cently erected in Toronto, was formally
demand—made it possible to meet the child, though such o4ild had earned many the country gradually assumes the app of these meetings It was filled to the doors, property. ,$1,000 in aid of the building of a residence There wait a
On alighting from the y; mee ings modation of ti
' times the chastisemont, ite had received. &nee of the prairie. the sunrise pra i t* not excepted. for the accom * is lady under- dedicated Tuesday afternoon.
dress- requirements at little expense. Such matters should be settled between the train at,Winnipeg, one of the first parties I As was natural., t e Thursday and Friday —Four residents of Brunell township have grsduates. The increasing number of lady great crowd within its walls during the core.
Yon and we are reaping the benefit of. teacher and parent, t6t between the parent met 4 was 1 a Mr. Went, at one time a fitore- an' . i s jere the largest, for these each been fined $20 and costs by an Orillia
I th ; . ev log sessioni magistrate for shooting, deer out of season. students at 'Varsity calls for some such mony. The speakers of the day, were the
I I past thought and achievement. Back and child. But in whatever way ey are keeper in -Seafortb, but now a passenger provisions ha& to be made for overflow —Mr. Thomas powati, postmaster at Galtt sch�ma as this. - . Lieutenant -Governor, Mr. Harcourt, Mi. . . .
out child a life long agent in the employ of the Canadian. P&oific ngre- . Mullock and Professor Lo
v] through- the centuries there stands- out settled, do not make-'� * I meetings. These� were held in the Cc —Hunters returntbg from the Upper Ot- udon. A high
- .
1, Such Railway. Hecam'upands and . Is suffering from what A;he doctors think is a re were never form of enthusiasm was reached when 1;Lev
, , e hook hands
� � dunce by keeping hi� out of schoDl. gational Church,.�!% building almost as large tawa country report that be&
'!�,', the courage end persistence of Colum- an alternative is truli childiabo and its pert from his kind and genial manner he seems % I and after filling both to cataraot.of both the eyes. er well. known to be so numerous or so fat as thev Dr. Potts read to the audiencea. note from
. � . as St. Andre - -
31� bus, whose audacity enlarged the pos- petrators, if they liv�! to e�er have common well fitted for his present position. The —Mr. Win. A. Soriniger, a form ult Mr. H. A. Massey, inclosing a check for
!.� . d next acquaintance that I met was Mr.James their utmost ca aoity, many had to leave known resident of Galt, died recently in re this fall. Many have been killed ' b
a '
sibilities of civilzation And opened' -the sense, will, most surely sup the sorrow, an - e safe their hides are not of great value, a 0 to endow a chair in the theological
1 2 , - unable to gain a mittance. It is quit Detroit. He wasla his 65th year. . a they $40,00 . 7. .
- drink the very dr .1 df their diabolical Warwick, a Hallett boy, who now holds an to say that b - have not yet but on their of the college. The proceedings
way to better living. And still pro . d19 I . 9n on mever efore had such —The new waterworks system of Lind winter cost. All department
malevolence. %, ,I important position in the bity, telegraph an ,ounk Christian )en the indications point to a mild winter. closed with a converoazione in the college at
gress goes on, and still *e are able to - i - Canadian Pacific Railway, assembly 'of earnest, y say, embracing saved miles of pipe has bf .
.Another school Aifficulty which is, at office of the workers. It 1w indeed a grand sight to � I �Mr. David Moody shbt a rare specimen night. I I
sell you the best Clothing. We are present L inds of both teacher But, as we had only a couple of hours to . satisfactorily tested. - in Lack- —Ersfatus Wimsfu, of New York, is de-
g agitating thei in see gathered tog ther so many young men —Four swindlers have been arrested near of water -fowl on Treleaven's pond. _ ....
ering inducements in: Bo s' Over- and ratepayers, is :40hould, or should not spend in Winnipeg until the train left,for i I fthe livering a series of lectures upon trade and ��
off y � and wornei, of ifferent denominations, who thless watolies now, a few days ago. It is a species o -
. coats—all sizes—that you cannot af- fif th class work be taken up in tural schools ? the west, I will leave my remarks concern- had conseoreate their lives to their Master. Owen Sound for selling war white -winged gull (larus,lencopterus) and veciprocity questions in Nova Scotia, He
' '
I ford to pass by. - They are a special -41any maintain that it belongs to the Ing this wonderful, -city until another com- Nor was it a a ght loan grand to see the to farmers. They deposited $100 bail and measured over three feet from tip to tip of was entertained at lunch in the Halifax ..
'I wb k. This, how- muniomAou. On leaving for the weit, we large number of me ki d .. . I I ts body was a k to I
li. . ne bo.uc,ht at a sacrifice and if you- domain of High Sohoi,, r n with hoary heads, but 11 IPP -e - bout two feet in botol by a number of citizens. He spot to
. I .
� 1 15 y ever,is contrary to fa t, Legally,& fifth claim pass through a very flat country for about young in spirit, whose good sense had over- —The Baptist Convention held at Brant- W1ng6 weighed a few pounds. Mr. 1,060 people in the Masonic hall Tuesday
I want good clothing at moderate cost can claim its portion lni a Public School, but forty miles. The land is covered with a ford last week proved interesting and suo- length and only i night upon 11 Unrestricted Reciprocity, and
I Z:P came old time bigotry and enabled them to cesof ul. It will be held at Waterford next MoodV intends having it otuffed. Ain
I come to us. We are bound to lead ixt the difficulty in such,',, schools- is that the heavy crop of natural grass, which is cut surmount doilo inational barrriera and join I —Mr. James Magill, of Manvers, Durham now It would Benefit Grest Brit ."
; . year.
I our and if w. teacher has not timeA his disposal to at- and used as hay. The land is, a little too hands and �, h e1a to in the advancement of a �
. line, _ n'a is said to be in the hands —Ten car loads of Hay were shipped Fri� county,. for some unexplained- reason, took a Robert Pickford, president of the Board df
� . tend to the primary Njork and also do justice wet for wheat a common cause. At the done of Pari green, and, though every Trade, presided, and prominent Liberals oc-
'Prices will do it, then we're certain of for sk fifth class Y i parents of seniorpu- of speculators. But, as we drew near Port- day from -Kingston to England. "IS cupied .the platform, including Premier
I e There were any addresses both Draotical - 13 effort was nut forth to save him, it was of .
�, - . 19 . la Prairie, we saw some fine fields of present rare of o1a a von Ito is expectm a , . I �,
I . Uccess. . pile are prone to overlo-'ok this fact and die- age and Inspiring, delivered by men of note profit will be made. no a.vail.-- He was an old resident of the Fieldin;f, Hon. A, Jones, px. . P., and
I ess by,censuring their - wheat, oats and barley. The land here i al ver t e Dominion- as well as from small township, and for many, years condueted.a Ron. M. Rose, ex -M. P. Mi. Jones spoke I
play their thoughtleegh 'a a -from 1 o t milway
dies � . Oar $2 Men�s All -Wool Pants are over-worked teacher �vith epithets of small rich, black loam, in many places three and - the State on the old country, and it in —John Doherty, a Grand Trunk R mercantile business at Burton, ,where be strongly in favor of free trade. . .
. . I instaticren in switchman, was run over at Niagera Falls, —A young man drove over from Ayr to
i net I world-beaters. We wouldn't tell ,you repute. Pupils on pa6sing the entrance ex- four feet deep and in several certain th'st th good influence of this Con- Ontario, last Saturday morning, mud died in amassed considerable wealth. - .
� thi's if it wasn't so. - aminations should go to either a graded or excellent cultivation. The country around vention will m nifeat itself throughout the three hours from the injuries he received. --Mr. Marples, of the firm of Marples, opend Sunday night at Mr. Peter,Gordon's,. I
. - a High School, where they can reasonably the Portage ha's a fine appearance, both as . and will theGovernor's road, near., Dundae. He
. � Province for, mamy days to come, icks of Jones & Co., Liverpool, England, on 'his oa � - -
our expectproper attentibn, which they need to crops, soil and comfortable lookiag ' o 0, ce of blessing, not only to those —Charles Hicks, son of Irvine H ' and the United put his horse in %the st3ble; In the morning I
;� t prov sour ,a. Picton, was kicked by a horse, Friday and official trip through Canada �
ent never hope for,in a rural school, where the dwelling houses. who attended t, but to every society rept �tatea, called on A. P. Reid, cheementaker horse, buggy, harness and everything else 444
� JACKSON, BROS., attendance is large* and only one teacher. As we go . west, the land becomes more received internal injuries, from which he tory, Foxboro, Hastings was gone. At first it was thought to be a
� . seated, an wel as to maDy who are not con- in. the Ashley fac I .
t4l � � 9 . foot to broken and the black loam shallows. Be- died in a short time. ed him with a medal joke, as W. Gordon's horses in the field
� There is at present a movement on nected with the Fociety. � a_ county, and present �
mE(" � THE FAMN. 0 U S FURNISHING raise the standard of trance work to such fore reaching Carberry we passed a tract of One of the� oat interesting features of the —.The 15th annual conventlEon of the 0 which he won at the Liverpool exhibition in were'all safe and sound, but it began to
� is . . t d hills, covered with small poplar, oak ; Women's Christian Temperance Union 10'ok too serious for a joke when no trace of ...
a degree that vFe will obliged to spend at san I Convention 11 as the response of eminent tar10 July, 1892, at which he exhibited 22 1
1. I PEOPLE, SEAFORTH AND - - was opened at Belleville on Tuesday morn- the articles could be found, so word. was
, Ef I I least one year, and in many cases two years, and willow scrub, after which the land im preachtre of thirteen different denomina 'There are 150 delegates in attendance. cheeses, two of which weighed 500 pounds -
! �L I proves until we reach Carberry, which is a Ing. promptly sent to Chief Chegwin in I Dundas
� , CLINTON. longer on entrance pupils than the present tions as to wh t benefit the society had been each. .
'! , —Word has been received by the Hudson t
. '� I . I course requirea. This movement is hailed nice, thriving village, situated on a plateau to their par icular 'denomination, and all —It is reported that Sheriff Sutton.* of and the Hamilton police o see what could I �
9,t - t . - by many teachers as a grand 'idea, but I fail north of the Assinaboine river. Here I met were unbounded in their praise of the good Bay Company's officials at Winnipeg of the Walkerton, has sent his resignation of that be done in the way of detecting the borne-
, THE lo comprehend it as such.. It would, of a Mr. McEwen, from near Brucefield and work of the a ciety. And yet, in this as in death by drowning at Norway fl6use.of . . Commis- thief and recovering the horse.
'D Office to the Ontario Government
- , HINGS WHICH �iMAKE They my old friend Mr. William Logan, from Chief Factor Belanger and Mr. Stanley . '
course, be a boon to senior scholars. every other --new phaFe of Christian work stoner Irving, who was appointed to hear —The failure of Conn & Co., private
ock- 1�, - LIFE OF T15 ------ Id.. PUBLIC They are both seeming to do Simpson,. by bankers, of Alvinston, has brought ruin on a
. . Id receive a much 6atter education with- Seaforth. since the' a vent of Christ, we.find those —Jame`$ Sutherland, of Mount Brydges, the charges preferred against the eberiff
f or iu .SCHOOLTEACHER A . won well. We ieached Brandon about 10 p.m., Ations as the.disciples rnan and others some time
i out going from home for it, but in our un- . who resent a ch innov strick Reffe number of people. As near as can be secer- I
� had both legs out off by a Canadian Pacific P
i y . morning about 5 1
Tn- i: HARD ONE. graded.achoole it coulA be carried out only and Woolaley on Satprdh of old resented Nter'q preaching Christ to has reports& unfavorable to Mr. tsined, the business mien in the village mud . I
- I bh. The heir Railway train at London, Saturday. He agOp er to save the Government
be k. . I at the ex'penae of the lower daeses—the a.m., August 20 firit pereon I saw the.Gentiles ; or, like Satil, they waste t Sittton,and in ord vicinity will be out some $30,000 or $40,000
I [WRITTgg Fop. TuE 1-';XP081T0R.l - for the here was Robert Campbell, who was there as removed to London Hospital, atid will �
many would certainly have to ,26,uffer strength kicking against the pricks. But, w , the 11 extremely unpleatant duty of dismis- Some citizens had every dollar they possess- I
,ate Doubtless every calling in life is beset sake of the few. It will never work wiW with a team to (�onvey us to his residonce let us not ju ge them too barshly because of, probably die, Ming him," has tendered his resignation, - ed in the institution, and they b , ave little - . I I
we I with difficulties peculiar to itself—difficulties satisfaction, so long a4. we are required to about 10 miles to the north of Woolsley, - their couseiv tive proclivities, but le� us _Mr. W. T. R.Pr'eatou, for several years —Miss J. Sybil Wilson, daughter of the hope of ever getting much of it back again. �
� tral Re.
out � d Leaving Wooleley for Mr. Campbell's pldce, mther pray, that they may receive ore Secretary and organizer for the Con late Sir Daniel Wilson, to whom. he left his It is said the firm's liability is In the neigh.-
. of wh7icb only those immediately connected teach from 50 to 70 children of all ages an . we cross the Qu'Apelle river, -the banks of . . Is form Association of Ontario, has been ap. property, valued at nearly $100,000, an- borhood of $65,000, with assets between .
tew wit th such calling ever dream, yet, I think all grades up to the fifth class. - a light, and , f � iling into line, use their t lent3 nted successor to Mr. Wm. Houston as er resi-
: in no profession is this More strikingly the ' There is yet anothei suggestion I would which are high and steep and ne rly a mile for the adva cement of a society which has po' i lat � nounces her intention of deolicatiug $16,000 and $20,000. It is a bad blow for -
. ovin) .� case than in that of the Public School make to parents, if you think your chil- apart. The road follows a ravine.down to been Po abun antly blessed of God. - Leg 8 ive librarian at Toronto. deuce on St. George- street for an f4definite for the village, as it is only -getting over a
, I V' ' Here there is a store and post- I —The Grand Trunk Railway caishops in il a a h omas Fawcett a few . I
,nu , dren are imposed on, in any way whate er, the fists. I Ill.
;D) I Teacher, and these annoyances are rendered - R to, at, 0 1 liaboro, P.O. The Qu'Apelle . � I R. A. B., Hens. London are at present very busy, 300. men period to the use of a branch of the Order Sim Aar in a with Th :
Tou the more grievous to Ue borne by the fact by the other scholars, either comin- ffice called El I � . of Deaconesses, of which she will, be the years ago. The firm maintain that they,will
. 6ve re- -
we that many of them owe their existence to or going from school, do not tolerate such ,is a fine, clear stream of 'considerable size, I . airymian Dine. being at work, several of whom hm head. She will enter the Order and has al- pay dollar for dollar. .
md, � the thoughtless carelessness of r.arents and for a moment, but do !not quarrel with your. and falls into the Assinaboine river. We The annu I banquet of the cently gone . there from Brantford and Strat- ready gone to England to enter .the mother- - I I
guardians. . . neig atter, nor rail on youi reached the high lands on the north side of Listowel ford. Ing. —Mr. Peter Marr, of South Wab-ingliam, .1 -
% . I ghbors about the in . in following a ravine. T�19 Dairymen's Board of Trade was hold in —A now departure by the .students of house for the prepaxatory train' - near Port Rowan, in a model farmer and has .
in . I The comm onest. as well aa one of the most. teacher for not putting a stop to such abuse, . the river by aga I Listowel on- 1 hursday evening of last week, —Indians oi� the reserve near Calgary de I
� . does not know that seems to be a regular systent of cross ig There were . Victoria College, Toronto, was inaagarated clare that two I new-born babes have spoken a model farm, but!,his neighbors, instead of
� ruinous miatak.ea of which parents are for in many cases he - and do rivers with high banks, as there are many J present about one hundred the other night. Inatead-of being 11 hazed", I emulating hislexikmple;are seemingly jealous I �� .
and predicted that soon a terrible storm will - their I
guilty, is the irregularity with which they such exists.- What you should do, guests. I Th president, Mr. Glbsou, of the in the usual Way the freshmen were treated of his success and -are doing stI in'
send their children to school. The least im- quickly, is acquaint. your teacher of the raviu4 that run back into the high land Fordwich f �ctoryj prepided. One of the . , supper by the class of '95. . sweep over the Northwest, destroying trees, power to drive him to sell 0111- 'He has had
1; I �,- I I and nothing but the rind thus makes the" ascent and descent from g was the to an oyster w' I -
I ediment is sufficient excuse for detaining facts, the whole facts, pleasing fea 'ures of the eVenil) _William Chambers, aged 105, of Dawn houses and everything in its path. So big cattle maimed mud damaged and a fine I
. p . and tp rivers much easier than going down . alarmed are the Indians over this report,
them from school, often during more than facts. This can be done either by personal � On going, from presentation of a silk hat to the president. Mills, a veteran of Waterloo, went to .Sarnia young- orch&rd of fruit of all varieties de- � �
� irtainly is detrimental interview or by letter. if the latter . be ;d up the. regular banks. . The . was made on behalf of the and so implicitly do they believe it, that stroyed, some fiend or fiends having girdled . I �
� . half the time. This ce 6s is frequently donev ooleley we passed some fine fields of !on . al- on Tuesday to visit the tunnel, and was they have dug large pits, in which they all the trees. Mr. Marr has offered a re -
I to tbLe child, a hindrance to his class, an. -I a chosen, do not ,do 9 - cheese buyei a present by Hon. Speaker B given, a reception by some of the leading
I wheat. We also passed a field considerably
-are : positive nuisance to the teacher, &no! what is make statements which your children, on lantyne. Professor Robertson was unable and their families may take shelter wheh the. ward of three hundred dollars for -the cul-
, I 9, when their child- being questioned by the teacher concerning eaten off around the outside by, gophers. to be praBe at, but sent a lengthy letter iii citizens. storm commences. - I
kle- , worse still ' many parent. I detest The gopher is a little animal rather larger . —The County Council of Leeds and Gren- dy and gal- - prits and a Toronto detective has spent
t1lie's, ren have: been absent for, the fitat ' of the matter'. will not corroborate . ormation on 1� ville are advertising for & farm of from 75 —The crowd that filled the bo �
I burrows in the which he ga re useful inf � weeks in trying to discover the parties.
. .
par' -our red squirrel. It i -,.. - Penitentiary for life would be too good for
Lext . the week, think it scarcely worth sending, the incessant complainer, I abbor the ever-, than ecially - where the ,soil ip light WI�NTER DA1RY1bTG-'. . acres to 200 acres near a railway, which lary of the Pavillion in Toronto, last Sub 1,
I : ,them for the last part;, This is a most lasting faultfinder, yet no child is required ground, eap tin BOW6 local- t( . they purpose utilizing as an experimental bath afternoon at the Gospel Temperance such scoundrels. -
. � erroneous idea., yet � it is a �rominent charac- to endare any,infringment on his rights, and sandy and is a great pes umbers Our ye 2tures at Mount Elgin and meetings lWd by the Reformation Temper- —A very sudden death occurred in Luck -
L , teristic of those who art on it to think � that and should, without hesitation, take atep4 Wee. They can be seen in large a I Woodstock Ast winter were eminently, suc. . farm. , e Society got a treat that the citizens now, on Sunday 16th lust, whea the spirit L
. , . _ - 5nc ...
: . to have the mischief stopped i,ud the culprit -in some places as the train is passing.;, cessful in th Dir main features. The patrons Five citizens of Kingston, have sub _
I ra. -- � their children should receive promotion as It matteis not what the Robert Campbell's place is situated, about were thorot ghly fleaued with the returns scribed- $100,000, to be invested in a egold have not had for some tim�. .The Rev. Dr. of Mrs. 34argaret McLeod, r4lict of the late
frequently i the regular attenders. severely I river, on e at Helena, Montana, if assurances Beckett, of Washington� the wouderfal - col- � .
as d( ponished. are John McLeod, and mother of Mr. Allen Me-
� , The absurdity of this is apparent to all. nature of the offence may be, ]if a parent has two miles north of the Qu'A polls which we v -ere able to make to them, and min ored preacher and singer, was present, and flight to. the great beyond
iere, convictija that there a large plain with a gradu2i rise from the . they have u oanimously requested, us to run good. This sum was guaranteed by bonds, sang two selections that justified the words Leod, took -its . �
Zare Every scholar should be iii schouf on Friday, an honest, unbiased and $100,000 more promised if the roport is Deceased, who was in her 77th Year, was in
q � His house ata'nds o!n . of r. Douglass, of Montreal, who told that her usual health,and attended services in the
� complalot, be should, banks of the river. the factories during the coming fall and
I that he may have his Monday's lessons as- are good reasons for . - .
wch . the the east side of a bluff, with a -bout an acre winter. M ny other cheese factories are favorable. ,,,tiger .
I � I Presbyterian church on the 2ad concession
� signed him, and besideaj Friday being a instead of slandering the' teacher, seize Dr. Beckett " was the most wonderful '
eat- him of of poplar timber. The term 11 bluff " is ap- about to be altered into winter butter mak- —According to the assessor's returns the of the Gospel he ha�,vver heard." On her way home she,called at �32 .
and : general review day no pupil can afford to earliest Qpportunity.of 8e8ik,t1jg to �� .
. � .. ;o, avet4fighted, and in plied to a. piece of timber growing on .level iDg factori in in Ontario. The. Dominion land in Hamilton is valued at $10,549,532, � of Kinloss.
lkst, 11 M131 -At. ADother misconception practiced the wrong he wishes I . � - land, without either rock or swamp, in Governmen, will control at least four of and buildings at 1 $11,159,970, the value . of —While returning on the train from the residence of the minister, the Rev. F. A. . I .
� Kre. by s�me parents, and one Jresulting in most many cases be will'be abuh1d on discover 0- . Mr. 'Campbell was ready these in 0 itario, and some in other Pro. buildings over land beicnig $609,438. The Montreal after disposing of a -carload of McLennan, near the stration, but had oully I ..
�� - o his grievance ! t 'been there a short time when the band.of
-amet - I lasting injury to the child, is the habit of Ing, either that the , most instan as' which number of houses in the y is 9,831. cattle, Mr. Dunlop, a drover of Dalhousie, �
� , . ol at too early have been. strange-ly---emig-k'drated, or that to welcome us to their western home, vinces. " T he letter to e - was indulging in a well earned sloop on the ,death was laid upon her. Heart failure It -
.thak sending their children to echo I table log house, lathed and . .
I . they never had an existerici, and he will is a very comfor exhibit at the World's Fair, which the —A convention of the 27th annual Pro- eat of the car, and, to add to the comfort aupposed to be the cause. The remains I
1. — an age. Parents" very wrongly imagine that o his piabe of abode a - pla9tered inside, with a good stone collar as writer believed would comprise not less vincial Sabbath School Association of On- a .
a child, by starting aft five years of age, wander back again i . ,s in the Norfolk of the "nap," took off his boota,.,placiog were taken to St. Marys, Perth County, for
, at- � a foundation. than 1,000 boxes of this year's Soptember tario opened proceeding On
6le- . . sqcu.res a decided advantage over those not madder and a wiser man, Y�t, such inter- � I JOHI; MOMILLAN, make. He thanked dairymen generally for .Street Methodist Cnarch, Guelphi on Tues- them between the seats. awaking from burial. - .
iird I cammeuciug school life so young. BtA, views are occasionally produitive of much . ubb.) . . bout goo his sleep the boots were found to be missing, —Mr. Martin StefHer, slarmer aged 30
. I thankful Y yd�` ' a by the (TO BE ,,CONTIN the heart which had been made to day. Delega,tes to the number of a
L good mother, while I most h�igbly esteem good and are I paive . y evidently stolen by some sneak thief on the years, who resided with his mother and .
,Ier- . - I - . —.-- the aircul-18'esposenet out, and assured the are present. , . '
� ntil your interest in your children's welfare, I teacher, Comment$ soliciiel. . dairymen that no pains will be.apared to —Alfred Mann, for many years sexton of train. A comn-rercial traveller kindly lent brother in Pualiach, two and a half miles
tell you of & truth you ard doing them a . I APAST HURON- - A Trip Through Manitoba. Mr. Dunlop a pair of rubbers to enable him from Guelph, died suddenly on Sunday
, I
4ng � � —With you - r permission, enable Canadian oheesemakers to win all St. John's Episcopal Church, Port Arthur, to get to his hotel. I evening. He had been to early mass, and
inill great wrong. Their little brain is not able , � *� DEAR EXPOSITOR, ' possible prestige. , dropped dead in the'church just before the In the
. I to endure the receiving of impressions and &VhtS IN THE . returned. home in his usual health.
ary I . � AN M -P -1S TRJ I-wRl1 oncemore trespasaou your valuable . I —On the arrival at Perth, of the Toronto
. NEW COMBINATION OF FORAGE CROPS. commencement of evening services Sunday. afternoon he drove to town and brought .
" I
r of the inevitable consequence is that the in- NORTHW, RIK. rder to finish the description of , . Ited' from express Wednesday morning Mr. E. G.
tellect is damaged, and that too, to such an . : ; ace in 0 The lett3r continued: "There would peathissupponeolto have reaut . Malloch, crown attorney, stepped off the some friends out to the farm to spend the ..
: I - "p t - t the
i,ek-. . 11 ; � my trip br6ugh Manitoba, !On leaving � umatism of the heart.
, e a
� ; extent that the child is dulled for all time. 1. " e fifteen miles over have been s Al a third matter with which I rhe The largest fish taken from the Grand n before it had stopped. It had been afternoon. After doing up the chor 'a .
- I - LETTER ', Wanessa I proceeded som — trod i
. I
I � At five years old the child was the picture 4s, which are along the Souris might have been bold enough to tax the raining during the night and the platform barn he returned to the house, 61led. -his pipe
. � DEAR EXPOSITOR) --Accordiog to promise the Pigee hil - pa,tience of those who might welcome me River for years was a pickrel caught a, few '6d and was in the act of lighting it when he
, of health and activity. Hi powers of ob- nJy trip through River. . Along the river the country is well I I days ago by Air.', R. Spinks, in that river was wet, and his feet elippitig as he steppe Medical aid was
reer servation were alert ; his p:rceptive ability i send a short account of i -bu j not ,ensively cultivated to Liatowel had �it been possible for me to a a from the moving train, he fell heavily on fell to the floor a corpse. I I
. - "d British Col- settled, e 8 a �
,life, �- 0 ext theron, however, go. I hav) been successful in devising a near Paris. It measured 14 inche , round, the platform, where he remained uncon. at once procured, but -the doctor upon his ;�
- - " acute; his memory retenitive ; his interest Manitoba, the Northwesi an
�eut intense,, but ea . qh of'those, bear in mind, at umbia. Mrs. McMillaw a4d your humble as in other places. Fur f 25 inches in length, and weighed over six ious until picked up. Had he not been �arrival pronounced the man dead, mud istat- .
; I -us
Ithe tarted irom Se%f6rth an the 16th of the land becomes more rolling and is appar- new combin ition of forage crops for ensilage pounds. so
. thia early age is very susceptible of impair- servant a ' rtile, being almost one bound. which I bi ilieve. will prove of very great . , seen it might have proved more serious. ed that his death had been instanta, Gas.
lest August last and werl, t to Tbr6nto, where a ently more fe . ' Ion. _The editor of,� the Paris Review gives t - and is re- He was a steady, industrioue young man,
ment and should not be tampered with, I � � .�i , heat. Then .Pressing on, as it service to ;he dairymen of the Domiai Mr. M,alloch was aken home,p
. . .
� I ut givipg's bliesp trip to lose field of w -
ohn . I eapecially by the inexperienced teacher who traia was made , ' the following sped'Imen of Hibernianism to c - overing. and was much respected in the communityi - -
�Sti- Manitoba and th orthwed.t. We left To- was becoming dark -1 p�rceived a light, I have no doubt but that it will enable the latest publication � 11 Mr. '
his readers in his , -
- knows nothing of the order of development . ' � - G. Murdock, barrister, of To
Z an midnig&t,wiih 4 crowded train. which looked like a star in the horizon, but stockmen of Canada to save many millions I ' —Mr. W. —The trial at London, England, of the
. - ' J. H. Fisher is having his beaul'iful. and C nads, as 11 Dr. -
1 4 � of a child's power. This same bright child�, ronto about ) it I found it to be the, of dollars a year In the annual cost of feed. ronto, has been appointed to represent the notorious Neill; known in a
ood ifth About noon on the i7th we 4trived at North on getting up tc merly extensive store wh1tewashed with a cost of Department of Agriculture and Commission -
if he has been sent to school from his f , liplasing, residence of the late Peter, Rettle, for Ing their cattle.' If the dairymen in the black paint." I . Thomas Cream," for the murder of the �
ter. birthday, has, before he ties, Bay, a town situaied cm 4ake b Mr. Rettle had died two weeks northwestep parit of Ontario will give the I Patents in a dispute between two in. Clover girl, was brought to a close last
. 4 his seventh, - er of .
I ul h where we remained one hput tihiil the train of Hullett. . Comb nat ) —The jail returns of the county of Ox- . � .
I 9 received impairmedt which time can never Canadian P . scific . Railway from previous to my arrival. I was met at the I Robinson i a trial next sum- ford for the last year show that the daily veutiorii concerning improved wagon tonguel. week, the jury finding a verdict of " guilty"
k a, � eradicate, Often his body is infeebled, his on the I ttle, sister of the mer, I am aure they w7nill be delighted with The contestants are Joseph Drader, and utes deliberation, and he waz
I 11 I : I The country from ,door by Miss. Jane He . costper prisoner 'WM584-100cento. The after five min
tifi� � observing powers flag; he is slow of per- Montreal arrived, I Bt hospitably receiv * - Its capability of service. Sixteen pounds of a anads, Neill,
� - , . . ugh and deceased, and was moi ed tal number of pri0oners was 150-1317 mate Andrew B. McKay, bothtfLondon, each of sentenced to -be hanged. In C
1001 ception, his memory is poor; he is hope- Gravenhurst to North 1�ay is rp ,ing around next mornin Indian corn and isixte'en pounds of English to whom claim priority of aMication for the or as he le known here 4g Dr. Thomas,
g I pre. I I
ryff- : lessly careless. AB an offset to this., some. there is, very little arable� Is6nd'along the While look . a most horse bean , planted together, perc acre, and 13 female. Of � these, 30 were sentAo At the hearing, I . h will likely Cream," has an unenviable reputation. He
7 1 7 the Central Prison. i I �
,ery Imay point to the kindergarten, where child- line of the Grand Trunk Railway, by which ceived that . Mr. Hettle . ith tho head -half an s =Ace in London rV.0q1. Ridout, of studiid medicine at M-cGill college, Mon-,
I . - to North comfortable home, with everything that one when mixe wi a from Colleke for young ladies to an ,, Mr.
� was : ren are received a; early aLl three years old. railway we came from Toronto fmles further dn I acre of th mammoth Russian sunflowers, —Kingston _ Toronto, will represe-ut Mry birader, 6'.nd treal, and was graduated in 1876. He took, I
Ub- - . I have grave doa,Vt as to the usefulness Of Bay. We were there, trq%isferrea to the could desire . T , orrance, an old friend form-' will glvbl - most desirable, nufricious and assured fact. The commodious residence of Mr. James Sutherlandi M: P., of Wood- up practice in Kingston, and had been there - - �
. . Canadian Pacific Railway, 4i 1�' met Mr. John � . — - Hon. G-1 A. Kirkpaitrick. has been secured . �
.1a3t. this institatiob and believe its popularity -&;y Idportance was' erly of Harlock. Mr. Torrance is doing econolmilcal ation. " . . � . and $2,000 subscrib�d by citizens as a guar- I stock, will look after Mr. McKay's interests. oal; a short time before he was suspected
Ver, has reached a climax. If all this early The nexit place of ,e a railway branches well and his family all have comfortable ROGRESS OF DAIRYXING. antee fund- for the first year ; a stock com- —Charfes Currie, bf Parkhill, to whom of illegal practices. The body of A young -�
S the .. trai-nin" is advantageous, w6t in the name Sudbury Juncti011,wber . im. From there r went to rke, McPherson forfeited the title of champion woman was found in a shed back of Neilre I
� Z> 1. itry" homes near b. Hon. Spe ker Ballantyne, in his remat pany to follow laterl
.Dr. . of wonder becomes of all the smart children off to Sault ,Ste, blarie.�;' The couio . of about fifteen miles. after some eminiscences of dairying in the —A horse in St. %'homas, saw itself in a shot-putter of the world, on Saturday, 15th office and a postmortem examination showed �,
. .
And I - Sudbury is said to �,ontodn the most Deloraine, a distance ,
� � we hear about. From three to five years around 4 ' �he early days, traced. the mirror on a load of', furniture passing on I that she had died from the effects of a crim- .
,wd old, nine out of every ten arb perfect gems extensive and richest coppek and nickel de- , It was a good farming coubbt y' all along . progress of the in- i inst., in the presence ,of a large crowd, �
ied- I nown in the world. ?�, The mines are -way. . . dustry unti to -day, in Listowel there was Talbot street the other afternoon and was broke several -world's records it Winnipeg. inal operation. Though the people were
- I of cuteness and cleverness, the pride of their posits k tw �,� On leaving Deloraine I Went' to Hartney, the largest , with nearly hot 39 f ee't'. 10 inches, morally certain Neill .had performed the I
tere - from Sudbury b .' o short lines of . market in Ontario no 1 f rightene .1 at t; bown shadow that it He put the 21 -pound a � I
� I I parents and the wonder of all. The witti I tore, 30 000 boxei boarded, worth over $9 , .Oua!� reaking the shafts beating the redord nearly a foo,tk . The 18- operation, there wu not legal evidence
lak to Herfou Bay, �here there are three large grain eleva *0 000 7 mped cl�aa` ar 11 I
Dral cisms of almost any child of this age, serves railway. From North - , I -0 Jum , 4 inch . es, beating enough to warrant his arrest, Public
, 6 to Lake Super- This will give some idea of the immense an� commanding the highest price of any .4ise damajing the buggy. pound shot he put 43 feet . .
'his . - ,omes clos . and othei , I feet'1%, ihches�made opinion,
� � to amuse a household ; but by the age of where the line c I i . . . . however, forced him to leave
` Railway passes quantity of wheat handled iri that district. ace in America. —The Municipal ,"ouncil of Peale Island .
� he I Seven mauy�of these same children have ior, the Canadian P&cidc P , the world's record of 4 'Ontario. The Kingston t to Hamilton. H,ere I-
I o8e-, I a coul arativeli wild region, where Travelling around there for two days I found pl I I drain, byia process of pumping by G. R. Gray, of Coldwater, and he wen �
� :
� living inonuments of 'tbrougl: I L. - . . .1 � ch �
Vea � degenerated into This fact must forests of smArl sprace, tafflarac and cedar the country to be a level �rairie and form . and dyking, about J2,000 acres of marsh 12-potind shot he put 54 feet 11 in es, he was shortly afterward arrested on a :
, ie, a Mr. Ja a Gray, maker at Elma, gave �
I , stupidity and for etfulness. sea of wheat, Sapinbr nedl by Dr. i. M. Scudder, beating the world's record over a �1- charge of killing a woman by performing an I
no larg6 timber of any ing one vast . in lands, largely ow 1.
Z be - - 9 by even the most unobser- &bound, but there is I town with ca - --Calgary advices say that prairie fires illegal operation on her, bnt the charge
. have been not Meadows- lakes and thrieving little two elevators, the practi results of a season's paying for of Cincinnati,. and Lemuel Brown, of Peels. . -
vas vant. Whysuch a ruinous change? There account fit for use. xt stopping place and- from there I milk at t e- f i to milk 'indsor, have done immentse damage in that net It could not be pro,ied against him. Again he -
ent must be an existing evil somd.where, and 1, rocky ridges, atternaie. fiere is a was my us - Babcolnot test. It The engineer, Mr. Newman, of W , u- I
m fifty went west across the Souris River. For value, an a owh by the borhood during he past few days. The changed his residence, -'this time going to
ing � I believe it is to be found in the overloading station call6d White River, about . ilk to make a pound of cheese, estimates the cost at $22,500. country has been fireswept, f This was about 1978. He had
I I . Heron Bay, situated on White twenty-five miles around there the -prairie is took less m I —While Mr. H. M. Duff was returning rom, the Bow Chicago,
ith ; of the yoiggg mind. As *ell might you miles from 0 - . !ry level. There I came acroys Messrs. the product was of better quality, and the to Dungannon fror�,. Lacknow the other River to Red Deer, in the north, and from only been in that city a shorL time when he I
� I
� %In ; yoke a yearling colt five dayg in. the week. river, where ther are yards erected for v( id justly. The system in � . was again arrested on the charge ofcaiiking
� ausit from Fred Broadbent and, George Clark, both patrons were pa his horses ;became frightened at Dog Pond, in the west, to the Calgary and .
�he ' - ,.- Mothers say 1-1 We would not send our resting and feeding cattle in tr former Ontario men, and both of whom are its practict I working was a distinct one- evening, I onton railway in the east. Thonaands a woman's death by malpractj&e� The �
I Manitoba and the Northwest to Montreal. I something and ran a�vay, thro Mr. Duff Edra proved against him and he was .� -
fell they - cess. He g ve a test case showing that iii w i2g He is of tons of hay,. many buildings, cattle and crime was I � z .
children to school so young only that I also met Mr, James Mode bad y. . ;
-� 91 We now pass along the north sliors of doing well. 9 out and bruising hi* pretty - life. He . I �
Lan . 4 like to go. " What causes them to like to I two lots of 00 pounds of milk, each testin I - �. ; .
aperior until we come to Ne bein8o�ende .. I
�- n land, well known around Loadeaboro. .Mr. ,d by his lbrother Foresters and probably a number of lives have been lost sentenced to jinprisonment for
nia !, � go ? simply the novelty of their situation and Lake Si , Pigo d Modeland has a farm of 640 acres of arable' 3.80 and 3. 5 pounds of butter fat, respec- e u 4 . Men hauling hay had. to served 13 years of this seuteucO And Was I . �
I y &long Lake Superior is gran I th rt physician.' in the flame6., -h0alth- - I
re. the attention received from olderpupile, The acener to be land within five miles of Melita. He has a tively, . the for�er made 216 pounds of itch thbir horses and ride for their Iiies. then released on account of ill . .
'106 - ond description and must be seen ke I tter 200i pou —An Exchange sAys:—An apple buyer unh � other had died leav . � - �
. 2,11d when the -effect' of these inducements bey go crop this year and 100 acres of sum- cheese and th I ads, the first e Northweit have the meantime his f i
byl , weaTs off, which it is sure in i% few months appreciated. What surprised me most,were lar dy for whedi next spring. being -only 51 po�ude more in quantity, but in a town not far from Kincardine has The beat hay Oistricto In th went to land,
the enormous hills of gravet and sand, situa mer fallow, rea played a pretty shap trick on a large num- been burned dver. The fire is "Supposed to him $16,000., and he
ist to do, the child is found devising schemes . In conclusion, Mr. Editor, i must say that of superior usliti. erhis-relesse. it is said thA
[th Whereby, he may obtain a holiday. ated right in the midetof the rooks,reaching her of farmers living in the neighborhood of have originated in a hunter's camp. short time aft I
�. 1) feet in dept� In many places. I like the country fairly well and was glad to". He went to them early —Mr. J. J. Spettigue, of Westmini8ter, , while Neill Was in Ontario he was forced to �
" Children are so different in precocity that neaily 100 ehills is beingused-for to see that so many of the old Huronites —Mr. Th mas Davidson, an aged and re- this certain $1 had a very narrow escape from instant marry a girl he had wronged. - N-exii sought
Fh- no, definite school age can be given, but it is Material from then were doing well. Both Mrs. Mills and my- spected res . n ncession of in the fall, when apples were selling at . Michigan to escape marriage by light, but relative# L - I ��, I
of gulches and the beds of � or fall and $1.50 for winter. He offered 75 death Monday morning an the wi board -
le, a rare cue to find a child who is able to the filling UP ofittea by the tri Fullarton as gone to Ayr to live with his f ig soutfi over of the girl citight him just as he as I
13 cope with school work before go has reached streams and thus bnabling the company to self were greatly ben ip. I . Avidson is one of the early cents for fall and $1.25 for winter, and the Central Railway train was goll arebed to the sitar �
I 9 I . on will give the above- space in son Caleb. � lause caught many farmers the cross road where his son Frank keeps a jug a train and he was in �
'as � way with tr6stle work and making a Hoping- y Mr. The last c I family W" -
t his seventh year. If sent before this age he do a I I lost ,ame a widower raise. Now farm- milk dairy. Mr. Spettigue was driving is at the point of a pistOl- Hil �
e- , . your valuable paper, I remain, settlers, and winter bee -
Ila may, and in fact generally.gets oja niebly more golid, safe and .:endaring roadway, Yours Truly, for the third tim . He is now at the ad- and he made heavy purchases. f milch cows from one pasture to an. well known in Quebec and highly r"P8ct6d- -
im . . for A time, but his success Is short lived, and Port Arthur is no* reached. It is situated �, JoEw Mimss Hallett, vanced age of 80i years. ers are demanding 11 the raise," but he coolly - hard 0 � . -
f a hore of Thunder - 136y,,aud con. - I I t � . <S 1 - -� ..
. . I
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I- 1;� if - � I I — . . McLEAN BROS., Publishers. I
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TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. � , z 'I 11 — )AY OOTOBER'28, 1892. 1. $1.50 a Year in Advance. I
- . . - 1� I � . SEAFORTH, FRI[ .1 t ..
47MBER, 1,298. . . , . � � : I .� I � - . ;
� WHOLE Z I - I . - . -
� . -
: . — I . � I . � . . f ' Canada, � ; t . ells them that apples are no dearer now other when the train came thundering along.
, I Endeavor I
- , I ,I The Christ' .
her - child day b y day grow -less and less �, tains sonie fine buildings and good, comfort-. Ian . I
I ,I ted on Con4ention. . Chatham has more beautiful ornamental than they weie'then, and that consequently Mr. Spettigue did everything to get the
I .
� Do You Wear promising, yet she Wpows not the cause, and able hotels. But Fort William, situ& � , there is no such thing as a " raise." Need- c3ws and himself over the track. The
-, I endeavors to arrest t4e dog�nerating agency, the Kaministiqua river., about five miles . (Reflections by�"' a Correspondent.) . trees than any place in Ontario. lass to eay there are scores of angry farmers t-ngine struck one of the cow13, a prize
. .
. by cramming her clifid �et harder, neve; from Port Arthur, seems to be drawing the � The fourth ann�al Convention of the —Indians on the Calgary reserve are 'there,'but the shrewd buyer- cares not so Holatein animal, valued at $100. Mr.
9 . dre3kming, deluded ioman, tihat she is bu trade. The Canadian Pacific Railway hall 11 Young Peoplefs Sq'cieby of Christian -En- greatly alarmed about a predicted storm. . I long as he continues to p'6cket 25 cents Spettigue came - within an ace of being �
I JACKSON BROS. adding fuel to the fl4trie w6ich is ruining line of steamboats lying between Fort deavor was held in London on th 19th, .—Hamilton is already moving to have 'a extra.per barrel. I killed. Severul accidents 1:ave happened at
I I her boy. Generall, 11 . William mud 0 -wen Nound, and there are 20th and 21st - thil month. All day Wed- monster Orange celebrition July 12th next. —Died,. at Paisley Block, near Guelph, on this spot, as an approaching eDgiue caurot
� � � spb�kihg, therefor�, of - . .
� . —The Travellh
. � ge grain elevators built at de ig Dairy has been holding well be seen. - ..... �
I � parents should not e�nd bh6ik : children to some very larl nooday and Thursday large numbers of Is. F the 17th.inst., Mies Elapeth Quarrie, aged
� .
. school much before is .go Fert William. Leaving Fort William there R t succe8of ul meetings in Frontenac county. , 84 years. The decessed-lady came to Can,7 ---:Two Houghton farmers named Rout-
Gi,or-r 111%T101- , von ;but after this 6 ntion until we a so arrived from 6fll parts of the Province, �Henry Petti's barn, Normandby, Grey d _- I
� . send them with scru�,ulotls tegularity,at the J until London was t4xed to its utmost to ae- ol� with the family in 1832, and has since ledge an , Hwuej went to Tilsouburg oa
J,s very little to attract atte 4
� _� � county, B :
, was burned Wednesday last week ;
- I . - same time aapplying�thelil �vith all . necei- reach Rat Portage, situated on the Lake of commodate them. iThe meetings were held - resided there with her brother, Mr. George Wednesday Isat wiek, and after disposing �-
11 I )rk, and i all the Woods. It contains about 2,000 inhab. in St. Andrew's 0hurch a beautiful and at aloes of $4,000, ' a a sister of the of a load of wheat they proceeded to Joad
- I saries for school w( , owing them . krge saw mills � I —The skeleton o� a man murdered years Quarrie. Miss Quarrie*a' I
Four hundred years ago things were sufficient time for, &�d assisi%noe with their itauts. There are some le commodious buil ' ' - The sessions were . . late Writ. Quarrie, postmaster of Galt. up with whisky. When they titaTicd fv,r
' ' home lessons., and betore children thus, used h4re and a 'Mammoth flouring mill belonging as follows : wt?iiigasday, afternoon and ago for his money, has been unearthed at —At the close of the,Chriatian Endeavor home they got on the wrong street, alad afs. -
slow. 'Every man was content to wear e 0 se 'r i Paisley. I e .
I are twelve years old-iihey will have far out- to the Lake of the Woods Milling Company' eV Di g salons. T,hursday, sunrise prayer oted at Convention at London last week it was an- ter driving up a ate p hill t,he horses back�4
� I I . ;
. �
I - C0111 -mon clothing, without regard to stripped the laaguid'l,drone who has been From Rat Port% -e to Winnipeg, a distance meeting from half P�i'past six until halt past —Manitoba grain will be inspe nounce"hat Grey county had won the over an embankmeut into the edg,3 of the . ,
I I 'I Winnipeg, and that of Ontario at the
style or fit. A great triumph is in the blundering away eve" since he was able to of some 130 inles, the country is flat and seven ; foreuoon,�' afternoon and evening. . Provinbial senior banner ' for the greatest Watirliouse's pond. Routledge, who was I
I 'i I F! frontier. I . .1,
�� walk to sohool, f swampy. There is very Jittle � valuable Friday, sunrise,prAyer meeting ; denomin- number of new societies in the year, having asleep, never &Woke until dsylight, and � -
I way of manufacturing—the —All of Vancouver's newspapers suspend- ' . -
r , modern '- — uty came found his rig as described, the horses being
I ' Another rhips the meanest source timber along the line,of railway from.Port ational rally, foreiioon, aftirn;on and even. York cou " I
� -: process that studies men of all sizes 9 pe - . e meetings,were all well ed publication last week owing to a strike of � total of twenty-six.
f� �
f � - . of annoyan to tea6hers - lei the miserable, Arthur to Winnipeg, which city we reached Ing sessions. Th O" . -printerv. . next. I unable to get out. Haney, however, could ..
c 0 �
; �
1, � -ondlitions. The progress of civil- on Friday, the 19ch'of August, about 2 .
� . and- e h ortsighted stupidiLy' of a, tow --happily a attended. The b4ilding accommodates Up- ille were sent to the —The Hon. Edward Blake, chancellor of not be found. ....
41 � a , ho t 9 -f Bellev
i ization has revolutionized supply and f , 11 a punished o'clock,, p.m. Before reaching Winnipeg-- wards of two thou�eand people, mud at each —Two boys o
ew', parents ho ta�b sides wit church University college, Toronto, has donated —The new Victoria Methodist College re- 1�
, ear- Reformatory four years for injuring cently erected in Toronto, was formally
demand—made it possible to meet the child, though such o4ild had earned many the country gradually assumes the app of these meetings It was filled to the doors, property. ,$1,000 in aid of the building of a residence There wait a
On alighting from the y; mee ings modation of ti
' times the chastisemont, ite had received. &nee of the prairie. the sunrise pra i t* not excepted. for the accom * is lady under- dedicated Tuesday afternoon.
dress- requirements at little expense. Such matters should be settled between the train at,Winnipeg, one of the first parties I As was natural., t e Thursday and Friday —Four residents of Brunell township have grsduates. The increasing number of lady great crowd within its walls during the core.
Yon and we are reaping the benefit of. teacher and parent, t6t between the parent met 4 was 1 a Mr. Went, at one time a fitore- an' . i s jere the largest, for these each been fined $20 and costs by an Orillia
I th ; . ev log sessioni magistrate for shooting, deer out of season. students at 'Varsity calls for some such mony. The speakers of the day, were the
I I past thought and achievement. Back and child. But in whatever way ey are keeper in -Seafortb, but now a passenger provisions ha& to be made for overflow —Mr. Thomas powati, postmaster at Galtt sch�ma as this. - . Lieutenant -Governor, Mr. Harcourt, Mi. . . .
out child a life long agent in the employ of the Canadian. P&oific ngre- . Mullock and Professor Lo
v] through- the centuries there stands- out settled, do not make-'� * I meetings. These� were held in the Cc —Hunters returntbg from the Upper Ot- udon. A high
- .
1, Such Railway. Hecam'upands and . Is suffering from what A;he doctors think is a re were never form of enthusiasm was reached when 1;Lev
, , e hook hands
� � dunce by keeping hi� out of schoDl. gational Church,.�!% building almost as large tawa country report that be&
'!�,', the courage end persistence of Colum- an alternative is truli childiabo and its pert from his kind and genial manner he seems % I and after filling both to cataraot.of both the eyes. er well. known to be so numerous or so fat as thev Dr. Potts read to the audiencea. note from
. � . as St. Andre - -
31� bus, whose audacity enlarged the pos- petrators, if they liv�! to e�er have common well fitted for his present position. The —Mr. Win. A. Soriniger, a form ult Mr. H. A. Massey, inclosing a check for
!.� . d next acquaintance that I met was Mr.James their utmost ca aoity, many had to leave known resident of Galt, died recently in re this fall. Many have been killed ' b
a '
sibilities of civilzation And opened' -the sense, will, most surely sup the sorrow, an - e safe their hides are not of great value, a 0 to endow a chair in the theological
1 2 , - unable to gain a mittance. It is quit Detroit. He wasla his 65th year. . a they $40,00 . 7. .
- drink the very dr .1 df their diabolical Warwick, a Hallett boy, who now holds an to say that b - have not yet but on their of the college. The proceedings
way to better living. And still pro . d19 I . 9n on mever efore had such —The new waterworks system of Lind winter cost. All department
malevolence. %, ,I important position in the bity, telegraph an ,ounk Christian )en the indications point to a mild winter. closed with a converoazione in the college at
gress goes on, and still *e are able to - i - Canadian Pacific Railway, assembly 'of earnest, y say, embracing saved miles of pipe has bf .
.Another school Aifficulty which is, at office of the workers. It 1w indeed a grand sight to � I �Mr. David Moody shbt a rare specimen night. I I
sell you the best Clothing. We are present L inds of both teacher But, as we had only a couple of hours to . satisfactorily tested. - in Lack- —Ersfatus Wimsfu, of New York, is de-
g agitating thei in see gathered tog ther so many young men —Four swindlers have been arrested near of water -fowl on Treleaven's pond. _ ....
ering inducements in: Bo s' Over- and ratepayers, is :40hould, or should not spend in Winnipeg until the train left,for i I fthe livering a series of lectures upon trade and ��
off y � and wornei, of ifferent denominations, who thless watolies now, a few days ago. It is a species o -
. coats—all sizes—that you cannot af- fif th class work be taken up in tural schools ? the west, I will leave my remarks concern- had conseoreate their lives to their Master. Owen Sound for selling war white -winged gull (larus,lencopterus) and veciprocity questions in Nova Scotia, He
' '
I ford to pass by. - They are a special -41any maintain that it belongs to the Ing this wonderful, -city until another com- Nor was it a a ght loan grand to see the to farmers. They deposited $100 bail and measured over three feet from tip to tip of was entertained at lunch in the Halifax ..
'I wb k. This, how- muniomAou. On leaving for the weit, we large number of me ki d .. . I I ts body was a k to I
li. . ne bo.uc,ht at a sacrifice and if you- domain of High Sohoi,, r n with hoary heads, but 11 IPP -e - bout two feet in botol by a number of citizens. He spot to
. I .
� 1 15 y ever,is contrary to fa t, Legally,& fifth claim pass through a very flat country for about young in spirit, whose good sense had over- —The Baptist Convention held at Brant- W1ng6 weighed a few pounds. Mr. 1,060 people in the Masonic hall Tuesday
I want good clothing at moderate cost can claim its portion lni a Public School, but forty miles. The land is covered with a ford last week proved interesting and suo- length and only i night upon 11 Unrestricted Reciprocity, and
I Z:P came old time bigotry and enabled them to cesof ul. It will be held at Waterford next MoodV intends having it otuffed. Ain
I come to us. We are bound to lead ixt the difficulty in such,',, schools- is that the heavy crop of natural grass, which is cut surmount doilo inational barrriera and join I —Mr. James Magill, of Manvers, Durham now It would Benefit Grest Brit ."
; . year.
I our and if w. teacher has not timeA his disposal to at- and used as hay. The land is, a little too hands and �, h e1a to in the advancement of a �
. line, _ n'a is said to be in the hands —Ten car loads of Hay were shipped Fri� county,. for some unexplained- reason, took a Robert Pickford, president of the Board df
� . tend to the primary Njork and also do justice wet for wheat a common cause. At the done of Pari green, and, though every Trade, presided, and prominent Liberals oc-
'Prices will do it, then we're certain of for sk fifth class Y i parents of seniorpu- of speculators. But, as we drew near Port- day from -Kingston to England. "IS cupied .the platform, including Premier
I e There were any addresses both Draotical - 13 effort was nut forth to save him, it was of .
�, - . 19 . la Prairie, we saw some fine fields of present rare of o1a a von Ito is expectm a , . I �,
I . Uccess. . pile are prone to overlo-'ok this fact and die- age and Inspiring, delivered by men of note profit will be made. no a.vail.-- He was an old resident of the Fieldin;f, Hon. A, Jones, px. . P., and
I ess by,censuring their - wheat, oats and barley. The land here i al ver t e Dominion- as well as from small township, and for many, years condueted.a Ron. M. Rose, ex -M. P. Mi. Jones spoke I
play their thoughtleegh 'a a -from 1 o t milway
dies � . Oar $2 Men�s All -Wool Pants are over-worked teacher �vith epithets of small rich, black loam, in many places three and - the State on the old country, and it in —John Doherty, a Grand Trunk R mercantile business at Burton, ,where be strongly in favor of free trade. . .
. . I instaticren in switchman, was run over at Niagera Falls, —A young man drove over from Ayr to
i net I world-beaters. We wouldn't tell ,you repute. Pupils on pa6sing the entrance ex- four feet deep and in several certain th'st th good influence of this Con- Ontario, last Saturday morning, mud died in amassed considerable wealth. - .
� thi's if it wasn't so. - aminations should go to either a graded or excellent cultivation. The country around vention will m nifeat itself throughout the three hours from the injuries he received. --Mr. Marples, of the firm of Marples, opend Sunday night at Mr. Peter,Gordon's,. I
. - a High School, where they can reasonably the Portage ha's a fine appearance, both as . and will theGovernor's road, near., Dundae. He
. � Province for, mamy days to come, icks of Jones & Co., Liverpool, England, on 'his oa � - -
our expectproper attentibn, which they need to crops, soil and comfortable lookiag ' o 0, ce of blessing, not only to those —Charles Hicks, son of Irvine H ' and the United put his horse in %the st3ble; In the morning I
;� t prov sour ,a. Picton, was kicked by a horse, Friday and official trip through Canada �
ent never hope for,in a rural school, where the dwelling houses. who attended t, but to every society rept �tatea, called on A. P. Reid, cheementaker horse, buggy, harness and everything else 444
� JACKSON, BROS., attendance is large* and only one teacher. As we go . west, the land becomes more received internal injuries, from which he tory, Foxboro, Hastings was gone. At first it was thought to be a
� . seated, an wel as to maDy who are not con- in. the Ashley fac I .
t4l � � 9 . foot to broken and the black loam shallows. Be- died in a short time. ed him with a medal joke, as W. Gordon's horses in the field
� There is at present a movement on nected with the Fociety. � a_ county, and present �
mE(" � THE FAMN. 0 U S FURNISHING raise the standard of trance work to such fore reaching Carberry we passed a tract of One of the� oat interesting features of the —.The 15th annual conventlEon of the 0 which he won at the Liverpool exhibition in were'all safe and sound, but it began to
� is . . t d hills, covered with small poplar, oak ; Women's Christian Temperance Union 10'ok too serious for a joke when no trace of ...
a degree that vFe will obliged to spend at san I Convention 11 as the response of eminent tar10 July, 1892, at which he exhibited 22 1
1. I PEOPLE, SEAFORTH AND - - was opened at Belleville on Tuesday morn- the articles could be found, so word. was
, Ef I I least one year, and in many cases two years, and willow scrub, after which the land im preachtre of thirteen different denomina 'There are 150 delegates in attendance. cheeses, two of which weighed 500 pounds -
! �L I proves until we reach Carberry, which is a Ing. promptly sent to Chief Chegwin in I Dundas
� , CLINTON. longer on entrance pupils than the present tions as to wh t benefit the society had been each. .
'! , —Word has been received by the Hudson t
. '� I . I course requirea. This movement is hailed nice, thriving village, situated on a plateau to their par icular 'denomination, and all —It is reported that Sheriff Sutton.* of and the Hamilton police o see what could I �
9,t - t . - by many teachers as a grand 'idea, but I fail north of the Assinaboine river. Here I met were unbounded in their praise of the good Bay Company's officials at Winnipeg of the Walkerton, has sent his resignation of that be done in the way of detecting the borne-
, THE lo comprehend it as such.. It would, of a Mr. McEwen, from near Brucefield and work of the a ciety. And yet, in this as in death by drowning at Norway fl6use.of . . Commis- thief and recovering the horse.
'D Office to the Ontario Government
- , HINGS WHICH �iMAKE They my old friend Mr. William Logan, from Chief Factor Belanger and Mr. Stanley . '
course, be a boon to senior scholars. every other --new phaFe of Christian work stoner Irving, who was appointed to hear —The failure of Conn & Co., private
ock- 1�, - LIFE OF T15 ------ Id.. PUBLIC They are both seeming to do Simpson,. by bankers, of Alvinston, has brought ruin on a
. . Id receive a much 6atter education with- Seaforth. since the' a vent of Christ, we.find those —Jame`$ Sutherland, of Mount Brydges, the charges preferred against the eberiff
f or iu .SCHOOLTEACHER A . won well. We ieached Brandon about 10 p.m., Ations as the.disciples rnan and others some time
i out going from home for it, but in our un- . who resent a ch innov strick Reffe number of people. As near as can be secer- I
� had both legs out off by a Canadian Pacific P
i y . morning about 5 1
Tn- i: HARD ONE. graded.achoole it coulA be carried out only and Woolaley on Satprdh of old resented Nter'q preaching Christ to has reports& unfavorable to Mr. tsined, the business mien in the village mud . I
- I bh. The heir Railway train at London, Saturday. He agOp er to save the Government
be k. . I at the ex'penae of the lower daeses—the a.m., August 20 firit pereon I saw the.Gentiles ; or, like Satil, they waste t Sittton,and in ord vicinity will be out some $30,000 or $40,000
I [WRITTgg Fop. TuE 1-';XP081T0R.l - for the here was Robert Campbell, who was there as removed to London Hospital, atid will �
many would certainly have to ,26,uffer strength kicking against the pricks. But, w , the 11 extremely unpleatant duty of dismis- Some citizens had every dollar they possess- I
,ate Doubtless every calling in life is beset sake of the few. It will never work wiW with a team to (�onvey us to his residonce let us not ju ge them too barshly because of, probably die, Ming him," has tendered his resignation, - ed in the institution, and they b , ave little - . I I
we I with difficulties peculiar to itself—difficulties satisfaction, so long a4. we are required to about 10 miles to the north of Woolsley, - their couseiv tive proclivities, but le� us _Mr. W. T. R.Pr'eatou, for several years —Miss J. Sybil Wilson, daughter of the hope of ever getting much of it back again. �
� tral Re.
out � d Leaving Wooleley for Mr. Campbell's pldce, mther pray, that they may receive ore Secretary and organizer for the Con late Sir Daniel Wilson, to whom. he left his It is said the firm's liability is In the neigh.-
. of wh7icb only those immediately connected teach from 50 to 70 children of all ages an . we cross the Qu'Apelle river, -the banks of . . Is form Association of Ontario, has been ap. property, valued at nearly $100,000, an- borhood of $65,000, with assets between .
tew wit th such calling ever dream, yet, I think all grades up to the fifth class. - a light, and , f � iling into line, use their t lent3 nted successor to Mr. Wm. Houston as er resi-
: in no profession is this More strikingly the ' There is yet anothei suggestion I would which are high and steep and ne rly a mile for the adva cement of a society which has po' i lat � nounces her intention of deolicatiug $16,000 and $20,000. It is a bad blow for -
. ovin) .� case than in that of the Public School make to parents, if you think your chil- apart. The road follows a ravine.down to been Po abun antly blessed of God. - Leg 8 ive librarian at Toronto. deuce on St. George- street for an f4definite for the village, as it is only -getting over a
, I V' ' Here there is a store and post- I —The Grand Trunk Railway caishops in il a a h omas Fawcett a few . I
,nu , dren are imposed on, in any way whate er, the fists. I Ill.
;D) I Teacher, and these annoyances are rendered - R to, at, 0 1 liaboro, P.O. The Qu'Apelle . � I R. A. B., Hens. London are at present very busy, 300. men period to the use of a branch of the Order Sim Aar in a with Th :
Tou the more grievous to Ue borne by the fact by the other scholars, either comin- ffice called El I � . of Deaconesses, of which she will, be the years ago. The firm maintain that they,will
. 6ve re- -
we that many of them owe their existence to or going from school, do not tolerate such ,is a fine, clear stream of 'considerable size, I . airymian Dine. being at work, several of whom hm head. She will enter the Order and has al- pay dollar for dollar. .
md, � the thoughtless carelessness of r.arents and for a moment, but do !not quarrel with your. and falls into the Assinaboine river. We The annu I banquet of the cently gone . there from Brantford and Strat- ready gone to England to enter .the mother- - I I
guardians. . . neig atter, nor rail on youi reached the high lands on the north side of Listowel ford. Ing. —Mr. Peter Marr, of South Wab-ingliam, .1 -
% . I ghbors about the in . in following a ravine. T�19 Dairymen's Board of Trade was hold in —A now departure by the .students of house for the prepaxatory train' - near Port Rowan, in a model farmer and has .
in . I The comm onest. as well aa one of the most. teacher for not putting a stop to such abuse, . the river by aga I Listowel on- 1 hursday evening of last week, —Indians oi� the reserve near Calgary de I
� . does not know that seems to be a regular systent of cross ig There were . Victoria College, Toronto, was inaagarated clare that two I new-born babes have spoken a model farm, but!,his neighbors, instead of
� ruinous miatak.ea of which parents are for in many cases he - and do rivers with high banks, as there are many J present about one hundred the other night. Inatead-of being 11 hazed", I emulating hislexikmple;are seemingly jealous I �� .
and predicted that soon a terrible storm will - their I
guilty, is the irregularity with which they such exists.- What you should do, guests. I Th president, Mr. Glbsou, of the in the usual Way the freshmen were treated of his success and -are doing stI in'
send their children to school. The least im- quickly, is acquaint. your teacher of the raviu4 that run back into the high land Fordwich f �ctoryj prepided. One of the . , supper by the class of '95. . sweep over the Northwest, destroying trees, power to drive him to sell 0111- 'He has had
1; I �,- I I and nothing but the rind thus makes the" ascent and descent from g was the to an oyster w' I -
I ediment is sufficient excuse for detaining facts, the whole facts, pleasing fea 'ures of the eVenil) _William Chambers, aged 105, of Dawn houses and everything in its path. So big cattle maimed mud damaged and a fine I
. p . and tp rivers much easier than going down . alarmed are the Indians over this report,
them from school, often during more than facts. This can be done either by personal � On going, from presentation of a silk hat to the president. Mills, a veteran of Waterloo, went to .Sarnia young- orch&rd of fruit of all varieties de- � �
� irtainly is detrimental interview or by letter. if the latter . be ;d up the. regular banks. . The . was made on behalf of the and so implicitly do they believe it, that stroyed, some fiend or fiends having girdled . I �
� . half the time. This ce 6s is frequently donev ooleley we passed some fine fields of !on . al- on Tuesday to visit the tunnel, and was they have dug large pits, in which they all the trees. Mr. Marr has offered a re -
I to tbLe child, a hindrance to his class, an. -I a chosen, do not ,do 9 - cheese buyei a present by Hon. Speaker B given, a reception by some of the leading
I wheat. We also passed a field considerably
-are : positive nuisance to the teacher, &no! what is make statements which your children, on lantyne. Professor Robertson was unable and their families may take shelter wheh the. ward of three hundred dollars for -the cul-
, I 9, when their child- being questioned by the teacher concerning eaten off around the outside by, gophers. to be praBe at, but sent a lengthy letter iii citizens. storm commences. - I
kle- , worse still ' many parent. I detest The gopher is a little animal rather larger . —The County Council of Leeds and Gren- dy and gal- - prits and a Toronto detective has spent
t1lie's, ren have: been absent for, the fitat ' of the matter'. will not corroborate . ormation on 1� ville are advertising for & farm of from 75 —The crowd that filled the bo �
I burrows in the which he ga re useful inf � weeks in trying to discover the parties.
. .
par' -our red squirrel. It i -,.. - Penitentiary for life would be too good for
Lext . the week, think it scarcely worth sending, the incessant complainer, I abbor the ever-, than ecially - where the ,soil ip light WI�NTER DA1RY1bTG-'. . acres to 200 acres near a railway, which lary of the Pavillion in Toronto, last Sub 1,
I : ,them for the last part;, This is a most lasting faultfinder, yet no child is required ground, eap tin BOW6 local- t( . they purpose utilizing as an experimental bath afternoon at the Gospel Temperance such scoundrels. -
. � erroneous idea., yet � it is a �rominent charac- to endare any,infringment on his rights, and sandy and is a great pes umbers Our ye 2tures at Mount Elgin and meetings lWd by the Reformation Temper- —A very sudden death occurred in Luck -
L , teristic of those who art on it to think � that and should, without hesitation, take atep4 Wee. They can be seen in large a I Woodstock Ast winter were eminently, suc. . farm. , e Society got a treat that the citizens now, on Sunday 16th lust, whea the spirit L
. , . _ - 5nc ...
: . to have the mischief stopped i,ud the culprit -in some places as the train is passing.;, cessful in th Dir main features. The patrons Five citizens of Kingston, have sub _
I ra. -- � their children should receive promotion as It matteis not what the Robert Campbell's place is situated, about were thorot ghly fleaued with the returns scribed- $100,000, to be invested in a egold have not had for some tim�. .The Rev. Dr. of Mrs. 34argaret McLeod, r4lict of the late
frequently i the regular attenders. severely I river, on e at Helena, Montana, if assurances Beckett, of Washington� the wouderfal - col- � .
as d( ponished. are John McLeod, and mother of Mr. Allen Me-
� , The absurdity of this is apparent to all. nature of the offence may be, ]if a parent has two miles north of the Qu'A polls which we v -ere able to make to them, and min ored preacher and singer, was present, and flight to. the great beyond
iere, convictija that there a large plain with a gradu2i rise from the . they have u oanimously requested, us to run good. This sum was guaranteed by bonds, sang two selections that justified the words Leod, took -its . �
Zare Every scholar should be iii schouf on Friday, an honest, unbiased and $100,000 more promised if the roport is Deceased, who was in her 77th Year, was in
q � His house ata'nds o!n . of r. Douglass, of Montreal, who told that her usual health,and attended services in the
� complalot, be should, banks of the river. the factories during the coming fall and
I that he may have his Monday's lessons as- are good reasons for . - .
wch . the the east side of a bluff, with a -bout an acre winter. M ny other cheese factories are favorable. ,,,tiger .
I � I Presbyterian church on the 2ad concession
� signed him, and besideaj Friday being a instead of slandering the' teacher, seize Dr. Beckett " was the most wonderful '
eat- him of of poplar timber. The term 11 bluff " is ap- about to be altered into winter butter mak- —According to the assessor's returns the of the Gospel he ha�,vver heard." On her way home she,called at �32 .
and : general review day no pupil can afford to earliest Qpportunity.of 8e8ik,t1jg to �� .
. � .. ;o, avet4fighted, and in plied to a. piece of timber growing on .level iDg factori in in Ontario. The. Dominion land in Hamilton is valued at $10,549,532, � of Kinloss.
lkst, 11 M131 -At. ADother misconception practiced the wrong he wishes I . � - land, without either rock or swamp, in Governmen, will control at least four of and buildings at 1 $11,159,970, the value . of —While returning on the train from the residence of the minister, the Rev. F. A. . I .
� Kre. by s�me parents, and one Jresulting in most many cases be will'be abuh1d on discover 0- . Mr. 'Campbell was ready these in 0 itario, and some in other Pro. buildings over land beicnig $609,438. The Montreal after disposing of a -carload of McLennan, near the stration, but had oully I ..
�� - o his grievance ! t 'been there a short time when the band.of
-amet - I lasting injury to the child, is the habit of Ing, either that the , most instan as' which number of houses in the y is 9,831. cattle, Mr. Dunlop, a drover of Dalhousie, �
� , . ol at too early have been. strange-ly---emig-k'drated, or that to welcome us to their western home, vinces. " T he letter to e - was indulging in a well earned sloop on the ,death was laid upon her. Heart failure It -
.thak sending their children to echo I table log house, lathed and . .
I . they never had an existerici, and he will is a very comfor exhibit at the World's Fair, which the —A convention of the 27th annual Pro- eat of the car, and, to add to the comfort aupposed to be the cause. The remains I
1. — an age. Parents" very wrongly imagine that o his piabe of abode a - pla9tered inside, with a good stone collar as writer believed would comprise not less vincial Sabbath School Association of On- a .
a child, by starting aft five years of age, wander back again i . ,s in the Norfolk of the "nap," took off his boota,.,placiog were taken to St. Marys, Perth County, for
, at- � a foundation. than 1,000 boxes of this year's Soptember tario opened proceeding On
6le- . . sqcu.res a decided advantage over those not madder and a wiser man, Y�t, such inter- � I JOHI; MOMILLAN, make. He thanked dairymen generally for .Street Methodist Cnarch, Guelphi on Tues- them between the seats. awaking from burial. - .
iird I cammeuciug school life so young. BtA, views are occasionally produitive of much . ubb.) . . bout goo his sleep the boots were found to be missing, —Mr. Martin StefHer, slarmer aged 30
. I thankful Y yd�` ' a by the (TO BE ,,CONTIN the heart which had been made to day. Delega,tes to the number of a
L good mother, while I most h�igbly esteem good and are I paive . y evidently stolen by some sneak thief on the years, who resided with his mother and .
,Ier- . - I - . —.-- the aircul-18'esposenet out, and assured the are present. , . '
� ntil your interest in your children's welfare, I teacher, Comment$ soliciiel. . dairymen that no pains will be.apared to —Alfred Mann, for many years sexton of train. A comn-rercial traveller kindly lent brother in Pualiach, two and a half miles
tell you of & truth you ard doing them a . I APAST HURON- - A Trip Through Manitoba. Mr. Dunlop a pair of rubbers to enable him from Guelph, died suddenly on Sunday
, I
4ng � � —With you - r permission, enable Canadian oheesemakers to win all St. John's Episcopal Church, Port Arthur, to get to his hotel. I evening. He had been to early mass, and
inill great wrong. Their little brain is not able , � *� DEAR EXPOSITOR, ' possible prestige. , dropped dead in the'church just before the In the
. I to endure the receiving of impressions and &VhtS IN THE . returned. home in his usual health.
ary I . � AN M -P -1S TRJ I-wRl1 oncemore trespasaou your valuable . I —On the arrival at Perth, of the Toronto
. NEW COMBINATION OF FORAGE CROPS. commencement of evening services Sunday. afternoon he drove to town and brought .
" I
r of the inevitable consequence is that the in- NORTHW, RIK. rder to finish the description of , . Ited' from express Wednesday morning Mr. E. G.
tellect is damaged, and that too, to such an . : ; ace in 0 The lett3r continued: "There would peathissupponeolto have reaut . Malloch, crown attorney, stepped off the some friends out to the farm to spend the ..
: I - "p t - t the
i,ek-. . 11 ; � my trip br6ugh Manitoba, !On leaving � umatism of the heart.
, e a
� ; extent that the child is dulled for all time. 1. " e fifteen miles over have been s Al a third matter with which I rhe The largest fish taken from the Grand n before it had stopped. It had been afternoon. After doing up the chor 'a .
- I - LETTER ', Wanessa I proceeded som — trod i
. I
I � At five years old the child was the picture 4s, which are along the Souris might have been bold enough to tax the raining during the night and the platform barn he returned to the house, 61led. -his pipe
. � DEAR EXPOSITOR) --Accordiog to promise the Pigee hil - pa,tience of those who might welcome me River for years was a pickrel caught a, few '6d and was in the act of lighting it when he
, of health and activity. Hi powers of ob- nJy trip through River. . Along the river the country is well I I days ago by Air.', R. Spinks, in that river was wet, and his feet elippitig as he steppe Medical aid was
reer servation were alert ; his p:rceptive ability i send a short account of i -bu j not ,ensively cultivated to Liatowel had �it been possible for me to a a from the moving train, he fell heavily on fell to the floor a corpse. I I
. - "d British Col- settled, e 8 a �
,life, �- 0 ext theron, however, go. I hav) been successful in devising a near Paris. It measured 14 inche , round, the platform, where he remained uncon. at once procured, but -the doctor upon his ;�
- - " acute; his memory retenitive ; his interest Manitoba, the Northwesi an
�eut intense,, but ea . qh of'those, bear in mind, at umbia. Mrs. McMillaw a4d your humble as in other places. Fur f 25 inches in length, and weighed over six ious until picked up. Had he not been �arrival pronounced the man dead, mud istat- .
; I -us
Ithe tarted irom Se%f6rth an the 16th of the land becomes more rolling and is appar- new combin ition of forage crops for ensilage pounds. so
. thia early age is very susceptible of impair- servant a ' rtile, being almost one bound. which I bi ilieve. will prove of very great . , seen it might have proved more serious. ed that his death had been instanta, Gas.
lest August last and werl, t to Tbr6nto, where a ently more fe . ' Ion. _The editor of,� the Paris Review gives t - and is re- He was a steady, industrioue young man,
ment and should not be tampered with, I � � .�i , heat. Then .Pressing on, as it service to ;he dairymen of the Domiai Mr. M,alloch was aken home,p
. . .
� I ut givipg's bliesp trip to lose field of w -
ohn . I eapecially by the inexperienced teacher who traia was made , ' the following sped'Imen of Hibernianism to c - overing. and was much respected in the communityi - -
�Sti- Manitoba and th orthwed.t. We left To- was becoming dark -1 p�rceived a light, I have no doubt but that it will enable the latest publication � 11 Mr. '
his readers in his , -
- knows nothing of the order of development . ' � - G. Murdock, barrister, of To
Z an midnig&t,wiih 4 crowded train. which looked like a star in the horizon, but stockmen of Canada to save many millions I ' —Mr. W. —The trial at London, England, of the
. - ' J. H. Fisher is having his beaul'iful. and C nads, as 11 Dr. -
1 4 � of a child's power. This same bright child�, ronto about ) it I found it to be the, of dollars a year In the annual cost of feed. ronto, has been appointed to represent the notorious Neill; known in a
ood ifth About noon on the i7th we 4trived at North on getting up tc merly extensive store wh1tewashed with a cost of Department of Agriculture and Commission -
if he has been sent to school from his f , liplasing, residence of the late Peter, Rettle, for Ing their cattle.' If the dairymen in the black paint." I . Thomas Cream," for the murder of the �
ter. birthday, has, before he ties, Bay, a town situaied cm 4ake b Mr. Rettle had died two weeks northwestep parit of Ontario will give the I Patents in a dispute between two in. Clover girl, was brought to a close last
. 4 his seventh, - er of .
I ul h where we remained one hput tihiil the train of Hullett. . Comb nat ) —The jail returns of the county of Ox- . � .
I 9 received impairmedt which time can never Canadian P . scific . Railway from previous to my arrival. I was met at the I Robinson i a trial next sum- ford for the last year show that the daily veutiorii concerning improved wagon tonguel. week, the jury finding a verdict of " guilty"
k a, � eradicate, Often his body is infeebled, his on the I ttle, sister of the mer, I am aure they w7nill be delighted with The contestants are Joseph Drader, and utes deliberation, and he waz
I 11 I : I The country from ,door by Miss. Jane He . costper prisoner 'WM584-100cento. The after five min
tifi� � observing powers flag; he is slow of per- Montreal arrived, I Bt hospitably receiv * - Its capability of service. Sixteen pounds of a anads, Neill,
� - , . . ugh and deceased, and was moi ed tal number of pri0oners was 150-1317 mate Andrew B. McKay, bothtfLondon, each of sentenced to -be hanged. In C
1001 ception, his memory is poor; he is hope- Gravenhurst to North 1�ay is rp ,ing around next mornin Indian corn and isixte'en pounds of English to whom claim priority of aMication for the or as he le known here 4g Dr. Thomas,
g I pre. I I
ryff- : lessly careless. AB an offset to this., some. there is, very little arable� Is6nd'along the While look . a most horse bean , planted together, perc acre, and 13 female. Of � these, 30 were sentAo At the hearing, I . h will likely Cream," has an unenviable reputation. He
7 1 7 the Central Prison. i I �
,ery Imay point to the kindergarten, where child- line of the Grand Trunk Railway, by which ceived that . Mr. Hettle . ith tho head -half an s =Ace in London rV.0q1. Ridout, of studiid medicine at M-cGill college, Mon-,
I . - to North comfortable home, with everything that one when mixe wi a from Colleke for young ladies to an ,, Mr.
� was : ren are received a; early aLl three years old. railway we came from Toronto fmles further dn I acre of th mammoth Russian sunflowers, —Kingston _ Toronto, will represe-ut Mry birader, 6'.nd treal, and was graduated in 1876. He took, I
Ub- - . I have grave doa,Vt as to the usefulness Of Bay. We were there, trq%isferrea to the could desire . T , orrance, an old friend form-' will glvbl - most desirable, nufricious and assured fact. The commodious residence of Mr. James Sutherlandi M: P., of Wood- up practice in Kingston, and had been there - - �
. . Canadian Pacific Railway, 4i 1�' met Mr. John � . — - Hon. G-1 A. Kirkpaitrick. has been secured . �
.1a3t. this institatiob and believe its popularity -&;y Idportance was' erly of Harlock. Mr. Torrance is doing econolmilcal ation. " . . � . and $2,000 subscrib�d by citizens as a guar- I stock, will look after Mr. McKay's interests. oal; a short time before he was suspected
Ver, has reached a climax. If all this early The nexit place of ,e a railway branches well and his family all have comfortable ROGRESS OF DAIRYXING. antee fund- for the first year ; a stock com- —Charfes Currie, bf Parkhill, to whom of illegal practices. The body of A young -�
S the .. trai-nin" is advantageous, w6t in the name Sudbury Juncti011,wber . im. From there r went to rke, McPherson forfeited the title of champion woman was found in a shed back of Neilre I
� Z> 1. itry" homes near b. Hon. Spe ker Ballantyne, in his remat pany to follow laterl
.Dr. . of wonder becomes of all the smart children off to Sault ,Ste, blarie.�;' The couio . of about fifteen miles. after some eminiscences of dairying in the —A horse in St. %'homas, saw itself in a shot-putter of the world, on Saturday, 15th office and a postmortem examination showed �,
. .
And I - Sudbury is said to �,ontodn the most Deloraine, a distance ,
� � we hear about. From three to five years around 4 ' �he early days, traced. the mirror on a load of', furniture passing on I that she had died from the effects of a crim- .
,wd old, nine out of every ten arb perfect gems extensive and richest coppek and nickel de- , It was a good farming coubbt y' all along . progress of the in- i inst., in the presence ,of a large crowd, �
ied- I nown in the world. ?�, The mines are -way. . . dustry unti to -day, in Listowel there was Talbot street the other afternoon and was broke several -world's records it Winnipeg. inal operation. Though the people were
- I of cuteness and cleverness, the pride of their posits k tw �,� On leaving Deloraine I Went' to Hartney, the largest , with nearly hot 39 f ee't'. 10 inches, morally certain Neill .had performed the I
tere - from Sudbury b .' o short lines of . market in Ontario no 1 f rightene .1 at t; bown shadow that it He put the 21 -pound a � I
� I I parents and the wonder of all. The witti I tore, 30 000 boxei boarded, worth over $9 , .Oua!� reaking the shafts beating the redord nearly a foo,tk . The 18- operation, there wu not legal evidence
lak to Herfou Bay, �here there are three large grain eleva *0 000 7 mped cl�aa` ar 11 I
Dral cisms of almost any child of this age, serves railway. From North - , I -0 Jum , 4 inch . es, beating enough to warrant his arrest, Public
, 6 to Lake Super- This will give some idea of the immense an� commanding the highest price of any .4ise damajing the buggy. pound shot he put 43 feet . .
'his . - ,omes clos . and othei , I feet'1%, ihches�made opinion,
� � to amuse a household ; but by the age of where the line c I i . . . . however, forced him to leave
` Railway passes quantity of wheat handled iri that district. ace in America. —The Municipal ,"ouncil of Peale Island .
� he I Seven mauy�of these same children have ior, the Canadian P&cidc P , the world's record of 4 'Ontario. The Kingston t to Hamilton. H,ere I-
I o8e-, I a coul arativeli wild region, where Travelling around there for two days I found pl I I drain, byia process of pumping by G. R. Gray, of Coldwater, and he wen �
� :
� living inonuments of 'tbrougl: I L. - . . .1 � ch �
Vea � degenerated into This fact must forests of smArl sprace, tafflarac and cedar the country to be a level �rairie and form . and dyking, about J2,000 acres of marsh 12-potind shot he put 54 feet 11 in es, he was shortly afterward arrested on a :
, ie, a Mr. Ja a Gray, maker at Elma, gave �
I , stupidity and for etfulness. sea of wheat, Sapinbr nedl by Dr. i. M. Scudder, beating the world's record over a �1- charge of killing a woman by performing an I
no larg6 timber of any ing one vast . in lands, largely ow 1.
Z be - - 9 by even the most unobser- &bound, but there is I town with ca - --Calgary advices say that prairie fires illegal operation on her, bnt the charge
. have been not Meadows- lakes and thrieving little two elevators, the practi results of a season's paying for of Cincinnati,. and Lemuel Brown, of Peels. . -
vas vant. Whysuch a ruinous change? There account fit for use. xt stopping place and- from there I milk at t e- f i to milk 'indsor, have done immentse damage in that net It could not be pro,ied against him. Again he -
ent must be an existing evil somd.where, and 1, rocky ridges, atternaie. fiere is a was my us - Babcolnot test. It The engineer, Mr. Newman, of W , u- I
m fifty went west across the Souris River. For value, an a owh by the borhood during he past few days. The changed his residence, -'this time going to
ing � I believe it is to be found in the overloading station call6d White River, about . ilk to make a pound of cheese, estimates the cost at $22,500. country has been fireswept, f This was about 1978. He had
I I . Heron Bay, situated on White twenty-five miles around there the -prairie is took less m I —While Mr. H. M. Duff was returning rom, the Bow Chicago,
ith ; of the yoiggg mind. As *ell might you miles from 0 - . !ry level. There I came acroys Messrs. the product was of better quality, and the to Dungannon fror�,. Lacknow the other River to Red Deer, in the north, and from only been in that city a shorL time when he I
� I
� %In ; yoke a yearling colt five dayg in. the week. river, where ther are yards erected for v( id justly. The system in � . was again arrested on the charge ofcaiiking
� ausit from Fred Broadbent and, George Clark, both patrons were pa his horses ;became frightened at Dog Pond, in the west, to the Calgary and .
�he ' - ,.- Mothers say 1-1 We would not send our resting and feeding cattle in tr former Ontario men, and both of whom are its practict I working was a distinct one- evening, I onton railway in the east. Thonaands a woman's death by malpractj&e� The �
I Manitoba and the Northwest to Montreal. I something and ran a�vay, thro Mr. Duff Edra proved against him and he was .� -
fell they - cess. He g ve a test case showing that iii w i2g He is of tons of hay,. many buildings, cattle and crime was I � z .
children to school so young only that I also met Mr, James Mode bad y. . ;
-� 91 We now pass along the north sliors of doing well. 9 out and bruising hi* pretty - life. He . I �
Lan . 4 like to go. " What causes them to like to I two lots of 00 pounds of milk, each testin I - �. ; .
aperior until we come to Ne bein8o�ende .. I
�- n land, well known around Loadeaboro. .Mr. ,d by his lbrother Foresters and probably a number of lives have been lost sentenced to jinprisonment for
nia !, � go ? simply the novelty of their situation and Lake Si , Pigo d Modeland has a farm of 640 acres of arable' 3.80 and 3. 5 pounds of butter fat, respec- e u 4 . Men hauling hay had. to served 13 years of this seuteucO And Was I . �
I y &long Lake Superior is gran I th rt physician.' in the flame6., -h0alth- - I
re. the attention received from olderpupile, The acener to be land within five miles of Melita. He has a tively, . the for�er made 216 pounds of itch thbir horses and ride for their Iiies. then released on account of ill . .
'106 - ond description and must be seen ke I tter 200i pou —An Exchange sAys:—An apple buyer unh � other had died leav . � - �
. 2,11d when the -effect' of these inducements bey go crop this year and 100 acres of sum- cheese and th I ads, the first e Northweit have the meantime his f i
byl , weaTs off, which it is sure in i% few months appreciated. What surprised me most,were lar dy for whedi next spring. being -only 51 po�ude more in quantity, but in a town not far from Kincardine has The beat hay Oistricto In th went to land,
the enormous hills of gravet and sand, situa mer fallow, rea played a pretty shap trick on a large num- been burned dver. The fire is "Supposed to him $16,000., and he
ist to do, the child is found devising schemes . In conclusion, Mr. Editor, i must say that of superior usliti. erhis-relesse. it is said thA
[th Whereby, he may obtain a holiday. ated right in the midetof the rooks,reaching her of farmers living in the neighborhood of have originated in a hunter's camp. short time aft I
�. 1) feet in dept� In many places. I like the country fairly well and was glad to". He went to them early —Mr. J. J. Spettigue, of Westmini8ter, , while Neill Was in Ontario he was forced to �
" Children are so different in precocity that neaily 100 ehills is beingused-for to see that so many of the old Huronites —Mr. Th mas Davidson, an aged and re- this certain $1 had a very narrow escape from instant marry a girl he had wronged. - N-exii sought
Fh- no, definite school age can be given, but it is Material from then were doing well. Both Mrs. Mills and my- spected res . n ncession of in the fall, when apples were selling at . Michigan to escape marriage by light, but relative# L - I ��, I
of gulches and the beds of � or fall and $1.50 for winter. He offered 75 death Monday morning an the wi board -
le, a rare cue to find a child who is able to the filling UP ofittea by the tri Fullarton as gone to Ayr to live with his f ig soutfi over of the girl citight him just as he as I
13 cope with school work before go has reached streams and thus bnabling the company to self were greatly ben ip. I . Avidson is one of the early cents for fall and $1.25 for winter, and the Central Railway train was goll arebed to the sitar �
I 9 I . on will give the above- space in son Caleb. � lause caught many farmers the cross road where his son Frank keeps a jug a train and he was in �
'as � way with tr6stle work and making a Hoping- y Mr. The last c I family W" -
t his seventh year. If sent before this age he do a I I lost ,ame a widower raise. Now farm- milk dairy. Mr. Spettigue was driving is at the point of a pistOl- Hil �
e- , . your valuable paper, I remain, settlers, and winter bee -
Ila may, and in fact generally.gets oja niebly more golid, safe and .:endaring roadway, Yours Truly, for the third tim . He is now at the ad- and he made heavy purchases. f milch cows from one pasture to an. well known in Quebec and highly r"P8ct6d- -
im . . for A time, but his success Is short lived, and Port Arthur is no* reached. It is situated �, JoEw Mimss Hallett, vanced age of 80i years. ers are demanding 11 the raise," but he coolly - hard 0 � . -
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